MSc BWCM Part II Sem III IV1_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

MSc BWCM Part II Sem III IV1_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Item No. ____________


Program: M.Sc.

Course: Biodiversity, Wildlife
Conservation and Management

Revised Syllabus for Sem III and IV

(Choice Based Credit System with
effect from the Academic year 2020 -2021 )

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Cover Page

Date: Signature :
Name of BOS Chair man / Dean : Prin. Dr.D.L.Bharmal Sr.
No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the
Course Biodi versity, Wildlife Conservation a nd
2 Eligibility for
Admission  B.Sc. in ANY subject or its equivalent.
 B.Sc. Veterinary science or its equivalent.
 B.Sc. Agriculture or Forestry or its equivalent .
3 Passing Marks Not Applicable
4 Ordinances /
Regulations ( if any)
5 No. of Years /
Semesters Two Years
6 Level P.G. / U.G./ Diploma / Certificate
( Strike out which is not applicable)
7 Pattern Yearly / Semester
( Strike out which is not applicable)
8 Status New / Revised
( Strike out which is not applicable)
9 To be implemented
from Academic Year From Academic Year 2020 -2021 AC___________
Item No. ______


Syllabus for Approval

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PSBWCM 301: Sustainable development , Molecular Phylogenetics and GMOs (60 lectures)

Unit 1: Eco-development (15 lectures)
Sustainability of Natural resources
Natural Resource Management (with special reference to Fisheries & Forestry)
Regulations on fishing
Estimating sustainability of fish populations
Concept of MSY in marine resources
Regulating forest usage & Minor Forest Produce : Controlled logging and Non Timber Forest
Produce (e.g. grazing at Keoladeo / Gir, Fishing in Sunderbans, Mahua collection in
Kanha, Tendu (Diospyros melanoxylon ) leaves collection in Central Indian protected
areas etc.) in and around various sanctuaries and national parks in India.
Alternate energy sources, their applications and practice

Unit 2: Eco-tourism (15 lectures)
Scope of Eco tourism in India
Hospitality & Logistics in Eco -tourism
Planning and executing Eco -tourism
Customized Eco -tours (e.g. Bird watchin g, Adventure Tourism, Agro -tourism)
Local community’s participation in Eco -tourism
Public awareness & Interpretation towards environment
Orienting Corporate Social Responsibility towards environment

Unit 3: Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics (15 lectures)
Molecular evolution and Phylogenetics (General Concept and applications)
Amino acid Sequencing and Nucleotide sequencing
Molecular Evolutionary Clock
Neutral theory of molecular evolution

Unit 4: GMOs and their applications (Agricul ture & Animal husbandry) (15 lectures)
Recombinant DNA technology & its applications
Trans -genesis and Genetically Modified Organisms
Ecological effects and Potential threats
Field trials
Some success stories

PSBWCM 302: Acts and laws of Protected A reas and People’s Participation in their sustenance
(60 lectures)

Unit 1: Principles and Techniques of Wildlife Management (15 lectures)
Census and enumeration of populations
Prey-predator ratio
Habitat management
Plantations, nesting places
Nesting materials, Hides & shelters
Census & enumeration of species
Improving carrying capacity
Water holes, salt licks, stall feeding,
Controlled grazing, controlled fire
Culling & translocation
Dealing with Human –Wildli fe conflicts and Compensating losses

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Unit 2: People’s participation in managing protected areas (15 lectures)
Integrating Local Community in conservation
Training & skill development of local human resource
People’s Biodiversity Register and Critica l Wildlife Habitat
Interpretation Centres & Interpretation to visitors
Hospitality & Conducted tours
Resource sharing & income sharing
Case studies of success stories: (e.g. Ranthambor, Periyar, Lakswadweep, Van samitis ,
Kaziranga, Eagles Nest , Nagal and- Amur Falcon, Andaman - Edible Nest Swiftlets )

Unit 3: Wildlif e trade and related organizations (15 lectures)
RED Data Book
Wildlife Crime Control Bureau
Measures to control poaching & wildlife trade

Unit 4: Regulations & Acts related to protected areas (15 lectures)
Wildlife Protection act, 1972
Biodiversity Act, 2002
Forest conservation Act, 1980
Coastal Regulatory Zone notification, 1991
Tribal Rights Act, 2006

PSBWCM 303: Environment Monito ring & Environment Audits (60 lectures)

Unit 1: Monitoring Environment (15 lectures)
Abiotic parameters to be monitored for various types of habitats
Keystone species & Indicator species
Continuous & seasonal monitoring
Various monitoring techniques & methods

Unit 2: Environmental Journalism (15 lectures)
Investigating environmental issues
Important Governmental agencies
RTI and its judicious use
Interacting with affected people
Mass media and its role
e.g boo ks – Silent spring, Small is beautiful
films – Home (BBC documentary), Inconvenient truth
Reporting Environmental issues

Unit 3: Environmental Audits & reporting (15 lectures)
Planning environmental audits
Audit parameters: major biotic and abioti c factors
Environment safety audits
Carbon Audits, its significance, applications and practice
Reporting audit findings
Predictive value of audit findings

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Unit 4: Environmental education Techniques (15 lectures)
Need & scope of Environmental Education
Identifying Audience & their needs
Children, General public, Decision makers
Techniques in environmental education
Class -room techniques (examples)
Talks, Nature games, role playing, models,
Competitions , songs , drama, mass -media etc.
Field techniques
For e.g. Surveys, Street plays, demonstrations, Art
Cultural practices, exhibitions etc.
Environment education on specific issues (Examples);
For e.g. Smoke -less chulas, solar cooker, biogas plant, cattle
immu nization etc .

PSBWCM 304: Applications of Information Technology in Field Biology (60 lectures)

Unit 1: Computational needs in the field (15 lectures)
Field computer & its applications
Using computers in field
Various field input devises
Alternate power sources
Managing data integrity & safety in field

Unit 2: Radio -telemetry (15 lectures)
Various restraining, capture techniques and types of cages for animals.
Various telemetry devises (including data loggers)
Ethics in telemet ry applications
Hand held & satellite based systems
Limitations of telemetry observations
Applications of telemetry
eg. Habitat usage, migration studies
“Digital” tagging & its applications (e.g. implanting micro -chips)

Unit 3: Audio records (15 lectures)
Various audio recording techniques
Sonogram and its evaluation
Software for sonogram evaluation
Applications of audio recordings
e.g. (Bird songs, Insect calls, Habitat usage by Bats, Marine mammals)

Unit 4: GIS and its interpretation (15 lectures)
Principles and Practice of Geographic Information System
Satellite imageries and false colour imaging
GPS and its application in field
Preparation of field maps, vegetation maps

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1. Undertake a survey of Fishermen’s village / Tribal village near forest. Use a suitable questionnaire
(1) to record the extend of dependence of the community on the natural resource base, (2) to record
their pattern of usage of the natural resource , (3) to document the anthropogenic influences on the
ecosystem and (4) to suggest ameliorative measures including environment awareness programmes.
Apply suitable Statistical tools for tabulating, representing and e valuating both quantitative and
qualit ative data obtained during the survey. Interpret the results , make a report and submit *.
(* Report to be produced at the time of examination for evaluation by examiner ).

2. Extracti on of DNA from a suitable plant/ Animal material.

3. Problems based phylogenetic maps and Cladograms. (Eg. Describe/Comment on evolutionary
history/ patterns in the picture etc.)

4. Identification of a) Techniques of Trangenesis and b) Genetically Modified Organisms , using
suitable photographs.

5. Prepare a plan, itinerary & brochure for an eco -tour using s imulated data provided (maximum three
days & two nights, excluding travel):
a) A place of interest from Natural History – e.g. wildlife reserve
b) A place of interest from Adventure Tourism – e.g. riverine valley
c) A place of interest from Agro -tourism – e.g. an organic farm

6. For a given terrestrial / aquatic ecosystem from a specified protected area in I ndia, construct a food
chain and food web with specific speci es occupying various trophic levels in different habitat types
found in that ecosystem . Add a note on the endangered species / habitats and comment on the possible
threats to the food chain and food web.


1. Using a suitable insect model, apply the capture – recapture technique for enumeration of
population size (e.g. rice weevil using - marker pen)

2. Collect an abandoned nest of a bird (made of twigs /grass preferably collected after the breeding
seaso n). e.g. Bulbul or Crow or Warbler. Carry out the following analysis;
Record the weight of the nest. Gently separate the nesting material one by one and segregate them
as per their lengths. Weight each length group separately and note their group total weights. Note
down any cushioning material /artificial materials used. Make a frequency table of nesting
material lengths & weights. Depict your observations using suita ble statistical tools and evaluate
your data. Make interpretations regarding preferences in nesting material.

3. Study of Pugmarks: Make plaster cast of pugmark (e.g. of domestic cat or dog). From the plaster
cast make measurements and record the same. Trace the pug mark using glass slab and make a
record. Take measurements and keep a record. Study the applications of the same.
If possible, repeat the experiment with Plaster cast of pug mark of Tiger / Leopard (take help from
Wildlife authority to obt ain plaster casts)

4. Study of animal Tracks & signs using photographs or drawings. e.g. pugmarks, foot prints, tracks,

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claw marks, browse lines, regurgitates (e.g. owls), hair, burrows, dens, nests etc.

5. Study of excreta /faeces of various anima l species using specimens (if feasible) photograph or
images. It should include different kinds of excreta eg. Scat, Dropping, Pellet, Dung, spraint, Guano
etc. (The concept and significance of coprology should be understood by studying various types of
scats a nd their natural decay process.)


1. Test of Soil samples for ; pH, Texture, Total organic content.

2. Rapid Field Test of Soil samples for ; pH, Acidity, Alkalinity, Phosphate, Sulphate, Carbonate

3. Test of Water samples: Dissolved Oxygen, BOD, Light Penetration

4. Test of Water samp les: Salinity, pH, hardness, Total Dissolved Solids and Total Suspended Solids

5. Using a Simulated data perf orm the following :-
Classify the data and calculat e ecological indices: Dominance index, Shannon -Wiener Index,
Similarity Index, Diversity index. Evaluate and interpret each of the index values.

6. Prepare an audio -visual presentation to communicate conservation to the youth & general public
on some environment issues (Eg . Destruction of local biodiversity site like mangrove or sea
shore or a forest patch, Human -wildlife conflict, Developmental activity that has potential threat
to local biodiversity etc.) *
* Students can use open source software to create audio visual presentations.

7. Design a self -guided trail for a nature reserve / biodiversity park and submit a report.


1. Identify and study specifications & applications of various telemetric devices
(Photographs or Models or working models a nd diagrams);
Antennae, transmitters (ingestible, implantable, strap -on (attachable) type)
Digitized tags (e.g. implantable micro chips)
Dart Gun & Tranquilizing agents & there action.

2. Make an audio recording of a song bird . e.g., bulbul, magpie robin, sunbird. Observe and note the
activity of the bird while recording the call. Make a sonogram of the recording. Analyze the call
and correlate with the behavio ural observations. Classify the call as advertisement call, territor ial
call, alarm call, courtship call etc.

3. Study of various input devises (construction, use and applications) using photographs / models /
actual devises, that could be used with a field computer ;
Types of input ports, Imaging devices, audio device s, Telemetric devices, Note pads & scribble
pads, pressure devices, Remote control devices, external memory devices etc.

4. Using a hand held GPS instrument locate coordina tes of a demarcated field site (Eg. college

5. Prepare a ready reference data base of resources available in the Public domain that is useful in
field. e g. environment education films, charts & pictures, images, audio -visual presentations,
reference articles, books, legal petitions, judgments etc. Make a report that will be ready
reckoner .

Page 11

6. Demonstrate the use of any of the following software platforms by performing basic operational/
statistica l function s: Maxent/ PAT GEOM/ Rstudio. (Simulated datasets can be used. Basic
programming in R should be attempted for simple statistical calculations.) Students should
understand the basics of coding and syntax. The application of such platforms in ecosystem
modelling should be understood. Simple programs and analysis carrie d out should be recorded as a


PSBWCM 401 to PSBWCM 404: Projects / Internship with Report

The students are required to undertake a project / internship in the last semester which should be for a
maximum duration of 180 days. The project/ internship should consist of a minimum of 130 days of
field work, followed by minimum of 30 days of report preparation. The area of work will be related to
the topics covered under the course and work will be decided by the students in consultatio n with faculty
members. A survey of literature and feasibility studies will be undertaken by the students, who plan to
undertake a project, during the third semester or during early part of fourth semester. Those who
undertake internship will undertake a b ackground study of the institution / organization where they plan
to complete their internship, during the third semester or during early part of fourth semester.
Each project will be supervised by a faculty member or a group of faculty members and experts. The
students will be guided time to time during the project. This exercise will provide the students with
valuable experience of proper planning, executing, eval uating and reporting a research project. The
students should be encouraged to publish the findings ( if possible ).

The faculty / team of experts will advise and monitor the students interning at different institutions or
organizations. This exercise will provide the students with valuable experience of planning, executing
and reporting various environment / conservation related projects / programmes and field work. The
students should be encouraged to interact with NGOs, corporates, governmental agencies, civil society
groups both national & international ( if possible ).

Project Planning & Execution

Students are required to submit a detailed proposal for their project / internship program before they
start the project / internship.
 The proposal for internship should cover the information of the organisation / institution where
the internship is planned, the area of work envisaged during the internships, the timelines of
internship, the justification for selecting the site for intern ship, the probable benefits that are
envisaged, the additional skill sets that would be gained and how the internship will help in
furthering the knowledge and skills of the student.
 The project proposal should include information pertaining to the area of work proposed, the
significance of the proposed work, its national, regional, local relevance, the potential
advancement in current knowledge in the area due to the project outcome, the risks, problems
and uncertain factors that may hinder the outcome o f the proposed project, alternate plans and
risk coverage plans, the financial outlay, external agencies / individuals whose experts may be
used in the project and the timelines of the proposed work (with a Gantt chart). The final project
should correlate with the proposed work and if not, adequate justification needs to be provided
for any deviation.

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Students are additionally required to get acquainted with following plant families, especially their field
identification characteristics.
1. Verbenaceae
2. Apocynaceae
3. Annonaceae


Internal evaluation : Internship / project carried out during the fourth semester will be evaluated by the
research committee / team of experts and by the guiding faculty during its planning, implementation.

External evaluation : Internship / Project carried out during the fourth semester will be evaluated at the
end semester examination on the basis of the report submitted, presentation made by the student and
viva voce .

Total Marks – 60
Total duration – two and half hours
Total question – 04
Marks for each question – 15

Coverage of each question – each question will cor respond to each unit taught in that semester .
Options – There will be internal options in each que stion (within 15 marks)
Compulsory questions – All four questions will be compulsory.

Total Marks – 50
Total duration – Six hours
Total questions – 05
Distribution of marks – Question No. 1, 2, and 3 –12 marks each (performance & results)
Question No. 4 – Reports of field visits – 10 marks .
Question No. 5 – Viva voce –04 marks

Total marks – 200
Distribution of marks: -
Submission of Outline of project - 20 marks
Report – 120 marks, the report must be supported by raw data generated in the project.
Presentation – minimum 20 min. – 40 marks
 Content
 Presentation
 Effective usage of audio -visual aids
 Clarity of concepts
 Application of techniques in the project
 Response to questions
 Over -all impression

Viva voce – 20 marks

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Note: The student will submit a written report on the day of evaluation which will include a synopsis
of the project / internship, replies to comments by the evaluator with clarifications (if any) and a brief
note on the findings / experiences highlighting the following:
 Name of the work
 Agencies collaborated
 Major gains and skills attained
 Important experiences /observations / results
 Over -all impression


No. Title Author Publisher Year
1. Protected Area Update;
Newsletter --------- Kalpavriksh Environment
Action Group, Pune ,
India Periodical
2. Zoos in India; Legislation,
Policy, Guidelines and
Strategy ---------- Central Zoo
Authority, New Delhi 2007
3. Wildlife ecology Aaron, N.M. W.H. Freeman Co. San
Francisco, U.S.A. 1973
4. The Book of Indian Birds Ali, Salim Oxford University Press,
Mumbai 1997
5. Wildlife
Ecology, Conservation and
Management Anthony R.E. Sinclair,
John M. Fryxell and
Graeme Caughly Blackwell Publishing,
U.S.A. 2006
6. The Book of Indian Shells. Apte, Deepak. Oxford University Press,
7. Colorful Atlas on Indian
Diseases and Disorders Arora and
B.M. IBDC, Lucknow. 2008
8. Indian Wildlife Yearbook Arora B. M. , Editor AIZ & WV, Bareilly and
Central Zoo
Authority, New Delhi 2002
9. Dietary Husbandry of Wild
Mammalia Arora, B.M. AIZ & WV, Bareilly and
CZA, New Delhi. 2001
10. Indian Wildlife Diseases and
Disorders. Arora, B.M.
11. Rehabilitation in free living
wild animals Arora, B.M. AIZ & WV, Bareilly 2007
12. Reproduction in Wild
Mammalia & Conservation Arora, B.M. AIZ & WV, Bareilly. 2002
13. A Text Book of
Developmental Biology Banerjee, S. IBD, Dehradun 2001
14. Remote Sensing for Hazard
and Disaster Assessment Barett, E.C. and Anton
Micallef Taylor and Francis,
London 1991
15. Statistics in Research Bernard Ostle and
16. Wild Animals in Central
India Brander, A.A Natraj Publisher,
17. Method of Statistical Analysis C.H. Goulden John Wiley & Sons
18. Environmental Impact
Assessment Canter, L. W. Graw, Mc, , Hill
Publication, New York.

Page 14

19. A Text Book of Agricultural
Statistics Chandel S.R.S,. AchalPrakashanMandir,
Kanpur 1999
20. Introduction to Geographic
Information Systems, Chang – Kang, Tsung Tata McGraw -Hill
Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi 2002
21. A guide to Chemical
Restraint of Wild
Animals. Chowdhury, Sushant
and Malik, Pradeep Natraj Publishers,
22. EIA – A Biography Clark, B. D., Bissel, B.
D. and Watheam, P. School of Forestry and
Environment, SHIATS -
Deemed University,
23. The Temple Tiger. Corbett, Jim Oxford University Press,
New Delhi 2007
24. Asian Elephant, Daniel, J.C. Natraj Publishers,
25. The Book of Indian Reptiles
and Amphibians Daniel, J.C. Oxford University
Press, Mumbai.
26. Resource and Environmental
Economics Fisher, A.C. New York: John Wiley &
Sons 1979
27. The conservation of plant
biodiversity. Frankal, Otto H.,
Anthony, A., Brown,
D. and Burdon,
Jeremy J. Cambridge University
Press 1995
28. Statistical Methods G.W. Snedecor and
W.G. Cochran
29. The Serengeti Lion George B. Schaller
30. Fundamentals of Wildlife
Management Gopal, Rajesh Justice Home,
Allahabad, India. 1992
31. Encyclopedia of mammals Grzimek McGraw Hill Publishing
New Delhi. 1988
32. Wild Animals, Their Minds
and Manners Hornaday, W.T. IBD,
Dehradun. 1989
33. Concepts in Wildlife
Management Hosetti, B.B. Daya Publishing House,
Delhi. 1997
34. Collection and preservation of
animals Jairajpuri M. S. Zoological Survey of
India 1990
35. Statistical Ecology John A. Ludwig &
James F. Reynolds John Wiley & Sons 1988
36. Handbook of Environment,
Forest and Wildlife Protection
Laws in India Justice Kuldip Singh Natraj
Publishers, Dehradun 1998
37. Biodiversity conservation in
managed and protected
areas Katwal/Banerjee Agrobios, India 2002
38. Advances in Fish and
Wildlife Ecology and Biology Kaul, B.L. 1999
39. A Vet in Wilderness Khan Ali M. G. Central Zoo Authority,
New Delhi
40. Modern Textbook of
Zoology, Vertebrates. Kotpal, R.L. Rastogi Publications,
41. Remote Sensing and
Image Interpretation Lilleand, T.M. and
Kieffer, R.W John Wiley and Sons
42. Wild Animals of India,
Burma, Malaya and Tibet Lydekker, R., Natraj Publishers,

Page 15

43. Wildlife Crime Menon, Vivek and
Kumar, Ashok Natraj
Publisher, Dehradun. 1999
44. Wildlife Issues in a Changing
World Moulton, M. P. & J.
Sanderson St. Lucie Press 1997
45. A handbook of forestry. Negi, S.S. International Book
Dehradun. 2005
46. Biodiversity and its
conservation in India Negi, S.S. Indus Publishing
Co., New Delhi. 1993
47. Manual for Wildlife
Management in India Negi, S.S.
48. Fundamentals of Ecology Odum, Eugene P Natraj Publishers,
49. Applied Anatomy of the
Domestic Animals. Ommer, P.A. and
Harshan, K.R. Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publishers (P) Ltd., New
50. Natural Resource Information
for Economic Development Orris C. Herfindahl Baltimore: The Johns
Hopkins University Press 1969
51. Watching and Conserving Oxford Anthology of
Indian Wildlife Oxford
University Press, New
52. Aerial Photography and
Image Interpretation
for Resource Management. Paine, D.P. John Wiley and Sons.
53. The Ecology of Wildlife
Diseases. Peter J. Hudson,
Annapaola Rizzoli,
Bryan T. Grenfell,
Hans Heestrbeek and
Andy P. Dobson Oxford University
Press, Oxford 2002
54. Book of Indian Animals. Prater, S.H. Bombay Natural History
Society, Mumbai.
55. Essentials of Conservation
Biology Primack, R.B. Sinauer Associates, Inc.
Sunderland, MA 1998
56. Principles and Procedures of
Statistics (with special
reference to Biological
Sciences) R.G. Steel and J.H.
57. A Text Book of Agricultural
Statistics R.Rangaswamy
58. Birds of Wetlands and
Grasslands Rahmani, Asad R.
&Ugra, Gayatri Bombay
Natural History Society,
59. A Handbook of the
Management of Animals in
Captivity. Ram BramhaSanyal 1995
60. Hunting and Shooting Rangarajan, Mahesh The Oxford Anthology
of Indian Wildlife. 1999
61. The ecology and evolution of
animal behavior Robert, A.W Good Year
Pub. Co. California,
U.S.A. 1979
62. Wildlife management. Robert, G.H. W.H. Freeman and Co.,
Francisco, U.S.A. 1978
63. The Care and Feeding of
Infant Orphaned Wild Birds. S.M.L. Grose. IBD,

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64. Remote Sensing: Principles
and Applications Sabbins, F.E.,
65. Manual of wildlife techniques
for India. Sale, J.B. and
Berkmuller, K. WII, FAO, Dehra Dun,
India 1988
66. A Handbook of the
Management of Animals in
Captivity. Sanyal, Ram Bramha 1995
67. Indian Wildlife Resources
Ecology and Development Sharma, B.D Daya Publishing House,
Delhi 1999
68. A New Approach to
Linear Programming Sharma, S.D. Kedarnath,
Ramnath and Co.
Meerut 1975
69. Wildlife
Ecology, Conservation
and Management Sinclair, Anthony R.E.,
Fryxell, John M.
and Caughly, Graeme Blackwell Publishing,
U.S.A. 2006
70. Economics of PA’s and its
effect on biodiversity. Singh and
Vijaykumar. APH Publishing
Corporation, New
Delhi. 2001
71. Text Book of Wildlife
Management. Singh, S.K. IBDC, Lucknow. 2005
72. Conserving India's Natural
Heritage Singh, Samar Natraj Publication,
Dehra Dun. 1987
73. Wildlife and Forest
Conservation Sinha, P.C. Anmol Publishing Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi. 1998
74. Mammals Skin. Sokolov, V.E. IBD, Dehradun. 1982
75. Wildlife research and
management. Asian
and American Approaches Stephen, H.B. and
V.B. Saharia Oxford University
Press, Delhi 1995
76. Zoogeography of India
and Asia. Tiwari, S.K. CBS Publisher and
New Delhi.
77. Natural Resource and
Environmental Economics Tony Prato, Iowa State University
Press 1998
78. Environmental and social
assessment Vanclay F. and
Bronstein, D.A. John Wiley & Sons,
New York. 1995
79. Guide for Planning
Wildlife Management in
Protected Areas
and Managed Landscapes VishwasSawarkar Natraj Publisher.
80. Experimental Designs W.G. Cochran and
81. Parasitic Diseases of Wild
Animals. W.M. Samuel, M.J.
Pybus and A.A. Kocan 2005
82. Vertebrate Zoology and
Evolution. Yadav, B.N. IBD, Dehradun. 2000
83. Molecular Evolution and
Phylogenetics Masatoshi Nei and
Sudhir Kumar Oxford University Press 2000
84. Essentials of Ecology Colin R. Townsend,
Michael Begon, and
John L. Harper Blackwell Publishing 2008
85. Fundamentals of Ecology
(Third Edition) Dash and Dash Tata McGraw -Hill
Education Private
Limited, New Delhi 2009

Page 17

86. Genomes (2nd Edition) T.A. Brown Wiley‐Liss Publication -
Oxford, New York 2002
87. Phylogenies in Ecology –
A Guide to Concepts and
Methods Marc W. Cadotte, T.
Jonathan Davies Princeton University
Press 2016

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