MSc Part II Life Science Environmental Biotechnology Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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M.Sc. Part – II Life Sciences Syllabus UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI
Syllabus for the M.Sc. Part - II
[Sem III and IV]
Program: M.Sc.
Course : Life Sciences
Environmental biotechnology
(Credit Based Semester and Grading System with
effect from the academic year 2017 -2018)
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Restructured for Credit Based and Grading System
To be implemented from the Academic year 2017 -2018
Course Code UNIT TOPIC HEADINGS Credits L / Week
science ) I Biomathematics
II Foundations of environment
III Natural resources
IV Approach in environmental
(Pollution ) I Air pollution
II Water pollution
III Land and noise pollution
IV Radiation, thermal pollution and
Electronic waste(E -waste)
toxicology and
laws ) I Environmental microbiology
II Bioremediation and
III Environmental toxicology
IV Environmental issues and laws
and Quality
Control) I Research Methodology
II Scientific Writing
PSLSC EBTP 301 Biomathematics, Research Methodology
and environmental science 2
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PSLSC EBTP 302 Pollution 2
PSLSC EBTP 303 Environmental microbiology, toxicology
and laws 2
PSLSCEBTP30 4 Dissertation on Literature Review 2
biotechnology ) I Fermentation technologyI
II Fermentation technology II
III Environmental monitoring
IV Agricultural biotechnology
management ) I Industrial and municipal waste
II Liquid waste management
III Solid waste management
IV Biological degradation of
hazardous waste
biotechnology ) I Sustainable technology
II Biofuels
III Natural resource recovery
IV Biotechnology of marine
Engineering and
Technology) I Microbial Cell Factories and their
II Applications of Genetic
III Food Constituents and Nutrition
IV Food Technology
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PSLSC EBT P401 Applied environmental biotechnology 2
PSLSC EBT P402 Waste management 2
PSLSC EBT P403 Industrial environmental biotechnology 2
PSLSCEBTP40 4 Dissertation of Research Project 2
M.Sc. Part – II Life Sciences Syllabus
Restructured for Credit Based and Grading System
To be implemented from the Academic year 2017 -2018
Semester III Detailed Syllabus
Course Code Title Credits
PSLSCEBTT301 Biomathematics and environmental science
(60L) 4
Unit I : Biomathematics
• Matrices, Rank of Matrices by Diagonalisation method
Limit and derivatives, Differentiation (including differentiability),
Successive Differentiation and their application in biological research.
• Integration – Definite and Indefinite; Application of integration to find area and
application in biological research.
• Differential equations -- homogeneous and Linear ODE’s and its simple
applications to biological problems.
Unit II : Foundations of Environment (15L)
• Environment : Definition, principle and scope of environmental science.
• Man Environment relationship and impact of technology : Agriculture
revolution and its impact on the environment.
• Geographical classification: Different biomes in different region, distribution
of biomes, tropical rain forests, temperate forests, coniferous forests, arctic
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tundra, grasslands and deserts .Island biogeography: Zones of India. Biosphere
• Aquatic ecosystems – coastal zones, coral reefs and their importance,
mangroves, coastal wetlands
• Geological Hazards Catastrophic geological hazards. Study of floods,
landslides, earthquakes, volcanism and avalanche. Prediction and perception of
the hazards and adjustments to hazardous activities.
Unit III : Natural resources (15L)
• Natural resources: renewable and non- renewable natural resources,
destruction and conservation of resources; Mineral resources
• Water resources: Availability of water resources, water needs, annual supply
of water, water -shortage (reasons and its impact), Water scarcity and its
management. Water use – irrigation, domestic, indust rial, and miscellaneous;
Methods of water conservation
• Forest resources : classification of forests, forest resources, destruction of
forests – natural and manmade, International initiatives in forest conservation,
State of forests in India, Local communit ies and forest conservation in India;
• Energy resources: Source of our energy, Pattern of global energy use, non-
renewable fossil fuels (coal reserves, natural gas, nuclear power), Concerns
regarding depletion of oil resources, renewable sources (solar, wind,
hydropower, biofuel, fuel cells), Conserving and using energy efficiently.
Unit IV : Approach in environmental science(15L)
• Role of environmental biotechnology; Scope for use, Market for environmental biotechnology, modalities and local influences,
• Integrated approach in environmental biotechnology
• Immobilisation, Degradation or monitoring of pollutants from a biological
origi n.
• Metabolic Pathways of Particular Relevance to Environmental Biotechnology
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PSLSCEBTP301 Biomathematics, Research methodology and
environmental science.
1. Solve sums on derivation and integration related
biological data.
2. Determination of total organic matter in soil.
3. Determine the total phosphorus in given soil
4. Determination of pH va lue of different types
5. Determ ination of water holding capacity of soil.
6. Determination of Specific gravity of soil.
7. Case Study - Project Tige r
8. Case study – impact of agriculture on
2 04
Course Code Title Credit
PSLSCEBTT302 Pollution (60L) 4
Unit I : Air pollution (15L)
• Natural and anthropogenic sources of pollution,
• Primary and secondary pollutants transport and diffusion of pollutants,
Effect of air pollution, control measures for air pollution;
• Methods of monitoring and control of air pollution - SOx, NOx, CO,
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SPM, PAN; Level of air pollution in India.
• Ambient air quality in India; The Air (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1981; Acid rains
Unit II : Water pollution (15L)
• Types and sources of water pollution: marine, fresh and ground water;
consequences of water pollution;
• Analysis of water quality, Water quality and standards,
• Marine pollution: Oil pollution and marine ecology, sources of oil
pollution, factors affecting fate of oil after spillage movement, spreading,
evaporation,emulsification,dispersion, Remote sensing in water quality
• Coastal pollution, international initiatives to control marine pollution
Eutrophication and monitoring eutrophic ation; algal blooms .
• The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
Unit III : Land and Noise pollution (15L)
• Soil pollution: Sources of pollution – water logging, soil salinity,
desertification, mining, pollution by plastic, dumping of hazardous and
toxic waste.
• Recycling solid waste and restoring soil condition
• Industrial waste effluents and heavy metal; managing of urban was te in
India; Chemical and bacteriological analysis of soil sample, soil sampling methods and procedures
• Noise pollution: Basic properties of sound waves; loudness and intensity levels, decibel; Sources of Noise Pollution–
Measurement and analysis of
sound, Measures to control noise pollution
Unit IV : Radiation, Thermal pollution and Electronic waste (E -waste) (15L)
• Radiation pollution: Radioactive decay; Interaction of radiation with m
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Biological impact and health hazards associated with radiation; radioactive
waste disposal.
• Thermal pollution: Definition and sources, Chemical and biological effects of
thermal pollution; Effect on marine life, bacteria and water quality and other
aquatic biota; Methods for minimization and control of thermal pollution.
• Electronic waste (E -waste): Sources and types and constituents of E -
wastes and its environmental consequences.
1. Determination of mechanical composition of soil.
2. To study the soil profiles for their height, color, texture and electrical conductivity. 3. Determination of Nitrate, phosphate and sulphate from soil / water
4.Isolation of Microorganisms form polluted environment/Soil /Water resources /Air
5. Case study – Supersonic jets / Concorde
6. Case study – Bhopal Gas tragedy
7. Case study – APHA, AWWA
8. Case study - Acid Rain 2 04
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Course Code Title Credit
PSLSCEBTT303 Environmental microbiology, toxicology and laws
(60L) 4
Unit I: Environmental microbiology
• Microbiome : Microorganisms in nature and their importance, sampling,
culture and cultivation of microorganisms; Microorganisms involved and
used in service of nature and humans;
• Microbiology of water, air and soil .
• Microbes and Environment Role of microorganisms in natural system and
artificial system; Influence of Microbes on the Earth’s Environment and
Inhabitants; Ecological impacts of microbes; Symbiosis (Nitrogen fixation
and ruminant symbiosis); Microbes and Nutrient cycles; Microbial
communication system; Q uorum sensing; Microbial fuel cells; Prebiotics
and Probiotics .
• Microbial diversity: Molecular methods of identification of
microorganisms – DGGE, TGGE, ARDA, T-RFLP, 16S rDNA sequencing
, Database project , Metagenomics and RNA sequencing
Unit II: Bioremediation and biodegradation(15)
• Bioremediation, insitu and exsitu bioremediation techniques,
Bioaugmentation and biostimulation. Evaluating Bioremediation.
• Phytoremediatio n, Metals bioremediation,
• Gaseous bioremediation.
• Methods in determining biodegradability, Contaminants available for
• Microbial degradation of biopolymers: Cellulose,xylan.starch,pectins,lignin
and chitinand polyhydxoxy alkanoates.
Unit III : Environmental toxicology (15L)
• Toxic chemicals in the environment (air and water) – their effects and
biochemical interactions;
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• Biochemical aspects of arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, carbon
monoxide, ozone and PAN pesticide; Mode of entry of toxic substance, its
breakdown and detoxifi cation; biotransformation of xenobiotics;
Insecticides / Pesticides in environment, MIC effects
• Carcinogens in environment, chemical carcinogenicity, mechanism of
carcinogenicity, environmental carcinogenicity testing.
• Epidemiological issues of toxic com pounds and metal poisoning
Unit IV : Environmental issues and environmental laws (15L)
• Ozone layer depletion (Montreal protocol), El Nino, Acid rain - causes
and effects, Green House Effect global climate change – GHG and green
house effect, global warming – effect on oceans, coastline and marine
ecosystem, impact of global warming on India. Response to global
warming – Kyoto protocol and its outcome
• International Environmental Policies: Nature of Environmental Policies;
Stockholm Conference(1972); Rio Conference (UNCED)(1992); Merits of the Conference (Agenda 21); Failures of the Conference .
• National Environmental Policy: National Policy on EIA and Regulatory
Framework .
• International Agreements and Treaties: Concept of agreement and treaty;
Need of international agreements and treaties; Johanesburg treaty; GAAT
and Environment; CTES.
• The Biodiversity Rules, 2004; The Biological diversity act 2002;
The Wildlife Preservation Act, 1982; The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972;
Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.
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PSLSCEBTP203 Environmental mi crobiology, toxicology and laws(60L
1 Characterisation of Microorganisms :
a. Cultural Characteristics
b. Staining
2 Biochemical Tests
3 Effects of Environment on Microorganisms :
Oligodynamic effect
4 Determination of thermal death point and thermal
death time of microorganisms.
5. Toxicity Testing: The Effect of Chemicals on
Seeds 6. Case Study : El Nino
7. Case Study : Mercury pollution
8. Case Study: EIA 2 04
Course Code Title Credit
PSLSCEBTT304 Research Methodology and Quality Control
(60L) 4
Unit I : Research Methodology (15L)
• Meaning of Research;
• Objectives of research, motivation in research;
• Types of research – Descriptive, Analytical, Applied, Fundamental,
• Quantitative, Qualitative, Conceptual, Empirical and Other Types of
• Research;
• Research Approaches; Research Methods vs. Methodology;
• Research and Scientific Method;
• Research Process: Steps of research process; Criteria of Good Research;
• Sampling, Sample size determinat ion, Plan for data collection,
• Methods of data collection, Plan for data processing and analysis;
• Ethical considerations during research
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Unit II : Scientific writing (15L)
• Meaning of Scientific and non scientific writings; Structures of Research
proposals, Synopsis, Dissertations, Thesis, Research paper writings (Abstract, Introduction, Review literature, methodology, Results, Discussions, Summary, Conclusion, Bibliography e tc);
• Presentations: Graphical, Tabular, Animation, Power point etc
Unit III: ISO (15L)
• Introduction: Over View of standards in ISO9000 Family
• Key principles: Key principles of ISO 9000- Quality Management System
• ISO 9001: Detailed study on ISO 9001:2015 standard, based on a seven
principles of quality management, including a strong customer focus, the
motivation and implication of top management, the process approach and
continual improvement
• Application: Sector specific Application of ISO 9001- Quality
Management System adapted by various industries
Unit IV: GMP/ GLP (15L)
• Introduction: Good Manufacturing Practices (GMO) and Good Laboratory
Practices (GLP) in Pharmaceutical Industries.
• Overview of GMPs is enforcement by the U.S. Food Drug Administration
(US FDA) under Title 21 CFR
• Documentation requirement for GMP and GLP
• Case studies for Documentation related to SOP preparation and CAPA
(Corrective action Preventive Action).
PSLSCEBTP304 Dissertation in Literature Review (60L)
1. Project dissertation of literature review
2 04
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Semester IV Detail Syllabus
Course Code Title Credit
PSLSC ENBT401 Applied environmental biotechno logy (60L) 4
Unit I : Fermentatio n technology I (15L)
• Basic principles in bioprocess technology; Media Formulation;
Sterilization; Thermal death kinetics; Primary and secondary metabolites;
Extracellular enzymes; Biotechnologically important intracellular
products; exopolymers
• Strain improvement: Methods of strain improvement in fermentation. Use
of molecular biology for development of strain to be utilized for
fermentation examples with respect to environmental biotechnology
• Bioprocess control and monitoring variabl es such as temperature,
agitation, pressure, pH Microbial processes -production, optimization,
screening, strain improvement, factors affecting down stream processing
and recovery; Representative examples of ethanol, organic acids,
antibiotics etc.
Unit II: Fermentation Technology II (15L)
• Types of bioreactor, design of bioreactor.
• Types of fermentation: Batch, Continuous and Fed- batch system.
• Comparison of batch and continuous culture.
• Monod kinetics.
• Fed-batch culture – types and applications
• Enzyme Te chnology- production, recovery, stability and formulation of
bacterial and fungal enzymes- amylase, protease, penicillin acylase, glucose
isomerase; Immobilised Enzyme and Cell based
biotransformationssteroids, antibiotics, alkaloids, enzyme/cell electrodes
Unit III : Environmental monitoring (15L)
• Definition and environmental monitoring process;
Sampling – land (site) sampling, water sampling, air sampling,
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• Analysis – physical, chemical and biological analysis methods and process
• Monitoring pollution- Bioindicators , Biomarkers.
• Toxicity testing using biological material
• Biosensors – mechanism, principle and working
• Environment Impact Assessment: EIA complete process, Importance of
• Principles of environmental mitigation and monitoring.
• Principles of Remote sensing, its applications in Environmental
• Geographical Information System (GIS) Concept of GIS; Types of
Geographical Data. Importance of Geographical Information System in
environmental studies.
Unit IV : Agricultural biotechnology (15L)
• Application of biotechnology in agriculture – Detection and diagnostics,
• Somatic cell genetics – production of callus and suspension cultures,
production of protoplasts, somaclonal variation, protoplast fus ion, haploid
• Transgenic plants: Production of transgenic plants – complete process,
vectors used, transformation methods used; Types of GM Plants and
Products obtained from GM Plants, Biopharming, Safety of transgenic
• Transgenic animals: Production – process, disease control, germplasm
and biodiversity .
• Biofertilisers, biopesticides, bioinsecticides and bioherbicides.
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PSLSC EBT P401 Environmental Monitoring
1. Estimation of total solids
2. Estimation of volatile solids
3. Estimation of cellulose
4. Estimation of starch
5. Estimation of organic carbon – Walkely and Black’s
6. Estimation of phosphate
7. Carry out fermentat ion using Saccharomyces spp. to
produce ethanol
8. Case study on EIA
2 04
Course Code Title Credi
PSLSCEBTT402 Waste management (60L) 4
Unit I: Industrial and municipal wastes (15L)
• Waste classification and characterisation, Waste material suitable for
Biological treatment,
• Wastewater Treatment, BOD Removal, Types of Biological Processes,
• Activated Sludge Process, Sludge, Tapered Aeration, Step Feed Aeration,
Contact Stabilization, Complete Mix, Extended Aeration, Oxidation Ditch, Anaerobic Digestion
• Sludges, Desulfurization, Nitrification/ Denitrification, Nitrification,
Suspended Growth Systems, Attached Growth Systems, Aquatics
Unit II: Liquid waste management (15L)
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• Waste -treatment system, Sewage -treatment methods;
• Design of bioreactors for liquid waste management – activated sludge
process, trickling filters, rotating biological contactors, anaerobic treatment
of waste water;
• Modification of existing processes, rem oval of nitrogen and phosphorus,
sludge removal and disposal, agricultural waste treatment.
Unit III : Solid waste management organisms (15L)
• Solid waste management – Introduction, Treatment processes for solid
wastes, thermal conversion process, biological conversion process,
• Landfill and landfill bioreactor for solid waste treatment
• Biological Control Methods: Land Treatment, Composting, Liquids/Solids
Treatment Systems (LSTS) , Soil Biofilters, Trickling Over Process,
Unit : IV Biological Degradation Of Hazardous Wastes (15L)
• Introduction; Abiotic Treatment Techniques: Wastewater Treatment,
Liquids -Solids Separation, Chemical Treatment, Physical Methods,
Incineration, Wet Air Oxidation, Solidification Techniques,
• Degradability: Basis for Biodegradation, Genetics, Testing for
Recalcitrance, Aerobic Tiered Testing, Anaerobic Tiered Testing; Testing
for Recalcitrance;
• Biochemical pathways of hazardous waste remediation: PCB
Biodegradation, Landfill Leachate; TCE Degradation, Any Example of
biodegradation (Aromatic Hydrocarbon, C hlorinated Wastes, p- Nitrophenol
Degradation, Dioxin, Selenium)
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PSLSCEBTP402 Waste management (60L)
1. Waste water analysis - pH, COD, BOD, Hardness,
halides, Total solids, alkalinity and chloride.
2. Assessment of point of use water purifiers for
removal of bacteria and the Bacteriological
examination of Water.
3. Detection and isolation of industrially important
microorganisms – lipase producers, oil degraders,
antibiotic produce rs.
4. ETP: Primary, chemical and biological treatment.
5. Microbial degradation of textile/dyes/pesticides
Hydrocarbon and oils.
6. Case study – biotransformation
7. Case study – bioremediation
8. Case study – phytoremediati on 2 04
Course Code Title Credit
PSLSCEBTT403 Industrial Environmental biotechnology (60L) 4
Unit I: Sustainable technology (15L)
• Introduction; Provision of bulk and fine chemicals – plants as a source,
microbial production of chemicals, their production process (any example:
acetic acid, citric acid, ethanol, glycerol, isopropanol, lactic acid, acrylamide)
• Microbial polymers and p lastics – process, production and organisms
• Industrial process and clean technology: extraction and supply of raw materials; processing of raw material (eg. Enzymes, extremophiles), use and
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disposal of product.
Unit II: Biofuels (15L)
• Finite supply of fossil fuels, emissions from fossil fuels, Greenhouse gases
– CO2, Ozone, Sulphur dioxide, their interactions with environment;
remediation of the emissions from fossil fuels
• Alternative energy sources; Biological energy sources, Bio- diesel from
microbial sources. Microbial fuel cells.
• Biofuels – generations of biofuels; Combustion of biomass, Biogas, Biodiesel, Ethanol, hydrogen
• Biofuels from waste: Methods and processes for utilization of waste for production of fuels, economical and social aspects of waste treatment, Community biogas plant, biogas scheme – scope of rural development,
Unit : III Natural resource recovery (15L)
• Introduction to natural resource recovery
• Oil recovery: Introduction, Enhanced oil recovery (EOR),
• Microbially enhanced oil recovery (MEOR), Microbial biopolymers used in recovery
• Recovery of metals: Bioleaching – direct and indirect, bioleaching
microorganisms, recovery of metals from mining waste; Extraction of –
Copper, uranium, gold, etc; Recent de velopments in natural resource
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Unit : IV Biotechnology of marine environment (15L)
• Introduction, Extreme environmental conditions, Marine life forms, Role of
microorganisms in ocean processes; Biomimetic materials
• Compounds obtained from marine environment – industrial products and
processes, sea and land based cultivation of these pharmaceutical products, Molecular biology products eg. Thermus aquaticus, Polymers – eg Polysaccharides, emulsans, polyhydroxyalkanoate s, adhesives and melanins;
• Microalgae – products obtained from microalgae;
Marine Genomics and Proteomics.
PSLSCEBTP403 Industrial environmental biotechnology
1. Field visit to waste water treatment plants.
2. Estimation of heavy metals in various samples by
3. Estimation of Co2+ and Ni2+ by colorimetry/ spectrophoto metry.
4. Chlorophyll estimation from seaweeds.
5. Case Study: Sustainable development
6. Determine the particulate matter in atmosphere.
7. Cytotoxicity assay (onion root tip/pollen germination) to estimate water contamination.
8. Case Study: Biogas plant 2 04
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Course Code Title Credit
PSLSCEBTT404 Genetic engineering and Food Technology (60L)
Unit I: Microbial Cell Factories and their modification (15L)
• Strain Improvement : Physical, Chemical and Biological Methods
(Site ‐directed Mutagenesis Methods, Molecular Evolution/Random
mutagenesis, de novo Sequence design, Expression- Display technologies, ,
Analysis and detection, applications.
• Technologies : Genome editing, RNAi technologies, Metabolic Engineering
and modelling, Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology for strain
• Model Expression Systems: Prokaryotic:E . coli: Expression
systems, Expression of Foreign Genes in Bacteria – Problems, optimization
of expression: host, transcriptional, translational, post translational
compatibility, solubility and purification, transport and localization,
Modification of gene – codon optimization, host strain modification
Expression of Native Proteins, , Detecting Expression of Foreign Genes
• Lower eukaryotes: Yeasts: Yeast Selectable Markers andVector Systems,
commercially used yeast strains (S. cerevisiaeand Pichia ) and their
• Heterologous Protein Production ‐ Design parameters: Source of DNA,
Heterologous mRNA and protein levels and downstream applications,
humanization of yeast for post translational compatibility.
Unit II: Applications of Genetic Engineering (15L)
• Applications ‐ modifying activity, substrate specificity, cofactor
requirement, increasing stability, pH and temperature optima, Construction of deregulated mutants resistant to feed back inhibition and re pression.
• Uses of Industrial Enzymes: Food and Feed biotechnology:
Nutraceuticals,Biopreservation, Biotransformations and other industries.
• Uses in Medical Research: Analysis of Genes, Genomes and
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Protein ‐Protein Interactions ‐ YACTechnology, Constructing Gene
Knockouts and Novel Reporter Systems, synthesis of commercially
compounds.Therapeutic proteins, vaccines and alternate therapies.
Unit III: Food Constituents and Nutrition (15 L)
• Food constituents, sources and function: Carbohydrate, lipids, proteins,
vitamins, minerals and water; RDA and ICMR recommendations for calorie
requirement of food for men, women and children; Food spoilage (chemical, biochemical and microbial); Methods of food preservation (dehydration, chemical, freezing, canning); Food additives –
classes and safety; Food
poisoning – chemical and microbial
Unit IV: Food Technology (15 L)
• Cereals and pulses; Milling process, Nutritive loss; Indian cereal products;
Bakery and Pasta products; Types of Milk and milk products; Fruits – products
and confectionaries; Food beverages; Food analysis and nutritional labeling;
Food processing – history, objectives and quality control ; Food packaging –
types and functions; Health foods - Functional food s, Prebiotics, Probiotics,
Neutraceuticals, organic foods, GM foods
PSLSCEBTP304 Dissertation of Research Project (60L)
1. Project studies: presentation and preparation of report of observations and results
2 04
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References :
1. Kothari, C.R., 1985, Research Methodology- Methods and Techniques, New Delhi,
Wiley Eastern Limited.
2. Das, S.K., 1986, an Introduction to Research, Kolkata, Mukherjee and Company Pvt.
3. Misra R.P., 1989, Research Methodology: A Handbook, New Delhi, Concept Publishing Company
4. Kumar, R., 2005, Research Methodology- A Step -by-Step Guide for for Beginners,
(2nd.ed.), Singapore, Pearson Education.
5. Bhattachraya, D.K., 2006, Research Methodology,(2nd.ed.),New Delhi, Excel Books.
6. Panneerselvam R., 2012, Research Methodology, New Delhi, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
7. Wetland ecology: principles and conservation by Paul A.Keddy
8. Encyclopedia of natural resources: Yeqiao wang.
1. A textbook of environmental pollution and control. S S. Dara
2. Environmental pollution control engineering. C. S. Rao. New Age International
3. APHA 1998. Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 20th Ed
4. Environment and ecology by S.N.Pandey and S.P Mishra
5. Biotechnology of Odour nd Ai r pollution.Springer
6. Soil analysis Volume 2 Handbook of methods in environmental studies.s.K.Mai
1. R. M. Atlas and R. Bartha - 1998 - Microbial Ecology - Fundamentals and applications.
AddisonWesley Longman, Inc.
2. R.MMaier,I.L.Pepper and C.P. Gerba 2010,Environmental Microbiology Academic Press
3. Rastogi & Sani,Microbes and Microbial Technology, 2011, pp 29- 57, Molecular
Techniques to Assess Microbial Community Structure, Function, and Dynamics in the Environment .
Page 23
4. Brock Biology of microorganis ms12th edition
5. Environmental law:Stuart bell
6. An Introduction to environmental toxicology: Michael H.Dong
1. The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing (Oxford Landmark Science) 2009 by
Richard Dawkins (Author, Editor)
2. Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get Funded
(2012) by Joshua Schimel (Author)
3. The Best of the Best of American Science Writing (The Best American Science Writing)
2010 by Jesse Cohen (Author)
4. From Research to Manuscript A Guide to Scientific Writing (Second Edition) By Katz ,
Michael J. (Springer Publication)
5. Science Research Writing for Non -Native Speakers of English by Hilary Glasman -Deal
(Author) , Imperial College Press, London, UK
6. Scientific Writing and Communication by Angellka Hofmann , Oxford University Press
7. ISO 9000 quality systems handbook fourt h edition by David Hoyle
8. International standard iso9001 : quality management systems — requirements fifth
edition 2015 -09-15.
9. Pharmaceutical quality assurance for students of pharmacy, @nd edition Mr. manohar a. Potdar. NiraliPrakashan.
10. How to Practice GMPs 7th ed. by P.P. Sharma ,Seventh edition 2015.
11. Hand Book, Good Laboratory Practices: Quality practices for regulated non- clinical
research and development, 2
nd Edition, 2009.
1. Environmental biotechnology: Theory and application s by Gareth Evans and Judith
2. Industrial microbiology by Casida.
3. Environmental biotechnology: Alan Scragg
4. Environmental sciences: Odum
Page 24
5. Environmental biotechnology: Bimal Bhattacharya and Ritu Banerjee.
6. Plant tissue culture: An introductory test b y Sant Saran Bhojwani and PRem kumar
7. Remote Sensing and GIS: Basudev Bhatta
1. Wastewater engineering: Treatment and reuse. Metcalf and Eddy , Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd. 4th Ed.
2. Environmental pollution control engineering. C. S. Rao. New Age International
3. APHA 1998. Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 20th Ed.
4. Water and Wastewater analysis Volume 1. Handbook of methods in environmental
studies. S. K. Maiti. ABD Publishers 2004
5. Environmental biotechnology: Bimal Bhattacharya and Ritu Banerjee 6. Solid Waste Management CPCB. New Delhi.
7. Ecotechnology for pollution control & environmental management - By R.K. Trivedi &
Arvind Kr.
8. Basic Environmental Technology – J.A. Nathanson
1. Environmental biotechnology: Alan Scragg
2. Environmental sciences: Odum
3. Industrial microbiology: G.REED
1. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology,5
th and 4th edition by J. M. Walker and R. Rapley
2. Biotechnology, Concepts and Applications by R. R. Vittal and R. Bhat
3. Biotechnology, Principles and Applications by S. C. Rastogi
4. More Gene Manipulations in Fungi by J. W. Bennette and Linda L. Lasure
5. Microbial Metabolism and biotechnology, e ‐book by Horst Doelle
6. The Metabolic Pathway Engineering Handbook- Fundamenals Christina D Somlke
Page 25
7. Systems Biotechnology for strain improvement. Trends in Biotechnology. Volume 3
8. Sumati R Mudambi , Rajagopal M V. Fundamentals of Food and Nutrition. New Age
International Publishers
9. 2. Potter NN , Hotchkiss JH. Food Science. CBS publishers and distributers
10. 3. S. Manany, N S. Swamy Food Facts and Principles. New Age International Publishers
11. 4. Pomrenz Y& Meloan CE 1996 Food Analysis Theory and Practice CBS
12. 5. Jay JM, Loessner MJ & Golden D A 2005. Modern Food Microbiology .Springer