MSc Bio Chemistry Sem I II Syllabus Mumbai University

MSc Bio Chemistry Sem I II Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC – 11th May, 2017
Item No. 4.187


Syllabus for the M.Sc.
Semester I and Semester II
Program: M.Sc. Course

(Credit Based Semester and Grading System with
effect from the academic year 2017–2018) and

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1. To Strengthen the base in fundamental aspects of Biochemistry Viz. Bio-organic and
Biophysical Chemistry, Instrumentation, Metabolism, Medical/Clinical Chemistry and Human Nutrition and Dietetics.
2. To introduce soft skills development component to create awareness and develop
competence in personality development, communication skills, academic and
professional skills. Empower the students wi th leadership qualities, entrepreneurship
and start-ups for employment, stress & time management.
3. To develop broad perspective with respect to the advanced areas of Biochemistry Viz.
Genetics and Molecular Biology, Immunology, Recombinant DNA Techniques and Industrial Biochemistry.
4. To familiarize with research methodology to help students develop research aptitude
through research projects.
5. To create awareness in Biostatistics for applicability to research.
6. To open up new vistas in the fast emerging and developing areas of Bio-informatics
and applications of com puters in Bio-chemistry.
7. To sharpen practical skills in performing experiments involving latest protocols.
8. To augment experimental expertise by handling modern instruments.
9. To train young minds for gainful employment in industry, research-oriented career
and qualifying examinations like NET and SET.
10. To develop scientific temper and interest by exposure through Internet. Computers,
various data bases and industrial vi sits and study/educational tours.
11. To provide platform for interaction with scie ntists at research centers/ universities/
industries including internship for training/ summer project for 03 to 06 months and also for the gainful employment.

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Scheme for Theory Paper
(4 Credits per Paper per Semester)

M.Sc. Semester I
Code Topic Headings Credits
PSBCH-101 Advanced Bio-organic Chemistry 4
PSBCH-102 Advanced Instrumentation and Analytical Techniques 4
PSBCH-103 Industrial Biochemistry and Bioinformatics - I 4
PSBCH-104 Research Methodology, Bio-statistics & Soft Skills
Development - I 4

M.Sc. Semester II
Code Topic Headings Credits
PSBCH-201 Advanced Bio-organic Chemistry 4
PSBCH-202 Advanced Instrumentation and Analytical Techniques 4
PSBCH-203 Industrial Biochemistry and Bioinformatics - II 4
PSBCH-204 Research Methodology, Bio-statistics & Soft Skills
Development - II 4

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Semester-wise Details of Unit I to IV in each theory paper

Course Code UNIT TOPIC HEADINGS Credits L /

PSBCH101 I Biochemical Basis of Evolution

4 1
II Bioenergetics 1
III Protein chemistry& Enzymology 1
IV Membrane Biochemistry & Cell Signaling 1

PSBCH102 I Colligative properties

4 1
II Acids, Bases & Buffers 1
III Microscopy and Radioactive Techniques 1
IV Spectroscopic Techniques 1

PSBCH103 I Bioprocess Technology & Fermentation

4 1
II Technologies in Cell & Tissue Culture 1
III Techniques in Food Preservation 1
IV Bioinformatics – I 1

PSBCH104 I Research and Research Design

4 1
II Presentation and Processing of Data 1
III Analysis of Data and Sampling Techniques 1
IV Soft Skills Development - I
PSBCHP101 Colorimetric, Volumetry, Enzymology, Buffers,Microscopy 2 4
PSBCHP102 Biochemical, Clinical Analysis 2 4
PSBCHP103 Isolation, Preparation, Extraction, Assays. Bioinformatics - I 2 4
PSBCHP104 Research Methodology, Biostatis tics & Soft Skills Development-I
2 4

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Semester-wise Details of Unit I to IV in each theory paper
Course Code UNIT TOPIC HEADINGS Credits L /

PSBCH201 I Plant Biochemistry

4 1
II Endocrinology 1
III Biochemistry of Tissues 1
IV Bioluminescence, Unusual Biomolecules and
Natural Bioactive Compounds 1

PSBCH202 I Centrifugation

4 1
II Chromatography 1
III Electrophoresis & Sequencing Techniques 1
IV Special Instrumental Methods of Analysis 1

PSBCH203 I Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids of Industrial

4 1
II Environmental Biotechnology 1
III Nanotechnology and other topics 1
IV Bioinformatics - II 1

PSBCH204 I Report writing & Presentation

4 1
II Estimation and testing of Hypothesis 1
III Non-parametric tests, Diagnostic Tests & Vital
Statistics 1
IV Soft Skills Development - II
PSBCHP201 Chromatography and Electrophoresis techniques. 2 4
PSBCHP202 Clinical Estimations 2 4
PSBCHP203 Extraction, Isolation Purification Techniques. Bioinformatics II 2 4
PSBCHP204 Biostatistics, Soft Skills Development-II 2 4

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Detail Theory Syllabus
Semester I

Course Code Title Credits
PSBCH101 Advanced Bioorganic Chemistry 4
No of
Unit I: Biochemical Basis of Evolution
1.1 Biochemical Basis of Evolution 15
1.1.1 Theories of Evolution – Time scale and spontaneous origin of
1.1.2 Genesis of oxygen generating photosynthesis &aerobic
respiration. Methanogens – evolut ion of prokaryotes, protists &
1.1.3 Oparin’s Hypothesis, Miller Experiment, Smith’s Model, RNA
first model. Theories regarding origin of mitochondria and
1.1.4 Evolution of proteins and nucleic acid – elastic analysis.
Evolution of introns .
1.1.5 Evolutionary view of exon domain relationships.
1.1.6 Process or Origin of life of Eukaryotes, Molecular Evolution of

Unit II: Bioenergetics
2.1 Bioenergetics 15
2.1.1 Chemistry of Water. Laws of thermodynamics as applied to
biological systems, enthalpy, entropy, free energy, standard
free energy
2.1.2 Role of High Energy phosphates in Bio-energetics and energy
capture, Theories of ATP Biosynthesis
2.1.3 Electron Transport Chain in Plants, Eukaryotes and
Prokaryotes, Significance or Redox potentials, Mechanism of
Oxidative Phosphorylation.Uncoupler s and Inhibitors of energy
2.1.4 Numerical problems based on the above

Unit III: Protein Chemistry & Enzymology
3.1 Protein Chemistry 06
3.1.1 Polypeptide backbone, covalent and non-covalent interactions,
end-group analysis by chemical and enzymatic methods,
Conformation, Configuration
3.1.2 Details of 10, 20 , 30and 40structures, problems based on
determination of 10structure, Ramachandran Plot, structure-
function relation of protein (Ex. Hemoglobin)Protein-Protein interaction (actin, tubulin), Leucine zipper, Zinc finger,
trans-membrane regions.

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3.1.3 Chemical modification and cross-linking in proteins, dynamic
propertiesand mechanisms of protein folding.Domains, motifs, and folds in protein structure. Prion proteins, prion domains.
Their role in neurodegenerative disease.

3.2 Enzymology 09
3.2.1 IUB/EC Enzymes classification, active site identification and
3.2.2 Thermodynamics of catalysis, energy activation, relation of ∆G
and K eq. Coupled reactions (endergonic and exergonic) in
biochemical pathways.
3.2.3 Michaelis-Menten Kinetics of monosubstrate enzyme reaction,
LB Plot, Einsethal Cornish Bowden Plots
3.2.4 Mechanism of Enzyme Action for Acid –Base Electrostatic&
Covalent Catalysis (Ex. Chymotrypsin, Carboxypeptidase-
A),factors affecting catalysis. Metal, co-factor, and co-enzyme
3.2.5 Enzyme Inhibition-Reversible, Competitive, Non-Competitive,
Uncompetitive, Partial, Mixed, Allosteric Irreversible and
Feedback Inhibition. Enzyme inhibitors as drugs
3.2.6 Allosteric Enzymes-Kinetics, Significance of Sigmoidal
Behaviour, Role in Metabolic Regulation.
3.2.7 Iso-enzymes – separation and significance
3.2.8 Clinical Enzymology- Enzymes as therapeutic agents,
diagnostic tools and laboratory agents.

Unit IV: Membrane Biochemistry& Cell Signalling
4.1 Membrane Biochemistry 07
4.1.1 Biological membrane; structure and assembly: constituents,
bacterial cell envelop, asymmetry flip flop, protein lipid
interaction, factors affecting physical properties of membranes.
4.1.2 Biological and physical membra ne models. Specialized features
like lipid rafts, caveolae and tight junctions.
4.1.3 Principles and Mechanism of Diffusion and Passive, Active &
Facilitated Transport. Endocytosis, Exocytosis.
4.1.4 Specialized mechanism for transport of macromolecules, gap
junctions, nuclearpores, toxins, control of transport processes, binding proteins, hormone effects
4.1.5 Role of Na, K ATPase and the passive permeability of the
plasma membrane to Na, K, Cl, voltage and ligand gated ion
channels, ATP-ADP exchanger. Molecular mechanisms, ion
translocating antibiotics, valinomycin, gramicidin, ouabain,
group translocation, ionophores, electrical gradient, energy coupling mechanism. Disorders resulting from abnormalities in
membrane structure and functions. Familial
Hypercholesterolemia, Cystic Fibr osis, Hereditary Spherocytosis
4.1.6 Artificial Membranes (Liposom es) in Drug Delivery, Kinetics of
Super-molecular. Membrane Assembly -Viruses and Ribosomes.

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4.2 Cell Signalling 08
4.2.1 Classes of Cell Receptors, Molecular Mechanism of Cell
Signalling via G-protein linked Cell Surface Receptors. Signalling molecules and their receptors. Modes of cell-cell signalling
(endocrine, paracrine and autocrine) Steroid hormones, thyroid
hormones, Vitamin D
3 and retinoic acid. Steroid superfamily
receptors and their functions. Nitric oxide, neurotransmitters,
peptide hormones, growth factors, Eicosanoids, plant hormones. Trimeric G-proteins and their regulatory mechanism, Role of Ca
as an intracellular signal, Ca++ / Calmodulin dependent protein
kinase, cAMP- Ca++ Pathway
4.2.2 Pathways of intracellular signal transduction cAMP, cGMP,
Phospholipid and Ca. Ras, Raf and MAP kinase pathways
JAK/STAT pathway
4.2.3 Signal transduction and cytoskeleton. Integrin and signal
transduction; regulation of Actin Cytoskeleton signalling in
development and differentiation, using following examples ;
mesoderm, induction in xenopus and eye development in
4.2.4 Programmed Cell Death (apoptosis) involving onco-genes and
tumor suppressor genes

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Course Code Title Credits
PSBCH102 Advanced Instrumentation and Analytical Techniques 4
No of
Unit I: Colligative Properties
1.1 Colligative Properties 15
1.1.1 Definitions, Factors affecting , measurement of and
physiological applications of Osmosis, Osmotic Pressure,
Osmoregulation, Adsorption, Colloids, Surface Tension and
1.1.2 Numerical Problems based on above concepts
1.1.3 Medical Imaging: Introduction to CT Scan, MRI, PET , X ray,
ultrasound systems, colour flow imaging applications

Unit II: Acids, Base & Buffers
2.1 Acids Bases and Buffers 15
2.1.1 Ionization, Dissociation, Acidity, Basicity theories of Acid and
Bases, Strength of Acids and Bases, Acid-Base Equilibrium in
Aqueous and Non-aqueous media
2.1.2 pH, pH-dependent functions and structures of bio-molecules,
Henderson –Hasselbach Equation, different methods for
measurement of pH. ABG Analyzer. Use of Indicators,
Buffers, Amino Acid titrations, Formal Titration. Biologically
important buffers, Buffering of blood.
2.1.3 Numerical problems based on the above

Unit III: Microscopy and Radioactive Techniques
3.1 Microscopy 07
3.1.1 Basic principles, instrumentation and application of Phase,
ultraviolet and interference microscope and Fluorescence
3.1.2 Electron microscope – scanning emission microscopy,
transmission emission microscopy
3.1.3 Confocal microscopy and Atomic force microscopy

3.2 Radioisotope Techniques 08
3.2.1 Nature of radioactivity & its detection and measurements of
Radioactivity, Radioactive decay, Interaction of radioactivity with matter GM Counter, Scintillation Counter, Advantages
and Disadvantages of Scintillation Counting Pulse Height
3.2.2 Isotope Dilution, Analysis, Autoradiography, Application of
Radioisotopes in Biological Science
3.2.3 Safety Measures in Handling Isotopes.

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Unit IV Spectroscopic Techniques
4.1 Spectroscopic Techniques 15
4.1.1 Beer-Lamberts Law, its verifi cations and deviat ions, concept of
Absorptions, Transmission, Scattering, Phosphorescence,
Fluorescence, Luminescence, Diffraction Spectra, and
interpretation. Infrared Spectra of common functional groups
4.1.2 Principle Instrumentation, working and application of – U V,
Visible and IR Spectroscopy, Disadvantages of IR
spectroscopy, Turbidometry and Nephlometry.
4.1.3 Principle, instrumentation, working and applications of –
Spectrofluorometric, Flame Spectrophotometry, Atomic
Absorption Spectrometry, Luminometry. Fluorescence Spectra and the study of protein structure.
4.1.4 Principle, instrumentation, working and application of- Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance(NMR), Electron Spin Resonance (ESR),
Mass Spectrometry, Mossbauer Spectroscopy, Matrix Assisted LASER Desorption, Ionization, Time of Flight-Mass
Spectroscopy (MALDI-TOF-MS), Inductively Coupled Plasma
Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS)
4.1.5 X-Ray Diffraction Spectra, Optical Rotatory Dispersion,
(ORD), Circular Dichroism (CD)
4.1.6 LASER- Principle, applications in Medicine and Biological

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Course Code Title Credits
PSBCH103 Industrial Biochemistry and Bioinformatics - 1 4
No of
Unit I: Bioprocess Technology & Fermentation
1.1 Bioprocess Technology 08
1.1.1 Types of Bioreactors- Stirred Tank, Recycle reactors,
discontinuous, semi continuous and continuous.
1.1.2 Parameters for Bio process – Bio mass, Substrates, product, O 2
and CO 2, Temperature, agitation.
1.1.3 Bio process monitoring with respect to O 2 transfer, energy
transfer, rate of utilization, efficiency and computer base monitoring.
1.1.4 Downstream processing, process for product recovery,
recycling of residual raw, by- product recovery, waste/effluent

1.2 Fermentation 07
1.2.1 Primary and secondary of microbes, inoculums preparation,
fermentation media, industrial sterilization, strain improvement,
metabolic and genetic regulations during fermentations, pure
and mix culture fermentations.
1.2.2 Products from microorganisms – enzymes (Amylases,
Proteases, Pectinases), Primary metabolites (Glu, vit B12),
Antibiotics (Penicillin), Beverages (wine, Beer)
1.2.3 Fuels from microbes, microbial polymers and microbial steroid
bio transformations.

Unit II: Technologies in cell and tissue culture
2.1 Plant Tissue Culture (PTC) 05
2.1.1 Principles, Techniques, Methodology and Application of PTC
2.1.2 Micropropogation and Protoplast fusion
2.1.3 Suspension Cultures for production and secondary metabolites
2.1.4 Use of PTC in production of transgenics.
2.2 Animal Tissue Culture (ATC) 05
2.2.1 Principles, Techniques, Methodology and Application of ATC
2.2.2 Transfection using eggs, cultured stem cells and nuclei in
development of transgenic animals.
2.2.3 Frontiers of contraceptive research, cryopreservation of sex
Gametes & embryos, Ethical issues in embryo research.
2.3 Microbial Tissue Culture (MTC) 05
2.3.1 Principles, Techniques, Methodology and Application of MTC
2.3.2 Commercial production of industrially important microbial
strains, role of ATCC and microbial cell banks.
2.3.3 Microbes as products, Single Cell Protein (SCP) and

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Unit III: Techniques in Food Preservation
3.1 Bio Chemistry of Food Spoilage 05
3.1.1 Factors causing food spoilage during food ripening, vegetable
maturation and their control.
3.1.2 Post mortem changes in meat and their control.
3.2 Food Preservation 05
3.2.1 General principles of food preservation
3.2.2 Preservation by use of hi gh and low temperatures, drying,
radiations, natural & chemical preservatives, inert gases,
mechanical preservation techniques (vacuum packaging, tetra
packs), pulse electric field special packaging.
3.3 QC, GMP and other topics 05
3.3.1 General principles of Quality Control and Good Manufacturing
Practices in food industry.
3.3.2 Determination of shelf – life of food products, transport of
perishable food items.
3.3.3 Food Adulteration – Common food adulterants, their harmful
effects and physical and chemical methods for their detection.
3.3.4 Role of ISI Agmark FDA & Food Safety and Standards Authority
of India (FSSAI), Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) in
food industry..

Unit IV: Bioinformatics - I
4.1 Introduction to Bioinformatics 08
4.1.1 Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
4.1.2 Human Genome Project- Ethical, legal and social issues
4.1.3 Bioinformatics- Need and applications on various fields of
4.1.4 Introduction to Next-Generation Sequencing technology (NGS)
4.1.5 Introduction to Databases- Biological application and
4.2 Biological Databases and retrieval techniques 07
4.2.1 Nucleotide Databases- Genbank, Unigene
4.2.2 Literature Database- Pubmed, Medline
4.2.3 Protein Sequence Databases- Swissprot, PIR

4.2.4 Protein Structural Databases- PDB, SCOP, CATH
4.2.5 Metabolic pathway database- KEGG, Metacyc
4.2.6 Other databases- OMIM, Taxonomy

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Course Code Title Credits
PSBCH104 Research Methodology, Biostatistics and Soft Skills
Development 4
No of
Unit I: Research &Research design
1.1 Research 08
1.1.1 Meaning of research, Research Process, Types of research
1.1.2 Formulating research problem
1.1.3 Criteria for good research. Significance of research.

1.2 Research Design 07
1.2.1 Meaning, features of good research design, types of research
1.2.2 Basic principles of experimental designs.
1.2.3 Prospective, retrospectiv e, prospective & retrospective,
observational, clinical trials, RCT, Cohort, cross sectional and
case controlled studies.

Unit II: Presentation & Processing of Data
2.1 Scales of Measurement 05
2.1.1 Nominal, Ordinal, Interv al, Ratio, Discrete, Continuous
2.2 Descriptive Statistics: Presentation of Data 06
2.2.1 Diagrammatic Presentation: Graphs and Charts; Tabular
2.2.2 Skewness, Kurtosis , Quantiles, Outliers
2.2.3 Measures of Dispersion: Quartile deviation, Mean deviation
2.2.4 Standard deviation, Standard error, Variance, Coefficient of
variation. Measures of skew ness (Karl Pearson, Bowley)
2.3 Normal Distribution. 04
2.3.1 Probability mass/density function, cumulative mass/density
2.3.2 Properties of Normal distribution

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Unit III: Analysis of Data and Sampling Techniques
3.1 Sampling 05
3.1.1 Representative sample, sample bias
3.1.2 Sampling techniques- Simple , random, systematic, Stratified,
Cluster, multistage
3.1.3 Correlation and regression analysis. Simple correlation and
regression. Multiple correla tion and regression, partial
correlation, logistic regression. Partial correlation analysis.

3.2 Diagnostic Tests 04
3.2.1 Importance of diagnostic tests
3.2.2 Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative
predictive value, accuracy, probability and odds ratio,
likelihood ratio(LR), LR of positive test, LR of negative test Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves
3.3 Demography & Vital Statistics 06
3.3.1 Collection of demographic data, vital statistics at state &
National levels, reports of special demographic surveys.
3.3.2 Measures of vital statistics: Rate of mortality, fertility,
reproduction, morbidity, comprehensive indicators, indices of
health population growth rates and density of population.

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Unit IV: Soft Skills Development - I
4.1 Personal Skills 07
4.1.1 Personality Development- Self Esteem, Positive Thinking,
Johari Window, Physical Fitness.
4.1.2 Emotional Intelligence (EI) & Quotient (EQ)- Meaning,
Components of EI, IQ v/s EQ, Components of EI, Skills to
develop EI
4.1.3 Etiquettes & Manners – Meaning, Professional & Technology
4.1.4 Communication Skills – Process & Significance of
Communication, Verbal, Non- verbal, formal & informal
communication, Barriers, Techniques to improve LSRW,
Intercultural & Digital Communication

4.2 Interpersonal Skills and Entrepreneurship 08
4.2.1 Leadership & Team Building- Leadership Types/ Styles/ Trails/
Trends, Types of Teams & Team Building, Group Dynamics.
4.2.2 Decision Making - Introduction, Steps/ Techniques/ Process of
Decision Making, fundamentals/ Styles/ Major Concepts of
4.2.3 Stress & Time Management - Sources of & ways to cope with
stress, Planning & scheduling of wo rk/ professional/ rewinding/
refreshing/ hobbies.
4.2.4 Entrepreneurship & Start-ups – Employment v/s self
employment, Govt. Schemes & funding Agencies for start –

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Detail Syllabus for
Semester- I Practical

PSBCHP101: Colorimetry, Volumetry, Enzymology, Buffers and Microscopy
1. Estimation of:
a. Proteins by Bradford &Folin-Lowry methods
b. Amino acids by Ninhydrin method
c. Glucose by Anthrone &Folin-Wu methods.
d. Percentage Purity of Start from Starch Hydrolystate by Willstatter’s method.
2. Enzymology:
a. Amylase (Km, optimum pH, optimum temperature) from Sweet Potatoes.
3. Buffers and Microscopy:
a. pka values of Ala or Gly by Titration Curve
b. Microscopy: (Permanent Slides may be used)
i. Gram Staining
ii. Spores Staining
iii. Capsule Staining
iv. Acid Fast Staining

PSBCHP102: Biochemical/ Clinical Analysis
1. Estimation of: (from blood/plasma/serum/urine)
a. Glucose by GOD-POD Method
b. Triglycerides
c. Cholesterol by Zak and Zaltsky Method
d. Calcium (Ca) by Clark and Collip Method/ Trinder Method
e. Iron (Fe) by Dipyridyl Method
f. Copper (Cu) by Dithiocarbonate Method
g. Phosphorus (P) by Fiske- Subbaraow Method

Experiments for Semester End Practical Examination (50Marks)

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PSBCHP103: Isolation, Preparation, Extraction Assays& Bioinformatics – I
A) Proteins:Extraction, isolation, partial pur ification (if necessary), calculation of
percentage yield and performing a confirmatory test for the following.
a. Casein from milk
b. Albumins and globulins from egg white
c. Proteins from germinating seeds

B) Enzymes: Extraction, Partial Purification of the following enzymes and
determination of their Km values
a. GPT from Germinating Moong Seeds
b. Alkaline Phosphatase from Germinating Moong Seeds

C) Estimation of Sodium Benzoate from Jam/ Jelly
D) Bioinformatics –I: Biological information retrieval from databases
a. Data retrieval from NCBI- Pubmed, Medline, Nucleotide, UniGene,
Protein, Mapviewer, SNP, OMIM
b. Data retrieval from EBI- SwissProt, PIR, ENA, Taxon
c. Data retrieval using InterPro, SCOP

PSBCHP104: Research Methodology, Biostatistics And Soft Skills Development
1. Preparation of Research Proposal for Minor / Major Research Projects to be submitted
to the funding agencies
2. Review of Research work being carried out at any five National/ International
Research Centers or Institutes
3. One numerical problem each on
a. Measurement of Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode)
b. Measurement of Dispersion/variability (Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation
efficient of variation)
4. Soft Skills Development: Case Study / Role Play / Quiz.

Experiments for Semester End Practical Examination (50Marks)

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Detail Theory Syllabus
Semester II

Course Code Title Credits
PSBCH201 Advanced Bioorganic Chemistry 4
No of
Unit I: Plant Biochemistry
1.1 Photosynthesis
1.1.1 Chlorophylls and accessory pigments
1.1.2 Photosynthesis-Light and Dark Phases, Schemes-I, II & Z,
Cyclic and Non-Cyclic Photophosphorylation, C-3 & C-4
Pathways, CAM pathway.
1.1.3 Biosynthesis of Starch Sugars and Cellulose from Glucose

1.2 Plant Physiology 08
1.2.1 Photorespiration and photoperiodism
1.2.2 Plant growth hormones- Auxins-Gibberellins Cytokines
Abscisic Acid and Ethylene, artificial plant growth hormones
1.2.3 Photosynthesis in Bacteria, Fungi, Algae and Yeast.
1.2.4 Nitrogen Fixation and Sulphur Assimilation in Plants

Unit II: Endocrinology
2.1 Endocrine System 07
2.1.1 Organization of Mammalian Endocrine System, Classification
of Hormones.
2.1.2 Biosynthesis, Storage, Secretion, Transport and Metabolic
effects (including hypo and hyper conditions) of Hormones of
Pituitary, Hypothalamus, Parathyroid, Adrenal Medulla, Adrenal Cortex, Gonads, Kidneys and G I Tract.

2.2 Mechanism of Hormone action 03
2.2.1 Role of Secondary Messengers-cAMP, cGMP, Ca and
2.2.2 Cell membrane and intracellular receptors for hormones.
Regulatory pathways (positive, negative, feedback loops)

2.3 Endocrine regulation 05
2.3.1 Regulation of growth, stress, hunger, digestion, obesity, renal
function, cardiovascular system [angiotensin, BNP, endothelin
1 (ET-1)]
2.3.2 Endocrinology of fertility (C hanges in menstruation, pregnancy
& menopause). Medical uses of steroid hormones
(contraception, HRT, hydrocor tisone, anabolic steroids).
Erythropoietin, Adipocytokines, Orexins

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Unit III: Biochemistry of Tissues
3.1 Muscle 04
3.1.1 Muscles- Structure and composition of muscle fibres,
mechanism of muscle contraction and relaxation.
3.1.2 Energy source for muscular work, muscular dystrophies

3.2 Bone 03
3.2.1 Composition, formulation, Structure and functions.
3.2.2 Factors affecting bone metabolism, bone remodelling,
osteoporosis, osteomalacia

3.3 Nerve Tissue 05
3.3.1 Nerves- Structure of Neuron, chemistry of nerve tissue,
mechanism of nerve impulse transmission, synapse and
synaptic transmission,
3.3.2 Synthesis and actions of neurotransmitters (GABA,
Acetylcholine, Dopamine), disorders related to defects in
neurotransmission– (Parkinson’s disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s
disease) Biochemistry of memory mechanisms, Blood Brain Barrier, Sensory Receptors of Taste, Vision, Odour, Hearing,

3.4 Connective Tissue 03
3.4.1 Connective Tissue- Biosynthesis, composition, structure.
3.4.2 Metabolism of Collagen and its Disorders-Ehler’s Syndrome
(Type I to VII), Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Type I to IV),
Paget’s disease

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Unit IV: Bioluminescence, Unusual Bio-moleculesand Natural Bioactive
4.1 Bioluminescence 05
4.1.1 History, Source of Bioluminescence material, examples of
bioluminescence organism
4.1.2 Mechanism of Bio-lumine scence in specific organisms,
Evolution and Bioluminescence.
4.1.3 Use and applications of bioluminescence

4.2 Unusual Bio-molecules 05
4.2.1 Prions, Fullerenes, Small Nuclear Riboproteins (SNURPNs),
Lectins, Antifreeze proteins, Stress Proteins, Chaperons, Ionophores (Crown ethers, Cryptans)
4.2.2 Biomimetic Chemistry- Mimicking of Ion Channels, Enzyme
receptor carriers, antibodies, Vesicles and Sensors, Enzyme
Mimicking-Cram’s Protease Model, Rebok’s allosteric Model and Flavinophores for NAD
4.2.3 Host-guest Chemistry-Cyclophanes, Calixanes, Cyclodextrins,

4.3 Natural Bioactive Compounds 05
4.3.1 Industrially & pharmacologically important primary
&secondary metabolites from living cells
4.3.2 Occurrence/ Source, Chemistry, Isolation,
Biosynthesis(Schematic) mode of action and physiological
significance/ importance/ applicat ion of Antibiotics, Toxins &
Glycolipids from bacteria, enzymes, isoprenyl glycerol ethers from Archaea, Antibiotics, anticancer agents & ACE Inhibitors
from fungi, Venoms (snakes & scorpions), ω-conotoxin
(marine snail), ecteinascidin (tunicate), discodermolide
(sponge) aleutherobin (coral) and biostalins (bryozoan) from
animals Phytochemicals (phenols, polyphenols, tannins, terpenes &alkaloids) from plants.

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Course Code Title Credits
PSBCH202 Advanced Instrumentatio n and Analytical techniques 4
No of
Unit I: Centrifugation
1.1 Centrifugation 15
1.1.1 Basic principles of sedimentation, relation between g, rpm and
Svedberg constant.
1.1.2 Principles, Instrumentation, Working and Applications of
Preparative and Analytical Ultracentrifugation, Isopycnic Centrifugation, Rate Zonal Centrifugation

Unit II: Chromatography
2.1 Chromatography 15
2.1.1 Basic Principles, Instrumentation, working and applications of
partition chromatography (Paper), Absorption Chromatography (TLC, HPTLC, Column), Affinity Chromatography, Ion
Exchange Chromatography,
2.1.2 Basic Principles, Instrumentation, working and applications of
Permeation Chromatography, Gas-Liquid Chromatography
(GLC), High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), High
Resolution Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (HR LC-MS)

Unit III Electrophoresis & Sequencing Techniques
3.1 Electrophoresis 08
3.1.1 Basic principles, factors affecting electrophoresis, support
media used
3.1.2 General principles, instrumentation, working and applications
of electrophoretic techniques-zone, Disc, Capillary, 2-D, Pulsed
Field Gel, Diagonal, Isoelectric Focussing, immune-electrophoresis
3.1.3 Gel Documentation System

3.2 Sequencing Techniques 07
3.2.1 Basic Principles and Instrumentation, working and applications
of-Purification of Proteins / Enzymes Protein Sequencing
Techniques, DNA Sequencing Techniques Sequencing
Techniques Blotting Techniques

Unit IV: Special instrumentation- Methods and Analysis
4.1 Special instrumentation- Methods and Analysis 15
4.1.1 Basic Principles, Instrumentation, working and applications of
Flow Cytometry Electroporation, Autoclave, Inspissator
4.1.2 Basic Principles, Instrumentation, working and application of
Conductometry, Potentiometry, Selective Ion Meters, High
Frequency Titrations, Polarography, Anode Stripping
Voltammetry, Neutron Activation Analysis.

Page 22

Course Code Title Credits
PSBCH203 Industrial Biochemistry and Bioinformatics - 2 4
No of
Unit I: Carbohydrates, lipids and pr oteins of Industrial Importance
1.1 Carbohydrates of industrial importance 04
1.1.1 Manufacturing and refining of cane sugar, starch, pectin &
1.1.2 Manufacturing of polysaccharides. Plant polysaccharide
(Gum Arabic), microbial polysaccharides, modified
carbohydrates – modified starches, modified celluloses.

1.2 Lipids of industrial importance 03
1.2.1 Extraction and refining of vegetable oils and animal fats in
1.2.2 Extraction and applications of chlorophyll, carotene, lycopene
Turmeric and essential oils.

1.3 Proteins of industrial importance 03
1.3.1 Isolation and purification of Proteins & Enzymes – Source
identification, isolation, recovery, concentration.
1.3.2 Partial/total purification by salting in, salting out, precipitation,
ion exchange, dialysis, ultra-filtration, column chromatography(Gel filtration, Affinity, HPLC)

1.4 Enzyme Immobilization 02
1.4.1 Methods of immobilization
1.4.2 Applications in industry and medicine

1.5 Production of vaccines, hormon es and industrial proteins 03
1.5.1 Vaccines & Anti – toxoid Technology for measles,
poliomyelitis, typhoid, Hepatitis B, AIDS, anti-tetanus.
1.5.2 Hormones – conventional & engineered Insulin, Erythropoietin,
Growth hormones
1.5.3 Non – catalytic industrial proteins – casein, whey proteins, Egg
proteins, wheat germ proteins.

Page 23

Unit II: Environmental Biotechnology
2.1 Air Pollution 04
2.1.1 Air pollution – classification & effects of air pollutants on
human health, Gases containing the oxides of carbon, sulphur
and nitrogen, ozone and CFC. Measures to control air pollution
and suspended particulate matters in air.
2.1.2 Greenhouse effect & Global warming – sources, consequences
& remedial measures.

2.2 Water Pollution 04
2.2.1 Sources and effects of water pollutants on human health,
quality standards for drinking wa ter, waste water treatment and
2.2.2 Concept and significance of BOD, COD and dissolved oxygen

2.3 Noise Pollution 02
2.3.1 Sources, measurement, health hazards, prevention & control of
noise pollution.

2.4 Toxins in environment 05
2.4.1 Chemical toxicology – Biochemical effects of heavy metals
(Pb, As, Hg, Cd), pesticides, insecticides, herbicides,
weedicides, larvicides, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, dyes, monomeric and polymeric organics.
2.4.2 Emerging eco-friendly alte rnatives for chemical industry –
Green chemistry and Green Technology.

Unit III Nanotechnology and other topics
3.1 Nano biotechnology 07
3.1.1 Definition and methods of pr eparation of nano-bioparticles.
3.1.2 Applications in drug designing, drug delivery & protein

3.2 Other Topics 08
3.2.1 Biosensors – Construction, uses in industrial and environmental
processes and medical applications.
3.2.2 Principles, techniques and applications of – Liposome
formation, natural & synthetic biofilms.
3.2.3 Clinical diagnostics – Diagnos tic Kits and their applications.
3.2.4 Concept and significance of Bio safety, Bio Hazards and Bio
3.2.5 Concept of QC, QA, GMP, GLP in labs & production
processes. Lab/process validation & Accreditation.
3.2.6 Maintenance & Management of Lab/Experimental animals
and Animal House CPCEA guidelines.

Page 24

Unit IV: Bioinformatics - II
4.1 Genomic and Protein Sequence Analysis 08
4.1.1 Pair wise sequence alignment, gaps, gap-penalties, scoring
matrices- PAM, BLOSUM, Local and global sequence
4.1.2 Nucleotide and Protein sequence analysis using BLAST and
4.1.3 Introduction to multiple sequence alignment- Progressive
algorithms- Clustal programs.

4.2 In-silico Protein structure prediction 07
4.2.1 Introduction to protein structure
4.2.2 Protein-protein interaction
4.2.3 Computational methods in protein Secondary structure
4.2.4 Computational methods in protein Tertiary structure prediction
Homology modelling

Page 25

Course Code Title Credits
PSBCH204 Research Methodology, Biostatistics & Soft Skills
Development. 4
No of
Unit I: Report Writing & Presentation
1.1 Report Writing 08
1.1.1 Significance of report writing, different steps in report writing
types of report.
1.1.2 Mechanics and precautions of writing research reports for
scientific journals, popular ma gazines, seminars/symposia/
1.1.3 Layout of research paper, Layout for poster.

1.2 Presentation 07
1.2.1 Presentation – Oral & Written. Use of digital media.
1.2.2 Presentations in classrooms, scientific meets & public
1.2.3 Defence of research thesis.

Unit II
2.1 Estimation and testing of Hypothesis 09
2.1.1 Properties and use of Normal Tables
2.1.2 Testing of Hypothesis – Type I and Type II errors, Level of
Significance. Confidence Inte rval. Z- Test for testing
population mean(s) and proportion(s). t- test for testing
population mean. Paired & Unpaired t-test for testing population means

2.2 Estimation and Testing of Population Parameters 03
2.2.1 Estimator of population proportion and mean and their
sampling distribution

2.3 Measures of outcome of clin ical interventional studies: 03
2.3.1 Relative Risk(RR), Relative Risk Reduction(RRR) and Odds

Page 26

Unit III: Non-Parametric tests & Analysis of Data
3.1 Non-parametric tests 05
3.1.1 Importance of non-parametric tests.
3.1.2 Chi square test of goodness of fit.
3.1.3 Chi square test for independence of attributes & yate’s

3.2 Analysis 06
3.2.1 Univariate and multivariate analysis. Brief introduction to
three main frameworks: Monte-Carlo analysis, Parametric
analysis, Bayesian analysis
3.2.2 Data Analysis: Computing sums of squares, standard error of
differences between means, fitting data to linear model, variances and covariances, least square parametric estimation,
hypothesis test with regression
3.2.3 ANOVA and partitioning of sum of squares, assumptions,
hypothesis tests with ANOVA, constructing F Ratios, ANOVA Tables, Analysis of categorical data, two way
contingency tables, Chi-square & G-Test
3.3 Power Analysis 02
3.3.1 Power analysis for contingency tables, t tests, ANOVA,
correlation & regression models. Sample size calculation .
3.4 Measures of Association 02
3.4.1 Yule’s coefficient of association
3.4.2 Spearman’s Rank correlation coefficient

Page 27

Unit IV
Soft Skills Development – 2
4.1 Professional Skills 07
4.1.1 Creativity at Workplace – Types of Workplace, Creativity/
Motivation/Innovativeness/ Initiative at Workplace
4.1.2 Ethical Values – Ethics/ Values/ Morals, Nurturing work
ethics, Gender, neutrality, Human Rights
4.1.3 Capacity Building – Learn, Unlearn & Relearn, Skills for
capacity building, Zones & Ideas for Learning, Strategies for
capacity building.

4.2 Employment Skills 08
4.2.1 Employment Communication – CV & Resume Building,
Scanable CV, Formats of CV/ Resume/ Job Application/
Covering Letter, professional presentations.
4.2.2 Job Interviews – Background information, Types &
preparatory steps for Interviews, developing interview Skills, Mock Interviews, FAQs in Interviews.
4.2.3 Group Discussion – Ambience & Seating arrangements for
GD, Importance & significance of GD, GD/ Panel Discussion/ Debate, Types of GD (Topics – based & Case- based), Analysis of personal traits in GD.

Page 28

Detail Syllabus for
Semester- II Practical

PSBCHP201: Chromatography and Electrophoresis Techniques
1. Extraction of Plant Pigments from Spinach Leaves and their separation by Column
2. Assay of Hormone
3. Chromatography:
a. Ascending and Circular paper for Amino Acids and Sugars
b. TLC of Oils
4. Electrophoresis:
a. Serum Proteins Electrophoresis (Agar/Agarose)
b. Hemoglobin Electrophoresis (Normal/Abnormal)
5. Separation of Glucose and Starch (Gel filtration)
6. Separation of Starch and Casein (Gel filtration)

PSBCHP202:Clinical Estimations
1. Estimation of: from blood/plasma/serum/urine)
a. Creatinine by Jaffe’s method
b. Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)by Diacetyl Monoxime Method
c. Uric Acid by Caraway method
d. Hemoglobin by Drabkin Method
e. Differential Proteins (A/G Ratio) by Reinhart Biuret Method

Page 29

PSBCHP203: Extraction, Isolation, Partial Purification Techniques

Extraction, isolation, partial purification (if ne cessary), calculation of percentage yield and
performing a confirmatory test for the following:

a. Cellulose from Grass
b. Glycogen from Liver
c. Starch from Potato
d. Pectin from apples/bananas/oranges

a. Estimation of Lecithin and cholesterol from egg yolk
b. Estimation of Essential oils from orange peels

3.Pigments (Separation of the following pigments on TLC slides):
a. Curcumin from Turmeric
b. Carotenes from carrots
c. Chlorophylls from spinach

4.Estimation of
a. Total Alkalinity of Water Effluent
b. COD of Waste Water
c. Total Hardness of Well Water
d. Chlorides from Water Sample by Schales&Schales Method

5.Bioinformatics II
a. Sequence and Structure analysis
b. Database Similarity Sear ch using BLAST variants
c. Multiple Sequence Alignment- Clustal Omega, T-Coffee
d. Structure Visualization using RASMOL

Page 30

PSBCHP204: Biostatistics and Bio-informatics
1. One numerical problem each on
a. Z-Test
b. T-Test
c. Chi-Squares Test
d. Simple Regression
e. Multiple Regression

2. Soft Skills Development – II: Group Discu ssions, Personal Interview (PI), Exercise
in resume writing.

3. Research paper given to students to prepare presentation for
poster/newspaper(for layman)

4. Student will be required to:
a. Access at least five scientific websites to collect relevant information
with respect to the topics from the syllabus assigned to him or her by the
teacher. A one [page summary per website visited (i.e. a total of five pages) should be entered in the journal as a part of practical IV. Teacher should
encourage that different topics from the theory syllabus are given to student
and student would access as far as possible different web sites form
information collection.
b. Select any two research papers from any leading nation and
international scientific journals (not older than two years) and present these
papers in his or her biochemistry department as if it his/her own research
work. A one page summary per rese arch work. A one-page summary per
research paper presented (i.e. a total of two pages) should be entered in
Journal as a part of practical IV. (Teacher may help students in selecting such research papers from the scientific journals available at their respective
colleges or at other institutions/libraries). A compilation of research papers
entitled “Papers in Bio-chemistry” edited by John Herriott, Gary Jacobson,
Julius Marmur and William Parson publis hed by Eddison-Wesley Publications
Co. Menlo Park, California, USA may be referred to for classical original
papers in biochemistry representing milestone discoveries in bio-chemistry
such as Krebs Cycles, Structure of Myoglobin and Haemoglobin, etc.

Page 31

A computer terminal with an internet connection will have to be made available in the
department of biochemistry for conducting Practical 204.

Experiments for Semester End Practical Examination (50Marks)

Suggested Readings for Paper 101,201 and Practical 101,201.

1. Bioenergetics (Fourth Edition), David G. Nicholls and Stuart Ferguson, Academic Press, 2013.
2. Fundamentals of Enzymology, Price.NC. And Stevens. L., Oxford University Press
3. Enzymes- Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Clinical chemistry- Palmer, T., Affiliated East-West press
4. Fundamentals of Enzyme Kinetics, Segel I H; Wiley Interscience,
5. Biochemical calculations, 2nd Edition by Irwin H. Segel. John Wiley & Sons,
6. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox
Publisher: W. H. Freeman 7. Enzymology by Dixon and Webb
8. Enzymes by Palmer
9. Biochemistry. Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczco, and LubertStryer: W.H. Freeman
10. Biochemistry. (4
th Ed.). Donald Voet, Judith G. Voet – Publisher John Wiley & Sons.
11. Membranes and their cellular functions- IB Filnean, R. Coleman and R.H. Mitchell, 1984, Blackwell Scientific Publishers, Oxford, 3
rd ed.
12.The Cell, 2nd edition A Molecular Appro ach Geoffrey M Cooper.Boston University
Sunderland (MA): Sinauer Associates 2000.ISBN-10: 0-87893-106-6
13. Cell and Molecular Biology. D. P. De Robertis. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 9788184734508, 8184734506 Edition: 8th Edition, 2010 14. Harpers Illustrated Biochemistry 30th Edit ion that complies with legal requirement
Jan 2015 by Victor W. Rodwell, David Be nder , Kathleen M. Botham , Peter J. Kennelly.
16.Cell and molecular biology by Lippincott's illustrated Reviews
17. Williams Textbook of Endocrinology –Larsen, R.P. Korenberg, H.N. Melmed, S.
and Polensky, K.S. Saunders. 18. Human Physiology –Chatterjee.C.C, Medical Allied Agency
19. Principles of Biochemistry: Mammalian Biochemistry: Smith EL, Hill RL,
White A, McGraw Hill 20. The metabolic basis of Inherited dise ases (Vol I & II) Scriver CR..Valle D,
Pub McGraw Hill
21. Vertebrate endocrinology. Norris DO (1985) 2
nd Edition.
22. Endocrine Physiology- Martin C.R., (1985). Oxford University Press) N.Y.
23. Biochemistry. Zubay (1983) Addison, Wesley publ. Co. 24. Biochemical Endocrinology. E. Frieden (1983)
25. Chemistry of Natural products by SV Bhat, BA Nagasampagi & M
Sivakumar, Berlin Springer (2005) (ISBN 3-540-40669-7)
26. Handbook of Pharmaceutical Natural Products by G Brahamachari,

Page 32

Wiley-VCH (2010) (ISBN 978-3-52732148-3)
27. The secondary Metabolites Natural Products by JR Hansen, Royal
Society of Chemistry (2003) (ISBN 0-85404-490-6)
28. Natural Products from Plants by PB Kaufman, CR press (1999)
(ISBN 0-8493-3134-X)
29. Medicinal Chemistry of Bioactive Natural Products by X T Liang, WS Fang (Eds), Wiley Interscience (2006) (ISBN 0471-73933-2)
30. Brocchieri L, Karlin S (2005-06-10). "Prote in length in eukaryotic and prokaryotic
proteomes". Nucleic Acids Research . 33 (10): 3390–3400. doi:10.1093/nar/gki615.
PMC 1150220. PMID 15951512.
31. Sanger, F. (1959-05-15). "Chemistry of Insulin". Science. 129 (3359): 1340–1344.
doi:10.1126/science.129.3359.1340. ISSN 0036-8075. PMID 13658959.
32. Pauling L, Corey RB, Branson HR (1951). "The structure of proteins; two hydrogen-
bonded helical configurations of the polype ptide chain". Proc Natl AcadSci USA. 37 (4):
205–211. doi:10.1073/pnas.37.4.205. PMC 1063337. PMID 14816373. 33. Chiang YS, Gelfand TI, Kister AE, Gelf and IM (2007). "New classification of
supersecondary structures of sandwich- like proteins uncovers strict patterns of strand
assemblage.". Proteins. 68 (4): 915–921. doi:10.1002/prot.21473. PMID 17557333. 34. Govindarajan S, Recabarren R, Goldstein RA (17 September 1999). "Estimating the total
number of protein folds.". Proteins. 35 (4): 408–414. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097
0134(19990601)35:4<408::AID-PROT4>3.0.CO;2-A. PMID 10382668.
35. Haynie DT, Xue B (2015). "Superdomain in th e protein structure hierarchy: the case of
PTP-C2.". Protein Science. 24: 874–82. doi:10.1002/pro.2664. PMC 4420535. PMID 25694109.
36. Alberts, Bruce; Alexander Johnson; Julian Lewis; Martin Raff; Keith Roberts; Peter
Walters (2002). "The Shape and Structure of Proteins". Molecular Biology of the Cell;
Fourth Edition. New York and London: Garland Science. ISBN 0-8153-3218-1.
37. Anfinsen, C. (1972). "The formation and stabilization of protein structure". Biochem. J. 128 (4): 737–49. doi:10.1042/bj1280737. PMC 1173893. PMID 4565129.
38. Murzin, A. G.; Brenner, S.; Hubbard, T.; Chothia, C. (1995). "SCOP: A structural
classification of proteins database for the investigation of sequences and structures"
(PDF). Journal of Molecular Biology. 247 (4): 536–540. doi:10.1016/S0022-
2836(05)80134-2. PMID 7723011. 39. Orengo, C. A.; Michie, A. D.; Jones, S.; Jones, D. T.; Swindells, M. B.; Thornton, J. M.
(1997). "CATH--a hierarchic classifica tion of protein domain structures". Structure
(London, England : 1993). 5 (8): 1093–1108. doi:10.1016/S0969-2126(97)00260-8.
PMID 9309224.
40. Zhang Y (2008). "Progress and challenges in protein structure prediction". CurrOpin
Struct Biol. 18 (3): 342–348. doi:10.1016/ PMC 2680823.
PMID 18436442.
41. Evolution and Diversity of life, E. Mayer Belknap Press Pub, 1976 2) 42. Population species and evolution (1973), E Mayer Press Pub.
43. Biochemistry ,Lehninger (1975) Worth pub 4) Origin of Eukaryotic cells, Margulis
44. Origin of Eukaryotic cells, MargulisL.(1977
45.Bioenergetics (Fourth Edition), David G. Nic holls and Stuart Ferguson,Academic Press,
46. Fundamentals of Enzymology, Price.NC. And Stevens. L., Oxford University Press

Page 33

47. Enzymes- Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Clinical chemistry- Palmer, T.,
Affiliated East-West press
48. Fundamentals of Enzyme Kinetics, Segel I H; Wiley Interscience,
49. Biochemical calculations, 2nd Edition By Irwin H. Segel. John Wiley & Sons,
50. Enzymology by Dixon and Webb
51. Enzymes by Palmer 52. Membranes and their cellular functions- IB Filnean, R.Coleman and RH Michell,
1984,Blackwell scientific publishers, Oxford, 3rd ed.
53. Chemistry of Natural products by SV Bhat, BA Nagasampagi & MSivakumar, Berlin
Springer (2005) (ISBN 3-540-40669-7)
54. Handbook of Pharmaceutical Natural Products by G Brahamachari,Wiley-VCH (2010)
(ISBN 978-3-52732148-3)
55. The secondary Metabolites Natural Products by JR Hansen, RoyalSociety of Chemistry
(2003) (ISBN 0-85404-490-6)
56. Natural Products from Plants by PB Kauf man, CR press (1999)(ISBN 0-8493-3134-X)
57. Medicinal Chemistry of Bioactive Natural Products by X T Liang,
WS Fang (Eds), Wiley Interscience (2006) (ISBN 0471-73933-2)

Suggested Readings for Paper 102,202 and Practical 102,202
1. Van Holde KE – Principles of Physical Biochemistry, Prentice Hall, 1998
2. Wilson K & Walker J – Principles and Te chniques of Practical Biochemistry.
Cambridge Low Price Edition
3. Frelfelder D- Physical Biochemistry
4. Skoog Douglas A – Principles of Instrumental Analysis Harcourt Brace publishers,
5. Harvey David – Modern Analytical Chemistry, International edition, McGraw, Hill,
6. Srivastava VK and Kishore K – Introduction to chromatography: Theory & Practice,
S Chand & Co, New Delhi
7. Holme David J – Problem solving in analytical biochemistry, H & Longman Sc. And
Tech, Essex
8. Brave Robert D – Introduction to Instrumental Analysis, McGraw Hill Book Co, New
9. Ninfa Alexander J and Ballou David P – Fundamental Laboratory Approaches for
Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Fitzgerald Science Press, Bethesda
10. Upadhyaya et al – Biophysical Chemistr y, Himalaya Publishing Home, New Delhi
11. Rodney Boyer Experimental Biochemistry Pearson Publ. Sawheny and Singh
12. Practical Biochemistry by David Plummer
13. Physics of Diagnostic images by Dowsett.
14. Medical imaging by Christenson.
15. Greenberg David M – Metabolic Pathways. Vols. 2 and 3, 3
rd editions. Academic
Press, New York
16. Henry Richard et al – Clinical Chemistry, Principles and Techniques, 2nd edition,
Harper and Row, New York
17. Kamal SH – Clinical Biochemistry for Medical Technologies, Churchill Livingston,

Page 34

18. Todd et al – Clinical Diagnosis and Management, 17th edition, WB Saunders,
19. Stokes Joan et al – Clinical Microbiology, Edward Arnold, London
20. Gill CV – Short cases in clinical biochemistry, Churchill Livingston, Edinburgh, 1984
21. Rao Ranganathan – Text book of biochemistry 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, New Delhi
22. Rodrigues Fred K Carbohydrate chemistry with clinical correlations, New Age
International, New Delhi
23. BayensDominiezak – Medical biochemistry, Mosby Publishers, Harcourt, 1999
24. John Bernard Henry, Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods,
Saunders publications, 20th edition
25. Feitz – Clinical Chemistry
26. Nelson DI, Cox MM – Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry
27. Murrary Robert – Harper’s biochemistry, 24th edition, Prentice Hall International UK
LTD, 1990
28. Satyanarayanan – Biochemistry
29. Vasudevan Text Book of Medical Biochemistry
30. Voet&Voet – Biochemistry, 2nd edition
31. Chatterjee and RanaShinde Medical - Biochemistry

Suggested Reading for Paper 103,203 and Practical 103,203:

1. Industrial Microbiology – AH Patel, McMillan India Ltd, 1st Edition
2. Food Microbiology – Frazier &Westhoff, Ta ta McGraw Hill Publishers, New Delhi
3. Total synthesis of natural products, Vol I-John Apsinon
4. Chemical Process Industries – Norris Shreeve& Joseph Brink
5. Roger’s Industrial Chemistry Vol I & II – Edited by CC Furnas
6. Merck Index, 10th Edition
7. Encyclopedia of chemical technology, 3rd Edition
8. Chemistry of Natural Products – Agarwal& Sharma
9. Industry chemistry of Fats and Waxes – JP Hilditch
10. Essential Oils, Vol I – Ernst Guenther
11. Natural and Synthetic colouring matter and related fields – JS Gore, Joshi
12. EncyclopediaBritannica, Vol IV & V
13. Principles of Environmental Chemistry – Kothandaram&Swaminathan, BI Publishers,
14. Environmental Chemistry – AK De, New Age International Publishers, 4th Edition
15. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology – Edited by JM Walker & EB Gingdd, Panima
Educational Book Agency, New Delhi, 2nd Edition
16. GMP for pharmaceuticals, A plan for TQC – SH Wiling & JR Stoker, Marul Dekker
Inc., New York, 4th Edition, 1997
17. Total Quality Assurance for the Food Industries – WA Gould & RW Gould. CTI
Publications Inc., USA 1988
18. Current Good Manufacturing Practices for Food Plan Sanitation – WA Gould, CTI
Publications Inc. USA 1980
19. Fundamental Concepts of Environmental Chemistry – Sodhi, Narosa Publishing
House, 2002
20. Introduction to plant Biotechnology – HS Chawla, oxford & IBH Publishing Co, New
Delhi, 2nd Edition.
21. Nanotechnology, A Genetic Introduction to the next big idea – Mark Ratner & Daniel
Ratner, Pearson Education

Page 35

22. Animal Biotechnology – Edited by AK Srivastava, oxford & IBH publishing Co, New
Delhi, 2005
23. Proteins, Biochemistry & Biotechnology – Gary Walsh, John Wiley & Sons, 2002
24. Biotechnology, An Introduction – Susan R Barnum, Vikas Publishing House,
International Student Edition
25. Enzymes, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Clinical Biochemistry – Trevor Palmer, First
East-West Press Ed. 2004
26. Essential Bioinformatics, JinXiong, Cambridge University Press, 2006
27. Introduction to Bioinformatics – Teresa Atwood and David J.Parry, Pearson smith
publication (2003)
28. Introduction to Bioinformatics – Lesk, Oxford press (2003)
29. Fundamental Concepts of Bioinformatics - Dan E. Krane, Michael L. Raymer,
Pearson education (2004)
30. Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome analysis by David W. Mount CBS Publishers
& Distributors, 2004 reprint
31. Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics;by Jonathan Pevsner;Wiley-Liss 1st edition,
32. Essential Bioinformatics, JinXiong, Cambridge University Press, 2006
33. Fundamental Concepts of Bioinformatics - Dan E. Krane, Michael L. Raymer,
Pearson education First edition (2004)
34. Sequence structure and Database – Des Higgins, Willice Taylor, oxford press 1st
edition (2003)
35. Sequence and Genome Analysis by David W. Mount - Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory 1stedition ; 2004
36. Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics; by Jonathan Pevsner; Wiley-Liss 1st
edition, 2003

Suggested Readings for paper 104,204 and Practical 104,204:
1. Lemeshow S, Homer DW, Klar J and Lwanga SK, (1996) Adequacy o sample size in
health studies. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester.
2. Machin, D., Campbell MJ, Fayers P, Pinol A., (1998) Statistical Tables for the design
of Clinical Studies, Second Edition, Blackwell Oxford.
3. Quinn &Keough, Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Biologists, Cambridge
University Press.
4. Statistical methods for research workers – RA Fisher, 14th edition, Oliver Boyd
5. Statistical methods in research and production – Davelr OL & Goldsmith PL,
6. Methods in biostatistics for medical stude nts and research workers – BK Mahajan,
Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi
7. Research methodology, Methods and techniques – CR Kothari Willey Eastern Ltd,
8. Research methods – Ram Ahuja, Rawat Publications, New Delhi
9. Genetics and Biostatistics – MeyyanPillai, Saras Publication, Kanyakumari
10. Papers in Biochemistry – Jon Herriott Ga ry Jacobson, Julius Marmur and William
parson, Addison-wesley publication Co, California

Page 36

11. Experimental Biochemistry, Theory and exercises in fundamental methods – Robert
Switzer and Liam Garrity, 3rd edition, WH Freeman & Co. NY
12. Statistical methods in biological array – Davids J Finney, 3rd edition charles Griffin
& co, London
13. Research Methodology – SM Israney, universal Publishing Corporation
14. Statistics for Biology – Bishop ON, 1983, Longman
15. A Textbook of Biostatistics by A Annadurai, New Age Publication
16. Soft Skills- An Integrated Approach to Maximize Personality Development by
Gajandra S Chavan& Sangeeta Sharma, Wiley India
17. Personality Development and Soft Skills by Barun K Mitra, Oxford.
18. Soft Skills- Enhancing Employability by M S Rao, I K International
19. Cornerstone : Developing Soft Sk ills by Sheffield, Person India
20. Business Communication by ShaliniKalia and Shailaja Agrawal, Wiley India.
21. Communication Skills by Dr. Nageshwar Rao and Dr. Ranjendra P Das,
Himalaya Publishing House .
22. Fred Luthans " Organisational Behaviour", Mc Graw Hill edition
23. Wallace and Masterss, " Pe rsonal Development for Life and Work"
24. Bell, Smith, " Management Communication" Wiley India Edition
25. Dr.K. Alex, " Soft Skills " , S. Chand and Company.
26.Rhoda A. Doctor, Aspi H. Doctor, " Business Communication "
Sheth Publishes

Page 37

Scheme of University Examination for M.Sc. Degree (by papers) in Theory & Practical in
Biochemistry to be brought in force from 2012-2013 & progressively thereafter as Credit
Based Semester And Grading System.
A. Distribution of Credits
Credits for Theory Credits for Practicals
Paper Credits per Semester Practical Credit per Semester
Each 4 Each 2

Total Number of
Semesters Number of Theory
Papers per Semester Total Number of
Theory Papers Total Number of
4 4 16 16 X 4 = 64 (a)
Total Number of Semesters Number of Practicals
per Semester Total Number of
Practicals Total Number of
4 4 16 16 X 2 = 32 (b)
Total Number of credits for MSc degree by papers in Biochemistry (a) + (b) = 96

B. Distribution of Marks
Paper Theory 100 Marks per paper Practicals
(50 Marks/Practical)
Semester End Theory
Exam. (60) Internal Assessment (40)
No. of
Units Marks
Unit Total
Marks Class Test
(1 X 20
Marks) Assessment
(2 X 10
Marks) Practical Semester
Each 04 15 60 20 20 Each 50

Page 38

Year Semester Total Theory
(a) Total Practical
(b) Grand Total
(a) + (b)
M. Sc. Part I I 4 Papers X 100 =
400 Marks 4 Practicals X 50
= 200 Marks 600 Marks
II 4 Papers X 100 =
400 Marks 4 Practicals X 50
= 200 Marks 600 Marks
M. Sc. Part II I 4 Papers X 100 =
400 Marks 4 Practicals X 50
= 200 Marks 600 Marks
II 4 Papers X 100 =
400 Marks 4 Practicals X 50
= 200 Marks 600 Marks
2400 Marks

Use of a simple calculator shall be permitted for solving numerical and statistical problem at
theory and practical examination.

1. Duration of practical examination
a. Semester-end practical examination
i. One Day practical examination with two sessions of three hours thirty minutes each,
i.e. Session I- 9am to 12:30 pm and Session II- 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. With lunch
break from 12:30pm to 1:30pm
ii. Examination of five experiments (not more than two experiments from each
practical) for 20 marks each shall be conducted over two sessions, including viva
voce examination..

8. Each candidate is required to submit a certifie d journal for each of the semesters at the
time of semester-end practical examination.

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M.Sc. Biochemistry .Paper IV Semester I
Unit III: Sampling, Diagnosti c Tests & Vital Statistics
3.1 Sampling 05
3.1.1 Representative sample, sample bias
3.1.2 Sampling techniques- Simple , random, systematic, Stratified,
Cluster, multistage
3.1.3 Correlation and regression analysis. Simple correlation and
regression. Multiple correlation a nd regression, partial correlation,
logistic regression. Partial correlation analysis.

3.2 Diagnostic tests 04
3.2.1 Importance of diagnostic tests
3.2.2 Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative
predictive value, accuracy, probability and odds ratio,
likelihood ratio(LR), LR of positive test, LR of negative test Receiver operating char acteristics (ROC) curves

3.3 Demography & Vital Statistics 06
3.3.1 Collection of demographic data, vital statistics at state &
National levels, reports of special demographic surveys.
3.3.2 Measures of vital statistics: Rate of mortality, fertility,
reproduction, morbidity, comprehensive indicators, indices of
health population growth rates and density of population.

M.Sc Biochemistry, Paper IV Semester II
Unit III: Nonparametric Tests and Analysis of Data
3.1 Non-parametric tests 05
3.1.1 Importance of non-parametric tests.
3.1.2 Chi square test of goodness of fit.
3.1.3 Chi square test for independence of attributes & yate’s

3.2 Analysis 06
3.2.1 Univariate and multivariate analysis. Brief introduction to three
main frameworks: Monte-Carlo an alysis, Parametric analysis,
Bayesian analysis
3.2.2 Data Analysis: Computing sums of squares, standard error of
differences between means, fitting data to linear model,
variances and covariances, least square parametric estimation, hypothesis test with regression
3.2.3 ANOVA and partitioning of sum of squares, assumptions,
hypothesis tests with ANOVA, constructing F Ratios, ANOVA
Tables, Analysis of categorical data, two way contingency tables, Chi-square & G-Test

Page 40

3.3 Power Analysis 02
3.3.1 Power analysis for contingency tables, t tests, ANOVA,
correlation & regression models . Sample size calculation .
3.4 Measures of Association 02
3.4.1 Yule’s coefficient of association
3.4.2 Spearman’s Rank correlation coefficient
