MSc BOTANY SEM III IV Syllabus Mumbai University

MSc BOTANY SEM III IV Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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M.Sc Botany Semester III
Outline of the Course: PSBO301 and PSBO302 are common papers for all specialisations
PSBO301: Techniques and Instrumentation
PSBO302: Cell and Molecular Biology
PSBO303 and PSBO304 are Opt ional Papers in any one of the following specialisations.
1. Mycology and Plant Pathology (MPP)
2. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (PPB)
3. Angiosperms and Phytochemistry (ANP)
4. Molecular Biology, Cytogenetics and Biotechnology (MCB)
5. Environme ntal Botany (EB)

Common Papers
Course Code UNIT TOPIC HEADINGS Credits L / Week
I Biostatistics
4 1
II Bioinformatics 1
III pH and buffers and
Electrophoresis 1
IV Colorimeter, UV -visible
spectrophotometer 1
PSBO302 Title of the Paper: Molecular Biology
I DNA replication 4 1
II Transcription 1
III RNA processing 1
IV Translation 1 Theory PSBO301 : 4 Credits
PSBO302 : 4 Credits
PSBO303 : 4 Credits
PSBO304 : 4 Credits
Practicals (based on all 4 courses) : PSBOP301, PSBOP302,
PSBOP303 & Project 16

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PSBOP301 Techniques and Instrumentation 2 4
PSBOP302 Molecular Biology 2 4

Specialization : Mycology and Plant Pathology (MPP)
PSBOMPP303 Title of the Paper: General Mycology 4
I History of Mycology 1
II Taxonomy and Life Histories 1
III Fungal Physiology 1
IV Fungal Cytology & Ecology 1
PSBOMPP304 Title of the Paper: Applied Mycology& Plant
Pathology 4
I Pathogenesis and Crop Pathology 1
II Seed Pathology & Seed Mycoflora 1
III Culture Studies and Food Borne Fungi 1
IV Industrial Mycology 1

PSBOMPPP303 Mycology and Plant Pathology 2 4
PSBOMPPP304 Research project proposal and
review of literature 2 4

Specialization : Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
PSBOPPB303 Title of the Paper: Plant Biochemistry 4
I Enzymes 1

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II Vitamins as Coenzymes 1
III Plant proteins 1
IV Nucleotide metabolism 1
PSBOPPB304 Title of the Paper: Plant Physiology 4
I Solute transport & photo assimilate
translocation 1
II Post-harvest technology 1
III Stress Physiology: Drought 1
IV Stress Physiology: Salinity 1

PSBOPPBP 303 Plant Biochemistry 2 4
PSBOPPB P304 Research project proposal and
review of literature 2 4

Specialization : Angiosperms and Phytochemistry (ANP)
PSBOANP303 Title of the Paper: Angiosperms and Phytochemistry I
I Approaches to Angiosperm Taxonomy 4 1
II Anatomy 1
III Tools of Angiosperm Taxonomy 1
IV Methods in Evaluating Crude Drugs 1
PSBOANP304 Title of the Paper: Angiosperms and Phytochemistry II
I Evolution
4 1
II Cladistics 1
III Nomenclature 1

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IV Embryology and Palynology 1

PSBOANPP303 Angiosperms -I 2 4

Specialization : Molecular Biology, Cytogenetics and Biotechnology (MCB)
PSBOMCB303 Title of the Paper: Plant Biotechnology
I Plant Tissue Culture I 4 1
II Plant Tissue Culture II 1
III Biotransformation 1
IV Commercial aspects 1
PSBOMCB304 Title of the Paper: Molecular Biology and Cytogenetics
I Cytology
4 1
II Cancer Biology 1
III Immune System 1
IV Genetic Diseases 1

PSBOMCBP303 Plant Biotechnology 2 4

Specialization : Environmental Botany (EB)
PSBOEB 303 Title of the Paper: Ecology and Environmental
Botany 4
I Basic Ecological Concept 1

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II Ecosystem 1
III Bio-Geochemical Cycle 1
IV Natural Resources 1

PSBO EB304 Title of the Paper: Recent Trends & Applied
Environmental Botany 4
I Conservation Ecology –I 1
II Conservation Ecology II 1
III Biodiversity Studies 1
IV Renewable and Non -Renewable Sources of
Energy 1

PSBO EBP303 Ecology and Environmental Botany 2 4
PSBOEB P304 Research project proposal and review
of literature 2 4

Common Papers
Course Code UNIT TOPIC HEADINGS Credits L / Week
I Centrifugation
4 1
II Chromatography 1
III Tracer Technique & PCR 1
IV Nanotechnology & IPR 1

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PSBO402 Title of the Paper: Molecular Biology
I Gene Regulation I 4 1
II Gene Regulation II 1
III Gene Regulation III 1
IV Cell signaling 1

PSBOP401 Techniques and instrumentation 2 4
PSBOP402 Molecular Biology 2 4

Specialization : Mycology and Plant Pathology (MPP)
PSBOMPP4 03 Title of the Paper: General Mycology 4
I History of Mycology 1
II Taxonomy and Life Histories 1
III Fungal Physiology 1
IV Fungal Genetics & Ecology 1
PSBOMPP 404 Title of the Paper: Applied Mycology& Plant
Pathology 4
I Pathogenesis and Crop Pathology 1
II Seed Pathology & Seed Mycoflora 1
III Culture Studies and Food Borne Fungi 1
IV Industrial Mycology 1

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PSBOMPPP4 03 Mycology and Plant Pathology 2 4
PSBOMPPP4 04 Research project report and
presentation 2 4

Specialization : Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
PSBOPPB4 03 Title of the Paper: Plant Biochemistry 4
I Lipid Metabolism 1
II Amino Acid Metabolism 1
III Cytosolic Carbon & Mitochondrial
Metabolism 1
IV Senescence 1
PSBOPPB4 04 Title of the Paper: Plant Physiology 4
II Phytoremediation 1
III Sensory photobiology 1
IV Secondary Metabolism 1

PSBOPPBP4 03 Plant Physiology 2 4
PSBOPPBP4 04 Research project submission and
presentation 2 4

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Specialization : Angiosperms and Phytochemistry (ANP)

PSBOANP403 Title of the Paper: Angiosperms and Phytochemistry III
I Approaches to Angiosperm
4 1
II Anatomy 1
III Medicinal plant biotechnology 1
IV Methods in Evaluating Crude
Drugs 1
PSBOANP404 Title of the Paper: Angiosperms and Phytochemistry IV
I Progressive taxonomy
4 1
II Tools of taxonomy 1
III Applied taxonomy 1
IV Evolution of Reproductive
elements 1

PSBOANP P403 Angiosperms and Phytochemistry -I 2 4

Specialization : Molecular Biology, Cytogenetics and Biotechnology (MCB)
PSBOMCB403 Title of the Paper: Plant Biotechnology
I Environmental Biotechnology 4 1
II Traditional Knowledge & IPR 1
III Nanotechnology 1
IV Food Biotechnology 1
PSBOMCB404 Title of the Paper: Molecular Biology and Cytogenetics
I Plant Breeding I 4 1

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II Plant Breeding II 1
III Molecular plant Breeding 1
IV Plant Genetic Engineering 1

PSBOMCBP303 Plant Biotechnology 2 4

Specialization : Environmental Botany (EB)
PSBOEB403 Title of the Paper: Ecology And Environment Botany
I Pollution
4 1
II Climatic Change 1
III Plant Population Dynamics 1
IV Coastal Zone Management In
India 1

PSBOEB404 Title of the Paper: Recent Trends & Applied
Environmental Botany
I Restoration Of Ecosystems I
4 1
II Restoration Of Ecosystems II 1
III Restoration of Land 1
IV Water Shed management 1

PSBOEBP P403 Ecology and Environmental Botany 2 4

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Detailed Syllabus
SEMESTER III General Papers
Course Code Topic Credits
UNIT I: Biostatistics
 Hypothesis testing: Theory of errors – Type I and Type II errors, Null
Hypothesis, z -test, Test of significance.
 Introduction to ANOVA, One -way & two way ANOVA, Dunett’s test.
 Randomized Block Design and Latin Square. (5 problems to be solved in each
category) 1
Unit II: Bioinformatics
 Organization of biological data, databases (raw and processed), Queering in
data bases.
 Gene finding, motif finding and multiple sequence alignment.
 Protein sequence analysis (theory and algorithms).
 Exploration of databases, retrieval of desired data, BL AST etc 1
Unit III: pH and Buffers; Electrophoresis
 pH and buffer solutions, acids and bases, hydrogen ion concentration,
dissociation of acids and bases, measurement of pH, titration curves.
Physiological Buffers.
 Electrophoresis: T heory and application,
 PAGE (Native & SDS) and AGE
 2D Electrophoresis 1
Unit IV: Microscopy & Spectroscopy
 Principles, instrumentation, working and applications of
o Fluorescence microscope, TEM, SEM, Biological sample preparation
for electron microscopy
o IR, AAS , Plasma Emission spectroscopy, NMR, MS 1

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Course Code Topic Credits
PSBO302 Molecular Biology 4
UNIT I: DNA Replication
 Molecular details of DNA replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
 Assembly of raw DNA into nucleosomes.
 DNA recombination, holliday model for recombination. 1
Unit II: Transcription
 Transcription, RNA synthesis, classes of RNA and the genes that code for
 Transcription of protein coding genes, prokaryotes and eukaryotes, mRNA
 Transcription of other genes, ribosomal RNA, and ribosomes, tRNA. 1
Unit III: RNA processing
 Capping, polyadenylation, splicing, introns and exons.
 snRNA, Types of snRNA, snRNA in spliceosome, significance of snRNA
 Non coding RNAs, ribozyme, riboswitches, RNA localization. 1
Unit IV: Translation
 Protein structure, nature of genetic code, translation of genetic message.
 Post translational modifications, localization, chaperons. 1

 Hypothesis testing, Normal deviate test.
 ANOVA - one way & two way.
 Randomized block Design and Latin square
 Multiple alignments
 Phylogenetic tree.
 Motif finding
 Preparation of buffers (phosphate and acetate)
 Determination of pKa

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PBSOP30 2 Molecular Biology 2 4
 Aseptic techniques, safe handling of microorganisms.
 Establishing pure cultures, streak plate method (T -streak and pentagon
method), Pour plate, spread plate.
 Maintenance of cultures - Paraffin embedding, Lyophilisation.
 Preparation of culture medium, stock solutions
 Determination of cell number, viable count method (using pour plate and
serial dilution technique).
 Separation of seed proteins using PAGE.
 Analysis of proteins by one and two dimensional gel electrophoresis.
 Genomic DNA isolation and quantification.

Special Papers
Specialization: Mycology and Plant Pathology (MPP)
Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOMP P303 General Mycology 4
UNIT I: History of Mycology and Plant Pathology in India & Soil Mycology
 History of Mycology and Plant Pathology in India and contribution of
Mycologists and Plant Pathologists:
o C J. Alexopoulos
o E. A. Bessey
o K. S. Bilgrami
o E. A. Butler
o K. S. Thind
o M. N. Kamat
o R. N. Tandon
 Soil Mycology:
o Various techniques to determine the fungal population in soil.
o Various interactions amongst the soil fungi and other organisms.
o Keratinophillic fungi 1

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Unit II: Fungal Taxonomy & Life history and Systematic position of fungi
 Fungal Taxonomy: A comparative account of outline systems of
classification of fungi proposed by Bessey and Ainsworth.
 Polyphasic taxonomy - morphology, enzymatic and molecular characteristics
of class Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes.
 Life cycle and Systemat ic position of the following fungi: Myxomycetes:
Physarum polycephalum, Ascomycetes :Claviceps purpurea
Basidiomycetes: Ganoderma 1
Unit III: Fungal Physiology
 Mode of nutrition -Saprophytic, parasitic, mutualistic, hyperparasitic,
 Nutrition in fungi with reference to: i) Carbon ii) Sulphur iii) Potassium
iv) Magnesium v) Nicotinic acid vi) Riboflavin, vi)Nitrogen,
vii) Phosphorus, viii) Thiamine ix) Folic acid x) Pantothenic acid xi) Iron
 Melvonate pathway, Sh ikimic acid pathway 1
Unit IV: Fungal Cytology, and Ecology
 Fungal Cytology: Microscopic structure of fungal cell, Chemical
composition and functional attributes of fungal septa and cell wall.
 Fungal Ecology: A) Physical Environmental factors influencing fungal
growth: i) Light ii) Hydrostatic pressure iii) Radiations 1

Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOMPP304 Applied Mycology and Plant Pathology 4
UNIT I: Pathogenesis and Crop Pathology
 Prepenetration, Penetration and entry of pathogen into host tissue –
mechanical, physiological, enzymatic and through natural openings
 Host -parasite interaction
 enzymes and toxins in pathogenesis
 Significance of phyllosphere and rhizosphere fungi
 Crop Pathology: Causal organism, Symptoms, Disease Cycle and Control
measures of the following diseases i) Wart of potato ii) Downy mildew of
grapes iii) Bunt of rice iv) Citrus canker 1

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UNIT II: Seed Mycoflora & Seed Pathology
 Seed Mycoflora: Fungi on seeds - a) Field Fungi b ) Storage Fungi – i)
Characteristics of major storage fungi ii) Ef fect of storage fungi iii) Control
of storage fungi
 Seed Pathology: Pathological Effects of Seed borne diseases - i) Seed
abortion ii) Shrunken seeds & Reduced seed size iii) Seed rot iii)
Sclerotisation & Stromatisa tion iv) Seed discolouration v) Reduced or
complete loss of germinability 1
Unit III: Cultural Studies and Food borne Fungi
 Cultural Studies in Fungi: Culture Media and their types based on i)
Empirical use ii) Physical states iii) Chemical composition
 Food borne fungi: Common contaminants of i) Fresh food , ii) Processed
food iii) Stored food
 Use of chemical preservatives to protect the food against contamination 1
Unit IV: Industrial Mycology
 Fungal enzymes, extraction and purification • Industrial application of
fungal enzymes – i) Protease ii) Cellulase iii) Invertase iv) Phosphatase
 Uses of immobilization technique in fermentation by fungi
 Fermenters - design and construction, types of fermenters, aseptic operation
and use of computer in fermenters, maintenance, types of fermentation
process - batch fermentation, fed -batch fermentation, continuous
fermentation, scale up of fermentations, industrial processes - upstream and
down -stream p rocesses, strain improvement of microbes
 Organic Acid Industry - Sources and methods of production of vinegar, and
citric acid 1

PSBOMPPP303 Mycology and Plant Pathology 2 4
 Isolation of soil fungi from different locations (garden loam, agricultural
soil, salt marsh, rhizoshpere) by Warcup method and identification of
 Study of the following fungal types with reference to their systematic
position thallus and reproductiv e structures:
Physarum, Arcyria, Taphrina, Chaetomium, Phyllachora
 Preparation of artificial key based on appropriate characters
 Measurement of fungal growth by linear determination (days)
 Study of effect of incubation temperatures on fungal growth (15 ֯C 30 ֯C
& 60 ֯C)

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 Immobilization of fungi and biodegradation of azo dye using fungal
alginate beads
 Isolation of fungal pathogens from infected leaves / wood/ phylloplane
 Study of the following diseases: i) Wart of potato ii) Downy mildew of
grapes iii) Bunt of rice iv) Citrus canker
 Isolation and detection of organic acid from fungal culture
 Minimum inhibition concentration of salt/ sodium benzoate on fungal
 Quan titative estimation of cellulose by DNSA method
1. Compulsory visit to Western Ghats for collection and observation of fungi
(at least for three days).
2. Visit to any one Mycology Institute/ Laboratory
PSBOMPPP304 Projects will be allotted in third semester and
students will submit project work having
introduction, review of literature, well defined
material and methods, expected results and
references 2 4

Specialization: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry ( PPB)
Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOPPB 303 Plant Biochemistry 4
UNIT I: Enzymes
 Principles of catalysis, enzymes and enzyme kinetics, enzyme regulation,
mechanism of enzyme catalysis, Isozymes. 1
Unit II: Vitamins and Coenzymes
 Structure, occurrence of all water soluble and fat soluble vitamins and
coenzyme activity 1
Unit III: Plant Proteins
 Lectins and storage proteins in plants, transamination, oxidative
deamination and urea cycle. 1
Unit IV: Nucleotide Metabolism 1

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 Purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis and regulation .
 Recycling of Purine and Pyrimidine nucleotides by salvage pathways.

Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOPPB304 Plant Physiology 4
UNIT I: Solute transport and photo assimilate translocation
 The concept of water potential; Uptake, transport and translocation of water,
ions, solutes and macromolecules across membranes, transpiration;
mechanisms of loading and unloading of photoassimilates 1
Unit II: Post Harvest Technology
 Physiological changes during ripening, fruit preservation, role of ethylene in
post-harvest technology. 1
Unit III: Stress Physiology: Drought
 Morphological and cellular adaptations, mechanism of drought tolerance,
role of Proline, Glycine Betaines, Mannitol, Pinitol and Osmotin in stress
Unit IV: Stress Physiology: Salinity
 Generic Pathway for Plant Response to Stress Effect of salt on metabolic
processes, Mechanism of Salt resistance - salt avoidance (exclusion, extrusion
& dilution) and tolerance (Regulation of ion homeostasis by SOS pathway),
Role of Glycine Betaine and Proline in Salinity Stress, DEAD -Box Helicases in
Salinity Stress Tolerance 1

PSBOPPBP303 Plant Physiology 2 4
 Enzyme kinetics: Effect of substrate variation on the activity of enzyme.
 Isolation and estimation of DNA.
 Estimation of RNA by Orcinol method.
 Extraction and estimation of pectin, sugars, polyphenols and vitamin C
from ripe & unripe fruits.
 Proline an d Na content estimation in garden and salt stressed plants.

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PSBOPPBP304 Projects will be allotted in third semester and
students will submit project work having
introduction, review of literature, well defined
material and methods, expected results and
references 2 4

Specialization: Angiosperm and Phytochemistry (ANP)
Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOANP303 Angiosperms & Phytochemistry –I 4
UNIT I: Approaches to Angiosperm Taxonomy
 Study the following families with reference to its systematic position,
distribution, salient features, floral formula, floral diagram, morphological
peculiarities, economic importance, present status, affinities, phylogeny and
Ranunculaceae, Annonaceae, Nympheaceae, Pedaliaceae, Onagraceae,
Scrophulariaceae, Vitaceae, Acanthaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Orchidaceae 1
Unit II: Anatomy
 Study of cambium with reference to its origin, position, structure,
distribution, behavior and its importance in vascular plants.
 Study of Leaf Architecture Patterns in dicotyledonous plants and its
 A study on basic features on Node -petiole and Nodal anatomy.
 Ontogeny of stomatal development.
 Study of abscission zone in Plants.
 Floral anatomy in hypogynous, perigynous and epigynous flowers and its
significance. 1
Unit III: Tools for classification
 Morphological characters with respect to study of Root, Stem, fruit, seed
and seed germination
 Screening of plant extracts – Fingerprinting.
 Types of keys
o Single access and multi access keys, preparation of keys for Taxon
based on exomorphic characters 1

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Unit IV: Methods in Evaluating Crude Drugs
 Organoleptic
 Microscopic
o Leaf constants: palisade ratio and vein islet number.
o Trichomes and Trichome density
o Stomata structure and types, stomatal frequency & stomatal index.
o Cell inclusions
o Sclereids
o Wood elements: structure and organization
 Physico -chemical:
o Ash content
o Extractive values
o Qualitative chemical analysis
 Quantitative chemical analysis
 Biological
o Hepatoprotective
o Anti-fertility
o Anti-inflammatory
o Anti-ulcer
o Neuro -pharmacological
 Evaluation of powdered drugs 1

Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOANP304 Angiosperms &Phytochemistry –II 4
UNIT I: Evolution
 The effects of evolutionary theory on systematic, monographic and floristic
o Primitive versus advanced
o Homology and Analogy
o Parallelism and Convergence.
o Phylogeny, phylogenetic and phynetic ontogeny
o Monophyly and Polyphyly
 Character weighing 1
UNIT II: Cladistics
 Numerical Taxonomy: Principles, OTU, Taxonomic characters, coding of
characters 1

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 Use of cladistics in classification
 Phylogenetic classification systems -Takhtajan, Cronquist, APGI, II, III
 Patterns of variation and phylogenetic trees, cluster analysis; Buil ding
Trees -Rooting technique, Distance methods, Maximum likely hood
methods, Bootstrapping using trees. Phyllocode
Unit III: Nomenclature
 International code of Botanical Nomenclature 1830 – Paris Code to 2017 –
China Code.
 Major adaptations considered in these International Botanical Congress
 Nomenclatural terminology -
o Important Rules of ICBN, Principles, articles, recommendations,
rules and exercises on plant nomenclature (problems to be asked in
o Type method (typification) - holotype, isotype, syntype, lectotype,
paratype, neotype; Effective and Valid publication; Priority; Scientific
names -Correct name, Autonym, Basionym, Homonym, Synonym,
Tautonym; alternative, ambiguous, illegitimate, naked, rejected and
superfluous names. 1
Unit IV: Embryology and Palynology
 Types, Technique, factors affecting somatic embryogenesis and importance
of embryogenesis.
 Embryology in relation to taxonomy.
 Role of embryology in plant breeding.
 Evolution of pollen aperture types in angiosperms
 Palynology in r elation to taxonomy 1

PSBOANPP303 Angiosperms &Phytochemistry –I 2 4
 Study of Angiosperm families mentioned for theory with reference to
morphological peculiarities, floral diagrams and economic importance of
its members with the help of locally available plants.
 Study of exomorphic characters to describe a plant in technical terms by
study of root, stem, leaves, inflorescence, flower, fruit and seed of families
prescribed .
 Study of Cambium primary, secondary and cork cambia.
 Study of leaf archite cture. Prepare permanent leaflet of Tamarind leaf
architecture (submission).

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 Study of Node petiole anatomy.
 Use of keys for identification of family, genus and species
 Writing of species description using taxonomic keys
 Macroscopic & Microscopic evaluation, Physico -chemical &
Phytochemical analysis of the following crude drugs [TLC to be
performed] : Mimosa pudica entire plant; Boerhaavia diffusa entire plant,
Saraca asoka bark, Asparagus roots, Glycyrrhiza glabra rhizome
1. Compul sory visit to Western Ghats for observation of plants (at least
for three days).
2. Compulsory excursion for observation of plants (local, atleast 2 in
each term)
3. Same Field diary to be continued from Sem I and II & maintained for
all four semesters.
PSBOANPP304 Projects will be allotted in third semester and
students will submit project work having
introduction, review of literature, well defined
material and methods, expected results and
references 2 4

Specialization: Molecular Biology, Cytogeneti cs and Biotechnology (MCB)
Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOMCB304 Plant Biotechnology 4
UNIT I: Plant Tissue Culture I
 Micropropagation of floricultural and medicinal plants using
organogenensis and embryogenensis.
 Factors responsible for in vitro and ex vitro hardening.
 Plant improvement through somaclonal variations. 1

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Unit II: Plant Tissue Culture I I
 Plant cell cultures as chemical factories: Cell suspension, enhancement of
product formation using biotic and abiotic elicitors, immobilization,
permeabilization and product recovery.
 Problems in plant tissue culture: contamination, phenolics and recalcitrants.
 In vitro storage of germplasm, Cryopreservation 1
Unit III: Biotransformation
 Biotransformation using: Freely suspended plant cells and Immobilized
plant cells,
 Biotransformation for Vanillin production from Capsicum cell cultures.
 In vitro storage of germplasm, cryopreservation.
 Studies on Agrobacterium mediated transformed root cultures. 1
Unit IV: Commercial aspects
 The quest for commercial production from plant cell: scaling up of cell
 Bioreactors: factors for bioreactor design, pneumatically agitated
bioreactors, comparison of bioreactors, operating mode, batch, fed-batch,
semicontinuous, two stage operation, continuous cultivation.
 Factors for growth in Bioreactors.
 Shikonin production by Lithospemum erythrorhizon cell cultures. 1

Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOMCB304 Molecular Biology and Cytogenetics 4
UNIT I: Cytology
 Cell membrane and permeability: Molecular models of cell membrane, cell
permeability. Differentiation of cell membrane, intercellular
communications and gap junctions. Cell coat and cell recognition, cell
 Cell Cycle and Apoptosis: Mechanism of Cell division; Regulation, Roles
of Cyclins and Cyclin dependent kinases, Cell Plate formation, PCD.
 Organization and function of mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes. 1

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Unit II: Cancer Biology
 Cancer cells: Characteristics, division, spread, treatment. Course of cancer
cell formation, Carcinogens: radiations, chemicals, oncogenic virus.
 Cancer and mutations, reproductive properties of transformed animal cell in
culture, oncogenes, protoncog enes and their conversion. Oncogenes and
growth factors. 1
Unit III: Immune System
 Phylogeny of immune system, innate and acquired immunity, nature and
biology of antigens, major histocompatibility complex cells of immune
system, regulation of immune responses. Production of antibodies by plant
cells and organs.
 Immunity in Health and Disease: Immunodeficiency and AIDS 1
Unit IV: Genetic Diseases
 Genetic disorders, gene tic counseling and gene therapy
 Biochemical disorders, sex linked disorders, cardiovascular disorders. 1

PSBOMCBP303 Plant Biotechnology 2 4
 Preparation of stock solutions and MS medium.
 Callus induction and regeneration.
 Isolation of bioactive compounds from callus and plant source using
 Types of Bioreactors.
PSBOMCBP304 Projects will be allotted in third semester and
students will submit project work having
introduction, review of literature, well defined
material and methods, expected results and
references 2 4

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Specialization: Environmental Botany (EB)
Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOEB303 Ecology and Environmental Botany 4
UNIT I: Basic Ecological Concept
 Ecosytem : Definition, Components of Ecosystems, Trophic Levels, Food
Chains, Food Webs, Ecological Pyramids, Ecosystem Energetics, Laws of
Thermodymadics, Energy Flow Models in Terrestrial Ecosystem
 Concept of Productivity , Principle s of Limiting Factor , Liebigs Law, Shelford
Law of Tolerance, Basic Concepts in Ecology
 Branches of Ecology: Autecology; Aims, Aspects: General Account of Seed,
Seed Output, Seed Dispersal, Seed Viability, Seed Dormancy, Reproductive
Capacity, Growth Regulators and Seed Germination
 Synecology: Plant Community, Ecological Amplitude, Population
Characteristics: Associaiton, Consociation Fasciation Society 1
Unit II: Ecosystem
 Succession; Causes, Types , Steps, Migration , Ecesis, Aggregation,
Competition, Invasion, Hydrosere, Xerosere, Climax , Disclimax , Sub Climax
 Plant and Plant Communities as Indicators: Forests as Indicators Grassland ,
Soil t ypes Salinity, Grazing, Indicators of Forests.
 Types of Habitat : Marine , Freshwater , Estuarine
 Seaweeds : their uses maintenance and c ontrol 1
Unit III: Bio-Geochemical Cycle
 Gaseous Cycle:
o Nitrogen Cycle: Role of Nitrogen in Plant Metabolism and Biosphere.
Nitrogen Cycle change due to human activity – Agricultural Nitrogen
Fixation, Industrial Emissions, Transportations. Impact in terms of
Eutrophication of Environment and Health .
o Carbon Cycle: Forms and places of occurrence of Carbon.
Photosynthetic Sequestration of Carbon. Role of Carbon in Forest
Ecosystems. Cycling of Carbon in Biosphere. Role of carbon in Global
Warming Problem and its possible i mplication.
 Sedimentary Cycle:
o Sulph ur Cycle: Forms of Sulphur in b iosphere and geosphere, in fossil
fuels and its release with i ndustrialization, Sulphur cycling i n Soil
Bacterial Metabolism.
o Phosphorus Cycle: Ecological Function, Biological Function and 1

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Process of t he Cycle.
Unit IV: Natural Resources
 Forest Resou rces: Use And Over -Exploitation
 Biome types of India
 Biocitation of Tropical, Temperate, Alpine And Desert Biomes
 Gap Dynamics in Tropical Forests and Parameters Of Gap Dynamics,
Importance of gap dynamics 1

Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOEB304 Recent Trends & Applied Environmental Botany 4
UNIT I: Conservation Ecology –I
 Role of National and International Organisations in Conservation and Some
relevant terms UNDP, WWF, World Bank, BNHS, MoEF, DST,DBT, CSIR,
CPCB, Municipal Corporation Agenda 21, NGOS, IBGP, TRIPS.
 Legislation Aiming at Conservation (Objectives and penalties).,Environment
Protection act 1986, Forest Conservation Act 1980 , Wildlife protection Act
 Conventions: Earth summit, Vienna Convention, Ramsar Convention , Protocol:
Montreal protocol, Cartagena protocol
 Case studies: Tuvalu -A sinking nation , Basmati patent issue , Chernobyl
disaster 1
Unit II: Conservation Ecology II
 EIA- Environmental Impact Assessment -Types, Benefits, Process Monitoring
and Evaluation, Risk Management. Role or Contribution of Botanist in EIA
 Environmental Impact Assessment f or Physical, Chemical, Biological and
Socio -Economic Factors; Legislative Implications of EIA, Environmental
Impacts Assessment and Environmental Auditing.
 Watershed Management: Economics Assessment of Watershed Development
Vis-A-Vis Ecological and Enviro nmental Protection.
 Soil Conservation - Definition, Causes For Erosion; Types - Wind And Water
Erosion; Conservation And Management Of Eroded Soils/Areas, Wind Breaks,
Shelter Belts; Sand Dunes; Reclamation Of Saline And Alkaline Soils, Water
Logged And Ot her Waste Lands 1
Unit III: Biodiversity Studies 1

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 Biodiversity: Concepts and Levels, National & Global Status, Role of
Biodiversity in Ecosystem Function And Stability, Speciation And
Extinction, IUCN Categories Of Threats, Distribution And Global
 Biodiversity Hotspots, Inventory. Types Of Resources., Conservation,
In-Situ.,Ex -Situ; Biosphere reserves, National Parks, Sanctuaries,
Forest Conservation Chipko Movement
 Biodiversity Management Approaches : Measures of Maintaining
Biodiversity, Need For P reservation of Biodiversity With Special
Reference to Tropical Forest Biodiversity Centers of Origin of Crops,
Species Concept; Significance of Biodiversity; Plant Genetic
Resources, Exploration and Collection; Crop Domestication, Plant
Introductions; Migr ation and Utilization; IUCN Clauses and Concept
of Threatened and Endangered species
 Endemism, Endemic and Exotic Plants Of India, PAN
Unit IV: Renewable and Non -Renewable Sources of Energy
 Concept and Demand of Energy, Growing Energy Needs, Renewable
and Non -Renewable Sources, use of Alternate Energy Sour ces, Wind
Energy, Solar Energy.
 Water as Source of Energy.
 Biofuels Production, Use and Sustainability, Use and Over
Exploitation of Energy Sources and Associated Problems.
 Nuclear and geothermal energy 1

PSBOEBP303 Ecology and Environmental Botany 2 4
 Comparison of Primary Productivity by I) Chlorophyll Method, II)
Harvest Method And III) Light And Dark Bottle Method in Polluted and
Unpolluted Regions.
 Determination of pH, Electrical Conductivity and Water Holding
Capacity of Different Types of Soil.
 Determination of Total Organic Carbon of the Soil
 To Study the Quantitative Characters of Plant Community by
Quadrat Method. (Density Frequency Abundance )
 To Determine Diversity Indices in Plant Communities.
 Identification of Some Medicinal Plants Of India,
o Rhizome: Acorus, Curcuma, Zingiber
o Root: Ashwgandha, Glycyrrhiza , Asperagus
o Fruit: Amla, Aegle, Datura
o Stem : Santalum, Saraca, Tinospora
o Leaves : , Aloe, O cimum, Bacopa
 To Determine Viability Of Seeds Under Salinity Stress (TTC method)

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 EIA Report Preparation -(Field Exercise -Report To Be Submitted along
with Journal).
PSBOEBP304 Projects will be allotted in third semester and
students will submit project work having
introduction, review of literature, well defined
material and methods, expected results and
references 2 4

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M.Sc Botany Semester IV
Outline of the Course: PSBO401 and PSBO402 are common papers for all specialisations
PSBO401: Techniques and Instrumentation
PSBO402: Cell and Molecular Biology
PSBO403 and PSBO404 are Optional Papers in any one of the following specialisations.
1. Mycology and Plant Pathology (MPP)
2. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (PPB)
3. Angiosperms and Phytochemistry (ANP)
4. Molecular Biology, Cytogenetics and Biotechnology (MCB)
5. Environmental Botany (EB)
Theory PSBO401 : 4 Credits
PSBO402 : 4 Credits
PSBO403 : 4 Credits
PSBO404 : 4 Credits
Practicals (based on all 4 courses) :
PSBOP401, PSBOP402, PSBOP403 & Project 16 Credits

Detailed Syllabus
General Papers
Course Code Topic Credits
UNIT I: Centrifugation
 Basics principle of Sedimentation 1

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 Types of rotors
 Differential & density gradient centrifugation
 Preparative centrifugation & Applications; Analytical centrifugation &
Unit II: Chromatography
 General Principle of chromatography.
 Techniques and applications of Ion exchange, Affinity Chromatography&
 Application of HPTLC & HPLC in validation of herbal drugs 1
Unit III: Tracer techniques & PCR
 Pattern and rate of radioactive decay, Units of radioactivity, Stable Isotopes
 Principle, instrumentation & technique: Geiger -Muller counter, Liquid
scintillation counters & Autoradiography
 Applications of isotopes in biology: Tracer techniques & Autoradiogrpahy
 PCR and its applications 1
Unit IV: Nanotechnology & IPR
 Synthesis of nanoparticles using biological samples.
 Characterization of nanoparticles (FTIR, SEM, TEM, STEM, Scanning
Tunneling Microscope, Atomic Force Microscope, UV -Vis,).
 IPR: Objectives, process & scope 1

Course Code Topic Credits
PSBO4 02 Molecular Biology 4
UNIT I: Gene Regulation I
 Regulations of gene expression in bacteria – trp operon, ara operon,
histidine operon.
 Regulation of gene expression in bacteriophage λ. 1
Unit II: Gene Regulation II
 Control of gene expression in eukaryotes, Transcriptional control, RNA
processing control, mRNA translocation control, mRNA degradation
control, protein degradation control 1

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Unit III: Gene Regulation I II
 Genetic regulation of development in Drosophila
Developmental stages in Drosophila – embryonic development, imaginal
discs, homeotic genes 1
Unit IV: Cell signaling
 Hormones and their receptors, cell surface receptor, , intracellular receptor,
signaling through G -protein coupled receptors, signal relay pathways -signal
transduction pathways, second messengers, regulatio n of signaling
pathways, bacterial and plant two -component systems, light signaling in
plants, bacterial chemotaxis and quorum sensing.
 Forms of signalling (paracrine, synaptic, autocrine, endocrine, cell to cell
contact) 1

 Separation of proteins by Ion exchange chromatography
 Separati on of amino acids by two dimensional chromatography.
 Viscosity studies of proteins: standard BSA and varying concentrations of
 Synthesis of nanoparticles
 Characterization of nanoparticles by UV spectroscopy.
 Filing a patent
 Industrial visit and report submission.

PBSOP4 02 Molecular Biology 2 4
 Isolation of plasmid DNA
 Quantification of plasmid DNA
 Agarose gel electrophoresis separation of plasmid DNA
 Restriction enzyme digestion and separation of fragments

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 Southern blot transfer technique
 Transformation of E. coli cell by plasmid DNA
 β-galactosidase expression and assay
Special Papers
Specialization: Mycology and Plant Pathology (MPP)
Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOMPP403 General Mycology 4
UNIT I: History of Mycology and Plant Pathology in India & Soil Mycology
 History of Mycology and Plant Pathology in India and contribution of
Mycologists and Plant Pathologists:i ) S. D. Garrett ii) K. C. Mehta iii) B. B.
Mundkur iv) C. V. Subramanium v) T. S. Sadashivan vi) M. J.
Thirumalachar vii) John Webster
 Soil Mycology: Distribution of Mycoflora with relation to the soil factors -
i) Texture ii) Moisture iii) Temperature iv) Aeration v) pH vi) Organic
matter, Phosphate solubilizing fungi, Organic matter decomposition and
humus formation, its importance in agriculture 1
Unit II: Fungal Taxonomy & Life history and Systematic position of fungi
 Fungal Taxonomy: A comparative account of systems of
classification of fungi proposed by i) Smith ii) Martin
 Phyllogenetic system, ICBN, Basic Principles , major rules,
effective and valid publications, Nomenclature of fungi
 Life cycle and Systematic posi tion of the following fungi:
Phycomycetes: Saprolegnia
Basidiomycetes: Cyathus
Deuteromycetes: Helminthosporium 1
Unit III: Fungal Physiology
 Fungal Metabolites: Acetate and Nitrogenous metabolites
 Aromatic terpenes
 Pigments in Fungi
 Organic Acids from fungi
 Fungi in Nanotechnology 1
Unit IV: Fungal Genetics and Ecology 1

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 Fungal Genetics: Study of fungal genetics with reference to –
Nuclear behavior during cell division . i) Neurospora ii)
Saccharomyces iii) Puccinia graminis iv) Ustilago
 Parasexual cycle, Heterokaryosis
 Fungal Diversity: i) Fresh water fungi ii) Marine fungi iii)
Coprophilous fungi iv) Aero -fungi Environmental factors
influencing fungal growth: i) Humidity ii) Temperature
 Fungal Diversity: Anamorphic fungi - i) Nematophagous fun gi ii)
Aquatic hyphomycetous fungi iii) Aero -aquatic fungi
 Colonization strategies in fungi

Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOMPP404 Applied Mycology and Plant Pathology 4
UNIT I: Pathogenesis and Crop Pathogeny Symptomology
 Study of various symptoms of plant diseases caused by fungi.
 Defense mechanism in plants -Pre-existing structural and biochemical
defense mechanisms, lack of essential nutrients. Induced structural and
biochemical defense mechanisms, inactivation of pathogen enzymes and
toxins, alte red biosynthetic pathways.
 Plant disease management : Physical: Exclusion, eradication and protection.
Chemical disease control: – common fungicides, antibiotics and nematicides.
Biological disease control: Phytoalexins
 Crop Pathology: Causal organism, Sy mptoms, Disease Cycle and Control
measures of the following diseases; i) Club root of cabbage ii) Coffee Rust
iii) Brown spot of rice iv) Papaya mosaic 1
Unit II: Seed Mycoflora & Seed Pathology
 Seed Mycoflora: Detection of Seed borne pathogens by - i) Washing test ii)
Incubation method: a) Blotter method b) Agar plate method
 Seed Pathology: Management of Seed borne diseases - i) Chemicals ii)
Antibiotics iii) Biological control agents iv) Host – Resistance in disease
management 1
Unit III: Cultural Studies and Fungal Toxins
 Cultural Studies in Fungi: Preservation techniques of fungal cultures – i)
Sub-culturing ii) Storage under mineral oil iii) Storage in distilled water iv)
Storage by drying v) Storage by freezing 1

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 Fungal Toxins: Mycotoxin s- historical background, detection, estimation,
effect on human /animal health.
 Mycotoxins and their types i) Alternaria Toxins ii) Citrinin iii)
Ochratoxins iv) Patolin v) Penicillic Acid vii) Sterigmatocystin viii)
Unit IV: Industrial Mycology
 Fungal bio -conversions of Lignocellulose materials i) Lignocellulose ii)
Potential bio -products and their applications
 Fungal bioremediation
 Food Industry - SCP single cell protien - advantages and disadvantages,
production of yeast biomass, production of mycoproteins, traditional fungal
foods (Shoyu, Miso, Sake, Tempeh) 1

PSBOMPPP403 Mycology and Plant Pathology 2 4
 Study of the following fungal types with reference to theirsystematic
position, thallus and reproductive structures: i) Achlya
ii) Allomyces iii) Cyathus iii) Uromyces iv)Curvularia
 Problems in Nomenclature
 To study effect of different nitrogen sources on fungal growth in term of
 Light as physical factor influencing fungal growth & sporulation
 Isolation of fresh water fungi by baiting technique.
 Study of effect of relative humidity on fungal growth (CaSO 4.5H 2O -
98%, KCl -85% & CaNO 3.4H 2O -52%)
 Study of different symptoms of plant diseases: i) Wilting ii) Leaf spot
iii) Canker iv) Leaf mosaic
 Study of Seed Surface Mycoflora by Dry Seed Agar Plate technique .&
Micrometry: Measurement of spores of fungal pathogens
 Detection of Mycotoxins by Pape r Chromatographic method
 Preparation of slants by Sub -culturing of fungal culture from pour plate
culture /slide culture
 Percent infection and spore count of AMF from rhizosphere soils.
 Study of wood rotting fungi: i) Pleurotus ii) Schyzophyllum iii)
Auricularia iv) Hexagonia

 Collection of fungal specimens, tour report, submissions of the fungal

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PSBOMPPP404 Research methodology will be discussed and
well defined material and methods, discussion,
results and conclusions, references and its
presentation based on some advanced
techniques in Botany 2 4

Specialization: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (PPB)
Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOPPB403 Plant Biochemistry 4
UNIT I: Lipid metabolism
 Synthesis and Function of membrane, structural & storage lipids, Omega
fatty acids, beta oxidation of odd and even carbon containing fatty acids 1
Unit II: Amino acid metabolism
 Biosynthesis of Amino Acids (Proline, Glycine, Aspergine, Tryptophan,
Phenylalanine), Regulation of amino acid biosynthesis.
Unit III: Cytosolic carbon and Mitochondrial metabolism
 Synthesis and breakdown of Sucrose and starch, regulation of Glycolysis
and Gluconeogenesis. Catabolic role of the TCA cycle, Anabolic role of the
TCA cycle intermediates, anapleurotic CO 2 fixation, provision of acetyl
CoA for biosynthesis, Regulation of T CA. 1
Unit IV: Senescence
 Pigment Metabolism, protein metabolism and oxidative metabolism
during senescence. Programmed cell death (PCD) an overview. 1

Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOPPB404 Plant Physiology 4
 Modulation of plant genomes by natural PGRs - Auxins, GA, 1

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Cytokinins, Ethylene & ABA.
UNIT II: Phytoremediation
 Types of Phytoremediation - Advantages & limitations, Remedial
measures - Rhizosphere based & Plant based, Hyper accumulators
 Role of genetic engineering & various enzymes in phytoremediation 1
UNIT III: Sensory Photobiology
 Structure, function and mechanism of phytochromes cryptochromes and
phototropins, phytochrome induced whole plant response, Molecular basis
of flower organization: MADS box genes and their expression. Problems
based on ABC model for flower organization 1
UNIT I V: Secondary Metabolism
 General biosynthetic pathways in the formation of secondary metabolites
Biosynthesis and role of Phenols, Phenylpropanes, Coumarinns, lignins,
flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, and terpenes. 1

PSBOPPBP403 Plant Biochemistry 2 4
 Estimation of Saponification & Iodine Value of Fats and Oil
 Measurement and Characterization of Chlorophylls and Carotenoids by
Spectroscopy at different stages of Senescence.
 Estimation of Tryptophan.
 Study of enzymes SDH and effect of inhibitors on its activity.
 Estimation of polyphenols.
 Extraction & separati on of Glucosinolates from Mustard
 Extraction & separation of Piperine from Piper
 Extraction & separation of lycopene from Lycopersicum
PSBOPPBP404 Research methodology will be discussed and
well defined material and methods, discussion,
results and conclusions, references and its
presentation based on some advanced
techniques in Botany 2 4

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Specialization: Angiosperm and Phytochemistry (ANP)
Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOANP403 Angiosperms &Phytochemistry –III 4
UNIT I: Approaches to Angiosperm Taxonomy
 Study the following families with reference to its systematic position,
distribution, salient features, floral formula, floral diagram, morphological
peculiarities, economic importance, present status, affinities, phylogeny and
Anacardiaceae, Oleaceae , Plumbaginaceae, Sapotaceae, Bignonaceae,
Caryophyllaceae , Loranthaceae, Urticaceae, Casuarinaceae and Araceae 1
Unit II: Anatomy
 Fruit and seed anatomy .
 Evolution of Tracheary elements
 Types of stomata ( Follow Dilcher ’s Classification ) 1
Unit III: Medicinal plant biotechnology
 Genetics as applied to medicinal herbs : Mutation; polyploidy, chemodemes;
artificial mutation; hybridization; genetic engineering and recombinant DNA
 Plant tissue culture as source of biomedicinals : types of cultures; culture
mediums; surface sterilizationof explants; establishment of cultures;
phytopharmaceuticals in plant tiss ue culture; bioproduction of useful
metabolites in hairy root and multiple shoot cultures
 Introduction to biogenesis of phytopharmaceuticals : biosynthesis of
alkaloids; isoprenoid compounds & triglycerides. 1
Unit IV: Methods in Evaluating Crude Drugs
 History, origin, characteristics, uses, present status and varieties of Ginger,
Chilly, and Eucalyptus.
 Psychoactive drugs: Narcotics, Hypnotics and Hallucinogens: Introduction
to Narcotics, Hypnotics and Hallucinogens; biological source, chemical
constitu ents and uses, effects; cultivation, collection, processing of
Erythroxylum coca, Opium & Cannabis
 Fumitories and Masticatories: Introduction to Fumitories & masticatories,
biological source, chemical constituents and uses & effects; cultivation,
collection, processing of tobacco; Betel leaves & areca nut 1

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 Mild stimulants: tea, coffee, cocoa
 Detection of adulterants and quality testing of crude drugs

Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOANP404 Angiosperms &Phytochemistry –IV 4
UNIT I: Progressive Taxonomy
 Internet
o Taxonomic databases
 Present status and future scope of Taxonomy in India
o Vegetation survey
o Floristics
o Revisionary and monographic studies
o Ethnobiological studies
o Development and establishment of new herbaria
 Global Positioning System in vegetation studies 1
Unit II: Tools of Taxonomy
 Library
o Literture:definition,origin,History and Evolution of Literature of
Taxonomy in India.
o Classification of Taxonomic Literature: Checklist, Catalogue, Floras,
Monographs, Revisions, Encyclopedias, Indices, Dictionaries,
 Museum(Herbarium)
o Definition, Steps involved in development of a herbarium,
Maintenance of Herbarium, General account of Herbaria in India.
Role of B.S.I in Herbaria, Private herbaria, Herbarium of KEW,
Utility and importance of Herbaria in Taxonomy.
 Garden
o Origin, History and Development of gardens in India
o Types of Gardens
o Role of gardens in taxonomic studies
o Preservation of germ -plasm techniques and its importance in
taxonomy. 1
Unit III: Applied Taxonomy
 Remote Sensing
o History, Principles and types of Remote sensing 1

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o Advantages and limitations of remote sensing
o Applications of Remote Sensing in Vegetation Classification and
Forest resource Management.
o Remote sensing of soil and water
 Plant quarantine
o Purpose
o Historical account
o Plant protection organization
o Exclusive quarantine
o Regular quarantine
o Domestic quarantine
o Certification of plant materials
 Green -belt planning
o Concept and recommendations
o Utility of GBP
o List of plants (ornamental, Flowering, shade loving)
o Importance of Green Belt in the current environmental conditions in
 Relevance of taxonomy
o Taxonomy and conservation of bioresources
o Taxonomy and sustainable utilization of bioresources
o Taxonomy and ecosystem research
Unit IV: Evolution of Reproductive elements
 Stamens and evolution of stamens.
 Carpel and evolution of carpels based on position and placentation
 Placentation and its types, evolution of placentation
 Evolution of fruits in angiosperms 1

PSBOANPP403 Angiosperms &Phytochemistry –III 2 4
 Study of Angiosperm families mentioned for theory with reference to
morphological peculiarities, floral diagrams and economic importance of
its members with the help of locally available plants.
 Study of fruit anatomy
o Study of dehiscent fruit: Lady finger, Alstonia , Linum , Phaseolus
o Study of indehiscent fruit: Lotus, Physalis , Maize, wheat
o Study of fleshy fruit: Citrus
o Study of Pome: Apple
 Study of seed coat structure in Cotton, Ludvigia , Bauhinia , Castor, Pumpkin,

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Canna .
 Detection of adulterants in the following samples on the basis of
organoleptic, microscopic and physico -chemical evaluation.
o Tobacco leaves (adulterant Diospyros leaf)
o Pepper fruits (adulterant lantana fruits/papaya seeds)
o Terminalia arjuna bark ( Terminalia tomentosa )
 Extraction a nd detection of alkaloids from T obacco using TLC.
 Extraction and detection of tannins from Areca nut using TLC.
 Extraction and detection of Volatile oils from Betel leaves using TLC.
1. Compulsory visit to Western Ghats for observation of plants (at
least for three days).
2. Compulsory excursion for observation of plants (local, atleast 2
in each term)
Same Field diary to be continued from Sem I , II, III.
PSBOANPP404 Research methodology will be discussed and
well defined material and methods, discussion,
results and conclusions, references and its
presentation based on some advanced
techniques in Botany 2 4

Specialization: Molecular Biology, Cytogenetics and Biotechnology (MCB)
Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOMCB403 Plant Biotechnology 4
UNIT I: Environmental Biotechnology
 Biosorption: use of fungi, algae and biological components
 Biomass for energy:Sources of biomass, advantages & disadvantages, uses
of biomass
 Biogas production from food processing waste: vegetable canning
waste,,flour,mollases etc
 Ethanol from biomass and Lignocellulosic residue
 Risks of GMO 1

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Unit II: Traditional Knowledge & IPR
 Different property rights & IPR in India
 TRIPS &Patent laws: Introduction & standards for patent protection
 WTO& Indian Patent Laws
 Protection of traditional knowledge – objective, concept of traditional
knowledge, holders, issue concerning, bio -prospecting and biopiracy ;
Advantages of IPR , some case studies
 International Depository authority ,Gene patenting, plant variety protection
,trade secrets & plant breeders right 1
Unit III: Nanotechnology
 Introduction, properties of nano -materials.
 Green synthesis of nano -materials, biological methods, use of
microbial system & plant extracts, use of proteins & templates like DNA
 Application of nano -materials in food, cosmetics, agriculture,
environment management and medicine
 Risk of Nanomaterial to human health and Environment 1
Unit IV: Food Biotechnology
 Factors affecting spoilage
 Quality control of food
 Enzyme immunoassays (ELISA)
 Radioimmunoassay (RIA) , Monoclonal antibodies and DNA probes. 1

Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOMCB404 Molecular Biology and Cytogenetics 4
UNIT I: Plant Breeding I
 Aims and objectives, plant introductions and acclimatization.
 Selection – mass, pure line and clonal.
 Hybridization techniques, hybridization in self pollinated and cross
pollinated plants.
 Genetic control and manipulation of breeding systems including male
sterility and apomixes 1

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Unit II: Plant Breeding I I
 Distant hybridization: In nature ( plant breeding ) – Barriers to the
production of distant hybrids; Unreduced gametes in distant hybridization;
Sterility in distant hybrids; Consequences of segregation in distant hybrids;
2.Applications and Achievements of distant hybridization in crop
improvement; Limita tions of distant hybrids. 1
Unit III: Molecular plant Breeding (Transgenic Crops)
 Natural method of gene transfer ( Agrobacterium and virus), selectable
 Artificial methods of gene transfer: Direct DNA uptake by protoplast,
electroporation, liposome mediated and particle gun transformation
 Production of Transgenic plants :virus resistant & Herbicide –resistant,
plants, Bt Cotton, Golden rice 1
Unit IV: Plant Genetic Engineering
 Production of bio pharmaceuticals in transgenic plants.
 Edible vaccines & Plantibodies
 DNA -based molecular marker aided breeding: RAPD, RFLP, AFLP, STS,
ISSR, Microsatellites 1

PSBOMCBP403 Plant Biotechnology 2 4
 Identification of mutant genotype in Drosophila and Arabidopsis stocks
maintained by the department.
 Field exploration for detection of male sterile plants and estimation of
their pollen fertility in locally grown pl ants (Tomato, Brassica, Linum).
 Study o f mitotic index.
 Culturing of Drosophila and study of genetic traits.
 Blood group testing.
 Identification of genetic diseases by chemical tests.
 Karyotypes of genetic disorders .
PSBOMCBP404 Research methodology will be discussed and
well defined material and methods, discussion,
results and conclusions, references and its
presentation based on some advanced
techniques in Botany 2 4

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Specialization : Environmental Botany (EB)
Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOEB403 Recent Trends & Applied Environmental Botany 4
UNIT I: Pollution
 Environmental Polllution:
o Photochemical smog -Concept, London type smog, inhibition, adverse
effect of photochemical smog. Types of particulate matter, removal of
particulate matter from air.
o Radiation - Manmade and natural, biological effects of radiation.
Maximum permissible doses. Abnormal exposures in emergencies and
accidents. Nuclear fission and radiation hazards Radioactive waste
o Fossil fuels autom obile emmissions from vehicles. Alternate fuels -
CNG, Propane and methanol.
o Environmental impact of petroleum products -Impact of crude oil on
marine life 1
Unit II: Climatic Change
 Global Climate Change: Concept, Green House Gases, Their Major So urces,
Ozone Layer
 Consequences Of Climate Change (CO 2 Level, Global Warming, UV
 Kyoto Protocol: Major Recommendations,
 Concept Of Carbon Footprint, Carbon Credits, Importance Of Carbon Foot
Printing. 1
Unit III: Plant Population Dynamics
 Population - Characteristics And Measurement; Communities - Habitats,
Niches, Population Dynamics, Species And Individual in the Ecosystem.
 Allelopathy: Concept, Allelochemicals, Leachates, Root Exudates, Weed –
Crop Interactions, Weed Control, Herbicides F rom Natural Compunds,
Methods For Determining Allopathy, Petriplate Experiments,Allelochemicals
As Nematicides(Narwals Work)
 Stress ecology: Stress and plant life stress due to temperature, radiation, water,
salt and anthropogenic activity,
 Bioidicators o f stress. 1
Unit IV: Coastal Zone Management In India
 Coastal Zone Management In India - Coastal Environment India, Coastal Issues, 1

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Land Use and Changes
 Coastal Zone Management, initiatives In India, Prohibited and Regulated
activities in Coastal Areas, State Coastal Zone Management Authorities.
 Mangrove: Habitat And Characteristics, Mangrove, Plantation -Establishment
and Rehabilitation of degraded mangrove formations; silvicultural systems.
 Mangrove protection of habitats against natural disasters.

Course Code Topic Credits
PSBOEB404 Recent Trends & Applied Environmental Botany 4
UNIT I: Restoration Of Ecosystems I
 Urban Forests. Role of Urban Forests. Study of Urban Health Through
Surveys Of Urban Trees
 Holistic approach to study - Industrial Areas, Population and their
Habitats, water and Waste Disposal.
 Transportation, Infrastructure, Education, Health, Sport And
Entertainment. Amenities And Cultural Issues - And Relationship of all these
With Plants.
 Urban Issues: Urban Challenges, Urban Tra nsport System, Energy
 Case Study: Mumbai and Kolkata, with reference to :
o Air Pollution, Noise Pollution Water Pollution.
o Restoration efforts Gardens, design of Waste Management, waste
storage Transportation, reclamation.
o Urban forestry and ecotouri sm 1
Unit II: Restoration Of Ecosystems II
 Restoration Of Mangrove Ecosystem - Mangroves of coastal
Maharashtra, Selection and Treatment Of Coastal Area with Reference to Tidal
situation and Physical Properties.
 Restoration of Mangroves: Choice of Species, Collection of Seeds and
Seedling Material, Storage and Plantation.
 Problems of Seed Dormancy, Tidal Forces, Predation Nutrient Supply
and restoration methods.
 Disaster management: Natural calamities and their i mpact, PEER –
Program for enhancement of Emergency response and LCA –Life cycle
assessment. 1
Unit III: Restoration of Land
 Solid waste management: Classification of waste, waste generation,
separation and processing, waste treatment and disposal , Factors
governing the choice of technology 1

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 Municipal solid waste management and handling rules 2013,
Responsibilities of Municipal authorities, state and Central control
Boards, Management of municipal soild waste (MSW act 2013).
 Biological treatment of waste wat er from food processing Industry
 Biopesticides and integrated pest management
 Microbial transformation of heavy metals

Unit IV: Water Shed management
 Concepts of watershed; role of mini -forests and forest trees in overall
resource management, forest hydrology
 Watershed development in respect of torrent control, river channel
stabilization, avalanche and landslide controls, rehabilitation of
degraded areas; hilly and mountain areas
 Watershed management and environmental functions of forests;
 Water-harvesting and conservation; ground water recharge and
watershed management; role of integrating forest trees, horticultural
crops, field crops, grass and fodders 1

PSBOEBP403 Ecology and Environmental Botany 2 4
 Comparative study of Foliar Dust Capturing Capacity from
Different Plant Species (minimum five) collected from polluted and
unpolluted sites.
 Comparative study of Water Turbitdity of Sea Water, Pond Water,
Polluted Water
 Comparative study of Biological Ox ygen Demand Value For
Industrial Waste effluent collected from any two sites.
 Comparative study of Chemical Oxygen Demand Value For
Industrial Waste effluent collected from any two sites.
 Measurement of sound using decibel meter in different areas, at
different time.
 Identification of Mangroves
 Determination of Water, Ascorbic Acid content and pH of Leaf
collected from polluted and unpolluted sites.
 Study of mangrove: Field report
PSBOEBP404 Research methodology will be discussed and
well defined material and methods, discussion,
results and conclusions, references and its
presentation based on some advanced
techniques in Botany 2 4

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