MPhil Persians_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

MPhil Persians_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC- 26/07/2019
Item No. - 4.54


Syllabus of M. Phil in

(To be introduced from Academic Year 2019 -20)

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I Research
Methodology 75 25 04 04
II Emergence and
Development of
Persian Literature
in India
during Babar,
Humayun and Akbar’
reign 75 25 04 04
III Persian Literature
in Iran during
Ghaznavid, Saljuqi
and Timurid Period 75 25 04 04

M. Phil is a two - year research
oriented programme.
It consists of three papers and a
All papers are compulsory.

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Admission and Eligibility Criteria:

The candidates for the M. Phil. degree
programme must have passed the
Master’s Degree examination in Persian
or in any other related discipline
from the University of Mumbai or any
other University recognized by the
University of Mumbai with a minimum of
fifty five percent (55%) marks and it
is fifty percent (50%) in case of the
candidates from reserved category. The
Department will conduct an Entrance
Test for the applicants for the M
.Phil. programme which would be
followed by an interview by the
research supervisors of the
Department. At the time of the
interview the candidates are expected
to discuss their research
interest/area. The Department can
admit students for the course as
permissible by the University of
Mumbai’s rule.

The allocation of the sup ervisor for a
selected student shall be decided by
the Department in a formal manner

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depending on the number of student per
faculty member, the available
specialization among the faculty
supervisors, and the research interest
of the student as indicated by the
student during the interview.

Examination and Evaluation Pattern:

All the three papers will be taught
for two semesters. Each paper will be
evaluated in the following manner:
A] Final examination at the end of the
first two semesters - 75 marks
B] Home Assignment/ Project/ Book
Review/Seminar - 25 marks

The passing marks for each paper would
be 40%. Only after passing the
examinations in all the three theory
papers, the candidate will be allowed
to write the dissertation. The
dissertation should be of at least
25,000 words and should be submitted
following the rules of University of
Mumbai. The student would get one/two
semester/s to write the dissertation.
It should be submitted before the end

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of Semester IV. The dissertation would
be evaluated out of 200 marks (150
marks for the written dissertation and
50 marks for viva -voce). The
dissertation will be graded as per the
existing guidelines of the University
of Mumbai.

Syllabus for Persian
Paper I
Research Methodology
Unit I (a) – Research Methodology: An
 Meaning of Research
 Objectives of Research
 Significance of Research
 Tools of Research: Questionnaire,
Interview, Photocopy, Letters,
C.D., Microfilm, Manuscript, Diary
 Types / Methods of Research
 Basis steps in the pla nning and
conduct of Research
 Research and Scientific Method
 Criteria of Good Research
 Ethics of Research

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 Problems encountered by
Researchers in India

Unit I (b) – Defining the Research
Problem and the preparation of
Research Design
 What is a Research prob lem?
 Selecting the Problem.
 Necessity of Defining the problem.
 Technique involved in defining a
 Meaning of Research design
 Need for Research design
 Features of a good design
 Important concepts relating to
Research design
 Different Research designs
 Developing a Research plan

Unit II – Methods of Data collection,
Processing and Analysis of Data
 Collection of Primary data
 Collection of Secondary data
 Collection of data through
 Collection of data through
 Selection of appropriate method
for data collection
 Review of published research
 Case study method
 Processing Operations

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 Some problems in processing
 Elements / Types of analysis
 Statistics in Research

Unit III (a) – Interpretation and
Report Writing
 Meaning of Interpr etation
 Why Interpretation?
 Technique of Interpretation
 Precaution in Interpretation
 Significance of Report Writing
 Different steps in Writing Report
 Layout of the Research Report
 Types of Report
 Oral Presentation
 Mechanics of writing a Research
 Precautions for writing a Research
 Preparation of Manuscript for
publication of Research Paper
 Writing a Review of Paper
 Bibliography
 Techniques of Writing a Synopsis
and Thesis

Unit III (b) – The computer and
library in Research
 Introduction
 The computer and computer
 The computer system
 Important characteristics

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 The Binary Number system
 Computer application
 Computers and Researcher
 Use of library and its role in
 Use of Advanced Research
 Introduction to Internet Based

Unit IV – Main problems of Research in
the field of Persian language and
 Biographical Research
 Research on literary history
 Research on literary criticism
 Research on culture studies
 Research on linguistics
 Research on comparative studies
 Research on Persian works written
on Medieval Indian History
 Research on Indo -Iran Relations
 Research on the contribution of
Persian to other Indian languages
 Research on Persian Sufism
 Contribution of Persian to Indian
music, art and architecture
 Contribution of Persian to world
 Persian renderings of Indian works
 Various literary forms of
 Translation works in Persian and
Vice Versa

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 Persian Prose and Poetry
(Classical and Modern)
 Various periods of Persian
literature (in Iran an d India)

Prescribed Book:
 Research Methodology: Methods and
Techniques by C.R. Kothari, 2004,
New Delhi
 Handbook in Research and
Evaluation by Stephen Isaac in
collaboration with William B.
Michael, 1972, California, U.S.A.
 Tahqeeqka fan by Dr. Gyanchand,
2012, Pakistan
 Mabadiyat -e-Tahqeeq by Quraishi A.
Razzaq, Lahore, Pakistan
 Indian Textual Criticism by Katre
S.M., 1941, Bombay, India
 Usloob by Abid Ali Abid, 1976,
Aligarh, India
 Usool-e-TahqeeqaurTarteeb -e-Matan
by Alvi T.A., 2000, Delhi
 MataniTanqeed by KhaleeqAnjum,
2006, Delhi
 AdabiTahqeeqkeMasaael by Khan
Rasheed H., 1990, Lucknow.

Paper II

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Emergence and Development of Persian
Literature in India
during Babar, Humayun and Akbar’ reign

Unit I – Persian literature during
Babar’s era
(a) Biography of Babar
 Babar – second great Mughal
conqueror of Hindustan after Timur
 His birth and accession to the
throne of his father
 Genealogical table of his
 His assumption of the title of
 Culture of his mother and
 Scholarship of his father and his
learned associates
 Babar’s early education
 His tutors and favourite study
 His grasp of Arabic, Persian and
 His pen-name and nature of poetry
 Babar’s titles: Zahiruddin,
Padishah, Nawab, Ghazi,
Shahinshah, Qalandar, Sultan,
Khaqan, Firdaus -Makani
 His religion and death
(b) Scholars and Men of skill,
contemporary with Babar
 Poets: Jami, Suhaili, Tufaili,

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Bayani, Husaini, Fani, Sulaiman
Shah, Wafai of Deccan, Qasimi,
Atashi, MaulanaShihab, Mir
Ibrahim, Ahi, H ilali, Bu Sa’id,
Bannai, Hatifi
 Historians: HaidarMirzaDughlat,
Mir Khwand, Khwanda Mir, Sam
Mirza, MirzaBarkhurdarTurkman,
Mirza Muhammad Salih, Daulat Shah
Samarqandi, Gulbadan Begum
Prescribed Book:
A History of Persian Language and
Literature at the Mughal Court, Part
I By Muhammad Abdul Ghani, 1930,
Allahabad, India

Unit II – Persian literature during
Humayun’s Era
(a) Biography of Humayun
 Humayun’s accession to the throne
 His birth and education
 Waning influence of Turki at his
court, and his liking for Persian
in contracts to his father’s
 His taste for Persian poetry
 Specimens of his ghazal, rubai
and masnawi
 His appreciation of Persian poets
 Estimate of his poetic taste:
finer than that of an average poet
 His poeti c insight: Corrects
Hairati and Jahi
 His knowledge of Arabic

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 His taste for Mathematics,
History, Geography and Astronomy
 His tutors in Astronomy and his
interest and activities in this
branch of science
 Humayun’s death

(b) Poets and scholars of the
reign of Humayun
ShaikhGadaiDehlavi, Mir Waisi,
Shaikh Abdul Wahid Bilgrami,
MaulanaJalali Hindi, Maulana bin I
Ashraf al Husaini,
MaulanaNadiriSamarqandi, Mir Abdul
LatifQazwini, MaulanaIlyas,
MaulanaQasimKahi, MaulanaJunubi,
Shah TahirDakhani, Shaikh Abdul
WajidFarighiShirazi, Yusuf bin I
Muhammad Hirawi, KhwajaAyyub,
Maulana Muhammad FazilSamarqandi,
Jauhar, Ba Yazid,
MaualnaZamiriBilgrami, Khwaja
Husain Mervi, An unknown poet,
author of an epic poem: HumayunNama
Prescribe d Book:
A History of Persian Language and
Literature at the Mughal Court,
Part II By Muhammad Abdul Ghani,
1930, Allahabad, India

Unit III – Development of Persian

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language and literature during Akbar
(a) Akbar: His Biography
 Akbar’s accession to the throne at
the age of thirteen
 His birth and plea for names
 His tutors and education
 His taste for Persian and Hindi
as compared with Turki
 His liking for Persian poetry and
his own compositions
 His taste for Persian poets
 Akbar’s religion, policy and
 Some literary features of his
a. Khat (Calligraphy)
b. Insha (letter -writing)
c. Naqqashi (drawing)
 His Navratan: Mulla Du Piyaza,
Raja Birbal, Hakim Human, Raja
Todarmal, Raja Man Singh, Faizi,
AbulFazl, Abdur Rahim Khan -i-
Khanan, Mirza Tan Sen.
 His death

(b) – A study of the scholars and Men
of skill of the reign of Akbar
 Historians
 Philosophers, Grammarians and
 Physicians
 Musicians
 Painters and Calligraphists

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 Distinguished personages of the
Court known as the Nauratan (or
the nine gems off the court of
Akbar): Faizi, AbulFazl, Raja
Birbal, Raja Todar Mal, Mulla Du
Piyaza, Tan Sen, Hakim Human, Raja
Man Singh, Abdur Rahim - Khan-i-
Prescribed Book:
A History of Persian Language and
Literature at the Mughal Court,
Part III By Muhammad Abdul Ghani,
1930, Allahabad, India

Unit IV – A study of few renowned
poets during Akbar’s reign:
Faizi, Naziri, Urfi, Malik Qumi,
Zuhuri, Ghizali, Sur Das, Tulsi
Das, Abdur Rahim Khan -i-Khanan,
HayatiGilani, HuzniIsfahani, Mir
Abdul HaiMashhadi, SanaiMashhadi,
Nishani, ShakibiIsfahani, Bairam
Khan, Mahvi, MailiHirawi,
Rai’iKashi, Sairafi Kashmiri,
GhairatiShirazi, QarariGilani,
SanjarKashi, Baba TalibIsfahani,
QasimArsalanMashhadi and Kesar Das
Prescribed Book:
A History of Persian La nguage and
Literature at the Mughal Court,
Part III By Muhammad Abdul Ghani,
1930, Allahabad, India

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Unit V – Main problems of Research in
the field
 Taareekh -e Zaban-o Adabiyat -e Farsi
by Prof. Khan Mohd. Aatif, 2016,
New Delhi
 Hindustan meinahd -e Mughalyaka
Farsi Adab by Dr, Mohd. Iqbal,
2007, New Delhi
 Ahd-e Babar
waHumayunkenaamwaradbawashoara by
Dr. RanaKhursheed, 2011, Aligarh,
 Foundation of Mughal Rule in India
Ed. by Raj Kumar, 2000, New Delhi
 JahanAra Begum by NausheenJaffery,
2011, New Delhi
 A Study of Persian Ghazal &Rubai
under the Great Mughals by Dr.
Qamaruddin, 2009, Delhi
 Akbar and the rise of the Mughal
Empire by G B Malleson, 2008, Delhi
 The Coming of the Mughals Ed. by
Raj Kumar, 2000, New Delhi
 HumayunNama, The History of H umayun
by Gulbadan Begum Tr. by Annette S.
Beveridge, 2004, New Delhi
 Akbar Nama (Persian) Vil. I, by
AbulFazlAllami, New Delhi
 The Akbar Nama of AbulFazl Tr. by
H. Beveriridge, vol 1 to 3, 2010,

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 The Aain -e Akbari by
AbulFazlAllami, Tr. by Col. H. S.
Jarrett, Vol 1 to 3, 2011, Delhi
 Mughal Shahenshah Akbar keAhadmein
Farsi TareekhNawisi by Dr.
KhwajaGhulamusSayyadin 2009, Nagpur

Paper III
Persian Literature in Iran during
Ghaznavid, Saljuqi and Timurid Period
Unit I – Ghaznavid Period
 Famous Poets:
فشدَسّ، عسجذِ، فشخّ، مىُچہشِ
 Famous Scholars:
لابُط به َشمگیش، ابُ علّ سیىا، بیشَوّ،
ابُ الفضل بیٍمّ
 Famous Work of the Period:
شاٌىامً فشدَسی
Unit II – Saljuqi Period
 Sufi Poets:
بابا طاٌش، ابُ سعیذ ابّ الخیش، عبذ ہللا
اوصاسِ، سىايّ، شیخ عطاس
 Other Famous Scholars:
اسذِ، واصش خسشَ، مسعُد سعذ، عمش خیام،
امیش معضِ،

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اوُسِ، ظٍیش فاسيابّ، خالاوّ، وظامّ
Unit III – Prose Works of the Saljuqi
 Books on Sufism:
كشف المحجُب، اسشاس الخُحیذ، حزكشة
 Books on History:
صيه االخباس، حاسيخ بیٍمّ، مجمل الخُاسيخ
َ المصص، ساحت الصذَس
 Books on Ethics, Literature and
سیاسج وامً، لابُط وامً، كیمیاِ سعادث،
كلیلً َ دمىً، چہاس ممالً،
حذائك السحش، مماماث حمیذِ، رخیشة
خُاسصمشاٌّ، مشصبان وامً

Unit IV (a) –Timurid Period
 Famous Poets:
سعذِ، سَمّ، امیشخسشَ، ابه يمیه، سلمان
ساَجّ، حافظ، جامّ
(b) Prose Works of the Period
 Books on History:
حاسيخ جٍاوگشا، طبماث واصشِ، حاسيخ
يمیىّ، جامع الخُاسيخ، حاسيخ َصاف،

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حاسيخگضيذي، صبذة الخُاسيخ، ظفش وامہ،
سَضۃ الصفا، لباب االلباب، حزكشي دَلج
 Books on Ethics:
اخالق واصشِ، اخالق جاللّ، اخالق محسىّ،
اوُاس سٍیلّ

Unit V – Main problems of Research in
the field :

Prescribed Book:
Taareekh -e Adabiyat -e Iran by Dr.
Reza ZadehShafaq, Tr. by Syed
MubarizuddinRafat, 2011, Lahore,
 Mukhtasaridartaareekhtahawwul -e
nazm-o nasr -e parsi by Dr.
ZabeehullahSafa, 1373, Iran
 ZindaginamehShayraan -e Bozorg -e
Iran, Ed. by Dr. Syed Ahmad
Husaini, 1384, Tehran, Iran
 Great Poets of Classical Persian by
R. M. Chopra, 2014. Kolkatta, West
 Taareekh -e Zaban-o Adabiyat -e Farsi
by Prof. Khan Mohd. Aatif, 2016,
New Delhi

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 Shaayran -e Bozorg -e Iran, azRudaki
ta Bahar by AbdurRafeeHaqeeqat,
1381, Tehran
 AkhlaaqdarShahnameh by Ali Reza
Shomali, 1392, Tehran
 Mutoon-e Farsi (Sher) by Dr. Wasif
Ahmed, D elhi
 Adabiyaat -e Muasir -e Iran by Dr.
Ismail Hakimi, 1373, Tehran
 Beeswinsadikemaarooffaarsishora by
Dr. Mohd. Iqbal, New Delhi
 Jadeed Farsi Shayrikaasrishaoor by
Dr. Mohd. Shafee Khan, 2010,
 Akhlaaq-e Mohsini by Mulla Husain
Waiz, 1964, Azamgarh, U.P.
 Akhlaaq-e Jalaali by
MohaqqiqDawwani, Tr. by Dr. Mohd.
Shabbir A. Haidari, 2007, New Delhi
 Farsi meinTaareekhGoikiriwaayat by
Dr. EraqRazaZaidi, 2006, Delhi
 The Rauzat -us-Safa (Garden of
Purity) by Muhammad bin Khavendshah
bin Mahmud Tr. by E. Rehatse k Ed.
by F. F. Arbuthnot, 2009, Delhi
 Dreams Forgotten, An Anthology of
Indo-Persian Poetry by
WarisKirmani, 1986, Aligarh, U.P.
 HezaarSaal -e Farsi by JafarIbrahimi
and others, 1392, Tehran
 Mukhtasaridartaareekhtahawwul -e
nazm-o nasr -e parsi by Dr.
ZabeehullahSafa, 1373, Iran
 Modern Persian Poetry by M.
Ishaque, 1943, Calcutta.