MEEquivalence OR alternate subject given for syllabus of following program Rev2016 to Rev2022 _1 Syllabus Mumbai University

MEEquivalence OR alternate subject given for syllabus of following program Rev2016 to Rev2022 _1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC- 01/11/2023
Item No. - 6.18


REV -2016’ B SCHEME To REV -2022’ C SCHEME


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Sr. No Branch Page no.
1 M.E. Civil Engineering (with Structural Engineering Subjects) 3
2 M.E. Civil (With Construction Engineering & Management Subjects) 5
3 M.E. Mechanical Engineering (Energy System and Management) 7
4 M.E. Mechanical Engineering (Heat Power Engineering) 9
5 M.E. Mechanical Engineering (Machine Design) 11
6 M.E. Mechanical Engineering ( Manufacturing Systems Engineering) 13
7 M.E. Mechanical Engineering ( Product Design and Development) 15
8 M.E. Mechanical Engineering ( Thermal Engineering) 17
9 M.E. Mechanical Engineering ( CAD CAM and Robotics) 19
10 M.E. Electrical Engineering (Power Electronics and Drives) 21
11 M.E. Electronics Engineering 22
12 M.E. Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering 24
13 M.E. Information Security 25
14 M.E.-Information Technology 26
15 M.E. Instrumentation and Control Engineering 28
16 M.E. Chemical Engineering 30
17 M.E. Biomedical Engineering 32
18 M.E. Computer Engineering 33
19 M.E. Civil (Water Resource Engineering ) 35

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Table showing the subjects as per the Old scheme of the syllabus (R-2016 CBCGS) and the subjects
equivalent / alternative to these subjects as per the Revised Scheme of Syllabus (R-2022 Choice based)

M.E. Civil Engineering (with Structural Engineering Subject s)
No. Old Scheme (R -2016 CBCGS) Revised Scheme (R -2022 Choice based)
Subject Code Subject Name Subject Code Subject name Sem Remark
Semester I
1 STR-C101 Theory of Elasticity, Plasticity and
Stability STRC101
Theory of Elasticity and Elastic
Stability I Equivalent
2 STR-C102 Foundation Analysis and Design STRPE1014 Advanced Geo -technical Engineering
I Equivalent
3 STR-C103 Advanced Prestressed Concrete
Structures STRPE1013
Advanced Pr e-stressed Concrete
Structures I Equivalent
4 STR-DLO1011 Design of Bridge Structures STRPE2044
Design of Bridge Structures II Equivalent
5 STR-DLO 1012 Analysis and Design of Transportation
Structure STRPE2043
Analysis and Design of Environmental
& Hydraulic Structures II Alternate
6 STR-DLO1013 Analysis of Composite Structure STRPE1012
Analysis of Composite Structures I Equivalent
7 STR-DLO1014 Numerical Methods STRPE1011 Advanced Numerical Methods I Equivalent
8 STR-DLO1015 Advance Concrete Technology STRPE2033 Advanced Concrete Technology II Equivalent
STR-DLO1016 Analysis and Design of Multi -storey
buildings STRPE1021
Analysis and Design of Multi -storey
Buildings I Equivalent

No. Old Scheme (R -2016 CBCGS) Revised Scheme (R -2022 Choice based)
Subject Code Subject Name Subject Code Subject name Sem Remark
Semester I I
1 STR-C201 Finite Element Analysis STRC201 Finite Element Analysis II Equivalent

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2 STR-C202 Structural Dynamics STRC102 Structural Dynamics I Equivalent
3 STR-C203 Advanced Design of Concrete
Structures STRPE1022
Advanced Design of Concrete
Structures I Equivalent
4 STR-DLO 2011 Theory of Plate and Shells STRC202 Theory of Plates and Shells
II Equivalent
5 STR-DLO 2012 Analysis and Design of Environmental
and Hydraulic Structures STRPE2043 Analysis and Design of Environmental
& Hydraulic Structures
II Equivalent
6 STR-DLO 2013 Design of Industrial Structures STRPE2041
Design of Industrial Structure
II Equivalent
7 STR-DLO 2014 Health Monitoring and Rehabilitation
of Structures STRPE2032 Health Monitoring and Rehabilitation
of Structures II Equivalent
8 STR-DLO 2015 Design of Green Buildings STRPE2042 Design of Green Buildings II Equivalent
9 STR-DLO 2016 Earthquake Engineering STRPE2031
Earthquake Engineering II Equivalent

*Note: All ILOC courses are as it is as in 2022, so not syllabus change or equivalence required for ILOC courses

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M.E. Civil (With Construction Engineering & Management Subjects)
No. Old Scheme (R -2016 CBCGS) Revised Scheme (R -2022 Choice based)
Code Subject Name Subject
Code Subject name Sem Remark
Semester I
1 CEMC 101 Probability & Statistics CEMC 101 Statistical Methods
in Construction I Equivalent
2 CEMC 102 Management and Project
Planning In Construction CEMC 102 Project Management &
Planning in Construction I Equivalent
3 CEM 103 Construction Contracts,
Management CEMPE1011 Contract Management I Equivalent
4 DLOC101 Advanced Construction
Materials CEMPE1023 Sustainable Construction Practices I Equivalent
5 DLOC10 2 Repairs, Rehabilitation &
Retrofitting of Structures. CEMPE2012 Building Services and Repairs
II Equivalent
6 DLOC103 Resource Management CEMPE1022 Resource Management I Equivalent
7 DLOC104 Quality control & safety in
Construction CEMPE2023 Quality and Risk Management
II Equivalent
8 DLOC105 Value Engineering CEMPE1013 Value Engineering I Equivalent
No. Old Scheme (R -2016 CBCGS) Revised Scheme (R -2022 Choice based)
Code Subject Name Subject
Code Subject name Sem Remark
Semester I I
1 CEMC 201 Advanced Construction
Technology CEMPE2022 Advanced Construction Technology II Equivalent
2 CEMC 202 Infrastructure
Development CEMC202
Infrastructure Development II Equivalent
3 CEM 203 Project Economics &
Financial Management CEMC201
Project Economics and Financial
Management II Equivalent
4 DLOC 201 Remote Sensing & GIS in
Construction. CEMPE2023 Remote Sensing and Geographical
Information System II Equivalent

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5 DLOC 202 Risk Management in
Construction CEMPE2023 Quality and Risk Management
II Equivalent
6 DLOC 203 Thrust Areas in
Construction CEMPE2013 Thrust Areas in Project Management II Equivalent
7 DLOC 204 Energy Conservation
Techniques in Building
Construction CEMPE1023 Sustainable Construction Practices I Equivalent
8 DLOC 205 Principles of Architecture
& Planning CEMPE1012
Urban Infrastructure Planning
I Alternate

*Note: All ILOC courses are as it is as in 2022, so not syllabus change or equivalence required for ILOC courses

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Master of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
Energy System and Management: Equivalent Subjects
(Rev -2016 to Rev 2022)

Sr No Scheme R 2016 CBCGS Scheme R 2022 CBCS

Subject code Subject Name Subject code Subject Name Sem
Sem I

ESMC101 Energy Scenario, Policy and Environment ESMC101 Energy Scenario, Policy and Environment I

ESMC102 Energy Efficiency in Thermal Systems ESMC102 Energy Efficiency in Thermal Systems I

ESMC103 Conventional Power Plants ESMPE1013 Conventional Power Plants I

ESMDLO1011 Utilization of Solar Energy #& ESMPE1011 Utilization of Solar Energy I

ESMDLO1012 Cogeneration and Waste Heat Recovery Systems ESMPE1012 Cogeneration and Waste Heat Recovery Systems I

ESMDLO1013 Alternative Fuels #& ESMPE1021 Alternative Fuels I

ESMDLO1014 Energy Systems Modeling and Analysis ESMPE1022 Energy Systems Modeling and Analysis I
ILO101X Institute Level Optional Course I ESMIE101 Institute Elective 1 I
# Common with Energy Systems and Management and Thermal Engineering
& Common with Energy Systems and Management and Heat Power Engineering
Sem II
ESMC201 Advances in Energy Management and Audit ESMC201 Advances in Energy Management and Audit II
ESMC202 Energy Efficiency in Electrical Systems ESMC202 Energy Efficiency in Electrical Systems II

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ESMC203 Renewable & Sustainable Energy Systems ESMPE2011 Renewable & Sustainable Energy Systems II
ESMDLO2021 Energy Storage Systems ESMPE2012 Energy Storage Systems II
ESMDLO2022 Fuels Combustion and Emission Control ESMPE2013 Fuels Combustion and Emission Control II
ESMDLO2023 Energy Measurement and Control Instruments ESMPE2021 Energy Measurement and Control Instruments II
ESMDLO2024 Energy Systems & Environmental Impact ESMPE2022 Energy Systems & Environmental Impact II
ILO202X Institute Level Optional Course II ESMIE201 Institute Elective 2 II

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Master of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
Heat Power Engineering: Equivalent Subjects (Rev -2016 to Rev 2022)

Sr No Scheme R 2016 CBCGS Scheme R 2022 CBCS

Subject code Subject Name Subject
code Subject Name Sem
Sem I

HPEC101 Advanced Heat Transfer# HPEC101 Advanced Heat Transfer I

HPEC102 Advanced Thermodynamics HPEC102 Advanced Thermodynamics I

HPEC103 Gas Turbine and Steam Turbine HPEPE1011 Gas Turbine and Steam Turbine I

HPEDLO1011 Utilization of Solar Energy #& HPEPE1012 Utilization of Solar Energy #& I

HPEDLO1012 Cogeneration and Waste Heat Recovery
Systems#& HPEPE1013 Cogeneration and Waste Heat
Recovery Systems I

HPEDLO1013 Alternative Fuels#& HPEPE1021 Alternative Fuels I

HPEDLO1014 Design of Refrigeration and Air conditioning
Systems HPEPE1022
Design of Refrigeration and Air conditioning
Systems I
ILO101X Institute Level Optional Course I HPEIE101X
Institute Elective 1 I
# Common with Thermal Engineering and Heat Power Engineering
& Common for Thermal Engineering and Energy Systems and Management

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HPEC201 Modelling and Analysis in Thermal Engineering # HPEC201 Modelling and Analysis in Thermal Engineering II
HPEC202 Advanced Fluid Mechanics HPEC202 Advanced Fluid Mechanics II
HPEC203 Heat Exchanger Design and Performance HPEPE2011 Heat Exchanger Design and Performance II
HPEDLO2021 Cryogenics# HPEPE2012 Cryogenics II
HPEDLO2022 Computational Fluid Dynamics& Heat Transfer HPEPE2013 Computational Fluid Dynamics & Heat Transfer II
HPEDLO2023 Advanced Turbo Machinery# HPEPE2021 Advanced Turbo Machinery II
HPEDLO2024 Non-Conventional Power Plants# HPEPE2022 Non-Conventional Power Plants II
ILO202X Institute Level Optional Course II HPEIE201X Institute Elective 2 II

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Master of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
Machine Design: Equivalent Subjects (Rev -2016 to Rev 2022)

No Scheme R 2016 CBCGS Scheme R 2022 CBCS

Subject code Subject Name Subject
code Subject Name Sem

MDC101 Mechanical Vibration MDC101 Mechanical Vibration I

MDC102 Analysis and Synthesis of Mechanisms MDC202 Analysis and Synthesis of Mechanisms II

MDC103 Advanced Stress Analysis MDC102 Advanced Stress Analysis I

MDDLO1011 Process Equipment Design MDPE1021 Process Equipment Design I

MDDLO1012 Rapid Prototyping and Tooling MDPE1023 Rapid Prototyping and Tooling I

MDDLO1013 Fracture Mechanics MDPE2021 Fracture Mechanics II

MDDLO1014 Composite Materials MDPE1011 Composite Materials I
ILO101X Institute Level Optional Course I MDIE101X Institute Elective 1 I
MDC201 System Modeling & Analysis MDC201 System Modeling & Analysis II
MDC202 Optimization MDPE2011 Optimization II

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MDC203 Machine Tool Design MDPE1013 Machine Tool Design I
MDDLO2021 Theory of Plates MDPE2022 Theory of Plates II
MDDLO2022 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems MDPE2023 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems II
MDDLO2023 Smart Materials MDPE1012 Smart Material I
MDDLO2024 Tribology MDPE1022 Tribology I
ILO202X Institute Level Optional Course II MDIE201X Institute Elective 2 II

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Master of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
Manufacturing Systems Engineering: Equivalent Subjects
(Rev -2016 to Rev 2022)

Sr No Scheme R 2016 CBCGS Scheme R 2022 CBCS

Subject code Subject Name Subject
code Subject Name Sem
Sem I

MSEC101 Product Design & Development MSEPE1011 New Product Design & Development I

MSEC102 Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Systems MSEC101 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems I

MSEC103 Quality Engineering MSEC102 Quality Engineering I

MSEDLO1011 Advanced Material Science MSEPE1012 Advanced Materials Science I

MSEDLO1012 World Class Manufacturing MSEPE1013 World Class Manufacturing I

MSEDLO1013 Knowledge Management MSEPE1022 Knowledge Management I

MSEDLO1014 Precision Engineering MSEPE1021 Precision Engineering I
ILO101X Institute Level Optional Course I MSEIE101X Institute Elective 1 I
MSEC201 Sustainable Manufacturing MSEPE2011 Strategic Manufacturing for Sustainability II
MSEC202 Industrial Automation MSEC201 Industrial Automation II

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MSEC203 Advanced Quantitative Techniques MSEC202 Advanced Quantitative Techniques II
MSEDLO2021 Logistics & Supply Chain Management MSEPE2021 Logistics & Supply Chain Management II
MSEDLO2022 Business Intelligence MSEIE1013 Management Information System I
MSEDLO2023 Rapid Prototyping and Tooling MSEPE2012 Additive Manufacturing and Rapid Prototyping II
MSEDLO2024 Micro and Nano Manufacturing MSEPE1023 Micro and Nano Manufacturing I
ILO202X Institute Level Optional Course II MSEIE20X Institute Elective 2 II

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Master of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
Product Design and Development: Equivalent Subjects (Rev -2016 to Rev 2022)

Sr No Scheme R 2016 CBCGS Scheme R 2022 CBCS

Subject code Subject Name Subject
code Subject Name Sem
Sem I

PDDC101 Product Design and Development PDDC101 Product Design and Development I

PDDC102 Rapid Prototyping and Tooling PDDC102 Rapid Prototyping and Tooling I

PDDC103 Material in Product Design and
Development PDDPE1011 Materials in Product Design and Development I

PDDDLO1011 Computer Aided Product Development PDDPE1021 Computer Aided Product Development I

PDDDLO1012 Creativity in Design PDDPE1022 Creativity and innovation in Design I

PDDDLO1013 Die Design and Development PDDPE1023 Die Design and Development I

PDDDLO1014 Product Packaging PDDPE1013 Product Packaging
ILO101X Institute Level Optional Course I PDDIE101X Institute Elective 1 I
PDDC201 Quality Concepts in Design PDDC201 Quality Concepts in Design II
PDDC202 Design for X PDDC202 Design for X II

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PDDC203 Applied Ergonomics PDDPE2011 Applied Ergonomics II
PDDDLO2021 Vehicle Design PDDPE2021 Vehicle Design II
PDDDLO2022 Polymeric Material and Processing PDDPE2013 Polymeric Material and Processing II
PDDDLO2023 Reverse Engineering PDDPE2022 Reverse Engineering II
PDDDLO2024 Product Marketing PDDPE2023 Product Marketing II
ILO202X Institute Level Optional Course II PDDIE201X Institute Elective 2 II

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Master of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
Thermal Engineering: Equivalent Subjects
(Rev -2016 to Rev 2022)

Sr No Scheme R 2016 CBCGS Scheme R 2022 CBCS

code Subject Name Subject
code Subject Name Sem
Sem I

TEC101 Advanced Heat Transfer# TEC101 Advanced Heat Transfer I

TEC102 Refrigeration and Air conditioning System Design TEC201 Refrigeration and Air conditioning System Design II

TEC103 Numerical Methods and Computational
Techniques TEC102 Numerical Methods and Computational
Techniques I

TEDLO1011 Utilization of Solar Energy#& TEPE1011 Solar Thermal Engineering I

TEDLO1012 Cogeneration and Waste Heat Recovery Systems TEPE1012 Cogeneration and Waste Heat Recovery Systems I

TEDLO1013 Alternative Fuels#& TEPE1013 Alternative Fuels I

TEDLO1014 Steam and Gas Turbines TEPE2022 Steam and Gas Turbines II
ILO101X Institute Level Optional Course I TEIE101X Institute Elective 1 I
# Common with Thermal Engineering and Heat Power Engineering
& Common for Thermal Engineering and Energy Systems and Management

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TEC201 Modelling and Analysis in Thermal Engineering# TEPE2013 Modeling and Analysis in Thermal Engineering II
TEC202 Computational Fluid Dynamics TEC202 Computational Fluid Dynamics II
TEC203 Heat Exchanger Design and Performance# TEPE2023 Heat Exchanger Design and Performance II
TEDLO2021 Cryogenics# TEPE2011 Cryogenics II
TEDLO2022 Internal Combustion Engine Design TEPE2012 Internal Combustion Engine Design II
TEDLO2023 Advanced Turbo Machinery# TEPE1021 Advanced Turbo Machinery I
TEDLO2024 Non-Conventional Power Plants# TEPE2021 Non-Conventional Power Plants II
ILO202X Institute Level Optional Course II TEIE201X Institute Elective 2 II
# Common with Thermal Engineering and Heat Power Engineering
& Common with Thermal Engineering and Energy Systems and Management

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Master of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
CAD CAM and Robotics: Equivalent Subjects
(Rev -2016 to Rev 2022)

Sr No Scheme R 2016 CBCGS Scheme R 2022 CBCS

Subject code Subject Name Subject code Subject Name Sem
Sem I & II

CCC101 Computer Aided Design CCC101 Computer Aided Design I

CCC102 Control Engineering CCPE2013 Control Engineering II

CCC103 Mechatronics CCC102 Mechatronics and Automation I

ILO101X Institute Level Optional Course CCIE101X Institute Elective 1 I

CCDLO1011 Product Design CCPE2011 Product Design II

CCDLO1012 Simulation and Modeling CCPE1013 Simulation and Modelling I

CCDLO1013 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems CCPE1011 Artificial Intelligence and Expert System I
CCDLO1014 Advanced Finite Element Analysis CCPE2012 Advanced Finite Element Analysis II
Sem II
CCC201 Robotics CCC201 Industrial Robotics II
CCC202 Advanced Manufacturing Technology CCPE1023 Advanced Manufacturing Technology I
CCC203 Computer Aided Machining (CAM) CCC202 Computer Aided Machining (CAM) II
CCDLO2021 Smart Materials CCPE1012 Smart Materials I

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CCDLO2022 Rapid Manufacturing CCPE2021 Rapid Manufacturing II
CCDLO2024 Optimization CCPE1022 Optimization I
ILO201X Institute Level Optional Course II CCIE201X Institute Elective 2 II

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M.E. Electrical Engineering (Power Electronics and Drives)
Subject Equivalence (Rev -2016 to Rev -2022)

Rev-2016 Sem. I M.E. Electrical Engineering (Power Electronics and Drives) Subject Equivalence
Code Rev-2016 CBCGS Subjects Sem Rev-2022 Subjects Code Sem Equivalence/
PEDC101 Applied Linear Algebra I Design of Electric Vehicle System PEDPE2021 II Alternate
PEDC102 Power Electronic Technologies I Power Electronic Converters PEDC102 I Equivalence
PEDC103 Electrical Machine Modeling and Analysis I Digital Control of Electrical Drives PEDC202 II Alternate
PEDDLO1011 Power Electronics in Power System I Power Electronics in Power Systems PEDPE2011 II Equivalence
PEDDLO1012 Renewable Energy Systems and Energy
Storage I IoT application in Electrical
Engineering PEDPE1023 I Alternate
PEDDLO1013 Electrical and Hybrid Vehicle Technology I Electric Vehicle Technology PEDPE1013 I Equivalence
PEDDLO1014 Microgrid and Smart Grid I Micro -grid Technology PEDPE1022 I Equivalence
PEDDLO1015 Dynamic Analysis of Synchronous
Machine I Machine Learning Techniques in
Power System PEDPE1011 I Alternate

Rev-2016 Sem. II M.E. Electrical Engineering (Power Electronics and Drives) Subject Equivalence
Code Rev-2016 CBCGS Subjects Sem Rev-2022 Subjects Code Sem Equivalence/
PEDC201 Power Quality Issues and Mitigation II Power Quality in Power System PEDPE1012 I Equivalence
PEDC202 Advanced Power Electronic Converters II Advanced Power Electronics PEDC201 II Equivalence
PEDC203 Electrical Drives and Control II Electrical Drives and its Application PEDC101 I Equivalence
PEDDLO2021 Digital Signal Processors for Control and
Power Applications II DSP Applications in Power
Conversion Systems PEDPE2013 II Equivalence

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PEDDLO2022 Advanced Control System# II Design of Power Electronic
Converters PEDPE2022 II Alternate
PEDDLO2023 Power Conditioning Systems for
Renewable Energy# II Power Converters for Renewable
Energy Sources PEDPE2023 II Equivalence
PEDDLO2024 EHV AC Transmission System II Industrial Load Modeling and Control PEDPE2012 II Alternate
PEDDLO2025 Electromagnetic Interference &
Compatibility in Power Electronic II Digital Signal Controller PEDPE1021 I Alternate

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Master of Engineering (M.E.) in Electronics Engineering
Equivalence for Rev.2016 to Rev.2022 Syllabus

Rev. 2016 syllabus Courses Equivalent in Rev.2022 syllabus
Sem. Course Code Course Name Course Code Course Name Sem
1 ELXC1011 Advanced Digital Communication ME-ELXC101 Advanced Digital Communication 1
1 ELXC1012 Mixed Signal VLSI Design ME-ELXC102 Advanced VLSI Design 1
1 ELXC1013 Power Electronics System Design ME-ELXDLO1015 Power Electronics System Design 1
Department Level Optional Course -I
1 ELXDLO1011 Advanced Processor Architecture -I ME-ELXDLO1011 Advanced Processor Architecture -I 1
1 ELXDLO1012 Network & System Administration ME-ELXDLO1016 Information and Communication Techniques (ICT) 1
1 ELXDLO1013 Microelectronics Devices ME-ELXDLO1013 Microelectronics Devices 1
1 ELXDLO1014 Modeling & Simulations ME-ELXC2021 Modern Industrial Internet Engineering 2
1 ELXDLO1015 Advanced Digital Image Processing ME-ELXDLO1014 Advanced Digital Image Processing 1
2 ELXC2021 Digital Design with Reconfigurable
Architecture ME-ELXDLO2022 Cloud Computing 2
2 ELXC2022 Real Time System Design ME-ELXDLO2027 Modern Operating Systems 2
2 ELXC2023 Advanced Signal Processing ME-ELXDLO2025 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 2
Department Level Optional Course II
2 ELXDLO2021 Advanced Processor Architecture -II ME-ELXDLO2021 Advanced Processor Architecture -II 2
2 ELXDLO2022 Wireless & Mobile Networking ME-ELXDLO1017 Internet of Everything 1
2 ELXDLO2023 Nano -electronics ME-ELXDLO2023 Nano -electronics 2
2 ELXDLO2024 Mechatronics ME-ELXC2022 Emerging Trends in SOC Design 2
2 ELXDLO2025 Virtual Instrumentation ME-ELXDLO2024 Deep Learning and Computer Vision 2

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University of Mumbai
Master of Engineering
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering :- Equivalent Subjects (Rev -2016 to Rev-2022)

Semester I
Scheme Rev_2016 CBSGS Course Code Scheme Rev_20 22 CBCS Course Code SEM Branch
Statistical Signal Processing ETC101 Statistical Signal Processing ETPE1013 I EXTC
Optical Communication Network ETC102 Optical Communication Network ETC102 I EXTC
Modern Digital Signal Processing Applications ETC103 Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Applications ETC101 I EXTC
Next Generation Networks ETDLO1011 Next Generation Networks ETPE1011 I EXTC
Advanced Antenna Design ETDLO1012 Advanced Antenna Design ETPE1012 I EXTC
Image Analysis using Machine learning ETDLO1013 Image Analysis using Machine learning ETPE1021 I EXTC
Embedded Communication Systems Design ETDLO1014 Embedded Communication Systems Design ETPE 1022 I EXTC
Product Life cycle Management ILO1011 Product Life cycle Management ETIE1011 I EXTC
Reliability Engineering ILO1012 Reliability Engineering ETIE1012 I EXTC
Management Information System ILO1013 Management Information System ETIE1013 I EXTC
Design of Experiments ILO1014 Design of Experiments ETIE1014 I EXTC
Operations Research ILO1015 Operations Research ETIE1015 I EXTC
Cyber Security and Laws ILO1016 Cyber Security and Laws ETIE1016 I EXTC
Disaster Management & Mitigation Measures ILO1017 Disaster Management & Mitigation Measures ETIE1017 I EXTC
Energy Audit and Management ILO1018 Energy Audit and Management ETIE1018 I EXTC

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Semester II
Scheme R_2016 CBSGS Course Code Scheme R_2022 CBCS Course Code SEM Branch
Modern Digital Communication ETC201 Modern Digital Communication ETC202 II EXTC
Wireless Adhoc and Sensor Networks ETC202 Wireless Adhoc and Sensor Networks ETPE2022 II EXTC
RF and Microwave Engineering ETC203 RF Engineering (ETC201) II EXTC
Satellite Networking ETDLO2021 Satellite Networking ETPE2011 II EXTC
Network and Cyber Security ETDLO2022 Network and Cyber Security ETPE2012 II EXTC
Remote Sensing ETDLO2023 Remote Sensing ETPE2013 II EXTC
Error Control Coding ETDLO2024 Error Control Coding ETPE2021 II EXTC
Project Management ILO2021 Project Management ETIE2011 II EXTC
Finance Management ILO2022 Finance Management ETIE2012 II EXTC
Entrepreneurship Development and Management ILO2023 Entrepreneurship Development and Management ETIE2013 II EXTC
Human Resource Management ILO2024 Human Resource Management ETIE2014 II EXTC
Professional Ethics and CSR ILO2025 Professional Ethics and CSR ETIE2015 II EXTC
Research Methodology ILO2026 Research Methodology ETIE2016 II EXTC
IPR and Patenting ILO2027 IPR and Patenting ETIE2017 II EXTC
Digital Business Management ILO2028 Digital Business Management ETIE2018 II EXTC
Environmental Management ILO2029 Environmental Management ETIE2019 II EXTC

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ME-Information Security
Equivalence of Rev -2016 Scheme to Rev 2022 Scheme
No. Rev-2016 Scheme Rev-2022 ‘C’ Scheme
Course Code Sem Course Name Course Code Sem Course Name
1 ME-ISC101 I Advanced Web Technologies MEISCPE1033 I Advanced Web Technologies
2 ME-ISC102 I IT Infrastructure Design MEISC101 I IT Infrastructure Design
3 ME-ISC103 I Cryptography and PKI MEISC102 I Cryptography and PKI
4 ME-ISL101 I Laboratory -I MEISL101 I Program Lab -I
5 ME-ISL102 I Laboratory -II MEISL102 I Skill Based Lab -1
6 ME-ISDLOC -I1041 I Ad-hoc Networks MEISC101 I IT Infrastructure Design
7 ME-ISDLOC -I1042 I IoT MEISCPE1042 I IoT and security
8 ME-ISDLOC -I1043 I Cloud Computing MEISCPE1043 I Clould Computing security
9 ME-ISDLOC -I1044 I Unix OS & OS Security MEISC101 I IT Infrastructure Design
10 ME-ISC201 II Network Security MEISC102 I Cryptography and PKI
11 ME-ISC202 II Application and Web Security MEISCPE2031 II Application and Web Security
12 ME-ISC203 II Security & Risk Management MEISCPE1043 I Clould Computing security
13 ME-ISL201 II Laboratory -III MEISL101 I Program Lab -I
14 ME-ISL202 II Laboratory -IV MEISL201 II Program lab II
15 ME-ISDLOC -II2041 II Law of Data Security and Investigations MEISCPE1034 II IT Security Laws and Compliance
16 ME-ISDLOC -II2042 II IT Security Strategic Planning, Policy and
Leadership MEISCPE2042 II IT Security Strategic Planning, Policy &
17 ME-ISDLOC -II2043 II Hacker Technique, Exploits and Incident
handling MEISCPE2043 II Hacker Technique, Exploits and Incident
18 ME-ISDLOC -II2044 II Advanced Computer Forensic Analysis MEISCPE2044 II Advanced Computer Forensic Analysis

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ME-Information Technology
Equivalence of Rev -2016 Scheme to Rev 20 22 Scheme
No. Rev-2016 Scheme Rev-2022 ‘C’ Scheme
Course Code Sem Course Name Course Code Sem Course Name
1 ME-ITC101 I Data Science ME-ITC101 I Data Science and Engineering
2 ME-ITC102 I IT Infrastructure Design ME-ITPE 2024 Green IT
3 ME-ITC103 I Advances in Software Engineering ME-ITPE1021 Advances in Software Engineering
4 ME-ITL101 I Laboratory -I ME-ITL101 Program Lab-I
5 ME-ITL102 I Laboratory -II ME-ITL101 Program Lab-I
6 MEITDLOCI1041 I User Experience Engineering ME-ITPE2021 Design Thinking
7 MEITDLOCI1042 I Adhoc Networks ME-ITPE1022 Ad-hoc Networks
8 MEITDLOCI1043 I Cloud Computing ME-ITC202 Cloud Computing and Services
9 MEITDLOCI1044 I IT Strategy ME-ITPE1024 ICT for Social Cause
10 MEITDLOCI1045 I Knowledge Management ME-ITPE1024 ICT for Social Cause
11 ME-ITC201 II Security & Risk Management ME-ITPE2011 Web Application Security
12 ME-ITC202 II High Performance Computing ME-ITPE201 4 High Performance Computing
13 ME-ITC203 II Advance web technology ME-ITC201 Web X.0
14 ME-ITL201 II Laboratory -III ME-ITL201 Program Lab-II
15 ME-ITL202 II Laboratory -IV ME-ITL201 Program Lab-II
16 MEITDLOCII2041 II E-Business & Social Network Analysis ME-ITPE1024 ICT for Social Cause
17 MEITDLOCII2042 II AI & Machine Learning ME-ITPE2012 Machine and Deep Learning
18 MEITDLOCII2043 II Ethical Hacking & Forensic ME-ITPE1011 Ethical Hacking and Digital Forensics
19 MEITDLOCII2044 II Internet of Things ME-ITPE2022 Internet of Everything
20 MEITDLOCII2045 II Advanced Software Quality Assurance ME-ITPE1021 Advances in Software Engineering

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ME Instrumentation and Control Engineering
Equivalence of Rev 2016 syllabus to Rev- 2022 Scheme
year Rev-2016 R-2022 (C-scheme)
Subject code Subject name Subject code Subject name
Sem-I ISEC101 Higher Mathematics for Control Engineering INC102 Higher Mathematics for Control Engineeri ng
ISEC102 Advanced signal processing for Sensors INC101 Advanced signal processing for Sensors
ISEC103 Robust Control INPE1021 Robust Control
ISEDLO1011 Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation INPE1011 Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation
ISEDLO1012 Advanced Measurement Techniques INPE1012 Advanced Measurement Techniques
ISEDLO1013 Expert Systems INPE1022 Expert Systems
ISEDLO1014 Robotics and Control INPE1023 Robotics and Control
ILO1011 Product Lifecycle Management ILO1011 Product Lifecycle Management
ILO1012 Reliability Engineering (abbreviated as RE) ILO1012 Reliability Engineering (abbreviated as RE)
ILO1013 Management Information System ILO1013 Management Information System
ILO1014 Design of Experiments ILO1014 Design of Experiments
ILO1015 Operation Research ILO1015 Operation Research
IO1016 Cyber security and Laws IO1016 Cyber security and Laws
ILO1017 Disaster Management and Mitigation Measures ILO1017 Disaster Management and Mitigation Measures

Page 31

ILO1018 Energy Audit and Management ILO1018 Energy Audit and Management
II ISEC201 Electronic Systems Design INPE2011 Electronics System Design
ISEC202 State Estimation and Stochastic Processes INC201 State Estimation and Stochastic Processes
ISEC203 Advanced process control and automation INC202 Advanced Process Control and Automation
ISEDLO2021 Rehabilitation Engineering INPE2013 Rehabilitation Engineering
ISEDLO2022 Advanced Fiber Optics and LASER Instrumentation INPE2012 Advanced Fiber Optics and LASER Instrumentation
ISEDLO2023 Advanced Nuclear Instrumentation INPE2021 Advanced Nuclear Instrumentation
ISEDLO2024 MEMS and nanotechnology INPE2023 MEMS and nanotechnology
ILO2021 Project Management ILO2021 Project Management
ILO2022 Finance Management ILO2022 Finance Management
ILO2023 Entrepreneurship Development and Management ILO2023 Entrepreneurship Development and Management
ILO2024 Human Resource Management ILO2024 Human Resource Management
ILO2025 Professional Ethics and Corporate Social
Responsibility ILO2025 Professional Ethics and Corporate Social
ILO2026 Research Methodology ILO2026 Research Methodology
ILO2027 IPR and Patenting ILO2027 IPR and Patenting
ILO2028 Digital Business Management ILO2028 Digital Business Management
ILO2029 Environmental Management ILO2029 Environmental Management

Page 32

ME Chemical Engineering
Subjects of R -2016 Equivalent with R -2022 Subjects
R-2016 R-2022
1 Advanced Fluid Dynamics CHC101 (Sem - I) Advanced Momentum Transfer CHC101(Sem - I)
2 Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering CHC102 (Sem - I) Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering CHC102 (Sem - I)
3 Advanced Thermodynamics CHC103 (Sem - I) Advanced Thermodynamics CHPE1012 Program Elective -1(Semester I)
4 Advanced Computer Aided Design CHDLO1011 Department
Level Optional Course -I (Sem - I) Advanced Computer Aided Design CHPE2011 Program Elective -3 (Semester II)
5 Corrosion in Industries and its control CHDLO1012
Department Level Optional Course -I (Sem - I) Corrosion in Industries and its Control CHPE1021 Program Elective -2 (Semester I)
6 Process Intensification in Chemical Plant CHDLO1013
Department Level Optional Course -I (Sem - I) Process Intensification in Chemical Plants CHPE1013 Program Elective -1 (Semester I)
7 Industrial Solid Waste Management CHDLO1014 Department
Level Optional Co urse-I (Sem - I) Industrial Solid Waste Management CHPE1022 Program Elective -2 (Semester I)
8 Bio Process Engineering CHDLO1015 Department Level
Optional Course -I (Sem - I) Bio Process Engineering CHPE1023 Program Elective -2 (Semester I)
9 Product Lifecy cle Management ILO1011Institute Level
Optional Course -I (Sem - I) Product Lifecycle Management CHIE1011 Institute Elective -1 (Semester I)
10 Reliability Engineering ILO1012 Institute Level Optional
Course -I (Sem - I) Reliability Engineering CHIE1012 Institute Elective -1 (Semester I)
11 Management Information System ILO1013 Institute Level
Optional Course -I (Sem - I) Management Information System CHIE1013 Institute Elective -1 (Semester I)
12 Design of Experiments ILO1014 Institute Level Opt ional
Course -I (Sem - I) Design of Experiments CHIE1014 Institute Elective -1 (Semester I)
13 Operations Research ILO1015 Institute Level Optional Course -
I (Sem - I) Operations Research CHIE1015 Institute Elective -1 (Semester I)
14 Cyber Security and Laws ILO1016Institute Level Optional
Course -I (Sem - I) Cyber Security and Laws CHIE1016 Institute Elective -1 (Semester I)
15 Disaster Management and Mitigation Measures ILO1017
Institute Level Optional Course -I (Sem - I) Disaster Management and Mitigation Measures CHIE1017 Institute Elective -1
(Semester I )
16 Energy Audit and Management ILO1018 Institute Level
Optional Course -I (Sem - I) Energy Audit and Management CHIE1018 Institute Elective -1 (Semester I)

Page 33

Sem II
1 Process Heat Transfer CHC201 (Sem - II) Advanced Heat Transfer CHPE1011 Program Elective -1 ( Sem - I)
2 Advanced Mass Transfer CHC202 (Sem - II) Advanced Mass Transfer CHC201( Sem - II)
3 Advanced Process Dynamics and Control CHC203 (Sem - II) Advanced Process Control and Dynamics CHC202 (Sem - II)
4 Industrial Safety and Hazard Control CHDLO2021 Department
Level Optional Course -II (Sem - II) Industrial Safety and Hazard Control CHPE2021 Program Elective -4 (Semester II)
5 Heterogeneous Catalysis and Reactor Design CHDLO2022
Department Le vel Optional Course -II (Sem - II) Heterogeneous Catalysis and Reactor Design CHPE2012 Program Elective -3
(Semester II)
6 Advanced Process Modeling and Simulation CHDLO2023
Department Level Optional Course -II (Sem - II) Advanced Computer Aided Design CHPE2011 Program Elective -3 (Semester II )
7 Green Chemistry and Engineering CHDLO2024 Department
Level Optional Course -II (Sem - II) Green Chemistry and Engineering CHPE2022 Program Elective -4 (Semester II)
8 Industrial Pollution Control and Prevention CHDLO2025
Department Level Optional Course -II (Sem - II) Industrial Pollution Control and Prevention CHPE2023 Program Elective -4 (Semester
9 Project Management ILO2021 Institute Level Optional Course -
II (Sem - II) Project Management CHIE2011 Institute Elective -2 (Semester II)
10 Finance Management ILO2022 Institute Level Optional
Course -II (Sem - II) Finance Management CHIE2012 Institute Elective -2 (Semester II)
11 Entrepreneurship Development and Management ILO2023
Institute Level Optional Course -II (Sem - II) Entrepreneurship Development and Management CHIE2013 Institute Elective -2
(Semester II)
12 Human Resource Management ILO2024 Institute Level
Optional Course -II (Sem - II) Human Resource Management CHIE2014 Institute Elective -2 (Semester II)
13 Professional Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
ILO2025 Institute Level Optional Course -II (Sem - II) Professional Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) CHIE2015 Institute
Elective -2 (Semester II)
14 Research Methodology ILO202 6 Institute Level Optional
Course -II (Sem - II) Research Methodology CHOCC301 Online Credit Course -1 (Semester III)
15 IPR and Patenting ILO2027 Institute Level Optional Course -II
(Sem - II) IPR CHOCC301 Online Credit Course -1 (Semester III)
16 Digital B usiness Management ILO2028 Institute Level
Optional Course -II (Sem - II) Digital Business Management CHIE2016 Institute Elective -2 (Semester II)
17 Environmental Management ILO2029Institute Level Optional
Course -II (Sem - II) Environmental Management CHIE2017 Institute Elective -2 (Semester II)

Page 34

M.E. Biomedical Engineering
Subjects of R -2016 Equivalent with R -2022 Subjects

Course Code R2016 Course Code R2019
BMC101 Anatomy and Physiology For Engineers BMPE1021 Basics of Human Anatomy & Physiology
BMC102 Bio-Medical Sensors, Applications and Intelligent
Instrumentation BMC102 Biomedical Instrumentation
BMC103 Advanced Digital Signal Processing BMC202 Medical Imaging & Image Processing
BMDLO1011 Department Level Optional Course -I, Embedded
Systems in BME BMPE1011 Embedded Systems in BME
ILO1017 Institute Level Optional Course -I Disaster
Management and Mitigation Measures BMIE1017 Disaster Management and Mitigation Measures
BMC201 Biomedical Instrumentation and Design BMC102 Biomedical Instrumentation
BMC202 Biomedical Image Processing BMC202 Medical Imaging & Image Processing
BMC203 Advanced Medical Imaging BMC202 Medical Imaging & Image Processing
BMDLO2022 Department Level Optional Course -II, Lasers and
Fiber Optics in Medicine and Surgery BMPE2022 Lasers and Fiber Optics in Medicine
ILO2026 Institute Level Optional Course -II, Research
Methodology Institute Level Optional Course -II, Research Methodology

Page 35

ME: Computer Engineering
Equivalence Subject Mapping of Syllabus – CBCGS (Rev 2016) to CBCGS (Rev. 2022)

Semester Rev. 2016 Rev.2022

SEM: I Algorithm & Complexity Algorithm & Complexity
Advance Computer Network and Design Advance Computer Network and Design
Advanced Operating Systems Modern Operating System
Logic & Automated Reasoning Logic & Automated Reasoning
Image Analysis & Interpretation Web Application Security
Computational Intelligence Computational Intelligence
User Experience Design Component Based System Design
Institute Level Optional Course -I
ILO1011 Product Lifecycle Management
ILO1012 Reliability Engineering
ILO1013 Management Information System
ILO1014 Design of Experiments
ILO1015 Operation Research
ILO1016 Cyber Security and Laws
ILO1017 : Disaster Management &Mitigation Measures
ILO1018 Energy Audit and Management Institute Level Optional Course -I
ILO1011 Product Lifecycle Management
ILO1012 Reliability Engineering
ILO1013 Management Information System
ILO1014 Design of Experiments
ILO1015 Operation Research
ILO1016 Cyber Security and Laws
ILO1017 Disaster Management &Mitigation Measures
ILO1018 Energy Audit and Management
High performance Computing Cloud Computing and Service

Page 36


SEM:II Data Science Exploratory Data Analytics and Visualization
Ethical Hacking and Digital Forensics Ethical Hacking & Digital Forensic
Data Storage & Retrieval Data Storage & Retrieval
Internet of Things Internet of Everything
Advance Soft Computing Advance Soft Computing
Semantic Web & Social Network Analysis Semantic Web & Social Network Analysis
ICT for Social cause ICT for Social Cause
Institute Level Optional Course -II
ILO2021 Project Management
ILO2022 Finance Management
ILO2023 Entrepreneurship Development and Management
ILO2024 Human Resource Management
ILO2025 Professional Ethics and CSR
ILO 2026 Research Methodology
ILO2027 IPR and Patenting
ILO2028 Digital Business Management
ILO2029 Environmental Management Institute Level Optional Course -II
ILO2021 Project Management
ILO2022 Finance Management
ILO2023 Entrepreneurship Development and Management
ILO2024 Human Resource Management
ILO2025 Professional Ethics and CSR
ILO 2026 Research Methodology
ILO2027 IPR and Patenting
ILO2028 Digital Business Management
ILO2029 Environmental Management

Page 37

M.E. Civil (Water Resource Engineering)
Equivalence of Rev-2016 Scheme to Rev 2022 Scheme
No. Rev-2016 Scheme Rev-2022 ‘C’ Scheme
Course Code Sem Course Name Course Code Sem Course Name
1 WRC 101 I Advanced Fluid Mechanics WRC 101 I Advanced Fluid Mechanics
2 WRC 102 I Applied Hydrology WRC 102 I Applied Hydrology
3 WRC 103 I Ground Water Engineering WRPE1013 I Ground Water Engineering
4 WRDLO 101X I Department Level Optional Course -I
5 WRDLO1011 I Applied Statistics WRPE1011 I Applied Statistics
6 WRDLO1012 I Watershed Development & Management WRPE1012 I Watershed Development & Management
7 WRDLO1013 I Environmental Impact assessment WRPE1021 I Environmental Impact assessment
8 WRDLO1014 I Soil Science & Agro Technology WRPE1022 I Soil Science & Agro Technology
9 WRDLO1015 I Water Power Engineering WRPE2012 II Water Power Engineering
10 WRC 201 II Water Resources Economics Planning
Management WRC 201 II Water Resources Economics Planning and
11 WRC 202 II Design of Hydraulic Structures WRC 202 II Design of Hydraulic Structures
12 WRC 203 II System Engineering and its Application WRPE2011 II System Engineering and Its Application
13 WRDLO201X II Department Level Optional Course -II
14 WRDLO2021 II Advance Hydraulic Analysis and Design WRPE2013 Advance Hydraulic Analysis and Design
15 WRDLO2022 II Integrated River Basin Management WRPE2021 Integrated River Basin Management
16 WRDLO2023 II Soft Computing Techniques in Hydrology
and Water Resources Engineering WRPE2022 Soft Computing Techniques in Hydrology
and Water Resources Engineering
17 WRDLO2024 II Advances in Irrigation Engineering WRPE2023 Advances in Irrigation Engineering

Dr. Deven Shah Dr. Shivram Garje
Offg. Associate Dean Off. Dean
Faculty of Science and Technology Faculty of Science and Technol ogy