MCom Sem III IV_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

MCom Sem III IV_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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University of Mumbai

Revised Syllabus of Courses
Master of Commerce (M.Com)
Second Year
Semester III and IV

Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and
Semester System

(To be implemented from Academic Year 2017 -2018 )

Faculty of Commerce
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Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System
Course Structure

M.Com II
(To be implemented from Academic Year - 2017 -2018 )

No. of
Courses Semester III Credits No. of
Courses Semester IV Credits
1 Elect ive Courses (EC) 1 Elective Courses (EC)
and 3 *Any one group of courses
from the following list of the
(Group – A/B/C/D/E) 18 1,2 and
3 **Any one group of courses
from the following list of the courses
(Group – A/B/C/D/E) 18
2  Project Work 2  Project Work
4 Project Work - I 06 4 Project Work - II 06
Total Credits 24 Total Credits 24

 Note: Project work is considered as a special course involving application of knowledge in
solving/ analyzing/ exploring a real life situation/ difficult problem. Project work would be of
06 credits. A project work may be undertaken in any area of Elective Courses
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1 *List of group of Elective Courses (EC)
for Semester III (Any Three out of Five) 1 ** List of group of Elective Courses (EC)
for Semester IV (Any Three out of Five)
Group A: Advanced Accounting, Corporate Accounting and Financial Management
1 Advanced Financial
Accounting 06 1 Corporate Financial
Accounting 06
2 Direct Tax 06 2 Indirect Tax - Introduction of
Goods and Service Tax 06
3 Advance d Cost Accounting 06 3 Financial Management 06
4 Advanced Auditing 06 4 International Financial
Reporting Standards 06
5 Financial Services 06 5 Personal Financial Planning 06
Group B: Business Studies (Management)
1 Human Resource
Management 06 1 Supply chain management
and logistics 06
2 Rural Marketing 06 2 Advertising and sales
Management 06
3 Entrepreneurial Management 06 3 Retail Management 06
4 Marketing Strategies and
practices 06 4 Tourism Management 06
5 Organizational Behaviour 06 5 Mana gement of Business
Relations 06
Group C : Banking & Finance
1 Commercial Bank
Management 06 1 International Finance 06
2 Financial Markets 06 2 Financial Services 06
3 Accounting of Banking Sector 06 3 Auditing of Banking Sector 06
4 Treasury Manage ment 06 4 Investment Management 06
5 Debt Market 06 5 Currency Derivatives 06
Group D : E -Commerce
1 Database Management
System 06 1 E-Commerce Security and
Law 06
2 Internet & Web -Designing
(skill based) 06 2 Advance technology for E -
Commerce 06
3 Network Infrastructure and
Payment System 06 3 Management Information
System 06
4 Logistic & supply chain
Management in E -Commerce 06 4 Digital Marketing 06
5 Business Models in E -
Commerce & ICT Applications 06 5 International Business, Law
and Taxation 06
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1 *List of group of Elective Courses (EC)
for Semester III (Any Three out of Five) 1 ** List of group of Elective Courses (EC)
for Semester IV (Any Three out of Five)
Group E : Business Economics
1 Economics of Growth and
Development 06 1 Urban Eco nomics 06
2 Applied Econometrics 06 2 Entrepreneurship and F amily
business 06
3 Agriculture Economics 06 3 Indian Financial system 06
4 Monetary Economics 06 4 International Economics 06
5 Industrial Economics 06 5 Economics of Services 06
Note: Group selected in Semester III will continue in Semester IV
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Revised Syllabus and Quest ion Paper Pattern of Courses of

Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System
Course Structure

(To be implemented from Academic Year - 2017- 2018 )

Semester III
No. of
Courses Semester III Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
Group A: Advanced Accounting, Corporate Accounting and
Financial Management (Any Three out of Five)
1 Advanced Finan cial Accounting 06
2 Direct Tax 06
3 Advanced Cost Accounting 06
4 Advanced Auditing 06
5 Financial Services 06
Total Credits 18

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester III
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group A: Advanced Accounting, Corporate Accounting and
Financial Management

1. Advanced Financial Accounting

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Foreign Currency Conversio n (As per Applicable Accounting
Standards ) 15
2 Final Accounts & Statutory Requirements for Banking
Companies 15
3 Accounting & Statutory Requirements of Insurance Companies 15
4 Accounting & Statutory Requirements of Co -operative Societies 15
Total 60

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SN Modules/ Units
1 Foreign Currency Conversion ( As per Applicable Accounting Standards )
Requirements as per Accounting S tandards
Foreign Branches
2 Final Accounts & Statutory Requirements for Banking Compa nies
Final Accounts of Banking Companies
Provisioning of Non - Performing Assets
Form & Requirements of Final Accounts
3 Accounti ng & Statutory Requirements of Insurance Companies
• Accounting Provision for I nsurance Act and Insurance Regulation and
Development Authorities for
1) Life Insurance Business
2) General Insurance Business
• Forms and Requirements of Final Accounts for
1) Life Insurance Business
2) General Insurance Business
4 Accounting & Statutory Requirements of Co -operative Societies
• Accounting Prov ision s of Maharashtra State Co -operative Societies Act and Rules
• Forms and Requirements of Final Accounts
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester I II
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group A: Advanced Accounting, Corporate Accounting and
Financial Management

2. Direct Tax

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Definitions and Basis of Charg e 15
2 Heads of Income 15
3 Deductions u/s 80 and Exclusions from the Total Income 15
4 Computation of Income and Tax of Individual, Firm and
Company (Excluding MAT) and Provisions for Filing Return of
Income - Sec 139(1) and Sec 139(5) 15
Total 60

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SN Modules/ Units
1 Definitions and Basis of Charge
• Definitions : Person, Assessee, Income
• Basis of Charge: Previous Year, Assessment Year, Residential Status, Scope of Total
Income, Deemed Income
2 Heads of Income
• Income from Salary
• Income from House Property
• Profits and Gains from Business and Profession
• Income from Capital Gains
• Income from Other Sources
3 Deductions u/s 80 and Exclusions from the Total Income
• Deductions: 80C, 80CCF, 80D, 80DD, 80DDB, 80E, 80U
• Exclusions : Exemptions related to Specific Heads of Income to be Covered with
Relevant Provisions, Agricultural Income, Sums Received from HUF by a Member,
Share of Profit from Firm, Income from Minor Child, Dividend
4 Computation of Income and Tax of Individual, Firm and Company (Exclud ing MAT)
and Provisions for Filing Return of Income - Sec 139(1) and Sec 139(5)
• Computation of Income & Tax of Individual and Partnership Firm
1. The Syllabus is restricted to study of particular sections, specifically mentioned
rules and notifications only
2. All modules/units include computational problems/ Case study
3. The Law in force on 1st April immediately preceding the commencement of
Academic year will be applicable for ensuing Examinations
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester III
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group A: Advanced Accounting, Corporate Accounting and
Financial Management

3. Adv anced Cost Accounting

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Process Costing 15
2 Cost Allocation and Activity Based Costing Systems 15
3 Responsibility Accounting 15
4 Strategic Cost Management 15
Total 60

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SN Modules/ Units
1 Proc ess Costing
A) Introduction - Features of process, Concept of Process Loss, Abnormal Loss,
Normal Loss, Abnormal Gain.
B) Computation of Inter Process Profit – Advantages and Disadvantages
C) Computation of Equivalent Production – Weighted Average and FIFO.
2 Cost Allocation and Activity Based Costing Systems
A) Cost Allocation – Meaning and its Types, Relationship between resources,
activities, Cost and Cost drivers, Methods of allocating central costs - cost
allocation using Direct Method, Step Down Method and Reciprocal Method.
B) Activity Based Costing – Introduction, Advantages, Limitations, Identification
of cost drivers, Practical Problems on Traditional V/s Activity Based Costing
3 Responsibility Accounting
A) Responsibility Accounting – Meanin g, Features, Objective, Assumptions,
Problems, Responsibility Centre’s – Cost, Profit, Revenue and Investment.
B) Concept of Controllability – Introduction, Measuring Managerial Performance
( ROI and Residual Income Approach)
C) Preparation of Managerial Repor ts using Segmented Costs and Controllable
costs approach.
4 Strategic Cost Management
A) Transfer Pricing – Introduction, Advantages and Disadvantages, Setting
Transfer Pricing – Negotiated transfer pricing, Cost Based transfer pricing.
B) Target Costing – Introduction, Concept, Objectives, Comparison between Target
Costing and Cost Plus Pricing.
C) Inflation Accounting – Meaning, Features, Conversion of Income Statement,
Balance Sheet, Stocks and Net Assets Block using Current Purchasing Power

Note – All Topics include practical sums.
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester III
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group A: Advanced Accounting, Corporate Accounting and
Financial Management

4. Advanced A uditing

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Company A udit 15
2 Special Audits 15
3 Audit under other laws 15
4 Auditing in Comput erized E nvironment 15
Total 60

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SN Modules/ Units
1 Company Audit
• Introduction to Audit - Audit of Ledgers, General Considerations, Scrutiny of
Ledgers of Assets, Personal and Revenue Accounts
• Company Audit - Audit of Shares, Qualifications an d Disqualifications of Auditors,
Appointment of auditors, Removal of auditors, Powers and duties of auditors,
Branch audit, Joint audit, Special audit, Reporting requirements under the
Companies Act, 2013.
• Concepts of true and fair and materiality and audit risk in the context of audit of
• Audit reports; qualifications, notes on accounts, distinction between notes and
qualifications, detailed observations by the statutory auditor to the management
vis-a-vis obligations of reporting to the members
2 Special Audits
• Special points in audit of different types of undertakings, i.e., Educational
institutions, Hotels, Clubs and Hospitals.
3 Audit under other Laws
• Cost audit, Environmental Audit, Energy Audit., Audit under different statutes, viz;
income tax, other direct tax laws and indirect taxes
4 Auditing in Computerized Environment
• Audit under computerised environment: Computer auditing; specific problems of
EDP audit, Need for review of internal control especially procedure controls and facility controls; techniques of audit of EDP output; Use of computers for internal
and management audit purposes; test packs, computerised audit programmes;
involvement of the auditor at the time of setting up the computer system
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Revised Syllabus of Cour ses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester III
(To be implemented from Academic Year - 2017 -2018)

Group A: Advanced Accounting, Corporate Accounting and
Financial Management

5. Financial Services

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Financial Services and Merchant Banking 15
2 Venture Capital and Securitization 15
3 Hire Purchase Finance and Housing Finance 15
4 Stock Broking and Depository Services 15
Total 60

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SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Financial Services and Merchant Banking
A) Introduction to Financial Services - Overview of Financial Services in India,
Growth, Structure and Types of financial se rvices.
B) Merchant Banking - Merchant Banking – Meaning, nature and functions;
merchant banking in India, role in issue management; classification and
regulation of merchant bankers by SEBI
2 Venture Capital and Securitization
A) Venture Capital - Meaning an d Definition of Venture Capital, Characteristics of
Venture Capital, Forms/Types of Venture Capital Assistances, Venture Capital Process, Modes of Venture Capital Assistance
B) Securitization - Introduction, Definition, Concept, Need, Players Involved in
Securitization, Securitization Structure, Instruments of Securitization,
Differentiate between Pass Through Certificate and Pay Through Securities,
Process of Securitization
3 Hire Purchase Finance and Housing Finance
A) Hire Purchase Finance - Meaning, conc epts of hire purchase finance,
installment credit and consumer credit; sources of finance in India
B) Housing Finance – Introduction, Need, nature of housing finance, fixed and
floating rate home loans; sources of housing finance in India, growth of
housing finance in India; Role of National Housing Bank; concept of mortgage
and reverse mortgage; housing loans and mortgage loans, types of mortgage
4 Stock Broking and Depository Services
A) Stock Broking – Meaning, types of stockbrokers, sub -brokers; st ock broking in ,
E-broking – meaning, Indian experience
B) Depository Services – Meaning, role of depositories and their services,
Advantages of depository system; Functioning of depository system;
Depositories in India – NSDL & CSDL; Depository participants (DPs) and their
role Custodial services - meaning; obligations and responsibilities of custodians;
code of conduct

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Revised Syllabus and Quest ion Paper Pattern of Courses of

Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System
Course Structure

(To be implemented from Academic Year - 2017- 2018 )

Semester III
No. of
Courses Semester III Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
Group B : Business Studies (Management)
(Any Three out of Five)
1 Human Resource Management 06
2 Rural Marketing 06
3 Entre preneurial Management 06
4 Marketing Strategies and practices 06
5 Organizational Behaviour 06
Total Credits 18

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester III
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group B: Business Studies (Management)

1. Human Resource Management

Modules at a G lance

SN Modules No. of
1 Human Resource Management 15
2 Human Resource Development 15
3 Latest Development in H.R.M. and Labour Legislation 15
4 Emerging Issues In H.R.M 15
Total 60

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SN Modules/ Units
1 Human Resource Management
• Human Resource Management (HRM). – Concept, Traditional HRM v/s
Strategic HRM , Objectives of HRM, Organisation Structure of HRM
Department – Changing Role of H.R. Manager.
• Human Resource Planning - Concept, Factors affecting HRP , Information
Managemen t in HRP – HRIS (Human Resource Information System) , Job
Analysis, Psychological and Behavioural Issues in HRP.
• Recruitment and Selection of managerial personnel - Factors affecting
recruitment process, Role of Recruitment agencies, Online process of selection.

2 Human Resource Development
• Training and Development - Designing of the effective training programme
Evaluation of the effective training programme, Challenges before trainers,
Management Development Programme – Techniques.
• Performa nce Appraisal - Process, Guidelines for conducting appraisal
Interviews, Ethical aspects in performance appraisal.
• Career Advancement and Succession Planning - Self-Development
Mechanism and Knowledge enrichment, Managing Promotion and Transfers,
Manag ing dismissal, Succession Planning - Problems and Issues, Culture as a
factor in Succession Planning..
3 Latest Development in H.R.M. And Labour Legislation
• Industrial Relation Act – Prominent features and recent changes in Trade
Union Act 2016, Factori es Act 1961, Industrial Disputes Act 1950.
• Prominent features and recent changes to Child and Women Labour Act
1986, Social Security Act 2016, Prevention of Sexual harassment Act, 2013.

• Prominent features and recent changes to Employees Acts like payment of
Gratuity Act 2015, Provident Fund Act 1952, Minimum Wages Act 2016 and Payment of Wages Act 1991, Workmen Compensation Act 2014/ESI Scheme.

4 Emerging Issues In H.R.M
• Health and Safety – Safety measures and safety programmes, Stress and its
Impact on Job Performance, Role of organization in ensuring mental and
physical health of employees
• Work life balance – Need and Importance, Employee Engagement, Managing
Millennials (Gen Y)
• Talent Management – Concept , I mportance, Process, Talent Management
and VUCA Environment(Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity), H.R.
Practices at Global level
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Comme rce (M.Com) Programme at Semester III
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group B: Business Studies (Management)

2. Rural Marketing

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Rural Market ing 15
2 Consumer Behaviour and Rural Marketing 15
3 Agricultural Marketing 15
4 Recent Trends in Rural Marketing 15
Total 60

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SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Rural Marketing
• Rural Marketing: Concept, Scope, Nature and Evolution of Rural Ma rketing,
Rural Marketing Strategies -4P’s, Rural Infrastructural Facilities –
Warehousing, Cold Storage, Logistics.
• Indian Rural Market: Profile, Rural Vs Urban Market, Importance of Branding,
Scope and Importance of Transportation Networking in rural mar kets.
• Problems of Rural Consumer : Adulteration, Short Weight and Measures,
Unfair Warranties and Guarantees, Unreasonable Pricing, Challenges and
Future of Rural Marketing
2 Consumer Behaviour and Rural Marketing
• Consumer Behaviour: Characteristics of Buying Behaviour- Awareness,
Understanding, Consumer Purchase Decision, Importance of Rural Marketing
Communication, Salesmen Influence.
• Government Schemes: Rural Development Programmes and Schemes of
Government, Entreprenuership Development Programme, Ro le of Food
Corporation of India (FCI), Role of Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC).
• Role of Banks in Rural Marketing: Role of Agricultural Cooperative Banks,
Commercial Banking for Rural Marketing
3 Agricultural Marketing
• Agricultural Marketing - Importance, P rospects and Issues, Role of
Cooperatives and Self Help Groups (SHG) in Rural Marketing
• Commodity Boards: Role and Contribution of Commodity Boards in
generating revenue to government and employment in rural India.
• Agricultural Exports: Composition and Contribution of Agricultural Exports in
generating revenue for India - Food Grains, Organic products, Marine
Products, Role of Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export
Development Authority (APEDA)
4 Recent Trends in Rural Marketing
• E- Commerce: Import ance of E -Commerce and Impact of E - Marketing on
rural consumers, Concept of Digital Village, Role of Social Media in rural marketing.
• Information Technology: Impact of IT in Agricultural Marketing, E -Chaupal,
Project Shakti, Web -casting -online training an d guidance to farmers.
• Online Marketers : Role of Online Marketers, Growth and Challenges
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester III
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group B: Business Studies (Management)

3. Entrepreneurial Management

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Entrepreneurship Development Perspective 15
2 Creating Entrepreneur ial Venture 15
3 Project Management 15
4 Assistance and Incentives for Promotion and Development of
Entrepreneurship 15
Total 60

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SN Modules/ Units
1 Entrepreneurship Development Perspective
• Entrepreneurship – Concept, Factors affecting growth o f Entrepreneurship,
Types of Entrepreneurs, Requirements of Entrepreneurial structure.
• Entrepreneurial Culture -Elements of culture, Steps to change Entrepreneurial
culture, Entrepreneurial v/s Administrative culture.
• Theories of Entrepreneurship - Schumpeter Dynamic Entrepreneurship
Innovation Theory, Theory of High Achievement by McClelland, Theory of
Personnel Resourcefulness
2 Creating Entrepreneurial Venture
• Entrepreneurial Environment - Significance, SWOC Analysis, Problems of
• Finan cial Analysis of Entrepreneurial Venture - Significance, Tools of Financial
Analysis, Sources of development finance
• Social Entrepreneurship - Features, Importance, Arguments (for and against)
Social Entrepreneurship, Women Entrepreneurs – concept and specia l
Government schemes for women entrepreneurs in India.
3 Project Management
• Project - Concepts and Classification of Project, Search of Business Idea,
Project Cycle.
• Project formulation -----Steps for project formulation, Project Design and
network analy sis – concept and network analysis techniques: PERT/ CPM.
• Project Management – Concept, Phases, Project Identification and Project
Feasibility Analysis.
4 Assistance and Incentives for Promotion and Development of Entrepreneurship
• Incentives – Need, Pro motion and development Entrepreneurship -Types of
Assistance and incentives - Fiscal, Financial, Promotional, Marketing, and
• NPSD - National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 2015.
• Institutions in aid of Entrepreneurship Deve lopment - The National institute
for Entrepreneurship and small business development, District Industry Centre (DIC), National Alliance of young Entrepreneurs
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester III
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group B: Business Studies (Management)

4. Marketing Strategies and practices

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Marketing Strategies 15
2 Developing Marketing Strategies & Plans 15
3 Market Environmental Trends & Building Customer Value 15
4 Recent Trends in Marketing Strategies 15
Total 60

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SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction t o Marketing Strategies
• Introduction: Marketing Strategies – Concept, Evolution, Role/ Importance,
Types, Formulation of Marketing Strategies - Steps
• Marketing Opportunities and Plan: Analysing Marketing Opportunities,
Future of Marketing, Effective Mark eting Plan.
• New Marketing Strategies: Holistic, New Brand, Service, Green and Guerrilla
Marketing Strategies
2 Developing Marketing Strategies & Plans
• Marketing Mix: Marketing Strategy Implementation - Steps, Marketing Mix 4
P’s – Importance, Alternative Marketing Mix Prepositions - Profit, People, and
• Marketing Plans: Marketing Planning - Importance, Types and Content,
Strategic Business Unit - Structure, SWOT Analysis.
• Defensive Marketing Strategies: Importance, Types, Offensive V/S Defensive
Marketing Strategies, Position Defense Strategies.
3 Market Environmental Trends & Building Customer Value
• Environmental Analysis: Analysing the Macro Environment, Theories of
Marketing - PESTLE Analysis, VRIO Analysis, Porter’s Competency Model, and
Customer Perceived Value (CPV).
• Customer Value: Applying Customer Value and Satisfaction, Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) - Concepts and Techniques
• Customer Loyalty: Importance, Consumer Behaviour – Impact of Personal,
Cultural, Social and Psychological Factors.
4 Recent Trends in Marketing Strategies
• Emerging Strategies: 21st Century Marketing Strategies, Global Marketing
Strategies, and Strategies for Entering Emerging Market .
• E-Marketing: Concept, Pros and Cons, Digital Marketing – Concept and
features, Experiential Marketing – Concept and features, Hospitality
Marketing Management.
• Social Marketing: Social Marketing - Importance, Barriers, Trends in
Marketing Practices in India and across Globe.

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester III
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group B: Business Studies (Management)

5. Organizational Behaviour

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Organisational Setting 15
2 Foundation of Individual Behaviour 15
3 Group Dynamics and Behaviour 15
4 Emerging Challenges 15
Total 60

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SN Modules/ Units
1 Organisational Setting
• Introduction to O rganisational Behaviour (OB) – Concept, Nature,
Foundation, Disciplines and Scope of OB.
• Evolution of OB –Evolution – Stages, Human Relations Approach – Hawthorne
Experiments, Models of OB.
• Organisation Design – Key factors,Steps in Organisation Structure,
Organisations for future - Types.
2 Foundation of Individual Behaviour
• Factors affecting Individual behaviour - Personal, Psychological, Organisation
System, Environmental.
• Personality& Perception – Nature of personality, Determinants of personality,
Personality Traits., Factors Influencing Perception, Managing perception
Process, Perception and OB
• Attitude – Nature , components , work related attitudes , Barriers to
attitudinal Change, Measures to attitudinal change.
3 Group Dynamics and Behaviour
• Group – Types of groups, Stages of Group Development, Group Decision
making – Advantages and Problems.
• Work place behaviour – Determinants of Group Behaviour, Power and Politics
–Sources of Power, Types of Organisational politics.
• Conflict – Levels of Confli ct, Strategies for resolving Conflict, Guidelines for
effective negotiation.
4 Emerging Challenges
• Stress Management – Sources, Effects, Strategies, Stress and Performance.
• Organisation culture – Cultural Dimensions, Creating Organisational Culture,
Maintaining Organisational Culture.
• Workforce Diversity – Concept, Managing Diversity effectively, Ethical
Behaviour in workplace, Managing Ethics at work place.

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Revised Syllabus and Quest ion Paper Pattern of Courses of

Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System
Course Structure

(To be implemented fr om Academic Year - 2017- 2018 )

Semester III
No. of
Courses Semester III Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
Group C: Banking and Finance (Any Three out of Five)
1 Commercial Bank Management 06
2 Financial Markets 06
3 Accounting of Banking Sector 06
4 Treasury Management 06
5 Debt Market 06
Total Credits 18

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester III
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group C: Banking and Finance

Commercial Bank Management

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Overview of Commercial Banking in India 15
2 Credit Management in Banks 18
3 Human Resource Management in Banks 12
4 Evolving Trends in Modern Banking 15
Total 60

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SN Modules/ Uni ts
1 Overview of Commercial Banking in India
A) Overview of Commercial Banking in India - Role and Functions of Commercial
Banks, Introduction to Bank Management, Management of Banks in Rural Areas.
B) Customer Relationship Management in Banks - Meaning and Objectives of CRM
in banks, Strategies for Expanding Customer Bas e, Banking Ombudsman Scheme,
Customer Retention , Handling Customer Grievances
C) Services to Different Categories of Customers - Retail, Corporate, International
and Rural.
2 Credit Mana gement in Banks
A) Credit Management in Banks – Principles of Sound Bank Lending, Loan Policy,
Compliance with RBI guidelines, Credit Appraisal and Credit Decision Making,
Monitoring and Review of Loan Portfolio, Management of Non- Performing Assets
(NPAs), Classification of NPAs, Debt Restructuring - SARFAESI Act, 2002.
B) Bank’s Investment Policy – SLR Requ irements & Non- SLR Investments, Nature
and Significance of Investment Management in Commercial Banks, Fundamental
Principles of Security Investment, Manageme nt of Security Investment, Reviewing
Investment Portfolio and Organization of Investment Function in Bank

3 Human Resource Management in Banks
A) Human Resource Management in Banks – Importance of HRM in Banks, Policies
relating to Human Resource Developm ent in India, Selection, Training, Pay
Structure in Public Sector Banks and Private Sector Banks , Worke rs Participation
in Management, Motivations and Morals, Performance Evaluation, Promotion,
Transfer Policy and VRS schemes in Public Sector Banks

4 Evolving Trends in Modern Banking
A) Evolving Trends in Modern Banking – Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, EFT
services, Outsourcing of Non- core Services, Mergers and Acquisitio ns in Banking
B) Financial Inclusion – Need and Importance of Financial Inclusion, Micro Credit
SHGs, RBI Guidelines for Micro Credit, Portfolio Securitization, SHG -2, NRLM and
SRLM, Priority Sector and its Classification.

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester III
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group C: Banking and Finance

Financial Markets

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to F inancial system 15
2 Overview of Capital Market 20
3 Overview of Money Market 10
4 Overview of Derivative s Market 15
Total 60

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SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Financial S ystem
A) An O verview of Financial System - Structure of Indian financial system, the
nature and role of financial system, Relationship between financial system
and economic development , Constituents of Financial System – Primary and
Secondary , Development of Financial Markets in India, Components of
financial system.
B) Theories –Prior savings theory, Credit creation theory, Theory of post savings,
Financial regulation theory, Financial liberalization theory.

2 Overview of Capital Market
A) Introduction to Capital Mark et - Structure and Growth of the Indian Capital
Market, Indian Capi tal Market Forms - Industrial Securities , New Issue markets
and Old Issue markets - Introduction, Features, Types and Government
Securities (Gilt -edged market) - Introduction, Features, and Types
B) Ownership Securities – Equity Shares, Pre ference Shares, No -par stock -
(Introduction, Features and Types )
C) Creditorship Securities – Debentures –Introduction, Features, and Types

3 Overview of Money Market
A) Money market - Meaning, Features, S tructure of money market, R egulatory
framework, - RBI/FIMMDA/FEDAI, Disa dvantages of Money market,
Characteristics and F eatures of developed money market, Recent
development in money markets -DFHI, STCI
B) Money Market Instruments -T Bills, Money at short and cal l notice,
Commercial bills, Promissory notes, Certificate of deposits Commercial-
papers, Banker’s Acceptance CBLO, IBPC, MMMF and LAF

4 Overview of Derivatives Market
A) Derivatives Market - Meaning, Importance and Need for Derivatives Market,
Kinds of financial derivatives and financial derivatives in India.
B) Globalizatio n of Financial Market - Indigenous Bond markets, Foreign
Currency Bond Markets, Euro market, FDI - Inflows - Outflows, Emerging Trends
and Challenges in Global Financial Markets and Impact of globalization on
financial markets.

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester III
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group C: Banking and Finance

Accounting of Banking Sector

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction of Bank ing Companies 10
2 Accounting System s & Provisions in Banks 15
3 Calculation of Interest and Annuities 15
4 Preparation of Final A ccounts and Reporting 20
Total 60

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SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction of Banking Companies
• Definition and features of banking companies
• Types of banks
• Different types of accounts maintained by banks
• Bank products & services
• Cash Management Services and its Importance
2 Accounting System s & Provisions in Banking Companies
• Significant Features of Accounting Systems of Banking Companies
• Books required to be maintained by banks
• Income recognition, Classification of assets and advances, Provisions, Classification
of investments
• Provisions of Banking Regulation Act- 1949 applicable to banking companies: -
Business, Capital and Reserve, Reserve funds , Dividend, Cash reserves, Loans and
advances, Unclaimed deposits, Accounts and auditing
3 Calculation of Interest and Annuities
• Calculation o f Simple Interest & Compound Interest; Calculation of Equated
Monthly Instalments; Fixed and Floating Interest Rates;
• Calculation of Annuities, Interest Calculation using Products/Balances;
Amortization of a Debt; Sinking Funds
4 Preparation of Final A ccounts and Reporting
• Disclosure Requirements of Banks and Additional Disclosures prescribed by RBI
• Disclosures required under BASEL norms.
• Preparation of Financial Statements of Banking Companies as per regulatory
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Revised Syllabus of Course s of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester III
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group C: Banking and Finance

Treasury Management

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Treasury Management 15
2 Treasury Operations 15
3 Risk Analysis & Control 15
4 Regulatory, Supervising & Compliance Framework 15
Total 60

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Page 35

SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Treasury Management
• Concept & Evolution of Treasury
[Including other important terminology in treasury: - Arbitrage; Bank Rate; Options;
Capital Adequacy; Capital Fund; CRR; CDSL; Clearing House; DP; Hedging; LAF; OMOs;
RTGS; Refinance; SLR; SWIFT; T-Bills; Tier- I & II Capital]
• Objectives & Role of Treasury
• Structure of Treasury & Functions of Treasurer
• Scope & Functions of Treasury Management
• Internal Treasury Control System
• Role of Information Technology in Treasury Management
[Negotiated Dealin g System(NDS); Straight -Through -Processing(STP)]
2 Treasury Operations
• Liquidity Management
[Objectives -CRR- SLR-RTGS -CCIL]
• Treasury Management in Commercial Banks
[NPA & Capital Adequacy Norms (CRAR); Investment Policy Statement; Back office support & A ccounting]
• FOREX Market Operations
[International Financial System & FOREX Market; Instrument traded; Exchange
Rate mechanism; Indian FOREX market; RBI & Exchange Market]
• Risk Management in Market Operations
[Gilt -edged Markets; Exchange Rate & Currency Ri sk; Interest Risk Management]
• Impact of Treasury Operations
[Structural & Statutory changes; Need for Regulation; Development in Markets]
• Practical Problems on FOREX Valuation
[FEDAI Guidelines & Valuation]
3 Risk Analysis & Control
• Interest Rate risk: Investment /Trading Book
• Value at Risk [VaR]
• FOREX (Market ) Risk
• Risk Management in banks [RBI Guidelines]
• Treasury & Asset -Liability Management(ALM)
[Meaning & Objectives of ALM; Market Risk -Liquidity & Interest Risk; Role of
Treasury in ALM; Use of Der ivatives in ALM; Policy Environment]
4 Regulatory, Supervising & Compliance Framework
• Ethics, Morals & Code of Conduct- The Dealing Room [General Principles from
• RBI guidelines & Policy
[Organizational set up; Industrial Sickness; NPAs in Scheduled Commercial banks]
• Tax Environment in treasury
[Corporate Taxation; Need for Tax Planning; Tax changes during 2004 to 2007 & at Present; Tax on Investments; Tax Compliance]
• MIS for Treasury Operations
[Current Monetary & Credit Policies; Fiscal & Budge tary Policies; Foreign Trade &
Exchange Policies; Financial Market Trends; International Developments]
• Global framework in Treasury Operations
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Co mmerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester III
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group C: Banking and Finance

Debt Market

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Indian Debt Market 10
2 Central Government Securities and State Government
Bonds 15
3 Corporate Bond Market 15
4 Valuation of B onds 20
Total 60

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SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Indian Debt Market
A) Indian Debt Markets : A Profile of Products and Participants, Market
Segments, Participants in the Debt Markets, Secondary Market for Debt
B) Debt Instruments: Instrument Features, Modifying the coupon of the bond,
Modifying the term to maturity of a bond, Modifying the principal repayment
of a bond, Asset backed securities

2 Central Government Securities and State Government Bonds
A) Central Government Securities Bonds -Introduction, Developments Expected,
G-Secs: Trends in Volumes, Tenor and Yields, Primary Issuance Process,
Participants in Government Bond Markets, Constituent of SGL Accounts,
Primary Dealers, Satellite Dealers, Secondary Markets for Government Bonds, Settlement of Trades in G -
Secs, Clearing Corporation, Negotiated Dealing
System, Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF).
B) Central Government Securities: Treasury Bill Issuance Process, Cut -Off Yields,
Investors in T- Bills, Secondary Market Activity in T -bills.
C) State Government Bonds - Gross Fiscal Deficit of State Governments and its
financing, Volume and Coupon rates on State Government Bonds, Ownership Pattern of State Government
Bonds, and State Government Guaranteed
3 Corporate Bond Market
A) Corporate Bonds - Market Segments, Issue Process, Issue Management and
Book Build ing, Terms of a debenture issue and Credit Rating.
B) Bond Market Indices and Benchmarks I-Bex : Sovereign Bond Index, NSE –

4 Valuation of Bonds
A) Valuation of Bonds - Bond Valuation: First principles, Time path of a bond,
Valuing a bond at any point on the time scale, Accrued Interest, Yield,
Weighted Yield, YTM of a Portfolio, Realised Yield, Yield –Price relationships of
B) Yield Curve and Term Structure of Interest Rate - Yield Curve: The Simple
Approach, Bootstrapping, Alternate Methodologies to Estimate the Yield
Curve, Theories of the Term Structure of Interest Rates
C) Duration - Introduction and Definition, Calculating Duration of a Coupon
Paying Bond, Computing duration on dates other than coupon dates, Modified Duration, Rupee Duration, Price Value
of a Basis Point, Portfolio Duration,
Limitations of Duration

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Revised Syllabus and Quest ion Paper Pattern of Courses of

Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System
Course Structure

(To be implemented from Academic Year - 2017- 2018 )

Semester III
No. of
Cours es Semester III Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
Group D: E-Commerce (Any Three out of Five)
1 Database Management System 06
2 Internet & Web -Designing (skill based) 06
3 Network Infrastructure and Payment
System 06
4 Logistic & supply chain Manageme nt in E -
Commerce 06
5 Business Models in E -Commerce & ICT
Applications 06
Total Credits 18

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester III
(To b e implemented from Academic Year - 2017- 2018)

Group D : E-Commerce

1. Database Management System

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Database Management System (DBMS) 15
2 Relational Database Design 15
3 Transaction Management and Recovery System 15
4 SQL Concept 15
Total 60

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Page 40

SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Database Management System (DBMS)
• Concept of Database, Database Management System: Concept,features,
Importance and Evolution
• Environment, Classificati ons, Advantages and Issues of using DBMS, Functional
• Three Level of Architecture, Implications of the Database Approach , Database
Languages and Interfaces, The Database System Environment
2 Relational Database Design
• Codd’s rule, Entity rel ationship model, Entity Types, Attributes, Keys ,
• Roles and Structural Constraints, Constraints on Relationship Types, Basic
Relational Algebra Operations • Additional Relational Operations
• Roles and functional Dependencies, Normalization, Mapping the ER model to
Relational DB
3 Transaction Management and Recovery System
• Transaction Management: Transaction Concept, Transaction State, Implementation
of Atomicity and Durability, Implementation of Isolation - Testing for serializability.
• Recovery System: Failure Classification, Storage Structure, Recovery and Atomicity
- Log - Based Recovery - Recovery with Concurrent Transactions
• Buffer Management - Failure with loss of non- volatile storage, Advance Recovery
systems, Remote Backup systems.
4 SQL Concept
• Basics of SQL: Form of Basic SQL Query - Examples of Basic SQL Queries, Multi table
• Introduction to Nested Queries, Correlated Nested Queries
• NULL values - Comparis on using Null values - Disallowing NULL values, Complex
Integrity Constraints in SQL Triggers and Active Data bases.
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester III
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group D : E-Commerce

2. Internet & Web -Designing (skill based)

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Internet 15
2 Internet Security Management 15
3 Web designing 15
4 New trends 15
Total 60

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Page 42

SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Internet
• Concept, Evolution of internet, Significance, Limitations, Types of Network
• Internet Network Services and functions of internet, current tre nds on internet,
• Internet Technology and Protocol, Internet Connectivity, TCP/IP, Router, Internet
Addressing Scheme
2 Internet Security Management
• Management Concepts and Information Privacy and Copyright Issues, Network
• Overview of Intern et Security, Firewalls, Internet Security, basics of asymmetric
• Governance on internet, impact of internet on society, Internet Applications,
3 Web designing
• WWW- Concept, Web technology, Functioning of websites, Creating a Basic Web Pa ge,
Web Page Layout Techniques,
• Type of websites, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) -Essential HTML for content,
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) -Selector Type, Common Properties,
PhotoshopElements and Principles of Design
• Interactivity tools, Difference between web designer and web developers, web
4 New trends
• Multimedia and Graphics, JavaScript, Adobe Dreamweaver, Facebook Page
Designing, You Tube Videos
• Utilities: Gif Animation, On -Page Search Engine Optimization, Google Webmasters
Tools, Mobile we bsite development
• Email Network and server, Email Protocol,
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester III
(To be implement ed from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group D: E-Commerce

3. Network Infrastructure and Payment System

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Network infrastructure for e -commerce 15
2 Internet Protocol, Security and Protectio n 15
3 E-payment System 15
4 Security Protocol, Threats and Measures 15
Total 60

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Page 44

SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Network infrastructure for E -Commerce
• Requirements for Network infrastructure for e -commerce, Market forces
influencing I -way, Component of I -way, Global Information distribution Network,
• Network Access equipment, Strategic Alliances and I -Way Infrastructure, Public
policy issues shaping I -way
• Telephone based infrastructure, Cable/ TV based infrastructure, Wireless
infrastructur e, Commercial online infrastructure, Narrow band V/S Broad band
2 Internet Protocol, Security and Protection
• TCP/IP Internet protocol for Network Infrastructure, Wireless Access Protocol
(WAP), Mobile Network Infrastructure
• Internet, Intranet and extranet as E -commerce infrastructure, Network
Infrastructure Security - External and Internal Attack
• Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), Protecting Network infrastructure -
Steps in hacking Network Infrastructure, A new model to protect Networ k
3 E-payment System
• E-Payment System - Concept, Online Payment System – prepaid e -payment service,
postpaid e -payment system;, Advantages and Limitations of Payment System, Role
of E-payments,
• Classification of Payment System, Scope of P ayment system, Payment meditation
services V/S Payment system
• Payment processing Network, Payment Processing Settlement, Payment Gateway
4 Security Protocol, Threats and Measures
• Security Protocol, Digital certificates, Security threats in E -com enviro nment, Credit
& legal risk of e -payment system.
• Credit Card based Payment System, Electronic Payment security - Encryption,
Digital signatures, Digital Certificate, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
• Secure Socket Layer (SSL), 3D SET and Secure, Case studies i n E- payment system.
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester III
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group D: E -Commerce

4. Logistic & supply chain Management in

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Logistic in E -Commerce 15
2 Warehouse and E -logistics 15
3 Introduction to Supply Chain Management (SCM) 15
4 Logistics/Supply Chain Management in the Global Environment - 15
Total 60

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Page 46

SN Modules/ Units
1 Logistic in E -Commerce
• Logistic in E -commerce – Features, Significance, Evolution, E -Commerce logistics in
developed market,
• ICT infrastructure for future logistics, E - logistics for transport modes and nodes,
Airfreight, Rail- freight, Road -freight, Sheep- Freight
• Automating E -logistics - B2C E -commerce fulfillment, E -fulfillment dimension,
Inventory Management
2 Warehouse and E -logistics
• Warehouse Management System (WMS) - Functions, Connectivity of WMS solution
into ERP, Warehousing challenges of e -commerce,
• Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) - Cost and benefits, RFID to enhance data
capture processes in warehouse environment
• GS1 keys used in logistics and E -procu rement, The Global Data Synchronization
Network (GDSN), Electronic Product Code Information System (EPCIS)
3 Introduction to Supply Chain Management (SCM)
• SCM - Concept, Significance, IT applications, Evolution of global SCM
• Value Chain Management - Concepts and features, Challenges, Sustainability
• E-Supply Chain planning(Component); E -Supply chain fusion; Channel Management
and Channel Integration
4 Logistics/Supply Chain Management in the Global Environment-
• Managing the Global Supply Chain, Impact of Globalization on Logistics and Supply
Chain Management,
• Global Logistics Trends, Global Issues and Challenges in Logistics and Supply Chain
• New trends in logistics and SCM- Technology in SCM, Artificial intelligence, Single
window system for Global SCM

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester III
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group D: E -Commerce

5. Business Models in E -Commerce & ICT

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to E -enterprise and Business Models 15
2 E-commerce Business Models 15
3 Introduction to Information Communication Technology(I CT) 15
4 Vital ICT Applications 15
Total 60

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Page 48

SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to E -enterprise and Business Models
• E-Commerce and E -enterprise - Concepts, Features, types of Business models,
Difference between E -commerce and E- business,
• Eight key elements of a business model, E -tailing Business Models, Primary
revenue Models in e - commerce.
• e-Commerce Process Models: E- business Models Based on the Relationship of
Transaction Parties, e -commerce Sales Life Cycle (ESLC) Model, selection of E -
commerc e business model
2 E-commerce Business Models
• E-commerce Business Models: Business models in emerging E -commerce areas,
Business to Consumer (B2C) - Characteristics, Process.
• Business to Business (B2B) - Characteristics, Importance, Alternative models of B2B,
Features of C2C and C2B
• Marketing and Business strategies: B2C and B2B E -commerce, Role of Websites in
3 Introduction to Information Communication Technology(ICT)
• Evolution of computers – Features and design – Managing Hardware, Software,
Computer Languages . Operating Systems – DOS
• Information Communication Technology(ICT) - Concept, Importance, Components,
Use of ICT in E -commerce,
• Role of ICT in driving E -commerce business, ICT and E -commerce relationship, ICT
Infrastructure and E -comm erce
4 Vital ICT Applications
• E-Governance: Models – G2G, G2B, G2C, Benefits and risks of E -Governance, ICT in
manufacturing – overview of CAD in conjunction with CAM,
• E-environment- Geographical Information System (GIS) weather forecasting, E -
education - statistical packages (SPSS), Computer aided learning/e -learning in
schools and over the Internet.
• E-health –Stress, Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), Eyestrain, Extremely Low Frequency
(ELF) radiation. Computers, health and the law.

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Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System
Course Structure

(To be implemented from Academic Year - 2017-2018 )

Semester IV
No. of
Courses Semester IV Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
Group A: Advanced Accounting, Corporate Accounting and
Financial Management (Any Three out of Five)
1 Corporate Financial Accounting 06
2 Indirect Tax - Introduction of Go ods and
Service Tax 06
3 Financial Management 06
4 International Financial Reporting
Standards 06
5 Personal Financial Planning 06
Total Credits 18

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Page 50

Revised Sylla bus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group A: Advanced Accounting, Corporate A ccounting and
Financial Management

1. Corporate Financial Accounting

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Corporate Financial Reporting 15
2 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) & Ind - AS 15
3 Valuation of Business for Ama lgamation & Merger 15
4 Consolidated Financial Statement 15
Total 60

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Page 51

SN Modules/ Units
1 Corporate Financial Reporting
• Introduction of Financial Reporting
• Need for reporting
• Contents of Financial Repor t
• Recent trends in Financial reporting
2 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) & Ind - AS
• Accounting Standards (AS) – applicability, interpretation, scope and compliance in
• Introduction to I.F.R.S
• Ind – AS
• Specific Ind AS:
Borrowing Costs
Operating Segments
Earning per share
Income Taxes
Accounting for fixed assets
3 Valuation of Business for Amalgamation & Merger
Meaning, Need & Approach
Methods of valuation
4 Consolidated Financial Statement
Meaning, Stand Alone Financial Statements
Consolidated Financial statements – Applicability, Advantages & Disadvantages
Procedure of C onsolidation of Balance -sheet & Profit & Loss Account (Excluding cross
holding, Chain Holding & Foreign Subsid iary)

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group A: Advanced Accounting, Corporate Accounting and
Financial Management

2. Indirect Tax - Introduction of Goods and
Service Tax

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Overview of Goods and Service Tax 15
2 Registration under GST 15
3 Collection of Tax u nder Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act,
2017 10
4 Place of supply of goods or services or both under Integrated
Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 10
5 Payment of GST 10
Total 60

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Page 53

SN Modules/ Units
1 Overview of Goods and Service Tax
Introduc tion and Meaning of GST and IGST
Scope of GST
Present/old Tax Structure v/s GST
GST in Other Countries
Existing taxes proposed to be subsumed under GST
Principles adopted for subsuming the taxes
Dual GST
Benefits of GST
GST Council
GST Network (GSTN) and GST regime
Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017: title and definitions, administration.
2 Registration U nder GST
Rules and Procedure of registration
Special provisions relating to casual taxable person and non -resident taxable person
Amendme nt of registration
Cancellation of registration
Revocation of cancellation of registration
3 Collection of Tax under Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017
Sec 5 and Sec 6
4 Place of supply of goods or services or both under Integrated Goods and Services
Tax Act, 2017
Sec 10 and Sec 12
5 Payment of GST
• Introduction
• Time of GST Payment
• How to make payment
• Challan Generation & CPIN

Note: Relevant Law/Statute/Rules in force and relevant Standards in force on 1st April immediately
preceding commencement of Academic Year is applicable for ensuring examination after
relevant year
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group A: Advanced Accounting, Corporate Accounting and
Financial Management

3. Financial Management

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Types of Financing 12
2 Investment Decisions : Capital Budgeting 12
3 Management of Working Capital 12
4 Financial Planning 12
5 Financial Policy and Corporate Strategy 12
Total 60

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SN Modules/ Units
1 Types of Financing
Needs of Finance and Sources: Long Term, Medi um Term, Short Term
Long Term Sources of Finance
Owners Capital / Equity Capital
Preference share capital
Retained Earning
Debentures or Bonds
Loans from Financial Institutions / Banks
Short Term Sources of Finance
Trade Credit
Accrued Expenses and Deferred Income
Advances From Customers
Commercial Papers
Bank Advances:Loans, O/D, Clean O/Ds, Cash Credit, Advances against goods,
Bills Purchased, Discounted, Advances against documents of title of goods,
Advances against supply of bills, Term Loans
Inter Corp orate Deposits
Certificate of Deposits
Public Deposits
2 Investment Decisions : Capital Budgeting
• Introduction
• Nature of Capital Budgeting
• Purpose of Capital Budgeting
• Capital Budgeting Process
• Types of Capital Investment
• Decisions Project Cash Flow s and Net profit Approval
• Basic Principle of Measuring Project Cash Flows
• Increment principle, Long Term Funds Principle, Exclusion of Financial Cost
Principle, Post Tax Principle
• Probability technique for measurement of cash flow
• Capital Budgeting Techniques : Net Return Value; Internal Rate of Return; Profitability Index Methods
• A Comparison; Project Selection Under Capital Rationing
• (Note: Problems on computation of cash flow, ranking of projects on various
techniques, selection and analysis with / wi thout capital rationing. Comparison of
IRR with Required rate of return i.e. cut off rate, IRR and mutually exclusive
projects with unequal lives, multiple IRR)
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Page 56

SN Modules/ Units
3 Management of Working Capital
Meanings, Concepts and policies of wor king capital
Management of working capital
Issues in working capital
Estimating working capital needs (only Theory)
Operating or working capital cycle (only Theory)
Management of components of working capital
• Management of Cash and Marketable Securities: M otives for Holding Cash; Objectives of
Cash Management; Factors Determining Cash Needs; Basic Strategies of Cash
Management; Cash Management Techniques / Processes; Marketable Securities; and
Cash Management Practices in India.
• Receivable Management : Obje ctives; Credit Policies; Credit Terms; and Collection
• Inventory Management : Objectives; and Techniques.
4 Financial Planning
• Introduction
• Meaning of Budget
• Essentials of a budget,
• Types of Budgets
• Advantages of Budgeting
• Zero Based Budget
• (Note: Practical Questions on Sales Budget, Production Budget, Material Budget,
Cash Budget and Master Budget)
5 Financial Policy and Corporate Strategy
• Meaning of strategic financial management
• Strategic financial decision making framework
• Functio ns of Strategic Financial Management
• Financial Planning
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented f rom Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group A: Advanced Accounting, Corporate Accounting and
Financial Management

4. International Financial Reporting Standards

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Conceptual Foundations of Financial Statement s 15
2 Presentation of F inancial statements 15
3 Indian Accounting Standards for Assets, Liabilities and Revenue 15
4 Presentation of Single Entity Financial Statements Covered by
IFRS Convergence 15
Total 60

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Page 58

SN Modules/ Units
1 Conceptual Fo undations of Financial Statements
• The objective of financial reporting;
• The main assumptions;
• Qualitative characteristics of financial reporting;
• Elements of Financial Statements: recognition and measurement
2 Presentation of F inancial statements
Pres entation of financial statements
Accounting standards: Role/objectives of accounting standards, Development of
accounting standards in India - Requirements of international accounting standards -
International organizations engaged in accounting harmonization - IASB - FASB - Role
of IASB in developing IFRS
IFRS : - Introduction, scope
Indian Accounting standards (Ind AS) : Introduction
Road map
Comparison of Ind AS, IFRS and AS
Conceptual framework Definition of financial elements Principles of recognition, measurements, presentation and disclosure.
( Theory and Practical )
3 Indian Accounting Standards for Assets, Liabilities and Revenue
Valuation of Inventories
Cash flow statement
Accounting for tangible non- current assets
Accounting for intangible a ssets
Accounting for impairment of assets
Accounting for borrowing costs
Investment property
Revenue from contracts with customers Income tax Employee benefits
Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets
( Theory and Practical )
4 Presentation of Single Entity Financial Statements Covered by IFRS Convergence
Ind AS 1 : Accounting policies, A ccounting estimates
IAS 8 and Ind AS 8 - Events after reporting date
IAS 10 and Ind AS 10 - Structure and co ntents of financial statements
Prepa ration of financial statements: Statement of Financial Position (SOFP) -
Statement of Profit or Loss (SOPL) - Statement of Changes in Equity (SOCE) - Cash
Flow Statement (SOCF) (IAS 7 and Ind AS 7).
( Theory and Practical )

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Page 59

Revised Syllabus of Courses o f
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group A: Advanced Accounting, Corporate Accounting and
Financial Management

5. Personal Financial Planning

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Understanding Personal Finance 15
2 Risk Analysis & Insurance Planning 15
3 Retirement Planning & Employees Benefits 15
4 Investment Planning 15
Total 60

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Page 60

SN Modules/ Units
1 Understanding Personal Finance
• Time value of money applications
• Personal financial statements, Cash flow and debt management, tools and
Money Management
• Tax planning
• Managing Checking and Savings Accounts
• Maintaining Good Credit
• Credit Cards and Consumer Loans
• Vehicle and Other Major Purchases
• Obtaining Affordable Housing
Income and Asset Protection
• Managing Property and Liability Risk
• Managing Health Expenses
2 Risk Analysis & Insur ance Planning
• Risk management and insurance decision in personal financial planning,
• Various Insurance Polic ies and Strategies for General Insurance, Life Insurance,
Motor Insurance, Medical Insurance.
3 Retirement Planning & Employees Benefits
Retirement need analysis techniques, D evelopment of retirement plan, Various
retirement schemes such as Employees Provident Fund (EPF), Public Provident
Fund (PPF), Superannuation Fund, Gratuity, Other Pension Plan and Post- retirement
counsellin g.
4 Investment Planning
Risk Return Analysis
Investing in Stocks and Bonds ,Mutual Fund, Derivatives, Investing in Real Estate,
Asset Allocation, Investment strategies and Portfolio construction and management.

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Page 61

Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System
Course Structure

(To be implemented from Academic Year - 2017- 2018 )

Semester IV
No. of
Courses Semester IV Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
Group B : Business Studies (Management)
(Any Three out of Five)
1 Supply chain management and logistics 06
2 Advertising and sales Management 06
3 Retail Management 06
4 Tourism Management 06
5 Management of Business Relations 06
Total Credits 18

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Page 62

Revised Syllabus of Courses o f
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group B : Business Studies (Management)

1. Supply chain m anagement and logistics

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Supply Chain Management 15
2 Perspectives of SCM 15
3 Introduction to Logistics 15
4 Design of SCM, Logistics and Use of Internet 15
Total 60

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Page 63

SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Supply Chain Management (SCM)
• Supply Chain Management: Concept, Features, Evolution, Importance,
Process and Barriers of Supply Chain Management.
• Principles and Strategies: Principles, Supply Chain Strategies – Organizations,
Coordination, Innovation and Forecasting.
• Participants in SCM: Supply chain intermediaries - Concept and Types,
Channels of Distribution for Industrial Goods and Consumer Goods, Channel of
Distribution at Services Level, Factors for selection of suitable chan nels.
2 Perspectives of Supply Chain Management
• Global perspectives: Measuring and analyzing the value and efficiency of
global Supply Chain Networks, Global market forces, Types of global supply
• Indian Perspectives: Measuring and Analyzing the value and efficiency of
domestic Supply Chain Networks, Economic effects of supply chains.
• Customer Perspectives: Customer values, Role of customers and Ways of
improving customer services in SCM.
3 Introduction to Logistics
• Logistics Management : Conc ept and Process, Competitive Advantages and
Three C’s, Changing Logistics Environment, Reverse Logistics, Importance
ofInventory Control , Bull- whip effect
• Transportation and Warehousing: Transport Functions and Participants in
Transportation Decisions, Transport Infrastructure - Forms, Warehouse
Functions and Operations
• Packaging and Materials Management - Consumer and Industrial Goods
Packaging - Importance, Factors influencing Materials Planning, Preservation
Safety and Measures of Materials Handling
4 Design of SCM, Logistics and Use of Internet
• SCM Plan - Demand Planning, Source of Procurement, Production or Assembly
Steps, Sales return of defective or excess goods
• Use of Internet in SCM - E-market places, E -procurement, E -logistics, E -
• Ope rative Systems in SCM : Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Performance
Modelling of supply chains using Markov chains, Inventory Control -
Importance, Pareto’s Law

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group B: Business Studies (Management)

2. Advertising and sales Management

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Advertising Fundamentals and Media 15
2 Creativity, Social and Regulatory Framework of Advertising 15
3 Sales Management 15
4 Sales Planning and Controlling 15
Total 60

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Page 65

SN Modules/ Units
1 Advertising Fundamentals and Media
 Basics of Advertising : Concept and Features, Significance, Classification of
Advertising, Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) - Elements,
Behavioural Model (E.K. Strong AIDA), DAGMAR Model (Russell Colley ),
Heirarchy of Effects (Lavidge and Steiners)
 Ad Agency : Various Functional Department, Types, Measures for gaining and
reasons for loosing clients, Evaluation Criteria for Selecting an Advertising
 Media : New Media Options, Forms of Digital M edia, Media Objectives,
Criteria for Selecting Suitable Media, Methods of Setting Advertising Budget
2 Creativity, Social and Regulatory Framework of Advertising
 Creativity &Research: Developing advertising copy - print, broadcast and
digital media, Pre -test and post- test methods.
 Society: Socio -economic contribution and criticisms of advertising,
professional courses and careers in the field of advertising
 Regulatory framework of advertising : Legal Framework of Advertising, Role of
Informa tion and Broadcasting Ministry (IBM), Self -Regulatory Bodies –
Advertising Standards Council of India(ASCI) and Indian Broadcasting
3 Sales Management
 Introduction : Sales Management - Features, Functions and Importance, Art
of Selling – Types, Process, Qualities of an Effective Salesman.
 Sales force management : Selection Procedure, Training Methods,
Motivational Factors and Compensation methods of sales personnel
 Sales organistion : Concept, Objectives, Structure and Steps in Developing a
Sales Organisation
4 Sales Planning and Controlling
 Sales planning : Concept, Process, Sales Fo recasting - Methods and
 Sales controlling : Concept of Sales Budget and Sales Audit, Sales Quota -
Methods and Types, Objectives and Factors Determining and Designing Sales
 Recent trends - Importance of Customer Feedback, Sales Mana gement - Data
Mining, Role of IT
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group B: Business Studies (Management)

3. Retail Management

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Retail Management 15
2 Retail Management Strategy 15
3 Retail Location, Layoutand Merchandising 15
4 Use of Technology and Career options 15
Total 60

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Page 67

SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Retail Management
• Retailing: Concept, Scope and Importance of Retailing and Retail
Management, Retail Formats, Theories of Retail change, Retail Environment -
Economic, Legal, T echnological & Competitive
• Retail sector in India: Size, and Drives of Retail changes, FDI in Retailing in
Indian Context
• Recent Trends in Retailing: Modern Retail Formats, Mall System, Challenges
Faced by the Retail Sector, Ethics in Retailing.
2 Retail Management Strategy
• Retail Strategies: Promotional Strategies, Retail Planning Process, Retail -
Market Segmentation - Concept and Significance
• Relationship Marketing Strategies: CRM in Retailing, Retail Value Chain, Retail
life Cycle, HRM in retailing - Growing importance of HR and Challenges faced
by HR in retailing
• Consumer Strategies: Consumer Behaviour in Retail Context, Buying Decision
Process, Customer Service as a Part of Retail Strategy.
3 Retail Location, Layoutand Merchandising
• Retail Locati on& Merchandising: Importance, Types, Steps involved in
choosing a Retail Location.
• Merchandising: Concept and Merchandising Planning Process, Retail
Branding, Merchandising Buying, Visual Merchandising
• Store Design and Layout: Store Design - Element s, Store Layout - Importance,
Steps for Designing
4 Use of Technology and Career options
• Technologies: Use of Technologies in retailing - Electronic Data Interchange
(EDI), Radio Frequency Identification (RFI), Data Base Management system
• E-Retailing: Formats, Challenges, Green Retailing - Concept and Importance
• Retail as a Career: Various Career Options, Responsibilities of Store Manager,
Functions of Merchandising Manager
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group B: Business Studies (Management)

4. Tourism Management

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Tourism Management 15
2 Tourism Marketing 15
3 Tourism Practices 15
4 Tourism Development 15
Total 60

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Page 69

SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Tourism Management
• Tourism – Concept, Characteristics Importance and Types of Tourism
• Tourism Industry: Concept, Nature, Structure and Components, Career options in
• Tourism Destination: Concept, Elements, Tourism Destination Planning – Process
and Importance.
2 Tourism Marketing
• Tourism Product : Concept, Char acteristics, Types, Tourism Product Planning - Need
and Importance.
• Tourism Pricing: Influencing factors, Pricing objectives, Tourism Pricing Policies
• Tourism Promotion: Importance, Elements of Tourism Promotion, Role of
Advertising, Promotional Plan – Impl ementation Procedure
3 Tourism Practices
• Travel Intermediaries: Travel Agency and Tour operators – Definition and
Differentiation, Types, Importance and Functions.
• Setting up of Travel Agency and Tour Operations and their Approval: Bus iness
setting Procedure and process, Types of organization to be set up- Proprietorship,
Partnership, Franchise, Approval from Ministry of Tourism and IATA
• International Tourism: Concept, Importance, Role of Institutions and organizations
in promoting Inte rnational Tourism -WTTC , IATO, TAAI, ITDC.
4 Tourism Development
• Sustainable Tourism Development: Concept, Principles, Approaches to Sustainable
Tourism, Code of Conduct for safe and sustainable Tourism in India
• Government Policies: National Action P lan, National Tourism Policy, Government
incentives for Tourism Development and Promotion.
• Future Growth and Development of Indian Tourism - Factors influencing growth of
Tourism Industry in India, Major Tourism schemes of Government of India- Visa on
Arrival (VoA), PRASAD Scheme, HRIDAY Scheme, Travel Circuits; Incredible India

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group B: Business Studies (Management)

5. Management of Business Relations

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Management of Business Relations 15
2 Custo mer and Channel Relationship Management 15
3 Employee Relationship Management 15
4 Supplier, Investors and Community Relationship Management 15
Total 60

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Page 71

SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Management of Business Relations
• Business Relations - Need , Importance of Business relations, Business
Relationship Management (BRM) Competencies.
• Business Relation Manager - Role, qualities, Skills.
• Business Relations - Principles, Steps , Trends, Impact of Communication on
Business Relations.
2 Customer and Channel Relationship Management
• Customer Relations Management : Concept, Characteristics of an empowered
customer, Approaches &Types, Role of Customer Relations Manager.
• Designing and developing customer Value - Turning customers to loyal clients,
Strategic Framework for CRM, E -CRM: Concept and Benefits, Steps,
Successful CRM implementation.
• Channel Relationship - Concept, importance , Challenges, Elements
contributing to effective channel relationships.
3 Employee Relationship Management
• Employee Relationship Management - Concept, Objectives of Employee
Relations , Approaches to Employee Relations,
• Role of Employee Relations Manager , Prospects & Importance of Industrial
Relations, Problems & Challenges of Employee Relations, Key Drivers for
shifting from Industrial Relations to Employee Relations,
• Strategic Framework for ERM ,Factors influencing ERM, Essentials of an
effective ERM, ERM strategy.
4 Supplier, Investors and Community Relationship Management
• Supplier Relations – Concept, Supplie r Segmentation Pyramid, Supplier
Improvement Process for better relations, Challenges.
• Investors Relations –Concept, Focus, Keys to successful investors relations,
Enhancing shareholders loyalty and retention.
• Stakeholder relations - Types of stakeholders, Role of business in social
development, strategies to improve community relations, impact of community relations on business.

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Page 72

Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System
Course Struct ure

(To be implemented from Academic Year - 2017- 2018 )

Semester IV
No. of
Courses Semester IV Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
Group C: Banking and Finance (Any Three out of Five)
1 International Finance 06
2 Financial Services 06
3 Auditing of Ban king Sector 06
4 Investment Management 06
5 Currency Derivatives 06
Total Credits 18

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com ) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented from Academic Year - 2017 -2018)

Group C: Banking and Finance

International Finance

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to International Finance 15
2 International Monetary System and Foreign Exchange Market 15
3 Currency Futures and Options 15
4 Global Financial Market 15
Total 60

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Page 74

SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to International Finance
A) Introduction to International Finance – Meaning, Scope of International
Financial Management, Factors contributing to growth in Internationa l Finance,
Recent Changes in Global Financial Markets.
B) Balance Of Payments – Meaning, Components, Factors - Deficit and Surplus in
BOP , Capital Account Convertibility an d Current Account

2 International Monetary System and Foreign Exchange Market
A) International Monetary System – Introduction to Exchange rate regime, The
International Monetary Fund - Objectives and Funding Facilities, International
Liquidity and Specia l Drawing Rights and Introduction to The European
Monetary System
B) Foreign Exchange Market - Major Participants in Spot market and Forward
market, Exchange Rate Quotation, Determination of exchange rates in spot
and forward market, Fac tors influencing exchange rates and Types of Foreign
Exchange Rates and Interest rate

3 Currency Futures and Options
A) Currency Futures - Futures Contracts, Features, Trading Process - Hedging in
currency futures market and Speculation in currency futures market,
Determinatio n of Futures prices, Forward prices and expected spot prices on
B) Currency Options: Features, Terminology, Types of options, options pricing,
hedging with currency options and Speculation with currency options.

4 Global Financial Market
A) Intern ational Instruments – Introduction, Gains from International Market
International Equities and Bonds Market, Short term and Medium term
Instruments and Types of risks and tools.
B) Multilateral Development Banks - The World Bank, International Finance
Corpor ation, Asian Development Bank – Introduction, Characteristics and

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group C: Banking and Finance

Financial Services

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Evolution of Financial Services 15
2 Marketing of Financial Services 15
3 Mutual Funds and Mercha nt Banking 15
4 Portfolio Management and Other Financial Services 15
Total 60

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Page 76

SN Modules/ Units
1 Evolution of Financial Services
A) Evolution of Financial Service s - Meaning of Financial Services, Types of
Financial Services, Fund based and Non -fund based , Significance of Financial
Services , Growth of Financial Services in India , Emerging Trends in Financial
Services and constraints in growth of financial services.
B) Regulatory Framework for Financial Services – Role of RBI, Role of SEB I ,
Provisions of Companies Act , Role of FEMA and Ethical issues in the
Marketing of Financial services.

2 Marketing of Financial Services
A) Categories of Financial Products – Insurance, Banks, Stocks, Mutual Funds,
Pension Plans, other Savings Product s, Financial Services Marketing
Environment –Micro and Macro Environmental Forces , Marketing Mix for
Financial Services, Promotional Strategies, Customer Relations and Servicing.
B) Treasury Management – Structure and Organization , Functions and
Respons ibilities of a Treasu rer, Cost Centre, Profit Centre , Integrated Treasury,
Treasury and Asset Liability Management, Liquidity Ma nagement:
CRR/CCIL/RTGS and Types of Exposure and Elimination of Exposure

3 Mutual Funds and Merchant Banking
A) Mutual Funds Concept – History of Mutual fund Industry in India , Advantages
Different Scheme, Fund Accounting and Valuation ( Practical Problems on
Mutual Fund)
B) UTI: Objective, Functions, Regulation, Performance Measurement and
Evaluation of Mutual Fund Schemes, Unit holder’s Protection.
C) Merchant Banking – Facets of Merchant Banking, Functions, Legal and
Regulatory Frameworks, Relevant Provisions of Companies Ac t , SEBI
Guidelines , Role in Issue Management, Appraisal of Projects, Designing Capital
Structure and Instruments and Issue Pricing

4 Portfolio Management and Other Financial Services
A) Portfolio Management Services - Meaning, Importance, Objectives,
Strategies, Types of Strategies – Passive & Active Strategies, Role of Portfolio
B) Other Financial Services – Leasing and Hire Purchase, Factoring and Forfaiting,
Consumer Finance, Securitization, Venture Capital, Loan Syndication,
Custodial and Depository Services, Credit rating

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group C: Banking and Finance

Auditing of Banking Sector

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Auditing Concepts 15
2 Auditing of Banks 15
3 Verification of Assets and Balances of Banking
Companies 15
4 Introduction to Concurrent Audit 15
Total 60

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Page 78

SN Modules/ Units
1 Auditing Concepts
• Nature, Scope and Significance of Auditing
• Audit Engagement, Audit Program, Audit Working Papers, Audit Note Book,
Audit Evidence
2 Auditing of Banks
• Meaning and Appointment of Bank Auditors
• Internal control system in Banks
• Categories of Bank Audit: Concurrent audit, Internal Audit/ Information
Systems Audit and Statutory audit
• Banking Regulation Act in pursuant to accounts and auditing of banking
companies - Sec 29 to Sec 34A
• Guidance Note on Audit of Banks by ICAI
3 Verification of Assets and Balances of Banking Companies
• Cash, bank balan ces, money at call and short notice
• Investments
• Advances
• Fixed assets
• Other assets
• Capital
• Reserves and surplus
• Deposits
• Borrowings
• Other liabilities and provisions
4 Introduction to Concurrent audit
• Concurrent audit system : Meaning, scope, coverage, T ypes of activities,
Appointment of auditors and reporting
• Internal Audit/ Information Systems Audit – Meaning, Scope
• Statutory audit of banks/bank branches
• Audit of bank branch and reporting
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented from Academic Year - 2017 -2018)

Group C: Banking and Finance

Investment Management

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Portfolio Management – An Introduction 10
2 Portfolio Revision and Evaluation 15
3 Fundamental and Technical Analysis 20
4 Efficient Market Theory and CAPM 15
Total 60

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Page 80

SN Modules/ Units
1 Portfolio Management – An Introduct ion
A) Portfolio Management – An Introduction
Investment - Meaning, Characteristics, Objectives, Investment V/s Speculation,
Investment V/s Gambling and Types of Investors
Portfolio Management – Meaning, Evolution, Phases, Role of Portfolio Managers,
Adva ntages of Portfolio Management.
Investment Environment in India and factors conducive for investment in India.
B) Portfolio Analysis and Selection
Portfolio Analysis – Meaning and its Components, Calculation of Expected Return
and Risk, Calculation of Covariance, Risk – Return Trade off.
Portfolio Selection – Meaning, Feasible Set of Portfolios, Efficient Set of Portfolios,
Selection of Optimal Portfolio, Markowitz Model, Limitations of Markowitz Model,
Measuring Security Return and Portfolio Return and Ris k under Single Index Model
and Multi Index Model.
2 Portfolio Revision an d Evaluation
A) Portfolio Revision and Evaluation - Portfolio Revision – Meaning, Need,
Constraints and Strategies. Portfolio Evaluation – Meaning, Need, Measuring
Returns (Sharpe, Treynor and Jensen Ratios) and Decomposition of Performance.
B) Bond Valuation– Meaning, Measuring Bond Returns – Yield to Maturity, Yield to
call and Bond Pricing. Bond Pricing Theorems, Bond Risks and Bond Duration.
(Practical Problems on YTM and Bond Durat ion)
3 Fundamental and Technical Analysis
A) Fundamental Analysis - Economy Analysis – Meaning, Framework of Economic
Analysis, Forecasting, Barometric or Indicator Approach, Econometric Model
Building and Opportunistic Model Building. Industry Analysis – Concept of
Analysis, Industry Life Cycle, Industry Characteristics. Company Analysis –
Financial Statements, Analysis of Financial Statements, (Practical questions on
Debt equity ratios, total debt ratio, proprietary ratios, interest coverage ratio,
Prof itability ratios related to sales, investment, equity shares and Efficiency or
Activity Ratios) and Assessment of risk ( Leverages)
B) Technical Analysis - Dow Theory , Meaning and Principles of Technical Analysis,
Price Chart, Line Chart, Bar Chart, Japan ese Candlestick Chart, Trends and Trends
and Trend Reversals, Chart Patterns, Support and Resistance, Reversal Patterns,
Continuation Patterns and Elliot Wave Theory, Mathematical Indicators –
Calculation of Moving Averages (Simple and Exponential Moving Average),
Oscillators and Relative strength Index, Market Indicators and Fundamental
Analysis V/s Technical Analysis
4 Efficient Market Theory and CAPM
A) Efficient Market Theory - Random Walk Theory, The Efficient Market Hypothesis ,
Forms of Market Effici ency , Competitive Market Hypothesis
B) CAPM - Fundamental Notions of Portfolio Theory, Assumption of CAPM, Efficient
Frontier with Riskless Lending and Borrowing, Capital Market Line, Security Market Line and Pricing of Securities with CAPM. Arbitrage Pricing Theory ( APT) – The
Return Generating Model, Factors Affecting Stock Return, Expected Return on
Stock, APT V/s CAPM.

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group C: Banking and Finance

Currency Derivatives

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Currency Markets 15
2 Regulatory Fram ework for Currency Derivatives 15
3 Strategies using Currency Derivatives 15
4 Clearing and Settlement of Currency Futures 15
Total 60

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Page 82

SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Currency Markets
A) Introduction to Currency Markets – Brief history of foreign exchange markets,
Major Currency pairs, Overview of international currency markets, Basics of
currency markets and peculiarities in India, Settlement date or value date, OTC
forward rate, Exchange Rate arithmetic cross rate, Impact of market economics
on currency prices and economic indicators
B) Foreign Exchange Derivatives – Definition, Products , Growth drivers of
derivatives, Market Players, Key economic function of derivatives, Financial Market
stability: Exchange traded V/s OTC derivatives.
2 Regulatory Framework for Currency Derivatives
A) Regulatory Framework for Currency Derivatives – Applicability of Securities
Regulation Act, 1956, RBI-SEBI standing technical committee on exchange traded
currency and interest rate derivatives , Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 –
Provisions, Regulatory framework for exchanges, Regulatory framework for
clearing corporations, Governing council of the exchange and clearing corpor ation
and Eligibility criteria for members.
B) Code of Conduct and Investor Protection - Adherence to SEBI codes of conduct for
brokers/ sub -brokers, Adherence to codes of conduct specific to currency
derivatives segment, Grievance redressal mechanism for in vestors.
3 Strategies using Currency Derivatives
A) Strategies using Currency Derivatives – Market Participants – Hedgers,
Speculators, Arbitrageurs, Computing pay offs from a portfolio of futures and
trade remittances, Using foreign currency futures for hedging various kinds of
foreign exchange exposures, Use of currency futures by speculators and
arbitrageurs, trading spreads using currency futures, limitations of currency
futures for hedgers.
B) Trading in Currency Futures - Currency futures contract sp ecification, Other
terminologies with respect to contract specifications, Trader workstation screen
(TWS), Entities in the trading system, Types of orders, Price Limit Circuit Filter and
Rules, regulations and bye laws of Exchange.
4 Clearing and Settlem ent of Currency Futures
A) Clearing and Settlement in Currency Futures - Clearing vs. Settlement, Clearing
entities, Clearing mechanism, Regulatory guidelines on open position limits and
Settlement mechanism.
B) Risk Management in Currency Futures - Risk manage ment measures, Margin
requirements, Mark -to-Market, Settlement, Margin collection and enforcement,
Periodic Risk Evaluation Report, Surveillance and Unique Client Code (UCC).

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Page 83

Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System
Course Structure

(To be implemented from Academic Year 2017- 2018 )

Semester IV
No. of
Courses Semester IV Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
Group D: E-Commerce (Any Three out of Five)
1 E-Commerce Security and Law 06
2 Advance technology for E -Commerce 06
3 Management Information System 06
4 Digital Marketing 06
5 International Business, Law and Taxation 06
Total Credits 18

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group D: E-Commerce

1. E- Commerce Security and Law

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to E -Commerce Security 15
2 Security Threats and Measures 15
3 Introduction to Cyber Law 15
4 Cyberspace Laws 15
Total 60

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Page 85

SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to E -Commerce Security
• E-commerce security: Concept, Need/Importance, Se curity Issues in E -Commerce -
Security risks of e -commerce,
• Threats and Risk Management: Type of threats, Sources of threats, Security tools &
Risk – Types of security, management approach
• Network Security: Encryption, Protecting Web server with a Firewall , Firewall and
the Security Policy, Network Firewalls and Application Firewalls, Proxy Server
2 Security Threats and Measures
• Current threats, Cryptography, public key certificates and infrastructures,
authentication and authorization certificates,
• Mobile code security, security of agent -based systems, secure electronic
transactions, electronic payment systems, intellectual property protection,
• Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptosystem, Role of electronic signature, EDI
3 Introduction to Cyber Law
• Introduction to Cyber Laws -World Scenario, Cyber -crime& Laws in India and their
• Threats in Computer Systems: Virus, Cyber Crime, Hacking, Web Vandals, E -mail
Abuse, Software Piracy and Patents.
• The problems of internet jurisdiction s, Law relating to Electronic records,
Importance of Electronic Records as Evidence.
4 Cyberspace Laws
• Cyberspace and Internet in India - Penalties, Offences and Compensation
• Protection of Cyber Consumers in India and CPA 1986, International efforts rel ated
to cyberspace laws, Trace an IP address,
• Security Tools, Client server network security, Encryption and concepts of public
and private key infrastructure

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group D: E-Commerce

2. Advance technology for E- Commerce

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduct ion to Advanced technology for E -commerce 15
2 Information Publishing Technology 15
3 E-commerce Success with Contain Marketing 15
4 New Trends 15
Total 60

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Page 87

SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Advanced technology for E -commerce
• Advanced technol ogy for E -commerce: Concept of E -commerce, Internet & WWW,
• Types of technology, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) - Benefits, Transaction and
examples, Multimedia technology – desktop Video Conferencing
• Securing Network Transaction: Cryptology , Digital Signature, E -mail security
2 TCP/IP and Information Publishing Technology
• Internet Protocols – OSI Model, TCP/IP, FTP; LAN, WAN
• Information Publishing Technology - HTML, URL, HTTP, HTML FORM, CGI
• eXtensible Markup Language (XML) – Application and Architecture, Data Mining
and Web Mining
3 Mobile Agents& WAP
• Mobile Agents - Concept, Mobility and security issues, Client Server Approach v/s
Mobile Agent based approach,
• Mobile computing, Mobile users in Global E -commerce, Coalition Formation
• Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) - Benefits and Architecture, Web Server and
client (Web Browser).
4 New Trends
• New E -commerce Technology Trends, Broadband technologies, Affiliate Marketing,
Content marketing - challenges,
• Key performance indicators (KPIs),Complex Server and Network Infrastructure,
transitioning to Virtualization & Cloud Computing, use of fully or partially
outsourced IT support
• Supercharged Kiosks, Role of Instant Messaging (IM), Digital literacy and
multimedia design
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group D: E-Commerce

3. Managem ent Information System

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Management Information System (MIS) 15
2 Business & Designing Information System 15
3 Information and System Concept 15
4 Decision Support System & Development o f MIS 15
Total 60

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Page 89

SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Management Information System (MIS)
• MIS: Concept, Characteristics, Components, Strategic uses, Challenges of Global
information system
• Information System Resources: Selection of Business Softw are and Hardware,
Business Network and Data Warehouses
• Business Intelligence, Knowledge Management, System Planning and Development
2 Business &Designing Information System
• Classification of MIS: Transaction Process System (TPS), Process Control System
(PCS), Enterprise Collaboration System (ECS), Business information system,
• System Design: Conceptual Design, Objectives, Methods
• Structuring Data of MIS: Pyramid structure, Querying, Aggregating and Visualizing
3 Information and System Concept
• Information: Concept, Types, Dimensions of Information, Information Quality
• System: Kinds, Elements of system, Human as information processing system
• Need of IT Industry, Scope of Infrastructure Management, Attributes of Computing
4 Decision Support System& Development of MIS
• Decision Making: Concept, Types, Simon’s Model, Decision Making and MIS
• Supporting Management Decision: Key Performance Indicators (KPI), Planning and Implementation.
• Development of MIS: Steps in developing a right MIS, System Development
Approaches, System analysis and design - Determinants and requirement
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Page 90

Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented from Academic Year - 2017 -2018)

Group D: E-Commerce

4. Digital Marketing

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Digital Marketing & SEO 15
2 Google analytics and SMO 15
3 SEM and Social Media 15
4 Email and Mobile Marketing 15
Total 60

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Page 91

SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Digital Marketing & SEO
• Digital Marketing - Introduction, Features, Strategies, Types, Aligning Internet with
Business Objectives,
• User Behaviour & Navigation, Branding & User Experience, Customer Insights
• Search Engine Optimization(SEO) – Search Engines Basics, Functioning of Search
Engines, On&of f-page Optimiz ation,
2 Google analytics and SMO
• Google Analytics –Concepts, steps, Accounts -profiles and users navigatio n, Basic
• The main sections of Google Analytics reports -Traffic Sources, Direct referring and
search traffic;
• Social Media Optimization (SMO) - Concepts, Pros & Cons, bookmarking &
aggregating, content, content sharing, knowledge sharing; connect ing to social
3 SEM and Social Media
• Search Engine Marketing (SEM) - Concept, Understanding Google search - Organic
& Paid, Overview of Google Adwords, Google Adsense, Microsoft AdCenter and
Yahoo Search Marketing,
• Campaign Management, Pay Per Click (PPC) Management, Conversion Tracking,
Targeting & Analytics, Keyword Selection,
• Conversion Metrics - CPA, CTR, Campaigns - Google PPC Campaigns, LinkedIn
Campaigns, Facebook Campaign, YouTube Advertising
4 Email and Mobile Marketing
• E-mail M arketing - User Behaviour, Segmentation, Key Metrics, Best Practice Case
Studies, E -marketing strategies,
• Tracking landing pages, Choosing your metrics, A/B and Multivariate testing,
Analyzing test results, Setting your budgets;
• Mobile Marketing - Concep t, SMS Strategy, Mobile Advertising, Mobile Optimized
Websites, Mobile Apps, Proximity Marketing,

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Page 92

Revised Syllabus of Courses of
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Programme at Semester IV
(To be implemented from Academic Year- 2017- 2018)

Group D: E-Commerce

5. International Business, Law and Taxation

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of
1 Use of Internet in the International Business 15
2 Internati onal Outsourcing and Ethics 15
3 International Law and Taxation 15
4 Government Intervention in International Business 15
Total 60

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Page 93

SN Modules/ Units
1 Use of Internet in the International Business
• International Business: Concept, Features, E xternal and Internal Factors of
International business
• Internet and International business: Significance, Use of Internet, Impact of E -
commerce and Barriers
• International E -commerce business: Concept of E- business, Features, Evolution,
2 International Outsourcing and Ethics
• Global outsourcing: Concept, Forms, Drivers, Development in IT -BPO Sector
• International Outsourcing in India: Benefits,Growth Drivers of India, Limitations
• Ethics in International e -Business, Constraint in e -Business in India, Inte rnational e-
Commerce Benchmarking,
3 International Law and Taxation
• International Legal environment in E -commerce, European Community Law,
Intellectual Property Law, Pillaging Patent
• United States Taxation of International e -Commerce, Law and Policy o f
Organisation for Economic Co -operation and Development (OECD)
• International Taxation and e -Commerce: Direct and Indirect taxation, Relevance of
E-commerce, Effect of E- commerce on consumption taxes, Emerging Tax Policy,
4 Government Intervention in International Business
• Instruments of Government Intervention: Tariff and Non - Tariff Barriers,
Investment Barriers,
• Policies regarding e -commerce: FDI Policy, Foreign Trade Policy, Export -Import
Policy - Methods of E -payment, e -Documentations
• Rationale f or Government Intervention: Defensive and offensive rationale,
Economic Freedom and Government Support

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Page 94

Scheme of Examination:
The performance of the learners will be evaluated in two components. One component will
be the Internal Assessment component c arrying 40% marks and the second component will
be the Semester End Examination component carrying 60% marks. Internal Assessment:
The Internal Assessment will consist of one class test of 40 marks for each course excluding
projects. The question paper pattern will be shown as below:

Question Paper Pattern
(Internal Assessment)

Maximum Marks: 40 marks
Questions to be set: 03
Duration: 1½ hours
No Particular Marks


Objective Questions
Students to answer 10 sub questions out of 15 sub ques tions.
(*Multiple choice/ True or False/ Match the columns/ Fill in the


Objective Questions
A) Sub Questions to be asked 08 and to be answered any 05
B) Sub Questions to be asked 08 and to be answered any 05
(*Multiple choice/ True or False/ Match the columns/ Fill in the

10 Marks


Concept based short questions
Students to answer 5 sub questions out of 8 sub questions.

10 Marks


Practical problems or short questions
Students to answer 02 sub questions out of 03 sub ques tions

20 Marks

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Page 95

Question Paper Pattern
(Practical Courses)
Maximum Marks: 60
Questions to be set: 04
Duration: 2 Hrs.
All Questions are Compulsory Carrying 15 Marks each.
No Particular Marks



Practical Question
Practical Question
15 Marks

15 Marks



Practical Question
Practical Question
15 Marks

15 Marks



Practical Question
Practical Question

15 Marks

15 Marks


Objective Question
(Multiple Choice/ True or False/ Fill in the Blanks/ Match the Columns/ Short Questions.)

Short Notes (Any three out of five)

15 Marks

15 Marks

Full length question of 15 marks may be divided into two sub questions of 08 and 07 marks.

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Page 96

Question Paper Pattern
(Theoretical Courses)
Maximum Marks: 60
Questions to be set: 04
Duration: 2 Hrs.
All Questions are Compulsory Carrying 15 Marks each.
No Particular Marks



Full length Question
Full length Question
15 Marks

15 Marks



Full length Question
Full length Question
15 Marks

15 Marks



Full length Question OR
Full length Question

15 Marks

15 Marks


Objective Question
(Multiple Choice/ True or False/ Fill in the Blanks/ Match the
Columns/ Short Questions.)
Short Notes (Any three out of five)

15 Marks

15 Marks

Full length question of 15 marks may be divided into two sub questions of 08 and 07 marks.
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Page 97

University of Mumbai

Master of Commerce (M.Com)
Guidelines for Project Work
Second Year
Semester III and IV

Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and
Semester System

(To be implemented from Academic Year 2017 -2018 )

Faculty of Commerce
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Page 98

Inclusion of project work in the course curriculum of the M.Com. programme is one of the
ambitious aspect in the programme structure. The main objective of inclusion of project work is to inculcate the element of research work challenging the potential of learner as regards to his/ her eager to enquire and ability to interpret particular aspect of the study in his/ her own words. It is expected that the guiding teacher should undertake the counselling sessions and make the awareness among the learners about the methodology of formulation, preparation and evaluation pattern of the pro ject work.
• There are two modes of preparation of project work
1. Project work based on research methodology in the study area
2. Project work based on internship in the study area

Guidelines for preparation of Project Work
Work Load
Work load for Project Work is 01 (one) hour per batch of 15- 20 learners per week for the
teacher. The learner (of that batch) shall do field work and library work in the remaining 03
(three) hours per week.

1. General guidelines for preparation of project work based on
research metho dology
• The project topic may be undertaken in any area of Elective Courses.
• Each of the learner has to undertake a Project individually under the supervision of a
teacher -guide.
• The learner shall decide the topic and title which should be specific, clear and with
definite scope in consultation with the teacher -guide concerned.
• University/college shall allot a guiding teacher for guidance to the students based on her /
his specialization.
• The project report shall be prepared as per the broad guidelines given below:  Font type: Times New Roman
 Font size: 12 -For content, 14- for Title
 Line Space : 1.5- for content and 1- for in table work
 Paper Size: A4
 Margin : in Left- 1.5, Up- Down -Right -1
 The Project Report shall be bounded.
 The project report should be 80 to 100 pages
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Page 99


1st page (Main Page)

Title of the problem of the Project

A Project Submitted to
University of Mumbai for partial completion of the degree of
Master in Commerce
Under the Faculty of Commerce

Name of the Learner

Under the Guidanc e of
Name of the Guiding Teacher

Name and address of the College

Month and Year

2nd Page
This page to be repeated on 2nd page (i.e. inside after main page)
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Page 100

On separate page

Chapter No. 1
(sub point 1.1, 1.1.1, .... And so on)
Title of the Chapter Page No.
Chapter No. 2 Title of the Chapter
Chapter No. 3 Title of the Chapter
Chapter No. 4 Title of the Chapter
Chapter No. 5 Title of the Chapter

List of tables, if any, with page numbers.
List of Graphs, if any, with page numbers.
List of Appendix, if any, with page numbers.
Abbreviations used:
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Page 101

Structure to be followed to maintain the uniformity in
formulation and presentation of Project Work
(Model Structure of the Project Work)

• Chapter No. 1: Introduction
In this chapter Selec tion and relevance of the problem, historical background of the
problem, brief profile of the study area, definition/s of related aspects, characteristics,
different concepts pertaining to the problem etc can be incorporated by the learner.
• Chapter No. 2: Research Methodology
This chapter will include Objectives, Hypothesis, Scope of the study, limitations of the study, significance of the study, Selection of the problem, Sample size, Data
collection, Tabulation of data, Techniques and tools to be used, et c can be
incorporated by the learner.
• Chapter No. 3: Literature Review
This chapter will provide information about studies done on the respective issue. This
would specify how the study undertaken is relevant and contribute for value addition
in information/ knowledge/ application of study area which ultimately helps the
learner to undertake further study on same issue.
• Chapter No. 4: Data Analysis, Interpretation and Presentation
This chapter is the core part of the study. The analysis pertaining to colle cted data
will be done by the learner. The application of selected tools or techniques will be
used to arrive at findings. In this, table of information’s, presentation of graphs etc.
can be provided with interpretation by the learner.
• Chapter No. 5: Concl usions and Suggestions
In this chapter of project work, findings of work will be covered and suggestion will
be enlisted to validate the objectives and hypotheses.
Note: If required more chapters of data analysis can be added.
• Bibliography
• Appendix
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Page 102

On sep arate page
Name and address of the college

This is to certify that Ms/Mr has worked and duly completed her/his Project Work for
the degree of Master in Commerce under the Faculty of Commerce in the subject of
__________________ and her/his pr oject is entitled, “________________________
__________________________________________________” under my supervision.
I further certify that the entire work has been done by the learner under my guidance
and that no part of it has been submitted previous ly for any Degree or Diploma of any
University. It is her/ his own work and facts reported by her/his personal findings and investigations.

Name and Signature of
Guiding Teacher

Date of submission:
Seal of the
College Title of the Project
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Page 103

On separate page
Declaration by learner

I the undersigned Miss / Mr. ______________________________________here by,
declare that the work embodied in this project work titled “________
forms my own contribution to the research wo rk carried out under the guidance of
________________________________ is a result of my own research work and has not been previously submitted to any other University for any other Degree/ Diploma
to this or any other University.
Wherever reference has be en made to previous works of others, it has been clearly
indicated as such and included in the bibliography.
I, here by further declare that all information of this document has been obtained and
presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical cond uct.

Name and Signature of the learner

Certified by
Name and signature of the Guiding Teacher Name of the guiding teacher Name of the learner
Title of the Project
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Page 104

On separate page
(Model structure of the acknowledgement)

To list who all have helped me is difficult because they are so numerous and the depth
is so enormous.
I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic channels and fresh dimensions in the completion of this project.
I take this opportunity to thank the University of Mumbai for giving me chance to
do this project.
I woul d like to thank my Principal, __________ for providing the necessary facilities
required for completion of this project.
I take this opportunity to thank our Coordinator_______________ , for her moral
support and guidance.
I would also like to express my s incere gratitude towards my project guide
_____________ whose guidance and care made the project successful.
I would like to thank my College Library , for having provided various reference
books and magazines related to my project. Lastly, I would like t o thank each and every person who directly or indirectly helped
me in the completion of the project especially my Parents and Peers who supported
me throughout my project.

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Page 105

2. Guidelines for Internship based project work

• Minimum 20 days/ 100 hours of Intern ship with an Organisation/ NGO/ Charitable
Organisation/ Private firm.
• The theme of the internship should be based on any study area of the elective courses
• Project Report should be of minimum 50 pages
• Experience Certificate is Mandatory
• A project report has to be brief in content and must include the following aspects:
 Executive Summary:
A bird’s eye view of your entire presentation has to be precisely offered under this
 Introduction on the Company:
A Concise representation of company/ organization defining its scope, products/ services and its SWOT analysis.
 Statement and Objectives:
The mission and vision of the organization need to be stated enshrining its broad strategies.
 Your Role in the Organisation during the internship:
The key asp ects handled, the department under which you were deployed and brief
summary report duly acknowledged by the reporting head.
 Challenges:
The challenges confronted while churning out theoretical knowledge into practical world.
 Conclusion:
A brief overview of your experience and suggestions to bridge the gap between theory
and practice.
• The project report based on internship shall be prepared as per the broad guidelines given
 Font type: Times New Roman
 Font size: 12 -For content, 14- for Title
 Line Space : 1.5- for content and 1- for in table work
 Paper Size: A4
 Margin : in Left- 1.5, Up- Down -Right -1
 The Project Report shall be bounded.
 The project report should be 80 to 100 pages
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Page 106

Evaluation pattern of the project work
The Project Report shall be evalua ted in two stages viz.
• Evaluation of Project Report (Bound Copy) 60 Marks
 Introduction and other areas covered 20 Marks
 Research Methodology, Presentation, Analysis and
interpretation of data 30 Marks
 Conclusion & Recommendations 10 Marks
• Conduct of V iva-voce 40 Marks
 In the course of Viva -voce, the questions may be asked such
as importance / relevance of the study, objective of the study,
methodology of the study/ mode of Enquiry (question
responses) 10 Marks
 Ability to explain the analysis, finding s, concluding
observations, recommendation, limitations of the Study 20 Marks
 Overall Impression (including Communication Skill) 10 Marks

• The guiding teacher along with the external evaluator appointed by the University/
College for the evaluatio n of project shall conduct the viva -voce examination as per the
evaluation pattern

Passing Standard
• Minimum of Grade E in the project component
• In case of failing in the project work, the same project can be revised for ATKT
• Absence of studen t for viva voce: If any student fails to appear for the viva voce on the
date and time fixed by the department such student shall appear for the viva voce on the
date and time fixed by the Department, such student shall appear for the viva voce only along with students of the next batch.
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