MCom Maritime Studies_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

MCom Maritime Studies_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC –
Item No. – 8.8 (R.)

University of Mumbai

Revised Syllabus for M. Com. (Maritime Studies )
Semester – I to IV )
(Choice Based Credit System)

(With effect from the academic year 2022 -23)


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University of Mumbai

Syllabus for Approval

Sr. No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of Course
M.Com. (Maritime Studies)

2 Eligibility

B.Com., B.Sc., BE, B. Tech.
or Equivalent

3 Duration of Course

2 Years
4 Standards of Passing

As per University of Mumbai
rules, statutes and
5 No. of years/Semesters: 2 Years, 4 Semesters
6 Level: P.G. / U.G./ Diploma /
7 Pattern: Yearly / Semester
8 Status: New / Revised

9 To be implemented from Academic
Year : From Academic Year: 2022 -

Signature Signature
Chairman Board of Studies Dean faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies

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India is strategically located along the world’s busy shipping routes and has a rich maritime culture
dating back to Harappan Civilization.
India had a surplus in merchandise trade during early colonial times. The sum total of exports and
imports as percentage of GDP was 10% in the 1870s. as compared to an average of 13% in the 1950s
and 38% in 2014. The share of maritime trade i n country’s EXIM is accounting for about 95% of India’s
trade by volume and over 70% by value.
The Government launched an ambitious Sagarmala Programme in March 2015 for upgradation and
expansion of Maritime Infrastructure to supplement growing GDP. The combination of Major and Non-
Major ports / Private Ports resembles the Hub & Spoke Model and supplements hinterland development
viz. Warehousing, ICD, Dry Ports, etc. for quick & seamless movement of cargoes within country as
well as East and West movement using International Sealanes.
Maharashtra has about 720 km coastline, which is at the politico -economic heart of India’s total 7,516
km coastline and cater for more than 18% of the traffic at India’s Major Ports. Mumbai has two
international seaports, the Mumbai Port Trust (MbPT) at Ballard Estate and the Jawaharlal Nehru Port
Trust (JNPT) at Nhava -Sheva. Another mega modern port system is being developed Vadhavan Port,
Palghar district, north of Mumbai along the coast. New Maritime facilities have come up at Dighi
(Raigad) and Jaigad (Ratnagiri) respectively. Major Dockyards like the Mazagon Dock and also Naval
Dockyard are also housed in Maharashtra. Mumbai also supplemented with ship breaking yards at Sewri,

There are also a number of Shipbuilding yards, both in public and private domain, in the jurisdiction
of University of Mumbai and its vicinity, such as those based in Ratnagiri and Ghodbundar in
Maharashtra, and Shipyards in Goa. More importantly, Mumbai houses the Indian Navy’s swo rd arm
the Western Naval Command with a range of organizations such as the Western Fleet, the Maharashtra
Naval Area and several key naval/maritime focused entities.

Further, India’s Maritime Vision 2030, envisioned in the 2021, recognizes, Maritime sector as a
significant employment generator, India’s contribution of 10.4% of global maritime trade in FY 2019,
we contribute 9.03% of the total seafarers (officers) globally, and more. This makes India’s position
in the global maritime sector fu ndamental for international trade. Being part of this growing economy
will open doors to many lucrative opportunities.
The proposed interdisciplinary, industry relevant curriculum of M.Com. (Maritime Studies) is following
choice based credit system. The programme will provide quality education in subjects

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related to growth and development in the national maritime sector, observe an interdisciplinary
approach across humanities, law, commerce, management, science and technology to empower students
with knowledge, focus and critical thinking skills to address maritime challenges and harness the seas
in an inclusive, integrated and holistic manner, now and in the future. The syllabus of these courses are
designed to be dynamic and contemporar y that will aid concept learning to synergize field work,
research with data analysis in both the mini and major project in semester II and IV, respectively.
Learner will have to undertake book review assignment in semester I as a prelude to the mini project of
semester II. Similarly, learner will undertake the second book review in semester III as a literature survey
ground work for the project and dissertation of semester IV. Learners are expected to undertake case
study, field work or laboratory exp erimentation to address contemporary problems and challenges
associated with marine and maritime commerce, trade and blue economy. Learners will be encouraged
to select projects related to regional and country relevant topics addressing current challenges, problems
and provide analyses, find relevant new knowledge and solutions. Learners will be encouraged to select
interdisciplinary projects. This will help learners to attain hands -on skills and experiential learning. The
book reviews, mini term project an d major project with dissertation will enable experiential learning
through literature survey, case studies, field work, data collection, data analysis and laboratory
experimentations. This programme will educate, train and groom graduates that are not onl y Industry
ready but are also attuned to take on further higher education in research. The programme aims to create
empowered human resource to function in the maritime and allied Industry which is expected to witness
an upward trajectory with the recent g overnment policies and schemes in this sector. The USP of the
programme is that the curriculum has been made comprising inter disciplinary subjects from
Humanities, Science and Commerce in addition to core domain subjects of maritime commerce,
synergizing and blending learning and training of core and elective subjects. The programme can be
executed in blended mode of teaching and learning.

Chairperson (Adhoc BoS of Maritime Studies)

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Programme: M.Com. (Maritime Studies)

1. Programme Objectives :
(a) To develop the interest and broaden the understanding of Maritime Industry.
(b) To enhance the understanding of various functions and components of Maritime Commerce
including the legal aspects of the industry.
(c) To impart Industry -need based knowledge of Maritime Commerce to enable implementation
at work.
(d) To enable students relate to the vast scope of Maritime Economy.
(e) To acquaint the learner about the various aspects of scope of growth of Maritime Industry.
(f) To provide a perfect blend of classical as well as modern aspects Maritime Trade to help
students evaluate the progress.
(g) To help students to acquire skills in collection of data and analyse same for creation of
designs and further development of the Maritime Industry.

2. Eligibility for Admission.
(a) B.Com degree from any UGC recognized University.
(b) B.Sc degree from UGC recognized University, (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics
and any other allied subjects)
(c) B.E. degree from UGC recognized University.
(d) B.Tech degree from UGC recognized University.
(e) Or Equivalent Qualification
(f) Candidates must have secured minimum 50% marks at bachelor’s degree. Examination and as
per rules of University of Mumbai and Govt. of Maharashtra.

(g) Foreign candidates should have equivalent degrees from foreign Universities recognized by
Association of Indian Universities (AIU).

(h) Selection of candidates can be made on the basis of merit and personal interview/Written
Aptitude Test (WAT).

3. Intake Capac ity. Maximum intake 20

(Continued on next page)

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4. Course Structure & Distribution of Credits:

Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 Elective 1 Elective 2
Semester I Overview of
Security and
Laws Introduction to
Maritime Sciences
– Oceanography,
Climatology and
Ocean Chemistry Research
Methodology Maritime
II Overview of
Trade Maritime Economy
Part I Maritime
Transport Logistics and
Housing Maritime EXIM
III Maritime
Finance Maritime Economy
Part II Advanced
Maritime Trade Commercial
Management Vessel
IV Submission of Dissertation on research topic followed by Viva -Voce (24 Credits)

Book Review/Mini Term Project:

Semester -I One Book review 08 Credits
Semester -II One Mini Term Project 08 Credits
Semester -III One Book Review 08 Credits

One Semester Dissertation based Project:

Semester -IV Dissertation based R&D Project 24 Credits

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Semester I

M.Com. (Maritime Studies) Program for Semester -I consists of four theory courses (3 core
and one elective) and one Book Review Assignment. The details are as follows:

Theory Courses (4): 16 hours per week (Each subject will have 4 hours of lecture per

Theory Paper Subject Lectures (Hrs) Credits
MMS101 Overview of Maritime History
Security and Laws 60 04
MMS102 Introduction to Maritime Sciences –
Oceanography, Meteorology,
Climatology and Ocean Chemistry 60 04
MMS103 Research Methodology 60 04
104E Maritime Infrastructure Management

105E Sustainable Maritime Transport
Total 240 16

Book Review term assignment:

Paper Code Subject Credits
BR1 Book Review of one book relevant to the course leading to the final year
Dissertation Based R&D Project Work. 16 hours per week library or
engagement and mentoring by advisor with end semester report and
presentation. 08

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Semester II
M.Com. (Maritime Studies) Program for Semester -II consists of four theory courses (3 core
and one elective) and one Mini Term Project. The details are as follows:

Theory Courses (4): 16 hours per week (Each subject will have 4 hours of lecture per

Paper Code Subject Lectures (Hrs) Credits
MMS201 Overview of International Maritime
Trade 60 04
MCOMMS202 Maritime Economy Part I 60 04
MCOMMS203 Maritime Transport 60 04
E Logistics and Ware Housing
E Maritime EXIM Operations
Total 240 16

Mini Term Project:

Paper Code Subject Credits
MCOMMSMP Mini Term Project. 16 hours per week either of case study, field
work, data collection, data analysis, laboratory experimentation
leading to Dissertation Based R&D Project Work with end
semester report and presentation. 08

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Semester III
M.Com. (Maritime Studies) Program for Semester -III consists of four theory courses (3 core
and one elective) and one Book Review Assignment. The details are as follows:

Theory Courses (4): 16 hours per week (Each subject will have 4 hours of lecture per
Paper Code Subject Lectures (Hrs) Credits
MCOMMS301 Maritime Finance 60 04
MCOMMS302 Maritime Economy Part 2 60 04
MCOMMS303 Advanced Maritime Trade 60 04
MCOMMS304E Commercial Ship Management
04 MCOMMS305E Vessel Technical Management
Total 240 16

Book Review term assignment:

Paper Code Subject Credits
MCOMMSBR2 Book Review of one book relevant to the course leading to the final
year Dissertation Based R&D Project Work. 16 hours per week
library or engagement and mentoring by advisor with end
semester report and presentation. 08

Semester IV: MCOMMSDP - M.Com Dissertation Based Project Work

M.Com.(Maritime Studies) for Semester -IV consists of full term Dissertation Based Research Project
of 24 credits. Every student will have to complete a separate project in Semester IV with twenty four
credits (600 marks). Students have to prepare and submit a Master level thesis and the final evaluation
will be done by external expert and Guide on the bases of the quality of the thesis and Viva -Voce

The candidate shall be awarded the degree of Master of Commerce (Maritime Studies) after
completing the course and meeting all the evaluation criteria.

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5. Scheme of Examination and Passing:

a) This course will have 40% Internal Assessment (IA) and 60% end semester
b) Written examination of 2.5 Hours duration for each course paper at the end of each
semester, end semester examinations (ESE) will be conducted by the University as per the
existing norms, statutes and ordinances.
c) Internal Assessment - IA (40%) and End Semester Examination (ESE) (60%) - shall
have separate heads of passing. For Theory courses, internal assessment shall carry 40 marks
and Semester -end examination shall carry 60 marks for each Theory Course .
d) To pass, a student has to obtain minimum 40% marks and above, separately in the IA
and end semester examination.
e) The University (external) examination for Theory and term assignments shall be
conducted at the end of each Semester and the evaluation of Pr oject work i.e. Mini project and
Dissertation, at the end of the forth Semester will be by the external expert and Guide.
f) The candidates shall appear for external examination of 4 theory courses each carrying
60 marks of 2.5 hours duration and each term assignment (Book Review/Mini Term Project)
will carry 200 marks at the end of each semester.
g) The candidate shall prepare report and give presentation both book review and mini
term project under the guidance of a faculty.
h) Every student will have to complete a separate dissertation based project in Semester
IV with twenty four credits (600 marks). Students have to prepare and submit a Master level
thesis and the final evaluation will be done by external expert and Guide on the bases of the
quality of the thesis and Viva -Voce examination.

6. Standard of Passing for University Examinations:
As per ordinances and regulations prescribed by the University for semester based credit and grading

7. Standard point scale for grading:

Grade Marks Grade Points
O 80 & above 10
A+ 70 to 79.99 9
A 60 to 69.99 8
B+ 55 to 59.99 7
B 50 to 54.99 6
C 45 to 49 .99 5

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D 40 to 44 .99 4
F (Fail) 39.99 & below 0

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Complete Syllabus: Masters of Commerce (Maritime Studies)

Semester 1: Theory Courses
MMS101: Overview of Maritime History, Security and Laws (60 Hours, 04 Credits)

Course Objectives .

1. Acquaint learners about Indian Maritime History from Ancient times till
contemporary period.
2. Impart knowledge of Prevailing Maritime Security Scenario in the Indo-Pacific and
Indian Ocean Region.
3. Impart knowledge of Geo-Political environment in the Indo-Pacific and IOR.
4. Familiarize learners to the prevailing important International and National Laws and
Legislations with respect to Maritime and Marine ecosystem.

Syllabus .

Unit Course Content Hours
1 Ancient India :
Indus Valley Civilisation and trade links with Greeks, Egyptians and other
Maritime activity between Indian and Arabian Nations, West and East Asian
Countries. 06
2 Medieval Period :
Maritime Trade and diplomacy during Mauryan Period
Expansion of Budhisim through Sea
Pandiyan Navy: Sea borne trade and expeditions
Chola Navy: Expeditions and relation with Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia
Chera Period: Trade and Maritime Activities
Gupta Navy 10
3 Trade Between the Arab Counties and the Malabar Coast, religious and cultural
influence. 04
4 British, Portugese, Dutch, French Naval Presence and influence in the Indian Ocean 04

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5 The Mughal Navy
The Zamorin Navy
History of Marakkars,
The Maratha Navy: Shivaji, Kanhoji, Sambaji, Mysore Navy 04
6 Contemporary International Relations :
Cold war – rise of super powers, Ideological Bipolarity
Military Alliances
Arms Race and Nuclear Threat’ 04
7 India and her Neighbours :
Forms of Government, Executive, Legislature and Judicial System
Neighbouring Countries and their relationship with India
Indian Ocean Region
Areas of Dispute with particular reference to South Asia
International and Regional Organisations like the UNO, OPEC, NAM, EU, League
and IPOI.
China Strategy of 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. 10
8 India Foreign Policy and Maritime Diplomacy
Coastal Security, Piracy.
Leadership Challenges of Maritime Forces in 21st Century 06
9 An Overview of Maritime Laws :
Law of Contract
The Indian Ports Act, 1908
The Major Port Trust Act, 1963
Carriage of Good by Sea Act, 1925
Merchant Shipping Act, 1958
Customs Act, 1962
Maritime Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution Modes
Salvage, International Salvage Convention 1989, of 2000, SCOPIC
Maritime Labour Convention 2006
Hongkong Convention 2009 12

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Recommended Books (Latest Editions) :

1. The Timeless Wake by Cmde Odakkal Jonson
2. A World of Nations: The International Order Since 1945 by William R Kaylor
3. Transition to Triumph: History of Indian Navy by VAdm G H Hiranandani
4. Rulers of the Indian Ocean by G A Ballard
5. A Maritime History of India Adm K Sridharan
6. Coastal Security: Maritime Dimensions of India’s Homeland Security by Kunwar Rajendra
7. Coastal Security: The Indian Experience by Pushpita Das
8. Role of Coast Guard in the Maritime Security of Indian by Prabhakaran Paleri
9. An Integrated Approach to Coastal and Offshore Defence: Leveraging the Coastal Security by
Capt Himadri Das
10. Armed Robbery in Sea in India: Trends and Imperatives by Capt Himadri Das.
11. Coastal Security, Challenges, Concerns and Wayahead by Brig Hemant Mahajan

Course Outcomes :

The learner will be able to acquire knowledge on the following: -
1. Vibrant Maritime History of India from Ancient, Medieval, Colonial, Contemporary Period.
2. Prevailing Security Scenario and Geo-Politics in the Indo-Pacific and Indian Ocean
3. To familiarise and gain basic knowledge on critical International and National Maritime
4. Would have gained basic knowledge on strategic importance of the Indo-Pacific and IOR.

MMS102: Introduction to Maritime Sciences – Oceanography, Meteorology, Climatology
and Ocean Chemistry (60 Hours, 04 Credits)

Course Objectives :

1. To impart basic knowledge and understanding of the Oceanography.
2. To impart knowledge on the Geological characteristics of the Ocean.
3. To acquaint the learner with Ocean Climatology.
4. To familiarise the learner with knowledge on Ocean Chemistry.

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Unit Course Content Hours
1 Introduction to Oceanography
a) Geological time scale and major physico -chemical and biological events
in Earth's history
b) Plate Tectonics and Seafloor Spreading
c) Ocean floor morphology
d) Introduction to Paleoclimatic studies
e) Marine Sediment distribution, classification, sources and dispersal
pathways (3 hrs)
f) Introductory Marine Geochemistry
g) Marine Minerals
h) Applications of isotopes for geoscientific studies
i) Marine microfossils and their applications with special reference to
Quaternary climatology 15
2 Physical Oceanography and Meteorology :
a) Structure and composition of the atmosphere
b) Atmospheric circulation, Asian Monsoon and tropical cyclone
c) Surface heat budget of the ocean
d) Physical properties of sea water and their distribution, light and sound
propagation in sea water
e) Water masses and thermohaline circulation
f) Indian Ocean circulation
g) Oceanic processes: Upwelling/sinking and meso -scale eddies
h) Oceanic processes: ENSO and IOD
i) Wave generation, growth and decay
j) Generation of tides, Semi -diurnal and diurnal tides, tidal constituents 15
3 Biological Oceanography :
a) General microbial ecology
b) Measurement of primary production
c) Benthic -Pelagic coupling , Benthic ecology, Benthic biomass structure
and production
d) Fisheries oceanography
e) Plankton carbon cycling
f) Introduction to suboxic and anoxic oceanography, Dynamics of DOM
under anoxic conditions 12

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g) Food web dynamics and climate change
h) Biofouling/Bioinvasion
i) Zooplankton and phytoplankton
j) Fishery biology
4 Ocean Chemistry :
a) Elemental composition of seawater and behaviour of substances
b) Chemical speciation in seawater
c) Major marine biogeochemical cycles
d) Marine biogenic gases of climatic importance
e) Global Climate Change and ecosystem impacts
f) Exchange of materials across marine interfaces
g) Sampling and analytical tools in chemical oceanography 06
Ocean Climatology

a) Climate classification
b) Greenhouse gases: Introduction, causes of changing concentration, role in
climate change
c) Cryosphere and its role in climate change
d) Energy Balance of the Earth and atmosphere
e) Ocean -climate linkage

Recommended Books (Latest Editions)
1. Essential of Oceanography, by Trujillo/ Thurman (6 January 2015)
2. Oceanography: An Invitation to Marine Science, by Tom Garrison (31 July 2012)
3. Essentials of Meteorology: An Invitation to the Atmosphere by C. Donald Ahrens
4. Meteorology Today: An Introduction to Weather, Climate, and the Environment by
Robert Henson, C. Donald Ahrens

Course Outcome :
The learner will be able to acquire knowledge on the following: -
1. Understand the Topography and Oceanography .
2. Effective Ocean influence on the climate.
3. Understand and acquire knowledge on Ocean Chemistry
4. Understand the various dynamics of Ocean Meteorology.

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MMS103: Research Methodology (60 Hours, 04 Credits)

Course Objectives :

1. To impart knowledge on the process of Research Paper Writing.
2. To acquaint the learner with the indept knowledge on the various methods involved in
carrying out research.
3. The learner will be imparted knowledge on the steps of carrying out focused research.

Unit Course Content Hours
1 Research Methodology: An Introduction
Meaning of Research
Objectives of Research
Motivation in Research
Types of Research
Research Approaches
Significance of Research
Research Methods versus Methodology
Research and Scientific Method
Importance of Knowing How Research is Done
Research Process
Criteria of Good Research
Problems Encountered by Researchers in India 08
2 Defining the Research Problem
What is a Research Problem?
Selecting the Problem
Necessity of Defining the Problem
Technique Involved in Defining a Problem 06
3 Research Design
Meaning of Research Design
Need for Research Design
Features of a Good Design
Important Concepts Relating to Research Design
Different Research Designs
Basic Principles of Experimental Designs 06

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4 Methods of Data Collection
Collection of Primary Data
Observation Method96Interview Method
Collection of Data through Questionnaires
Collection of Data through Schedules
Difference between Questionnaires and Schedules
Some Other Methods of Data Collection
Collection of Secondary Data 08
5 Processing and Analysis of Data
Processing Operations
Some Problems in Processing
Elements/Types of Analysis
Statistics in Research
Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Dispersion
Measures of Asymmetry (Skewness)
Measures of Relationship
Simple Regression Analysis
Multiple Correlation and Regression
Partial Correlation
Association in Case of Attributes 08
6 Sampling Fundamentals
Need for Sampling
Some Fundamental Definitions
Important Sampling Distributions
Central Limit Theorem
Sampling Theory
Sandler’s A-test
Concept of Standard Error
Estimating the Population Mean ()μ
Estimating Population Proportion
Sample Size and its Determination
Determination of Sample Size through the Approach Based on Precision Rate
and Confidence Level
Bayesian Statistics 08

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7 Testing of Hypotheses
What is a Hypothesis?
Basic Concepts Concerning Testing of Hypotheses
Procedure for Hypothesis Testing
Flow Diagram for Hypothesis Testing
Measuring the Power of a Hypothesis Test
Tests of Hypotheses
Important Parametric Tests
Hypothesis Testing of Means
Hypothesis Testing for Differences between Means
Hypothesis Testing for Comparing Two Related Samples
Hypothesis Testing of Proportions
Hypothesis Testing for Difference between Proportions
Hypothesis Testing for Comparing a Variance to Some Hypothesized Population
Testing the Equality of Variances of Two Normal Populations
Hypothesis Testing of Correlation Coefficients
Limitations of the Tests of Hypotheses
Important Nonparametric or Distribution -free Test
Relationship between Spearman’s r’s and Kendall’s W
Characteristics of Distribution -free or Non-parametric Tests 08
8 Interpretation and Report Writing
Meaning of Interpretation
Why Interpretation?
Technique of Interpretation
Precaution in Interpretation
Significance of Report Writing
Different Steps in Writing Report
Layout of the Research Report
Types of Reports
Oral Presentation
Mechanics of Writing a Research Report
Precautions for Writing Research Reports 08

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Recommended Books (Latest Editions) :
1. Research Methodology Methods and Techniques by C.R.Kothari, Gaurav Garg, New Age
International Publishers
Methodology of Research in Social Science by O.R. Krishnaswami and M. Ranganatham, Himalaya
Publishing House

Course Outcomes :
The learner will be able to understand and carry out the following: -
1. Identify the research problem, formulation of hypothesis, carryout data analysis using
systematic and scientific methods.
2. Formulate the Research Process and arrive at the conclusion and recommendations in a
logical manner.
3. Understand the need of Proper Research Writing.
4. Carryout a systematic and logical Research towards writing the term mini project conduct and
report, Book review and Dissertation.

MCOMMS104E - Maritime Infrastructure Management (60 Hour, 04 Credits)
Course Objectives
To impart knowledge on the management of maritime infrastructure in ports and inland depots.

Unit Course Content Hours

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1 Port Infrastructure
a. Waterside
b. Yard
c. Landside 4
2 Traditional Port functions and its evolution as hub for economic activity 3
3 Multiplier Effect on Regional Economy 3
4 Port Connectivity: CFS/ICD/Dry Ports 2
5 Rail and Road connectivity to ports 2
6 Hub Ports and Feeder Ports 3
7 Port Tariffs and economics 2
8 World Bank Model for Port Development and Management 2
9 Global experience in different models 3
10 Global & Domestic Port Regulatory System - IMO/ ISPS 4
11 Agencies involved in Port Activities / Ancillary Services 3
12 Private Sector Participation in Ports - Model Concession Agreement and its
variants. 3
13 Terminal Operating System & Port Operating System (IT & Technology
solutions) 2
14 Smart Ports/ Fully Automated Terminals 3
15 Inland Water Transport & integration with EXIM/ Domestic Cargo Movement 4
16 Multi Modal Hubs 2

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17 Case Study
· Concepts of port management
· Challenges in coastal sea trade
· Comparative Study of Port Management: India & Global
· Traditional vs futuristic use of Inland Waterways
· Different Models of Port Tariff fixation: a critical analysis 15

Recommended Books (Latest Editions)
1. Port Management and Operations by Maria G. Burns
2. Port Business by Jurgen Sorgenfrei
3. Maritime Logistics: A Guide to Contemporary Shipping and Port Management - 2nd Edition, by
Dong -Wook Song (Editor), Photis M. Panayides (Editor)
4. Port Management and Operations - 1st Edition, by Maria G. Burns (Author)
5. Port Management and Operations (Lloyd's Practical Shipping Guides) 3rd Edition, by Patrick
Alderton (Author)
6. Ports and Terminals – Sep 2012, by H. Ligteringen (Author), H. Velsink (Author)

Course Outcomes
1. The students will have deeper understanding of the World Bank suggested Model for PPP in the
Maritime domain.
2. Improved understanding of the Service level expectations from various stakeholders in the SCM.
3. Setting up of Logistics entities by professionals thereby increasing the share of organised activity
which at present is mostly in the domain of unorganised sector.
4. Increased opportunities for Indian students in the global Supply Chain Market.

MCOMMS105E - Sustainable Maritime Transport (60 Hours, 04 Credits)
Course Objectives
To impart advanced knowledge on the sustainability model of maritime transport for growth.

Unit Course Content Hours

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1 Environment Sustainability
a. Identification of Key Environmental Impact Indicators (KEIIs)
b. Mitigation of detrimental effects on Environment
c. Use of Clean Energy & Bio fuels
d. Potential of Hybrid Energy Technology to reduce Emissions
e. Impact on Atmosphere and Climate 5
2 Marine Pollution & Regulation Governing (MARPOL etc)
a. Ship’s Ballast Water exchange - In Port and At sea
b. Global Emission Control Areas 4
3 Efficient Movement of Freight
a. Cost per ton per mile
b. Delays and losses 4
4 Supply Chain Management
a. Components of Supply Chain
b. Challenges in supply chain 4
5 Ship Management & its significance
a. Effect of good ship management on Trade sustainability
b. Ship management related industries and services 4
6 Marine Routing and Speed Optimization
a. Performance Measures for Marine Transportation
b. Weather and Current based routing 3

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7 Green Shipping Practices
a. Concept, Adoption and Implications
b. Resource, Conservation and Recycling
c. Garbage Management and its advantages 4
8 Aids to Navigation
a. Basics of navigation
b. Need for aids to navigation
c. Risks in case of non-operational aids 5
9 Oceanographic, Hydrographic and Meteorological Services 4
10 Innovations and Technology 4
11 Ship Recycling 4
12 Case Study
· Comparison study of Cost per ton per mile in India vs Germany
· International Garbage management regulations and availability of disposal
resources in India
· Most profitable futuristic shipping activity
· Status of compliance of regulations related to ship recycling 15

Recommended Books (Latest Editions)

1. Sustainable Maritime Transportation and Exploitation of Sea Resources 1st Edition, by Enrico
Rizzuto (Editor), Carlos Guedes Soares (Editor)
2. Sustainable Shipping A Cross -Disciplinary View, Editors: Psaraftis, Harilaos N. (2019 Ed.)

Course Outcomes
The learner should be able to:
1. Define what is Maritime sustainability
2. Explain what are the factors to build the sustainability
3. Interpret efficient ship management
4. Critically evaluate Green Shipping and Technological innovation

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MCOMMSBR1 - Book Review term assignment (08 Credits)

Course Objectives - Book Review of one book relevant to the course leading to the final year
Dissertation Based R&D Project Work. 16 hours per week library or engagement and mentoring by
advisor with end semester report and presentation.

Course Outcome - Book review with report and presentation will assist learner to gain in depth
knowledge on specific topic and gain understanding of research undertaken in that area with an
overview on the new knowledge generated.

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Semester II
MMS201 - Overview of International Maritime Trade (60 Hours, 04 Credits)
Course Objectives
To impart fundamental knowledge on the maritime trade, commerce and logistics and functions of the
various components of maritime commerce.

Unit Course Content Hours
1 History of Maritime Trade 4
2 Basic Concepts and Geographies of Maritime Trade 5
3 Basics Concepts & Principles of Seaborne Trade 4
4 Types of Commodities Internationally Traded 4
5 Commercial Origins 4
6 Trades due to differences in Natural Resources 4
7 Trade Theory & Principle Drivers of Trade
a. Demand and Supply 6
8 Types of Cargoes and their means of carriage 9
9 Ship Design & Technical Parameters
- Bulk / Liquid Bulk / Gas (LPG, LNG, Ammonia) / Crude & CPP
- Break Bulk :Types of Break Bulk Cargoes and their Characteristic
- Automobiles / Project Cargoes
- Cruise and Passenger 6+8
10 Maritime Vocabulary – On board and in Business 2
11 Commodity Trade Cycles & Trends 4

Recommended Books (Latest Editions)

1. Maritime Economics, By Martin Stopford (3rd Edition)
2. Port Economics (Routledge Maritime Masters), By Wayne K. Talley
3. The Handbook of Maritime Economics and Business, By Costas Grammenos
4. The Business of Shipping, By Ira Breskin

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Course Outcomes
The learner should be able to:
1. Describe what is Maritime Trade
2. Demonstrate how it is governed by geographical distribution of resources and consumers
3. Differentiate types of marine transport crafts based on commodity
4. Construct and explain a trade cycle and its importance

MCOMMS202 - MARITIME ECONOMY PART 1 (60 Hours, 04 Credits)

Course Objectives
To impart fundamental knowledge on the Maritime Economy in the present day and the huge future

Course Content
1 Maritime Economy And Impact On National Economy 4
2 Maritime Economy And Impact On World Economy. 4
3 Shipping Ports And Maritime Logistic
Coastal Shipping & Inland Water Transportation 6
4 Evolution of Ports / Maritime Clusters
Drivers for Port Business 4
5 Deep Sea Mining 4
6 Oil And Gas Exploration 4
7 Deep Sea Fishing - Prospects and Limits 6
8 Marine Manufacturing 3
9 Marine Renewable Energy 4
10 Marine Tourism - International and Domestic 6

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11 Marine Biotechnology 4
12 Marine Research 4
13 Territorial Waters And Economic Zones
a. EEZ
b. SEZ
c. FTWZ 3
14 Ocean Monitoring And Surveillance 4

Recommended Books (Latest Editions)

1. Maritime Economics, By Martin Stopford (3rd Edition)
2. Port Economics (Routledge Maritime Masters), By Wayne K. Talley
3. The Handbook of Maritime Economics and Business, By Costas Grammenos

4. The Business of Shipping, By Ira Breskin

Course Outcomes
The learner should be able to:
1. Recognize the vast expanse of maritime industry.
2. Interpret the workings of various Maritime segments.
3. Compare how various segments can contribute to maritime economy.
4. Construct the link of maritime industry with other industries to enhance maritime economy

MCOMMS203 - Maritime Transport (60 Hours, 04 Credits)

Course Objectives
To impart fundamental knowledge on Maritime Transport and functions of the various components of
maritime transport.

Unit Course Content Hours
1 History
a. Movement of men & goods 3

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b. Navigation
2 Role of Maritime Transporting Global Trade & Economy
a. Maritime Trade Routes
b. Time difference across countries 4
3 Evolution of Ports / Maritime Clusters
a. Functions of Port 4
4 Regulatory Set up
a. Global
b. Indian Maritime Administration 3
5 Maritime Infrastructure Management
b. Smart Ports
c. Port Terminal Operations
d. Stakeholders
e. Tariffs 4
6 Shipping
a. Evolution of Ships & their Types
b. Registries
c. Ship Management
d. Indian Shipping 5
7 Types of Cargoes and Ships for carriage 4
8 Logistics
a. Multi Modal Transport
b. Emergence of 3PL/4PL
c. Total Logistics Cost/Logistics Price Index 4
9 Coastal Shipping & Inland Water Transportation 3
10 Warehousing & Cold Storage
a. Warehouse Management System
b. Agri Logistics
c. Retail
d. E-Commerce 4

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11 Sustainability in Maritime
a. Green Ports
b. Clean Fuel for Ships 3
12 Emerging Trends
a. Sagarmala
b. Multiplier Effect on Economy 4
13 Site Visits to Port, CFS, Warehouse & Cold Storage 15

Recommended Books (Latest Editions)
1. Ninety Percent of Everything, by Rose George
2. The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy
Bigger by Marc Levinson
3. Port Management and Operations by Maria G. Burns
4. Port Business by Jurgen Sorgenfrei
5. The Shipping Man by Matthew McCleery

Course Outcomes
1. The students will be able to better appreciate the importance of Maritime Industry as a service
provider to Global Economic activity.
2. Understand the relationship between Ship, Port & Hinterland and their interdependence.
3. Appreciate the emerging trends in the Maritime domain including the future technologies.
4. Since the sector does not have any Entry barriers, many start-ups and even Single Owner
enterprises can emerge.
5. Better value can be created for the Agri -produce through setting up of efficient Agri -Logistics
or Cold Chain infrastructure in the country.

MCOMMS204E – Logistics and Ware Housing (60 Hours, 04
Credits) Course Objectives
To impart practical knowledge on Supply Chain Logistics and importance and usage of Warehouses
and Cold Storage in Maritime Industry.

Unit Course Content Hours

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1 EXIM and Domestic Economy
a. GDP and cargo movement
b. Products and Places 4
2 Transport Corridor - Logistics Corridor -Economic Corridor 3
3 Evolution of Logistics industry 3
4 Overview of global logistics industry 3
5 Integrated Logistics 3

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6 Logistics Performance Index 2
7 Logistics Cost in India
a. Factors shaping Indian Logistics 4
8 Concept of 3PL/4PL Service Providers 2
9 Retail & Supply Chain 3
10 Emergence of Warehouse infrastructure 4
11 Warehousing Industry in India 3
12 Changing role of Warehouses 2
13 Agriproducts & Cold Storage 3
14 Medical Products and Cold Storage 3
15 Warehouse Management System 3
16 Case Study
Evolution of Warehousing in the World
Availability and need for Cold Storage in India
Product price movement from source to the retailer 15

Recommended Books (Latest Editions)

1. Warehouse Management: A Complete Guide to Improving Efficiency and Minimizing Costs in the
Modern Warehouse (3rd Edn), By Gwynne Richards
2. The Definitive Guide to Warehousing: Managing the Storage and Handling of Materials and
Products in the Supply Chain (3rd Edn), By Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals,
Scott Keller, Brian Keller
3. The Ware house Management Handbook (2nd Edn), By James A. Tompkins & Jerry D. Smith
4. Lean Supply Chain And Logistics Management – By Paul A Myerson

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Course Outcomes
The learner should be able to:
1. Classify Export and Import Commodities
2. Demonstrate understanding of Logistics and basic supply chain
3. Examine Factors contributing to Logistics cost
4. Value Importance of adequate Warehousing and Cold Storage facilities
MCOMMS205E - Maritime EXIM Operations (60 Hours, 04 Credits)
Course Objectives
To impart knowledge on the various export import operations in port, with agencies involved and
their functions.

Unit Course Content Hours
1 Agency - Port Operations
a. Cargo & Stevedoring
b. Inward and Outward Port clearances
c. Lighthouse and Port dues
d. Port Health
e. Inspections 6

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2 Agency – Husbandary Services
a. Crew change
b. Owner supplies
c. Cash to Master 4
3 Agency - Sales and Marketing 3
4 Agency – Documentation
a. Import
b. Export 3
5 Principal Reporting 3
6 Custom House Agents
a. Guidance and consultancy on pre and post shipment services
b. Liasoning and follow up with various Govt Organisations
c. Documentation procedures i.e. preparation and handling of documents
d. All post shipment formalities and endorsements
e. Drawback/DEPB and several other export benefits 8
7 Freight forwarding
b. Full-container -load (FCL)
c. Less-than-container -load (LCL)
d. Dry or liquid bulk shipments
e. Full or partial vessel charters, including refrigerated service or on-board
cranes to handle heavy shipments
f. Physical cargo and paper -consolidation programs to importers and
exporters 10
8 Sea Freight Services
a. Temperature Controlled Transportation
b. Cargo Insurance
c. Letter of Credit Processing (LC)
d. Certification and Legalisation of Documents
e. Food and Drug Administration Filing (FDA)
f. Advanced Cargo Information Filing (ACI)
e. Dangerous Goods Handling (DGR) 8

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9 Case Study
Flow chart for vessel inward clearance into port
Create instruction chart for Custom Clearance procedures
Roles and responsibilities of a NVOCC 15

Recommended Books (Latest Editions)

1. A Complete Guide to Letter of Credit and the UCP – Jan 2015, by Rupnarayan Bose
2. International Trade Finance Paperback, by Indian Institute of Banking & Finance (Author)
3. International Trade Logistics, by Ram Singh (Author)
4. Export Business -A Beginner's Guide: A practical guide for starting export business, by Raj
Kumar Sharma (Author)
5. Export Import Management, by Parul Gupta (Author)
6. IBO-4 Export Import Procedures And Documentation, by Sudhir Kochhar (Author)

Course Outcomes
The learner should be able to:
1. Explain Maritime Agent’s role in ports.
2. Demonstrate the Role of Freight Forwarders in Container Trade.
3. Differentiate the Roles of Custom House Agents and Ship Agent in port.
4. Develop a scheme to explain types of services in port related to ship arrival / departure.

MCOMMSMP - Mini Term Project (08 Credits)

Course Objectives - Mini Term Project. 16 hours per week either of case study, field work, data
collection, data analysis, laboratory experimentation leading to Dissertation Based R&D Project Work
with end semester report and presentation.
Course Outcome – After successful completion of the Mini T erm Project the learner can
demonstrate, analyse, compare, evaluate subject data and can develop aptitude in field work, data
collection, problem analysis and solving using technical and statistical concepts.

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Semester III
MCOMMS301 - Maritime Finance (60 Hours, 04 Credits)
Course Objectives
To impart fundamental knowledge on Maritime Finance and functions of the various components.

Unit Course Content Hours
1 Economic Drivers 6
2 Asset Financing
a. New building & purchase Financing
b. Retro fitting Financing
c. Resale Finance 6
3 Introduction to Vessel Ownership
a. Capital cost
b. Operating Cost
c. Technical cost
d. Manning cost
e. Certification
f. Insurance
g. P&I Club 10
4 Cargo Trade Financing
a. FOB
b. CFR 6
5 Bank Transaction
a. Bill of lading
b. Letter of credit movement
c. Incoterms
d. Uniform Customs and Practices for Documentary Credits 6
6 Digitization in Finance 4
7 Financing Scheme
a. Banks
b. Private Equity 6

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c. Capital Market
8 Risk analysis, mitigation & forecasting 6
9 Case study
a. Bank – Owner relationship
b. Owners – Freight Charterer relation ship 10

Recommended Books (Latest Editions)
1. The International Handbook of Shipping Finance: Theory and Practice Hardcover – Import, 23
November 2016
2. HSBA Handbook on Ship Finance
3. Shipping Finance, Stephenson Harwood
4. Shipping Finance: A Practical Handbook, Stephenson Harwood

Course Outcomes
The learner should be able to:
1. Understand the Maritime Value Chain
2. Understand the process of Capital raising & Cost factors involved
3. Execute Trade Financing
4. Analyse & Select appropriate Asset Financing product
5. Analyse Risk & evaluate mitigation
6. Apply Banking Practises in Commercial Environment
MCOMMS302 - Maritime Economy – Part 2 (60 Hours, 04 Credits)
Course Objectives
To impart advanced knowledge on the maritime economy and the huge growth prospects.

Course Content
1 Maritime economy and impact on world economy.
a. Terminology
b. Definition.
c. Ocean monitoring 4

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2 Marine fishery, aquaculture and fish processing.
a. Aquaculture and technology
b. Seafood processing
c. Fish Farming 5
3 Deep seabed mining
a. Exploration of rare earth metals
b. Hydrocarbons – oil & gas
c. Exploration of freshwater 6
4 Marine biotechnology
a. Seaweed harvesting
b. Seaweed products
c Marine derived bio products
d. Latest Research and Development 5
5 Marine renewable energy
a. Wave energy
b. Off shore wind energy
c. Alternate energy source 4
6 Marine manufacturing
a. Boat manufacturing
b. Net manufacturing
c. Yard infrastructure and ship building
d. Ship repair infrastructure
e. Marine industrial engineering 6
7 Shipping ports n maritime logistics
a. Port Navigation safety
b. Terminals & Jetties
c. Pilot and Tugs
d. Vessel Traffic Services
e. Stevedoring Services 5

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8 Marine tourism
a. International and Domestic Cruise
b. Lighthouse tourism
c. Sailing at sea
d. Water/ Jet skiing
e. Scuba diving
f. Beach / Floating hotel and restaurant 6
9 Ocean monitoring and surveillance
a. Coastal protection
b. Ocean health challenges
c. Habitat protection and restoration
d. Protection of National resources 4
10 Case Study
Marine Tourism Project
Fish Farming Project
Marine renewable energy
Growth of Ship Building in India compared to the World
Comparison of advantages and disadvantages over land and sea transport 15

Recommended Books (Latest Editions)

1. The Blue Economy Of Andhra Pradesh: The Road To Prosperity, by Prof. Kodati Viyyanna Rao
2. Marine Renewable Energy: 4 (Commonwealth Blue Economy Series), by Commonwealth
3. Preparing a Workforce for the New Blue Economy: People, Products and Policies, by Liesl
Hotaling and Richard W. Spinrad
4. Blue Economy -10 Years, 100 Innovations, 100 Million Jobs, by Gunter Pauli

Course Outcomes
The learner should be able to:
1. Explain effect of Maritime economy on Indian and world economy in general
2. Demonstrate the value Expanding Blue economy
3. Examine how Trade and Commerce affects the Economy
4. Investigate how various modes of harvesting surface / in water / and undersea bed helps the

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MCOMMS303 – ADVANCED MARITIME TRADE (60 Hours, 04 credits)

Course Objectives
To impart advanced knowledge on the Maritime Trade and its functions.

Course Contents
1 Recap of Basics of Maritime Trade
a. Geographies of Maritime Trade
b. Concepts & Principles of Seaborne Trade
c. Commodities Internationally Traded
d. Theory & Principle Drivers of Trade 6
2 Advanced Ship Design & Technical Parameters
- Bulk / Liquid Bulk / Gas (LPG, LNG, Ammonia) / Crude & CPP
- Break Bulk :Types of Break Bulk Cargoes and their Characteristic
- Automobiles / Project Cargoes
- Cruise and Passenger 4
Commodity Trade Cycles & Trends 4
Principles of Carriage - Major Trade Lanes / Cargo Flows 4
Interrelation between Trade Commerce and Industry 4
Baltic and Other Global Indexes (Henry hub, JKM etc.) 3
Price Indexing and Trends 3
Data Mining and Analytics 3
Block Chain concepts and its applications to International Trade 4
Trade Management & Regulators 4
Economics of Ship Building and Ship Demolition 6
Principles of FOB, DES, Long Term and Spot Trades 3

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13 Case Study –
Economics of Ship Building and Ship Demolition – future prospects OR
Commodity Trade Cycles & Trends – future prospects 12

Recommended Books (Latest Editions)

1. Maritime Economics, By Martin Stopford (3rd Edition)
2. The Handbook of Maritime Economics and Business, By Costas Grammenos
3. The Business of Shipping, By Ira Breskin
4. How Maritime Trade and the Indian Subcontinent Shaped the World: Ice Age to Mid -Eighth Century,
by Nick Collins
5. Gale Force 10: The Life and Legacy of Admiral Beaufort, by Nicholas Courtney
6. Ship-building and Navigation in the Indian Ocean Region, AD 1400 -1800, by K. S. Mathew
7. Trade, Commodities and Shipping in the Medieval Mediterranean (Variorum Collected Studies), by
David Jacoby
8. Structured Trade and Commodity Finance: Practical Applications in Complex Transactions, by
Howard Palmer and Y. Matlach

Course Outcomes
The learner should be able to:
1. Classify Sea borne Trade on the basis of commodity.
2. Differentiate between Product based Ship design
3. Appraise the Baltic and Other Global Index
4. Design Block Chain concepts for innovative growth.

MCOMMS304E - Commercial Ship Management (60 Hours, 04 Credits)
Course Objectives
To impart knowledge on Commercial Shipping including Charters, Operations, Maritime Contracts,
Dispute Handling, etc.

Unit Course Content Hours
1 Types of charters
a. Time
c. Bareboat
d.Period 4

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2 Chartering
a. Freight Discovery
b. Worldscale
c. Due diligence prior fixing
d. Port Restrictions
e. Cargo Intakes
f. Vessel readiness & cargo worthiness
g. Trade Practices
h. Dry/Wet/LNG/Container/Car Carrier models
i. Formation of Contract
J. Fuel economics & bunker management 8
3 Operations
a. Commercial execution
b. Cargo & Bunker Plan
c. Vessel Performance monitoring
d. Port Cost Analysis (Port Disbursement analysis)
e. Break Bulk Cargo
f. Hold preparation
g. Commercial Vessel upkeep & Underwater management
h. Route Planning
i. Notice of readiness / delivery / redelivery 8
4 Vessel Inspections regimes and Approvals
b. CDI
c. BHP
d. PSC 4
5 Maritime contracts
a. Charter Party Nype
b. Charter Party Gencon
c. Charter Party Amwelsh Coal
d. Shell time, BP Voy
e. Bill of lading 4

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6 Introduction
a. Baltic
b. Bimco
c. Hague, Hague Visby, COGSA rules
d. Q88 / Rightship 6
7 Operational Legal disputes & resolutions
a. Cargo damage
b. Stevedore damage to vessel
c. Third Party Damage
d. Performance claims
e. Breach of CP / Damage claims
f. Demurrage and Dispatch 6
8 Typical cargoes & trade routes 5
9 Case Studies
a. Cargo Intakes
b. Bunker Intakes
c. Port Cost Analysis (Port Disbursement analysis)
d. Demurrage and Dispatch
e. PSC Observation Codes 15

Recommended Books (Latest Editions)

1. BP Tankers: A Group Fleet History, by Bill Harvey and Dr. Raymond Solly
2. Structured Trade and Commodity Finance: Practical Applications in Complex Transactions, by
Howard Palmer and Y. Matlach
3. Ninety Percent of Everything, by Rose George
4. The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger
by Marc Levinson
5. A Complete Guide to Letter of Credit and the UCP, by Rupnarayan Bose (Author)
6. International Trade Finance, by Indian Institute of Banking & Finance (Author)

Course Outcomes
The learner should be able to:
1. Understand the Trade & limiting factors
2. Analyse the Charter Party Contractual obligation
3. Execute End to End Controlled Operations
4. Critically weigh various Trade practise & regulation
5. Evaluate Disputes and select between commercial vs legal resolutions

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6. Formulate Process for Freight Discovery & Due diligence
MCOMMS305E - Vessel Technical Management (60 Hours, 04 Credits)
Course Objectives
To impart fundamental knowledge on how Commercial ships are manned and operated.

Course Content
1 Technical Management – Ship Safety and Operations 3
2 Technical Management – Safety Manuals and Compliance 3
3 Technical Management – Maintenance and Upkeep of ships
Vessel cranes, pumps, IG plant & Hatch cover (etc) 3
4 Technical Management – Owner managed ships 2
5 Technical Management – 3rd Party Technical Management 3
6 Technical Management – Ship Manning Budgets 2
7 Technical Management – Ship Maintenance Budgets 3
8 Technical Management – Supplies for ship operations
a. Bunker Specs & Qualities
b. Fresh Water
c. Spares
d. Stores 3
9 Technical Management – On Hire / Off Hire Clauses 3
10 Manning – Crew Certification & Training 2
11 Manning – Induction, Appraisal and Growth 3
12 Manning - Crew Bank / database 3

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13 Manning – Medical, Safety & Insurance 2
14 Manning – Placement onboard 2
15 Manning – Wages management & Collective Bargain Agreement 2
16 Manning – Crew Social Well Being 3
17 Manning – Local & International regulation compliance 2
18 Manning – Grievance Handling & Whistle Blower Policy 2
19 Case Study –
Ship Operation Budgeting
Shipping Manning Budgeting
Crew Certification Matrix
Understanding Basics of ISM Code
Study on Common Ship Supplies 15

Recommended Books (Latest Editions)

1. The British Mariner's Vocabulary; Or Universal Dictionary of Technical Terms and Sea Phrases
Used in the Construction, Equipment, Management and Military Operations of a Ship, by J J Moore
2. Marine Engineering Journal: Ship Technical Maintenance Operating Management Procedure -
Complete Repair Planning Schedule Book & Safety Guide -Health ... Room Checklist & D aily
Routine Score Log, by Jason Soft
3. The Art of Maritime Manning - My Insights, by Dr Binay Singh
4. STCW Code
5. ISM Code
6. ISPS Code

Course Outcomes
The learner should be able to:
1. Understand the technical limitations & capabilities of ships.
2. Evaluate Roles & responsibilities of technical managers.
3. Evaluate vessel operating budgeting
4. Value the Human Element in manning services.
5. Weigh Crew Safety & international regulations vs commercial obligation

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MCOMMSBR2 - Book Review term assignmen t (08 Credits)

Course Objectives - Book Review of one book relevant to the course leading to the final year
Dissertation Based R&D Project Work. 16 hours per week library or engagement and mentoring by
advisor with end semester report and presentation.
Course Outcome - Book review with report and presentation will assist learner to gain in depth
knowledge on specific topic and gain understanding of research undertaken in that area with an
overview on the new knowledge generated.

Semester IV

MCOMMSDP - M.Com Dissertation Based Project Work (24 Credits)

Course Objectives
M.Com.(Maritime Studies) for Semester -IV consists of full term Dissertation Based Research Project
of 24 credits. Every student will have to complete a separate project in Semester IV with twenty four
credits (600 marks). Students have to prepare and submit a Master level thesis and the final evaluation
will be done by external expert and Guide on the bases of the quality of the thesis and Viva -Voce

Course Outcome – After successful completion of MCOMMSDP - M.Com Dissertation Based
Project Work the learner can demonstrate, analyse, compare, evaluate subject data and can develop
aptitude in field work, data collection, problem analysis and solving u sing technical and statistical

Recommended Journals:
1. Seaways
2. IMEI Engineering Journals
3. EXIM Trade Journals
4. Journal of International Maritime Safety, Environmental Affairs, and Shipping
5. Maritime Affairs: Journal of the National Maritime Foundation of India