MAEMA revised April 26 2019 1 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC : _ 10/05/2019 ___ Item No. 4.21
Signature : Date : April 26, 2019.
Name of BOS Chairperson √ / Dean : __Dr. Sunder Rajdeep
Sr. No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the Course M.A. (Entertainment , Media &
Advertising )
2 Eligibility for
Admission Graduation
3 Passing Marks 40%
4 Ordinances /
Regulations ( if any) --
5 No. of Years /
Semesters 02 years & 04 semesters
6 Level √P.G. / U.G./ Diploma / Certificate
( Strike out which is not applicable)
7 Pattern Yearly / Semester √
CBCS ( Strike out which is not applicable)
8 Status New / Revised √
CBCS ( Strike out which is not applicable)
9 To be implemented
from Academic Year From Academic Year __ 2019-20 in
Progressive manner . UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI
Syllabus for Approval
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1. The program will primarily enable the students to understand & appreciate the
relevance of Media (Social science/ Interdisciplinary) research.
2. This program will provide an excellent foundation for Doctoral & Post Doctoral
research in Media & Communication studies - in fields of Advertising, Entertainment &
3. The program will enhance their ability to hone their analytical skills & prepare them
both for being academicians or for working in t he industry.
4. It will enable them to have a 360 degree perspective on the nuances of Media industries
& Interdisciplinary or allied industries as well.
5. This program highlights amalgamation of humanities, Social Sciences& New Media
into Advertising, Media & Entertainment to make students aware of developments both
in the global & local spheres.
6. In this program there is an emphasis on Culture, Communication networks in Societies
& it showcases how different cultures are reflected in various practices, systems &
beliefs in both different parts of the country & the world..
7. This program will equip the learners with professional skills essential for making career
in Entertainment industry, Cinema, Television, OTT Platforms, social media platforms
8. Students woul d demonstrate the ability to apply ethical principles in a variety of
creative, cinematic, organizational, Advertising and venues in New Media.
9. Learners will understand mass media as a system of interrelated forces, including
historical foundations, techno logical advances, economic dynamics, regulatory
10. They will be better equipped to grasp the complex relationship between
communication/media theories and a diverse set of individual, social, and professional
11. Learners will understand the underlying philosophical assumptions of, and be able to
apply, communication research methods to address a range of media texts and
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Semester I
Code Name of Course
A. Core Courses Term work
Extension Credits
PAEMA 101 Overview I: Print, Radio, Television
and Advertising 60 6
PAEMA 102 Overview II: Film, Digital, Events,
Gaming and Animation 60 6
PAEMA 103 Media Communication Theories 60 6
PAEMA 104 Media Management 60 6
Total 240 24
Semester II
Code Name of Course
A. Core Courses Term work
Extension Credits
PAEMA 205 Introduction to Media Research 60 6
PAEMA 206 Media Marketing (IMC) 60 6
PAEMA 207 Media Finance & Accounting 60 6
PAEMA 208 Entrepreneurship, Innovation &
Media Laws 60 6
Total 240 24
SPECIALIZATION in Film and Television Semester –III
Semester –III – Students to choose four subjects
Code Name of Course
A. Core Courses Term work
Teaching and
Extension Credits
309 Broadcast Business Management 60 6
310 Film Production & Content pipeline 60 6
311 An Orientation to New Media
Technologies 60 6
312 Television & Radio Production &
Programming 60 6
313 Film Distribution and Marketing 60 6
Total 240 24
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A. Optional Courses Teaching and
Extension Credits
414 Media Research Analytical Skills 60 6
3415 Business Plan and Negotiation
Skills 60 6
416 B. Dissertation / Field
Project 120 12
Total 240 24
SPECIALIZATION in Advertising and Marketing Communication
Semester –III – Students to choose four subjects
Code Name of Course
B. Core Courses Term work
Teaching and
Extension Credits
309 Account Planning &Media Business
60 6
310 Media & Consumer Behavio ur 60 6
311 Strategic Brand Management 60
312 Advertising Agency Structure &
Management 60 6
PAEMA AM Media Planning and Buying 60 6
Total 240 24
C. Optional Courses Teaching
Extension Credits
AM 414 Media Research Analytical Skills 60 6
M 3415 Digital and Socials Media
Advertising & Marketing 60 6
AM 416 D. Dissertation / Field Work 120 12
Total 240 24
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Overview I: Print, Rad io, Television and Advertising
To unders tand the dynamics of Media
To explain the dynamics of content Creation & Execution
To understand the basics of monetization from various sources of Media
An overview of Print , Radio, Television and Advertising industry
Outcomes: At the end of this course students should be able to:
Understand the scope, functioning of Media Industry
Understand the behavior of Indian Media E conomy.
Understand mass media as a system of interrelated forces, technological
advances and economic dynamics.
Unit I Beginning of printing in India: early origins of newspapers in India, Birth of
the Indian news Ad agencies. A brief overview of Print News papers advertisement
and magazines (The Times of India -Hindustan Times -The Hindu -The Indian
Express -The Tribune -Statesman -India Today, Outlook, Frontline) .
Unit II Radio as a medium of mass communication, History of radio in India, Major
top radio programs in the world AIR, Emergence of co mmercial broadcasting, Private
FM radio Channels , Industry size and growth rate for satellite broadcasting.
Unit III Advent of television in the world, and in India Early days of Doordarshan,
major channels and media houses. Industry siz e and growth rate for satellite
broadcasting: Major channels and their programming genres viz; GEC, Sports, Kids,
Music, news, etc. Understanding concept s of reach, viewership and TRPs, their effect
on advertising rates, current ad spot rates of various channels, prime time rates v/s
ROS rates, etc., Content acquisition and production models of various channels,
includ ing licensing of international reality show formats. BARC rating system
Unit IV Understanding dynamics of revenue streams of satellite channels i.e
subscription v/s advertising revenues: Digitization – Advantages & Govt. Mandate/
Ruling. Future trend : Concept of embedded advertising . Resource requirements for
various types of channels depending on their content strategy. Career opportunities i n
satellite broadcasting space.
Unit V Size of advertising Indian and Global advertising industry: Interdependence
between advertising and entertainment industry in the entire ec osystem,
Understanding role of advertising agencies. Top advertising agencies and their
campaigns. Share of traditional and digital advertising platforms in the total revenue
Recommended Readings:
• Indian Media Business 4th Edition ‐ Vanita Khandekar
• FICCI - KPMG Indian Media and Entertainment Industry Report (Current Year)
• Aruna Zachariah., Print Media, Communication and Management : Elements,
Dimensions and Images, Kanishka Publishers, Delhi, 2007
• Mass Communication in India by Kumar, Kewal J.
• Indian Broadcasting by Luthra
• Radio, TV & Modern Life by Paddy Scannell; Blackwell Publishers
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Overview II: Film, Digital, Events, Gaming and Animation
To understand the dynamics of Media
To explain the dynamics of content creation & execution
To understand the basics of monetization from various sources
An overview of Film, Digital, Events, Gaming and Animation industry
Outcomes: At the end of this course students should be able to:
Identify the differences and sim ilarities in mass media
Understand the scope, functioning of Media Industry
Understand the b ehavior of Indian Media Economy.
Understand mass media as a system of interrelated forces, technological
advances and economic dynamics.
Unit I Indian and Global Film Industry: Market Size, growth rate, international
trends, etc,Product Life Cycle for fi lmed entertainment: Musicrelease,theatrical
release, home video rights,DTH,New Media (VOD, IPTV), mobile rights, satellite,
cable and terrestrial telecast, merchandising and licensing rights, overseas release,
sequels, etc.
Unit II Dynamics of each cont ent delivery platform for filmed entertainment: Film
Distribution, Home Video, Music Sales (physical and digital), Satellite telecast,
overseas distribution, New Media and online download rights, Merchandising
rights. Revenue sharing models and agreement s, revenue earning potential, flow of
revenue across value chain and share of revenue contribution of each platform in the
total revenue collection of a film.
Unit III Case studies and examples: Blockbuster hit and flop films and their
performance on each content delivery platform, reasons behind the films
performance, etc. Potential of regional cinema in India and its dynamics;
International studio models and its adaptation in India; Career opportunities in
filmed entertainment space, Piracy: Val ue and volume, copyright, IPR protection
measures like DRM, government laws, regulations and acts tocounter piracy, other
private bodies involved in vigilance for copyright protection.
Unit IV Indian and Global gaming Industry Market Size, growth rate, international
trends, major international gaming studios, etc., Evolution of gaming: 8 bit to
console gaming. Gaming platforms: PC, console, online gaming, mobile gaming,
multi player gaming and their potential. Platforms and Product Life Cycle for
gaming entertainment: PC, Console games (Play station, X‐box, Nintendo, others),
sequels, etc. Film based Indian and International gaming franchises: Sales
performance, successful case studies, etc. Career opportunities in gaming space.
Unit V Indian and Global Animation Industry Market Size, growth rate,
international trends, major international animation studios, etc., Indian and
International franchises: A comparative study. Dynamics of Indian Animation
Industry: Revenue generated from exploitation of each content delivery platform.
Case studies of International and Indian successful animation films: Spiderman,
Batman, Krish,, Hanuman and many more. Merchandising and Licensing: Sales
Potential, case studies of International and Indian properties. Career
opportunities in animation space.
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Recommended Readings:
• The Insider's Guide to Independent Film Distribution by StaceyParks
• The Complete Independent Movie Marketing Handbook by Mark StevenBosko
• Marketing to Moviegoers: A Handbook of Strategies and Tactics by RobertMarich
• Movie Marketing: Opening the Picture and Giving It Legs by TiiuLukk
• Marketing & Selling Your Film Around the World: A Guide for Independent
Filmmakers by John Durie, Annika Pham & NeilWatson
• Indian Media Business 4th Edition‐ VanitaKhandekar
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Media Communication Theories
To unders tand the spectrum o mass communication theories and
communication models.
To describe the ideas that influences the practice and development of
communication systems (i.e., print, radio, television, internet, etc.).
Analyze key concepts and issues in mass communication theory.
Relevance of media comm unication theories and the concerning media
influence and management, and review practical applications of those theories.
Outcomes: At the end of this course students should be able to:
Reflect and critically evaluate theory related to Media and Communications.
Fundamental knowledge of the central theories in the Media and
Communications discipline.
Apply specific paradigms for critica l thinking to mass communication.
Unit I Introduction to Communication Th eory, History of Mass Communication
Theory, Building Theory and Concept Explication (Explanation with research
Unit II Theories of communication I - Media Effects, Agenda -Setting,
Sadharanikaran , Priming, Strategic Communication, Advertising - Elaboration
Likelihood Mod el, Heuristic - Systematic Model of Information Processing ,
Communication Campai gns, Crisis Communication, Risk Commu nication,
Inoculation, Third -Person Effect, Social Comparison , Two Step Flow, Attitude
Unit II I Theories of communication II- Social Cognitive and Dissonance Nar rative
Persuasion, Cultivation Theory ,Uses-and-Gratifications, Selective Exposure,
Semiotics , Stereotypes, Framing Theory , Marshall McLuhan, Circuit of Culture
(Stuart Hall), Communication Networks, Social Media, Diffusion of Innovations,
Mobile Communication, Interpretation / Reception / Sense -making, Visual
Communication .
Unit IV Advertising and Promotion through Mass Media , Communication Research –
recent trends, Effects of Media stereo types, I nfluence of Marshall McL uhan,
Persuasive effects of Media.
Recommended Readings:
Theories of Mass Communication by De Fleur and B. Rokeach
McQuail, D. (2010). McQuail’s Mass Communication Theory, Sage
Stevenson, N. (2002). Understanding Media Cultures: Social Theory and Mass
Communication. Sage,
Media Effects Research: A Basic Overview, Glenn G. Sparks, Cengage
Learning, 2014
Severin, WJ. (2000) Communication Theories: Ori gins, Methods and Uses in
the Mass Media. Pearson
Perry, DK. (2008). Theory and Research in Mass Communication: Contexts
and Consequences. Taylor and Francis,
Communication Theory: Melvin DeFleur
Understanding Media: Marshal McLuhan
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Media Management
Objectives :
To study the most important aspects of media organizations including
advertising, production and programming.
To understand t he organizational and economic str uctures of the media
To study strategies used in media industries.
Outcomes: At the end of this course students should be able to:
To understand how to manage the different types of Media
To understand Organizational structures & the economics of the same
Explain alternative sources of finance and investment opportunities and their
suitability in particular circumstances
Unit I
Management – Definition & Nature, Principles and Need for Management,
Management Functions
Unit -II
Media Management: Definition & Concept, Principles & Significance of Media
Management, Media as an industry & profession.
Unit -III
Organizational Patterns of a various Media (Print, Radio , Advertisement &
Television) , Functions of the Editorial, Advertising, Circulation & Printing
departments of a newspaper, Newspaper economics: Circulation & Advertising as
source of revenue.
Unit -IV
Brief Idea of Government Media Organization: Publicatio n Division, Photo Division,
Film Division & Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC ), Doordarshan & All
India Radio .
Unit V
Financial management – Introduction, Meanings and Definitions, Goals of Financial
Management, Finance Functions, Interface bet ween Finance and Other Business
Functions. Break up of expenditure for the year, Raw Material Costs, Fixed and
Variable Costs, Production Cost, Commercial Polic y - Budgeting, Production
Scheduling, Media Scheduling.
Recommended Readings:
Hargie O, Dickson D, Tourish Communication Skills for Effective Denis
Management, Palgrave Macmillan, India
Dr. Sakthivel Murughan Management Principles & Practices, New Age International
Publishers, New Delhi
Redmond, J, Trager R Media Organisation Management, Biztantra, New Delhi
Albarran, Alan B Media Economics, Surjeet Publication, New Delhi