MA Psychology Sem III IV 2018 201911 Syllabus Mumbai University

MA Psychology Sem III IV 2018 201911 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Masters of Arts (MA) D egree Revised Syl labus
Course – Psychology (Four Semesters /Two Ye ars)
Semester III, IV

Choice Based C redit Sy stem (CBCS)

(w.e.f the Academic Year 2018-19 for Sem III & IV )

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Sem III & Sem IV Credits and Course

1. For semester III: Four Credits per Theory Course (Elective Courses) (4
X 5 Course = 20 Credits) + Ten credits of Practical/Field work
Component = 30 credits.

2. For Semester IV: One Interdisciplinary/Cross disciplinary course (6
credits) + One Ability Enhancement Course (6 credits) + One Project
Component or Practicum/ Field work which includes six credit
practicum and four credit research project (6+4 = 10 credits) = 22

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Course & Syllabus for the MA Sem III & IV in Psycholo gy

Syllabus for Semester III:

Course I (El ective Cou rse): PAPSY301: 4 credits

PAPSY 301A: Ass essment in Clinical Psychology

PAPSY 301 B: Assessment in Couns elling Psychology

PAPSY 301C: Compet ency Based Ass essment in Organization

PAPSY 301D: Ass essment in Social Psychology

Course II (E lective Cours e): PAPSY302: 4 Credits

PAPSY 302A: Psychopathology Across lif espan

PAPSY 302 B: Couns elling Across the Lifespan addressing Special groups

PAPSY 302C: Or ganizational Behavior

PAPSY 302D: Und erstanding Social Psychology

Course III (Ele ctive Course): PAPSY303: 4 Credits

PAPSY 303A: Psychotherapy

PAPSY 303 B: Career Counselling and World of Work

PAPSY 303C: Or ganization D evelopment

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4 PAPSY 303D: Social Problems: Skills and Intervention

Course IV (Elective Course): PAPSY304: 4 Credits

PAPSY 304A: Consum er Psychology

PAPSY 304 B: Family and Couples Th erapy

PAPSY 304C: Adv anced Skills and Pro cesses of Couns elling and Psychotherapy

PAPSY 304D: T raining and D evelopment

PAPSY 304E: Rehabilitation Psychology

Course V (Elective Course): PAPSY305: 4 Credits

PAPSY 305A: Adv anced Social Psychology

PAPSY 305 B: CBT and REBT: Basic and Appli cation

PAPSY 305C: Personality Disor der: Th eory, Ass essment and Intervention
PAPSY 30 5D: Adv anced Applied P sychomet rics and Data Analytics
PAPSY 305E: Human Resource Management

Practical / Field Work Component (Elective Component): PAPSY306: 10 C redits

PAPSY 306A: Practicum in Clinical Psychology
PAPSY 306 B: Practicum in Counsell ing Psychology
PAPSY 306C: Practicum in Industri al Psychology
PAPSY 306D: Practicum in Social Psychology

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Syllabus for Semester IV:

Course (Ability Enhancement) PAPSY401: Ability Enhancement Course: 6 Credits:

PAPSY 401A: Applic ations of Neuropsychology for Health Management

PAPSY 401 B: Methods & Analyses of Neuropsychological data

PAPSY 401C: Communication and Social Skills

Course (Interdisciplinary/Cross Dis ciplinary Cours e) PAPSY402: 6 Credits:

PAPSY 402A: Peace Psychology
PAPSY 402 B: Behavioral Economics
PAPSY 402C: Political Psychology
PAPSY 402D: Conse rvation Psychology
PAPSY 402E: Behaviour al Foundations of Pub lic Po licy

PAPSY 402 F: Change Management

Cours e: Project Bas ed Cours es PAPSY 403: (10 Credits)

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MA Semester System (CBC S), 2017 -18
Semester III: Course I

Course I (El ective Course): PAPSY301: 4 credits

PAPSY 301A: Ass essment in Clinical Psychology

PAPSY 301 B: Assessment in Couns elling Psychology

PAPSY 301C: Compet ency Based Ass essment in Organization

PAPSY 301D: Ass essment in Social Psychology

Elective Cours e: 4 credits, 60 hrs.

Objectives: Assessment in Clinical Psycho logy: PAPSY 301A

1. Fa miliarizing students with various assessment approach es and tools used in clinical psychology
2. Tr aining students to select, administer, score and interpret various types of psychological tools.

Unit 1. Principles of psychological evaluation

a. Ps ychological testing approaches and test choice rationales.
b. Behavioral assessment, clinical observation, history taking, MSE, MMSE.
c. Ethical practice in assessment.
d. Tes ts, rating scales, test batteries.

Unit 2. Assessment of development and a bility

a. Ch ild developmental assessment: VSMS, Seguin form board, Bayley scales, other developmental
b. Child cognitive assessment: WISC all editions, Kamat Binet, Bhatia battery, Ravens’ progressive
matrices, MISIC, assessment for learning disabilities, woodcock johnson test, WRAT test.

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7 c. Adu lt cognitive assessment: WAIS all versions, WAPIS, WMS all versions. d.
Clinical interpretations of profiles scatter analysis, differential diagnosis.

Unit 3. Assessment of persona lity

a. Objective tests of personality: MMPI all versions, MCM I, five factor tests.
b. Pr ojective tests of personality for adults: Rorschach inkblot method, Thematic Apperception Test, other
c. Projective techniques for children: children’s apperception test, drawing as projection, projective play,
sacks sentence completion test, HTP, DAP, other projective methods.
d. Test combinations, profile interpretation and report writing, medicolegal issues.

Unit 4. Rating scales and test batteries

a. Cl inical rating scales: BDI, BSS, BHS, HDR S, HARS, BPRS, SIDP, SCL-90-R, CAR S, Conne rs rating
scale, Indian Sc ale for Assessment of Autism and other rating scales.
b. Research rating scales, SCID, PANSS, SAPS, SANS, PSE and other rating scales.
c. Neur opsychological batteries: NIMHANS battery, AIIMS ba ttery, PGI battery and o thers. d.
Bender Gestalt Test, Lobe testing, testing for specific neuropsychological conditions.

Books for Study
1. Bellack, A.S. and Hersen, M. (Ed.s) (1998) Behavioral assessment A Practical Handbook (4th ed.).
MA: A llyn and Ba con.
2. Goldstein, G. and Hersen, M. (Ed.) (2000) Handb ook of Psychological Assessment . (3rded). Oxford:
Elsevier science.
3. Hersen, M. (2004).Comprehensive Handb ook of Psychological Assessment (Vol. 4). Indus trial and
Organizational assessment. New York, NY: Wiley.

Books for reference
Manuals of various tests and scales covered.

Internal evaluation: 40 marks

 Essay: 20 Marks
 One written test: 20 marks

Semester end examination: 60 marks
Paper pattern: 7 questions to be set of 15 marks each, out of which 4 are to be attempted. One of them
could be short notes question, which could combine more than one unit.

Semester III: Course I Elective
Cours e: 4 credits, 60 hrs.


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1. A cquainting students wi th various assessment approaches and too ls.

2. T raining students to select, admin ister, score and interpret various types of psychological tests.

3. Und erstanding the advances and applications of assessment.

Unit 1: Introduction to psychological ass essment

a. Histo ry of psychological assessment

b. N ature and scope of psychological assessment.

c. Non- stand ardized techniques of assessment: be havioral obse rvation, in terview, case history.
d. Ethi cal and p rofessional standards for tests.

Unit 2: Assessment of ability and aptitude

a. Assessment of intelligence: WISC all editions, WAIS, Kamat Binet, Bhatia battery, Ravens’

progressive matrices.

b. Assessment of aptitude: D AT, MAB ( M ultidimension al Aptitude Battery)
c. Assessment of development: VSMS , Seguine form boa rd, Bayley Scales
d. Assessment of children with learning disabilities.

Unit 3: Assessment of Personality

a. Personality assessment: CPQ, HSPQ, 16 P F, NEO –PI -3.

b. Projective tests of personality : CAT, TAT, Rosenzw eig pictu re frustration study (adult and
children ), Sa cks Sentence completion test
c. Assessment of so cial desirability and oth er issu es in p ersonality assessmen t.

d. Assessment of int erests: Strong Campbell interest invento ry, Holland ’s self-directed search.

Unit 4: Assessment in other related areas

a. Compu ter assisted assessment

b. Issues in comp etency assessment

c. Psychological assessment and pl anning interventions

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9 d. Psychological interpretation and report writing

Books for study

1. Bellack, A.S. & Hersen, M. (1998 ). Beh avioral assessment : A Practical Handbook (4th ed).
M.A. : Al lyn and Bacon.

2. Coaley, K. (2009 ). An i ntrodu ction to Psychological Assessment and Psychomet rics. New
Delhi : Sage Publications.

3. Goldst ein, G. & Hersen, M. (2000 ). Handbook of Psychological Assessment (3rd ed). Oxford :
Elsevi er Science.

4. Groth-Marnat, G & Wright, A. J. (2016 ). Handbook of Psychological Asse ssment ( 6th ed.).

5. Hersen, M. (200 4). Compr ehensive Handbook of Psychological Assessment (Vol.4).
industrial and O rganizational Assessment NY : Wiley

6. Walsh, W.B. & Betz. N.E. (1985 ). Tests and Measurement. N ew Jersey : Prentice Hall, Inc.

7. Kaslow, N. J., Rubin, N .J., Bebeau, M. J., Leigh, I.W., Lichtenberg, J.W., Nelson, P.D.,
Portnoy, S.M., & Smith, I.L. (2007). Guiding Principles and Recommendations for the
Assessment of Co mpetence. Professional Psychology: research and Practice, 38 (5), 441 –

8. Manuals of v arious tests and scales covered.

Books for reference

1. Fernandez – Ballestros, R. (2003). Encylopedia of Psychological Assessment (1st ed. Vol. 1
and 2. ). new Delhi : Sage Publications.

2. Dodd,s. (2005 ). Und erstanding autism. Aus tralia : Elsevi er

3. Niles, S. & Harris-Bowlsb ey, J. (2016 ). Career development interventions in the 2 1st century
(4thed.). Upper Saddle Riv er, NJ: Pearson Education.

4. Bor, R., Jo Bbner – Landy, Gilli, S., & Brace, C. (2002 ). Counseling in Schools. N ew Delhi :
sage Publications Ltd

5. Geldard, K., & Geldard, D. (2004 ). Counselling Adoles cents. N ew Delhi : sage Publications.

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6. Wong, B., & Butler, D. L. (2012 ). Learning about learning disabili ties (4th ed.). Elsevi er
Academic press

7. Larimer, M.P. (2005 ). Attention D eficit Hyperactivity Disord er Research Devlopments.
Hauppauge, N.Y : Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

8. Selikowit z, M. (1998 ). Dyslexia and other Learning Difficulties : the Facts. Oxford, UK:
Oxford Univ ersity Press.

9. O’Regan, J.F (2005 ). Attention D eficit Hyperactivity Disord er. Bloombury Academic

Eval uation: Internal evaluation: 40 marks
 Essay: 20 Marks
 One written test : 20 Marks

Semester end examination: 60 marks

Paper pattern: 7 questi on to be s et of 15 m arks each, out of whi ch 4 are to be attempted. One of
them could be sho rt notes question, whi ch could combine more than one unit.

Semester III: Course I
Elective Course: 4 credits, 60 hrs.
1. To acquaint the students with the concept of competence and competency at work
2. To learn the various steps, methods and application of competency
3. To acquaint the students with competency based application in HR Planning, Recruitment
and Selection, Employee Training, Performance management, development, career pathing
and compensation
4. To develop the understanding of assessment center methodology

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Unit 1. I ntroduction to C ompetency

a. Concept of competence and competency at work
b. Need and types of competency framework
c. Contempor ary approaches to assessment
d. Comp etencies for corporate advantage

Unit 2. Def inition, Steps, Methods and Application of competency

a. Categorizing competencies: threshold and differentiating
b. Developing competency dictionary, competency description and competency levels
c. Steps in developing an organization wide competency model
d. Comp etency management method: critical incident interview method, behavioral event
interview, expert panel, threshold scales & repertory grid

Unit 3. Competency based application

a. Comp etency based HR Planning, Employee Recruitment and Selection
b. Comp etency based Employee Training, Performance Management and Succession Planning
c. Comp etency based Developm ent and Career Pathing
d. Comp etency based Comp ensation

Unit 4. A ssessment center

a. Uses and benefits of assessment center, Do cumentation in Assessment Center
b. Process and pillars of assessment center
c. Types of exercises in assessment center
d. Feedback of assessment center, Life after the Assessment Center

Books for Reference

Boyatzis, R.E (1982) .The Competent Mana ger. A Model for Effective Performance. New York , N Y:
John Wiley & Sons.

Dubois, D.D and Rothw ell, W.J, King D.J and Kemp, L.K (2004) Co mpetency Based Human
Resource Management. Davies-Black Publishing, California.

Lawler, E.E. III., Nadler, D.A. & Cammann, C. (1980).Organization al Assessment. New York , N Y:
John Wiley & Sons

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12 Sanghi, S. (2004) .The Handbook of Competency Mapping. New Delhi:Response Book s, Sage

Sanghi, S. (2009) .The Handbook of Competency Mapping: Under standing Designing a nd
Implementing Co mpetency Models in Organizations. New Delhi: Response Business Book s,
Sage Publications.

Sawardekar, N. (2002) .Assessment Centres: Identifying Potential and Developing Co mpetency. New
Delhi: Response Book s, Sage Publications.

Shermon, G. (2004). Competency based HRM. New Delhi:Tata-McGraw Hill.
Spencer, Jr. L.M. & Spencer, S.M. (1993) .Competence at Work. New York, NY: Wiley & Sons Inc.
Thorton, III, G.C. &Rupp, D.E. (2006) .Assessment Centers in Human Resource Mana gement:
Strategies for Prediction, Diagno sis and Development.London: Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates Publishers.

Internal evaluation: 40 marks
 Essay: 20 Marks
 One written tes t: 20 Marks

Semester end examination : 60 m arks
Paper pattern: 7 questions to be set of 15 marks each, out of which 4 are to be attempted. One of
them could be short notes question, which could combine more than one unit.

Semester III: Course I Elective
Cours e: 4 Credits, 60 hrs.


1. To train students to understand a ssessment process, techniques and issues pertaining to
different areas of social relevance
2. To acquaint students with administration, scoring and interpretation of standardized
psychological tools

Unit 1. Basic issues in social psychological assessment
a. Qua litative versus quantitative data in social psychology
b. M ethodological problems
c. Ethical consideration
d. Opportunities and c hallenges in online testing

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Unit 2. Assessment methods us ing qualitative ap proach
a. Case study of client: method of assessment
b. Focus groups discussion
c. Implicit methods in social psychology
d. Soc iometry: importance and o verview of sociometric assessment procedures

Unit 3. Tools for assessment in following areas
a. Children: CAT, Draw-a-man, C PM/SPM, C PQ, WISC
b. Adults: TAT, HTP
c. Family: Kinetic family drawin gs technique, Couples Satisfaction Index (CSI)
d. Indus try: firo-b and co gnitive mapping

Unit 4. Assessment in following areas of social relevance
a. Attitude: measurement of attitudes, Implicit Association Test (IAT)
b. W ell-being: assessment of psychological and social wellbeing
c. Alco hol and drug specialty assessment instrument and drug detection testing
d. Disability: psychological, vocational and functional assessment

Books for study
Breakwell, G.M. (2004). Doing Social Psychology Research. Malden, MA: British Psychological Society
and Bl ackwell Publishing Ltd.
Whitcomb, S.A. &Merrell, K.W. (2013). Behavioural, Social and Emotional Assessment of Children and
Adol escents (4th ed). Oxon, OX: Routledge.
Albarracin, D., Jonson,B.T., Zanna, M.P. (2014). The Handbook of Attitudes. New York, NY: The
Psychology Press.
Gawal i, G. (2012). Vocational Rehabilitation of Persons wi th Disability: Psychosocial and Legal
Perspectives (Ed.). Mumbai: Himalaya Publications.
Juhnke, G. A. (2002). Substance abuse assessment and diagnosis: a compr ehensive guide for counsellors
and h elping professionals. New York, NY: Brunner- Routledge.
Bunk, A. P., & Van Vugt, M. (2007). Applying social psychology: From problems to solutions. London:
Sage Pub lications.
Burns, R., & Kaufman, S. (1970 ). Actions, Styles and Symbols in Kinetic Family drawin gs (KFD): An
Interpretive Manual. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
Funk, J. L. & Rogge, R. D. (2007 ). Testing the ruler with item response theory: Increasing precision of
measurement for relationship satisfaction with the Couples Satisfaction Index. Journal of Family
Psych ology, 21, 5 72-583.

Books for reference
Bellack, A.S. & Hersen, M. (1998).Behavioral assessment : A Practical Handbo ok (4th ed.), Needham
Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Bromley, D.B. (1986 ).Case study m ethod in Psychology and related disciplines. Chichester: Wiley.
Coaley,K.(2009). An introduction to Psychological Assessment and Psychometrics. New Delhi: Sage
Shaw, M. E & Wright, J. M. (1967). Scales for the Measurement of Attitude. USA: McGraw-Hill.

Internal Evaluat ion (40 marks): Evaluatio n

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14  Essay: 20 Marks
 One written test: 20 Marks

External Evaluation (60 marks): Semester-end examination
Four qu estions to be attempted out of seven, each carrying 15 m arks each

Course II (E lective Cours e): PAPSY302: 4 Credits

PAPSY 302A: Psychopathology Across lif espan

PAPSY 302 B: Couns elling Across the Lifespan addressing Special groups

PAPSY 302C: Or ganizational Behavior

PAPSY 302D: Und erstanding Social Psychology

Course II (E lective Cours e) PAPSY302A

Psychopathology across lifespan: 4 Credits 60 Ho urs

1. To in form students diverse etiologies of clinical disorders.
2. To understand clinical presentations and phenomenology of clinical disorders.

Unit I O rienta tion, Ove rview and Introduction to clinical psychology

A. Histo ry of mental i llness in India, Mental H ealth Acts and l egal systems.
B. Classifi cations of m ental diso rders: DSM and ICD.
C. Phenomenolo gy, signs and symptoms of clinical psychopathology.
D. Socio-demogr aphic determinants of clinical psychopathology.

Unit II Psychopath ology of psyc hosis, mood, brain and ad diction

A. Schizophrenia sp ectrum and other psychotic disorders.
B. Mood disord ers.
C. Neurocognitive disord ers.
D. Substance use and addictive disord ers.

Unit III Psychopath ology of Anxiety spectrum, Personality, Sexual dysfunction, Intellectual deficits
and Learni ng.

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15 A. An xiety Disord ers, OCD, Trauma and stressors related disord ers, Dissoci ative,
psychosom atic disor ders.
B. Personality Disor ders, Habit and impul se disorders.
C. Sexual dysfunctions and gender Dysphoria, eating and sl eep disorders.
D. Intellectual d eficits and Learning Disability.

Unit IV Clinical Psychopathology for Children, Adolescence and Geriatric population

A. Specific developmental disord ers of speech and language, scholastic skills, motor
function, Pervasive developmental disord ers, Hyperkinetic disord ers, Disruptive and
Condu ct disorders.
B. Emotional disord ers with onset specific to childhood, Disord ers of social functioning
with onset specific to childhood and adoles cence, Tic disor ders, other behavioral and
emotional disorders with ons et usual ly occurring in childhood and adoles cence.
C. Suicide and related behaviors.
D. Geriatric psychopathology.

Books for study
1. Adams P.B. and Sutker, H.E. (2001). Comprehensive Handbook of Psychopatholo gy (3rd ed.). N Y:
2. Hersen, M and Beidel, D (2012). Adult psychopa thology and diagno sis (6th ed.). N Y: Wiley.
3. Sadock B.J. and Sadock V.A.(2015). Kaplan and Sado ck’s Synopsis of Psychiatry (11th ed).. PA:
Lipincott, Williams and Wilkins.
4. M.Gelder, D. Gath, R .Mayou, P. Cowen. (1996). Ox ford textbook of Psychiatry (3rd edition). UK:
Oxford Uni versity Press.

Books for reference
1. Millon, T. Blaney, P. and Davis R.D. (1999). Oxford textbook of psychopat hology. UK: Oxford
University Press.
2. Millon, T., Krueger, R.F., Simon sen, E. (2011). Cont emporary Directions in Psychopath ology.
NY: Guilford Press.
3. Cr aighead, W.E. Miklowitz, D.J. and Craighead L.W. (2008). Psychopa thology: History,
Diagnosis and Empirical Founda tions. NY: John Wiley and Sons.
4. Maddux, J.E. and Winstead, B. A. (200 7). Psychopatholo gy: Foundations for a contemporary
understandin g. NY: CRC press.


Internal evaluation: 40 marks
Two classroom tests: Each one of 20 m arks

Semester end examination: 60 m arks
Paper pattern: 7 questions to be set of 15 m arks each, out of which 4 are to be attempted. One of
them could be short notes question, which could combine more than one unit.

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Course II: E lective Cours e: PAPSY 302B 4 credits : 60 Ho urs



1. To und erstand academic, emotional, b ehaviour al difficulties of children and adoles cents
2. To acquaint students with couns elling needs in ma rriage, workplace and among elderly
3. To hi ghlight couns elling for people with addiction is sues, att empted sui cide, dis abilities and
4. To d elineate the theories of career development and t echnological advances in couns elling.

Unit 1. Children and adolescents

a. Slow le arners and tal ented/ exceptional
b. Chi ldren with learning disabil ity and A DHD
c. Emotional, b ehaviour al issues, condu ct disorders, developmental diso rders.
d. Chi ldren with so cially disadv antaged background and und er achievers

Unit 2. Counselling adults & elderly

a. Premarital and marital couns elling: role confli ct, sex and sexuality issues and relationship
enrichm ent sk ills.
b. Workplace and employee couns elling
c. Special is sues faced by wom en, LGBT and feminist approach to couns elling
d. Eld erly: pre-retirement and retirement couns elling, coping with loss of Spous e, health related
issues, enhancing quality of lif e.

Unit 3. Counselling Special Groups

a. Suicide prevention and management.
b. Reh abilitation counsell ing for Drug addicts and alcoholics
c. Trauma and sexual abuse couns elling
d. Reh abilitation couns elling for persons with physical, senso ry and in tellectual dis abilities:
vocational and p sychosocial aspects.

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17 Unit 4. T heories of career development and use of technology

a. Overview of career development theories: Super’s and Holland ’s theory.
b. Ca reer couns elling: element ary and high school.
c. The use of information technolo gy in career guidance
d. Ethi cal issues in c areer couns elling

Books for study

1. Bor, R., Jo Bbner-Landy, Gilli, S., Brace,C. (2002). Couns elling in Schools. Sage Publications
2. Clough, P; Pardeck, J., Yu en, F.(eds) (2005). Handbook of Emotional and B ehavioural
difficulties. New Delhi, Sage Publications.
3. Geldard, K and G eldard, D (2004 ). Couns elling Adol escents. Sage Publications, N ew Delhi
4. Goth ard, B., Mignot, P., Offer, M., & Ruff. M. (2001 ).Care er Guidan ce in Conte xt. Sage.
5. King B.M. (1996) Human S exuality Today (2nd ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall,
6. Niles, S. & Harris-Bowlsb ey, J. (2013). Care er development interventions in the 21st century
(4th ed.). Upper Saddle Rive r, NJ: Pearson Education
7. O’Leary, C.J (1999 ). Couns elling Couples and Families. Sage Publications, N ew Delhi
8. Ponte Otto, D. B. Cas as, J.M; Suzuki, L.A. And Alexander, C.M. ( eds) .(2001 ). Handbook of
Multicultural Couns elling. Sage Publications, N ew Delhi
9. Rivers, P.C (1994) Alcoholic and Hu man Behaviour: Theory Research and Pra ctice. New
Jersey: Prentice Hall.
10. Sherry, J. (2004 ).Couns elling Children, Adole scents and Fa milies. Sage Publications, N ew
11. V elleman, R. (2001 ). Couns elling for Alcohol ic Proble ms. New Delhi:Sage Publications,.
12. Wolfe, R. D ryden, W. and Star bridge, S. (eds) (2003 ). Handbook of Counselling
Psycholog y. Sage Publications.
13. H err, E.L., and Cr amer, S.H. (2003 ).Career guidan ce and couns elling through the li fe span:
Systematic approa ches (6thed.) Boston: Al lynand Bacon.
14. Wright, B.A. (1983).Physical disabil ity: A psychoso cial approa ch (2nd ed.). New York, NY:
Harper & Row.
15.K apur, M. (2011 ). Counselling Children with Psychological Problems. Delhi: Pearson
16. Matt hys, W. & Lochman, J.E. (2010 ). Oppositional D efiant Diso rder and Condu ct Disord er
in Children. Wilyey- Blackwell.
17. Kob er, R. Enh ancing the quality of life of people with intellectual dis abilities: Th eory and
Practice (Ed.). New York: Springer.

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18 Books for Reference:

1. Ca rroll, M. (1996 ). Workplace Couns elling A S ystematic Approa ch to E mployee Care. New
Delhi: Sage Publications.
2. Cas ey, J. A. (1995 ). Development al issues for school couns elors usi ng technolo gy. Elementary
School Guidance &Counseling, 30, 26 -35.
3. Garland, D. S., (198 3). Working with couples for marr iage enrich ment. SanFrancisco, CA:
Jossey- Bass.
4. Halford, W.K., M arkman, H. J., Stanley, S., Kline, G.H., (2002 ). Relationship enh ancement. In
Douglas H. Spr enkle (Ed.), Effectiveness research in marr iage and fami ly therapy (pp. 191-222).
Alexandria, VA: Ame rican Asso ciation for Marriage and Family Therapy
5. Nelson-Jones, R. (1996 ). Relating skills: A pra ctical gu ide to effe ctive personal relationship s.
Trowbridge, Wiltshire, Great Britian: Redwood Books
6. No rton,K and M cgauley, G (1998 ). Couns elling Dif ficult client s. Sage Publications, N ew
7. Sen, A. K. (1982 ). Mental Retardation. , Bhelpur: K ripa P sychology Center.
8. Mid gley, N., Hayes, J., Coop er, M. (2017 ). Essential research findin gs in child and adoles cent
couns elling and psychotherapy (Eds.). New Delhi: Sage.

Eval uation:
Internal evaluation: 40 ma rks
• Ess ay: 20 marks
• Classr oom Presentation: 20 ma rks

Semester end examination : 60 ma rks
Paper pattern: 7 questions to be set of 15 ma rks each, out of whi ch 4 are to be attempted. One
of them could be sho rt notes qu estion, whi ch could combine more than one unit.

Elective Course II: 4 credits, 60 hrs.

1. To und erstand the concepts, nature and principles of Organizational Behavior and Positive
Psychology at Work.
2. To introduce applied behavioral science principles and pr actices into the ongoing
organization to wards the goal of impro ving organizational effectiveness.
3. To develop an understanding of Motivation, Leadership, Organizational Culture and to
become a Organizational Behavior Practitioner.
4. To grasp an und erstanding of the basic organizational behavior.

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19 Unit-1: Introduction: Concepts, Nature and Principles of Organizational Behavior

a. Organizational behavior: scope and pro cesses.
b. Management Functions, Roles and Skills; Effective v/s Successful Managerial Activities
c. Disciplines that contribute to OB field; challenges and oppor tunities for OB; found ations o of
individual behavior
d. Positive Psychology at Work, Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS) and Psychological
Capital (PsyCap).

Unit-2: The Individual
a. Attitudes and Job Satisfaction; Emotions and Moods in Organizations.
b. Personality and Values.
c. Perception and Individual Decision Making.
d. Motivation: Concepts and Applications.

Unit-3: The Group
a. Foundations of Group Behavior and Understanding Work Teams.
b. Com munication.
c. Leadership; Power and Politics.
d. Conflict and Negotiations.

Unit-4: Positive Organizational Behavior
a. Engagement and Flow at Workplace.
b. Mindfulness and Gratitude at Workplace.
c. Thriving and Forgiveness in Organizations.
d. Humor at Workplace.

Books for Study

Kreitner, R and Kinicki, A. (2008) Organization al Behavior, Tenth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Comp any Limited, New Delhi, India

Luthans, F. (2011) Organizational Behavior: An Evidenced based approach. Thirteenth Edition.
New York

Nelson, D.L. & Coop er, C.L. (2007) .Positive Organizational Behavior. Sage Publications New

Pareek, U (2009).Understanding Organizational Behavior. Second Edition. Oxford Uni versity Press,
New Delhi

Page 21

20 Robbins, S.P, and Judge, T.A. (201 6). Organizational Behavior, 17th Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall,
New Delhi. India

Schultz, D and Schultz, S.E (2006) .Psychology and Work Today. Pearson Education Inc. Tenth
Edition, New Jersey, USA.

Books for Reference

Anderson, N, Ones, D.S, Sinangil, H.K and Viswesvarana, C (Editors) (2005).Handbook of
Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Vol 1 Personnel Psycholog y. Sage Publications,
New Delhi.

Anderson, N, Ones, D.S, Sinangil, H.K and Viswesvarana, C (Editors) (2005) Handbook of
Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Vol 2 Organizational Psycholog y, Sage
Publications, New Delhi.

Ashkanasy, N.M; Wilderom, C. P. M and Peterson, M.F Editors (2000) Handbook of Organizational
Culture and Climate. Sage Publications, New Delhi.

Butler, M and Ro se, E (2011) Introduction to Organisation al Behaviour. Jaico Publishing House,

Clegg, S., Korberger, M and Pitsis, T (2012) Mana ging and Organizations: An Introduction to
Theory and Practice. Sage Publications, New Delhi.

Coop er, C.L (2011) Organization al Health and Wellbeing. Vol 1, 2, 3. Sage Publications, New Delhi

Greenberg, J and Baron, R.A (2009) Behavior in Organization s. Ninth Editions. Prentice Hall India
Learning Private Limited, New Delhi.

Janasz, S.C. d e., Dowd, K.O and Schneider, B.Z (2012) Interpersonal S kills in Organization s. 3rd
edition. Tata‐ McGraw Hill edition. New Delhi

Kreitner, R, Kinicki, A and Bu elens, M (1999) Organization al Behaviour. McGraw Hill Publishing
Co. En gland

McShane, S.L, Glinow, MAV and Sharma, R.R (20 11) Organizational Behavior. 5th Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi.

Lamberton, L.H and Minor, L (2012) Human Relations: Strategies for Success. 4th Edition. Tata
McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.

Landy, F.J and Cont e, J. M (2004) Work in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Indu strial and
Organizational Psychology, McGraw Hill. New York. USA

Lewis, Sarah (2011) Positive Psychology at Work. Wiley Blackwell, United Kingdom

Page 22

21 Luthans, F (2008) Organizational Behavior. Eleventh Edition. McGraw Hill International Edition,
New York.

Mamoria, C.B and R ao, V.S.P (2012) Personnel Management. Thirtieth Edition. Himalaya
Publishing House, New Delhi.

Pauchant, T. C (2002) Ethics and Spirituality at Work. Quorum Books London

Robbins, S.P., Judge, T.A., and Sanghi, S (2009) Organization al Behavior, 13 th Edition, Pearson
Prentice Hall, New Delhi, India.

Schermerhorn, J.R Jr., Hunt, J.G, Osborn, R.N (2001) Organizational behavior, Seventh Edition,
John Wiley and Sons, Inc New York

Shani, A.B., Cha ndler, D,. Co get, H.F and Law, J.B (2009) Behavior in Organization s. An
Experiential Approach. Ninth Edition. McGraw‐Hill Irwin, New York, U SA.

Sinha, J.B.P (2008) Culture and Organizational Behavior. Sage Publications, New Delhi,India.

Internal evaluation: 40 marks
• Essay: 20 m arks
• One Written test: 20 marks each
Semester end examination: 60 m arks
Paper pattern: 7 questions to be set of 15 m arks each, out of which 4 are to be attempted. One of
them could be short notes question, which could combine more than one unit.

Elective Course II: 4 Cr edits, 60 hrs. UND ERSTANDING

1. Introdu cing the nature and scope of social psychology
2. Familiarizing the key topics/areas of social psychology as well as emerging trends
3. Acquainting students how principles of social psychology are applied to real life situations

Unit 1: Introducing Social Psychology

a. Defining social psychology
b. Interdisciplinary flavour
c. Core concerns, and emerging trends in social psychology
d. Theoretical perspectives in social psychology

Page 23


Unit 2: T he Self and the Social Processes

a. Self and identity
b. Social perception and cognition
c. Fundamental principles of the psychology of decision-making
d. Status of theory and research on lo ve

Unit 3: T he Group Processes
a. Attitudes and persuasion
b. Intergroup conflict and negotiation
c. Social psychology of leadership
d. Co llective behaviour and social change

Unit 4: Applications of Social psychology
a. Social psychology and the law
b. Implications of social psychology for health behaviour
c. Cont ributions of social psychology to clinical psychology
d. Social psychology and politics

Essential Reading

Fiske, S.T., Gilbert, D.T., &Lindzey, G. (2010). Handbook of Social Psychology (5th Ed.). New
Jersey: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Kruglanski, A. W., Higgins, E.T. (2007). Social Psychology: Handbo ok of basic Principles (Second
Ed.). New York: The Guilford Press.
Lesko, W. A. (2009). Readings in Social Psychology: General, Classic and Contemporary Selections
(Eighth Ed.). New Delhi: Pearson.
DeLamater, J.D., & Myers, D.J. (2011). Social Psychology (Seventh Ed.). U SA: Wadsworth
Fletcher, G.J.O., & Clark,M.S. (2003). Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Interpersonal
Processes. USA : Blackwell Publishers Ldt.
Baumeister. R. F. &Finkel, E. J. (Eds.) (2010) .Advanced Social Psychology: State of the Science.
New York: Oxford Uni versity Press.

Supp lementary Reading

Albarracin, D., Jonson,B.T., Zanna, M.P. (2014). The Handbook of Attitudes. New York, NY: The
Psychology Press.
Bunk, A. P., & Van Vugt, M. (2007). Applying social psychology: From pro blems to solutions. London:
Sage Publications.
Bellack, A.S. & Hersen, M. (1998). Behavioral assessment: A Practical Handbo ok (4th ed.), Needham
Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Bromley, D.B. (1986 ). Case study m ethod in Psychology and related disciplines. Chichester: Wiley.

Page 24

23 Shaw, M. E & Wright, J. M. (1967). Scales for the Measurement of Attitude. USA: McGraw-Hill.

Internal Evaluat ion (40 marks): Evaluation
Two classroom presentations for each student during the course-work, each presentation carrying 20

External Evaluation (60 marks): Semester-end examination
Four qu estions to be attempted out of seven, each carrying 15 m arks each

Course III (Ele ctive Course): PAPSY303: 4 Credits

PAPSY 303A: Psychotherapy

PAPSY 303 B: Career Counselling and World of Work

PAPSY 303C: Organization D evelopment

PAPSY 303D: Social Problems: Skills and Intervention

Elective course: III PAPSY 303 A: Psychotherapy: 4 Credits 60 Ho urs

1. To equip students with tr ain students generic skills for couns eling and psychothe rapy.
2. To train students for planning and conducting interventions for variety of ment al health
problems, p articul ar therapies and sp ecial conditions.
3. To imp art ski lls through wo rkshops, c ase discussions, role plays, obse rvations.

Unit I: Generic Skills for Counselling and Psychotherapy

a. Listening and communication skil ls
b. Psychodynamic concepts and th eir applications in therapeutic processes
c. Psychological School (perspective) based therapeutic assessment, formulation and intervention
d. Process of counselling and psychotherapy: initial, middle and termination phases along with
relapse prevention.

Page 25

Unit II: Counselling and Psychothe rapy - I

a. Interventions for psychia tric Diso rders: Panic and generalized anxiety, Phobic disord ers,
obsession and compu lsive disord ers, Depression, Somatic p roblems, Chronic p sychiatric
problems/ chronic m ental illness, Sexual dysfunction.
b. Behavior the rapy: Relaxation and system atic desensitization, Assertion training, Modeli ng
and behavioral rehearsal procedures, Cont ingency ma nagement, Punishment and Aversion
Procedures, Self-control procedures
c. Supp ortive Psycho therapy: Definition, therapy ind ications and techniques. Telephone
couns elling.
d. Assessment, Diagnosis and detail couns elling process for intellectual disabili ty (client and

Unit III: Cou nselling and Psychothe rapy - II

a. Crisis Intervention: Definition of Crisis, phase of Crisis, techniques, sta ges of crisis work,
b. Brief/ Short-term Psychotherapy: characteristics, selection criteria, goals and p rocess.
c. Therapy in special conditions: Suicide and related behaviors, Loss and Bereavement,
Personality Disor ders, medical conditions such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, and other terminally ill
d. Interventions for child and adolescence: Internalizing and externalizing disord ers.

Unit IV: Group interventions: processes, ap plications and intervention models

a. Group leadership: basic tasks, working here and now, leader as a person, leader skills,
diversity competence, co-leader, leaderless groups.
b. Early st ages: pre-group, initial, transition. Later stages: working and consolidation,
termination, post group cultural variations
c. Group interventions to alleviate emotional distress, Growth groups as a me ans of self-
discov ery and development, Suppo rt groups: psycho-educational groups, AA model, rational
recovery. Self-help gro ups, caregiver suppo rt groups.
d. Interpersonal model is group in tervention, Client centered approach in group th erapy,
Cognitive b ehavioral group therapy, Mindfuln ess and insight oriented approa ches in group

Books for study:

1. Wolberg, L. R. (2005). The Technique of Psychotherapy Part I and II. NJ: Jason Aronson
2. Corey, G. (2012). Theory and Practice of Coun seling and Psychotherapy.Californa: Bro oks/
Cole Publishing.
3. Kleinberg, J. (2012) .The Wiley Blackwell handbo ok of Group p sychotherapy.NY: Wiley

Page 26

25 4. Yalom, I. D. (2005). Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. NY: Basic Book s.
5. John, C., Masters, J. C., Burish, T., Hollon, H.D., &Rimm, D. C. (1990). Behavior Therapy:
Techniques and Empirical Findin gs. New York: Academic Press

Internal examination: 40 marks
• One classroom Test: 20 Marks
• One Essay: 20 marks

Semester end examination: 60 m arks
Paper pattern: 7 questions to be set of 15 m arks each, out of which 4 are to be attempted.One of
them could be short notes question, which could combine more than one unit.

Objective: Elective Course III: PAPSY 30 3B 4 credits, 60 hrs.
Career Counselling and World of Work

1. To und erstand role of theory in career development and assessment in cou nselling set
2. To know how career development relates to hum an development over the lifespan.
3. To appraise students f or skills of in terventions in career guidance and counselling.

Unit 1: Introduction to Career Guidance & Counselling.

a) Definition of terms: career, career development, career development & matu rity,
career couns elling, career education, career guidance.
b) Histo ry of Career Guidance & Couns elling Mov ement.
c) The ethical standards of the NCD A.
d) Expanding the limited view of career couns elling, and designing career couns elling
strategies for the 21st century.

Unit 2: Understanding and Applying Theories

a) Super’s life span: life span theory, life space theory, self-concepts: applying and
evaluating super’s theory.
b) John Hollands ’s theory of types and person-environm ent interactions: applying and
evaluating Holland ’s theory.
c) Lent, Brown and Hackett’s social cognitive career theory: applying and evaluating
d) Trait & Factor th eory.

Page 27

Unit 3: Career Development Interventions

a) Elem entary schools: overview of career development interventions in the school,
career development in the elementary schools, goals of career development
interventions, career development interventions in the elementary schools, parental

b) Middle and high schools: career development goals and career development
interventions for m iddle/jun ior hi gh schools; career development goals and
interventions in hi gh school.

c) Higher education: the career needs of higher education students, the evolution of
career development interventions in higher education, career development
compet encies in adulthood, s elf-knowl edge, education and occupational exploration,
career planning.

d) Com munity service: setting for community based career counsellors for private
practice, cyber couns elling, ment al health centres, substance abuse centres,
rehabilitation settings.

Unit 4: Career Development and Counselling of Diverse Grou ps and Technology &
Strategies in Career Guidance and Counselling.

a) Gender Issues, Discrimin ation, Oppression, Social Justice in Career Development &
Couns elling.

b) Compu ter assisted career guidance systems: The internet as the deliverer of
compu ter-assisted systems, Types of Compu ter assisted systems, Career Information
and Planning system.

c) Individual and Group A ssessment in Career Guid ance and Counsellin g.

d) Occupational information sour ces: New and emerging occupational fields.

Internal eval uation: 40 marks Evaluation

Essay: 20 ma rks

Page 28

Written T est: 20 ma rks

Semester end examination: 60 marks

Paper pattern: 7 questi on to be s et of 15 m arks each, out of whi ch 4 are to be attempted. One of
them could be sho rt notes question, whi ch could combine more than one unit.

Books for Study:

Niles, S. & Harris-Bowlsb ey, J. (2016 ). Career development interventions in the 2 1st century
(4thed.). Upper Saddle Riv er, NJ: Pearson Education.

Herr, E.L., & Cramer, S.H. (2003 ). Career guidance and couns eling through the life span:
System atic approaches (6th ed.). Boston: Al lyn & Bacon.

Capuzzi, D. & Staufer, M. D. (2006 ). Career counselin g: Foundations, p erspectives, and
applications. Boston, MA.: Pearson Educational, Inc. (pdf copy available online)

Savickas, M. (2006 ). Career Couns eling Session: A PA’s Tapes Series 2: C areer Couns eling:
Narrative Approach, APA tapes, 2006..

Fouad’s, N. (2009). Career Couns eling Session: APA’s Tapes Series 5: M ulticultur al Couns eling
– Culturally Oriented Career Couns eling, APA Tapes.

Fouad, N. (2007). Wo rk and vo cational psychology: Theory, research, and applications .Annu.
Rev. Psychology

O'Neil, J. M., Fishman, D. M., and Kins ella-Shaw, M. (1987 ). Dual-career couple s' career
transitions andno rmative dilemmas: A pr eliminary assessment model. The Couns eling
Psychologist, 15, 50 -96.58, 5.1 – 5.22.

Books for References:
Evans, K. (2008 ). Gaining cultural comp etence in career couns eling. Boston: Hou ghton-Mifflin.
Amundson, N., Harris-Bowlsb ey, J., & Niles, S. & (2014 ). Essential elements of career
couns elling: Processes and techniques (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle Riv er, NJ: Pearson Education.

Dugan, M. H. & Jurgens, J.C. (2007 ). Career interventions and te chniques: A complete guide for
human s ervice professionals. Boston, MA.: Pearson Edu cation, Inc..

Gysbers, N., Heppner, M. J. & Johnston, J.A. (2003 ). Career couns eling: Process, Issues,
Techniques (2nd edition). Boston, MA.: Al lyn & Bacon.

Sharf, R.S. (2006 ). App lying career development theory to couns eling. Belmont, CA.: Thomson

Page 29

28 Peterson, N. & Gon zalez, R. (2005 ). The role of work in peopl e’s lives: A pplied career
couns eling and vo cational psychology, 2nd edition, Belmont, CA.: Thomson.

Zunker, V.G. (2006). Career counseling: A hol istic approa ch (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson
Wadswo rth.

Remley, T. & Herlihy, B. (2001 ). Ethi cal, legal and professional issues in couns eling. Boston:
Allyn & Bacon.

Peterson, N. & Gon zález, R. (2005 ). The role of work in peopl e’s lives: A pplied career
couns eling and vo cational psychology (2nd ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Broo ks/Cole.

Kapes, J., Mastie, M., & Whitfield, E. (2002 ). A couns elor’s guide to career assessment
instruments (4th ed. ). Alexandria, VA: NCDA.

Gysbers, N., Heppner, M., & Johnston, J. (2009 ). Career couns eling: Contexts, pro cesses, and
techniques (3rd ed.). Alexandria, VA: Ame rican Coun seling Asso ciation

Corey, G. (2010 ). Creating your professional path. Ale xandria, VA: Ame rican Counseling
Asso ciation.

Brown, D. (2003). Career information, c areer counselin g, and career development (8th ed. ).
Boston: Al lyn & Bacon.

Figler, H., andBolles, R. (1999).The career couns elor’s handbook. B erkley, CA: T en SpeedPress

Harr, G.L. (1995 ). Career guide: Ro ad maps to me aning in the world of work. Pacific Grove,CA:

Elective Course III: 4 credits, 60 hrs.
Organization Development: PAPSY303C

1. To acquaint the student with nature, found ations and overview of organization development
2. To und erstand the values, assumptions and beliefs in organization development
3. To allow students to un derstand and manage change in organizations.
4. To help students understand the process and intervention in organization developm ent

Unit 1: Introduction to organization development

a. Definition, nature and history of organization d evelopment
b. Approaches to OD: laboratory training stem, survey research and feedback stem, action
research stem and sociotechnical stem

Page 30

29 c. Values, assumptions and beliefs in organization developm ent
d. Role, Styles and Com petencies of an effective organization development practitioner.

Unit 2: Managing the organization development process

a. Models and theories of planned change
b. Diagnosis: diagnostic models, diagnosing the state of the systems, its subun its and
organizational processes, red flags in diagnosis.
c. Action research and or ganization development
d. The program management compo nent.

Unit 3: Managing change and organization development

a. Organization change: an introdu ction; forces of change and types of change
b. Approaches to organizational development and change
c. Resistance to organizational change; Life Cycle of Resistance to Ch ange.
d. Leading and Implementing organizational change

Unit 4: O rganizational development interventions

a. Team interventions; Training Experience; Process Intervention Skills
b. Intergroup and third‐party peacemaking interventions
c. Structural and comprehensive OD intervention.
d. The Future and organizational development

Books of Study

Brown, D.R. & Harvey, D. (2006). An Experiential Approach to Organizational Development. New
Delhi: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Cum mings, T.G. & Worley, C.G. (2001) .Organization Development and Ch ange. USA : Thomson

French, W.L., Bell,Jr, C.H. & Vohra, V. (2011) .Organization Development (6th ed.). New Delhi:
Pearson Prentice Hall.

Ramnarayan, S. & Rao, T.V. (2011). Organization Development: Accelerating Learning and
Transformation (2nd ed.). New Delhi: Sage Publication.

Rothw ell, W. J & Sullivan, R. L. (2005) .Practicing Organization Development: A Guide for
Consultants . San Francisco, CA: Wiley Imprint.

Books of Reference

Page 31


Allcorn, S. (200 6).Organizational Dynamics and I ntervention: Tools for Changing t he Workplace.
New Delhi: Prentice‐Hall of India Private Limited.

French, W.L. & Bell, Jr,C.H. (2006) .Organization Development. Sixth Edition, Prentice‐ Hall of
India Private Limited, New Delhi.

Sharma, R.R. (2010) .Change Mana gement: Concepts and Applications. New Delhi: Tata McGraw
Hill Education Private Limited.

Internal evaluation: 40 marks
Essay: 20 m arks
One Written Test: 20 marks

Semester end examination : 60 m arks
Paper pattern: 7 questions to be set of 15 marks each, out of which 4 are to be attempted. One of
them could be short notes question, which could combine more than one unit.

Elective Course III: PAPSY 303D 4 Credits 60 hrs.

1. To train students to identify and un derstand nature and scope of varied social problems existing
in India and elsewhe re
2. To develop an und erstanding of appropriate skills and interventions needed to address various
psycho-social problems

Unit 1: Assessment of social problems and action planning

a. Problem identification and definition
b. Theory-based ex planations for problems
c. De veloping and testing the process model
d. Developing the interventions

Unit 2: Nature of behavioural skills and interventions

a. Beha viour-analysis approach to skills and interventions
b. Impact of behaviour-focused skills and interventions
c. Beha viour intervention strategies-antecedent and consequence
d. Enhancing skills/interventions th rough social in fluence

Unit 3: Applying social psycho logy to diversity and special populations

a. Issues related to caste, tribes, minorities, gender and welfare measures
b. Immigrants and host-societies-challenges and interventions

Page 32

31 c. Orph ans and street children-psychosocial problems and interventions
d. Disability-unde rstanding the concept and rehabilitation

Unit 4: Applying social psycho logy to health, families, media and en vironment

a. Mental health: Models of causation and types of interventions
b. Ph ysical health (HIV AIDS, Cancer): Risks and prevention
c. Marital and family problems: Divorce, separation, and domestic violence
d. M edia (violence, pornography, political news co verage) and environment (urbanization, crowding,
personal space): Challenges and p rotective measures

Books for study

Ahuj a, R. (2012 ). Social Proble ms in India (2nd ed.). New Delhi: Rawat Publications.
Prasad, B.K. (2004 ). Social Proble ms of India (Vol 1 & 2). New Delhi: Anmol Publications
Prabhakar, V. (2012 ). Social Proble ms: Issues a nd Perspective. New Delhi: Wisdom Press.
Dallos, R. & McLaughlin, E. (2002 ). Social Problems and The Family. New Delhi:
Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd.
Nagar, D. (2006 ). Environm ental Psycholog y. New Delhi: Concept Publishing Compa ny.
Steg, L., Bunnk, A. P., & Rotheng atter, T. (2008). Appli ed Social Psychology: Understanding
and Managing Social Prob lems. UK: Cambri dge Univ ersity Press.
Schneider, F.W., Gruman, J.A., & Cout ts, L. M. (2005). Appli ed Social Psychology:
Understanding and Addr essing Social and Practi cal Proble ms. New D elhi: Sage
publication Pvt. Ltd.
Whitcomb, S. A., & Merrell, K. W. (2013). Behavioral, Social, and Emotional Assessm ent of
Children and Adol escents: Fourth edit ion. New York: Routledge.
Sanson e, C., Morf, C. C., & Panter, A. T. (2004). Handbook of Methods in Social Psycholog y.
New Delhi: Sage Publication.
Misr a, G. (1990 ). Appli ed Social Psychology in India. New Delhi: Sage publication.

Books for reference

Berker, H. (1966). So cial Problems: A Mod ern approach, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Donelson, E., & Gulla horn, J.E. Woman: a psycholog ical perspective. New York, NY: John
Wiley & Sons.
Corey, G. (2009). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychothe rapy (8th ed.).C aliforna:
Brooks/ Cole Pub lishing
Gale, A. & Chapman, A.J. (1984). Psychology and Social Proble ms: An Introdu ction to Appli ed
Psychology . New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons
L’Abate, L & Milan, M. A. (1985). Handbook of Social Skills Training and Research. Wiley-
Hill, R. (1959). The Family and Population Control. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina
Misr a, L. (1992).Women issues: an Indian persp ective. New Delhi: Northern Book C entre.
Mukhe rjee, R. (197 6). Family Planning in Indi a.New Delhi: Orient Longman Ltd.

Page 33

32 Rick el, A.U., Gerrard, M., Iscoe, I. (1984). Social and Psycholog ical Proble ms of Women:
Prevention and Cri sis Inter vention. New York : Hemisphere Publishing Cooperation.
Sen, A. K. (1982 ). Mental Retardat ion. Bhelupur : Kripa P sychological Centre.
Wright,B.A. (1983). Physical disabi lity: a psychological approach. New York, NY: Harper &

Internal Evaluat ion (40 marks): Evaluat ion
Two classroom presentations for each student during the course-work, each presentation carrying 20

External Evaluation (60 marks): Semester-end examination
Four qu estions to be attempted out of seven, each carrying 15 m arks each

Course IV (Elective Course): PAPSY304: 4 Credits

PAPSY 304A: Consum er Psychology

PAPSY 304 B: Family and Couples Th erapy

PAPSY 304C: Adv anced Skills and Pro cesses of Couns elling and Psychotherapy

PAPSY 304D: T raining and D evelopment

PAPSY 304E: Rehabilitation Psychology

Elective Course III PAPSY 304A: 4 Cr edits, 60 hrs.
1. Introdu cing basic psychological principles so as to understand consumer behaviour
2. Familiarizing how people’s buying behaviour gets affected by self and social processes
3. Acquainting advanced research methods to examine different aspects of consumer beahviour

Unit 1: Introducing Consumer Psychology

a. Historical antecedents
b. Understanding consumer behaviour: Varied theoretical approaches
c. Methodological issues in und erstanding consumer behaviour
d. Con sumer society in the twenty-first century

Unit 2: Psychological Issues in Consumer Behaviour

Page 34

a. The implicit consumer cognition
b. The nature and role of affect in consumer behaviour
c. Con sumer attitudes and behaviour
d. Motivation and goals in consumption

Unit 3: T he Self and Social in Consumer Behaviour

a. Dynamics of relationship between Brands and identity
b. How produ cts prime social networks
c. Family consumption d ecision making
d. Co nsumer socialization

Unit 4: Advances in Research Methods

a. Online observation
b. Netnography
c. Focus group and depth interviews
d. Cro ss-cultural consumer psychology

Essential Reading

Haugtvedt, C. P. &Herr, P.M. Kardes, F. R. (2008 ).(Eds). Handbo ok of Consumer Psychology. New
York: Taylor & Francis Group.
Daniela, M. A. (2011). Fundamental Theories on Consumer Behaviour: An Overview of the
Influences Impacting Consumer Behaviour. “Ovidius” University Annals, Economic
Sciences Series, Volume XI, Issue 2, pp. 83 7-841.
Pham, M. T. (2013). The seven sins of consumer psycholog y. Journal of Consumer Psychology 23,
4, 411 –423.
Priest, J., Carter, S., & Statt, D. A. (2013). Con sumer Behaviour. U K: Edinburgh Bu siness School.
Kopetz, C. E. et al. (2012). The dynamics of consumer behavior: A goal systemic perspective.
Journal of Consumer Psychology 22, 208–223.
Howard, D. J., Kirmani, A., & Rajagopal, P. (Eds.) (2013). Social Influence and Consumer
Behaviour. New York: The Psychology Press.
Belk, R. W., Fischer, E & Kozinets R. V. (2013). Qualita tive Consumer and Marketing Research.
Los Angeles: SAG E Publications Ltd.
Belk, R. W. (Ed.) (2006). Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing. USA : Edward
Kirmani, A. (2009). The self and the brand. Journal of Con sumer Psychology 19, 27 1– 275.
Oyserman, D. (2009). Identity-based motivation and consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer
Psychology 19, 276–279.

Supp lementary Reading

Schiffman, L. G., Kanuk, L. L., & Wisenblit, J. (2009). Consumer Behaviour. Global Tenth Ed.
USA : Pearson.
K. Dill (Ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Media Psychology. New York:Oxford Uni versity Press.

Page 35

34 Kimmel, A. J. (2012). Psychological Found ations of Marketing. USA : The Psychology Press.
Heath, R. (2012). Seducing the Subconscious; The Psychology of Emotional Influence in Advertising.
West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.
Close, A. G. (2012) (Ed.) Online Consumer Behaviour: Theory and R esearch in Social Media,
Advertising and E-tail. New York: Rout ledge.

Internal Evaluat ion (40 marks): Evaluation
Two classroom presentations for each student during the course-work, each presentation carrying 20

External Evaluation (60 marks): Semester-end examination
Four qu estions to be attempted out of seven, each carrying 15 m arks each

Elective Course IV: 4 credits, 60 hrs.

1. To acquaint the students with relevance of family and couples therapy
2. To familiarize the issues faced by families and couples
3. To help develop skills in family and couple therapy

Unit 1: Introduction to family and couples therapy

a. Coup le therapy: history, models and applications
b. Understanding adult attachment: theory, psychodynamics and couples relationship
c. Basic techniques of family therapy
d. Ethical issues in couple therapy

Unit 2: Addressing special issues in couples therapy

A. Couple therapy and sexual dysfunction
B. Coup le therapy and ph ysical aggression
C. Separation and di vorce issues in couple therapy
D. Couple therapy for dr ug abuse and alcoholism

Unit 3: T herapeutic interventions I

a. Object relations couple therapy

Page 36

35 b. Bri ef strategic couples therapy
c. Solution focused couples therapy
d. Narrative couple therapy

Unit 4: T herapeutic interventions II

a. Affective- reconstructive couples therapy
b. Integrative behavioural couple therapy
c. Cognitive‐behavioural couple therapy
d. Emotional focused couple therapy

Books for study
1. Gurman, A.S. (2008). Clinical Handbo ok of Couple Therapy (4thed.). New York, N Y: The
Guilford Press
2. Nichols, M.P. (2010). Family Therapy: Con cepts and M ethods (9th ed.). Bo ston: Allyn and B acon
3. Johnson, S.M. & Whiffen, V.E. (2003 ). Attachment Processes in Coup le and Family Therapy
(Eds.). New York, N Y: The Guilford Press
4. Hecker, L. (2010). Ethics and Professional I ssues in Coup le and Family Therapy. New York, N Y:
Rout ledge.

Books for reference
1. Jongsma, A. & Dattilio, F. (2000). The Family therapy treatment planner. New York, N Y: John
2. Johnson, S.M. (2005) .Becoming an Emotionally Focused Therapist. New York: Taylor & Francis
3. Nichols, M.P. (2009). Inside Family Therapy: A Case Study in Family Healing (2nd Ed.), Bo ston,
MA; Pearson: Allyn and B acon
4. Cor ey, G (2009). Theory and Practice of Coun seling and Psychotherapy. Californa: Thomson

Internal examination: 40 marks
• One classroom Test: 20 Marks
• One Essay: 20 m arks

Semester end examination: 60 m arks
Paper pattern: 7 questions to be set of 15 marks each, out of which 4 are to be attempted.One of
them could be short notes question, which could combine more than one unit.

Elective Course IV: Four Credits. 60 Hours PAPSY

Page 37


Objectives: Advan ced skills and processes of counseling and psych otherapy

1. Building students capacity in understanding and using the basic and advanced skills for
counseling and psychotherapy
2. Building students capacity in understanding and using therapeutic p rocess and related aspects
for counseling and psychotherapy
3. Assist students practice these skills and techniques
4. Developing professional skills req uired for indepen dent practit ioner


This c ourse will be taught by using methods like teaching, role play, simulated ca ses, group discussion,
self-work, videotaped sessions of role play. Class room activities, homework activities and assignments
are expected to be used. In addition, individual psychological su pport for self-work to learner may be
provided if needed. Class room Teaching and individual group work sessions are primary methods of
learning. Number of students admitted should not be more than 10 in practice sessions. A new batch
may be schedule for practice components above 10.

Unit I: Skills for Counseling and Psychotherapy

a. Basic Ski lls: Empathy, Genuineness, unconditional positive regard, congruence,
Listeni ng, paraphrasing, reflecting, summarizing
b. Advanced Skil ls: interpret ation, insight, transference interpretation, exploring
projections, identifying failure of thera py, identifying working with b urnout, self-
supervision, confrontation
c. Characteri stics of effective counselor/ therapists
d. Issues faced be young therapist

Unit II: Therapeu tic assessment, Contracting and initiating therapy

a. Thera peutic assessment, H istory taking, and Formulation, setting goals.
b. Contracting and its implications
c. Skills for opening and closing sessions
d. Initial s ession, cris is and support.

Unit III: Process of Counselling and Psychotherapy

a. I nitial p hase: Psych- education, Supportive psychothera py. Selecting techniques
b. Ice-breakin g, exploration, Loss framework.
c. Dealing with Resistance: Techniques and applicati ons
d. Transferen ce and counter-transference

Unit IV: Termination and Follow-up and Documentation

Page 38

37 a. T ermination: Evaluating and sharing progress, Issues in termination and resolution
b. Follow-up: Systems and techniques, susta ined cha nges
c. Documentation: Thera pists documentation, Communication with other professionals
and referrals
d. Legal implications: Legalities with thera py and Legal communication, documentation.


1. Faiver, C., Eisengart, S., Colonn a, S. (2003).The counselor intern’s handbo ok.Pacific Grove, CA:
Brook s/Cole Publishing Company.
2. Martin, D. G. (2011). Counseling and Therapy Skills. NY: Waveland Pr In.
3. Moursund, J., & Kenny, M. C. (2002). The Process of Coun seling and Therapy (4th ed.). Upp er
Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
4. Wolberg, L. R. (2005). The Technique of Psychotherapy Part I and I I. NJ: Jason Aronson Inc.

Books for references.

1. Archer, J., & McCarthy, C. J. (200 8). Theories of Coun seling and Psychotherapy: Con temporary.
Applications. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall
2. Cor ey, G. (2012). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy.Californa: Brooks/ Cole
3. Keeran, D. (2009). Effective Coun seling Skills: The practical wording of therapeutic statements
and p rocesses.CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
4. Neukrug, E.S. (2010). Coun seling Theory and Practice. Brooks/Cole, Bro oks/Cole, Cengage
5. Hutchinson D. R. ( 2011). The Coun seling S kills Practice Manu al. New Delhi: SAG E Publications
6. Somm ers-Flanagan, J. &Somm ers-Flanagan, R. (2012). Coun seling and Psychotherapy Theories
in Con text and Practice: Skills, Strategies, and Techniques. Hobok en, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
5. Morrison, J. (2007). The First Interview (3rd ed.). New York, N Y: Guilford Press.
7. Perry, W. (2008). Basic Coun seling Techniques: A Beginning Therapist's Tool Kit (2nd ed.).
Bloo mington, IN: AuthorHou se.

Internal Evaluation:

1. Role play (video recorded) evaluation of bas ic and advanced s kills, contracting and skills for
opening and closing, therapeutic s kills and process for simulated ca se: 20 marks
2. Class t est: Therapeutic assessment and formulation of two simulated cases and other thera py
aspects :20 marks

Semest er End Evaluation

60 marks: Any four questions out of seven to be solved. Each q uestion carries equal marks.

Page 39

38 Elective Course IV: 4 credits, 60 hrs. PAPSY 304D

Training and Development

1. To acquaint the students with the Need, Purpose and Role of training in organizations
2. To apply Training Need Analysis, Training Designing, Training Delivery and Training Evaluation to
achieve higher Productivity and Performance.
3. To acquaint the students about E‐learning and Use of Technology Enabled learning

Unit 1: Overview of Training in Organization

a) Need, Purpose, Importance and Types of Training
b) Training, Development and Education
c) Structure of Training in Organization
d) Training Process Model

Unit 2: Training Need Analysis & Tra ining Designing

a) Why Co nduct a Training Need An alysis?
b) Framework for Conducting Training Need Analysis
c) Approaches to Training Need An alysis & Ou tcome of Training Need
Analysis d) Training Designing
Unit 3: E‐Learning and Use of Technology in Tra ining

a) Technology’s Influence on Training and Learning
b) Technology and Multimedia
c) Computer‐Based Training
d) Developing Effective Online Learning

Unit 4: Evaluation of Training

a) Rationale for Evaluation
b) Types of Evaluation Data collected
c) Kirkpatrick and CIRO M odel of Evaluation of Training
d) Outcomes Used in the Evaluation of Training Programs

Books for Study:

Blanchard, P.N and Thacker, J.W (2012) Effective Training: Systems, Strategies, and Practices. 5th
Edition, New Delhi

Kirkpatrick, D.L and Kirkpatrick, J.D (2009) Evaluating Training Programs: The F our Levels. 3rd Edition Tata
McGraw‐Hill Publishing Co mpany Li mited, New‐Delhi.

Noe, R.A (2016) Employee Training and Development.7th Edition. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company
Limited. New Delhi

Page 40

39 Noe, R.A &Ko dwani, A.D (2012) Employee Training and Development.Fifth Edition. Tata McGraw Hill
Education Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.

Books for References:

Cascio, W.F and Aguinis, H (2009) Applied Psychology in Human Resource Management. Sixth Edition.
Prentice Hall Inc Learning Private Limited, New Delhi.

Dessler, G (2011) A Freamework for Human Resource Managemen t.Sixth Edition. Pearson Education, New

Dessler, G and Varkkey, B (2011) Human Resource Managemen t. Twelfth Edition. Pearson Education, New

Goldstein, I.L a nd Ford J.K (2002) Training in Organization.Fourth Edition. Thomso n wadsworth, U SA.

Kirkp atrick, D.L and Kirkpatrick, J.D (2008) Evaluating Training Programs. Tata McGraw‐Hill Publishing
Company Li mited, New‐Delhi.

Lynton, R.P and Pareek, U (2000) Training for Organizational Tra nsformation Part I & II.Sage
Publications, New Delhi.

Mamoria, C.B and Gankar, S.V (2001) Personnel Management Text & Ca ses.21st Revised Ed ition. Himalaya
Publishing House, Mumbai

Noe, R.A (2008) Employee Training and Development.Fourth Edition. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company
Limited. N ew Delhi
Pattanayak, B (2009) Human Resource Managemen t. Third Ed ition. PHI Learning Private Limited. New
Delhi. Silberman, M (1995) Active Training: A Handbook of Technique De signs, Case Examples & Tips. Ben
Publishing Co. New Delhi

Thacker, J.W and Blanchard, P.N (2007) Effective Training Systems, Strategies, and Practices.Second Edition.
Pearson Prentice Hall, New Delhi, India

Internal Evaluation: 40 marks
• Essay: 20 marks
• One Written test: 20 marks

Semester and Examination: 60 marks
Written examination: Paper Pattern: Seven questions for 15 marks each are set out of which four should be
attempted. One of them could be short note question. Any two topics can be combined f or these questions.

Elective Course IV: 4 credits 60 Ho urs

Page 41



1. To introdu ce the imp ortance of rehabilitation, recovery and rehabilitation psychology.
2. To explore the concept and models of dis ability.
3. To und erstand the di fferent issues and applications of rehabilitation psychology.
4. To acquaint students with d ifferent ap proaches to rehabilitation couns elling.

Unit 1: Rehabilitation psychology: overview and concepts

a. Nature and scope of rehabilitation psychology
b. Con cepts of ability and disabil ity
c. Recovery and rehabilitation
d. M edical, neu ropsychological, soci al and biop sychoso cial model of disability

Unit 2: Rehabilitation of Persons with Disa bility

a.Rehabilitation of persons with physical disabilities: p hysical, psycho- social and vo cational
b.Ass essment of p ersons with disabili ties
c.Assist ive technolo gy for enhancing functional capacities of persons with d isabilities
d.Legal issues in r ehabilitation for persons with dis abilities: ov erview of PWD act, RCI act,
national trust act, Uni ted Nations convention on the rights of persons with disabili ties.

Unit 3: Application of Rehabilitation Psychol ogy

a. Reh abilitation of addictions: drug and alcohol
b. Reh abilitation after abuse and vio lence
c. Palliative care, pain management and symptom control
d. Sports Injury and Rehabilitation.

Unit 4: Psychological approaches to rehabilitation counselling

a. Psychodynamic therapy in rehabilitation counsell ing.
b. Person-centered therapy in rehabilitation counsell ing
c. Behavioural therapy in rehabilitation couns elling.
d. Cognitive- behaviour al therapy in rehabilitation couns elling.

Books for study

Page 42

1. Ch an, F., Berven, N.L., Thomas, K.R. (2004 ). Counselling Theories and Techniques for
Rehabilitation H ealth Professionals. New York, NY: Springer Publish ing Compa ny
2. Falvo, D.R. (2013 ). Medical and p sychosocial aspects of Ch ronic Illness and dis ability (5th
ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning
3. Frank, G.R., Rosenth al, M., C aplan, B. (2010). Handbook of Rehabilitation
Psychology.American Psychological Associ ation.
4. Kennedy, P. (2012 ).The Oxford Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology (Eds.). New York,
NY : Oxford Univ ersity Press.
5. M arini, I. & Stebni cki, N. (2012 ). The Psychological and Soci al Impact of Illness and
Disability (Eds.), New York, NY: Springer Publishing Compa ny.
6. Gawali, G. (2012). Vocational Rehabilitation of Persons with Dis ability: Psychoso cial and
Legal Perspectives (Ed.). Mumb ai: Himal aya Publications.
7. Taylor, R.R. (2006 ). Cognitive B ehavioural Therapy for Chronic Illness and
8. Zeppetella, G. (2012). Palliative C are in Clinical Practice. Springer
9. Taylor, J. & Taylor S. (1997 ). Psychological approaches to sports in jury rehabilitation.
Maryland: Asp en Publishers.
10. A rvinen- Barrow, M. & Walker, N. (2013).The psychology of spo rt injury and rehabilitation.
Rout ledge
11. The rights of p ersons with d isabilities act, 2016. Retrieved from
http://www.disabili /upload/upload files/files/RPWD%20ACT %202016.pdf

Eval uation:
Internal eval uation: 40 ma rks
• Ess ay: 20 marks
• Classr oom Presentation: 20 ma rks

Semester end examination: 60 ma rks
Paper pattern: 7 questions to be set of 15 ma rks each, out of whi ch 4 are to be attempted. One
of them could be sho rt notes qu estion, whi ch could combine more than one unit.

Course V (Elective Course): PAPSY305: 4 Credits

PAPSY 305A: Adv anced Social Psychology

PAPSY 305 B: CBT and REBT: Basic and Appli cation

PAPSY 305C: Personality Disor der: Th eory, Ass essment and Intervention
PAPSY 305D: Adv anced Applied P sychomet rics and Data Analytics
PAPSY 305E: Human Resource Management

Page 43


Elective Course V: 4 Cr edits, 60 hrs. PAPSY 305A


1. To acquaint students with advance trends and pro cesses in social psychology
2. To und erstand the relatedness of social psychology to contemporary fields of psychology

Unit 1: Introducing advancements in Social Psychology

a. Social-psychological way of looking at reality
b. Data analysis in social psycholog y: Recent and recurring issues
c. Social structure and personality
d. Social psychology of emotions

Unit 2: Ba sic Processes

a. Social perception: Person schema and group stereotypes
b. Social cognition: Attribution-processes and errors
c. Social judgment: Lasting false beliefs and th eir behavioural consequences
d. Attitude: Nature of attitude and attitude change

Unit 3: T he Self and the Social Relations

a. The self-interest and beyond
b. Interpersonal attraction
c. Intimate relationships and br eaking up
d. Helping and altruism

Unit 4: Connections to related Fields

a. Social cognitive neuroscience: Past, present and future promise
b. Forensic psycholog y: Physical attractiveness bias
c. Evolutionary theory for social psychology
d. Evolutio nary theory for cultural psychology

Essential Reading

Fiske, S.T., Gilbert, D.T., &Lindzey, G. (2010). Handbook of Social Psychology (5th Ed.). New
Jersey: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Kruglanski, A. W., Higgins, E.T. (2007). Social Psychology: Handbo ok of basic Principles (Second
Ed.). New York: The Guilford Press.
Lesko, W. A. (2009). Readings in Social Psychology: General, Classic and Contemporary Selections
(Eighth Ed.). New Delhi: Pearson.
DeLamater, J.D., & Myers, D.J. (2011). Social Psychology (Seventh Ed.). U SA: Wadsworth

Page 44

43 Fletcher, G.J.O., & Clark,M.S. (2003). Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Interpersonal
Processes. USA : Blackwell Publishers Ldt.
Baumeister. R. F. &Finkel, E. J. (Eds.) (2010) .Advanced Social Psychology: State of the Science.
New York: Oxford Uni versity Press.

Supp lementary Reading

Breakwell, G.M. (2004). Doing Social Psychology Re search. Malden, MA: British Psychological Society
and Bl ackwell Publishing Ltd.
Albarracin, D., Jonson,B.T., Zanna, M.P. (2014). The Handbook of Attitudes. New York, NY: The
Psychology Press.
Bunk, A. P., & Van Vugt, M. (2007). Applying social psychology: From problems to solutions. London:
Sage Pub lications.
Bellack, A.S. & Hersen, M. (1998).Behavioral assessment : A Practical Handbo ok (4th ed.), Needham
Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Shaw, M. E & Wright, J. M. (1967). Scales for the Measurement of Attitude. USA: McGraw-Hill.
Bodenha usen, G. V., Kang, S. K. &Peery, D. (2012) The S AGE handb ook of social cognition. Lond on:
Bodenha usen, G. V., & Gawronski, B. (2013). Attitude chan ge. In D. Reisberg (Ed.), The Oxford
handbook of cognitive psychology (pp. 957-969). New York: Oxford UniversityPress.
Eastwick, P. W. (2013). Cultural influences on attraction. In J.A. Simpson & L. Campbell (Eds.),
Handbook of Close Relationships (pp.161 - 182). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Internal Evaluat ion (40 marks): Evaluation
Two classroom presentations for each student during the course-work, each presentation carrying 20

External Evaluation (60 marks): Semester-end examination
Four qu estions to be attempted out of seven, each carrying 15 m arks each

Semester III: Ele ctive Course V: 4 Credits 60 Hours

1. Introducing stu dents to CBT a nd REBT skills and techniques.
2. Familiarizing stu dents to possi ble ap plications of the same.

Page 45

Unit 1: Cogn itive Behavior T herapy: Basic concepts

a. Cognitive conceptuali zation, the cognitive mod el
b. Schema focused the rapy
c. Identifying automatic thoughts.
d. Identifying core beliefs and emotions

Unit 2: CBT process

a. Ass essment and formul ation.
b. Th erapeutic stages.
c. Case formulations and common hu rdles.
d. Termin ation and relapse prevention.

Unit 3: Rational emotive behavior therapy: basic concepts and processes

a. Irrational belie fs, activating events and consequent emot ions
b. Did actic techniques.
c. Vivid methods.
d. Behavioral homework.

Unit 4: CBT and REBT applications

a. Applic ations to disord ers
b. Applic ations wh en client is in emotional distr ess
c. Applic ations for self-development
d. Individual and group applications

Books for reference

1. Beck, J. (2011 ).Cognitive Behavior Th erapy: Basics and Beyond (2nd ed). NY: The Guilfo rd
2. Beck, A.T., Rush, A .I., Shaw, B.F. &Emery, G. (1979 ).Cognitive Therapy of Depression. N Y:
Guilfo rd press.
3. Core y, G. (2009 ). Theory and Practice of Cou nseling and Psychotherapy (8th ed .). Califo rna:
Thomson Brooks.
4. Dryden, W. (1995 ).Rational Emot ive Behavior Therapy: A reader. NY: Sage.
5. Ellis, A. (1994 ).Reason and Emotion in psychotherapy: revised and up dated. NY: C itadel

Page 46


6. Ellis, A. &Dryden, W. (2007 ).The Practice of Rational Emot ive Behavior Therapy.NY:
7. Graham, P. & Reynolds, S. (2013 ).Cognitive B ehavior Th erapy for Children and Families (3rd
ed.). London: Cambri dge.
8. Gu rman, A.L. (2008).Clinical handbook of couple th erapy (4th ed.). NY: Gui lford Press.
9. Kleinberg, J. (2012 ).The Wiley Blackwell handbook of Group p sychotherapy.NY: Wiley
10. Leahey, R. (200 3).Cognitive th erapy techniqu es: A pr actitioner’s guide. NY: The Guilfo rd
11. Walen, S., DiGius eppe, R. & Dryden, W. (1992).A practitioners’ guide to R ational Emot ive
Therapy (2nd ed.). UK: O xford Univ ersity press.

Eval uation:

Internal evaluation: 40 ma rks
Not more than two t ests of 20 marks ea ch, one of which could be an essay/ book review

Semester end examination: 60 marks

Paper pattern: 7 q uestions to be set of 15 ma rks each, out of whi ch 4 are to be attempted. One of
them could be sho rt notes question, whi ch could combine more than one unit

Elective Course V: 4 credits 60 Ho urs PAPSY: 305C



1. Understanding personality disorders concept and contro versies.
2. Develop skills of assessment for personality disorders.
3. Learn to plan and carry out th erapy with PD.

Teaching methods: Classroom teaching, role-play, simula ted cases, assessment workshop,
presentations, case discussion be used as tea ching methods.

Unit1: Understanding and classification of PDs

a. Cl assical foundations and contemporary perspectives, etiological pe rspect ive on PD.
b. Class ification of PDs: DSM IV TR/ DSM V, ICD 10.
c. Development, etiology, symptomatology and clinical Picture of PD for ICD 10 and DSM V

Page 47

46 d. Dimensional and categorical d ebate

Unit 2: Assessment and diagnosis

a. Diagnostic questionnaire assessment: MCMI III, MMPI
2, b. Interviews: SCID-II,PDI IV, I PDE, SIDP-IV
c. Temperamental personality assessment: NEO-PI-3, MIPS

d. Other techniques and specific instruments to PD.

Unit 3 Psychotherapy with personality: CBT and other emerging approaches

a. CBT for PD: theory, general principles

b. CBT for PD: assessment and special ized techniques
c. CBT for schizoid, narc issistic
d. CBT for bor derline, DBT.

Unit 4 Ot her psycho-therapeutic approaches and special issues

a. Other thera peutic approaches: brief therapy, comm on factor approach, psychodynamic. b.
Thera peutic eclectism, synergistic psychothera py
c. Hel ping family and relations
d. Supportive work

Books for reading and reference

1. Millon, T. (2011).Disorders of Personality: Introducing a DSM/ICD Spectrum from Normal to
Abnormal. (Wiley Series on Personality Processes). N Y: John Wiley.

2. Millon, T., Millon, C. M., Meagher, S., &G rossman S. (2004). Personality Disorders in Modern
Life. London: John Wiley & Sons.

3. Beck, A. & Freeman, A. & Davis, D.D. (2006). Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders. NY:

Page 48


4. APA (2013).Diagnostic and Statistical Manua l of Mental Disorders (5th ed.)(DSM-5). New York:APA.

5. Bockian, N. R., &Jongsma Jr. A. E. (2001). The Personality Disorders Treatment Planner. Canada: John
Wiley & Sons:

6. Choca, J. P. (2004). Interpretive Guide to the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory. NY: American
Psychological As sociation.

7. Cla rkin, J.F., Fonagy P., &Gabbard G.O. ( 2010). Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Personality
Disorders: A Cli nical Handbook. Arlington: American Psychiatric Publishing

8. Dobbert, D. L. (2010). Understanding Personality Disorders: An Introduction. Maryla nd:
Rowman& Littlef ield Publishe rs.

9. Friedman, A. F ., Levak, R., Nichols, D.,&Webb, J. T. (2000). Psychological Assessment with the
MMPI-2. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc

10. Lineha n, M. (1993). Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorders. NY:

11. Linehan, M. (1993).Skills Training Manual for Treating Borderline Personality Disorder. NY: Guilford

12. Sperry, L. (2006). Cognitive Behavior Therapy of DSM-IV-TR Personality Disorders. Newyork,
NY: R outledge, Taylor and Francis.

13. W.H.O.(1992). The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders: Clinical
Descriptions and Diagnostic G uidelines. Gene va: World Health Or ganization.

14. Millon, T. (2006). MCMI-III Manual (Millon Clinical Multiaxial I nventory-III).

15. O'Donohue, W.T., Fowler, K.A. &Lilienfeld, S.O. (2007). Personality Disorders: Toward the
DSM-V. Tho usand Oaks: SAGE Publicati ons.

16. Weiner, I. B. &Gree ne , R. L. (2008). Handb ook of Personality Assessment. New York: John Wiely and

17. Widiger, T. A. & Costa P. T. Jr. (2012). Personality Disorders and the Five-Factor Model of
Personality. NY: APA.

18. Wood, J. (2010). The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Workbook for Personality Disorders: A Step-
by- Step Program (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook). New Harbinger Publications.

19. Various issues of Journal of Personality Disorders, Guilford Press and Personality Disorders:
Theory, Re search, and Treatme nt, American Psychological Association.


Internal evaluation: 40 marks

Diagnosis on the basis of individuals test profiles including other d etails p rovide 20 marks

Techniques of therapy Role play (video recorded) for therapy skills: 20 marks

Page 49


End Semest er Examination: 60 marks

Four Que stions to be attempted out of seven. Each question carries equal marks.

Objectives Elective Course V: F our Credits 60 Ho urs PAP SY
305D Advanced Applied Psychometrics and Data

1. To Acquaint students with advanced topics in psychometrics and data analytics
2. To train them in using the advanced psychometric models with psychometric data.
3. Train students in writing report of the psychometric techniques

Unit 1: Psychometrics: Concepts, Classical Test Theory and Practice
Psychometrics, Scali ng, statistical concepts: Estimation,. OLS, ML,
Bayes Relia bility: Conceptual basis and empirical estimation
Validity: Conceptual basis and empirical estimation, factor analysis and test
Classical test theory: assumptions, ramification and practice
Threats to psychometric quality: Test bias, response bias. Special problems in CCT
Unit 2: Modern test Theory and Practice
Item Response Theory (IRT): basic concepts, models and estimations; Item and Item
Models for Nominal and graded responses
Nonparametric and Bayesian approach
Other IRT models and applications to non standard testing conditions
Unit 3: Gene ralizability Theory and Data analytics
Concepts, Generalizability and varia nce component
G studies and D studies: Conducting and Interpreting Generalizability: One Facet design,
two facet design, other designs.
Basics of Big Data analytics

Page 50

49 Basics of Machine Learning
Unit 4: Applications
Psychometrics Assessm ent in Industrial Settings and Clinical Assessm ent
Psychometrics in Educational Settings
Developing publication quality instrument and manual

Presentations/ internal on
Multidimensional scaling
Profile analysis
Descrimi nant analysis
Software a pplications: R in particular
Dominance (preference) scaling
Categ orical modeling,
Binary classifications
Non-geometric and non Euclidian m odel
Confirmatory Fa ctor analysis


Borsboom, D. ( 2005 ). Measuring the mind: Conceptual issues in contemporary
psychometrics . Cam bridge , UK : Cam bridge University Press .

C.R. Rao (Editor), S andip Sinharay (Editor). Handbook of S tatistics, Volume
26: Psy chometrics.

John Rust a nd Susan Golombok (2009) Modern Psychometrics: The Science of
Psychological Asse ssment, Third E dition.

Jum Nunnally and Ira Bernstein. (1994). Psychometric Theory.

Lord, F. M., & Novick, M. R. (1968 ). Statistical theories of mental test scores.
Reading , MA : Addison-Wesl ey.

PB , John Rust, Susan Golombok. (2008). Modern Psychometrics (3rd Revised
edition). Taylor & Fr ancis Ltd: UK

R. Michael Furr and Verne R. Bacharach (2013). Psychometrics: An Introduction
Belhekar, V. M. (2016) Statistics for Psychology Using R. SAGE Publications.
Prajapati, V. (2 013). Big Data Analytics with R and Hadoop. Packt Publ ishing

Students should be referring to papers published in Journals like Psychometrika, Multivaria te
Behavioural research, Educational and Psychological Measurement, etc.

Internal Examination
Carry out five psychometric analysis on simulated data sets using software (R preferably)
and report: 20 ma rks

Page 51

50 Classroom test/ Presentation/ Submissi on: One 20 marks.
Semester End Evaluation: 60 marks
Any four questions out of seven to be answered. Each question carries equal marks.

Elective Course V: 4 credits, 60 hrs.

1. To acquaint the students with the concept and function of human resource management
2. To learn the various human resource systems and programme in an organization to achieve
higher produ ctivity
3. To acquaint the students with kno wledge of career planning and development, occupational
safety, health and wellbeing and union management relationship

Unit 1: Introduction to human resource management

a. Concept and functions of HRM; concept of equal opportunity & diversity strategic
management process
b. HRM’s role in creating competitive advantage and organizational excellence
c. Strategic human resource management and its challenges
d. HRM’s strategic roles: execution and formulation role

Unit 2: Recruitment, selection, training, performance management system and careers

a. Recruitment and selection process
b. Training Need Analysis, Design & Method of Training and Evaluation of Training
c. Performance management system, performance methods, performance issues, performance
feedback and performance counseling
d. Career, Career anchors, career planning and stages, career development cycle and career
Unit 3: O ccupational Safety, Health and Well‐being

Page 52

51 a. Purpose and impor tance of occupational safety and health
b. Hazards to occupational safety and health
c. Causes of occupational accidents, accident incident rates, accident cost and accident
d. Workplace health hazards: Violence at Workplace, Problems and R emedies; Emplo yee
Assistance Programme (EAP); Health Promotion and Wellness Programmes

Unit 4: Union management relations

a. Union m anagement relations
b. Role of trade union
c. Collective bargaining, settlement of disputes, joint consultation and grievance handling
d. Labour legislation

Books for Reference

Anderson, N. Ones, D. S., Sinangil, H.K &Viswesvaran, C. (Eds.)(2005) .Handbook of Industrial and
Organizational Psychology: Personnel Psychology(Vol. 1). New Delhi: Sage Publications,
New Delhi.

Armstrong, M. (2005) .A Handbook of Human Resource Mana gement Practice (9th ed.). New Delhi :
Kogan Page India,

Aswathappa, K. (2010). Human Resource Manag ement: Text and Cases (8th ed.). New Delhi: Tata
McGraw‐ Hill Education Private Limited.

Blanchard, P.N . &Thacker, J.W. (2007) Effective Training: Systems, Strategies, and Practices (2nd
ed.). New Delhi: Pearson Education, Inc.
Bohl ander, G. &Snell, S (2004) .Manag ing Human Resources. India: Thomson Asi Private Limited.
Bratton, J. & Gold, J. (2009).Human Resource Management Theory and Practice (4th ed.), New
York, N Y: Palgrave Macmillan.

Cascio, W.F &Aguinis, H. (2005) .Applied Psychology in Human Resource Manag ement (6th ed.).
New Jersey, NJ: Prentice Hall Inc.

Deb, T. (2006) .Strategic Approach to Human Resource Mana gement: Con cepts, Tools, &
Application. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers.

Dessler, G. (2011) .A Framework for Human Resource Mana gement (6th ed.). New Delhi: Pearson
Education Inc.

Page 53


Dessler, G. & Varkkey, B. (2011) .Human Resource Manag ement (12 th ed.). New Delhi:Pearson
Education Inc.

Gomez‐Mejia, L. R, Balk in, D.B. & Cardy, R.L. (2010). Manag ing Human Resources (6th ed.). New
Delhi: PHI Learning.

Greer, C.R. (2 009).Strategic Human Resource Management (2nd ed.) New Delhi: Pearson Education
Goldstein, I.L &Ford, J.K (2002) .Training in Organization (4th ed.). U SA: Thomson Wadsworth.
Ivancevich, J.M. (2004).Human Resource Manag ement (9th ed.). New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill

Kandula, S.R (2 004).Human Resource Mana gement in Practice (2nd reprint).New Delhi: Prentice
Hall of India.

Landy, F.J., & Cont e, J.M.(2004) .Work in the 21st Century (International ed.), New York, N Y:

Luthans, F. (2008) .Organizational Behavior (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill International
Edition, New York, U SA.

Mamoria, C.B. &Gankar, S.V. (2001) .Personnel Management (21 strevised ed.). Mumbai: Himalaya
Publishing House.

Pareek, U. & Rao, T.V. (2003).Designing and Man aging Human Resource System (3rd ed.). New
Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Pattanayak, B. (2009) .Human Resource Manag ement (3rd ed.). New Delhi: PHI Learning Private

Rothw ell, W. (2012). The Encyclopedia of Human Resource Mana gement (Vol. 1, 2, 3). San
Francisco, CA: John Wiley and Sons Inc.

Sharma, A. & Khandekar, A. (2006) .Strategic Human Resource Mana gement. An Ind ian
Perspective. New Delhi: Response Book s, A Division of Sage Publications.

Subba, R. P. (2009). Personnel and Human Resource Manag ement: Text & Cases. Mumbai:
Himalaya Publishing House.

Internal evaluation: 40 marks
Essay on one of the topic randomly assigned: 20 m arks
One test of descriptive types: 20 m arks

Semester end examination : 60 m arks
Paper pattern:7 questions to be set of 15 marks each, out of which 4 are to be attempted. One of
them could be short notes question, which could combine more than one unit.

Page 54


Practical / Field Work Component (Elective Component): PAPSY306: 10 Credits

PAPSY 306A: Practicum in Clinical Psychology
PAPSY 306 B: Practicum in Counselling Psychology
PAPSY 306C: Practicum in Industri al Psychology
PAPSY 306D: Practicum in Social Psychology

Practical/Field Work Component (Elective Component): PAPSY 306A 10 credits, 150 hrs.

Only 25% students can be admitted from the MA student strength in each elective since limited
number of students can be accommodated on the field wo rk.


1. To familiarize students with hands on work in the field of clinical psychology
2. To acquaint students with kno wledge and skills required for history and m ental status examination
and di fferential diagnosis using standardized diagnostic tools.

The student will be placed in various field wo rk settings through the semester.

Unit 1: Interview in clinical settings

a. Behavioral observation
b. History taking
c. Mental status examination and MMS E
d. Syntheses of information from different sources

Unit 2: Identification of adult and Child psychopathologi cal conditions

a. Psychotic spectrum disorders, Neurotic spectrum disorders and mood di sorders
b. Neurocognitive disorders, other conditions
c. Pervasive developmental disorders, Disruptive behavior disorders

Page 55

54 d. Learning related disorders, other childhood conditions

Unit 3: T est administration in clinical settings

a. Ability assessment: clinical profiling based on Wechsler Tests
b. Personality assessment: MMPI, MCMI, Ror schach, TAT
c. Neuropsychological assessment: BGT and BGT- II, NIMHA NS battery, unit ary measures of
neuropsychological dysfunctions.
d. Scale and questionnaire administration, choice of tools- HARS, HDRS, SCL 90, B DI, CARS

Unit 4: Integration of findings and Helping Behavior

a. Test profile generation and in tegration, Integration with ob servation and interview findin gs
b. Differential diagnosis and di agnosis: DSM a nd ICD, combi ning tests, MSE, and Interview findin gs,
Com munication of diagnosis to patients and family members, suggested management plan.
c. Explanation of condit ion and psycho-education, Planning intervention, process and termination
d. Report generation, pro gnosis, Documentation of assessment and management: pr ocess and finding

Books for study

1. Hersen, M. (2004). Comprehensive Handbo ok of Psychological Assessment: Intellectual and
neuropsychological assessment(Vol. 1 ); Personali ty assessment (Vol. 2); Behavioral
assessment(Vol. 3). N Y: Wiley.
2. Flanagan J.S. and Flanagan, R. S. (2012) .Clinical interviewing (4th ed.) New Jersey: John Wiley
and Co.
3. Fontes, L. A. (2008) .Interviewing clients across cultures:A practitioners’ guide. NY: The Guilford
4. Lezak, M., Howieson, D.B., Bi gler, E. & Trandl, D. (2012). Neuropsychological assessment (5th
ed.). London: OUP .
5. Schoenberg, M.R. & Scott, J.G. (2011) .The Little Black book of neuropsychology. NY: Springer.

Books for reference

1. Feinberg, T.E. &Farah, M.J. (2003). Behavioral neurology and neuropsychology (2nd ed.). NY:
McGraw Hill.


Internal evaluation: 40 marks
• Under the supervision of course teacher, reports to be submitted on cases seen dur ing the semester:
20 m arks
• Planning and recording of intervention plan for at least 3 case studies: 10 marks
• Classroom presentation of at least one case in a case presentation format along with test profiles
and therapy plan: 10 marks
Semester end practical examination: 60 marks
• Viva voce examination: 40 m arks
• Test Instruction and Co nduction based on simulated case vignette: 5 marks
• Report based on simulated cases provided at t he time of examination: 15 marks

Page 56


Practical/Field Work Component (Elective Component): PAPSY 306B 10 credits 150 Ho urs


Only 25% students can be admitted from the MA student strength in each elective since limited
number of students can be accommodated on the field wo rk.


1. To pro vide practical experience to the students to understand the role of interview, observation and
case‐history in assessment of clients.
2. To acquaint students about the assessment of personality and cognitive developm ent on field.
3. To train the students in skills for counseling and career development across the lifespan
4. To aquatint student with case presentation and reporting.

Unit 1: T echniques of assessment and skill development exercise

a. Intake Interview, projective questions, observational techniques and case history
b. Selection of appropr iate psychological tests, functional and behavioural assessment
c. Role play, transcription and analysis, case studies, movie screenings/video analysis
d. Case presentations and group d iscussions; field work, field visits

Unit 2: T raining in test administration, scoring and interpretation in counselling settings

a. Assessment of development: Vineland social maturity scale, dyslexia screening tests, screening for
b. Assessment of cognitive abilities and Neuropsychological functionin g: Kamat‐ Binet test of
intelligence, Wechsler scales of intelligence (children), Seguine form board, Dr. C. M. Bhatia’s
Performance Test of Intelligence, Non verbal Test of Intelligence (NVTI), Seguine Form Board,
Bender- Gestalt, Differential Aptitude Test.
c. Personality assessment: CPQ, 16 PF, personality belief questionnaire (PBQ), Becks anxiety
inventory, Becks scale for suicide ideation, Becks hopelessness scale, Assessment of Ajustment
and qu ality of life in elderly.
d. Projective test: CAT, TAT, Rosenzweig picture frustration study (Adul t/Children), HT P.
Unit 3: Diverse areas of counselling and case studies - field work or Internship (Should be
supervised by the course teacher)
a. Career counselling at High school (Group assessment followed by individual cou nselling)
b. Identification and intervention: learning disability, slow learners, under achiever, socially
disadvantaged, emotionally disturbed, exceptional/gifted or any other childhood related or

Page 57

56 developmental problems (minimum one case study done in sch ool setup or child development
centres, institutes) and counselling of parents of identified children.
c. Conducting case studies on alcoholics/ drug addicts/ persons with disabilities/ attempted suicide
(minimum one case study)
d. Case study of and Counse lling the Elderly (minimum one case study to be conducted in
community )

Unit 4: Psychological interventions and reporting

a. Explanation of condit ion and psycho‐education
b. Intervention: planning, process and termination
c. Documentation of assessment and management process
d. Report generation and follow‐up

Books for references

1. Bor, R., Jo Bbner‐Landy, Gilli, S., Brace,C. (2002). Coun selling in Schools. New Delhi: Sage
Publications Ltd
2. Geldard, K., and Geldard, D. (2004). Coun selling Adolescents. New Delhi: Sage
3. Lewis, J.A., Dana, R.Q., Blevins, G.A. (2011). Substance Abuse Coun selling(4th ed.).
Belmont, C. A: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.
4. Velleman, R. (2011). Counselling for Alcohol Problems (3rd ed.). New Delhi: Sage
5. Reeves, A. (2010). Coun selling Su icidal Clients. New Delhi: Sage Publications.
6. Chandler, L.A., Johnson,V. J. (1991 ). Using Projective Techniques with Children. Illinois:
Charles Thomas Publ isher.
7. Gerald, G. & Michel, H. (2001). Handbook of Psychological Assessment (3rd ed.). New
York: Pergamon Press
8. Groth-Marnat, G & Wright, A. J. (2016 ). Handbook of Psychological Asse ssment ( 6th
ed.). Wi ley.
9. Jongsma, A.E. (2014 ). Child Psychothe rapy: Homework Planner (5th Ed.). New Jersey:
John Wiley & Sons.
10. Niles, S. & Harris‐Bowlsb ey, J. (2009 ). Career development interventions in the 2 1st
century(3rd ed.). Upper Saddle Riv er, NJ: Pearson Education.
11. Gawali, G. (2012). Vocational Rehabilitation of Persons with Dis ability: Psychosocial
and Legal Perspectives (Ed.). Mumb ai: Himal aya Publications
12. Wright, B.A. (1983).Physical disability: A psychosocial app roach (2nd ed.). New York,
NY: Harper & Row.
13. Herr, E.L., and Cr amer, S.H. (2003 ).Career guidance and couns elling through the life
span: System atic approaches (6th ed.) Boston: Al lynand Bacon.
14. Ko, H., Mehta, K.K., Meng, K.S. (2006). Understanding and Counselling Old er Persons:
A Handbook. Singapo re: Sage

Page 58

57 Evaluation:
Internal evaluation: 40 marks
• Detailed case reports to be submitted on in dividual case studies and interventions (minimum 3
cases) and career counselling cases conducted dur ing the semester: 30 marks
• Classroom presentation of at least one case in prescribed format along with test profiles and therapy
plan: 10 marks

Semester end Practical examination: 60 marks
• Viva voce examination: 40 m arks
• Test Instruction and Co nduction based on simulated case vignette: 5 marks
• Report based on simulated cases provided at the time of examination: 15 marks

Practical/Field Work Component (Elective Component): PAPSY 306C 10 Credits, 150 hrs.


Only 25% students can be admitted from the MA student strength in each elective since limited
number of students can be accommo dated on the field work.


1. To acquaint students with the applications of psychometric tools and inventories in
2. To acquaint the students with the tools of behavioral and organizational interventions &
develop the skills to analyze behavioral issues in organizations.
3. To gain firsthand experience through organized field visit to or ganizations.
4. To gain firsthand experience through focused group discussions.

Unit 1: Structured experience :( any two in consultation with the supervisor)

Students should plan, design and condu ct the structured exercises in any of the following
areas under supervisor supervision: self-awareness, team building, interpersonal skills, leadership
skills, perception, decision making and problem solving, creativity, power and poli tics,
communication skills, conflict, stress management, motivation and goal setting, or any recent

Unit 2: H RD instruments: (any five: administered, scored, interpreted and discussed)

Role efficacy, role stress, coping styles, HRD climate, TOBI, SPRIO, MAO‐B, emotional intelligence, enneagram, conflict management styles, OCTAPA CE, l eadership, trust, life and goal
planning or any recent developments.

Unit 3: Field visit: (any two field visit)

Page 59

Students will get firsthand experience of the organization. Can take up any project given by
the organization and write a report. A student can undertake specific or overall activity of the
organizations in consultation with the supervisor. The student can choose any two organizations and
write a report: education sector, government sector, health sector, banking sector, service industry,
NGO , or any recent developments

Unit 4: Force-field analysis and Appreciative Inquiry

Students will conduct with the help of supervisor all the steps of force field analysis
(identifying the problem and id entifying the desired state; identifying the forces involved, and
determining the strengths of each force. Action plans for increasing driving forces and reducing
restraining forces and appreciative inquiry (4 D appro ach: discovery, dreaming, designing and
destiny) as an OD intervention. After conducting the same students will write the report of the same.

Unit 5: Focused Group Discussion

Student condu ct a focus group either based on need diagnostic or problem focused group
study in any area of consumer behavior (customers of sales, retail, banking, insurance, aviation etc)
or industrial/ organizational psycholog y/hum an resource and submit a report.

a) Select the team
b) Select the participants
c) Decide on time and location
d) Prepare for and conduct focus group d iscussion
e) Submit a report

Books for reference

Barbour, R. (2007 ). Doing Focus Group s. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Clark, A. W. (1976 ). Experimenting w ith organiz ational life: The action research approa ch. New
York: Plenum Press.
Coop errider, D.L., Whitney, D. &Stavros, J.M. (2008 ).Appr eciative Inquiry Handboo k: For
Leaders of Change (2nd ed.). San Fr ancisco, US A: Berrett – Koehler Publishe rs Inc.
French, W.L., Cecil, H.B., & Vohra, V. (2009). Organizat ional D evelopm ent: B ehavioral
Science Interventions for Organizat ion Improvement (6th ed.). New Delhi: Prentice Hall.
Krueger, R.A., C asey, M.A. (2009 ).Focus Group s: A practical gu ide for App lied Research (4th
ed.). Los Angeles: Sage Publications, Los Angeles.
Litosseli tti, L. (2003).Using Focus Groups in Re search. New York, NY:Continuum.

Page 60


Pareek, U. & Purhoit, S. (2010 ).Training Instruments in HRD and OD (3rd ed.). New Delhi: Tata
McGraw Hill.
Pfeiffer, J.W. &Jones, J.E. (1973 ). A Handbook of structu red Experiences for Human R elations
Training. San Diego, CA: Univ ersity Asso ciates Inc.
Sayeed, O.B & Pareek, U. (2000 ). Actualizing Managerial Roles: Studies in Ro le Efficacy. New
Delhi: Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Compa ny Limited.
Watkins, J.M., Bernard, J., Kelly, M.R. (2011 ).Appreciative Inquir y: Change at the Speed of
Imagina tion (2nd ed.). USA: John Wiley and Sons Inc.

Internal evaluation: 40 Marks Evaluation:
Report Submi ssion for Structured experience: 10 Marks
Assessment Report for HRD Instruments and Field Visit: 10 Marks
Report Submi ssion for Force-Field Analysis and Appreciative Inquiry: 10 Marks
Report Submi ssion for Focus Group Di scussions: 10 Marks

Semester end examination: 60 Marks
Viva: 40 Marks
Exam: 20 Marks: Paper Pattern: 3 questions to be set of 10 m arks each out of which 2 are to be

Practical/Field Work Component (Elective Component): PAPSY 306D 10 Credits, 150 hrs.


Only 25% stu dents can be admitted from the MA student strength in each elective since limited
number of students can be accommodated on the field wo rk.


1. To train students to conduct action research and to develop action plans in social
2. To orient students towards society throu gh field visits and structured exercise
3. To help students gain experience throu gh conducting focus group d iscussion and
social experiments

Unit 1: Field Visits and Placements

Students will be placed in institutions/organizations in consultation with the course teacher. Students
will have to study from social psychological perspective the individual cases (case study). Students
will have to submit two detailed case study reports.

Unit 2: Action Research

Page 61

In this compon ent students are required to take up an action research which aims to contribute to the
practical concerns of people in an immediate problematic situation and to formulate the action plan
and submit a detailed pro posal accordingly.

Unit 3: Structured Exercise

Structured exercise (any two). In consultation with the course-teacher, students are required to plan,
design and conduct structured exercises in any of the following areas: self‐awareness, team‐building, interpersonal skills, leadership skills, decision making, problem solving, creativity, communi cation,
conflict management, and stress management.

Unit 4: Social Experiment

In this component students are suppo sed to identify a social problem in the society and will have to
make presentations in the class on the conduction of field experiment surrounding the problem at
hand. The nature of the presentation (either individual or group) would be decided depending on the
numb er of students enrolled in the course and other factors. Once all the presentations are done, one
single field experiment would be selected as the entire group’s activity, and all students then will
work on that group assignment. Students will have to submit a brief report of this assignment
containing th eir analysis from social psychological perspective. In their final report they are also
required to include their initial individual experiments presented in the class.

Unit 5: Focused Group Discussion

Student condu ct a focused group discussion either based on need diagnostic or problem-focused
group study in any area of social relevance, and submit a report. Students will follow these steps--
selecting the team, selecting the participants, deciding on time and location, pr eparing for and
condu cting focus group d iscussion, and submitting a report

Essential Reading

Pfeiffer, J.W. & Jones, J.E. (1973). A Handbo ok of structured Experiences for Human Relations
Training. San Diego, CA: University Associates Inc.
McNiff, J. (2002) .Action Research: Principles and Practice.Houndsmills: Macmillan Education.
Pines, A.M. & Maslach, C. (2002). Experiencing Social Psychology: Readings and Projects (4th
ed.). New Delhi: Mc Graw Hill.
Breakwell, G.M. (2004). Doing Social Psychology Research. Malden, MA: British Psychological
Society and Bl ackwell Publishing Ltd.
Krueger, R.A., & Casey, M.A. (2009). Focus Groups: A practical guide for Applied Research (4th
ed.). Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Litosselitti, L. (2003). Using Focus Groups in Research. New York, N Y: Con tinuum.
Barbour, R. (2 007). Doing Focus Groups . Los Angeles: Sage Publications.

Supp lementary Reading

Page 62

61 Bunk, A. P., & Van Vugt, M. (2007). Applying social psychology: From pro blems to solutions. London:
Sage Pub lications.
Fiske, S.T., Gilbert, D.T., &Lindzey, G. (2010). Handbook of Social Psychology (5th Ed.). New
Jersey: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Kruglanski, A. W., Higgins, E.T. (2007). Social Psychology: Handbo ok of basic Principles (Second
Ed.). New York: The Guilford Pr ess.
Lesko, W. A. (2009). Readings in Social Psychology: General, Classic and Contemporary Selections
(Eighth Ed.). New Delhi: Pearson.
DeLamater, J.D., & Myers, D.J. (2011). Social Psychology (Seventh Ed.). U SA: Wadsworth
Fletcher, G.J.O., & Clark,M.S. (2003). Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Interpersonal
Processes. USA : Blackwell Publishers Ldt.
Baumeister. R. F. &Finkel, E. J. (Eds.) (2010) .Advanced Social Psychology: State of the Science.
New York: Oxford Uni versity Press.

Internal Evaluat ion (40 marks): Evaluation
Field visit and placements (institute): 10 marks
Action Research: 05 marks
Structured Exercise: 10 marks
Social experiment: 10 marks
Focused group d iscussion: 05 m arks

Semester end examination: 60 m arks
Viva: 40 m arks
Attempt two questions out of four: 20 m arks

Syllabus for Semester IV:

Course (Ability Enhancement) PAPSY401: Ability Enhancement Course: 6 Credits: 90

PAPSY 401A: Applic ations of Neuropsychology for Health Management

PAPSY 401 B: Methods & Analyses of Neuropsychological data

PAPSY 401C: Communication and Social Skills

Ability E nhancement Course: PAPSY 401A 6 credits


Page 63


1. To acquaint students with the functions of the human brain.
2. To und erstand methods of investigating the human brain.
3. To und erstand primary and higher ord er neuropsychological processes.
4. To help students to un derstand applications of neuropsychology to public health.

Unit 1: Foundation of neuropsychology

A. Functional Neuroanatomy of Brain: Organization of the Nervous System; Peripheral
Nervous System; Central Nervous System; Brain, Spinal Cord. Gross Anatomy: Protection and
Sustenance of the Brain Skull, Meninges, Ventricular System, Vascular System, Cerebral Arteries,
Venous System. Principal Divisions of the Brain; Brainstem and Cerebellum: Lower Brainstem,
Upper Brainstem: Diencephalon, Cerebellum. Telencephalon: Basal Ganglia, Limbic System,
Corpus Callosum.

B. Methods of investigating the brain: Neurohistology Techniques; Golgi Stain, Nissl Stain,
Other Staining Techniques. Radiologic Procedures; Skull X-Ray, Air Encephalography, Compu ted
Transaxial Tomography, Angiography, Sodium Amytal Injections. Electrophysiologic Procedures;
Electroencephalography, Evoked Potential, Electrical Stimulation, Electromyography. Imaging of
Brain Metabolism; Single-Photon Emission Compu ted Tomography, Positron Emission
Tomography. Magnetic Imaging Procedures; Magnetic R esonance Imaging,
Magnetoencephalography. Cerebrospinal Fluid Studies; Lumbar Puncture. Behavioral
Examinations; Neurologic Examination, Neuropsychological Evaluation. New Advances in
Imaging Techniques: Mapping the Brain; Subtraction Procedures, Image Analysis and
Quantification (Three-Dimensional).

C. Brain Damage and Neuroplasticity: causes of Brain Damage, Neuropsychological Diseases,
Animal models of Human Neuropsychological Diseases, Neuroplastic Responses to Nervous System
Damage: Degeneration, Regeneration, Reorganization, and recovery, Neuroplasticity and the
Treatment of Nervous System Damage.

D. Neuropsychologi cal Assessment and Diagnosis: General Considerations in
Neuropsychological Testing; Rationale of the Neuropsychological Examination, Appropriate
Referrals for Neuropsychological Evaluation, Psychometric Issues in Neuropsychological
Assessment: Reliability, Validity, False Positives and Base Rates, Neuropsychologi cal Tests:
Orientation (Arou sal), Sensation and Perception, Attention/Con centration, Motor Skills, Verbal
Functions/Language, Visuospatial Organization, Memory, Judgment/Problem Solving,
Neuropsychological Diagnosis, Describing Function, Adaptation, and Prognosis, Interpreting
Neuropsychological Assessment Data; Approaches to Neuropsychological Interpretation,
Assessing Level of Performance, Deficit Measurement, Lateralizing Signs, Pathognomonic Signs.

Unit 2: Concepts in neuropsychology‐I
a. Neuropsychology basis of somatosensory, chemical, vision and motor systems and applications

Page 64

63 b. Neuropsychological basis of attention
c. Neuropsychological basis of memory
d. Neuropsychological basis of executive functions, repercussions in day to day life.

Unit 3: Concepts in neuropsychology‐II

a. Neuropsychological basis of language across the life span
b. Neuropsychological basis of emotio n, and applications
c. Neuropsychological basis of motivation (thirst and hunger)
d. Neuropsychological basis of sleep, dreaming and circadian rhythms

Unit 4: Neuropsychology in health sciences

a. Cerebrovascular Disorders and Tumors, Traumatic Head Injury and R ehabilitation,
b. Normal Aging and Dementias.
c. Pediatric neuropsycholog y: Developm ent of brain, Vulnerability and Plasticity of the Developing
Brain, Child and Adult Brain: Structural and Functional Differences, Specific Developm ental
Disorders. Learning and Neuropsychiatric Disorders of Childhood.
d. Forensic neuropsychology

Books for study

1. Anderson, V., Jacobs, R. & Anderson, P. (2008). Executive Functions and the FrontalLobes: A
Lifespan Perspective. New York, N Y: Psychology Press.
2. Carlson, N. (1999). Physiology of behaviour. Bo ston: Allyn & Bacon.
3. Jurado, M. B. & Ro sselli, M. (2007). The Elusive Nature of Executive Functions: A Review of our
Current Understanding. Neuropsychological Review, 17, 21 3–233.
4. Kolb B., & Whishaw I.Q. (2007). Fundamentals of human neuropsychology (6th ed). NewYork,
NY: Worth Publish ers.
5. Walsh, K. (1994). Neurop sycholog y: A clinical approach. ND: Churchill Livingston
6. Zilmer, E. A. & Spears, M. V. (2001). Principals of neuropsycholog y. Canada: Wadsworth

Books for reference

1. Alvarez, J. A. & Emory, E. (2006). Executive Function and the Frontal Lobes: A Meta‐Analytic
Review. Neuropsychology R eview, 6(1), 1 7-42.
2. Johnson, M. H. (1997). Developm ental cognitive neuroscience. Blackwell Publishers.
3. Lezak, M. D. (1976). Neuropsychological assessment. New York, N Y: OUP .
4. Pinel, J. P. J. (1997). Biopsycholog y. Bostan: Allyn & Bacon.


Internal evaluation: 40 marks
• Two classroom tests: 20 marks each

Page 65

64 Semester end examination: 60 m arks
Paper pattern:7 questions to be set of 15 marks each, out of which 4 are to be attempted. One of
them could be short notes question, which could combine more than one unit.

Ability Enhan cement

Methods and Analyses of Neuropsychological

Credits: 6 PAP SY


To acquaint student to various non-invasive methods of neu ropsychological da ta

To acquaint student to analysis of data from various non-invasive methods of neuropsychological data

To develop skills to analyze neuropsychological da ta and report the ana lysis

Unit 1: Methods of Neuropsychological data

History and Purpose of functional brain mapping for psychology

Brain Struct ure. Atlases of Brain
Prefrontal cortex: Struct ure and Function
Measures of ANS and analyzing ANS

Unit 2: EEG and ERP

Basic of EEG and ERP

Setting Experiments and Protocol

Obtai ning data

Analyzing data and interpreting data

Writi ng about EEG – ERP experiments

Page 66


Unit 3: Eye-Tracking
Basics of Eye Tracking

Setting eye tracking experiment

Obtai ning data

Analyzing and interpreting data

Writi ng Eye-tracking

Unit 4: Other Methods MRI,
fMRI studies
Analyses of fMRI
data Ot her measures
Combining measures and analysis: EEG with FMRI and EEG with Eye Tracki ng


Kappenman, E. S and Luck, S. J. (Eds. )The Oxford Handbook of Event-Related Potential
Components. OU P: Oxford
Cobeza a nd Kingstone (2006). Ha ndbo ok of functional Neuroi maging of cognition. MIT Press Books.
Steven J. Luck (2014) An Introduction to the Event-Related Potential Technique, second edition. MIT
Press: USA.

Handy, T C. (2019). Brain Signal Analysis. MIT: MIT
Press. Zi lmerE. A. Principles of Neuropsychology.
Jerodska, H; Holmqutz, K; Anderson, R. (2011). Eye-tracking: comprehensive guide to methods sand
measures. Oxford University Press: UK.

Andrew, T, D. (2003) Eye Tracking methodology: Theory and Practice. Springer: NY.

Internal Assessment: 40 marks

One Class test: 20 marks

Submission of developed protocol and code for one of the technique: 20 marks

End Semest er assessment: 60 marks

Attempt four questions out of seven. Each q uestions carries equal marks.

Page 67


Ability Enhanceme nt Course: 6 credits: 90 Ho urs

Communication and Social Skills: PAPSY 40 1C


1. To acquaint students wi th the import ance and meaning of communication.
2. To ins till in students the understanding of basic communication skills.
3. To help students eng age with d ifferent types of s ocial skil ls.
4. To develop the ability to create social skills training modu les.

Unit 1: Theoretical and Methodological Issues

a. Com municative compet ence as a theoretical term
b. Models of Adult Communication Skill Acquisition
c. Methods of Interpersonal Skill Assessment
d. Methods of Social Skills Training and D evelopment

Unit 2: Basic Communication Skills

a. Listening Skills
b. Nonv erbal Communication
c. Paralanguage of Com munication
d. Verbal Communication

Unit 3: Social Skills I

a. Impression Manag ement Skills
b. Persuasion Skills
c. Negotiation Skills
d. Assertiveness Skills

Unit 4: Social Skills II

a. Emotional Suppo rt Skills
b. Friendship Interaction Skills
c. Using Humour and Laughter
d. Self- Disclosu re

Books for Study:

Page 68

67 1. G reene, J.O, & Burleson, B.R. (2003 ). Handbook of Com munication and Social Interaction
Skills. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Asso ciates Publishers.
2. Mc Kay, M., D avis, M., & Fanning, P. (2009 ). Messages: The Commun ication Skills Book.
New Harbinger Public ations Inc.
3. H argie, O. (2006). The Handbook of Com munication Skills (3rd ed). New York, NY:
Rout ledge.
4. Williams, D. (1997 ). Communication Skills in Practice: A Practical Guide for Health
Professionals. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Books for Reference:

1. Hook, D., Franks, B., & Bauer, M.W. (2011 ). The Social Psyc hology of Communicat ion.
Palgrave Macmillan.
2. Fiedler, K. (2007 ). Social C ommunicat ion (Ed.). New York, NY: Psychology Press.
3. Trower, P. Bryant, B., Argy le, M., & Marzillier, J. (1978). Social s kills a nd mental he alth.
London: M ethuen & Co. LTD.
4. Webb, Chris. (1978 ). Communicat ion skills, an approach to p ersonal developme nt.
London: M acmillan Press.

Eval uation:
Internal evaluation: 40 ma rks
• Presentation /Essay on Issues in Communication: 20 ma rks
(Choice of presentation or essay would be on dis cretion of course teacher)
• Social Skills Training Exercise Module d evelopment (Report) and Con duction: 20 marks

Semester end examination: 60 ma rks
Paper pattern: 7 questions to be set of 15 ma rks each, out of whi ch 4 are to be attempted. One
of them could be sho rt notes qu estion, whi ch could combine more than one unit.

Course (Interdisciplinary/Cross Dis ciplinary Course PAPSY402: 6 Credits: 90 Hours

PAPSY 402 A: Peace Psychology
PAPSY 402 B: Behavioral Economics
PAPSY 402C: Political Psychology
PAPSY 402 D: Conservation Psychology
PAPSY 402 E: Behaviour al Foundations of Pub lic Po licy

PAPSY 402 F: Change Management

Page 69


Interdisciplinary/Cross disciplinary Cours e: PAPSY 402A 6 Credits: 90 Ho urs



1. To und erstand the th eoretical dimension of Pe ace Psychology.
2. To hi ghlight the meaning, need, aim, scope and relevance of Peace Psychology.
3. To und erline implication of Peace Psychology for state and so ciety through use of confli ct-
management and peace-building initiatives.
4. To stu dy the p rocess of Peace Building and Peace-Maki ng in multicultur al societies and the
pursuit of so cial just ice.

Unit 1: Perspectives of peace psychology

(a) Pea ce Psychology: Meaning, Need, Aim, Scope and Rel evance
(b) Violen ce: Theories (Direct and S tructural) and Causes
(c) Nonvio lence: Thoughts of Phule, Gandhi, Amb edkar
(d) Effects of Viole nce and Nonviolen ce

Unit 2: Direct violence

(a) Intimate Viole nce: Role of Psychologist
(b) Violen ce against Minoriti es: Managing Multicultur alism
(c) Genocide: Psychological Perspective (Case Study of 1984 Sikh Riots, Kandhamal Rio ts,
Gujrat Riots)
(d) Terrorism: Psychological Roots

Unit 3: Structural viol ence

(a) Social Justice: Role of Psychologist
(b) Women and Chi ldren as victims of stru ctural violence
(c) Hum an Rights v iolations as structural violence
(d) Globali zation and Its Impact on Cultural Identity

Unit 4: Peace-building & peace –making interventions

(a) Psychological Construct of P ersonality for Achieving Peace: Emp athy, Openness,
Flexibility, Cons cientio usness .
(b) Reconciliation and Issues of Forgiveness .
(c) Negotiation, Medi ation, Com munication, As sertiveness, D ecision-Making, Problem-

Page 70

69 Solving, Critical Thinking Skills
(d)Confli ct Development and Management , Transformation and Analysis

1. Mall ey-Morrison, K., M ercurio, A., & Twose, G. (2013 ). International Handbook of
Peace and Re conciliation (Eds.). New York, NY: Springer
2. Bretherton, D., Law, S. F. (2015 ). Methodol ogies in Peace Psychology: Peace Research
by Peaceful Means. New York, NY: Springer.
3. Borris, E., & Diehl, P. F. (1998). Forgiveness, reconciliation, and the
contribution to international peacekeeping. In H. J. Langholtz (Ed.). The
psychology of peacekeeping (pp. 207 -222). Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
4. Blumberg, H.H., Hare, P.A., & Costin, A. (2006 ). Peace Psychology: A C omprehensive
Introd uction. C ambridg e.
5. Abrahams, N., Jewkes, R., Laubsher, R., & Hoffman, M. (2006 ). Intimate partner
violence: Prevalence and risk factors for men in Cape Town, South A frica. Violen ce and
Victims, 21 (2 ), 247–264.
6. Anst ey, M. (1993). Practical P eacemaking: A Mediator’s Handbook. Cape: Juta & Co.
7. C alloway-Thom as, C. (2010). Empathy in Global World, Indiana: SAGE
8. Ch ristie, D. J., Wagner, R. V., & winte r, D. D. (Eds.) (2001 ). Peace, Conf lict, and
Violence: Peace Psychology for the 21st Century . Upper Saddle Riv er, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
9. Christie, D. J., Wagner, R. V., & Winter, D. D. (E ds.) (2001). Peace, conflict, and Violence: Peace
psychology for the 21st century. Dehli, India: I A Books.
10. Jeong, Ho-Won. (2008). Understanding Confli ct and Con flict Analysis. Virginia: SAGE
11. Lykes, M. B. (2001). Human rights v iolations as structural violence.
Langholtz, H. J. (Ed.). (1998). The psychology of peacekeeping. Westport, CT:
12. MacNair, R. M. (2003). The psychology of p eace: An introdu ction. Westport, CT:
13 Mayton, D.M. (2009). Nonviolence and Peace Psychology: Intrap ersona l, Interp ersona l,
Societal, and World Peace. New York: Spring er.
14. Mazu rana, D., & McKay, S. (2001 ). Women, girls, and stru ctural violence: A global
15. Schwebel, M., & Christie, D. (2001 ). Children and structural violence.

16. Tropp, L.R. (2012). The Oxford Handbook of intergroup confli ct (Ed .). Oxford
Univ ersity Press
17. Waldron, V.R. & Kelley, D.L. (2008). Com municating Forgiveness. Arizona: SAGE
18. Woolf, L. M., & Hulsi zer, M. R. (2005 ). Psychosocial roots of genocide: Risk,
prevention, and in tervention, Journal of G enocide Research, 7, 101 -128.

Page 71

70 Eval uation

Internal Evaluation: 40 marks

Essay: 20 ma rks

Classro om Presentation: 20 ma rks

Semester end Examination: 60 ma rks

Paper Patte rn: 7 questio ns to be set of 15 ma rks each out of whi ch 4 are to be attempted. One
of these could be sh ort notes qu estion whi ch could combine more than one unit.

Interdisciplinary/Cross Disciplinary Cour se PAPSY 402B: 6 Credits: 90



1. To help learners to understand psychological as pects of economic behavior
2. To help learners understand behavioral aspects of selfishness, rationality and preferences
3. Understand and design policy implications of the Behavioral economics, and psychology

Unit 1: Behav ior Economics and Real world
Choices Assumptions of Economics and
evaluations Game theory and Experimental
Game theory
Neuroe conomics; Evolutionary Psychology and Economic Psychology

Conceptual Framework: Thinking automatical ly; Thinking socially; Thinking with mental models

Methods of Behav ior Economics

Unit 2: Informatio n, Uncertainty and Risk
Understanding Choi ce: Rational Choice theory
Brack eting Decisions

Page 72

71 Heuristics and Biases Approach under uncertain ty
Decision under Risk and Uncertainty; Prospects Theory

Unit 3: Social and Psychological Dimension of Economics Behavior

Selfishness and altruism

Fairness and Psychological Games

Trust and Recipr ocity

Motivation and Incentives; Personality, Mood, and Motivation. Culture.

Unit 4: Behavioral Economics and Policy: Psych ological and social perspectives


Behav ioral Finance; Household finance


Economic Behavior and Public Policy; Behavior in macroeconomy

Lessons from Behavior Economics


Wilki nson, N. and Klaes, M. (2012). An Introduction to Behav ioral Economics. Palgrave Macmillan

Lewis, A. (2008). The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Economic Behav iour. CU P:
Cambridge, New York.

World Bank Group (2015). Mind, Society, And Behavior. DC: International Ba nk for Reconstruct ion and

Agarwal, B. and Vercelli, A. (2005) Psychology, rationality, and economic be haviour :
challenging stan dard assumptions . Palgrave Macmillan: NY

Just, D. R. (2014). Introduction To Behav ioral Economics Noneconomic Fac tors That Shape Economic
Decisions. Wiel y: NY

Diamond, P. & Vartia inen, H. (Eds.)( 2007) Behav ioral Economics and Its Applications. Princeton
University Press: NJ.

Ikeda, K ato, H. K., Ohta ke, F. Tsutsui, Y. (Eds). (2016). Behav ioral Economics of Preferences, Choices,
Happiness. Sp ringer; Japan.

Wendel, S. (2014). Designing for Beh avior Change: Applying Psychology and Behavioral Economics.
Oreal: Beging.

Page 73

72 Akerl of, G. A. and Shiller, R. J. (2016). Phishing for Phools – The Economics of Manipulation and
Deception. Princeton University Press.

Cartwri te; E. (2011). Behavioural Economics. Routledge: Oxon.

Camerer C. F. (2011) Advances in Behav ioural Economics. Princeton University Press: Princeton.

Altman, M. (2007). Ha ndbo ok of Contemporary Behavioral Economics: Foundations and Developments.
Prentice Hall India Learning Private Limit: NY.

Camerer, C. F. (2003). Behavioral Game Theory: Experiments in Stra tegic Interaction. Princeton
University Press. Princeton.

Frey, B. S. & Stutzer, A. (2010). Economics and Psychology - A Promising New Cross-Disciplinary Field
(CESifo Seminar Serie s). MIT Press

Internal Assessment (40 marks)

One Class room test: 20 marks

One essay to be written in the class on one of the three random topics announced in the beg inning.

End Sem Examination: Seven equations for equal marks set; out of which four to be attempted.

Interdisciplinary/Cross disciplinary Course: Political Psychology: PAPSY

6 Credits: 90

Object ive:

1. To understand the psychological d eterminants of political be havior
2. To analyze political d ata using behavioural methods
3. Using psychological i nterventions for political a nd policy matters

Unit 1: Introduction to Political Psychology

Basics of Political
Psychology Psychological
Theories Political T heories

Page 74

73 Methods of political p sychology

Unit 2: Pers onality and Politics

Theoretical A pproaches


Modern Personality analyses

Asses sment of impact of personality

Unit 3: Cognitions, Social Iden tity, Emotions, and Attitude in Political Psychology

Information Processing
Categ orization
Social I dentity
Affect and Emotions

Unit 4: Political Psychology of Groups and Political Leade r

Nature, and influences in Group; Group decis ion making.
Voting Behaviour and Psychology
Media and Political p sychology
Political Psychology of Political Exper iments


Cottam, M. Deilt-Ulher (2010) Introduction to Political Psychology. Lawrence Associates and
Jost, J. T. & Sidanious, J. (2004). Political Psychology: Key Readings. Psychology Press:
NY. Sniderman, P. M; Brody, R. A. Tetlock, P. E. (2010) Reasoning And Choi ce:
Expl orations In
Political Psychology. Cambridge: CUP.

Roazen, P. (2003). Cu ltural Foundations of Political Psychology. Trans action Publishers. UK.

Internal Assessment: 40 marks

One Class test: 20 marks

Submission: Analyses of Indian context from Political Psychology Perspective: 20 marks

End Semest er assessment: 60 marks

Attempt four questions out of seven. Each q uestion carries equal marks.

Page 75

Interdisciplinary/Cross Disciplinary Course: Conservation Psychology: PAPSY

6 Credits: 90


1. To understand the psychological and social determinants of Conservation behav ior
2. To understand conservation efforts with reference to India
3. Using psychological i nterventions for conservation and policy matters

Unit 1: Basics of Conservation Psychology

Nature and Scope of Conservation Psychology

Conservation and Human Nature

Methods of Conservation Psychology

Theoretical Foundations for the Human Response to Nature.

Unit 2: Attitude to Conservation: Assessme nt and Change

Attitu de towards Conservation: Promoting Conservation.
Attitu de assessment . Attitude change
Development of Conservation Behaviors in C hildhood and Youth

Envir onment and Identity.

Unit 3: Community Psychology and International Biodiversity Conservation.

CPR Framework and CPR Instituti ons. CPR Experiments

Psychology, Culture, and Local Knowled ge.
Psychological asp ects CPR. Developing CPR
Institut ions. Envir onmental Ed ucation.

Page 76

75 Accounting for the Costs and Benefits of Conservation.

Unit 4: Challenges and Solu tion to Conservation Efforts in India

Challenges of Space and Corridors

Man-Animal Conflict

Forest Rights Act. Other legal aspects.
Role of Government and Non-Gov sectors

Clay ton, S. D. (2012). The Oxford handbo ok of environmental and conservation psychology. OUP: NY.
Clay to, S. & Myers, G. (2011). Conservation Psychology: Understan ding and Promoting Human Care
Nature. Wiley Blackwell.

Internal Assessment: 40 marks

One Class test: 20 marks

Submission: Essay/Field R eport/Assignment: 20 marks

End Semest er assessment: 60 marks

Attempt four questions out of seven. Each question carries equal marks.

Interdisciplinary/Cross disciplinary Course: PAPSY 402E 6 Credits, 90 hrs.


1. Introdu cing basic behavioural principles underlying public policy
2. Familiarizing the relevance and impo rtance of psychological science for designing policy

Page 77

76 3. Making learners understand and appreciate the interface of psychology and economi cs

Unit 1: Psychology a nd Public Policy

a. Behavioural assumpti ons of policy
b. Alternate view of human agent
c. Behavioural economics: Dispelling notions of novelty
d. Public policy and public service: Our pro fessional duty

Unit 2: B ehavioural-research Applied to Re al World- I

a. Dealing with pr ejudice and di scrimination: A policy response
b. Rethinking voting behaviour
c. Designing policy measures in the context of poverty
d. A behavioural approach to educational interventions

Unit 3: B ehavioural-research Applied to Real World- II

a. Behavioural economics and health care policy
b. Con sumpt ion and identity: Implications for pub lic policy
c. Wealth and happiness: Recent research and policy measures
d. Designing policy for societal cooperation

Unit 4: T he Way Forward

a. Enhancing the influence of psychology for po licy
b. Applying psychology to public policy analysis: Three alternative models
c. Seeking insights from evolution ary psychology
d. Re-examining the standard research practice for a stronger appeal

Essential Reading

Shafir, E. (2013). (Ed.) Behavioural Found ations of Public Policy. Princeton: Princeton University

Lorion, R. P., NandenBos, G. R., & Iscoe, I. (1996). (Eds.) Psychology and Public Policy: Balancing
Public Service and Professional N eeds. USA : The APA Press.
Segall, M. H., Goldstein, A. P., & Krenser, L. (1976). Human Beahviour and Public Policy-A
Political Psychology. New York: Pergamon Press Inc.
Lewis, A. (2008). The Cambridge Handb ook of Psychology and Economic Behaviour. New York:
Cambridge University Press.
Schneider, A., & Ingram, H. (1990). Behavioural assumptions of poli cy tools. The Journal of
Politics, 52, 2, 510 -529.
Chetty, R. (2015). Behavioural economics and public policy: A pragmatic perspective. Working
paper number, 2092 8. Cambridge MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.
Kahan, D. M., &Braman, D. (2006). Cultural cognition and public policy. Yale Law and Policy
Review, 24,1, 149 -172.
Amir, O., et al. (2008). Psychology, behavioural economi cs and public policy. Marketing Letters, 16,

Page 78

77 3/4, 443 -454.
Agarwal, B. and Vercelli, A. (2005) Psychology, rationa lity, and economic behaviour: Chal lenging
standa rd assumption s. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Friedman, R.M. (2005). Enhan cing the influence of psychology on public policy. University of South
Florida: Mental Health Institute.

Supp lementary Reading

Ikeda, Kato, H. K., Ohtake, F. Tsutsui, Y. (Eds). (2016). Behavioral Economi cs of Preferences,
Choi ces, and Happiness. Japan: Springer.
Hausman, D.M., & McPherson, M. S. (2006). Economic analysis, moral philo sophy and public
policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wendel, S. (2014). Designing for Behavior Change: Applying Psychology and Behavioral
Economics. Beging: Oreal.
Akerlof, G. A., & Shiller, R. J. (2016). Phishing for Phools – The Economics of Manipulation and
Deception. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Internal Evaluat ion (40 marks):

a. Policy Proposal Presentation (20 marks)
Students are expected to propo se a new or revised policy that they believe needs to be implemented
at the central, state or lo cal level, and to m ake a 25-30 minute presentation advocating the new or
revised policy. This would be followed by di scussion in the class. The nature of presentation (either
individual or group) would be decided by the course teacher depending on the enrolled students and
other factors.

The presentation should include:
1. Statement of the specific problem of concern.
2. Description of the broad social, political, and historical context of the problem.
3. Description, review, and critique of current policy(ies) governing the problem.
4. Discussion of the major policy options which have been propo sed to deal with the problem.
5. Detailed summary of the policy option students are propo sing, with tentative budget
6. Discussion of the potential pitfalls of enacting and/or implementing policy of choice.
7. Discussion of how the effectiveness of the new policy will be determined.

b. Policy Proposal Paper (20 Marks)
This paper should be an expanded version of students’ presentation. It should include revisions that
result from the deliberations in the class. In particular, students should include a research design and
set of data collection methods to be used in evaluating their proposed p olicy.

External Evaluation (60 marks): Semester-end examination
Four qu estions to be attempted out of seven, each carrying 15 m arks each

Elective Course IV: 6 credits, 60 hrs. PAPSY 402F

Page 79

78 Change Management


1. To a cquaint the students with Pressures and forces of Organizational change
2. To familiarize the students with Interventions in organizational change
3. To understand how a change Is Implemented

Unit 1: Organizational Change: An Overview

a) An Overview and Process of
b) External and Organizational Pressures for C hange
c) Forces of change; Resistance to Change
d) Theo retical Frameworks of Organizational Change

Unit 2: Models of Change

a) Recent Approaches to Organizational Development and Change
b) Process Based Change Models
c) Models of Evolving Managerial Interpretation of Change
d) Content Based M odels

Unit 3: Organizational Change Intervention

a) Human Process Intervention
b) Techno‐structural I ntervention
c) Human Resource Intervention
d) Strategic Intervention

Unit 4: Implementing Change

a) Images of Managing Change
b) Appreciative Inquiry Approaches & Sense‐Making
c) Change management and Contingency Ap proaches & Processual Approaches
d) The Hard Side of Change Management


Fisher, D (1999) Communication in Organizations. Second Edition. Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai

Harvard Business Review (2002) on Cu lture and Change. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, USA.
Harvard Business Review (2006) On Leading through Change. Ha rvard Bu siness School Publishing
Corporation, Boston, USA.

McNamara, C (2006) Field Guide to Consulting and Organizational Development: A Collaborative and Systems
Approach to Perform ance, Change and Learning Authenticity – Consulting, New York, USA.

Palmer, I., Dunford, R., Akin, G (2007) Managing Organizational Change: A M ultiple Perspectives
Approach.Tata‐McGraw Hill Edition. New Delhi

Page 80

79 Sharma, R.R (2010) Change Management: Concepts and Applications. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Sharma, R. R (2012) Change management and Organizational Tra nsformation. Second Edition. New Delhi.
Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delh i.

Shani, A.B, Chandler, D., Coget, J.F and Law, J.B (2009) Behavior in Organizations. An Experiential Approach.
Ninth Edition. McGraw‐Hill Irwin. New York, USA.


Internal Evaluation: 40 marks
• Essay: 20 marks
• One Written Test: 20 marks each

Semester end Examination: 60 marks
Written examination: Paper Pattern: Seven questions for 15 marks each are set out of which four
should be attempted. One of them could be short note question. Any two topics can be combined for
these questions.

Cours e: Project Bas ed Cour ses or Practicum/ Field work which
includes six credit practicum and four credit research
project if approved b y AC, it should be implemented from
the academic year 2018 -2019 PAPSY 403: (10 Credits): 150

Process of Project Based Course

The project based course will be in the form of a disse rtation based on a live project or a research
assignment related to the specific discipline of the p sychology department.

Every Teacher from Psychology department/MA Centers will announce four to five broad topics at the
beginning of the second semester, reflecting degree of relevance and rigor suitable to a post graduate
programme, along with an indicative reading list. These will be screened by the Board of Stu dies in the
subject and a final list of approved topics along with a reading list will be displayed in the first week of
the third semester.

The student will submit a list of his/her three most preferred topics in the order of preference by the
fifth week of the third semester to the Head of the parent dep artment.

The Departments a project committee consisting of the Head of the Department (Chairperson) and two
other teachers from the department. The purpose of this committee is to oversee the fu nctioning of the
project component in the department.

Page 81


All post graduate teachers in the Department will be guides for the p roject component. A ll teachers shall
have equal number of students allotted for the dissertation.

In case, a partic ular topic is preferred by more students, the project committee will allocate students to
guides within the department in order of the average of marks obtained in semesters 1 and 2.

If it is felt necessary, the p roject committee can assign a co-guide to a student, d epending upon specific
disciplinary needs.

The student will make a preliminary presentat ion in or before the seventh week of the fourth semester. The
presentat ion will be attended by the g uide/s and a committee consisting of two other teachers from the
depa rtment. The committee will make necessary suggestions to improve the dissertation.

The student will make a final presentation in the 10th to the 12th week of semester four. The presentation
will be evaluated by the same committee that evaluated the preliminary presentation. The criteria for
evaluation will be as follows:

i) 10 marks for the q uality of presentat ion
ii) 15 marks for answers to questions

The marks g iven by the three members of the evaluation committee will be averaged in each head a nd
the total marks decided by totalling the averages under the three heads.

Dissertation Submission

The student will su bmit a bound hard copy of the dissertation to the Department by the end of the
fourth semester, along with a soft copy on a CD/DVD.
The final dissertation will have a word limit of 5000-8000 words and will be typed in one and a half
spacing on one side of the paper. T he APA style shall be followed for the writing of dissertation.

The final dissertation will be evaluated out of 75 marks by the guide.

The Dissertation
Format: Title
Page Abstract

Page 82

81 Introduction (Contains literature review, concluded with Obje ctives and Hypothesis)

Method: (Includes Sample; Tools; Procedure; etc.)


Total Marks: 100

25 Marks: Presentat ion to Project Committee. The marks ha ve two components : i) 10 marks for the
quality of presentat ion ii) 15 marks for answers to questions

75 Marks: Evaluation by Project Guide.