MA MSc Geography Syllabus Mumbai University

MA MSc Geography Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Revised Syllabus for the M.A. & M.Sc.
Program: M.A. & M.Sc.
Course: Geography
(Semester I & II)

(As per Choice based Credit System
with ef fect from the academic year 2016 –2017)

Choice Based Credit System Syllabus, 2016- 17
• Total No. of Credits offered: 96
• Electives offered in a particular academic year in each group could vary.
• Semest er is 15 weeks duration. Credits are defined for a semester

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Semester I: Core Courses from Parent Department (Four Courses)

(326) Course Title Credits No. of Hours
101 Principle s of Geomorphology 4+2*= 6 60+60+ 120
102 Principle s of Climatology 4+2*= 6 60+60+ 120
103 Perspectives in Human Geography 4+2*= 6 60+60+ 120
104 Spatial Organisation of Economic
Activities 4+2*= 6 60+60+ 120
105 *Practical components based on 101 and
Tools and Techniques of Spatial Analysis -
I * 60+60+ 120
106 *Practical components based on 103 and
Tools and Techniques of Spatial Analysis -
II * 60+60+ 120
Total 24 720

Semester I I: Core Courses from Parent Department (Four Courses)

Code Course Title Credits No. of Hours
201 Oceanography and Hydrology 4+2*= 6 60+60+ 120
202 Geoinformatics 4+2*= 6 60+60+ 120
203 Socio -cultural and Political Geography 4+2*= 6 60+60+ 120
204 Urban Geography 4+2*= 6 60+60+ 120
205 *Practical components based on 201 and
Tools and Techniques of Spatial Analysis -
III * 60+60+ 120
206 *Practical components based on 203 and
Tools and Techniques of Spatial Analysis -
IV * 60+60+ 120
Total 24 720
Note : Theory papers and practical components for core and elective papers will be examined
by external and internal examiners.

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Semester I

101: Principle s of Geomorphology

No. of Credits: 4 Teaching Hours 60 + Notional Hours 60= Total hours 120

1. Unit - I (15 hours)
1.1 Nature, scope and content of Geomorphology
1.2 Geological Evolution of Earth and Geological time scale
1.3 Development of geomorphic thought , Catastrophism, Uniformitarianism,

2. Unit - II (15 hours)
2.1 E arth’s interior : Structure and composition.
2.2 Continental Drift Theory - Sea floor spreading - Plate Tectonics
2.3 Geosynclines: Geosynclinal Theory of Kobber , Holmes’ Convection Current Theory
Theories of Iso stasy
2.4 Endogenetic movements - types, consequences (earthquakes and volcanoe s) and

3. Unit - III (15 hours)
3.1 Fluvial Geomorphic system: processes and resulting landforms
3.2 Glacial Geomorphic system: geomorphic processes and features
3.3 Karst landscape: development and processes
3.4 Aeolian Geomorphic system: processes and landforms
3.5 Coastal Geomorphic system: processes and landforms

4. Unit - IV (15 hours)
4.1 Landscape evolution – Davisian Model of Cycle of Erosion, Penck’s Concept of
Cycle of Erosion
4.2 Slope development and related theories

1. Anhert, F., (1996), ‘Introduction to Geomorphology’, Arnold, London, Sydney, Aukland

2. Bloom, A. L. (2002), ‘Geomorphology: A Systematic Analysis of Late Cenozoic Landforms’ ,
Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd., and Singapore .

3. Christopherson, R.W. (1994), ‘Geosystems : An Introduction to Physical Geography’,
Macmillan College publishing Company, New York.

4. Dayal, P. (1990), ‘A Textbook of Geomorphology’, Shukla Book Depot, Patna.

5. Engeln, O. D. Von (1944), ‘Geomorphology’, The Macmillan Company, New York.

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6. Fai rbridge R. W. (1968) (ed.), ‘Encyclopaedia of Geomorphology’, Reinhold, New York.

7. Mitchell, C. E. (1973), ‘Terrain Evaluation’, Longmans, London.

8. Ritter, D.F., Kochel, R.C., Miller, J.R. (1995), ‘ Process Geomorphology’, Wim. C. Brown
Publishers, C hicago.

9. Sparks, B.W. (1988), ‘An Introduction to Geomorphology’, Longman, London.
10. Strahler A. (1996), ‘Physical Geography: Science and System of the Human Environment’,
John Willey, New York.

11. Thornberry, W.D. (1998) , ‘Principles of Geomorphology’, New Age International Press, New Delhi.
12. Steers, J.A. (2000), ‘The Unstable Earth: some recent views in geomorphology’, Methuen and co.,

Semester I

102: Principles of Climatology

No. of Credits: 4 Contact Hours 60 + Notional Hours 60= Total hours 120

1. Unit – I (15 hours)
1.1 Nature and scope of Climatology
1.2 Relationship of Climatology with Meteorology
1.3 Structure and composition of Atmosphere
1.4 Weather elements and climatic controls
2. Unit – II (15 hours)
2.1 Insolation and heat Budget of the Earth
2.2 Temperature - Vertical, horizontal and seasonal variations
2.3 Processes of heat energy transfer
2.4 Inversion of temperature
3. Unit – III (15 hours)
3.1 Atmospheric pressure – vertical and horizontal distribution
3.2 General Circulation of atmosphere
3.3 Types of winds – Geo stropic, Gradient and local winds
3.4 Modern views about Extra terrestrial wind system, Tricellular meridional circulation,
Jet stream
3.5 Origin of Monsoon: Classical and R ecent views
4. Unit – IV (15 hours)
4.1 Air masses: Origin, classification, types
4.2 Fronts: frontogenesis and frontolysis – classification of fronts
4.3 Tropical and Extra -tropical cyclones: formation and impact
4.4 Climatic Classification: Koppen and Thornthwaite, concept of water balance
Problems and prospects

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References :
1. Barry, R.S. & Chorley, R.J. (1971): Atmosphere, Weather and Climate, ELBS, Methuen &
Co. Ltd., U.S.A.
2. Griffiths, J.F.(1966): Applied Climatology -An Introduction, Oxford University Press, London.
3. Lal, D.S.(1997):Climatology, Sharda Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad.
4. Mather, J. R.(1974): Climatology: Fundamentals and Applications, McGraw Hill Book Co.
New York.
5. McBoyle, G.(1973): Climate in Review, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston.
6. Subrahmanyam, V.P.(ed)(1983):Contribution to Indian Geography, Heritage Publishers,
New Delhi , a) Vol. III - General Climatology b) Vol. IV - Applied Climatology
7. Harp, H.J. and Trinidade, O.D. (eds) (1990): Climate and Development, Springer Verlag, U.S.A.
8. Oliver, J.E. and Hidose, J.J. (1984): Climatology - An Introduction, Charles and Merrill,
9. Robinson, P.J. and Hendersen-Sellers, A.(1999): Contemporary Climatology, Pearson Education, London


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Semester I

103: Perspectives in Human Geography

No. of Credits: 4 Contact Hours 60 + Notional Hours 60= Total hours 120

1. Changing Perspectives in Human geography (16 hours )

1.1 Enviromentalism - Possibilism -Neo-Possibilism - Areal differentiation
1.2 Post -fifty concept ualisation of Geographic Space -Perception studies - Locational
analysis- Quantification - General systems theory: appraisal and criticism
1.3 Behaviouralism – Perception of environment - Humanistic Geography- Sense of place
-Landscape studies - Emergence of welfare approach and its social relevance
1.4 Post 1980s trends - Radicalizing process in Geography- neo-Marxist interpretations
and extensions - Neo humanism and other contemporary theorisations

2. Evolution of Human Societies :Dynamics of rural and urban societies (15 hours )

2.1 Evolution of Human Societies – Economic, Political and Cultural Transformation
2.2 Rural society: caste hierarchy, segregation in rural settlement – rural social
morphology – critical understanding of Agricultural L anduse theory - Contemporary
Indian rural society
2.3 U rban society – Various models of urban morphology - Hierarchy of urban
settlements- Application of Central Place theory and settlement hierarchy - Indian
examples – Contemporary urban society -stratification and occupational divergence-
residential segregation -Urban Heterogeneity and cosmopolitanism
2.4 Evolution tribal societies – characteristics – spatial distribution – Indian Examples

3. Interaction of human societies -Socio -Cultural identit ies- patterns and landscapes
(15 hours )

3.1 Emergence and development of early cultural hearth – cultural diffusion, isolation
and segregation
3.2 Racial groups – biological divergence -blending- process of assimilation – behavioural
and structural- acculturation
3.3 Evolution of language – diffusion over space – evolution of linguistic provinces –
relevant issues – language as basis of nation and states- Linguistic division in India
3.4 Religion – contemporary dynamics – spatial pattern of major religions - Role of
religion in the formation of nation- states
3.5 Implications of race, religion, language and ethnicity- Contestation, conflicts and

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4. Dynamics of Population Change : Patterns, Processes and spatial distribution
(14 hours )

4.1 Components of Population Change – fertility, mortality and associated patterns -
Demographic characteristics - developing and developed countries
4.2 Population Growth – Attitudes and Interpretations – Malthusian, Neo -Malthusianism
and Marxi st viewpoint – Club of Rome - Critical Understanding of Demographic
transition theory – concept of Demographic dividend
4.3 Population, Resources and Spatial Pattern of Development - Optimum population,
over population and under population – Recent World Views
4.4 Migration - early and subsequent migration – scales of migration – mechanism and
laws – major theories - Typology of migration – Political, cultural and economic
dimensions - Contemporary Trends in migration


1. Aitken, S and Valentine, G. (2006), Approaches to Human geography, Sage. 2. Johnston, R.J., Gregory D. Pratt G. and Watts M., (2005, 5
th ed.), the Dictionary of
Human Geography, Blackwell.
3. Kitchin R., Thrift, N, (eds.) (2009), The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Elsvier.
4. Benko,G. and Strohmayer, U. (2004), Human Geography, a History for the 21
Century,Arnold, London. 5. Cloke, P., Crang, P., Goodwin, M., (2004), Envisioning Human Geographies, Arnold. 6. Cloke, P. and Johnston, R.,(eds.), (2005), Spaces of Geographical Thought, Deconstructing Human Geography’s Binaries, Sage.
7. Atkinson, D., Jackson, P., Sibley, D. and Washbourne, N. (e ds.) (2005), Cultural
Geography: A Critical Geography of Key Concepts, Tauris, I.B.
8. Norton William, (2002), Human Geography, Oxford, 4
th edition
9. Barnes, T. and Gregory, D., 1997, Reading Human geography, Arnold.
10. Smith, D. M. (1977): Human Geography, A Welfare Approach, Arnold 11. Peet, R. (ed) (1987): Radical Geography, Maroufa Press, Rawat, New Delhi, 2003
12. Ambrose, P. G. (1969): Analytical Human Geography, Longman, London 13. De Bli j, H. J. (1986): Human Geography, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
14. Vivelo, F. R. (1978): Cultural Anthropology, McGraw Hill, USA. 15. Peet R. and Thrift, N. (eds) (1989): New Models in Geography, Vol. I & II, Unwin Hyman.
16. Ahmed, A. (1999). Social Geogr aphy, Rawat Publication, New Delhi.
17. Massey, D, Alien, J, P, Jarre, P (eds) (1999): Human Geography Today, Cambridge Polity Press.
18. Fellman, J (1997): Landscape of Human Activities, Brown and Benchmatric Pub. 19. Coates, B.E., Johnston, R.J. Knox, (1977): Geography and Inequality, Oxford University Press

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Semester I

Paper 104: Spatial Organisation of Economic activities

Maximum No. of Credits: 4 Maximum no. of lectures including continuous assessment: 60

1. Organisation of an economy as a dynamic spatio- social system: Basic concepts
(15 hours)

1.1 Economic organization and spatial change - Spatial division of labour and
1.2 Geographic fixity and mobility - typology of distance -Spatial interaction and diffusion
1.3 Typology of Space - Absolute and R elative – Time and space convergence
Production of economic space

2. Spatial Organisation of World Economy (15 hours)
2.1 Economic organization of the pre -colonial world - Rise of the Core Economies –
industrial revolution in Europe
2.2 Colonialism and Geographies of inequities and uneven development –neocolonialism
and s tructuration of world economy as core, per iphery and semi -periphery
2.3 Flexibalisation of Production – Role of international Institutions like World Bank, IMF, UNCTAD
2.4 Evolution and Growth of Multinational Companies - Patterns and Processes of

3. Organisation of Production: Agr iculture and Industry - Global Patterns and Trends
(15 hours)

3.1 Agricultural Patterns -World Agricultural Regions – Theory of Agricultural Landuse
and Critique - Technology, modernization and s tructuring of agrarian regions in colonial
and post -colonial periods
3.2 Crisis of agriculture - Aspects of Food security and world patterns of hunger
3.3 World Industrial Regions – Factors and processes Influencing Location of industries
– critical assessment of theories of industrial location
3.4 Globalisation and shifting location of industries - New Industrial Regions - EPZs and
SEZs - South east and East Asian economies

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4. Spatio -social organization of production –Transport, Trade and Services: Global
Patterns and trends (15 hours)

4.1 Organisation of transport - Bases of Spatial Interaction – Theoretical Perspectives on
Transport and inter -regional interactions - Role of transport cost - nodes -places, networks
and flows - spatio -social accessibility – Indian Examples
4.2 International tra de theory- classical, neo -classical and Marxist Perspectives - Critical
review – Globalisation and c hanging structure and composition of International trade –
4.3 Logic of Regional Integrations - Types and levels - Significance of regional
integration as a strategy for the periphery - Case Studies - EU, OPEC, ASEAN, SAARC,
4.4 New Economic Activities and Globalisation : Finance and Service Industry - The
Forth Industrial R evolution

1. Knox Paul, Agnew John and McCarthy Linda, (2008): The Geography of the World Economy, Hodder Education, UK.
2. Sheppard Eric and Barnes Trevor J., (eds.) (2000): A Companion to Economic Geography, Blackwell, Massachusetts.
3. Wood Andrew and Roberts Susan, (2011): Economic Geography- Places, network and
flows, Routledge, London and New York.
4 Bryson John, Henry Nick, Keeble David and Martin Ron, (eds.) (1999): The Economic
Geography Reader - Producing and Consuming Global Capitalism, John Wiley and Sons
Ltd.,New York. 5. Hartshorn A. Truman and Alexander W. John, Third edition, (2010): Economic Geography, PHI Learning Private Ltd., New Delhi
4. Liemt van Gijsbert, (eds.) (1992): Industry on the move - Causes and consequences of
International Relocation in the Manufacturing Industry, International Labour Office, Geneva.
5. Harrington J.W. and Warf Barney, (1995): Industrial Location - Principle, Practice and
Policy, Routledge, London and New York. 6. Rodrigue Jean- Paul, Comtois Claude and Slack Brian, (2006): The Geography of
Transport System, Routledge, London and New York.
7. Harrington J.W. and Warf Barney, (1995): Industrial Location - Principle, Practice and
Policy, Routledge, London and New York. 8. Berry, B. J. L. et. Al. (1976): Geography of Economic Systems, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliff.
9. Boyce, R. D. (1974): Bases of Economic Geography, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York
10. Conkling, E. C. & Yeates, M. (1976): Man’s Economic Environment, McGraw Hill,
London. 11. Hodder, B. W. and Lee, R. (1974): Economic Geography, Field of Geography Series, Methuen & Co. Ltd, London.
12. Hussain Majid (ed.), (1993): Perspectives in Economic Geography, Vols. 1- 6,Anmol
Publication, Ne w Delhi.
13. Cole, J. P., (1983): Geography of World Affairs, Butterworths, London.

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14. Lloyd, P. E. and Dicken, P. (1972): Location in Space, Harper & Row, San Fancisco.
15. Lowe Moryadas, (1975): The Geography of Movement, Haughton Mifflin & Co.
16. Smit h, D. M (1971): Industrial Geography: An Economic Geographic Analysis, John
Wiley & Sons. 17. Tarrant, J. R. (1974): Agricultural Geography, Problems in Modern Geography Series, John Wiley & Sons.
18. Willbanks, Thomas J (1980): Location and Well - Being, A n Introduction to
Economic Geography, Harper & Row
r San Fransisco.

Semester I

Tools and Techniques of Spatial Analysis I

(Based on Theory Papers: 101 - 102)

No. of Credits 4 Hours of Practical experience 60+ Notional Hours 60

1. Techniques of Geomorphic Analysis (20 hours)
A. Drawing Profiles:
i. Longitudinal
ii. Composite and Projected
B. Methods of Slope Analysis:
i. Wentworth’s method of average slope determination
ii. Robison’s method of slope analysis’
iii. G. H. Smith’s method of slope analysis
iv. Construc tion of Block Diagram
C. Altimetric Analysis:
i. Ring contour method
ii. Highest grid-cell elevation method
2. Advance topographical Map Interpretation: (20 hours)
Interpretation of Indian and foreign topographical Maps : Aspects of Physical and Human
Environment(OS, USGS and SOI)

3. Techniques of Climatic Data Analysis (20 hours)
1. Rainfall dispersion diagrams
2. Wind roses
3. Water surplus- deficiency graphs
4. Climatograph
5. Climograph: Hyther graph, Taylor’s climograph

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6. Index of aridity and index of moisture
7. Isopleth Maps
1. King, C. A. M. (1978): Techniques in Geomorphology, Edward Arnold, London.

2. Miller, A.A. (1966): The Skin of the Earth, Methuen, London.

3. Monkhouse , F.J. and Wilkinson, H.R. (1971): Maps and Diagrams, Methuen, London.

4. Cole, J.R and King , C.A.M. (1968): Quantitative Geography, John Wiley And Sons,

5. Goudie, A. (1981): Geomorphological Techniques, George Alien And Unwin, London.

6. Hammond, R. And McCullagh, P.S. (1974): Quantitative Techniques in Geography: An
Introduction, Oxford University Press, London.
Mahmood Aslam (1977): Statistical Methods in Geographical Studies, Rejesh Publication,
New Delhi.
7. Singh, Gopal (2001): Map Work and Practical Geography, Vikas Publishing House Pvt.
8. Singh, L.R. (2011): Fundamentals of Practical Geography, Sharda Pustak Bhavan, Allahabad.
9. Singh, R.L. and Singh, R. B. (2004): Elements of Practical Geography, Kalyani Publis hers,
New Delhi – Ludhiana.

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Semester I

Tools and Techniques of Spatial Analysis II

(Based on Theory Papers: 103 - 104)

No. of Credits: 4 Practical Hours 60 + Notional Hours 60= Total hours 120

1. Statistical Techniques
1.1 Measures of Central Tendency (24 hours)
a) Measures of central tendency: mean centre, weighted mean centre, median centre
b) Z score – different applications and interpretations.
1.2. Network Analysis:
a) Topological graphs - Connectivity- Calculations of Alpha, B eta and G amma
Indices .
b) Mapping of relative accessibility and connectivity – Matrices- point of minimum
Aggregate travel distance
2. Nature and application of spatial data: (20 hours)
2.1Sources of data – Primary and secondary
2.2 Data types – qualitative and quantitative Spatial data and Aspatial
2.3 Scales of measurement of data: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio – Symbolization
and Representation – Interpretation and Relationships .
2.4Designing a questionnaire

3. Computer processing of geographical data (16 hours)
3.1 Symbolisation, Preparation of matrix
3.2 Diagrammatic Representation.
3.3 Compilation of data
3.4 Computation of data: qualitative and quantitative data based on descriptive
statistical measures application of computer programmes.

1. Robinson, A. H. and Others (1995): Elements of Cartography, VI Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
2. Anson, R. W. and Ormeling, F. J., (Ed.) (1993): Basic Cartography for Students and Technicians, Vol.I, International Cartographic Association and Elseiver Applied Science
Publishers, London. 3. Dickinson, G. C. (1977) Statistical Mapping and the Present ation of Statistics, Edward
Arnold Ltd., London. 4. Monkhouse, F. J. and H. R. Wilkinson, (1971): Maps and Diagrams, Methuen & Co. Ltd., London. 5. Hodgkiss, A. G. (1970): Maps for Books and Theses, David and Charles Publishers Ltd., London. 6. Misra R. P. and A. Ramesh, (1969): Fundamentals of Cartography, Prasaranga, University of Mysore

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7. Young, P. V. and Schmid, C. F. (1979) : Scientific Social Surveys and Research, ntice
Hall, New Delhi.
8 . Mahmood Aslam (1977), Statistical Methods in Geographical St udies, Rajesh
Publication, New Delhi. 9. Hammond,R. and McCullagh,P.S. (1974), Quantitative Techniques in Geography: An Introduction, Oxford University Press, London. 10. Yeates, M (1974), An Introduction to Quantitative Analysis in Human Geography, McGraw Hill Book Co., New York.
11. Cole, J. P. and King, C. A. M., (1968), Quantitative Geography, John Wiley and Sons, London. 12. Fotheringham,A.S., Brunsdon, C., Charlton,M ,(2000) Quantitative Geography:
Perspectives on Spatial Data Analysis, Sage Publicati on Ltd, London,
13 . Baily,T.C., and Gatrell, A. C, (1995), Interactive Spatial Data Analysis, Prentice Hall, London
14. Griffith ,D. A. , Layne, L.J.,(2002) A Casebook for Spatial Statistical Data Analysis: A Compilation of Analyses of Different Thematic Data Sets ,
15. Wicox, P.R. (2003), Applying Contemporary Statistical Techniques, Academic Press, Amsterdam
16. Crang M. and Cook, I. 2007, Doing Ethnographies, Sage.


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Semester II

201: Oceanography and Hydrology

No. of Credits: 4 Teaching Hours 60 + Notional Hours 60= Total hours 120

1. Fundamental Concepts in Oceanography (15 hours)
1.1 Definition, nature and scope of oceanography
1.2 Age and origin of oceans, and ocean morphology. 1.3 Distribution of temperature, salinity and density of oceans .

2. Ocean Currents and Resources (15 hours)
2.1 Ocean currents: Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans.
2.2 waves and tsunamis, tides.
2.3 Marine sediments and deposits
2.4 Food and mineral resources of the s ea.
3. Introduction to Hydrology (15 hours)
3.1Hydrological cycle, Factors affecting movement of water, Patterns of movement
3.2Water Budget, World water Resources,
3.3World Water Balance, Global Freshwater Resources,
3.4 History of Hydrology
4. Watershed, Its Characteristics and Evaporation Process (15 hours)
4.1Topographic and Effective Watershed
4.2 Physiographic characteristics of a Watershed - Geometric & Drainage Network
4.3 Agro -Pedo Geological Characteristics – Soil Cover, Soil type, Geol ogy
4.4 Metrological Factors influencing Evaporation- Physical Factors involved in
Evaporation Process.
1. Agarwal A. and Narain, S. (1997), “Dying Wisdom: Rise, Fall and Potential of
India’s Traditional Water Harvesting System”, CSE, New Delhi.
2. Andre Musy (2011) Hydrology a Science of Nature, Science Publishers, New
2. Centre for Science and Environment (2002), “Citizens Report”, New Delhi.
3. Charlu, T.G.K. and Dutt, D. K. (1982), “Ground Water Development in India”
Rural Electrification Corporation, New Delhi.
4. Chorley, R. J. (1967), “Water, Earth and Man”, Methuen, London.
5. Chorley, R. J. (1969), “Introduction to Physical Hydrology”, Methuen,
6. Elizabeth M. Shaw (1994) Hydrology in Practice, Taylor & Fr ancis e -Library
PublicationNew Hampshire. 7. Jones, J. A. (1997), “Global Hydrology : Processes, Resources and Water
Management”, Longman, London. 8. Lvovich, M.I., (2010), Climatology, Hydrology, Glaciology, John Wiley and

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Sons, London
9. Mather, J. R. (1984), “Water Resources : Distribution, Use and Management”,
John Wiley, Maryland.
10. Singh, R. A. and Singh, S. R. (1972), “Water Management: Principles and
Practices”, Tara Publication, Varanasi.
11. Subramanya K (2014) Engineering Hydrology, Mc Graw Hill Publication,
New Delhi. 12. Todd, D. K. ((1959), “Ground Water Hydrology”, John Wiley, New York.
Stewart, R. H. (2008). Introduction to Physical Oceanography .
14. Garrison, T. (2012). Essentials of Oceanography (Sixth Edit). Brooks/Cole, Cengage
15. Singh, S. (2014). Oceanography . Allahabad: Pravalika Publications.
16. Rao, K. L. (1979), “India’s Water Wealth”, Orient Longman, New Delhi.

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Semester II

202: Geoinformatics

No. of Credits: 4 Teaching Hours 60 + Notional Hours 60= Total hours 120

1. Unit – I (15 hours)
1.1 Fundamentals of Remote Sensing: Definition and Concept, Process of Remote
Sensing, Development of rem ote sensing – G lobal and Indian
1.2 Electromagnetic Spectrum: Definition and Concept, interactions with atmosphere and
earth’s surface, Atmospheric window, Black body
1.3 Spectral Reflectance Curve: Concept, curves for land, water bodies/oceans, vegetation In Optical, IR, Thermal and Microwave bands
1.4 Fundamentals of aerial photography: Concept of stereoscopy and photogrammetry, geometric types of aerial photographs, photographic scale, measurements of distance,
area and height, relief displacement, stereoscopic parallax, flight planning.
2. Unit – II (15 hours)
2.1 Platforms and Orbits: types of platforms, types of orbits
2.2 Sensing of electromagnetic energy: Measurement of radiance, conversion of radiance
to digital number
2.3 Resolutions and Sensors: Types of resolutions, Remote Sensors and types based on resolutions and sources of illumination, overview of space borne sensors.
2.4 Visual Image Interpretation: Image display and color composites, elements of visual
image interpretation

3. Unit – III (15 hours)

3.1 Fundamentals of Databases: Data storage, basic file structures, types of database,
advantages of database, spatial and non -spatial databases, scales of measurement, Entity
– Relationship Model, SQL,
3.2 Geographic Information System: Definition, concept , components, functions and
3.3 Spatial Data Models: Vector and Raster, Vector representation (point, line, area and
TIN), Concepts of arc, node, vertices and topology.
3.4 Coordinate Reference Systems: Geographic and Projected, Map Projections and
Datum for GIS data.

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4. Unit – IV (15 hours)
4.1 Vector -based spatial analysis: single layer operations (extraction and proximity) and
multilayer operations (overlay ope rations),
4.2 Raster -based spatial analysis: Georeferencing, Spatial Interpolation and raster
generation, raster reclassification, arithmetic, relational and logical operations
4.3 Global Positioning System: Segments of satellite -based positioning system s, main
systems – NAVSTAR, GLONASS, Galileo and Indian GPS
4.4 Principles of positioning: Positional Accuracies, Relative Positioning, errors and
Reference Books:
1. Agrawal, N.K.(2006), Essentials of GPS (Second Edition), Book Selection Centre, Hyderabad
2. American Society of Photogrammetry (1983): Manual of Remote Sensing, ASP Palis
Church,V.A. 3. Barrett, E.G. and Curtis, L.F. (1992): Fundamentals of Remote Sensing in Air Photo -
interpretation, McMillan, New York. 7.
4. Bernhardsen, Tor (2002): Geographical Information Systems: An Introduction, Third Edition, John Wiiey & Sons, Inc., New York. 5. Burrough, Peter A and McDonnell, R.A. (1998): Principles of Geographical Information Systems, Oxford University Press, Mumbai. 6. Campbe ll. J. (1989): Introduction to Remote Sensing, Guilford, New York.
7. Clarke, Keith C. (1998): Getting Started with Geographic Information Systems, Prentice -Hall
Series in Geogl. Info. Science, Prentice -Hall, Inc. N.J.
8. Curran, Paul, J, (1988): Princip les of Remote Sensing, Longman, London.
9. Heywood, al (2002): An Introduction to Geological Systems, Pearson Education Limited, New Delhi. 10. Iliffe, J.C (2006), Datums and Map Projections for Remote Sensing, GIS and Surveying, Whittles Publishin g, New York.
11. Jonson. R. J. (2003): Remote Sensing of the Environment -An Earth Resources Perspective,
Pearson Education Series in Geographical Information Science, Keith C. Clarke (Series editor) Pearson Educators Private Limited. (Singapore), New Del hi.
12. Joseph, G. (2009): Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, Universities Press (India) Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad.
12. Lillesand ,Thomapson and Relph Kiffer (1994). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretations, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. 13. Parker, R, N. (2008),GIS and Spatial Analysis for the Social Sciences, Routledge, New York.
14. Paul Longley (2005), Geographic Information Systems and Science, John Wiley & Sons. 15. Pickles, John (2006), The Social Implications of geographic Information Systems, Ra wat
Publications, Jaipur.
16. Star, Jeffrey and John Estes (1996), Geographical Information Systems: An Introduction, Prentice- Hall, inc., N.J.
17. Shekar, S and Chawla, S, (2009), Spatial Databases: A Tour, Pearson Education, Delhi.
18. Tempfli, T. K., Kerle, N., Huurememan, G.C., and Janssen, L.L.F (2009), Principles of Remote Sensing, ITC, Netherlands.

Page 19

Page 20

Semester II

203: Socio- Cultural and Political Geography

No. of Credits: 4 Contact Hours 60 + Notional Hours 60= Total hours 120

1. Social and cultural Geography – Major Perceptions (15 Hours )
1.1 Evolution and development of Social Geography – Major Trends and Approaches - Critical
Perspective and Associated T heoretical D evelopments
1.2 Emergence of cultural Geography as a major branch - Traditional cultural geography – New
cultural geography - linguistic and literary studies, Semiotic analysis and ‘space’ theories -
critical social theory
1.3 Human activit ies and spatial pattern s - Production of socio- cultural space – f actors, forces
and processes – R esult ant socio -spatial structures - A temporal scale

2. M arginalis ation and exclusion (15 Hours )

2.1 Social inequality and Social stratification - the ‘difference’ between ‘self’ and ‘other’ – social
execution of ‘difference’ and exclusion – religious and ethnic identities
2.2 Imagining local, regional and national identities - multicultural spaces – cultural pluralism
and identity politics in India.
2.3 Spaces of contestations and conflicts - Poverty and Living in Ghettos and slums in
globalizing cities - Gentrification, displacement and right to city – SEZ s in India - Issues of right
to livelihood.

3. Gender and Geography (15 Hours )
3.1 Body as place - private and public domains - Role of Patriarchy – State – Capitalist
production. 3.2 Space- society perspective - Structuring of sexuality and construction of gender identity – role
of socio- cultural forces and processes- stigmas and taboos – resultant gendered spaces- Indian
examples – globalization and repositioning of gender
3.3 Spatiality of sex ratios – intra -regional and inter -regional – specific examples of India and
China - feminization of labour and status of women workers – experiences from the global
periphery. 3.4 Women and human development status – Human rights and legal space for women, Glass
Ceiling - Indian context.

4. Spatial Dynamics of Political Processes (15 Hours )
4.1 Concepts and images of territoriality, state, nation and nation - state - colonialism and post -
colonial context
4.2 Theoretical perspectives on global political struc ture- critical analysis of heart land and rim
land theories - Rele vance of World Systems approach - Core -periphery structure
4.3 Boundary and Frontier concepts - Terrestrial and maritime context - Processes of boundary
formation- cultural and ethnic identities.
4.4 Dynamics of electoral politics- Indian context - Globalisation and contemporary geopolitics -
Politics of resources – oil resources and West Asia – water Resources and South Asia

Page 21

1. Peet, R. (1998), Modern Geographical Thought, Blackwell
2. Peet, R. and Thrift, N. (eds.) (2002) , New Models in Geography, Unwin Hymann.
3. Barnes Trevor and Gregory Derek, (eds.) (1997): Reading Human Geography- The Poetic and
Politics of Inquiry, Arnold, London.
4. Daniels Stephen and Lee Roger, (eds.) (1996): Exploring Human Geography- A Reader,
Arnold, London.
5. Cloke, P. and Johnston, R., (eds.), (2005), Spaces of Geographical Thought, Deconstructing
Human Geography’s Binaries, Sage.
5. Aitken, S and Valentine, G. (2006), Approaches to Human geography, Sage. 6. Soja E., (1997), Postmodern Geogra phies - The Reassertion in Critical Theory, Rawat, New
7. Johnston, R.J., Gregory D. Pratt G. and Watts M., (2005, 5
th ed.), the Dictionary of Human
Geography, Blackwell.
8. Kitchin R., Thrift, N, (eds.) (2009), The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography,
10. Dear J. Michael and Flusty Steven, (eds.) (2002): The Spaces of Post Modernity, Blackwell,
11. Benko Georges and Strohmayer Ulf, (eds.) (2004): Human Geography- A History for the
21st Century, Arnold, London.
12. Atkinson, D., Jackson, P., Sibley, D. and Washbourne, N. (eds.) (2005), Cultural Geography, A Critical Geography of Key Concepts, Tauris, I.B. 13. Cloke, P., Crang, P., Goodwin, M.,(2004), Envisioning Human Geographies, Arnold.
14. Cloke Paul, Crang Philip and Goodwin Mark, (eds.) (1999): Introducing Human
Geographies, Arnold, London.
15. Banerjee -Guha, S. (2004), Space, Society and Geography, Rawat, New Delhi.
16. Banerjee - Guha Swapna: Space, Spatiality, Human Geography and Social Science: Politics
of the production of Space, Published in Transaction Institute of Indian Geographers, Vol.33,
No.1, Winter 2011, pp 3- 22, Pune.
17. Cloke Paul, Cook Ian, Crang Philp, Goodwin Mark, Painter Joe and Philo Chris, (2004):
Practising Human Geography, Sage, London. 18. Glassner, M L, De Blij, H, J, Yacher, L. (1980): Systematic Political Geography, John Wiley.


Page 22

Semester II

Paper 204: Urban Geography

No. of Credits: 4 Teaching Hours 60 + Notional Hours 60= Total hours 120

1. Urbanisation Process and Urban Systems (15 Hours)

1.1 The bases of urbanisation - Demographic, economic and social aspects - Origins of the
cities- Urbanisation Trends – urban fringe, urban sprawl and suburbanisation
1.2 Urban Landuse – various approaches – Classical, Neo -classical approaches - Human
Ecology, land economics, activity systems
1.3 Urban location of economic activities – Urban morphology and landuse - Critical
1.4 Urban System - Evolution, growth and organisation - Primacy, hierarchy and balance
– urban functions and Town classification

2. Urbanisation Process, Capitalism and development (15 Hours)

2.1 Capitalism and urban development - Urbanisation in the industrialised world -Political
economy of urbanisation.
2.2 Urbanisation in the Third World - Concept of peripheral urbanisation - Salient
characteristics - slums and Urban poverty - Capitalism and urban development -
Urbanisati on in the industrialised world
2.3 Colonial and post -colonial structure – Concepts of duali sm and urban economic base in
Third World Cities
2.4 Theoretical Perspectives on r ole of Cities in regional and national development –
cumulative Causati on- Core and Periphery and growth pole theory - Top -down and
bottom -up approach of urban and regional Planning

3. Perspectives on Urban Planning with Special Reference to India (15 Hours)
3.1 Indian experience of urban planning through 5 Year Plans – First Five Year Plan To
Sixth Five Year Plan - Primate urban structure and associated problems – growth
poles – policies of decongestion, decentralisation and planned towns – successes and failures , Indian Urban and Housing Policies
3.2 Changing Perspective on city planning – Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Five Year Plan –
Intersection of global process es – Flexi bilised urban economy – Changing Economic
Base and International Capital - Informalisation and Feminisation of urban economy
3.3 Recentralisation – international capital and formation of global city - Processes and
patterns of urban renewal - Crisis in urban space- Gentrification and other Emerging
3.4 Global city and global city-region – new regionalism - transformation of the peri -
urban regions of the Global South

Page 23

4 Understanding the Urban Transformation with Special Reference to Mumbai
Metropolitan Region (15 Hours )

4.1Gentrification in the Mill -land of Mumbai and the plight of the textile workers
4.2 Slum redevelopment in Mumbai - the case of Dharavi
4.3 Issues of urban planning and environme nt in Vasai - Virar Subregion
4.4 Mumbai a reclaimed city and challenges in urban planning.
4.5The Planned City of New Mumbai: A Critical Perspective

Reference Books:
1. Carter, H (1972): The Study of Urban Geography, Edward Arnold.
2. A. Latham, D. McCormack, K. McNamara, D. McNeill (2009): Key Concepts in Geography, Sage. 2. Knox, P.L. and Taylor. P.J.(1995): World Cities in a World System, Cambridge University Press, U.K. 3. Harvey, D.(1973): Social Justice and the City, Arnold 4. Abu- Lughod, J. and Hay, R. Jr. (1977): Third World Urbanisation, Maarouta Press.
5. Gugler. J. (ed.)(1988): The Urbanisation of the Third World, O.U.P
6. Sassen, S. (1991): The Global City, Princeton University Press.
7. Clarke, D. (1982): Urban Geography: An Introductory Guide, Groom Helm.
8. Marcuse, P. and Kempen, R.V. (eds.),(2000): Globalizing Cities: A New Spatial Order, Blackwell,
9. Short, J. R. (1996): The Urban Order, Basil Bleckwell.
10 Smith, N. (1996): The New Urban Frontier, Rutledge
11. King A. D. (1990): Global Cities, Rutledge .
12. Simmonds, R. and Hack, G. (2000): Global City Regions, Spon Press.
13. Markusen, A.R., et al. (1991): Second Tier Cities - Rapid Growth beyond the
Metropolis, University of Minnesota Press. 14. Allen J. Scott (ed.), (2001): Global City Regions, Trends, Theory & Policy, Oxford
University Press.
15. David Harvey (1985): The Urbanization of Capital, John Hopkins University Press. 16. Edward Soja (2000): Postmetropolis , Critical Studies of cities and Regions, Blackwell
Publisher Ltd. 17. G. P. Chapman, A.K. Dutt and R.W. Bradnock (ed.) (1999): Urban growth & Development in Asia, Vol.2: Living in the Cities, Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
18. G. P. Chapman, A.K. Dutt and R.W. Bradnock (ed.) (1999): Urban growth & Development in Asia, Vol.1: Making the Cities, Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
19. Edgar Pieterse, (2008), City Futures - Confronting the Crisis of Urban development,
Zed Books, London.


Page 24

Semester II

Tools and Te chniques of Spatial Analysis III

(Based on Theory Papers: 201- 202)

No. of Credits: 4 (Practical Hours 60 + Notional Hours 60)

1. Unit – I (Hours 25)
1.1 Aerial Photography: Construction of stereo vision , Photo Interpretation and preparation of
photo map, Determination and application of scale for distance, area and Determination
height. Image Interpretation , Conjunctive use of Map, Aerial Photographs and Satellite
1.2 Georeferencing: Map to map, image to map and assigning projection and choosing datum
1.3 Digitization: preparation of vector layers, vector editing, linking of spatial and attribute
1.4 Thematic mapping techniques: symbolization, labelling , representation of quantitative
data, vec tor layer classification.
2. Unit – II (Hours 15)
2.1 Vector overlay, buffer, extraction
2.2 Point in polygon, line in polygon,
2.3 Data retrieval – Attribute and Spatial query
2.4 Map Layout and Design
3. Unit – III (Hours 20)
3.1 Spatial Interpolation and raster reclassification
3.2 Application of Raster calculator
3.3 Drainage Network Analysis
3.4 GPS Survey

Reference Books:
1. Bhatta, Basudeb, (2008), Remote Sensing and GIS, Oxford University Press.
2. Jones, C. B., (1997), Geographical Information Systems and Computer Cartography, Addison,
Wesley Longman Ltd., U.K.
3. Albrecht J. (2007), Key Concepts and Techniques in GIS, Sage.
4. Kemp Karen (ed.), (2008), Encyclopedia in Geographical Information Science, Sage.
5. Huxhol d, W.E., (1991), An Introduction to Urban Geographical Information systems,
Oxford University Press, New York. 6. Pickles, J., (1995), Ground Truth: The social Implications of Geographical Information Systems,
The Guilford Press, New York.
7. Martin D., (1996), Geographical Information Systems: Socio- economic Applications, 2
nd edition,
Routledge, London, New York.
8. Morraine S. (1998), GIS Solutions in Natural Resource Management: Balancing The
Technical -Political Equations, Onward Press, London.
9. Fazal Sahab , (2008), GIS Basics, New Age International Publishers Ltd, New Delhi
10. Petersen, G.N., (2009), GIS Cartography - A Guide to Effective Map Design, Taylor and Francis
11. Vallentine G. Clifford N. (2010), Key Methods in Geography, Sage. 10

Page 25

12. Birkin, Mark et al (1996). Intelligent GIS Geo Information International, Cambridge.
13. Chrisman, Nicholas (1997), Exploring Geographic Information Systems, John Wiley and Sons
Inc, New York
14. Hard, R.M. (1989): Digital Image Processing of Remotely Sensed data, Academic Press, New
15. Lo, C.P (1986): Applied Remote Sensing, Long man, Scientific and Technical, Harlow, Essex.
16. Lunder, D. (1959): Aerial Photography Interpretation: Principles and Applications, McGrawHill, New York.
17. McCoy, Roger M. (2006), Field methods in Remote Sensing, Rawat Publications, Jaipur.
18. Prate r, W.K. (1978): Digital image Processing, John Wiley, New York.
19. Rao, D.P. (eds.)(1988): Remote Sensing for Earth Resources, Association of Exploration
Geologist, Hyderabad.
20. Sabins, F. (1982): Remote Sensing: Principles and Applications, Freeman a nd Co., New York.
21. Spencer, John (2003) Global Positioning System: A Field Guide for the Social Scientists,
Blackwell Publishing, Malden, USA.
22. Verrtappen, H. Th., (1977): Remote Sensing in Geomorphology, Elsevier Scientific Publication Company, A msterdam.
23. Warrin, R. Philipson (1997): Manual of Photographic Interpretations, American Society for
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Maryland, U.S.A.


Page 26

Semester II

Tools and Techniques of Spatial Analysis IV

Based on Theory Papers: (203 -204)

No. of Credits: 4 (Hours of doing Practicals 60+ Notional Hours 60)

1. Settlement Hierarchy and population studies : (25 Hours)
1.1 Settlement Hierarchy
a. N earest neighbou r analysis
b. Population and functional – rank - size rule – application and interpretation -
degree of primacy - Construction- Interpretation – application of triangular graph
1.2 Application of Statistical and Cartographic Techniques:
a. Choropleth, Isopleths Dot map and Population
b. Diagrammatic Representation : One, Two and Three Dimensional -Construction
and Interpretation
2. M ental Maps and diagrams (15 Hours)
2.1 Typology of distance and direction of space - Construction of Maps
2.2 Imagining Place and space: Perception – mapping and interpretation.
2.3 Interpreting political context of maps, cartographic techniques, diagrams, pictures and
3. Statistical Techniques to understand the spatial pattern (20 Hours)
3.1 Index of concentration: location quotient and concentration. 3.2 Index of similarity and dissimilarity and inequality - Construction and applicability of
Lorenz curve - Interpretations
3.3 Calculation of Ginni’s co-efficient of concentration
1.Gregory, S. (1971): Statistical Methods and Geographer, Longman, London.
2. King, C. A. M. (1978): Techniques in Geomorphology, Edward Arnold, London. 3. Taylor, Peter J. (1977): Quantitative Methods in Geography, Houghton and Mifflin co., Boston 4. Monkhouse. F.J . and Wilkinson, H.R. (1971): Maps and Diagrams, Methuen, London
5. Cole, J.R and King , C.A.M. (1968): Quantitative Geography, John Wiley And Sons, London. 6. Goudie, A. (1981): Geomorphological Techniques, George Alien And Unwin, London.
8. Hammond, R. A nd McCullagh, P.S., (1974): Quantitative Techniques in Geography: An
Introduction, Oxford University Press, London. 9. Yeates, M, (1974): An Introduction to Quantitative Analysis in Human Geography, McGraw
Hill Book Co., New York. 10. Mahmood Aslam, (1977) : Statistical Methods in Geographical Studies, Rejesh Publication,
New Delhi.
11. Rogerson P.A. (2010), 3
rd Ed. Statistical Methods for Geography, a Students Guide, Sage.
12.Ebdon, David, (1985): Statistics in Geography: A Practical Approach , Wiley -Blackwell,
New York.

Page 27

13.Fotheringham,A.S., Brunsdon, C., Charlton,M : (2000) Quantitative Geography:
Perspectives on Spatial Data Analysis, Sage Publication Ltd, London,
14.Baily, T.C., and Gatrell, A. C, (1995): Interactive Spatial Data Analysis, Pr entice Hall,
London 15. Griffith , D. A. , Layne, L.J.,(2002): A Casebook for Spatial Statistical Data Analysis: A
Compilation of Analyses of Different Thematic Data Sets ,
16. Chen, Y.Q. and Lee Y.C., (ed.) (2003): Geographical Data Acquisition , New York
17. Vallentine G. Clifford N. (2010), Key Methods in Geography, Sage. 18.. Delyser D., Herbert S., Aitken S. (eds.) (2010), The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research, Sage.
19. Cloke, P., Cook, I, Crang, P., (2004), Practising Human Geography, Sage.


Page 28

Annexure I

Department of Geography

University of Mumbai

Two Year Degree Course of M. A./ M.Sc. in Geography

As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
(With effect from the academic year 2016 -2017)

Question Paper Pattern for Semester I and II

Theory Paper: 100 marks for each paper (Total papers 4)
Internal examination : Total marks 40 ( in each theory paper )
External examination : Total marks 60 (in each theory paper)
i) Total no. of questions to be framed for theory paper in external examination: 6 ; 15 marks each .
ii) Out of the 6 questions, students are required to attempt any four questions.

Practical Paper: 100 marks for each paper (Total papers 2)

I & II End Semester Question Paper in Practicals-
A: External examination: Total Marks - 100
i) Students are expected to attempt total four questions of 20 marks each i.e. 80 marks
ii) Marks for Journal – 10
iii) Marks for Viva -voice - 10
iv All questions are compulsory
v) Q uestions would correspond with number of major modules in the respective practical
Course syllabus.
External Examiner be invited for conducting Practcals and paper setting and assessment of
Theory and Practicals
