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Unit Structure:
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Psychology and Educ ational Psychology -Concept, Meaning and
1.3 Contribution of Educational Psychology to the learning process
1.4 Scope of Educational Psychology
1.5 Let us Sum up
1.6 Unit End Exercise
1.7 References
After reading this unit, you will be able to;
Define Psychology and Educational Psychology.
Explain the contribution of Educational Psychology to the learning
Explain the Scope of Educational Psychology .
The earliest origin of Psychology is in the writings of the ancient
Greek philosophers about the nature of life, particularly to writings of
Aristotle. Aristotle was born in 384 B.C., was interested in learning
everything he could about the nature of life itself. Aristotle used the term
‘psyche’ to refer to the essence of life. This term is translated from Greek
to mean “mind”. Indeed, the term Psychology comes from Aristotle’s
word ‘psyche’ plus the Greek word ‘logos’, which means “the study of”.
Thus, Ari stotle was the first one launched the study of life that evolved
later into the modern Science
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Concept of Psychology -
The term ‘psychology’ literally means the science of the soul.
(Psyche -soul; logos -science).Formerly, psychology was a part of
metaphysics, and dealt with the nature, origin, and destiny of the soul. It
was called rational psychology. But modern psychology is empirical and
does not deal with the proble ms relating to the soul. It deals with mental
processes apart from the soul or mental substance.
According to the American Psychological Association,
‘Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior’ . It is a
multifaceted discipline and includes many sub -fields of study such as
human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior and cognitive
Psychoanalysis, founded by Sigmund Freud (1856 -1939) was the
dominant paradigm in psycholo gy during the early twentieth century.
Freud believed that people could be cured by making conscious their
unconscious thoughts and motivations, thus gaining insight.
Psychodynamic approach as a whole includes all theories that were based
on his ideas, e.g ., Jung (1964), Adler (1927) and Erikson (1950).
The classic contemporary perspectives in psychology to adopt
scientific strategies were the behaviorists, who were renowned for their
reliance on controlled laboratory experiments and rejection of any unseen
or unconscious forces as causes of behavior.
Later, the humanistic approach became the 'third force' in
psychology and proposed the importance of subjective experience and
personal growth.
During the 1960s and 1970s, psychology began a cognitive
revolutio n, adopting a rigorous, scientific, lab -based scientific approach
with application to memory, perception, cognitive development, mental
illness, and much more.
Definition of psychology
Psychology has been defined in several ways by various
psychologists belonging to different schools of thoughts. Some recent
definitions of Psychology are as follows
1.“Psychology is the scientific study of the activities of the individual in
relation to t he environment.” –
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32.“Psychology today concerns itself with the scientific investigation of
behaviour, including from the stand -point of behaviour, much of what
earlier psychologists dealt with as experience” –Munn
3.Scientific study of behavio ur and mind. –Nairne (2003)
4. A science in which behavioural and other evidence is used to
understand the internal processes leading people (and members of other
species) to behave as they do. –Eysenck (2004)
5.The science that studies behaviour and men tal processes. –Rathus
To conclude, psychology is defined as the science of behaviour
mental processes. This definition contains key terms –science, behaviour
and mental processes. Psychology is considered to be a science because
psychologists atte mpt to understand people through careful controlled
observation. The term behaviour refers to a person's overt actions that
others can directly observe while the mental processes refer to the private
thoughts, emotions, feelings and motives that others can not directly
observe i.e. the covert behaviour. So today psychology is defined as a
science of behaviour and cognitive processes.
Concept of Educational Psychology
Educational psychology consists of two words “education” and
“psychology”. Psychology is a science of behaviour and experience, and
education is the modification of behaviour. Modern Education aims at the
harmonious development of the personality of the child. It is the task of
the schools and the teachers to create such situations where the per sonality
can be developed freely and fully. This is the modern meaning of
education. But this modern meaning of education depends upon the
knowledge of psychology. Thus, educational psychology is application of
the knowledge of psychology in the field of e ducation.
It is one of the many branches of psychology dealing namely with
the problems, processes and products of education. Educational
psychology may be defined as that branch of psychology which studies the
behaviour of the learner in relation to his educational needs and the
Some definitions of Educational psychology are as follows:
1.Skinner’s view –“Educational psychology is that branch of
psychology which deals with teaching and learning.” According to
him, teaching and learning are th e most important problems, areas of
fields of educational psychology. He further says that “Educational
psychology covers the entire range and behaviour of the personality
related to education.”
2.Stephen’s view –“Educational psychology is the systematic stu dy of
educational growth and development.” According to him, whatever
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4concerned with the systematic study of educational growth and
development can be included in the scope of educational psychology.
3.Good’s view –Carter V good in the ‘Dictionary of Edu cation’ writes,
“Educational psychology is the investigation of psychological
problems involved in education, together with the practical application
of psychological principles of education.”
4.Views of Crow and crow –“Educational psychology describes and
explains the learning experiences of an individual from birth through
old age.”
5.David Ausubel’s view –“Education psychology is the special branch
of psychology concerned with the nature, conditions, outcomes and
evaluation of school learning and retention .”
It can be concluded that educational psychology is the study of the
learner and the learning process in relation to the educational environment
or learning situations. It studies the experiences and behaviour of the
learners in relation to the education al environment which is mainly
provided by the teacher for the purpose of bringing about desired changes.
Therefore, educational psychology becomes a psychology of teaching and
learning. Teaching and learning are the main processes of education, and
the le arner is the key figure in the process.
Education aims at shaping the behaviour of the students in a desirable
way and bringing about all -round development in their personality. This
task is carried out through the process of formal and informal teaching and
learning. Educational Psychology help s in the process of teaching and
learning by adopting the scientific principle. Educational Psychology
helps a teacher in the following way:
1.Knowledge of Innate Nature : The child has got natural urges,
instinc ts, potentialities and propensities. These innate qualities are the
“Prime movers'' of his behavior. The teacher who knows psychology can
make his teaching very successful while keeping in view the innate nature
of the child.
2.Knowledge of Individual dif ferences : No two individuals are alike.
Individuals differ in age, capacities, capabilities, potentialities,
propensities, abilities, aptitudes, achievements, interests, motives and
many other traits. There are gifted children on the one extreme and
handic apped child on the other. All of them should not be taught in the
same manner. This is possible only if the teacher knows the psychology of
the child.
3.Knowledge of behaviour: Educational Psychology assists the teacher in
knowing the behavior of the chil d at different stages of development .It
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5also helps the teacher in understanding the physiological and
psychological basis of behavior, i.e. nervous system, glands, instincts,
emotions, sentiments, motives, play, intelligence, heredity and
environment e tc.
4.Knowledge of learning: Knowledge of educational psychology helps
the teacher in analyzing the different aspects of learning, i.e. the process of
learning, method of learning, laws of learning and factors of learning. It
helps the teacher in arousing the attention, interest and motivation of the
students with the help of various audio -visual aids.
5. Knowledge of mental hygiene : Mental hygiene is the backbone of a
balanced personality. The teacher who is endowed with the knowledge of
educational psyc hology will try to maintain the mental hygiene of his
pupils in the positive side by following various principles of mental
6. Knowledge of guidance: Educational psychology helps the teacher in
giving guidance to the pupils by having an understan ding of interests,
abilities, aptitudes, achievements, problems, educational and vocational
plans of the pupils.
7.Improvement in teacher -taught relationship: Basically, the teacher
taught relationship is psychological. Educational psychology helps the
teacher in maintaining cordial relations with their students. It helps the
teachers in treating their pupils with sympathy and understanding. He
assists and co -operates in the student’s participation in the group activities.
8. Measurement and evaluation: Educational psychology helps a teacher
in knowing sound methods of measuring and evaluating the achievement
of the pupils.
9. Improvement in curriculum: Educational Psychology has led to
important improvement in the curriculum. It has laid stress on co -
curricular activities like games, scouting, picnics, dancing, camps, variety
of programmes etc. To be active and effective, the curriculum must be
based upon psychological foundations.
10. Improvement in teaching methods: Educational Psychology gives
informati on to the teacher about the process of learning, effective methods
of teaching and learning, important factors which help or impede the
process of learning, and allows him to make use of this information in his
11. Improvement in discipline: Educ ational Psychology helps the teacher
in maintaining discipline by avoiding repressions, frustrations and
anxieties and thus saves the child from maladjustments. A teacher can
teach effectively by making minimum use of his energy in terms of time
and labor.
12.The students can learn effectively by spending less of their time and
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613.Helps to carry out the processes and produce the results of education.
14.It supplies the necessary knowledge and skills, especially for the
teacher to realize the objectives of ed ucation.
15.It equips the teacher with essential scientific skills, technological
expertise and advice in molding and shaping the behaviour of the
Educational Psychology thus plays the same role as other sciences and
technology in helping the teache rs and other persons connected with the
building of the future of the youngsters in their charge. Thus, Educational
Psychology can be described as the science and technology of Education.
In Psychology the scope of study and the fields of operation are
extended to cover the behaviour of all living organisms related to all their
life activities, whereas, in Educational Psychology, the scope of such
behavioural study has to be li mited within the confines of the teaching -
learning process, i.e. studying the behaviour of the learner in relation to
their educational environmental, specifically for the satisfaction of their
educational needs and the all round development of their perso nality.
Therefore, the subject matter of Educational Psychology must be centered
on the process of teaching and learning for enabling the teacher and
learners to do their jobs as satisfactorily as possible. The educative process
includes the following area s of education of the learner:
1. Teacher:
Teacher’s role is very crucial in the task of behavioral modification
and personality development of the number of children studying in a class.
Much depends on the co mpetency and capability of the teacher for
carrying out the desired task. For this purpose, the teacher must pay
attention to the following aspects which have been included in the text of
educational Psychology:
●Personality traits and characteristics of go od teachers.
●Duties and responsibilities of a teacher.
●Measures for knowing and doing away with personal conflicts,
anxiety and tension.
●Teacher’s motivation, level of aspiration, adjustment and mental
2. Learner:
Before the learner is taught, his individuality and personality should
be known. Therefore, topics like the following should be included which
will be helpful in exploring the individual’s life, viz;
●Learner’s instincts and other innate
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7●The learned and acquired abilities.
●Indivi dual differences in terms of abilities and capacities.
●Their interests, aptitudes, attitudes, intelligence and creativity.
●Mental health and personality.
All these are important for personality appraisal.
3. Learning process:
The subject matter of educatio nal Psychology thus covers the topics
helpful in suggesting principles, methods and techniques for the selection
of the learning experiences appropriate to each development stage of the
children. It enunciates how to organize the contents or topics grade -wise
for giving them the shape of a syllabus or curriculum; even how to cater to
the individual differences and individuality of the children in framing the
syllabi or curricula is also taken care by educational Psychology. The
subject tries to encompass th e essential knowledge and skills for equipping
the teachers to plan, select and arrange learning experiences for the
children suitable for their age, grade and also meeting their specific
individual potentialities. It must include the topics and contents w hich are
specifically meant for improving the processes and products of education
mainly centered on the teaching -learning process. As a result its study
involves the following topics:
●Psychology of learning
●Motivation of learning
●Factors affecting learning
●Transfer of learning / training
●Sensation, perception and concept formation.
●Interest and attitude formation
●Thinking, reasoning and problem solving behavior etc.
4. Learning Environment:
Educational Psychology helps the teacher and the learners to
understand the suitability and appropriateness of a teaching -learning
situation for the effective realization of the teaching -learning objectives.
Educational Psychology plays its role in deciding the type of learning
experiences su itable for the children at each developmental stage by
keeping in view the differences in their potentialities. Every environmental
situation is not suitable for a particular piece of instruction or the sharing
of a learning experience. The effectiveness o f a teaching -learning
programme depends largely on the suitability of the teaching -learning
situations in terms of time, place and other environmental factors.
Educational Psychology helps in taking into account the following:
●Classroom climate
●Institu tional/ Organizational climate
●Group behaviour and group
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8●Role of rewards and punishment
●Guidance and Counseling
5. Learning Resources:
Although Educational Psychology does not connect itself directly
with the problem of what to teach or what learn ing experiences or
resources are to be provided for the learner yet it has the full responsibility
of suggesting techniques of acquiring the learning resources. Once the task
of Educational Philosophy to decide the aims and objectives of a piece of
instruc tion at a particular stage is finished, the need of educational
Psychology is felt. At this stage, Educational Psychology helps in deciding
what learning resources are desirable at what stage of the growth and
development of the learner so that these exper iences can be acquired with
a greater ease and satisfaction. In this area Educational Psychology has the
subject matter which deals with the knowledge and principles of
Psychology which facilitates the selection of the desirable learning
resources for the learner. Educational Psychology helps in taking into
account in organizing the following:
●Print media -books, newspapers, magazines
●Audio -Visual -television, films
●Multimedia –Computers (online & offline)
●Museum, Visits, Exhibitions, etc.
Educational Psychology is a continuously growing discipline
adding new dimensions to its field of study. However, its scope may be
considered extensive in the sense that all that is needed for providing
solutions to the problems and demands of the dynamic educational system
must find place in the study of educational Psychology.
From this unit we have learned about the conceptual meaning of
Psychology and Educational Psychology according to various
psychologist views. The contribution of e ducational psychology to the
learning process of learners and helps teachers in teaching the content. The
scope of it is very wide and explains the major role of teacher and student.
1. Define the term Psychology.
2. Define term Educa tional Psychology.
3. How does the knowledge of educational psychology helps the teacher
and students in their teaching and learning process?
4. Discuss the scope of educational
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Mangal, S.K. (2002) Advanced Educational Psychology, 2ndEd., New
Delhi, Prentice Hall of India Ltd.
Dandapani, S. (2005) A textbook of Advanced Educational
Psychology, Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Baron, R.A. (2001) Psychology, 5thEd. Pearson Education, Inc. New
Lahey, B.B. (1998) An Introduction Psychology, 6thEd., Tata McGraw
–Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi.
Schunk, D. H. (2008) Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective,
5th. Pearson, Merrill Prentice Hall.
Walia, J.S. (2009), “ Foundations of Educational Psychology”,
Jalandhar City, AhimPaul Publication.
Websites -1.pdf
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Unit Structure
2.0 Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Behavioral views
2.3 Cognitive views
2.4.1 Social Learning (Albert Bandura)
2.4.2 Social Constructivism (Lev Vygotsky)
2.5 Let us Sum up
2.6 Unit End Exercise
2.7 References
After reading this unit you will be able to:
●Explain classical conditioning theory of learning and operant
conditioning theory of learning.
●Differentiate between classical conditioning and operant
conditioning theory of learning.
●Describe the principles of Ausubel’s theory of meaningful learning
and Bruner’s theory of learning.
●Define social learning.
●Describe the basic principles underlying social learning proposed
by Albert Bandura and social const ructivism by Lev Vygotsky.
●State the implications of social learning and social constructivism
theories on teaching learning process.
Learning is universal in nature. All organisms both human and
animal learn according to their capacity. But human beings can learn any
type of act, may be simple or complex, because human beings are
endowed with mental qualities like intelligence, reasonin g, thinking,
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11problem solving etc. Learning is a lifelong process, we learn from birth to
death. Then what is learning, how it occurs, what are the suitable
conditions for learning etc are pertinent questions that need to be answered
in order to understand learning. Different Schools of Psychology answered
these questions differently. They proposed different theories of learning.
The theory of learning can be classified into;
1.Behaviorist theory of learning; Classical conditioning, Operant
conditioning etc
2.Cognitive theory of learning: Ausubel’s theory of meaningful learning
and Bruner theory of learning etc.
3.Social learning and social constructivism.
Learning plays an important role in our day to day experiences. Learning
is a social process and we learn thr ough interaction with peers, parents and
teachers etc in a social setting. Observation, imitation and modeling plays
an important role in a child's learning. In the present unit we shall learn
about the social cognitive and constructivist views of learning developed
by Albert Bandura and Lev Vygotsky.
This theory was developed by Ivan P. Pavlov (1849 -1936), a
Russian physiologist around the turn of the 19th century. He was initially
interested in studying t he process of gastric secretion in dogs and received
the Nobel Prize for this work. In studying the dog’s digestive process, he
noted that the dog was salivating not only at the sight of food but also at
the sight of the bowl, the experimenter and sound. P avlov at first called
these responses as Psychic secretions that are distinguishable from original
ones. Realizing the significance of such an event, he changed the focus of
his research from physiological to psychological.
It is bette r to clarify basic terms such as Unconditioned stimulus
(US), Unconditioned response (UR), Conditioned stimulus (CS) and
Conditioned response (CR) used by Pavlov in his experiment before
explaining the experiment. Salivation in response to food placed in the
mouth is a natural, unlearned response -in short, a reflex. Thus this
response was called Unconditioned response. The food is called
unconditioned stimulus as it elicited the unconditioned response. When
Pavlov's repeated presentation of the bell follow ed by food led the dog to
salivate in response to the bell alone, this salivation was called a
conditional response. The model of classical conditioning is given
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121.US (food)…………UR (saliva)
2.CS (sound of bell)
US (food)………….UR (saliva)
3.CS (sound of bell)……CR (saliva)
In this experiment the subject is first presented with the sound of a
bell followed by food, which evokes the inborn salivary response. After
repeated presentation of the sound of the bell followed by the food, the
sound it self is adequate to elicit the salivary response. The bell is referred
to as a conditioned stimulus and salivation in response to the bell is called
a conditioned response.
Classical conditioning may be defined as a process in which a
neutral stimulus by p airing with a natural stimulus acquires all the
characteristics of natural stimulus. It is sometimes called stimulus
substitution as a new stimulus previously a neutral one is substituted for
the stimulus which originally elicited the response.
Another ty pe of conditioning called higher order conditioning goes
one step further as presented below.
1.US (food)………..UR ( saliva)
2.CS+US (bell+food)….CR (saliva)
3.CS1+CS2 (bell+light)…CR (saliva)
4.CS2 (light)……………..CR (saliva)
Principles of Classical Conditioning :
During this experiment Pavlov observed various principles or phenomena
of conditioning. These are presented below.
Extinction: If the sound of a bell which has been eliciting a salivary
response is rung repeatedly without presentation of food, the amount of
saliva secreted in response to the sound of the bell decreases gradually
each time, until finally there is no salivation to the conditioned stimulus.
When the conditioned response disappears, extinction occurs.
Spontaneous recovery : An extinguished respons e usually returns though
at a lowered strength, after an interval of time during which the
conditioned stimulus is not presented. This is called spontaneous recovery.
Stimulus generalization : It is a process in which a conditioned response
to a stimulus is generalized to a similar category of stimuli.
Differential conditioning : The subject may be trained to differentiate
between the conditioned stimulus and similar stimuli. For example, a bell
of a certain tone is the CS. When the bell is sounded, food imme diately
follows, but when other sounds occur, such as horns, there is no food.
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13first the dog salivates to all such sounds but soon it learns to salivate only
to the bell. Salivation to other sounds is extinguished. When extinction
occurs for stimuli whi ch are not the CS, we say differential conditioning
has developed.
Educational implications :
Pavlov brought a revolution in the field of psychology. His theory has
generated worldwide research on conditioning. The conditioning was
accepted as a theoretica l framework and practical technique of solving a
variety of applied problems. He reported ‘capacity to learn depends on the
type of the nervous system and repetition of the activity under
reinforcement’. For learning to occur, one must have some drive that
motivates action.’ The principles of classical conditioning can be used in
the following areas.
1.Good habits such as cleanliness, respect for elders and punctuality etc
can be developed among children by conditioning.
2.Similarly bad habits of children can be eliminated by conditioning.
3.The principles of classical conditioning are used in de -conditioning
emotional fears in mental patients.
4.It can be used to develop a favorable or unfavorable attitude towards
learning, tea chers and school among students.
5.The principles of classical conditioning are used to teach alphabets and
fundamental principles of arithmetic by using some concrete materials.
BFS k i n n e r( 1 9 0 4 -1990) of Harvard University developed the
theory of Operant conditioning. He conducted a number of research on
reflexes of rats and pigeons. Finally he selected eating as the subject of his
experiments because of its simplicity and easiness. He developed his own
apparatus and method of observ ation to study and analyze behaviour in an
objective way.
He recognized two types of conditioning; Respondent conditioning
and Operant conditioning. When reinforcing stimulus paired with a neutral
stimulus that acquired properties of natural stimulus is no war e s p o n d e n t
conditioning. When a response occurs spontaneously in the absence of any
stimuli is known as operant conditioning. His conditioning is referred as
operant conditioning which is defined as any learning which is based on
response contingent re inforcement and does not involve choice among
experimentally defined alternatives. It is based on the fact that behaviour
operates upon the environment to generate its own consequences. If the
consequences are rewarding the response will be repeated and wi ll grow in
strength. This relationship between response and reward is the essence of
operant conditioning. It is also known as instrumental conditioning
because the organism’s response is instrumental in gaining some
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A labora tory rat is placed in the conditioning apparatus known as
Skinner box, which leaves it free to roam within the confined area.
Usually it moves about in an exploratory manner. Eventually it presses a
bar which triggers a food delivery mechanism, and a pelle tb e c o m e s
available. After gaining this reward, the subject continues its apparently
random activity, sniffing, stretching, and cleaning itself but sooner or later
it presses the lever again. This bar -press activates the food delivery
mechanism and again t he rat receives reward. As time passes, the bar is
pressed more frequently, and then a point is reached where the rat presses
the bar consistently in order to receive the reward.
Principles of Operant Conditioning :
Like classical conditioning, Operant cond itioning operates on
different principles such as shaping, extinction, spontaneous recovery and
Shaping: It refers to the judicious use of selective reinforcement to bring
certain desirable changes in the behaviour of the subject. The basic
process in shaping is successive approximation to the desired behaviour.
The experimenter shapes or molds the behavior of the subject by using
reinforcement. Successful shaping involves generalization, habit
competition and chaining.
Extinction: It is with drawing the reinforcer when the appropriate response
occurs. Complete absence of reinforcement results in extinction of
Spontaneous recovery: As in classical conditioning there may be
spontaneous recovery if the subject is removed from the condit ioning
situation for a time and returned to it. It is almost similar to classical
conditioning of Pavlov.
Reinforcement: It is central to operant conditioning theory. A reinforce is
any event which changes subsequent behavior when it follows behavior in
time. B F Skinner used reinforcement as a procedure for controlling
behavior. It is an event that enhances the rate of responding in subject.
Reinforce is of three types such as positive reinforce, negative reinforce
and punisher. Positive reinforce refers t o any stimulus that enhances or
strengthens the responses in an organism. Food is a positive reinforcement
for hungry men. Things like food, water, praise, money and social
approval are examples of positive reinforces. Negative reinforce is a
stimulus tha t learner will readily terminate if given the opportunities to do
so. When negative reinforce is used, the response to be learned serves to
terminate the aversive stimulation. Social disapproval or condemnations
are examples of negative reinforcement. Puni sher is an aversive stimulus
which follows a response and frequently serves to suppress. Negative
reinforcement and pusher are different from each other. A negative
reinforcement precedes the response and forces its occurrence to
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15whereas the puni sher follows the response and decreases the likelihood of
the recurrence of the responses.
Educational Implications :
B F Skinner conducted extensive research on animals relating to
operant conditioning and advocated that the result of these research studie s
has significant implications for the education of human beings.
1. The principles of operant conditioning can be used to eliminate the fear
from the school environment by using positive reinforcement. Teachers
can appropriately use reinforcement in the c lassroom which can increase
achievement of students.
2. The correct response of students should be reinforced immediately as
immediate reinforcement strengthens the reoccurrence of the behaviour.
3. The greatest contribution of Skinner is programme learni ng material .
The programme learning material can be used to teach different school
subjects. It helps students to proceed at their own pace which makes
learning joyful. It also reinforces the responses of the child as exercise and
answers are part of progr amme learning material. It helps a teacher in
individualizing the instruction.
Difference between Classical and Operant Conditioning
Classical conditioning Operant conditioning
It was developed by Ivan Pavlov is
known as respondent conditioningIt was developed by B F Skinner is
known as operant conditioning
The occurrence of CR is reflexively
forced by USThe response is more voluntary and
The US occurs without regard to
the subjects behaviorThe reinforcement is contingent
upon t he occurrence of response
The association between stimulus
and response is on the basis of law
of contiguityThe association between stimulus
and response is on the basis of law
of effect
Controlled by autonomic nervous
systemControlled by central nervo us
Reinforcement comes first to elicit
the responseReinforcement is provided after the
response is made
The essence of learning is stimulus
substitutionThe essence of learning is response
The classically conditioned reflexes
may have zero strength initiallyThe operant can not have zero
strength as it has to occur at least
once before it can be
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David P. Ausube l( 1 9 1 8 -2008) an American psychologist
developed a theory of learning popularly known as theory of meaningful
learning. His work focused on verbal learning. He deals with the nature of
meaning, and believes the external world acquires meaning only as it is
converted into the content of consciousness by the learner. He is a
cognitive theorist. He explains how the learner incorporates new
information into their cognitive structure. For him existing cognitive
structure is the main factor influencing learning a nd retention of a new
material. He has been interested in questions like how children acquire
knowledge. Either he receives some knowledge that is presented to him or
gets some knowledge independently by him through discovery. Ausubel
advocated four types of learning such as Reception learning, Discovery
learning, Rote learning and Meaningful learning on the basis of how
knowledge is available to learners.
Reception Learning : When a child merely receives knowledge that is
presented to him via textbooks, ref erence materials, various aids etc is
known as reception learning. Here the child only receives knowledge as it
is presented to him.
Discovery Learning : When a child gets other information about the
subjects independently by himself along with information presented to
him is called discovery learning. Here the learner relates the information
obtained through discovery to information already presented to him by the
Rote Learning: When a learner simply remembers the information
presented to him wi thout understanding is known as rote learning.
Meaningful Learning : When a learner tries to memorize information
with understanding it is called meaningful learning.
Ausubel advocated that learning can be divided as reception and
discovery on the basis of how knowledge is presented to learner and rote
and meaningful learning on the basis of how learner incorporates the
knowledge into cognitive structure. Hence four types of learning emerge;
Meaningful reception learning, Rote reception learning, Meaningful
discovery learning and Rote discovery learning. Out of four types of
learning, rote learning is meaningless, it should be discarded. Thus there
will be two types of meaningful learning such as meaningful reception and
meaningful discovery.
Subsumption theo ry:
Gagne explained his theory of learning by Subsumption theory. To
subsume is to incorporate new material into one's cognitive structure.
When information is subsumed into the learner cognitive structure, it is
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17organized hierarchy. New material can be subsumed in two different ways
and for both of these; no meaningful learning takes place unless a stable
cognitive structure exists. The existing structure provides a framework
into which the new learning is related, hierarchy to previous
information/conc ept in the individual’s cognitive structure.
When one encounters completely new unfamiliar information then
rote learning takes place. This rote learning may eventually contribute to
the construction of new cognitive structures which can later be used in
meaningful learning. The two types of Subsumption are
i) Correlative subsumption: When new material is an extension or
elaboration of what is already known.
ii) Derivative subsumption: When new material or relationship can be
derived from the existing str ucture, from this type of subsumption
completely new concept can emerge and previous concept can be
changed/expanded to include more of previously existing information
Educational Implications :
Ausubel gives emphasis on meaningful learning and discards r ote
learning. The schooling process has to be changed to develop the ability
among students to learn meaningfully. The students should understand the
information presented to him by the teacher before retaining or
memorizing. The teaching learning process in school should be changed to
deemphasize rote learning. The learner should be encouraged to create
concepts of their own by relating information presented to him with the
previous experience or searching present experience. The teacher should
present mat erial to the learner in proper structure, systematic and
His notable contribution to classroom practice is the advance
organizer . Advance organizer is a tool/mental learning aid to help
students integrate new information with their existing kno wledge, learning
to meaningful learning as opposed to rote reception. It is a means of
preparing the learners cognitive structure for the learning experience about
to take place. It is a device to activate the learner the relevant
schema/conceptual pattern s so that new information can be more really
subsumed into learners existing cognitive structure. It was important for
teachers to provide a preview of information to be learned. Teacher could
do this by providing a brief introduction about the way that in formation
that is going to be presented is structured. This would enable students to
start with a ‘Big Picture’ of the upcoming content and link new ideas,
concerns, vocabulary, to existing mental maps of the content era. He
developed the idea of an advanc ed organizer that to be presented to
learners before presenting whole materials. An advance organizer is an
introductory material at the beginning of a chapter or passage which
provides a structure for reading later materials and thus facilitates learning
of the later materials. It is an introduction offering an outline of what is to
Page 18
18Ausubel is a proponent of didactic, expository teaching methods. It
encourages rapid learning and retention. He emphasized on the active
nature of reception learning. T he need is to require learners to be active by
understanding, completely missing words, by rewording sentences by
giving additional examples.
Jerome Bruner (1915) an American psychologist developed theory
of cognitive developm ent, learning and instruction. According to him
cognitive development involves an increasing independence of the
response of the learner from the particular stimuli. It implies a great
degree of cognitive processing and mental representation beyond the
immediate sensory data. His idea of cognitive development is based on
the premise that a person’s knowledge of the world is based on his
constructed models of reality. He gives emphasis on language for
cognitive development. Bruner advocated three stage of c ognitive
development such as;
Enactive stage : In this stage the infant's action is a response to stimuli
defining the stimuli. That means an infant knows the stimuli only by
acting on it, otherwise it does not exist. Cognitive development occurs
through a ctivities of infants. This stage corresponds to Piaget's sensory
motor period.
Iconic stage : In this stage children represent the world through images.
Repetition of action may lead to the development of an image of the
action. It is governed by a perceptu al organization. The transition from
action to image is usually seen by the end of the first year of life.
Symbolic stage : In this stage children represent the world through
symbols. That is, a child can represent the knowledge in symbolic form
and can und erstand certain abstract concepts. The child in this stage
engages in language and mathematics. For the development of symbolic
quality, language is important.
According to Bruner, learning involves active processing of
informati on and that is constructed and organized in a unique way by each
learner. Knowledge about the world is not simply poured into the
individual, instead the individual attends selectively to the environment,
process and organize the information they take in a nd store the
information with their own unique models for future use. Learning
involves three simultaneous processes.
Acquisition : The child acquires new knowledge or information by
incorporating it according to the existing mode of representation. It lead s
to modification or expansion of existing modes.
Transmission : The new knowledge or information acquired by the child
is manipulated or modified to meet new
Page 19
19Evaluation : Finally the child evaluates how successfully he has
manipulated the information .
Readiness: He advocated that readiness is essential for learning. It is not
something that comes through maturation. Rather it can be learned and
therefore can be taught.
Motivation: Ideally interest in the material to be learned is the best
stimulus to the learner, rather than external goals as grade. Motives for
learning must be kept active; they must base as much as possible upon the
interest of the learner. It must be kept broad a nd diverse in expression.
Similarly motivation is also required for learning to occur. Learning which
occurs as a result of natural curiosity, the urge towards mastery and
competence and modeling after another is satisfying or self rewarding.
Discovery lea rning : It is an inquiry based, construction learning theory
that takes place in problem solving situations where the learner draws on
his/her own past experience and existing knowledge to discover facts and
relationships and new truth to be learned. Stude nts interact with the world
by exploring and manipulating objects, wrestling with questions and
controversies or performing experiments. As a result students may be
more likely to remember concepts and knowledge discovered on their
own. Bruner proposed dis covery learning in which children are engaged to
explore and learn on their own by the methods of discovery. It does not
mean finding out something which was not known before rather refers to
what one discovers for oneself. According to him discovery is a matter of
rearranging or transforming the evidence in such a way that one is enabled
to go beyond the evidence so assembled to additional new insight. It
involves construction as well as testing hypotheses. Bruner mentions four
advantages of discovery lear ning; it increases intellectual potency, it
increases intrinsic motivation, it teaches the techniques of discovery and it
results in better retention of what is learned. He said teachers should
encourage learners to explore, enquire about the surroundings and thereby
Intuitive and analytical thinking : Intuition (the intellectual techniques of
arriving and plausible but tentative formulation without going through the
analytical steps by which such formulations would be found to be
valid/invalid) is a much neglected but essential feature of productive
Educational Implications :
Bruner gives stress on readiness of learners in the learning process.
Teachers must be concerned about the experiences and contexts that will
make a child willing to learn. Teaching learning process should take into
account the nature of the learner and pr edispositions in the learner.
The role of structure in learning and how it may be made the center
of teaching. The teaching and learning of structure, rather simply mastery
of facts and themes is
Page 20
20The goals of education should be clear and related to the life of the
learner as it creates intrinsic motivation that activates the process of
exploration. The learner must know the goals because it urges them to
He gives utmost importance to children in the learning process.
Therefore knowledge mu st be related to the previous experience of the
child. It must also be designed in such a way that is within the grasp of the
learner at his stage of development. The subject matter must be so selected
that it must be appropriate for children at different levels of development.
Subject matter can be represented in three ways such as by set of actions,
by set of images and by set of symbols.
The teaching learning materials (curriculum, textbooks) should be
properly sequenced for effective teaching. It can be ordered from easy to
difficult, simple to complex, known to unknown concrete to abstract. A
good sequence is that which progresses from enactive through iconic to
symbolic representation.
Bruner advocated a Spiral curriculum . It is based on the idea that
any subject can be taught effectively in some intelligently honest form to
any child at any stage of development. A curriculum as it develops should
revisit these basic ideas repeatedly, building upon them until the student
has grasped the full formal app aratus that goes with them. Instead of
moving through the materials in a lockstep fashion (mastering a step and
then proceeding to a new one) the same material can be presented or
taught at different levels with addition of more details. Here learners will
get a chance to broaden and deepen their knowledge.
He also emphasizes reinforcement. Reinforcement is necessary for
learning to occur. Reinforcement should be given at the right time. It must
come when it is useful or relevant, not too early and not too late. He
believes that strong intrinsic reward can lead a learner to learn.
The process of teaching and learning is that a combination of
concrete, pictorial and symbolic activities lead to more effective learning.
The progression is; start with a concre te experience, then move to picture
and finally use symbolic representation.
Albert Bandura’s social learning theory consists of a blending of
behaviouristic reinforcement theory and purposive cognitive psychology.
His theory aimed at a balanced synthesis of cognitive psychology with the
principles of behaviour modification. Bandura believed that the traditional
behavioural views were accurate but incomplete because they give only a
partial explanation of learning -overlooking important elements
particularly the social influences in learning. Social learning theory
explains human behavior in terms of continuous reciprocal interaction
between cognitive, behavioral, and environmental influences. It is also
referred to as observational learning or imitation
Page 21
21Bandura’s Social Learning Theory proposed that people learn from
one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling. People learn
through observing others’ behavior, attitudes, and outcomes of those
behavior s. Most human behavior is learned observationally through
modeling: from observing others, one forms an idea of how new behaviors
are performed, and on later occasions this coded information serves as a
guide for action.
(1) People can learn through observation (Observational Learning ): In
his famous "Bobo doll" studies, Bandura demonstrated that children learn
and imitate behaviors they have observed in other people. The preschool
children in Bandura’s studies (1965) obser ved an adult (model) acting
violently toward a Bobo doll. One group saw the model rewarded for
aggression; another group saw the model punished and a third group saw
no consequences. When they were moved to a room with the Bobo Doll,
the children who had s een the punching and kicking reinforced in the film
were the most aggressive toward the doll. Those who had seen the attacks
punished were the most aggressive. When the children were later allowed
to play in a room with the Bobo doll, they began to imitat et h ea g g r e s s i v e
actions they had previously observed.
Bandura identified three basic models of observational learning :
1.A live model, which involves an actual individual demonstrating or
acting out a behavior.
2.A verbal instructional model, which involves descriptions and
explanations of a behavior.
3.A symbolic model, which involves real or fictional characters
displaying behaviors in books, films, television programs, or online
(2) Mental states are important to learning (Intrinsic Reinforcement) -
Bandura noted that external, environmental reinforcement was not the
only factor to influence learning and behavior of children. He
described intrinsic reinforcement as a form of internal reward, such as
pride, satisfaction, and a sense of accomplishment. This emphasis on
internal thoughts and cognitions helps connect learning theories to
cognitive developmental theories.
(3) Learning does not necessarily lead to a change in behaviour. -While
behaviorists believed that learning led to a permanent change in behavior,
observational learning demonstrates that people can learn new information
without demonstrating new behaviors.
The Modeling Process:
Not all observed behaviors are effectively learned. Factors involving both
the model and the learner can play a r ole in whether social learning
Page 22
22successful. Certain requirements and steps must also be followed. The
following steps are involved in the observational learning and modeling
In order to learn, you need to be paying attention. Anythi ng that detracts
your attention is going to have a negative effect on observational learning.
If the model is interesting or there is a novel aspect to the situation, you
are far more likely to dedicate your full attention to learning.
The abil ity to store information is also an important part of the learning
process. Retention can be affected by a number of factors, but the ability
to pull up information later and act on it is vital to observational learning.
Once you have paid attention to the model and retained the information, it
is time to actually perform the behavior you observed. Further practice of
the learned behavior leads to improvement and skill advancement.
Finally, in order for observational learning to be successful, you have to be
motivated to imitate the behavior that has been modeled. Reinforcement
and punishment play an important role in motivation. While experiencing
these motivators can be highly effective, so can observing others
experience some type of reinforcement or punishment. For example, if you
see another student rewarded with extra credit for being to class on time,
you might start to show up a few minutes early each day.
Lev Vygotsky (1896 -1934) a Russian psychologist and
philosopher in the 1930's, is most often associated with the social
constructivist theory. He emphasizes the influences of cultural and social
contexts in learning and supports a discovery model of learning. This type
of model pl aces the teacher in an active role while the students' mental
abilities develop naturally through various paths of discovery. Vygotsky’s
theory is one of the foundations of constructivism. It emphasizes three
major themes:
Major themes :
●Social interaction plays a fundamental role in the process of
cognitive development. In contrast to Jean Piaget’s understanding of
child development (in which development necessarily precedes
learning), Vygotsky felt social learning precedes development. He
states: “Every f unction in the child’s cultural development appears
twice: first, on the social level, and later, on the individual level;
Page 23
23first, between people (inter -psychological) and then inside the child
(intra -psychological).” (Vygotsky, 1978).
●The More Knowledgeab le Other (MKO). The MKO refers to anyone
who has a better understanding or a higher ability level than the
learner, with respect to a particular task, process, or concept.
●The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). The ZPD is the distance
between a student’ s ability to perform a task under adult facilitation
and/or with peer collaboration and the student’s ability to solve the
problem independently. For learners there is a zone of proximal
development for each task they are expected to master. Learning
occur red in this zone.
Vygotsky focused on the connections between people and the socio -
cultural context in which they act and interact in shared experiences
.According to Vygotsky, humans use tools that develop from a culture,
such as speech and writing, to me diate their social environments. Initially
children develop these tools to serve solely as social functions, ways to
communicate needs. Vygotsky believed that the internalization of these
tools led to higher thinking skills.
Applications of the Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory:
Many schools have traditionally held a transmissions or
instructions model in which a teacher or lecturer ‘transmits’ information to
students. In contrast, Vygotsky’s theory promotes learning contexts in
which students play an ac tive role in learning. Roles of the teacher and
student are therefore shifted, as a teacher should collaborate with his or
her students in order to help facilitate meaning construction in students.
Learning therefore becomes a reciprocal experience for the students and
Implications of Vygotskian Principles in the Classroom:
●Learning and development is a social and collaborative activity
that cannot be "taught" to anyone. It is up to the student to
construct his or her own understanding in his or her own mind. It is
during this process that the teacher acts as a facilitator.
●The zone of proximal development can be used to design
appropriate situations during which the student can be provided the
appropriate support for their optimal learning. Applying Zone of
Proximal Development to teaching may involve assessing,
selecting le arning activities and providing instructional support to
help students move through the zone successfully.
●When providing appropriate situations, the teacher must take into
consideration that learning should take place in meaningful
contexts, preferably the context in which the knowledge is to be
Page 24
24●Out of school experiences should be related to school experiences.
Pictures, news clips, and personal stories incorporated into
classroom activities provide the students with a sense of oneness
between their community and learning.
The unit describes the Behavioral, Cognitive and the theories of
Learning. These theories of learning help a teacher to understand how
learning takes place in students. An understanding of learning theorie s
helps teachers connect to all different kinds of students. Teachers can
create specific strategies and techniques to apply these theories in their
classrooms. While highlighting the contributions of the psychologists to
the different schools, the unit al so spells out the educational implications
of the theories.
1.What is the classical conditioning theory of learning? Explain its
relevance for classroom practice.
2.Differentiate between classical conditioning and operant conditioning
theory of learning.
3.Describe Ausubel theory of meaningful learning with special emphasis
on the role of subsumption and advance organizer in learning.
4.Elucidate Bruner theory of learning. Explain the educational
implications of his theory.
5.What is social learning? Discuss the implications of social learning
theory proposed by Albert Bandura on Teaching learning process
6.What is a social constructivist view of learning? Critically examine the
implications of the implications of this theory in the present day.
Ausubel, D.P (1966) Meaningful reception learning and the
acquisition of concepts. New York, academic Press.
Bruner, J. (1966). Towards theory of instruction, Mass; Harvard
University Press.
Bruner, J. (1996). The culture of education, Mass; Harvard
University Press.
Gagne, R. M. (1985). The conditions of learning and theory of
instruction, New York, CBS College
Page 25
25Hillgard, E. R. and Bower, G. H.(1975). Theories of learning,
Prentice Hall of India.
Laura, E. B. (2005 ). Child development, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi
Pavlov, I.P. (1927) Conditional reflexes, New York. Oxford
University press.
Skinner, B. F. (1938) The behavior of organism, Appleton
Century, New York
Skinner, B. F. (1953) Science and human behaviou r. New York,
Macmillan Bandura, A. (1997). Self -efficacy: The exercise of
control. New York: W.H. Freeman.
Bandura, A. (1986). Social Foundations of Thought and Action.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice -Hall.
Bandura, A. (1977). Social Learning Theory. New York: General
Learning Press.
Bandura, A. (1969). Principles of Behavior Modification. New
York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Bandura, A. & Walters, R. (1963). Social Learning and Personality
Development. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Vygotsky, L.S. ( 1978). Mind and society: The development of
higher mental processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Wertsch, James V. Sohmer, Richard. (1995). Vygotsky on learning
and development. Human Development. (38) 332 -37.
Wolfolk, Anita (2004).Educationa l Psychology (4thEd).Pearson
Education, New Delhi.
Page 26
Unit Structure
3.0 Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Learning Styles
3.3 Thinking Styles
3.4.1 Mental Health and Mental Hygiene
3.4.2 Defence Mechanism
3.5 Let us sum up
3.6 Unit End Exercise
After going through this Unit, you will be able to:
●Describe the Kolb’s Model
●Explain the application of the Kolb’s Model
●Enumerate the different thinking styles
●Explain the application of thinking styles in Education.
●Explain the concept of mental health and hygiene.
●Discuss the various strategies to maintain mental health (Defence
Classroom teaching can be considered effective only bylearning
about student engagement and involvement in the learning process. To
ensure this a teacher ought to understand the different learning and
thinking styles of the students. Teachers can ensure creative and critical
thinking among students.
Concept of learning styles :
The simplest definition of a learning style is the learning strengths
and preferences of a student. However, many other definitions exist, such
as the one given by the National Association of Secondary School
Principals. They define a learning style as “the composite of
Page 27
27cognitive, affective, and physiological factors that serve as relatively
stable indicators of how a learner perceives, interacts with, an dr e s p o n d s
to the learning environment” (Keefe & Monk, 1986, p 1). According to
Sharma “cognitive style refers to the characteristic way in which an
individual organizes his environment and accordingly acts on it. These are
intrinsic information -processing patterns that represent a person’s typical
mode of perceiving, thinking, remembering and problem -solving.” She
also defines learning style “as the composite of characteristic cognitive,
affective and physiological factors that serve as a relatively stable
indicator of how a learner perceives, interacts with and responds to the
learning environment.” Despite the plethora of definitions for learning
styles, the basic idea can be seen through a few examples provided by
Felder (1996). He discusses that some st udents might focus on facts while
others prefer theories or that some students learn better visually and others
verbally. In other words, a learning style may be defined as a habitual
pattern or a preferred way of acquiring knowledge or doing something.
Distinction between Learning Style, Strategy and Approach :
At the outset, it is necessary to distinguish between the terms
‘styles’, ‘approaches’ and ‘strategies’. In the Psychological literature, the
term ‘styles’ has been used to convey the marked differen ces in preference
shown by people as they carry out tasks . According to Webster’s
Dictionary (1967), “A style is a distinctive or c Webster’s Dictionary
(1967), “A style is a distinctive or characteristic manner …or method of
acting or performing”. (p.873) . Allport, the Psychologist defined a style as
a means of identifying distinctive personality types or types of behaviour.
On the other hand, the term ‘strategy’ has been used to convey preferences
which are more task -related whereas the term ‘approaches’ has been used
to convey “processes” and “pre -dispositions” to adopt particular
processes. Learning styles operate without individual awareness and imply
a higher degree of stability.
On the other hand, learning strategy implies operations followed to
minimize error during decision -making process and involves a conscious
choice of alternatives and is dependent on the task or context.
Learning approach refers to (a) the processes adopted during
learning, which directly determine the outcomes of learning a nd (b) the
predispositions or orientations to adopt particular processes.
In short, the relationship between these concepts can be ordered as
Page 28
28Meaning of Learning Styles:
Several definitions of learning style currently exist. Keefe defined
learning style as being characteristic of the cognitive, affective, and
physiological behaviours that serve as relatively stable indicators of how
learners perceive, interact with, and respond to the learning environment.
Learning style also represents both inherited characteristics and
environmental influences.
Dunn described learning style as “... the way each learner begins to
concentrate, process, and retain new and difficult information” (p. 224)
She noted that this interaction occurs differently for everyone. Dunn also
highlighted that “To identify and assess a pers on’s learning style, it is
important to examine each individual’s multidimensional characteristics in
order to determine what will most likely trigger each student’s
concentration, maintain it, respond to his or her natural processing style,
andcause long -term memory” (p. 224).
David Kolb's learning styles model and experiential learning theory
Having developed the model over many years prior, David Kolb
published his learning styles model in 1984. The model gave rise to
related terms such as Kolb's experiential learning theory (ELT), and Kolb's
learning styles inventory (LSI). In his publications -notably his 1984 book
'Experiential Learning: Experience. As The Source of Learning and
Development' Kolb acknowledges the early work on exper iential learning
by others in the 1900's, including Rogers, Jung, and Piaget. In turn, Kolb's
learning styles model and experiential learning theory are today
acknowledged by academics, teachers, managers and trainers as truly
seminal works; fundamental co ncepts towards our understanding and
explaining human learning behaviour, and towards helping others to learn.
Kolb's experiential learning theory (learning styles) model :
Kolb's learning theory sets out four distinct learning styles (or
preferences), wh ich are based on af o u r -stage learning cycle . (This might
also be interpreted as a ‘training cycle’.)
In this respect Kolb's model is particularly elegant, since it offers
both a way to understand individual people's different learning styles ,
and also a n explanation of a cycle of experiential learning that applies
to us all .
Kolb includes this 'cycle of learning' as a central principle in his
experiential learning theory, typically expressed as a four -stage cycle of
learning , in which 'immediate or concr ete experiences' provide a basis
for'observations and reflections' . These 'observations and reflections'
are assimilated and distilled into 'abstract concepts' producing new
implications for action which can be 'actively tested' in turn creating new
Page 29
29Kolb's model therefore works on two levels -af o u r -stage cycle:
1.Concrete Experience -(CE)
2.Reflective Observation -(RO)
3.Abstract Conceptualization -(AC)
4.Active Experimentation -(AE) and a four-type definition of
learning styles ,( e a c hr e p r e s e nting the combination of two
preferred styles, rather like a two -by-two matrix of the four -stage
cycle styles, as illustrated below), for which Kolb used the terms:
1.Diverging (CE/RO)
2.Assimilating (AC/RO)
3.Converging (AC/AE)
4.Accommodating (CE/AE) .
Kolb explains that different people naturally prefer a certain single
different learning style. Various factors influence a person's preferred
style: notably in his experiential learning theory model (ELT) Kolb
defined three stages of a person's development, and sugges ts that our
propensity to reconcile and successfully integrate the four different
learning styles improves as we mature through our development stages.
The development stages that Kolb identified
Page 30
301.Acquisition -birth to adolescence -development of ba sic abilities
and 'cognitive structures'
2.Specialization -schooling, early work and personal experiences of
adulthood -the development of a particular 'specialized learning
style' shaped by 'social, educational, and organizational
3.Integrat ion-mid-career through to later life -expression of non -
dominant learning style in work and personal life.
Kolb learning styles definitions and descriptions:
Knowing a person's (and your own) learning style enables learning
to be orientated according t o the preferred method. That said, everyone
responds to and needs the stimulus of all types of learning styles to one
extent or another -it's a matter of using emphasis that fits best with the
given situation and a person's learning style preferences.
Here are brief descriptions of the four Kolb learning styles:
●Diverging (feeling and watching -CE/RO) -
These people are able to look at things from different perspectives.
They are sensitive. They prefer to watch rather than do, tending to
gather informat ion and use imagination to solve problems. They are
best at viewing concrete situations with several different viewpoints.
Kolb called this style 'Diverging' because these people perform better
in situations that require ideas -generation, for example, brai nstorming.
People with a Diverging learning style have broad cultural interests
and like to gather information. They are interested in people, tend to be
imaginative and emotional, and tend to be strong in the arts. People
with the Diverging style prefer t o work in groups, to listen with an
open mind and to receive personal feedback.
●Assimilating (watching and thinking -AC/RO) -The Assimilating
learning preference is for a concise, logical approach. Ideas and
concepts are more important than people. These people require good,
clear explanations rather than practical opportunity. They excel at
understanding wide -ranging information and organizing it in a clear
logical format. People with an Assimilating learning style are less
focused on people and more int erested in ideas and abstract concepts.
People with this style are more attracted to logically sound theories
than approaches based on practical value.
●Converging (doing and thinking -AC/AE) -People with a
Converging learning style can solve problems and will use their
learning to find solutions to practical issues. They prefer technical
tasks, and are less concerned with people and interpersonal aspects.
People with a Converging learning style are best at finding practical
uses for ideas and theories. Th ey can solve problems and make
decisions by finding solutions to questions and problems. People
Page 31
31a Converging learning style are more attracted to technical tasks and
problems than social or interpersonal issues. A Converging learning
style enables spe cialist and technology abilities. People with a
Converging style like to experiment with new ideas, to simulate, and
to work with practical applications.
●Accommodating (doing and feeling -CE/AE) -The Accommodating
learning style is 'hands -on', and relies on intuition rather than logic.
These people use other people's analysis, and prefer to take a practical,
experiential approach. They are attracted to new challenges and
experiences, and to carr ying out plans. They commonly act on 'gut'
instinct rather than logical analysis. People with an Accommodating
learning style will tend to rely on others for information rather than
carry out their own analysis. This learning style is prevalent and useful
in roles requiring action and initiative. People with an Accommodating
learning style prefer to work in teams to complete tasks. They set
targets and actively work in the field trying different ways to achieve
an objective.
Kolb's learning st yle theory integrates individual students' approaches
to perceiving and processing information (Kolb, 1985). The following are
the ways through which it can be used in the classrooms:
1.Abstract conceptualization :
At the opposite end of the perceiving continuum is the abstract
conceptualization mode. These learners use logical analysis and they solve
problems systematically (Kolb, 1985). They are "theorists" (DeCiantis &
Kirton, 1996) who learn by "thinking" (Smith & Kolb, 1986). In college
mathematics classrooms, they appreciate highly structured lectures, and
they are comfortable in dealing with theories and abstract ideas. In
laboratory group work, abstract conceptualizes like to focus on how
practical exercises a nd experiments connect to the theoretical framework.
In individual problem solving, these learners often categorize problems
into groups and derive systematic solutions, usually linked to the
theoretical steps. In examinations, they prefer true -false and m atching
questions related to theoretical terms and definitions, as well as longer
answer questions that require theoretical knowledge.
2.Active experimentation :
Learners in the active experimentation mode process information
'%y doing" (Smith & Kol, 1986,) , appreciate opportunities to work
actively on well -defined tasks (Felder, 1996), and "value getting things
done" (Kolb, 1985). In college mathematics classrooms, these learners
favor hands -on activities and discussions over traditional lectures. In
labora tory group work, they prefer to be assigned active tasks and to
accomplish visible results. In individual problem solving, active
experimenters enjoy the risk -taking component if it is connected
Page 32
32problems that have a practical focus. In examinations, the yfavor take-
home and pre -prepared questions that require the creative application of
course information and principles to real -life situations.
3.Reflective observation :
At the opposite end of the processing continuum is the reflective
observation mode, wit h learners who use "watching and listening" (Veres,
1991) to "create ideas that integrate their observations into logically sound
theories" (Atkinson & Murrell, 1988,). These learners see the validity of
different perspectives (Kolb, 1985). In college math ematics classrooms,
they prefer lectures where they can listen to theoretical information
without direct involvement. In laboratory group work, they tend to
consider the opinions of other group members and to integrate these
concepts with their own percept ions. In individual problem solving, these
learners are prone to devise structured plans of action based on theoretical
formulae and previous experience, grouping the problems by type. In
examinations, reflective observers prefer longer answers and "what i f"
questions whereby they can demonstrate their theoretical knowledge.
4.Laboratory Group Work :
A variety of laboratory assignments, in individual and group
format, will expose students to multiple learning experiences that can
foster functioning in all le arning modes. Group assignments bring students
together to discuss possibilities, compare answers, reflect, interpret, and
experiment actively. Instructors should encourage students to form study
groups, so they can meet under the direction of a group lead er to discuss
laboratory questions and connect them to the course material. Concrete
experiences may wish to choose their own group members, but creating
heterogeneous groups on the basis of learning style assessment will ensure
opportunities to share indi vidual strengths. An excellent group exercise for
every learning style is the development of questions of various kinds
(multiple choice, true and false) and difficulty as review for upcoming
5.Individual Problem Solving:
Individual problem solving in mathematics and other scientific
disciplines can promote assimilation and reflection while providing
opportunities for active trial -and-error experimentation and the
development of critical thinking skills. In addition, students can be asked
to summariz e their knowledge (for example, by using flow charts,
diagrams, and compare -and-contrast tables) as part of the assignment.
Opportunities for reflection and analysis will appeal to diverges, while
converges will be stimulated by real -life application probl ems. The
instructor can organize sessions to teach students how to approach
problem solving in order to relieve the feelings of anxiety and inadequacy
that some students experience regardless of learning
Page 33
336.Examinations :
Tests and exams should inclu de both short and long -answer
questions. Multiple -choice questions that focus on rote knowledge and
recall appeal to concrete experiences. Those that require deductive
reasoning stimulate diverges, while inductive reasoning favors
accommodators. True -false and matching questions that require rational
theory building are preferred by assimilators and abstract conceptualizes.
These types of questions are also useful when t esting recall of facts and
definitions. And application of theories. Long -answer questions based on
problem solving appeal to diverges and active experimenters,
Therefore : This theory takes into account that people could use any of the
four styles some of the time by claiming that the classification is a
preferred method, not an exclusive one. Gregorc’s (1982) model is similar
to Kolb’s, except that the two dimensions rate perception from abstract to
concrete and order from sequential to random. The final classification of
the learner is into one of four states, again similar to Kolb, using the
Gregory Style Delineator.
●Cognitive abilities like thinking, reasoning and problem -solving may
be considered to be some of the chief characteristics which distinguish
human beings from other species.
●A highly developed computer or a robot, a magnificent building are all
products of the thinking, reasoning and problem -solving capabilities of
their creators and inventors.
●Even to understand, appreciate or put these into use, we have to
employ our powers of thinking.
●The challenges and problems faced by the individual, or by society, in
general, are solved through serious efforts involving thinking and
●The powers of thinking and reasoning may thus be considered to be
the essential tools for the welfare and meaningful existence of the
individual as well as society.
●Actually ‘thinking’ is a very complex process.
●Thinking consists of the cognitive rearrangement or manipulation of
both –the information from the environment and the symbols stored in
the long term memory.
●Thinking is the form of information processing that goes on during the
period between a stimulus event and the response to
Page 34
●Mohsin (1967) -“Thinking is an implicit problem solving behaviour”.
●Garret (1968) -“Thinkin g is behaviour which is often implicit and
hidden and in which symbols (images, ideas, concepts) are ordinarily
●Valentine (1965) -“In strict psychological discussion it is bestto keep
the thinking for an activity which consists of a connected flow of ideas
which are directed towards some end or purpose”.
oTherefore, thinking may be defined as a pattern of behaviour in
which we make use of internal representations (symbols, images,
signs etc.) of things and events for the solution of some specif ic,
purposeful problem.
oThinking is a mental process which starts with a problem and
concludes with its solution.
Five Thinking Styles:
According to Bramson, the five thinking styles are:
●Pragmatist Thinkers
●Analyst Thinkers
●Realist Thinkers
According to Bramson, “Synthesists are creative thinkers who perceive the
world in terms of opposites. When you say black, they think white, when
you say long, they think short.”
To connect with Synthesists, Bramson suggests “listen
appreciatively to their speculation and don’t confuse their arguing nature
with resistance.”
According to Bramson, “Idealists believe in lofty goals and
To connect with Idealists, Bramson suggests “ass ociate what you
want to do with these goals of quality, service, and community good.”
Pragmatic Thinkers:
According to Bramson, “Pragmatic thinkers are flexible,
resourceful folk who look for immediate payo ff rather than for a grand
plan that will change the world.”To connect with Pragmatists,
Page 35
35suggests “emphasize short -term objectives on which you can get started
with resources at hand.”
Analyst Thinkers :
According to Bramsom, “Analyst thinkers equat ea c c u r a c y ,
thoroughness, and attention to detail with completeness. They are likely
to gather data, measure it, categorize it, and rationally and methodically
calculate the right answer to any problem you come up with. To connect to
Analysts, Bramson sug gests “provide a logical plan replete with back -up
data and specifications.”
Realist Thinkers:
According to Bramson, “Realist thinkers are fast moving doers
who know that reality is what their senses –sight, sound, taste, smell, and
touch –tell them it i s, and not that dry stuff that one finds in accounting
ledgers, or the insipid pages of manual of operations.”
To connect with Realists, Bramson suggests, “If you communicate
with Realist bosses as if they were Analysts, you will never get the ir
attention. Rather than gobs of computer -printouts and other detailed
information, Realists want a three -paragraph “Executive Summary” which
tells briefly what is wrong and how you propose to fix it. For rather
complicated reasons, they will often take y ou at your word if they see you
as a qualified expert. You become an expert in their eyes when they know
that you’ve assembled a store of facts in which they are interested, and
you have proposed a set of actions that they already believe are the best
things to do.”
Robert Jeffrey Sternberg :
(born December 8, 1949), He is an American psychologist and
psychometrician and the Dean of Arts and Sciences at Tufts University .
He was formerly IBM Professor of Psychology and Educ ation at Yale
University and the President of the American Psychological Association
He is a member of the editorial boards of numerous journals, including
American Psychologist. Sternberg has a BAfrom Yale University and a
PhD from Stanford University. Gordon Bower was his PhD advisor. He
holds ten honorary doctorates from one North Americ an, one South
American, and eight European universities, and additionally holds an
honorary professor rate at the University of Heidelberg in Germany. He is
currently also a Distinguished Associate of The Psychometrics Centre at
theUniversity of Cambridge .
Sternberg has proposed a triarchic theory of intelligence.
Triarchic theory of intelligenc e-
Many descriptions of intelligence focus on mental abilities such as
vocabulary ,comprehension ,memory and problem -solving that can be
measured through intelligence tests . This reflects the tendency
Page 36
36psychologists to develop their understanding of intelligence by observing
behavior believed to be associated with intelligence.
Sternberg believes that this focus on specific types of measurable
mental abilities is too narrow. He believes that studying intelligence in this
way leads to an understanding of only one part of intelligence a nd that this
part is only seen in people who are "school smart" or "book smart".
The Triarchic Model:
Sternberg (2003) categorizes intelligence into three parts, which are
central in his theory, the triarchic theory of intelligence :
●Analytical intelligence , the ability to complete academic, problem -
solving tasks, such as those used in traditional intelligence tests. These
types of tasks usually present well -defined problems that have only a
single correct answer.
●Creative or synthetic intelligence , the ability to successfully deal
with new and unusual situations by drawing on existing knowledge
andskills . Individuals high in creative intelligence may give 'wrong'
answers because they see things from a different perspective.
●Practical intelligence , the ability to adapt to everyday life by drawing
onexisting knowledge and skills. Practical intelligence enables an
individual to understand what needs to be done in a specific setting
and then do it.
Sternberg (2003) discusses experience and its role in intelligence.
Creative or synthetic intelligence he lps individuals to transfer information
from one problem to another. Sternberg calls the application of ideas from
one problem to a new type of problem relative novelty . In contrast to the
skills of relative novelty there is relative familiarity which enables an
individual to become so familiar with a process that it becomes
automatized. This can free up brain resources for coping with new ideas.
Context, or how one adapts, selects and shapes their e nvironment
is another area that is not represented by traditional measures of
giftedness. Practically intelligent people are good at picking up tacit
information and utilizing that information. They tend to shape their
environment around them. (Sternberg, 2003)
Sternberg proposed the following cognitive styles in 1997:
The four forms of mental self -government are hierarchical ,
monarchic ,oligarchic ,a n d anarchic . The hierarchic style holds multiple
goals simultaneously and prioritizes them. The oligarchic style is similar
but differs in involving difficulty prioritizing. The monarchic style, in
comparison, focuses on a single activity until completion. The anarchic
style resists conformity to "systems, rules, or particular a pproaches to
Page 37
37Practical application and Contribution :
Sternberg’s educational theories aim to bring out the best in all
students by catering for different forms of intelligence and thinking styles.
They have evolved through reflection on their own problems.
Sternberg does not advocate teaching everything three times, but
varying teaching styles in order to practice different skills and cater for
different learning styles:
●Analytical skills : for example, getting students to analyze a character
from a novel, compare and contrast two paintings or rate the
performance of someone who has won a tennis match. Assessment is
based on the extent to which the work is informed, logical, organized
and balanced.
●Creative skills : asking students questions to which there is no 'right'
answer: imagining alternative endings to a novel; creating an
advertisement for a product based on something studied in a science
class; writing a dialogue in French in which a tourist asks for
direc tions in Paris. Assessment is based on the extent to which the
work is informed, novel, compelling and task oriented.
●Practical skills : enabling students to apply something they have
learned in a real world context: using a lesson learned from a literary
character in their own lives; applying a mathematical lesson in the
supermarket; predicting how they would have to change their lifestyle
in a different region of the globe. Assessment is based on the extent to
which the product is informed and feasible.
●For Sternberg , the gifted student is one who can capitalize on
strengths and compensate for their weaknesses, adapt to novelty and
automatize new skills rapidly. For him, just as there is no single kind
of intelligence; there is no single kind of giftednes s. It can manifest in
different ways in different situations. His view is that what is good for
gifted students is good for all students, but that if badly done, gifted
education can become an elitist enterprise.
●InTeaching for Wisdom, Intelligence, Creat ivity, and Success ,
Sternberg, Jarvin, and Grigorenko (2009) identify “four types of
different thinking skills: memory, analytical skills, creative skills, and
practical skills” (p. 19). Comparison between these thinking types and
the core processes of the Architecture of Learning provide valuable
●“Practical skills” comprises knowledge students need “in living their
own life” (p. 47). Practical skills can be applied to “real world
situations” (p. 47). Verb phrases associated with practical skills
include apply ,connect to real life ,identify examples ,translate ,show
its benefit in different contexts ,predict ,design ,problem -solve ,
implement ,a n d advise
Page 38
38●Application, as defined in Architecture of Learning, is practice within
the instructional sett ing that enables the use of understandings or skills
within a widened or new (i.e., outside the instructional) setting. It
provides the practice that constructs proficiency. Many of the verbs
associated with Sternberg, Jarvin, and Grigorenko’s “practical s kills”
relate to activities that engage students in Architecture of Learning’s
●This connection between practical skills and application is similar to
those of memory and experience ,analytical skills and comprehension ,
and creative skills and elaboration . These remarkable parallels
reinforce beneficial insights.
Good health depends on the state of both body and mind. Each
exerts a direct influence on the other .A healthy person is not only
physically healthy but also mentally healthy. Health means that both body
and mind are working efficiently and harmoniously. Mental health is a
basic factor th at contributes to the maintenance of physical health as well
as social effectiveness. If a person is well adjusted, has good physical
health and desirable social and moral values, his mental health is likely to
be good. Good mental health is indicated in s uch persons as a happy,
healthy, hopeful and harmonious personality.
1.Hadfield’s View: Mental health is the full and harmonious
functioning of the whole personality.
2.World Health Organization: According to the World Health
Organiz ation, “Mental health is a state of complete physical, mental
and social well -being and not merely the absence of disease or
3.Boehm’s View: “Mental health is a condition and level of social
functioning which is socially acceptable and personally satisfying.”
4.The White House Conference : “Mental health may be defined as the
adjustment of individuals to themselves and the world at large with a
maximum of effectiveness ,satisfaction , cheerfulness and socially
considerable behaviour and the ability of facing the realities of life .”
5.View of Catts and Moslay : “Mental health is the ability which helps
us to seek adjustment in the difficult situations of our life .”
6.Menninger ‘s View : “Mental health is the adjustment of human
beings to the world and to each other with a maximum of effectiveness
and happiness .”
7.Lewkan’s View : “Mentally healthy person is one who is happy , lives
peacefully with his neighbors , makes his children healthy citizens
Page 39
39after fulfilling such basic responsibilities is sti ll empowered with
sufficient strength to serve the cause of the society in any way.”
In the light of above definitions it can be concluded that mental
health is a condition or a state of harmonious functioning of the human
personality. It is a state of one’s peace of mind, satisfaction, happiness,
effectiveness and harmony brought out by o ne’s level of adjustment with
oneself and the world at large.
Some of the important characteristics reflecting the concept of mental
health are as under:
1.Mental health is a positive state and not mere absence of mental
2.Mental health is a dynamic concept.
3.Good physical health is essential for achieving an optimal level of
mental health.
4.There is nothing to be called perfect mental health .It is better to talk
of optimum mental health rather than perfect mental health.
5.Mental health differs from eth ical standards. Morality does not
guarantee mental health. A morally sound person may suffer from
severe abnormalities like sex perversions, frustrations and anxieties.
6.Mental health and sociability are not the same thing .It is not essential
that a sociab le person will be mentally healthy.
7.Mental health is not the same thing as efficiency .An efficient person
may not be a mentally healthy person.
Meaning of Mental Hygiene
Mental hygiene is a means of achieving mental health . Let us consider
some of the definitions of mental hygiene so that the nature and functions
of mental health are properly understood:
1.D.B.Klein's View: “Mental hygiene is the study of ways and means for
keeping the mind healthy and developing .”
2.Hadfields View: “Mental hygiene is concerned with the maintenance
of mental health and the prevention of mental disorder.”
3.Bernard’s View: Mental hygiene is simply the means by which the
process of mental health is realized.
4.Shaffer’s View: “In its broadest sense th e aim of mental hygiene is to
help all persons achieve fuller, happier , more harmonious and more
effective existence .”
Page 40
405.James Drever’s View: “Mental hygiene is the investigations of laws of
mental health and the taking or advocacy of measures for its
6.View of Crow and Crow: “Mental hygiene is a science that deals with
human welfare and pervades all fields of human relationship.”
In the light of above definitions it can be concluded that:
1.Mental hygiene is the science and art of preserving and m aximizing
mental health.
2.It stands for wholesome, stable and balanced personality.
3.An Individual who is balanced physically, mentally, emotionally and
socially is known as a normal man and is said to have enjoyed good
mental hygiene.
4.Mental hygiene is the systematic study of those rules and laws which
help us and train us to establish adjustment and co -ordination with the
5.It saves us from intellectual ailments.
Elements of Mental Hygiene:
The elements of mental hygiene wil l further highlight the concept
(meaning ) of mental hygiene.
1.Physical health : A sound mind lives in a sound body .So Sound
physique is essential to keep good mental health .Persons who have
some physical defects or deformities may develop various types of
complexes and frustrations and the result is bad mental hygiene. So it
is essential that parents and teachers should keep the children
physically fit so that they may enjoy a wholesome personality.
2.Intellectual health: Intellectual health is another imp ortant element of
mental hygiene. Intellectual persons can adjust well to the changing
and frustrating situations. Thus good intelligence keeps the mental
hygiene of the child good. So parents and teachers should provide
opportunities for the development o f various intellectual abilities.
3.Emotional health: For mental health, emotional health is very
important. An emotionally stable child enjoys good mental hygiene
and emotionally unstable conditions cause maladjustments and mental
disorders. So parents and teachers should try to keep the children away
from unhealthy emotions and feelings of anger, fear, hatred, disgust,
jealousy etc. On the other hand they should provide a healthy
atmosphere where emotions can be sublimated for useful purposes.
4.Interests an da p t i t u d e s : It is essential that the children should be
healthy in their interests and inclinations. The work assigned to
children should be according to their interests and aptitudes so
Page 41
41they may get success and the wholesome and balanced personality
may be developed. If the work assigned to students is above their
heads or not according to their interests and aptitudes then they will
lack confidence and hence suffer from frustration which leads to bad
mental hygiene. In the selection of occupations a nd vacations, the
interests of the person should be kept in mind.
5.Environment: For good mental hygiene it is essential to have a good
environment. Bad environment in the home, school and society leads
to bad mental hygiene and a good environment leads to g ood mental
hygiene. So a healthy environment in the home, school and society
should be cooperative.
Relation between Mental Health and Mental Hygiene:
Concept of mental hygiene can be made clearer by studying its
relationship with mental health.
Various definitions of mental health and mental hygiene clearly
point out the relationship that exists between mental health and mental
hygiene. One cannot exist without the other. There cannot be any mental
health, if there is no proper arrangement for mental hygiene. Likewise any
programme of mental hygiene is useless if it does not lead to the
development of desirable mental health.
The purpose of mental health in conjunction with mental hygiene
is to lead the individual towards a happier and fuller life. In other words,
mental health aims at obtaining the fullness of life and harmonious
functioning of personality with the help of mental hygiene.
The relationship between mental health and mental hygiene is
made more meaningful when we study the concept of mental health and its
underlying meanings. Mental health involves the following :
1.Continuous adjusting rather than a static condition is ,t h e r e f o r ea
progressive goal.
2.Physical, mental and emotional phases of adjustive behaviour as well
as habits of work and attitudes towards situations and obstacles.
3.A point of view one takes of all phases of living.
4.A social phase that is socially considerable behaviour, satisfaction
with social order and contributions to society.
5.A process of optimum functioning and maximum realization.
Mental hygiene aims at developing self -understanding within the
individual. It also makes an effort to use the individual’s potential for his
good mental health. Mental hygiene in education provides conditions for
achieving good ment al
Page 42
42Dimensions of Mental Hygiene (Mental Health) :
Concept of mental hygiene can also be studied in the light of dimensions
of mental hygiene:
1.Attitudes towards self: It relates to self -acceptance and self -
evaluation particularly in regard to the weak points as well as his
strong points.
2.Perception of reality: It refers to the ability of a person to have a
realistic view of himself and his social and cultural environm ent. It
involves his being attentive to and concerned with the welfare of
3.Integration of personality: It involves a balance of psychic forces, a
unified outlook on life, and some capacity for withstanding anxiety
and stress.
4.Competencies: It refers to physical, mental, social and emotional
competencies which a person should have in order to face the
problems of life.
5.Autonomy of action: There is autonomy of action in which the person
determines behaviour from within. There is adequate se lf-reliance,
responsibility and self -direction together with sufficient independence
of social influences.
6.Self-actualization : In multiple developments of potentialities to the
maximum and to express in words, deeds and thoughts to the best
7.Mast ery of environment through :
(1)The ability to love,
(2)Ability to draw satisfaction from one’s environment,
(3)Being adequate in love, work and play,
(4)Competence in human relations,
(5)Capacity to adjust oneself to charging circumstances, and
(6)Willingness to use pr oblem solving approaches in the process.
1.View of Shaffer and Shoben : “Adjustment mechanisms are the
habits by which people satisfy their motives, reduce their tensions and
resolve their conflicts.”
Page 43
432.View of English and English: Defense mechanism is “any enduring
structure of the psyche that enables a person to avoid awareness of the
unpleasant or the anxiety arousing.”
3.Coleman’s view: Egodefense mechanism is a “type reaction designed
to maintain the individual’s feelings of ade quacy and worth rather than
tocope with reality with the stress situation, usually unconscious and
reality distorting.”
In the light of various definitions it can be concluded that defence
mechanisms are those which help the individual in protecting hims elf
against psychological dangers. They save the ego from being torn into
pieces, help in maintaining mental health, making adjustment mental
health, making adjustment and keeping the personality of the individual
●Characteristics of Defence of Adj ustment Mechanism :
1.Unconscious methods: Adjustment mechanisms are unconscious
methods which a person uses.
2.Uses by all: Adjustment mechanisms are almost used by all people.
They are constructs which are inferred from the behaviour of the
3.Prote ctive orientation: Adjustment mechanisms have protective
orientation. All mechanisms are used to protect or enhance the
person’s self -esteem against dangers. They save the person against
anxiety and frustration. They increase satisfaction and help in the
process of adjustment if used within limits .
4.Self-deception: Adjustment mechanisms are forms of self -deception
and the person making use of them is not aware of either presence or
5.Distortion of reality: Adjustment mechanisms, when used in excess,
distort realities of life and the person making use of them feels secure
in a world of fantasy.
6.Indicative of abnormality: In the exaggerated forms adjustment
mechanisms are indicative of mental abnormality. According to Page ,
when adjustment mechanisms become ends in themselves they are to
be taken as abnormal symptoms.
Some Important Adjustment or Defence Mechanisms :
1.Projection: Projection means to project one’s feelings , thoughts,
hopes, ambitions, aspirations, frustrati ons, fears, interests and urges on
some external objects . The common tendency of blaming others for
our mistakes is a simple illustration of projection. Thus it is a
technique of substituting one’s drawbacks on others. The causes of
getting low marks in th e examinations are ascribed due to lack
Page 44
44books, incompetent teachers or falling ill etc. i.e., a bad works man
always quarrels with his tools. In this way we save our ego from
2.Rationalization: Rationalization is an attempt to justify some thing
which is otherwise unjustified. It saves the ego from frustration. For
example a student who has failed in an examination may say “Only
crammers pass such an examination.” Similarly an individual, who
does not know how to play football well, may not participate in the
game and may justify his non -participation by saving. “I do not want
to play football because it is not a good game.” Another example of
this mechanism is “ Grapes are sour and lemons are sweet.” The idea
is that whatever we cannot get, we unconsciously think that we do not
want to get that. It is self -deception.
3.Compensation: Compensation is another way to escape from hard
realities of life. Compensation is an attempt to cover up one’s
deficiency in one field by exhibiting his strength in another field. For
example a person who is physically not attractive may work hard to
excel in studies. Similarly a person who is not good in studies may
show his ability in sports. By doing so he may get satisfaction and
remain mentally stable.
4.Identi fication: In the words of Cruze , identification is “an adjustment
mechanism which enables one to achieve satisfaction from the
successes of other people, groups or organizations .” A businessman
who has not achieved success in business may identify himself with
well-known and well established businessmen . Students generally
identify themselves with their favorite teachers and save themselves
from maladjustments.
5.Regression: Regression means going backward. It is a defense
mechanism in which we adopt that behavior which belongs to the
earlier age. The poem’s beginning “Make me a child again just for
tonight” is nearly anexpression of a desire which is universal and
which lies at the basis of child regression.
6.Sympathism : Sympathism is a defence mechanism i nw h i c ht h e
person invites sympathy and pity from others in any difficult situation.
A failed candidate may feel dejected and disappointed so that others
may feel pity on him. Many people get satisfaction when others feel
pity on them.
7.Day-dreaming or fan tasy: Day-dreaming is another defence
mechanism which sometimes helps in making adjustments. Day -
dreaming means to indulge in building castles in the air or
imagination. With the help of his mechanism we achieve that in
imagination what we fail to achieve in re ality. A Youngman who has
been jilted in love, dreams of becoming a bridegroom and feels
satisfaction in the imaginary world. Thus day -dreaming provides
satisfaction in the world of imagination to a person who has
Page 45
45frustrated in the actual world. Somet imes daydreaming creates self -
confidence, but sometimes it is injurious for the individual as well as
for the society.
8.Sublimation: Sublimation is a defence mechanism in which our
unacceptable desires are redirected into socially desirable channels.
For e xample, sex desire may be sublimated in painting, music, poetry,
dancing, drama etc. Sublimation gives personal satisfaction to the
individual and hence helps him in making adjustments. .
9.Repression: Repression is a process of unconscious forgetfulness of
ourunpleasantness and conflict producing emotions and desires. The
person tries to forget what makes him feel inferior, ashamed, guilty,
anxious and unworthy. Thus the person protects itself from anxiety by
forcing into the unconscious those experiences w hich have been
unpleasant and which threaten the emotional well being of a person.
It should be noted that in suppression we consciously decide to
exclude painful and anxiety producing ideas from our thoughts, action
and conversation whereas in repression painful and anxiety producing
experiences are unconsciously and automatically exclu ded from the
conscious thought process.
10.Reaction formation: It is also reversal formation. It is to substitute
opposite reaction formation which causes anxiety. Here the person
thinks and acts in a manner directly opposite to the unconscious
impulse. For example, hate is replaced by love. The original impulse
still exists but it is marked by one that does not cause anxiety. It was
observed that a mother, who unconsciously rejected her ugly child,
manifested her over -indulgence for this child in her conscio us state. In
reaction formation the unconscious desire is socially unacceptable but
in his conscious state the person may protest against it openly.
11.Displacement: The person does something as a substitute for
something else. An example of displacement is found in the behaviour
of a teacher who is rebuked by his principal, and when comes back
home, he rebukes his wife , who in turn punishes her daughter ,and the
daughter displays her displaced anger by beating her dog.
12.Substitution: Substitution is an adju stive mechanism in which the
original goals or desires are substituted by others, The original goals
are difficult to achieve and an attempt at achieving them may end in
failure .The person tries to evade this failure or lessens the effects of
actual failu re, by selecting a new goal or a new situation which is
easier to attain .A student who has not been accepted for admission by
a medical college may satisfy herself by becoming a nurse.
13.Negativism: Some persons react to frustrating situations by becoming
negative .This means they refuse to attack the problem or obstacle
which confronts them. Instead, they become contradictory, stubborn
and rebellious. They become uncooperative and do the opposite of
Page 46
46which should be done .Children who are treated unf airly and
discriminately , who are discouraged , who are pampered too much,
are likely to develop un -cooperative and negative behaviour.
Disobedience, temper -tantrums and deficiency are expressions of
children’s negativism.
14.Withdrawal : Some persons with draw themselves from dangerous ,
difficult or distressing situations .They avoid coping with their
responsibilities .If they refuse to face their problems there is no danger
of failure in connection with them .By withdrawing the person hopes
to protect the integrity of the ego. Because the person who withdraws
does not cause social annoyance, his problems may go unnoticed and
unsolved until they have become so numbered by life’s shocks and
disappointments that he resigns himself to a world of inner living.
15.Introjections: Introjections is the contrary of projection . In
projection we see in others that which we have in ourselves. While in
introjections we find in ourselves what we find in others .We see their
thoughts, desires and wishes in ourselves. A husb and with this
tendency looks upon the wishes of his wife as his own wishes, and
never quarrels with her. He has no desires and thoughts apart from the
thoughts and desires of his wife.
These adjustment mechanisms are psychological devices to maintain
the m ental health of an individual. Their use ,if made sparingly can
save the individual from being mentally unbalanced and maladjusted
.But if their use is made too frequently , so that they become a sort of
habitual behaviour , then they become dangerous and may lead to
serious mental complications. These are just like medicines, only the
proper quantity of dose is beneficial. Taking too much of a medicine
and becoming addicted to it may lead to serious consequences.
It should be noted that adjustment mechanis ms cannot take the place
of robust and sound health .A healthy personality does not need
making use of these mechanisms. Their conscious use should be
avoided. They are the inbuilt mental mechanism to preserve the mental
health of the individual.
Check you rp r o g r e s s :
1)Explain the concept of mental health and mental hygiene.
2)Discuss the various strategies to maintain mental health (Deference
Learning styles are the preferential way in which a student
processes and retains infor mation while thinking styles are the students’
preferred ways of applying their intellectual abilities and knowledge to a
problem. Awareness of the students’ learning and thinking styles will
Page 47
47teachers to create a conducive and effective learning -teach ing class
environment. It will help the teachers in engaging their learners in the
most efficient manner.
Mental health is concerned with an optimum level of emotional
and behavioural adjustment of the individual. While maintaining mental
hygiene helps ev ery individual to become a well -adjusted being in his
society. To maintain a sound mental balance, we often adopt defence
mechanisms. We use defence mechanisms to protect ourselves from
feelings of anxiety or guilt.
1. Explain the meaning of Learning Styles.
2. Name the four different learning styles given by Kolb.
1.Explain the development stages identified by Kolb.
2.Discuss Kolb’s model of learning styles.
3.How would a teacher use Kolb’s learning model in a classroom?
4.Define Thinking.
5.Explain different Thinking Styles propounded by Bramson.
6.Discuss Sternberg’s Tri -archic Model of Intelligence.
7.Illustrate the application of Sternberg’s Tri -archic Model in a
8.Explain the concept of mental health and mental hygi ene.
9.Discuss the various strategies to maintain mental health.
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Unit Structure:
4.0 Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Personality -Theories of Personality -Western (Cognitive -
Ellis, Humanistic -Berne) and Indian Perspective
(Vedic and Buddhist)
4.3 Intelligence -Cognitive (J.P. Guilford,
Emotional -D.Goleman) and Multiple (H. Gardner)
4.4.1 Creativity
4.4.2 Creative thinking -Contribution of E.D. Bono.
4.5 Let us Sum up
4.6 Unit End Exercise
4.7 References
After reading this unit you will be able to explain:
●Ellis’s Theory of personality
●Berne’s Theory of personality
●Vedic concept of personality
●Buddhist concept of personality
●Guilford’s Structure of Intellect
●Goleman’s theory of Emotional Intelligence
●Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence
●Define Creativity
●Highlight the contribution of E.D. Bono.
We are already aware of the nature and implications of individual
differences among learners. Learner diversity is seen in various aspects
such as personality, intelligence, creativity, aptitude and attitude. It is
necessary for a teacher to understan d learner diversity in order to design
learning experiences that would lead to a holistic development of their
Page 49
Introduction to Personality
The word personality is derived from the Latin word ‘persona’
which means mask. The study of personality can be understood as the
study of masks that people wear. Personality usually refers to that, which
is unique about a person, the characteristics that distinguish him or her
from other people. Thought, emotion, a nd behavior as such do not
constitute a personality, which is, rather, the dispositions that underlie
these elements. Personality implies predictability about how a person
will act or react under different circumstances.
1. ‘The dynamic organi zation within the individual of those
psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustment to his
environment’ –-(Allport, 1937)
2. ‘That which permits a prediction of what a person will do in a given
situation.’ –(Cattell, 1965)
3. ‘One’s habits and usual style, but also ability to play roles.’ –-
(Cronbach, 1984)
4. ‘Personality traits are the key antecedent of an individual’ s cognitions
and affective states that may influence his or her task and interpersonal or
socio -emotional role behavior (in teams). –(Moynihan and Peterson,
A brief definition would be that personality is made up of the
characteristic patt erns of thoughts, feelings and behaviors that make a
person unique. In addition to this, personality arises from within the
individual and remains fairly consistent throughout life.
Characteristics of personality :
1. Consistency -There is generally a rec ognizable order and regularity to
behaviors. Essentially, people act in the same ways or similar ways in a
variety of situations.
2. Psychological and physiological -Personality is a psychological
construct, but research suggests that it is also influenced by biological
processes and needs.
3. Impact behaviors and actions -Personality does not just influence
how we move and respond in our environment; it also causes us to act in
certain ways.
4. Multiple expressions -Personality is displayed in more than just
behavior. It can also be seen in our thoughts, feelings, close relationships
and other social
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50Determinants of Personality:
1. Heredity: -There a re some genetic factors that play a part in
determining certain aspects of what we tend to become. Whether we are
tall or short, experience good health or ill health, are quickly irritable or
patient, are all characteristics which can, in many cases, be tr aced to
heredity. How we learn to handle others' reactions to us (e.g. our
appearance) and the inherited traits can also influence how our personality
is shaped.
2. Culture: -The culture and the values we are surrounded by
significantly tend to shape our personal values and inclination. Thus,
people born in different cultures tend to develop different types of
personalities which in turn significantly influence their behaviours. India
being a vast country with a rich diversity of cultural background provid es
a good study on this. For example, we have seen that people in Gujarat are
more enterprising than people from other states, Punjabis are more diligent
and hardworking, people from Bengal are more creative and with an
intellectual bend etc.
3. Family Bac kground: -The socio -economic status of the family, the
number of children in the family and birth order, and the background and
education of the parents and extended members of the family such as
uncles and aunts, influence the shaping of personality to a c onsiderable
extent. First -borns usually have different experiences, during childhood
than those born later.
Members in the family mould the character of all children, almost from
birth, in several ways -by expressing and expecting their children to
confor m to their own values, through role modeling, and through various
reinforcement strategies such as rewards and punishments which are
judiciously dispensed. Think of how your own personality has been
shaped by your family background and parental or sibling influences!
4. Experiences in Life: -Whether one trusts or mistrusts others, is miserly
or generous, have a high or low self esteem and the like, is at least
partially related to the past experiences the individual has had. Imagine if
someone came to you and pleaded with you to lend him Rs. 100 which he
promised to return in a week's time, and you gave it to him even though it
was the last note you had in your pocket to cover the expenses for the rest
of that month. Suppose that the individual never again showed his face to
you and you have not been able to get hold of him for the past three
months. Suppose also that three such incidents happened to you with three
different individuals in the past few months. What is the probability that
you would trust an other person who comes and asks you for a loan
tomorrow? Rather low, one would think. Thus, certain personality
characteristics are molded by frequently occurring positive or negative
experiences in life.
5. People We Interact With: -"A Person is known by the company he or
she keeps'' is a common adage. The implication is that people
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51each other and tend to associate with members who are more like them in
their attitudes and values. Beginning childhood, the people we interact
with influence us. Pr imarily our parents and siblings, then our teachers
and classmates, later our friends and colleagues, and so on. The influence
of these various individuals and groups shapes our personality. For
instantly, if we are to be accepted as members of our work gr oup, we have
to conform to the values of that group which may not always be palatable
to us; if we don't, we will not be treated as valued members of the group.
Our desire to be a part of the group and belong to it as its member will
compel many of us to c hange certain aspects of our personality (for
instance, we may have to become less aggressive, more cooperative, etc.).
Thus, our personality becomes shaped throughout our lives by at least
some of the people and groups we interact with. Thus, our persona lity is a
function of both heredity and other external factors that shape it.
There are a number of different theories about how personality
develops. Different schools of thought influence many of these theories.
Western Theories of Personality:
Majori ty of the Western theories regard the psychophysical self as the
basic unit of personality. An individual’s personality is that pattern that
distinguishes him as an individual and accounts for his unique and
relatively consistent ways of interacting with h is environment.
A)Rational -Emotive -Behavior Therapy by Ellis’:
Cognition means to perceive, comprehend, and conceive or to
know. The basic premise behind cognitive theory of personality is the idea
that the way we think about or perceive ourselves and oth ers, determines
how we respond to the world with our emotions and behaviors. Hence any
treatment would have to include changing the way a person thinks about
himself and / or the world.
Rational -Emotive -Behavior Therapy (REBT), developed by Albert
Ellis, is a therapy that consciously uses cognitive, emotive, and behavioral
techniques to help clients. REBT theorists stress that human beings have
choices. The control of ideas, attitudes, feelings, and actions is specific to
the person who arranges a life acc ording to personal dictates. Having little
control over what happens or what actually exists, people do have choices
and control over how they view the world and how they react to
Behavioral techniques to help people :
REBT is based on the premise that whenever we become upset, it
is not the events taking place in our lives that upset us; it is the beliefs that
we hold that cause us to become depressed, anxious, enraged, etc.To
illustrate this, Dr. Ellis developed a simp leABC format to teach people
how their beliefs cause their emotional and behavioral
Page 52
52A.Something happens.
B.You have a belief about the situation.
C.You have an emotional reaction to the belief.
D, E and F are aimed at the promotion and maintenance of change.
D. Counselor disputing the client's irrational thoughts
E. Presumed consequences of the counselor's intervention
F.N e wf e e l ings the client has regarding situation
For example:
A.Your employer falsely accuses you of taking money from her purse
and threatens to fire you.
B. You believe, "She has no right to accuse me. She is a @#$%$."
C.You feel angry.
If you had held a diff erent belief, your emotional response would have
been different:
A. Your employer falsely accuses you of taking money from her purse
and threatens to fire you.
B. You believe, "I must not lose my job. That would be unbearable."
C. You feel anxious.
The A BC model shows that A does not cause C. It is B that causes
C. In the first example, it is not your employer's false accusation and threat
that make you angry; it is your belief that she has no right to accuse you,
and that she is a @#$%$. In the second ex ample, it is not her accusation
and threat that make you anxious; it is the belief that you must not lose
your job, and that losing your job would be unbearable.
Although we all express ourselves differently, according to Albert
Ellis the beliefs that upse t us are all variations of three common irrational
The Three Beliefs / Musts That Contribute to Making People
1. I must do well and/or be approved of by significant others.
2. I must be treated fairly by others and in exactly the way I want
3. I must get what I want, when I want it; and I must not get what I don't
The first belief often leads to anxiety, depression, shame, and guilt.
The second belief often leads to rage, passive -aggression and acts
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53violence. The third belief often leads to self -pity and procrastination. It is
the demanding nature of the beliefs that causes the problem. Less
demanding, more flexible beliefs lead to healthy emotions and helpful
The goal of REBT is to help people change their irrational beliefs
into rational beliefs. Changing beliefs is the real work of therapy a nd is
achieved by the therapist disputing the client's irrational beliefs.
Techniques Used by Therapist to Reduce or Eliminate Irrational
Active disputation –asking questions in Socratic Style
Why is ______________ so terrible or awful?
Where is it written that you can’t stand the situation?
Is there another way you can think about this?
What is preventing you from doing so?
Why must you have it this way?
What is the worst that can happen if you give up this belief?
What is the best that can happen? When the client tries to answer the
therapist's questions, s/he sees that there is no reason why s/he absolutely
must have approval, fair treatment, or anything else that s/he wants.
Albert Ellis contends that although we all think irrationally from
time to time, we can work at eliminating the tendency by developing three
1. We don't merely get upset but mainly upset ourselves by holding
inflexible beliefs.
2. No matter when and how we start upsetting ourselves, we continue to
feel upset because we cling to our irrational beliefs.
3. The only way to get better is to work hard at changing our beliefs.
REBT therapists strive to help their clients develop three types of
acceptance: (1) unconditional sel f-acceptance; (2) unconditional other -
acceptance; and (3) unconditional life -acceptance. Each of these types of
acceptance is based on three core
Page 54
54Unconditional self -acceptance:
1. I am a fallible human being; I have my good points and my bad points.
2. There is no reason why I must not have flaws.
3. Despite my good points and my bad points, I am no more worthy and
no less worthy than any other human being.
Unconditional other -acceptance:
1. Other people will treat me unfairly from time to time.
2. There is no reason why they must treat me fairly.
3. The people who treat me unfairly are no more worthy and no less
worthy than any other human being.
Unconditional life -acceptance:
1. Life doesn't always work out the way that I'd like it to.
2. There is no reason why life must go the way I want it to
3. Life is not necessarily pleasant but it is never awful and it is nearly
always bearable.
Ellis believes that when people have achieved all three types of insight,
“elegant” change takes place as they have not only made changes but also
know why the changes have been made.
B) Transactional Analysis byEric Berne :
Humanistic theorists believe that each individual is motivated to
develop an d tries to develop his full potential and capabilities.
Eric developed Transactional Analysis (TA) which is basically a
statement describing the human personality. He believed that life is a
series of decisions to be made and problems to be solved, and tha t people
have the rationality and the freedom to do both. TA is a theory of
personality and a systematic psychotherapy for personal growth and
personal change. As a theory of personality , TA describes how people are
structured psychologically. Berne believed that when we interact with
other people, our state of mind affects what happens. There are three states
of mind in all human s, no matter how old they are, called ego states.
The Ego -State (or Parent -Adult -Child, PAC) model
At any given time, a person experiences and manifests their
personality through a mixture of behaviors, thoughts and feelings. There
are three ego -states tha t people consistently use:
1. Parent: The authoritative and directive core in each of us, learned from
our parents and other authority figures when we were young. The parent
Page 55
55concerned with rules and guidelines. For example, a person may shout at
someon e out of frustration because they learned from an influential figure
in childhood the lesson that this seemed to be a way of relating that
2. Adult: The reasoning core in each of us. The adult seeks to understand
and rationalize external stimuli and react appropriately to such stimuli.
3. Child: The emotional core in each of us. The child in us reacts to
external stimuli in an emotional manner such as happiness, sorrow, anger
etc. For example, a person being told off by the boss at work may look
down and feel shame or anger, as they used to when being told off as a
Within each of these are sub -divisions. Thus parental figures are
often either n urturing (permission giving, security giving) or critical (finds
faults, displays prejudices, disapproves and prevents others from feeling
good about themselves), childhood behaviors are either natural (free,
spontaneous, impulsive, feeling oriented, self -centered & pleasure loving )
or adapted (compliant, conforms to the wishes & demands of parental
figures ) . Each of these tends to draw an individual to certain patterns of
behavior, feelings and ways of thinking, which may be beneficial
(positive) or dys functional/counterproductive (negative).
When people are in their different ego states and they interact with
other people, three main types of transaction (or interaction) can happen.
Types of Transaction
Complementary –both people are opera ting from the same ego state
Crossed –the other person reacts from an unexpected ego state
Ulterior –two ego states within the same person but one disguises the
At the core of Berne's theory is the rule that effective transactions
(i.e. successf ul communications) must be complementary. They must go
back from the receiving ego state to the sending ego state. For example, if
the stimulus is Parent to Child, the response must be Child to Parent, or
the transaction is 'crossed', and there will be a p roblem between sender and
Life positions
Many people get stuck in one ego state more than the other two
and this may be due to early childhood
Page 56
56Types of Life positions
Four basic life scripts:
1.I’m OK, you’re OK –ideal
2.I’mO K ,y o u ’ r en o tO K –get away from me
3.I’m not OK, you’re OK –I’ll never get anywhere
4.I’m not OK, you’re not OK –get rid of each other
Everyone is born in the same Life Position I’m not OK, You’re OK
The reason you are not OK when you are born is beca use you are
dependent on others for all your needs. They are OK, because they have
the ability to satisfy their own needs and your needs.
The ideal life position to reach is I’m OK, You’re OK, where you
are in a position to satisfy your own needs and are happy that others are
able to satisfy their needs. However, not all people progress to this happy
state, they get stuck in either” I’m not OK, You’re not OK” or “I’m OK,
You’re not OK” on account of childhood experiences which result in
either very low se lf esteem or too high self esteem.
Transactional Analysis helps to create, develop and maintain
better relationships in every situation, by enabling one to understand more
clearly what is going on, and use this knowledge in the choice of what ego
states t o adopt, which signals to send, and where to send them.
Indian Perspective of Personality:
The Indian theories of personality opine that man is essentially a
spiritual being, and each individual’ s true identity lies outside the
personality complex in the Jivatman or spirit. Indian philosophical -
psychologists perceive some ‘life force’ in an individual which persists
amidst biological, psychological and environmental changes. It has been
referred t o as ‘self consciousnesses or ‘self illumination ’. The western
concept of ‘self ’refers to ‘ME’ reaction of an individual as a mental
process whereas the Indian concept the Indian concept of ‘self
consciousness’ refers to something deep, inherent, intuiti ve, the
transcendental self in the individual as a part of the universal self.
“Veda" means knowledge in the Sanskrit language. According to
the Vedic psychological philosophy consciousness is ‘the essence of
personality’ a nd only through proper integration of One’s body, mind, ego
and spirit can one strengthen one’s personality. The integration of the
different cells in the body is essential to prevent disharmony or ill health.
Hence the body must be nourished with pure foo d, fresh air and exercise
so that one becomes stronger and healthier and cheerful. Similarly our
mind is a ‘synthetic whole’ consisting of the faculties of cognition, feeling
and will. These faculties of the mind are often at war with one another
Page 57
57create confusion within the individual which may lead to the individual
battling a whirlpool of emotions. Hence integration of the mind is essential
to ensure purity, strength and harmony of the mind. Likewise ‘ego’ which
is constantly changing if perverted may make an individual egocentric,
selfish and mean; which is detrimental for himself, his family and to the
society. Integration of the internal components of the ego can thus prevent
the individual from being maladjusted.
Thus ‘Integration’ has its physical aspects, mental aspects as well
as its spiritual aspects. In a properly integrated personality the ‘ego’ or the
individual’s consciousness is in tune with the universal consciousness
which guides the mind and the body in a harmonious, intelligent and
spontaneous manner. The individual feels harmonized and integrated
when s/he is the master of her/his mind and spontaneously follows the
spiritual life without conflicts. The process of mental purification is called
‘sublimation’ in psychological terms. It is a process of giving a higher turn
to the desires of primary instincts. Such a blessed personality sees the
supreme spirit in him and in all beings. His mind is not shaken by misery
nor upset by happiness. He does not get affected by joys and sorrows,
censu re and praise, love and hatred. For him there is no difference
between a piece of log and a piece of gold. He looks upon honor and
dishonor, friendship and enmity as the same, and shuns initiative in all
matters, for he has nothing to ask for. This state o f perfect liberation or
‘supreme consciousness’ is hard to attain. It can be achieved only through
long-sustained endeavor and a strong sense of detachment.
Objectives of Vedic education:
1. Ultimate aim is to be one with the almighty or to be ‘free’
2. Education for character formation
3. Development of:
Self restraint
Self confidence
Self respect
Discrimination and Judgment
Stress on social duties
Preservation and promotion of culture
Buddhism began in India in the 6th century BC. based upon the
Teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, the B uddha. Buddhism maintains that
every person possesses the 'Buddha -nature.’ Everyone is capable of
developing into a Buddha (Buddha = One who is awake, one who has
achieved full humaneness) In Buddhism, a human being is perceived to be
made up of five compo nents i.e. the skanda, namely that of the material
form (rupa), cognition (samjna), sensation (vedana),
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58(samkharas), and consciousness (vijnana). According to Buddhism a
person is the dynamic aggregation of these five different elements
(skandh as), together called Nama -Rupa .T h e skandhas , constitute an
individual personality
Personality in Buddhism means the characteristics that are specific
to an individual. These characteristics are manifested by his/her good and
bad behaviors through body, speech, and mind. In other words, good and
bad behaviors were the manifestations of mental motivation.
Personality is divided into two categories:
1. Implicit Personality and
2. Explicit Personality
Implicit Personality is described as the characteristi cs of an
individual who has wholesome and unwholesome mental conduct . Explicit
Personality is described as the characteristics of an individual who has
wholesome and unwholesome behaviors through body and speech that are
manifested in outward appearances.
Buddhism essentially talks about the four noble truths: The world
is full of suffering, that suffering is caused by desire, that suffering can
cease, and that there is a path to freedom, or Nirvana. This path is the
eightfold path of right views, right int entions, right speech, right conduct,
right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration.
The essence of Buddhism’s teachings is therefore to understand the
basic element behind what makes life and living. The Buddha understood
thisto be the dukha factor. Dukha is in a state of wanting with a sense of
restlessness, unfulfilled and incomplete, a state of dissatisfaction, a feeling
of unfinished and unsettled matter, and this is a form of misery. This
feeling exists and develops becaus e people have tanha which appears in
the form of needs and wants, desire and aspirations, and unless these are
fulfilled, there is always the feeling and sense of striving and therefore of
dukha. Thus, this situation ought to be addressed and repressed and this
can be done through the Eight -fold Paths.
TheEightfold Path trains an individual to attain a very high sense
of self -discipline, including at the levels of the mind, feeling and action,
which are also in correspondence to the five components of man, i.e., the
skanda. Numerous techniques are developed to assist Buddhists to attain
this perfection of personality. The objective of this discipline and training
is to assist the individual to get rid of tanha and so ultimately to abrogate
dukha altogether. Nonetheless, tanha and dukkha can only be completely
annihilated from a person upon his or her achieving Nirvana a situation
where there is no more tanha and dukkha , a state of being fully fulfilled,
satisfied and contented.Personality development in Budd hism is the
improvement of internal and external characteristics. The improvement of
internal characteristics is emphasized in Buddhism as it leads to
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59enlightenment of the ultimate goal of Buddhism, Nirvana. A state of mind
in which all cravings and de sires have been extinguished. Nirvana can
only be achieved through self -discipline, meditation, and realization of the
impermanence of selflessness.
The person who continuously underwent personality development
according to Buddhist teaching benefited in 3 ways. Physically he changed
his unwholesome bodily action and bad speech to wholesome bodily
action and good speech. Mentally his mental unwholesome tendencies
changed to wholesome tendencies. Spiritually he destroyed his worldly
knowledge and obtained sublime wisdom that eradicated greed, hatred,
and delusion. He finally attained the highest goal in Buddhism, of e.g. the
total eradication suffering which is Nirvana.
Intelligence derives from the Latin verb intelligere which derives
from inter -legere meaning to "pick out" or discern. Intelligence is a term
that is easier to recognize than to define, and it can mean many different
things to different people. I n fact, it has divided the scientific community
for decades and controversies still rage over its exact definition and form
of measurement.
In the popular sense, intelligence is often defined as the general
mental ability to learn and apply knowledge to ma nipulate your
environment, as well as the ability to reason and have abstract thought.
Other definitions of intelligence include adaptability to a new environment
or to changes in the current environment, the ability to evaluate and judge,
the ability to c omprehend complex ideas, the capacity for original and
productive thought, the ability to learn quickly and learn from experience
and even the ability to comprehend relationships.
A superior ability to interact with the environment and overcome its
challen ges is often seen as a sign of intelligence. In this case, the
environment does not just refer to the physical landscape (Eg. Mountains,
forests) or the surroundings (eg. school, home, workplace) but also to a
person’s social contacts, such as colleagues, friends and family –or even
complete strangers.
Researchers when asked about the aspects of intelligence felt that
factors like problem -solving ability, mental speed, general knowledge,
creativity, abstract thinking and memory all played important roles i nt h e
measure and standard of intelligence. Most agree that intelligence is an
umbrella term which covers a variety of related mental abilities.
1. ‘Intelligence is the ability to judge well, reason well and act well.’ -
Page 60
602.‘Intellig ence is the cognitive ability of an individual to learn from
experience, to reason well, to remember important information, and to
cope with the demands of daily living’ .Sternberg ‘the global capacity of a
person to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with
his/her environment.’ -Wechsler.
Based on the definitions, Intelligence is:
1.Cognitive –Examples of cognitive ability: memory, perception,
concept formation, proble m solving, mental imagery, action,
association, language and attention.
2.The ability to learn from experience
3.The ability to live and cope with the demands of daily life.
4.Rational thought and reasoning
5.The ability to act purposefully in an environment.
6.Theability to deal with situations, in an effective manner, within
an environment.
Intelligence thus, may be thought of as an organization of activities
to learn, to grasp broad and subtle facts especially abstract facts with
alertness and accuracy to exercis e mental control and to display flexibility
while seeking solutions to problems.
J.P.Guilford views intelligence as a systematic collection of
abilities or functions for the processing of information of different kinds in
various ways.
In (1986) J.P. Guilford proposed the structure of -intellect model
which classifies intellectual traits among three dimensions namely:
1.Operation : concerned with how the mind goes about the task/ the
style or approach it adopts
2.Content :c o n c e r n e d with the type of mental operation or mental
representation which is involved
3.Product : type of outcome which can result from the mental task
The Operation Dimension
This consists of five (later six when memory was separated into
recording and retention) kinds of operations or general intellectual
1.Cognition -The ability to understand, comprehend, discover, and
become aware of
Page 61
612.Memory -The abili ty to encode information and recall information.
Later divided into,
Memory Recording -The ability to encode information.
Memory Retention -The ability to recall information.
3.Divergent Production -The process of generating multiple solutions to
ap r o b l e m
4.Convergent Production -The process of deducing a single solution to a
5.Evaluation -The process of judging whether an answer is accurate,
consistent, or valid.
The Content Dimension
This dimension includes the broad areas of information in which
operations are applied. It was divided into four categories, later five when
auditory and visual were separated:
1.Figural -Information that is non -verbal or pictorial. Later divided into
Auditory -Information perceived through hearing.
Visual -Information perceived through seeing.
2.Symbolic -Information perceived as symbols or signs that have no
meaning by themselves; for example, Arabic numerals or the
letters of an alphabet.
3.Semantic -Information perceived in words or sentences, whether oral,
written, or silently in one's mind.
4.Behavioral -Information perceived as acts of an individual or
The Product Dimension
As the name suggests, this dimension contains result so fa p p l y i n g
particular operations to specific contents. There are six kinds of products,
they are:
1.Unit -Represents a single item of information.
2.Class -A set of items that share some attributes.
3.Relation -Represents a connection between items or vari ables; may be
linked as opposites or in associations, sequences, or analogies.
4.System -An organization of items or networks with interacting parts.
5.Transformation -Changes perspectives, conversions, or mutations to
knowledge; such as reversing the order of letters in a
Page 62
62Guilford's original model comprised of 120 components because
he had not separated Figural Content into separate Auditory and Visual
contents, nor had he separated Memory into Memory Recording and
Memory Retention. When he separated F igural into Auditory and Visual
contents, his model increased to 5 x 5 x 6 = 150 categories. When
Guilford separated the Memory functions, his model finally increased to
the final 180 factors .Hence these 180 factors constitute intellect and
intellectual a ctivity generally called as intelligence.
Emotional intelligence (sometimes known as emotional literacy) is a
relatively new concept in the education world. By helping children to deal
with their emotions and to become better list eners, it can assist teachers in
the classroom and raise standards.
There is no doubt that children’s emotions have a huge impact on
school life. Anger affects the atmosphere in a classroom like nothing else.
Similarly, in lessons where significant progres s has been made, it is likely
that more positive emotions were present in both teacher and pupils.
Emotions impact productivity, relationships, creativity and
achievements. Philosophers such as David Hume and Adam Smith
believed them to be vital to social and individual existence. More recent
thinkers have examined the premise further. In Emotion: The science of
sentiment , Dylan Evans writes that ‘Intelligent action results from a
harmonious blend of emotion and reason’. He adds, ‘Knowing when to
follow our feelings and when to ignore them is a valuable talent that some
have called “emotional intelligence”.’
Emotional Intelligence, emotional literacy is a relatively new
concept in the education world. By helping children to deal with their
emotions and to become better listeners, it can assist teachers in the
classroom and raise standards.
Emotional Intelligence (EI), often measured as an Emotional
Intelligence Quotient (EQ), describes a concept that involv es the ability,
capacity, skill or (in the case of the trait EI model) a self -perceived ability,
to identify, assess, and manage the Emotions of one's self, of others, and
of groups.
Aspects of Emotional intelligence
1.Understanding yourself, your goal s, intentions, responses, behaviour and
2.Understanding others, and their feelings.
Emotional Intelligence -EQ-is a relatively recent behavioral model,
rising to prominence with Daniel Goleman's 1995 Book
Page 63
63'Emotional Intelligence'. In 1994 Daniel Goleman stated in a report on the
current state of emotional literacy in the U.S;
" navigating our lives, it is our fears and envies, our rages and
depressions, our worries and anxieties that stee ru sd a yt od a y .E v e nt h e
most academically brilliant among us are vulnerable to being undone by
unruly emotions. The price we pay for emotional literacy is in failed
marriages and troubled families, in stunted social and work lives, in
deteriorating physi cal health and mental anguish and, as a society, in
tragedies such as killings. EQ is the personal, social, and survival
dimensions of Intelligence. EQ is concerned with understanding oneself
and others, relating to people, and adapting to and coping with the
immediate surroundings • A dictionary definition might include “an array
of noncognitive capabilities, competencies, and skills that influence one’s
ability to succeed in coping with environment
Goleman identified the five 'domains' of EQ as :
1.Knowin g your emotions.
2.Managing your own emotions.
3.Motivating yourself.
4.Recognizing and understanding other people's emotions.
5.Managing relationships, ie., managing the emotions of others.
Goleman includes a set of emotional competencies within each
construct of EI.
Emotional competencies are not innate talents, but rather learned
capabilities that must be worked on and developed to achieve outstanding
performance. Goleman says that individuals are born with a general
emotional intelligence that det ermines their potential for learning
emotional competencies
Five yardsticks to measure EI
1.Your ability to identify and name one's emotional states and to
understand the link between emotions, thought and action
2.Your ability to manage your emotional s tates —to control your
emotions or to shift undesirable emotional states to more reasonable
3.Your ability to enter into emotional states associated with
achievement and success
4.Your ability to read, be sensitive to and influence other people's
Page 64
645.Your ability to enter into and to sustain positive interpersonal
The Southampton Emotional Literacy Interest Group (SELIG) defines
emotional literacy as: ‘The ability to recognise, understand, handle and
appropriately express emot ions’. According to SELIG, such an important
skill should not be marginalized or contained in one small dimension of
the curriculum. Emotional literacy can be used to encompass:
1.Learning and achievement
2.Social and health education
3.Spiritual, moral an d cultural development
4.Equal opportunities
6.Behaviour and discipline
7.Social inclusion
8.Crime and disorder
9.Music, art, dance and drama
Role of Schools:
Schools that seek specifically to promote emotional literacy
amongst pupils have provided evidence that it helps to raise achievement.
Teachers will often use certain approaches. For example, they might adopt
key emotions such as anger and happiness or fea r and excitement each half
term. This encourages awareness of the impact that emotions can have on
our lives. Children can be asked to think about contrasting emotions: when
they might experience them and how they might express them differently.
Fiction, t hemed displays or music and colour imagery can all help children
of any age feel more connected to their emotions.
Role of the Teacher
The teacher's level of EQ is by far the single most important
variable in creating a classroom where EI can be developed healthily. and
the single most important variable in the teacher's EQ is how they handle
their own emotions, especially their negative emotions. An effective,
successful teacher is largely one who can handle his or her negative
feelings in an authentic, re al and healthy way.
As a new teacher in a school your role can be central. The impact
of both your own, and your pupils’, emotions might play a strong role in
the development of your personal teaching style. The following methods
will begin developing emo tional intelligence in your pupils:
1. Offer pupils a part of each lesson to explain what they have learned or
researched to others in their
Page 65
652. Let personal reflection play a strong role in your lessons. Encourage
pupils to think about what they ar e achieving and how they are making
progress. They might consider how they are helping or hindering
themselves and how they might do things differently.
3. Develop tasks and activities that nurture listening skills.
4. Offer pupils' choices within your l essons, as far as is practical. This
helps them to develop a sense of responsibility for, and commitment to,
their actions.
5. Give praise and positive encouragement as frequently as possible and
encourage pupils to do this for themselves and for each othe r.
Why does emotional literacy matter?
InNurturing Emotional Literacy , educational psychologist Peter
Sharp explains what we can expect to see if schools are successful at
nurturing emotional literacy:
Children who recognise and understand their feelings and so
become more adept at handling and expressing them appropriately
Children and teachers who are less unduly stressed, and are able to
manage competing demands more effectively Children who have beco me
better listeners, and who are more likely to see the other person’s point of
view Children with an increased attention span Children who have greater
prowess at forming and maintaining relationships Children will have
learned problem -solving methods tha t lead to enhanced interpersonal skills
as adults Children who have learned to manage conflicts and are therefore
less likely to be involved in crime, particularly those crimes involving
violence Children who have learned skills that enhance their future
parenting skills
What would be the consequences of introducing emotional intelligence in
schools? Are schools the right place for it? Is it even possible? Scientific
research, in particular on how the brain works, indicates that the formation
of emotional skills is much easier in the "formative" years from birth to
the late teens. Looking at existing structures, school is themajor activity
in that age group. However, emotions rarely have a place in schools.
Beyond infants school and early primary school, almost all efforts are
concentrated on cognitive skills (reading, writing, mathematics,...). What's
more, there is little or nothing in the standard training of teachers that
prepares them from such a task. Y et there is no subject where the quality
and ability of teachers would be more crucial.
Introducing emotions in schools would be a radical change! Yet
schools do not change so readily. Those well -meaning people who have
tried to introduce innova tions in schools have come up against
considerable resistance from teachers, students and parents alike.
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66without their active participation, no such far -reaching change is possible.
One possible solution, if such essential skills prove too difficult to develop
in schools, would be to start by introducing them in the spaces around
school. During the breaks for example. Daniel Goleman describes how
appointed pupil mediators, once all involved know the rules of the game,
resolve conflicts in the playgrou nd. Such a "school for emotions" could be
a local, community -based activity in conjunction with other activities like
scouts, parent -teachers associations, artistic expression groups, clubs etc.
What skills?
But what exactly might such skills be? In his book, Daniel
Goleman gives a considerable list. Here are some indications inspired by a
list quoted by Goleman from a book called Self Science: The Subject is Me
(2nd edition) by Karen Stone McCown et al. [San Mateo, Six Seconds,
Self awareness
One of the basic emotional skills involves being able to recognise
feelings and put a name on them. It is also important to be aware of the
relationship between thoughts, feelings and actions. What thought sparked
off that feeling? What feeling was behind that action?
Managing emotions
It is important to realize what is behind feelings. Beliefs have a
fundamental effect on the ability to act and on how things are done. Many
people continually give themselves negati ve messages. Hope can be a
useful asset. In addition, finding ways to deal with anger, fear, anxiety and
sadness is essential: learning how to soothe oneself when upset, for
example. Understanding what happens when emotions get the upper hand
and how to ga in time to judge if what is about to be said or done in the
heat of the moment is really the best thing to do. Being able to channel
emotions to a positive end is a key aptitude.
Getting the measure of a situation and being able to act
appropriately requires understanding the feelings of the others involved
and being able to take their perspective. It is important to be able to listen
to them without being carried away by personal emotions. There's a need
to be able to distinguish betwe en what others do or say and personal
reactions and judgments.
Developing quality relationships has a very positive effect on all
involved. What feelings are being communicated to others? Enthusiasm
and optimism are contagious as are pessimism and negativity. Being able
to express personal concerns without anger or passivity is a key
Page 67
Knowing how and when to take the lead and when to follow is
essential for effective co -operation. Effective leadership i s not built on
domination but the art of helping people work together on common goals.
Recognizing the value of the contribution of others and encouraging their
participation can often do more good than giving orders or complaining.
At the same time, there is a need to take responsibilities and recognize the
consequences of decisions and acts and follow through on commitments.
Basic Steps to Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom
Managing your Own Emotions
Identify Your Feelings -Ask yourself: How am I fee ling? -
Answer using three word sentences beginning with "I feel..." -Label
your feelings, not your children (or situation)
Take Responsibility for Them (Own them) -Don't blame the
children for your feelings -Owning your feelings means not think ing in
terms of:You are making me angry You kids are driving me crazy -
Remember that there is a little space between stimulus and response, and
in this space lies your power to choose your reaction. Don't give away this
power.** If your kids are in cha rge of your emotions, you are in trouble!
Same is true for the children especially teenagers
Use Your Emotional Awareness to Learn About Yourself
Your negative feelings reveal your unmet emotional needs.
Remember that the children are not ther e to meet your needs, you are there
to meet theirs. Thus, you must either get your needs met somewhere else,
or you must "let go" of some of your needs, such as your need to have so
much control, or to feel obeyed.
Do not demand respect work towards e arning it. The easiest way to do
this is by respecting each individual child's feelings, and reminding
oneself that his negative feelings are indicative of unmet emotional
Work on Keeping Your Area of Acceptance Wide Open
When you feel good abo ut yourself you are more accepting,
tolerant, patient, understanding. This helps your students feel Accepted,
Approved of, Secure and Relaxed.
Feeling good about themselves ===> contribute to healthy self -esteem,
openness to learn and willingness to cooper ate.
Helping your Students Feel Better Through Increased Eq
A. Help them label their feelings -Teach them a wide range of feeling
words -Start expressing your feelings -Start talking about
Page 68
68B. Give them real choices -Honor their decisi ons -Don’t issue orders
in disguise as requests -Ask them to help you meet your needs; don't
demand it
C. Respect their feelings -Ask them how they feel -Ask them how
they would feel before taking action -Think about how you want them to
feel-what feelings create a positive learning environment.
D. Encourage a positive outlook -Validation -Accept their feelings -
Show understanding, empath y, caring and concern -Whenever there is a
problem remember to always first validate the feelings
E. Empower them -Ask them how they feel and "What would help you
feel better" -Teach them to solve their own problems using empathy,
compassion and mutual respect for each other's feelings
F. Avoid Labels and Judgment -Avoid "should" -Avoid subjective
labels (good/bad; nice/rude, etc.)
Creating a Positive Learning Environment :
Traits of a positive learning environment:
Safe--Free from fear of physical, psychological or emotional pain and
abuse. Free from threats, force, punishment, coercion, manipulation,
pressure, stress, intimidation, humiliation, embarrassment, invalidation.
Free --Students have real choices. Participation in activities and lessons is
Respectful --Students and teachers respect each other's feelings,
emotional needs, beliefs, values and uniqueness
Individual/Supportive/Nurturing --Students are treated individually.
Their individual needs, talents, potential and interests are supported.
Emotionally Intelligent --Feelings are valued, discussed, validated. EI is
part of the formal and informal curriculum.
Relevant/Meaningful/Practical --Material helps students with real
problems in their lives. Life skills, relationship skills and parenting skills
are taught.
Empathetic & Caring --Students and teachers care about each other’s
Interesting/Stimulating --The material and the environment stimulate
the student's natural curiosity and need to learn.
Flexible --Changes are made frequently, easily and
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69Conflict resoluti on skills
Setting up the atmosphere -Reassure the students that it is okay to be
honest about their feelings. Tell them that if they feel hateful, hurtful,
vengeful, violent or destructive, it is okay to say it.
To lighten up the tension, set a goal of fi nding 3 -30 things that
everyone can agree on. Use humor. For example, ask, "Ask them how they
are feeling at that specific moment.
Ask what would help them feel better. Give them some control
over something. Ask them where they want to sit for example. Su ggest
your chair, the floor, the desk, wherever they would feel comfortable.
Assisting teachers in creating a positive environment for learning,
and better managing their own emotions, will help to enhance students'
experiences and those of teac hers. To work towards an emotionally literate
learning community a whole -school approach (ethos, curriculum and
partnerships) needs to be employed. This multidimensional strategy has
the potential to transform pedagogy and relationships in a responsive
classroom approach, increasing the capacity for improved learning
Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Gardner
The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr.
Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University. Using the
definition of intelligence as “the capacity to solve problems or to fashion
products that are valued in one or more cultural settings ”( G a r d n e r&
Hatch, 1989), Gardner developed a list of seven later nine intelligences.
These inte lligences are:
1. Linguistic intelligence ("word smart")
2. Logical -mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart")
3. Spatial intelligence ("picture smart")
4. Bodily -Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart")
5. Musical intelligence ("music smart")
6. Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart")
7. Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart")
8. Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")
9. Existential
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70According to Howard Gardner, intelligence is:
1. The ability to creat e an effective product or offer a service that is valued
in a culture;
2. A set of skills that make it possible for a person to solve problems in
life; the potential for finding or creating solutions for problems, which
involves gathering new knowledge
Gardner says -
All human beings possess all nine intelligences in varying amounts. Each
person has a different intellectual composition.
We can improve education by addressing the multiple intelligences of our
These intelligences are located in d ifferent areas of the brain and can
either work independently or together.
These intelligences may define the human species.
1.Visual and Spatial Judgement
Strengths: Visual and Spatial Judgement
People who are strong in visual -spatial intelligence are g ood a
visualizing things. These individuals are often good with directions as well
as maps, charts, videos and pictures.
Characteristics of Visual -Spatial Intelligence
●Enjoys reading and writing
●Good at putting puzzles together
●Good at interpreting pictures, graphs and charts
●Enjoys drawing, painting and the visual arts
●Recognizes patterns easily
Potential Career Choices
2. Linguistic -Verbal Intelligence
Strengths: Words, Language and Writing
People who are strong in linguistic -verbal intelligence are able to
use words well, both when writing and speaking. These individuals are
typically very good at writing stories, memorizing information and
Page 71
71Characteristics of Linguistic -Verbal Intelligence
●Good at remembering written and spoken information
●Enjoys reading and writing
●Good at debating or giving persuasive speeches
●Able to explain things well
●Often uses humor when telling stories
Potential Career Choices
●Writer / Journalist
3. Logical -Mathematical Intelligence
Strengths Analyzing Problems and Mathematical Operations
People who are strong in logical -mathematical intelligence are
good at reasoning, recognizing patterns and logically analyzing problems.
These individua ls tend to think conceptually about numbers, relationships
and patterns.
Characteristics of Logical -Mathematical Intelligence
●Excellent problem -solving skills
●Enjoys thinking about abstract ideas
●Likes conducting scientific experiments
●Good and solving complex computations
Potential Career Choices
●Computer programmer
4.Bodily -Kinesthetic Intelligence
Strengths: Physical Movement, Motor Control
Those who have high bodily -kinesthetic intelligen ce are said to be
good at body movement, performing actions and physical control. People
who are strong in this area tend to have excellent hand -eye coordination
and dexterity.
Characteristics of Bodily -Kinesthetic Intelligence
●Good at dancing and sports
●Enjoy creating things with their hands
●Excellent physical
Page 72
72●Tends to remember by doing, rather than hearing or seeing
Potential Career Choices
5. Musical Intelligence
Strengths Rhythm and Music
People who have strong musical intelligence are good and think in
patterns, rhythms and sounds. They have a strong appreciation for music
and are often good at musical composition and performance.
Characteristics of Musical Intelligence
●Enjoy singing and p laying musical instruments
●Recognizes musical patterns and tones easily
●Good at remembering songs and melodies
●Rich understanding of musical structure, rhythm and notes
Potential Career Choices
●Music Teacher
6.Interpersonal Intelligence
Strengths: Understanding and Relating to Other People
Those who have strong interpersonal intelligence are good at
understanding and interacting with other people. These individuals are
skilled at assessing the emotions, motivati ons, desires and intentions of
those around them.
Characteristics of Interpersonal Intelligence
●Good at communicating verbally
●Skilled nonverbal communicators
●See situations from different perspectives
●Create positive relationships with others
●Good at resolving conflict in
Page 73
73Potential Career Choices
●Sales person
7.Intrapersonal Intelligence
Strengths: Introspection and Self -Reflection
Individuals who are strong in intrapersonal intelligence are good at
being aware of their own emotional states, feelings and motivations. They
tend to enjoy self -reflection and analysis, including day -dreaming,
exploring relationships with others and asses sing their personal strengths.
Characteristics of Intrapersonal Intelligence
●Good at analyzing their strengths and weaknesses
●Enjoys analyzing theories and ideas
●Excellent self -awareness
●Clearly understands the basis for their own motivations and feelin gs
Potential Career Choices
8.Naturalistic Intelligence
Strengths: Finding Patterns and Relationships to Nature
Naturalistic is the most recent addition to Gardner’s theory5and
has been met with more resistance than his original seven intelligences.
According to Gardner, individuals who are high in this type of intelligence
are more in tune with nature and are often interested in nurturing,
exploring the environment and lear ning about other species. These
individuals are said to be highly aware of even subtle changes to their
Characteristics of Naturalistic Intelligence
●Interested in subjects such as botany, biology and zoology
●Good at categorizing and catalogi ng information easily
●May enjoy camping, gardening, hiking and exploring the
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74●Doesn’t enjoy learning unfamiliar topics that have no connection to
Potential Career Choices
9. EXISTENTIAL –concerned with 'ultimate issues' learning by seeing
the "big picture": "Why are we here?" "What is my role in the world?"
"What is my place in my family, school and community?"
This intelligence seeks connections to real world understandings and
applicatio ns of new learning.
Although the intelligences are anatomically separated from each
other, Gardner claims that they very rarely operate independently. Rather,
the intelligences are used concurrently and typically complement each
other as individuals develo p skills or solve problems. For example, a
dancer can excel in his art only if he has
1.strong musical intelligence to understand the rhythm and variations of
the music,
2.interpersonal intelligence to understand how he can inspire or
emotionally move his audience through his movements, as well as
3.Bodily -kinesthetic intelligence to provide him with the agility and
coordination to complete the movements successfully.
Strengths of Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory
●helps to explain the variety of indiv idual differences in different types
of mental performance
●based in developmental, clinical, case study and educational evidence
Criticisms of Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory
●It's not new . Critics of multiple intelligence theory maintain that
Gard ner's work isn't groundbreaking --that what he calls
"intelligences" are primary abilities that educators and cognitive
psychologists have always acknowledged.
●It isn't well defined . Some critics wonder if the number of
"intelligences" will continue to i ncrease. These opposing theorists
believe that notions such as bodily -kinesthetic or musical ability
represent individual aptitude or talent rather than intelligence. Critics
also believe that M.I. theory lacks the rigor and precision of a real
science. Ga rdner claims that it would be impossible to guarantee a
definitive list of
Page 75
75●It's culturally embedded . M.I. theory states that one's culture plays
an important role in determining th e strengths and weaknesses of one's
intelligence. Critics counter that intelligence is revealed when an
individual must confront an unfamiliar task in an unfamiliar
●It defeats National Standards . Widespread adoption of multiple
intelligence pedagogy would make it difficult to compare and
classify students' skills and abilities across classrooms.
●It is impractical . Educators faced with overcrowded classrooms
and lack of resources sees multiple intelligence theory as utopian.
Multiple Intel ligences in the classroom
Everyone is born possessing intelligence. Nevertheless, all students
will come into the classroom with their own unique set of intellectual
strengths and weaknesses. These sets determine how easy or difficult it is
for a student to learn information when it is presented in a particular
manner. This is commonly referred to as a learning style.
Many learning styles can be found within one classroom.
Therefore, it is impossible, as well as impractical, for a teacher to
accommodate e very lesson to all of the learning styles found within the
classroom. Nevertheless the teacher can show students how to use their
more developed intelligences to assist in the understanding of a subject
which normally employs their weaker intelligences. Fo re x a m p l e ,t h e
teacher can suggest that an especially musically intelligent child learn
about the revolutionary war by making up a song about what happened.
As the education system has stressed the importance of developing
mathematical and li nguistic intelligences, it often bases student success
only on the measured skills in those two intelligences. Supporters of
Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences believe that this emphasis is
biased, unbalanced, and unfair. Children, whose musical in telligences are
highly developed, for example, may be overlooked for gifted programs or
may be placed in a special education class because they do not accomplish
the required math or language scores. As educators, we must seek to
assess our students’ lear ning needs in ways which will provide a clear
picture of their strengths and weaknesses.
Since all children do not learn in the same way, they cannot be
assessed in the same way. Therefore, it is important that an educator
create an “intelligence profil e” for each student. Knowing how each
student learns will allow the teacher to properly assess the child's progress.
This individualized evaluation practice will allow a teacher to make more
informed decisions on what to teach and how to present informatio n.
Traditional tests (e.g., multiple choice, short answer, essay, etc.)
require students to demonstrate their knowledge in a
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76manner. Supporters of Gardner’s theory claim that a better approach to
assessment is to allow students to explain the material in their own ways
using the different intelligences.
Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences provides a theoretical
foundation for recognizing the different abilities and talents of students.
This theory acknowledges that while all students may not be verbally or
mathematically gifted, children may have an expertise in other areas, such
as music, spatial relations, or interpersonal knowledge. Approaching and
assessing learning in this manner allows a wider range of students to
successfully participate in classroom learning.
In 1980 Guilford said that of all the qualities that man possesses,
those that contribute to his creative thinking have been most important for
his well being and his advancement.
Torrance sa ys that society is downright savage towards creative
thinkers especially when they are young.
In every underdeveloped country the potential of Einstein and
Newton are herding cattle for breaking stones.
Definitions of Creativity
1. Creativity is the capacity of the person to produce compositions,
products, or ideas which are essentially new or novel and previously
unknown to the producer .-Drevdahl J.E
2. Creative thinking means that the predictions or inferences for the
indivi dual are new, original, ingenious, unusual. He explores new areas
and makes new observations and inferences. -Skinner
3. Creativity is a process of becoming sensitive to problems, deficiencies,
gaps of Knowledge, missing elements, identifying difficulties, searching
for solutions, making guesses, formulating hypotheses, modifying,
retesting and finally communicating results. -Torrance
Nature of creativity
●Creativity is the Process as well as product
●It is a complex, dynamic and serious process
●It is the capacity to accept challenges.
●It is the freedom to exercise choice
●It is universal. Everyone has some capacity of creativity
●Creativity can be fostered and encouraged by a suitable
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77●Creativity again is an outcome of heredity and environment.
Characteristics of a creative Individual
●Readiness to change self and environment.
●Motivational Interest
●Openness, independent thinking.
●Fluency -quantity of output
●Flexibility –sees alternative and unusual possibilities.
●Originality -original response for a particular situation.
●Unusual or uncommon responses emitted by a person.
●Curious by nature full of questions
●Flexible in his thinking and doing
●Keen to explore and investigate
●Willingness to take risk
The Process of creativity
Four stages:
1. Preparation:
Purposeful study makes all efforts to accumulate that information to solve
a problem or a felt need
2. Incubation:
During this period ideas churn around below the threshold of
consciousness. It is during this time that unusual connections are likely to
be made. Because of its mysterious quality, incubation has often been
thought the most creative part of the entire process. What happens in this
“dark” spa ce defies ordinary analysis and evokes the original mystery
shrouding the work of genius. How long a period of incubation is needed
varies depending on the nature of the problem. It may range from a few
hours to several weeks and even longer.
3. Illuminati on:
A clearer conception or idea of the problem emerges. The mind is
rewarded with a solution that seems appropriate. When the pieces of the
puzzle fall
Page 78
784. Verification:
Deciding whether the insight is valuable and worth pursuing. This is often
the most emotionally trying part of the process, when one feels most
uncertain and insecure. Is this idea really novel, or is it obvious? The
solution to the problem is extended to other situations. The solution is
reformed and adapted in the light of its application.
Creative thought can be divided into divergent and convergent reasoning.
Divergent thinking is the intellectual ability to think of many original,
diverse, and elabora te ideas.
Convergent thinking is the intellectual ability to logically evaluate,
critique and choose the best idea from a selection of ideas .
Difference between Convergent and Divergent thinking
Convergent thinking Divergent thinking
1.One single answer Variety of responses
2.Solution is a commonly
acceptable answerNew or an original answer not
common is discovered
3. Rigid and stereotyped Exploratory and Venturesome.
4 Convergent is stimulus bound Divergent thinking is Stimulus free
5.Measured by means of
intelligence test Emphasis on
remembering, recognition and
manipulationMeasured by creativity tests
emphasis on flexibility and
6. It is known as reasoning and
rational thinkingKnown as creative or Imaginative
7. Non -creative people high on
convergent thinkingCreative people on divergent
8. Left brain dominated activity Right brain dominated activity.
9. More focused on success Not so focused on success
10.Conformists and conservative Non-conformists original/risk
Need and ways to measure Creativity:
●Enhances your understanding of the person’s capabilities.
●Helps in teaching and individual teaching
●Emphasizes the identification and nurturing responsibility of
Page 79
●Picture construction
●Picture completion
●Parallel lines
●Torrance tests of creativity 1966
●Ask and guess
●Product improvement
●Unusual uses
●Unusual questions
●Just suppose
●Passi’s test of creativity
●Guilfords creativity test 1959
●Flangans ingenui ty test 1966
●Baquar Mehndis test.
●Unusual uses
●Consequence test
●Product improvement
●Creativity in the classroom
When students are being creative in the classroom they are likely to:
●Question and challenge -Creative pupils are curi ous, question and
challenge, and don’t necessarily follow the rules.
●Make connections and see relationships -Creative pupils think laterally
and make associations between things that are not usually connected.
●Envision might be -They imagine, see possibilities, ask ‘what if?’,
picture alternatives, and look at things from different viewpoints.
●Explore ideas and options -Creative pupils play with ideas, try
alternatives and fresh approaches, keep open minds and m odify their
ideas to achieve creative results.
●Reflect critically on ideas, actions and outcomes -They review
progress, invite and use feedback, criticize constructively and make
Page 80
Much of the thinking done in formal education emphasizes the
skills of analysis --teaching students how to understand claims, follow or
create a logical argument, figure out the answer, eliminate the incorrect
paths and focus on the corr ect one. However, there is another kind of
thinking, one that focuses on exploring ideas, generating possibilities,
looking for many right answers rather than just one. Both of these kinds of
thinking are vital to a successful working life, yet the latter one tends to be
ignored until after college. We might differentiate these two kinds of
thinking like this:
Critical Thinking Creative Thinking
Analytic Generative
Convergent Divergent
Vertical Lateral
Probability Possibility
Judgment suspended judgment
Focused Diffuse
Objective Subjective
Answer an answer
left brain right brain
Verbal Visual
Linear Associative
Reasoning richness, novelty
yes but yes and
What is Creativity?
Ability :A simple definition is that creativity is the ability to imagine or
invent something new. As we will see below, creativity is not the ability to
create out of nothing (only God can do that), but the ability to generate
new ideas by combining, changing, or reapplying existing ideas.
Page 81
81creative ideas are astonishing and brilliant, while others are just simple,
good, practical ideas that no one seems to have thought of yet.
Believe it or not, everyone has substantial creative ability. Just
look at how creative children are. In adults, creativity has too often been
suppressed through education, but it is still there and can be reawakened.
Often all that's needed to be creative is to make a commitment to creativity
and to take the time for it.
An Attitude. Creativity is also an attitude: the ability to accept change and
newness, a willingness to play with ideas and possibilities, a flexibility of
outlook, the habit of enjoying the good, while looking for ways to improve
it. We are socialized into accepting only a small number of permitted or
normal things, like chocolate -covered strawberries, for example. The
creative person realizes that there are other possibilities, like pean ut butter
and banana sandwiches, or chocolate -covered prunes.
AP r o c e s s .Creative people work hard and continually to improve ideas
and solutions, by making gradual alterations and refinements to their
works. Contrary to the mythology surrounding creativi ty, very, very few
works of creative excellence are produced with a single stroke of
brilliance or in a frenzy of rapid activity. Much closer to the real truth are
the stories of companies who had to take the invention away from the
inventor in order to ma rket it because the inventor would have kept on
tweaking it and fiddling with it, always trying to make it a little better.
The creative person knows that there is always room for improvement.
Creative Methods:
Several methods have been identified for pro ducing creative
results. Here are the five classic ones:
Evolution: This is the method of incremental improvement. New ideas
stem from other ideas, new solutions from previous ones, the new ones
slightly improved over the old ones. Many of the very sophis ticated things
we enjoy today developed through a long period of constant
incrementation. Making something a little better here, a little better there
gradually makes it something a lot better --even entirely different from the
The evolutionary m ethod of creativity also reminds us of that
critical principle: Every problem that has been solved can be solved
again in a better way. Creative thinkers do not subscribe to the idea that
once a problem has been solved, it can be forgotten, or to the notio n that
"if it isn’t broke, don't fix it." A creative thinker's philosophy is that "there
is no such thing as an insignificant improvement."
Synthesis: With this method, two or more existing ideas are combined
into a third, new idea. Combining the ideas of a magazine and an audio
tape gives the idea of a magazine you can listen to, one useful for blind
people or freeway
Page 82
82For example, someone noticed that a lot of people on dates went
first to dinner and then to the theater . Why not combine these two events
into one? Thus, the dinner theater , where people go first to eat and then to
see a play or other entertainment.
Revolution: Sometimes the best new idea is a completely different one, a
marked change from the previous ones. While an evolutionary
improvement philosophy might cause a professor to ask, "How can I make
my lectures better and better?" a revolutionary idea might be, "Why not
stop lecturing and have the students teach each other, working as teams or
presenting reports?"
For example, th e evolutionary technology in fighting termites
eating away at houses has been to develop safer and faster pesticides and
gasses to kill them. A somewhat revolutionary change has been to
abandon gasses altogether in favor of liquid nitrogen, which freezes t hem
to death or microwaves, which bake them. A truly revolutionary creative
idea would be to ask, "How can we prevent them from eating houses in the
first place?" New termite bait that is placed in the ground in a perimeter
around a house provides one answ er to this question.
Reapplication: Look at something old in a new way. Go beyond labels.
Un-fixate remove prejudices, expectations and assumptions and discover
how something can be reapplied. One creative person might go to the
junkyard and see art in an old model T transmission. He paints it up and
puts it in his living room. Another creative person might see in the same
transmission the necessary gears for a multi -speed hot walker for his
horse. He hooks it to some poles and a motor and puts it in his c orral. The
key is to see beyond the previous or stated applications for some idea,
solution, or thing and to see what other application is possible.
For example, a paperclip can be used as a tiny screwdriver if filed
down; paint can be used as a kind of g lue to prevent screws from
loosening in machinery; dishwashing detergents can be used to remove the
DNA from bacteria in a lab; general purpose spray cleaners can be used to
kill ants.
Changing Direction :Many creative breakthroughs occur when attention
is shifted from one angle of a problem to another. This is sometimes called
creative insight.
A classic example is that of the highway department trying to keep
kids from skateboarding in a concrete -lined drainage ditch. The highway
department put up a fen ce to keep the kids out; the kids went around it.
The department then put up a longer fence; the kids cut a hole in it. The
department then put up a stronger fence; it, too, was cut. The department
then put a threatening sign on the fence; it was ignored. Finally, someone
decided to change direction, and asked, "What really is the problem here?
It's not that the kids keep getting through the barrier, but that they want to
skateboard in the ditch. So how can we keep them from skateboarding in
the ditch?" The solution was to remove their desire by pouring
Page 83
83concrete in the bottom of the ditch to remove the smooth curve. The sharp
angle created by the concrete made skateboarding impossible and the
activity stopped. No more skateboarding problems, no more fen ce
This example reveals a critical truth in problem solving: the goal is
to solve the problem, not to implement a particular solution .W h e no n e
solution path is not working, shift to another. There is no commitment to a
particular path, only to a particular goal. Path fixation can sometimes be a
problem for those who do not understand this; they become
overcommitted to a path that does not work and only frustration results.
Edward De Bono :
Six Thinking Hats , a thinking skills training course from Edward de
Bono , teaches parallel thinking as an alternative to argument. Parallel
thinking guides thought processes in one direction at a time so we can
effectively analyze issues, generate new ideas, and make better decisions.
In traditional thinking, if two people disagree, there is an argumen t in
which each tries to prove the other wrong. In parallel thinking, both views,
no matter how contradictory, are put down in parallel. At all times the
emphasis is on designing a way forward.
Six Thinking Hats helps put our opinions and egos aside so we can
focus on a way forward, without argument.
Each of the six hats has a color : white, red, black, yellow, green
and blue. The color provides the name for the hat. De’ Bono wanted
thinkers to visualize and to imagine the hats as actual hats. For this to
happen, color is important. Color makes the imaging easier.
The colour of each hat is also related to its function.
●White Hat :White is neutral and objective. This white hat is
concerned with objective facts and figures.
●Red Hat :R e ds u g g e s t sa n g e r ,r a g ea n d emotions. The red hat gives
the emotional view.
●Black Hat : Black is somber and serious. The black hat is cautious
and careful. It points out the weaknesses in an idea.
●Yellow hat : Yellow is sunny and positive. The yellow hat is
optimistic and covers hope and positive thinking.
●Green Hat : Green is grass, vegetation and abundant, fertile
growth. The green hat indicates creativity and new ideas.
●Blue Hat: Blue is cool, and it is also thecolor of the sky, which is
above everything else. The blue hat is concerned with control, the
organization of the thinking process and the use of the other
Page 84
Six Thinking Hats tr aining is fast -paced, practical, and interactive.
Participants learn how to separate emotion from facts, the positive from
the negative and critical thinking from creative thinking.
Encourage children to reflect upon their 'Thinking' and learn to apply
different ways of thinking for different situations.
Of course these concepts can be introduced in a simple form for the young
ones, allowing them just to become more aware of ways of thinking and
to begin building thinking strategies...
Use these hats as a g uide to reflect upon thinking types when.....
●Brainstorming new ideas for classroom management, classroom
rules and discipline strategies.
●Panning class projects such as assembly items, performances
●Class meetings
●Problem solving techniques like role playi ng
●Group projects
●Book reports / character profiles (how do others think)
●Discussing cause and effect
Some techniques that can be used in the classroom:
Brainstorming is a creative problem solving technique very widely
used in the industries . It is now frequently used in the classrooms. Osborn
(1953) developed this technique following the principle of deferred
judgment because he believed that judgment and imagination cannot go
together in creative thinking. They help each other only if kept apart.
Evaluation is not ruled out, it is only postponed. This provides
psychological safety to the children while thinking for solutions. It can be
used individually as well as in a group.
▪It is a technique conducted in the classroom.
▪The basis of brainstorming is generating ideas in a group situation
based on the principle of suspending judgment.
▪A principle which is scientifically researched has proved to be
highly productive in group efforts.
▪The generation phase is separate from th ej u d g m e n tp h a s eo f
Page 85
85▪Brainstorming is useful for attacking specific (rather than general)
problems and where a collection of good, fresh, new ideas are
Guidelines for brainstorming :
▪Suspend judgment
▪Evaluation is to be reserved for later.
▪Practical ideas very often come from silly, impossible ideas
▪Think freely
▪Tag on
▪Quantity of ideas are important
Procedure to use brainstorming:
▪Introduce a question, problem or topic both orally and in writing.
▪Define the problem.
▪Intimate participants to respond with as many ideas or suggestions
as possible.
▪Frame up the time limit.
▪Let the ideas flow and no one may repeat or comment on any
▪Record every response.
▪There should be absolutely no criticism of any idea.
▪Select the best ideas after the time limit is over.
▪Select the best ideas based on some relevant criteria .
▪Have a discussion.
Note: Make sure that every student participates in the brainstorming
E.g. 1. Invent a new game for the Olympics.
2. How to reduce road congestion?
3. How to control pollution?
4. What will happen if examinations are abolished in schools?
5. What would happen if all houses got wings?
6. How would you feel if you were a tel evision?
Role Playing:
Moreno used this natural phenomenon to develop his socio -drama
and psycho -drama techniques. As an instructional technique it was later
developed into role playing w hich starts with imitation but then there
Page 86
86imaginative transformation of reality. It is a group activity. It enables
learners to adopt a self learning process by exploring, correlating,
contrasting and comparing. In role playing, learning takes place not only
at verbal level, but also at sense level and emotional level. The learner
experiments with his behaviour without fear of punishment from harsh
realities of life. It stimulates thinking, emphasizing imagination and
spontaneous response to problematic situations .
▪Defining the problem situation
▪Selecting the role -players
▪Warm -up
E.g.Environment Degradation and ways to protect it.
Provocation is an important lateral thinking techn ique. Just like
Random Input , it works by moving your thinking out of the established
patterns that you use to solve problems. We think by recognizing patterns
and reacting to them. These reactions come from our past experiences and
logical extensions to those experiences. Often we do not think outside
these patterns. While we may know the answer as part of a different type
of problem, the structure of our brains makes it difficult for us to link this
Provocation, originally developed by Edward de Bono, is one of
the tools we use to make links between these patterns.
How to Use the Tool:
We begin by making deliberately stupid statements (Provocations),
in which something we take for granted about the situation is not true.
Statements need to be stupid to shock our minds out of existing ways of
thinking. Once we have made a provocative stat ement, we then suspend
judgment and use that statement to generate ideas. Provocations give us
original starting points for creative thinking.
Example -1:we could make a statement that 'Houses should not have
roofs'. Normally this would not be a good idea! However this leads one to
think of houses with opening roofs, or houses with glass roofs. These
would allow you to lie in bed and look up at the
Page 87
87Once you have made the Provocation, you can use it in a number
of different ways, by examining:
●The con sequences of the statement
●What the benefits would be
●What special circumstances would make it a sensible solution
●The principles needed to support it and make it work
●How it would work moment -to-moment
●What would happen if a sequence of events was ch anged Etc.
Example -2
“The owner of a video -hire shop is looking at new ideas for business to
compete with the Internet. She starts with the provocation 'Customers
should not pay to borrow videos'.”
She then examines the provocation:
●Consequences: The shop would get no rental revenue and
therefore would need alternative sources of cash. It would be
cheaper to borrow the video from the shop than to download the
film or order it from a catalog .
●Benefits: Many more people would come to borrow videos. More
people would pass through the shop. The shop would spoil the
market for other video shops in the area.
●Circumstances: The shop would need other revenue. Perhaps the
owner could sell advertising in the shop, or sell popcorn, sweets,
and bottles of win e or pizzas to people borrowing films. This
would make her shop a one -stop 'Night at home' shop. Perhaps it
would only lend videos to people who had absorbed a 30 -second
commercial, or completed a market research questionnaire.
After using the Provocation , the owner of the video shop decides to
run an experiment for several months. She will allow customers to borrow
the top ten videos free (but naturally will findthem for late returns). She
puts the videos at the back of the shop.To use provocation, make a
deliberately stupid comment relating to the problem you are thinking
about. Then suspend judgment, and use the statement as the starting point
for generating ideas.
Thinking is not driven by answers but by questions. Had no
questions been asked by those who laid the foundation for a field —for
example, Physics or Biology —the field would never have been
developed in the first place? Furthermore, every field stays al ive only to
the extent that fresh questions are generated and taken seriously as
Page 88
88driving force in a process of thinking. To think through or rethink
anything, one must ask questions that stimulate our thoughts .
Questions define tasks, express problems and delineate issues.
Answers on the other hand, often signal a full stop in thought. Only when
an answer generates a further question does thought continue its life as
This is why it is true that only students who have questions are
really thinkin g and learning. It is possible to give students an examination
on any subject by just asking them to list all of the questions that they
have about a subject, including all questions generated by their first list of
That we do not test students by asking them to list questions and
explain their significance is again evidence of the privileged status we
give to answers isolated from questions. That is, we ask questions only to
get thought -stopping answers, not to generate further questions.
Cont ribution:
A thinking system based on argument is excellent just as the front
left wheel of a car is excellent. There is nothing wrong with it at all. But it
is not sufficient. Today, there is a huge amount of experience using the
hatsmethod. The method no w can be used in the field of academics with
confidence as the results have been magnificent for the last one decade. It
is no longer a matter of trying out something new or exotic. It is now a
matter of catching up with a power thinking method that has be en in use
for fourteen years across all ages, cultures and abilities in academics. It
has revolutionized the idea of developing thinking abilities among
students of all ages.
It has come as an alternative to the argument system, which was
never intended to be constructive or creative. With the Six Hats method
the emphasis is on ‘what can be’ rather than on ‘what is’ and on how we
design a way forward –not on who is right and who is wrong.
The unit describes the areas in which learner’s exhibit diversity. The
knowledge of this diversity can be gained through proper diagnosis of the
learners. The diagnosis will help the school provide meaningful and
purposeful learning experiences so that they aid in the holistic
development of the persona lity.
1)Explain Ellis’s Theory of personality
2)Explain Berne’s Theory of
Page 89
893)Explain Vedic concept of personality
4)Explain Buddhist concept of personality
5)Explain Guilford’s Structure of Intellect
6)Explain Goleman’ s theory of Emotional Intelligence
7)Explain Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence
8)Differentiate between Critical and Creative thinking.
9)Define thinking.
10)Explain the Creative methods with a suitable example.
11)Discuss the Six Thinking Hats propounded by E.De Bono .
12)How would a teacher use Edward De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats
method in a classroom to enhance the thinking ability of students?
13)Discuss the contribution of Edward De Bono’s Six Thinking Ha ts
method to education.
●Jain M.K. and Aggarwal J.C. Encyclopedia of Education -Vol. I
Development of Educational System in India , Anshah Publishing
House, Delhi
●Jain M.K. and Aggarwal J.C. Encyclopedia of Education -Vol. VI
Educational and Vocational Guidance and Counseling. ,A n s h a h
Publishing House, Delhi
●Kundu C.L. Personality Development , Sterling Publishers Private
Development, New Delhi
●Walia. J.S. Foundations of Psychology and Guidance, Paul
Publishers , Jullundur .
● -3-summary.html
APkgc4 l
● -century -criticism/aurobindo
Page 90
●http://www.gita -gita-section4/4_aurobindo.htm l
● .
●http://www.integral -engl.html
● -2.html
● -mentione d-that-sri-
Page 91
Unit Structure
5.0 Objectives
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Catering to Individual Differences
5.3 Concept and Types of Learning Disabilities
5.4 Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
5.5 Inclusive Education
5.6 Let us Sum up
5.7 Unit End Exercise
5.8 References
After reading this unit you wil l be able to
●Explain the meaning of learner diversity
●Enumerate the characteristics of exceptional children
●Describe the educational requirements of exceptional children
●Explain the role of the teacher in dealing with exceptional children
●Explain the concept of Inclusive Education in the Indian context
The interplay between heredity and environment has created this
beautiful world which abounds in human diversity. Individuals differ from
each other in their physical, intell ectual, emotional and behavioral traits.
This creates a confounding situation before a classroom teacher where
he/she has to deal with students of different ability levels, emotional and
attitudinal make -up and of varying physical characteristics within th e
given time frame to fulfill academic responsibilities. Catering to individual
differences in the classroom thus proves to be the greatest challenge
before the teacher A typical child in a classroom can either be a normal
child with average capabilities o r an exceptional or differently -abled one
requiring more attention from the
Page 92
Who is an exceptional child?
An exceptional child is the one whose performance deviates from
the norm, either below or above, to suc h an extent that special educational
programmes and intervention strategies had to be planned to fulfill their
academic needs.
Types of Exceptional Children:
Students can be broadly classified to the following three categories:
a)Cognitively Exceptional Chil dren
b)Physically Exceptional Children
c) Socio -Culturally Exceptional Children
The children belonging to this category can be further subdivided
in to the following types:
The Gifted
The Mentally Retarded
Children With Learning Disabilities
Gifted Children:
Children possessing high intellectual level and special abilities and talents
are regarded as gifted.
According to Guilford, ‘ the gifted are those students whose
potential intellectual powers are at suc h a high ideational level in both
productive and evaluative thinking that it can be reasonably assumed that
they could be the future problem solvers, innovators of the culture if
adequate educational experiences are provided.
Page 93
93Characteristics of Gifted Children:
●Physical Characteristics:
By and large, these children have superior physical abilities like -
1.Greater birth weight,
2.Early walk and talk,
3.Early puberty,
4.Superior motor ability, etc.
●Intellectual Characteristics:
1. High IQ,
2. Precocious,
3. Varied interests,
4. Higher scholastic performance,
5. Rich cognitive processes of abstract thinking, reasoning, generalizing,
critical & reflective thinking and creativity.
●Personality Characteri stics:
2.Higher levels of motivation and enthusiasm,
Identification of the Gifted:
●Parents, teachers and social workers can help in identifying gifted
children at a very early date. Careful observation of the child in
different settings and for a considerable amount of time has to be
worked out for early detection of giftedness.
●General intelligence tests, creativity tests, word association tests,
Achievement tests serve as useful tools.
●School records, report cards also provide valuable information on
Education of the Gifted :
The two major approaches to teaching giftedness ar e acceleration
and enrichment.
Acceleration: These programmes allow gifted students to move ahead at
their own pace, even if this means jumping to higher grade levels.
Enrichment: These programmes allow the students to remain in the same
grade but provide special programmes and special activities to cover
the topics in greater detail and
Page 94
94It is generally agreed that the education of the gifted pupils should
emphasize the following objectives to cater to their giftedness.
Analytical perception
1. Methods of problem solving
2. Employing Analysis & Synthesis
3. Conceptual Thinking
4. Scientific Objectivity
5. Originality and creativity
6. Independent study habits
7. Encouragement of special interests
The Mentally Retarded Child:
The American Association of Mental Deficiency states that mental
retardation exists when there is significantly subaverage general
intellectual functioning existing concurrently with deficit in adaptive
behaviour and is manifested during the developmental period.
This means that people classified as mentally retarded can range
from those who can be trained to work and function with little special
attention to those who are virtually untrainable and do not develop speech
and the rest of the motor functions.
There are four levels of mental retardation. They are:
1. Mild Mental Retardation (IQ 50 -70)
This is the largest group of people comprising of 80% retarded
population. They are ‘educable’ and do not show the signs of brain
pathology or other physical defec ts. Their retardation, therefore, is not
identified, at times, even after reaching school, although their early
development is often slower than the normal. It can become apparent only
when the child starts lagging behind the peers in school work. With ear ly
detection, parental assistance and appropriate training, these students can
reach a third to sixth grade educational level. Although they cannot carry
out complex intellectual tasks, they are able to take up manual jobs and
jobs involving inferior skill s and function quite successfully and
independently and become self supporting citizens.
Moderate Mental Retardation (IQ 35 -49)
This group consists of about 12% of retarded population. These are
‘trainable’ and their retardation is evident early in their l ives. They are
slow to develop language skills and their motor development is also
affected. Some of these students could be taught to read and write
Page 95
95speak some broken language. Physically, they are clumsy and suffer from
poor motor coordination.
1. Sever e Mental Retardation( IQ 20 -34)
This is the group of ‘dependent retarded’ consisting of 7% of
retarded population. These are the children with severe problems of
speech retardation and sensory defects and motor handicaps are common.
4. Profound Mental Ret ardation (IQ under 20)
They belong to the category of ‘life support mental retardation’
consisting of 1% of the retarded population. Most of these are severely
deficient in adaptive behaviours and unable to master even the simplest of
tasks. Severe physica l deformities along with convulsive seizures, autism,
deafness and other problems are common. Such a person has a very short
life expectancy.
Causes of Mental Retardation :
Biological Causes
1. In about 25 % to 35 % of the cases of mental retardation, there is a
known biological cause. The most frequent being the presence of an extra
chromosome causing Down’s syndrome. The frequency of this disorder
increases with the increasing age of the mot her.
2. A birth complication like inadequate supply of oxygen to the brain is
another major cause of biological mental retardation.
3. Many cases of mental retardation are classified as ‘familial retardation’
where there is no known biological cause, but t here is a family history of
4. Cretinism is retardation due to endocrine imbalance like failed thyroid
or degeneration of thyroid.
Infection & Toxic Agents :
Presence of carbon monoxide, syphilis or germ measles with mother can
cause retardatio n in the fetus. Incompatibility between the blood types of
the mother and the fetus, drugs taken by mother during pregnancy could
result in mental retardation.
Prematurity and Trauma :
Babies weighing less than 1500 grams at birth, difficult labor,
bleedin g within the brain of the babies are some other
Page 96
96Ionizing & Radiation:
Radiation may act directly on the fertilized ovum or may produce
mutation of the sex cells of either or both parents, which may, in turn lead
to defective offspring.
Malnutriti on:
Protein deficiency in the mother's diet during the last five months or
in the diet of the child during the first 10 months after birth can cause
great harm to the child's brain.
Teaching the Mentally Retarded:
There are a number of areas, in which mentally retarded have
specific difficulty, including attention span, memory, learning rate, ability
to generalize, and conceptualization.
Providing a great deal of practice, making the child rehearses
actively the lea rning material to be memorized, may improve child’s
retention considerably. Over learning is another useful strategy to deal
with the problem. Finally, the teachers should realize that the curriculum
goals and objectives should be adjusted to suit the need s of the special
child. The emphasis should be on teaching the kind of skills that will best
enable the child to manage him or herself independently in the society.
The term physically exceptional has been used in literat ure in
various ways: Physically disabled, crippled, orthopedically impaired, or
otherwise health impaired. Physical handicaps are divided into two types:
Orthopedically handicapped (OH) and Health impairments for the purpose
of special education (Bigge and Sirvis, 1986). The legal definition of the
term orthopedically handicapped is a severe, orthopedic impairment that
adversely affects a child’s educational performance. The term includes
impairments caused by a congenital anomaly e.g., club foot, absence o f
some body organs, impairments caused by disease, e.g poliomyelitis, bone
tuberculosis, and impairment from other causes e.g. cerebral palsy,
amputations, and fractures or burns that cause contractures. The legal
definition for other health impairments is having an acute condition that is
manifested by severe communication and other developmental and
educational problems, or having limited strength, vitality or alertness
because of acute health problems e.g., heart condition, tuberculosis,
rheumatic fever, nephritis, asthma, anemia, hemophilia, epilepsy, lead
poisoning, leukemia or diabetes that adversely affects a child’s educational
However, there are certain neurological disorders which are not
categorized as either crippling or a special he alth problem e.g. aphasia –a
language disorder due to brain injury. Hence, from an educational point
Page 97
97view, crippling and neurological impairments would include all children
with non -sensory physical impairments whether they are accompanied by
a neurolo gical damage or not, and whether they resulted in chronic health
conditions or not.
Basically non -sensory physical impairments may be classified as
crippling and chronic health ailments. The cripples have muscular and
skeletal deformities which are obvious. They may wear braces, prosthetics
devices such as artificial limbs or may be movin g with crutches or
A teacher or educator is less interested in the physical aspects of
disability but he is more concerned with the manner in which it will affect
the child’s functioning in a learning situation.
a.Children with muscular or neuro muscular handicaps which
significantly limit their ability to get about, sit in the classroom,
manipulate the materials.
b.Children with skeletal deformities which also affect movement,
posture and use of hand in school work.
c. Children with temporary or ch ronic lack of strength, vitality or
The categorization of orthopedic disability according to extent and
2.Mild --<40%,
3.Moderate –40% and above
4.Severe –70% and above, and,
5.Profound –100
It is estimated that physical handicap s occur to the tune of 2%. The
most common physical impairments found in school are Cerebral palsy,
Spina Bifida, and Muscular dystrophy. The National Sample Survey 1991
puts it at 8.93 9 million in India (orthopedic) out of 16.15 million of the
physically handicapped in 80:20 rural -urban, and 60:40 male -female ratio.
In 1981 physically disabled were 1.94% and 1.42% for rural and urban
populations respectively. The corresponding figure in 1991 NSSO was
1.99% and 1.58% respectively.
The causes for phy sical handicap are many and varied. Brain
damage, brain fever and brain anoxia lead to physical disability. Rh
Page 98
98incompatibility, intoxication, viral infection for the expectant mother may
also cause physical disability. Similarly, prolonged labor, lead pois oning,
accidents may cause damage to the brain leading to neurological disorders.
Polio, Burns and injuries are significant causes as per NSSO, 1991 for
Indian society.
One or more of these disorders are manifested in the children who
are ph ysically exceptional:
1. Deformity in fingers, legs, hands, spine, neck.
2. Frequent pain in joints
3. Jerking movement in walking
4. Amputated limbs
5. Difficulty in sitting, standing, walking
6. Poor motor control
7. Shaky movements
8. Difficulty in picking, holding and putting things.
Physically handicapped students generally have average or above
average intelligence. Dykes (1984 -85) suggests 85% of health impaired
and 35% of orthopedically handicapped children are served in special
schools or classes. Often their needs vary. The greater needs of the
physically handicapped children are in the areas of adaptive equipment.
Often they require wheelchairs, crutches, head pointers, arm and leg
braces. Technological gap ha s narrowed down the gap in providing
adequate educational instruction to students who cannot speak, move or
use their hands. Physically handicapped children are passive, less
persistent, have shorter attention span, engage them in less exploration and
display less motivation. They are more dependent on adults, and interact
less with peers. Facilitating independence and building self esteem are the
two requirements for the physically handicapped children.
The physically disabled have poor body image, high an xiety, and
frustration. They are found to be quiet, conforming, tender minded and
somewhat tense. Social relationships constitute a problem area for many
crippled youngsters. Their capacity for frustration tolerance is lower than
normal children.
Difficult ies of orthopedically handicapped arise out of several factors.
Essentially children with motor disabilities are not very different from
normal boys and girls. Their handicap arises out of three
Page 99
99a.Society’s attitude towards them.
b.Child’s interpretat ion of this reaction to his limitation.
c. Discrepancy between aspiration and achievement.
Because of neurological impairment and experimental impoverishment
they do show perceptual difficulties.
Intelligence of the orthopedically handicapped children does not
basically differ from those of normal except for cerebral palsy. The neuro -
muscularly impaired children function 10 to 15 points between estimated
intelligence. Children with cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, and
hydrocephalic are included in the d ull normal classification while other
children with the orthopedic disability are within the normal range.
Educational Provisions
Orthopedically handicapped children do not need any special
situation for schooling. They can be educated well in the regular school
along with others. The regular classroom teacher can well handle such
Integrated Education
Education of OH children has changed considerably over the past
50 years. Programs of children with orthopedic handicaps have broadened
extensively to include the process of rehabilitation. This is studying the
total child. Each staff member has to participate and show sensitivity and
natural respect. Special educators need specific preparation for their team
work role. The teacher’s functions include (a) diagnosis of deprived
experience and provision of what is essential (b) developmental guidance
(c) coordination of habilitation programme, (d) promotion of integrated
activities (e) maintenance of reality standards and discipline. Attention
should be given both to individuals and groups in planning differential
diagnosis. It means understanding and the study of all factors of the
child’s growth and his development. For example, if a child has IQ 60 and
serious emotional problems due to family stress and pressure, it is not a
simple case of past polio. In the total programme the vocational
rehabilitation counselor als o assumes major responsibility.
Partial integration is possible in special class especially if the unit is
desirably located in a public school building.
The child’s likelihood of success in regular classroom setting appears
efficient when
a.the child is int ellectually, socially and emotionally capable of
participation with his peers,
b.the child can participate,
Page 100
100c.the child is not being denied therapy necessary for physical
d.the curriculum is adapted to most of his needs,
e.the physical facilities o f the school permit the child to hence access
to important educational centers,
f.the teacher is willing to accept the child and prepared to move with
one who deviates physically,
g.adequate physical assistance and special supervision is provided
h.periodic eval uation is included in the child’s progress report,
What criteria should be used to place physically impaired children in the
integrated school? The following criteria seem pertinent:
1.Average or above academic ability
2.Social and emotional ability
3.A desire t o be integrated
4.Support of parents
5.Ability to communicate effectively
6.Effective management of contingency.
The Regular Teacher
For physical disabilities the regular teacher needs to make
instructional adaptations so that the children communicate with teachers
well. For Health Impairment he has to know the basic characteristics of
disorders, medicine and their effects, precautionar y measures, keeping a
watch on day to day requirements and develop appropriate expectations so
that children do not suffer from identification.
Three factors are responsible for deciding the teaching procedures
of physically and/or neurologically impaired children namely; Task
analysis, teaching towards developing independence, and use of computer
The type of content is dependent upon the degree of physical
impairment. Yet certain areas are most essential.
a.Communication skills and language
b.Activities of daily living, or self care skills (eating, bathing etc.)
Page 101
101c.Community referenced instruction (crossing streets, using money,
riding public transportation)
d.Advanced self care skills or home living skills (operating kitchen
appliances etc.)
e.Vocational preparation, career awareness, works adjustment skills.
f.Continuity and generalization.
Educators categorize socio -culturally exceptional children
somewhat arbitrarily into one or more of the following areas of
depriv ation: economic, racial, geographic, social, cultural, cognitive,
and/or emotional. Historically one can identify the roots of this population
in terms of their educational needs, but it was not until the mid 1960s that
writers such as Riessman and Havighu rst had their turns at defining the
characteristics that constitute this deprived population. As indicated by
Reissman (1962), the terms culturally deprived, educationally deprived,
under privileged, and disadvantaged, lower class, and lower socio -
economic group, could all be used interchangeably.
The disadvantaged children differ from the advantaged class in mainly six
They are: self-concept, motivation, social behaviour, language,
intellectual functioning and physical fitness.
Specific learning cha racteristics of the deprived or disadvantaged
student might include many of the following;
(1)orientation towards physical and visual rather than to the oral;
(2)content -centered rather than introspective;
(3)problem -centered rather than abstract centered;
(4)inductiv e rather than deductive;
(5)spatial rather than temporal;
(6)slow, careful, patient, and persevering rather than quick, clever, facile
and flexible;
(7)inclined to communicate through actions rather than words;
(8)deficient in auditory attention and interpretation skills;
(9)oriented toward concrete application of what is learned;
(10)short attention span;
Page 102
102(11)characteristic gaps in knowledge and learning;
(12)lacking experiences of receiving approval for success in tasks.
Meeting the needs of the disadvantaged child is a relatively new
educational approach.
Cultural deprivation or disadvantage arise due to a complex set of
conditions which create intellectual deficiency in a child. Some of these
conditions are attributed to an unstimulating environment, lack of verbal
interaction with adults, poor sensory experience, and other deleterious
environmental factors generally associated with poverty, low social status,
malnutrition, broken homes etc.
Behavioural Signs for Observat ion
The term ‘disadvantaged’ is used to indicate observable behaviours.
They are -
a. Progressive decline in intellectual functioning in school.
c.Cumulative academic achievement deficits. Premature school
termination and high dropout rate.
d.Reading and learning disabilities.
e.Poor language learning.
f.Inadequate social learning and observation in the absence of
g.Low attention span and distraction in learning.
h.Lack of proficiency in higher forms of cognitive learning and
i.Inability to classify and form logical concepts, incapacity to
verbalize events and solutions.
j.Lack of analytic ability which is essential for learning.
k.Belief in external factors, i.e., luck, chance, fate etc. rather than
their own self and activity.
l.Cann ot delay gratification. Immediate tangible and non -contingent
rewards are their needs.
m.A higher sense of avoidance for failure than striving for
Page 103
103n.Poor self concept, low achievement aspiration, and low need
achievement including lack of desire for s elf actualization.
o.General behaviour lacks intrinsic motivation. Insecurity
and anxiety are very obvious.
Assessment of Social Disadvantage
In order to identify social disadvantage the following scales and tests
may be used:
1.Deprivation index –Whiteman and Deutsch (1968). This scale,
even though developed in the USA yet is of relevance after
appropriate adaptation.
2.Cultural Deprivation Index –Rath and Samant, (1975).
3. Prolonged Deprivation Scale –Misra and Tripathi (1977). This is
most relevant and appropriate but needs shortening in terms of the
length of the test. It relates to 15 areas of sociocultural experiences.
Housing condition
Home environment
Economic Sufficiency
Food and Nutrition
●Educational Experience
●Childhood Experiences
●Rearing Experiences
●Parental Characteristics
●Interaction with parents
●Motivational Characteristics
●Emotional Experiences
●Travel and Recreation
●Socio -cultural Experiences
Characteristics of Disadvantaged Children
What are the characteristics o f disadvantaged children? These
children show poor academic performance and high drop -out rates,
reading and other learning disabilities and have adjustment problems.
They have lower grades, their health is poor, and they have deficiencies in
the two most important skills, namely, reading and language, necessary for
success in school. They have minimal training in disciplined group
behaviour and educationally they are less ambitious. Children from
impoverished environments are apt to have various linguistic
Page 104
104They also show incapacity in cognitive processes such as : the ability to
observe and stating sequences of events, perceiving cause and effect
relationships, classifying concrete objects, attributing responsibility to self
and in general hav e poor self concept. The combination of non -verbal
orientation and an absence of conceptualization well account for their
intellectual deficits and deficit in cognitive skills or in Piagetian
terminology, formal logical thinking is absent in all such child ren or
appear very late in the development. The consequences of the cognitive
deficiencies are again complicated by their pattern of motivation and
attitudes. Psychologists explain that these children have a feeling of
alienation induced by family climate and experience combined with a
debilitating low self concept. They tend to question their own worth, to
fear being challenged, and to exhibit a desire to cling to the familiar. They
have many feelings of guilt and shame. These children are wary of
socializ ation and their trust in adults is limited. They make trigger -like
responses and are hyperactive.
The lower achievement of disadvantaged children could be
attributed to at least five causes: malnutrition, genetics, lack of stimulating
early experience, soc ial motivations and cultural values. In India, social
and cultural disadvantage is not very clear cut. All low income group
children are not necessarily at disadvantage. The high caste is supposed to
have a culture superior to that of the low caste Harijan given the same low
economic status. The cumulative effect of these widens the gap between
Brahmins and Harijans. There are empirical findings which support the
cultural effect of a high caste home.
Remedial measures
In order to reverse the ill effects of deprivation, certain remedial
measures are recommended. They are:
a.Early modeling and imitation of desirable behaviour
b.Language enrichment programme and stimulation at home
c.Affective attention and acceptance
d.Providing initial success experience to build better motivation and
striving for success.
e.Removal of discrimination attitudes on the part of teachers and
other significant members of society
f.Humanistic approach to teaching the underprivileged in school
g.Instructional programmes may be geared to their needs and ability
h.Giving responsibility, recognition, tangible rewards, positive
Page 105
105i.Exposure to sensitivity training, exposure to literature, discussion
and group contacts, role playing, case conferences r elating to
their problems.
j.Presenting learning materials using images, aids, and providing
adequate organizers and drill.
Compensatory education programmes have proved the validity of
these recommendations.
Role of Regular Teacher
The following instruction al strategies for educating the disadvantaged are
suggested considering the objectives of instructions and their entering
behaviour to an instructional situation. Basically, there is no difference in
the learning potential between the normal and the disadv antaged group of
students. But the teacher should monitor the rate, the sequence, the type of
materials and presentation modes. Hence, the need for a few guidelines is
a.A continuous appraisal of progress and comprehensive measure of
assessment -diagnosis via feedback should become a part of every
teaching act and basis of planning the next learning experience.
b.If instruction is to be effective these students are to be
simultaneously trained to achieve the three objectives: knowledge,
skills and attitudes.
c.Since the students come to the school with cognitive deficits a
special hour may be kept aside for remedial teaching language,
training in how to increase some of their non -intellective
characteristics, i.e. self -concept, level of aspiration, n -ach, sense of
responsibility etc.
d.Learning of concepts and ideas may be sequenced before they are
presented to the unde rprivileged group, using more concrete and
life-like situations. Training for analytic thinking may also
constitute a part of the instructional programme design.
e.The imposition of standardized expectations regarding performance
should be replaced by more i ndividualization in the rate of learning
and exposure of varied materials. Instructions must be given how to
pace performance according to their ability. The teacher has to
ascertain the prerequisites before instructing them to move to the
next step.
f.For e ducating the underprivileged, giving recognition,
responsibility, tangible rewards, positive affective remarks
encouragement have been found to be effective and are to be
encouraged in schools. Affective interactions and developments to
be supported in a s chool
Page 106
106g.They also need to be acculturated through sensitivity training,
exposure to literature, discussions and group contacts, role playing
and case conferences.
h.Self-instructional materials may be used best to their advantage.
i. The culture spe cific curriculum relevant to their life,
especially for the tribal population should be
developed and used.
Learning disability (LD) is a term used to denote a neurological
handicap that interferes with a person’s ability to receive, process, store,
and retrieve information. LD creates a gap between a person’s ability and
performance caused by an alternation in the way information is processed.
Repetition and drilling does not alter this processing, but presenting
materials in a different way helps. Individuals with LD are generally of
average or above average intelligence.
●LD can affect one’s ability to read, write, speak or compute math,
and can impede socialization skills.
●Early diagnosis and appropriate intervention and support are
critical for the individual with LD.
●Because it is often a ‘hidden handicap,” LD is n ot easily
recognized, accepted or considered serious.
●It is believed that LD never goes away, but can be compensated
●Attention deficits and hyperactivity are sometimes coupled with
LD, but not always.
●LD is not the same as the following handicaps: men tal retardation,
autism, deafness, blindness, and behavioral disorders.
It is thought that up to 15 percent of any population anywhere
contains learning disabled. Specific learning disabled (LD) persons find it
difficult to succeed in conventional classrooms. Therefore, it is essential
that all teachers, preschool through univ ersity, will have LD students in
their classes, unrecognized, undetected and therefore considered to be the
“dullards,” the backbenchers.
LD is a neurological condition that is beyond the control of the individual.
Such a student is more normal than differ ent. There are degrees of LD –
mild, moderate, and severe. It might go undiagnosed as late as secondary
school, university, or even never at all. They younger the child
Page 107
107diagnosed, greater is the possibility of remediation. When a student is
older, it is coping strategies that need to be strengthened. How it Affects
the Students
Learning disabilities affect the child from a variety of angles -but
mostly, self -esteem and self -confidence. In the very early years the
feedback comes from parents, but since l earning at this stage is fairly non
stressful, the occasions for failure are few. The situation dramatically
changes when the child enters schools and encounters other children (who
are not a brother, sister or a cousin), competition (in an alien atmospher e),
and other adults (who are not parents). It is the latter which has a very
significant and lifelong impact on all students. This involves not only the
teaching of particular academic skills, but as importantly, the fostering of
students' self -esteem, th at is, to make them feel that they belong and are
welcome in the school setting. This can be done in the classroom by
providing them with responsibilities through which they perceive
themselves as contributing and making a difference (e.g., distributing
books to the students, helping younger children during recess, helping
make charts for the class). Offering them opportunities to make choices
and decisions and solve problems, communicating encouragement and
positive feedback will also help the process. Whi le these kinds of positive
interventions are important for all students, they are particularly relevant
for students who find learning problematic.
Negative experiences in the school, especially in terms of learning
incapacity can leave long lasting scars of being demeaned, belittled, or
accused of being disruptive as they struggled to understand what was
being taught.
Behavior Problems
LD can present with hyperactivity and impulsive behavior with lack
of reflective thought prior to action. These children h ave poor peer
relationships and poor social judgments. They may behave inappropriately
in different situations and fail to see consequences of their actions. They
may be overly gullible, and easily led by peers. They show poor
adjustment to environmental c hanges and excessive variation in mood and
Emotional Problems
●LDs often go unrecognized. Children may present with symptoms
such as school refusal or agoraphobia, or develop somatic
symptoms such as headaches and stomach -aches, especially o nt h e
school day they are expected to speak or read in front of the class.
●Undiagnosed and untreated, these problems increase till the child
begins to dislike school, refuses to do homework, and perhaps
develops oppositional defiant symptoms. Some childre nm a y
become verbally abusive and physically provocative.
Page 108
108intervention with these children requires the diagnosis and
treatment of the learning and language problems. Behavioral and
emotional problems are more likely to emerge as children mature
and academic tasks become more difficult and peer interactions
become more complex.
Environmental Causes
These could be poverty, inadequate housing, family dysfunction,
and parental psychopathology or substance abuse, dysfunctional peers, too
much televis ion viewing, inadequate or improper schooling.
General Guidelines for Educators
●Students with LD may take much longer to learn and can also tire
quickly. They have to try harder, which can be exhausting. Be
aware that the pace of the normal class is likely to be too fast
because they often need more to process language. Make a
conscious effort not to speak too rapidly.
●Be prepared to learn from the parents. Interest, involve, and work
closely with them. Use whatever works -home/schools agendas,
face-to-facemeetings, phone calls or emails.
Ensure that information concerning the student is passed on when
the student is in transition from one teacher to another and from one year
to another. Do not assume that this will be done automatically.
Suggested Strategie s
●Encourage students to be aware of and to evaluate the strategies
they use to study and to learn Study skills, like note taking and time
organization, need to be actively taught.
●Provide structure. Lists of the day’ s routines and expected
behaviors can be great help. Give plenty or warning when changes
are made to the timetable, teacher or task.
●Teach how to ask questions. All students, especially the ones
with LD, I need to feel comfortable with seeking assistance.
Break activities into small, sequential tasks. Give specific examples.
Repeat, repeat, repeat –both old and new materials, in different
●Provide the amount of structure and support that the students need.
●Do not expect the students to listen and writ e simultaneously.
●Mark positively -tick the good bits. Mark for content –not
presentation or mark for presentation and not content.
●Do not use playtime to finish
Page 109
109●Reward any and all good behavior.
●Very important, seek opportunities to praise and buil d self -esteem
The three major types of LD are:
1.Dyslexia: A person has trouble understanding written words,
sentences or paragraphs.
2.Dysgraphia: A person finds it hard to form letters or writes within a
defined space.
3.Dyscalculia: A person has difficulty solving arithmetic problems and
grasping math concepts.
Dyslexia is a disorder manifested by difficulty in learning to read,
despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence and socio -cultural
opportuni ty. It is dependent upon fundamental cognitive disabilities,
which are frequently of constitutional origin.
Characteristics of Dyslexia
●Speech difficulties are common in children with dyslexia.
Stuttering and lisping are quite common. Delayed spoken langua ge
is often an indicator of dyslexia.
●Spatial difficulties -leading to reversal of letters (B -d), words (saw,
was) and sometimes even sentences and difficulty in scanning
from left to right.
●Visual memory difficulties in recalling sequence of letters in wor ds
●Difficulties in visual and motor figure ground -resulting in illegible
handwriting, difficulties in scanning lines and discrimination of
●These characteristics appear more often in combination.
Apart from difficulties with phonologic al processing, dyslexia is
also associated with differences in cognition and learning.
Language Problems
Dyslexic children have problems with reading, a lack of awareness
of phonemes that make up words, difficulties with spelling, sequencing of
letters in words, and difficulty with pronouncing words (may reverse
Early warning signs are delay in speech, delay in learning the alphabet,
numbers, days of the week, month, colors, shapes, and other basic
information. They also have difficulties underst anding subtleties
Page 110
110language such as jokes or slang, concept words (forward/backward,
near/far) etc. there may be mispronunciations, omission of sounds and
immature vocabulary.
Auditory and visual processing difficulties may also be present. Here
childr en have difficulty distinguishing between words that sound alike
(pig/big). There is trouble rhyming words, and in blending sounds into
words. Visual processing difficulties may include inability to recognize
letters, words, or other printed symbols quickl y and accurately. For
example, there may be confusion with b and d, or read for saw and on
for no.
Motor Coordination
Motor coordination problems are common. These children may be
clumsy or awkward. It may be difficult for them to write, draw, or copy
with neatness and accuracy. There may be problems with fine motor skills
such as tying shoes, buttoning, using scissors or learning to sew.
Detailed history is most important in making a diagnosis of dyslexia.
When dyslexia is suspected, a battery of standardized tests consisting of
tests of reading, spelling, language, and cognitive ability must be carried
out. Additional tests of academic achievement, e.g., math, language, or
memory may be administered as part of a more comprehensive evaluation
of academic, linguistic, and cognitive function. The diagnosis is made
after careful consideration of the history, clinical observations, and testing
Strategies for helping the child with Dyslexia
●Teaching reading and writing simultaneously to enhance la nguage
comprehension through visual perception, auditory perception and
tactile perception.
●Focusing on most basic perceptual associations that the child is
familiar with.
●Teaching whole word instead of isolated letters to provide complete
language experience
●Planning learning experiences that the child can perform successfully
●Constructing reading experiences that use the skills that the child has
Page 111
111Emph asizing on over learning till it becomes automatic Specific
Teaching Strategies :
●Dyslexics should be taught in a structured, logical step -by-step way,
beginning with single -letter sound linked to letter names and letter
shapes, working in st ages through simple one -syllable words to
complex multi syllable words.
●The teaching drills should be based on a multi -sensory technique. In
other words, an all -around approach that utilizes the student’s
senses of sight and hearing, as well as involving w riting down and
reading back aloud what has been written -an-that is particularly
successful with dyslexics.
●The association between single -letter name, sound, and shapes
should be taught first, along with the knowledge that some of these
letters are vowel s, which will be needed in every word. Gradually,
the complete range of spelling patterns and sentences is taught.
●The teacher should thoroughly understand the structure of the
language and how it develops. Dyslexic students should be
introduced by dictati on to sentence formation in its simplest form.
●Asking the child to repeat sentences while dictating also helps to
improve memory for sentences. More sophisticated sentences are
introduced gradually.
●Dyslexic students have to be taught reading, and spelling in a
scientific manner with every step distinctly clarified and presented
in a comprehensible manner. In addition to specially tailored
reading and writing tuition, specialist dyslexia therapy should also
give help, when needed, with mathematics, directio nal confusion,
telling the time and all the other typical problems for the dyslexic
●This drill is repeated with each set of new sound patterns. The
association between single -letter name, sound, and shapes should
be taught first, along with the knowledge t hat some of these letters
are vowels, which will be needed in every word.
●Gradually, the complete range of spelling patterns is taught and
sentences are taught. The teacher should thoroughly understand the
structure of the language and how it develops. Dys lexic students
should be introduced by dictation to sentence formation in its
simplest form.
●Asking the child to repeat sentences while dictating also helps to
improve memory for sentences. More sophisticated sentences are
Page 112
An e u r o l o g i c a l -based writing disability in which a person has
difficulty expressing thoughts on paper and with writing associated with
unreadable penmanship and problems in gripping and manipulating a
The written form of language is the highest, the most complex form
of communication. In the hierarchy of language skill, writing is the last to
be learned. Prerequisite to writing is a foundation of previous learning and
experiences in listening, speaking, and reading. Even though dysgraphia is
difficult with handwriting, the other components of written expression -
spelling and written expression which are impaired in children with
learning disabilities need to be considered.
Common Signs of Dysgraphia :
●Bador illegible handwriting
●Awkward or cramped pencil grip.
●Avoidance of tasks involving writing.
●Inconsistent in the way letters and words look.
●Difficulty in expressing ideas on paper.
●Inability to properly form letter
●Writing may be slow and labored.
●Difficulty keeping letters on the line. Inability to understand the
relative sizes of letters.
●Crowding of letters within words.
●Poor spacing between words.
●Difficulty in reading written work even when the spelling is correct.
Strategies for helping the child with Dysgraphia
The teacher has to pay attention to the following
Handwriting Skills
●Has a good tripod grasp.
●Able to draw horizontal lines (left to right) and vertical lines (top to
●Able to draw a circle.
●Copies l etters and words
Writing Letters
●Place a little green dot at the starting position for the letter stroke
and a small red dot at the termination point. Arrow clues to indicate
the direction of the stroke could also be
Page 113
113●Teach the basic strokes for m ost letters sequentially. For example,
teach the letter “t” as two separate strokes: and Eventually,
encourage the child to join the basic strokes together.
●Teach letters with easier strokes first. The following letters are
considered the least difficult f or children to learn: c,i,l,o,t,v.
●Tape an alphabet chart to the child’s desk.
●Use clean, lined paper for children with aligning and spacing
●Teach children to “talk out” strokes in making specific letters. For
W-Slant down, slant u p, slant down, slant up.
I–short line, dot.
Cursive Writing
Devise games for students to practice various cursive strokes. For
Stringing beads.
Making waves
●Making curly hair. Use dot -to-dot or dash -to-dash letters to
informally assess readiness for cursive writing. Gradually fade out
the dots or dashes, allowing the child to make the complete letter
●Teach letters with similar movement patterns s equentially. The
following four groups contain similar strokes: (1) a,c,d,g,o; (2)
b,h,f,k,l,e, (3) i,j,p,r,s,t,u,w; (4) m,n,v,x,y,z.
●Place a heavy (possibly weighted) bracelet or wristband on the
wrist of a child who had difficulty keeping his wrist in th ep r o p e r
position on the dest.
●Use verbal cues in teaching cursive writing. Teach letters with
similar strokes in sequence so that the child can more easily follow
the cues. For example, use the “a” strokes in teaching the “g”
strokes: “First come around l ike the ‘a’, then go down....”
Handwriting Activities for Left -handed Students
Observe whether the child uses the right positioning. The
lefthander’s writing should be slightly sloped to the left -tape the student’s
paper in the right positioning, if necess ary. Seat the child in the left
Page 114
114of the classroom away from the aisle, if possible, to ensure movement
LD students usually encounter many different types of written
language problems. They have difficulties in handwriting (formation, size
and spacing irregularities, pressure marks and erasures), spelling and
written expressions. General competencies required for each of these areas
are listed below:
Dyscalculia is the type of learning disability resulting in difficulty
in learnin g numerical and mathematical ideas and concepts. Clinical Signs
of Dyscalculia
●Difficulty with common math processes such as addition,
subtraction, multiplication.
●Difficulty with math concepts such as sequencing of numbers,
and sequencing of rules require d in mathematical problems.
●Poor retention and retrieval of math concepts.
●Inability to work with numbers or symbols.
●Inconsistency in understanding and application of math rules. Poor
sense of direction and time, e.g., difficulty with reading maps, telling
time, etc.
●Difficulty in applying rules in sports.
●Trouble keeping track of scores and players during card and board
●Inability to handle money transactions in day -to-day living.
Difficulties in Mathematics
●Shape discrimination -confusion in recognizing shapes may cause
difficulty in recognizing numbers.
●Size discrimination -concepts like, big, small, long and shor ta r ev e r y
important for mastering abstract quantitative concepts like more, less,
greater than, less than, etc. This may also lead to difficulties in
estimating area, perimeter, etc., at a later stage.
●Classification -categorizing objects into sets is a ve ry important concept
for mastering math. Difficulties in this can also lead to difficulties in
simple operations like
Page 115
115●One-to-one correspondence -lack of understanding of this could cause
problems even with counting. This may also lead to failure in
understanding ordinal numbers.
●Auditory -visual integration -necessary to remember names of symbols
(numbers, signs, etc.). Memory deficits could aggravate the problem.
●Place value -confusion in this area can lead to difficulties in addition
(involving bo rrowing and carrying over), division and multiplication.
●Computation skills –in understanding commutative properties of
addition/ multiplication and concepts that subtraction is an inverse
operation of addition and division in an inverse operation of
●Problem solving -difficulties in solving word problems due to problems
in language, lack of analysis, and reasoning.
Spatial concepts -difficulty in making measurements of time, distance, etc.
Strategies for Intervention
1. Identifying the pro blem areas in math is the first step towards helping
the child. Concreting the concepts, use of multi sensory approach,
repeated drill and revision exercises once understanding of the concept is
ensured, will help in consolidation and retention. Gradually increasing the
difficulty level of the concepts, using examples from real life and weaving
stories around mathematical concepts can be attempted to get the child
involved in learning.
2. It should be kept in mind that each intervention strategy is a unique
instructional design based on the kind of learning difficulty the child has
and the nature of the mathematical concept itself. Hence, it implies a lot of
creativity and imagination on the part of the teacher handling the
As an illustration, St rategies for Intervention to clarify some of the
mathematical concepts are discussed below.
1. Teaching pre -concepts, mathematical operations
1.Prepare a worksheet with missing math signs. Ask the students to fill
them in.
2.Promote understanding of the terms longer and shorter by drawing lines
of various lengths on the chalkboard and asking the students to make them
longer or shorter.
3.Use number lines to develop vocabulary such as before, after, between,
larger than, smal ler than, and the same as. Permit students to refer to the
number lines in answering questions (e.g., what number comes just
Page 116
1167? What number comes just after 13? What number comes between 6
and 8?)
4.Give students a set of cards numbe red from 1 to 10. Instruct them to
turn up one card and ask whether that number comes before or after a
number that you choose at random. Also, use more or less and smaller
than or larger than for this activity.
5.Print operational signs on flash cards. L et the students practice with the
cards every day. Add kinaesthetic clues by cutting the signs out of
sandpaper and pasting them on the cards.
6. Provide color cues for operational signs to call attention to the signs.
Also, draw circles or boxes around th e signs to enable students to attend
more closely to the signs. 2.Teaching Fractions -
Not only children but many adults also have difficulty in
understanding fractions. To understand fractions, we should be aware that:
●Fractions make sense only when viewe d in relation to a whole
number. They make no sense as independent entities.
●The understanding of the symbols of the fractions: denominator -the
number of parts the whole is divided into; and the numerator –the
number of parts of whole which are in conside ration.
Materials and experiences should be provided to the children to master
these basic facts.
●Fraction and equal sharing –give children a bag of marbles,
sweets, etc., and ask them to share equally between 2,4,8 and 10
children and write the fractiona l equivalent.
●Fractions and shapes –draw and cut symmetrical shapes and ask
children to fold into 1/4, 1/2, 1/8, etc.
●Fractions/lengths –estimating or measuring length of a long strip,
its 1/4 , 1/2 , 1/8, etc. This activity could be done with capacity,
weight, time, etc., for generalization.
●Charts could be drawn to illustrate the relationship of fractional
parts to the whole.
●Gradually introduce assignments requiring to work with fractions
without visual clues.
●Use the measurements in simple recipes to reinforce fractional
Page 117
There is no one single definition of emotional and behavioural
disorder as this category of exceptional children covers a range of
difficulties from very mild to extremely serious ones. The definition by
Bower (1969) is closely related to the school situa tion. According to him,
a psychological disorder is said to be present when the child emits
behaviour that deviates from discretionary and relative social norm in that
it occurs with a frequency or intensity that authoritative adults in the
child’s environment judge, under the circumstances, to be either too high
or too low.
The two major groups here are:
i)Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) & Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
ii)Disruptive Behaviour Disord er
ADHD is a neurologically based disorder, characterized by
developmentally abnormal degrees of inattention, impulsivity, and
hyperactivity, ADHD often interferes with the child’s ability to function
with su ccess academically, behaviorally or socially. Occasionally
misdiagnosed as “emotionally disturbed” or “undisciplined,” these
children create havoc at home and school. ADHD causes highly
inconsistent performance and output. Children with ADHD live in
distra ction and chaos all the time -bombarded with stimuli in every
direction and unable to screen it out. It can be compared to listening to a
lecture in a marriage hall. The child needs tremendous effort to focus on a
Intervention Strategies
Minor changes in the classroom environment and teaching
methodology can go a long way in helping a child to cope with ADHD.
Small changes in how the teacher approaches the child or what she/he
expects from the child can turn a losing year into a winning one for the
Intervention strategy for Inattention
1. In a quiet area far away from doors/windows.
2. Near the teacher (to improve listening) and preferably next to a role
Page 118
118Intervention strategy for completion of Assignments:
1. Allow extra time to c omplete assignments.
2. Shorten the assignment time to coincide with time of attention;
gradually lengthen the sessions.
3.Give assignments one at a time to avoid overload.
4. Students to stay on a task.
5. Give clear, concise instructions.
6.Written instructions along with oral instructions help, as children with
ADHD have difficulty in recalling what they have heard.
7.Include elements in which self -reminder can also help to
improve listening skills, e.g., “mustn’t talk when listening.”
Interv ention strategy for Impulsiveness
1. Ignore minor, inappropriate behavior.
2. Attend positive behavior with praise. Social praise helps the child to
develop good self -esteem and also increases the frequency of positive
3. Set up behavior contrac ts and encourage self -monitoring of behavior.
Intervention strategy for Motor activity
1. Allow the child to stand at time while working.
2. Set goals for maintenance of proper posture and encourage self -
monitoring. Cueing also helps.
3. Provide opportunit y for movement, i.e., running errands, distributing,
and collecting books etc.
4. Provide short breaks.
5. Supervise during transition times
1.Send weekly/daily progress reports home. Seek parental help in
facilitating organization skills.
2.Supervise writing down homework.
3.Encourage and reward neatness rather than penalize sloppiness.
4.Help students set short -term goals.
5.Do not penalize for handwriting, if visual -motor difficulties are
Page 119
External order compensates for internal chaos. Establish routine
especially at potential high -stress times like breaks, lunch times, games
period and after -school hours. Visual and written instructions could be
used as reminders.
During any activity, check periodically to make sure the child is
progressing correctly. Deal with problems while they are still manageable.
Rules should be placed in positive terms, i.e., instead of saying “Don’t
grab”, say “Request if you want something”. Be specific in direction.
Instead of saying “Don’t run around, “say “Please come back to your
seat,” etc.
To ensure continued success, provide instructions on any changes
needed next time and offer encouragement.
Children with ADHD poss ess a lot of desirable traits. A teacher should
also focus on the positive traits and use them to facilitate the child to cope
better. Some of these traits include the following:
4.Accepting and forgiving
5.Inquisitive and imaginative
Understanding and respecting differences and responding to
children, based on their learning styles, open up a new vista for the child,
in fact for all children and not only for children with special needs. Every
child has the potential and motivation to learn. The teacher should realize
this fact and plan teaching and evaluation strategies to suit the needs of the
Page 120
Disruptive behaviour diso rders include four clusters of behaviour
problems. They are:
1.Conduct Disorde
2.Personality Disorder
2.Socialized Delinquency
Behaviour disorders also can be described in terms of severity. Most
behaviour disordered children have moderate pro blems that can be treated
effectively in the regular classroom and at home. Severely disturbed
children -often called psychotic, schizophrenic or autistic –require
intensive programming, usually in a more restrictive setting.
1.Many of them are ‘slow learners’ or ‘mildly retarded’ with a score of
about 90 on an IQ test. Autistics are most of the time untestable.
2.Aggression and acting out often with little or no provocation are the
most common characteristics. Such noxious beha viour includes
disapproval of others, negativism, non -compliance, yelling, teasing,
attacking self or others, whining etc.
3.Withdrawn behaviour and apparent lack of social skills displaying lack
of sensory response, self stimulation, echolalic or psychot ic speech, self -
mutilating behaviour, tantrums and behaviour deficiencies.
Causes of Disruptive Behaviour Disorder:
1.Possible biological causes more evident in severely and profoundly
disturbed children. Many autistic children show neuro -chemical imbalan ce
and genetics often seem to play a role in childhood schizophrenia.
2.Psychological factors like parent -child relationship and interaction,
undesirable school experiences, inappropriate expectations, cruelty from
others, unfair treatment may result in d isruptive behavioural disorders.
Identification and Assessment :
There is no reliable method for sure identification of emotional
disturbance. Psychological tests and interviews have limited practical
1.While aggressive students stand out, withdrawn may go unnoticed. 2.
Screening tests for identifying disturbed students are being
Page 121
1213. Direct and continuous observation and measurement of specific
problem behaviours, within the classroom, is becom ing more and more
popular. It is an assessment technique that indicates directly what
intervention is needed.
Educational Strategies for Disruptive Behaviour Disorder:
1.Psychodynamic Approach -This approach relies on psychotherapy and
creative projects f or the child rather than academic remediation. Emotional
disturbance is thought of as a psychopathological process.
2.Biological Approach -It suggests that the deviant behaviour is a
physical disorder with genetic or medical causes implying treatment of
emotional disturbance
3.Behavioural approach -This approach assumes that the child has learned
disordered behaviour and has not learnt appropriate responses. To treat the
problem, the teacher uses behaviour modification techniques.
4.Ecological Approach -This approach suggests the interaction of the
child with the people around him and with social institutions. Treatment
involves teaching the child to function within the family, school,
neighborhood, and larger community.
5.Humanistic Approach -This appro ach suggests that the disturbed child
is out of touch with his own feelings and cannot find self fulfillment in a
traditional educational setting. Treatment takes place in an open,
personalized setting, where the teacher serves as a resource or catalyst.
6.Self management technique where the teacher plays a very significant
role by teaching the child self -control and or self -management skills
coupled with social skills is a unique approach to deal with such disturbed
children. It implies a combination of professional competencies and
personal characteristics to be an effective teacher for these students.
The traditional approaches to Special education of the exceptional children
had many disadvantages like depletion of resources as ar e s u l to f
duplication of efforts, labeling and the minority status attached to this
group of students damaging their self concept further and more
importantly, leading to ‘social isolation’, there by defeating the very
objective of special education.
Mainstreaming appeared as an alternative to traditional approaches
to overcome the above mentioned disadvantages. Mainstreaming is an
educational approach designed to end the segregation of exceptional
children by keeping these children in the m ainstream of the
Page 122
122system and providing them with a broad range of educational alternatives.
According to Stephens and Blackhurt, “Mainstreaming is the education of
the mildly handicapped children in the regular classroom. It is based on
the phil osophy equal opportunity that is implemented through individual
planning to promote appropriate learning, achievement and social
The very term 'integration' signifies the process of interaction of
disabled children and normal ch ildren in the same educational setting.
Integrated education is an educational programme in which exceptional
children attend classes with normal children on either full time or part time
basis. Such a combination may be taken as social integration or acad emic
integration. It is a broader concept which includes ‘mainstreaming’. The
difference between the two terms is quite subtle. In mainstreaming, the
normal school is letting the exceptional child be part of it. In integration,
the normal school is the rig htful place for the exceptional child to be in,
learn and grow. But still the onus of adapting to the school environment
lies largely with the exceptional child.
Inclusive education is concerned with removing all barriers to
learning, a nd with participation of all learners vulnerable to exclusion and
marginalization. It is a strategic approach designed to facilitate learning
success for all children. It addresses the common goals of decreasing and
overcoming all exclusion from the human right to education, at least at the
elementary level, and enhancing access, participation and learning, and
success in quality basic education for all. (Education for all 2000 Bulletin,
UNESCO, No.32, 1998).
The main elements of inclusive education are:
A human rights issue (“Education for ALL children, not almost all).
Education of All in a School for All (disabled and non -disabled
children learning together in regular schools: learning to know, learning
to do, learning to be and learning to live togethe r).
Togetherness (enabling all to participate together in society from the
beginning, contributing to social harmony and stimulating the building
of relationships among individuals, groups and nations).
Breaking barriers (familiarity and tolerance reduce f ear, prejudices and
Inclusion can be realized by :
1.Removing physical barriers posed by stairs, doorways, toilets, water
faucets, and other architectural aspects imperative to accessing facilities
in the
Page 123
1232.Removing the barriers of the teach ing system, by providing facilities
for accessing information related to the curriculum, by the use of
modern technology like computers using specialized software and by
providing awareness, sensitivity and solutions for teachers.
3.Removing the barriers of the examination system by providing means
of free and fair evaluation of the students’ knowledge irrespective of
his/her sensory/physical status.
4.Removing the barriers of attitude developed due to lack of awareness.
Thus, it is evident that inclusion encom passes the two concepts
discussed earlier, namely, ‘mainstreaming’ and ‘integration’ and goes a
step further by not only opening Its doors for ALL, but also with a
promise to reinvent itself to accommodate them all with their special
needs and requirements .
India is a country with abundant human capital. This important human
resource should be tended properly through education and training to
engage it successfully in the nation building activ ity. But unfortunately
more than half of our youths are out of the school system due to various
reasons. This is in violation to the Human Rights issue which stresses
upon upholding human dignity. The main goal of the Right to Education
Act is to make educ ation available to each child irrespective of his
location, class, caste, religion, status and standing mental and physical
limitations and other disadvantages the child may be suffering from.
Investment in education to include all is the set goal before t he country
and as such, there are a number of initiatives taken in pursuance of this
objective. They are as following:
National Initiatives
1.The Indian Education Commission (1964 -66):The Indian Education
Commission was the first statutory body to suggest t hat the education
of handicapped children has to be organized not merely on
humanitarian ground, but also on grounds of utility. The Commission
observed that although the Indian Constitution had issued specific
directives about compulsory education for all , including children with
disabilities, very little had been done in this regard. The Commission
also emphasized that the education of children with disabilities should
be “an inseparable part of the general education system”. At the time
when the Commissi on made its recommendations there were less than
250 special schools in India. The commission felt that services for
children with disabilities were extremely inadequate and recommended
the adoption of a dual approach, namely, the provision of special as
well as integrated education to improve the situation. The commission
set the following targets to be achieved by 1986: education for about
Page 124
124percent of the blind, the deaf and orthopedically handicapped and 5
percent of the mentally retarded. The Commissi on also specifically
emphasized the importance of integrated education in meeting this
target as it is cost -effective and useful in developing mutual
understanding between children with and without disabilities.
2.Integrated education for Disabled Children (IEDC, 1974): In 1974,
the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of
India, initiated the IEDC program to promote the integration of
students with mild to moderate disabilities into regular schools .
Children were to be provided financial support for books, stationery,
school uniforms, transport, special equipment and aides. The state
governments were provided 50 percent financial assistance to
implement this program in regular schools. However, the program met
with little success. A criticism of this program in the state of
Maharashtra reported that the (a) non -availability of trained and
experienced teachers; (b) lack of orientation among schools staff on
the problems educational materials, were the major contributory
factors for its failure. A lack of coordination among various
departments to implement the scheme was also considered a major
contributor for its failure. By 1979 -80, only 1,881 children from 81
schools all over the country had benefite d from this program. Due to
the failure of the IEDC scheme, it was revised in 1992. Until 1990, the
scheme was implemented in 14 states. These were Andaman and
Nicobar, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Nagaland, Oris sa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and
Uttar Pradesh. Kerala is the only state that has shown remarkable
progress in implementing this scheme. In Kerala, the scheme has been
implemented in 4,487 schools and 12,961 children have been served
under this scheme.
3.Nation al Policy on Education (NPE, 1986 -92): In 1968, the Indian
Government formulated the National Policy on Education for all
government schools and articulated a need to integrate students with
disabilities. Again in 1986, the National Policy on Education dev oted a
specific section to the education of students with disabilities. It
emphasized that whenever feasible, the education of children with
motor handicaps and other mild disabilities should be provided in
regular schools. The National Policy also stresse d that those children
whose needs could not be met in regular schools were to be enrolled in
special schools. Children who were already in special schools could be
integrated into regular schools as soon as they acquired reasonable
levels of daily living, communication and basic academic skill. It also
emphasized the need to restructure primary teacher training programs
to prepare teachers to deal with the special difficulties of children with
4.Project Integrated Education for the Disabled (PIED, 1987): In
1987, the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD)
Page 125
125association with UNICEF and the National Council for Educational
Research and Training (NCERT) undertook “Project Integrated
Education for the Disabled” (PIED). The aim of the project was to
strengthen the implementation of the IEDC scheme.
5.District Primary Education Program (DPEP, 1994): A centrally
sponsored scheme, the District Primary Education Program aims to
reduce the overall d ropout rates of all students enrolled in primary
classes, to raise their achievement levels and to provide primary
education for all children, including children with disabilities. This is
probably the largest program of the central government in terms of
6.The Persons with Disabilities Act (PWD Act, 1995): Ac l o s e
examination of the national initiatives discussed so far indicates that
although the Indian Government had made several attempts to
implement integrated education programs, it lacked a firm commitment
to promote integration. This was largely because the Indian
Government has considered provision for children with disabilities to
be a welfare issue rather than an educational imperative. The PWD Act
proposed the provision of improved educa tional services, medical care,
vocation training, employment, and social security for all persons with
disabilities. The Act further stated that whenever possible, students
with disabilities should be educated in regular school settings.
Challenges ahead f or Inclusion
The above mentioned policy statements made under different
commissions highlight the importance the government attaches to
‘education’ and then ‘education for all’.
The current practice of focusing solely on the 3Rs approach has led
to educati on being viewed not as a process, but as a product -the tangible
reward consisting of a report, marks sheet, or degree at the end. When
children fail to learn in school it is only too tempting to perceive
something wrong within them. Educational activity is one of the many
social entities that cannot be examined in isolation. Schooling
interconnects with a more extensive and complex reality, reflecting
continual changes and transformations with unpredictable outcomes. The
character of school activity is not only a mirror of aspects of contemporary
modes of production, but also the dominant economic priorities and
political activities in society. Many have voiced fears that within this
climate it is unlikely that schools will give priority to inclusive values and
How can the Schools Respond?
Recognition and respect of all children have to be at the forefront
while planning schools if inequalities are to be tackled. Maria Montessori,
an educator far ahead of her time, in one of her lectures in India had
Page 126
126“the world of education is like an island where people, cut -off from the
world , are prepared for life by exclusion”. For inclusion to move from
mere rhetoric, the disadvantaged and marginalized groups of students must
not only have access to opp ortunities and share the same space, but also
like their peers, must share the commonwealth of the school and its
culture. Inclusion means inviting those who have been historically locked
out to ”come in”. Schools have to change from mere “teaching shops' ' to
inculcating a broader change in their social climate and the way
“differences” and “difficulty” is conceptualized in order to foster a “just
society”. Responses to differences vary amongst communities and indeed
within communities come. So, what is eq uality? “Equality” “sameness”
and “difference” do not lie on a continuum, but are the three corners of a
triangle. The notion of “equality in difference” is then to treat people as
equals but not necessarily the same way. Therefore, it is imperative that
schools must recognize a continuum of diverse needs amongst all children
and utilize all its available resources to make appropriate provisions to
meet their needs. Inclusion does not necessitate denying differences
amongst people, rather, every civilized n ation must strive to reduce
inequalities which arise from its own structure. Ideal inclusion exists when
schools work towards reducing inequalities, which arise from birth or
circumstances, rather than exaggerate them. This notion of ideal inclusion
theref ore does not set boundaries around particular kinds of supposed
disabilities. Rather, it provides a framework within which all children,
regardless of ability, gender, language, ethnic or cultural origin are
accepted equally at school. Ideal inclusion thus proposes a far broader yet
more distinct meaning, moving from what is called an “obsession with
individual learning difficulties,” to an agenda of finding solutions.
Ideal Inclusion: Building Bridges
This emphasis of meeting the challenge of the ideal sch ool
inclusion will result in making educational and social sense to all those
students who drop out of schools, repeat classes, live on the streets, come
from disadvantaged homes or remote tribal areas, are members of ethnic
linguistic minorities, child la bourers or face gender discrimination. This
involves a serious commitment to the task of identifying, challenging, and
contributing to the removal of education systems as they are designed
today -based on homogenous delivery rather than diversity. Removing
exclusion in and from education is part of the process of reducing
exclusion in society. Constantly challenging inequalities of power and
recognizing and removing the oppression faced by a large number of
excluded children can only realize this. Mahatma Ga ndhi had advised
many decades ago that education must become co -existent with life.
Education, as it is conceived today, is estranged from social life.
Interestingly, the imperative to address the issue of inclusion has been
spearheaded by the need to addr ess the value of those students, who were
believed to have the least worth for many
Page 127
To quote Charles Darwin:” it is not the strongest of species that
survive, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change”.
Education must therefore reinvent the reconstruct itself so that to be “built
to last” is actually “built to change.” The goal of developing schools as
caring communities for all students may seem a distant dream; but then are
not the fantasies of yesterday, the realization of today!
1. Whom do we consider as exceptional children? How would you classify
2.Describe different groups of cognitively exceptional children. Explain
the strategies before the class room teacher to deal with them.
3.Explain the characteristics of the physically exceptional children.
Discuss the problems faced by this student group.
4.“Socio -culturally disadvantaged children need special attention and
educational input.” Discuss.
5.What is a learning disability? How do you deal with a dyslexic child?
6.What do you understand about the terms ‘dysgraphia’ and
‘dyscalculia’? Describe any two activities that you can plan for helping
out these students.
7.Discuss in detail ADHD and remedial measure the teacher can plan to
deal with these students.
8.Differentiate between ‘mainstreaming; ‘Integration’ and ‘Inclusion’.
9.Elaborate the ne ed for Inclusive Education in the Indian context.
Chintamani Kar(2003): Exceptional Children. Their
Psychology and Education Sterling Publishers
Costa A. (2001): The Vision; Developing Minds Alexandra, V.A.
Donald Johnson & Leah Johnson (197 8):Learning Disabilities, NEA,
Washington D. C
Wadke & Bhatia (1990): Introduction to Educational Psychology,
Sheth Publishers , Mumbai
William Heward & Michael Orlansky ((1980): Exceptional Children,
Bell and Howell, Ohio.
Page 128
Unit Structures
6.0 Objectives
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Models of Teaching
6.2.1 Inductive thinking by Hilda Taba
6.2.2 Synectics by William Gordan
6.3 Metacognition –Meaning, Development and Teaching
6.4.1 Development of self and identity
6.4.2 Carol Dweck self theory
6.4.3 Daryl Bem self -perception theory
6.5 Let us sum up
6.6 Unit End Exercise
6.7 References
After reading this you will be able to,
Explain Hilda Taba’s Inductive thinking model of teaching
Explain William Gordan’s Synectics model of teaching
Define term metacognition
Discuss the strategies of development of metacognition
Explain theories of sel f perception of various psychologists.
Teaching is engaging learners in learning; it consists of involving learners
in the active construction of knowledge. A teacher’s role is to make
judgments about how best to help their students learn in the environments
in which they teach. It is the teacher who simplifies the complex and
makes the abstract concept available to them. Academic achievement is
not the sole purpose of teaching. Teachers are responsible for nurturing
thoughtful, resourceful and informed individuals. This chapter deals with a
repertoire of strategies developed to guide teachers towards acquisition of
instructional objectives in the classroom and other
Page 129
A model of teaching is a plan or pattern that can be used to shape
curriculums, to design instructional materials and to guide instruction
in the classroom. Some definition of models of teaching is as follows:
Paul Eggan and others: “Teaching models are prescriptive teaching
strategies designed to accomplish particular teaching goals. ”
Joyce and Weil: “Teaching models are just instructional designs. They
describe the process of specifying andproducing particular environmental
situations which cause thestudent to interact in such a way that specific
change occurs in his behaviour. ”
Fundamental Elements of Models of Teaching
•Focus: The Central aspect of teaching…it includes the objectives
•Syntax: It is the presentation aspect -description of the model in
•Social system: It outlines the relationship between the student and
teacher. It describes the role of the teacher and student
•Principles of reaction: It explains the reaction of the teacher to the
response of students
•Support system: It means the facilities available to the teachers and
students to implement strategies
•Effects: It means the achievement of goals. The models of teaching
have two types of effects on the students viz. Instructional effects and
Nurturant effects
Types of teaching models: Models of teaching ar e classified into four
types depending upon the targeted outcome of the model.
1.Information Processing Models: Refers to the ways people
handle stimuli from the environment, organize data, sense
problems, generate concept s and solutions to problems, and
employ verbal and non -verbal symbols. It is more concerned with
intellectual growth rather than the social and emotional
development of the individual.
Some examples of Information Proces sing Model are Inductive
Thinking Model by Hilda Taba , Inquiry Training Model by
Richard Suchman, Concept Attainment Model by Jerome Bruner,
and Advance Organizer Model by David Ausubel.
2.Social Interaction Model: These m odels of teaching are
concerned with the attainment of the social goals belonging to
Page 130
130affective domain. It gives priority for improvement of democratic
processes and the improvement of the society by the improvement
of the individual’s ability.
Some examples of Social Interaction Model are Role Playing
Model by Fannie Shaftel and George Shaftel, Social Simulation
Model by Sarene Borockm, Group Investigating Model by Herbert
Thelen and John Dewey, Classroom Meeting Mode l by William
3.Personal Development Models: These models of teaching are
concerned with the realization of the instructional goals belonging
to the affective domain. They emphasize the process by which
individuals can establish productive relationships with their
environment and design their unique individuality for realizing
their personal goal.
Some examples of Personal Development Model are Non -
Directive Model by Carl Rogers, Awareness Training Model by
Fritz Pea rls,Synectics Model by William Gordan , Conceptual
System Model by David Hunt.
4.Behaviour Modification Model: They are related to behaviour
modification theories. They have evolved from the attempts to
develop efficient s ystems or sequencing learning tasks and shaping
the behaviour through management of the reinforcement
contingencies. Operant conditioning has given birth to most of the
models belonging to this family.
Some examples of Behaviour Modification Model are Mast ery
Learning by Benjamin Bloom and James Block, Direct Instruction
by Tom Good, Jere Borphy, Carl Gereiter, Ziggy Engleman and
Wes Becker, Simulation by Carl Smith, Mary Smith.
The Inductive Thinking Model was develope d by Hilda Taba, a
curriculum theorist. She developed this model in her experimental studies
conducted in the Central Costa School. She popularized the term
‘Teaching strategy’. She prepared the entire social studies curriculum on
the line of inductive thi nking.
Taba’s Inductive processing model is called information processing model
because it helps the learners to develop the methods of processing
information from the environment. It is more concerned with the
intellectual rather than the emotional or soc ial development of the learner.
Moreover, it helps in the development of logical thinking. Hilda Taba
developed a series of models to help students learn to reason
Page 131
131Meaning of Inductive Thinking Model:
1.Inductive means to proceed from particular to general, from examples
to principles, from empirical data to generalization .H e n c eb y
Inductive thinking model of teaching we literally mean teaching in
which students give (are given) particular examples which lead to
formation of gene ration or concepts.
2.It is a teaching model for collection or/ and manipulations of data.
3.It is based on thinking. Skills should be taught using specific teaching
strategies designed for those teaching skills. The model uses these
teaching skills in a sequence, i.e. in correct that one thinking skill is
based on the other.
4.Inductive thinking model of teaching uses three teaching strategies
namely concept formation, interpretation of data and application of
principles to induce inductive thinking.
Basic Assumptions (Postulates or Rationale) of the Model:
The Model has been developed on the basis of some postulates about the
thinking process. Taba (1967) believes
1.Thinking can be taught.
2.Thinking is an active transaction between individuals and data.
Students understand the concepts. When they organize facts, relate
facts to each other (form relationship) , generalize , infer, hypothesize,
predict and explain phenomena not known (taught) already.
3.Thinking process evolves a lawful sequence. Each thing is built on the
previous one. To master certain skills, certain earlier ones must be
mastered first. This sequence cannot be reversed.
The word ‘Data’ in assumption (2) Refers to classroom setting and
instructional material. The object of study, apparatus, diagrams,
specimens, and even historical monuments, the whole animal kingdom
and vegetable kingdom are all data in this context. Thinking is generalized
when the learner performs cognitive operations by organizing facts into
cognitive systems, relating dif ferent points of data and making hypotheses,
generalizations and inferences, and by explaining unknown phenomena. A
teacher can assist the learning of the thinking process by stimulating the
Students to perform complex mental processes and by offering
progressively less direct support. This model provides the backbone of the
social studies curriculum.
Three teaching Strategies (Steps or Stages):
Following the first assumption (i.e., thinking can be taught) Taba
developed three strategies to include the thre e tasks of teaching
Page 132
132Each task represents a stage in the inductive thinking process. These
stages (Strategies) of the inductive thinking process are: (i) Concept
formation. (ii) Interpretation of data and (iii) Application of principles.
1. Concept for mation: This stage involves three mental processes or
(i)Identification: The teachers should ask the students to
identify and enumerate the items that are relevant to a
(ii)Grouping: The teacher should ask the students to group
these items ac cording to some basis of similarity.
(iii)Developing: After identifying and grouping, the teacher
should ask students for developing suitable categories and
labeling the groups (categories).
To engage students, Taba associated these operations with correspondin g
activities, which form the basis of the teaching model. Teaching moves in
the form of questions. These elicited questions are matched to particular
types of activity. For example :
Question Matched activity
1.What did you see? 1.It induces the students to
enumerate a list.
2.What belongs together? 2.It causes students to group the
listed things.
3.What would all these
groups be ?3.It induces students to develop
labels or categories.
Each overt activity elicited by the teaching strategy reflects mental
operations that are covert.
2. Interpretation of data: This second strategy also works on
teachers eliciting questions. It also consists of three mental operation:
(i)Identifying relationship (Differentiation): The teacher's
questions lead students to identify certain aspects of selected
data. In other words, these questions enable the students to
identify or differentiate among the categories.
(ii)Explaining relationship: Students are to explain i tems of
identified information relating the points to each other. Here
the teacher asks questions concerning causes and
Page 133
133(iii)Generalizing: It means the teacher should let the students go
beyond the given data, generalize and to arrive at some
conclusio ns based on inferences about them.
These mental operations give rise to activities of strategies by way of
translating these operations into overt activities.
3. Application of principles : This stage includes:
(i)Analyzing the nature of problems.
(ii)Using the relevant knowledge and determining causal links
leading to prediction or hypothesis and explaining the
(iii)Using logical principles to determine necessary and
sufficient conditions and verifying the hypothesis.
All these stages have been explained under syntax.
Principles of Inductive Thinking Model:
1.Principle of identifying other items: When a category is given,
identify other items also. Double identification is allowed, i.e., an
item may be placed in two cate gories if necessary.
2.Principle of elimination: When one category is of different order
from the other, it sometimes can be eliminated once the other
categories are established. Then items of the eliminated category can
be written under the other category.
4.Principle of clarification: When the meaning of category is not clear,
clarification should be sought from students. Teacher should not
explain what he means. Also, the teacher should not name items
which he thinks belong to the category.
5.Principle of not pressing final decision: In many cases, it is not
necessary to press for a final decision, since the model is based on the
process rather than the content. An open procedure will encourage
students to offer items which are too difficult to deal with for th e time
being. Postpone it.
6.Principle of mental operation: The model has overt activities and
each over activity is linked to covert (hidden) mental operation.
7.Principle of reaction.
8.Principle of limits: The inferences must be within the limits of the
Page 134
134Inductive Thinking Model in terms of Fundamental Elements:
1.Focus: The main focus of the model is to develop the mental
abilities with special emphasis on concept formation. This involves
cognitive tasks in concept formation.
2.Syntax: Teaching is organized in nine phases. The first three
phases are concerned with concept formation by involving
enumerating, grouping and labeling categories. The second three
are related to an interpretation of data by identifying relationships ,
explaining relationships and dr awing inferences. The last three
phases are concerned with an application of principles by
hypothesizing, explaining hypothesizing and verifying the
All these three stages and elaborating steps are briefly given as under:
(i)Identification and enumeration of items of data which are
relevant to the problem: In a typical example presented by
Eggen and his associates (1979), teaching a group of students
about Animal Kingdom, starts with exposing them to a zoo. The
teacher takes them around and asks them to take note of what
they see. Returning back to the classroom, the teacher makes an
exhaustive list of animals with the help of students and writes the
same on the black -board.
(ii)Grouping these items: At this stage, the teacher puts a direct
question, “What belongs together?” The animals are grouped into
classes on any criteria of classification. The animals such as cow,
horse, dog, cat, goat group together and lion, leopard, deer, form
another group. The grouping can be done in the form of a label.
(iii)Developing category labels for the group: At this stage, the
teacher asks what these groups would be called. Difficult groups
are ascribed different labels. In the above example, one group of
animals may be termed as pet animals, other wild animals. For
other different classes of animals, the terms could be birds,
reptiles and so on.
(iv)Identifying dimensions and relations: The activities of this stage
will have coverage around a question “What do you notice, see
and find?” In the realm of the present example, t he listed groups
are studies for such dimensions as food, habitation and
environment etc. and the observations are presented in the table.
Lions and leopards live on meat and cows on grass.
(v)Explaining dimensions and their relationship: The central
question at this stage is, ‘Why did so and so happen?’ The answer
to this question will generate relationships and
Page 135
135(vi)Making inferences: It refers to the concluding statements about
the relationships of the items, for example, animals which need
an envi ronment similar to that of human habitation are generally
pet animals.
(vii)Predicting consequences and forming hypotheses :Here the
question is asked to the students, “What would happen ?” For
example, what would happen to wild animals in a forest if it is
converted into farmland? The discussion around this question will
lead to conclusions and generalizations about the items of data.
(viii)Explaining and or supporting predictions and hypotheses:
The discussion at this stage would be initiated by questions like
“Why d o you think this would happen?” The explanations in
support of the predictions are extended. For example, a
conclusion that “Wild animals would migrate to dense forest if
their habitation is converted into farms” will be supported by
some explanations, suc h as, “Farms do not provide the food and
climate desirable for their survival.”
(ix)Verify the predictions: The last step is concerned with the
verification of the predictions and justification of explanation
provided at the previous step. For example, in situ ations where
forests are converted into farmlands, it has to check whether wild
animals have actually migrated to denser forest or they have
resorted to wander around the habitations.
3)Social system:
(i)Conducive environment: In the nine stages. The cla ss-room
environment is conducive to learning and cooperative .
(ii)Teacher as initiator: The teacher is usually the initiator of
(iii)Teacher as controller: Though co -operative, the teacher is in a
controlling position. He decides the sequence of activities in
advance. He manages the activities of the class. The teaching
activities are arranged in a logical sequence. The instructional
process of the model is moderately structured.
(iv)Pupils’ ac tivities: The students are actually involved inthe
activities. A good deal of freedom should be given for activities
of the students. There is progress in activities under the
democratic set up of control.
4)Principles of reaction: Taba provides in her teaching model clear and
definite guidelines for teaching and responding to different situations
within each phase. These guidelines are as
Page 136
136(i)Optimum order: The teacher matches his moves to a specific
cognitive task within each category. He has to be sure that these
cognitive tasks occur in optimum order.
(ii)Right time: Each task should occur at the right time. The teacher
should not ask a question to the student who has not enumerated
or listed the task.
(iii)Cognitive functions: Through the process of questioning. The
teacher should establish cognitive functions.
(iv)Comprehended by all: The teacher must ensure that each operation
(listing activity) is completed and understood by all before
proceeding to grouping questions.
(v)Sense readiness: The teacher should sense the students’ readiness
for new experiences . He has to see carefully how far the students
are ready to learn new things.
(vi)Main mental task: The primary task of the teacher is to see how
students are proce ssing (receiving) information and then to use
eliciting questions.
5)Support system: Taba developed this model to build teaching
strategies in social studies, but these strategies can also be used in
subject areas where data are available in abundance, such as Botany,
Zoology, Geography and Sociology. For such subjects outside nature,
animal kingdom, social institutions and economic establishments
provide support for studies in the relevant system. The main function
of the teacher is to help students to process the data in more complex
ways and to increase the general capacity of their systems for
processing data.
6). Industrial and nurturant efforts: The main purpose of the model is
to teach for concept formation. It very likely nurtures logical
reasoni ng, comprehension, awareness of the environment and
classification of concepts.
7)Application: The model has been successfully used for a wide range
of subjects like Social studies, Bio -science, Geography, Sociology and
Languages especially English. The model is especially applicable for
young children for teaching concepts and for teaching inductive
thinking processes. The learning experiences are the basis of
information to arrange the content in an effective sequence. The first
three phases are useful in dealing with elementary classes and the last
three phases are useful for higher education, especially for science and
Page 137
The synectics model of teaching owes its origin to William J.J.
Gordon (1968). Initially, this method was used to develop creativity
groups within industrial organizations. Later on, he adopted it for
developing creativity among school children. For designing and
employing synectics as a model of teaching or procedure of training.
Gordon made use of certain basic assumptions regarding the nature,
process and development of creativity.
Basic assumptions: The synectics model has an altogether new set of
beliefs quite different from the conventional ideas about the nature,
process and development of creativity. Its main ideas and assumptions are
summarized as the following:
1)Creativity is not an exceptional and extraordinary thing necessarily
associated with the development of great works of art or music or new
inventions in one or the other field. Creative work and process are
very much linked with our everyday activities. We can very much use
and develop creative expression in our daily work and leisure lives.
2)Creative process is not at all mysterious. It can be described and it is
possible to help the children develop their creativity through teaching
or training.
3)The process and the product of creativity exhibit uniformity in all the
fields or spheres of life. The arts, science, business and agriculture
and craft areas are all characterized by the same underlying
intellectual process. The inventions in science are, therefore, not at all
different from the creation in arts from the viewpoints of creativity.
4)The notion that creativity is an intensely personal experience is
erroneous. Creativity wheth er demonstrated by the individual on a
personal basis or along with members of a group is one and the same
thing. Individuals and groups generate ideas and products very much
in the same fashion. Therefore, It is possible or rather advisable to
teach or tr ain the children in a group for the development of
5)Creative capacity of both individuals and groups can be well
enhanced by the conscious analysis of the creative process and
thereby employing appropriate means and material for its
6)Usually, when we are forced with a problem or asked to perform our
task, we adopt old ways of solving the problem or doing a task
However, sometimes it does not work. It is here that we can make use
of synectics -an interesting and delightful approach le ading to new
ideas and
Page 138
1387)Creativity is essentially an emotional process, one that requires
elements of irrationality and emotion to enhance intellectual
processes. So, in providing training for the development of creativity
we must lay more emph asis on the emotional component of the
behaviour than the intellectual.
8)The individual and the group can increase their creativity by
understanding and consciously controlling the elements of their
emotional irrationality.
9)Metaphoric activity involving th e use of analogy and compressed
conflict may help in providing valuable structure for the development
of imagination and insight into everyday activities for making
creativity a conscious process and controlled exercise.
Built up on the above p illars of basic ideas and assumptions, the
structure and functioning of the synectics model may be explained in
forms of the fundamental elements of a model as outlined in the following
Focus: Synectics model of teaching aims to increase the creativit y of both
of the individuals and the groups in all areas of the curriculum, the science
and the arts.
Syntax: The synectics model makes use of two types of strategies for its
functioning: (i) creating something new, and (ii) making the strange
familiar. Th e first strategy aims to help the learners see familiar things in
unfamiliar ways by using the analogy device to create conceptual distance.
As pointed out by Joyce and Weil (1997:262) there are the following six
phases in the operation of this strategy.
Phase One -Description of the present condition : Here the students are
made to describe the situation, and present the condition or problem as
seen by them at the moment.
Phase Two -Direct analogy :In this phase, the students are made to suggest
direct analo gies, select one, and explore/ describe it further. By direct
analogy, we mean a simple comparison of two objects or concepts. For the
real topic or problem situation, the students may be asked to name the
similar topic, concept or situation (not necessary to be identical in all
aspects) as a matter of simple and direct analogy and then select a
particular analogy for describing it further. For example, to provide an
analogy to a motorcycle, one can say it is like an enraged forest lion, a
steel horse, and a flying bird.
Phase Three -Personal analogy :In this phase, the students themselves
become the analogy they selected in phase two. For example, describing
the concept of motorcycle the students may themselves consider them as
Page 139
139motorcycle, or an enraged fo rest lion and steel horse, etc. The teacher may
ask them to pretend to be a motorcycle or lion and horse, etc.
Phase Four -Compressed conflict :Here the students are required to take
their descriptions from phases two or three, suggest several compressed
conflicts and choose one. By the metaphorical form of compressed
conflict we mean a two -word description of an object in which the words
seem to be opposites or contradictory to each other, e.g. how is your
motorcycle timid or brave? How does it smile and f rown? Etc.
Phase Five -Direct analogy :In this phase, the students are made to
generate and select another direct analogy based on the compressed
Phase Six -Re-examination of the original task :Here, the teacher tries to
persuade the students in mo ving back to the original task or problems and
use the last analogy and/ or the entire synectics experience.
The second strategy, i.e., making the stranger familiar, aims to help
the students in their understanding and internationalization of
substantially new or difficult subject matter. It involves seven phases:
Phase One -Substantive input :In this phase, some information on a new
topic is provided by the teacher either verbally or through the presentation
of a short substantive paragraph. For example, he may provide meaningful
information on the topic “Human brains and its functioning”.
Phase Two -Direct analogy :Here, attempts are made by the teacher to
suggest some direct analogy and then ask students to describe the analogy.
For example, he may provide a direct analogy to the human brain by citing
the example of telephone exchange control rooms.
Phase Three -Personal analogy :In this phase, the students are persuaded
to become the objects of the analogy by themselves. For example, in their
attempts to get acquainted with the concept of democracy they may be
persuaded to compare it with the f unctioning of their own body system or
with the functioning of their home, school, etc.
Phase Four -Comparing analogy :Here the students are required to
identify and explain the points of similarity the new material and the direct
analogy. For example, they may be asked to locate similarities between
the functioning of the human brain and the telephone exchange control
Phase Five -Explaining differences :In this phase, the students are
persuaded to point out the dissimilarities and then tell where the a nalogy
does not fit, e.g. what are the different points of differences where human
brain differs with the structure and functioning of a telephone exchange
system?, and so
Page 140
140Phase Six -Exploration :Here, the students are persuaded to re -explore the
origin al topic in their own ways. They may take the help of direct and
personal analogy besides other types of self -thinking, understanding and
discussion in the group.
Phase seven -Generation analogy :In this phase, the students try to
provide their own direct a nalogy and explore various similarities and
differences for understanding and grasping the meaning and nature of an
unfamiliar or new topic.
Both these two strategies are aimed to provide training opportunities for
the development of creativity among the c hildren. Which one of these two
strategies should be adopted and helped in creating something new or to
explore the unfamiliar?
The social system: The synectics model is regarded as a moderately
structured model as, here, the teacher is supposed to initiate the sequence
and guide the students in making use of this model. He is also to help the
students in intellectualizing their mental process, inventing new ways of
conceptualizing and solving the problems through the help of synectics
exercises -analogies and compressed conflicts, etc. However, the students
need freedom in discovering ways and means or discovering something
new, getting familiarized with unfamiliar concepts. There stands a quite
friendly and wholesome environment for the close cooperation between
the teacher and the students. The students are provided full opportunity
and cooperation for the proper understanding and controlling of the
element of irrationality in creating or exploring something new.
Principles of reaction: The model requires the following types of
reactions and responses on the part of teachers:
1)A proper knowledge about the experience and the learning
background of their students regarding the topic or problems in
2)Discoura ge the students in making use of the old ways of doing
things or the set channels of thinking and help in introducing
elements of irrationality and new ways of doing things for creating
something new or getting familiarized with the unfamiliar.
3)Learn to accept the responses of the students no matter how
unusual and bizarre they may be for ensuring that they feel no
external judgements about their creative expression.
4)Encourage and sometimes directly or indirectly help the students in
inculcating n ecessary psychological states helpful in generating
creative responses.
5)The students should be given proper time and opportunities for
developing fresh and new perspectives on problems. Here,
Page 141
141premature analysis should always be avoided for developing the
desirable habit of problem solving among the students.
6)The motivation provided to the students is almost internal. Hence,
they must be given the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of their
creative expression.
Support system: The synectics model requ ires the following types of
support for its proper employment.
1)Service of the competent teachers well versed in the functioning
and use of this model.
2)A smaller cohesive and cooperative group for the development of
creativity of the children in a democratic group learning situation.
3)Desirable help and guidance from the teacher for introducing
elements of irrationality in inventing something new or getting
familiarized with the unfamiliar.
4)The needed facilities in the form of laboratory, workshop, library
readings, outings, audio -visual equipment, etc. for making the task
of problem solving concrete and to provide opportunities for
having creative expression in the real and practical form.
Application context: The synectics model has a qui te wide applicability
in teaching -learning situation related to almost all the subjects and
experiences of the school curriculum as summarized here:
1)The synectics activities provide unique shared experiences for
fostering interpersonal understanding a nd a sense of community
and group feeling. Moreover, the delight (even the most timid and
shy) contribute significantly in proving the solution of the
problems or inventing something new.
2)The synectics model can be used to provide rich and vivid
exper iences to the students for understanding the unfamiliar and
discovering the facts of the school curriculum in a quite interesting
way. It is equally good for all areas of the curriculum –the
sciences and arts, theoretical and practical, curricular and co -
curricular, etc.
3)The synectics model can be used with the learners belonging to all
ages and potential -the average, slow and fast. All types of learners
may be benefited by sharing the synectics.
4)As a means for nurturing and developing creativity and creative
expression, the model is credited with a number of applications
and uses (Joyce and Weil, 1997:258).
(i) In learning the art of creative
Page 142
142(ii) Providing valuable means and techniques for the
exploration of social issues, and investigations abo ut the
things and events in one’s physical, social and cultural
(iii)In developing the problem -solving ability of the students by
breaking the set and conceptualizing the problem in a new
way in order to suggest fresh approaches for its solution.
(iv)In learning the art of creating a product (such as an idea for
social gathering or new means of communication).
(v) The strategies used may help in broadening the perspectives
of the students related to the acquired concepts -even the
difficult and abstract ones such as democracy, culture,
economy, liberty, justice, discrimination, and prejudice.
Instructional effects
The synectics model can prove quite worthwhile in terms of its
instructional values. In brief, we can say the following things
regarding the instructional use of this model :
1)Knowledge is not power. It is the way of acquiring knowledge
that is more i mportant than the acquisition of it. The synectics
model provides opportunities and training for the development
of the ability of acquiring and discovering knowledge.
2)Teaching can be carried out at three different levels known as
memory, understandin g and reflective. The experiences gained
in the synectics model may help the teacher and learners
organize the instructional process at the understanding and
reflective levels.
3)The joy of teaching and learning rests on the discovery and
learning of ne w facts, investing some new ideas and ways of
doing things, etc. The use of synectics model may make the
process of instruction interesting and delightful.
4)Last but not the least the model may prove a very potent device
not only in the development of general creative capacity but
also in the specific creative capacities related to a variety of
subject matter and experiences of the school curriculum among
the students.
Metacognition: Metacognitio n is probably the most actively investigated
cognitive process in contemporary research in developmental
Page 143
143instructional psychology (Tobias et al., 1999). Metacognition is a form of
cognition, a second or higher order thinking process which involves acti ve
control over cognitive processes. It can be simply defined as thinking
about thinking or as a “person’s cognition about cognition” (Wellman,
1985, p. 1)
The term metacognition first appeared around 1975 in the work of
developmental psychologist John Fla vell from Stanford University. He
used the term to denote: “One’s knowledge concerning one’s own
cognitive processes and products or anything related to them (...) [and]
refers, among other things, to the active monitoring and consequent
regulation and orc hestration of these processes (...), usually in the service
of some concrete goal or objective.” (Flavell, 1976, p. 232).
This definition emphasizes the executive role of metacognition in the
overseeing and regulation of cognitive processes. Executive proc esses are
those responsible for the goal -directed processing of information and
selection of action, and for the implementation and monitoring of task -
specific cognitive processes. Flavell provides some useful examples of
“I am engaging in m etacognition if I notice that I am having more trouble
learning A than B; if it strikes me that I should double -check C before
accepting it as a fact; (...) if I become aware that I am not sure what the
experimenter really wants me to do; if I sense I had better make a note of
D because I may forget I; if I think to ask someone about E to see if I have
it right.” (Flavell, 1976, p. 232).
Metacognition has 3 components:
1.Metacognitive knowledge/metacognitive awareness is what
individuals know about them and o thers as cognitive processors .I t
refers to having knowledge about how human beings learn and process
information, as well as an individual's knowledge of one's own
learning processes. E.g., You know studying in a quiet library will be
more productive than studying at home.
2.Metacognitive regulation is the regulation of construction and learning
experiences through a set of activities that help people control their
learning. It involves the ability to monitor one’s progress of learning,
correcting errors, analyzing the effectiveness of the learning strategies
(used) and changing the learning strategies when necessary. E.g.,
Planning how to approach a given learning task, monitoring
comprehension, and evaluating progress toward the completion of a
3.Metaco gnitive experiences are those experiences thathave something
to do with the current, ongoing cognitive endeavor
Page 144
144Strategies for the development of metacognition
1.Self –questioning: It is a common metacognitive comprehension
monitoring strategy. If an individual cannot answer his/her own
question or understand the material discussed. He may determine
what needs to be done to ensure the cognitive goal of understanding.
One may decide t og ob a c ko rr e -read keeping the goal in mind to be
able to answer the questions.
Self-questioning ensures the cognitive goal of comprehension is met.
If it is used as a means of obtaining knowledge it is a cognitive
strategy while if it is used as a way o f monitoring what you have read,
it is a metacognitive strategy.
2.KWL Strategy (Know -What -Learn): It is a teaching strategy which
helps pupils to develop tactical ways of learning new material. KWL
represents three principal components: K = what is "known" [K]
according to prior knowledge; W = determining what pupils "want"
[W] to learn; L = what pupils "learn" [L] after instructional
events …..( identifying instructional events).
Here the teacher plays a crucial role in guiding the pupils through the
entire process. If the model is used for the first time, it is highly
recommended that the teacher directs the process and models the
3.PQ4R: PQ4R is a study technique developed by Thomas E.L and
Robinson H.A (1972). The acronym stands for Preview, Question,
Read, Reflect, Recite and Review and this strategy is used mainly to
help students with difficulty in reading.
The study technique can help students with improved understanding
and recall of facts.
4.IDEAL: The IDEAL strategy consists of five steps: Identif y
problems, Define goals, Explore possible strategies, Anticipate
outcomes and Act, and Look back and Learn. Identifying problems
can be more than just what we see in our text. As a matter of fact, our
text tells us that these are usually more than questio ns that are given
to us and incorporate challenges that we face on a day -to-day basis.
Once we have identified the problem, we need to know what our goal
is. By defining goals and representing the problem, we eliminate any
useless information while determi ning what our end -state will be.
Exploring possible strategies involves looking at different ways in
which we can get from point A to point B
5.Paraphrasing: The Paraphrasing Strategy is designed to help
students restate the Math problem in their own words, therefore
strengthening their comprehension of the
Page 145
145How to use the strategy?
a.Read the Problem.
b.Underline or highlight key terms.
c.Restate the problem in your own words.
d.Write a numerical sentence.
6.Skimming: Skimming is th e process of fast reading in order to take
the gist of a passage. It gives readers the advantage of being able to
predict the purpose of the passage, the main topic, or message, and
possibly some of the developing or supporting ideas.
A kind of rapid readi ng is appropriate when trying to decide if careful
reading would be desirable or when there is not time to read something
Teaching metacognitive skills:
Teachers can keep these simple pointers in mind to develop metacognition
among their pupils:
1.General Approach to Incorporating Metacognitive Strategies
●Be intentional about teaching metacognitive skills.
●Be explicit when teaching metacognitive skills.
●Don’t overdo it.
2.Instructional strategies to foster self -regulation skills
●Encourage goal -setting.
●Build in ways for students to "stop and take stock" during class.
●Prompt students to think about how they prepare for class.
●Emphasize the importance of learning versus getting the correct
●Use a lecture wrappe r.
3.Strategies for Quizzes and Midterms
●Tell students the format of their tests and exams.
●Give practice questions and prompt students to evaluate their
readiness for a quiz through frequent self -assessment.
●Before a quiz, ask students to analyze sample qui z
Page 146
146●Use an Exam Wrapper. (Ask questions like: How did you prepare
for the exam? Which questions did you find difficult to answer,
and/or what kinds of errors did you make on the exam? What will
you do differently to prepare for the next exam?
4.Strategies for Assignments
●Use an Assignment Wrapper
●Incorporate reflective questions at the end of an assignment.
●Ask students to reflect on assignment feedback.
5.Instructional strategies to foster metacognitive thinking a bout
course content
●Give a diagnostic quiz early in the term.
●Explicitly model metacognitive thinking.
●Use a concept map.
●Ask students to identify either the muddiest, most interesting, or
most relevant point(s)
●Link the purpose of an assignment to course objectives and
professional skills
The term self or self -concept is a general term used to refer to how
someone thinks about, evaluates, or perceives them. To be aware of
oneself is to have a concept of oneself. Carl Rogers defined self as "the
organized, consistent set of perceptions and beliefs about oneself."The self
is the humanistic term for who we really are as a person. The self is
influenced by the experiences a person has in their life, and our
interpretations of those experiences. Roy F. Baumeister (1999) defines
self-concept as "the individual's belief about himself or herself, including
the person's attributes and who and what the self is". Two primary sources
that influen ce our self -concept are childhood experiences and evaluation
by others.
According to Rogers (1959), we want to feel, experience and
behave in ways which are consistent with our self -image, and which
reflect what we would like to be like, our ideal -self. Th e closer our self -
image and ideal self are to each other, the more consistent or congruent we
are and the higher our sense of self -worth.
A person is said to be in a state of incongruence if some of the
totality of their experience is unacceptable to them and is denied or
distorted in the self
Page 147
147The humanistic approach states that the self is composed of concepts
unique to us. The self -concept includes three components:
1.Self-worth: Self-worth (or self-esteem ) comprises what we think
about ourselves. Rogers believed feelings of self -worth developed in
early childhood and were formed from the interaction of the child with
the mother and father.
2.Self-image: How we see ourselves, which is important to good
psychological health. Self -image includes the influence of our body
image on inner personality. At a simple level, we might perceive
ourselves as a good or bad person, beautiful or ug ly. Self -image affects
how a person thinks, feels and behaves in the world.
3.Ideal self: This is the person who we would like to be. It consists of
our goals and ambitions in life, and is dynamic –i.e., forever
changing. The ideal self in childhood is not the ideal self in our teens
or late twenties etc.
We can build positive self -esteem by following the below mentioned
1.Do not compare yourself to others: Every individual is unique
and born with different capabilities and capacities. Hence it is
unfair to compare yourself with others.
2.Identify your strengths and areas for opportunity: Accept
yourself as you are. Work on eliminating your weakness and
whetting your strengths.
3.Be realistic and open to change: Live in the present and be
4.Surround yourself with a support squad: Supportive people
accept us as we are and love us as we are. Being in the company of
such people with whom we can share our feelings helps in the
development of a positive self -image.
5.Keep it positive: Positive affirmations and positive self -talk are
key to building your self -esteem.
6.Take an internet or social media detox: Live in the real world
and not the virtual world.
7.Do what you love: When we are doing something we enjoy, our
brains naturally release endorphins that make us happy.
Identity: Identity is formed through a process of exploring options or
choices and committing to an option based upon the outcome of their
exploration. Failure to establish a well -developed sense of identity can
result in identity
Page 148
148Erikson defines identity as a “fundamental organizing principle which
develops constantly throughout the lifespan.” Identity involves the
experiences, relationships, beliefs, values, and memories that make up a
person's subjective sense of self. This helps cr eate a continuous self -image
that remains fairly constant even as new aspects of the self are developed
or strengthened over time. Identity provides the following:
●Self-sameness: A sense of continuity within the self and in interaction
with others
●Uniquene ss: A frame to differentiate between self and interaction with
●Psychosocial development: Mental and physical health for
How to Strengthen Identity:
●Thinking about what your values are helps solidify your identity. Core
values are those things that are really important and meaningful to
you and that motivate you and guide your decisions.
●It's important to spend time alone to get to know yourself better.
Those quiet moments can help you focus on your priorities and
improve your sense of self. Relatedly, learn to practice self-
compassion , which can help you better understand and accept your
flaws and limitations.
Carol Dweck (currently at Indiana University) describes a series of
empirically -based studies that investi gate how people develop beliefs
about themselves (i.e., self -theories) and how these self -theories create
their psychological worlds, shaping thoughts, feelings and behaviors. The
theories reveal why some students are motivated to work harder, and why
others fall into patterns of helplessness and are self -defeating.
Dweck’s conclusions explore the implications for the concept of
self-esteem, suggesting a rethinking of its role in motivation, and the
conditions that foster it. She demonstrated empirically th at students who
hold an entity theory of intelligence are less likely to attempt challenging
tasks and are at risk for academic underachievement.
Students carry two types of views on ability/intelligence:
1.Entity View (Fixed mindset) –This view (those who are called
“Entity theorists”) treats intelligence as fixed and stable. These
students have a high desire to prove themselves to others; to be
seen as smart and avoid looking
Page 149
1492.Incremental View (Growth mindset) –This view treats
intelligence as malleable, fluid, and changeable. These students see
satisfaction coming from the process of learning and often see
opportunities to get better. They do not focus on what the outcome
will say about them, but what they can attain from taking part in
Entity theorists are susceptible to learned helplessness because
they may feel that circumstances are outside their control (i.e. there’s
nothing that could have been done to make things better), thus they may
give up easily. As a result, they may simply avoid situations or activities
that they perceive to be challenging (perhaps through procrastination,
absenteeism, etc.). Alternatively, they may purposely choose extremely
difficult tasks so that they have an excuse for failure. Ultimately, they m ay
stop trying altogether. Because success (or failure) is often linked to what
is perceived as a fixed amount of intelligence rather than effort (e.g., the
belief that “I did poorly because I’m not a smart person”), students may
think that failure implies a natural lack of intelligence. Dweck found that
students with a long history of success may be the most vulnerable for
developing learned helplessness because they may buy into the entity view
of intelligence more readily than those with less frequent su ccess.
Those with an incremental view (“Incremental theorists”) when
faced with failure, react differently: these students desire to master
challenges, and therefore adopt a mastery -oriented pattern. They
immediately began to consider various ways that the y could approach the
task differently, and they increased their efforts. Unlike Entity theorists,
Incremental theorists believe that effort, through increased learning and
strategy development, will actually increase their intelligence.
Self-perception theory (SPT) is an account of attitude formation
developed by psychologist Daryl Bem. It asserts that people develop their
attitudes (when there is no previous attitude due to a lack of experience,
etc.—and the emotional response is ambiguous) by observing their own
behavior and concluding what attitudes must have caused it. Self -
perception theory is counterintuitive. As per common knowledge, a
person’s personality and attitudes drive their actions; howev er, self -
perception theory shows that this is not always the case. In simple terms, it
illustrates that “we are what we do.” According to self -perception theory,
we interpret our own actions the way we interpret others’ actions, and our
actions are often s ocially influenced and not produced out of our own free
will, as we might expect.
Self-Perception Experiments: Daryl Bem, the originator of the theory,
conducted an original experiment in which an "observer -participant" is
given a detailed description of o ne condition of a cognitive dissonance
experiment. It involved subjects who listened to a recording of a
Page 150
150describing a peg -turning task enthusiastically. One group was told that the
man was paid $1 for his testimonial, while the other group was told he was
paid $20 for it. The $1 group believed that he enjoyed the task more than
how much the $20 group believed he enjoyed it. The two groups’
conclusions correlated to the feelings that the actors themselves expressed.
Because the participants were able to correctly guess how the actors felt, it
was concluded that the actors must have arrived at the way they felt from
observing their own behavior as well.
A number of studies since have confi rmed that self -perception
theory exists, and furthermore, influences us in many unexpected contexts.
Tiffany Ito and colleagues conducted a study in 2006 to see if facial
changes could trigger shifts in racial bias among participants. Participants
were ask ed to hold a pencil with their mouths (thus inducing them to
smile) while looking at photographs of anonymous black and white male
subjects. The results showed that those who had been made to smile while
looking at the black subjects showed less implicit p rejudice towards black
men after the fact than those made to smile while looking only at white
Jeremy N. Bailenson, founding director of Stanford University’ s
Virtual Human Interaction Lab, reports on one study involving
participants who are immersed in a virtual environment via a head -
mounted display. Some participants watched a virtual doppelganger
identical to their exercise, some watched someone else’s vir tual
doppelganger exercise, and some watched their own doppelganger stand
still. Those who watched their “selves” exercise reported a higher belief
that they could exercise successfully and later reported in a follow -up
questionnaire that they had worked o ut for almost one hour more than the
other two participant groups. Furthermore, in a follow -up study, the self -
efficacy group of participants was asked to exercise while watching their
virtual avatar visibly loses weight for every minute they exercised. Wh en
told that they were allowed to use the exercise room for the next half hour,
they exercised 10 minutes longer than participants in other control
Current Applications
Self-perception theory lends itself to be useful in therapy or
persuasion -related contexts. Traditional therapeutic approaches might
consider maladjusted behaviors and actions to be motivated by inner
psychological issues. By employing self -perception theory, therapists can
take the approach of starting with the behavior first to result in a change of
attitudes, and ultimately a more lasting change in behavior. In one
example, this approach has been used to have teens perform community
service, which positively alters their self -image. They are thus less likely
to experience teena ge pregnancies and to engage in other risky
Page 151
1516.5 LET US SUM UP
The self is what you really are. Our perception of self must be in
congruence with our real self to live a balanced and healthy life. We are
defined by our thoughts, actions, beliefs , and attitudes. The self -perception
theories open new avenues and give us a better understanding of
ourselves. Understanding self and striving to become a better version of
ourselves is our ultimate goal in life. Hence, development of self should
never ce ase; it must be a continuous process of consciously improving
oneself in various aspects of life. Through the models of teaching the
teachers can provide opportunities to the student to focus on the
development of different faculties of their students i.e. cognitive, social,
emotional, behavour and personal.
●Explain Hilda Taba’s Inductive thinking model of teaching.
●Explain William Gordan’s synectics model of teaching.
●Define term metacognition.
●Discuss the strategies of development of metacognition.
●Explain Carol Dweck Self Theory.
●Explain Daryl Bem Self Perception Theory.
• -for-teaching -excellence/teaching -
resources/teaching -tips/metacognitive
•https://www.learning -theories -dweck.html
•https://www.learning -perception -theory -bem.html
• /week -3-ideal-strategy -1-pdf
• -versus -confusion -2795735
•Bem, D. J. (1967). Self -Perception: An Alternative Interpretation of
Cognitive Di ssonance Phenomena. Psychological Review, 74, 183 -
•Bem, D. J. (1972). Self -Perception Theory. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.),
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology (Vol. 6, pp.1 -62). New
York: Academic Press.
•Robak, R. W., Ward, A., & Ostolaza, K. (2005). Development of a
General Measure of Individuals' Recognition of Their Self -Perception
Processes. Psychology, 7, 337 -344.
•Mangal, S.K. & Mangal, Uma (2011). Essentials of Educational
Technology. 602 -607
•Walia, J. S. (2003). Teaching -Learning Process. 320 -326