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Unit Structure
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 An Overview
1.2.1 Types of computer forensics
1.2.2 Advantages of computer forensics
1.2.3 Disadvantages of computer forensics
1.3 Present Scenario
1.3.1 Need of computer forensics
1.3.2 Computer Forensics Versus Other Related Disciplines
1.4 The Investigation Process
1.4.1 Policy and Procedure Development
1.4.2 Evidence Assessment
1.4.3 Evidence Acquisition
1.4.4 Evidence Examination
1.4.5 Documenting and Reporting
This chapter would cause you to understand the subsequent concepts:
 To define computer forensic.
 To understand the role of forensic investigator.
 To guide you toward becoming a talented computer forensics
investigator .
 To understand the investigation process in computer forensic. munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
2  Understand a way to Investigate the cyber forensics with standard
operating procedures.
From a technical standpoint, the most goal of computer forensics is to
spot, collect, preserve, and analyse data in a very way that preserves the
integrity of the evidence collected so it are often used effectively in an
exceedingly legal case.
Computer forensic objectives is to recover, analyse and present computer -
based material in such the way that it's useable as evidence in an
exceedingly court of law. Computer forensic priorities are primarily
forensic procedures, rues of maintaining eviden ce, and following the legal
processes. Secondarily it's concerned with computers.
Computer evidence can be useful in criminal cases, civil disputes, and
human resources or employment proceedings. Computer crime has forced
the computer and law enforcement profession to develop new area of
expertise and avenues of collecting and analysing evidence. The process
of acquiring, examining and applying digital evidence is crucial to the
success of prosecuting a cyber -criminal.A computer crime is a person can
sit in the comfort of his home or a remote site and hack into a bank and
transfer millions of dollars to a fictitious account is called “Computer
Forensic sciences defined as an application of physical sciences to law in
the search for truth in civil, criminal and social behavioural matters to the
end that injustice shall not be done to any member of the society.Forensic
sciences aim in determining the evidential value of the crime scene and
related evidence.
1.2.1 Types of computer fo rensics
Computer forensic involves performing a structured investigation while
maintaining a documented chain of evidence to seek out exactly what
happened on a computer and who was answerable for it.Figure 1.1
describes the types computer forensics. munotes.in

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Introduction Cyber Forensics


Figure 1: Computer Forensics types
1. Disk Forensics: It deals with extracting data from primary or auxiliary
storage of the device by searching active, modified, or deleted files.
2. Network Forensics: it's a sub -branch of Computer Forensics which
involves monitoring and analysing the systems network traffic.
3. Database Forensics: It deals with the study and examination of
databases and their related metadata.
4. Malware Forensics: It deals with the identifi cation of suspicious code
and studying viruses, worms, etc.
5. Email Forensics: It deals with emails and its recovery and analysis,
including deleted emails, calendars, and contacts.
6. Memory Forensics: Deals with collecting data from system memory
(system regi sters, cache, RAM) in raw form and then analysing it for
further investigation.
7. Mobile Phone Forensics: It mainly deals with the examination and
analysis of phones and smart phones and helps to retrieve contacts, call
logs, incoming, and outgoing SMS, etc. and other data present in it.
1.2.2 Advantages of Computer Forensics
 To produce evidence within the court, which might cause the
punishment of the culprit.
 It helps the businesses to gather important information on their
computer systems or networks potentially being compromised.
 Efficiently tracks down cyber criminals from anywhere within the
 Helps to protect the organization’s money and valuable ti me.
 Allows to extract, process, and interpret the factual evidence, so it
proves the cyber criminal actions within the court. munotes.in

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4 1.2.3 Disadvantages of Computer Forensics
 Before the digital evidence is accepted into court it must be proved
that it is not tampered with.
 Producing and keeping the electronic records safe are expensive.
 Legal practitioners must have extensive computer knowledge.
 Need to produce authentic and convincing evidence.
 If the tool used for digital forensic is not according to specifi ed
standards, then in the court of law, the evidence can be disapproved
by justice.
 Lack of technical knowledge by the investigating officer might not
offer the desired result.
1.3.1 Need for Computer Forensics
Adding the flexibility to practice sound computer forensics will facilitate
your make sure the overall integrity and survivability of your network
infrastructure. One can help your organization if you consider on
computer forensics as a replacement basic e lement in what's called an
approach to network and computer security. For example, understanding
the legal and technical aspects of computer forensics will facilitate you to
capture vital information if your network is compromised and can
facilitate your p rosecute the case if the intruder is caught What happens if
you ignore computer forensics or practice it badly? You risk destroying
vital evidence or having forensic evidence ruled inadmissible in an
exceedingly court of law. Also, you or your organization may transgress
of latest laws that mandate regulatory compliance and assign liability if
certain styles of data don't seem to be adequately protected. Recent
legislation makes it possible to carry organizations liable in civil or court
if they fail to gua rd customer data.
Computer forensics is additionally important because it can save your
organization money. International Data Corporation (IDC) reported that
the marketplace for intrusion -detection and vulnerability -assessment
software will reach 1.45 bi llion dollars in 2006. In increasing numbers,
organizations are deploying network security devices like intrusion
detection systems (IDS), firewalls, proxies, and therefore the like, which
all report on the protection status of networks. From a technical
standpoint, the most goal of computer forensics is to spot, collect,
preserve, and analyse data in a very way that preserves the integrity of the
evidence collected so it is often used effectively in an exceedingly legal


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5 1.3.2 Computer forensics versus other related principles
In general, computer forensics investigates data that may be retrieved from
a computer’s drive or other storage media. Like an archaeologist
excavating a site, computer investigators retrieve information from a
computer or its component parts. The information you retrieve might
already air the drive, but it would not be easy to seek out or decipher. In
contrast, network forensics yields information about how a perpetrator or
an attacker gained access to a network.
The Netwo rk forensics investigators use log files to work out when users
logged on and determine which URLs users accessed, how they logged on
to the network, and from what location. However, that network forensics
also tries to see what tracks ornew files were lef t behind on a victim’s
computer and what changes were made.
When conducting public computer investigations, you need to understand
city, county, state and federal or national crime laws related to computer,
considering stand ard legal processes and the way to make a criminal case.
In case of criminal cases the suspect is tried for a criminal offense, like
burglary, murder, molestation, or fraud. To work out whether there was a
computer crime, an investigator asks some set of q uestions like the
following: What was the tool accustomed commit the crime? Was it a
straightforward trespass? Was it a theft, a burglary, or vandalism? Did the
perpetrator infringe on someone else’s rights by cyber stalking or e -mail
harassment? Computers are involved in many serious crimes. the foremost
notorious are those involving sexual exploitation of minors. Digital images
are stored on hard disks, Zip disks, floppy disks, USB drives, removable
hard drives, and other storage media and circulated on t he net. Other
computer crimes concern missing children and adults because information
about missing people is commonly found on computers. Drug dealers
often keep information about transactions on their computers or personal
digital assistants (PDAs).
This information is very useful because it helps enforcement officers
convict the person they arrested and locate drug suppliers and other
dealers. Additionally digital photos, deleted e -mail and other evidence
stored on a computer can help to solve a case. A s an investigator you can
track digital activity to attach it for cyber communications and can
consider digitally -stored information as a physical evidence of criminal
activity; computer forensics also allows investigators to uncover
premeditated criminal intent and should aid within the prevention of future
cybercrimes. There are five critical steps in computer forensics, all of
which contribute to an intensive and revealing investigation are as follows:
1. Policy and Procedure Development
2. Evidence Assessment
3. Evidence Acquisition munotes.in

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6 4. Evidence Examination
5. Documenting and Reporting
1.4.1 Policy and Procedure Development:
If it's related with malicious cyber activity, the digital evidence are always
delicate and sensitive. Cybersecurity professionals understand the value of
this information and respect the particular undeniable fact that it are often
easily compromised if not properly handled and guarded. For this reason,
it's critical to dete rmine and follow strict guidelines and procedures for
activities associated with computer forensic investigations. Such
procedures like this can include detailed instructions about when computer
forensics investigators are authorized to recover potential d igital evidence,
the way to properly prepare systems for evidence retrieval, where to store
any retrieved evidence, and the way to document these activities to assist
make sure the authenticity of the info.
1.4.2 Evidence Assessment
In order to effectively inv estigate potential evidence, procedures must be
in situ for retrieving, copying, and storing evidence within appropriate
databases. Investigators typically examine data from designated archives,
employing a style of methods and approaches to analyse inform ation;
these could include utilizing analysis software to go looking massive
archives of knowledge for specific keywords or file types, further as
procedures for retrieving files that are recently deleted. Data tagged with
times and dates is especially use ful to investigators, as are suspicious files
or programs that are encrypted or intentionally hidden. This may also add
reverse order, as file names usually indicate the directory that houses
them. Files located online or on other systems often point to th e particular
server and computer from which they were uploaded, providing
investigators with clues on where the system is located; matching online
filenames to a directory on a suspect’s disc drive is a method of verifying
digital evidence. At this stage, computer forensic investigators add close
collaboration with criminal investigators, lawyers, and other qualified
personnel to confirm an intensive understanding of the nuances of the
case, permissible investigative actions, and what sorts of information c an
function evidence.
1.4.3 Evidence Acquisition
Perhaps the foremost critical facet of successful computer forensic
investigation could be a rigorous, detailed plan for acquiring evidence.
Extensive documentation is required before, during, and after the
acquisition process; detailed information must be recorded and preserved,
including all hardware and software specifications, any systems employed
in the investigation process, and therefore the systems being investigated.
This step is where policies associated with preserving the integrity of
potential evidence are most applicable. General guidelines for preserving
evidence include the physical removal of such a storage devices, to
retrieve sensitive data and ensure functionality, and taking appropriate munotes.in

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Introduction Cyber Forensics

7 steps to repeat and transfer evidence to the invest igator’s system.
Acquiring evidence must be accomplished in an exceedingly manner both
deliberate and legal.
1.4.4 Evidence Examination:
For investigate potential evidence, procedures must be in place for
retrieving, copying, and storing evidence within approp riate databases.
Investigators typically examine data from designated archives, employing
a form of methods and approaches to research information; these could
include utilizing analysis software to travel looking massive archives of
data for specific keyw ords or file types, additionally as procedures for
retrieving files that are recently deleted. When the data is tagged with
times and dates it is actually very useful to investigators, as sometimes
suspicious files or programs that are encrypted or intenti onally hidden. this
might also add reverse order, as file names usually indicate the directory
that houses them. Files located online or on other systems often point to
the actual server and computer from which they were uploaded, providing
investigators w ith clues on where the system is located; matching online
filenames to a directory on a suspect’s drive may be a technique of
verifying digital evidence. At this stage, computer forensic investigators
add close collaboration with criminal investigators, la wyers, and other
qualified personnel to substantiate a radical understanding of the nuances
of the case, permissible investigative actions, and what varieties of
information can function evidence.
1.4.5 Documenting and Reporting:
In addition to totally documenting information associated with hardware
and software specs, computer forensic investigators must keep an accurate
record of all activity associated with the investigation, including all
methods used for testing system functionality and retrieving, copying, and
storing data, additionally as all actions taken to accumulate, examine and
assess evidence. It also ensures proper policies and procedures are adhered
to by all parties. Because the purpose of the whole process is to
accumulate data that may be presented as evidence in an exceedingly court
of law, an investigator’s failure to accurately document his or her process
could compromise the validity of that evidence and ultimately, the case
itself. For computer forensic investigators, selected case should be
accounted for in an exceedingly digital format and saved in properly
designated archives. This helps in the authenticity of any findings by
allowing these cybersecurity experts to indicate exactly when, where, and
the way evidence was recovered. It also allows gives the information
about the evidence by matching the investigator’s digitally recorded
documentation to dates and times when this data was accessed by potential
suspects via external sources.


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Unit Structure
2.0 Computers – Searching and Seizing
2.1Electronic Evidence
2.1.1 Removable Media
2.1.2 Removable Storage Media
2.1.3 Cell phones
2.2 Procedures to be followed by the first responder
2.2.1 The Forensic Process
2.2.2 The First respondent role
2.3 Let us Sum Up
2.4 List of References
2.5 Bibliography
2.6 Unit End Exercises
Computers became a principal means for storing both personal and
business information for big numbers of individuals. additionally, with the
increasing use of the net and e -mail many of us use computers as a method
of accessing information and communicatin g with others both in personal
and business contexts. People increasingly store and manipulate
accounting and business records with computer systems. At the identical
time, commercially available computerized accounting software has
dropped significantly i n price and has become increasingly easy to use.
At just one occasion, maintaining a close and accurate set of accounting
records was beyond the power of virtually well trained and experienced
professionals. Today, however, persons with little or no acco unting or
business background are able competently to keep up their business and
accounting records. The trend is one amongst greater availability and
constantly dropping prices. As this trend continues, we are going to see an
increased use of computers by all sectors of the population. together with
the employment of computerized record keeping and communication in munotes.in

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9 legitimate enterprise has come the employment of the identical technology
by criminal enterprises in closing their activities.
As a results of this trend, storage or memory devices have increasingly
become the targets of presidency investigations of criminal activity. Here
the govt has used evidence gathered from computers countless times in
criminal prosecutions. The methods by which organizatio n seek to
assemble evidence from computers couple with the boundaries placed on
the state by the us Constitution, and also the courts raise critical problems
with personal privacy for all citizens who use computers in their daily
This will discuss legal issues associated with seizure and search of
computers and define the trend that the law is taking within the emerging
area of inquiry. The government’s interest can not be placed so high that
everyone areas of one’s personal life becomes the topic o f governmental
Digital forensics could be a rapidly evolving field of forensic study. Its
techniques are often utilized in criminal proceedings, civil, administrative
so as to validate, identify, collect, validate, analy ze, interpret, document
and present digital evidence. An information derived from devices during
a way that enables it to be employed in a proceeding is called as Digital
evidence. So as to be admissible in a very court of law, digital evidence
must follow a group of rules.
Electronic evidence is additionally called as “Digital evidence”, is
employed to store data, within electronic devices or systems, that may be
recovered by forensic experts and may be used as admissible evidence in
court. The number of information generated from the devices like
smartphones and computers is vast.
As such, requirement of any investigation is to spot digital evidence. The
electronic evidence can prove crucial to the result of criminal, civil and
company investigations.E lectronic evidences are Computers, laptops and
tablets, transportable data, HDD, RAID and SSD hard drives, USB
memory sticks and SD cards, Social media information, Whatsapp
messages, Cloud storage data, Digital photographs, CCTV etc. Data
recovered from t hese devices and applications are considered as electronic
evidence. However, this can be only admissible if recovered employing a
forensic methodology by an authorized expert.
Examples of digital evidence are :
2.1.1 Removable Media:
If legally permissible (l ike a warrant), we wish to go looking anywhere
that might contain a bit of storage media. Considering today’s “stamp -
sized” memory cards, this piece of evidence may be hidden almost
anywhere like in books, wallets, hat bands, etc. Despite their small size, munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
10 memory cards can hold a lot of potential evidence like kiddie porn or
stolen master card numbers. A fast check of Amazon.com shows that you
just can purchase a 64 -gigabyte memory card for around $120. Gigabytes
(GB) are pretty abstract for many people. Ra ther than employing a
standard unit of knowledge storage.
2.1.2 Removable Storage Media
Removable storage media such as external hard drives, DVDs, thumb
drives, and memory cards. Other than the devices and storage media at the
scene, the surrounding area and items are also worth a look in the
investigation process. For example, books and manuals can be useful to
investigators to find the target and what kind of technology they may be
up against. Perhaps the biggest payoff is an alert to the possible use of
encryption. Discarded packaging in the trash could also be helpful.
According to any forensic examiner avoiding encryption is definitely
worth the trouble.
2.1.3 Cell phones:
These days almost everyone has a cell phone and they often contain some
very valuable evi dence. E -mail, call logs, contacts and text messages are
examples of what you can recover. Items like call logs, contacts can be
used to determine the last person to come in contact with a murder victim
to determine approximate locations. Like electronic d evices, it is
important to make no changes to the device or its storage media.
Therefore, interacting with the phone should be avoided unless very
important. Cell phones can be wiped by the cell provider or even by the
owner themselves so they are vulnerab le. This functionality is intended to
protect your data should you lose your phone or have it stolen. Apple’s
“Find My Phone” app is one notable example. We must address this
concern by isolating or shielding the phone as soon as possible.
After securing t he evidence, a survey of the scene will give investigators
an accurate sense of what’s ahead. Several questions need to be answered:
■ What kinds of devices are present?
■ How many devices are we dealing with?
■ Are any of the devices running?
■ What tools will be needed?
■ Do we have the necessary expertise on hand?
Once these questions are answered, the real work begins.


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Imagine if we could return in time and examine a number of the foremost
famous crimes. If only we could freeze time to the moment those crimes
came about. we might be able to examine each case with near perfect
evidence. within the world of computer forensics investigation, we almost
have that luxury. the primary response is that the most crucial a part of a
computer crime investigation. If done correctly with forensically sound
practices, it's a solid building block to any investigation.
2.2.1 The Forensic Process:
Every incident should be treated as if it will end up in court. Thi s is why
the forensics process should be followed for every incident. The forensics
process includes and is not limited to preparation, collection, examination,
analysis, and reporting (see Figure 15.5). Each phase feeds the next phase
in the process. The first responder is an integral part of the collection

Figure 2The forensic process
1. Preparation:
Prior planning and preparation prevent poor performance. An organization
come up with policies and procedures to support forensics process.
Software licensing may be a major consideration, because enforcement
cannot use evidence collected with pirated software. There should be an
organized life cycle supported emerging technologies and personnel
working the gathering, examination, analysis, and reporti ng. This ensures
that organization forensics practice is scalable for emerging issues and
2. Collection
The collection phase of forensics is the very first phase. In this phase first
responders are handling incidents. As mentioned before, the collection munotes.in

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12 phase is critical to any investigation. The first responder should minimize
any loss of electronic evidence (it can see the Damage &Defence sidebar
for a definition of electronic evidence). The procedures which are required
need to be completed by the first responder. The complete data should be
verified and hashed for integrity.Although it is impossible to list all forms
ofelectronic devices that may hold evidence.Table 1 lists several types of
devices and media and the evidence that each of the se devices contains.
Responders must be careful because of the volatile nature of electronic
devices, in order to maintain the integrity of the evidence.
Device or Media Potential Evidence
Computer System Computer files, video, audio, e -mail,
Network Traffic Sniffers Binary log captures
Switches MAC address, security violation logs
Firewalls Logs, ACLs, configuration information
Servers Computer files
Routers Logs, ACLs, routing tables
MP3 Players Computer files, video and audio
Digital Video Recorders
(DVR) Computer files, video, audio
Smart Cards Identification, credentials, access
Smart Phones
Computer files, video, audio, e -mail,
notes, contacts
Memory Cards Computer files, video, audio

Table 1 Devices and Media
3. Examination
During the examination phase, forensics practitioners perform a holistic
examination of theevidence collected by the primary responders. Contrary
to popular belief, the forensics practitioner’s function is to require an
impar tial take a look at the evidence provided to them. The examiner tries
to detect hidden, obscured, and encrypted data. The forensics practitioner
should provide an unbiased examination report.
4. Analysis
The analysis phase is employed to see the who, what, w hen, and where of
a happening. The evidence is scrutinized to see its value to a case. At this
stage, it's going to be determined that there's nothing of evidentiary value. munotes.in

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13 5. Reporting
The examination report should contain only relevant information for the
requested services. Allprocedures used and notes taken during the
examination are preserved for discovery and testimony.The examiner must
articulate the findings.
2.2.2 First Responder Roles
Identifying and understanding the roles of First Responders are crucial
steps within the development of a happening Response Program. the
primary responders are just that, the primary members to spot and address
an occurrence. More often than not, they're system and network
administrators that don't seem to be trained in forensics. this can be why
it's crucial for a company to possess policies and procedures in situ, so that
they have a written guideline to follow for every style of incident, they
know what to not do, and that they know whom to contact before
contamina ting evidence. The team should include representatives from
legal counsel and Human Resources. they ought to be consulted on all
policies and procedures before implementation. Additionally, their
expertise are invaluable once the information is collected a nd examined.
These could also be considered liaison roles in some organizations (e.g.,
legal counsel wouldn't likely be member of the forensic incident response
team; however, they're a necessary component of the complete process.)
1. System Administrator:
System Administrators are giving more importance to any computer crime
investigation. it's the computer user that discovers anomalies during their
daily operations. Most of the time system administrators are concerned
more with system availability than for ensic practices. it's important that
each one organizations and agencies indoctrinate their supervisor on
incident response procedures. During a response, the computer user can
provide system configuration, configuration, logs, and other critical
informati on.
2. Forensics Personnel:
Forensics personnel are ideal personnel to reply to a suspected incident.
Forensics personnel are basically trained to preserve and collect electronic
evidence from crime investigation. they sometimes have a variety of tools
and software to network administrators who suspect their systems are
compromised. The role of forensics personnel is to supply an unbiased
forensic analysis to see the evidentiary value of electronic evidence.
3. Non-forensics Personnel:
Since computers are a part of everyone’s home and work environment,
this raises the possibility that anyone can be a first responder.
Organizational management should take steps to ensure that all personnel
are aware of what steps to take should an incident occur.Training shoul d
begiven informing all non -forensics personnel on policy to ensure that munotes.in

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14 incidents can be processedwith forensics practice. Figure 15.8 shows the
FCC’s Computer Security Incident Form.Thistype of form should be
available to all organizations to record accu rate and detailed information
of computer systems incidents.

Figure 3 FCC Computer System Incident Report Form
4. Securing Electronic Crime Scene:
The number one rule of incident response is to preserve the maximum
amount evidence as possible. It is important to quickly establish a cordial
relationship to achieve maximum cooperation from personnel, especially
management, within the response environment. Management typically
assigns someone because the DAA who will work with the incident
responder on m aking decisions affecting the organization’s assets. The
responder should work efficiently and the things which are necessary it is
required to document all events that occur. The responder should
immediately start taking notes with dates and times employi ng a known
experience source, like a cellular phone. All of your actions, including
your notes, are subject to discovery in a very criminal case.

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15 Initially the responder should take steps to secure the protection of all
personnel present. Generally, no pe rsonnel should be ready to take
materials off from the crime scene. it's important to treat other areas
outside the proximity of a workstation as against the law scene. Once the
realm is secured from all personnel, the responder can proceed with
collection . If you're responding to an unfamiliar environment, as is that the
case with many enforcement and company investigators, you may need
some help.
5. Health and Safety Personnel:
In incident response, it important to remember the safety of every
individual is involved and should me on first priority.In some cases due to
some high -pressure situation this is forgotten but it should not. Due to the
nature of “electronic” evidence, to take care of this evidence is important.
In this case there are natural causes f or concern. It is in everyone’s best
interest to preserve personnel as well as electronic evidence. Some safety
items to consider are:
■ Unplug the power before working on internal components
■ Some equipment may hold an electric charge after unplugging
■ Liquids and electricity
■ Beware of dangerous radio waves (i.e., microwave transmissions)
■ Lasers components on equipment could damage eyesight
6. Collecting and Preserving Evidence:
In a business environment, first responders must locate system
administr ators or other personnel with knowledge of the pc and network
setup. Once the computers involved within the incident are identified, the
responder should take an initial examine the workstation to verify if any
destructive activity is going on. In many of the cases the suspect may try
and cover their tracks purposely by executing utilities which will destroy
electronic evidence. If a happening responder notices such behaviour, they
must immediately pull the plug on the equipment.
7. Identifying Potential Evid ence
The responder should rummage around for all identifying markings on the
system. the simplest information to get may be a serial number. If a serial
number isn't present, the responder should record all possible identifying
properties of the equipment . When seizing computers, all connections are
labelled for reassembly at a forensics lab. All of the cables and also the
corresponding ports should be labelled.
8. Collecting Volatile Data
When the primary responder arrives, they will try to collect volatile data
from the powered -on machine. Volatile data is information that's only
present when the machine is turned on. If a network intrusion has munotes.in

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16 occurred, the attacker should have connection s established. Many
organizations have their own trusted toolset and they use it for collecting
volatile data. Once you have got collected volatile data, you ought to hash
the files and record the hash values in your notes. All collected data must
be place d on forensically clean media. The netcat tool is usually
accustomed collect volatile data over a network.
9. The Initial Interview
First responders must utilize the initial interview to get information that
will not be available within the future. System A dministrators and
potential suspects could also be willing to offer up more information in an
initial interview. If information is stored in notes, it may be retrieved for
later testimony and examination. the subsequent is a few of the knowledge
you ought to try and collect during an initial interview:
■ Signed statements
■ Owner information
■ All users
■ Contact information
■ Passwords
■ Encryption keys
■ Internet aliases
■ E-mail addresses
■ Internet Service Provider (ISP)
■ Purpose of the system
■ Remot e backups or storage
■ Media storage
■ Removable media
10. Documenting the Electronic Crime Scene
Documenting the crime scene must be done meticulously. This process
creates a chronicle of the crime scene. Each crime scene tells a story.
When first responders document a criminal offense scene, they ought to
take 360 -degree pictures of the whole room and any rooms associated with
the crime. If a video camera is out there, it should be utilized yet. Pictures
of the active programs should be taken to assist profi le the user.
11. Evidence Collection Tools and Equipment
As a part of the preparation phase, organizations should have a toolkit
ready for action. In short, first responders must be prepared for any munotes.in

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17 situation. With the vast amount of equipment available today , it's best to
plan for versatility. rather than taking four different card readers for non -
volatile storage imaging, take one multi -card reader. A number of the tools
within the following list should be included within the responses.
12. Chain of Custody
To ensure the integrity of electronic evidence, a sequence of custody
should be established. The chain of custody should be documented in
writing to incorporate all handlers from seizure, transfer, storage,
examination, analysis, and disposition of electronic evidence, and must be
wiped out with corporate, local, state, national, and international
jurisdictions and may be the other policies. Once the evidence is collected,
it must be accounted for in documents literally during every stage of the
investigation. Evidence is thrown out at court if it not handled properly.
this kind covers the key needs of most chain of custody cases. Each
organization should create forms and chain -of-custody procedures specific
to that. the standard chain -of-custody form should in clude the case
number, evidence details, handler names, signatures, dates, and relevant
location information.
13. Transporting Electronic Evidence
The delicate nature of equipment requires extra attention. When leaving a
scene, electronic evidence must always be packed and labelled together
with the chain of custody forms. Ideally, electronic media should be
placed in an anti -static bag then wrapped in anti -static wrap or bubble
wrap. First responders should transport the fabric in sturdy boxes or cases
until arriving at a delegated evidence room. Once the fabric arrives safely
to the evidence room, the chain of custody documents are often
appropriately documented and turned over to the evidence custodian. If
acceptable by your organization, you'll be able to u se mail services to
move evidence. it's important to think about the environment during which
the devices are placed. Electronic evidence is at risk of damage by
extreme cold or heat. If you're transporting evidence by vehicle or air
delivery, you ought to consider the extremities of every environment.
The objectives of computer forensic is to identify the evidence quickly and
estimate the potential impact of the malicious activity on the victim and
assess the intent and identity of the perpetrator. Adding the pliability to
practice sound computer forensics will facilitate you ensure the integrity
and survivability of your network infrastructure. Additionally, to
establishing strict procedures for forensic processes, cyber security
divisi ons must also set forth rules of governance for all other digital
activity within a company. this will be essential to protecting the data
infrastructure of enforcement agencies similarly as other organizations.

Page 18

Cyber Forensics
 The Official CHFI Study Guide (Exam 312 -49) by Dave Kleiman,
Craig Wright, Jesse (z -lib.org)
 Littlejohn Shinder, Michael Cross, in Scene of the Cybercrime
(Second Edition), 2008
 https://online.norwich.edu/academic -programs/resources/5 -steps -for-
conducting -computer -forensics -investigations
 https://cyfor.co.uk/the -importance -of-electron ic-evidence/
 https://resources.infosecinstitute.com/topic/computer -forensics -digital -
 Digital Forensics: Advancing Solutions for Today's Escalating
Cybercrime, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon
 Basics of Digital Forensics_ The Primer for Getting Started in Digital
Forensics, The - John Sammons
 Forensics Information from CERT http://www.cert.org/forensics/
 https://us -cert.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/forensics.pdf
 https://online.norwich.edu/academic -programs/resources/5 -steps -for-
conducting -computer -forensics -investigations
1. The ____________is a debugger and exploration tool.
a. backtrack b. Netcat
c. tcpdump d. Netdog

2. The ___________can be any information stored or transmitted in
digital form.
a. Chain of custody b. Digital evidence
c. Forensic evidence d. Pendrive

3. Computer forensic evidence is also considered as ____________.
a. Data b. Hearsay
c. Chain of custody d. Information

4. Metadata is a ____________.
a. Data about record b. Information/data about data
c. Information stored in record d. Information itself

Page 19

Computers – Searching and

19 5. The general task of investigators include s identify digital information
or artifacts that can be used as ____________.
a. Case study b. Chain of custody
c. Physical document d. Evidence

6. The process of gathering possible information for a target computer
system is called as ___________.
a. Fingerprinting b. 3D printing
c. Data printing d. Foot printing

7. Which of these techniques is used by a password recovery tool?
a. Brute -force attack b. Dictionary attack
c. Hybrid attack d. Denial of service

8. Evidence that exonerates or diminishes the defendant's liability is
called as ____________.
a. exculpatory b. plaintiff
c. inculpatory d. rebuttal

9. The primary storage in a personal computer is ____________.
a. hard disk drive b. zip disk
c. USB drive d. NIC

10. PDA stands for ___________.
a. Personal digital assistants b.Private digital assistants
c. Personal data assistants d. Personal digital action


Page 20

20 3
Unit Structure
3.0 Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Setting up a lab for Computer Forensics
3.2.1 Computer Forensic Lab
3.2.2 Laboratory Strategic Planning for Business
3.2.3 Elements of facilities build -out
3.2.4 Electrical and Power Plant Considerati ons
3.2.5 Essential Laboratory Tools
3.3 Hard Disks and File Systems
3.3.1 Overview of a Hard disk
3.3.2 Hard Disk Interfaces
3.3.3 Filesystems
3.4 Let us SumUp
3.5 List ofReferences
3.6 Bibliography
3.7 Unit EndExercises
After studying this unit, it will help you to:
 understand and e valuate a plan for setting up a cyber forensic
 classify the different factors to be considered for performing digital
 state and explain the different types of files and hard disk drive.


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Setting up a Computer
Forensics Lab
To perform digital forensics by collecting evidence and processing them,
thereby maintaining integrity, that is, without letting the original data
getting tampered is a major concern. Hence before the forensic
investigation of any scenario certain criteria fulfillments need to be
ensure d such as Computer forensic laboratories with physical as well as
virtual security, the systems to be provisioned with appropriate application
software’s and tools, the configuration of appropriate hard disks and file
systems for evidence collection withou t modification.
3.2.1 Computer forensic Lab
The entire field of data analysis and investigation has evolved in case of
malicious intents in the digital realm. Technologies including laptops,
desktops, ce ll phones, and the internet have certainly increased individual
productivity and creativity, simultaneously it is also being used for
violation of law or causing harm to an organization. Thus, such scenarios
need to be evaluated by corporate investigators and law enforcement
officers based on the phases of identifying, recovering, analyzing, and
reporting onto the digital facts. There is an increase in the requirement of
expert forensic examiners as well as forensic investigation facilities.
3.2.2 Laborator y Strategic Planning for Business
Factors to be considered for strategic planning of laboratory for business
may include:
a. Philosophy of Operation
 Each data forensic implementation involves four core modes of
operation, that is, the operating philosophie s of forensic
implementations will be similar in the case of the individual
practitioner or a government -based investigative arm.
 The four core areas of operations include business operations,
technology venue, scientific practice, and the artistic expres sion
 A computer forensic initiative should pursue business practices,
function through high technologies, and must foster a creative vision
while technologically solving the investigation case.
b.Core Mission and Services
 During the design plan con sideration of a forensic facility, it is
important to consider the type of services and the level of scope or
scale at which the services are to be provided. munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
22  Determining the core mission and the scope of the service at the
prospective laboratory will help analyze the aspects of building,
operating the forensic facility, selecting the annual budget for the
equipment or the furniture ergonomics.
 Depending on the service scope, a laboratory can be designed within a
single room or an entire building with expe rts executing their multiple
domain -specific tasks in each of several geographic regions.
 There exists a law enforcement agency to focus upon the violations of
criminal statutes, a governmental agency to focus on civil litigation, a
commercial venture to define service package details, and a market
that packages to multiple audiences.
c. Revenue Definition
 Effectively addressing the five w’s (who, what, when, where, why) of
a business plan determines the plan completeness from conceptual
theory to executio n.
 Implement a minimum of the five -year strategic plan for successful
growth based on the realistic environment where the facility resides
and to which the facility will respond.
 Defining milestones to achieve as well as follow a growth track.
Ultimately, the implemented budget needs to serve the facility's needs
in the strategic vision of both actual operation and realization.
 Every forensic facility initiative requires funds to work whether for
law enforcement, corporate or for -profit.
d. SOP
 -Policy and procedure execution, whether applied at the strategic, daily
operations, or process -specific level, will eventually be the measure of
operational excellence by which a data forensic laboratory's (and the
product the laboratory generates) caliber is define d.
 A SOP should be determined and defined during the planning stages of
the laboratory design so that valid and objective electronic evidence
will be presented in a law court.
 The laboratory should function at a highly professional standard, along
with the employees abiding professionally as well as ethically and the
execution of tasks done by the employees should be systematic. Thus,
a testable, repeatable procedure that generates predictable and accurate
results should be considered.
 Evidence integrity m ust be maintained against attacks such as data
spoliation attacks.
 Thus, robust policies need to be determined for procedure
implementation. The phases of data analysis, that is, Digital munotes.in

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Setting up a Computer
Forensics Lab
23 Investigations Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) are as follows:
o Request for Services
o Initial Analysis
o Data Collection
o Data Analysis
o Data Reporting
e. Human Talent
A forensic examination environment as well as a good hardware
purchasing plan will not suffice and will require human intervention.
Factors such as experience gathering, knowledge sharing, continual
education and investment in human resources development are mandatory
for a successful data forensic laboratory.
3.2.3 Elements of Facilities Build -out
- Elements of facilities build -out denotes budget for constructi ng and
operating, provisioning of normal operations as well as based on adverse
events or disaster recovery along with provisioning for future
modifications, expansions, and growth. A facility’s complexity can be
determined based on the scale of implementa tion and the budget

Figure 3.1 : Simple model of a facilities plan.
I. Space Planning Considerations
 For designing the overall layout of a forensic laboratory, the following
minimum functional areas should be considered: munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
24 a. Administrative area
 Consists of office space for personnel involved with the forensic team
consisting of project management, executive staff, investigators, as
well as for a meet space amongst internal personnel and clients or
private guest areas.
 Designed to provide en ough space with a comfortable environment for
customer -based or team meetings.
 It can be considered as a private space for confidential calls or
conversations, engaging in corporate communication.
b. Examination space
 Entire space which is dedicated to te chnical and investigative aspects
of the forensic examination process. Technical staff members spend
most of the time working on technical equipment required for the
respective examination process.
 Access to this space should be restricted to relevant per sonnel and
details of every person entering or exiting the lab space should be
 Requires plenty of surface area with dedicated footage per investigator
and ample square footage for forensic equipment location.
c. Evidence storage
 Dedicated storage space for storing digital evidence and other
evidence items. Should be the most secure environment to access, the
most controlled area for any kind of activity or entry within this space
of a forensic build -out.
 Evidence locker should be designed to restri ct forced or unauthorized
entry so that its contents survive any environmental events. Access
should be limited to key personnel, that is, a single Custodian of
 Automated security systems should be used to challenge all accessors
and logging int o accesses.
 A robust audit methodology should be deployed for the complete
accuracy of data being maintained.
 This facility also ensures every piece of evidence and its details are
known and well documented.
d. Network Facilities
 Space where the data netwo rk, security, and telecommunication
equipment provisioning services to laboratory space resides.

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Setting up a Computer
Forensics Lab
25  This space is equally important as evidence storage space and should
be protected. Physical elements of data networking and security,
sending or accessing evi dence, or examination work product should
be dedicated and stand -alone infrastructure, that is, servers, switches,
routers, data cables, and other physical elements serving the forensic
 Inbound or outbound facing day -to-day business protocols such a s
corporate, e -mail, telephony, internet access, etc. should be
provisioned across a different physical network architecture.
II. Fire Protection/Suppression
 A forensic laboratory requires a well -designed fire protection plan,
based on the standards and or dinances mentioned by the local fire
marshal. Fires can be classified based on the material which led to the
 The plan will be determined based on the cost constraints, personnel
habitation zones, and technology venue residing in the space as well as
its impact on the other aspects of the build -out. The ideal fire
suppression methods for any forensic facility can be deployed after the
data center or disaster recovery plan designs.
 Five globally accepted classes of fire include:
Class A : Common (solid ) combustibles
Class B : Liquids and gases
Class C : Fires involving electricity
Class D : Combustible metals
Class K : Cooking fluids/oils
In the case of a forensic laboratory environment, the most common fire
classes mostly are Class A (infrastructur e materials) and Class C
(electrical wires involving powered -up technology).
To resolve class A/C hazards, few options for suppression systems
 Water dispersion systems (air -pressurized water systems)
o Water pipe Systems
 Employs a piping scheme for maintaininga constant water load.
It is one of the most cost -effective and low -maintenance of all
fire-protection options as they are easy to repair and maintain
with a faster recovery window after activation.
 Also has drawbacks, accidental failure or impa ctful damage
could lead to water leaks, whether, small or large. munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
26 o Dry pipe System
 Employs a piping scheme to maintain pressurized air load, where the
pressurized air holds back the liquid flow under normal
 Deployment head events trigger gas r elease andallow water to flow
into pipes as the gas leaves the same.
 Are expensive compared to wet pipe systems, though dry pipes also
offer the same drawbacks as water pipe systems, in addition to
maintenance complexities and higher maintenance costs. Tho ugh dry
pipe system offers protection from pipes bursting in cold
o Preaction systems
 -Acts as the second level of fire protection implementation to be
considered in a facility build -out. It is a modified dry pipe
arrangement, advantage of a pr eactionsystem is the use of two
triggers to release the liquid suppressant.
 An electronic valveacts as the release inhibitor, where water is not
held back by gas pressurization. The valve is controlled by a discrete
fire sensor, wherein if the valve rele ases, the pipes get filled with
liquid while the system behaves like a wet pipe. Another event must
occur at the delivery heads level to release the water in the
 Pipe impact damage and head failures offer lesser thread to the
surrounding envi ronment, as the pipes are in a no -load state under
normal circumstances.
 The potential time delay between valve sensor engagement and
sprinkler engagement may also benefit the environment, assuming
some interruption can resolve a sensor -perceived threat be fore head
 The cost factor increases from wet pipe to preaction pipe in
proportion to the planned facility size increase, along with an
increased complexity level and maintenance disadvantages of dry
pipe, in preaction systems.
o Water Damage
 Wet pipe, dry pipe, and preaction systems mostly use water as the
liquid suppressant.
 In environments with specialized electronics, computer equipment,
evidentiary electronicdevices, consideration should be given to the
probabilities of water damage to the ev idenceor technology during any
event. munotes.in

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Setting up a Computer
Forensics Lab
27  Waterproofing for certain fixtures should be done in an environment
where water dispersion is used for fire control such as waterproof fire -
rated safe inside the evidencelocker for storing evidence is a good
preventiv e measure against the use of water -based firesuppression
 Gaseous suppression (clean agents)
Gaseous suppression systems are also called gas/clean agents or total
flooding systems, which provide a high -end option for laboratory fire
control. These suppressants function in one of the two ways: one group
removes heat faster than its generation during combustion, thus surpassing
combustion, while the second group depletes oxygen for deprivation of
oxygen fuels while combustion.
Gas agent suppression s ystems are permeable as compared to water -based
systems and do not leave chemical residues while lowering the business
recovery costs as compared to chemical suppression systems.An important
characteristic of these materials is that they are non -conductive , that is,
they do not have any conductive material left behind, making them
suitable for electronics -based areas. They are costly for implementation
and their maintenance tends to be higher. Two main classes of gas agent
suppression systems exist, they ar e:
i. Inert Gas Suppressors
 Includes several blend gases such as carbon dioxide, argon, and
nitrogen. Inert gas suppressors are oxygen reducers as they displace
oxygen and prevent fuel combustion via fuel deprivation.
 Pure CO2 suppression should never be utilized for laboratory fire
suppression as it deoxygenates the air and can prove fatal for people.
 Inergen and Pro -inert are branded suppressants which are
argon/nitrogen blends sold with proprietary delivery system
deployments. They decompose into natura l atmospheric gases and
can be used in populated environments. They are also
environmentally friendly.
ii. Fluorine compound Suppressors
 Fluorine compound suppressors are used as Halon replacements
whenever halon systems are upgraded. Fluorine compound
suppressors act ascombustion inhibitors, thereby filtering heat at a
very high rate.
 Examples of suppressors include branded suppressants such as
Novec, FM -200, and FE -227, which can be used in populated
environments and are environment friendly.


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Cyber Forensics
28  Chemical suppression: Foam, Dry chemicals
 Apart from water dispersion and clean agent systems, several options
for chemical suppression exist, where most chemical suppression
methods require facility investment and increased costs in various
areas of build -out.
 Example: Airtight sealed environments may be required for the
chemical suppression systems in few areas when used.
 Both classes, that is, foam and dry chemical suppression systems are
available, but tend to be insufficient for a populated environment.
Thus, such systems cannot be used in a data center facility.
3.2.4 Electrical and Power Plant Considerations
A high -tech facility will require an above -average power demand to run,
cool, and stay stable. Thus, the cost of provisioning in a forensic facility
will be more as compared to a regular corporate environment. Standard
power provision plan would involve factors such as dedicated water
provision and stand -alone power generation facilities along with stand -by
fuel resources, HVAC, and site security. Three main categories of
requirements need to be assessed in the laboratory build -out:
i. Facility build -out based on the facility load: Electrical demand of all
general infrastructure -level technologies such as lighting, emergency
lighting, HVAC, security syste ms, automatic doors/windows, audio/visual
implementations, communication systems, corporate equipment, etc.
ii. LAN/WAN Load: Any data center or forensic laboratory setting should
have independent consideration from a power perspective. Server rooms
with L AN provisions need to be implemented to avoid external network
iii. Examination local workspace load: Applies to individual examiner’s
workspace as well as the overall examination space with a requirement of
per capita that the forensic team demand s.
a. LAN/WAN Planning
 The examination environment network components need to be
separated from the general corporate network, apart from functional
separation there is a need for absolute physical boundaries.
 If corporate and examination hardware are pres ent in the same server
room, then a divider wall or door should be built around the
examination architecture with an extreme limit to human access
levels in the physical space.
 All the examination traffic should be routed through dedicated
examinations and servers. Whenever data storage is planned within
the laboratory facility, facilities such as disaster recovery,
redundancy, and sustainability concepts and support for large data munotes.in

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Setting up a Computer
Forensics Lab
29 volumes should be considered. Deployment of physical segregations
needs to b e optimized.
 A medium -sized laboratory can encounter tens to hundreds of
terabytes of data, leading to significant space requirements within the
server room, associated with other high -footprint items such as near -
line storage solutions, large tape backup jukeboxes, and others.
 Huge number of computers may lead tomassive amounts of BTU
generation (British Thermal Units, a standard measure of heat
generation). Conservative calculations need to be performed to
determine the tons of AC required in spac es where heat -generating
equipments reside.
 Planning for hardware growth and their future purchases since the
beginning. Entire redundant units in areas cool the examination
environment technology to provide the entire cooling burden
whenever required.
 Ventilation requirements should be provisioned for spaces being
cooled. An active exhaust system can be provided to recover the
environment incase a fire event has been suppressed.
 HVAC units when placed above the lab space, add security against
physical com promise but could also lead to risk in the form of
water line breakage or leakage, hence it is important to consider
pipes and pump systems to be deployed with a failover system as a
countermeasure to any risk.
 HVAC concerns the environment which should a lso be managed,
example an AC unit placed above examination space could create
noise pollution in different scenarios.
i. Abatements
In the forensic laboratory, few factors need to be reviewed and monitored
during the planning phase as well as after the compl etion of build -out.
1. Temperature
Every equipment has a desired operating temperature range. A data center
maintains a temperature of around 68 -70 degrees F. Hence, it requires
temperature stability within the desired ranges during equipment failures
as wel l. Devices such as a portable cooling device can be placed but
within a particular optimized range, as temperatures at a low point could
lead to electrostatic buildup and further discharge in air.
A humidity management system should be deploye d so that the humidity
can be measured and controlled within +/ -1 percent. Humidity control munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
30 plays a key role in reducing electrostatic buildup and discharge. During
maintenance, various factors such as tolerance of the equipment to be used
in the environme nt along with its geographic location, elevation, and so on
should be determined.
ii. Static Electricity
Since temperature and humidity are considered as two key environmental
factors to avoid static electricity issues. Workspace elements include
antistatic flooring drawer linings and actively dissipative counter surfaces
along with grounding of all metal furniture’s to earth. Provision of anti -
static mats, gloves, and sprays should be done for any operation or in case
of any employee wearing charge -generati ng fabrics.
iii. Electromagnetic interference
The electrical plant needs to be planned carefully to reduce the
electromagnetic field generation in any storage/handling areas. Main
power plan components such as transformers whenever required to be
guarded. Evide nce locker should be shielded well, examination laboratory
should also be taken into consideration for electromagnetic interference
(EMI) shielding. A gauss meter or a series of them should be maintained
in the functional laboratory space with regular anom aly checks. EMI
regulation should communicate to ISO planning and competency levels
for any operation which focuses on electronic data handling.
iv. Acoustic Balancing
Multiple workspaces purposely putwhite noise into their environments to
generate acoustic ma sking for privacy reasons and to avoid a silent
environment. A forensic laboratory may have acoustically reflective
surfaces, make it mandatory for surface texture applications, baffling, or
any other acoustically absorptive abatements.
c. Security
Securit y is an important concern for any forensic operation. Protocols
must be applied to campus -level, environment -level, and object -level
access. Video and live surveillance is strongly required. The entire facility
should be provisioned with a minimum two -challenge system such that
each entrant will have to surpass a minimum of one validator at
checkpoint such as biometric, card swipe, etc., while the other could be an
independent manual or automatic validator such as sign -in security desk or
internal security card swipes, etc.
Higher -level access control should be applied especially to examination
environments where access should be challenged through dual point
authentication (two -factor identification methodology) while the access
points should be constantly monitored. A physical sign -in or sign -out log
needs to be maintained despite dual -authentication protocol being
implemented, as an ink -signature trail could prove useful for independent
security audit and review phases. munotes.in

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Setting up a Computer
Forensics Lab
31 d. Evidence Locker Security
A locked , fire -rate safe in a locked room along with hand -written access
logs could be sufficient security for a minimal environment. A shelf -and-
cage methodology with a single portal of entry that is key -locked and
monitored for access is implemented for evidence storage environments.
The build -out of an evidence locker could be expensive and complex,
depending on the facility needs and various other factors such as level of
national security.
The evidence storage environment has the highest and most restrictive
levels of access control, where only a single custodian of evidence will be
granted the master access who can
execute the chain of custody check -ins and outs from the locker.
Each access should be logged with 100 percent accuracy. Video
surveillance at ent ry as well as exit view along with the storage space
should be deployed. A robust alarm should be configured to capture any
unauthorized entry through any location around the space. Air ducts
should be of a thinner size to avoid human intervention or inval id objects
surpassing through them. No openings or ventilations should be kept open
to avoid unwanted entry or evidence tampering activities by any means.
e. General Ambience
The environment of a data forensic laboratory should not have any
disruptions, wi th the lab space being a low -foot-traffic environment so that
employees can work without any disruption.Space should be isolated from
other environments and should be well -lit with personal comfort and
positive support in the common area as well as in pers onal space.
f. Spatial Ergonomics
A data forensic laboratory functions as a warehouse operation. The
computer hard disks being examined, the chassis, monitors, and other
products require handling and storage. Other components such as
monitors, workstations , servers, and others are very bulky, due to which
moving them from evidence lockdown and placing them for work could
be difficult, hence this issue needs to be considered during workspace
design. Lumbar harnesses or similar safety equipment should be prov ided
to employees responsible for lifting or carrying tasks.
g. Personal Workspace Design
Every lab inhabitant should have an ample amount of operating space, that
is, work surface area mostly digital work surface areas such as monitor
footprint should be abundant. Electric supplies should be robust and the
personal space of every examiner should be considered as a mini -
laboratory which should be facilitated with all the hardware and software,
to perform the investigative task as well as maintain work prod uct. A
dedicated investigation platform, an entire kit of write blockers and
accessories, a separate system for corporate or business communications, a munotes.in

Page 32

Cyber Forensics
32 workspace -level data management system, and a library of reference
materials are desired elements for an active and personal investigation
h. Common -Area Considerations
Consider providing many units of technology withmultiple sets of write
blockers and investigation machines for various parallel tasks to be
conducted. Workspaces should be designed with a design template to
enable multiple individuals to execute the same tasks at the same time in
various workspaces or to allow an individual to switch between different
stations thereby managing machine and time -intensive tasks. Maximum
tasks executio n should be organized with minimal foot traffic.
Shared resources should be deployed for serving the needs of the staff
without causing workflow deadlocks.
3.2.5 Essential Laboratory tools
I.Write Blockers
 Write block methodology and devices are mandatory in laboratory or
field forensic toolkit.
 Data spoliation, that is, data integrity being tampered with
intentionally or accidentally is amajor concern for forensic
 Forensic workproductsshould be leveraged spoliation concerns
which is considere d to be one of the most common attacks while
handling digital evidence.
 Whenever an unprotected writable data device is connected to a
computer, it leads to change. Volume mounts, computer boot
sequences, and other events could modify evidence data store
components from explicit write -to events.
 Thus, methodologies and devices should be deployed by forensic
examination environment to ensure write block capability.
 Few windows registry edits could protect USB devices from write
events, whereas Linux volumes could be modified so that the data
stores are made read -only.
 Hardware write block devices, namely blockers, forensic bridges are
a major component of the forensic tool kit and have advantages such
as portability, ease of use, and function testing. Few c ommon write
block tools include Tableau, WiebeTech, and Intelligent Computer
Solutions DriveLock.
 Hard -disk technology consists of various multiple interface types
such as IDE, SATA, SCSI, etc. wherein different types of interfaces
are integrated for diff erent connectivity needs as required by an munotes.in

Page 33

Setting up a Computer
Forensics Lab
33 investigator. USB and FireWire form are some interface types used
to connect external write blockers to examination machines.
 Forensic bridges can also be permanently installed into workstations,
though it isn’t p ortable, the internal forensic bridges have the
advantage of being space -efficient.
 Write block technology also supports the examination of non -hard
disk media.

Figure 3.2: Write Blockers
A. Write Block Field Kits
 -Forensic bridge field kits ar e a part of the forensic laboratory
inventory, which can be fully functional on an examiner’s
laboratory desktop and help reduce inventory purchase costs by
minimizing the hardware amount per examiner needed for data
acquisition and investigation in divers e environments.
 Field kits are lightweight, designed to be shock -resistant, and
meet air transport criteria, packed with device, adapter, and
cabling options to address the unknowns of field work.
 Example: Digital Intelligence UltraKit and the Ultimate F orensic
Write Protection Kits from Forensic Computers are single -
package systems.
 -Field kits mostly supply a basic multifunction hand toolkit,
bit/driver set, and a digital camera to support other aspects of
field work.
 A good core field kit can be sup ported by cabling, adapters, extra
devices, and so on to create a powerful and economical portable
laboratory system.
 Redundant highly used/ fragile components such as multiple AC
adapters, power cords, and interface cabling units are mandatory.

IDE/SATA FireWire or
Connector USB cable

Hard Disk Write
Device Examination
Workstatio n Reads Allow ed
Writes Prevented munotes.in

Page 34

Cyber Forensics
34  Anothe r level of protection can be added to the examination
equipment assembly process thereby protecting it against the damage
to evidence media via pilot error, through convenience items like
Tableau in -line power switch (T2).
 The write block methodology en sures on original media protection
from any modification during examination and duplication. Example:
Some field investigation practices require data acquisition through a
forensic duplicate of original evidentiary materials for transport of
evidence to th e laboratory environment for analysis. The requirement
for write blocking can be conjoined to the need for a duplication
platform in such cases.
B. Hardware Duplication Platforms
Multiple handhelds and desktop forensic duplication systems are
available, wherein the core functionalities they provide are write -blocking
the original evidence media, conducting data replication to secondary
media, measuring the accuracy/completeness of the duplication process
through some measurement criteria such as hash alg orithm MD5 or SHA1
or both to ensure that the entire original has been duplicated to a forensic
copy, while some devices of this class also involve reporting capability.
Figure 3.3: Hardware Duplication Devices
Various models are readily availa ble such as the logicube forensic talon,
which has a duplication rate of upto 4 GB/minute and provides multiple
media adapter kits along with possessing extensive reporting capability.
Intelligent computer solutions ImageMASSter Solo -III forensic
duplicati on device handles interface types and is capable of writing to
output hard drives concurrently.
Voom technologies hardcopy II provision a simple interface and handle
IDE hard -disk duplication, voom technologies also produce a SCSI
HardCopy for SCSI platfor m acquisitions. Multiple hardware duplication

Connector Connector

Media Card Reads Allowed
Writes Prevented Evidence Hard Disk Duplication Device Evidence Transport Media 1 Evidence Transport Media 2 Validation Reporting & Hashing munotes.in

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35 devices and accessories can be packaged into a field kit such as the DIBS
RAID: Rapid Action Imaging Device. Many devices also support output
options of bit -by-bit duplication, one or more forensic image format
acquisitions, and transport media sterilization.Data transcription rates of
hardware -based duplication platforms are much faster as compared to
software -based duplication options.
Duplication hardware is considered to be an important addition to the
exami ner’s toolbox, but duplication tools do not provide any environment
in which an examiner could investigate the data that is being duplicated.
An examiner is provisioned with an investigation environment by portable
forensic computer systems which expands t he examiner’s field capability.
C. Portable Forensic Systems
 In case of requirement to take the entire investigation process into the
field, a forensic examiner should have access to the protective and
duplication tools as well as completely interactive examination
 A specialized portable forensic computing system provisions a highly
mobile, equipment -intensive, and methodology -sound platform to the
forensic examiner. The examiner duplicates digital evidence and
analyzes it on a robust plat form through complete field examination.
 ‘Bye -hand transport’ level portable forensic systems will contain
feature -packed laptops or custom suitcase -style workstations along
with the second tier having a class of machines and mini networks
which are rugg edized for mobility but are not recommended for day -
to-day high mobility.These investigation systems have faster processor
capability, ample amount of memory, and high -volume data storage
space which are optimized for specific forensic software packages.
 Multiple operating systems can be implemented on one workstation.
Each examiner requires a personal field kit inventory making it easier
to manage it into vehicles and for air travel. High -mobility portable
systems rely on external field kits like the wri te blocker field kit,
supplemental cable, and adapter solutions to make the core system
compact and easier to transport.
 Suitcase -style workstations consist of detachable monitor, keyboard
and mouse set which could be utilized to work with evidence
works tations for boot -up procedures like BIOS checks and verifying
proper suspect system reassembly.
D. Portable Enterprise Systems
 Sometimes field portability addresses the requirement of a robust,
temporary laboratory facility at an examination location. Fo rensic
portability could be extended to network -in-a-box solutions
wherein these needs can be fulfilled by half -rack solutions.

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36  The core components that aportable enterprise system can offer
include an examination system along with integrated write block
bridges and robust examination hard -disk storage space with add -on
hardware such as monitors, KVM, and so on.
 This portable environment is mostly highly durable but with low
mobility, quite heavy, and transported as crated and packed, that is, the
setup time and breakdown time as opposed to the plug and play high
mobility equipment.
E. Laboratory Enterprise Systems
 The high -mobility equipment used by the field examiner can also be
used on the desktop.
 Facilities that support a permanent lab installat ion of desktop
investigative gear along with field support equipment, many non -
portable investigative systems are available.
 These systems offer various field hardware solutions in portable kits
for write blocking and hard -disk management combined into a single
desktop chassis.
 All-in-one devices like Tableau T35i Combination Bridge and
Tableau T335 Drive Bay Controller can be economical options that
implement multiple write -block and multiple hard -disk solutions in a
single chassis.
 Prebuilt desktop forensic systems have the best computing power
available at the purchase time.
 When selecting the specifications for a desktop laboratory processing
system, factors such as faster processing, largest memory allocation,
and largest possible hard -disk d rive volume as per budget should be
 Based on the process -intensive needs of most forensic software
application suites, a faster, powerful, and a larger amount of RAM are
important. Hence, maximizing the storage space and considering the
relativ ely shorter span of any volume’s sufficient during the allocation
of resources for acquiring forensic computing equipment.
 Evaluation of hardware -level redundancies and robust backup systems
for data volume management. The viewable area of the computer
monitors on which they work can have an impact on the investigation
speed and efficiency.
 Many forensic systems are sold with dual -head video cards in a way
that two to four monitors can be attached to a single system. Large
flat-panel monitors are consid ered space -efficient, readily available,
and cost -effective.

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37  Multiple OS are desirable as they will support various investigation
tools. Powerfulprebuilt forensic systems can provide four or more
bootable operating systems.
II. Media Sterilization Syst ems
 Spoliation challenges, that is, causing harm to evidence integrity, that
is, to the duplicate evidence copy. Thus, a solid policy should be
determined during any forensic practice for work product media
 A hard drive to be used as a s ubstrate for the duplication of evidence
should be sterilized before use and should be documented as sterile,
that is, totally clean and then it can be validated by some post -
sterilization procedure.
 Sterilization can be done by some hardware and softwa re duplication
tools along with data acquisition by using hash -validation to written
sectors and zeroing out all the other writable space. The acquired
evidence data stream will be validated via hash methodology and then
wipe any remaining writable data sp ace to a random or zero value
through data overwrite methods.
 Software’s such as Guidance Software’s EnCase forensic examination
suite involves the capability to sterilize and validate the hard disk
media, products such as White Canyon Software’s WipeDri vedestroys
data as per several data overwrite patterns.
 Hardware sterilization devices can bulk -overwrite the hard disk media.
Sterilization followed by a validation process can be used to destroy
sensitive data after its value expires.
 A forensic l aboratory must have a data destruction tool to address the
real needs of that facility. Thus environments, where data destruction
practices are conducted, should have consideration of bulk data wiping
hardware devices for a new media preparation as well as a degauss
chamber or a physical destruction device for any disposal sterilization
III. Data Management (Backup, Retention, Preservation)
 Whenever considering a forensic environment implementation, there
arises a need for data storage and preservation. Requirement of high
volumes of digital workspace with examination workstations having
terabytes of onboard storage, wherein high -volume data may be
transacted across the environment.
 Networked storage has data content that requires preserv ation for a
longer duration, a rapid workflow turnaround to archive, or an
extended presence in online storage.
 A forensic facility might require more stringent policy and procedure
for auditing and report on data management activities. Both per -munotes.in

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38 machine, as well as enterprise level data management solutions,
guarantee options for data handling, minimizing workflow -based
 A forensic environment should be designed to manage the need for
constant, rapid, and high -volume data management. Compone nts for
data management might include data storage and movement -based
hardware and software solutions.
 Systems of tape backup deployed at a per -machine or enterprise -level
may provide the ability to backup and store large volumes of product
through the clone -validate -delete methodology. Offline storage such
as tape, optical disk, and offline hard disk arrays, etc. allow multiple
options for long -time preservation.
 External devices or hot -swappable devices provision additional value
to the data managem ent proposition through instant access or instant
storage methodology for data repository refreshes along with fast data
 Several magnetic tapes and DVD formats are readilyavailable along
with being cost -effective for evidence preservation. Hig h storage
solutions can be provided by magnetic storage such as hard disk or
tape when the environmental factors are tightly controlled, both
formats are subject to limitations of data degradation over time and
are magnetic.
 Tamper resistance adds or del etesthe data resulting in physical signs
(splicing) or electronic signs (readability/non -readability) as an
advantage of magnetic tape.
 Disadvantages of tape could include tape readability being impacted
from backup software versioning changes along wit h media
degradation after a certain period and little recourse for restoration
when tape span media tapes fail. Tape hardware is expensive,
especially at the enterprise level wherein installing and licensing for
backup software at an enterprise -level could be costly.
 Although, tape systems as high -end hardware rotary jukeboxes and
advanced library software systems are more cost -effective as
compared to full hardware storage dependencies such as parallel
storage area networks (SANs).
i. CD/DVD Hardware S olutions
 Optical media such as CD or DVD are used for long -term evidence
preservation and storage needs and are very inexpensive along with
being readily available. CD and DVD
 media can be used as backup evidence storage.
 High -grade optical media has a life span measured in decades, which
could prove as an ideal for preserving long -term evidence. For munotes.in

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39 example, an image file set can be created in a specific format and
size, while the default image segment file sizes reflect the anticipated
use of CD as t he ultimate storage unit.
 The special needs of the forensic environment can be handled by
data and media duplication hardware. Example: Fernico FAR system
is a technology -based on CDR/DVD burning technology from
Primera technology and is made greater by specialized forensic data
archiving software developed by Fernico.
 Combined system provisions the forensic examiner with robust data
management and archival tool which provides several services which
are explicit to the evidence management requirements.
 The FAR system burns DVDs or CDRs, labels the media, manages
the spanning of data across disks and applies forensically desired
validators like robust hashing options to the data burned onto the
 Device is network -capable, automating activities to utilize a calendar
and job -based scheduling system, which is designed to archive data
to disk and restore data from disk archive libraries.
 A FAR system can be used to replicate CD/DVD original evidence
media. Each FAR system caters to a specific scope of media capacity
and disk production. An optical media production platform could act
as an addition to the Forensic laboratory tool set.
 Forensic laboratories need to be prepared to process old storage
technologies, such as floppy diskettes are a feasib le medium to
duplicate evidence for media thatcan be automated by bulk
duplication machines.
 Ashby and CopyPro are vendors which provide floppy diskette
duplication systems which auto -feed the bulk diskette media and bit -
for-bit validate copies.
IV. P ortable Device Forensics: Some Basic Tools
 Portable device forensics embraces configuration uses of the Faraday
enclosure for data integrity preservation or to prevent a data
 A Faraday enclosure is capable of blocking electromagnetic fiel ds and
energy waveforms and is composed of conductive materials such as
wire mesh layers, which allow the occurrence of electrical induction
across the material surface when energy is applied to it.
 When a penetrating electromagnetic field or a waveform of a particular
frequency or range of frequencies are introduced to a Faraday
enclosure, they won’t penetrate the enclosure surface instead they will
travel across the conductive surfaces of the enclosure. munotes.in

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40  In case the faraday enclosure consists of a sign al generator within
itself thenthat signal can be kept inside the box. In case asignal
receiver is kept inside a Faraday enclosure, it can prevent the receiver
from hearing the signal.
V. Portable Devices and Data Storage
Portable devices can store data in many ways such as SIM cards along
with other card media types, chip -based storage while modern portable
devices might have more than one way of storage mechanisms. The form
factor predisposes either the static data, that is, phone numbers stored on a
SIM card, or volatile data storage such as recently dialed phone numbers
stored in battery -powered, chip -based memory, as the storage form
a. Power
The primary rule for securing portables for forensic examination is the
device should be kept off but the battery should be fully charged, in case
the device is on, it should be ensured that the device stays on unless the
entire examination is completed. To manage power and limited time to
respondto portable device research, multiple tools can be a dded to the
examiner’s tool kit.
Multipurpose power devices such as Paraben’s Remote Charger and
Handheld First Responder Kit supply power to a device to extend its data
preservation window, which gives ample time to the examiner for
transporting the devi ce to a laboratory environment for detailed analysis.
To document a live review process in a lab or field, the Project -A-Phone
device analysis platform and the Fernico ZRT Mobile Device Screen
Capture Tool helps examiners perform rapid examination and pres ervation
of power -on screenstates, menu system and other live -system processes
whose recovery is difficult by a data export process or document for
examination and future presentation purposes.
b. Readers
Many of the card types to cell phone technology su ch as SIM are
proprietary, to differentiate SIM contents, leads to the requirement of
custom forensic software/hardware packages. A 15 -in-1 card reader could
act as a good tool to add to the tool kit for the common data storage card
types such as PDSs, cam eras, cell phones, etc. with formats like SD,
MMC, and CF. Forensically sound card media readers are distributed
across by forensic vendors such as digital intelligence.
c. Cables
Many portable device power and data cablesare included in a good
portable d evice forensic tool kit. Multiple all -in-one forensic cell phone
and PDA examination suites provide an extensive cable selection for
powering as well as linking to the many data interface formats found on
the portable devices. Don’t discount the retail cel l phone outlets, electronic munotes.in

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41 stores, websites for supplemental cables, and adapters to increase the
mobile device field kit. Adapters are also included in a good tool kit along
with cables.
VI. Forensic Software
The domain of forensic software selection i s extremely vast, a forensic
examiner will require various types of applications to address the different
investigative scenarios faced during the business course. None of the tools
are all -inclusive, thus, utilization of multiple tools is required. Though
tools may have similar features which help validation of processes and
methods, every tool has its unique strength also which helps in the
investigative process being thoroughly conducted with the diverse
investigation. Whenever software services are prov isioned to an
investigative team, the following areas need to be considered:
i. Operating Systems
Operating systems are software that performs operation control of a
computer and processing of programs, that is, input, output, assigning
storage space func tions. While considering a forensic laboratory, a need
for a software library with many OS including the available version levels
of each OS can be retained. Multiple OS can be leveraged as a production
environment, where the forensic examiner can conduct an investigation.
Leveraging multiple OS permits an examiner to access software
applications written for specific OS platforms, wherein the ability to work
with multiple OS versions needs to be standard.Example: Some features
which are required in an older version of software may require the use of
an older version of OS. Thus, strategically it needs to be decided which
version of OS will be required for the examination. An investigation may
require examination of NTFS (New Technology File System) format a
hard disk from a Windows OS of the suspect’s computer while working on
an examination system configured with Linux OS, which may lead to
evidence spoliation. Thus, the forensic examiner may need to work on
diverse OS depending on the OS configured by the s uspects of different
investigations. Thus, the advantage of having an installable OS
libraryallows the investigator to reconstruct events in the same software
universe as thesuspect computer by creating a test environment.
ii. File systems
To examine file systems of a specific type it may require a compatible
OSas different OS support different file systems, wherein a file system
represents the way data is organized and stored in a medium. File system
in computer forensics denotes the organization of data stored on computer
media such as hard disks, floppy disks, thumb drives, optical disks, etc. A
forensic examiner may require access to multiple OS, hardware devices,
and software applications to work with different file systems.


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42 iii. Main investigative pl atform
Multiple software applications act as the main investigative software
platform for a forensic examiner, where the common characteristics of the
main investigative tool suite involve the capability to create an ‘image file
set or bit for bit clone’ c opy of suspect media, analyze live or imaged data
streams, search and obtain suspect data content, develop reports on
contents and findings, as well as export required data for subsequent use
external to the software. Investigative software suites are avai lable for
multiple OS (Windows, Linux, and Mac), where some investigative
software’s are restricted to law enforcement (iLook) and other applications
are accessible to the general public (in the form of EnCase Forensic,
Forensic Tool Kit, S.M.A.R.T., and M acForensicsLab).
During an investigation, forensic examiners oftenpossess several software
suits and leverage more than one investigative suite.Every investigative
suite has some strengths. Encase forensic of Guidance software has a
robust scripting langua ge that strengthens custom investigation. Forensic
Tool Kit of AccessData has an intuitive user interface as well as the
capability to integrate password -breaking software from the same vendor.
MacForensicsLab is the only forensic investigative suite devel oped for the
Apple OS X system. S.M.A.R.T. is a robust tool developed for the Linux
OS. ProDiscover Forensic by Techpathways can perform examinations on
Sun Solaris UFS media.
iv. Special focus tools
To conduct specific data analysis, multiple software pa ckages have been
Several tools such as E -mail analysis, password -breaking, decryption,
portable hardware analysis, artifact -specific identification, and analysis
tools, and other types of data identification, conversion, and analysis tools
have been developed, which may prove valuable to the forensic data
examiner.AccessData’s password recovery toolkit executes password
breaking and decryption tasks, whereas Windows Registry examinations
are enabled by Access Data Registry Viewer. Product -specif ic e-mail
analysis is provided by Hot Pepper Technology’s EMail Detective AOL e -
mail analysis. Specific realm analysis capability can be provided by
Paraben’s Chat Examiner, Email Examiner, and Device Seizure.
Steganographic investigation capability can be provided by
Wetstone’sStego Suite, whereas malware detection is provisioned by
Wetstone’s Gargoyle Investigator. These specialty tools could supplement
an investigator’s digital toolbox.
VII. Tools in the Enterprise
The forensic examination could be exec uted against LAN or WAN
resources in the enterprise. Investigative tools were developed to deal with
forensic -grade in widely distributed environments, that is, enterprise
forensic tools can investigate live systems remotely and can also analyze
volatile m emory contents, network metrics as well as local machine
activities. munotes.in

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43 Guidance Software’s EnCase Enterprise Edition allows various functional
aspects such as data collection, analysis, and reporting to be driven across
networked resources through local appl ication connector clients and
centralized investigative resources. It is intended for the corporate
implementation, a special version known as Field Intelligence Model
(FIM) is available to law enforcement only for ad hoc investigation. Live
wire, an agent less investigation tool designed for permanent installation in
a corporate network or ad hoc investigation, pushes its application
software packet across network resources into the memory space of
suspect systems.
VIII. Ad Hoc Scripts and Programs
Despit e several prebuilt tools, there may be a need for a custom solution
that might need to be created for addressing the investigative
requirements. Additionally, code writing, scripting, and resource
fabrication skills are also available within forensic exami ner's toolbox.
Any ad hoc implementation requires complete validation and testing of
mechanical and process which guarantees the tool performs as per
expectation and preserves the evidence integrity.
IX. Software Licensing
The entire software environment which consists of the OS as well as the
applications should be licensed for an examiner, thus the use of any
unlicensed software, that is, software piracy is illegal. Software licensing
is considered as one of the main cost factors for laboratory scope of
service provision, initial space targets as well as ongoing laboratory
The laboratory SOP needs to be integrated with maintaining, auditing,
documenting, and demonstrating license compliance.
X. Tool Validation
One of the mandatory and constan tly ongoing processes for the forensic
examiner and the laboratory is tool testing. Testing of both hardware and
software is needed, consistent repetitive testing ensures methods and leads
to maintenance of the integrity of the equipment. It is important t o
demonstrate as well as document the proof of any tool’s ability to preserve
the integrity of any data which is under examination. Testing and
documentation of test methodology, results, and theory that surrounds the
test design help provide forensic defe nsibility that the evidence hasn’t
been tampered with by the tool. Testing must be performed specifically
and exhaustively to prove the tool functionality valid. Example:
Examiners can create a specific test script for their respective write block
devices, create standard test media, and perform procedures such as an
attempt to write, delete or access media to and from media, to demonstrate
function integrity.

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3.3.1 Overview of a Hard di sk
Hard disks are non -volatile storage devices which can store and fetch data
quickly, that is, it reserves data even after the system is shut down thereby
making it suitable for permanent data storage. A hard disk drive (HDD) is
installed within the compu ter making it easier to access the data and
process it as compared to floppy disks or any removable media. It writes
digital data into magnetic patterns onto the disks.
The data is organized and can be located on a hard disk through file
systems, which is responsible for controlling how the storage of
directories(folders) and files in an organized way can be done on physical
There are two placement of disk drives:
a. Fixed storage drives , to be installed within the system.
b. External storage drives attached explicitly to the system.
The hard disk can be placed in either of the two roles:
a. Primary hard disk: The computer accesses it during boot up (starting)
of the system as they generally consist of the operating system to be
b. Secon dary hard disk: Generally used for data storage or as the
location for additional software to be installed.
Components of a Hard disk: Internal
i. Disk Platter: May consists of one or many platters which are flat and
round disks. Made of a rigid material such as aluminum, alloy, glass, or
glass composite and coated with a magnetic substance.
ii. Spindle: Runs through a hole in the middle of every platter, multiple
platters are placed one above another. Spins the platters at a faster speed,
with some spinni ng at thousands of revolutions per minute (RPM).
iii. Motor: Rotates the platter and is attached to the spindle.
iv. Electromagnetic Heads: Writes the information in the form of
magnetic impulses on the disks and also reads the information that was
recorde d from them. Read/Write head moves over the platter and reads or
writes data over the platter. In the case of more than one platter on a hard
disk, each platter has a read/write head on either of its sides. Smaller
platters save space as well as improve th e seek time, that is, disk
performance as the movement of heads at a far space is not required.
v. Tracks: Concentric circles are further divided into sectors where data is
stored on the magnetic surface of the platter. Data resides within a specific
secto r of a specific track on a particular platter. When the platter is munotes.in

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45 spinning, the part under the read/write head is known as a track. Tracks
and sectors are defined physically through the process of low -level
formatting (LLF), which designates the location of tracks and sectors on
every disk.
Tracks are numbered for reference to the computer during the read/write
operation of data. The numbering ranges from zero to the highest -
numbered track (mostly 1023) starting from the outermost edge, which is
the first track of the disk to the track which is nearest to the platter center,
that is, the highest -numbered platter close to the center.
vi. Sectors: Divided as segments in a track, they are the smallest physical
storage unit on a disk. The size of sectors i s 512 bytes (0.5 KB) in size.
Whenever a low -level format is performed, a number is assigned to the
sector before the contents. The number in the header helps identify the
sector address on the disk. A computer can locate the physical location of
the data on the disk through the tracking number and specific sector
 Bad Sectors
Sectors that cannot store data due to some accidental damage or
manufacturing defect are known as bad sectors. In case of sectors getting
damaged, those specific areas become unusable but it does not impact the
other areas of the disk. Since damage to sectors denotes damage at the disk
surface, it cannot be repaired, thereby leading to irreversible loss of data,
if any, in that section of the hard disk.Such sectors are marked a s bad to
avoid attempt of data being written in those areas by an operating system
or any software.
Windows supports programs such as ScanDisk and CheckDisk, while
Linux allows the use of the Badblock tool to detect sectors that are
damaged and to tag them as bad sectors.

Figure 3.4: Tracks and Sectors on a hard disk
Disk Capacity
Disk Capacity is the capability of the hard disk in terms of the amount it
can store. Measurement of disk capacity is done in bytes (7 or 8 bits),
where a bit is the smallest measurement unit of data. A bit consists of munotes.in

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46 binary values, either 1 or 0, indicating on or off. A bit is abbreviated as b,
while a byte is denoted by B. A kilobyte (KB) equals 1,024 bytes, instead
of 1000 bytes since it is calculated using binary (base 2) instead of
decimal (base 10).
Disk capacity in terms of different units are as follows:
 Kilobyte (KB) = 1,024 bytes
 Megabyte (MB) = 1,024 KB = 1,048,576 bytes
 Gigabyte (GB) = 1,024 MB = 1,073,741,824 bytes
 Terabyte (TB) = 1,024 GB = 1,099,511,627,7 76 bytes
 Petabyte (PB) = 1,024 TB = 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes
 Exabyte (EB) = 1,024 PB = 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 bytes
 Zettabyte (ZB) = 1,024EB = 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 bytes
 Yottabyte (YB) = 1,024ZB = 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176
Calculating Disk Capacity
Hard disk capacity can be determined based on the elements of the disk,
including the number of tracks, sectors and surfaces on which various
amounts of data can be accessed or written.
Formula: Capacity = (bytes/sector) * (sectors/track) * (tracks/surface) * #
of surfaces
Example: To calculate the disk capacity of the drive, considering the
following factors:
Bytes per sector 256
Total tracks: 21,576
Total cylinders : 7,192
Sectors/track (avg): 213
Number of heads: 3
Following specification of the actual hard disk, does not contain
tracks/surface, but the values for the total tracks and the number of
physical heads is provided. Since each head reads the disk surface, it helps
find the total number of surfaces on the disk.
To obtain the tracks/surface, the total tracks can be divided by the number
of heads, that is, (21,576/3). Thus, the formula can be written as:
Capacity = (bytes/sec tor) * (sectors/track) * total tracks munotes.in

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47 The capacity of the above -mentioned specification can be calculated as:
Capacity = 256 bytes/sector * 213 sectors/track * 21,576 total tracks
= 1176496128 or 1.1GB
3.3.2 Hard Disk Interfaces
It is an interface which connects a hard disk to the computer for data
access from the disk, thus it is one of the standard technologies which acts
as a communication channel through which data flows between the HDD
and the computer. An interface helps connect the hard disk to a disk
controller, whichis mounted directly on the computer’s motherboard.Few
commonly used hard disk interfaces include:
 IDE stands for Integrated Drive Electronics since the disk controller is
integrated with the disk driv e’s logic board, while EIDE is an acronym
for Enhanced IDE.
 IDE is also known as ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment) which
is a standard of the ANSI (American National Standards Institute).
 Mostly all modern PC motherboards consists of two EIDE
connec tors.Maximum two ATA devices (HDD or CD) can be
connected to each connector, in a primary/secondary configuration,
where the primary drive responds to the probes or signals on an
interrupt (signal from any device or program to its OS that causes a
pause to determine next task to be done) and shares it with the
secondary drive which shares the same cable. Users can configure
settings where drives can be considered as primary, secondary or
cable -controlled.
ii. SCSI
 SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) i s an ANSI standard with
faster data transfer than IDE/EIDE. SCSI connectors and controllers
are in -built within some motherboards, while SCSI disks can be added
by installing a SCSI Controller card in one of the expansion slots.
 Devices are chained on a SCSI bus, each with a different SCSI ID
 Either eight or sixteen SCSI IDs can be attached to one controller
depending on the SCSI version, wherein controller uses one ID while
allowing seven or fifteen SCSI peripherals.
iii. USB
 USB is an acr onym for Universal Serial Bus, which is used for various
peripherals, such as keyboards, mouse, and other devices, that
previously required serial and parallel ports, and several newer munotes.in

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48 technologies including digital cameras and digital audio devices.
 Since these devices are based on a bus topology, they can be daisy -
chained together or connected to a USB hub, allowing up to 127
devices to connect to the computer at the same time.
 USB also provides an interface for external hard disks, where disk
which provide USB connection can be mounted by plugging into a
USB port of the computer.
 Current standard for USB is USB 2.0, backward -compatible to earlier
1.0, 1.1 standards and supports bandwidths of 1.5Mbps (megabits per
second), 12.5Mbps, and 480Mbps, 12 .5Mbps, and 480Mbps
 USB 2.0 supported external USB hard disk provides faster exchange
of data between the computer and the HDD.
iv. Fibre Channel
 It is another ANSI standard which provisions faster data transfer and
uses optical fiber for connecting devices.
 Various standards are applicable to fiber channels, but Fiber Channel
Arbitrated Loop (FC -AL) primarily applies to storage, that is, it is
designed for mass storage devices and for Storage Area Networks
(SANs) wherea SAN is a net work architecture where computers attach
to remote mass storage devices such as disk arrays, tape libraries, etc.
 Since optical fiber connects devices, FC -AL supports transfer rates of
100 Mbps, and may replace SCSI for network storage systems.
3.3.3 Fi le Systems
File management systems or file systems are used by the operating system
to organize and locate the data stored on a hard disk. File systems manage
storage media such as hard disks along with controlling sectors on those
drives, it also keeps tr ack of sectors occupied for storage of data and
vacant sectors, available for storage.
Network file systems provision client’s access to data on a remote server.
Hierarchical systems involve organization of data in a tree structure.

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Forensics Lab

Figure 3.5: Hierarch ical Directory Structure
As seen in Figure 3.5., a hierarchical file system looks like an inverted
In figure 3.5., the base of the structure is a root directory, and
directories(folders) branch from the root. These directories are containers
which store files or other directories. Directories which are present in
other directories are also known as subdirectories (subfolders).
A. Microsoft File Systems
Different operating systems use different file systems, while some OS
support multiple file syst em. Few file systems which are commonly used
by Microsoft OS include:
i. FAT12
 FAT (File Allocation Table) file system was developed by the DOS
operating systems.
 The first version of FAT used a 12 -digit binary number(12 bits) for
cluster information , hence it was called as FAT12.
 It was useful for the smaller hard disks that came with the original
IBM PC (less than 16MB in size) and were also used to format floppy
ii. FAT16
 FAT16 was a standard file system for formatting har d disks for a long
time, it was developed for disks greater larger than 16MB.
 Uses 16 -bit allocation table entries and is supported by all Microsoft
operating systems, from MS -DOS to Windows XP along with some
non-Microsoft operating systems, such as OS /2 and Linux. Thus, it
was the most universally compatible file system.
 Some drawbacks of FAT16 included its inability to scale well to large
disks since the cluster size increases as disk partition increases, lot of
space was wasted when a large disk gr eater than 2GB was formatted
with FAT16. It doesn’t support file -level security, that is, individual
level permissions to files and directories) and also does not support
file-level compression, as the entire drive needs to be compressed. munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
50 iii. VFAT
 Virtual FAT or VFAT, is a file system driver introduced in Windows
for Workgroups 3.11 and was supported by Windows 95.
 It works in protected mode and allows usage of long filenames with
 VFAT is a program extension and not a file system, which hand les
filenames over the 8.3 limitations imposed by the original FAT16.
iv. FAT32
 FAT32 uses a 32 -bit allocation table and was first supported by the
OSR 2 version of Windows 95 (95b).
 Advantages of FAT32 over FAT16 included:
 Efficient use of space with larger hard disks through small cluster sizes
 Support for larger partitions, up to 2TB in size, theoretically
(Practically supports up to 32GB)
 Better reliability, as includes backup copy of information in the boot
 Disadvantages of FAT32 was th at it is incompatible with several
versions of Windows such as MS -DOS, Windows 3.x,Windows
95a,Windows NT, and some non -Microsoft operating systems
(although FAT32 drivers were available from third -party vendors for
Windows 95, NT, and even non -Microsoft o perating systems such as
Linux).Additionally, the overhead used by FAT32 can also slow
performance slightly.
 NTFS (New Technology File System) is the most secure file system
for computers running Microsoft Windows operating systems. NTFS
was rel eased in 1993 as a replacement to FAT file system on Windows
NT OS, followed by successive releases in Windows 2000, 2003
Server, XP and Vista.
 It was more robust and secure as compared to other Microsoft file
systems. NTFS handles partitions, where par titions are logical sections
ofa hard disk which operate as a separate drive. Example: A hard disk
could be partitioned as C: , D: or E: drive on the computer.
 NTFS supports very large partition sizes (up to 16EB theoretically)and
permits creation of vo lumes that can span two or more partitions.
 It is more reliable since it supports hot fixing feature, wherein the OS
detects a bad sector on the disk and relocates the data from that sector
to a good sector, and marks the bad sector so that the system d oes not munotes.in

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51 use it. It happens in the background which does not require any user
i. Metadata and the Master File Table (MFT)
 Metadata is the information about a specific set of data, which contains
information such as author of the file, its size, and other technical
information hidden from the common user, that is, it is data about data.
 It describes a file, its format, its creation time, and other details.
 NTFS stores additional files which are hidden in the system and
contain informati on about users, files and other details.
 Whenever a disk is formatted to use NTFS, the files are created with
their locations being stored in these files, known as Master File Table
(MFT) to keep track of each file on the volume.
 FAT file system kee ps track of files using a File Allocation Table,
NTFS performs similar complex functions using a Master File Table.
ii. NTFS Attributes
 -A record stored in the MFT works with NTFS attributes, every file
and directory are viewed as a set of file attributes containing
information such as name, data, and security information by NTFS.
 The data which defines a file, and is used by the OS and other
software’s to decide how a file is accessed and used is called as
 Every attribute has a code and mi ght contain information on attribute’s
name and description in MFT.
 Two different kinds of attributes can be used in NTFS:
 Resident attributes: Can fit in an MFT record. The name of the file and
its timestamp are always included as resident attributes.
 Non-resident attributes:Are allocated on the disk to one or more
clusters elsewhere.These attributes are useful when the information
about any file is too large to fit in the MFT.
iii.NTFS Compressed Files
 - NTFS permits compression of files, entire NTFS volumes or file -by-
file basis to save space. It compresses individual folders, files or
anything on the drive using the NTFS file system.
 The file gets automatically decompressed when being read and
compressed whenever the file is saved or closed. Whene ver the data
is compressed on an NTFS drive it can only be read by the file
system, if a program attempts to open a compressed file, then the
file should be decompressed by the file system’s compression drive
before providing access to it. munotes.in

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52  Compressing da ta does not need additional software for compression
and decompression thereby saving disk space and archive folders.
iv. NTFS Encrypting File Systems (EFS)
 Encryption involves the process of file encoding to make it unreadable
for any unauthorized pers on to open, copy, view,or rename the data,
file, or folder.
 Encryption can be performed on a disk as well as on a single file,
where disk encryption refers to encrypting all the contents on the
diskette, hard disk or removable disk and file encryption re fer to
encrypting the data on a disk through file -by-file basis.
 Disk or file encryption can be built onto an OS or file system. EFS
cannot protect data on floppy diskettes as they cannot format in NTFS
format, but can encrypt files/folders.
 EFS is in tegrated with the OS, where the encryption and decryption
processes are invisible to the user.EFS relies on public key
cryptography and digital certificate, wherein public key cryptography
consists of public key and private key to be used togetherand digit al
certificate helps identify the person logged into the system, and
credentials to verify authorized person uses digital certificates
associated with the user account.
 While public key cryptography is time -consuming, digital certificates
could cause is sues in case the user has left the system logged in and
unattended leading to unauthorized access.
C. Linux File Systems
 Linux is an open -source OS based on UNIX OS.Use of a Virtual File
System (VFS), supports multiple file systems where VFS acts as an
abstract layer between kernel and lower -level file systems. Linux can
support multiple file systems using VFS, such as:
i. ext:First version of Extended file system created for Linux.It was the
first file system to use VFS added to the Linux kernel, which was replaced
by ext2 and xiafs based on the older Minix system (shortcomings such as
14-character file naming limit, 64 MB limitation on partition sizes) and
not found in current systems since they are obsolete.
ii. ext2:Second extended file system, whic h offers great performance with
file size of upto 2 TB. This file system had implementation of a data
structure which includes inodes, storing information about files,
directories and other system objects. It stores files as data blocks on the
hard disk. T he smallest units of data in the file system are called blocks,
and a group of blocks that contain information to be utilized by the
operating system and is known as a superblock.
iii. ext3: Third extended file system, extends ext2. A major advantage of
ext3 is a journaled file system, making it easier for recovery where a munotes.in

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53 journal resembles a transaction log used in databases, where the data is
logged before it is written. Journal is updated prior to blocks of data being
updated in ext3 and it could be used to restore the file system ensuring that
any data which was not written in blocks prior to the crash is resolved. In
case of any issue on ext2, a filesystem check (fsck) needs to be resolved
with files and metadata on the system.
iv. ext4: Fourth extended file system, has been improvised in terms of
performance, which supports volumes of up to 1 EB.
D. Mac OS X File System
 Originally, Macintosh used the Macintosh File System (MFS) used to
store data on 400KB floppy disks.
 Files are stored onto hard d isks in MFS into two parts: a resource fork
which stores structured information and a data fork which stores
unstructured data. Thus, the data used in a file will be stored in a data
fork, whereas file information such as menus, icons, menu items, etc.
will be stored in the resource fork.
 The resource fork enables files to be opened by the appropriate
application, without a file extension requirement as well as to store
metadata. MFS was further replaced by Hierarchical File System
(HFS) which uses multi ple forks while storing data and manages the
data on both the hard disks or floppy disks.
 HFS supports filenames of 255 characters length. Since MFS works
with floppy disks leading to slow down on larger media, while HFS
works with hard disks and uses a hierarchical design through a Catalog
File which replaces the flat table structure which was used by MFS.
 Apple launched a HFS new version known as HFS Plus, where
improvements were made in performance and how HFS plus handled
 HFS and HFS Plus store blocks of data on the hard disk, where
volumes are divided into logical blocks of size 512 bytes.HFS uses 16 -
block bit address whereas HFS Plus supports an improvement with 32 -
bit block addresses being supported.
E. Sun Solaris 10 File System: ZFS
 Sun Solaris is an open -source OS developed by Sun Microsystems, the
first ZFS file system was first used in Solaris 10.
 ZFS (Zettabyte File System) handles large amount of data and uses
virtual storage pools known as zpools, composed of virtual devices
(vdevs). These pools could contain various vdevs, further containing
one or more storage devices, along with those using Redundant Array
of Inexpensive Disks).

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Cyber Forensics
54  ZFS is a 128 -bit storage system, supporting more data and variable
sized blocks of up to 128 KB. It can improve I/O throughput, if the file
system compresses data to fit into smaller blocks.
F. Network File Systems and File Sharing Protocols
- Permits users to access and update the files on remote computers as if
they are placed on the local comp uter. File systems on remote machine are
irrelevant whenever machine’s resources are accessed, this also helps OS
such as Windows 9x computer which does not suppose NTFS to read and
write NTFS files stored on a remote computer such as Windows NT, 2000,
XP, or Vista. File sharing across a network can be done through the
i. Server Message Block (SMB):
Microsoft uses SMB protocol to permit client applications to access as
well as write to remote files and request services from server applications
on remote systems. SMB is involved in Windows OS. SAMBA is an
implementation of SMB and the Common Internet File System (CIFS)
which can be installed on UNIX computers to allow Windows clients to
access their files as if SMB servers.
ii.Common Internet F ile System (CIFS) :
A protocol proposed as a standard which permits remote files access
across the internet. CIFS is an open (nonproprietary) version of SMB.
SMB and CIFS run on top of TCP/IP protocol stack.
iii.NetWare Core Protocol (NCP):
NCP is a set of protocol which provide file and printer access between
clients and remote servers on NetWare networks. NCP runs over IPX or
iv.Network File System (NFS):
A client -server application which was developed by Sun Microsystems to
run on TCP/IP which allow s remote file access. NFS uses the Remote
Procedure Call (RPC) as the communication method. Used for the remote
file access by UNIX/Linux machine, can also be installed on Windows or
Macintosh computers.
G. Disk Partition
o To use a hard disk which can be formatted, a file system can be used.
Logical division of a hard disk which permits a single hard disk to
work as though it is a single or more hard disks on the computer is
known as partition.
o Even though multiple partitions are not being used, a part ition must be
setup so that the OS knows that the entire partition will be considered.
A drive letter can be given to the partition and it is formatted to use a
file system. When an area of the hard disk is formatted and assigned a
drive letter, it is know n as a volume. munotes.in

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Setting up a Computer
Forensics Lab
55 o Example: On a single volume of Windows computer, C: could be
formatted as NTFS and D: could be formatted as FAT32. Similarly,
for Linux different drives can be formatted as ext or ext2 respectively.
Thus, it provides the advantage of diffe rent file systems used on the
same computer.
o Two types of partitions exist, namely:
o Primary partition: Partition on which an OS can be installed and is
used whenever the computer starts to load the OS.
o Extended partition: Partition which can be divided into additional
logical drives. It does not need a drive letter or installation of file
system. Instead OS can be used to create more logical drives with
extended partitions with drive letters assigned to logical drives.
i. System and BootPartitions
 Amongst multiple partitions, a partition maybe designated as the boot
partition, system partition or both. A system partition is responsible for
storing files which are used to start or boot start the computer, wherein
when a computer is powered on it is kn own as cold boot and when it is
restarted from within the system it is known as warm boot.
 Boot partition is a computer volume which contains the system files
which are used to load the OS. System partition is where the OS in
installed, whereas the syste m and poot partition can exist as separate
partition on the same computer or else on separate volumes.
ii. Boot Sectors and Master Boot Record
 Many sectors exist but the first sector, that is, sector 0 on a hard disk is
considered as boot sector, where t he boot sector contains codes which
the comput ers use to boot the machine. The boot sector is also known
as the Master Boot Record (MBR), where the MBR consists of a
partition table to store the information on which primary partitions
need to be create d onto the hard disk to start the machine. Using the
partition table in the MBR, the computer understands the organization
of hard disk before the OS starts interacting within it.
 Once partitions are set up on the machine, they can provide the
informati on to the operating system.
iii. NTFS Partition Boot Sector
Since NTFS uses a Master File Table used to store file system
information, location information of the MFT as well as MFT mirror file
is stored in the boot sector. A duplicate of the boot sector is stored at the
disk’s logical center, to prevent the information from getting lost and for

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Cyber Forensics
56 Clustersand Cluster Size
 A group of two or more consecutive sectors on a hard disk are called
clusters, where they are the smallest amount of disk spa ce that can be
allocated to store a file.
 A sector is mostly 512 bytes in size but the data stored onto a hard disk
is greater, thus data is saved on a greater number of sectors.
 Clusters are logical units of file storage, where a unique number is
assigned to every cluster and their respective files can be accessed.
 Cluster size is controlled by the OS, wherein the cluster size is
determined by different factors such as the file system being used.
During the formatting of a drive, the ability to se lect the file system in
which the disk will be formatted is called allocation unit size.
Slack Space
 Clusters are a fixed size, the entire space will be used by the cluster.
Example: Cluster size if 4,096 bytes, but a 20 -byte file is stored onto
the d isk, the entire 4KB cluster would be used even though 4,076 bytes
of space will be wasted. This wasted space may be known as Slack
Space or File Slack, where it is the space area between end of the file
and the last cluster used by that data.
 The cluster size should be smaller, so that the amount of space in the
final cluster can be used to store a file with lesser unused space being
wasted and lead to effective usage of disk.
 The formula to calculate the amount of wasted space is:
(Cluster size/2) * number of files
It provides a estimate of disk spacebeing wasted on a particular hard disk,
instead of the exact amount.
Lost Clusters
 Each cluster is a unique number which is used by the OS to keep track
of files that are stored on the hard disk. At equal intervals of time, even
though the cluster has not been assigned to a file still the OS will mark
the cluster as being used, this concept is known as a lost cluster.
 Lost clusters are called as lost file fragments or lost allocation units . In
Linux or UNIX machines clusters are denoted as blocks, while they
are referred as lost blocks or orphans.
 Lost clusters do not belong to any specific file, instead they are created
from sudden shutting down of computer, closing of application, file
not being closed appropriately, etc.
 When such an event occurs, the cluster must have been assigned to the
data in the cache, but may not have been written due to unexpected
events. munotes.in

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Setting up a Computer
Forensics Lab
57  In case the system was shut down incorrectly, the cluster might also
have had data written to it before, this data could be a fragment of the
file or any other corrupted data.
 Tools such as ScanDisk and CheckDisk could also be used to detect
lost clusters and also to recover the data stored in the cluster.
This unit helps gain an understanding into the various factors that need to
be considered for setting up a cyber forensic laboratory, performing digital
forensics on different OS, the different types of file systems and hard disk
drive, tools needed for performing digital forensics on a windows -based
machine, tools and techniques required for evidence acquisition and data
[1] The official CHFI Exam 312 -49 Study Guide by Dave Kleiman,
Syngress Publication, 2007.
[1] EC -Council CHFIv10 Study Guide, EC -Council, 2018
1. Which of these is not a space planning factor in the facilities build -out?
a. Administrative area
b. Examination space
c. Domain are a
d. Evidence storage

2. Write Blockers methodology is deployed for prevention of __________.
a. Data Spoliation
b. Data Availability
c. Data Confidentiality
d. Data Repudiation

3. ___________ is considered as one of the ma in cost factors for
laboratory scope of service provision, initial space targets as well as
ongoing laboratory operations.
a. Tool Validation
b. Software Licensing
c. Software Validation
d. System Licensing


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Cyber Forensics
58 4. Whenever a disk is formatted to use NTFS, the files are created with
their locations being stored to keep track of each file on the volume. This
concept is known as ___________ .
a.Master File Table
b. Master File
c. Master Table
d. Master Data Table

5. Concent ric circles further divided into sectors where data is stored on
the magnetic surface of the platter are known as ___________.
a. Disks
b. System
c. Tracks
d. Drives

6. ___________ is a computer volume that contains the system files which
are used to load the operating system.
a. Last partition
b. Boot partition
c. Data partition
d. Computer partition

7. ___________ do not belong to any specific file, instead they are created
from sudden shutting down of computer, closi ng of application, file not
being closed appropriately, etc.
a. Found cluster
b. Lost cluster
c. dd cluster
d. Slack cluster



Page 59

59 4
Unit Structure
4.0 Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Forensics on Windows Machine
4.2.1 Locating and Gathering Evidence on a Windows Host
4.2.2 Understanding file slack and its Investigation
4.2.3 Interpreting Windows Registry and Memory Dump Information
4.2.4 Investigating Internet Traces
4.2.5 Investigating System State Backups
4.3 Acquire and Duplicate Data
4.3.1 Data Acquisition Tools
4.3.2 Hardware Tools
4.3.3 Backing Up and Duplicating Data
4.3.4 Data Acquisition in Linux
4.4 Let us SumUp
4.5 List ofReferences
4.6 Bibliograph y
4.7 Unit EndExercises
After studying this unit, it will help you to:
 Perform digital forensics on a windows -based machine.
 Select appropriate tools for collecting evidence.
 Understand the importance of backups.
 Determine the various tools and mechanisms that can be used for
acquiring and replicating the data. munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
Certain procedures need to be followed to perform forensic on a Windows
machine without tampering the evidence.To fetch or acquire the data and
then process it with the help o f various forensic tools is a major concern.
Usage of those tools for acquiring data and backing them up in case of any
requirement for disaster recovery or data loss should be taken into
4.2.1 Locating and G athering Evidence on a Windows Host
 Evidence location involves the process of investigating and gathering
information of a forensic nature and legal importance. It aids in the
investigation of both criminal investigations and civil suits.
 Several locations could act as a rich source of evidence in Windows
OS. File attributes and timestamps are also considered as valuable.
Perpetrators may try to change a file’s attributes so that their tracks can
be covered or the data stays hidden within the system.
 Few im portant sources of electronic evidence on a Windows host
could include:
Files, Slack space, Swap files, unallocated clusters, unused partitions, and
hidden partitions.
a. Gathering Volatile Evidence
 It is considered one of the most important aspects of di gital forensics.
During the investigation of a Windows -based OS for the probable
evidence or information and facts that are related to the case, it should be
ensured that all the relevant volatile data, that is, current data about the
system, registry, cac he and memory has been collected. If the system is
powered down, data may be lost and cannot be recovered.


Page 61

Window Forensics, Data
Acquisition and Duplication
61 - In non -volatile memory data isn’t lost, after the power is cycled.

Figure 4.1: Steps for sea rching data on a windows -based system

 Within the volatile data most crucial areas which could be checked for
evidence would include registers, physical and virtual memory, cache,
network connections, running processes, and disk.
 Any other external device connected to the system such as floppy disk,
tape, CD -ROM, and printers should also be verified for evidence if
 All the data captured should be gathered to store in external devices
for it to be safely removed and placed offline at another location.
 Capability of a windows forensics tool to gather data on a live
Windows system is very important. Offline imaging and searching
through disk images are standard fare for a computer forensic analyst.
But sometimes it could be infeasible to take a system offl ine for
imaging, especially for larger e -commerce sites where critical
infrastructure is a factor to be kept online. Thus, live imaging is an
important aspect to be considered.
b.Helix Live on Windows
 Helix runs on Windows to collect evidence from active or live
Windows systems which could cause a constant flux, which is
constantly changing such as virtual memory.
 Turning off the system could result in evidence destruction. Thus,
the Helix tool can be used to collect volatile information and
presents a p ortable forensics environment that may provide access to
many windows -based tools.
 Helix Live Response is about the tools wherein the CD contains
static binaries for Linux, Solaris, and Windows using GNU utilities
and Cygwin tools. Locate Evidence on Windows Gather Volatile Evidence Investigate Windows File Examine the File System Investigate Internet Traces Check System State Backup Memory Dumps are important Check the Windows Registry munotes.in

Page 62

Cyber Forensics
62  The Helix.exe graphica l application will only operate in a live
Windows environment and will vary on each version of OS. Since
windows are live, many DLL files are used by Helix and the OS
during this process.
 The Helix Windows Live function is a GUI interface to a Windows -
based CLI and other tools. A major advantage is that Helix performs
the actions to maintain the integrity of the command line so that the
built-in Windows tools are not run through the compromised system,
thereby risking the data from corruption.
 Windows comma nd-line tools which can be accessed from the
Helix.exe application on the CD may include .cab extractors,
ipconfig, netstat, kill, etc.
 Tools available from Windows Live side of Helix for forensics may
o Access PassView
o Astrick Logger
o Drive Mana ger
o Forensic Server Project
o FTK Imager
o Galleta
o HoverSnap
o IECookiesView
o IEHistoryView
o IRCR (The Incident Response Collection Report)
o Mail PassView
o MEM Dump
o Messen Pass
o Mozilla Cookies View
o Network Password Recovery
o Pasco
o PC Inspector File Recover y
o PC On/Off Time
o Process Explorer
o Protected Storage Pass View
o Ps Tools Suite
o Pst Password Viewer munotes.in

Page 63

Window Forensics, Data
Acquisition and Duplication
63 o PT Finder
o PuTTY SSH Client
o Reg Scanner
o Re SysInfo
o Rifiuti
o Rootkit Revealer
o Sec Report
o Win Audit
o Windows Forensic Toolchest (WFT)
c. MD5 Generators
MD5 Generators are used to maintain the integrity of a file, file system, or
application. A cryptographic hash of the bit -wise information in the data
will be created by the application. This added layer of protection helps
maintain the value of the chain of c ustody as well as to ensure the
admissibility of the evidence that the evidence has not been tampered
d. Pslist
Displays process, CPU, and thread statistics or memory information for all
processes currently running on the system. The process informa tion listed
involves process execution time, process execution in kernel and user
modes, physical memory that the OS has allocated to the process.
Pslist [ -?] [-d] [-x][-t] [-s [n] [ -r n] ] [ \\computer [ -u username] [ -p
password] ] [name | pid]
 d: Displays statistics for all the active threads on the system, grouping
the threads with their owning process
 m: Displays memory -oriented information for every process
 x: Displays CPU, memory, and thread data for each process specified
 t: Display s process trees munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
64 e. fport
- Displays all the open TCP/IP and UDP ports and maps them to the
applications which own the port. It is similar to netstat, except that it maps
the ports to the running processes with the PID, process name, and path.
The switches may be used through either a / or a – prior to the switch. The
command -line switches include:
/? Usage help /i Sorting by PID
/p Sorting by port /ap Sorting by applicati on path
/a Sorting by application
f. Psloggedon
 Displays both locally logged on users and users logged through
resources for either local or remote computer, it verifies which users are
logged in by examining them under the HKEY_USERS keys.
 Psloggedon searches for the corresponding username and displays that
particular user name for every key with a name, that is, a user SID
(Security Identifier).
 Psloggedon uses NetSessionEnum API to verify who has logged onto a
computer through resource share s.
Example: psloggedon [ -?] [-1] [-x] [\\compname | username]
 Few common parameters include:
 ? Shows supported options and measurement units for output values.
 l Shows local logon instead of local as well as network resource logons.
4.2.2 Understand ing file slack and its Investigation
 A windows disk cluster is a fixed -length data block used to store files.
File slack is the gap
 or the space that exists onto the Windows disk between the end of the
file and the end of the lastcluster since the sizes of both can never match.
System -associated data such as usernames, passwords, and other
sensitive data can be found within the slack.
 Storage space is wasted if there is an increase in the slack space due to
larger cluster sizes.
 Window OS fills the differe nce between the end of a file and the end of a
cluster with data from its buffers, in case there is no space available.
This data is selected randomly from the system’s RAM is known as
RAM slack since it is obtained from the computer memory.

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65  RAM slack co nsists of created, viewed, modified, or copied files, since
the last time the system was booted. Encase software provides tools to
perform complex digital forensic investigations and manage large
volumes of digital evidence along with viewing computer driv e contents.
o To examine file systems:
o Built -in Tool: Sigverif.exe
o Can analyze a system as well as report on any unsigned drivers
detected. To run the tool:
Click Start | Run, type Sigverif, click OK -> Click Advanced button ->
Select Look for others wh ich are digitally unsigned ->Selecy WINNT |
Sytem32 | Drivers folder, click on OK.
 Sigverif displays all the unsigned drivers installed on the system after
its process completion.
 List of signed and unsigned drivers detected by Sigverif.exe can be
viewed i n Sigverif.txt file within the Windir folder, that is, Winnt or
Windows folder, while unsigned drivers are marked as Unsigned.
Word Extractor Forensic Tool
- An application which extracts the human -understandable interpretation
from the computer binary format and resembles the UNIX command,
strings. It includes features such as replacing non -human words with
spaces or dots for better visibility, supports wrap text as well as drag and
drop, multitasking through response to command and large file processe s,
saving results as txt or rte.
4.2.3 Interpreting Windows Registry and Memory Dump Information
- Registry is a component to be examined during the investigation of a
Windows system. Selected keys should be verified with significance to
supply evidence for what the services have been running for, services
presently running and who has logged into the system over a certain span
of time. Primary keys to be known include:
- \Software \Microsoft \Windows \CurrentVersion \Run
- \Software \Microsoft \Windows \CurrentVersion \RunOnce
- \Software \Microsoft \Windows \CurrentVersion \RunOnceEx
- \Software \Microsoft \Windows \CurrentVersion \RunServices
-\Software \Microsoft \Windows \CurrentVersion \RunServicesOnce
- \Software \Microsoft \WindowsNT \CurrentVersion \Winlogon munotes.in

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66 b. Registry Viewer Tool: Reg Scanner
o The RegScanner is a registry tool from NirSoftprovides a search
function that can search for any registry value and display the
instances of thatvalue in a sing le view. It allows a selection and
jumps function which redirects to that registry key for editing.
o It also helps export results to a REG file for saving or loading into
another computer.
o No installation will be required; it can be unpacked fro m the .zip file
into any folder and run. After launching, it provides an option to
select which base key to start searching from. The search string
could be case sensitive or insensitive along with the match being
exact or within certain parameters.
o Example: Matching can be done against data and the values, instead
of the key names themselves.
o The application also provisions a search function for Unicode strings
in binary values.
 -RegScanner does result reporting in a grid -formatted list, to be
saved as REG file or either exported into an HTML format.
c. Microsoft Security ID
Microsoft Security IDs can be obtainable in Windows Registry key:
ntVersion \ProfileList
The ProfileList key hol ds the SIDs, selecting the individual ID valueentry,
along with an associated username is probably feasible. Some specific IDs
enclosed under Microsoft Security are as follows: Retrieve MAC Address,
Registry Dump, Registry Scan, Registry Dump, Event Loggin g Utility,
Importance of Memory Dump
 After every crash, Windows generates a memory dump filethat contains
information that can help in determining why has the system stopped.
For memory dump in Windows, the system needs a paging file with a
minim um of 2 MB on the boot volume.
 Memory dumps are useful in helping with the system bug diagnosis and
for memory content analysis during a program failure. They might
contain binary, octal or hexadecimal forms of information.
 When a system runs MS Wind ows 2000 or later, a new file gets created
whenever the system stops suddenly. Microsoft tool, dumpchk.exe can
be designed to verify memory dump files for information. munotes.in

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67  The systemroot | Minidump folder consists of a small memory dump
files list. While con ducting an MS Windows system, memory dumps
need to be checked and obtained on the system. A memory dump file
may contain:
o Stop message with its parameters
o Loaded drivers list
o Processor’s context (PRCB) for the processors responsible for stopping
the norma l operation of Windows
o Processor information and kernel context (EPROCESSES) for the
processes stopped
o Process information and kernel context (ETHREAD) for the thread
which stopped
o The kernel -mode call stack for the thread is responsible for stopping the
process from execution.
Pagefile.sys and PMDump
Windows XP Professional uses paging file information to generate a
memory dump file in the system root directory. This dump file analysis
can be done to supply data, that is, the reason for the crash durin g the
offline analysis. Analysis can also be done through tools running on
another computer.
PMDump or Post Mortem Dump tool performs the dumping of memory
contents relative to any process or a file with its process stopped. It can
be used for conducti ng forensic analysis of a dump file.
What is Virtual Memory?
An imaginary location that is supported by the Windows OS is known
as virtual memory, where it is an alternate memory address set that
expands the available memory range.
Data that isn’t ne eded often for programs can be store in instructions
and data into the virtual memory. Virtual memory is converted into
RAM, whenever these memory address locations are called.
An OS divides the virtual memory into pages whenever virtual memory
needs to be copied into RAM, where each page consists of a fixed
number of addresses stored on disk which are yet to be called by the
When the OS calls the pages, it is copied from disk memory to RAM,
which translates virtual addresses to real addresses also called mapping,
while the process where virtual pages are copied to main memory is
known as paging or swapping. munotes.in

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68 System Scanner
System scanner acts as a replacement to the task manager, wherein the
System scanner fetches more specific informa tion about the processes.The
main window in the system scanner consists of the current running
processes in the system, number of threads per process as well as the
executable path, while the status bar shows the overall number of running
processes, which is updated every 5000 milliseconds. The refresh time can
be customized along with the colors of the memory regions in the memory
map as per requirement.
Integrated Windows Forensics Software: X -Ways Forensics
X-ways forensics is and advanced work envir onment, based on WinHex
for the digital forensic analysis.Its features include forensic sound disk
imaging and cloning, complete directory structure examination inside raw
image files, native support for various file systems, several data recovery
techniqu es along with file carving, hard disk cleansing for producing
forensically sterile media, automated file signature verification etc.
4.4.4Investigating Internet Traces
Evidence can be searched from different locations in Internet Explorer.
Follo wing files and folders can be investigated for analyzing Web browser
o Cookies: Can be found on the following locations in Windows
 C:\Documents and Settings \%username% \Cookies
 C:\Windows \Cookies (in Windows 95/98/ME)
o Typed URLs
o History
o Temporary Internet Files
Internet explorer can store records of sites visited by a user in the History
folder, where theURLs of websites are present.C: \ drive also consists of
Documents and Settings, further consisting of another folder, that is,
Cookie’s folder which stores cookies visited by each user based on which
individual user folders are created. These files are further stored in the
Temp folder, where the temporary internet file’s location provides the
name and number of sites visited by eac h user. Thus, temp files contain
details of the user’s activities in the various TMP files.
a. Traces Viewer
A tool that helps view all images, flash movies, pages, and other media
files that are cached by the Internet Explorer browser on a system. It
involves a function in which Web traces generated by Internet Explorer munotes.in

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69 can be removed from a system. Though, it does not wipe the evidence and
can be uncovered.
b. IECookiesView
A forensic utility that displays the details of the cookies saved by th e
Internet Explorer. It provisions the capability to sort the cookies as per the
name and their date. Additionally, it provisions a search function that can
find a cookie in the list based on the website name. The cookie
information can also be copied on t he clipboard and using remote login,
the cookies of other users of the same or another system can also be
c. IE History Viewer
Whenever a URL is typed into the address bar or any link is followed in
Internet Explorer, it leads to the address being stored in the history index
file. IE History Viewer inputs all the history data from the file and prints a
list of URLs visited. The list of addresses is stored as text, HTML, or
XML files through this application.
d. Cache Monitor
Cach e monitor provisions a real -time view of the systems cache’s present
state as well as can check the configuration of dynamic caches. It can help
the forensic analyst verify the cache policies and monitoring of cache
statistics. Some other tools also provid e the capability to monitor the data
flow through cache and the data present in the edge cache. The statistics
available through Cache monitor include:
 Cache hits: The match entries with the number of requests onto the
edge servers.
 ESI Processors: Number of processes which are configured as edge
 Cache Misses by URL: Cache policy that does not exist on the edge
server for the requested template.
 Several Edge Cached Entries: Number of entries that are currently
cached across all edge servers and pro cesses.
4.4.5 Investigating System State Backups
A system state backup involves the backup of the entire system so that no
data will be lost in case of a system crash or corruption of the driver files.
To perform a forensic analysis of the evid ence on a Windows system, only
backing up the system is not sufficient. Thus, an extended data backup is
essential to remain secure against any malfunction.
An extended state backup saves the:
o Active directory munotes.in

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70 o Registry
o Windows boot files
o Syste m volume (SYSVOL)
o IIS Metabase
o COM+ class registration database
- The procedure to create a system state backup is as

Investigating ADS Streams
o NTFS consists of a compatibility feature known as Alternate Data
Streams (ADS). It could help an attacker with hiding rootkits or
hacker tools on a compromised system, which can further get
executed without being detected by the system.
o Thus, ADS may be used as a way of hiding the executables or
proprietary contents, if any.
 To maintain the integrity of an NTFS partition against unauthorized
Alternate Data Streams, a third -party checksum application could be
 Common DOS commands like type can create ADS, wherein these
commands in conjunction with > (redirect) a nd : (colon) could fork
one file in another.
 Example:typec:/maliciousfile.exe>c: \winnt \system32 \calculator.exe:
maliciousfile.exe munotes.in

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71 Where, ADS Tool ? LADS (List Alternate Data Streams) :
Syntax: {file name} : {stream name}
Create: type textfile>visible.txt:hidden.txt
View: more  CD-ROM Bootable Creation for Windows XP
Multiple tools such as Bart’s PE Builder and Ultimate Boot CD -ROM
could be used to create bootable Windows CD -ROM. These tools could be
useful for PC maintenance tasks and yield a complete Win32 environment
with network support along with a GUI and NTFS/FAT/CDFS file system
 Bart PE (Bart Preinstalled Environment)
A Bart Preinstalled Environment (BartPE) bootable Windows CD -ROM
or DVD can be created by Bart’s PE Builder through the installation/setup
CD of Windows XP or Server 2003. It can also restore any DOS -based
boot disk. Windows versions that are supported include Windows XP
(Home Edition or Professional) and Windows Server 2003 (Web,
Standard, or Enterprise Edition).
Ultimate Boot CD -ROM
The execution of floppy -based diagnostic tools from CD -ROM drives onto
Intel-compatible machines is permitted by Boot CD -ROM.This tool
contain s multiple diagnostic utilities which provide sharing of Internet
access or web surfing. It does not need a separate OS. With network
support, modifying NTFS volumes, recovering the deleted files, scanning
the hard drives for viruses, and creating NTFS vol umes are possible. It
includes multiple CPU tests, memory tests, and peripheral tools.
4.3.1 Data Acquisition Tools
While selecting the tools to use, it needs to be ensured that data does not
get modified. The validity of tools needs to be acceptable in court.
Example: Tools such as Encase would lead to lesser chance of it being
mostly scrutinized.Although tool validation is still required but using tools
could make the process easier comparatively.Below mentioned data
acqu isition tools may consist of software to duplicate data, creating image
files which may be mounted and analyzed later or hardware solutions
which can acquire data from a suspect’s machine.
a. FTK Imager
 Forensic Tool Kit (FTK) is a fully integrated foren sic data acquisition
and analysis program which was developed by AccessData. FTK
provides features like full -text indexing image files without extracting
them to a hard disk as well as include a file viewer to preview the files. munotes.in

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72  FTK also has an imaging co mponent for collecting data from CDs and
DVDs with commonly supported file systems. FTK Imager is an
imaging tool to preview data and assess the potential evidence on a
 A forensic image of the data, duplication on the machine using the tool,
so that modification of original data does not take place. FTK Imager
reads image files with ICS and SafeBack as well as uncompressed
images created with Ghost.
 FTK Imager will read or write image files in different formats such as
Encase, dd Raw, SMART, and FT K. The major advantage is that even
if the image files are created by another organization in any format,
they can be read easily.
 FTK Imager has an easy -to-use interface wherein once the evidence file
is opened, the folder structure can be viewed in the Evidence tree
located in the upper left lane.
b. SafeBack
 One of the earliest DOS -based tools developed by NTI for acquiring
evidence sector by sector from a computer. It can boot from a floppy
disk, make a duplicate image of everything on the hard disk , thereby
preserving its integrity and analyzing evidence without it getting
 Capable of replicating individual partitions or entire disks of any size
virtually with the image files being transferred to SCSI tape units, etc.
An audit trail of the software’s operations is maintained through the
product’s CRC function which checks the integrity of the copies, its
data, and timestamps.
 Despite being a DOS tool, it can copy DOS, Windows, and Unix disks
onto Intel -compatible systems and the images can b e stored as multiple
files on CDs or any small capacity media. No compressions or
translations take place during the creation of the image.
c. DriveSpy
 It is a DOS -based data acquisition tool that was developed by Digital
Intelligence Forensic Solutions. Despite being DOS -based, it can
acquire evidence from partitions using FAT, non -DOS, and hidden
DOS partitions, that is, visible files to the file system, deleted files,
exists inslack space, and unallocated space on the disk.
 Performs data acquisition fro m hard drives greater than 8.4 GB and
floppy disks as well as other storage media. DriveSpy is also
responsible for providing a built -in sector and cluster Hex Viewer to
view the data, it also can create and restore compressed partition
forensic images. munotes.in

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73  A major advantage is its logging capabilities, such as logging each
keystroke that was made, which are then written on a log file and can
be logged into a report of procedures that were followed to acquire the
d. Mount Image Pro
 A tool developed by GetData Software Development that mounts and
view forensic image files created by EnCase, Unix, and Linux DD
images, SMART and ISO images of CDs and DVDs.
 When an image is mapped to a drive letter,data acquired can be
explored through the image and use third -party tools.
 It can mount different types of forensic image files and does not need
additional copies of software or dongles such as EnCase software to
view evidence acquired from the image. It can save a considerable
amount of money because image analyzer machines don’t require the
original software to acquire the evidence.
 EnCase image file can be opened without knowing the password
despite being password protected.
e. DriveLook
 A free forensic search tool designed for indexing all of the text w ritten
to a hard disk or other media, was developed by Runtime software.
Searched drives can be physical, logical, or remote drives, which can
be connected using a serial cable or network connection using TCP/IP.
 It can also be used with image files create d with Runtime’s
DiskExplorer or GetBackData, which helps search for words stored on
a suspect machine. Once the words are indexed on the media and
saved to a table, the search can be done through keywords or browsing
the table to view the location of the stored words.
f. DiskExplorer
 A tool that helps browse the hard disk contents and was developed by
Runtime software with two main versions, namely, DiskExplorer for
NTFS and DiskExplorer for FAT.
 They are disk editors, which help browse NTFS and FAT file systems
along with recovery of data stored on a disk as well as view the
contents of a physical, logical drive or image files.
 When the information on the disk is being viewed, analysis of partition
table, MFT, boot record, and index buffers can be done.
 DiskExplorer also involves search capabilities which will allow
searching for text, viewing the files and their properties, identifying
the cluster to which the file belongs. Sectors of the disk can be edited
and lost or deleted files can be recovered usin g this tool. munotes.in

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74  It can also create an image file to duplicate the data on a hard drive.
Once the image is created it can be preserved on the disk for further
analysis or can be used to restore data on another machine.
g. SnapBackDatArrest
 Snapback developed a suite of data duplication and forensic tools
known as DatArrest, where data can be acquired using a program on a
bootable floppy from a machine.
 Images also contain the deleted, encrypted files or those which are
present in the slack space on the disk ap art from the files that can be
seen by the filesystem.
 CMOS settings used by the computer are also captured as a part of the
image. Data can be acquired and images can be created to and from
hard disks, removable media, and magnetic tapes with the help of the
modules and utilities included in the project.
 Suite of tools developed by Vogon, which provides data recovery and
conversion between Windows NT4 or 2000 and other systems such as
DEC, ICL, and IBM Mainframe.
 SCSIPAK extends the abilities o f the Windows tape drive to make the
data readable.
 Data from tapes or optical discs can be downloaded and written up to
seven drives at the same time. Thus, tapes can be copied, data can be
transferred from Windows NT or 2000, or can also be transferred
between disk, tape, or optical disc using SCSIPAK.
 Data Set Services (DFSMSdss) is an IBM -developed utility that was
designed for disaster recovery and data management.
 It was developed as a part of the Data Facility Storage Management
Subsystem (DFSMS), DFSMdss can be used to move or copy data
between various types of storage media so that storage on different
servers can be managed.
 Permits backup, restore data and copy backups to another storage
media irrespective of the type of media.
4.3.2 Hardware Tools
Tools for duplicating data can be used in a forensic lab or the field,
wherein forensic images can be created which can be analyzed later for
potential evidence. These tools act as portable forensic labs, which allow
acquisition and analysis before the computer is removed from the crime
scene. The majority of these tools store data on a hard disk within the munotes.in

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75 device, thus providing the ability to transfer image filesfrom a device to
another system in a forensic lab, and can then wipe th e device’s drive to
make it sterile forensically.
a. ImageMASSter Solo -3 Forensic
 It is a hardware tool that is portable and hand -held device which can
acquire data from the suspect’s machine at a speed exceeding 4
GB/minute. It was developed by Intellige nt Computer Solutions.
 Since the hard disks is directly connected to the machine using a drive -
to-drive interface or external Firewire/USB interface, a duplicate copy
of data can be created from one or two drives at the same time without
letting the speed get reduced. Can acquire data from hard drives such
as IDE, SATA and SCSI.
b. LinkMASSter -2 Forensic
 It is a hardware tool developed by Intelligent Computer Solutions
where the device connects to a computer through a USB port or
Firewire and create an ima ge of any data on the machine.
 A software permits access and data acquisition using Firewire or USB
ports, after booting the machine and connecting to the LinkMASSter.
 The write -block feature protects the data during acquisition on the
original machine.
c. ImageMASSter 6007SAS
 It is a powerful tool for generating data images from the suspect
machines and duplicating IDE, SAS, SATA, and IDE hard drives.
 Was developed by Intelligent Computer Solutions and can migrate the
server data from SCSI to SAS/SATA. I t can acquire data from
multiple disks as well as store multiple images on a single hard drive.
 It is the only tool to support SAS (Serial Attach SCSI) hard drive and
copies multiple drives at the same time with a faster speed.
 The system provides a window XP-based interface that allows copying
data from Windows, Macintosh, and Unix file systems.
d. RoadMASSter -3
 It is a data acquisition and analysis tool developed by Intelligent
Computer Solutions to create an image and also to analyze the data
acquired f rom the suspect’s hard drive.
 Can connect to an unopened computer using Firewire and USB ports.
Can also connect directly to IDE, SATA, SAS, and SCSI hard drives.
 Capable of acquiring data from multiple drives to a single target drive
which makes the acqu isition faster. It analyzes the data quickly. munotes.in

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76  Designed with a 15 -inch color display inside its case which helps view
data stored in the image file to enable it to determine if any evidence
exists on the machine.
e. Disk Jockey IT
 It is a portable, hand -held hardware tool by Diskology and is the
smallest write -blocking and disk copy device for computer forensics.
 Can be used as a write -blocking device for acquiring data using
Firewire and USB connections to a suspect computer.
 Device can then be connected to a Windows or Macintosh system
through write -protect mode to analyze the data without altering it.
4.3.3 Backing Up and Duplicating Data
Many tools can be used to backup data so the restoration of systems can be
done in case of any virus or malicious s oftware, failure of a hard disk,
intrusion, or any other event which could lead to loss, corruption, or
deletion of the data. During mass deployment of a system, images are
made of systems. Example: Since mostly all the workstations will have
similar OS an d software configurations, hence making a single image of a
system could be utilized to restore that image on others computers with a
slight change in the system’s name, IP address, etc. This restoration helps
save time and money in setting machines that w ere being deployed in the
network. Backups and Duplicate data minimize the impact of losing a
system as a replacement system can be immediately deployed.
a. R-Drive Image
It is a data duplication tool developed by r -Tools technology and is
designed for ba ckup and duplication data, as well as creates a byte -by-byte
data copy on hard drives, partitions, and logical disks. These files are
stored on another hard disk, network drive, or storage media and restored
as needed.
b. Save -N-Sync
 Save -N-Sync tool was designed by Peer software to synchronize the
data stored in a directory on a laptop or system with the data stored on
another location like a network server.Data can be backed up on a
location or can synchronize the changes on either the source or target
folder to be reflected in both the directories which will help for
restoration in case any problem occurs.
 A single directory can be chosen to synchronize with another directory
in the standard version of the tool, while the corporate version permits
15 dir ectories for synchronization.


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77 c. QuickCopy
 It is a tape duplication system developed by Shaffstall Corporation
which is designed to make tape -by-tape backup copies. When the data
on the server or any other computer is backed up on magnetic tape,
copies ar e required for offsite storage.
 Whenever a nightly backup is done, QuickCopy duplicates this data,
thereby providing a backup of the backup tape.
 Duplicates of tapes can be used for the analysis of potential evidence.
QuickCopy checks the data byte -for-byte along with the capability to
copy a single tape to an image file which can be stored on a hard disk.
4.3.4Acquiring Data in Linux
Apart from data recovery and forensic tools run on Linux, UNIX, and
other Posix OS, specific commands can be used on OS to copy data on a
machine and transfer it across a network. Other versions of similar tools
can be used for Windows OS. Commands are:
i. dd: Convert and Copy Command
 dd is used in Linux to convert and copy the data, along with a version
of it that runs on windows. Allows copying a hard disk to another disk
drive, magnetic tape, or vice -versa. Data is transferred byte -for-byte, thus
generating an exact mirror image.
Syntax: dd
 The command can be used in various ways,for example: to copy
contents of a disk to another, use the command with if (input file) and of
(output file) options:
dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdy
Example: To backup the disk into an image on the hard disk,
dd if=/dev/hda of=/path/to/image
Option Description
if=inputfile Specifies whe re to input data from (file or device)
of=outputfile Specifies where to output data (file or device)
ibs=bytes Number of bytes to read at a time
obs=bytes Number of bytes to write at a time
bs=bytes Several bytes to read and write. This is used instead
of ibs
and obs, and it specifies the same number of bytes
to use for
both input and output.
bs=bytes Number of bytes to convert at a time munotes.in

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78 skip=blocks Specifies to skip blocks in the input file before
seek=blocks Specifies to skip blocks in the output file before
count=blocks Copy blocks from the input file, instead of
everything at the
end of the file
conv=conversion Specifies to convert the input file before copying to
an output file. Conversion methods include
■ ascii, which convert s EBCDIC to ASCII
■ ebcdic, which converts ASCII to EBCDIC
■ ibm, which converts ASCII to alternate EBCDIC
■ block, which replaces the input newline with
padding of spaces to fit the size of cbs
■ unblock, which replaces trailing space characters
in dat asets of size cbs with newline characters
■ lcase, which converts uppercase characters to
■ ucase, which converts lowercase characters to
■ swab, which swaps every pair of input bytes
■ noerror, which ignores read errors
■ notrunc, which specifies not to truncate the output
■ sync, which pads every input block to the size of
ibs with null bytes if its shorter than the specified
Table 4.1: dd options
 MBR can be extracted from a disk using the dd command. Since MBR
and par tition table are present in the first bytes of the disk, by
specifying first few data bytes from the disk, a backup of data can be
acquired. Example: To acquire file from the disk, use the command:
dd if=/dev/hda of=/path/to/img count=1 bs=512
 To restore d ata to the disk, incase of any problem, the input and output
value needs to be interchanged:
dd if=/path/to/img of=/dev/hda
ii. Netcat: Transfer data and for other functions
 Netcat tool is available on all Posix OS such as UNIX and Linux,
which uses Trans mission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram
Protocol (UDP) to transfer data across a network. A Netcat version can
be used on systems running Windows 9x, NT, ME, 2000, and XP OS.

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79  A partition image can be created and transferred files between remote
computers or send to a machine. It supports port scanning and the
ability to connect through Telnet.
 Netcat runs in server mode on one machine and client on another for
communication between them. Server mode Netcat listens on a port
specified and transmits data to the client connected to that port
 Following syntax is used for Netcat to run from the server: nc -l <-
where the port number is the port on which the server should listen and
that clients connect to:
nc -l <-options>

 Following syntax would be used by the client:
nc -l <-options>
Netcat has additional options which can be used for listening on a network
and connecting to computers.
Option Description
-d Background mode. Det ach from console
-e program Inbound program to execute
-g Source routing flags
-h Help
-i seconds Delay interval for lines sent, ports scanned
-l Listen for inbound connections
-n Numeric only IP addresses (no DNS)
-o Hex dump of traffic to a file
-p Local TCP/IP port to listen to. Used with -l in
server mode
-r Random local and remote ports
-s addr Local source address
-t Answer TELNET negotiation
-u Use UDP to listen on a port. Used with -l in server
-v Verbose. –v-v will put i t into an ultra -verbose
-w seconds Connects and final net reads timeouts before
Netcat will automatically quit
-z No, I/O mode. Used for scanning ports
Table 4.2: Netcat Options munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
80  Netcat can be used with other tools to generate a compressed image o f
the disk and permit others to download a file. In the below -mentioned
example, the dd command creates an image of a disk, with gzip to
compress it. Netcat listens to the port number, making the file
Dd if=/dev/hdb | gzip -9 | nc -l 4321
This unit helps gain an understanding of the various factors that need to be
considered for performing digital forensics on Windows OS, the tools
needed for performing it and techniques required for evidence acquisition
and data replication.
[1] The official CHFI Exam 312 -49 Study Guide by Dave Kleiman,
Syngress Publication, 2007.
[1] EC -Council CHFIv10 Study Guide, EC -Council, 2018
1.___________ is a tape duplication system develo ped by Shaffstall
Corporation which is designed to make tape -by-tape backup copies.

2. ___________are disk editors, which help browse NTFS and FAT file
systems along with recovery of data stored on a disk as well as view the
contents of a physical, logical drive or image files.
a. DExplorer

3. ___________ is a powerful tool for generating data images from the
suspect machines and duplicating IDE, SAS, SATA, and IDE hard drives.
a. ScanCopy
d.ImageMASSter 6007SAS


Page 81

Window Forensics, Data
Acquisition and Duplication
81 4. The space area between the end of the file and the last cluster is known
as ___________.
a. Space Gap
b. Gap
c. Slack Space
d. Slack data

5. ___________ is used in Linux to convert and copy the data, along
with a version of it that runs on windows.
a. dsd
b. dd
c. sdd
d. dss

6. ___________ tool is available on all Posix OS such as UNIX and
Linux, which uses Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User
Datagram Protocol (UDP) to transfer data across a network.
a. Disk Explorer
b. Quick Copy
c. Net cat
d. Imag e MASS

7. ___________is a set of protocol which provide file and printer access
between clients and remote servers on NetWare networks. NCP runs over
IPX or IP.
a. Common Internet File System
b. Network File System
c. NetWare Core Pro tocol
d. Server Message Block



Page 82

82 5
Unit Structure
5.0 Objectives
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Recovery of deleted files and partitions
5.2.1 Recycle bin
5.2.2 Deleted File Recovery tools
5.2.3 Recover thedeleted fil es using Recuva
5.2.4 Recovering deleted partitions
5.2.5 Methods and tools to recover the deleted partitions
5.3 Using Access data FTK and EnCase for Investigation
5.3.1 Forensic Tool Kit( FTK)
5.3.2 Investigation using FTK
5.3.3 En Case
5.3.4 Investigation using EnCase
5.4 Let us Sum Up
5.5 List o f References
5.6 Bibliography
5.7 Unit End Exercises
After studying this unit, you will be able to know:
 Recycle bin
 What are the deleted files
 How to recover the deleted file munotes.in

Page 83

Recovery of Deleted Files and
Partitions, Using Access Data
Ftk and Encase for Forensic Investigation
Investigator performs digital forensics by collecting and correlating and
analyzing evidence to know the process and motive behind the crime and
to identify criminal, but hidden or deleted data are major concern before
forensic investigator, various tools and techniques will help the digital
forensic investig ator in every phase of the digital forensic process.
Hence Computer forensic investigators should know those tools and
techniques, their functions.
5.2.1 Recycle bin
Recycle bin is a temporary stor age place on windows desktop for deleted
files where those deleted files are temporarily stored if not deleted
permanently. Recycle bin will not store deleted Files from removable
storage media like floppy disk, USB pen drive, or network drive, and even
if a deleted file is too large will not get a place in recycle bin.
Users can delete a file from a hard disk in the Windows operating system
by right -clicking on that file and selecting the delete option to send a file
to recycle bin. Even users can restore an individual deleted file or all
deleted files by selecting the restore option.


Page 84

Cyber Forensics
84 Table shows Location and Storage size Limit of Recycle bin
System Operating System Location on drive Size Limit
FAT Win 98 and prior Drive: \RECYCL ED 3.99 GB
NTFS Windows
2000/Win XP Drive: \RECYCLER 3.99 GB
NTFS Windows Vista
and later Drive: \$Recycle_Bin No Limit

When user deletes a file from computer actually it won’t delete it
physically only the entries of those files are deleted from MFT ( Master file
table) but file remains there on hard disk and OS replace first letter with
E5h hex byte code to indicate that the file has been deleted
5.2.2 Deleted File Recovery tools :
Various Tools are designed to recover/restore deleted or corrupted
data/files from hard disks, USB pen drives, Memory cards, and other
storage devices.
Tools available for recover deleted data/files :
 Recover My Files : (www.recovermyfiles.com)
o It recovers deleted files from a hard drive, memory card, USB, ZIP,
floppy disk .
o It also recovers deleted files emptied from the windows recycle bin,
o It recovers deleted files from a formatted or corrupted hard disk.
o It also recovers documents, photos, videos, and audio files.
 EaseUS data recovery wizards :
 Diskdigger :
 Handy reco very
 Quick recovery
 Stellar Phonix Windows Data Recovery
 Total Recall
 Advanced Disk recovery
 Window data recovery software
 R-Studio munotes.in

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Recovery of Deleted Files and
Partitions, Using Access Data
Ftk and Encase for Forensic Investigation
85  Orion File Recovery Software
 Data Rescue PC
 Smart Undeleter
 DDR Professional Recovery Software
 Data Recovery Pro
 Undelete Pl us
 File Scavenger
 VirualLab
 WinUndelete
 R-UnDelete
 Recover4all Professional
 Recuva
 Active File Recovery
 Disk Drill
 PhotoRec
5.2.3 Recovering the deleted files using Recuva
Recuva is one of the tools uses for file recovery. It can recover deleted
files from a hard disk, USB pen drive, memory card, etc.
(http://www.ccleaner.com/recuva ). Its feature includes
 Superior file recovery
 Recovery from the damaged disks
 Deep scan for buried f iles
 Securely deleted files
Steps to recover deleted files using Recuva:
1. First Start the tool
2. Then select which type of files you want to recover (All files)
3. Now specify the location of the source drive to recover files. (E:)
4. Now select the list of fi les you want to recover munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
86 5. Select destination folder/drive where you want to store recover files


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Recovery of Deleted Files and
Partitions, Using Access Data
Ftk and Encase for Forensic Investigation


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Cyber Forensics

5.2.4 Recovering the Deleted Partitions
Partitions are created by logically dividing the hard disk into volumes
(Drive) and those volum es/drives are identified by letters like C or D or E
etc. Those logical drives can be formatted separately and each drive can
use a different file system like NTFS or FAT etc
When partitions are deleted knowingly or accidentally, all data will be
lost. The system does not delete anything but erases the parameters which
define partition set up size and location. munotes.in

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Recovery of Deleted Files and
Partitions, Using Access Data
Ftk and Encase for Forensic Investigation
89 By using software that can reestablish those parameters can recover
deleted partitions. Deleting primary partitions results in empt y space
referred to as unallocated disk space and deleting logical partitions within
extended partition results in empty space referred to as free space.
An automated task performed by partition recovery tools to locate and
recover data
 By allowi ng a user to select another partition after determining the
error on disk and then making that partition active.
 By attempting to reconstruct the partition table entry after scanning
the disk for a partition boot sector or damaged partition
 By attempting to reconstruct the partition table entry after scanning
the disk for a partition boot sector or data from deleted partition
5.2.5 Methods and tools to recover deleted partitions:
Method one:
 Restart the systems wi th windows install DVD in the system
 Select the key listed on the screen to go to BIOS
 Select the menu name boot priority or boot order to set DVD as the
first boot device then restart the system and start the installation
 Then while installation s elect repair instead of install
 And type exboot on DOS screen
 Restart the system to check whether the deleted partition is
Method two:
 Remove the HARD DRIVE after shutting down the system
 Install hard drive as slave on another system
 Now attemp t to recover deleted partition
Method three:
 By using third party partition recovery software to recover the
 Follow instructions to recover partition after running the partition
recovery program

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Cyber Forensics
90 Tools to recover partitions:
 Active Partition for windows
o Allows r ecovering deleted and damaged logical drives and
partitions within Windows, WinPE, Linux environments.
o Will detect deleted but non -formatted partitions.
o Allows fixing damaged Partition table, Master Boot Record
(MBR), GUID partition table .
o Can restore data from raw, compressed, and VMWare Disk
o Will create disk image - backup for data recovery.
o Can trace reformatted and damaged partitions.
o Will recovers volumes lost due to accidental disk formatting

 Acronics Recovery Expert
 Power data recovery
 EaseUS Partition recovery
 Disk Internals partition recovery
 GetDataBack
 Advanced Disk Recovery
 NTFS Partition data recovery

5.3.1 Forensic Tool Kit (FTK)
 Forensic Tool Kit (FTK) is a commercia l software suite from Access
 It is a Complete Computer Forensics Solution.
 It Comes with FTK Imager used for imaging and image analysis and
also to recover the file.
 It can perform Email Analysis, File Decryption, Data Carving, and
Data Visualization .
 It has features such as registry viewer, in -depth easy to read logging,
standalone disk imager.
 Can generate the report in different types of format. munotes.in

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Recovery of Deleted Files and
Partitions, Using Access Data
Ftk and Encase for Forensic Investigation
91 Access Data's FTK Imager is a Windows software platform that performs
a variety of Imaging tasks, inc luding acquiring the running memory of a
The software can be downloaded at www.accessdata.com/product -
5.3.2 Investigation using FTK
Creating New Case:
Following steps must be c ompleted to start a new case
1. Enter basic case information.
2. Check what you want to be included in the case log.
3. Check the processes that you want to run on the evidence.
4. Select the criteria for adding evidence to the case.
5. Select the crite ria for creating the index.
6. Add the evidence.
7. Review your case selections.
8. Complete the wizard to launch the processing of evidence.
Click on File then Select New Case and Specify case name, case number,
name of the Investigator name and selec t case path to store evidence the n
click on Next button.
Note: Case folder based on case name and case path field .

Page 92

Cyber Forensics
92 The n ext screen will appear to enter information about Examiner like
Examiner Name, Agency Name, Address, Phone No, Email Id , etc.

The n ext Screen is of Case Log option Form for selecting events FTK to
log for the current case such as Boo kmarking items, searches and error
messages for each case. The case log file name ftk.log will get created
automatically; this log file can be used as a p art of the report .

Select what event you wanted in the case log and Click on the Next button.

The n ext Evidence processing Options form will appear allow ing you to
which process to perform on evidence like full index, data carving
,hashing(MD5,SHA1) , etc. for example for a large image file if we don’t
want to create an index which will take more time then don’t select Full -
text index option.

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Recovery of Deleted Files and
Partitions, Using Access Data
Ftk and Encase for Forensic Investigation


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Cyber Forensics

Select the process on the evidence and click on theNext button .

The n ext Screen is of Refine case will appear to exclude certain data from
the case.

FTK contains five default exclusion templates:
o Include All Items
o Optimal Settings
o Email Emphasis
o Text Emphasis
o Graphics Emphasis

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Recovery of Deleted Files and
Partitions, Using Access Data
Ftk and Encase for Forensic Investigation

Select default template you wanted to use and click on theNext button.
The n ext screen for Refine index to specify data to index

Here select the type of file you wantindex and click on theNext button. munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
96 Add Evidence File:
This option will allow you to add evidence , remove evidence ,edit evidence
or refine evidence.

From add evidence case form click on Add Evidence andselect one of the
option s.
o Acquired Image(s) ofDrive : Select this type to add aForensic Image
ofa logical or physical drive.
o LocalDrive : Select this to add a logicaldrive ( C or D drive) or
physical dri ve ( full hard disk) .
o Contents of a Folder : Select this type to add all files in a specific
folder .
o Individual File(s) : Select this to add a single file ( .docx, .pdf, .jpg, and
so on) .
And after select ing theevidence option from the above list , click on the
Next button.
The next Case Summary form will appear which allows you to review the
evidence directory, number of evidence items, and evidence processes that
you selected during the New Case Wizard.

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Recovery of Deleted Files and
Partitions, Using Access Data
Ftk and Encase for Forensic Investigation

After you click Finish , the Processing Files for m appears and displays the
status of the processes you selected in the wizard.

Search the Case:
Investigator can efficiently Search through suspected media by adding
relevant keywords to determine if certain words, expressions or strings
exists in f iles documents or emails or not.

\ munotes.in

Page 98

Cyber Forensics
98 There are two types of searching: Live search and index search .
Index search uses index files to search. Live search is an alternative to
index search if you don’t have time for index searching. Live search is
a time -consuming process because it will perform an item -by-item
comparison with search terms.
To perform Live Search :
Click on Live Search in search window and enter the term in Search
Term Field and in Item Type select either Text or Hexadecimal .
In Item Type Tex t you can select ANSI, Unicode, Regular expression
or Case Sensitive.
You can add many Search term by clicking on Add button, ,modify using
Edit Item , remove by using Delete Item , clear the search list by using
Reset button

At last click on Search button, after finishing result will appear in search
result list .
To perform Indexed Search :
Click on Live Search in the search window and enter the term in Search
Term Field an d Item Type select either Text or Hexadecimal .
In Item Type, Tex t select ANSI, Unicode, Regular expression, or Case
You can add many Search terms by clicking on Add button, modify
using Edit Item , remove by using Delete Item , clear the search list by
using the Reset button.

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Recovery of Deleted Files and
Partitions, Using Access Data
Ftk and Encase for Forensic Investigation

Using Filter :
To minimize the number of evidence items to examine, you can apply an
existing filter or create a customized filter to exclude unwanted items.
Forensic Toolkit (FTK) allows you to filter y our case evidence by file
status, type, size, and date parameters.
Select View and then File Filter Manager or Click on File Filter
Manager icon, then File Filter Manager form appears has various
options under File Status , File Type , and Legend.


Page 100

Cyber Forensics
100 File Status:
 E-mailed Items: Shows e -mail items such as e -mail messages,
archive files, and attachments.
 Encrypted Files: This shows encrypted files that are possibl y in all
file types.
 Graphic Files: Only shows graphic files.
 KFF Alert Files: This Shows KFF alert files that are possibl y in all
file types.
 No Deleted: Hides deleted items.
 No Duplicates: Hides duplicate items.
 No Ignorable: Hides duplicate items, KFF ignorable files, and files
that were flagged ignorable.
 No OLE: Hides items or pieces of info rmation embedded in a file,
such as text, graphics, or an entire file.
 Unfiltered: Displays all items in the case.
 Hide: Never shows files meeting selected criteria. If you click this
icon in the Legend column, all file statuses and types are mark ed
 Show: Always shows files meeting selected criteria unless
overridden by hiding. If you click this icon in the Legend column,
all file statuses and types are marked, Show.
 Conditional Hide: Doesn’t show files meeting selected criteria
unless overr idden by Show. If you click this icon in the Legend
column, all file statuses and types are marked Conditional Hide.
 Conditional Show: Shows selected criteria unless otherwise
overridden. If you click this icon in the Legend column, all file
statuses and types are marked, Conditional Show.
To create a new filter, in the Selected Filter drown down box enter the
name of the new filter.
To modify the filter, in the Selected Filter drop-down box, select the filter
to modify.
Creating Bookmar k:
A bookmark helps to group related and similar files like bookmarks of
graphics that contain similar image files. munotes.in

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Recovery of Deleted Files and
Partitions, Using Access Data
Ftk and Encase for Forensic Investigation

Bookmarks can be created by selecting Tools then Create Bookmarks
and then enter information about the bookmarks like bookmar k name,
Bookmark comment. Then specify the files to add to the bookmark. Select
the Include in Report to include the bookmark and Export in the report
Reporting the case:
Reporting is the final stage of Forensic analysis phase. Reports are about
the r elevant information of investigation. The report can be generated in
HTML or PDF or other formats.
To generate Reports
 Click on the File then Report
In Case Information form enters basic case information, such as
the investigator and the organization that analyzed the case.
 Then select the information that will be used for the generation of
the report such as Bookmarks. In the Report Folder field, set the
path to output your report.
 Select a language to use on the report.
 Select the output file forma t. Click on OK to generate a final


Page 102

Cyber Forensics
102 5.3.3 En Case
Features of En Case:
 EnCase software is developed by ‘Guidance Software’.
 It is a reliable and widely used tool.
 There are multiple packages in a single software.
 It supports all popular operating systems.
 Users can write a script for automated tasks.
 It can also perform file signature analysis.
 It has an MD5 database to crack encrypted files with passwords.
 It supports the Windows platform but it can analyze any operating
 The software g oes through an entire file system, file registry,
temporary files, and virtual memory.
 A specific term can be searched by using regular expressions.
 It makes many complicated jobs easy.
 It has a built -in imager with a software write blocker.
 It is alway s suggested to use a hardware write blocker as a
 EnCase provides another independent tool for live acquisition
which is very useful in incident response.
 EnCase gives very good results for Disk imaging, Volume image,
memory, logical files.
5.3.4 Investigation usingEncase
Steps to Create a Case in EnCase :
1. Create case – Ensure that you have all relevant information –
custodians, clients, case name, etc.
2. Change storage paths as appropriate. It set everything to go to a
volume or folder dedicated to the case.
3. Save All.
4. Add evidence – E01, LEFs, loose files, etc. Each time you add
evidence, you should consider rerunning several of the following
steps. munotes.in

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Recovery of Deleted Files and
Partitions, Using Access Data
Ftk and Encase for Forensic Investigation
103 1. Confirm disk geometry, sector count, partitions. You’re checking to
see if everything is accounted for. There may be hidden partitions.
5. Run Partition Finder if indicated
6. Run Recover Deleted Folders
7. Search case – hash and signature analysis. You will probably repeat
this each time you add new evidence.
8. Search case – hash and signature analysis.
EnCase Forensic Main Pain is divided into four Panes from where
various tabs are accessible.

Tree Pane: Cases, Home, Entries, Bookmarks, Search Hits, Email,
History, Web Cache, Devices, Secure Storage, and Keywords tabs can be
accessed from the Tree pane whic h is the top left pane in EnCase.
■ Table Pane: Table, Report, Gallery, Timeline, Disk, and Code tabs can
be accessed from the Table pane which is the top -right pane in EnCase.
■ View Pane: Text, Hex, Picture, Report, Console, and Details tabs can
be accessed from the View pane which is th e bottom left pane in
■ Filter Pane: EnScripts, Filters, Conditions, Queries, and Text Styles
tabs can be accessed from the Filter pane which is the bottom right pane
in EnCase.

Page 104

Cyber Forensics
104 Creating a New Case:
Click File then New Case and specify case name , examiner name, and
folder locations to save the case under the designated folder -- not at the
default location. Then click on the Finish button. Use the Save button

Adding Evidence Files
Evidence Files can be added to the case at any ti me via:
Add Device button on the button bar, or via selecting the File then Add
Device option from themenu.
Navigate to the evidence folder and follow the rest of the dialog box


Page 105

Recovery of Deleted Files and
Partitions, Using Access Data
Ftk and Encase for Forensic Investigation
105 Keyword search:
Investigators can efficiently Search through s uspected media by adding
relevant keywords to determine if certain words, expressions, or strings
exist in suspected media or not.
 Select Keywords from the View menu.
 Place a check in the box in front of Keywords, right -click
Keywords and select New Keywo rd.
 Type the keyword you want to look for in the search expression
box and select any other options that are relevant to the criteria of
your search. Click on the OK button.

EnCase has the following searching options:
 Case sensitive: EnCase searche s for keywords only in the exact case
specified in the text box. munotes.in

Page 106

Cyber Forensics
106  GREP: Global Regular Expressions Post (GREP) search where the
keyword is a regular expression.
 RTL reading: This is a keyword search in a right -to-left sequence for
international language sup port.
 Active code page: This option allows an investigator to enter keywords
in many different languages.
 Unicode: This enables investigators to search for keywords with
international language characters.
 Big-endian Unicode: This enables investigators to s earch for keywords
with international language characters.
To perform the search, Click on theSearch button. Place check in front of
Search Each file for keywords options and Click on theStart button .


Page 107

Recovery of Deleted Files and
Partitions, Using Access Data
Ftk and Encase for Forensic Investigation
107 Search hits are shown in group first by device an d second by keywords.

An investigator can highlight findings in a case by using Bookmark.
Bookmark allows an investigator to include some extremely relevant items
in the investigation report. Investigators can bookmark files, folders, or
sections of files.
To view bookmark, click on View and then Bookmark,
Creating Bookmark folder
For creating a Bookmark folder, select Create new bookmark
folder in the Bookmark Files window.
Adding a Bookmark to a case in EnCase
For adding a b ookmark, right -click on any of thefiles and then
select Bookmark Files.


Page 108

Cyber Forensics
108 Right click on the Highlighted text area and then select theBookmark
Data for bookmarking the selected area.

Recovering Deleted Folders and Files:
To recover files,
 Right -click on File,
 select copy/Unerase
 on option Screen, select the Next button
 Select Destination Path
 Select Finish button

Page 109

Recovery of Deleted Files and
Partitions, Using Access Data
Ftk and Encase for Forensic Investigation

To recover delete Folder:
 Right -click on deleted Folder,
 select copy/Unerase
 on option Screen, select the Next button
 Select Destination Path and then click on the Finish button
Signature Analysis:
Executing signature analysis gives you an advantage in seeing all graphic
files in Gallery view, regardless of what the current file extension is.
To create a new File Signature:
The new File Signature dialog box allows you to enter search expressions
in the form of GREP, name of file signature, and the extension and click
on the OK button. As shown in fig

Page 110

Cyber Forensics

To perform file signature analysis Click on theSearch button. Place check
in front of Verify file signatures . Click on theStart button.


Page 111

Recovery of Deleted Files and
Partitions, Using Access Data
Ftk and Encase for Forensic Investigation
111 View File Signature Analysis Results
Click View menu, then File Signatures . Set green Home plate to showall

To view disk geometry by hig hlighting the case and Clicking Report on
the top menu .

Reporting is the final stage of Forensic analysis. Reports canbe generated
from bookmarks made in a case.


Page 112

Cyber Forensics
112 5.4 LET US SUM UP
This unit helps gain an understanding about recycle bin and partitions and
the tools needed for recovery of deleted data and partition and also
performing investigation using Acces s Data FTK and EnCase .
[1] The official CHFI Exam 312 -49 Study Guide by Dave Kleiman,
Syngress Publication, 2007.
[1] EC -Council CHFIv10 Study Guide, EC -Council, 2018
[2] Forensic Toolkit User Guide, AccessData Corp.
1.___________ is a temporary storage place on windows desktop for
deleted files where those deleted files are temp orarily stored if they are
not deleted permanently.
a. Temp Folder
b. Recycle Bin
c. Bin Box
d. My Documents

2. ___________ are created by logically dividing Hard disk into volumes
(Drive) and those volumes/drives are identified by letters like C or D or
E etc.
a. Fragments
b. Partitions
c. Folders
d. Files

3. ___________ is a commercial forens ic imaging software package
distributed by Access Data.
a. Autopsy
b. EnCase Imager
c. FTK Imager
d. Image MaSter Solo

4. Registry viewer, in -depth easy to read logging, standalone disk imager
is the features of ______.
a. Autopsy
b. EnCas e Imager
c. FTK Imager
d. Image MaSter Solo


Page 113

Recovery of Deleted Files and
Partitions, Using Access Data
Ftk and Encase for Forensic Investigation
113 5. An investigator can highlight findings in case by using ___________.
a. Highlighter
b. Bookmark
c. keyword
d. Search

6. E01, E02 are the extension of forensic image files generate d by
___________ tool.
a. Autopsy
b. EnCase Imager
c. FTK Imager
d. Image MaSter Solo



Page 114

114 6
Unit Structure
6.0 Objectives
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Forensic Analysis of Steganography and Image files
6.2.1 Steganography
6.2.2 Different types of Steganography
6.2.3 Tools for Steganography
6.2.4 Steganalysis
6.2.5 Tools for detecting Steganography
6.3 Cracking Application passwords
6.3.1 Password
6.3.2 Methods for cracking or attacking passwords
6.3.3 Password cracking tools
6.3.4 Recommendations for improving passwords
6.4 Let us Sum Up
6.5 List of References
6.6 Bibliography
6.7 Unit End Exerc ises
After studying this unit, you will be able to know:
 What is Steganography
 Different types of Steganography
 Tools for the Steganography
 How to detect the Steganography munotes.in

Page 115

Forensic Analysis of
Steganography and Image
Files, Cracking Application
115  What is the password and password cracker
 Various methods of cracking and attacking the passwords
 Various types of password cracking tools
Investigator performs digital forensics by collecting and correlating and
analyzing evidence to know the process and motive behind the crime and
to identify cri minals, but anti -forensic techniques such as data hiding,
Steganography, cryptography and password protection are major concerns.
Hence Computer forensic investigators should know those techniques,
their functions.
6.2.1 Steganography
The word Steganography is derived from the Greek name “steganos”
which means meaning hidden or secret and “graphia” which means
writing or drawing. So Steganography means hidden writing. It is the
practice of concealing messages or files or images within another
file/images or videos. Steganography is used for secure communication by
hiding information in a file. It is also used for anti -forensic.
Steganography is different from cryptography but both are used for
improving the security of protected data and prevent the detection of
secure communication. Cryptography is about hiding the contents of a
message in an unreadable format using algorithms like RSA, AES, DES,
The main aim of Steganography is to prevent the detection of a secret
In Steganography, two types of files are used, one used to hide the text
message or another file known as Carrier file and the other one which is
inserte d into the carrier file is known as a hidden file.


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Cyber Forensics
116 How Steganography works:

Fig. Steganography process
1. Alice embeds a secret message into the cover message (original
Message) to generate a Stego message.
2. Stego message (message with a secret message) sent to Bob via a
secured public channel.
3. Bob receives Stego message.
4. Bob decodes Stego message using a key to get a secret message.
5. Willie (Third person) thinks the message sent as a normal message.
6.2.2 Different type of Steganography :
Steganography can be applied to a variety of digital media such as image,
audio, video, or text.
 Image Steganography:
The information is hidden in the image files of different formats such as
.jpg, .png, and .bmp.
 Video Steganography:
It is a technique to hide files within carrying video files of different
formats such as .avi,.mpg4, .wma, etc.
 Audio Steganography :
It is a technique to hide messages in a digital sound format using the
following methods
o Least Significant Bit(LSB) insertion : Replacing least impact bit
with a bit from the embedded message munotes.in

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Files, Cracking Application
117 o Adding echo to the audio signal : Adding a slight echo using two
different delays to encode the 1s and 0s bits.
o Differential phase variations: By modifie d the Initial phase of the
sound file with the secret message.
o Spread spectrum scheme: Hiding small or narrowband signal, the
secret message, in large or wideband cover are used for audio
 Document Steganography:
Document Steganography adds whitespaces and tabs at the end of lines.
 Folder Steganography:
In Folder Steganography, the user hides one or more files in the folders.
 Whitespace Steganography:
It is a technique to hide the messages in ASCII text by adding whitespace
to the end of l ines.
 Web Steganography:
It is a technique to hide web objects behind other objects and upload them
on the server.
 Spam/Email Steganography:
It is a technique to hide embedded data in spam emails.
 Hidden OS Steganography:
It is a technique to hide one operating system within another.
 C++ Source Code Steganography:
It is a technique to hide a set of tools in the files.
6.2.3 Tools for Steganography:
A simple copy command available on windows and cat command on
Linux OS will help to hide text files behind an image file
On Windows OS -
copy /b infile.jpg + hidetext.txt outfile.jpg
Users can open outfile.jpg using notepad to retrieve text data from the
image file.
On Linux OS -
cat infile.jpg munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
118 hidetext.txt > outfile.jpg
There are significant amo unts of both open source and commercial tools
are available for creating Steganography Content
 Snow:
It is a type of whitespace Steganography tool which appends whitespace at
the end of the line to hide information.
Command to hide the message “this is whitespace Steganography
tool” inside the infile.txt
Command to extract information from outfile.txt
snow.exe –C outfile.txt
 Steganos:
A steganographic tool that hides files inside a bmp, wav, voc, or text file.
 Gifshuffle :
Steganographic tool for storing message inside all GIF files including with
transparency and animation also by shuffling the color map.
It provides encryption and compression and works in message concealing
and message extraction modes.
Command to hide the message “t his is whitespace Steganography
tool” inside the infile.txt
gifshuffle –C –m “meet me at 10” –p “ hello world“ infile.gif
Command to extract information from outfile.gif
gifshuffle –C –p “ hello world“ outifle.gif
snow.exe –C outfile.txt
 Outguess:
A steganographic tool that allows you to insert hidden information into the
redundant bits of data source: that is, jpeg or PNG image formats.
 Stegomagic :
A steganographic tool that hides any kind of file or message inside a text
file, .wav file, or 256 -bit color .bmp files but the size of hidden data can be
approximately one -eighth of the size of the carrier file.
 SilentEye :
Open Source tool which hides messages into pictures or audios. munotes.in

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Files, Cracking Application
119  iSteg:
Open Source tool which hides files inside a .jpeg pictures.
 OpenStego:
Open Source tool which hides data within images.
 Open Puff:
Free software from Microsoft for Steganography.
 Steghide:
A tool that hides messages in images and audio files.
 Invisible secret:
A tool that hides the file within another file and later unhides that file .
The invisible secret is software that is used to hide the file within another
file and later unhide that file. Following are the step to hide the file using
Invisible secret:
1. First Launch invisible secrets and Then select the option Hide Files/
UnHide files


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120 1. Click on the Add file button to select the file you want to hide in the

2. Select the file you want to hide


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Files, Cracking Application

3. Click on the Next button and Select the Carrier file and the carrier
type as jpeg image. Then Click on the Next button


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122 4. Now specify the password for the Encryption and retype the
password and click on theNext button

Finally you will get a Steganographic image.
6.2.4 Steganalysis
·Steganalysis : The process of discovering the existence of hidden
information within the cover medium. It is a process of detection and
distortion of messages. Steganalyst will try to detect hidden information in
various digital mediums such as image, audi o, video, etc.


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Files, Cracking Application
123 Methods of detecting the Steganography:
 Text/Document Steganography detection:
Detection by looking for the text patterns or disturbance like unusual
patterns used or appended extra spaces or invisible characters by using a
simple word processor.
 Image Steganography detection:
Detecting Image Steganography by determining the changes in size, file
format, last modification, last modification time stamp, and color palette
of the image file.
 Audio Steganography detection:
The statistical me thod can be used for detecting audio Steganography as it
involves the Least Significant Bit (LSB) modification and even the
method of scanning for high or inaudible frequencies can be used for
 Video Steganography detection:
A combination of Imag e and Audio Steganography detection methods can
be used to detect Video Steganography. It mostly requires human
involvement by observing Special codesign or gestures.
Types of Attack used by Steganalyst:
Steganography attack works based on what type of information is
available with the attacker, Steganalysis is classified into six types: Stego -
only, Known -Stego, Known -cover, Known -Message, Chosen -Message,
and Chosen -Stego attack
 Steg-only attack :
In this attack, the attacker has only access to a stego -medium or stego
object where Steganalyst will try every possible algorithm for recovering
hidden messages.
 Known -Stego attack: In this attack along with access to Stego and
the original object, Steganalyst k nows the Steganographic algorithm.
Steganalyst can extract hidden messages with this information.
 Known -cover attack:
In this attack attacker has access to the original and Stego object,
Steganalyst can compare the original object and Stego object to dete ct
changes for recovering hidden messages.


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124  Known -Message attack:
In this attack attacker has access to the message and Stego object,
Steganalyst can detect techniques used to hide the message.
 Chosen -Message attack:
By using some Steganography tools an d known messages, Steganalyst can
find Steganographic algorithms used to hide information.
 Chosen -Stegoattack :
This attack takes place when along with access to Stego object,
Steganalyst knows Steganographic algorithm used to hide information.
6.2.4 Tools for detecting Steganography
Various tools are available to detect Steganography which can be used by
forensic investigators.
One of such methods is to detect Steganography by comparing the md5
hash values of two files. md5sum.exe program available on the internet to
calculate the md5 hash value of any file.
As shown in Fig , md5 hash value of the original photo and same photo
containing hidden information is calculated which gives different hash

Stegdetect :
A Software to detect the Steganographic content of an image file. It can
detect several different steganographic methods like jseg ,JPHide,
invisible secret, outguess , F5, append X and Camouflage used to embed
hidden information in JPEG images. It is available for Linux systems.
Can be downloaded from https://centos.pkgs.org/7/forensics -
x86_64/stegdetect -0.6-2.el7.x86_64.rpm.html
Stego file that we will identify is a jpeg image file.


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Files, Cracking Application
125 Option –s will change the sensitivity of the detection algorithms.
-t sets the tests to run on the image):
./stegdetect -t IMAGE.jpeg
• Type ./stegdetect -t j IMAGE.jpeg to check if the image has been
embedded with jsteg.
• Type ./stegdetect -t o IMAGE.jpeg to check if the image has been
embedded with outguess.
• Type ./stegdetect -t p IMAGE.jpeg to check if the image has been
embedded with jphide.
• Type ./stegdetect -t i IMAGE.jpeg to check if the image has been
embedded wi th invisible secrets.
• Type ./stegdetect -t f IMAGE.jpeg to check if the image has been
embedded with F5.
• Type ./stegdetect -t a IMAGE.jpeg to check if information has been
added at the end of file.

OutGuess is a Steganographic tool that allows you to insert hidden
information into the unnecessary bits of data source: that is, jpeg or PNG
image formats.
Other tools to detect Steganography:
 XStegsecret:
A java based multiplatform tool which detects hidden information from
various digital medium sources. It is used to detect EOF, LSB, DCTs, etc.
 StegSecret:
Open Source Java -based multiplatform tool detects hidden information in
different digital medium sources. It is used to detect EOF, LSB, DCTs,


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Cyber Forensics
126 StegExpose:
 A command line based int erface tool helps in detection of LSB
Steganography on .bmp or .png files
 ImgStegano:
This tool helps in the detection of Steganography on .bmp or .png files, to
detect image Steganography it uses an enhanced LSB technique.
 StegSpyV2.1 :
It’s a Signature detection program that searches for Stego Signature and
determines the program used to hide the messages, it identifies 13
different Steganography programs and also identifies the location of
hidden messages.
6.3.1 Password:
From the beginning of computer systems, some types of passwords are
required for authentication purposes like to enter into the system, to
change the BIOS setting, to login to computer systems or operating
systems to perform the administrative task of operating systems, to protect
the documents from unauthorized access, etc.
Passwords are in the form of a word, phrase, or string of characters.
Password crackers are programs used to unauthorized access to
applications or files whic h are password protected.
Devices can store or transmit passwords as clear text obfuscated or hashed
Out which hashed password needs cracking and rest of the password type
can assist in cracking.
 Clear Text Passwords:
Passwords stored in plai ntext without any alteration.
E.g Windows registry stores automatic login password
(Computer \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE \Microsoft \Window
s NT \CurrentVersion \WinLogon)
Cain and Ettercap used by the investigator to sniff the clear -text password .
 Obfuscated Passwords:
Passwords stored after one or more transformations. munotes.in

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127 The password becomes unreadable by applying an algorithm for reversible
transformation, it returns a clear -text password after application of the
reverse algorithm.
 Hashed Passwords: Hashe d passwords are similar to Obfuscated
Passwords but not reversible.
6.3.2 Methods for cracking or attacking passwords
Password crackers are the program to assist users to gain unauthorized
access to an application ;it is also used to retrieve lost or forgotten
passwords of any application. Password crackers can use various methods
to identify password s.
Various methods for cracking or attacking passwords include:
 Password Guessing
 Dictionary search
 Brute Force met hod
 Syllabus attack
 Rule based attack
 Hybrid attack
 Rainbow attack
Password Guessing:
Attackers are successful because they can guess a person’s password very
easily. This can be the result of a blank password selected by the user or a
simple password l ike “password” or “drowssap” selected by the user or a
password selected based on their spouse, kids, relative, or personal
Dictionary Search:
In this method, password cracking tools are loaded with files having
words from the dictionary. Cracking will be successful if the password
matches one of the words from the dictionary.
Brute Force method:
It is a method of trying every possible combination of text/character and
testing to see if it is correct or not. Password length increases, the amount
of time also increases. Compare to the shorter the password takes less
time, the longer password may take a decade;
Syllable attack:
If passwords do not contain a dictionary word then this method uses the
technique by combining syllables from dictionary words use tokens later
applying brute force attack. munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
128 Rule -based attack:
The attacker gets some information like organization password policy
such as “Length of password should be less than eight characters”
and based on this information attackers customized their tools for
password cracking
Hybrid attack:
It is used if the password is of type dictionary word combing with some
characters. Cracking will be successful because most o f the users select a
password that is a dictionary word combing with some additional
Rainbow attack:
The attacker uses a rainbow algorithm to crack the password by
calculating all possible hashes for characters and storing them in the table.
6.3.3 Password cracking tools:
 Cain and Abel:
Microsoft Windows -based password cracking tools use brute force,
dictionary -based attacks methodologies, and other cryptanalysis tools. It
works as a sniffer on the network to crack encrypted passwords.
 OphCrack:
Password cracking tools based on rainbow tables and available on
Windows, Linux/Unix, and Mac OS X platforms.
 LCP:
Microsoft Windows -based password cracking tool and alternative to
popular L0phtCrack tool and it uses brute force, hybrid, rainbo w table, and
dictionary -based attacks methodology.
 John the Ripper:
A free open -source password cracking tool to detect weak passwords and
available on Windows, Linux/Unix, and Mac OS X platforms. The Pro
version of the tool offers more features.
 CMOSPwd:
It is used to decrypt the BIOS setup password stored on CMOS which is
used to access BIOS setup. It works with Acer/IBM BIOS, AMI BIOS,
AMI WIN BIOS Award 4.5x, Compact old and new version, Toshiba,
Zenith, Gateway solo, Phoenix, etc.


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Files, Cracking Application
129  Smartkey Password R ecovery Bundled Standard:
A multifunction password recovery software that recovers the password
from Microsoft Excel, Word, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook, ZIP/ WinZIP,
RAR/ WinRAR, PDF, MSN, AOL, Google, Mirinda, Opera, Firefox, IE
Browser, etc.
 Passware kit :
This tool is a complete electronics evidence discovery solution that can
recover passwords of 200+ different types of files. It also supports
Distributed and Cloud computing password recovery.
Password cracking software based on cracking various applic ation
passwords include
 Office password cracking software:
Office password cracking software is used to recover passwords of any
Microsoft office documents like Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint,
Access database, Outlook email account, OneNote Notebook, etc. It can
also recover the password of read -only documents.
Office password recovery toolbox, Office password recovery Lastic,
Stellar Phoenix Office Password Recovery, Online Password Recovery,
Online password Genius, Smartkey office password Recovery, Advanced
Office Password Recovery, Office Multi -document Password Cracker,
Word Password Recovery Master, Accent Word Password Recovery,
Smartkey PowerPoint Password Recovery, PDS Excel Password
Recovery arethe tools for cracking MS office files passwords .
 PDF Password cracking software:
Crack PDF, PDF Password Recovery, PDF Password Genius, Smartkey
PDF password Recovery, Tenorshare PDF Password Recovery,
Guaranteed PDF Decryptor, and Advanced PDF Password Recovery are
tools that can crack the password o f password -protected PDF files.
 ZIP Password cracking software:
Accent ZIP Password Recovery, ZIP password Genius, Smartkey ZIP
password Recovery, KRyLack ZIP password Recovery, Stellar Phoenix
ZIP password Recovery are tools that can crack the password of ZIP
 RAR password -Cracking Software :
Accent RAR Password Recovery, cRARk 5.1, Smartkey RAR password
Recovery, KRyLack RAR password Recovery are tools that can crack the
password of RAR archives.

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Cyber Forensics
130 Some other popular tools for password cracking are Brutus,
RainbowCrack, PWdump7, Fgdump, Wfuzz, KonBoot, Hashsuit, THC -
Hydra, Offline NT Password, and Registry Editor, Password Unlocker
Bundle, Proactive System Password Recovery, DaveGroh, Active@
Password Changer, etc.
6.3.4 Recommendations for improving password
There is some recommendation for improving passwords:
 Do not use dictionary words for selecting a password.
 Always select a difficult password, do not use a password that is based
on a spouse, kids, relative, or personal information.
 Use multipl e character sets while selecting passwords i.e.
Combinations of alphabets,numbers, and special characters
 Change your passwords frequently once or thrice a month.
 Do not use the same password in more than one place, the password
should be unique for each a ccount.
 Use a longer password, it will take more time to crack the password if
it is longer.
This unit helps gain an understanding of Steganography and tools needed
to detect Steganography and various password attacks and the tools for
cracking application password s.
[1] The official CHFI Exam 312 -49 Study Guide by Dave Kleiman,
Syngress Publication, 2007.
[2] Practical Cyber Forensics Niranjan Reddy Apress -- 2019
[1] EC -Council CHFIv10 Study Guide, EC -Council, 2018
1. ___________ is about hiding the contents of a message to an
unreadable format using algorithms.
a. cryptography
b. password
c. Steganography
d. watermarking


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Forensic Analysis of
Steganography and Image
Files, Cracking Application
131 2. ___________ the practice of concealing messages or files or images
within another file/images or videos.
a. cryptography
b. password
c. Steganography
d. watermarking

3. ___________ Steganography adds whitespaces and tabs at the end of
a. Image
b. Document
c. Video
d. Audio

4. In case of ___________ password, Password stored after one or more
transformations but not reversible.
a. defau lt
b. Obfuscated
c. Hashed
d. Clear

5. ___________ attack technique works by calculating all possible hashes
for character and storing them in the table.
a. Brute Force
b. Rainbow
c. Rule based
d. Hybrid

6. ___________ is a Windows based password cracking tools uses brute
force and dictionary based attacks.
a. Passware Kit
b. ERD Commander
c. Cain and Abel
d. CMOSPwd


Page 132

132 7
Unit Structure
7.0 Objective
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Capturing logs and correlating to the events
7.3 Network Forensics – Investigating logs and Network traffic
7.3.1 Overview of the OSI Model Layers of the OSI Model
7.3.2 Network Addresses and NAT
7.3.3 Network Information -Gathering Tools
7.3.4 Intrusion Detection
7.3.5 Snort
7.3.6 Monitoring User Activity Tracking Authentication Failures Identifying Brute Force Attacks Tracking Security Policy Violations
7.4 Summery
7.5 References for further reading
When working with these logs, there are a few things to keep in mind:
 In order to interact with the Security event log, Log Parser has to be
able to distinguish between single and multiple events.
 It's critical to distinguish between benign events and true faults or
warnings in order to have a complete picture of your system's state.
 It is vital to have a good understanding of the indivi dual application
you are dealing with while working with apps and the Application
event logs.
Networks are subjected to a never -ending barrage of attacks and
vulnerabilities. External threats usually originate on the Internet and fall
into one of three categories: denial of service (DoS), utilising the victim's munotes.in

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Investigating Network Traffic
and Investigating Logs

133 network as a launchpad to attack othe r networks, or threatening or altering
information. Individuals with legitimate access or those who have
exceeded their level of privilege can pose an internal threat. This
necessitates a forensic expert's knowledge of how the network operates as
well as h ow to obtain logged data.
Insider and outsider attack monitoring should be a proactive effort, yet
many attacks are not noticed until after they have occurred. This will
necessitate a review of log files. The attack can only be assessed and
reconstructed by reviewing the audit and log data. Many forensic
professionals don't make full use of log and audit data because they don't
know how to get it or because reading through thousands upon thousands
of log file entries takes a long time.
Capturing and analyzing the log files are necessary tasks for investigating
the safety posture of the target network, as they contain information
concerning all the system, device, and user activities that happened inside
the network.
As a security admin, we should understand that almost each device on our
network spits out some kind of log. and that we also understand that
keeping track of these logs is a very important piece of the puzzle to
knowing our security posture. Ho wever, we have to understand the
purpose behind capturing logs before we are able to build a decent
decision on what methodology we will use to capture the logs.
So what's the reason behind capturing logs? Do we have a tendency to
mainly make an attempt t o check what's happening with our network so as
to identify potential security issues? If that's the case, then we want to
analyze which technologies best do correlation and can facilitate seeing
things on our network that we would have trouble seeing ours elves. These
systems are generally complicated and require a lot of designing effort so
as to produce sensible results. We'd like to possess intimate information
about our network to understand avenues of attack and very important
systems. Therefore, we ar e able to setup rules and alerts. They additionally
need maintenance when changes are made to our network. However, if
done right, these tools will provide you with a very good look at our
network's security, and they can help you notice issues much faster than
you might.
If alerting and intricate correlation aren't a concern, we could just want to
capture the logs for forensic purposes and do some simple alerting. If
that's the case, we'll need to look for technologies that prioritise disc space
(high native capacity and expandability), log normalisation, and log
protection (encryption and no repudiation).The reason for restricted log
normalisation (or none if we can get away with it) and log protection is in
case you have a security b reach that could lead to a court lawsuit.To be
accepted in court, we must be able to demonstrate that the logs are
accurate and have not been tampered with.These boxes must also be able munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
134 to transport logs conveniently to storage while maintaining
nonrepudia tion.We require disc capacity since, if you are concentrating on
forensics, you will most likely need to preserve logs for a long time.
Another reason people have these devices is to use them as an audit or
compliance tool. Though I consider this to be t he least relevant reason for
installing log management, I am aware that if it will relieve me of the
burden of an auditor, I will use it. Many manufacturers also include
thorough audit and compliance information, which is a dream come true
for auditors. If this is your requirement, make sure you concentrate on
devices with strong reporting capabilities.
In terms of reporting, I've found that in my experience with these devices,
a gadget is either very strong in one of the above attributes or very strong
in reporting. Only a few people are good at both. However, I believe that
manufacturers should place a strong emphasis on both.It doesn't matter if
you have all the knowledge in the world if the user doesn't know how to
access it. And the world's security a dministrators adore configurable
dashboards that they can show their bosses (and the auditors I mentioned
earlier) so that they receive fewer questions about what's going on in the
Most log management technologies will have all of the above feat ures in
some way, shape, or form, but their strength will vary. Determine what
your company's log management focus needs to be when you're doing
your risk analysis.For instance, if you are a large corporation with a
complex network, you may need to find a good correlation engine. If
you're a smaller company with high -value intellectual property, you might
want to invest in a box with forensic capabilities to ensure that you can
track down violations and recover your losses in court.
7.3.1 Overview of the OSI Model
The Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) paradigm was created by the
International Standards Organization in 1984. The concept is intended to
offer order by defining a hierarchical struct ure in which each layer builds
on the output of the previous layer. The model is still used as a guide to
describe how a networking environment works today. Layers of the OSI Model
The physical, data connection, network transport, session, presentation,
and application layers are the seven layers of the OSI model. Let's look at
each of these layers one by one.The physical layer, often known as Layer
1, is the first layer. Bit -level c ommunication takes place at Layer 1. On the
cable, the bits have no meaning, but the physical layer determines how
long each bit lasts and how it is transferred and received. If no encryption
is utilised, a large amount of sensitive information may be avai lable at the
physical layer from a forensics standpoint. munotes.in

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Investigating Network Traffic
and Investigating Logs

135 Layer 2 of the Data Link Layer is known as the data link layer. Before
delivering data to the physical layer, the data link layer is in charge of
preparing and arranging it. Data is organised into fr ames by the data link
layer. A frame is a logical structure that can be used to store data. When a
frame reaches the target device, the data link layer separates the data
frame from the data packet and passes it up to the network layer. The
logical link co ntrol layer (LLC) and the media access control layer
(MACL) are two sublayers of the data link layer (MAC).
Layer 3 is the network layer, which is responsible for logical addressing
and routing. The Internet Protocol (IP) lives at the network layer, and i t
makes every attempt to convey datagrams from their source to their
destination. The Transport Layer -The transport layer, also known as Layer
4, maintains completeness by managing end -to-end error recovery and
flow control. TCP, a connection -oriented prot ocol, is one of the transport -
layer protocols. Handshaking, acknowledgments, error detection, and
session deconstruction, as well as the connectionless User Datagram
Protocol (UDP), offer trustworthy communication. Its key advantages are
speed and reduced overhead.
The Session Layer (Layer 5) is the fifth layer in the stack. Its capabilities
are used when starting, controlling, or terminating a TCP session. Here
you'll find things like the TCP 3 -way handshake and the TCP 4 -way
shutdown. Remote Procedure Ca ll and Structured Query Language are
examples of session -layer protocols.
The Presentation Layer -Layer 6 is in charge of converting data handed up
from lower levels into a format that application layer programmes can
understand. ASCII, EBCDIC, and ANSI ar e some of the most used forms.
The application layer, often known as Layer 7, is the seventh layer. This
layer serves as the window for application services and is known as the
top layer of the OSI model. Most users are familiar with the application
layer, which houses e -mail programmes, FTP, Telnet, web browsers,
office productivity suites, and a variety of other applications.
7.3.2 Network Addresses and NAT
The IP address scheme is used for logical addressing in TCP/IP networks.
A physical address is a MAC address, whereas a logical address is an IP
address. Dotted decimal notation is used to configure IP addresses. Four
decimal integers separated by decimal points make up the IPv4 address
format. To allow numbers to range from 0 to 255, each of these de cimal
values is one byte long.
■ Class A Networks . Class A networks can have up to 16,777,214 client
devices and an address range of 1 to 126 addresses.
■ Class B Networks . Class B networks can accommodate up to 65,534
client devices and have an address range of 128 to 191. munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
136 ■ Class C Networks .Class C networks can support up to 245 devices and
have an address range of 192 to 223.
■ Class D Networks . These addresses range from 224 to 239 and are
reserved for multicasting.
■ Class E Networks .These addresses are only available for personal use.
They have addresses ranging from 240 to 254 miles apart.
Network Address Translation (NAT) was created in response to the
Internet's fast growth, and the number of available IP addresses is simply
not enough for the g rowing number of residential and commercial
networks. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) typically assign a single
address to a single subscriber. Companies can purchase a large number of
addresses, but they must pay for each one separately. Direct Internet
access has its own set of risks. NAT is a secure and cost -effective option.
A single device, such as a router, can operate as an intermediary between
the Internet and the local network via NAT. This device, often known as a
router, offers a pool of addres ses that your local network can use.
7.3.3 Network Information -Gathering Tools
Network data collection tools are pieces of software that can be used to
collect network data for forensic examination. These tools usually
combine the features of a sniffer with an intrusion detection system.
Sniffers are strong programmes that work by pu tting the network card in
promiscuous mode on the host system. In promiscuous mode, a network
device can receive any data it can see, not just packets addressed to it.
Switches segment traffic and know which ports to send traffic to and
which ports to stop it from. Although this feature provides much -needed
efficiency improvements, it does create a barrier when sniffing all possible
switched ports. Forensic analysis will usually require the switch to be
configured tomirror a port. Some common network monito ring tools
■ NetWitness . NetWitness is designed to analyze network traffic and
monitor it.
■ Netresident Tool . Captures, stores, analyses, and reconstructs network
events such as e -mail messages, Web pages, downloaded files, and
other sorts of ne twork traffic.
■ Infinistream Security Forensics .A commercial solution based on
sniffer technology that provides high -end tracking of everything.
■ CA Network Forensics .Allows the user to analyse and discover
network traffic.
This tool collects raw network data and does forensic analysis to look for
exploitation, internal data theft, and security breaches.
■ Wireshark . An open source protocol analyzer that can capture traffic in
real time. munotes.in

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Investigating Network Traffic
and Investigating Logs

137 ■ Snort .A well -known open source IDS that detects events usin g
signatures. Sniffers work at the OSI model's data link layer. This means
they are not bound by the same set of rules as apps and services higher
up the stack. Sniffers can record everything that happens on the wire
and review it later. They enable the us er to examine all of the data
included within the packet. Wireshark is a decent sniffer programme. It
is not only free to use, but it also runs well on both Windows and
Next, we will discuss the second categoryof network information -
gathering tools , intrusion detection.
7.3.4 Intrusion Detection
Intrusion detection systems (IDS) play a second crucial function in IT
infrastructure security. Monitoring network traffic, detecting attempts to
obtain unauthorised access to a system or resource, and notifying the
proper personnel so that countermeasures can be taken are all part of
intrusion detection. It's a powerful tool to be able to examine invasions
and attacks. During a forensic investigation, four sorts of logs are of
interest: authentication, application, operating system, and network —but
the IDS will be most useful for network logs. There are plenty of good
IDS systems on the market. Snort is an example of an IDS that has
widespread acceptance in the industry.
7.3.5 Snort
Martin Roesch and Br ian Caswell created Snort, a freeware intrusion
detection system. It's a network -based intrusion detection system that can
run on Linux or Windows. Although the primary software has a command
line interface, there are GUIs available. Snort is a network sni ffer that
records activity that fits predetermined signatures. Internet Protocol,
Transmission Control Protocol, User Datagram Protocol, and Internet
Control Message Protocol are all examples of communication for which
signatures can be created. A forensic analyst can only benefit from an
intrusion detection system if the data is reviewed and evaluated.
Unfortunately, an IDS can occasionally generate large amounts of data
that are difficult to process. We may use Microsoft Log Parser to capture
snapshots o f our IDS logs and show them in several easy -to-read reports to
help us analyse the data.
We'll create an example IDS report utilising only Log Parser's capabilities.
Snort Logs are being gathered.
We need a consistent technique for acquiring data before we can process
the alert data. The Log Parser is a great tool for managing Snort logs since
it allows you to query the file while Snort is still processing it. Many
administrators set up scripts to cycle through the Snort logs on a regular
basis, but this necessitates halting the service in order for the file to be
released and moved by the script. We can utilise checkpoints in the Log
Parser to read the most current data from the file. munotes.in

Page 138

Cyber Forensics
138 Despite the fact that Snort offers a variety of output formats that Lo g
Parser can use, I've found the CSV format to be the most versatile and
consistent. Simply add the following line to the 0 snort.conf file to set
Snort to use the CSV output format: To configure Snort to use the CSV
output format,simply add the following line in the0snort.conf file:
output alert_csv: alert.csv default
This tells Snort to produce an alert.csv CSV log file in the configured
logsdirectory with the default output fields.The fields below are included
by default in the CSV output processor:
■ timestamp
■ sig_generator
■ sig_id
■ sig_rev
■ msg
■ proto
■ src
■ srcport
■ dst
■ dstport
■ ethsrc
■ ethdst
■ ethlen
■ tcpfags
■ tcpseq
■ tcpack
■ tcplen
■ tcpwindow
■ ttl
■ tos
■ id
■ dgmlen
■ iplen munotes.in

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Investigating Network Traffic
and Investigating Logs

139 ■ icmptype
■ icmpcode
■ icmpid
■ icmpseq
Snort CSV logs do not include a header row, so we need a separate file to
name eachcolumn.To read CSV Snort alerts, you would use a command
like this:
logparser.exe file:alert.sql -i:csv -headerRow:off -
iHeaderFile:AlertHeader.csv -iTsFormat:mm/dd/yy -hh:mm:ss
Note that we specify the CSV input format, but instead of using the header
row, wespecify a header file using the iHeaderFile option.We also specify
the timestamp format soLog Parser can interpret that field as an actual
time stamp rather than a string.
Building an Alerts Detail Report
In our IDS report we likely want to view summaries of the alert data such
■ Most common source IP (Internet Protocol) addresses
■ Most comm on target IP addresses
We can simply produce interactive HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
reports directly from Snort logs using Log Parser's multiplex functionality
and template output format.
Alerts by IP Address
Each IP address in Figure 7.1 alerts report is a clickable hyperlink that
takes you to a detail page with all of the alerts for that IP address. We
utilised a two -pass technique to build a summary page (Figure 7.2) and
detail page (Figure 7.3) using a proc ess identical to that used for the alert
messages. To create a fully interactive HTML IDS report, we repeated the
technique for both source and destination IP addresses.

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Cyber Forensics

Figure 7.1 Detailed Alert Messages

Figure 7.2 Snort Alerts by Destination IP Ad dress

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Investigating Network Traffic
and Investigating Logs


Figure 7.3 IP Address Details
At this point, you can run the entire report with these Log Parser
logparser.exe file:Ch11Alerts -Indexsql -i:csv -
iHeaderFile:AlertHeader.csv -
iTsFormat:mm/dd/yy -hh:mm:ss -headerRow:off -o:tpl -tpl:Ch11Al erts-
logparser.exe file:Ch11Alerts -DetailHeader.sql -i:csv -
iHeaderFile:AlertHeader.csv -iTsFormat:mm/dd/yy -hh:mm:ss -
headerRow:off -o:tpl
-tpl:Ch11Alerts -DetailHeader.tpl
logparser.exe file:Ch11Alerts -Detail.sql -i:csv -
iHeaderFile:AlertHeader.csv -
iTsFormat:mm/dd/yy -hh:mm:ss -headerRow:off -o:tpl -tpl:Ch11Alerts -
Detail.tpl -
logparser.exe file:Ch11SrcIP -Index.sql -i:csv -
iHeaderFile:AlertHeader.csv -
iTsFormat:mm/dd/yy -hh:mm:ss -headerRow:off -o:tpl -tpl:Ch1 1SrcIP -
logparser.exe file:Ch11SrcIP -DetailHeader.sql -i:csv -
iHeaderFile:AlertHeader.csv -iTsFormat:mm/dd/yy -hh:mm:ss -
headerRow:off -o:tpl munotes.in

Page 142

Cyber Forensics
142 -tpl:Ch11SrcIP -DetailHeader.tpl
logparser.exe file:Ch11SrcIP -Detail.sql -i:csv -
iHeaderFile:AlertHeader .csv -
iTsFormat:mm/dd/yy -hh:mm:ss -headerRow:off -o:tpl -tpl:Ch11SrcIP -
Detail.tpl -
logparser.exe file:Ch11DstIP -Index.sql -i:csv -
iHeaderFile:AlertHeader.csv -
iTsFormat:mm/dd/yy -hh:mm:ss -headerRow:off -o:tpl -tpl:Ch11DstIP -
logparser.exe file:Ch11DstIP -DetailHeader.sql -i:csv -
iHeaderFile:AlertHeader.csv -iTsFormat:mm/dd/yy -hh:mm:ss -
headerRow:off -o:tpl
-tpl:Ch11DstIP -DetailHeader.tpl
logparser.exe file:Ch11DstIP -Detail.sql -i:csv -
iHeaderFile:AlertHeader.csv -
iTsFormat:mm/dd/yy -hh:mm:ss -headerRow:off -o:tpl -tpl:Ch11DstIP -
Detail.tpl -
We may wish to create a summary index page now that we have a
thorough alert report. This page should provide access to detailed reports
as well as graphs and data su mmaries to provide a rapid overview of the
---Ch11Summary -Index.sql ---
Count(msg) as Alerts
INTO report \index.html
FROM alert.csv
GROUP BY msg, sig_id
---Ch11Summary -Index.sql --- munotes.in

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Investigating Network Traffic
and Investigating Logs

The query for the pie graph is similar, but does not include the actual
message, and thistime processes all records:
---Ch11Summary -GraphTopAlerts.sql ---
Count(msg) as Alerts
INTO report \AlertsTopAlerts.gif
FROM alert.csv
GROUP BY sig_id
---Ch11Summary -GraphTopAlerts.sql ---
Finally, there are three queries for the remaining graphs:
---Ch11Summary -GraphTopSrcIPs.sql ---
Count(msg) as Alerts
INTO report \AlertsTopSrcIPs.gif
FROM alert.csv
---Ch11Summary -GraphTopSrcIPs.sql ---
---Ch11Summary -GraphAlertsPerHour.sql ---
Count(*) as Alerts
USING QUANTIZE(timestamp,360) as Hour
INTO report \AlertsByHour.gif
FROM alert.csv
---Ch11Summary -GraphAlertsPerHour.sql --- munotes.in

Page 144

Cyber Forensics
144 ---Ch11Summary -GraphTopDstPorts.sql ---
STRCAT(STRCAT(TO_STRING(dstport),' - '), proto) AS Destination,
Count(*) as Alerts
USING dst as DestinationPort
INTO report \AlertsTopDstPorts.gif
FROM alert.csv
GROUP BY Destination
---Ch11Summary -GraphTopDstPorts.sql ---

Finally, we can generate the entire index page with these commands:
logparser.exe file:Ch11Summary -Index.sql -i:csv -
iHeaderFile:AlertHeader.csv -
iTsFormat:mm/dd/yy -hh:mm:ss -headerRow:off -o:tpl -
tpl:Ch11Summary -Index.tpl
logparser.exe file:Ch11Summary -GraphTopAlerts.sql -i:csv -
iHeaderFile:AlertHeader.csv -iTsFormat:mm/dd/yy -hh:mm:ss -
headerRow:off -
o:chart -chartType:Pie3D -groupSize:350x190 -values:OFF -chartTitle:""
logpar ser.exe file:Ch11Summary -GraphTopSrcIPs.sql -i:csv - iHeaderFile:AlertHeader.csv -iTsFormat:mm/dd/yy -hh:mm:ss -
headerRow:off -
o:chart -chartType:Pie -groupSize:300x150 -values:OFF -chartTitle:"" -
logparser.exe file:Ch11Summary -GraphAlert sPerHour.sql -i:csv -
iHeaderFile:AlertHeader.csv -iTsFormat:mm/dd/yy -hh:mm:ss -
headerRow:off -
o:chart -chartType:smoothline -groupSize:300x150 -values:OFF -
chartTitle:"" -categories:OFF

Page 145

Investigating Network Traffic
and Investigating Logs

145 logparser.exe file:Ch11Summary -GraphTopDstPorts.sql -i:csv -
iHeaderFile:AlertHeader.csv -iTsFormat:mm/dd/yy -hh:mm:ss -
headerRow:off -
o:chart -chartType:BarStacked -groupSize:300x150 -values:OFF -
The final result is a fully interactive IDS report using nothing more than
Log Parser.
7.3.6 Monitoring User Activity
The forensic process necessitates the monitoring of user activities.
Unusual user behaviour could be a symptom of a larger problem with the
system, or it could be a genuine security risk. You can identify
authentication issues and hacking act ivity by looking at the user activity
reported in your system logs.
Identifying which activities are innocuous and which behaviour indicates
trouble is an important part of detecting meaningful events in your system
logs. If a user fails to authenticate o nce a week, for example, you may be
very assured that the user merely mistyped his or her password and is not
attempting to attack your system. Alternatively, if a user has two
unsuccessful authentication attempts every hour for a long time, you
should inv estigate more. Tools like Log Parser can help you spot
occurrences that could signal a hacking attempt or even a user looking at
something he or she shouldn't be looking at. You may also hunt out any
security concerns at the file level by activating file a ccess auditing and
utilising Log Parser to analyse the data. With the enhanced capabilities of
Microsoft's Log Parser software, manually digging through these same log
files to search down this data is both onerous and wasteful. Authentication Failures
It's always crucial to know how many unsuccessful authentication
attempts have happened while performing regular security audits of your
servers. This aids you in a variety of ways. To begin with, you can identify
individual users w ho have lost their password and have not requested a
new one. Second, and more crucially, by evaluating the results and noting
an increase in failed logon attempts for a single user or numerous users,
you may be able to discover probable hacking efforts ag ainst your server.
Finally, you might be able to pinpoint system issues that are causing many
users to fail to authenticate at the same time. These issues could be caused
by a failure of an authentication server, network connectivity, or system
utilisation .
Listing Failed Logons
Return to the Log Parser to discover how simply your event logs can be
used to detail out failed logons over a given timeframe.The following
command and query can be used tolist all failed logons on a specific date: munotes.in

Page 146

Cyber Forensics
146 logparser.exe file:Ch11ListingFailedLogons.sql -i:EVT -o:datagrid
--- Ch11ListingFailedLogons.sql ---
timegenerated AS LogonTime,
extract_token(strings, 0, '|') AS UserName
FROM Security
WHERE EventID IN (529;
AND to_stri ng(timegenerated,'yyyy -MM-dd HH:mm:ss') like '2004 -09%'
--- Ch11ListingFailedLogons.sql ---
You may view how many authentication failures occurred on the date you
specified, as well as which user IDs had difficulties, by performing this
We start by declaring that we want to get the timestamp for the event from
the time generatedfield in this query. The query then becomes a little more
difficult than usual. When an unsuccessful logon occurs, the event's
UserID is always SYSTEM. We need to extract some data from the
description or strings fields in order to determine the exact ID that the
logon attempt was made with. To do so, we use the EXTRACT TOKEN
function to tokenize the text and specify that we want the first or 0 token,
which is the UserName.
We then specify that we want this data to be pulled from the current
Security log. We utilise the WHERE clause to filter our data to a certain
set of security events that signal logon failures. Table 7.1 gives a full
account of each of these occurrences. We specify the date stamp we're
seeking for in the WHERE clause in the same way that we did in the
previous query. We also need to specify the input and output format, so
we add this to the end of the command line using the syntax -i:EVT –
o:datagrid . munotes.in

Page 147

Investigating Network Traffic
and Investigating Logs

147 Table 7.1 Failed Logon EventIDs
EventID Description
529 The logon attempt was made with an unknown username or a
knownusername with a bad password.
530 The user account tried to log on outside the allowed time.
531 A logon attempt was made by using a disabled account.
532 A logon attempt was made by using an expired account.
533 The user is not allowed to log on at this computer.
534 The user attempted to log on with a logon type that is not allowed,
suchas network, interactive, batch, service, or remote interactive.
535 The password for the specified account has expired.
537 The logon att empt failed for other reasons.
539 The account was locked out at the time the logon attempt was
This event is logged when a user or computer attempts to authenticatewith
an account that has been previously locked out.
Identifying Single versus Multiple Failed Logons
When dealing with unsuccessful logons, it's occasionally useful to be able
to rapidly determine how common logon failures are over time. We
covered how to list failed logons in the previous section, but using this
query requires manu ally determining how frequently a given user ID has
Using a slightly different query, you can use Log Parser to automatically
count the number of failed logons for each user. One example of how this
can be done is using the command and query bel ow:
logparser.exe file:Ch11SingleVsMltplFailedLogons.sql -i:EVT -o:datagrid
--- Ch11SingleVsMltplFailedLogons.sql ---
extract_token(strings, 0, '|') AS UserName,
count(*) AS Number_of_Events
FROM Security


Page 148

Cyber Forensics
148 WHERE EventID IN
AND to_string(timegenerated,'yyyy -MM-dd HH:mm:ss') like '2004 -09%'
HAVING Number_of_Events>2
--- Ch11SingleVsMltplFailedLogons.sql ---
We're doing a little more work up front with this query, but we're
decreasing the manual effort required to find repeated login failures. We
begin by using the EXTRACT TOKEN function to extract the real userid
associated with the failed logon. The number o f occurrences is then
counted and the result is displayed as the Number of Events. We then
select the Security event log as our data source and add a WHERE clause
that specifies the events we want to monitor as well as the date range for
which we want the data.
Finally, we add a HAVING statement and a GROUP BY statement to
order our findings. We specify Number of Events>2 in the HAVING
statement to limit the data to only show us data from events that occur
numerous times. Identifying Brute Force A ttacks
The likelihood of a brute force attack on your system is a key worry when
it comes to system security. The way in which an attack happens is the
decisive factor in whether or not it is a brute force attack. When an
attacker makes attempt after attem pt to carry out a certain attack action,
the entire event is classified as a brute force attack since the attacker is
attempting to break into the system via brute force. The Log Parser can
assist you in swiftly analysing your security event logs to see if one of
these brute force attacks is taking place. You might be able to block a
brute force attack before it succeeds if you create queries that watch for
the behaviour of a brute force attack. munotes.in

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Investigating Network Traffic
and Investigating Logs

149 Identifying a Brute Force Authentication Attack
Someone attem pting to guess the password for one of your users is an
excellent example of a brute force attack. Let's imagine the attacker knows
from past experience that you have a policy in place that disables an
account if the same UserID makes three unsuccessful lo gon attempts
within a one -hour span. Given this, the attacker will not risk locking out
the account he or she is attempting to hack. However, the attacker will
want to make the most of his or her limited time by launching as many
attacks as possible in a g iven amount of time.
Using the same query outlined previously for discovering multiple
unsuccessful logons is an easy approach to check for this type of activity.
This query, with a little tweaking, can run an intelligent scan for brute
force logon attemp t behaviour.The original query is as follows:
logparser.exe file:Ch11SingleVsMltplFailedLogons.sql -i:EVT -o:datagrid
--- Ch11SingleVsMltplFailedLogons.sql ---
extract_token(strings, 0, '|') AS UserName,
count(*) AS Number_of_Events
FROM Security
WHERE EventID IN (529;
GROUP BY UserName,
HAVING Number_of_Events>2
--- Ch11BruteForceAttack.sql ---

Page 150

Cyber Forensics
150 The elimination of the date search and the inclusion of a Time Frame value
based on the quantized time —generated field were the only meaningful
modifications to this query. When we perform this query, we'll get a
datagrid with the number of failure occurrences for each username over
the course of an hour. A brief glan ce at the results in Figure 7.4 reveals the
accounts that may be under attack by brute force. When this type of
behaviour is discovered, following up with the user to learn more about
what is going on is a good idea.

Figure 7.4 Brute Force Activity Tracking Security Policy Violations
Most businesses have some sort of security policy in place to address
issues such as account and password security, permissible system access,
undesirable behaviour, and so on. These policies specify the particular
rules that each user must follow when accessing information technology
(IT) systems.
A Regular audit is a beneficial activity that admins often do to ensure that
corporate security standards are followed. The Windows event logs
contain some of the informa tion needed for this type of audit. Tracking
user logons for desktop systems is a fantastic example. You can identify
whether or not users are violating a policy requiring them to log on to just
one machine at a time by combining all of your event log data from many
systems and sifting through it with Log Parser.
Determining Logon/Logoff Behavior
Determining if users frequently log off after their work day or leave their
systems logged in is another example that does not involve log correlation.
This activ ity is documented as a breach of some firms' corporate security
policies. To get this information with Log Parser, we'll need to first figure
out all of the logoff events, then see whether there's a logon event for the
same day that doesn't have an accompa nying logoff event for the same
SID.The following command and query can help us determine
logparser.exe file:Ch11LogonLogoffBehavior.sql -i:EVT -o:datagrid
--- Ch11LogonLogoffBehavior.sql --- munotes.in

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Investigating Network Traffic
and Investigating Logs

resolve_sid(sid) AS UserName,
FROM Security
WHERE eventid='528'
AND to_date(timegenerated)='2004 -09-06 00:00:00'
AND sid not in
FROM Security
WHERE eventid='538'
AND to_date(timegenerated)='2004 -09-06 00:00:00'
--- Ch11LogonLogoffBehavior.sql ---
To retrieve the information we need in this query, we'll have to work
backwards a little bit. We start by deciding whatever data we want to
include in our report. We should collect the userID, the eventID we're
dealing with, and the time the event oc curred in this scenario. The security
event log will then be used as our data source.
The more challenging element of this query is constructing the WHERE
clause. The first two criteria are very straightforward; for a successful
logon, the eventID must be 528, and the date for which we want
information must be given. To limit our incoming data, we'll need to
conduct a select within a select. We're looking for data in which the SID
associated with the 528 event does not appear in a query of the 538 events
on the same day. Figure 7.5 is an example of what you should expect.

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Cyber Forensics

Figure 7.5 Logon Events with No Logoff Event
We can isolate those users who have signed on at some time during a
specific day but have no associated logoff event for that day by running
our query this way. Because it does not account for the possibility of
numerous logon/logoff events for each user in a single day, it will not
catch all users that log on without logging out. It can, however, help to
reduce the number of such secur ity policy infractions.
Auditing Successful andUnsuccessful File Access Attempts
The audit log for successful and unsuccessful file access attempts is
another crucial metric to analyse when looking at overall system security.
Individual files or directori es can be audited at the file system level with
NTFS (NT file system). This enables you, as an administrator, to assess
whether or not critical data has been accessed or attempted to be accessed.
File access auditing is frequently deactivated because the audit logs create
so much data that sorting through it and extracting events that are crucial
to be aware of is nearly impossible. This is where Log Parser may assist
you in your attempts to keep your systems secure.
Auditing Unsuccessful File Access Atte mpts
When NTFS object auditing is enabled, Windows adds events to the
Security event log to show which objects are accessed. The object that was
accessed, the person that accessed the object, and the date/time the object
was accessed are all logged as part of this event entry. You may rapidly
collect the events surrounding these object access attempts with Log
Obviously, the items that a user tries to access while they aren't supposed
to are of greater importance to administrators. This usually res ults in an
unsuccessful file access attempt with effective security implementation.
You can rapidly discover these occurrences and export them for study by
scanning through the security logs with Log Parser. The following
command and query will find all of the failed file access events in your
security log: munotes.in

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Investigating Network Traffic
and Investigating Logs

153 logparser.exe file:Ch11UnsuccessfulFileAccess.sql -i:EVT -o:datagrid
--- Ch11UnsuccessfulFileAccess.sql ---
timegenerated AS EventTime,
extract_token(strings, 8, '|') AS UserName,
extract_token (strings, 2, '|') AS File
FROM Security
WHERE EventID = '560'
AND EventTypeName = 'Failure Audit event'
AND extract_token(strings, 1, '|') like 'File'
--- Ch11UnsuccessfulFileAccess.sql ---
When this query executes, it searches the security log for events with the
eventID 560 (Success Audit), but it narrows down the results to events
with the type Failure Audit. It also checks the accompanying event
description to make sure we're only looking at files and not directories.
The Log Parser pulls the event time, the username connected with the
event, and the filename from that subset. All of this information is then
presented in a datagrid format. You can go one step further and have Log
Parser ex port the data to an XML file or another format for evidence
gathering purposes.
Auditing Successful File Access Attempts
Many administrators neglect to keep track of both successful and
unsuccessful file access attempts. Although failures are the most
significant events to watch for, it's equally vital not to overlook the
auditing tools provided for successful file access attempts.
A scenario in which this can be used would be beneficial. Let's pretend
you work as an administrator for a huge corporation with a legal
department. The department is now putting together some information for
a highly important case, which is being stored on the department's shared
drive. During the course of events, word reaches the legal department that
the opposing legal dep artment has gotten a hold of the approach that your
company's legal department was planning to utilise and is putting together
a counterattack. Members of the legal department should have been the
only ones with access to the files containing this informat ion. They ask
you to track down who has accessed those files.
You've already enabled successful file access auditing for the legal
department's shared drive if you've planned ahead for this possibility. You
may easily extract the information that the legal department requires and munotes.in

Page 154

Cyber Forensics
154 send it to them fast using Log Parser. The following script demonstrates
how to accomplish this:
logparser.exe file:Ch11SuccessfulFileAccess.sql -i:EVT -o:datagrid
--- Ch11SuccessfulFileAccess.sql ---
timegenerated A S EventTime,
extract_token(strings, 8, '|') AS UserName,
extract_token(strings, 2, '|') AS File
FROM Security
WHERE EventID = '560'
AND EventTypeName = 'Success Audit event'
AND extract_token(strings, 1, '|') like 'File'
--- Ch11SuccessfulFileAccess.sql ---
If you examine the code closely, you'll notice that it's nearly identical to
the earlier script you saw for auditing failed file access attempts. The only
actual distinction is the name of the event type. We're now looking for a
"Success Audit event" in stead of a "Failure Audit event." When you run
this script, it will extract all of your security log's successful file access
events. To reduce the quantity of data to go through, you may narrow the
search to check for occurrences that occur with a specifi ed directory path
or filename.
Security admins need to understand the purpose behind capturing and
analyzing log files. If done right, these tools will provide you with a very
good look at our network's security. They can help you notice issues much
faster than you might if they're used correctly. The aim is to be able to see
things that we would have trouble se eing ourselves. Many log
management devices are designed to be used as an audit or compliance
Many manufacturers include thorough audit and compliance information,
which is a dream come true for auditors. Log management tools can also
help you track down violations and recover your losses in court.
Many attacks go unnoticed until they've already happened. According to
security expert John O'Hare, many forensic specialists don't make full use
of log and audit data because they don't know how to acces s it or because
scrolling through thousands of log file entries takes a long time.

Page 155

Investigating Network Traffic
and Investigating Logs

Chapter 9 - Investigating Network Traffic and Investigating Logs,
Editor(s): Dave Kleiman, Kevin Cardwell, Timothy Clinton, Michael
Cross, Michael Gregg, Jesse Var Salone, Craig Wright, The Official CHFI
Study Guide (Exam 312 -49), Syngress, 2007, Pages 441 -467, ISBN
9781597491976, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978 -159749197 -6.50010 -9.



Page 156

156 8
Unit Structure
8.0 Objective
8.1 Introduction
8.1.1 Basics of Wireless
8.1.2 Advantages of a Wireless Network
8.1.3 Disadvantages of a Wireless Network
8.1.4 Association of Wireless AP and a Device
8.1.5 MAC Filtering
8.1.6 Cloaking the SSID
8.2 Wireless Penetration Testing
8.2.1 Direct Connections to Wireless Access Point
8.2.2 Scanning for Wireless Access Points with Nmap
8.2.3 Scanning for Wireless Access Points with Nessus
8.2.4 Rogue Access Poin ts
8.2.5 Information Gathering
8.2.6 Passive and Active Sniffing
8.2.7 Investigating Web Attacks
8.3 Summary
8.4 References for further reading
When we are working in wireless network we must understand :
 The basics of wireless network and advantages and disadvantages of it.
 The security risk in wireless network .
 The examples of vulnerability and methods to protect your network .

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Wireless devices are expanding the network perimeter beyond the
boundaries of the office walls and into neighbouring buildings and public
streets in many corporate networks across the country. Attackers are no
longer required to break into an office or see k to circumvent strong
firewall measures in order to get network access. They can now take
advantage of a corporation that is unaware that its wireless infrastructure
security is so weak that it can be hacked in under 15 minutes.
You've probably heard sto ries about hackers waiting in cars with a laptop
and a powerful wireless antenna, looking for insecure wireless networks to
break into. These hackers could be hunting for internal corporate
intellectual property to sell to a competitor or data that could b e used for
extortion or blackmail. The more difficult you make it for the attacker, the
more likely he will abandon your network in favour of one that is less
Wireless attacks are taking place! Wireless networks have been
compromised at BJ's Whole sale Club, Lowe's Companies Inc., DSW,
Wake Forest University School of Medicine, and TJX. The true cost of
these data breaches could be in the millions of dollars, but it's difficult to
estimate because we have to factor in the money spent by the company to
investigate the problem, compensate the victims, fix the vulnerabilities,
and account for lost revenue due to low consumer confidence. An attacker
may attempt to hack your wireless network regardless of how complex
your architecture is.
It's no longer a question of "if," but "when" your wireless network will be
attacked. Attempts to join your wireless network from the outside can
range from basic automatic device pairings to targeted attacks. It can be
difficult to tell whether someone is trying to brea k into your network or is
just looking for a free Internet connection. Regardless of their motivation,
you should make every attempt to keep your wireless network as safe as
possible. You may reduce your risk by configuring strong encryption and
following safe wireless best practices.
As the cost of deploying wireless networks continues to fall, an increasing
number of businesses are considering doing so. Since 2006, London has
witnessed a 160 percent increase in wireless access points, while New
York has seen a 49 percent increase. However, data isn't required to see
that wireless networks are becoming increasingly prevalent. When you
open your wireless settings user interface, you should see three or four
networks in the immediate vicinity. This number mi ght be as high as 15 to
20 if you reside in the city. There are various benefits to deploying a
wireless network. Workers may now connect to their company's network
from everywhere in the building, from the cafeteria to the conference
room, without having to reconfigure their laptops or plug them into a wall
jack. This flexibility is advantageous to both the employee and the
employer. Installing network wiring throughout the facility is often far
more expensive than implementing a wireless solution. This ch apter munotes.in

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158 covers the fundamentals of wireless networks as well as the tactics used by
hackers to attack them. It's critical that you understand how hackers
operate so that you can test your wireless networks for flaws. Because of
their anonymity and the diffic ulties of tracing down attacks, hackers have
an advantage when it comes to wireless attacks. Because once a hacker
breaks in, they're on the internal network, bypassing many of the usual
network security barriers. The attack surface is enormous and the res ults
are enticing.
8.1.1 Basics of Wireless
A wireless access point connects a typical wired network to wireless
clients by transmitting network data through the air.. Between the wired
network and wireless clients, the wireless access point serves as a relay.
Many businesses have multiple wireless access points that may hand off
the wireless signal to keep clients connected. These access points range in
price from under a hundred dollars for home or home office devices to
thousands of dollars for enterpr ise access points with advanced security
features and specialist configuration and management.
Wireless access points merely offer a conduit for data to move from the
wired network to the client. Client network infrastructure services must
still be provid ed. While most access points now have these functions built
in, you may still use your traditional servers to deliver services like DHCP
and routing. There are several types of wireless networks, the most
prevalent of which is 802.11 b/g. The 802.11b wirel ess standard was the
first to be designed for commercial usage. It transmits data at a rate of 11
megabits per second and runs at 2.4GHz (Mbps). 802.11g was a welcome
enhancement for users who wanted greater throughput from their wireless
infrastructure, i ncreasing data transfer to 54 Mbps. Although interference
concerns were common in the 2.4GHz band, backwards compatibility and
early acceptance helped this combination become the industry standard for
wireless devices.
802.11a, which works on the 5GHz fre quency, was released for companies
who needed less interference or couldn't embrace the 2.4GHz band as an
acceptable solution. While maintaining the 54 -Mbps transfer rate, 802.11a
improved wireless stability by minimising failed connections. The cost of
upgrading both the wireless access points and the client's wireless cards to
devices that support this standard is the biggest disadvantage. Wireless
devices can also connect two distant places by using line -of-sight antennas
to convey data from one point to another when a cable would be
impossible to establish. Instead of paying the recurring expense of a
typical T1 line, a company with a second building less than a mile from
the main facility may choose to implement a line -of-sight wireless solution
for Int ernet connectivity.
To connect wirelessly to a LAN, a client must have a wireless network
card that is compliant with the destination network's wireless standard.
Wireless networks are becoming a commonplace in most household and
corporate networks, with the majority of laptops now containing built -in munotes.in

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159 network devices. While wireless LANs have typically been used for
mobile devices, several businesses are now installing wireless cards on
their desktop computers due to the ease and cost -effectiveness of
extending the network.
Even with all of the advances in recent years, creating a wireless network
on your LAN should not be undertaken without careful consideration.
Before incorporating wireless connectivity into your network, you should
be aware of the prima ry benefits and drawbacks of doing so.
8.1.2 Advantages of a Wireless Network
Wireless networks offer users the following advantages:
■ Ease of accessing the network: Employees are no longer restricted to
regions where they can connect to the network via a wall jack. The ability
to connect your laptop to the network from any location in the building
gives you additional flexibility.
■ Reduce cost of running cable: When compared to the cost of
purchasing and installing a wireless device and cards, the labo ur cost of
wiring an office or office building might be fairly significant. With the
availability of wireless cards for desktop PCs, a workplace may be
network ready in minutes.
■ Productivity : Employees can now bring their laptops to meetings or
any othe r location where they are needed to work and continue to do so.
8.1.3 Disadvantages of a Wireless Network
Wireless networks also have some disadvantages as well:
■ Security: Wireless's biggest problem is its lack of security. Any wireless
network can be readily attacked if adequate planning and configuration are
not taken into account.
■ Complexity and reliability: While adding wireless access points
improves the wired network's accessibility, it also increases the network's
complexity. Wireless devices h ave an impact on the network. Therefore,
system administrators must be aware of this and address issues like weak
signals and failed wireless connections.
■ Network performance : While a wireless connection's claimed speed is
54 Mbps, the real data through put is frequently substantially lower,
especially when multiple PCs are utilising the same wireless connection.
A wired network connection will nearly always perform better than a
wireless connection.
8.1.4 Association of Wireless AP and a Device
The client must be associated with the access point in order to send and
receive data over a wireless connection. This connection establishes a link
between the two devices, allowing the client to obtain an IP address and
communicate across the network. The af filiation procedure can be munotes.in

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160 hampered by signal strength and security settings. Microsoft provides the
Windows Wireless Zero Configuration (WZC) programme for the
Windows XP and Windows Server operating systems to aid users in
connecting to wireless networks .
While it simplifies the registration process, it also raises several security
risks that you should be aware of. WZC will query for networks that are
already connected if a preferred network is not available. Anyone with a
wireless analyser may see this data, which can be exploited to create
bogus access points to entice clients to connect. WZC will also try to
connect to the strongest wireless network available. Knowing this, an
attacker can employ high -power antennas to build phoney wireless
networks, causing machines to connect to their access point rather than the
authentic one. It is advised that you utilise the wireless administration tool
provided by the manufacturer whenever possible. If you're using a
wireless card from Linksys, Dell, or Netgear, you've probably installed
management software from the manufacturer to regulate the wireless
device's association.
This software is often more secure because it was created by the
manufacturer to interact with the associated hardware. Selecting the
wirel ess network to which you want to connect is a requirement of any
wireless management applications. The Service Set Identifier will be
chosen (SSID). The SSID is the wireless network's public name. If
security is enabled on the network, you will be asked to enter a password
or encryption key. You will not be permitted access to the network if you
do not know the key. Your computer will try to join the network if it is
open or if you enter the relevant security key. Controlling Access To make
the wireless net work as secure as possible, security controls can be put in
place to limit an attacker's ability to get access. These access controls can
be used separately or in combination to increase security. Depending on
the sort of wireless access point you're confi guring, you'll have different
access controls. Encryption and Media Access Control (MAC) filtering
can be configured on most access points.
Encryption Wireless data is being transmitted in the air, and it is
vulnerable to non -authorized individuals captur ing and reading it.
Wireless networks adopted encryption as a network standard to prevent
data from being delivered over the air in clear text. Unfortunately, early
solutions to wireless encryption were quickly cracked. Encryption is
growing increasingly c omplicated and difficult to penetrate as wireless
networking advances. As an alternative to preshared keys, new technology
is being adopted, such as certificate -based encryption.
The 802.11 protocol specifies WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) as
an optional security feature for providing authentication and
confidentiality on a wireless access point. It was one of the first means of
securely transmitting data across a wireless network. When the IEEE
committee accepted WEP as a technique, it also state d that WEP should
not be regarded as acceptable security and that it should not be utilised
without a key management authentication process. WEP uses a symmetric munotes.in

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161 key to authenticate wireless devices and encrypt data transactions to
ensure data integrity. I n order for authentication to take place, each
wireless access point and client must share the same key. After WEP is
enabled, a challenge and response authentication process is initiated. Data
is encrypted before it is sent from the machine, and it is dec rypted at the
access point by WEP. Its security mechanisms were shown to be
significantly weak, and it was replaced as the preferred wireless
encryption method in 2003. It employs the RC4 stream cypher (Rivest
Cipher). Because both the access point and the wireless device use the
same key, its authentication mechanism is essentially Shared Key
Authentication. WEP keys are always 40 or 104 bits long. The fact that the
Initialization Vector (IV) is 24 bits results in the stated 64 -bit and 128 -bit
encryption. With WEP's encryption mechanism, an attacker with enough
IVs can crack the key and acquire complete network access. WEP
networks have been broken into very quickly in research. The Federal
Bureau of Investigation demonstrated how to breach WEP in three
minutes at an information security conference.
Overall, the use of WEP can give a misleading feeling of security to the
average user. An attacker can swiftly get complete access to the network
in the worst -case scenario, hence this should not be utilised to secure a
sensitive network. WEP is no longer regarded as a secure technique for
securing wireless access points in today's access points. WPA WPA
resolves the issue of weak WEP headers, or IVs, as previously described,
and provides a method of ensuring the integrity of messages that pass the
integrity check by utilising TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) to
improve data encryption. WPA -PSK is a special mode of WPA that
provides the same strong encryption security as WPA but without the need
for a corpor ate authentication server. WPA -PSK is extra -strong encryption
in which encryption keys are automatically changed (called rekeying) and
authenticated between devices after a set length of time or a set number of
packets are transferred. The rekey interval i s what it's called. For two
reasons, WPA -PSK is considerably superior to WEP and provides
improved protection for home/SOHO users. The encryption key is
generated using a rigorous technique, and the rekeying (or key shifting) is
completed rapidly.
Because WPA employs a per -session encryption key, it outperforms WEP.
When a station associates, a new encryption key is created based on
randomization and the wireless access point's MAC addresses.
Unfortunately, the simplest method of using WPA makes it easier to
breach than WEP. When WPA does not use 802.1X authentication, a
simpler technique called Pre -Shared Key (PSK) is used instead. A pre -
shared key is a password that must be entered by all clients in order to
gain access to the access point. WPA with the PSK pre -shared key is
supported by the majority of consumer routers. If you use a short -character
password with WPA -PSK, or nearly any password, you are vulnerable to
an offline dictionary attack, in which an attacker captures a few packets
when a valid st ation joins the wireless network, and then uses those
packets to recover the PSK used. An assailant can obtain all he requires in munotes.in

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162 order to estimate the PSK and flee without being noticed. Because the
attacker only needs to be near the WLAN for a few second s and the LAN
does not need to be highly busy, this might happen. Although password
cracking techniques improve all the time, this assault is dependent on the
password chosen. The WPA has been defeated. WPA has a mechanism
built into most wireless access p oints that turns an 8 -to 63 -character string
you type into a 64 -digit or 128 -digit key (as used with WEP). Most
wireless access points, however, will not be able to use the entire 64 -bit
key in pass mode.
The underlying issue is that a pass is easy to gue ss. An eight -to ten -
character pass has less than the 40 bits of security offered by the most
basic form of WEP, according to the IEEE group that created 802.11i, and
a pass of less than 20 characters is unlikely to stop attacks. Wireless
cracking tools tha t are expressly designed to recover the PSK from a
WPA -protected network (like Kismet) are readily available to download,
just like WEP cracking tools. WPA plus 802.1X authentication (also
known as WPA -Enterprise) creates a significantly more secure networ k.
While deriving a secure, per -session encryption key that is not vulnerable
to any casual attack, 802.1X provides robust positive authentication for
both the station and the WLAN infrastructure. As previously stated, this is
often used with a RADIUS serv er for authentication. 802.1X
authentication, paired with WPA's increased encryption, is the finest
wireless security solution with the most access points. Rather than
pointing out all of the weaknesses in sending data via unlicensed radio
frequencies, WPA , which is included with most modern consumer routers,
is a good approach to keep your Internet browsing and home network as
secure as possible. When you add VPN connections and MAC filtering,
you have the same level of security as a house alarm system. It
discourages people who do not have a strong desire to gain access.
8.1.5 MAC Filtering
Network devices, with a few exceptions, have a burned -in MAC address
that is physically unique. This serves as a unique identifier for that
particular piece of equipme nt. It is pre -assigned by the manufacturer to the
devices and is, in principle, absolutely unique. The MAC address is
usually 48 bits long. For writing MAC addresses, a standard format exists,
which consists of three groups of four hexadecimal digits separ ated by
dots. For example, 00 -07-E9-E3-84-F9 is written using six sets of two
hexadecimal digits separated by colons or hyphens. Because each MAC
address is unique, it can be used to restrict access to a network.
The steps to do so will vary by access point, but will always involve the
■ Finding the MAC address of the devices that will be allowed to connect
to the network (this can be done by looking at the device itself, or by using
the ipconfig/all command in the Windows command terminal, o r ifconfig
in the Linux and OSX command consoles). munotes.in

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163 ■ In the setup for the access point, enter the MAC address (this will vary
by device).
In principle, once the MAC addresses have been entered into the access
point, those are the only devices that will b e allowed to connect to the
network. In practice, a number of complications can arise, including the
fact that any time a new system is used in combination with the access
point (for example, a visiting client who has to connect to the network),
the access point's MAC address must be input manually. This may divert
the network administrator's attention away from other network
management chores. Information for devices that are no longer in use must
be removed on a regular basis by the administrator. Spoofin g of MAC
addresses is another issue that exists. While the address is usually encoded
on the network equipment's physical medium, software can be used to
give a device access point a different MAC address than it actually has.
While this has genuine and im portant uses, such as privacy and
interoperability, it can also be modified to gain unauthorised access to a
system. Because of this significant security flaw, MAC address filtering
should not be used in isolation, but rather as part of a larger security p olicy
that includes encryption and other authentication mechanisms.
8.1.6 Cloaking the SSID
The SSID is the name of the wireless network or access point that the user
sees. There are only two ways for a client to learn their SSID: the access
point can act ively tell them, or you can passively put it in the client's
settings. When the SSID is broadcast over the radio frequency, it is known
as Open Network mode. When the SSID is not broadcast over the radio
frequency, it is known as the Closed Network mode. A beacon is an
automatic transmission of the SSID that occurs every 100 milliseconds
and contains synchronisation information like channel, speeds,
timestamps, encryption status, and other information. The SSID is not
broadcast to the user or administrator programmes in Closed Network
mode. As a result, the client must probe the access point, and if the SSID
matches, the client will synchronise and begin the authentication process.
An open system or shared key authentication can be used for
authentication. N o credentials are required for an open system. In wireless
networks, the SSID is used to identify the wireless access point and its
associated network. It is connected to all packets sent over the wireless
connection and can be up to 32 alphanumeric charac ters long. Because
many access points in the same area might broadcast the same SSID, its
utility as a security or authentication technique is limited. However, in
order to reduce network visibility, the SSID can be modified and cloaked
(that is, it is not set to be broadcast by the AP). Most APs broadcast their
SSID to the nearby region by default. Every 0.1 seconds, this beacon
mechanism is used. Most APs come with a default SSID that is well
recognised and may be found on a variety of websites. Using a d efault
SSID may attract malevolent users who think that the AP's other settings
are also set to default (such as the administrative password). Changing the
SSID may cause some potential attackers to choose a wireless network
with default settings, which is risky. Changing the SSID is a relatively munotes.in

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164 straightforward task for a nontechnical user, and it is a step toward
protecting the AP, albeit a tiny one. It's worth noting that turning off the
SSID broadcast doesn't totally hide the AP. It simply reduces its v isibility.
Many managers and system administrators are uninterested in learning
about the hacking techniques used by hackers to attack wireless networks.
The usage of hacker tools and tactics is generally connected with a bad
reputation. They frequently regard the deployment of these tools as a
validation of hacker techniques and strategies. This mindset may result in
an insecure wireless network that has not been thoroughly evaluated to
determine its capabilities to preve nt a successful attack. Penetration testing
is critical for determining the security of your wireless infrastructure. One
can better assess vulnerabilities, overcome weaknesses, and strengthen
defences by learning, understanding, and adopting the same atta ck
methods as the intruder. It's critical to obtain as much information about
the network as possible during a wireless penetration test. Because most
vulnerable networks are identified during war driving (the process of
scanning for them), the assault cou ld be aimed at a wireless weakness
rather than a specific corporate network. When doing a penetration test,
you should consider both an internal and external attacker. You can
leverage information you already know about the network, such as
encryption keys , network design, and signal ranges, with the internal
method. This type of test verifies the network's security from the
perspective of internal personnel. External testing is carried out without
the use of any network infrastructure knowledge. The tester replicates a
genuine attack by using tools that an intruder might employ. This test
should be carried out by a qualified security professional to guarantee that
these tools do not have a detrimental influence on network and server
The most impor tant thing to remember during a wireless penetration test is
that your goal is to evaluate the wireless network's security. It's a good
idea to get management's agreement in writing about the tests that will be
performed and the potential network impact. T his way, no party will be
 Nothing you do should ever jeopardise or affect a neighbouring
wireless network.
 Without permission, you should not attempt any form of Denial -of-
Service attack on the network.
 You'll be trying to break into various parts of the network. Make
sure that the results of the scan and penetration test are kept private
and securely stored.
 All discoveries should be reported to management, along with full
explanations and security suggestions. munotes.in

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A search warrant may be requir ed before you can investigate a gadget that
belongs to someone else. You should double -check that the search warrant
includes the authority to examine computer equipment, such as wireless
access points, on -site. Perform no forensic investigation on equipme nt that
you haven't been given permission to examine.
8.2.1 Direct Connections to Wireless Access Point
Users who are adamant about connecting to an illegal access point should
keep a watch out for security professionals conducting wireless audits and
unplug the access point until the scan is finished. Physical wireless scans
demand a lot of effort, so they aren't done as frequently as they should be.
There are numerous advantages to detecting wireless access points from
your wired network. You may create automatic scripts that continuously
search your network, saving you time and money. You can scan areas of
your network that aren't easily accessible for wireless scanning with tools
like Network Mapper (Nmap). You must be connected to the internal
network and have the ability to connect to all of the subnets you want to
scan in order to run wired network scans for access points.
8.2.2 Scanning for Wireless Access Points with Nmap
The Network Mapper (Nmap), a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and
User Dat agram Protocol (UDP) Internet Protocol (IP) scanner, is one of
the more common tools for performing network scans. Nmap supports a
variety of scanning techniques, the most essential of which is "stealth"
scanning. The intruder's ability to "fly under the r adar" of the target
system's administrator is critical to the intruder's success, and stealth
scanning has the advantage of passing unmolested and mostly unnoticed
via most firewall and network monitoring systems. We may use these
scans to see what ports o n our network equipment are open, as well as
discover unwanted wireless access points. Nmap is used to determine the
target system's operating system. Be aware that OS fingerprinting scans
are easily observable and will be flagged by intrusion detection sy stems
right away (IDSes). Nmap is a network exploration and security auditing
tool that is available for free. It was created to quickly scan large
networks, but it also works well with single hosts. Nmap analyses raw IP
packets in unique ways to figure ou t what hosts are on the network, what
services they offer (application name and version), what operating systems
(and OS versions) they're running, what kind of packet filters/firewalls
they're using, and thousands of other details. Nmap is available in bo th
console and graphical versions, and it runs on most sorts of PCs. Nmap is
a free and open -source application. By scanning from the wired side of the
network, we will use the text description, vendor name, operating system,
and device type provided by Nm ap during OS fingerprinting to detect
wireless access points (WAPs). Nmap fingerprinting is a powerful tool for
identifying WAP devices.

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166 To determine if an access point was connected to the network, we can run
a scan of a local class c subnet using the following command:
nmap –A –T4
This command does a few things.
The –A tells Nmap to enable operating system and version detection.
The –T4 sets the timing template to 4, which speeds up the scan by setting
thetimeout value to 500 milliseconds.
When scanning huge subnets, this can be quite valuable for ensuring quick
results. Device type: WAP is what we're looking for in the Nmap output.
This is our confirmation that we have scanned a network wireless access
8.2.3 Scanning f or Wireless Access Points with Nessus
Nessus is a powerful and up -to-date open source scanner that looks for
security issues on a network. Nessus is very fast and dependable, with a
modular architecture that allows you to tailor it to your exact needs. Sca ns
can be tailored to seek only the vulnerabilities that matter to you. Each
security test is written as a plug -in for a third -party application. This
allows you to rapidly add your own tests without having to read the code
of the Nessus engine. The Nessus scanner is made up of two parts: a
server that performs security checks and a client that serves as the user
interface.You can run the server and the client on different systems.
Additionally, several clients are available: one for X11, one for Win32,
and one written in Java.
Using a number of strategies, the Nessus plugin # 11026 was created to
identify the presence of wireless access points on the network. It uses the
TCP/IP Nmap fingerprint to scan the device, examine the HTTP
management interface, and verify the presence of the FTP banner and
SNMP information. If one of these procedures concludes that the device is
a wireless access point, the scan continues to the next device, identifying it
as a WAP.
To scan using the #11026 plug -in for Nessus, comp lete the following
 To make sure the plug -ins are up to current, run nessus -update -plugins.
 Start a fresh scan and make sure the Access Point Detection plug -in is
selected on the Plugins tab of the client's General plug -in section.
 Ensure that the En able Dependencies box is checked.
 Because the plug -in requires the system information type via SNMP
and HTTP Server –type dependencies to be able to scan, the At
Runtime option is checked.

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167 8.2.4 Rogue Access Points
You might want to consider investing in a wireless IDS/IPS solution for
enterprise -class access point detection. A wireless IDS/IPS is a network
intrusion detection and prevention system that monitors the network 24
hours a day, 7 days a week and can dynamically respond to wireless
threats. A wir eless IDS/IPS can also terminate rogue devices by utilising
air or port suppression on the switch, do forensic analysis of packets sent
and received, and monitor the device's location by triangulating the signal
between numerous sensors. Because users may plug in a wireless access
point with no configuration and extend the network wirelessly, rogue
access points are becoming a rising danger to network managers. This
results in a lack of control over where data is delivered and, more
importantly, who is list ening. Connect to a Wireless Access Point (WAP).
In this section, we'll look at the methods hackers use to break into wireless
access points. A hacker will want to learn as much as possible about the
target network before launching an attack, and will use a variety of
wireless tools to do so. Once the hacker is satisfied with the information
acquired, injection techniques can be used to force information through
the wireless network, which can be used to crack encryption algorithms.
Once the data has been o btained, the encryption key will be acquired, and
the hacker will be able to login to the internal network via the wireless
access point. These attacks were carried out with tools that were widely
available on the Internet and included in live security rel eases. Many of
the Aircrack -ng programmes (www.aircrack -ng.org) will be used, as well
as Kismet (www.kismetwireless.net), a popular wireless analyzer. While
you may be able to find tools for other operating systems, most are written
for Linux, so some know ledge of Unix commands will be helpful.
8.2.5 Information Gathering
When attempting to acquire unauthorised access to a wireless network, a
hacker will first do reconnaissance to learn more about the tools that will
be required next. This stage identifies rogue wireless access points, ad hoc
wireless networks, and open or badly configured access points that could
be used to obtain access. Because all of this information will be used to
acquire vital connection data, hackers will want to get as much
informa tion about the wireless access points as they do about the
connected clients.
It's time to check if our network is up and running. To do so, we'll use
Kismet as a starting point. Kismet is a layer 2 wireless packet analyzer that
works with raw moni toring mode wireless devices. By intercepting
wireless packets and recovering information such as whether they have
security enabled or allow SSID masking, Kismet can swiftly detect
wireless networks. Kismet can also determine a network's channels as well
as its SSID.

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168 This phase will imitate what an attacker would look for while scanning for
weak points in a network. When you first open Kismet, you'll see that
wireless networks appear on the screen.
Kismet organises the network listings by auto -fit by def ault, which can
make them difficult to read if there are a lot of them. The first step is to
sort the access points by SSID by pressing "s" to bring up the sort menu,
then pressing "s" again to sort by SSID. This view groups networks into
categories such a s Probe Networks and Ad -hoc Networks, in addition to
sorting them by SSID. This is crucial to understand as we continue to
gather data on our target wireless network.
Highlight a cluster and press the Spacebar to enlarge or collapse it.
Let's look at the different columns now that we have our Network List
screen sorted by SSID.
■ Name: SSID of network
■ T:Type of network (A =Access Point, H = Ad -Hoc, P = Probe request,
A = wirelessclient searching for a network, D = Data network,T =
Turbocell network, and G =Group of wireless networks)
■ W: Identifies if network is secured (Y = Yes, N = No)
■ Ch: Channel number of network
■ Packts: Number of packets captured
■ Flags: Method in which IP was gathered
■ IP Range: IP of the network
The Kismet colors make identifying networks easier.The following are the
possible color combinations:
■ Yellow: Unencrypted network
■ Red: Network is using factory defaults
■ Green: Secured Network
■ Blue: Hidden networks that are cloaking the SSID
The network channel and wheth er or not the network is encrypted are two
pieces of information we'll get from Kismet in the next stage. It'll also be
useful to keep track of whether Kismet was able to identify an IP range or
whether the network was Red or Yellow. Both suggest that secu rity is
inadequately designed and that the network is vulnerable.
Aircrack -ng
Aircrack -ng (www.aircrack -ng.org) is a suite of tools for auditing wireless
networks.We will be using the airodump -ng, aireplay -ng, aircrack -ng, and
airdecap -ng tools from the A ircrack -ng suite. munotes.in

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Investigating Wireless and Web Attacks

169 ■ Airodump -ng captures raw 802.11 packets to be used with aircrack -ng.
Airodump -ng is also capable of logging the coordinates of access points.
■ Aireplay -ng is primarily used to inject frames into wireless traffic,
which will later beuse d by aircrack -ng to crack WEP and WPA -PSK keys.
Aireplay -ng supports deauthentications, fake authentications, interactive
packet replay and ARP request (re)injections.
■ Aircrack -ng can recover keys once enough data packets have been
Optimization s to the standard attack algorithms make wireless encryption
crackingwith Airocrack -ng much faster compared to other WEP cracking
■ Airdecap -ng is used to decrypt encrypted capture files. It can also be
used to stripwireless headers from capture fil es.
Our first command will begin sniffing the wireless packets using the
Airodump -ng utility. The packets will be captured and written to a file that
will later be used to crack the encryption key. From a command prompt,
run the following command:
airodump -ng –w output –c 6 ath1
This command runs the Airodump -ng command and sets the capture file to
output using the –w switch. Since we know from our Kismet scan the
wireless network of interest is on channel 6, we use the –c switch to
ensure that airodump -ng stays on that channel and captures as much data
as possible. Finally, we tell the command to use the interface ath0.The
interface may vary, depending on the wireless card you are using.
You should now see the Airodump -ng screen. The screen is broken into
two sections: the top section shows the wireless access points; the bottom
section shows the wireless clients.
Now that we have Airodump -ng running, we will look for associated
wireless clients. We will need to document the BSSID and Station a ddress
to perform packet injection.
Wireless packet injection allows a hacker to change packets in the air,
forcing wireless devices to generate traffic that can be intercepted and
exploited to crack the encryption key. If the network has a lot of traffic,
the hacker won't need to inject anything to compel traffic to be generated.
If the hacker is impatient, however, deauthenticating an already
authenticated client is a quick way to create traffic. This deauthentication
compels the client to reau thenticate, resulting in the handshaking packets
used by the hacker during the cracking step.
We'll utilise the aireplay -ng software to do packet injection as part of our
penetration test. This tool can carry out a variety of attacks. Fake munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
170 authentication, ARP packet replay, and deauthentication will all be put to
the test.
First, we will associate the attacking machine with the target network.
This will be done using the fake authentication method. To perform fake
authentication, we will run the following command.
aireplay -ng -1 0 –e TestNet –a 00:0F:B5:29:8C:32 –h 06:18:4D:95:32:61
This command runs the aireplay -ng command and sets the attacktype to -
1, which is fake authentication. The 0 sets the reassociation timing to 0
seconds. To set the wirel ess network name, the –e switch is followed by
the SSID of the wireless network. Then, the –a switch is followed by the
MAC address of the access point and the –h switch is followed by the
MAC address of the network card used for the injection. We complete the
command by adding the wireless interface name. If the command is
successful, you should receive the following response:
 Sending Authentication Request
 Authentication successful
 Sending Association Request
 Association successful
The target access point is now paired with your wireless network card.
Setting up ARP request packet replay is the next step. This is the most
efficient method for generating the necessary traffic to crack the
encryption key. The access point responds with new IVs while the attack
retransmits the same ARP packet. These packets are crucial in figuring out
the encryption key.
We will now set up the ARP request replay using the aireplay -ng
command. To performthis attack, we open up a new command window
and run:
aireplay -ng -3 –b 00:0F:B5:29:8C:32 –h 00:13:CE:86:08:A6 ath1
The aireplay -ng command is executed with the -3 attack type, standard
ARP request replay. The MAC address of the access point is followed by
the –b switch, and the MAC address of the associated client is fol lowed by
the –h switch. When we issue the deauthentication command, the ARP
request replay will begin flooding the access point with retransmitted ARP
packets and creating the IV packets that are required.
To generate the deauthenticate attack, we will aga in use aireplay -ng. Once
this process is initiated, we should see a substantial rise in traffic on our
airodump -ng screen.To run the deauthenticate command, we open up a
new command window and run:
aireplay -ng -0 5 –a 00:0F:B5:29:8C:32 –c 00:13:CE:86:08:A 6 ath1 munotes.in

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Investigating Wireless and Web Attacks

171 This command runs the aireplay -ng command using the -0 attack which
means deauthentication. The next number sets the number of
deauthentication packets to 5, setting this number to 0 sends continuous
deauthentication packets. The –a switch is followed by the MAC address
of the access point and the –c switch is followed by the MAC address of
the client you are trying to disassociate. The final option is the wireless
interface name.
Now that all of the injection commands have been completed, you can
move on to the next step. The data column for the wireless network you're
testing should gradually increase. The ARP request replay should also
read and retransmit ARP packets to the access point. With 300,000 IVs,
40-bit WEP can be cracked, but 128 -bit WEP may require 1.5 million IVs.
Once you've recorded enough packets, you can check to determine if the
wireless encryption key is vulnerable to cracking. Cracking We can now
test our encryption key to see if it is subject to cracking now that we have
a capture file containing the relevant data. Aircrack -ng employs a variety
of statistical approaches, including brute forcing the key, to crack WEP
keys. Only a dictionary attack is possible due to the intricacy of
WPA/WPA2 preshared keys.
In a new command window, we will use the aircrack -ng command to
attempt to crack the wireless encryption key. For a typical WEP attempt,
we would use the following command.
aircrack -ng -m 00:11:22:33:44:55 -n 64 output.cap
This command executes aircrack -ng with the –m option and the MAC
address of the access point we're attempting to crack. This option is
optional, but it aids in concentrating the attack on our target access point.
The –n switch determines the key's length. If you're not sure what length
to use, consider 64 or 128. Finally, we'll offer the capture file, which
contains the data gathered by airodump -ng. If the command is successful,
the target network's encryption key will be displayed.
8.2.6 Passive and Active Sniffing
You will be able to associate your computer with the target network once
you have found the target network's encryption key. Your network has
been compromised, and now is a good opportunity to reassess the security
restrictions on your wireless network. It's likely that hacke rs have already
done what you've done and are attempting to steal data from your
company's network. When most administrators believe their network has
been compromised, the first thing they do is check the logs to determine if
anyone who isn't authorised h as connected to the network. While this is a
decent starting step in determining whether you are actively connected,
keep in mind that wireless data is sent in the air, and an attacker with the
encryption key can sniff the network traffic and passively dec rypt it. This
implies they'll never be able to connect to the internet! Let's look at the
capture file you saved with airodump -ng to use with aircrack -ng to show
this. This file was created with the intention of being used with aircrack -
ng to decrypt the e ncryption key. Now that we know the key, we can use munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
172 the airdecap -ng software to remove the wireless headers and decrypt any
encrypted packets, leaving us with a capture file that any packet analyzer,
such as Wireshark, can read data from the target network in plain text.
To run the airedecap -ng command, we will open up a new command
window and run:
airdecap -ng –e TestNet –w 145AA34FA1 output.cap
This command runs the airdecap -ng command and supplies the following
options. The –e switch is followed by the ESSID of the target network.
The –w switch is followed by the hexadecimal WEP key. Then the capture
file is provided. This will decrypt the capture file and save it to a file name
output -dec.cap. If the command is successful, you should see a similar
Total number of packets read 1658828
Total number of WEP data packets 255816
Total number of WPA data packets 0
Number of plaintext data packets 30
Number of decrypted WEP packets 255816
Number of decrypted WPA packets 0
You can now read the contents of decrypted captured files and network
traffic. Because the attacker does not need to connect to the network to get
network data after the encryption key is known, this is a passive technique
of data capture. If the system administrator fails to recognise and respond
to the initial packet injection attack on the access point, the attacker will
be able to sniff data unnoticed until the key is changed.
If an attacker isn't concerned about being identified on the network, they
can connect and try to sniff data directly from the wireless connection.
Despite the fact that this technique makes a direct connection with the
target network and can be logged by the access point, it will be difficult to
detect unless there is a wireless IDS/IPS in place or c onstant scanning to
find unwanted MAC addresses on the network. The hacker's ability to
deploy more complicated tools on the internal network to obtain further
information is one of the many threats linked with active scanning. Instead
of being limited to reading only wirelessly transmitted data, tools like
Ettercap allow you to sniff wired network traffic from a wireless
connection if the computers are on the same subnet. Logging The majority
of wireless access points can log traffic and connections. Befor e an
incident occurs, it's critical to think about logging requirements. The
ability to go back in time to a precise point in time when an event is
thought to have occurred allows the investigator to study and decide
whether a wireless attack on the networ k occurred. Most access points'
logging does not provide the granularity required for successful logging.
Using wireless sensors, wireless IDS/IPS systems can be set up to detect munotes.in

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Investigating Wireless and Web Attacks

173 and log any suspicious wireless activities. These sensors detect and log
faulty wireless packets for subsequent forensic investigation.
Due to the nature of the technology, investigating wireless assaults is
tough. This is precisely why attackers use this method of gaining access to
business networks. The best option is to set up your wireless network
securely to prevent hackers from quickly gaining access. If a wireless
incident occurs, an investigator can use the same tools that the attacker
used to figure out how the attack was carried out and how much data was
potentially expos ed. Examining event logs on servers and network devices
on a regular basis is always an excellent way to spot attacks early and
respond correctly.
8.2.7 Investigating Web Attacks
Web attacks are a broad and diverse issue that encompasses a wide range
of attack types and attack channels. Web assaults are often divided into
two categories: attacks on the Web infrastructure and attacks on the Web
application. Although there may appear to be a small distinction between
the two, infrastructure deals with assaul ts on the Web server operating
system and server software (such as directly attacking Apache or the
Microsoft IIS server). Server and operating system configuration flaws,
buffer overflows, command injection, and protocol -based assaults are all
examples of infrastructure attacks. Attacks against Web applications are
typically not related to infrastructure, but rather to the site's application
code. There's a lot to say about Web application assaults; in fact, Web
application security has grown into its own specialist sector within
information security.
Types of Web Attacks
As previously stated, there are numerous sorts of Web attacks, each of
which might easily fill its own book. In fact, there are countless books that
go into great detail about web attacks . At the application level (attacks like
cross -site scripting (XSS), cross -site request forgery (CSRF), parameter
tampering, and cookie poisoning) and at the infrastructure level (attacks
like code/command injection, buffer overflows, and protocol -based
attacks), we'll look at a few common Web attacks.
Cross -Site Scripting
To completely comprehend cross -site scripting (XSS) attacks, it's
important to realise that attackers employ a number of different theories
and ways of getting their code into your brows er. From the most basic to
the most complicated, this section breaks out the various forms of XSS
attacks and related code injection vectors. Injecting a script into a search
field is a legitimate attack vector, but what if the value is filtered? Is there
a way to get around the filter? The truth is that XSS is a vast field that
continues to surprise the world with new and unique methods of
exploitation and injection. There are, however, basic underpinnings that
Web developers, security researchers, and IT workers responsible for
maintaining the infrastructure together must completely comprehend. munotes.in

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XSS is a type of attack that induces a website to display malicious code,
which then runs in the user's browser. Consider that XSS attack code,
which is usually (b ut not always) written in HTML/JavaScript (a.k.a.
JavaScript dangerous software [malware]), does not run on the server. The
server only serves as a host for the assault, which takes place entirely
within the Web browser. The trusted Web site is just used a s a conduit by
the hacker to carry out the assault. The user, not the server, is the intended
victim. Once an attacker has a thread of control in a user's Web browser,
he can perform a variety of criminal behaviours, such as account
hijacking, keystroke re cording, intranet hacking, history stealing, and so
on, as explained throughout this book.
For a Web browser to become infected it must visit a Web page containing
JavaScript malware. JavaScript malware could become resident on a Web
page in many ways:
■ The Web site owner may have purposefully uploaded the offending
■ The Web page may have been defaced using a vulnerability from the
network or
operating system layers with JavaScript malware as part of the payload.
■ A permanent XSS vulnerability cou ld have been exploited, where
JavaScript malware
was injected into a public area of a Web site.
■ A victim could have clicked on a specially crafted nonpersistent or
XSS connection based on the Object Model (DOM). Persistent,
nonpersistent, and DOM -based XSS attacks are the three most common
varieties. We'll take a look at each one separately. Persistent (or HTML
Injection) XSS attacks are especially common on community content -
driven Web sites or Web mail systems, because they don't require
specially crafted links to work. A hacker simply places an XSS attack
code in a section of a website that other users are likely to visit. Blog
comments, user reviews, message board posts, chat rooms, HTML e -mail,
wikis, and a variety of other places could be used. Execution is automatic
once a person accesses the infected Web page. Because the user has no
way of protecting himself, persistent XSS is far more harmful than
nonpersistent or DOM -based XSS. Once a hacker has his exploit code in
place, he will publi cise the URL of the infected Web page in the hopes of
catching unsuspecting people. Even users who are aware of nonpersistent
XSS URLs are vulnerable. When most people hear the term "XSS," they
instantly think of nonpersistent XSS. Consider a hacker attemp ting to XSS
a user on the prominent e -commerce site http://victim/. The hacker must
first locate an XSS vulnerability on http://victim/ before creating a munotes.in

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Investigating Wireless and Web Attacks

175 specially constructed URL. To do so, the hacker goes through the website
looking for any functionality that allows client -supplied data to be
transferred to the Web server and then echoed back to the screen. A search
box is one of the most common vectors for this.
DOM -based XSS is a special type of XSS that works similarly to
nonpersistent XSS but doesn't require the JavaScript malware payload to
be sent or echoed by the Web site in order to infect a user. The World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C) defines the object model for expressing
XML and HTML structures in the DOM specification. There are
essentially two sorts of parsers in the XML world: DOM and SAX. SAX
is a parsing system that is substantially faster and uses less memory, but it
is also difficult to use because it is difficult to return to the document
nodes (i.e., the parsing mechanism is one -way). DOM -based XSS is a
special type of XSS that works similarly to nonpersistent XSS but doesn't
require the JavaScript malware payload to be sent or echoed by the Web
site in order to infect a user. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
defines the object model fo r expressing XML and HTML structures in the
DOM specification. There are essentially two sorts of parsers in the XML
world: DOM and SAX. SAX is a parsing system that is substantially faster
and uses less memory, but it is also difficult to use because it i s difficult to
return to the document nodes (i.e., the parsing mechanism is one -way).
The exploitation of a client -side input validation flaw, rather than a server -
side vulnerability, is known as DOM -based XSS. In other words, DOM -
based XSS is caused by an erroneous processing of user -supplied data in
the client -side JavaScript, rather than a vulnerability in the server -side
script. DOM -based XSS, like other types of XSS vulnerabilities, can be
leveraged to steal sensitive information or hijack a user's acc ount. It's
important to note, however, that this vulnerability is purely due to
JavaScript and the unsafe usage of dynamically derived data from the
DOM structure.
Here is a simple example of a DOM -based XSS provided by Amit Klein
in his paper
“DOM -Based Cross -Site Scripting or XSS of the Third Kind”:


Welcome to our system


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Cyber Forensics
176 If we look at the code above, we can see that the developer failed to
sanitise the value of the "name" get argument, which is then written into
the page as soon as it is retrieved. In the next part, we'll look at a few
additional DOM -based XSS instances based on a hy pothetical application
that we constructed to demonstrate that XSS is omnipresent.
Investigating XSS
When researching XSS assaults, the Web server logs will be one source of
information. Look at the server's standard traffic logging and referrer
informati on to discover where the incoming page request is coming from.
Although it is quite simple to spoof referrer information, many attackers
take the risk that you will not notice the referrer information before they
travel to the XSS site. Any pages that requ ire login or authentication are of
particular importance.
When analysing an active XSS attack, a Web proxy such as Paros Proxy
(www.parosproxy.org) can be used to examine Web server transactions in
real time and see any communications with outside servers . You can also
look at the source code of any HTML -formatted e -mail messages to see if
there are any embedded scripts or links in the URL of the victim site.
Although traffic capture visualisation tools can provide insight into XSS
assaults, average traffi c loads make this form of investigation expensive
and time -consuming.
Cross -Site Request Forgery
Cross -site request forgery (CSRF) or Sea Surf attacks are relatively recent
in comparison to XSS attacks. As the name suggests, this is a variation on
XSS-style attacks, but this time the victim is the one who initiates the
exploit rather than the attacker. The CSRF attack is based on the
assumption that a site has a specified level of trust with a user. This trust
could take the form of a session variable, coo kie, or other token that stays
on the victim's system for longer than necessary. When this attack first
appeared, it was presumed that the attacker had inside information about
the victim's use of these vulnerable sites, and that this was how the assault
was launched. We've since discovered that, similar to testing for cookies,
it's possible to interrogate for tokens and then launch an attack if the token
is detected.
There are many ways to initiate a CSRF attack. One classic method uses
the image tag to p ost a request containing the attacker’s code.This is the
one we will look at in depth.
Anatomy of a CSRF Attack
In this example, we will make the following assumptions:
■ The attacker wants to reduce the number of users of a competing Web
■ The attacker has realized that the page for removing yourself from the
site isvulnerable. munotes.in

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Investigating Wireless and Web Attacks

177 ■ The attacker has a page on his site that looks for the token and generates
the attack.
The session left a valid access token on the victim's machine when the
victim last visited the target Web site, www.worldofwidgets.org. After
that, the victim goes to the attacker's website. The attacker's main page
checked for the token before launching the attack. The member's e -mail
address and a section that requires an uppercas e YES to be input as
verification that the member wants to be removed are both on the page for
removing the member from the worldofwidgets site. The key parts of this
form are shown here:

E-Mail Address:

Confirm Account Close (YES): Name="confirm">

The attacker can easily integrate the attack into an image request on one of
his website's page s once he has this information. A common way is to
utilise the get image HTML tag and append the victim's information.
Because the request comes from the victim's machine, the token is used to
validate the victim's identity and authorise the removal.

This tag sends the e -mail address of the victim, in this case
FredS@bignet.com, and the confirmation field YES to the
remove_member.asp page instead of fetching an image, wh ich is what
IMG SRC is supposed to be used for. In this example, the victim may see
an acknowledgment screen that would confuse him. If the worldofwidgets
site designer uses security best practices, the victim would receive an e -
mail letting him know this happened.
Pen-Testing CSRF Fields
The token is the most important part of any CSRF vulnerability test. It is
vital to guarantee that tokens expire or become invalid when they are no
longer required if a site employs cookies or session variables. In the ca se
of cookies, depending on the type of site usage you foresee, it may be
prudent to set the expiration to a reasonable time. Setting the expiration 10
minutes in the future may be a sensible choice if your logs show that the
average duration a user spends on the site is 10 minutes. This will prevent
numerous CSRF attempts.

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Cyber Forensics
178 When the site is utilised differently or the average user time is too varied,
storing session variables that are no longer valid in a log may be the
solution. It would also work to have a routine set a session variable to be
invalid after a logout or a period of inactivity. Adding a code at the top of
every page to test the session variable and requiring a login if the variable
is no longer valid would alert the victim to the CSRF attack . If the token is
configured to expire in 10 minutes, you should visit the site and wait
several minutes after the timeout has passed before attempting to access an
internal page that you should not have access to. You can tell if a page
hasn't been harden ed against the CSRF attack if it loads or grants you
access when it shouldn't.
Code Injection Attacks
A Code injection attack is possible whenever a scripting or programming
language is utilised on a Web page, and all an attacker needs is an
opening. The opening is usually in the form of an incorrectly validated
input field. A code injection attack's "code" doesn't have to be on the Web
page, though. It can be found in the backend as part of a database query or
as part of a CGI for the Web site. Between th e Internet and the data, any
part of the server that employs Java, JavaScript, C, Perl, Visual Basic,
SQL, or any other code is vulnerable. SQL injection attacks are now
popular and well reported in the media, therefore they may be the most
well-known sort of code injection attack at the time of writing. Every day,
however, there are various assaults on Cold Fusion, Active Server, Java,
Perl, and Awk -based code. A large part of the problem is programmers
who don't examine every single input that a user may possibly enter. Most
of these attacks can be blocked if a programmer creates a list of all
permissible inputs and then builds input validation methods that only
accept good inputs and reject bad inputs.
Investigating Code Injection Attacks
The Web server l ogs rarely include evidence of a code injection attack.
You'll probably observe the different attempts to get the attack right if the
Web designer writes failed input information to a log file. You may have
to rely on network traffic sniffer records if the re are no logs of erroneous
attempts to fill out a form or other inputs. Using an open -source tool like
Wireshark to capture server traffic and then scanning for either all requests
travelling to the input page or field names on the page may give you a
good accounting of the malicious traffic and the sender's IP address. To
catch one of the attempts, you may need to gather some fairly huge files.
You can significantly minimise the capture file size by setting the capture
filter on the sniffer of your choice to only capture traffic travelling to the
The capture filter in Wireshark would be dst host xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (the xs
are the server's IP address). Before leaving the sniffer running unattended
for lengthy periods of time, test to see how big this file grows over the
course of an hour or two, and make sure you have enough storage space
for the resulting file. You can use the frame contains display filter frame munotes.in

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Investigating Wireless and Web Attacks

179 contains "homePhone" if you know one of the input fields on a page
you're looking at is la belled homePhone. Any packets with data flowing to
the input field will be displayed, and their contents can be checked for
proper or malicious content.
Access logs and transaction data are two other places where evidence can
be found. Don't forget to con sider transaction times. You may be noticing
symptoms of an attack if you notice a huge volume of transactions in a
short period of time or at strange hours.
Command Injection Attacks
The type of payload provided and the access level used distinguish
comm and injection attacks from other injection attacks. Command attacks
will largely target trusted interfaces, such as CGIs, as well as deeper -level
scripts or programmes run by administrators. The passing and execution of
system commands at or just above the operating system level is known as
command injection. Microsoft Internet Explorer has been the target of
multiple successful command injection attacks, thanks in part to helpful
code that attempted to repair faulty Web sites. For several years, these
assaults were the scourge of Microsoft Internet Explorer coders.
Parameter Tampering
Parameter tampering, which is the alteration of unprotected data in the
URL or a hidden field of a Web page, is one of the oldest types of Web -
based assaults. This type of attack is usually directed at a business website
that has prices or other data tied to a Web page.
For example, if the attacker is at a sporting goods Web site and is thinking
of buying a tennis racket that costs $80, he might see the price reflected in
the URL in this way:
If the attacker changes the price in the URL line before pressing Enter, and
the site does not verify the price, he could buy the racket for $30 this way:
Another popular form of parameter tampering is the changing of hidden
fields within theHTML itself. Here, again, if the attacker views the source
of the Web page and sees the price of the rac ket being held in a hidden
field, he could save the source code, make the modification, and then load
the file and send the new price, hoping it won’t be caught later. In this
way, the following:

could be ch anged to:


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Cyber Forensics
180 Newer solutions, such as Paros Proxy, are great for both investigators and
attackers since they allow you to change the HTML code that is received
and delivered on your computer.
This makes param eter tinkering a breeze, and it also makes testing Web
form pages a breeze. Unfortunately, like with many security solutions,
those that are beneficial to security professionals are also beneficial to
Cookie Poisoning
Cookie poisoning is a part icular form of parameter tampering in which the
attacker obtains the contents of a cookie saved on the victim's machine.
The attacker can either get sensitive information about the victim or
update information for any purpose he wants by reading the inform ation in
these cookies. Cookies are used by many websites to store session
information or short -term variables that are used to track a user's travel
across a site. In principle, these cookies are invisible to the end user, and
while the Web site may encry pt cookies in some situations, many are not
and are extremely easy to read. As a result, attackers value the information
stored in these cookies. It would be as simple as looking for the cookie
from the sports store in the previous example and modifying th e victim's
cookie so that the list price of a racket is $90 instead of $80 when he
checks out to induce anger and unhappiness.
Investigating Cookie Poisoning
To identify and investigate cookie poisoning, have the cookie issuing
server save session variabl es and cookie contents to a log file, and then
compare those cookies to the transaction logs to make sure the transaction
finished with the identical data saved in the original cookie. If you go the
extra step of watching referrer information during transactions, you can
discover that the attack was not only caused by a poisoned cookie, but also
by an XSS assault.
Buffer Overflows/Cookie Snooping
One of the side benefits to an attacker who performs a buffer overflow
attack on a Web page is the direct reading of cookie data that is currently
stored in memory. Many apps save cookies right with the browser's other
variables. This is logical because the cookie is a variable. The attacker can
read the unencrypted cookie data by executing a buffer overflow and
having the payload read the working storage area of memory. This
information can range from session information to Social Security
numbers or bank codes.
Investigating Buffer Overflows
Depen ding on the type of buffer overflow and the error recovery strategy
employed by the programmers, evidence of buffer overflows can be found
in system logs, event logs, and programme logs. A buffer overflow can
usually be observed reasonably quickly if you u se a traffic sniffer or munotes.in

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Investigating Wireless and Web Attacks

181 intrusion detection system and filter the Web page traffic and look at the
input data. Buffer overflows are usually huge files with repeating data
strings that pop out at you when you see them. Test field input procedures
to see if they trim or reject entries that are too large while studying a
website that you suspect may be vulnerable to a buffer overflow attack.
DMZ Protocol Attacks, Zero Day Attacks
One of the best practices network administrators employ to shield the
remainder of the network from the portions that need to be open to the
Internet is to place Internet -facing equipment in a separate "Demilitarized
Zone," or DMZ. Internal and external DMZ protocol attacks are the most
common. Internal assaults take advantage of the protocols used by systems
in the DMZ. The protocols that the DMZ utilises to communicate with the
internal network systems are used by external assaults. If an attacker gains
access to a DMZ Web server, he may discover that the Web server uses a
trusted In ternet work Packet Exchange (IPX) channel to communicate
with a database server, which is also in the DMZ. This URL can be
exploited to exploit the database by abusing the Web server. This is the
best example of an internal attack.
Once within the DMZ, th e attacker can utilise any protocol to get access to
the company's internal network or intranet. It can be perplexing to think of
an external attack as a word for attacking an interior network. Consider the
attack from the perspective of being inside the D MZ and attacking outside
the DMZ into the rest of the corporation if it helps. When these assaults
deliver a malicious payload that isn't in the signature database of the
network's antivirus or intrusion detection/prevention systems, it is referred
to as a Zero Day attack. If the attack or vulnerability hasn't been made
public yet, it's also referred to as a Zero Day attack.
Example of an FTP Compromise: Attacks against FTP servers have been
popular among attackers for quite a few years now. These attacks allow
the attacker to transfer large amounts of data in either direction faster than
other methods, and they allow attackers to steal information masked as
other normal FTP traffic.
A classic example of the FTP Bounce attack is shown in the Figure
8.1.The attack usesthe following steps:
1. The attacker creates a script that logs into the victim's FTP site and
either requests or transmits a file to an intermediate FTP server, which
is usually an open server in a public place like a school or library.
2. The attacker then creates a port between the attacker's system (which is
usually operating an FTP server as well) and the intermediate FTP
server using a script for the intermediate FTP server. After that, the
attacker logs into the intermediary server and ru ns the two scripts.
3. When the attacker runs the scripts, an FTP link is established between
his system and the intermediary system, and then a link is established
between the intermediate system and the victim machine. munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
182 4. The attacker can send or request FTP files or data from the victim
server after the connections are established, and all logs on the victim
server demonstrate that the attack originated from the intermediate
Figure 8.1 An Example of FTP Bounce Attack Methods
FTP-based assaults come in a variety of forms today. Even some of the
older techniques can still work depending on the age of the FTP software
and the security settings on the server!
Intrusion Detection
People who believe that intrusion detection systems prevent intrusion s are
making the most common mistake. They don't stop or deter invasions in
any manner; all they do is report when one happens or is attempted. Snort
is an open source intrusion detection system that has become a benchmark
against which commercial intrusio n detection systems are measured.
Snort, which is available at www.snort.org, can be used to capture
network traffic and provide traffic analysis alerts. It can even be set up to
act as a full intrusion prevention system, blocking malicious
communications. Snort accomplishes these duties by comparing rule sets
to incoming traffic. These rule sets can be downloaded from the Snort
website or other security sites, and they are updated on a regular basis to
reflect new attacks. If you're thinking of installing Snort, make sure you
read and understand the documentation beforehand. Advanced rule sets
can be rather complicated, and they may or may not apply to your network
architecture. It's customary to utilise Snort as a live traffic analysis tool,
but you can al ternatively employ a known good. Snort installation to
evaluate captured traffic files. You can tell Snort to read any
.cap(TCPdump -formatted) file and generate warnings from the file. Snort
will typically output any warnings or alerts to the screen unless you
designate an output file in which to save them.
The following code is an example of Snort alerts. As you can see, most
alerts even offer links to Web sites for more information on the suspect
traffic. These external references are indicated by

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Investigating Wireless and Web Attacks

183 Xref =>.
[**] [1:587:8] RPC portmap status request UDP [**]
[Classification: Decode of an RPC query] [Priority: 2]
09/15 -19:06:06.81952 ->
UDP TTL:47 TOS:0x0 ID:41887 IpLen:20 DgmLen:84
[Xref => http://www.whitehats.com/info/IDS15]
[**] [1:1971:4] FTP SITE EXEC format string attempt [**]
[Classification: Potentially bad traffic] [Priority: 2]
09/16 -15:55:52.235847 ->
TCP TTL:48 TOS:0x0 ID:16648 IpLen:20 DgmLen: 76 DF
***AP*** Seq: 0xCF7869CC Ack: 0xEBCD7EC0 Win: 0x7D78 TcpLen:
TCP Options (3) => NOP NOP TS: 237391678 29673183
If your profession requires you to investigate significant quantities of
network traffic, you may wish to put up a known good Snort env ironment
on your examination machine so that you may compare traffic captures to
your tested and validated rules. One of the most basic tools in an expert
investigator's toolkit is this way of immediately evaluating network traffic
for probable criminal be haviour.
Attackers are no longer required to break into an office or seek to
circumvent firewall measures in order to get network access. Wireless
networks have been compromised at BJ's Wholesale Club, Lowe's
Companies Inc., DSW, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, and
TJX. This chapter covers the fundamentals of wireless networks as well as
the tactics used by hackers to attack them. Because of their anonymity and
the difficulties of tracing down attacks, hackers have an advantage when it
comes to wireless attacks. The results are enticing Once a hacker breaks
in, they bypass many of the usual network security barriers. A wireless
network that was safe last year may not be as secure this year. The best
way to prevent a wireless attack i s to ensure the corporate wireless access
point, wireless clients, and network configuration are as secure as possibly
possible. Wireless networks can be more vulnerable to attacks than those
on wired networks
Chapter 11 - Investigating Wireless Attacks, Editor(s): Dave Kleiman,
Kevin Cardwell, Timothy Clinton, Michael Cross, Michael Gregg, Jesse
Var Salone, Craig Wright, The Official CHFI Study Guide (Exam 312 -
49),Syngress, 2007, Pages 487 -509, ISBN 9781597491976,
https://doi.org/10.1016/B978 -159749197 -6.50012
 munotes.in

Page 184

184 9
Unit Structure
9.0 Objectives
9.1 Introduction
9.1.1 E -mail Anatomy
9.1.2 Working with E -mail Systems
9.1.3 Protocols Used in Email Communication Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Post Office Protocol (POP3) Internet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP)
9.2 Email Crimes
9.2.1 Phishing: Types of Phishing: Case Study: Bypassing Two -Factor Authentication
9.2.2 Spamming
9.2.3 Mail Bombing
9.2.4 Mail Storm
9.2.5 Sexual Abuse of Children in Chat Rooms
9.2.6 Child Pornography
9.2.7 Harassment
9.2.8 Identity Fraud
9.2.9 Chain Letter
9.2.10 Sending Fakemail
9.2.11 Email Harvesting
9.3 Investigating E -mail Crimes
9.3.1 Examining the E -mail Message
9.3.2 Copying the E -mail Message
9.3.3 Printing the E -mail Message
9.3.4 Viewing the E -mail Headers
9.3.5 Examining the E -mail Header Microsoft Outlook munotes.in

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Crime Examination

185 E -Mail Messages, UNIX, and the sky is the limit
from there
9.3.6 Tracing an E -mail Message
9.4 Tools and Techniques to Investigate E -mail Messages
9.5 Handling Spam
9.6 Network Abuse Clearing House
9.7 Protecting Your E -mail Address from Spam
9.8 Anti -Spam Tools
9.9 Summary
9.10 Reference for additional perusing
Targets in this section: This part would cause you to comprehend the
accompanying ideas:
 Working with E -mail Systems
 E-mail Crimes
 Investigating E -mail Crimes
 Tracing an E -mail Message
 Tools and Techniques to Investigate E -mail Messages
During the 1960s Email was imagined however was utilized to a restricted
limit and in a confined way; it just got well known by 1993. Email
correspondence started the business transformation since it associate d the
planet. Albeit numerous cutting edge kinds of correspondences are
created, email actually stays the principal well known inside the corporate
world. As email correspondence thrived, it turned into a significant piece
of our own and expert lives. Emai l is a vital piece of e -disclosure and
scientific examination, particularly with the increment of cybercrime.
In this section, we will investigate diverse email wrongdoings and how
their examination happens, by taking a gander at various contextual
analy ses. Email assumed a genuine part inside the examination of the
Enron embarrassment, which we will see thereafter
Email Anatomy
The email comprises of two segments: Header and subsequently the Body.
Each email includes a header, which might be a segment that contains data
about the wellspring of the email and along these lines the way it went to
prevail in the objective. The body o f the email is the thing that we read munotes.in

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186 inside the email; it contains the message as well as any connections, which
the sender has sent.
Working of Email System
The email framework might be a blend of equipment and programming
parts, which incorporate the sender's and collector's customer and worker
PC. The working of an Email System is displayed in Figure 1.
• An email customer is a Message User Agent (MUA), which is a
product that sends and gets email. It changes the message over to an
email message and sends it to the Message Submission Agent
• In the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), the MSA decides the
objective and resolves the area name to decide the completely
qualified space name of the mail worker.
• The Domain Name System (DNS) worker ch ecks the space against
the rundown of mail trade workers in light of the solicitation.
• The message is then sent to the Mail Transfer Agent (MTA), after
which it is conveyed to the post box by the Mail Delivery Agent
• The message is gotten by the be neficiary's MUA utilizing either Post
Office Protocol (POP3) or Internet Message Access Protocol

Fig.1Working of Email System


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Crime Examination

187 Conventions Used in Email Communication
Messages serve a major and basic part in electronic correspondence in the
present advanced world. We have a bunch of conventions set up to make
this electronic association conceivable and to send information between at
least two associations.
1. Simple Ma il Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a web convention that
permits you to send and get email over the web.
• The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a book based,
application -level convention.
• For SMTP, the port numbers are 25 or 2525, or 587. Ports 465, 25,
587, and 2526 are utilized for secure SMTP (SSL/TLS).
2. Post Office Protocol (POP3)
This is a convention for recovering email from email workers by means of
the web.
• All approaching me ssages are taken care of by the POP3 worker.
• Each worker is restricted to a solitary letter box.
• POP considers disconnected admittance to interchanges, decreasing
the measure of time spent on the web.
• The POP3 convention is normally utilized on two port s: port 110,
which is the default non -encoded POP3 port, and port 995, which
is utilized when encryption is required.
3. Internet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP)
To get to the email on the mail worker, you'll need to utilize the web
message access conventi on.
• The far off worker stores and oversees email.
• It permits clients to download and dispose of messages without
understanding them.
• Support for numerous letter drops is accessible.
• Appropriate for connections.
• The IMAP convention runs on port 143, with SSL/TLS -encoded
IMAP running on port 993.
As the quantity of computerized residents expanded to millions, so did the
quantity of violations connected to email. New clients, then again, are not munotes.in

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188 given any directions or tips on the bes t way to be protected on the web.
Large numbers of these people in the end become obvious objectives for
programmers and fraudsters who misuse their data and, much of the time,
request cash. Email violations incorporate phishing messages, extortion
message s, badgering messages, etc. Email has customarily been utilized to
advance middle class wrongdoing, yet it is presently now being utilized to
spread illegal intimidation and by stalkers to impart dangers.
Phishing tricks are for the most part messages that lead to the assortment
of fundamental and delicate data, for example, financial balance numbers,
charge card numbers, and government managed retirement numbers, and
the abuse or unlawful offer of such data. The assault is most ordinarily
conv eyed as a mock email correspondence that seems to come from an
individual accountable for a definitive position or a known or individual
associate, yet it can likewise seem to come from an individual responsible
for a legitimate position or a notable bank, shopping entryway, inn, and so
on This happens when a cybercriminal tricks a casualty into opening an
email by having all the earmarks of being a confided in association. The
collector is then convinced to tap on a noxious connection or archive,
which may bring about the establishment of malware (a malevolent
programming), compromising all touchy information on the machine.
Phishing is every now and again utilized as a component of a more
extensive attack, like a high level diligent danger (APT) occasion , to
acquire admittance to business or administrative organizations by alluring
and focusing on guiltless faculty. Numerous laborers are compromised in
this segment to bypass security borders like firewalls, endpoint security,
and email security, dissemina te malware inside a shut climate, or get
restricted admittance to all watched information and data.
An association that succumbs to such an assault is probably going to
endure critical monetary and reputational harm. Contingent upon the
broadness, a phishing endeavor may transform into a security emergency,
making it hard to recuperate and recover piece of the pie.
Sorts of Phishing:
Phishing Attacks: There are a few kinds of phishing assaults:
• As the name infers, skewer phishing by and large focuses on a
particular individual or association. Phishers scour the web for any
accessible data on their objective so they may assemble a conceivable
and genuine looking email to extricate data (if not cas h) from their
planned casualties.
• Whaling is a sort of lance phishing assault focused on chiefs or other
high-profile focuses inside an organization, government, or other
private associations, like a COO, CEO, or another person with
admittance to monetary information or resources. A typical illustration
of whaling is CFO extortion. It as a rule targets high -profile focuses to munotes.in

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189 take vital and touchy information from a partnership. These are
individuals who have absolute admittance to delicate data.
• Smishing is a sort of SMS phishing that happens through instant
message on cell phones. Vishing, or voice phishing, is a comparative
technique that utilizes the telephone.
• Deceptive Phishing: For this situation, the sender camouflages (causes
it to seem bona fide ) email ids as an authority and unique
organization's email address, captivating and asking individuals to tap
on the fake connections provided in the email. Ordinarily,
cybercriminals focus on their casualties utilizing mass email systems.
• Pharming, othe rwise called DNS -based phishing, is the change or
altering a framework's host records or area name framework to divert
URL inquiries to a counterfeit site. Thus, customers have no clue
about that the site into which they are putting their own data is a
• Content -infusion phishing happens when tricksters/phishers present
unsafe code or misleading substance into certified sites that demand
clients' passwords or individual data. This phishing endeavor is
progressing as a feature of the substance caricaturing attack.
• Search motor phishing happens when tricksters or phishers foster
destructive sites with captivating stunning offers and list them in web
indexes. As the aphorism goes, "Unrealistic," clueless casualties are
attracted to such locales w hile directing their own web look and
erroneously accept these destinations are genuine, incidentally
uncovering the entirety of their own data.
The unforgiving the truth is that there are a great deal of phish in the
ocean! A phishing attack is the begi nning stage for by far most of
information break endeavors. Lamentably, regardless of how protected or
the number of various assurances an organization takes, some phishing
messages will consistently crawl and advance into a casualty's inbox.
Also, those m essages are exceptionally effective — by far most of people
on earth can't recognize a shrewd phishing email. This is the place where
client mindfulness and representative instruction become an integral factor
and are basic.
Contextual analysis: Bypassing Two -Factor Authentication
Programmers effectively bypassed Google's two -factor validation (2FA)
and accessed Gmail accounts. Programmers utilized this astute mission to
acquire admittance to many Google and Yahoo accounts to bypass two -
factor validation . Here's the means by which the attack worked (the time is


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Cyber Forensics
190 1. A programmer makes a sham Gmail login page.
2. The programmer sends the casualty a phishing Gmail security
cautioning (Your Gmail account has been restricted for security
reasons. To reactivate the record, you should login (blah, blah,
blah, )
3. The casualty taps the phishing join and is shipped off a sham Gmail
confirmation screen.
4. The casualty enters a login and secret word.
5. The programmer acknowledges the login and the casualty is t hen
furnished with a 'Kindly info 2 -Factor Authentication code:' brief.
6. Hackers in a far off area open a genuine Gmail page and sign in with
the casualty's seized login and secret phrase.
7. A real Gmail acknowledges the login and sends a SMS message
with t wo-factor verification to the casualty's telephone.
8. The casualty enters the 2FA code from the SMS onto the phishing
9. The programmer acquires the 2FA code and transfers it to a real
Gmail account.
10. The programmer acquired admittance t o the casualty's Gmail
account.Source: motherboard.vice.com/en us/article/bje3kw/how -
programmers sidestep gmail -two-factor -validation.
Spamming is the demonstration of sending spontaneous business email
correspondences (UCE). Garbage mail is a more continuous word for
spam. Spammers gather email addresses from Usenet, bots, posts, DNS
postings, or potentially Web pages.
Spammers are shrewd, persuaded hooligans who are knowledgeable in
They will go to any length to access email re cords, unstable workers, and
unreliable switches. Spammers bring in cash while staying mysterious by
utilizing their insight and all around made instruments.
Spam is ordinarily shipped off countless email addresses simultaneously.
Much of the time, the e-sender letters' location is faked, permitting
spammers to hide their personality. The From and Reply To fields in an
Internet email header empower the spammer to give mistaken or deceiving
data to urge the beneficiary to open the email.
Spam might be o rdered into two classes dependent on its substance:
spontaneous mass email (UBE) and spontaneous business email (UCE) munotes.in

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Crime Examination

191 (UCE). Spam is sent by means of a faked email address or through
business mass -mailing programming.
A spammer is an individual or element who conveys spam messages.
Mail Bombing
Mail bombarding is a clear assault that has been drilled for quite a while.
It involves sending various duplicates of an email to a beneficiary with the
aim of doing as such. The objective is simply to overpower the email
worker. This is refined by either flooding the worker associations or
spilling over the client's inbox to where the person in question can't get to
additional messages. Flooding worker associations would be a imed at the
general framework, while flooding an inbox would be aimed at a
particular person. Mail bombarding is unsafe and oppressive, regardless of
whether it is aimed at a particular individual to keep different clients from
getting to the mail worker.
Mail Storm
A mail storm is a circumstance that emerges when PCs start to impart all
alone. This system produces a lot of garbage mail. This may happen
accidentally because of email message auto -sending when arranged to
countless mailing records, the utilization of pr ogrammed answers, and the
utilization of various email accounts. Pernicious programming, for
example, the Melissa and IloveYou infections, can likewise cause mail
storms. Mail storms upset an email framework's typical correspondence.
Sexual Abuse of Chil dren in Chat Rooms
The developing utilization of texting, Web discussions like Facebook, and
talk rooms has expanded the chance of rape. It is ordinary for pedophiles
to use web visit rooms to physically mishandle young people by starting
associations wi th them. This normally involves become a close
acquaintence with the youth, fabricating a steady association, and
afterward progressively acquainting the kid with porn through
photographs or recordings that may contain physically unequivocal
material. Kids might be misused for cybersex from the outset, and after
trust is set up, this may develop to actual maltreatment.
Kid Pornography
Kid porn is characterized as any material that shows youngsters' sexual
action. The obscurity and simplicity of move man aged by the Internet
have brought about a worldwide issue with kid porn. Kid porn misuse can
bring about long haul torment and other unsafe outcomes. Those in the kid
porn business some of the time target impeded youths by promising
money or different moti vators. Youngsters who are casualties of sexual
abuse may experience the ill effects of trouble, enthusiastic brokenness,
fear, and uneasiness for the remainder of their lives.

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Cyber Forensics
192 Badgering
Badgering may happen in numerous sorts of media, including the In ternet.
Garbage mail, physically unseemly email correspondences, and dangers
passed on the web (through email and texting) are generally instances of
provocation. Provocation of this nature is a criminal offense. Another kind
of badgering is the unseemly a dmittance to physically express, bigot, or in
any case shocking data at work. This incorporates sending undesirable
interchanges to an associate that may contain unseemly data.
Character Fraud
Data fraud is developing progressively normal because of its effortlessness
and benefit. This lead involves taking somebody's personality to get
unscrupulous monetary advantage. It is, truth be told, burglary. To take a
personality, email correspondences with unrealistic offers, fake Web
locales, and different kind s of phishing are utilized. Numerous gatherings
have some expertise in data catch and monetary gaming by offering this
data to parties that will direct unapproved buys or monetary exchanges.
Networking Letter
Another sort of misuse that has easily move d from the actual world to web
is junk letters. A networking letter is an email that was sent consecutively
starting with one email client then onto the next. It will typically
encourage the beneficiary to advance further duplicates of the email to
various beneficiaries. These junk letters every now and again offer prizes
or otherworldly advantage for sending the email and may likewise
undermine misfortune or harm if the recipient doesn't communicate it. The
authenticity of a networking letter is now and ag ain obscure since the first
sender's header data is lost during retransmission.
Sending Fakemail
Fakemail is any email that has been manufactured or controlled here and
there. It is oftentimes utilized in spamming to hide the beginning location.
Email ca ricaturing is a technique for sending adulterated or fake mail.
Entering another person's email address in the or boxes permits you to
send a phony email. These may likewise incorporate data about the
message's starting point.
Fakemail might be effectively produced by interfacing with TCP port 25
with any telnet customer. At the point when this is finished, the PC is
quickly associated with the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
daemon working on that host. Fakemail would then be able to be sent by
sending SMTP guidelines to the SMTP daemon. For instance, you send a
fake email to
Enter the accompanying message into Bill.Gates@Microsoft.com:
Username HELO
EMAIL: president@Whitehouse.gov> munotes.in

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Email Track ing and Email
Crime Examination

193 TO: Bill.Gates@Microsoft.com> RCPT TO: Bill. Gates@Microsoft.com>
This is a note to thank you for your help with assisting me with winning
the political decision.
President Bush surrendered.
Fakemail might be shipped off anybody and will hope to have come from
the location determined via the "Post of fice FROM:" box. Fundamentally,
fakemail is utilized to perpetrate criminal misrepresentation.
Email Harvesting
The obscure and generally criminal behaviorutilizes a mechanized
programming to filter pages and assemble email addresses for spammers
to use in sending spam messages.
To explore email violations and infractions, you should make the
accompanying strides: Study the email mes sage, duplicate it, print it, see
the email headers, look at the email headers, assess any connections, and
follow the email.
Coming up next are the means in the insightful cycle:
1. Inspecting the email message
2. Replicating the email message
3. Printing the email message
4. Review the email headers
5. Inspecting the email headers
6. Inspecting any connections
7. Following the email
1. Inspecting the E -mail Message
At the point when it is resolved that a wrongdoing was perpetrated by
means of email, gather and protect the proof expected to demonstrate the
offense in a courtroom. Proof can be accumulated by investigating the
casualty's PC. This may be the email that t he casualty got.
Likewise with any advanced measurable work, an image of the machine's
hard circle ought to be taken first.
It is helpful to get any passwords needed to open ensured or scrambled
documents while investigating the casualty's framework. A t the point
when actual admittance to the casualty's PC is unimaginable, a printed munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
194 duplicate of the culpable email (with the whole header) ought to be made.
Albeit the novel IP address of the worker that sent the message might be
produced, this is troubles ome and far -fetched. Much of the time, the IP
address of the source post in the email will compare to the guilty party's
2. Replicating the E -mail Message
An email request might be dispatched when the hazardous message is
duplicated and printe d. Any email application, like Eudora or Outlook
Express, might be utilized, and straightforward advances can be given to
move the email message from the Inbox envelope to a circle or other
To repeat an email in Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Expre ss, play out
these means:
1. Supplement an arranged USB streak crash into the framework.
2. Explore to the USB key utilizing My Computer or Windows Explorer.
3. Start by opening Microsoft Outlook.
4. Keep the Folder List open when opening the envelope containing the
tricky message.
5. Resize the Outlook window with the goal that you can see both the
replicated message and the floppy plate symbol.
6. From the Outlook sheet, drag the message to the circle en velope
connected with the USB key.
Replicating the email message is likewise conceivable with order line
email applications like Pine. The methodology is ordinarily novel to every
3. Printing the E -mail Message
It is a smart thought to print t he email message whenever it has been
replicated. The essential benefits of printing are that a straightforward
method can be distantly passed on to a client and that it produces results
that might be utilized in court. The accompanying directions represen t
how to print an email message from Outlook Express:
1. Navigate to My Computer or Windows Explorer and save a
duplicate of the casualty's email message.
2. Launch the email programming and open the message.
3. Select Print from the File menu.
4. After you've picked your printing choices in the discourse box, click
Print. munotes.in

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Crime Examination

195 5. Open the email message in an order line email customer, for
example, Pine or Eudora and pick the Print alternative.
4. Review the E -mail Headers
A message header and a subjec t body make up an email message. The
powerful catch of the email header may represent the deciding moment a
request utilizing email. The email header is fundamental since it contains
data about the e -beginning. mail's This will uncover the IP address from
whence it began, the strategy used to communicate it, and maybe who sent
it. The message is contained in the e -subject mail's body. The email header
might be gotten subsequent to replicating the email message. This method
varies relying upon the email appl ication.
Recovering the E -mail Header (Microsoft Outlook)
1. Launch Outlook and explore to the replicated email message.
2. To open the Options discourse box, right -click the message and select
3. Select the header text and copy it.
4. Copy and glue the header content into any word processor, then, at that
point save the record as Filename.txt.
5. Press Alt -P> to catch a screen shot of the header. This picture ought to
be printed.
6. Make a duplicate of the email message and save it as messa ge. 1.msg
7. Exit the application.
Recovering the E -mail Header (Hotmail)
1. Navigate to Hotmail and sign in utilizing your Web program.
2. Open the fitting email message.
3. Select Preferences from the Options menu. Snap Mail Display
Settings for variant No.8.
4. Select Advanced Header starting from the drop menu. Go to
Message Headers and pick the Advanced alternative for variant
No. 8.
5. Select and duplicate the message heading content.
6. Save the document as Filename.htm subsequent to choosing the
message header content.
7. This can likewise be cultivated by putting away the information
related with the header's "see source."
8. Press Alt -P> to catch a screen capture of the header. This picture
ought to be printed.
9. Exit the application.


Page 196

Cyber Forensics
196 Recovering the E -mail Header (Yahoo)
1. Launch Yahoo.
2. On the right, select Mail Options.
3. Navigate to the General Preferences interface and pick Show All
Headers On Incoming Messages prior to saving the message.
4. Save the document as Filename.htm subsequent to choosing the
message header content.
5. This can likewise be cultivated by putting away the information
related with the header's "see source."
6. Press Alt -P> to catch a screen shot of the header. This picture ought
to be printed.
7. Exit the application.
5. Inspecting the E -mail Header
Email headers are a helpful wellspring of data. They can reveal to you the
working framework and adaptation of the email send er's working
framework, the email program utilized and its form, the usernames on the
framework used to send and get email, just as the framework hostname
and Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.
The most productive approach to get the important email for a ssessment is
to ask the individual who got it. It is typically desirable over have
somebody at the objective site send you an email message if conceivable.
Frequently, programmed deals records and framework re -mail or rundown
highlights are adequate to get an email header for correlation. Do this for
each site that you are allowed to assess. Email headers may likewise be
caught by deliberately sending an invalid email to the objective site.This
will result in a "skip" returning as undeliverable.
Albeit th is isn't generally the situation, the ricochet may contain some
inside data. The email applications, working frameworks, inward
hostnames, and inner framework sorts are uncovered by dissecting the
header. The extraordinary sender's IP address gave inside t he email header
is the main data fundamental when examining an occasion dependent on
an email. The email header likewise incorporates other data, for example,
the date and time the message was sent (a timestamp), any connections
and their arrangement, and the message content. The header may likewise
contain data that might be utilized to recognize the customer machine
In this part, we will walk you through the cycles needed to examine the
email header. The header is caught by following the met hods laid out in
the former segment.
In the event that the email message header is effectively examined, it can
give significant data. Figure 1 shows an illustration of an email header.

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Email Track ing and Email
Crime Examination

197 6. Inspecting any connections
Email header investigation gives us data about the aggressor, for example,
SMTP worker subtleties, the assailant's and casualty's IP addresses, the
timestamp when the email was sent, and connection record data.
Numerous business and web programs for examin ation are accessible,
including www.ip -adress.com, emailtracker ace, MailXmainer, MX
Toolbox, and others. The ip -adress instrument will be utilized to look at an
email header and fathom the different fields demonstrated in the header.
When the IP is reso lved to be genuine, the entirety of the data is
assembled, and the related Internet Service Provider (ISP) is called, and
the client data for the IP is mentioned. The ISP hence sends the client data
to the examiners, who, with the help of neighborhood law implementation
specialists, track out the culprit.

Fig.1 Sample Header with explanation 1

Fig.2 Sample Header with explanation 2


Page 198

Cyber Forensics
198 Email Tracking result as shown in the figure

Contextual investigation: Email Hoax
A decent inn got an alarm when a 40 -year-old miserable person composed
a phony email to the inn, causing the workers to remain alert for longer
than seven days. On June 1, an email with the title "Bombs in Hotel"
showed up in the inbox of the lodging's ema il ID from an aggressor
utilizing yahoo.com email. Coming up next are the email's substance
3 bags loaded up with 20 Kg of RDX has been put in your lodging. In
the course of the most recent 3 days, we have effectively avoided all
your security frameworks. The detonator for each of the 3 explosives
will be constrained by a cell phone. At the point when I call the
numbers, the explosives will go off and annihilate your inn. You have
24 hours to convey Rs 5 Crores else witness the an nihilation of your
You will send 2 Bank DD's every one of Rs 2.5 Crores to the
accompanying location:
(his significant other's Bangalore, India address referenced here)
Try not to sit around idly, the explosives will be set off at precisely 2
pm on Wednesday, June 2, 2010. This email isn't a deception. You are
encouraged to view it appropriately to stay away from a great many
dollars of harm and death toll. The dread alarm is genuine, this is my
last admonition!
In any case, the phony email sen der was captured in Bangalore after the
lodging's associate security chief cautioned Cyber Crime unit authorities.
The messages and other data were provided to us by inn the board. Since
the records were Yahoo's, we reached Yahoo and got data on the reco rd,
which was set up for the sake of xxxx@yahoo.com. Hurray outfitted us
with the IP address data. munotes.in

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Email Track ing and Email
Crime Examination

199 Utilizing ip -adress.com, we performed header investigation and found that
the IP address had a place with a digital bistro in Bangalore. It was an
Airtel w eb association, and with Airtel's assistance, we situated out the
real area of the digital bistro from where the messages were sent. We then,
at that point dispatched a group of experts to direct more examinations.
The culprit had sent two sham messages to the inn. His significant other
had deserted him, leaving him down and out, as per examinations. This
propelled him to send an email to her, so he made an email address in her
name. He further mentioned that 7,000,000 USD (the Rs. 5 crores
referenced in the email) be shipped off her nearby home location.
7. Following an E -mail Message
The beginning host framework's IP address can help you in deciding the
proprietor of an email address that has been utilized in a presumed
occurrence or wrongdoing that is being examined. This data is vulnerable
to imitation. Continuously twofold check any proof you find. An
assortment of sites can help with tracking down the proprietor or
dependable element connected with the space name.
A portion of these are:
 www.arin.net The American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
might be utilized to decide an area name dependent on an IP address. It
likewise furnishes the contact data related with a space name.
 http://www.freeality.com/This site gives an assortment of search
prospects, including email addresses, telephone numbers, and names.
Clients may do invert email look on the site, which may help in
deciding the subject's actual personality. This site likewise gives
switch telephone number and address queries.
 www.google.com The Google web crawler might be utilized to
discover practically any data. The Google Groups and Advanced
Groups Search highlights empower you to look through a solitary
newsgroup or all newsgroups utilizing catchphrases, message IDs, or
creat ors. A lot of data might be recovered by putting an email address
connected with the examination's theme into the "Writer" field,
including any articles that the suspect has posted.
 www.internic.com This site has a similar substance as www.arin.net.
These sites help examinations by following the email message and
giving pivotal proof, like a presume's contact data.
To build up the legitimacy and get proof connected to email, the legal
specialist may utilize an assortment of instruments and methods. This part
goes through a couple of these instruments and approaches. munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
200 Utilizing Logs to Analyze E -mail
It is basic to check and confirm the email address, source, and way in any
request including email. Framework logs are utilized to affirm the course
that email has voyaged. Through their logs, switches and firewalls give
fundamental approval of the email worker and the way gave inside the
email header. Despite the fact that it is doable to just satire an email
header, it is almost difficult to undercut all organization hardware and
workers along the email's transmission way.
You may check the legitimacy of data include d inside the email header by
joining organization and framework logs from the source, objective, and
delegate gadgets and workers along the way of the email. In the event that
there are any irregularities among frameworks and logs, all things
considered, t he email header has been altered.
Analyzing Network Equipment Logs
It is attainable to approve the timings and IP addresses included inside the
email header by investigating organization and firewall logs.
Switches and firewalls may both be arranged to screen and log
approaching and departure traffic as it goes through them. Switches and
firewalls regularly create log documents in this interaction. These log
documents oftentimes contain email message ID data just as the source
and objective locations of the workers used to convey email.
Inspecting UNIX E -mail Server Logs
Sendmail is the chief program for sending email on a Linux or UNIX
framework. The logs and the arrangement record (sendmail.cf) both giv e
significant data. Syslog is utilized by both Linux and UNIX to monitor
what has occurred on the framework. The design document/and so
forth/syslog.conf indicates where the syslog administration (or daemon
known as Syslogd) conveys its logs.
The syslog setup document incorporates valuable data like the logging
need, where logs are conveyed, and what different activities might be
finished. Sendmail may create occasion messages and is regularly set up to
record essential data, for example, the source and o bjective locations, the
sender and beneficiary locations, and the message ID of the
email.Thesyslog.conf document will legitimately show the area of the
email log record.
This is frequently/var/log/mailog. This document frequently contains the
source and objective IP locations, date and time stamps, and other data
that might be utilized to affirm the data in an email header.
Analyzing Microsoft Exchange E -mail Server Logs
The Microsoft Extensible Storage Engine is utilized by Microsoft
Exchange (ESE). While looking at email got utilizing a Microsoft
Exchange worker, the agent is principally worried about the framework's munotes.in

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Email Track ing and Email
Crime Examination

201 EDB documents, STM data set records, designated spot records, and
transitory documents.
EDB data set documents are utilized by more e stablished forms of
Exchange. Both EDB and STM designs are utilized in late forms of
Microsoft Exchange worker (2000 and past). EDB and STM data set
records are utilized to create email message extra room. To safeguard the
pre-arranged email, including the MAPI (Message Application Protocol
Interface) metadata, an EDB document is utilized.
The STM data set contains records that are not MAPI -arranged. To
monitor and execute changes to the data set document, Microsoft
Exchange utilizes an exchange log. In t his way, the exchange log might be
used to recognize whether an email was sent or gotten by the email
worker. To demonstrate the past point in time when the information base
was last saved to plate, Exchange worker uses designated spot records that
are com posed into the exchange log.
Designated spots let the framework chairman (and hence the measurable
examiner) decide whether any information misfortune has occurred since
the past reinforcement was performed, permitting the framework head
(and along these lines the criminological agent) to recuperate lost or
erased messages.
Microsoft Exchange utilizes transitory documents (or TMP records) to
store data that is gotten while the worker is too occupied to even think
about dealing with it right away. RESx.l ogs is utilized to safeguard data
set flood data. The framework doesn't erase these transitory records and
they can be recovered.
A following log on the Exchange worker might be seen utilizing the
Windows Event Viewer. Microsoft Exchange has a message -following
capacity with a verbose mode. It is additionally conceivable to see the
message content connected with the email in this mode. The occasion
watcher additionally gives helpful data about email messages sent and got
through the worker.
On the off c hance that the Exchange investigating or symptomatic logs are
empowered, they can likewise give supportive data. The Window Event
Viewer is utilized to peruse these log documents. For every email letter
sent or got, countless occasions are logged. Besides, the Event Properties
discourse box will give additional data.
Specific E -mail Forensic Tools
Specific criminological instruments, like FINALeMAIL, Sawmill -Group
Wise, and Audimation for Logging, are proposed especially to recuperate
email and connections. When joined with information recuperation
apparatuses (like FTK or EnCase), a system might be worked to find and
recuperate any log records, email data sets, individual email stockpiling
documents, and disconnected sto ckpiling records. munotes.in

Page 202

Cyber Forensics
202 Email recuperation programming will recover information from an email
worker or a customer PC. You might have the option to approve an email
or set up that it is reasonable phony by looking at the gathered log and
worker data with the c asualty's email message.
Email Examiner
The E -mail Examiner utility aids the recuperation of erased email and
different messages. After the erased things organizer has been purged, this
program reestablishes erased email.
Email Examiner can assess mo re than 14 email data set sorts on Windows
95, 98, NT4, 2000, 2003, ME, and XP. AOL, Calypso, EML Message
records, Eudora, Forte Agent, Juno 3.x, Mozilla Mail, MSN Mail,
Netscape Messenger, Outlook Express, Outlook Exchange, Pegasus Mail,
PocoMail, USENET Groups, and an assortment of extra organizations are
FINALeMAIL is proposed to look through an email data set for erased
email messages. It is particularly helpful for recuperating email messages
when the information area data has bee n lost or erased. This covers cases
when damage has happened because of infection contamination,
cancellation, or plate reformatting. This program might be utilized to
reestablish singular messages or entire data set records back to their
unique state. Sta ndpoint Express and Eudora data set configurations are
upheld by FINALeMAIL.
Organization E -mail Examiner
Organization Email Examiner can dissect a wide scope of email
information base arrangements. The instrument shows and cycles the
entirety of the email accounts in the data store or information base, just as
the entirety of the related meta -information. The program works with both
Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Notes information stores, including
Microsoft Exchange Information Store variants 5.0, 5.5, 2000, and 2003,
and Lotus Notes Information Store renditions 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0.
Coming up next are a portion of the instrument's key highlights:
 A independent, straightforward User Interface (UI)
 Bookmarking
 Support to trade information into Paraben's email inspector
 An progressed search work
Organization E -mail Examiner is intended to work pair with Paraben's E -
mail Examiner, and the yield is in a similar arrangement. Organization E -
mail Examiner may send out an entire mail store and even believer it to an
other arrangement. munotes.in

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Email Track ing and Email
Crime Examination

203 R-Mail
R-mail is an email recuperation program that can reestablish erased email
correspondences. This program is expected to recuperate Outlook Express
email. The program can repair.dbx documents that have been harmed by
erasure. It's anything but, a licensed email rec lamation procedure that can
remake broken *.dbx records to recuperate lost email messages. The
program stores recuperated email messages in.eml design, which might be
brought into Outlook Express. This procedure is particularly valuable
when a suspect has deleted email correspondences intentionally.
Following Back
Email following starts with checking the email header. Check the data
included inside the email header (containing the subject, date, Sent From,
and Received To addresses). The Sent From line contains the source IP
address of the host that sent the email just as the sender's email address
(which might be caricature without any problem). The Received To lines
show to each host that the email has been prepared by finishing up with
the date and ti me that the email was taken care of.
Continuously remember that, except for the Received segment, all lines in
the email header can be faked. This is the reason the header data from
different sources should be approved. On the off chance that the header
data has been approved, the first email worker ought to be used as the
essential source to follow back to (utilizing the procedures recorded before
in this part).
Following this, it is practical to move toward the court and look for a court
request to ga ther the log records from the source worker. This data may be
utilized as proof to build up the sender's actual personality.
Following Back Web -Based E -mail
Online email suppliers (like Hotmail or AOL) may every now and again
make following the sende r troublesome. The administrations permit
clients to send and get email from anyplace on the planet. A considerable
lot of these administrations are free, and no confirmation or proof of
character is required while enlisting for a record. Accordingly, coor dinated
criminal gatherings habitually set up fake email accounts with bogus data.
The extraordinary IP locations can in any case be recovered to find a
suspect. Most Web -based email suppliers (counting Hotmail and Yahoo)
track the IP address of any host that utilizes their administrations.
Moreover, most Web -based email frameworks will give the exceptional IP
address in the header data.
Looking through E -mail Addresses
You can use web indexes to expand the amount of data you have on the
suspect. Most Internet web search tools will give additional data about the
suspect by contributing contact information, (for example, email
addresses, the speculate's name, telephone number, or areas). munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
204 When searching for email addresses, the accompanying web indexes are
habitually utilized:
 http://www.altavista.com/Altavista's landing page has a "Group
Finder" alternative. It has two inquiry alternatives: telephone and
email. By contributing the indivi dual's initials or the entire last name,
you may discover their email address, telephone number, and
surprisingly a record verification.
 www.infospace.com InfoSpace gives a converse query alternative to
help you in following an email way. You can utilize email registries
and freely available reports to assist you with your exploration.
 http://www.emailaddresses.com/This site offers a free email address
registry. The catalog contains a wide scope of data and empowers for
looking by area just as converse qu eries.
 Google (www.google.com) Many people presently use Google as their
essential web search tool. The utilization of the web search tool has
brought forth a whole subculture known as Google Hackers.
Email Search Site
The site www.EmailChange.com offers a free email address change
register and web search tool. It very well may be utilized to chase down
speculates who have exchanged email addresses. By entering the suspects'
earlier email addresses into the hunt site, their new email addresses are
often recognized.
www.EmailChange.com gives a free email address change vault and web
search tool. It could be utilized to find presumes who have changed their
email addresses. The speculates' new email addresses are typically found
by putting their past email addresses into the pursuit site.
On the off chance that you get spam from a specific location consistently,
you might have the option to report the occasion to the FTC (The United
States Federal Trade Commission) by messaging a du plicate of the spam
message to spam@uce.gov. The FTC additionally has an online objection
structure accessible at www.ftc.gov. You should incorporate the email
header when recording an objection.
The email header gives the data that buyer security specia lists need to
react to a spam grievance. A duplicate of the spam can be given to the ISP
to make them aware of the spam issue on their organization and help them
in lessening future occasions.
The Network Abuse Clearing House (www.abuse.net/) was set up to help
Internet clients report harmful conduct. It is planned to help in the munotes.in

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Email Track ing and Email
Crime Examination

205 administration and minimization of organization abuse. The quantity of
reports of misuse has developed pair with the quick extension of Internet
wrongdoing. The Network Abuse Clearing House has a complete data set
of all objections got.
This data set might be gotten to utilizing the accompanying techniques:
• Using a mail sending administration
• Using a web index
• Throu gh the utilization of a space name query
• Using a WHOIS worker
Abuse.net is neither a boycott or obstructing rundown, and it doesn't reject
or boycott email.
Email spammers utilize a data set of email addres ses assembled by means
of address reaping on the Internet. Email locations might be acquired by
means of mailing records and Internet news bunch postings, just as Web
destinations, Internet talk rooms, and surprisingly the enrollment registry
of an online business. To shield email addresses from spammers, limit the
occasions (assuming any) they are distributed in broad daylight.
Space keys and other encoding methods can be utilized to restrict others'
capacity to mishandle email accounts. These advances u tilize
cryptographic cycles on email interchanges (for instance, by adding a
computerized signature) to help the recipient in affirming the beginning
and validness of an email. They approve the area first, then, at that point
match it to the space determin ed in the sender's "From" field. In the event
that an email is genuine, it is conveyed to the client's letter box. Else, it
will be returned. The whole activity happens on the worker level.
In this segment, we'll examine a few apparatuses that have been created to
assist you with limiting SPAM.
Enkoder Form
Enkoder Form is expected to ensure against email reaping. It permits you
to scramble email addresses into JavaScript code, which is apparent to real
programs however undetectable to many robotized spam programs. It aids
the insurance of email tends to displayed o n HTML -coded Web pages.
Email locations can be encoded utilizing the essential structure accessible
at http://hivelogic.com/enkoder/structure. Round out the structure with
your data and afterward click the Enkode It button. A JavaScript code is
created t hat might be promptly embedded into the HTML code of a Web munotes.in

Page 206

Cyber Forensics
206 page where the email address will be shown. A Web program may see the
recently created interface.
eMailTrackerPro looks at the email header to decide the IP address of the
PC tha t sent the email. It will likewise give data about the sender's
geological area. In light of this usefulness, this device is particularly
significant for abstaining from spamming and mocking. This program is
available at www.emailtrackerpro.com.
By sendi ng a manufactured message to the recipient, an email falsifier
(spoofer) might be planning to cause trouble, start a monetary
wrongdoing, or even slander the individual being caricature.
eMailTrackerPro Advanced Edition incorporates an online email checker ,
which permits you to see all email messages on the worker before they are
communicated to your PC.
The underlying area data set of the product tracks email interchanges to a
specific country or space of the world. eMailTrackerPro additionally
upholds h yperlink osmosis through VisualRoute.
Aggressors can in any case evade this by utilizing a Web -based email
anonymizer administration. For standard email correspondences, open
mail transfer workers can be used. The IP address of the anonymizer firm,
not the presume's location, will be shown.
SPAM Punisher
SPAM Punisher is an enemy of spam program that assists you with
discovering a spammer's ISP address. It recognizes counterfeit locations
consequently and works with various email customers (counting A OL,
Hotmail, Microsoft Outlook, and Eudora).
SPAM Punisher parses email headers for IP locations and afterward
endeavors to figure out which IP addresses are phony. It then, at that point
permits you to handily email a protest to the pertinent maltreatment
address. Spam Punisher's protest formats are completely adaptable. Spam
Punisher is viable with Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/X P.
In this section we took in the accompanying:
• Phishing tricks are by and large messages that lead to the assortment of
basic and delicate data, for example, Visa numbers, government
managed retirement numbers, and financial balance subtleties , which
are then abused or sold unlawfully.
• Spam is spontaneous and undesired email that enters our inbox.
Spammers send 'Garbage Mail' to a great many beneficiaries' inboxes.

Page 207

Email Track ing and Email
Crime Examination

207 Greylisting, Content Filtering, and DNS Blacklisting are some enemy of
spam strategies.
• Email bombarding is a procedure where the assailant fills the
casualty's letter drop with an enormous number of messages in a brief
timeframe. The's aggressor will probably overpower the post box with
• Email legal sciences is the pa rt of digital crime scene investigation that
examinations and looks at the substance and segments of messages
utilizing apparatuses and systems.
• Email headers are a significant wellspring of data since they
incorporate the metadata that is joined to each email and help the legal
sciences specialist break down and look at the email ancient rarities.
• Email header investigation furnishes us with data about the assailant,
for example, SMTP worker subtleties, the aggressor's and casualty's IP
addresses, the t imestamp when the email was sent, and connection
document data.
• If the evidence email is demonstrated to be spam, the experts will
mastermind snare to capture the culprit. This is alluded to as the snare
1. Practical Cyber Forensics_An Incident based Approach to Forensic
Investigation,Niranjan Reddy, Apress Publisher,2019.
2. The official CHFI Exam 312 -49 study Guide, Dave Kleiman,
SYNGRESS Publisher, 2007.
3. Digital Forensics and Incident Response, Gerard Johanse n, Packt
4. EC-Council CHFIv10 Study Guide, EC -Council Publisher, 2018.
5. https://emailheaders.net/forensic -email -search.html
6. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/8625/a3b17d199e5cabbb796bad0df56
7. http://jpsra.am.gdynia.pl/upload/SSARS2016PDF/Vol1/SSARS2016 -
8. https://cyberforensicator.com/wp -
content/uploads/2017/01/SSARS2016 -Charala mbous.pdf


Page 208

208 10
Unit structure
10.0 Objectives
10.1 Introduction Mobile Forensics
10.1.1 Acquisition Protocol Case Study: Unlocking with Face ID or Touch ID
10.1.2 Android OS Rooting an Android Device Android Debug Bridge Methods for Screen Lock Bypass
10.1.3 Manual Extraction
10.1.4 Physical Acquisition Tools for Image Extraction Case Study: Image Extraction of an And roid Device JTAG
10.1.5 Chip -Off
10.1.6 Micro -read
10.1.7 Challenges in Mobile Forensics
10.1.8 iOS OS iOS Device Boot Process Jailbreak vs. No Jailbreak iOS file system and Architecture i Tunes iPhone Backup
10.1.9 Case Study: iPhone Backup Extractor
10.1.10 Case Study: Dr. Fone iPhone Backup Viewer munotes.in

Page 209

Mobile Forensics, Reports of
Investigation, Become a
Professional Witness
209 10.2 Writing Investigative Reports
10.2.1 Understanding the Importance of Reports
10.2.2 The Requirement of an Investigative Report
10.2.3 Report Classification
10.2.4 A Sample Investigative Report Format
10.2.5 Report Writing Guidelines
10.2.6 Consistency and Other Important Aspects of an Good Report
10.2.7 The Dos and Don’ts of Forensic Computer Investigations
10.2.8 Best Pr actice for Investigation and Reporting
10.3 Becoming an witness
10.3.1 Introduction
10.3.2 Understanding the witness Qualifying As an witness Types of Expert Witnesses Testimony and Evidence
10.3.3 Testifying As an witness Layout of a Courtroom Order of Trial Proceedings
10.4 Summary
10.5 Reference for further reading
10.6 Frequently Asked Questions
Objectives in this chapter: This chapter would make you understand the
followin g concepts:
● Stages of Mobile Forensics
● Android Operating Systems
● Challenges
● iOS OS
● Writing Investigative Reports
● Becoming an witness munotes.in

Page 210

Cyber Forensics
Mobile Forensics could also be a department of Digital Forensics. it's set
the acquisi tion and evaluation of cell gadgets to urge better virtual proof
for forensics investigations.
Acquisition Protocol
There are a few of unique issues for cell acquisition:
• Always lookout of cell gadgets with gloves as fingerprint could even be
amassed fro m it.
• Make a remember of all open packages walking at the tool and examine
the documents/textual content with inside the clipboard.
• Use a Faraday bag to accumulate the cell tool.
• All information inclusive of tool call, IMEI range, serial range etc., got
to be mentioned with inside the chain of custody shape.
A vital component in recent times is tool encryption; if the proprietor of
the tool is gift on the time of acquisition, the tool passcode/sample lock
information must be received. There had been s ome information memories
approximately producers not cooperating with regulation enforcement
while the passcode isn't to be had. The producers refuse to release gadgets,
mentioning confidentiality then on. Apple has been with inside the
knowledge for this, and it's been observed that even the Apple
representatives cannot release an iPhone for everybody without restoring
the iPhone.
Android OS
Android is an open supply working device based totally on Linux Kernel,
advanced through Google for cell gadgets. Th e T- Mobile G1 become the
first Android handset the world noticed and once you consider that then
Android has come a protracted manner. Its releases are codenamed on
famous confection gadgets inclusive of Kit Kats, lollipops, frozen dessert
sandwiches, etc . The lower back cease of Android programming is
administered in Java and packages are run during a Dalvik digital device.
Further, a totally unique identification secret's furnished to enforce
protection measures, and packages can get entry to tool garage best if legal
through the buyer . User -granted permissions are wont to limitation get
entry to to device capabilities and consumer information. albeit the
protocols of Android Forensics are very similar to Computer Forensics,
there are numerous variations with inside the strategies hired, particularly
as Android helps extraordinary document structures. From an Android
tool, we attain information inclusive of Call Data Records (CDR),
Contacts, Messages, Apps statistics, GPS locations, passwords, Wi -Fi
netwo rks, etc.

Page 211

Mobile Forensics, Reports of
Investigation, Become a
Professional Witness
211 The Android listing could also be explored through the ‘adb shell’ that we
will use and reveal. Android’s principal partition is usually partitioned as
YAFFS2 (Yet Another Flash File System), which is meant maintaining in
thoughts embedded struc tures are usually smartphones. Android helps
ext2, ext3, and ext4 document structures which could be synonymous to
Linux; and it additionally helps vfat, that's utilized by Windows structures.
Rooting an Android Device
Android may be a Linux -primarily bas ed totally OS this is often tweaked
to optimize it for contact display gadgets. Rooting Android unlocks its
middle module to a consumer, which allows get entry to to the covered
regions of the tool. Earlier, rooting become a commonplace place exercise
with Android builders who desired to seek out out all of the capabilities of
the tool. Over the years, rooting has find yourself a famous exercise with
numerous tech savvy Android customers who want to personalize their
tool with custom ROMs, attain updates, a nd found out third -celebration
Rooting permits the forensic investigator to profit root privileges at the
tool. But rooting an Android tool involves that the examiner installs a
third -celebration software program to the telecel smartphone that wo uld
purpose adjustments to the tool country, and there could also be a threat of
an flawed rooting approach like accidently deleting or editing information
at the tool, which will cause unreadable information codecs. albeit rooting
an Android tool to accum ulate proof offers an investigator root privileges,
it can't be taken into consideration a legitimate technique for proof
acquisition, and therefore the proof amassed through rooting the tool isn't
admissible during a courtroom docket of regulation. Rootin g an Android
tool to make an photograph of an Android tool is proven with inside the
bodily acquisition segment afterward this bankruptcy.
Advantages of Rooting:
• Access to middle device documents.
• Ability to require away bloatware.
• Enhances battery performance.
• Special apps could also be established.
Disadvantages of Rooting:
• If rooting isn't administered well, there could also be the threat of
bricking the tool.
• Security of the tool is compromised.
• Warranty is void.

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Cyber Forensics
212 If the investigator root s the tool and later reveals the suspect to be
harmless, that individual will now not be capable of avail any offerings for
the tool if the tool is below the reassurance . So, the investigator wishes to
form amends for any claims now not supported through a legitimate
assurance once you consider that he had changed the tool.
Android Debug Bridge
This is a command -line device that permits us to connect an Android tool
to a pc host device through a USB cable. it's a completely flexible device
because it perm its the buyer to hold out numerous duties inclusive of
putting in , debugging, and getting obviate apps, etc. Also, through the
utilization of the adb instructions, we'll flash a custom recuperation’ after
which thru recuperation, we'll found out root docu ments to root an
Android tool. Adb is a component of the Android Software Development
Kit (SDK) platform equipment package.
ADB includes 3 additives:
• Client – which sends out instructions. Client could also be invoked
through issuing an adb command the utilization of a command -line
• Daemon (adbd) – runs instructions at the tool, and it runs as a history
• Server – manages conversation among the patron and daemon. It runs as
a history manner on a pc device.
Adb comes with many benefic ial instructions that assist the examiner to
talk with the tool. as an example , to listing the gadgets linked at the
device, kind ‘adb gadgets’ to place in an utility in an Android tool thru
device shell kind ‘adb found out filename.apk’; similarly, to un install an
utility from the tool, kind ‘adb uninstall filename.apk’.
Methods for Screen Lock Bypass
If the Android tool is locked, its photograph acquisition turns into a
nightmare for forensic examiners. With protection requirements stronger
than ever, t he want for higher practices to pass the display lock is required
Newer Android variations are proof against beforehand successful display
lock pass techniques. However, there are a couple of techniques a forensic
examiner can utilize.
• Commercial displ ay lock pass equipment – Offer maximum fulfillment
price amongst with rock bottom threat of data loss. There are many
equipment which will be used for every Android and iOS, as an example ,
dr.fone – release, iSkysoftToolBox, Pangu FPR Unlocker Tool, etc.,
which supply software program offerings that pass display lock. It helps
many fashions and is simple to use .

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Professional Witness
213 • Flashing Custom Recovery/ROM – this system is extra famous amongst
builders for Android phones. It entails flashing the tool with a custom
recuperation. It might be very vital to flash the tool with an appropriate
custom recuperation this is often precise to the tool version.
However, it is vital to recognise the threat concerning this technique;
flashing with a no compliant recuperation mode c an smash the knowledge
or even brick the tool. Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP) and
Clockwork are famous recuperation techniques. Also, right here we're
flashing ROM information, and not like disk forensics, we in no way use a
write blocking tool in cell f orensics.
Manual Extraction
Manual extraction could also be taken into consideration because the
primary line of strategies utilized in forensic exam and stays the utmost
noninvasive one. this is often likewise a completely fundamental
approach, which ca n be followed through regulation enforcement officials
or professionals who aren't tech savvy.
Experts can detect what information they need and extract it as in line with
will, because it saves time and therefore the complexity of imaging.
AF Logical OS E through NowSecure may be a superb device for this. The
fashionable steps worried are those:
1. Push AFLogical -OSE_1.five.2.apk through adb/USB connection/ OTG
force on cell tool.
2. Install AF Logical OSE.
3. Open app and detect parameters for extraction and detect ‘OK.’
4. Find documents in ‘forensics’ folder and export them on pc device for
Call statistics, Contacts, and Messages exports are created in .csv layout,
which is on the market through many packages. An data document can
also be retrieved, that's in .xml layout and includes information
approximately the tool and therefore the packages saved in it.
Here we are the use of the Santoku Operating device. Santoku is an open
supply working device for cell forensics, evaluation, and pro tection. And
right here we've used a Sony Xperia telcel smartphone walking on jelly
egg four.2 apk for demonstration.
1. Use adb gadgets command to listing all of the linked gadgets. ADB
drivers are constructed into the Santoku OS .
2. Download AFLogical O SE apk from https://github.com/ nowsecure/
android -forensics/downloads. Push the apk onto the tool to place in it at
the tool. to try to to that, kind the command:
adb –d found out AFLogical -OSE_1.five.2.apk munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
214 3. we will see that AF Logical is established at the Android tool
4. Open the utility and detect the parameters for extraction. Click on seize
after choosing all of the parameters
5. Once information extraction is administered , name statistics, Contacts,
and Messages exports are created in .csv layout, which is on the market
through many packages. An data document can also be retrieved, that's
during a .xml layout and includes information approximately the tool
and therefore the packages saved in it. These documents could also be
discovered withinside th e File Manager ➤sdcard ➤ forensics folder
We can use those csv documents for evaluation.
Physical Acquisition
This is the other line of a forensic approach utilized in cell forensics. The
forensics investigators use equipment to accumulate a forensic photograph
of the ce ll tool. center635
Tools for Image Extraction
Various equipment which could be getting used for photograph extraction
of an Android tool are as follows:
• BusyBox – frequently referred because the “Swiss navy knife of
Embedded Linux.” BusyBox may be a sof tware program utility that
applications many Unix equipment. it's composed over 300 instructions
and may be a nifty little device ready to many operations.
• Ncat – Ncat may be a networking software that allows information
switch the community from the ins truction . it's a part of the Nmap
mission and is meant to be a dependable lower back -cease device.
• dd – Data Definition (dd) is one the oldest imaging equipment, that's a
command -line device in most cases utilized in Unix Operating Systems.
it's a easy software beneficial in copying information from one place to
the other . It comes as a neighborhood of the GNU/Linux ‘coreutilis’
package. It can accumulate information withinside the RAW layout,
which can be additionally analyzed in many extraordinary for ensic
• Kingoroot – Kingoroot is an Android utility used for rooting of the
Android tool.
Case Study: Image Extraction of an Android Device
We have amassed a cell tool from against the law scene, and as a Forensic
Investigator we're getting to roo t the tool to urge tremendous consumer get
entry to and accumulate dd snap shots of the tool for additionally
evaluation. We are the utilization of an Ubuntu working device model
16.five for obtaining the photograph of the tool Sony Xperia
telecellsmartpho ne. munotes.in

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Mobile Forensics, Reports of
Investigation, Become a
Professional Witness
Before beginning ensure you've got following equipment and apk
established in your device:
• Adb drivers: you'll down load those from HYPERLINK
"https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform -equipment" l
"downloads"https://developer.android.c om/studio/releases/platform -
• Kingoroot: you'll down load this apk from https://root -
• BusyBox: you'll down load this apk from
https://www.appsapk.com/busybox -app/
• Netcat: you'll down load this from https://nmap.org/ ncat/
1. Here we've created directories /Android/sdk/device and saved our
KingoRoot.apk and BusyBox.apk therein .
2. After successful found out of adb drivers, join your Android tool in
your device and start terminal. Type the next command within side the
terminal to listing linked Android gadgets. adb gadgets
3. To root the tool, we will found out KingoRoot.apk on our Android tool.
Type the command: adb –d found out KingoRoot.apk
4. Similarly, to place within the BusyBox app in your tool, kind the
command : adb -d found out BusyBox.apk
5. Once all of the packages are at the tool, we test if found out become
successful through establishing them
6. Open KingoRoot app and click on onon One Click Root and wait till
the rooting manner completes.
7. After success ful rooting of the tool, the SuperUser app might be
established in your tool
8. Start the BusyBox app and provide it root get entry to after which click
on at the Install alternative
9. Now to start the adb shell, kind the next instructions to urge root ge t
entry to: adb –d shell su
10. To listing directories, kind ls /information. we will best get entry to
those directories with root privileges
11. to ascertain an inventory of walls, kind the next command. Here we
will create a dd photograph of mmcblk0 par tition as it is the bodily
disk withinside the tool and carries all of the specified information cat
/proc/walls munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
216 12. Now we would like to line up a connection among the tool and
therefore the pc device. we'll use port 8888 right here to modify
information among those . We then run the next command at the pc
adb ahead tcp:8888 tcp:8888 The cell tool will examine the command and
ship information. To concentrate to the conversation, we use netcat on
port 8888.
13. to make the dd photograph of mmcblk0 p artition:
Type command dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 | busyboxnc –l –p 8888
Here if is that the enter interface that reads the disk after which we will
pipe that information into busybox. nc is netcat command that's wont to
switch information at the community. –p command denotes the port range
wont to switch information. –l command is employed to form the Android
tool concentrate for a connection coming at the telecellsmartphone on port
range 8888.
14. After a connection has been activated, the knowledge from th e tool
might be piped right into a document android.dd. to undertake this,
kind command:
nc 127.zero.zero.1 8888 > android.dd
It will take time to achieve the photograph; it relies upon upon the
reminiscence of the tool. Once the imaging is whole, the pho tograph
document could also be analyzed in extraordinary software program; right
here we used the Autopsy device for evaluation.
Physical Acquisition
This is the other line of a forensic approach utilized in cell forensics. The
forensics investigators us e equipment to accumulate a forensic photograph
of the cell tool. center635
Tools for Image Extraction
Various equipment which could be getting used for photograph extraction
of an Android tool are as follows:
• BusyBox – frequently referred because th e “Swiss navy knife of
Embedded Linux.” BusyBox may be a software program utility that
applications many Unix equipment. it's composed over 300
instructions and may be a nifty little device ready to many operations.
• Ncat – Ncat may be a networking softw are that allows information
switch the community from the instruction . it's a part of the Nmap
mission and is meant to be a dependable lower back -cease device.
• dd – Data Definition (dd) is one the oldest imaging equipment, that's a
command -line device in most cases utilized in Unix Operating
Systems. it's a easy software beneficial in copying information from munotes.in

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Mobile Forensics, Reports of
Investigation, Become a
Professional Witness
217 one place to the other . It comes as a part of the GNU/Linux
‘coreutilis’ package. It can accumulate information withinside the
RAW layout, which can be additionally analyzed in many
extraordinary forensic suites.
• Kingoroot – Kingoroot is an Android utility used for rooting of the
Android tool.
Case Study: Image Extraction of an Android Device
We have amassed a cell tool from against the law s cene, and as a Forensic
Investigator we're getting to root the tool to urge tremendous consumer get
entry to and accumulate dd snap shots of the tool for additionally
evaluation. We are the utilization of an Ubuntu working device model
16.five for obtainin g the photograph of the tool Sony Xperia
Before beginning ensure you've got following equipment and apk
established in your device:
• Adb drivers: you'll down load those from HYPERLINK
"https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/pl atform -equipment" l
"downloads"https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform -
• Kingoroot: you'll down load this apk from https://root -
• BusyBox: you'll down load this apk from
https://www.appsapk.com/busybox -app/
• Netcat: you'll down load this from https://nmap.org/ncat/
1. Here we've created directories /Android/sdk/device and saved our
KingoRoot.apk and BusyBox.apk therein .
2. After successful found out of adb drivers, join yo ur Android tool in
your device and start terminal. Type the next command withinside the
terminal to listing linked Android gadgets. adb gadgets
3. To root the tool, we will found out KingoRoot.apk on our Android
tool. Type the command: adb –d found out Ki ngoRoot.apk
4. Similarly, to place within the BusyBox app in your tool, kind the
command: adb -d found out BusyBox.apk
5. Once all of the packages are at the tool, we test if found out become
successful through establishing them
6. Open KingoRoot app an d click on onon One Click Root and wait till
the rooting manner completes. munotes.in

Page 218

Cyber Forensics
218 7. After successful rooting of the tool, the SuperUser app might be
established in your tool
8. Start the BusyBox app and provide it root get entry to after which click
on at the Install alternative
9. Now to start the adb shell, kind the next instructions to urge root get
entry to: adb –d shell su
10. To listing directories, kind ls /information. we will best get entry to
those directories with root privileges
11. to ascertain an inventory of walls, kind the next command. Here we
will create a dd photograph of mmcblk0 partition as it is the bodily
disk withinside the tool and carries all of the specified information cat
12. Now we would like to line up a connection among the tool and
therefore the pc device. we'll use port 8888 right here to modify
information among those . We then run the next command at the pc
adb ahead tcp:8888 tcp:8888 The cell tool will examine the command and
ship information. To concen trate to the conversation, we use netcat on
port 8888.
13. to make the dd photograph of mmcblk0 partition:
Type command dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 | busyboxnc –l –p 8888
Here if is that the enter interface that reads the disk after which we will
pipe that in formation into busybox. nc is netcat command that's wont
to switch information at the community. –p command denotes the port
range wont to switch information. –l command is employed to form
the Android tool concentrate for a connection coming at the
telece llsmartphone on port range 8888.
14. After a connection has been activated, the knowledge from the tool
might be piped right into a document android.dd. to undertake this,
kind command:
nc 127.zero.zero.1 8888 > android.dd
It will take time to achieve the photograph; it relies upon upon the
reminiscence of the tool. Once the imaging is whole, the photograph
document could also be analyzed in extraordinary software program; right
here we used the Autopsy device for evaluation.
Joint take a glance at mo tion organization or JTAG may be a complicated
information extraction technique utilized in cell forensics. JTAG within
the beginning become created through the electronics enterprise as how of
finding out and verifying designs and published circuit forums . JTAG is munotes.in

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Investigation, Become a
Professional Witness
219 that the acronym that acquired reputation as an IEEE widespread entitled
Standard Test Access Port and Boundary –Scan Architecture. JTAG offers
an interface through which a pc can speak directly with the chipboard. It
entails connecting the proof cell tool’s Test Access Port (TAP) to a JTAG
emulator to urge entry to uncooked information.
Steps included in JTAG forensic exam are the subsequent:
1. Identification of TAPs: you'll become conscious of TAPs through
studying documented gadgets. If the TAPs are unknown, check out the
tool PCB for capacity TAPs, after which manually hint or probe to
pinpoint suitable connector pins.
2. Solder wires to TAPs: this ends in an appropriate connector pins or
makes use of a solderless jig.
3. Connect suitable JT AG emulator with twine leads for the boast tool.
4. Acquire bodily photograph dump.
5. Disconnect the wires and reassemble the tool.
6. Analyze photograph with forensic software program. JTAG emulators
are the twine among PC’s software program equipment an d DSP
forums at some point of improvement. It connects the host PC through
parallel interface or USB port. The JTAG emulator offers a easy
manner to supply the development device software program an
instantaneous connection to a minimum of one or extra DSP gadgets at
the goal board. a couple of JTAG emulators are XDS110, XDS200,
XDS560, etc., for a C2000 microcontroller.
• JTAG may be a complicated, but non -invasive, technique of forensic
• It could also be used with many sorts of cell ga dgets a bit like the
Windows phones.
• The method is far less complex than Chip -Off (see subsequent segment).
• In case of tool encryption, the fulfillment price is far less.
• JTAG assets are tough to locate over internet .
Chip -Off
Chip -Off is taken into consideration the ultimate resort. because the call
suggests, it entails getting obviate the reminiscence chip of the cell tool
and planting it onto a specific hardware for information acquisition and
reading its contents. With the Chip -Off approach, examiners attain a
binary photograph of the reminiscence chip, that's analyzed through munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
220 specialised software program. this is often a sophisticated forensic
technique that even works for bricked and/or broken gadgets. The
nonvolatile reminisce nce issue is eliminated and positioned on a hardware
reader through which information is received.
Here are the steps involved in Chip -Off forensic exam:
1. The reminiscence chip is eliminated through de -soldering it.
2. The chip is cleaned and repaired ( if important).
3. chip is established on unique hardware apparatus, and knowledge is
• Useful for exam of gadgets in broken situation.
• High chance of data acquisition if tool is locked.
• Gives forensics investigators the freedom t o craft information acquisition
• Heat and adhesive wont to deduct the reminiscence chips also can
additionally harm the circuit card .
• Reassembly of the tool after exam might be very tough and typically
Micro -read
Micro -read exam entails the usage of a excessive -powered microscope and
observes output on the gate stage. The tool reminiscence chip is shaved in
extraordinarily skinny layers, and then the knowledge is examine little by
little from the availability the u tilization of an microscope or different tool.
it's a fantastically state -of-the-art approach, and only a couple of entities
provide Micro -examine exam offerings. Use of this system is for
excessive -price gadgets or broken reminiscence chips. Being this ty pe of
complex, and expansive approach, it is reserved for best excessive -profile
instances. It might be very tough to locate industrial equipment for Micro -
examine. this is often probably a extra approachable approach withinside
the on the brink of destiny .
Challenges in Mobile Forensics
With smartphones evolving at a mind -blowing price cell forensics is extra
difficult than ever. Every Android model launch comes with up so far
capabilities and protection improvements, which normally hinder with the
foren sic manner. As a fresh Android model is launched, the forensic
equipment utilized in forensic exam frequently find yourself redundant.

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Professional Witness
221 Apart from the software program, with this type of great range of gamers
withinside the marketplace, a forensics examine r also can additionally
encounter extraordinary sorts of hardware. Device specs have find
yourself complicated and range amongst groups. This provides to the prep
paintings of a forensic examiner as they need right equipment to urge
entry to the hardware. as an example , we've visible the upward thrust of
USB Type –C connectors now being utilized by producers with many
Encryption in gadgets has received essential momentum after information
leak scandals around the sector. People have find yourself aware of their
privateness rights and knowledge a want to shield their information.
Manufacturers have began bent bolster their protection modules, that's
preferred through the client. Such a excessive stage of protection has find
yourself an enormous impe diment for forensic examiners because it turns
into very tough to pass protection of the tool. While cell gadgets walking
older Android model are nonetheless available through a gaggle of
strategies, more moderen gadgets frequently do not have any assist f rom
even industrial equipment. Not all of the knowledge is at the tool, as cloud
garage has find yourself a famous and favored alternative for
telecellsmartphone customers. Manufacturers provide very tempting
applications so as that customers save their in formation at the cloud, and
customers locate it maximum convenient, too. All this another time may
be a hurdle on the time of data extraction; if account credentials are gift
with the forensic professionals, then information could also be received
otherwis e there could also be no get entry to thereto .
Apart from Logical and Physical Acquisition, the superior forensics
strategies inclusive of JTAG, Chip -Off and Micro -examine are
fantastically invasive and need meticulous expertise and specialized
schooling . These techniques are also very pricey and are not available to
all or any and varied as only a couple of groups provide those offerings.
Researchers have expressed their problem approximately the developing
complexities of breaking thru the encryption of the gadgets. Chip -off gives
a 90% fulfillment price as many hardware producers are making it tough
for examiners to hold out an intensive exam. But if records has taught us
something, it is that answers are created as troubles seem: the destiny is
complet e of obligations and possibilities.
iOS may be a cell working device created and advanced through Apple
Inc. that currently powers among the business enterprise's cell gadgets,
inclusive of iPhone, iPad, and iWatch. The iPhone firmware working
device is based totally on Mac OS X. Every iOS tool combines hardware,
software program, and offerings designed to paintings collectively for
optimum protection. iOS protects the tool and its information at rest (i.e.,
information isn't shifting from tool to tool or community to community),
inclusive of the entire thing customers do locally, on networks, and with
key net offerings. munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
222 iOS gadgets offer superior protection capabilities and they are clean to
use . Many of these capabilities are enabled through de fault, and key
protection capabilities like tool encryption aren’t configurable, so as that
customers can’t disable them through mistake. Other capabilities,
inclusive of Face ID and Touch ID, beautify the buyer enjoy through
making it more easy and additi onal intuitive to steady the tool.
iOS Device Boot Process
Bootrom permits the tool also and initialize all of the peripherals of iOS
and a couple of hardware additives. There are 3 extraordinary modes for
the boot procedures for iOS gadgets:
• Normal boot manner
• Recovery mode
• DFU mode
Normal Boot Process
In a regular boot manner, the Bootrom will run and test the signature of
the Low -Level Bootloader (LLB) and executes it if the signature is
matched. After executing LLB, it'll test the signature of iB oot (Apple
degree 2 bootloader for all iOS gadgets) before handing it over to the
iBoot, which in flip exams the kernel signature and executes it. The kernel
is signed which can prevent any unsigned code to be completed.
Recovery Mode
When the iOS tool is close to the “Recovery Mode,” the Bootrom is
completed first; it exams the iBoot signature and if it suits, it'll execute it.
then , iTunes sends Apple’s signed “kernel” and “Ramdisk” to the tool,
after which the repair manner is initiated. Process no uns igned code could
also be completed at some point of any a neighborhood of the “Recovery
DFU Mode
In Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) Mode, the Bootrom is loaded after
which the iBSS (a stripped -down model of iBoot) is despatched to the iOS
tool. Then the iBSS signature is checked and completed through the
Bootrom. then , Apple’s signed kernel and repair disk are despatched to
the tool and completed through iBSS after a signature test. Once that's
administered , the repair manner is initiated. Process no unsigned code
could also be completed at some point of any a neighborhood of the “DFU
Jailbreak vs. No Jailbreak
iOS jailbreaking is beneficial for the motive of getting obviate software
program regulations imposed through Apple on iOS through the utilization
of a sequence of kernel patches. Jailbreaking permits root get entry to to
iOS, permitting the downloading and found out of additional packages, munotes.in

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Investigation, Become a
Professional Witness
223 extensions, and topics which could be unavailable thru the authentic Apple
App Store. Additiona lly, it is feasible to use different SIM playing cards
apart from the certified issuer. A jailbreak is best feasible withinside the
DFU mode, that's a standing of the iPhone working device. The device
could also be overwritten on this mode, with changed iP hone firmware
like Cydia utility. it's feasible to down load packages with Cydia (it isn't a
licensed AppStore), which are not legal through Apple, as an example ,
OpenSSH, Netcat, or Terminal.
A jailed iPhone may be a tool with out changed software prog ram and
altered working device. Apple permits the found out of packages which
could be legal best from Apple over the AppStore on a jailed iPhone. A
Jailbroken iPhone is above a jailed iPhone from the attitude of a forensic
examiner, because it isn’t feasi ble to place in OpenSSH and Netcat to
form a connection over Wi -Fi/WLAN during a jailed iPhone.
iOS file system and Architecture
All Apple cell gadgets use the HFSX document device. HFSX is case
touchy, due to this that that if there are documents with e qual out in the
device, due to their case sensitivity, the document device will differentiate
among the two documents. this is often the foremost distinction with
HFSX and HFS+ document structures. Logically, iPhone has walls. One is
for storing the iOS pr ecise documents, accountable to load the working
device inclusive of kernel snap shots and configuration documents.
The different partition is employed for the garage of consumer -precise
settings and packages inclusive of flicks , music, photos, contacts, and
extra. The 2nd partition is extra vital from a forensic factor of view
because it carries all of the capabilities a consumer can perform on an
iPhone and therefore the information for those capabilities, as an example
, name records, touch listing, qu ick messaging provider (SMS) messages,
emails, audio and video, and photos. Since iPhones’ hardware and dealing
structures are closed supply and proprietary, fashionable motive forensic
strategies and equipment will now not paintings thereon .
iTunes iPh one Backup
iOS tool backups could also be controlled with the Apple iTunes software
program. If the iOS gadgets are synchronized, iTunes creates a backup.
All the knowledge of the gadgets is saved withinside the backup, and it is
also feasible to encrypt the backup. it's straightforward for an examiner to
locate and use the iPhone backup if the backup isn't encrypted.
Case Study: iPhone Backup Extractor
As a forensic investigator, we're getting to decrypt an iOS tool backup
taken through iTunes. This de vice is understood as iPhone Backup
Extractor. iPhone Backup Extractor may be a industrial device, however
we'll use its 30 -day trial model for recuperation of photos, messages,
motion pictures, name records, notes, contacts, Screen Time passcode, munotes.in

Page 224

Cyber Forensics
224 WhatsApp messages, and different app information from iTunes and
iCloud Backups.
We have taken an encrypted backup through iTunes for demonstration.
Encrypted backup additionally backs up numerous account passwords
used at the iOS tool.
1. Start iPhone backup ext ractor device, and it will show an inventory of
backup to be had thereon tool, and detect the backup of your iOS tool.
If the tool’s backup is encrypted, a forensic investigator can use
numerous password -cracking equipment to retrieve the password.
Additio nally, you'll upload your iCloud account to look at your iCloud
2. Here we'll see that iPhone Backup Extractor equipment has fetched
photos, contacts, messages, WhatsApp messages, name records, etc.,
3. Here we'll see Decrypted WhatsApp chats withinside the Preview
segment. This device become capable of fetch snap shots and
attachments withinside the chats as properly Similarly, we view Photos,
Messages, Contacts, etc., withinside the Preview segment. Here we'll
see that the Snapchat app is likewise established at the tool. The paid
model of this device offers information approximately different apps
inclusive of Snapchat, Instagram, etc., which had been established at
the iOS tool at some point of backup.
Last, withinside the info segme nt, we'll see information about the iOS tool
inclusive of Backup information, hardware statistics, Mobile tool
identifiers, account statistics, production information, and SIM issuer
One of the utmost essen tial elements of any forensic engagement is that
the manufacturing of an investigative document. This record is written to
talk the ultimate results of virtual forensic evaluation and exam. If you
can't document your findings, nobody will recognize or reco gnize what
you've got discovered or its significance.
Understanding the Importance of Reports
In forensic investigations, the investigative document is of critical
significance. In maximum instances, document writing capabilities are
overlooked. Produci ng a properly -established and logical investigative
document improves the possibilities that a jury might be satisfied which
you recognize what you’re doing which the proof is legitimate. A
document must now not best speak the knowledge , however additiona lly
gift professional opinion. During a crook research, the reviews
additionally find yourself the availability for the practise and presentation
of the research for trial. The goal of any investigative document is to
record the knowledge and proof. If you find proof that does not assist your munotes.in

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Professional Witness
225 case you still want to document it. Related reveals inclusive of diagrams
and photos need to be protected for the document to be powerful.
Investigative reviews need to stipulate the fees purchased the
professional’s offerings and listing all of the civil or crook instances
wherein the professional has testified for the previous 4 years.The
document must now not contains the instances wherein the professional
acted as a witness . A witness may be a witness who isn't a ttesting
withinside the potential of an professional witness. Always contains
reveals inclusive of the CV of the investigator performing as a witness that
lists all courses that the witness has written at some point of the previous
10 years. Ensure which y ou retain the simplest requirements for writing
and attesting. Not best will reviews be saved during a deposition financial
organization or library or maybe be to be had at the web , however
additionally your testimony is usually administered below oath.
The Requirements of an Investigative Report
An investigative document is made with the motive that it are often
utilized during a courtroom docket of regulation. It must be succinct and
recognition at the venture or purpose of the research.The investigato r’s
favorite motive is to get statistics and, as a result, proof on a selected
count, to urge better widespread files, or recover sure document sorts and
any date and timestamps.The purpose of the research might be described
through your patron.Your patron are going to be inner to the corporation
you work for or the other investigator or legal professional. Spending time
documenting the goal will typically shop time and reduce the worth of the
exam. Always confirm that the investigative document specifies t he
venture of an research.
Your document must float in a uniform order, reflecting that of the
knowledge as that they had been determined at some point of the research.
An define or an association based totally on appendices and an boast is
suggested to a ssist in assembling substance for the document.The
document must be written during a logical way that states the effort , gives
the outcomes of the research, and units forth the conclusions and proposals
A coherent presentation must be wont to collect th e knowledge and proof.
Report Classification
Your initiative in writing a document must be to become conscious of the
document’s supposed target market and purpose. The investigative
document must be established so as that individuals who don’t have a
excessive stage of technical expertise can recognize it.When studying this
record a nontechnical reader must be capable of recognize the findings and
lawsuits of the case.
Reports are typically classified into:
● Verbal reviews
● Written reviews munotes.in

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226 Reports also wi ll be classified as being:
● Formal in nature
● Informal
When you supply a correct document verbally it must be established for
presentation orally to a board of directors, managers, or a jury. Always
arrange the document to suit within the time body given. A supplementary
record that carries predicted questions and applicable solutions wishes to
be organized for the humans to whom you're offering and to resource your
This record is understood because the exam plan and is made through the
legal professional for the investigator’s advantage. Changes to the exam
plan inclusive of those concerning explanation or definition could also be
asked through the investigator for motion through the legal professional if
an expression or period of time is mis used.
Do not contains gadgets that are not related to the testimony. An casual
verbal document is far less established than a correct document and is
brought in individual (most usually in an legal professional’s office). This
document is meant to be a in itial document and it wishes to be strictly
managed to stop inadvertent launch. It must comprise the weather of the
research which have now not been finished, inclusive of any assessments
or evaluation that has now not been concluded, interrogatories, reco rd
manufacturing, and depositions.
An casual document is likewise a initial document.This form of document
may be a excessive -threat record that carries touchy statistics which may
show useful for the opposing celebration.The opposing celebration also
can additionally acquire the record in discovery. Discovery is that the
strive made to achieve proof previous to an ordeal .The statistics are often
a written request for admissions of reality, deposition, or questions and
solutions written below oath.
A formal document may be a document sworn below oath (inclusive of a
sworn statement or declaration). Always confirm that your phrase
utilization, grammar, spelling, and knowledge are accurate while writing
formal reviews. As this document is formal in nature, the favored fashion
will use first -individual narratives with a herbal language fashion. An
affidavit are often wont to preserve the issuing of a warrant or be offered
as proof during a proper courtroom docket taking note of . Always supply
your complete interest to writing a record withinside the formal written
It is prudent to incorporate the substance of written, casual reviews in an
casual, verbal document. Summarize the way and method inclusive of the
matter device, device used, and finding s, with inside the verbal, casual
document. Never smash a written, casual document with out formal
written steering from an legal professional, as this motion are often taken
into consideration because the destruction or concealing of proof. munotes.in

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Investigation, Become a
Professional Witness
227 A Sample Inve stigative Report Format
The following segment gives a possible format of an investigative
document. The presentation of correct textual content is adequate to
having the power to speak definitely. As such, continually supply your
complete interest to form at and presentation of statistics during a
document whilst you're writing. it's additionally really helpful to
constantly adhere to a unmarried format at some point of the document.
This creates consistency.
Two principal techniques exist for developing a format shape: decimal
numbering and felony -sequential numbering.
Here is an instance of the decimal numbering device:
1.0 Introduction
1.1 the character of the Incident
1.1.1 the small print of the Victim
2.0 First Incident
2.1 the primary Witness
2.1.1 Witness Testimony – Witness No. 1
3.0 Location of Evidence
3.1 Seizure of Evidence
3.1.1 Transportation of Evidence
4.0Analysis of Evidence
4.1 Chain of Evidence
4.1.1 Extraction of knowledge
5.0 Conclusion
5.1 Results
5.1.1 Expert Opinion
Legal -sequenti al numbering makes use of this layout:
I. Introduction
1. Nature of the Incident
2. The Victim
3.Witness to the Event
4.Location of Evidence munotes.in

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228 II. Examination
5. Chain of evidence
6. Extraction of Evidence
7. The Analysis of Evidence
The felony -sequenti al numbering device is employed in pleadings and is
legendary amongst attorneys. Roman numerals are used for the foremost
thing of the document and Arabic numbering helps the statistics element.
The maximum critical issue of any investigative document is that the
usage of powerful language to talk the statistics definitely.To try this,
signposts must be protected within the document. A signpost is a manual
to the readers of the record that focuses their concept on an element or
series of a fashion . Signp osts spotlight the first factors which you would
like to hold through developing a logical improvement of the statistics
within the document.This makes it more easy for the reader to know the
For instance, the steps within the record are going to be added the
utilization of a signpost inclusive of “The initiative on this segment,” or
“The 2nd step withinside the exam”.These act because the signposts for
the series of statistics.
Try to influence clean of redundant statements inclusive of “This
document is submitted”, or “As the top results of the research, I need to
document as follows”.The use of right fashion and tone and concept
regarding the usage of accurate layout, punctuation, vocabulary, and
grammar is critical whilst you’re writing a docu ment.
Report Writing Guidelines
Whatever you write for your document, you want to do not forget that its
presentation wishes to float during a logical order if it is to hold the
statistics you've got amassed withinside the way which you desire.To reap
this it is important to plot the document before writing it.This allows you
to make your argument piece through piece.
The document must comprise a right float of sentences which may be
organized to resource the event of concept during a clean and
unambiguo us way from the begin to the cease of the record. Each
paragraph must be correlated tomirror the ambitions of the entire record
and offers the reader with an impression of precise relation.
The use of headings with information beneath Neath is suggested . These
information must be set in paragraphs, every limited to a specific material
. Any use of jargon, slang, or technical phrases must be prevented during
which feasible. If important, put together a thesaurus containing slang or
technical phrases. When writing, hire lively voice in situ of passive .
active encourages conciseness and accuracy in writing and comes munotes.in

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Investigation, Become a
Professional Witness
229 throughout as being extra forceful. Always prevent from trite and
superlative phrases.
When a specific abbreviation is employed for the first time with inside the
document it is really helpful to place in writing the entire shape of the
equal. Comprise acronyms withinside the Glossary protected on the cease
of the document. Most attorneys do now not have an thorough technical
expertise. As a ou tcome , it is feasible to confuse them while the utilization
of of acronyms.
Using Supporting Material
A properly -written investigative document tells a tale wherein one has got
to reply numerous questions inclusive of who, while, in which, why, and
therefore the way. While answering those questions, helping substances
inclusive of figures, tables, information, and equations are required within
the event that they assist the story spread in an powerful shape.
The helping fabric could also be noted direc tly withinside the textual
content and included withinside the writing to beautify the effect. it's
really helpful to range figures and tables withinside the equal order as
they're added withinside the document. as an example , tables could also
be numbere d as Table 1,Table 2, and so on. within the equal manner,
figures could also be categorized as Figure 1, Figure 2, and so on.
Numbering the material avoids confusion and makes it more easy to
acknowledge .
To lessen narration and emphasize vital informati on, positioned tables and
schedules in appendices. Captions are favored over easy titles, because the
entire statistics provides to the conciseness of the presentation. If charts
are used, they need to be categorized, inclusive of axes and units. during a
paragraph, if any desk or determine is cited, that determine or desk must
be inserted after the paragraph. One can also accumulate all helping fabric
after the reference segment.
Consistency and Other Important Aspects of an Good Report
Whenever you're w riting a document do not forget that consistency is
significant . Create and keep record templates to resource you. an
appropriate investigative document layout must contains the next sections:
● Abstract or precis
● Table of contents
● Body of document
● Conclusi ons
● References
● Glossary
● Acknowledgments munotes.in

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230 These sections are often adjusted to in shape the motive of the document.
The summary or precis must gift the essence of the document as an
abbreviated or condensed shape of the research. That is, it must gift the
important thing thoughts expressed within the document. A properly -
designed desk of contents must offer brief reference to all vital capabilities
of the research.
Any appendices protected within the document want to be indexed and
defined with inside the desk of contents The document frame must
comprise the first factors which you would like to hold . It must ask the
motive of the document. References and appendices listing the substance
noted with inside the document, inclusive of output from equipment an d
interview notes. A presentation can observe any layout which you and
therefore the alternative events are snug with.
The Main Features and Aspects of an honest Report
A suitable document will typically have the next capabilities:
● It will offer an thorou gh clarification of the techniques, exam
strategies, mate - rials, or system used. it'll additionally element any
analytical or statistical strategies, information/series, or reasserts inside
numerous subsections that resource the reader in growing an exper tise
of the research manner.
● Any suitable document offers a properly -prepared presentation of the
knowledge amassed. the knowledge series manner may be a essential
issue of an efficaciously administered forensic exam. In preparing the
lab document, informa tion inclusive of observations must be recorded
during a laboratory pocket book for later reference. All the tables used
for offering information must be categorized.
● Include any calculations which you create . it's right exercise to
summarize the commonpl ace place call of the calculations (e.g. Secure
Hashing Algorithm for SHA -1) wont to confirm the integrity of the
proof and therefore the dates that those during which finished at some
point of the research within the document. Briefly describe an
equivale nt old equipment and their mentioned supply which are used
for this calculation.
● List a declaration detailing any provision for uncertainty and mistakes
evaluation. There are continually obstacles of experience and there
could also be no foolproof manner t o shield the integrity of data . as an
example , while retrieving a timestamp from a pc device you want to
country that the timestamp could also be reset effortlessly which this
statistics on my very own must now not be relied upon.
● Give special causes to your outcomes. These must be indexed during a
logical order the utilization of subheadings containing textual content
which addresses the motive of the document. Where feasible, use
tables and figures within the textual content to beautify its
presentation . make sure that any reader with out a expertise of the case munotes.in

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Investigation, Become a
Professional Witness
231 can recognize the research and therefore the outcomes totally during
this document.
● Present a dialogue of the outcomes and end. Discussing outcomes and
conclusions is critical. The importance of the studies must be mounted
on this segment of the document. Provide solutions to questions
inclusive of how the case progressed, what troubles happened, and any
troubles that had been addressed.
● List your references. Include the humans and courses mention ed with
inside the document. Plagiarism will smash the credibility of your
document. Site all supply fabric, Web webweb sites, the reviews of
others, and any works that are not your very own.
● Include any required appendices. An appendix must be wont to
reference any longer fabric this is often referenced with inside the
document. you want to contains charts, diagrams, graphs, transcripts,
and copies of device output. Arrange the appendices withinside the
order that they appear within side the document
● Provi de acknowledgment during which it is warranted. Thanking those
individuals who helped at some point of the introduction of a
document will make it far more likely that they will assist you within
side the destiny. List humans who've contributed to the eval uation of
data , proofreading, or another beneficial hobby. Acknowledgment is
optional, however recommended.
The Investigative Report Format
There are as many document writing codecs as there are groups or
agencies. When a previous document is to be had this is often desirable to
the events, observe the layout it utilized in place of re -developing one.
Review the knowledge to make a decision the relevancy and as a result
what information to contains and which to get rid of previous to writing
the document . Carefully study any information and confirm that they are
applicable. The document need to contains all of the applicable proof. This
consists of proof that does not assist the document’s end. you want to keep
your objectivity within side the document an d record the findings in an
independent and proper way. attempt to locate flaws in questioning or
exam, as it is probable that just in case you don’t, an individual else will.
Do now not broaden an schedule besides for locating the truth at some
point of d ocument writing.
There are essentially 4 sections to an investigative document. These are:
● Section 1 This segment consists of the chief information inclusive of
the investigating officials, the thanks to touch them, and therefore the
place of the operatin g papers.
● Section 2 This segment covers the history and precis of the document.
It includes a precis of the complainant’s allegations, discretionary munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
232 statistics which may resource the reader in expertise the case, the
ultimate results of the case, and there fore the listing of allegations.
● Section 3 This segment introduces the first allegation. It gives the
knowledge , offers an evaluation and dialogue of the knowledge , and,
during which suitable, offers a recommendation. Conclusions could
also be declared o n this segment, and this segment also can
additionally contains the disposition to record any remedial
movements that the accountable authority took regarding any
substantiated allegations. during this segment, you want to attend to
each allegation withins ide the equal layout if one exists. Further
sections could also be added to the record at this factor, relying at the
● Section 4 The concluding segment lists and describes the interviewees,
the files reviewed, and every one different proof that has been
amassed. Before writing the document, do not forget that numerous
forensic software program equipment, inclusive of Forensic Toolkit
(FTK), DriveSpy, ILook, and EnCase, can generate reviews.These
equipment can create reviews in textual content la yout, a phrase
processor layout, or HTML layout.The previous record is that the
aggregate of the document generated the utilization of forensic
equipment and therefore the authentic investigative document.
The “Do’s” and “Don’ts” of Forensic Computer Inve stigations
The seven maximum essential dos and don’ts so one can follow to any
forensic research are:
1. Ask questions Inquire on the character of the request.The extra
expertise you've got concerning the research, the additional powerful
you'll be.
2. Doc ument methodically No count how easy the decision for, write it
down —even just in case you experience that you simply may now not
perform that a part of paintings.
3. Operate in suitable religion Generally, you want to observe commands
out of your advanced or felony recommend withinside the direction of
an research. It are often feasible that a couple of investigative
movements are going to be unlawful. Bring this to the choice events’
4. Don’t get in too deep If any of the next situations are aut hentic, you'll
want to form an vital willpower on whether or to not maintain in your
very own or to call in several events ( inclusive of regulation
a. The research entails against the law.
b. The research is anticipated to cause extreme subj ect or termination of an
worker. munotes.in

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Investigation, Become a
Professional Witness
233 c. The research involves that files are organized and maintained for a
courtroom docket or a central authority investigative frame, and
observe felony discovery regulations.
d. Large -scale investigations over quite one juri sdictions must be
administered through skilled investigators.
5. plan to analyze Involve individuals who are important to the research
and don’t make all of the alternatives your self.
6. Treat the entire thing as personal no matter who is aware of —or the
rumors that sur - face—maintain all statistics personal and reveal the
statistics best to parents who want to acknowledge .
7. File it Keep your documentation and reserve it safely. Always
document it during a managed way.
Best Practice for Investigation a nd Reporting
Any suitable document will solution the 5 Ws: who, what, why, while,
and during which . Remember to record who become worried within side
the case and who asked it. Document what become administered and
why.When and during which did it arise? an appropriate document must
provide an evidence for the pc and community procedures and record all
salient elements of the device.
A properly -carried out research must additionally observe the SMART
method. This is:
● Specific Detail every issue.
● Measur able Ensure which you log file sizes, instances, and different
applicable fabric.
● Achievable Ensure which you've got the assets to reap your objectives.
● Realistic Report the knowledge , don’t speculate.
● Time -primarily based totally Work to time constraints and deadlines,
and confirm which you recorded all of the activities as they've
happened at the device.
Reports are essential to a search as they provide the way to alternate the
findings and different proof to the important humans. A document are
often f ormal or casual, verbal or written, however it continually wishes to
be grammatically sound, so confirm which you employ an appropriate
spelling and prevent from any grammatical mistakes.When writing the
document, prevent from the utilization of jargon, sl ang, or colloquial
phrases and confirm the readability of writing, as that's essential to the
fulfillment of a document.
Writing a document is like questioning.The presentation of the document
need to float logically to hold the statistics during a establ ished shape.
Discuss the outcomes and conclusions. Remember that the previous record munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
234 may be a aggregate generated the utilization of forensic equipment and
therefore the authentic investigative document. Also, while engaging
within the research, don't forg et: Document the entire thing! In virtual
investigations, the utmost essential component to do not forget is
documentation, or keeping chain of custody. Documentation need to be
maintained from the beginning to the cease of the enagement. Having an
flawed chain of proof is worse than having no proof in any respect
Document the device’s hardware configuration. After you've got moved
the device to a gentle place during which the proper chain of custody
could also be maintained, it is essential to require as d ocumentation photos
of the device hardware additives and therefore the way the connections
and cables are organized.
Also, record the device date and time. this is often extraordinarily vital.
An wrong date and timestamp can permit the refuting of proof a nd obtain
in-tuned with into query the integrity of the findings. albeit the entire thing
else takes place perfectly, the mere reality that it got up to now will effect
the entire research.
Document filenames, dates, and instances at the device and make a
timeline. The filename, introduction date, and final changed date and time
are of critical significance from an evidentiary point of view while
admitting virtual proof. The filename, length, content material, and
introduction and altered dates need to be documented.
Finally, you want to record all the findings. it's vital to record the findings
sequentially because the issues are recognized and proof is discovered. A
right file of all of the software program hired in assessment of the proof
must be organi zed. One must be legally certified to use the software
program thanks to the very fact pirated software program is of no use
during a tribulation of the case. Document can also contains the software
program license and display pictures to reveal how softwa re program
become used within side the proof series manner.
A cybercrime research and constructing of the case document is aimed
closer to at least one cease end result: acquiring a conviction of the cyber
crook duri ng a courtroom docket of regulation. No count how suitable the
proof you attain —log documents displaying unauthorized get entry to to
the community, difficult disks seized from the suspect’s pc containing
simple warning signs of the crook hobby, community statistics monitoring
the intruder lower back thru Internet servers to his or her pc —none of this
proof can stand on my very own . Under maximum judicial structures,
bodily and intangible proof need to be supported through testimony.
Someone need to testif y on while, in which, and therefore the way the
proof become received and affirm that it is the equal while it is offered in
courtroom docket because it become while it become amassed. munotes.in

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Investigation, Become a
Professional Witness
235 Even though you want to affect each case as aleven though you had been
looking forward thereto to go to courtroom docket, actually attesting in
courtroom docket could also be a disturbing enjoy. If you’ve in no way
been during a court docket before , it's ready to experience very similar to
your first day at a fresh college. You’re unusual with the environment,
don’t recognise the strategies, and may even make errors so one can
purpose you to balk later. Even whilst you recognise what to assume, it's
ready to nonetheless experience like you’re strolling into the principal’s
office (or at instances like you’re strolling onto the playground to be
crushed up).Testifying typically isn’t a pleasant enjoy, albeit it's ready to
be made more easy thru expertise and luxuriate in .With sufficient
practise, the event may even be some thin g you’ll do not forget proudly .
Understanding the witness
Testimony in courtroom docket is furnished through witnesses, which may
be humans who've first hand expertise of against the law or incident, or
whom provide proof at some point of an ordeal , tri bunal, or taking note of
.When proof is technical in nature and hard for laypeople to acknowledge ,
professionals are often required to testify to supply an evidence for the
character of the proof and what it manner to the case. during a cybercrime
case, p olice investigators and IT employees are often required to require
the witness box .Two sorts of witnesses could also be referred to as to
testify in crook movements:
● Evidentiary witnesses
● Expert witnesses
An evidentiary witness may be a one that has dire ct expertise of the case.
As an example , a community administrator is perhaps referred to as to
testify on what she or he located at some point of an assault at the
community, or an investigator is perhaps referred to as to testify on the
proof that she o r he located on a pc that became seized pursuant to a seek
warrant. An evidentiary witness can best testify on information (what she
or he noticed, heard, or did) however cannot supply authoritative reviews
or draw conclusions.
A professional witness is n ot the same as an evidentiary witness therein
he or she is going to supply opinions and draw conclusions approximately
information within side the case. The professional witness also can
additionally do not have any direct involvement within side the case
however has unique technical expertise or know -how that qualifies her or
him to supply expert reviews on technical subjects. Expert witnesses from
time to time put together reviews that outline their reviews and provide
motives for each opinion.
Even thou gh knowledgeable witness can gift conclusions, she or he's
constrained within side the reviews which will be expressed. as an
example , knowledgeable in pc generation also can additionally testify that
a threatening e mail become traced to an account that become owned
through the defendant, and therefore the way evaluation of the defendant’s munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
236 pc confirmed that it become actually dispatched from that device. The
witness cannot gift a end that the defendant is thereby responsible as sin.
After all, someone is taken into consideration harmless till demonstrated
responsible, and therefore the neutrality of the professional witnes s must
observe that philosophy. The professional in computer systems additionally
couldn’t communicate approximately the mind -set of the defendant
because it become being dispatched, as psychology isn’t the witness’s
know -how. A witness is constrained to attesting approximately what she
or he noticed, heard, or did, and professional witnesses can communicate
best to the present and/or appr oximately statistics this is often within the
scope in their expertise and luxuriate in .
The prosecution and protection legal professionals are accredited to
possess professional witnesses testify during a case, albeit they aren’t
continually deemed imp ortant through one or both facet. As such,
professionals aren’t utilized in maximum trials. In many instances, the
burden of proof is evaluated and a plea bargain is reached. A plea bargain
is an settlement wherein the defendant pleads responsible to a les ser crime
to possess extra extreme expenses dropped. Even while a case does visit
trial, frequently the evidentiary testimony is all that a prosecutor or
protection legal professional wishes to argue the guilt or innocence of a
defendant. for each case get ting to trial, a legal professional need to decide
whether or not the knowledge might advantage from knowledgeable
opinion, or whether or not the evidentiary testimony and proof can stand
on its very own.
The professional witness must additionally now not be pressured with
professionals that function consultants, which each facts also can
additionally use to acknowledge extraordinary sorts of proof. as an
example , during a tribulation concerning a automobile twist of fate, the
protection legal professiona l also can additionally touch knowledgeable in
protection requirements to acknowledge problems related to the air
baggage utilized during a selected make and version of automobile.
Although the professional offers readability in expertise elements of the
case, she or he isn’t knowledgeable witness thanks to the fact:
● The individual hasn’t been subpoenaed or sworn in as a witness.
● No testimony has been given in courtroom docket.
● The courtroom docket hasn’t identified the individual as
knowledgeable .
As we ’ll see within side the next segment, whether or not an individual is
targeted as knowledgeable witness is in most cases on the discretion of the
decide taking note of the case. The professional witness offers statistics
approximately his or her qualificat ions, and every the prosecution and
therefore the protection evaluation the individual’s training, enjoy, and
different credentials. Either facet also can additionally project the
individual’s qualifications in courtroom docket, or they'll each agree that
the individual may be a professional during a selected area. Ultimately, munotes.in

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Investigation, Become a
Professional Witness
237 however, it is the maximum amount because the plan to apprehend the
individual as knowledgeable .
Qualifying As an Expert Witness
The requirements for qualifying as knowledgeable wi tness range around
the sector. during a few countries, professional witnesses need to be
registered as professionals during a selected area. within the USA and
Canada, professionals need to typically show their know -how through
offering their credentials i n courtroom docket.
To decide whether or not someone qualifies as knowledgeable witness,
and whether or not their testimony is admissible, entails a fashion of exam,
cross -exam, and being identified through the courtroom docket.The legal
professional cal ling the capacity professional witness will typically
examine his or her qualifications into the file, and/or also can additionally
ask a sequence of questions.These questions are designed to reveal the
individual’s credentials as knowledgeable . Such ques tions may consist of:
● What ranges, diplomas, or certificate do you've got?
● What positions have you ever ever held within side the area?
● What lectures or publications have you ever ever taught on this area?
● What extra schooling or publications related to th is area have you
ever ever taken?
● What memberships in agencies related to this area do you've got?
● What books or papers have you ever ever written pertaining to the
● What is your beyond enjoy as knowledgeable witness on this area?
The high -satisfacto ry of your solutions to those questions will assist to
make a decision whether or not you’ll be identified as knowledgeable
during a selected vicinity. However, in searching at those questions, don’t
experience that you simply got to have an outstanding so lution to every
one. as an example , just in case you had training and luxuriate in however
didn’t have any coaching enjoy, you'll nonetheless be declared
knowledgeable . The key component is that the general know -how, now
not whether or not you've an impr essive solution to each and every this
type of questions. After all, the first time every one testifies in courtroom
docket, the answer as to if or not you've got testified before may be a
resounding “no.”
Once the witness has been referred to as to the s tand and tested, the
courtroom docket might be requested to easily accept her or him as
knowledgeable .The opposing facet will then have the likelihood to easily
accept the witness as knowledgeable or project its admissibility. If a
project is formed , the opposing facet can cross -study the witness on his or
her qualifications. munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
238 The opposing facet also can additionally project the professional
witness’s credentials in an attempt to have that individual’s testimony
deemed inadmissible, or prevent her or him from declaring reviews and
conclusions approximately the proof.The legal professional making this
project features a heavy burden in trying to exclude proof or testimony at
any degree of litigation. Not best need to she or he assault the credibility
of su ch witnesses, their testimony, and any proof they’ve furnished,
however additionally need to achieve this with constrained expertise.The
legal professional are often knowledgeable in regulation, however have
minimum or no know -how within side the world of the witness.
As we’ll see in later sections of this appendix, an legal professional also
can additionally use a number of procedures and assets while cross -
inspecting a witness and difficult her or him as knowledgeable . Such
procedures can contains appro aches of asking questions, and hints which
could be frequently successful in tripping up a witness’s testimony.To
recognize technical elements of the case and ask extra powerful questions,
the legal professional also can additionally rent his or her very o wn
professional, who could also be consulted before the trial and/or at some
point of the lawsuits. Because the difficult facet’s professional is in no
way sworn in as a witness, the identification of the professional also can
additionally in no way be reg arded to the opposing facet, and will in no
way be cross -tested. Although this might assist a legal professional’s case
a extraordinary deal, charges worried with hiring knowledgeable could
also be prohibitive, so as that they aren’t utilized in maximum in stances.
Once the opposing facet has cross -tested the witness, the courtroom
docket can pay attention arguments from each facets on the matter of
whether or not the individual must be identified as knowledgeable .
additionally to difficult that the know -how of a witness hasn’t been
mounted, which the individual is thereby unqualified to supply reviews on
problem count, arguments are often made that the individual’s know -how
is constrained. Challenging the constrained know -how of a witness could
also be adm inistered at some point of cross -exam. If the individual’s
know -how is deemed constrained, she or he also can additionally
nonetheless be capable of supply reviews, however the individual’s
testimony might be given little weight.
Regardless of whether or not the witness’s qualifications are challenged,
the previous selection rests with the decide. If the decide is happy that the
witness has enough training and luxuriate in to testify and shape reviews
on problem count related to the case, the courtroom do cket will apprehend
that the individual may be a professional.The vicinity of know -how that’s
identified are often wide (inclusive of being knowledgeable in pc
generation) or constrained to a slim area of experience (inclusive of being
knowledgeable on a s pecific piece of software program).
Just thanks to the very fact someone may be a professional during a single
trial, doesn’t always imply that she or he might be identified in the other
trial. Being declared knowledgeable applies best thereto unique cas e, and
doesn’t convey ahead to another instances therein you'll testify within side munotes.in

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Investigation, Become a
Professional Witness
239 the destiny. for each trial, the way of being identified as knowledgeable
need to start another time .
Experts Who aren't Witnesses
Lawyers are taught in no thanks to inv ite a question that they don’t
recognise the answer to. However, despite the very fact that she or he has
know -how in practising regulation, the legal professional could have
constrained expertise of generation or different specialised fields.To make
amend s for this loss of experience , professionals are often used as
Regardless of whether or not a consultant consulting with the legal
professional testifies in courtroom docket, the prosecution or protection
legal professionals also can additio nally use her or him to supply extra
perception to a case at some point of the direction of an ordeal .The legal
professional also can additionally visit professionals previous to an ordeal
and/or at some point of lawsuits. In many instances, the professio nal will
write reviews that designate technical elements of a case in layman’s
phrases, and document any errors obvious in witness statements that
comprise technical statistics or within side the processing of proof. due to
the statistics furnished through the professional, the legal professional can
higher put together for the capacity testimony of witnesses, and
crossexamine them on technical elements of a case. Because the
representative is in no way officially utilized in courtroom docket (i.e.,
sworn i n to supply testimony), one facet may in no way recognise the
decision or lifetime of a representative being utilized by the choice
facet.Becoming an witness
• Appendix A
In a few instances, professionals also will be found in courtroom
docket.The profess ional will concentrate to testimony, offer statistics on
technical anomalies or different information in what a witness testifies to,
and may even offer a couple of observe -up questions that the legal
professional can use.When the opposing facet tries to q ualify a witness as
knowledgeable , the representative can help in clarifying regions of the
witness testimony, and propose questions for cross -exam which may
disqualify the witness as being knowledgeable .
Experts in numerous fields are also used for the motive of finding out
proof so one are often used within side the case. as an example , DNA
proof also can additionally play a key function during a homicide trial, or
one concerning sexual attack or paternity. A DNA professional is perhaps
employed to see blood or semen samples. Through the finding out , the
validity of this proof could also be decided, and might display that it suits
a defendant or has been tainted during a few manner. Through such
assessments, the guilt or innocence of somebody are often mounted, and
might assist to make a decision whether or not the case must be dismissed.
Needless to say , if any of the outcomes had been utilized in courtroom
docket the individual might then be referred to as a witness, and altogether
likelihood undergo the way of being certified as knowledgeable witness. munotes.in

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240 Although professionals are often utilized during a case without ever acting
as a witness, professional wit - nesses are also normally used within side
the potential of a consult. The legal professional w ho referred to as the
witness also can additionally request the individual still be within side the
court docket to supply perception into technical problems, or help in
several approaches. Because the courtroom docket has already identified
the individual as knowledgeable , there could also be a bonus of being
capable of re -name the witness to the stand to supply additionally
testimony on information as they get up at some point of the trial.
Types of Expert Witnesses
A professional witness testifies wit h regards to problem count wherein
she or he has know -how, so it must come as no wonder that thanks to the
very fact there are such tons of extraordinary subjects, there are numerous
extraordinary sorts of professional witnesses. Although professionals exi st
in many fields, variety of the additional commonplace place ones utilized
in trials consist of:
● Civil litigation Experts
● Criminal litigation Experts
● Computer forensic Experts
● Medical and psychological Experts
● Construction and architecture Experts
Crimi nal Litigation Experts
Criminal litigation professionals are wont to help within side the
prosecution and protection of individuals worried in against the law.
Criminal litigation entails movements con to people who've dedicated
unlawful acts, who're intr oduced to courtroom docket through the
authorities to deal with expenses of breaking precise legal guidelines. to
assist in expertise technical information of a case, examine and gift proof,
and perform different capabilities that would fine be addressed t hrough
knowledgeable during a associated area of experience , professional
witnesses are used.
The specialties of crook litigation professionals utilized in courtroom
docket range significantly. There are professionals in nearly any area
you'll believe wh o are often wont to provide an evidence for any sort of
proof or thing of a case. In crook instances, the majority of execs utilized
by the prosecution might be participants of the police, or others worried
within side the research. As we’ve mentioned, the person who
administered a pc forensic exam will frequently be referred to as as a
witness, and may be certified as knowledgeable during a selected vicinity
of generation. Similarly, during a case concerning a automobile twist of
fate, a policeman skilled as an twist of fate reconstructionist will acquire
proof on the scene of a visitors twist of fate, and reconstruct the aim ,
outcomes, and different activities that caused the twist of fate from those munotes.in

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Investigation, Become a
Professional Witness
241 clues. The protection may additionally use professional s to help their
function within side the trial. These professionals are often wont to
perform assessments and evaluation information of the case, additionally
to supply opportunity interpretations of the proof. By supplying this know -
how to a case, the kno wledge of the case find yourself clearer to the
decide, jury, and different events worried within side the case.
As we cited formerly, professionals are also wont to offer technical
consulting to felony recommend, which they function a aid for explaining
technical information. This perception will show beneficial now not best
at some point of the trial, however additionally at some point of discovery
and depositions, Civil Litigation Experts
In addition to crook instances, professionals are utilized in civil litigation
wherein one celebration sues the other to reclaim what they experience is
owed them. In doing so, civil litigation courts offer a discussion board for
resolving those disputes. Different sorts of civil litigation can contains any
range of lawsuits among people and/or corporations, inclusive of:
● Libel and slander
● Land disputes
● Probate of wills
● Wrongful dismissal
● Malpractice
● Personal injury
● Wrongful demise
● Contract disputes
● Other disputes among people and/or corporations
In searching on the various felony movements which may arise in civil
courtroom docket, you'll see that now not all of them contain suing for
economic settlements. In many instances, civil litigation tries to make a
decision the rights of an man or woman, the scope of an sett lement, or the
goal of a contract. as an example , if someone died with out a will, the
courtroom docket are often required to make a decision the requirements
of the deceased, and therefore the thanks to fine divide the property among
the individual’s spo use, kids, and different fascinated events.To decide the
knowledge of a case, and are available to an equitable selection,
professional witnesses are often wont to assess and help in expertise the
knowledge of the case.These professionals are frequently th e equal sorts
as those that are often utilized during a crook trial, inclusive of forensic
accountants, clinical professionals, and different experts who consider any
area which may offer perception to elements of the case.

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242 Even though civil courtroom do cket isn't the same as crook courtroom
docket, the 2 frequently overlap. In addition to the use of the equal kinds
of professionals in each regions of regulation, a case this is held in crook
courtroom docket can also additionally later seem in civil court room
docket. A famous instance of that is the O.J. Simpson trial wherein he
changed into acquitted of the murders of humans, however changed into
later discovered accountable in civil courtroom docket and ordered to pay
damages in a wrongful demise in sha pe. Just due to the fact an man or
woman is attempted in crook courtroom docket doesn’t imply he or she
will’t be sued later in civil courtroom docket.
Computer Forensic Experts
As you properly recognise from studying this book, pc forensics is the
gathe ring, exam, renovation, and presentation of virtual proof. Computer
forensic professionals accumulate and study capacity proof at some point
of an research, inclusive of information that’s been deleted, encrypted, or
broken. Any steps taken at some point o f this manner are documented, and
methodologies are used to save you the proof from being altered,
corrupted, or destroyed. As we’ve careworn at some point of this book,
any case concerning pc forensics must continually be handled as aleven
though it had b een going to courtroom docket, and that any documentation
and proof will subsequently be grew to become over to a prosecuting legal
In crook instances, the protection legal professional may additionally rent
his or her very own professional to check the proof, and decide whether or
not any mistakes had been made at some point of the exam of the pc.The
professional will even record the movements she or he took, on the way to
typically be integrated right into a very last document that’s submit ted to
the legal professional.This professional will also be required to testify in
courtroom docket, however this time on behalf of the protection legal
While serving as a professional for the protection, the pc forensic
professional must continue to be independent and carry out among the
equal capabilities as that of the prosecution. Any examinations she or he
plays might contain inspecting, maintaining, and offering proof, and may
also require gathering extra proof that changed into ignor ed at some point
of the research. In doing so, the professional might try to locate
opportunity motives for the presence of information, inclusive of figuring
out whether or not a Trojan horse, botnet, or different malicious software
program changed into g ift at the device.
Because she or he is operating on behalf of the protection, it's far vital
that any patron –legal professional statistics this is inadvertently received is
saved non -public and now no longer divulged with out consent of the legal
profes sional or below order of the decide. Computer forensic professionals
will also be utilized in civil litigations. Because statistics coping with a
case can be saved on computer systems or different gadgets, pc forensic
professionals can be used to look for information inclusive of e mail, munotes.in

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Professional Witness
243 textual content messages, chat logs,Web webweb page records, calendar
documents, spreadsheets, files, snap shots, and different documents on a
device. Examining this information can also additionally monitor
information tha t discover an adulterous affair, fraud, malfeasance,
downloading or traveling unlawful or worrying fabric (inclusive of
pornography), or different sports that might decide the out - come of a
Because the information received thru pc forensics con sists of files,
spreadsheets, and different documents that comprise statistics out of doors
of the pc professional’s scope of expertise, extra professionals could be
used to provide an explanation for what has been discovered. In such
conditions, the resea rch and resulting crook or civil litigations will
frequently use different professionals which might be desirable to the
Medical and Psychological Experts
Like pc forensic professionals, clinical and mental professional witnesses
may be utilized i n each civil and crook litigation. Medical and mental
professionals respectively offer perception and help in bodily and
intellectual problems that can be worried in a courtroom docket case.They
can be utilized by both facet in a courtroom docket case to c arry out
assessments, examine present diagnoses, or testify approximately
technical information associated with proof.
Medical professionals are medical doctors or fitness experts which might
be devoted to specialised fields of medicine.They can be used to carry out
DNA or toxicology assessments, testify to the volume of accidents
suffered through a sufferer or plaintiff, or offer statistics on diseases,
disabilities, practices, and/or strategies. Some of the alternative regions
wherein they offer special ised help consist of:
● Dentistry, that can consist of forensic dentistry and chew marks
● Drugs, which can also additionally contain attesting approximately
prescription medicine or unlawful tablets taken through a man or
woman. This form of professional ca n testify approximately
extraordinary kinds of tablets and their outcomes, or carry out and
examine drug assessments on an accused individual or people worried
in a case.
● Malpractice, wherein mistakes made through medical doctors or
clinical experts are ev aluated, reported, and offered in courtroom
Psychological professionals are medical doctors and clinical experts who
concentrate on regions of intellectual fitness, mental, and psychiatric
fields.They can be used to assess and testify to the compe tency of an
accused individual or man or woman worried within side the case,
inclusive of while it wishes to be decided whether or not someone is suit
to face trial, or to set up the intellectual country of someone while against munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
244 the law took region. In hea rings concerning kids, they will additionally be
used to set up whether or not a figure is unfit, or must be allowed to have
unsupervised entry to kids. Some of the regions wherein they offer
specialised help consist of:
● Diagnosis and remedy of intell ectual illnesses
● Medications and psychotropic tablets
● Standards of care
● Emotional misery and outcomes of against the law or occasion
Since clinical and mental experts can be utilized sooner or later of an
exploration, they will be needed t o affirm with respect to insights they
outfitted ahead of time or confirmation got through them. For example, if
a scientific or conduct analyst had been utilized to expand a profile of a
chronic executioner and victims identified with the case, the insigh ts in the
past outfitted to police may appear as evidence in a tribulation.The expert
would then need to affirm, to give a clarification to the systems that had
been utilized, and give a clarification to data that will not be
unquestionably perceived to th e court agenda.
Construction and Architecture Experts
Criminal and common prosecution likewise can contain issues that adapt
to genuine property and the way wherein a developing or shape changed
into constructed or designed.To offer insight and contribut ions in those
examples, creation and design proficient observers can be utilized. A
portion of the elective locales wherein they offer particular assistance
comprise of:
● Building and hearthplace codes
● Project the executives
● Defects underway or format
● Accid ents and assurance
Development and design experts additionally can offer measurements on
how occurrences concerning homes occurred. For example, if a
developing changed into besieged, experts will be utilized to give a
clarification to how the bomb change d into situated in a spot that may
convey down the building. In criminal and common cases, experts
additionally can offer discernment regarding how various sorts of damage
had been because of terrible creation, botches in how the building changed
into plan ned, or various issues that prompted money related misfortune,
injury, or death.
Testimony and Evidence
Declaration and confirmation fall connected at the hip with one another in
a court agenda case. Proof every now and again wishes a couple of
account to put it into the setting of the case, and is predicated on witness munotes.in

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Investigation, Become a
Professional Witness
245 declaration to do that.When an individual providing specialized data of a
case offers declaration, it can fall into one in all classifications:
● Technical declaration
● Expert decla ration
Specialized stories are articulations given underneath pledge that blessing
data of a specialized sort. In offering the measurements, the observer
should be actually right while deciphering confounded and clinical issues
to simple expressions and thoughts. In various expressions, comparably to
validating around the case, she or he should moreover prepare the jury and
additionally choose so they perceive the pertinence of those specialized
data. Since it's far basic that the ones inside side the cou rt agenda perceive
what's being referenced at the remain, there are some of variables you may
transfer in your declaration to make it extra conceivable to laymen,
comprehensive of:
● Refrain from the utilization of language.
● Explain the which means and imp ortance of expressions and
abbreviations. For example, "EnCase is legal programming program
that changed into used to collect data from the pc. It's an exhibited
item which the FBI has utilized for parcels years."
● Provide a thesaurus of specialized express ions and thoughts to crime
suggest. This will likewise be used by the court agenda journalist
while interpreting your declaration.
● Provide charts and photographs so one can allow the jury as well as
choose to higher perceive what's being talked around.
It is oftentimes gainful while bearing on specialized measurements to talk
in a slow, gentle manner of speaking. Despite the fact that you should
convey slow adequate that the court agenda columnist can viably decipher
your announcement, and the choose and jury can notice the improvement
of your declaration, you shouldn't impart so progressive that it appears
you're belittling the ones inside side the room. Rehearsing the beat and
wooden of your voice on pals and own circle of family members sooner
than auth enticating can help with sorting out the fine way of talk me
Since numerous people will not perceive sure innovation being
referenced, and could find it intense in regards to your declaration, you
should endeavor to utilize analogies whil e clarifying extreme ideas. For
example, "IP addresses are similar as road addresses.The equivalent way
your property adapt to will we various people perceive in which you live,
IP addresses likewise are exact addresses that become mindful of one pc to
others on a local area." By the utilization of a familiar idea, people can
extra easily identify with what's being expressed.

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Cyber Forensics
246 Except if you're confirmed as an expert, you should ensemble from
introducing any audits roughly the case, as they'll be considered
inadmissible.You must country the data, and arrangement inquiries with
out providing any private or master ends.
Master observers furthermore ordinarily supply specialized declaration, in
any case are fit for make greater on their criticism through communi cating
audits and ends. Master declaration is articulations given underneath vow
through a distinguished as an expert in a chose observer's region. In
providing data so one can help a jury as well as choose higher perceive the
case, the observer can likewi se moreover unequivocal a proficient
assessment related with their area of specialized or concentrated
expertise.The extent of this mastery is mounted while qualifying the
observer as an expert, and figures out what the observer is and isn't
permitted to e xpress eventually of the preliminary. Any surveys which
may be out of entryways of the person's skill are thought about prohibited.
Rules of Evidence
The suggestions that direct whether somebody might be recognized as an
expert observer, and the suitabili ty of verification, are managed through
the legitimate rules of the ward of the court agenda wherein the
confirmation could be added.Thus, investigators must wind up familiar
with the applicable lawful guidelines.These guidelines are finished
resolution an d are normally systematized directly into a record named
Rules of Evidence.
In the USA, Congress kept the Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE) as a firm
of necessities that choose how verification is offered and considered
permissible in court agenda. Since na tion and government lawful rules are
uncommon, numerous states have furthermore followed their own special
units of guidelines, various which can be same to the ones inside side the
Federal Rules.The FRE conveys a decent estimated scope of guidelines,
none theless the ones adapting to surveys and expert declaration are
characterized underneath Article VII.
The guidelines underneath this Article envelop:
● Rule 701, Opinion Testimony through Lay Witnesses
● Rule 702,Testimony through Experts
● Rule 703, B asis of Opinion Testimony through Experts
● Rule 704, Opinion on Ultimate Issue
● Rule 705, Disclosure of Facts or Data Underlying Expert Opinion
● Rule 706, Court Appointed Experts
Rule 701, Opinion Testimony by Lay Witnesses
Rule 701 addresses eviden tiary observers who aren't in court agenda to
offer proficient declaration. Along these lines, the extent of declaration is munotes.in

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Investigation, Become a
Professional Witness
247 obliged to exercises that unfolded, and to what somebody saw, heard, or
did. Any surveys and inductions that the observer makes are compelled to
the ensuing models:
● They should be normally basically dependent on their conviction.
● They are valuable to achieving a perfect aptitude of the declaration or
resolve of a reality in a difficult situation.
● They aren't fundamentally founded abso lutely on clinical, specialized
or concentrated skill. Albeit this standard permits the observer to have
an assessment at the exercises she or he mind nessed, it does limitation
the assessment to a thin extension. For example, if a mugger held a
firearm in your mind and expressed, "Give me the entirety of your
cash.You don't have to pass on," a reasonable conviction of this event
may be that he changed into going to kill you in the event that you
didn't supply him your money. Such audits are bereft of any p articular
skill and manage explaining the event, and what you accepted changed
into happening.
Rule 702,Testimony by Experts
Rule 702 addresses declaration through proficient observers who might
have surveys basically dependent on clinical, specialized, or concentrated
mastery. As we referenced ahead of time, for this standard to follow, the
observer should be ensured as an expert sooner than she or he affirms in
court agenda. Rule 702 states the ensuing: "If clinical, specialized, or
diverse specific apt itude will help the trier of reality to perceive the
evidence or to choose a reality in a tough situation, an observer affirmed
as an expert through mastery, expertise, experience, tutoring, or preparing,
can likewise furthermore affirm thereto inside side the state of an
assessment or in some other case, if (1) the declaration is basically
founded absolutely upon enough data or data, (2) the declaration is the
produced using trustworthy ideas and procedures, and (three) the observer
has carried out the ide as and methods dependably to the data of the case."
In looking at this standard, you may see that the component of providing
proficient declaration is to help in aptitude, sorting out, and in regards to
evidence and data offered inside side the case. The measurements the
expert offers should be essentially founded absolutely on data or data and
should utilize reliable ideas and strategies. In various expressions, any
methods utilized might be repeated.
Logical methods that now not, at this point mainstre am also can not be
utilized for proficient declaration. For example, suppose an expert
principally based absolutely his decisions that the respondent changed into
mindful on physiognomy, that is a pseudoscience wherein criminal direct
might be chosen funda mentally dependent on a litigant's facial
appearance, head shape, and changed materially capacities. Since this is
certainly not a reliable or mainstream science, the audits, ends, and most
likely the litigant's finished declaration may be prohibited. munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
248 Rule 703, Basis of Opinion Testimony by Experts
Rule 703 is some other chief principle for proficient observers and the
surveys they will unequivocal in testi -fying.This rule expresses: "The data
or data inside side the one of a kind case whereupon an expert bases an
assessment or deduction can be the ones seen through or made respected
to the expert at or sooner than the paying attention to. On the off chance
that of a sort reason capably depended upon through experts inside side
the interesting region in sha ping surveys or deductions upon the issue, the
data or data need now presently don't be allowable in verification so with
respect to the assessment or surmising to be conceded. Realities or data
which may be in some other case prohibited will now presently don't be
uncovered to the jury through the defender of the assessment or induction
with the exception of the Court discovers that their probative cost in
supporting the jury to evaluate the expert's assessment widely offsets their
biased effect."
The est ablishment of this standard is that experts have get section to
confirmation or insights past to an affliction. In such occasions, the expert
can likewise also shape an assessment on those data, in any event,
assuming they're currently not, at this point u tilized or are forbidden in
court agenda. For example, a psychological expert is likely cognizant that
a respondent being investigated for responsibility for porn had before
feelings for baby attack. Regardless of whether the jury isn't permitted to
focus roughly those previous feelings, the therapist might need to utilize
this measurements to shape a learned assessment that the litigant is a
pedophile.The proficient couldn't bring up the prior feelings in court
agenda, notwithstanding may need to country a n assessment that changed
into molded through this insights.
Rule 703 is questionable to a couple, as confirmation that could't be used
in court agenda is being used in a sideways way.The verification the
expert utilized doesn't totally offer an indirect access to documenting
evidence, despite the fact that there might be a couple of legitimacy to this
contention. On the off chance that the jury has issue contrasting the
expert's surveys, the choose might need to offer them with insights and
evidence that the expert utilized, in any event, assuming it changed into in
some other case unacceptable. Indeed, even aleven however the expert's
assessment is thought about basic to a hardship, and may even offset the
biased effect of sure verification, this isn't to make reference to that
restricting features are feeble to an expert's conclusions.The witness can
regardless be cross -tried to extend the legitimacy of their audits, and the
contradicting aspect can name their own special expert observers to offer
freedom ends and surveys at the data of the case. Nonetheless, an issue
with this strategy is that after experts are known as to project or offer
clashing surveys to a previous expert, the stop final product is that the jury
can wind up compelled or even unengage d. Since the surveys
communicated can in the end be disposed of, it's far alluded to as garbage

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Investigation, Become a
Professional Witness
249 Rule 704, Opinion on Ultimate Issue
Rule 704 offers with the capacity of felony recommend to item to reviews
made through knowledgeable, and what an expert can testify to inseure
conditions. In maximum instances, a legal professional cannot item to an
opinion made through knowledgeable, due to the actual fact its validity
must be determined through the info of the case. in numerous phrases,
cross -exam and proof within side the case must assist evolve a variety
concerning whether or not the professional is accurate. However, an
objection could even be made if the professional testifies approximately
the intellectual country of a defendant during a ver y crook case, and
whether or not the defendant had this intellectual situation whilst
committing the crime or while the utilization of it as a protection.The
professional isn’t accredited to make this sort of end, because the
knowledge of the case must det ermine this trouble, now not the reviews of
a witness.
Rule 705, Disclosure of Facts or Data Underlying Expert Opinion
Rule 705, Disclosure of Facts/Data Underlying Expert Opinion Rule 705
addresses problems raised in Rule 703 concerning information and
knowledge that had been used to shape an expert opinion being disclosed
to the jury. during this rule, the professional can also additionally offer an
opinion without liberating statistics or proof that helped to shape that
opinion. He or she is going to be capin an edge to reveal those information
if the decide instructs her or him to achieve this, or might be required to
reveal sure information at some point of cross -exam.This rule states that
“the professional can also additionally testify in phrases of o pinion or
inference and supply motives consequently with out first attesting to the
underlying information or information, except the Court involves within
the other case.The professional can even additionally in any occasion be
required to reveal the unde rlying information or information on cross -
Rule 706, Court Appointed Experts
Rule 706, Court Appointed Experts Rule 706 offers recommendations on
how professionals must be appointed through the courtroom docket. The
rule offers statistics coping wi th:
● How they're appointed
● The economic repayment they acquire
● Disclosure, which sincerely states that the courtroom docket can even
additionally tell the jury that the courtroom docket appointed an
● That felony recommends (i.e., the prosecution and protection) may
additionally name their very own professional witnesses

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Cyber Forensics
250 Authentication of Evidence
The regulations of country courts can also additionally range from those of
the federal courts, and thus the regulations for proof in crook trials may
additionally range from those for civil trials. Generally, proof should be
authenticated, which on this context typically manner that some witness
should testify to its authenticity. within the case of virtual proof, this might
be a witness who has privat e expertise of the proof (e.g., someone who
shared the pc with the accused and located the record or document in
query at the pc). it should even be the primary responder who noticed the
proof on display while responding to the incident, or knowledgeable w ho
tested the pc and proof after it become seized. In phrases of while a
reproduction of the info became made the utilization of forensic software
program, attesting approximately how the software program authenticates
a information photograph is typically all that’s important. one of the
utmost vital elements of constructing ready to introduce proof in
courtroom docket is deciding which witnesses will testify on its life and
validity, describe the situations of its discovery, and affirm that it's now
not b een tampered with. Certain sorts of proof are from time to time held
through the foundations of Evidence to be self -authenticating. this manner
testimony on authenticity isn’t required and typically refers to things like
public files below seal, licensed c opies of public statistics, authentic
courses, and also the likes of . it's likewise feasible for each facets at trial
to evolve to stipulate on the authenticity of slightly of proof, wherein case
it does now not should be authenticated thru testimony. Whe n each facets
conform to the stipulation of a reality (inclusive of the very fact that the
proof is authentic), the decide will endorse the jury that they're to presume
that the reality is authentic and it isn't always a count that has got to be
proved or disproved at trial.
Evidence Processing
Computer forensic requirements had been advanced that follow to the
gathering and renovation of virtual proof, which differs in nature from
maximum different kinds of proof and as a result calls for extraordinary
techniques of managing. Following strategies which might be right,
popular, and, in a few instances, prescribed through regulation in coping
with proof is critical to the a hit prosecution of a cybercrime case.The right
managing of those strategies comes int o play at extraordinary factors in a
■ If proof isn't always amassed and treated in keeping with the right
requirements, the decide can also additionally deem the proof inadmissible
while it's far offered (typically primarily based totally at the opposing
legal professional’s movement to supp ress) and the jury participants will
in no way get a threat to assess it or don't forget it in making their
■ If the proof is admitted, the opposing legal professional will assault its
credibility at some point of wondering of the witnesses who testify
concerning it. Such an assault can create doubt in jury participants’ minds munotes.in

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Professional Witness
251 so one can purpose them to brush aside the proof in making their
selection —and possibly even taint the credibility of the complete case.
The complete research could be of little price if the proof that indicates the
defendant’s guilt isn't always allowed into the trial or if the jury offers it
no weight.Thus, right managing of proof is one of the maximum vital
problems going through all crook investigators and, due to the i ntangible
nature of virtual proof, cybercrime investigators in unique. Because that is
such an vital subject matter —now no longer best for investigators,
however additionally for prosecutors, judges, and justice device experts
worried in cybercrime instanc es—many agencies and courses are
dedicated totally to problems regarding virtual proof:
● The International Organization of Computer Evidence (IOCE)
changed into mounted in 1995 to offer a discussion board for
regulation enforcement businesses round the sec tor to alternate
statistics approximately pc forensic problems; its U.S. issue is the
Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence (SWGDE).
● The International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists
(IACIS; www.cops.org) is a nonprofit corporatio n this is devoted to
teaching regulation enforcement experts within side the vicinity of pc
● The International Journal of Digital Evidence (www.ijde.org) is a web
guide dedicated to discussions of the principle and exercise of
managing virtual proof.
● Computer Forensics Magazine is posted through DIBS, a maker of pc
forensic system. Computer Forensics Online (www.shk -dplc.com/cfo)
is a Webzine this is run through legal professionals and technical
experts that specialize in pc regulation.
Vario us similar resources that target pc criminology are to be had, and
extra wide -principally based absolutely offices comprehensive of the
American Academy of Forensic Sciences (www.aafs.org) adapt to pc
wrongdoings and virtual verification close by various c riminological
points. A gander at any of those resources will screen that virtual
verification overseeing is a major topic that may easily fill various books
(and as of now has). It is far past the extent of this reference section to
cowl every thing of ge t-together and keeping up with virtual confirmation.
Admissibility of Evidence
There are some of necessities for confirmation to be allowable in court
docket.The verification should be skilled (i.e., trustworthy and believable),
it should be appropriate (it tends to show a truth of the case), and it should
be texture (it proves a difficulty this is in question inside side the case).
Furthermore, to be acceptable in U.S. courts, evidence should be gotten
legally.That is, it should be gotten agreeing with the lawful rules
administering look for and seizure, comprehensive of legitimate rules
communicated inside side the U.S. what's more, country constitutions. In munotes.in

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252 the event that evidence is gotten through an unlawful look for, despite the
fact that it demonst rates the blame of the litigant, the verification is mulled
over to be "polluted."
This is alluded to as the "summit of the poisonous tree" convention, or the
exclusionary rule. Case guideline in a couple of purviews units one of a
kind guidelines for th e tolerability of clinical evidence. Under the Federal
Rules of Evidence, Rule 402, all relevant verification is allowable other
than as in some other case outfitted underneath the U.S. Constitution,
through Act of Congress, or underneath the Federal Rules of Evidence
themselves (e.g., verification got disregarding a presume's protected
Rule 401 characterizes pertinent confirmation as "any evidence having a
tendency to make the existence of any reality this is of impact to the self
control of the movement extra presumably or considerably less most likely
than it'd be without the proof."This is alluded to as the significance
investigate. Another boundless every now and then carried out to clinical
evidence is the general fame investigate, moreover alluded to as the Frye
inescapable, which holds that a deliberate methodology should be
commonly famous inside side the region sooner than the results of the
methodology might be conceded as verification.
Digital Evidence
Albeit the guidelines of evidenc e concerning virtual data aren't basic, it's
far constantly generally secure to surpass the negligible necessities for
suitability. At the point when specialists avoid potential risk to ensure the
uprightness of verification, above and past what the court agenda may find
alluring, presently not, at this point best will the chance of getting the
confirmation rejected through the choose be forestalled, be that as it may
also the effect at the jury could be extra good. Associations comprehensive
of the IACIS o ffer necessities administering criminological test techniques
for their members. Appearing in court agenda which you clung to such
inordinate necessities in taking part in the exploration will improve your
Most pc legal offices and experts concur o n a couple of basic
prerequisites concerning the overseeing of virtual verification, which
might be summed up as follows:
● The one of a kind verification should be saved in a nation as close as
achievable to the country it changed into in while found.
● If in any regard plausible, a real copy (photo) of the special should be
made for use for test all together now no longer to hurt the uprightness
of the exceptional.
● Copies of data made for test should be made on media which may be
forensically clean this is, t here should be no previous data at the plate
or distinctive media; it should be totally "clean" and checked for
independence from infections and deformities. munotes.in

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Professional Witness
253 ● All evidence should be very much labeled and reported and the chain of
guardianship protected, and each progression of the legal test should be
archived in component.
Testifying As an Expert Witness
Affirming as an expert observer might be a scary and upsetting appreciate,
especially if it's your first time.You can be strange with the court agenda,
its configuration, what's expected of you, and what will occur in court
agenda. In spite of the fact that you can procure a couple of training from
the lawful expert who will name you as an observer, often you get next to
zero practice and experience like yo u're genuinely tossed inside side the
place of extreme peril.
Albeit the court agenda can appear to be master and respectful, the
minutes among occasions and breaks in court agenda might be earnestly
tumultuous. Administrative work wishes to be handled, uncovers need to
be coordinated, witnesses need to be ready and state -of-the-art, and
individuals stressed in an affliction end up involved in a whirlwind of
leisure activity at the rear of the scenes. Albeit this tumult can get out into
the preliminary, w hat greatest people see while coming into a court agenda
is an arranged and calm climate. Every individual stressed in an affliction
have their own personal locale inside side the room and their own special
obligations to do, comprehensive of the resulting :
● Judge This is a court agenda true that is both delegated or chosen to
direct the court agenda, and make decisions on issues in preliminaries
and hearings.
● Court journalist This is a court agenda official that translates the
declaration and contentions ma de inside side the preliminary, which
turns into a genuine document of the claims.
● Court representative This is a court agenda official that plays
regulatory commitments, comprehensive of swearing in witnesses,
overseeing uncovers, and acting various commi tments for the court
● Bailiff This is a court agenda official that is responsible for
maintaining control and decency inside side the court agenda. In a
couple of locales and nations, the bailiff can likewise furthermore as
an option be court agend a security, and be designated as a novel
constable of the police.The bailiff has authority of the jury and could
accompany them inside and outside of the court agenda, and can also
do various commitments, comprehensive of bringing in witnesses
prepared out of entryways the court agenda.
● Prosecutor This is the lawful expert addressing the nation (or the
Crown in Canada and the United Kingdom) in hooligan court agenda
occasions. In doing as such, the examiner addresses the people and is
responsible for taking lawful offense movement contrary to the litigant
and setting him, her, or them being investigated. munotes.in

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254 ● Defense lawful expert This is the lawful expert addressing the litigant
in a hooligan court agenda case.
● Plaintiff This is the individual suing a respondent in common
prosecution. In common case, each the offended party and the litigant
may also have their own personal crime suggest.
● Defendant This is the individual accused of illegal (in evildoer court
agenda) or the individual being sued (in common court ag enda).
● Jury This is a bunch of occupants which have been settled on to focus
evidence and render a decision.
● Witnesses These are individuals bearing witness to exercises that
occurred or confirmation offered as uncovers inside side the
● Spectat ors These are members of the overall population or potentially
media looking the trial.They can likewise moreover incorporate mates
and own circle of family members of the respondent, or intrigued
occasions who've come to take a gander at the claims. Of th ose jobs,
filling in as an observer might be one of the most extreme horrible to
satisfy. Without the declaration and confirmation an observer offers,
it'd be unrealistic to harvest a conviction.
Despite the fact that authenticating might be awkward in an y event, when
you have long periods of appreciate as an evidentiary or expert observer,
seeing around the way calms bunches of the pressure. In the areas that
notice, we'll talk components of the court agenda, preliminary claims, the
methods that investiga tors and assurance legitimate experts can likewise
also utilize, and what you may accept while attesting.The less amazements
and the extra coordinated you're, the less difficulties you'll coincidentally
find at the stand.
Layout of a Courtroom
Courts are generally determined in a chosen way, with seating
arrangements and installations coordinated for exceptional capacities.
Dissimilarities can be self -evident while assessing courts which may be
utilized for uncommon capacities or legal designs, comprehensi ve of while
assessing own circle of family members court agenda to a military court
agenda military, or the ones of different nations. In any case, regardless of
whether those varieties are noticeable, likenesses in capacity can
ordinarily be distinguished .
As demonstrated in Figure A.1, a court agenda configuration can
incorporate severa man or lady added substances, comprehensive of the
● Judge's seat This is a table area where the choose is situated to
manage the preliminary munotes.in

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Professional Witness
255 ● Witness stand T his is an encased seating area wherein the observer
offers declaration.
● Court journalist's table This is in which the sworn claims of the
preliminary are deciphered.
● Court agent's table This is in which court agenda measurements are
kept up with.
● Jury hol der This is seating for members of the jury.
● Prosecution's work area This is in which the examiner is situated. In a
common case, this will be the offended party 's work area.
● Defendant's work area This is in which the litigant and their lawful
offense boa rd (i.e., security lawful expert) is situated.
● Podium This is in which the investigator and assurance legitimate
experts will stand while formally tending to the court agenda and
assessing/cross -reviewing observers.
● Well of the court agenda This is the ess ential area of the court agenda
wherein claims of the preliminary take locale.
● Bar This is a railing separating the exhibition from the appropriately of
the court agenda.
● Gallery This is a spot where members of the overall population, media,
and various on lookers are situated.
A court agenda serves in light of the fact that the arranging area of a
hardship, and has a dramatic layout.When looking at Figure A.1, you may
see that it's far expected to house an objective market, as most extreme
preliminaries ar e available to public observers. Albeit public preliminaries
offer obligation concerning how they're completed, the format of a court
agenda is moreover enlivened as the centuries progressed vintage exercise
of it being a state of public entertainment.The organization of a court
agenda is intended to offer most perceivability to the ones looking the
preliminary (regardless of whether they be choose, jury, or onlookers), and
to acknowledgment their advantage at the developments and entertainers
stressed insi de side the court agenda way.
To help harvest this, the added substances of a court agenda are layered to
different heights.Theconclude's seat is found better compared to various
seating locales inside side the room. It allows her or him to lead over the
court agenda from a vantage factor that disregards the entire thing,
nonetheless it furthermore passes on that the choose is a definitive and
executing discover that has control over the room.The testimony box will
likewise be raised notwithstanding is decl ine than that of the choose's seat,
driving each body offering declaration to appearance up on the choose, in
any case keep on being at eye stage with the lawyers who remain at a
platform inside side the appropriately of the court agenda while
investigatin g and cross -reviewing observers. Less seen are the court munotes.in

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256 agenda authorities who sit down on the foot of the choose's seat. Albeit the
court agenda columnist ordinarily remains not noted sooner or later of the
preliminary while translating the claims, the c ourt agenda representative is
gener -closest companion noticed best while swearing in witnesses or
acting distinctive court agenda capabilities.To the aspect of the choose, a
jury holder offers the ensuing fine doable seats. In a jury preliminary, the
atten dants could be fit for see and focus the entire thing inside side the
preliminary since it performs out toward the front of them, actually like
the observers who sit down inside side the exhibition to the backs of the
lawyers and the blamed.
Technology in the Courtroom
Despite the fact that subculture has directed the design, age has moreover
motivated the court agenda. More current courts are every now and again
developed with age in considerations, while more seasoned ones can be
retrofitted to house PC frameworks and show virtual verification extra
easily. Since there aren't anyt any prerequisites for the inventory of age,
what you can see can run fundamentally among courts.
Indeed, even in more seasoned town halls, a definite amount of age could
be bl essing. Amplifiers are utilized inside side the observer holder,
choose's seat, and platform to allow voices to be heard sooner or later of
the court agenda, and lawyers will much of the time use PC frameworks to
keep their notes and various measurements a cquainted with court agenda.
Albeit more moderen courts are intended to have an enough scope of
electrical retailers, this ordinarily isn't the situation in more seasoned town
halls. All things considered, those and some different contraptions
acquainted w ith court agenda can likewise also require additional lines as
well as power bars to be taped or hung all through the floor.This might be
a touch sudden to look while walking around the testimony box, and
venturing over a mat or conduit tape overlaying ele ctric strings. In more
moderen or retrofitted courts, there might be an additional reconciliation
among age and the equity gadget. A portion of the unrivaled age you can
situate in those courts can likewise furthermore comprise of the ensuing:
● Document co mputerized digicam This is an instrument on which
documents or a little to medium -length thing might be situated all
together that an overhead advanced digicam can hold onto its
photograph.The advanced digicam can likewise moreover mission the
photo to a p resentation (actually like an overhead projector may) or
communicate it to video show units arranged on the whole inside side
the room.
● Display video show units These are utilized to show previews, media
introductions, or diverse yield from a pc or a reco rd computerized
digicam.These might be level board shows which may be set at the
choose's seat, at the observer compartment, at the court agenda
official's desk(s) (i.e., court agenda agent, court agenda
correspondent), on crime suggest's tables, and among sets of hearers
inside side the jury holder. munotes.in

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Professional Witness
257 ● Annotation video show units These are video show units put on the
platform and witness compartment that grant in plain view drawings to
be made, comprehensive of charts or various measurements that
enhance wha t's shown on various video show units inside side the
court agenda.
● Real-time record This grants translated declaration to be coordinated
to the choose's seat and suggest tables.
● Translation and listening devices These grant any declaration in some
other language to be spoken directly into a mouthpiece, deciphered
through some other individual, after which broadcast through infrared
or diverse innovation to listening contraptions (i.e., headsets, and so
on) which may be worn through the choose, attendants , lawful offense
suggest, court agenda authorities, and others immediately connected
with the preliminary.
● Videoconferencing This involves cameras steady inside side the court
agenda which may be focused at the choose, witness, and lawful
offense suggest o n the platform. Different cameras will likewise be
establishment in various rooms of the town hall, comprehensive of the
choose's chamber or a room utilized for declaration through
individuals who've been pardoned from verifying inside side the court
agend a. Utilizing the previews caught through those cameras, video
conferencing would then be able to be utilized for pretrial meetings,
distant observer declaration, or various claims. For example, a baby
who changed into physically mishandled is most likely p ardoned from
going through their victimizer inside side the court agenda, and be fit
for affirm from a distant spot.
● Computer -equipped suggest tables These are tables used by the
indictment and assurance legitimate professionals.These can be
discretely fur nished with electric retailers and ports that grant
associations with show video show units or various abilities to be had
through the court agenda.
● Printers These license measurements showed on video show units to
be distributed, notwithstanding data from any or exact PC frameworks
inside side the court agenda.
Since the degree of age to be had in a court agenda can likewise moreover
run, you can need to talk over with the arraignment concerning whether
sure framework could be close by to your declaration . For example, on the
off chance that your declaration is predicated on showing the previews or
various archives found on a troublesome circle, it'd be valuable to perceive
whether they might be shown on video show units as of now inside side
the court age nda, if a pc projector and show are to be had, or in the event
that you might need to convey your own personal framework. By being
coordinated and aptitude what's to be had to brought to the table your
declaration, you may avoid conditions that make bearin g witness to
tumultuous and upsetting. munotes.in

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258 Order of Trial Proceedings
The preliminary way in actuality begins offevolved while a suspect is
captured or a warrant is given for a presume's capture. After the capture,
the respondent is taken sooner than a Justic e of the Peace (a choose or, in a
couple of cases, the city hall leader of a town or town) inside a definite
period —regularly inside 48 hours —and charged. This arraignment is a
relaxed way wherein the Justice of the Peace mentions to the respondent
what co sts had been recorded contrary to her or him, Mirandizes the
litigant, and units or denies bail. An underlying paying attention to
ordinarily takes locale inside certain days. In this paying attention to, the
arraignment should blessing adequate evidence t o convince the conclude
that the litigant should visit preliminary.
In a couple of occurrences, the litigant is going sooner than an amazing
jury instead of a decide.This is a secret continuing wherein the terrific jury
goes to a choice whether nearby dow n a prosecution. Then, an appropriate
arraignment can be held, at which the litigant can enter a supplication for
the costs contrary to her or him.
Prior to the genuine preliminary, there is regularly a pretrial show or
paying attention to at which movem ents might be documented (e.g.,
asking for an exalternate of setting). At last, the case is going to
preliminary. In the event that the respondent argues now not, at this point
capable to the costs, a jury is picked through the voir critical way, sooner
or later of which each feature gets to reprimand limit attendants and strike,
or avoid, a definite range.The choose trains the jury at the pertinent
guideline, after which the lawful experts each supply a hole
announcement. Since the heap of proof is at the indictment, the arraigning
legitimate proficient gets to head first with a hole presentation. After the
insurance lawful expert's setting up presentation, the indictment considers
witnesses.With each witness, the arraignment poses inquiries; this way is
known as immediate examination.Then the security legitimate proficient is
approved to impugn the observer roughly the subjects that had been
presented up eventually of direct test. A short time later, the indictment
can divert, and afterward the security can recross.This way happens with
each observer till each lawful experts are finished pondering that observer.
An examiner or IT master validating as to private skill of the evidence
inside side the case (an evidentiary observer) could be authenticating as a n
arraignment witness and accordingly could be on the double tried through
the investigator and get tried through the assurance legitimate proficient.
Master observers can likewise moreover affirm for both aspect,
nonetheless should be guaranteed as expert s past to verifying all together
that any surveys they've can be ensured inside side the declaration.
At the point when the indictment has offered every one of its observers
and confirmation, the security legitimate proficient commonly makes a
developmen t to ignore the case as a result of loss of verification. On the
off chance that this development is without a doubt, the preliminary is
finished and the respondent is going free. On the off chance that now no munotes.in

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Professional Witness
259 more, the assurance gives its case, calling ob servers to testify.These
witnesses are get tried through the examiner, etc, inside side the equivalent
way on the grounds that the indictment witnesses. After the assurance has
offered its case, the arraignment is approved to name answer observers,
and the insurance can counter the ones witnesses.
At last, while the entirety of the replies are done, the legitimate experts
offer their leftover expressions (which aspect is going first depends upon
at the court agenda) and the choose offers additional orders to the
members of the jury, who're then, at that point despatched out to
accomplish a decision.
A Subpoenasis a crime record this is given through the court agenda to
illuminate you which you are needed to stand by court agenda to offer
verific ation as a witness.The court agenda can likewise furthermore
summon you for the benefit of the indictment, the insurance, or each. In
looking on the summon demonstrated in Figure A.2, that is a genuine
summon with the relevant data disposed of, you may see that it conveys a
lot of insights concerning an affliction, comprehensive of the resulting:
● The call and adapt to of the individual being gathered to court agenda
● The date and time you're needed to stand by court agenda
● The call of the litigant
● What the respondent is accused of
● The adapt to in which the preliminary will take area
● The call and reach out to measurements of the official in cost of the
● The call of the legitimate proficient summoning you
● Instructions to convey any books, reco rds, composing, or diverse
uncovers related with the present circumstance with you The summon
is hand -brought to you through a request official or distinctive court
agenda official, who will utilize measurements at the summon and
distinctive touch insights that you can have once in the past given to
the agent or legitimate proficient. Whenever you have got been
presented with the request to appear to be in court agenda as an
observer, you're needed to stand by. On the off chance that you neglect
to pause, e vildoer costs can be squeezed contrary to you, and on the
off chance that you are indicted you can confront detainment as well as
a fine.
A Depositions is the way of pondering observers past to a hardship, and
it's far utilized inside side the pretrial scopes of each respectful and
criminal cases. In a statement, the observer is underneath vow and is munotes.in

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260 expected to illuminate the truth as aleven however inside side the
preliminary. Legitimate suggest can study and cross -study the observer,
and can even utilize this as a likelihood to discover measurements that can
be utilized inside side the later preliminary. Since the affidavit doesn't
need a public conversation board, it can now at this point don't generally
be held inside side the court agenda, notwithstanding as an option in a
gathering room or whatever other setting that has been settled upon.
All through the affidavit, a court agenda correspondent or a transcriber
documents the inquiries and articulations made, all together that they
might be protected for fate reference. Albeit the statement doesn't refresh
authenticating eventually of the preliminary, besides there are huge
circumstances for why the observer can't pause (comprehensive of death
sooner than the preliminary starts off evolved ), the insights amassed inside
side the testimony can later be used in preliminary. Lawyers can likewise
furthermore utilize proclamations made in an affidavit to uncover
inconsistencies in later declaration, subsequently disparaging the observer
through s howing mistakes among garbled explanations committed to
underneath vow.
Affirming in a testimony is ordinarily substantially less formal than the
actual preliminary, despite the fact that the equivalent behavior of showing
respect for the court agenda and individuals stressed inside side the way
applies. Along these lines, demands for a harm might be made each time
required. In spite of the fact that it can be considerably less formal, you
should not the slightest bit expect something is off the record. An y
criticism made sooner or later of the affidavit could be recorded, so you
should ensemble from articulating something you don't require saved for
any kind of family down the line till you're farfar from the court agenda
journalist and the spot in which t he statement is held.
When an affidavit has been deciphered, an observer is given the likelihood
to check its substance for any mistakes and to make redresses. It is
indispensable which you look at the record altogether, because of the
reality after you analyze and signal it, it's anything but a legitimate
file.When inspecting the record, you should look for blunders in dates,
occurrences, amounts, or specialized data which can appear to be later
eventually of the preliminary as proof.The extra right it's far the
substantially less danger a misstep could be utilized to negate dependable
articulations made later in court agenda.
Swearing vs. Affirming
When filling in as an observer, you're extremely expected to advise the
reality.To guarantee that you may accomplish this, one in all short proper
systems is completed in that you guarantee to be genuine. They are:
● Swearing in
● Affirming

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Professional Witness
261 For various intentions, most extreme observers inside side the Western
World are confirmed. This involves both holding you r legitimate hand at
the Bible or taking a Bible for your appropriate hand and holding up your
left hand. In the wake of doing as such, you're then, at that point
mentioned whether you vow to advise the truth "so help you God." In a
couple of courts, the p oint out of God isn't utilized, despite the fact that
most extreme keep up with to accomplish this. In pledging to educate the
truth, you're presently an observer and might keep up with the task of
providing declaration.
In case you're a skeptic or have n on common beliefs that restrict you from
pledging to God, there might be also the decision of putting forward.When
you affirm, you will be mentioned to hoist your hand while committing to
a vow to promise to advise the truth. In doing as such, no Bible or point
out of God is utilized. Whenever that is completed, you're confirmed, and
you have completed a declaration of genuineness that incorporates the
equivalent load as being confirmed.
Asserting or promising to advise the truth happens immediately after
you've been referred to as an observer and brought the stand. Whenever
you've entered the observer holder, the choose or court agenda agent will
find out if you might truly want to be confirmed or affirmed.Which you
select is totally just about as much as you, and has no effect or
predisposition inside side the exercises that notice, while you're bearing
witness to. Whether or not or not you've been confirmed or attested, on the
off chance that you lie you might be accused of prevarication.
Being insisted or sworn in can emerge in both common or hoodlum
claims, notwithstanding testimonies and affirmations (which we'll talk
subsequent).The object they're used in such a great deal of districts of
guideline is simple: It is fundamental for the observer to adv ise the truth.
On the off chance that the truth wasn't offered to the court agenda, a right
determination of exercises can not be made, and a right decision can not
be made.
An oath is an appropriate presentation of information.When you're an
observer in a convict preliminary or common question you will be needed
to offer a sworn articulation that diagrams the data as you understand
them.This offers a put down model of your formal declaration.This
composed account states what you saw, heard, or in some other case
perceive to be the truth. In expressions of an expert observer, this will be
insights this is inside your area of expertise. It is endorsed through you to
approve that the entire thing you have got composed is true, and through
some oth er person who has you are making an oath.The vow is which you
both swear or affirm that the entire thing said inside side the record is
authentic.The vow is taken through an individual legitimate through the
court agenda, comprehensive of a legal official public or a court agenda
official, which formalizes the record as being real and lawful offense.

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262 Lawful Etiquette and Ethics
Similarly as with any real gathering, there are certain codes of conduct
that should be followed. As per lawful offense manners and morals, you're
expected to conduct your self with a chose phase of polished methodology
while going to court agenda. Manners is the guidelines of socially
beneficial direct and graciousness, while morals are moral ideas or
values.Together, they layout how somebody acts inside side the court
Courts should be grave, mirroring the outrageous idea of the conversation
board they offer. Directing your self such that proceeds with this
environment demonstrates appreciate now not, at this point best to the
court agenda itself, in any case moreover to people who should join in and
include their destinies decided in preliminaries. Similarly as you will act in
a limit and obliging way at a dedication supplier, service, or distinctive
proper event, you shou ld show the equivalent phase of appreciate inside
side the court agenda. A portion of the ways to deal with uncover this
appreciate comprise of:
● Dress minimalistically in big business clothing (comprehensive of a
fit, dress, or diverse moderate attire you may put on to a venture get
together or grave occasion).
● Arrive early and be to be needed to affirm while known as.
● When speakme to the choose, check with her or him as "your honor."
● Do now at this point don't murmur or impart inside side the court
agenda aside from it's far genuinely significant. In the event that
measurements should be traded, it's far higher to byskip a know to the
lawful expert or diverse individual you're deliberating with.
● Bring best the notes you may use at the stand. Do now presentl y don't
convey magazines or distinctive considering texture to byskip the time.
The crime behavior and good lead you show in a court agenda applies now
not, at this point best to the ones going to as members of the jury and
lawful offense suggest, be that as it may furthermore (and especially) to
witnesses.The way you act inside side the court agenda and at the
testimony box could be situated through others inside side the court
agenda, and could affect the way they comprehend your believability as an
observer underneath direct and interrogations.
Direct Examination
Direct test alludes back to the way of an observer being pondered through
the lawful expert who known as her or him to the stand. Since the lawful
expert who known as you to the stand needs yo u to offer appropriate
declaration, any inquiries which may be mentioned are for the intention of
inspiring data roughly the case. In various expressions, the legitimate
proficient poses those inquiries that will help you offer verification. The
primary gu ideline for giving direct declaration (or any sworn declaration) munotes.in

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Professional Witness
263 is to constantly advise the reality.Witnesses should now presently don't be
reluctant to make reference to "I don't perceive" or "I don't remember"
while that is the reality.Telling the fact of the matter is basic to providing
data to the case, and neglecting to illuminate the fact of the matter is an
outrageous check. Lying beneath pledge is an evildoer offense known as
prevarication, and it can achieve detainment and fines being forced on
Notwithstanding this most extreme crucial and central detail of being an
observer, there are some of fine practices for authenticating in court
agenda. Recall that the jury will inspect the believability of each observe
and decide if to concur with th e declaration essentially dependent on that
Here are a couple of ways to deal with enhance your validity as an
● Be on schedule or scarcely right on time for court agenda Although
we referenced this and the accompanying variable insid e side the past
section, going to court agenda early allows you an opportunity to
assemble and investigate the configuration of the court agenda, the
course you'll walk around of your seat inside side the court agenda to
the testimony box, etc. Showing up past due has a horrendous effect at
the jury and diminishes out of your validity.
● Dress expertly Appearance does check, and your validity could be
more beneficial through traditionalist endeavor clothing.
● Don't seem like stressed Juries accept people to ac t stressed while
they'relying.You may not be fit for control the manner in which you
experience, notwithstanding with practice you may control any seen
signs of apprehension, comprehensive of dull motions.
● Keep a fabulous stance Juries will contemplate som ebody's edge
language while drawing closer, leaving, or sitting inside side the
observer compartment. Standing and sitting up immediately convey
certainty, while slumping can appear as aleven however you're
awkward and are trying to camouflage something. I n spite of the fact
that you should be agreeable at the stand, don't disregard about what
your mother exhorted you roughly sitting up quickly.
● Remain quiet and don't get angry The contradicting lawful expert may
endeavor to cause you to blow your top; doin g as such will hurt your
believability with the jury.Witnesses must not the slightest bit contend
or be wry in response to a legitimate proficient's inquiries. Essentially,
you should melody from showing antagonism nearer to the respondent,
as this may cau se it to have all the earmarks of being you have got a
private timetable contrary to the person. Keeping quiet and supportive
of fessional will work on the case.
● When significant, arrangement with "sure" or "no" Although this is
going inseparably with our resulting factor, while noting a question to munotes.in

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264 the agreed or poor, you should ceaselessly utilize the expression "sure"
or "no." On the stand, people regularly make the blunder of gesturing
or shaking their head to answer, snorting arrangements, or the
utilization of expressions comprehensive of uh -huh, that's right, no, or
equivalent phrases.Whenever this happens, the lawful expert
pondering you should precise you and let you know to answer with
sure or no, that can get dreary and disturb one and all rapidly .
● Don't volunteer more measurements Answer the inquiries you're
mentioned, notwithstanding don't offer additional insights or veer off
the topic. Try not to offer talk confirmation (what various people
expressed to you), as it's normally unacceptable.
● Avoid making absolutes for your assertions Making an outright
statement comprehensive of "I constantly ..." or "I not the slightest bit
..." can make an unfriendly situation in later cross -test, which can be
utilized to show you wrong. All things considered, practically zero is
total. In any event, articulating "the sunlight based consistently
sparkles inside side the sky" is wrong while you remember shrouds
and evening time.
● Don't talk the case with each body be that as it may the legitimate
proficient When g oing to court agenda as an observer, you can invest
little energy inside side the genuine court docket.You'll ordinarily be
restricted from coming into the court agenda till being known as, and
suspensions and breaks will allow you to withdraw court agenda for a
period. During those minutes, you'll be revealed to other people who
can likewise moreover affirm; victims and respondents for a situation;
and presumably even the media. Since you probably will not perceive
who limit of those people are, you should not the slightest bit talk the
case with each body. Doing as such can corrupt the declaration of
others or offer tricky insights to the erroneous people.
● Consider the question mindfully sooner than you arrangement Be
positive you perceive the inquiry, and on the off chance that you don't,
request that the legitimate proficient duplicate it. Try not to start
replying till you're positive that the legitimate proficient is finished
asking the question.
● Speak certainly and hopefully An amazing observer doesn't yell,
nonetheless talks noisily adequate to be heard through the choose, jury,
and lawful professionals.Testimony as an evidentiary observer should
be obliged to "just the data, ma'am, basically the data." Don't give
assessment or hypothesis; in an autono mous, objective way, genuinely
illuminate what you most likely did or found.
● If the choose or lawful expert beginnings offevolved to talk, forestall
speaking When you're authenticating, legitimate experts or the choose
can likewise moreover add to achieve a higher aptitude of a chose
factor, or keep you from uncovering measurements this is
inadmissible.When the two of them talks, immediately forestall your
declaration and concentrate to what exactly they're articulating. munotes.in

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Professional Witness
265 ● Avoid retaining arrangements Althoug h it's imperative which you
assessment the notes and totally perceive particulars of your
declaration ahead of time, preparing answers for anticipated inquiries
could cause your declaration to appear to be prearranged and
● Remain free and conv ey to the data Remember that as an observer,
you're offering data of the case. Never misrepresent, not the slightest
bit surmise, and not the slightest bit oversee answers for a lawful
expert's inquiry to favor one feature or the other option. Basically
advise the truth, regardless of whose feature the arrangement can
likewise also advantage.
Cross -Examination
Cross -test is the way of providing the restricting aspect in an adversity the
likelihood to reprimand an observer. In any preliminary, the indictm ent
has the legitimate to denounce observers known as through the insurance,
and security has the appropriate to reprimand observers known as through
the arraignment. It is the movement of the cross -assessing lawful expert to
dishonor the restricting aspec t's observer. Lawyers can likewise also
utilize mental methodologies to attempt to ruin witnesses.When
authenticating, be careful now no longer to fall into their snares. Be
coordinated for and outfitted to avoid such cross -test strategies as:
● Rapid -heart hplace inquiries with out a chance to answer among
● Leading questions ("Isn't it bona fide that what you saw changed into
● Repeating your expressions with a bend that changes their which
● Pretending to be wonderful, then, at that poin t turning contrary to you
at the same time
● Feigning bewilderment, shock, or shock at what you've expressed
Prolonged quietness intended to reason torment in trusts you'll say extra
The greatest indispensable part with an end goal to remember while
expose d to those methods is this: Don't think about the lawful expert's
techniques literally; she or he is basically doing a movement. Our
suggestion to the observer is to just do your action; keep up with your cool
and country the data.
You can utilize some o f clues to adapt to a lawful expert's strategies
eventually of cross -test. Attorneys will oftentimes attempt to profit a
rhythm to their inquiries, starting through posing inquiries with some time
among them, after which shortening the time among inquiries till they're
being shot in a word succession.This limits the time you need to consider
an arrangement, and it will expand the chance of being stuck in a snare.
Numerous occurrences, a question could be mentioned one way, after munotes.in

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266 which mentioned an uncommon way later. In the event that you convert
your answer, the lawful expert will utilize this to ruin your declaration. A
simple way to stop those quick hearthplace questions is to pressure a delay
sooner than replying. By unobtrusively tapping your foot 3 occ urrences
sooner than giving an arrangement, you supply your self one moment to
assume, and furthermore you control the rhythm of the inquiries and
arrangements being given. Since you're sitting in an encased observer
holder, it's not possible for anyone to see you discretely tapping your foot
and stopping the legitimate proficient'sendeavor at quick hearthplace
Consistently concentrate to the inquiries being mentioned, and be
equipped to answer. A legitimate proficient can likewise furthermore ask a
question, anticipate an arrangement, after which rehash what you've
expressed in any case turn the expressions. Doing as such can exalternate
the which method for your assertion and might turn what you've expressed
to the lawful expert's like. In the event that the lawful expert rehashes it as
an inquiry (comprehensive of through beginning with "Along these lines,
you're articulating that ...") and furthermore you're currently done paying
interest, you can in actuality consider something you not the s lightest bit
expressed. Never be reluctant to make reference to, "That is presently no
longer what I expressed" in those conditions, and emphasize your previous
Another not unusualplace strategy is to start pondering you with variables
of settlement. In doing as such, the legitimate proficient taking part in the
cross -test appears to be wonderful and brings the observer's ensure
down.The witness will normally be additional agreeable, and the lawful
expert can then both destroy going before p roclamations through asking
notice up inquiries, or pose fundamental inquiries which can reason the
observer to offer expressions so one can be great to the restricting aspect's
capacity. Regularly, when your secure is down, the lawful expert will flip
from being lovely to at the same time assaulting what you've expressed or
transforming into confrontational.This can befuddle you and withdraw you
feeling a touch double -crossed the essential time it occurs, and it allows
the lawful expert to take the lead ha nd in pondering you. Other mental
ploys can contain articulating almost no or nothing in any regard.
Whenever you've finished replying, the legitimate proficient can likewise
also delay asking the resulting question, settling on as a choice to stop for
an extended period. Since the all -inclusive quiet might be awkward, the
observer can likewise furthermore encounter that she or he should say
extra. If nothing is added, the legitimate proficient will subvert your input
through articulating, "Goodness, I'm gr ieved, would you say you are
done?" A considerable lot of the strategies legitimate experts use are done
sooner or later of the preliminary way, comprehensive of while an
observer is being affirmed as a professional.When troublesome an
observer, the lawful expert will request an arrangement from requests to
test data of the observer's capabilities and look at their phase of ability. In
trendy, the troublesome festival is given a sensibly detached rule inside
side the inquiries mentioned roughly somebody's q ualifications, and
judges and legitimate experts calling you can allow a line of pondering to munotes.in

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Professional Witness
267 keep up with till it appears to be the observer is in effect unreasonably
assaulted. How crime suggest undermines the observer's power will go, as
lawyers have ph enomenal sorts of cross -assessing observers. One method
this is utilized to different reaches is to check your qualifications, after
which subvert them through rehashing data in a mean manner of speaking.
For example, if a pc expert moved on from network s chool, the legitimate
proficient may rehash the call of the school in a snide tone, after which
ask, In this fashion, you not the slightest bit visited a college?" equally,
inside the event that you {simply|that you just} simply had a CompTIA
confirmation, the lawful knowledgeable might rehash "CompTIA?" as on
the off likelihood that you simply} just had been creating it up. it's a
simple strategy that issues nearly no mastery around a haul.
Top of Form
They can likewise furthermore phony to be an ardent advocate of equity,
or an individual who truly cares and accepts of their benefactor's honesty.
Albeit this could be credible of a couple of court agenda authorities,
actually lawyers will watch clients regardless of whether they're liable or
innocuous. In spite of this, they'll utilize a strategy of professing to be
ethically offended, confused, or paralyzed through an announcement.
Since lawyers likewise are ordinarily horrendous entertainers, this might
be extra upsetting than startling while it takes pl ace.The endeavor is made
to play into the arms of the jury, and show up reasonable through showing
up terrible.
Refusing to Answer
While filling in as an expert observer, you is presumably mentioned an
inquiry that you do now presently don't have to answ er. A lawful expert
can likewise moreover ask an inquiry this is humiliating to you, or which
you situate irrelevant to the case. In such conditions, you may find out if
you're needed to answer the question. On the off chance that the choose
agrees that th e inquiry isn't material to the situation or imperative to
answer, the person can have the option to help you currently no longer to
answer on the off chance that you would prefer not to. On the off chance
that the choose educates you to answer the questio n, in any case, you
haven't any genuine inclination in any case to go along, or danger being
referenced with hatred of court agenda.
Another situation wherein you can decline to answer is at the same time
may reason you to concede to illegal. Under the fi fth Amendment of the
U.S. Constitution, and underneath the wellbeing of the Charter of Rights
and Freedoms in Canada, you do now presently don't have any desire to
affirm in the event that your declaration will implicate you.This is because
of the reality through replying in a way that isn't implicating, you're
essentially constrained to commit prevarication.
Utilizing Notes and Visual Aids
What in the event that you're needed to affirm as an observer, nonetheless
your memory isn't so phenomenal? What in the event that you're terrified munotes.in

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268 of failing to remember essential data, especially measurements that is hard
to remember, comprehensive of numbers? Is it crime for you as an
observer to take notes with you to apply as a kind of perspective while
validating ?
Police authorities and various observers use notes as a memory asset
sooner or later of court agenda declaration the entirety of the time.There
are endowments and disadvantages in doing as such. A few hearers is
likely propelled through the truth which you're concentrating from notes,
because of the reality they could concur with the composed expression
extra than a predicated on individual memory all alone. On the elective
hand, others may assume you're being trained or welcomed on in the event
that yo u check with notes; they concur with that if what you're articulating
is the truth, you will remember it with out notes.
An essential consideration in seeing if or not to apply notes is the truth
that if a mind ness does as such, the notes could be gone i nto confirmation
and brought into the care of the court agenda during the preliminary. In the
event that you do choose to apply notes, thusly, guarantee that the wallet
or paper on which they're composed doesn't create different notes that
check with subje cts now not, at this point related with the case, because of
the reality the restricting legitimate proficient can question you around
something inside side the notes.
Visual guides are some other not surprising spot detail, especially in
examples that c ontain verification comprehensive of virtual previews, or
require guides of a place.When identifying with apparent guides,
comprehensive of pictures or graphs, be just about as engaging as
possible. Maybe than hoisting your hand and articulating, "Here we see,"
you should endeavor to acknowledgment the eye on the thing you're
talking roughly, comprehensive of through articulating "In the lessening
legitimate hand corner." Not best does this make it less hard for the ones
looking your declaration to perceive what you're talking around, be that as
it may it also makes it less hard to perceive inside side the record of the
Testifying As an Expert Witness
● A court agenda is in which a hardship takes locale, and it incorporates
a choose's seat, test imony box, court agenda columnist's table, court
agenda representative's table, jury holder, platform, and tables for the
indictment and assurance. A bar (that is a railing) is utilized to part the
exhibition in which observers sit down from the appropriat ely of the
court agenda.
● Technology in courts can run, so you should get mindful of what
framework is to be had and regardless of whether you might need to
offer any arrangement of your own personal to show uncovers.
● A summon is a crime record this is giv en through the court agenda to
advise you which you are needed to stand by court agenda on a rigid
date and time to offer evidence as an observer. munotes.in

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Investigation, Become a
Professional Witness
269 ● Being sworn in calls for which you area your hand on a Bible and vow
to God which you'll advise the truth for your declaration, while
advancing earnestly involves a guarantee which you'll illuminate the
● Depositions are a way of pondering observers past to an adversity,
and are utilized inside side the pretrial scopes of each polite and law
breaker occasio ns.
● Courtroom decorum should consistently be followed, comprehensive
of treating one and all inside side the court agenda with appreciate and
identifying with the choose as "your honor."
● Direct test alludes back to the way of an observer being pondered
through the lawful expert who known as her or him to the stand.
● Cross -test is the subsequent one line of pondering an observer faces,
wherein the contradicting feature in a hardship or paying attention to
has the likelihood to welcome inquiries.
● Once an o bserver is cross -tried, the lawful expert who known as the
observer has the likelihood to divert, and ask furthermore
questions.The contradicting lawful expert can then recross, and
moreover pose additional inquiries.
● Witnesses aren't needed to answer an inquiry underneath promise if
doing as such will implicate them. In the event that this doesn't follow,
and the observer in any case doesn't have to answer, she or he should
ask the choose if answer the question, after which stand through the
choose's choi ce.
● Notes which may be utilized as reference texture while bearing
witness to beneath promise are gone into confirmation.
Mobile Forensics Summary
In this liquidation we discovered the resulting:
● Mobile Forensics is a branch of Digita l Forensics. It is set the buy and
assessment of cell contraptions to improve virtual verification for
measurable examination.
● Android is an open stockpile working gadget fundamentally dependent
on Linux Kernel progressed through Google for cell contrapti ons.
● Rooting Android opens its center module to a shopper, which permits
get passage to the covered areas of the instrument.
● ADB is an order line gadget that permits us to join an Android
instrument to a pc have gadget through a USB link. It is an absolu tely
adaptable gadget since it allows a shopper to do various obligations munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
270 comprehensive of introducing, investigating, and disposing of
applications, and so forth
● Joint investigate movement association or JTAG is a convoluted data
extraction procedure use d in cell criminology. JTAG offers an
interface through which a pc can talk immediately with the chipboard.
It involves associating the verification cell device's Test Access Port
(TAP) to a JTAG emulator to get passage to uncooked data.
● Chip -Off involves disposing of the memory chip of the cell device and
plant it onto a chose equipment for data securing and perusing its
● Micro -look at test involves the utilization of an extreme controlled
electron magnifying lens to analyze yield on the entryw ay stage. The
apparatus memory chip is shaved in exceptionally thin layers, and after
that the data is inspect gradually from the stockpile the utilization of an
electron magnifying lens or diverse device.
● iOS is a cell working gadget made and progressed through Apple Inc.
that as of now controls among the business undertaking's cell
contraptions, comprehensive of iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. • There
are 3 unprecedented modes for the boot strategies for iOS
contraptions: Normal boot way, Recovery mode, an d DFU mode
● iOS jailbreaking is valuable for the thought process of disposing of
programming program guidelines forced through Apple on iOS using
an arrangement of portion patches. Jailbreaking grants root get passage
to iOS.
● All Apple cell devices utiliz e the HFSX record gadget.
● Logically, iPhone has dividers. One is for putting away the iOS exact
archives, liable for stacking the functioning gadget comprehensive of
part depictions and arrangement reports. The diverse parcel is utilized
for the carport o f buyer exact settings and bundles comprehensive of
films, music, photographs, contacts, and extra.
Investigated reports Summary
The fragment on explored surveys covers:
# Why a researched archive is required.
# Report characterizations and specs.
# What is assessment and it's anything but a criminological report.
# How to expressly state a measurable insightful archive in what should
# The capacities of a stupendous archive. munotes.in

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Professional Witness
271 # The thought process of an insightful report is to talk the res ults of the
test. It permits the introduction of verification as declaration and helps
withinside the statement of expert assessment.
Understanding the Expert Witness Summary
○ Witnesses are people who've firsthand skill of illegal or episode, or
who give v erification sooner or later of an affliction, court, or paying
attention to.
○ An evidentiary observer can best affirm as to data (what she or he saw
or heard) and can not supply surveys or reach determinations.
○ A proficient observer can likewise also don' t have any immediate
association withinside the case, notwithstanding has exceptional
specialized mastery or ability that qualifies her or him to offer master
surveys on specialized subjects.
○ To qualify as an expert observer, the observer could have their
accreditations surveyed through the court agenda, and went into the
record in the wake of being confirmed. On the off chance that the
contradicting feature needs to project, the observer is cross -tried. The
choose assesses the insights got through this wa y, and may then
capture or reject the observer as an expert in a chose region.
○ A request great purchase is a settlement wherein the respondent argues
dependable to a lesser wrongdoing to have additional outrageous costs
○ A educational plan vitae is a record that traces somebody's preparation,
appreciate, and various certifications. It is an indepth outline of the
capabilities that make you an expert in a chose region.
○ Criminal case proficient observers are utilized to help withinside the
arraignm ent and assurance of individuals stressed in illegal.
○ Civil case proficient observers are utilized to help in common court
agenda cases in which one man or lady and additionally undertaking
sues to cure a debate and recover what they experience is owed th em.
○ Computer legal experts collect and study limit evidence sooner or later
of an exploration, comprehensive of data that has been erased,
encoded, or broken.
○ Medical and mental experts separately offer discernment and help in
real and scholarly issues t hat can be concerned in a court agenda
case.They can be used by both aspect in a court agenda case to do
evaluations, analyze present analyses, or affirm around specialized
data related with confirmation.
○ Construction and design experts can offer insight and help in issues
concerning genuine property, building and hearthplace codes, botches
underway and format, and various issues concerning homes. munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
272 ○ Technical declaration is explanations given beneath pledge that
blessing data of a specialized sort
○ Whether somebody might be recognized as an expert observer, and the
suitability of confirmation, are each governed through the lawful rules
of the court agenda's ward (i.e., nation or federal).These guidelines are
finished rule and are commonly arranged directly i nto a record named
Rules of Evidence.
○ Under Rules of Evidence, confirmation offered in court agenda should
be validated, which implies that an observer should vouch for its
○ If verification isn't constantly amassed and treated with regards to th e
right prerequisites, the choose can likewise moreover consider the
confirmation unacceptable while it's far advertised. This can be
basically founded absolutely on a development to stifle from the
restricting lawful expert all together that members of th e jury will not
the slightest bit get a danger to survey it or remember it in making
their determination.
1. Practical Cyber Forensics_An Incident primarily based totally
Approach to Forensic Investigation,Niranjan Re ddy, Apress
2. The authentic CHFI Exam 312 -forty nine observe Guide, Dave
Kleiman, SYNGRESS Publisher, 2007.
3. Digital Forensics and Incident Response, Gerard Johansen, Packt
4. EC-Council CHFIv10 Study Guide, EC -Council Publisher, 2018.
_ practical_overview_with_ce rtain_commercial_software/
of_ iDevice_iPhone_iPad_iPod_Forensics_without_Ja ilbreaking/
9. https://developer.android.com/schooling/articles/protection -tips/
10.http://www.binaryintel.com/offerings/jtag -chip-off-forensics/jtag -
forensics/ http://www.binaryintel.com/offerings/jtag -chip-off-
forensics/jtag -forensics/ munotes.in

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Investigation, Become a
Professional Witness
273 11.Boni,William, and Gerald L. Kovacich. Netspionage:The Global Threat
to Information (Butterworth -Heinemann: 2000).
12.CSI, the Computer Security
Institute; http://www.gocsi.com/ www. gocsi.com/ .
13.Mokhiber, Russell, and Robert Weissman. “Corporate Spooks.” March
6, 2001; www.commondreams.org/views01/0306 -03.htm (accessed
August 2, 2007).
The accompanying Frequently Asked Questions, answered through the
writers of this book, are intended to every degree your ability of the Exam
Objectives offered on this insolvency, and to assist you with real ways of
life execution of those ideas.
Q: I'm an observer in a hooligan case, and highlight established that a
mate of mine has been referred to as a hearer to the equivalent
case.What must I do?
A: Tell your buddy to tell the court agenda that she or he knows about one
of the observers. During the jury decision way, legal hearers are
mentioned if there's any purp ose(s) that should save you them from being
an attendant. This might need to comprise of understanding the
respondent, being concerned withinside the exploration, getting observers,
or various issues that may affect the eventual outcomes of the preliminary .
By having a seeking to one of the observers, somebody will be dispatched
from jury obligation.
Q: I'm a piece of an episode response gathering, and I really have end
up stressed in an inci -mark so one can more then likely visit court
docket.Who would i be able to convey to roughly this?
A: Although you can impart conventionally around the case to each body,
you should endeavor to avoid having any discussions roughly it with each
body who isn't connected to the situation. In various expressions, despit e
the fact that you may impart to the legitimate proficient in cost of the case,
you shouldn't convey to amigos, far and wide others, or collaborators
around the points of interest of the case. By telling an individual who isn't
concerned, there might be a danger this insights will be surpassed
straightforwardly to other people, comprehensive of members of the
media. Moreover, you can accidentally convey to a mindful individual of
or is related with the respondent, or can be a limit member of the jury.
Q: How would I perceive while and in which I'm claimed to affirm for
a situation?
A: When you're brought to be an observer, you'll be presented with a
summon through an official of the court docket.The summon has
measurements at the spot of the preliminary , and while you're to stand by
court agenda to affirm. Except if the lawful expert who has known as you munotes.in

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Cyber Forensics
274 shows in some other case, you might need to stand by the town hall every
day that the preliminary keeps up with in the event that you're re -known
regard ing the stand.
Q: My non mainstream beliefs restrict me from the activity of setting
my hand at the Bible and committing to God that I'll illuminate the
reality.When being known as to affirm, how should I respond?
A: When you're known regarding the sta nd, you have got the decision of
swearing or advancing. When sworn in, you may safeguard your hand on a
Bible and vow to God which you'll advise the truth. Certifying doesn't
need this.When being attested, you earnestly guarantee that any
declaration you s upply could be reliable.
Q: Why is it essential that every one the product program used by
guideline implementation authorities be ensured and enrolled? Law
requirement spending plans are oftentimes close; why now presently
don't utilize freeware as parce ls as plausible?
A: Some freeware and shareware hardware which may be to be had at the
Internet are appropriate gear, and the rate is in all actuality legitimate. Be
that as it may, there are a couple of dangers in the utilization of those
applications f or legal capacities. To begin with, you not the slightest bit
perceive unequivocally the thing you're getting while you down load a free
programming (and furthermore you in actuality can't ask to your money
lower back on the off chance that it doesn't comp ositions well).
Downloads might be kindled with infections or Trojans that could hurt the
constructions on that you use them. Utilizing unlicensed programming
program (unlawful duplicates) is even worse.The contradicting lawful
professional(s) could have a region day if they discover that the police
utilized pilfered or "acquired" programming program withinside the
research.This direct can crush the validity of the people who did the
criminological test or in any event, achieve dropping the case. Moreover,
with very much purchased and enrolled programming program, you'll be
fit for get specialized help from the vender if significant. Producers of pc
scientific programming program as often as possible give decreases to
guideline authorization organizations, m aking it less hard to have
sufficient cash the right gear for the action. All things considered,
authorities and organizations probably wouldn't propose setting aside
money through looking for their duty weapons from a second hand store;
that is because of the reality those are basic gear of the substitute and
should be pretty much as trustworthy as attainable. For the cybercrime
agent or expert, the equivalent is true of the criminological programming
program this is utilized to procure and keep evidence t hat could make or
harm a law breaker case.
Q: On my announcement, I composed an off -base date and didn't
perceive my misstep till after the affirmation changed into despatched
to the examiner. Presently I've been summoned to affirm roughly the
informatio n.What must I do?

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Professional Witness
275 A: Notify the specialist and examiner immediately around the mistake
sooner than any statements and sooner than the preliminary beginnings off
evolved. By being genuine and expressing the mistake early, you may
avoid any inconsequential inquiries eventually of the preliminary around
irregularities withinside the insights you've advertised.
Q: Why is documentation so essential? Doesn't simply the verification
A: In numerous pc -related evildoer examples, the verification
commun icates in a language that limit of the members of the jury (and
regularly the choo se, investigator, and guideline implementation
authorities) don't perceive. At one time, juries had been likely to just
acknowledge the declaration of expert observers with out inquiry,
nonetheless as the overall population has end up extra actually best i n
class and expert declaration has been known as into question in exorbitant
profile occurrences comprehensive of the O. J. Simpson case, juries have
end up extra distrustful of experts' faultlessness and are considerably more
liable to just acknowledge th e restricting legitimate proficient's requesting
circumstances which lift questions around confirmation handling
procedures and scientific strategies.This is the design record the
developments of guideline implementation authorities and specialists each
progression of the way. Documentation is similarly fundamental to
invigorate the memories of people who should affirm withinside the case.
Frequently, preliminaries are delayed for quite a long time or possibly
years, and by the point an official or speciali st is expected to stand up, she
or he has treated various occurrences.
