M Sc Sem III IV Neurobilogy 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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Item No. – 4.272
Syllabus for the M.Sc. Part - II
Program: M.Sc.
Course: Life Sciences
[Sem III and IV]
(Credit Based Semester and Grading System with effect from the
acad emic year 2013- 2014)
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M.Sc. Part – II Life Sciences Syllabus
Restructured for Credit Based and Grading System
To be implemented from the Academic year 2013 -2014
Course Code UNIT TOPIC HEADINGS Credits L / Week
I Nervous system: Overview and
Evolutionary Perspective
II Neurons and Glia: Structur al and
Function al features 4
III Electrical properties of the neuron :
Signal generation and Propagation
IV History of Neuroscience and
Research Methodology
I Anatomical and Functional
Organization of the CNS I
PSLSCT302 II Anatomical and functional
Organization of the CNS II
III Auton omic Nervous system
IV IPR and Neur oethics
I Introduction to Brain and Behavior
PSLSCT303 II Learning and Memory - I 4
III Learning and Memory - II
IV Language ,Thought and Working
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I Developmental Neurobiology :
Early Development and Patterning of
PSLSCT304 II Synapse Formation and Critical
Period in Development
III Neuroimmunology
Developmental disorders and
geneti c diseases :
PSLSCP301 Cellular organization of the Nervous System 2
PSLSCP302 Systems approach and Bioethics 2
PSLSCP303 Literature Review 2
PSLSCP304 Normal and abnormal development 2
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Course Code UNIT TOPIC HEADINGS Credits L / Week
I Types of Synapses and Synaptic
PSLSCT401 II Neurotransmitters:Biochemistry
and functional localization
III Nerve and Muscle
IV Computational Neurosciences
I Sensory system I
PSLSCT402 II Sensory system II
III Motor System
IV Biostatistics
I Sleep and Dreams
II Cognitive developme nt and
Behavioural Disorders
III The Altered Brain
Neuroeconomics and
I Molecular basis of
neurodegenerative diseases
II Neurotox icology and
III Recent Techniques in
Experimental Neurosciences
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IV Bioinformatics : Drug Discovery
PSLSCP401 Cellular Basis and Computational Neurosciences 2
PSLS CP402 Dissertation of Research Project 2
PSLSCP403 Behavioural Neurosciences
PSLSCP404 Diseases, Neurotoxicology, Bioinformatics and
Recent techniques in Neurosciences
M.Sc. Part – II Life Sciences Syllabus
Restructured for Credit Based and Grading System
To be implemented from the Academic year 2013 -2014
Course Code Title Credits
PSLSCT301 Organization of the Nervous System I (60L) 4
Unit I: Nervous System: Plan and cellular basis (15L)
Cells of the nervous system - introduction to neurons and glia. Connection through
simple nerve nets.
Neural circuits - convergent, divergent and reciprocal neural circuits
Nervous system components - Central and peripheral nervous systems,
structure of a typical cranial and peripheral nerve.
An overview of the nervous system with an evolutionary perspective
Primitive Nervous systems - Nerve net of hydra, segmental ganglia
of wo rms, segmental n etworks of lamprey
Cephalization in mollusks and lateralization in arthropods – Early brain
structural areas in (proto, deutero and trito cerebrum) and segmental
ganglionated nerve cords citing suitable examples
Basic plan of the vertebra te nervous system.
Unit II: Neurons and Glia: Structure and function (15L)
Structural and functional diversity of neurons - Types of neurons based
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on their structure and function
Neurons - General morphology of a typical neuron stressing on features
relevant to their function – membrane receptors, ion channels, ion
Cytoskeletal elements and ‘molecular motors’ and role in axonal transport
Types of glia based on their structure and function –
Oligodendro cytes, Microglia and Schwann cells and their
Unit : III Electrical properties of the neuron – signal generation and propagation (15L)
Ionic concentrations, Donnan’s equilibrium, equilibrium potential,
Nernst equation, Goldman- Hodgkin- Katz equation, Resting membrane
potential, Depolarization and hyperpolarization.
Action potential – generation and propagation,
Synaptic potentials (graded potentials) and their integration( EPSP,
IPSP) Electrophysiological techniques to understand the electric al
properties of the neuron – Patch -clamp and Voltage -clamp
Unit : IV History of Neuroscience and Research Methodology (15L)
History of Neuroscience:
Major issues that have shaped neuroscience studies –
Mind vs. Brain debate , Localism vs. Holism debate, Nature of
neural communication and plasticity of adult brains.
Research Methodology :
Introduction and rationale
Types : (Classification to be applied to students’ actual research projects)
of Research: Fundamental and Applied Research
of Dat a: Qualitative data - ordinal or nominal
Quantitative discrete or continuous.
of studies: Prospective or Retrospective; Case- control, Cross -sectional,
Importance of research, of Definition and of Formulation of a Problem, Designing
and conducting a research project
Method :
of data collection: Experiments, Interviews, Questionnaires and Su rveys, Data
of data storage and good laboratory practices
Calculation :
of sample size, statistical power of a study
Reporting :
Principles of effective writing: Literature review, Report writi ng:
Thesis/Dissertation, Grant writing,
Types of grants: Fellowship/Travel/Project/Conference/Workshop
Publishing/ Article writing:
Types of articles: Original article, short article, systematic and narrative review,
case study, meta -analysis, letter to the editor; Critical analyses of articles
Presentation skills
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PSLSCP301 Cellular Organization of Nervous System (60L) 2 04
Study of cells of the nervous system using electron
Study of permanent slides of histology of nervous
Preparation of stained sections of brain / Spinal cord
of any vertebrate tissue.
Silver staining of neuronal cell / issue using a suitable source.
Whole mount of neurons of invertebrates using a
suita ble source.
Whole mount of vertebrate medullary fibres using a suitable source.
Whole mount of vertebrate non- medullary fibres
using a suitable source.
Haematoxylin and eosin staining of neuronal / glial cultured cells.
Course Code Title Credits
PSLSCT302 Systems Approach to Neurosciences I (60L) 4
Unit I: Anatomical and Functional Organization of the CNS I: (15L)
Major divisions of Nervous System - i. Spinal cord, ii. Medulla, iii. Pons and
Brain stem iv. Midbrain, v. Cerebellum, vi. Di- encephalon, vii. Cerebral
Hemispheres. Orientation of the above components in the CNS with respect to
three axes.
Gross anatomy of the brain with reference to functional organization - major
nuclei and functional pathways. Cranial nerves, their origin and innervations
The ventricular system in the brain - CSF, its flow and the blood brain barrier.
Unit II: Anatomical and functional organization of the CNS II: (15L)
Gross anatomy of the spinal cord: Ascending, descending and propriospinal
functional pathways.
Cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral regions of the spinal cord.
Dorsal root ganglion and spinal nerve roots and their distribution, spinal effector
Study of functional anatomy: Recording and Imaging techniques and trends in
Single cell recording Elelctroencehalic Recording, Event -Related potential, MEG
Dynamic Brain Imaging : PET,MRI,
X ray Imaging: Computerized Axial Tomography, Diffusion -Tensor MR Imaging and
Tractography : Exploring Brain Microstructure and Connectivity
Unit : III Autonomic Nervous system (15L)
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Sympathetic pathways and thoracolum nar outputs
Para sympathetic pathways and outputs from the brai nstem nuclei and sacral spinal
Enteric nervous system.
Integration of autonomic and endocrine functions with behaviour. Role of
hypothalamus. brain stem anatomy
Unit : IV Intellectual Property Rights and Neuro oethics (15L)
Introduction to IPR ; Types of Intellectual property – Patents, Trademarks,
Copyr ights and related rights
Patents: Characteristics of a Patent : Objectives, Principles and Scope
Rights to Patentee
Patentable and Non- patentable inventions – Novelty, Non-
obviousness, Industrial applications
Patent Procedure : Infringement
Laws relating to IPR
Case studies :
Patenting of microorganism – Diamond v/s Chakraborty & Dim minaco v/s
Controller of P atents
Pharmaceutical Patents – Novartis Vs US Supreme
Patent v/s Patient Dilemma (Ethics of Patenting)
Biological Diversity Act, 2002
An introduction to Neuroethics
Reading the brain- state of consumers
Neurodisability and criminal justice sy stem
Brain imaging and criminal justice system
Use of Neurotechnology for litigation
Pharmaceutical brain enhancement
Use of amphetamine in Military environment
PSLSCEBTP102 Systems approach and Bioethics (60L) 2 04
Study Of The Invertebrate Nervous System
Anatomy of the chick brain – display of ventral and
dorsal view
Gross anatomy of the mammalian brain using brain
atlas – goat / sheep
Localization of grey and white matter of mammalian
brain using Mulligan’s staining t echnique
Human brain anatomy using virtual anatomy
Human Spinal cord and PNS anatomy using virtual
anatomy software
Case study on Bioethics
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Course Code Title Credits
PSLSCT303 Behavioural Neurosciences I (60L) 4
Unit I: Introduction to behaviour (15L)
Types of behaviour
Behaviour in nature and under laboratory conditions.
Development of behavioural paradigms - Invertebrate and vertebrate model
Evolution of brain and behavior
Brain - like function in unicellular organisms.
Nerve nets, invertebrate nervous system and types of behaviour. Comparative
vertebrate brain anatomy with special reference to pallium and FOXP2 gene
Evolution of soci al behaviour - mirror neurons and their role
Unit II: Learning and Memory -I (15L)
Definition and types / classification of learning and memory.
Neural systems involved in memory medial t emporal lobe, Pre frontal,
association areas of cortex.
Neural mechanisms for explicit and implicit memory – overview.
Cellular / molecular mechanisms of implicit memory -
(i) Synaptic transmission & its modification.
(ii) Aplysia as a model. Molecular basis of habituation, sensitization and
classical conditioning.
Unit : III Learning and Memory -II (15L)
Cellular / molecular mechanisms of Explicit memory storage.
Long term potentiation and long term depression.
Synaptic plasticity in the adult brain and epigenetic modulation.
Neural pathways in mammals with special reference to fear
Learning induced changes and biological basis of individuality
Attention :
Definition and varieties of attention, Attenti on and neural responses,
Filtering of unwanted stimuli
Role of Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) : Anatomy and Organization of PFC ,
Theories of PFC function, Neurophysiology of PFC
Unit : IV Language, thought and working memory (15L)
Communication in other animals.(eg.Bird song)
Human language and in attributes ( phonemes ) morphonemes, words and
Cortical regions involved in language processing.
Model for neural basis of language.
Aphasias, functional MRT and current understanding of language
Language acquisition and it universality.
Role of language in other cognitive function.
PSLSCP303 Literature Review (60L) 2 04
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Dissertation of literature review
Course Code Title Credits
PSLSCT304 Molecular Neurobiology I (60L) 4
Unit I: Developmental Neurobiology (15L)
Early Development and Patterning of CNS
Axis formation (anterior- posterior and dorso -ventral axis) – role of Hox genes,
Neural Induction – neural tube regionalization
Cellular Determination and Differentiation
Neuronal progenitors – proneural and neural genes
Generation of neurons and glia (asymm etric divisions)
Neuronal migration and organizatio n of cerebral cortex – role of R adial Glial cells
Target selection, survival of neurons and their regulation by neurotrophic factors
Role of apoptosis in development
Unit II: Axon Guidance and Synapse formation (15L)
Growth cones and axonal pathfinding
Differences between early development of axons and dendrites Growth
cone structure and formation
Guidance cues in axonal p athfinding
Formation and Elimination of Synapses
Principles of synaptic differentiation (with neuromuscular junction as an example)
Synapse formation in the CNS
Refinement and elimination of synaptic connections
Early Experience and Critical Periods
Effect of visual experience on refinement of cortical connections Critical
periods of brain development
Effect of early social deprivation on brain and behaviour
Epigenetic s and its influence on development
Unit : III Neuroimmunology (15L)
Maternal immune system and Neural development
Neural – Immune interactions
Result of local tissue barriers – blood brain barrier
Result of immunosuppressive microenvironment – cytokines
Neural communication to the Immune system and influence of neuroendocrine
Immune system communication with the nervous system
Clinical implica tions of neural – immune signal ing
- Immunodeficiency disease – HIV
- Autoimmune disease – Multiple Sclerosis and Guillain – Barre Syndrome
Behavioural Neuroimmunology
Stress and Immunity
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Mechanisms and moderators of stress - immune link
Unit : IV Developmental disorders and genetic diseases:
Autisim spectrum disorders (Asperger’s Syndrome)
A ttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Microencephaly, Hydroencephaly
Down’s syndrome
Fragile X syndrome
S pina bifida
PSLSCP304 Normal and abnormal Developmental Biology and
Neuroimmunology (60L) 2 04
Morphometric study in developing chick / zebrafish
LDH pattern of developing brain
Histochemical localization of cytochrome oxidase
using embryo nic chick / zebrafish
Developmental studies in invertebrates – mounting
of imaginal discs from Drosophila
Meas urement of some serum cytokine using ELISA
Course Code Title Credits
PSLSCT401 Organization of the Ner vous System II (60L) 4
Unit I: Types of synapses – electrical & chemical (15L)
Chemical Synapse: Neurotransmitter release from presynaptic terminal:
Depolarization of pre synaptic terminal, calcium influx, Neurotransmitter
discharge by vesicle, exocytosis, and synaptic vesicle recycling.
Post Synaptic receptors: General structure and mechanism of action of
Ionotropic and G -protein coupled receptors. Common motif (seven tra ns-
membrane molecules) in receptors of different sensory systems, signal transductio n and second messenger systems. Synaptic transmission
Unit II: Neurotransmitters:Anatomical and functional localization in CNS: (15L)
Neurotransmitters: S tructure, distribution, metabolism, types of
receptors, agonist and antagonists, molecular mechanisms of action -
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Acetylcholine, biogenic amines, catecholamines, serotonin, amino acids
Neuroactive peptides as transmitters .
Unit : III Nerve and muscle: (15L)
Types of muscles
Muscle -structure and physiology of contraction.
Chemical transmission at the neuromuscular junction
Diseases of nerve and muscle:
Muscular dystrophies
Myasthenia gravis
Unit : IV Advanced techniques applied to Neuroscience (15L)
Visualizing Nervous system structure and function: Introducion to
FRET, FRAP and Optogenetics
Computerized Simulation of function : Introduction to the field of
Computational Neurosciences
Introduction, historical perspective and goals: Origin and sco pe of the field
Creating and modeling neurons: Basic steps, variables and
parameters, electric circuit components of membrane.
Application of biological principles into artificial circuits: Coding
Exercises based on Hodgkin- Huxley model and GHK equation to
simulate and modify Resting membrane potential and Action potential, Passive membrane electrical properties and Synaptic
PSLSCEBTP201 Cellular Basis and Computational Neurosciences
(60L) 2 04
1 Biochemical estimation s / Histochemical
localizations in brain tissue:
i) Na+/K+ -ATPase
ii) AChE
iii) NOS
2 Temporary mount of vertebrate muscle
3 Demonstration of EMG measurement using
4 Interpretation of FMRI/FRET / FRAP images
5 NEURON Coding Exercises for Res ing Membrane
Potential , Action Potential, Propagation of
Impulse, Synaptic transmission
Course Code Title Credits
PSLSCT402 Systems Approach to Neurosciences II (60L) 4
Unit I: Sensory system I: (15L)
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Introduction - sensory systems, and mediation of 4 attributes of a
a) Modality, b) Location; c) Intensity; d) Timing.
Common plan of sensory system. General idea of a receptor and
trans duction of specific types of energy into electrical signals.
Visual system:
Vertebrate eye and retina. Morphology and arrangement of photo
Electrical response to light. Concept of receptive fields.
Colour vision
Visual pathway, lateral geniculat e nucleus and visual cortex
Visual perception as a creative process.
Perception of motion, depth, form and colour.
Visual attention and conscious awareness.
Unit II: Sensory system II : (15L)
Auditory system:
Functional anatomy of ear and cochlea. Cochlear hair cells and perception of
stimulus (frequency and intensity). Mechano -electrical transduction by hair cells.
Adaptation to sustained stimuli
Role of brainstem nucl ei, processing of auditory information in the cerebral
Vestibular system and perception of posture and movement.
Olfactory system:
Structure of olfactory epithelium and odorant receptors. Role of nasal olfactory
neuron in odour detection. Olfactor y signal transduction.
Spatial encoding of odorant information in the olfactory bulb.
Processing of olfactory information in the cerebral cortex.
Gustatory system:
Taste buds and their localization in various types of papillae found in human
tongue. Tast e cell: transduction of 4 basic stimuli into electrical signal Pathways
to the CNS.
Somatosensory system:
Touch and mediation by mechanoreceptors by skin.
Warmth and cold mediation by thermal receptors. Pain mediation by nociceptors.
Role of spinal cord and cerebral cortex in somatosensation.
Unit : III Motor System: (15L)
General introduction to motor system.
Reflex and contractions. Rhythmic movements pr oduced by stereotype muscle.
Voluntary movements
Motor circuits in spinal cord, brain stern, and fore brain
Influence of basal ganglia and cerebellum on cortical and brain motor
Motor function of the brain stem, vestibular apparatus and equil ibrium
Motor functions of the spinal cord- reflexes
Diseases of the Nervous System – Parkinson’s Disease
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Unit : IV Biostatistics : - (15L)
Normal, Binomial and Poisson distribution and their properties,
t test (paired and unpaired),
ANOVA (one way) and concept o f two way and three way ANOVA,
chi square test and degrees of freedom,
Probability (addition law, multiplication law, concept of conditiona l probability and Bayes
Correlation (Pearson and Spearman), Regression (linear and logistic)
Non parametric tests: Mann whitney U test, Wilcoxin signed Rank test, Kruskal Wallis H test
PSLSCP402 Dissertation of Research Project (60L) 2 04
Project studies: presentation and
preparation of report of
observations and results
Use of software for
a) Descriptive statistics
b) t test
d) Chi square test
e) Correlation
f) Regression
Analyze the given data using statistical tests that
seem appropriate with the help of a software and
justify the reason for using each test.
Course Code Title Credits
PSLSCT403 Behavioral Neurosciences II (60L) 4
Unit I: Sleep and Dreaming: (15L)
Circadian rhythms in the animal world
Neurological correlates of sleep - EEG, EOG and EMG, Rapid eye movement – REM
sleep. Normal sleep cycle. Differences between REM and nonREM
Evolution /need of REM in mammals
Hypothalamic control of sleep cycle
Neuroscience of Consciousness
Consciousness in other species, Arousal & consciousness,
Neural correlates of perception and consciousness; free will
Contemporary model for consciousness
Unit II: Cognitive development: (15L)
Approaches to development of Cognition- Behavioural-
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basic mechanisms of learning Pscychometric –
Developmental and intelligence testing Piageti an stages of
Cognitive Neuroscience approach
Perspectives on adult development:
Beyond Piaget - the shift to post formal thought.
Life span model of cognitive development
Emotional intelligence
Moral Development – Kohlberg’s theory. Gender an d moral development
Behavioral disorders and therapies
Disorders of thought and volition: Schizophrenia - diagnosis, genetic and non genetic
risk factors, neuroanatomic abnormalities, therapy
Disorders of mood and anxiety - diagnosis, genetic and non gene tic risk factors,
neuroanatomic abnormalities, psychotherapy
Personality disorders - diagnostic features of personality disorders.
Unit : III The Altered Brain (15L)
Sexual Differentiation of the Nervous System
Role of genes and hormones in determination of physical differences
Generation of sexually dimorphic behaviour
Role of environmental cues in sexually dimorphic behaviour
The Ageing Brain
Changes in structure and function of brain with age
Cognitive decline in diseases – Dementia and Alzheimer’s
Repair and Re generation of the Damaged Brain
Axon degeneration and its effects
Differential regenerative capacity of CNS and PNS
Therapeutic interventions to promote regeneration of CNS axons
Role of neural stem cells in regeneration
Unit : IV Neuroeconomics and N euromarketing (15L)
Introduction and scope of Neuroeconomics
Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology, and Neuroimaging: Tools of Neuroeconomics
Introducing Brain Models of Decision -Making and Choice
Neural Representation of Subjective Value
Affective Mechanisms of Decision- Making
Dual Process Theory of Decision -Making: Toward a Neuroeconomics Perspective
Decision -Making under Risk: Toward a Neuroeconomics Mechanism
The Social Brain: Games in the Brain
Evolutionary Perspective of Decision -Making
Neural Marketing
What is Neuromarketing?
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Role of Attention & Consciousness and Learning & Memory
Sensory Neuromarketing
Emotions & Feelings, Wanting & Liking
Neuroethics and Consumer Aberrations
Practical s:
PSLSCP403 Behavioural Neurosciences and disease pathology
(60L) 2 04
Behavioural assay using C. elegans / zebrafish /
Cognitive tasks : Stroop test (Klein 1964) and visual
Intelligence tests, Personality tests, Projective
Functional physiology using Biopac – EEG
Functional physiology using Biopac – GSR (Galvanic
skin response)
Functional physiology using Biopac – ECG
Functional physiology using Biopac – EOG (Electro -
Case Study of abnormal / differently abled / aging
Course Code Title Credits
PSLSCT 404 Molecular Neurobiology II (60L) 4
Unit I: Molecular basis of neurodegenerative diseases (15L)
Infectious Diseases
Prions Disease
Degenerative diseases of the Nervous system
Genetic mechanisms – Huntington’s Disease, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Myopathies and Neuropathies
Malnutrition Diseases – Kwashio rkar and Marasmus
Tumours of the CNS – neuroblastomas, medulloblastomas and gliomas
Unit II: Neurotoxicology and Neuropharmacology (15L)
General principles of toxicology and neurotoxic ology
Effect of injurious chemicals/ agents/ environmental factors on the nervous
system and their mechanisms of action. Neurotoxicity of metals and cellular
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Model systems and methods used to study neurotoxicology
Effects of toxins on neurode velopment.
Nanoparticles : Cell – nanoparticle interface.
Other applications of nanoparticles in neuroscience – Imaging, Drug / Gene
delivery (across Blood brain barrier)
Unit : III Advances in molecular biology techniques in Neurosciences (15L)
Genomics: Impact of human genome project on neuroscience research
Proteomics in Neuroscience
The connectome project
Molecular screens and Making and Using Transgenic organisms:
cDNA microarray, RNAi screens
Direct gene targeting: knockouts, knockins, conditional knockouts (Cre/lox, FLP/FRT,
Disrupting gene products: RNA interference (RNAi), morpholinos, dominant negatives
Common transgenes in neuroscience: reporter genes, genes used to ablate neurons, genes used to measure neural activity, genes used to manipulate neural activity, genes
used to disrupt endogenous genes.
Binary transgenic systems: Gal4/UAS, Cre/lox, Flp/Frt, Tet -off/Tet -on
Next gen sequencing.
Gene therapy f or brain tumors and neurodegeneration
Unit : IV Bioinformatics – Drug Designing
Drug discovery and Development : - Introduction to Drug Design and Development,
Drug targets, Lead Identification and Modification, Computer -Aided Drug Design,
Drug Delivery, Pre -clinical and Clinical Testing
Chemiinformatics and its role in drug discovery : -
Introduction to cheminformatics, History and Evolution of cheminformatics, Use of
cheminformatics, Prospects of cheminformatics, Mole cular Modeling and Structure
Elucidation. Knowledge about different chemical data bases Importance of
chemiinformatics in drug discovery for neurodegenerative diseases
Toxicogenomics : Bioinformatics for mechanis tic and predictive toxicology
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PSLSCP404 Bioinformatics and Recent techniques in
Neuroscience ( 60L) 2 04
Toxicity testing of any chemical /metal /
environmental factor using Daphnia/ C . elegans/
zebrafish/ Any other model system.
Study of histopathological correlates of neurotoxicity using permanent slides/ photographs.
Preparation of any nanoparticle and its characterization
In vivo/ in vitro effect of any nanoparticle.
( Demonstration)
Extraction of DNA from brain / neural cell culture
Extraction of RNA from brain / neural cell culture
PCR of gene from neural tissue and demonstration of PCR product using agarose gel electrophoresis
RFLP analysis of PCR product
Homology Modeling , Fold recognition, Abinito
Immunoinformatics: - Epitope mapping
Structural Proteomics :- Prediction of post
translation modifications: Methylation/Phosphorylation (in neuro proteins)
Finding the activ e sites in a receptor (possibly neuro
Functional proteomics: - Protein -protein
interactions: using STRING
Genomics: - OMIM database for SNP search
1. Principles of Neuroscience 5th Edition E. Kandel, J Schwartz, T Jessell, S
Siegelbaum, A Hudspeth (2013) Mc Graw Hill Medical
2. Encyclopedia of Human Brain Editor in Chief V S Ramachandran (2002) Academic
Press Volumes I to 4
Page 19
3. Fundamental Neuroscience 4th Edition. Edited by L. Squire. (2013) Elsevier Inc.
4. Cognit ive Science: An introduction to the science of Mind. J. Bermudez (2010)
Cambridge University Press
5. Development of Nervous system Ed Sanes 3rd edition, Elsiever (2012)
6. Biological Psychology James Kalat 10 th edition Wadsworth Cengage Learning
7. The cognitive Neuroscience of Memory An introduction Ed. Eichenbaum,
Howard 2012 2nd edition Oxford University Press
8. Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews Richardson A Harvey (2012)
Pub Volters Kluwer (India) Pvt Ltd
9. Brain: An introduction to functional neuroanatomy Watson, Charles and others (2010) London Academic Press
10. Neuroscience Exploring the brain 3
rd edition M Baer, B Connors, M Paradisco
11. From Neuron to brain 4 th edition J Nicholls, R Martin, B Wallace, P Fuchs
Sinauer Asso. Inc (2001)
12. Cognit ion, Brain and Consciousness 2nd edition B Baars, N Gage2010 ( Elseiver
13. The cognitive Neuroscience of Memory an Introduction H EichenBaum Oxford
University Publication(2012)
14. The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography Vol 7 Edited by L Squire Oxford
University Press 2012
15. Neuroscience (5 th edition ) Purves , G Augustine, D Fitzpatrick W Hall A La
Mantia L White Sinauer Asso ciate Inc (2012)
16. Guide to research techniques in Neuroscience M Carter, J Shieh , Elsevier (2010)
17. The brain an Intro duction to functional neuroanatomy . C Watson M Kirkcaldie G
Paxinos Elsevier 2010
18. The Future of the Brain – The Promise and Perils of Tomorrow’s Neuroscience.
Steven Rose (2005) Oxford University Press.
Page 20
19. Abnormal Psychology – Clinical Perspectives on Ps ychological Disorders. 6th
Edition. Richard Halgin & S. Whitbourne (2010) Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.
20. Basic Neurochemistry: Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects Scott
Brady, George Siegel, R. Wayne Albers, Donald Price , Academic Press, 2005
21. Molecular Neurobiology Ed: J.B.M artin (1998) Scientific American
22. Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience Dale Purves , Elizabeth Brannon , Roberto
Cabeza, & others 2008
23. Neuromarketing for Dummies – S.J. Genco, A.P. Pohlmann, P. Steidl, (2 013) John
Wiley and Sons, Cananda
24. Neuroscience of Attention: Attentional Control and Selection Ed. Mangon, R.
George , (2012) Oxford University Press
25. The Conscious Brain . Ed. Prinz, Jesse (2012) Oxford University Press
26. The Neurobiology of Disease: Contribution from Neuroscience to Clinical
Neurology Ed: Bostock, and other . Cambridge University Press
27. Neuroanatomy : An Illustrated coloured text.5th Edition Ed A. R. Crossman and D.
Neary (2015) London Churchill Livingstone Elsevier
28. Neuropsychology from theory to practice. 2nd edition Ed D. Andrews A
(2016)Psychology Press Book
29. Biostatistics – Basic and Advanced Ed. M. Pandey. (2015) Pub: M V Learning
1. Trends in Neurosciences
2. Current Opinions in Neurobiology
3. Annual Review on Neurosciences
4. Annual Review on Biochemistry
5. Science
6. Nature
7. Scientific American
Page 21
1. Introduction to Neuroeconomics: How the Brain Makes Decisions
2. An Introduction to Consumer Neuroscience & Neuromarketing