M Sc Inorganic Chemistry_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

M Sc Inorganic Chemistry_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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CodeUnit Topics
(Numericals and word problems wherever possible .)
3011.Chemistry of Inorganic Solids
I1.1 Descriptive Crystal Chemistry(15 L)
(a)Simple structures
Structures of AB type compounds (PbO and CuO), AB 2 type (β
cristobalite, CaC 2 and Cs 2O), A2B3 type (Cr 2O3 and Bi 2O3), AB 3 (ReO 3,
Li3N), ABO 3 type, relation between ReO 3 and perovskite BaTiO 3 and its
polymorphmic forms, Oxide bronzes, ilmenite structure, AB 2O4 type,
normal, inverse, and random spinel structures.
(b) Linked Polyhedra
(i) Corner sharing: tetrahedral structure (Silicates) and octahedral
structure (ReO 3) and rotation of ReO 3 resulting in VF3, RhF 3 and calcite
type structures.
(ii) Edge sharing: tetrahedral structures (SiS 2) and octahedral
structures (BiI 3 and AlCl 3). pyrochlores, octahedral tunnel structures
and lamellar structures
II1.2 Imperfection in crystals and Non-
Stoichiometry (15 Lectures)
(a) Point defects : Point defects in metals and ionic Crystal – Frenkel
defect and Schottky defect. Thermodynamics formation of these defects
(mathematical derivation to find defect concentration); Defects in non-
Stoiochiometric compounds, colour centres .
(b) Line defects : Edge and Screw Dislocations. Mechanical Properties and
Reactivity of Solids.
(c) Surface Defects : Grain Boundary and Stacking Fault. Dislocation and
Grain Boundaries, Vacancies and Interstitial Space in Non-Stoichiometric
Crystals, Defect Clusters, Interchangeable Atoms and Extended Atom
1.3 Methods of Preparations (15 Lectures)
(a) Methods of Synthesis : Chemical Method, High Pressure Method, Arc
Technique and Skull Method (with examples).
III(b) Different methods for single crystal
(i) Crystal Growth from Melt–: Bridgman and
Stockbargar, Czochralski and Vernuil methods.
(ii) Crystal growth from liquid solution: Flux growth and temperature
gradient methods
(iii) Crystal growth from vapor phase: – Epitaxial growth methods.
(c) Thin film preparation : Physical and
Chemical methods.
(d) Solid Solutions: Formation of Substitutional, Interstitial and Complex
Solid Solutions; Mechanistic Approach; Study of Solid solutions by X-ray

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Powder Diffraction and Density Measurement.
IV1.4 Behaviour of Inorganic Solids (15
(a) Diffusion in Solids : Fick’s Laws of Diffusion; Kirkendal
Effect;Wagner mechanism,Diffusion and Ionic Conductivity; Applications
of Diffusion in Carburizing and non-Carburizing Processes in
Steel Making.
(b) Solid state reactions : General principles and factors influencing
reactions of solids, Reactivity of solids.
(c) Liquid Crystals : Introduction and classification of thermotropic liquid
crystals, Polymorphism in liquid crystal, Properties and applications of
liquid crystals.
1.L. E. Smart and E. A. Moore, Solid State Chemistry-An
introduction, 3rd edition, Taylor and Francis, 2005.
2. A.R.West, Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications, John Wiley
& sons, 1987.
3.C.N.R. Rao and J.Gopalkrishnan New Directons in Solid State
Chemistry, 2nd Ed., Combridge University Press. 1997
4. L.V. Azaroff, Introductionn to solids, Tata-McGraw Hill Book Ce.
New Dehli, 1977.
5.. D.W. Bruce and Dermont O Hare, Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd Ed.
Wiely and sons, New York, 1966.
6.J.M. Hollas, Symmetry in Molecuies, Chapman adn Hall Ltd.,1972.
7. Reboert L carter, Molecular Symmeetry and Group Hohn Wiley
and Sons, New York, 1988.
8. Ulrich Muller, Inorganic structural Chemistry, 2nd edition, John
Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 1993.
9.. R.N.Kutty and J.A.K.Tareen, Fundamentals of Crystal Chemistry,
Universities Press (India) Ltd., 2001..
10. H.V.Keer, Principles of the Solid state, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1993.
Gary L.Miessler and Donald A.Tarr, Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd
edition , Pearson Education, Inc., 2004.
11.. D.K.Chakraborty, Solid State Chemistry, New Age International
Publishers, 1996.
12. A. Earnshaw, Introduction to Magnetochemistry, Acad. Press,N.Y.
2. Bioinorgnic and Coordination Chemistry.
302I 2.1 Bioinorganic Chemistry(15 Lectures)
(i)Coordination geometry of the metal ion and
(ii)Zn in biological systems: Carbonic anhydrase,
protolytic enzymes, e.g. carboxy peptidase,
Zinc finger.

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(iii)Role of metal ions in biological electron transfer processes: iron
sulphur proteins,
(iv)Less common ions in biology e.g. Mn (arginase; structure and
reactivity), Ni (urease ; structure and reactivity)
(v) Biomineralization
II 2.2 Reactivity of Chemical Species –I (15Lectures)
2.2.1 Recapitulation of the definition of Lewis acids and bases,
Classification of Lewis acids and bases based on frontier Molecular orbital
topology, Reactivity matrix of Lewis acids and bases.
2.2.2 Group Characteristic of Lewis acids (Gp-1,13-17).
2.2.3 Pauling rules to determine the strength of oxoacids; classification and
Structural anomalies.
III 2.3 Reactivity of Chemical Species –II (15Lectures)
2.3.1 Pourbaix Diagrams.
2.3.2Amphoteric behavior, Periodic trends in amphoteric properties
of p-block and d-block elements
2.3.3 Oxoanions and Oxocations.
2.3.4 Measures of hardness and Softness of Acids and Bases, Drago-
wayland equations
2.3.5 Applications of acid-base Chemistry: Super acids and Super
bases, heterogeneous acid-base reactions.
IV 2.4 Structure, Bonding, and Stereochemistry of
Coordination Compounds (15 Lectures)
(a) Structure and Bonding.
i) Molecular Orbital Theory for Complexes
with Coordination Number 4 and 5 for the
central ion (sigma as well as Pi bonding)
(ii) Angular Overlap Model for octahedral and tetrahedral complexes for
sigma and pi bond.
(b) Stereochemistry of Coordination
(i) Chirality and Fluxionality of Coordination
Compounds with Higher Coordination Numbers.
(ii) Geometries of Coordination compounds from Coordination number 6
to 9.
1.Gary Wulfsberg, Inorganic Chemistry ; Viva Books PA Ltd., New
Delhi; 2002.
2. F.A. Cotton and Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd
3. James E.Huheey, Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd edition, Harper &

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Row,Publishers, Asia, Pte Ltd., 1983.
4.W.W.Porterfield,Inorganic Chemistry-An Unified
Approach,Academic press(1993);
5.D.F.Shriver, P.W.Atkins and C.H. Langford, Inorganic
Chemistry,3rd edition Oxford University Press, 1999.
6.Asim K.Das, Fundamental Concepts of Inorganic
Chemistry,(Volumes-I,II and III)CBS Pub.(2000)
7.N.N.Greenwood and A.Earnshaw, Chemistry of Elements,
Pergamon, 1984.
8.J.M.Hollas, Symmetry in Chemistry, Chapmanad Hall Ltd., NY,
9.F.A.Cotton, Chemical Applications of Group Theory, 2nd edition,
Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi , 1976
10.C.J.Ballhausen and H.B.Gray, Molecular Orbital Theory,
MCGraw-Hill, New York, 1965.
11.H. Sisler, Chemistry in Non-aqueous Solvents: New York Reinhold
Publ. 1965.
12.. J.J. Lagowski, The Chemistry of Non-aqueous Solvents,
Academic press, New york and London.
13.. C.M. Day and Joel Selbin, Theoretical Inorganic
Chemistry,Affiliated East West Press Pvt.Ltd., 1985.
14.L.E.Orgel, An Introduction to Ligand Field Theory , Methuen &
Co.Ltd., London, 1960.
15.F.Basolo and R.G.Pearson, Mechanisms of Inorganic
Reactions,Wiley, New York, 1967.
16.. J.D.Lee, Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 5th ed., Blackwell
ScienceLtd., 2005.
17.R.H. Crabtree, The Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition
Metals, Wiley-Interscience, New york, 1988.
18.G.W.Parshall and S.D.Ittel, Homogeneous Catalysis, 2nd
edition,John Wiley & sons, Inc., New York, 1992.
19.Gary O. Spessard and Gary L.Miessler, Organometallic
Chemistry,Prentice-Hall, (1997).
20.. R.C.Mehrotra and A.Singh, Organometallic Chemistry-A
UnifiedApproach, 2nd ed., New Age International Pvt.Ltd., 2000.
21.B.Douglas, D.H. McDaniel and J.J.Alexander, Concepts and
Models of Inorganic Chmistry, 2nd edition, John Wiley &
22. James E.Huheey, Inoganic Chemistry-Principles of structure and
reactivity, edn Harper & Row Publishers (1972).
23.. F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, C. Murillo and M.
Bochmann,Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 6th ed., John Wiley,
New York,1999.
24.F.A. Cotton and R.A.Walton, Multiple Bonds between
MetalAtoms, 2nd edition, claranden Press, Oxford, 1993.
25.P.L. Soni, Vandana Soni ,Ane Books Pvt.,Ltd
3. Spectral Methods in Inorganic Chemistry
I 3.1 Diffraction Methods –I (15 Lectures)
X-Ray Diffraction: Bragg Condition; Miller

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303Indices; Laue Method; Bragg Method; Debye
Scherrer Method of X-Ray Structural Analysis of Crystals.
II 3.2 Diffraction Methods –II
(15 Lectures)
(a) Electron Diffraction: Scattering of electrons, Scattering Intensity
versus Scattering Angle, Weirl Measurement Technique, Elucidation of
Structures of Simple gas Phase Molecules.
(b) Neutron Diffraction: Scattering of Neutrons: Scattering of neutrons
by Solids and Liquids, Magnetic Scattering, Measurement Technique.
III3.3 Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy (15 Lectures)
(a) Electron behaviour, interaction between electron spin and magnetic
(b) Instrumentation : Source, Sample cavity. Magnet and Modulation coils,
Microwave Bridge, Sensitivity.
(c) Relaxation processes and Line width in
ESR transitions:
(i) ESR relaxation and chemical bonding.
(ii) Interaction between nuclear spin and
electron spin (hyperfine coupling)
(iii) Spin polarization for atoms and transition
metal ions,
(iv) Spin-orbit coupling and significance of gtensors,
(v) Application to transition metal complexes
(having one unpaired electron)
3.4 Mossbauer Spectroscopy
(15 Lectures)
IVMössbauer Spectroscopy:
3.4.1 Basic principle, recoil energy and Doppler shift.
3.4.2 Instrumentation: sources and absorber; motion devices, detection,
reference substances and calibration,
3.4.3 Isomer shift, quadrupole interaction, magnetic interaction,
electronegativity and chemical shift.
3.4.4 Applications: Iron compounds - low spin and high spin Fe(II) and
Fe(III) compounds and complexes, effect of pi-bonding, mono and poly
nuclear Iron complexes, spinel oxides and iron-sulphur proteins; Tin
compounds - tin halides and tin oxides, organotin compounds; Iodine
compounds - I2 and alkali metal iodide compounds.
1.G. H. Jeffery, J. Bassett, J. Mendham and R. C. Denney, Vogel’s
Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis Fifth edition,
(1996),ELBS Publication. Chapter 2, 3, 11.
2.W.H. Zachariasen. Theory of X-Ray Diffration in Crystals.
JohnWiley. New York. 1946.

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3. B.D. Cality,, Elements of X-Ray Diffraction Procedures. John
Wiley and Sons. New York, 1954.
4. R. Reaching, Electron Diffraction, Methuen and Co. London. 1936
5. May and Leopold, An Introduction to Mossbauer
Spectroscopy,Plenum, New York, 1971.
6.H.H. Willard, L.L. Merrit, J.A. Dean and F.A. Settle, Instrumental
Methods of Analysis, C.B.S. Publishers and Distributors, New
Delhi, 1986.
7. P.J. Horne, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 1995.
8.Reverts John D., Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, McGraw Hill,
NewYork, 1959.
9.. H. Kambe and P.D.Garn. Thermal Analysis, Kondansha Ltd.
10. G.W. Ewing, Instrumental Methods, Of Analysis, 4th Ed. McFraw
Hill Ltd., 1970.
11. N.H. Ring, Inorganic Polymers, Academic Press, New York, 1978
12. H.G. Heal, The Inorganic Heterocyclic Chemistry of Sulphur,
Nitrogen and Phosphorous, Academic Press, New York, 1980.
13.G.T. Seaborg, Man-made Transuranic Elements Preitce- Hall,
14. M.T.R. Series, The Superheavy Elements.
15. Haissilsky, Nuclear Chemistry and its Application, 1962.
16.S. Glasstone, Sourcebook of Aomic Energy, East-West
17.D.Harvey,Modern Analytical Chemistry, The McGraw-Hill Pub,1st
18. John H. Block, E.B. Roche, T.P.Soine and Charles O.Wilson,
Inorganic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Lea and
Febiger, 1974.
19. R. S. Drago, Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry, John-
Wiley Pub.,1975
20.. M. Drescher an G. Jeschke,(Eds), EPR Spetroscopy: Applications
in Chemistry and Biology, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg
21. Graham Smith; David Keeble.Introduction to Modern EPR
Spectroscopy CRC Press 2013.
22. C.N.R. Rao, Chemical Applications of Infrared Spectroscopy
Academic Pess,N.Y.(1963
23. K. Veera Reddy, Symmetry and Spectroscopy,
24.Paul Gabbott Principles and Applications of Thermal Analysis
Wiley-Blackwell ; edition (2007)
25.. Richard Vernon Parish, NMR, NQR, EPR, and Mössbauer
spectroscopy in inorganic chemistry, Publisher,E,.Horwood,(1990)
4. Applied Chemistry(Elective)
4.1 Safety in Chemistry Laboratories (15 Lectures)
4.1.1 Handling of Hazardous Materials
4.1.2 Toxic Materials (Various types of toxins
and their effects on humans)

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304I4.1.3 Explosives and Inflammable Materials
4.1.4 Types of fire extinguishers(chemical reaction)
4.1.5 Bioactive materials.
4.1.6 Recycling& recovery of metals with reference to Silver, lead, cobalt,
Nickel and chromium
4.1.7 Laboratory Wastes Disposal Management in Chemical Laboratories .
II4.2 Manufacture and Applications of
Inorganic Compounds-I(15Lectures)
4.2.1 Lime, Chlorine and Caustic soda,
4.2.2 Ceramics and refractory materials
4.2.3 Cement
4.2.4 Inorganic explosives (mercury fulminate, Lead azide)
III4.3 Manufacture and Applications of
Inorganic Compounds-II (15 Lectures)
4.3.1 Fertilizers and micronutrients
4.3.2 Glass
4.3.3 Paints and Pigments
IV4.4 Metallurgy (15 Lectures)
4.4.1 Occurrence, extraction and metallurgy of Zirconium, Hafnium,
Niobium, Tantalum Platinum and Palladium metals.
4.4.2 Physical and chemical properties and applications of these metals,
4.4.3 Compounds of these metals, alloys and their uses.
1.G.M.Masters, Introduction to Environmental Engineering and
Science, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1995.
2. Sulabha K. Kulkarni, Nanotechnology-Principles and Practices,
Capital Publishing Co., 2007.
3. K. R. Mahadik and B. S. Kuchekar, Concise Inorganic
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, 19 .
4. D. A. Skoog, D. M. West, and F. J. Holler, Fundamentals of
Analytical Chemistry, 7 th Edition, (printed in India in 2001), ISBN
5. B. Douglas, D.H. McDaniel and J. J. Alexander, Concepts and
Models of Inorganic Chmistry, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons,
I4.1 Inorganic Materials (15 Lectures) Elective
(a) Classification, manufacture and applications
of (i) Inorganic fibers, and (ii) Inorganic fillers.
Study of (i) Condensed phosphates, and (ii)
Coordination polymers.
(b) Preparation, properties and uses of
industrially important chemicals – potassium
permanganate, sodium thiosulphate, bleaching
powder, hydrogen peroxide, potassium

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304 dichromate
II4.2 Nuclear Chemistry and Inorganic
Pharmaceuticals (15 Lectures)
(a) Nuclear Chemistry :
Introduction to of nuclear fuels and separation of fission products from
spent fuel rods by PUREX process. Super heavy element, discovery,
preparation, position in the periodic table.
(b) Inorganic Pharmaceuticals :
Radiopharmaceuticals containing Tc and Bi, contrast agents for X-ray and
NMR imaging. Gasrtrointestinal agents viz. (i) antacids( aluminium
hydroxide, milk of magnesia, sodium bicarbonate and (ii)
Cathartics(magnesium sulphate and sodium phosphate).
Topical agents viz.(i) protectives and adsorbents(talc, calamine), (ii)
antimicrobial agents(potassium permanganate, tincture iodine, boric acid)
and astringents( potash alum) .
III4.3 Advances in Nanomaterials: (15 Lectures)
(a) Types of nanomaterials , e.g. nanotubes,
nanorods, solid spheres, core-shell
Inanoparticles, mesoporous materials; isolation of nano materials
(b) Some important properties of
nanomaterials: optical properties of metal and semiconductor
nanoparticles, magnetic
properties .
(c) Some special nanomaterials: Carbon
nanotubes: Types, synthesis using various
methods, growth mechanism, electronic
structure; Porous silicon: Preparation and
mechanism of porous silicon formation, Factors
affecting porous structure, properties of porous
silicon; Aerogels: Types of aerogels, Properties
and applications of aerogels.
(d) Applications of nanomaterials in
electronics, energy, automobiles, sports and
toys, textile, cosmetics, medicine, space and
defense. Environmental effects of nanotechnology
IV 4.4 Some Selected Topics (15 Lectures)
i) Isopoly and Hetropoly acids,
ii) Supramolecular chemistry
iii) Inorganic pesticides, and
iv) Intercalation compounds
1.G.M.Masters, Introduction to Environmental Engineering and
Science, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1995.
2. Sulabha K. Kulkarni, Nanotechnology-Principles and Practices,
Capital Publishing Co., 2007.
3. K. R. Mahadik and B. S. Kuchekar, Concise Inorganic

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Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, 19 .
4. D. A. Skoog, D. M. West, and F. J. Holler, Fundamentals of
Analytical Chemistry, 7 th Edition, (printed in India in 2001), ISBN
5. B.Douglas, D.H. McDaniel and J.J.Alexander, Concepts and
Models of Inorganic Chmistry, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons,
PSCHI3P1: Analysis of ores/alloys
1. Analysis of Brass alloy:
(i) Cu content by iodometric method,
(ii) Zn content by complexometric method.
2. Analysis of Mangelium alloy:
(i) Al content by gravimetric method as basic succinate,
(ii) Mg content by complexometric method.
3. Analysis of Bronze alloy:
(i) Cu content by complexometric method,
(ii) Sn content by gravimetric method.
4. Analysis of steel nickel alloy:
(i) Ni content by homogeneous precipitation method.
PSCHI3P2: Solvent Extraction
1. Separation of Mn and Fe using isoamyl alcohol and estimation of Mn
2. Separation of Co and Ni using n-butyl alcohol and estimation of Co
3. Separation of U and Fe using 8-hydroxyquinoline in chloroform and estimation of U
4. Separation of Fe and Mo using isoamyl alcohol and estimation of Mo
5. Separation of Cu and Fe using n-butyl acetate and estimation of Cu
PSCHI3P3: Inorganic Preparations
1. Preparation of V(oxinate)3
2. Preparation of Sn(IV) Iodide
3. Preparation of Co( α-nitroso -β-naphthol)3
4. Preparation of Ni(salicylaldoxime)2
5. Hexaamine cobalt (III) chloride
6. Preparation of Trans-bis (glycinato) Cu(II)
PSCHI3P4: Analysis of the following samples
1. Calcium tablet for its calcium content by complexometric titration.
2. Bleaching powder for its available chlorine content by iodometric method.
3. Iron tablet for its iron content colorimetry by 1,10-phenonthroline method.
4. Calcium tablet for its calcium content by complexometric titration.
5. Bleaching powder for its available chlorine content by iodometric method.
6. Iron tablet for its iron content colorimetry by 1,10-phenonthroline method.

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7. Nycil powder for its Zn content complexometrically.
Reference books for practicals
1. A. I. Vogel, Quantitative Inorganic Analysis.
2. J. D. Woolins, Inorganic Experiments.
3. Palmer, Inorganic Preparations.
4. G. Raj, Advanced Practical Inorganic Chemistry.
5. J. E. House, Inorganic chemistry, Academic press, 2nd edition, (2013).
Code Unit Topics
(Numericals and word problems wherever possible .)
401I1 Properties of Inorganic Solids and Group Theory.
1.1 Electrical Properties- (15 Lectures )
(a) Electrical properties of solids:
(i) Conductivity: Solid Electrolytes; Fast Ion
Conductors; Mechanism of Conductivity;
Hopping Conduction.
(b) Other Electrical Properties: Thomson and
Seebeck Effects; Thermocouples and their
Applications; Hall Effect; Dielectric, Ferroelectric, Piezoelectric and
Materials and their Inter-relationships and
II1.2 Magnetic Properties. (15 Lectures)
(a) Behaviour of substances in magnetic field, mechanism of
ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic ordering , superexchange,
Hysteresis, Hard and soft magnets, structures and magnetic Properties
Metals and Alloys; Transition metal Oxides; Spinels; garnets, Ilmenites;
Perovskite and Magneto plumbites, Application in transformer cores,
information storage, magnetic bubble memory devices and as
permanent magnets.
III 1.3 Thermal and Optical Properties (15 Lectures)
a) Thermal Properties: Introduction, Heat
Capacitiy and its Temperature Dependance;
Thermal Expansion of Metals; Ceramics and Polymers and Thermal Stresses.
(b) Optical properties: Color Centres and
Birefringence; Luminescent and Phosphor
Materials; Coordinate Model; Phosphor
Model; Anti Stokes Phosphor; Ruby Laser;
Neodymium Laser
1.4 Applications of group theory to –Electronic structures (15

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(a) Recapitulation of Points groups and Character tables.
(b) Transformation Properties of Atomic Orbitals;
(c) Sigma and pi- molecular orbitals for AB 4 (tetrahedral) and AB 6
(octahedral) molecules;
(d) Ligand Field Theory : Electronic structures of free atoms and ions;
Splitting of levels and terms in a chemical environment; Construction of
energy level diagrams; Direct product ; Correlation diagrams for d2 ions in
octahedral and tetrahedral ligand field; Methods of Ascending and
Descending Symmetry; Hole formalism.
1.L. E. Smart and E. A. Moore, Solid State Chemistry-An
introduction, 3rd edition, Taylor and Francis, 2005.
2. A.R.West, Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications, John Wiley
& sons, 1987.
3.C.N.R. Rao and J.Gopalkrishnan New Directons in Solid State
Chemistry, 2nd Ed., Combridge University Press. 1997
4. L.V. Azaroff, Introductionn to solids, Tata-McGraw Hill Book Ce.
New Dehli, 1977.
5.. D.W. Bruce and Dermont O Hare, Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd Ed.
Wiely and sons, New York, 1966.
6.J.M. Hollas, Symmetry in Molecuies, Chapman adn Hall Ltd.,1972.
7. Reboert L carter, Molecular Symmeetry and Group Hohn Wiley
and Sons, New York, 1988.
8. Ulrich Muller, Inorganic structural Chemistry, 2nd edition, John
Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 1993.
9.. R.N.Kutty and J.A.K.Tareen, Fundamentals of Crystal Chemistry,
Universities Press (India) Ltd., 2001..
10. H.V.Keer, Principles of the Solid state, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1993.
Gary L.Miessler and Donald A.Tarr, Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd
edition , Pearson Education, Inc., 2004.
11.. D.K.Chakraborty, Solid State Chemistry, New Age International
Publishers, 1996.
12.12. A. Earnshaw, Introduction to Magnetochemistry, Acad.
Press,N.Y. (1966)

I2 Organometallics and main group Chemistry (15 Lectures)
2.1 Organometallic Chemistry
(a) Metal-Metal Bonding and Metal Clusters,
(b) Electron Count and Structures of Clusters,,
(c) Isolobal Analogy.
(d)Organo Palladium and Organo Platinum Complexes (preparations,
properties and applications.)
2.2 Applications of Organometallic
Compounds (15 Lectures)

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402 II(a) Catalysis-Homogenous and Heterogenous
Catalysis: Comparison, Fundamental Reaction
(b) Organometallics as Catalysts in Organic
Reactions: (i)Hydrosilation, (ii)Hydroborationn.
(iii) Water gas Shifts Reaction (iv) Wacker process(Oxidation of alkenes)
(v)Alcohol corbonylation
(c)Coupling reactions :
(i) Heck’s reaction (ii) Suzuki reaction
III2.3 Inorganic cluster and cage compounds (15 Lectures)
(i) Introduction, (ii) Bonding in boranes, (iii)
Heteroboranes, (iv) Carboranes, (v) cluster
compounds, (vi) electron precise compounds
and their relation to clusters .
IV2.4 Inorganic ring and chain compounds (15 Lectures)
(a) Silicates, polysilicates and aluminosilicates,
(b) Phosphazenes, phosphazene polymers
(c) Polyanionic and polycationic compounds
1.Gary Wulfsberg, Inorganic Chemistry ; Viva Books PA Ltd., New
Delhi; 2002.
2. F.A. Cotton and Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd
3. James E.Huheey, Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd edition, Harper &
Row,Publishers, Asia, Pte Ltd., 1983.
4.W.W.Porterfield,Inorganic Chemistry-An Unified
Approach,Academic press(1993);
5.D.F.Shriver, P.W.Atkins and C.H. Langford, Inorganic
Chemistry,3rd edition Oxford University Press, 1999.
6.Asim K.Das, Fundamental Concepts of Inorganic
Chemistry,(Volumes-I,II and III)CBS Pub.(2000)
7.N.N.Greenwood and A.Earnshaw, Chemistry of Elements,
Pergamon, 1984.
8.J.M.Hollas, Symmetry in Chemistry, Chapmanad Hall Ltd., NY,
9.F.A.Cotton, Chemical Applications of Group Theory, 2nd edition,
Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi , 1976
10.C.J.Ballhausen and H.B.Gray, Molecular Orbital Theory,
MCGraw-Hill, New York, 1965.
11.H. Sisler, Chemistry in Non-aqueous Solvents: New York Reinhold
Publ. 1965.
12.. J.J. Lagowski, The Chemistry of Non-aqueous Solvents,
Academic press, New york and London.
13.. C.M. Day and Joel Selbin, Theoretical Inorganic
Chemistry,Affiliated East West Press Pvt.Ltd., 1985.
14.L.E.Orgel, An Introduction to Ligand Field Theory , Methuen &

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Co.Ltd., London, 1960.
15.F.Basolo and R.G.Pearson, Mechanisms of Inorganic
Reactions,Wiley, New York, 1967.
16.. J.D.Lee, Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 5th ed., Blackwell
ScienceLtd., 2005.
17.R.H. Crabtree, The Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition
Metals, Wiley-Interscience, New york, 1988.
18.G.W.Parshall and S.D.Ittel, Homogeneous Catalysis, 2nd
edition,John Wiley & sons, Inc., New York, 1992.
19.Gary O. Spessard and Gary L.Miessler, Organometallic
Chemistry,Prentice-Hall, (1997).
20.. R.C.Mehrotra and A.Singh, Organometallic Chemistry-A
UnifiedApproach, 2nd ed., New Age International Pvt.Ltd., 2000.
21.B.Douglas, D.H. McDaniel and J.J.Alexander, Concepts and
Models of Inorganic Chmistry, 2nd edition, John Wiley &
22. James E.Huheey, Inoganic Chemistry-Principles of structure and
reactivity, edn Harper & Row Publishers (1972).
23.. F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, C. Murillo and M.
Bochmann,Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 6th ed., John Wiley,
New York,1999.
24.F.A. Cotton and R.A.Walton, Multiple Bonds between
MetalAtoms, 2nd edition, claranden Press, Oxford, 1993.
25.P.L. Soni, Vandana Soni ,Ane Books Pvt.,Ltd
403I 3 Instrumental methods in Inorganic Chemistry .
3.1 Spectroscopy (15 Lectures)
(a) Infrared spectroscopy: Fundamental modes of vibrations, selection
rules, IR absorption bands of metal - donor atom, effect of complexation
on the IR spectrum of ligands formations on the IR of ligands like NH 3,
CN-, CO, olefins (C=C) and C 2O42- .
(b) Raman spectroscopy: Raman spectroscopy for diatomic
molecules.Determination of molecular structures like diatomic and
triatomic molecules.
(c) Applications of Group theory in Infrared and Raman spectroscopy.
(c) Molecular Vibrations: Introduction; The Symmetry of Normal
Vibrations; Determining the Symmetry Types of the Normal Modes;
symmetry based Selection Rules of IR and Raman; Interpretation of
IR and Raman Spectra for molecules such as H2O, BF 3, N2F2, NH 3
and CH 4.
(d) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy :
Introduction to basic principles and instrumentation. Use of 1H, 19F, 31P, 11B NMR
spectra in structural elucidation of inorganic compounds; Spectra of paramagnetic
materials: Contact shift, application of contact shift, lanthanide shift reagent.
II 3.2 Microscopy of Surface Chemistry-I (15 Lectures )
Introduction to surface spectroscopy, Microscopy, problems of surface
analysis, distinction of surface species, sputter etching and depth profile
and chemical imaging,instrumentations, Ion Scattering Spectra (ISS),
Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS),Auger Emission Spectroscopy

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III 3.3 Microscopy of Surface Chemistry-II (15 Lectures)
ESCA, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM),Atomic force microscopy
(AFM) and
transmission electron microscopy (TEM):
Instrumentation and applications .
IV3.4 Thermal Methods (15 Lectures)
3.4.1 Application of TGA in Thermal characterization of polymers,
quantitative analysis of mixture of oxalates, moisture content in coal, study
of oxidation state of alloys etc.
3.4.2 Application of DSC and DTA in determination of thermodynamic
parameters such as heat capacity and standard enthalpy of formation of the
compounds, investigation of phase transitions, thermal stability of
polymeric materials, purity of pharmaceuticals samples, M.P. and B.P. of
organic compounds etc.
3.4.3 Basic principle, instrumentation and applications to other thermal
methods like Thermomechanical analysis (TMA) and evolved gas analysis
1.G. H. Jeffery, J. Bassett, J. Mendham and R. C. Denney, Vogel’s
Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis Fifth edition,
(1996),ELBS Publication. Chapter 2, 3, 11.
2.W.H. Zachariasen. Theory of X-Ray Diffration in Crystals.
JohnWiley. New York. 1946.
3. B.D. Cality,, Elements of X-Ray Diffraction Procedures. John
Wiley and Sons. New York, 1954.
4. R. Reaching, Electron Diffraction, Methuen and Co. London. 1936
5. May and Leopold, An Introduction to Mossbauer
Spectroscopy,Plenum, New York, 1971.
6.H.H. Willard, L.L. Merrit, J.A. Dean and F.A. Settle, Instrumental
Methods of Analysis, C.B.S. Publishers and Distributors, New
Delhi, 1986.
7. P.J. Horne, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 1995.
8.Reverts John D., Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, McGraw Hill,
NewYork, 1959.
9.. H. Kambe and P.D.Garn. Thermal Analysis, Kondansha Ltd.
10. G.W. Ewing, Instrumental Methods, Of Analysis, 4th Ed. McFraw
Hill Ltd., 1970.
11. N.H. Ring, Inorganic Polymers, Academic Press, New York, 1978
12. H.G. Heal, The Inorganic Heterocyclic Chemistry of Sulphur,
Nitrogen and Phosphorous, Academic Press, New York, 1980.
13.G.T. Seaborg, Man-made Transuranic Elements Preitce- Hall,
14. M.T.R. Series, The Superheavy Elements.

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15. Haissilsky, Nuclear Chemistry and its Application, 1962.
16.S. Glasstone, Sourcebook of Aomic Energy, East-West
17.D.Harvey,Modern Analytical Chemistry, The McGraw-Hill Pub,1st
18. John H. Block, E.B. Roche, T.P.Soine and Charles O.Wilson,
Inorganic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Lea and
Febiger, 1974.
19. R. S. Drago, Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry, John-
Wiley Pub.,1975
20.. M. Drescher an G. Jeschke,(Eds), EPR Spetroscopy: Applications
in Chemistry and Biology, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg
21. Graham Smith; David Keeble.Introduction to Modern EPR
Spectroscopy CRC Press 2013.
22. C.N.R. Rao, Chemical Applications of Infrared Spectroscopy
Academic Pess,N.Y.(1963
23. K. Veera Reddy, Symmetry and Spectroscopy,
24.Paul Gabbott Principles and Applications of Thermal Analysis
Wiley-Blackwell ; edition (2007)
25.. Richard Vernon Parish, NMR, NQR, EPR, and Mössbauer
spectroscopy in inorganic chemistry, Publisher,E,.Horwood,(1990)
Course Code: PSCHIOC-I 404
Unit 1: [15L]
Introduction to Intellectual Property:
Historical Perspective, Different types of IP, Importance of protecting IP.
Historical Perspective, Basic and associated right, WIPO, PCT system, Traditional
Knowledge, Patents and Health care-balancing promoting innovation with public
health, Software patents and their importance for India.
Industrial Designs:
Definition, How to obtain, features, International design registration.

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Introduction, How to obtain, Differences from Patents.
Trade Marks:
Introduction, How to obtain, Different types of marks – Collective marks, certification
marks, service marks, trade names etc.
Geographical Indications:
Definition, rules for registration, prevention of illegal exploitation, importance to
Unit 2:
Trade Secrets:
Introduction and Historical Perspectives, Scope of Protection, Risks involved and legal
aspects of Trade Secret Protection.
IP Infringement issue and enforcement:
Role of Judiciary, Role of law enforcement agencies – Police, Customs etc.
Economic Value of Intellectual Property:
Intangible assests and their valuation, Intellectual Property in the Indian context –
Various Laws in India Licensing and Technology transfer.
Different International agreements:
(a)World Trade Organization (WTO):[5L]
(i) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), Trade Related
Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement

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(ii) General Agreement on Trade Related Services (GATS) Madrid
(iii) Berne Convention
(iv) Budapest Treaty
(b)Paris Convention[6L]
WIPO and TRIPS, IPR and Plant Breeders Rights, IPR and Biodiversity.
Unit III:
Introduction to Cheminformatics:
History and evolution of cheminformatics, Use of Cheminformatics, Prospects of
cheminformatics, Molecular modeling and structure elucidation.
Representation of molecules and chemical reactions:
Nomenclature, Different types of notations, SMILES coding, Matrix representations,
Structure of Molfiles and Sdfiles, Libraries and toolkits, Different electronic effects,
Reaction classification.
Searching Chemical Structures:
Full structure search, sub-structure search, basic ideas, similarity search, three
dimensional search methods, basics of computation of physical and chemical data and
structure descriptors, data visualization.
Unit IV:
Prediction of Properties of Compound, Linear Free Energy Relations, Quantitative
Structure – Property Relations, Descriptor Analysis, Model Building, Modeling
Toxicity, Structure – Spectra correlations, Prediction NMR, IR and Mass spectra,
Computer Assisted Structure elucidations, Computer assisted Synthesis Design,
Introduction to drug design, Target Identification and Validation, Lead Finding and
Optimization, analysis of HTS data, Virtual Screening, Design of Combinatorial

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Libraries, Ligand-based and Structure based Drug design, Application of
Cheminformatics in Drug Design.
1.Andrew R. Leach & Valerie J. Gillet (2007) An Introduction to
Cheminformatics. Springer: The Netherlands.
2.Gasteiger, J. & Engel, T. (2003) Cheminformatics: A textbook . Wiley–VCH
3.Gupta, S. P. QSAR and Molecular Modeling. Springer-Anamaya Pub.: New
Course Code: PSCHIOC-II 404
Unit 1:
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary sources.
Journal abbreviations, abstracts, current titles, reviews, monographs, dictionaries, text-
books, current contents, Introduction to Chemical Abstracts and Beilstein, Subject
Index, Substance Index, Author Index, Formula Index, and other Indices with
Web sources, E-journals, Journal access, TOC alerts, Hot articles, Citation Index,
Impact factor, H-index, E-consortium, UGC infonet, E-books, Internet discussion
groups and communities, Blogs, preprint servers, Search engines, Scirus, Google
Scholar, ChemIndustry, Wiki-databases, ChemSpider, Science Direct, SciFinder,
Information Technology and Library Resources:
The Internet and World wide web, Internet resources for Chemistry, finding and citing

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published information.
The Investigative Approach:
Making and recording Measurements, SI units and their use, Scientific methods and
design of experiments.
Analysis and Presentation of Data:
Descriptive statistics, choosing and using statistical tests, Chemometrics, Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA), Correlation and regression, curve fitting, fitting of linear
equations, simple linear cases, weighted linear case, analysis of residuals, general
polynomial fitting, linearizing transformations, exponential function fit, r and its
abuse, basic aspects of multiple linear regression analysis.
Reporting practical and project work, Writing literature surveys and reviews,
organizing a poster display, giving an oral presentation.
Writing Scientific Papers:
Justification for scientific contributions, bibliography, description of methods,
conclusions, the need for illustration, style, publications of scientific work, writing
ethics, avoiding plagiarism.
Safe working procedure and protective environment, protective apparel, emergency
procedure, first aid, laboratory ventilation, safe storage and use of hazardous
chemicals, procedure for working with substances that pose hazards, flammable or
explosive hazards, procedures for working with gases at pressures above or below
atmospheric pressur, safe storage and disposal of waste chemicals, recovery, recycling
and reuse of laboratory chemicals, procedure for laboratory disposal of explosives,
identification, verification and segregation of laboratory waste, disposal of chemicals

Page 20

in the sanitary sewer system, incineration and transportation of hazardous chemicals.
1.Dean, J. R., Jones, A. M., Holmes, D., Reed, R., Weyers, J., & Jones, A.,
(2011), Practical skills in Chemistry, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, Harlow.
2.Hibbert, D. B. & Gooding, J. J. (2006) Data Analysis for Chemistry Oxford
University Press.
3. Topping, J., (1984) Errors of Observation and their Treatment 4th Ed.,
Chapman Hill, London.
4.Harris, D. C. (2007) Quantative Chemical Analysis 6th Ed., Freeman Chapters
5.Levie, R. De. (2001) How to use Excel in Analytical Chemistryand in general
scientific data analysis Cambridge Universty Press.
6.Chemical Safety matters – IUPAC-IPCS, (1992) Cambridge University Press.
7.OSU Safety manual 1.01
PSCHI4P1: Analysis of Ores
1. Analysis of galena ore:
(i)Pb content as PbCrO4 by gravimetric method using 5% potassium chromate,
(ii) Fe content by colorimetrically using 1, 10- phenonthroline.
2. Analysis of Zinc blend ore:
(i)Zn content by complexometric method,
(ii)Fe content by colorimetric method (Azide method).
3. Analysis of Pyrolusite ore:
(i)Mn content by complexometric method,
(ii)Acid insoluble residue by gravimetric method.
PSCHI4P2: Coordination Chemistry
1. Determination of Stability constant of [Zn(NH 3)4]2+ by potentiometry
2. Determination of Stability constant of [Ag(en)]+ by potentiometry
3. Determination of Stability constant of [Fe(SCN)]2+ by slope ratio method
4. Determination of CFSE values of hexa-aqua complexes of Ti3+ and Cr3+.
5. Determination of Racah parameters for complex [Ni(H 2O) 6]2+ and [Ni(en) 3]2+
PSCHI4P3: Analysis of the following samples
1. Electral powder for Na/K content flame photometrically.
2. Fasting salt for chloride content conductometrically.
3. Sea water for percentage salinity by Volhard’s method.
4. Soil for mixed oxide content by gravimetric method.
5. Fertilizer for potassium content by flame photometry.

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PSCHI4P4: Project Evaluation & Spectral interpretation
Reference books for practicals
1. A. I. Vogel, Quantitative Inorganic Analysis.
2. J. D. Woolins, Inorganic Experiments.
3. Palmer, Inorganic Preparations.
4. G. Raj, Advanced Practical Inorganic Chemistry.
5. J. E. House, Inorganic chemistry, Academic press, 2nd edition, (2013).