Item no43 MA Sem I Paper II_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Item no43 MA Sem I Paper II_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Paper II (Core): Epistemology (Indian and Western)

Section I: Indian Epistemology
Unit I :
a. Jñāna and Pramā: Definition and kinds of Pramā ṇa,Prāmā ṇyavāda
b. Perception
c. Khyātivāda
Unit II :
a) Inference: Definition, Classification andComponents
b) Vyāpti andFallacies
c) Śabda: Meaning (Word and Sentence); Anvitābhidānavāda

Section II: Western Epistemology

a. The problem of perception
b. Memory as a source of knowledge
c. Knowledge and Belief, knowledge and justified true belief; Gettier’s
a. Nature and significance of Logic, Basic Concepts involved in logic:
Terms, Proposition and Reasoning/Argument
b. Basic concepts involved in first order and second order sentential
logic: Propositional Constant, Propositional Variables and
Propositional Connectives, Truth Table method, Predicate Constant,
Individual Variable and Predicate Variable, Proposition and
Propositional function
c. Basic Concepts involved in Set theory: Definition of Set, Null Set,
Primitive symbols of se t theory, Relations of Set

Section I: Indian Epistemology
1. ‘Mimamsa Theory of Knowledge’ G.P.Bhatt.
2. ‘Nyāya Theory of Knowledge’ S.C.Chatterjee.
3. ‘Presuppositions of Indian Philosophies’, Karl H.Potter.
4. ‘Six Ways of Knowing ’, D. M.Datta.

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5. ‘Doctrines and Arguments in Indian Philosophy’, NinianSmart.
6. ‘Spirit of Indian Philosophy’, NikunjavihariBannerjee.
7. ‘History of Indian Epistemology’, JwalaPrasad.
8. ‘Theories of Error in Indian Philosophy’, BijayanandKar.

Section II: Western Epistemology
1. Ayer, A.J. The Problem of Knowledge . Penguin: Middlesex,1956.
2. Copi Irving, Symbolic logic, MacMillan Pub. Co., New York, 1979.
3. Copi Irving, Introduction to logic, Fifth Edition, MacMillan Pub. Co., New
4. Chisholm, Roderick M. Theory of Knowledge . Prentice Hall: New Delhi,
5. Dancy, Jonathan. Contemporary Epistemology . OxfordUniversity Press:
6. Dancy, Jonathan and Sosa, Ernest (Ed.) A Companion to
Epistemology . Blackwell: Oxford, 1994
7. Edwards, Paul (Ed.) TheEncyclopedia of P hilosophy . Routledge:
8. Hamlyn, D.W. Theory of Knowledge . Doubleday: London,1971.
9. Harding, Sandra. The Science question in Feminism .Open
University Press: Milton Keynes, 1986.
10. Harding, Sandra (Ed.) Feminism and Methodology: Social Science
Issues . Indiana University Press: Bloomington,1987.
11. Lehrer, Keith. Theory of Knowledge . Routledge: London,1990.
12. Pojman, Louis (Ed.) Theory of Knowledge: Classical and
Contemporary Readings . Wadsworth: Belmont,1999
13. Rorty, Richard. Philosophy and the Mirror of Nat ure. New Jersey:
Princeton University Press, 1979
14. Stroud, Barry. Significance of Philosophical Scepticism . Oxford
University Press: Oxford, 1984.
15. Suppes Patrick, Introduction to logic, East West Press Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
16. Patrick Suppes , Introduction to Logic –Van Nostrand Reinhold
Co. New York, 1957.
17. A. Woozley. Theory of Knowledge .1966

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