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Paper II (Core): Epistemology (Indian and Western)
Section I: Indian Epistemology
Unit I :
a. Jñāna and Pramā: Definition and kinds of Pramā ṇa,Prāmā ṇyavāda
b. Perception
c. Khyātivāda
Unit II :
a) Inference: Definition, Classification andComponents
b) Vyāpti andFallacies
c) Śabda: Meaning (Word and Sentence); Anvitābhidānavāda
Section II: Western Epistemology
a. The problem of perception
b. Memory as a source of knowledge
c. Knowledge and Belief, knowledge and justified true belief; Gettier’s
a. Nature and significance of Logic, Basic Concepts involved in logic:
Terms, Proposition and Reasoning/Argument
b. Basic concepts involved in first order and second order sentential
logic: Propositional Constant, Propositional Variables and
Propositional Connectives, Truth Table method, Predicate Constant,
Individual Variable and Predicate Variable, Proposition and
Propositional function
c. Basic Concepts involved in Set theory: Definition of Set, Null Set,
Primitive symbols of se t theory, Relations of Set
Section I: Indian Epistemology
1. ‘Mimamsa Theory of Knowledge’ G.P.Bhatt.
2. ‘Nyāya Theory of Knowledge’ S.C.Chatterjee.
3. ‘Presuppositions of Indian Philosophies’, Karl H.Potter.
4. ‘Six Ways of Knowing ’, D. M.Datta.
5. ‘Doctrines and Arguments in Indian Philosophy’, NinianSmart.
6. ‘Spirit of Indian Philosophy’, NikunjavihariBannerjee.
7. ‘History of Indian Epistemology’, JwalaPrasad.
8. ‘Theories of Error in Indian Philosophy’, BijayanandKar.
Section II: Western Epistemology
1. Ayer, A.J. The Problem of Knowledge . Penguin: Middlesex,1956.
2. Copi Irving, Symbolic logic, MacMillan Pub. Co., New York, 1979.
3. Copi Irving, Introduction to logic, Fifth Edition, MacMillan Pub. Co., New
4. Chisholm, Roderick M. Theory of Knowledge . Prentice Hall: New Delhi,
5. Dancy, Jonathan. Contemporary Epistemology . OxfordUniversity Press:
6. Dancy, Jonathan and Sosa, Ernest (Ed.) A Companion to
Epistemology . Blackwell: Oxford, 1994
7. Edwards, Paul (Ed.) TheEncyclopedia of P hilosophy . Routledge:
8. Hamlyn, D.W. Theory of Knowledge . Doubleday: London,1971.
9. Harding, Sandra. The Science question in Feminism .Open
University Press: Milton Keynes, 1986.
10. Harding, Sandra (Ed.) Feminism and Methodology: Social Science
Issues . Indiana University Press: Bloomington,1987.
11. Lehrer, Keith. Theory of Knowledge . Routledge: London,1990.
12. Pojman, Louis (Ed.) Theory of Knowledge: Classical and
Contemporary Readings . Wadsworth: Belmont,1999
13. Rorty, Richard. Philosophy and the Mirror of Nat ure. New Jersey:
Princeton University Press, 1979
14. Stroud, Barry. Significance of Philosophical Scepticism . Oxford
University Press: Oxford, 1984.
15. Suppes Patrick, Introduction to logic, East West Press Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
16. Patrick Suppes , Introduction to Logic –Van Nostrand Reinhold
Co. New York, 1957.
17. A. Woozley. Theory of Knowledge .1966