Item No 4114 Certificate Course in Aquaculture_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Item No 4114 Certificate Course in Aquaculture_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC: 23/07/2020

Item No.4.114



(Certificate Course of 6 months wi th effect from the

Academic Year 2020-21)

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AC: 23/07/2020

Item NO.: 4.114


Syllabus for approval

S. No. Heading Particulars
1 O. 6627 Title of the course Certificate Cour se in Aquaculture
2 O.6628 Eligibility for admission XII Science passed or Equivalent
3 R – 9370 Passing Marks 40%
4 Ordinances / Regulations (if any)
5 R- 9371 No. of Years / Semester Six Months
6 Level PG / UG / certificate
(Strike out which is not applicable)
7 Pattern Yearly / Semester
(Strike out which is not applicable)
8 Status New / Revised
(Strike out which is not applicable)
9 To be implemented from Academic Year From Academic Year – 2020 -21

Date Signature

Name of BOS Chairperson / Dean -

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University of Mumbai

Draft o rdinance, Regulations and Syllabus related to the
Ordinance: Title of Course
‘Certificate Cour se in Aquaculture’

Ordinance: Eligibility
A candidate for b eing eligible at admission to the Certificate Cour se in
Aquaculture (DCA) must have passed XII standard examination
in Science from Maharashtra State Board of Higher Education or as
equivalent thereto.

Regulation: Duration of Course
The duration of Certificate Cour se in Aquaculture will be of
six months.

Regulation: Intake Capacity:
35 candidates in one batch

Teachers: Post Graduate in Zoology, Fishery Science, Aquaculture.
M-Phil, Ph.D. Sitting and Retired.
Government Qualification Senior Officers and experts from Industries,
and as per the norms laid down by the University of Mumbai.

Regulation: Fees

S. N. Heads Amount (Rs.)
1. Tuition Fee 3500
2. Registration Fee 200
3. Admission Processing Fee 100
4. Examination Fee 700
5. Laboratory Fee 1500
6. Mark Sheet 50
7. Study Material & Updating 600
8. Library Fee 200
9. Identity Card 50
10. Onsite Demonstration Ch arges 200
11. Computer / Internet Fee 200
12. Vice Chancellors Fund 20
13. Student Welfare 20
14. University Sports & Cultural Activities 20
15. Disaster Relief Fund 10
16. Group In surance 30
17. Miscellaneous 100
Total Fees: 7500

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Regulation: Exam ination
The examination of the Certificate Course will be held in ONE part - at
the end of course.

Regulation: Standards of Passing of Examination
To pass this six-month Certificate Cour se in Aquaculture,
the candidate must obtain a minimum of 40% marks
overall, in respective paper at the end of term exam.

Less than 40 % - Fail
40 % to 50 % - Pass
51 % to 59 % - Second C lass
60 % to 74% - First Class
75 % & above - Distinction

Regulation: Pedagogy ( Instructional System)
The instructional system for DCA is based on theoretical lectures,
Laboratory Practicals and field based visits, Audio – video prog ram,
case studies, group work, assignments and pr esentation. The course
envisages active participation approach of the students.

Regulation: Course Evaluation

Group work and pr esentation : 10 %
Field, Visit and Report writing : 10 %
Practical Exam / Viva etc : 30 %
End-term test : 50 %

Regulation: Course Timing
Two days in a week (4 hours a day)

The fees for the course are propo sed to be Rs. 7500. With the intake capacity of 35 candidates the
amount to be collected will be Rs. 262500.00. The recurring expenses are estimated to be
Rs. 1,72,500. 00.
The sinking fund for collective expenditure of the center like publicity for the courses, purchase of
the instruments, chemicals, glass wares, etc. will be Rs. 90,000.0 0.

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University of Mumbai

Draft Ordinance, Regulations and Syllabus related to the

Total Hours: 120 hours
PAPER I: Introduction to Aquaculture (25 hours)

1. Definition and Principles of Aquaculture.

2. Different aquaculture systems (Fresh / Brackish / Sea water) with subtypes.

3. Cu ltivable species of freshwater fishes and prawns and their biology.

4. Cu lture of air breathing fishes, Sewage fed fish culture, sewage treatment.

5. Standard phy sico-chemical properties of water and soil required for fr esh water aquaculture.

Practical Component: (15 hours)

1. Id entification of f ishes used for aquaculture (Common Carps-Labeo, Catla, Cirrihina,
Common C arp-Cypr inus, Tilapia-Oreochromis, Grass carp-Ctenoph aryngodon, Silver
carp-Hypoph thalmichthys, Macrobrachium, etc.).
2. Id entification of air breathing and sewage fed fishes (Channa, Heteropneustes, Clarius,
3. Determination of transperancy by Secchi disc, pH, Hardness, Dissolved oxyg en of water.

4. Determination of pH and gr ain size of soil.

5. Visit to aquafarm (Fresh water or br ackish water or fresh water pearl culture).

PAPER II: Brackish (Estuarine) water fish culture and comm ercially important

marine varieties of fish/ prawns/mollusc/sea weeds. (25 hours)

1. Br ackish water fin fish culture – species of Ch anos, Mugil, Lates, etc.).

2. Molluscan culture – species of edible oysters, mussels and clam s cultured.

3. Culture of various food materials required for d ifferent growth stages of fish.

4. Important species of marine pearl oysters for culture and method of artificial pearl
produ ction.
5. Cu lture of seaweeds, common cultivated species.

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Practical Component: (15 hours)

1. Id entification of br ackish water fishes (Chanos, Mugil, Lates, Hilsa).

2. Id entification of oysters, mussels and clams (Crassostrea, Perna, Meritrix, Katelysia,
Gafrarium, Paphia, Anadara, etc.).
3. To prepare and maintain a culture of paramecium, daphnia, moina, artemia, etc.

4. Id entification of p earl oyster and sea weeds (Pinctada, Gelidiella, Gracilaria, Sargassum,
5. Visit to fish landing center, fish market, processing industry, etc.

PAPER III: Fresh water aquarium fishes and its management. (25 hours)

1. In troduction to aquarium, ornamental fishes and aquarium accessories.

2. Design and construction of fr esh water aquaria on comme rcial scale.

3. Setting up and maintenance of an aquarium.

4. Co mme rcial production of g oldfish, live bearers, gouramis, barbs and tetras, angel fish.

5. In troduction to aquatic plants used in aquarium.

Practical Component: (15 hours)

1. Id entification of ornamental fishes (Angel, Gourami, Neon Tetra, Siamese fighter,
Danio, Guppy, Molly, etc.).
2. Identification to aquarium accessories like aerator, bubblers, feeding cup, food
dispenser, filters-bottom, column and surface.
3. Id entification with reference to breeding habits – i) Eggs layers - Gold fish, Angel. ii) Live
bearers - Guppy, Molly, Sword tail. Iii) Nestling fish - Gourami, Siamese fighter, etc.).
4. Id entification of aquatic plants (Cabomba, Ceratophyllum, Hydrilla, Ludwigia,
Vallisneria, etc.).
5. Visit to Aquarium shop OR Aquarium fish breeding center.

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1. R ath, A.K. Freshwater Aquaculture,
2. Santhanam, a Manual of Freshwater Aquaculture
3. Pillay, T.V.R. Aquaculture – Principles and Practices
4. Venkataraman GS - The Cultivation of Algae
5. Milne P H. – Fish and Shell fish farming in coastal waters
6. Iv enson E.S. – Farming the edge of the sea
7. B andach, Rhy ster V McLarney – Aquaculture
8. Jhingwa V.A – Fish and Fisheries of Ind ia
9. Kurian, C.V and Sebastian V.O. – Prawn and Prawn fisheries of Ind ia
10. B iswas. S.P., J.N. Das, U.K. Sarkar and Lakra W.S. 2007 Ornamental fishes of North East
India: An Atlas : NBFGR
11. Marine Aquarium keeping: The Sciences, Animals and Art. John Wile y & Sons, New York
12. R amac handran. A, Breeding, Farming and Management of Fishes, CUSA T
13. Madhusoodanakurup et al. – Ornamental Fish - Breeding, Farming and Trade, CUSA T
14. Jhingran,V.G. Fish and Fisheries of Ind ia
15. B ijukumar, A. Rearing of Aquarium Fishes
16. Trivedi, R.K. and Goel, P.K. (1984). Chemical Biological Methods for water pollution studies.
Environmental publication, Karad, India.
17. h ttp://
18. h ttp://www
19. h ttp://www in/indiafishvoice/intro.html
20. h ttp://
21. h ttp://www
22. h ttps://www
massive-opportunity-for-india-2589455.h tml
23. h ttp://www .your
24. h ttp://www
25. h ttp://