Instrumentation Engineering 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC – 28/12/2021
Item No. - 6.13
Bachelor of Engineering
(Instrumentation Engineering)
Direct Second Year (Sem. III) Admitted Students for the
current Academic Year 2021 -22 Only due to Covid
(REV - 2019 ‘C’ Scheme) from Academic Year 2019 – 20
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Program Structure for Second Year Instrumentation Engineering
Scheme for Semester - III
Code Course Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours)
Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
ISC301 Engineering Mathematics -III
3 -- 1 3 -- 1 4
ISC302 Transducers -I 4 -- 4 -- 4
ISC303 Analog Electronics 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3
ISC304 Digital Electronics 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3
ISC305 Electrical Networks and
Measurements 4 -- -- 4 -- -- 4
ISL301 Transducers -I - Lab -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1
ISL302 Analog Electronics - Lab -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1
ISL303 Digital Electronics - Lab -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1
ISL304 Object Oriented
Program ming Lab -- 3# -- -- 1.5 -- 1.5
ISM301 Mini Project – 1 A -- 3$ -- -- 1.5 -- 1.5
Total 17 12 1 17 06 1 24
Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term
Work PR &
OR Total
Internal Assessment End
Exam Exam.
(in Hrs)
Test 1 Test2 Avg.
ISC301 Engineering Mathematics -III
20 20 20 80 3 25 -- 125
ISC302 Transducers -I 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
ISC303 Analog Electronics 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
ISC304 Digital Electronics 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
ISC305 Electrical Networks and
Measurements 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
ISL301 Transducers -I - Lab -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
ISL302 Analog Electronics - Lab -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
ISL303 Digital Electronics - Lab -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
ISL304 Object Oriented
Programming Lab -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
ISM301 Mini Project – 1 A -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
Total -- -- 100 400 -- 150 125 775
Page 5
code Subject Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
ISC301 Engineering
Mathematics -
III Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
3 -- 1 3 -- 1 4
code Subject Name Examination scheme
Theory (out of 100)
work Pract.
Oral Oral Total Internal
Assessment End
Exam Test1 Test2 Avg.
ISC301 Engineering
Mathematics -
III 20 20 20 80 25 - - 125
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
ISC30 1 Engineering Mathematics -III 4
Course Objectives The course is aimed
1. To familiarize with the Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace
Transform of various functions, and its applications.
2. To acquaint with the concept of Fourier Series, its complex
form and enhance the problem solving skills
3. To familiarize the concept of complex variables, C -R
equations, harmonic functions, its conjugate and mapping in
complex plane.
4. To understand the basics of Linear Algebra and its
5. To use concepts of vector calculus to analy ze and model
engineering problems.
Course Outcomes On successful completion of course learner/student will be able
1. Apply the concept of Laplace transform to solve the real
integrals in engineering problems.
2. Apply the concept of inverse Laplace transform of various
functions in engineering problems.
3. Expand the periodic function by using Fourier series for real
life problems and complex engineering problems.
4. Find orthogonal trajectories and analytic function by using
basic concepts of complex variables.
5. Illustrate the use of matrix algebra to solve the engineering
6. Apply the concepts of vector calculus in real life problems.
Page 6
Pre-requisite: Engineering Mathematics -I, Engineering Mathematics -II, Scalar and Vector
Product: Scalar and vector pr oduct of three and four vectors.
Module Detailed Contents Hrs.
01 Module: Laplace Transform
1.1 Definition of Laplace transform, Condition of Existence of Laplace transform.
1.2 Laplace Transform (L) of Standard Functions like ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) and .
1.3 Properties of Laplace Transform: Linearity, First Shifting theorem, Second
Shifting Theorem, change of scale Property, multiplication by t, Division by t,
Laplace Transform of derivatives and integrals (Properties without proof).
1.4 Evaluation of integrals by using Laplace Transformation.
Self-learning Topics: Heaviside‟s Unit Step function, Laplace Transform of
Periodic functions, Dirac Delta Function. CO-1
02 Module: Inverse Laplace Transform
2.1 Inverse Laplace Transform, Linearity proper ty, use of standard formulae to find
inverse Laplace Transform, finding I nverse Laplace transform using derivatives.
2.2 Partial fractions method to find inverse Laplace transform.
2.3 Inverse Laplace transform using Convo lution theorem (without proof).
Self-learning Topics: Applications to solve initial and boundary value problems
involving ordinary differential equations. CO-2
03 Module: Fourier Series:
3.1 Dirichlet‟s conditions, Definition of Fourier series and Parseval‟s Identity
(without proof).
3.2 Fourier series of periodic function with period 2 and 2l.
3.3 Fourier series of even and odd functions.
3.4 Half range Sine and Cosine Series.
Self-learning Topics: Complex form of Fourier Series, Orthogonal and orthonormal
set of functions. Fourier Transform. CO-3
04 Module: Complex Variables:
4.1 Function f(z) of complex variable, limit, continuity and differentiability of f(z)
Analytic function, necessary and sufficient conditions for f(z) to be analytic (without
4.2 Cauchy -Riemann equations in cartesian coordinates (without proof).
4.3 Milne -Thomson method to determine analytic function f(z)when real part (u) or
Imagina ry part (v) or its combination (u+v or u -v) is given.
4.4 Harmonic function, Harmonic conjugate and orthogonal trajec tories
Self-learning Topics: Conformal mapping, linear, bilinear mapping, cross ratio, CO-4
Page 7
fixed points and standard transformations.
05 Module: Linear Algebra: Matrix Theory
5.1 Characteristic equation, Eigen values and Eigen vectors, Example based on
properties of Eigen values and Eigen vectors. (Without Proof).
5.2 Cayley -Hamilton theorem (Without proof), Ex amples based on verification of
Cayley - Hamilton theorem and compute inverse of Matrix.
5.3 Similarity of matrices, Diagonalization of matri ces. Functions of square matrix
Self-learning Topics: Application of Matrix Theory in machine learning and google
page rank algorithms, derogatory and non -derogatory
matrices . CO-5
06 Module: Vector Differentiation and Integra l
6.1 Vector differentiation : Basics of Gradient, Divergence and Curl (Without
6.2 Properties of vector field: Solenoidal and irrotational (conservative) vector
6.3 Vector integral: Line Integral, Green‟s theorem in a plane (Without Proof),
Stokes‟ theorem (Without Proof) only evaluation.
Self-learning Topics: Gauss‟ divergence Theorem and applications of Vector
calculus . CO-6
Term Work:
General Instructions:
1. Students must be encouraged to write at least 6 class tutorials on entire syllabus.
2. A group of 4 - 6 students should be assigned a self -learning topic. Students should prepare
a presentation/ problem solving of 10 -15 minutes. This should be considered as mini
project in Engineering mathematics. This project should be graded for 10 marks d epending
on the performance of the students.
The distribution of Term Work marks will be as follows –
1. Attendance (Theory and Tutorial) 05 marks
2. Class Tutorials on entire syllabus 10 marks
3. Mini project 10 marks
Page 8
Assessment :
Internal Assessment Test:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first -class test (Internal
Assessment I) is to be conducted when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second
class test (Internal Assessment II) when additional 35% syllabus is completed. Duration
of each test shall be one hour.
End Semester Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of total 06 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. Total 04 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No: 01 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus wherein 4 sub -questions
of 5 marks each will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be randomly selected from all the modules.
5. Weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective lecture hours as
mentioned in the syllabus.
Reference s:-
1. Advanced engineering mathematics, H.K. Das, S. Chand, Publications
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics, B. V. Ramana, Tata Mc -Graw Hill Publication
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, R. K. Jain and S. R. K. Iyengar, Narosa publication
4. Advanced E ngineering Mathematics, Wylie and Barret, Tata Mc -Graw Hill.
5. Theory and Problems of Fourier Analysis with applications to BVP, Murray Spiegel,
Schaum‟s Outline Series
6. Vector Analysis Murry R. Spiegel, Schaum‟s outline series, Mc -Graw Hill Publication
7. Beginning Linear Algebra, Seymour Lipschutz, Schaum‟s outline series, Mc -Graw Hill
8. Higher Engineering Mathematics, Dr. B. S. Grewal, Khanna Publication
Page 9
code Subject Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
ISC302 Transducers –I Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
4 - - 4 - - 4
code Subject Name Examination scheme
Theory (out of 100)
work Pract.
Oral Oral Total Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1 Test2 Avg.
ISC302 Transducers –I 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
Code Subject Name Credits
ISC302 Transducers -I 4
objectives 1.To introduce the students for the purpose of explaining the
measurement systems, errors of measurement.
2.To understand the sensors and transducers concept, operation and its
applications in the various industry.
3.To familiarize the student with the Identification, classification,
construction, working principle and application of various
transducers used for Displacement, level, temperat ure, speed and
vibration measurement.
Outcomes The students will be able to:
1.Explain the measurement systems, sources errors of measurement
2.List various standards used for selection of transducers/sensors.
3.To describe, draw, classify and produced sketches, drawings to
explain working principles of various displacement sensors and
4.Interpret the characteristics of different temperature
transducers/sensors also discuss working principle of transducers used
for temperature measu rement.
5. To create, design, formulate, generate and deliver the solutions for
given applications using best applicable level sensors and transducer
6. To analyze the problem using basic principles for development of
speed and vibration measurement pro ject for Automobiles,
Environmental, agriculture, biomedical, Petrochemical or other process
Page 10
Details of Syllabus:
Module Contents Hours CO
1. Instrumentation System
Introduction, block diagram, functional elements of
measurement system, static and dynamic characterstics of
transducer, measurement and calibration systems. 2 CO1
2. Sensor and Transducer:
Definition, working principle, classification (active,
passive, primary, secondary, mechanical, electrical, analog,
digital), selection criteria. 2 CO2
3. Displacement transducers : Resistive type transducers:
potentiometer (linear and logarithmic), piezo -resistive effect.
Inductive type transducers: LVDT, RVDT
(transferfunction, linearity, sensitivity, source, frequency
dependence, phase null, and signal conditioning).
Capacitive type transducers: Linear and rotary (with
change in distance between plates, change in dielectric
constant and change in o verlapping area). 6 CO3
4. Temperature transducers:
Resistance temperature detector (RTD): Principle, types,
Configurations, construction and working of RTD, Material
for RTD, Signal Measurement techniques for RTD,
Comparative Response curves for RTD, 2 wire,3 wire and 4
wire RTD Element, Lead wire Compensation in RTD, self -
heating effect, Specifications, advantages, disadvantages and
applications of RTD and sums. Thermistors: Principle, types
(NTC and PTC), characteristics, Construction and working
of Thermistor, Materials, specifications of Thermistor,
applications and sums.
Thermocouples: Principle, thermoelectric effect, See beck
effect, Peltier effect, laws of thermocouple, types of
thermocouple with characteristic curve, thermocouple table,
Sensitivity, constructional features of Thermocouples.
Thermocouple specifications, cold junction Compensation
method and sums.
Pyrometers: Principle, Construction and working of
Radiation and optical pyrometers and its applications.
Comparative study for Temperature Transducers. 7 CO4
5. Level Transducers :
working principle, types, materials, design criterion: float,
displacers, bubbler, and DP - cell, ultrasonic, capacitive
types. 4 CO5
6. Speed and Vibration Measurement: electromagnetic
transducers (moving coil, moving magnet), AC and DC
tachometers: Hall Effect proximity pickup, photoelectric,
Page 11
Internal Assessment:
Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which, one should be a
compulsory class test (on minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class
test or assignment on live problems or course project.
Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 Marks.
2. Total 4 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No. 1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus wherein sub
questions of 4 to 5 marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.
5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of
respective lecture hours as menti oned in the syllabus.
Text Books:
1. B.C Nakra, K.K. Chaudhary, Instrumentation, Measurement and Analysis, Tata
McGraw -Hill Education, 01 -Oct-2003 - Electronic instruments - 632 page .
2. Patranabis D , Sensors and Transducers, Prentice Hall India Learning Private
Limited; 2 edition (2003) - 344 pages.
3. A. K. Sawhney, Puneet Sawhney,A course in Electrical and Electronic
Measurement and Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai and Co. Rai, 1996 -
4. Rangan, Mani, Sharma.Instrumentation systems and Devices,2ndEd.,Tata McGraw
5. D.V.S. Murthi, “Instrumentation and Measurement Principles”, PHI, New Delhi,
Second ed. 2003.
Reference Books:
1. Doeblin E.D., Measurement system, Tata McGraw Hill., 4th ed, 2003.
2. Bela G. Liptak , Instrument Engineers' Ha ndbook, Fourth Edition, Volume One:
Process Measurement and Analysis, June 27, 2003.
3. Neubert Hermann K. P., Instrument Transducer, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press,
New Delhi, 2003.
4. Johnson Curtis D., Process Control Instrumentation Technology, 8th Ed., 2005
5. S.P. Sukhatme, Heat Transfer, 3rd edition, University Press.
6. B.E. Jones, Instrument Technology.
7. Chortle Keith R., Fundamentals of Test, Measurement Instrument Instrumentation,
ISA Publication.
8. Alan S Morris, Measurement and Instrumentation Principles; 3rd Edition
Page 12
code Subject Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
ISL301 Transducers –I
Lab Practice Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
- 02 - - 1 - 1
code Subject Name Examination scheme
Theory (out of 100)
work Pract.
Oral Oral Total Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1 Test2 Avg.
ISL301 Transducers –I
Lab Practice - - - - 25 25 - 50
Code Subject Name Credits
ISL301 Transducer –I Lab Practice 1
objective 1. To make students understand the Identification, construction, working
principle of various transducers used for Displacement measurement,
Temperature measurement, Level measurement and miscellaneous
2. To experimentally verify the principle and characteristics of various
Outcome The students will be able to
1. Demonstrate various measurement techniques and measuring instruments.
2. Classify sensors, Transducers, and their brief Performance specifications
3. Plot and validate the performance characteristics of displacement
4. Validate the characteristics of various temperature transducers.
5. Describe the construction and operation of various level transducers
6. To demonstrate the performance characteri stics of miscellaneous
Syllabus: Same as that of Subject ISC302 Transducers - I.
Page 13
List of Laboratory Experiments:
No. Detailed Contents CO
1. Demonstrate the basic measurements techniques and Measuring
Instruments. CO1
2. Displacement measurement using Potentiometer. CO3
3. To determine characteristics of RTD CO4
4. To determine characteristics of various Thermocouples. CO4
5. To determine characteristics of Thermistors. CO4
6. To study Temperature Measurement with and without Thermo -well. CO4
7. Liquid Level Measurement using DP Cell. CO5
8. To evaluate performance characteristics capacitive level sensor. CO5
9. Liquid Level Measurement using Tubular Level Gauge and ultra -
sonic sensor CO5
10. To determine the LVDT characteristics. CO3
Any other experiments based on syllabus which will help students to understand
Term Work:
Term work shall consist of minimum five experiments .
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work (Experiments): 10 Marks
Laboratory work (programs / journal): 10 Marks
Attendance (Practical): 5 Marks
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures the satisfactory
performance of Laboratory work and minimum passing in the term work.
Practical/Oral Examination:
Practical/Oral examination will be based on entire syllabus.
Page 14
code Subject
Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
ISC303 Analog
Electronics Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
3 - - 3 - - 3
Code Subject
Name Examination scheme
Theory (out of 100)
work Pract.
Oral Oral Total Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1 Test2 Avg.
ISC303 Analog
Electronics 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
ISC303 Analog Electronics 3
Course Objectives 1. To familiarize the student with basic electronic devices and
2. To provide understanding of applications of diodes, bipolar and
MOS FET, DC biasing circuits, AC analysis and low and high
Frequency response ,
3. To introduce the students the basic construction of differential
amplifier and its types. Different types of power amplifiers.
Course Outcomes Students will be able to :
1. Explain working of Diode and DC analysis of Transistor.
2. Analyze, simulate, and design amplifiers using BJT biasing
techniques, frequency response.
3. Analyze circuits using FET characteristics and DC analysis.
4. Analyze circuits using MOS FET characteristics and analysis,
Frequency response.
5. Differential amplifier configurati on using transistor and frequency
6. Types of power amplifiers and power supply.
Page 15
Module Contents Hrs. CO
Introduction of P N junction,
1. Bipolar Junction Transistor:
Bipolar Junction Transistor, Device structure and physical
operation, characteristics, the BJT as an amplifier and a switch,
DC Analysis of BJT Circuits (Potential Divider Circuit only) ,
Biasing BJT Amplifier Circuits, 05 CO1
2. BJT AC Analysis:
Amplification in AC domain, BJT transistor modelling, The r e
Transistor model, Single stage BJT amplifiers CE configuration
(with and without feedback), Small Signal equivalent circuit,
frequency response of a CE amplifier, 03 CO2
3. Field effect Transistors:
Introduction to JFET, Types, Construction, Operation, Static
Characteristics, Pinch off voltage, FET Configurations (CS).
Biasing of FET.
03 CO3
4. MOS Field effect Transistors:
Introduction to MOSFET as basic element in VLSI, Device
structure and physical operation, current – voltage
characteristics, the MOSFET as an amplifier and a switch, DC
Analysis of MOSFET Circuits, Biasing MOSFET (No
Numricals) 03 CO4
5. Differential and Multistage Amplifiers:
Preview, the Differential Amplifier, Basic BJT Differential Pair
(SIBO, SIUO, DIBO, DIUO), Capacitive coupled and Direct
coupled multistage amplifier.
02 CO5
6. Power Amplifier:
Definition and amplifier types, Series fed class A amplifier,
Class B amplifier operation and circuits, Voltage regulation,
Basic linear series and shunt Regulators,
Power supply design using 78xx series, 79xx series and
adjustable voltage IC regulators 317. Switched Mode Power
Supply (SMPS) block Diagram. 04 CO6
Page 16
Internal Assessment:
Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which, one should be compulsory class
test (on Minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live
problems or Course project.
Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 Marks.
2. Total 4 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No. 1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus wherein sub
questions of 4 to 5 marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.
5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Text Books:
1. Robert L. Boyl estad, Louis Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, PHI
publishers, 2004
2. Thomas L. Floyd,” Electronic Devices”, Pearson 2015.
3. Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith & Arun N. Chandorkar , “ Microelectronic Circuits,:
Theory and Applications” , OUP, 2013
4. D. A. Neamen, “Micro Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design ”, McGraw -Hill, New
Delhi, 2010.
Reference Books:
1. J. Millman and C. C. Halkias , “Integrated Electronics: Analog and Digital Circuits
and Systems”, Tata McGraw -Hill Publishing Compa ny, 1988.
2. D. A. Bell, “Electronic Devices and Circuits ”, OUP, India, 2010.
3. T. F. Boghart, J. S. Beasley and G. Rico, “Electronic Devices and Circuits ”, Pearson
Education, 2004.
Page 17
code Subject Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
ISL302 Analog
Electronics Lab
practice Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
-- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1
Code Subject Name Examination scheme
Theory (out of 100)
work Pract.
Oral Oral Total Internal
Assessment End
Test1 Test2 Avg.
ISL302 Analog
Electronics Lab
practice -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
ISL302 Analog Electronics 1
Course Objectives 1. To familiarize the student with basic electronic devices and
2. To provide understanding of applications of diodes, bipolar and
MOS FET, DC biasing circuits, AC analysis and low and high
Frequency response ,
3. To introduce the students the basic construction of differential
amplifier and its types. Different types of power amplifiers.
Course Outcomes Students will be able to :
1. Explain working of Diode and DC analysis of Transistor.
2. Analyze, simulate, and design amplifiers using BJT biasing
techniques, frequency response.
3. Analyze circuits using FET characteristics and DC analysis. .
4. Analyze circuits using MOS FET characteristics and analysis,
Frequency response.
5. Differential amplifier configuration using transistor and frequency
6. Types of power amplifiers and power supply.
Syllabus : Same as that of Subject ISC303 Analog Electronics.
Page 18
List of Experiment s:
No Contents CO
1. Verify the input -output characteristics of BJT in CE configuration. CO1
2. Implement ation of a biasing circuit for BJT and estimate the parameters. CO1
3. Plot and validate the frequency response of BJT amplifier. CO1
4. Analyse the JFET circuit and validate its transfer characteristics. CO2
5. Plot and validate the frequency response of FET amplifier. CO3
6. Analyse the MOSFET circuit and validate its transfer characteristics. CO3
7. Simulate the multistage amplifier and analyse its frequency response with
the help of simulation software. CO4
8. Simulate the differential amplifier and analyse its frequency response with
the help of simulation software. CO4
9. Simulate the class A power amplifier and analyse with the help of
simulation software. CO5
10. Design of fixed voltage regulator using adjustabl e regulator IC. CO5
Any other experiment based on syllabus which will help stude nts to understand
Practical and Oral Examination:
Practical and Oral examination will be based on entire syllabus of ISC303 Analog
Electronics .
Term Work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 0 4 experiments and any one practical should be verified
with software.
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work (Experiments) : 10 Marks
Laboratory work (progra ms / journal) : 10 Marks
Attendance : 05 Marks
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures the satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing in the term work.
Page 19
code Subject
Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
ISC304 Digital
Electronics Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
3 - - 3 - - 3
Code Subject
Name Examination scheme
Theory (out of 100)
work Pract.
Oral Oral Total Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1 Test2 Avg.
ISC304 Digital
Electronics 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
ISC304 Digital Electronics 3
Course Objectives 1. To provide an understanding of the principles of digital
electronics and use of number systems .
2. To give knowledge about combinational circuits,
3. To describe working and design methods of sequential circuits.
4. To familiarize with the basics of asynchronous sequential circuits
and design techniques.
5. To provide understanding of memory devices and state machines.
6. To make the students understand basic logic families and their
Course Outcomes Students will be able to :
1. Represent numerical values in various number systems and
perform number conversions between different number systems.
2. Explain operation of logic gates using IEEE/ANSI standard
symbols. Analyze and design, digital combinational circuits.
3. Analyze and design, sequential logic circuits.
4. Analyze and design, asynchronous sequential logic circuits.
5. Explain nomenclature and technology in memory devices.
6. Analyze logic families and their application to design the digital
Module Contents Hours
Page 20
Knowledge of number systems and Boolean logic .
1. Binary number system:
Binary Arithmetic, Binary codes, Gray code, Error detecting code.
Reduction methods: De-Morgan ‟s Theorem, Sum of Products (SOP),
Product of Sums (POS), Karnaugh map Minimization, Don„t care
conditions. 03
2. Design of combinational logic circuits:
Adders, Subtractors, Parity checker, Multiplexer, De multiplexer (up to
16:1 and 1:16) , Encoder and Decoder. Implementation of combinational
logic circuits using Multiplexer and Demultiplexer. 06
3. Sequential logic circuits :
Flip flops - SR, D and Master slave JK, T, Asynchronous & Synchronous
counters, shift registers. 03
4. Asynchronous sequential circuits:
Circuit Design – primitive state / flow table, Minimization of primitive
state table, Excitation table, 02
5. Logic families:
Basics of digital integrated circuits, basic operational characteristics and
parameters. TTL, tri -state gate ECL, CMOS , comparison of logic
families (TTL/ECL/CMOS) . 03
6. Memory and programmable logic devices:
PROM / EPROM / EEPROM / EAPROM Programmable Logic Devices
–Programmable Logic Array (PLA), Programmable Array Logic (PAL), 03
Internal Assessment: Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which, one should be
compulsory class test (on Minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or
assignment on live problems or Course project.
Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 Marks.
2. Total 4 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No. 1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus wherein sub
questions of 4 to 5 marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.
5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Text Books
1. M. Morris Mano, “Digital Design”, Prentice Hall of India, 2003.
2. John .M Yarbrough, “Digital Logic Applications and Design”, Thomson -Vikas
publishing house, 2002.
3. Barry B. Brey, “The Intel Microprocessors ”, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2006.
Page 21
4. B. Ram ,“Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers”, Dhanpat Rai
Publications , 2004.
References Books:
1. Charles H. Roth., “Fundamentals of Logic Design”, Thomson Publication
Company, 2003.
2. Donald P. Leach and Albert Paul Malvino , “Digital Principles and Applications”,
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2003.
3. R.P.Jain, “Modern Digital Electronics”, Tata McGraw –Hill publishing company
limited, 2003.
4. Thomas L. Floyd, “Digital Fundam entals”, Pearson Education, 2003 .
Page 22
code Subject Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
ISL303 Digital
Electronics Lab
practice Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
-- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1
Code Subject Name Examination scheme
Theory (out of 100)
work Pract.
Oral Oral Total Internal
Assessment End
Test1 Test2 Avg.
ISL30 3 Digital
Electronics Lab
practice -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
ISL303 Digital Electronics 1
Objectives 1. To provide an understanding of the principles of digital electronics and
use of number systems .
2. To give knowledge about combinational circuits,
3. To describe working and design methods of sequential circuits.
4. To familiarize with the basics of asynchronous sequential circuits
and design techniques.
5. To provide understanding of memory devices and state machines.
6. To make the students understand basic logic families and their
Outcomes Students will be able to :
1. Represent numerical values in various number systems and
perform number conversions between different number systems.
2. Explain operation of logic gates using IEEE/ANSI standard
symbols. Analyze and design, digital combinational circuits.
3. Analyze and design, sequential logic circuits.
4. Analyze and design, asynchronous sequential logic circuits.
5. Explain nomenclature and technology in memory devices.
6. Analyze logic families and their application to design the digital
Syllabus : Same as that of Subject ISC304Digital Electronics.
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List of Experiments:
No Detailed Contents CO
1 Implement conversion of Gray/B inary code. CO1
2 Truth table verification and implementation of all gates using Universal gates . CO2
3 Implementation of half/ full adder/ Subtractor . CO2
4 Realise full adder using Multiplexer . CO3
5 Realise full Subtractor using Multiplexer . CO3
6 Implementation of various flip -flops . CO3
7 Implement BCD to seven segments display . CO4
8 Design and implement universal shift register . CO4
Any other experiment based on syllabus which will help stude nts to understand
Practical and Oral Examination:
Practical and Oral examination will be based on entire syllabus of ISC304Digital
Electronics .
Term Work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 0 4 experiments and any ONE experiment should be
verify using any software.
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work ( Experiments) : 10 Marks
Laboratory work (programs / journal ): 10 Marks
Attendance : 05 Marks
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures the satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum pa ssing in the term work.
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code Subject
Name Teaching scheme Credit assigned
ISC305 Electrical
Measurement Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
3 - - 3 - - 3
Code Subject
Name Examination scheme
Theory (out of 100)
work Pract.
Oral Oral Total Internal Assessment End
Exam Test1 Test2 Avg.
ISC305 Electrical
Measurement 20 20 20 80 - - - 100
Subject Code Subject Name Credits
ISC305 Electrical Networks and Measurement 3
Objectives 1. To introduce the concept of circuit elements lumped circuits, circuit laws and
2. To introduce the concept of circuit elements and analyze DC circuits using
various theorems.
3. To demonstrate basic analog and digital Instrumen ts.
4. To identify the various techniques for measurement of R -L-C.
Outcomes On successful completion of course learner/student will be able to:
1. Analyze DC circuits using different theorems.
2. Demonstrate construct ion and working principle and applications of analog
and digital instruments.
3. Formulate electrical bridges and evaluate electrical parameter like R, L, C.
Details of Syllabus:
Prerequisite: Knowledge of Matrix algebra, Root -locus, Bode -plot and Nyquist stability
Page 25
Module Contents Hrs. CO
1 Network Theorems
Analysis of networks with dependent sources: mesh analysis,
nodal analysis, super mesh and super node concept, source
transformation technique, superposition theorem, Thevenin„s
theorem, Norton ‗s theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem 10 CO1
2 Analog & Digital Meters
D‗Arsonaval galvanometers, PMMC and PMMI instruments.
Shunts and multipliers, Construction and working principle of:
ammeters, voltmeters, ohmmeters, power factor meter, energy
meter, Q meters, Analog mul timeters. Electronic Voltmeters,
Digital Voltmeter and digital multimeter. CRO, Measurement of
phase and frequency. 05 CO5
3 Measurement of R, L, C
Measurement of medium, low and high resistance, Megger
AC bridges, measurement of self and mutual inductances
(Maxwell). Measurement of capacitance (Schering Bridge).
Derivations 05 CO6
Internal Assessment:
Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which, one should be compulsory class
test (on Minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live
problems or Course project.
Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 Marks.
2. Total 4 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No. 1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus wherein sub questions of 4
to 5 marks will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.
5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Text Books:
1. Kuo Franklin F., “Network analysis and synthesis”, Wiley International, 1962.
2. Van Valkenburg M.E., “Network analysis”, Eastern Economy Edition, 19 83.
Page 26
3. A. K. Sawhney, Puneet Sawhney, “A course in Electrical and Electronic Measurement and
Instrumentation”, Dhanpat Rai and Co. Rai, 1996.
Reference Books:
1. Hayt William, Kemmerly Jr.Jack E ., “Engineering circuit Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill,
2. Edminister Joseph A., Nahvi Mohmood, “Electric Circuits”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1999.
3. Shyammohan Sudhakar, “Circuits and Networks Analysis and Synthesis”, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2000.
4. Ravish Singh, ― Electrical Networks Analysis and Synthesis‖, Mc -Graw Hill
Code Subject Name Examination scheme
Assessment End
Exam Term
work Pract.
Oral Oral Total
ISL304 Object Oriented
Programming and
Methodology - - - - 25 - 25 50
Code Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned
ISL304 Object Oriented Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
Page 27
and Methodology - 3 - - 2 - 2
#1 out of four hours two hours theory shall be taught to entire class and two hours practical in
Details of Syllabus:
Prerequisite: Structured Programming Approach
Module Contents Hrs CO
1 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
OO Concepts: Object, Class, Encapsulation, Abstraction,
Inheritance, Polymorphism.
Features of Java, JVM
Basic Constructs/Notions: Constants, variables and data
types, Operators and Expressions, Revision of Branching and
looping 01 CO1
2 Classes, Object and Packages
Class, Object, Method.
Constructor, Static members and methods
Passing and returning Objects
Method Overloading, Packages in Java 02 CO2
3 Array, String and Vector
Arrays, Strings, String Buffer 01 CO3
4 Inheritance and Interface
Types of Inheritance, super keyword, Method Overriding 01 CO4
5 Exception Handling and Multithreading
Error vs Exception, try, catch, finally, throw, throws 01 CO5
6 GUI programming in JAVA
Event Handling: Event classes and event listener
Introduction to AWT: Working with windows, Using AWT 01 CO6
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controls - push Buttons, Label, Text Fields, Text Area,
Checkbox and Radio Buttons.
Text books:
1. Herbert Schildt, „JAVA: The Complete Reference‟, Ninth Edition, Oracle
2. Sachin Malhotra and Saurabh Chaudhary, “Programming in Java”, Oxford
University Press, 2010
Reference Books:
1. Ivor Horton, „Beginning JAVA‟, Wiley India.
2. Dietal and Dietal, „Java: How to Program‟, 8/e, PHI
3. „JAVA Programming‟, Black Book, Dreamtech Press.
List of Laboratory Experiments/ Assignments:
No. Detailed Contents
1. Program on various ways to accept data through keyboard and unsigned
right shift operator.
2. Program on branching, looping, labelled break and labelled continue.
3. Program to create class with members and methods, accept and display
details for single object.
4. Program on constructor and constructor ov erloading
5. Program on method overloading
6. Program on passing object as argument and returning object
7. Program on 1D array
8. Program on String
9. Program on single and multilevel inheritance (Use super keyword)
11 Program to demonstrate try, catch, throw, throws and finally.
12 Program to create GUI application without event handling using AWT
13 Mini Project based on content of the syllabus. (Group of 2 -3 students)
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Term Work:
Students will submit term work in the form of journal that wi ll include:
1. At least 11 programs and mini project
2. ONE assignments/MCQ covering whole syllabus
3. Class test based on the above syllabus.
The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures the satisfactory
performance of laboratory work and minimum passing in the term work.
The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Total: 50 Marks (Total Marks) : 20 marks (Experiments),
10 marks (Mini Project),
05 marks (Assignments),
10 marks (Class Test),
05 ma rks (Attendance)
Practical and oral examination will be based on the suggested experiment list and
the entire syllabus.