Information Technology 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Information Technology 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC – 28/12/2021
Item No. - 6.11


Bachelor of Engineering
(Information Technology )

Direct Second Year (Sem. III) Admitted Students for the
current Academic Year 2021 -22 Only due to Covid

(REV - 2019 ‘C’ Scheme) from Academic Year 2019 – 20


Page 4

Program Structure for Second Year
Engineering Semester III
(With Effect from 2020 -2021)

Semester III

Course Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours)
Credits Assigned
Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Tut. Total
ITC301 Engineering Mathematics -III 3 -- 1 3 -- 1 4
ITC302 Data Structure and Analysis 3 -- 3 -- 3
ITC303 Database Management System 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3
ITC304 Principle of Communication 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3
ITC305 Paradigms and Computer
Programming Fundamentals 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3
ITL301 Data Structure Lab -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1
ITL302 SQL Lab -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1
ITL303 Computer programming
Paradigms Lab -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1
ITL304 Java Lab (SBL) -- 4 -- -- 2 -- 2
ITM301 Mini Project – 1 A for Front end
/backend Application using JAVA -- 4$ -- -- 2 -- 2
Total 15 14 1 15 07 1 23


Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term
Work Pract/
oral Total

Internal Assessment End
Exam Exam.
(in Hrs)
1 Test2 Avg.
ITC301 Engineering Mathematics -III 20 20 20 80 3 25 -- 125
ITC302 Data Structure and Analysis 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
ITC303 Database Management System 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
ITC304 Principle of Communication 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
ITC305 Paradigms and Computer
Programming Fundamentals 20 20 20 80 3 -- -- 100
ITL301 Data Structure Lab -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
ITL302 SQL Lab -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
ITL303 Computer programming
Paradigms Lab -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
ITL304 Java Lab (SBL) -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
ITM301 Mini Project – 1 A for Front end
/backend Application using JAVA -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
Total -- -- 100 400 -- 150 125 775
$ indicates work load of Learner (Not Faculty), for Mini -Project . Students can form groups with minimum
2 (Two) and not more than 4 (Four) Faculty Load : 1 hour per week per four groups .

Page 5

Course Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
Course Name (Contact Hours)

Prac t.

ITC301 Engineering
Mathematics -III 03 - 01 03 - 01 04

Code Course Name Examination
Work Pract Oral Total
Internal Assessment

Avg of
Test 1
& 2

ITC301 Engineering
Mathematics -III 20 20 20 80 25 - - 125

Pre-requisite: Engineering Mathematics -I, Engineering Mathematics -II

Course Objectives:

Sr. No. Course Objectives
The course aims:
1 To familiarize with the Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform of various
functions, and its applications.
2 To acquaint with the concept of Fourier series, its complex form and enhance the
problem solving skills.
3 To familiarize the concept of complex variables, C -R equations with applications.
4 The fundamental knowledge of Trees, G raphs etc.
5 To study the basic techniques of statistics like correlation, regression and curve fitting
for data analysis, Machine learning and AI.
6 To understand some advanced topics of probability, random variables with their
distributions and expectations.

Course Outcomes:

No. Course Outcomes Cognitive levels
of attainment as
per Bloom’s
On successful completion, of course, learner/student will be able to:
1 Apply the concept of Laplace transform to solve the real integrals in
engineering problems. L1, L2
2 Apply the concept of inverse Laplace transform of various functions in
engineering problems. L1, L2

Page 6

3 Expand the periodic function by using Fourier series for real life problems and
complex engineering problem s. L1, L2, L3
4 Find orthogonal trajectories and analytic function by using basic concepts of
complex variable theory. L1, L2, L3
5 Apply the concept of Correlation and Regression to the engineering
problems in data science, machine learning and AI. L2, L3
6 Illustrate understanding of the concepts of probability and expectation for
getting the spread of the data and distribution of probabilities . L1, L2

Module Detailed Contents Hours CO
01 Module: Laplace Transform
1.1 Definition of Laplace transform, Condition of Existence of Laplace
1.2 Laplace Transform (L) of Standard Functions like 𝑒𝑎𝑡, 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝑎𝑡),
𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝑎𝑡), 𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ(𝑎𝑡), 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ(𝑎𝑡) and 𝑡𝑛,𝑛≥0.
1.3 Properties of Laplace Transform: Linearity, First Shifting Theorem,
Seco nd Shifting Theorem, change of scale Property, multiplication by t,
Division by t, Laplace Transform of derivatives and integrals (Properties
without proof).
1.4 Evaluation of real integrals by using Laplace Transformation.

Self-learning Topics: Heaviside’s Unit Step function, Laplace Transform.
of Periodic functions, Dirac Delta Function. 7 CO1
02 Module: Inverse Laplace Transform
2.1 Inverse Laplace Transform, Linearity property, use of standard
formulae to find inverse Laplace Transfor m, finding Inverse Laplace
transform using derivatives,
2.2 Partial fractions method to find inverse Laplace transform.
2.3 Inverse Laplace transform using Convolution theorem (without proof)

Self-learning Topics: Applications to solve initial and boundary value
problems involving ordinary differential equations 6 CO1,
03 Module: Fourier Series:
3.1 Dirichlet’s conditions, Definition of Fourier series and Parseval’s
Identity(without proof)

3.2 Fourier series of periodic function with period 2and 2l,

Fourier series of even and odd functions

3.4 Half range Sine and Cosine Series.

Self-learning Topics: Complex form of Fourier Series, orthogonal and
orthonormal set of funct ions, Fourier Transform. 7 CO3

Page 7

04 Module: Complex Variables:

4.1 Function f(z)of complex variable, limit, continuity and differentiability
of f(z)Analytic function, necessary and sufficient conditions for f(z) to be
analytic (without proof),

4.2 Cauchy -Riemann equations in cartesian coordinates (without proof)

4.3 Milne -Thomson method to determine analytic function f(z)when real
part (u) o r Imaginary part (v) or its combination (u+v or u -v) is given.

4.4 Harmonic function, Harmonic conjuga te and orthogonal trajectories

Self-learning Topics: Conformal mapping, linear, bilinear mapping, cross
ratio, fixed points and standard transformations 7 CO4
05 Module: Statistical Techniques
5.1 Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of correlation (r)

5.2 Spearman’s Rank correlation coefficient (R) (with repeated and non -
repeated ranks)

5.3 Lines of regression

5.4 Fitting of first and second degree curves.

Self-learning Topics: Covariance, fitting of exponential curve. 6 CO5
06 Module: Probability
6.1 Definition and basics of probability, conditional probability,

6.2 Total Probability Theorem and Baye’s theorem

6.3 Discrete and continuous random variable with probability distribution
and probability density function.

6.4 Expectation of random variables with mean, variance and standard
deviation, moment generating function up to four moments.

Self-learning Topics: Skewness and Kurtosis of distribution (data) 6 CO6

1. Higher Engineering Mathematics, Dr. B. S. Grewal, Khanna Publication
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley Eastern Limited .
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, R. K. Jain and S. R. K. Iyengar, Narosa publication,
4. Complex Variables and Applications, Brown and Churchill, McGraw -Hill education.
5. Probability, Statistics and Random Processes , T. Veerarajan, McGraw -Hill education.
6. Theory and Problems of Fourier Analysis with applications to BVP, Murray Spiegel,
Schaum’s Outline Series.

Online References:

Sr. No. Website Name

Page 8

Term Work:

General Instructions:
1. Students must be encouraged to write at least 6 class tutorials on entire syllabus.
2. A group of 4 -6 students should be assigned a self -learning topic. Students should prepare a
presentation/problem solving of 10 -15 minutes. This should be considered as mini project in
Engineering Mathematics. This project should be graded for 10 marks depe nding on the performance
of the students.

The distribution of Term Work marks will be as follows –

1. Attendance (Theory and Tutorial) 05 marks
2. Class Tutorials on entire syllabus 10 marks
3. Mini project 10 marks

Assessment :

Internal Assessment Test:
Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test (Internal Assessment I) is to be
conducted when approx. 40% syllabus is completed and second class test (Internal Assessment II) when
additional 35% syllabus is completed. Duration of each test shall be one hour.

End Semester Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of total 06 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. Total 04 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No: 01 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus wherein 4 sub -questions
of 5 marks each will be asked.
4. Remaining questions will be randomly selected from all the modules.
5. Weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective lecture hours as
mentioned in the syllabus.

Page 9

Course Code
Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical
/Oral Tutorial Total
ITC302 Data
Analysis 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03

Name Examination Scheme
Theory Marks
Term Work Pract . /Oral Total Internal assessment End
Exam Test1 Test 2 Avg.
ITC302 Data
Structure and
Analysis 20 20 20 80 -- -- 100

Course Objectives:

Sr. No. Course Objectives
The course aims :
1 The fundamental knowledge of data structures.
2 The programming knowledge which can be applied to sophisticated data structures.
3 The fundamental knowledge of stack s queue, linked list etc.
4 The fundamental knowledge of Trees, Graphs etc.
5 The fundamental knowledge of different sorting, searching, hashing and recursion
6 The real time applications for stack s, queue, linke d list, trees, graphs etc.

Course Outcomes:

No. Course Outcomes Cognitive levels
of attainment as
per Bloom’s
On successful completion, of course, learner/student will be able to:
1 Classify and Apply the concepts of stacks, queues and linked list in real life
problem solving. L1, L2, L3
2 Classify , apply and analyze the concepts trees in real life problem solving. L2, L3 ,L4
3 Illustrate and justify the concepts of graphs in real life problem solving. L3, L5
4 List and examine the concepts of sorting, searching techniques in real life
problem solving. L2, L3, L4
5 Use and identify the concepts of recursion, hashing in real life problem
solving. L3, L4
6 Examine and justify different methods of stacks, queues, linked list, trees
and graphs to various applications. L3, L4, L5

Page 10

Prerequisite: C Programming


No. Module Detailed Content Hours CO
I Introduction
to Stacks,
Queues and
Linked Lists Concept of Linked Lists. Singly linked lists, doubly linked
lists and circular linked lists.

Insertion, deletion, update and copying operations with Singly
linked lists, doubly linked lists and circular linked lists.
Reversing a singly linked list.

Self-learning Topics: Double Ended Queue, Priority Queue.
04 CO1
II Trees Non recursive Preorder, in -order and post -order traversal.
Creation of binary trees from the traversal of binary trees.

Binary search tree: Traversal, searching, insertion and deletion
in binary search tree.

Threaded Binary Tree: Finding in -order succe ssor and
predecessor of a node in threaded tree. Insertion and deletion
in threaded binary tree.

AVL Tree: Searching and traversing in AVL trees. Tree
Rotations: Right Rotation, Left Rotation. Insertion and
Deletion in an AVL Tree.
B-tree: Searching, I nsertion, Deletion from leaf node and non -
leaf node.
B+ Tree, Digital Search Tree, Game Tree & Decision Tree

Self-learning Topics: Implementation of AVL and B+ Tree 06


CO 2
III Graphs
Representation of graph: adjacency matrix, adjacency list,
Transitive closure of a directed graph and path matrix.

Traversals: Breadth First Search, Depth First Search.

Self-learning Topics: Implementation of BFS, DFS 03

CO1, CO3
IV Searching
and Sorting Searching: Hashing: Hash Functions: Truncation, Mid -
square Method, Folding Method, Division Method. Collision
Resolution: Open Addressing: Linear Probing, Quadratic
Probing, Double Hashing, Separate Chaining Bucket Hashing.
Analysis of all searching techniques

Self-learning Topics: Implementation of different sorting
techniques and searching. 03

CO 4,

V Applications
of Data
Structures Applications of Linked Lists: Addition of 2 Polynomials and
Multiplication of 2 polynomials.

Applications of Stacks: Reversal of a String, Checking
validity of an expression containing nested parenthesis,
Function calls, Polish Notation: Introduction to infix, prefix
and postfix expressions and their evaluation and conversions. 04


Page 11

Applications of T rees: Huffman Tree and Heap Sort.

Applications of Graphs: Minimum Spanning Tree: Prim’s
Algorithm, Kruskal’s Algorithm.

Self-learning Topics: Implementation of applications for
Stack, Queues, Linked List, Trees and Graph.

Text Books:

1. S. K Srivastava, Deepali Srivastava; Data Structures through C in Depth; BPB
Publications; 2011.
2. Yedidya Langsam, Moshej Augenstein, Aaron M. Tenenbaum; Data Structure Using C
& C++; Prentice Hall of India; 1996.
3. Reema Thareja; Data Structures using C; Oxford.


1. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni; Fundamentals of Data Structures; Galgotia Publications; 2010.
2. Jean Paul Tremblay, Paul G. Sorenson; An introduction to data structures with
applications; Tata McGrawHill; 1984.
3. Rajesh K. Shukla; Data Structures using C and C++; Wiley India; 2009.

Online References:

Sr. No. Website Name

Internal Assessment (IA) for 20 marks:
 IA will consist of Two Compulsory Internal Assessment Tests. Approximately 40% to 50%
of syllabus content must be covered in First IA Test and remaining 40% to 50% of syllabus
content must be covered in Second IA Tes t
 Question paper format
 Question Paper will comprise of a total of six questions each carrying 20 marksQ.1 will
be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of the syllabus
 Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (part (a) and part (b) of each question must
be from different modules. For example, if Q.2 has part (a) from Module 3 then part (b)
must be from any other Module randomly selected from all the modules)
 A total of four questions need to be answered

Page 12

Course Code
Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical
/Oral Tutorial Total
ITC303 Database
System 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03

Name Examination Scheme
Theory Marks
Term Work Pract. /Oral Total Internal assessment End
Exam Test1 Test 2 Avg.
ITC303 Database
System 20 20 20 80 -- -- 100
Course Objectives:

Sr. No. Course Objectives
The course aims:
1 To learn the basics and understand the need of database management system.
2 To construct conceptual data model for real world applications
3 To Build Relational Model from ER/EER.
4 To introduce the concept of SQL to store and retrieve data efficiently.
5 To demonstrate notions of normalization for database design.
6 To understand the concepts of transaction processing - concurrency control & recovery

Course Outcomes:

No. Course Outcomes Cognitive levels
of attainment as
per Bloom’s
On successful completion, of course, learner/student will be able to:
1 Identify the need of Database Management System. L1, L2
2 Design conceptual model for real life applications. L6
3 Create Relational Model for real life applications L6
4 Formulate query using SQL commands. L3
5 Apply the concept of normalization to relational database design. L3
6 Demonstrate the concept of transaction, concurrency and recovery. L2

Prerequisite: C Programming


Page 13

No. Module Detailed Content Hours CO
I The Entity -
Model Conceptual Modeling of a database, The Entity -
Relationship (ER) Model, Entity Type, Entity Sets,
Attributes and Keys, Relationship Types,
Relationship Sets, Weak entity Types
Generalization, Specialization and Aggregation,
Extended Entity -Relationship (EER) Model.
Self-learning Topics: Design an ER model for any
real time case study. 05 CO2
II Relational Model
& Relational
Algebra Introduction to Relational Model,
Relational Model Constraints and
Relational Database Schemas, Concept of Keys:
Primary Kay, Secondary key, Foreign Key,
Mapping the ER and EER Model to the Relational
Model, Introduction to Relational Algebra,
Relational Algebra expressions for Unary
Relational Operations,
 Set Theory operations,
 Binary Relational operation
Relational Algebra Queries
Self-learning Topics: Map the ER model designed
in mo dule II to relational schema. . 05 CO3
Structured Query
Language (SQL)
& Indexing Overview of SQL, Data Definition
Commands, Set operations, aggregate function,
null values, Data Manipulation commands, Data
Control commands.

Integrity constraints in SQL. Database
Programming with JDBC, Security and
authorization: Grant & Revoke in SQL Functions
and Procedures in SQL and cursors.

Self-learning Topics: Physical design of database
for the relational model designed in module III and
fire various queries. 06

IV Relational
Database Design Design guidelines for relational Schema,
Functional Dependencies, Database tables and
normalization, The need for normalization, The
normalization process, Improving the design,
Self-learning Topics: Consider any real time
application and normalization up -to 3NF/BCNF 04

Text Books:

1. Korth, Slberchatz, Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill
2. Elmasri and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, 6th Edition, Pearson education
3. Raghu Ramkrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, Database Management Systems, TMH


1. Peter Rob and Carlos Coronel, ― Database Systems Design, Implementation and Management‖,
Thomson Learning, 9th Edition.

Page 14

2. SQL & PL / SQL for Oracle 11g Black Book, Dreamtech Press
3. G. K. Gupta : “Database Management Systems”, McGraw – Hill

Online References:
Sr. No. Website Name

Internal Assessment (IA) for 20 marks:
 IA will consist of Two Compulsory Internal Assessment Tests. Approximately 40% to 50%
of syllabus content must be covered in First IA Test and remaining 40% to 50% of syllabus
content must be covered in S econd IA Test
 Question paper format
 Question Paper will comprise of a total of six questions each carrying 20 marks Q.1 will
be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of the syllabus
 Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (part (a) and part (b) of each question must
be from different modules. For example, if Q.2 has part (a) from Module 3 then part (b)
must be from any other Module randomly selected from all the modules)
 A total of four questions need to be answered

Page 15

Course Code
Course Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical
/Oral Tutorial Total
ITC304 Principle of
Communication 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03

Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Marks
Term Work Pract. /Oral Total Internal assessment End
Exam Test1 Test 2 Avg.
ITC304 Principle of
Communication 20 20 20 80 -- -- 100

Course Objectives:

Sr. No. Course Objectives
The course aims:
1 Study the basic of Analog and Digital Communication Systems .
2 Describe the concept of Noise and Fourier Transform for analyzing communication systems.
3 Acquire the knowledge of different modulation techniques such as AM, FM and study the
block diagram of trans mitter and receiver.
4 Study the Sampling theorem and Pulse Analog and digital modulation techniques
5 Learn the concept of multiplexing and digital band pass modulation techniques
6 Gain the core idea of electromagnetic radiation and propagation of waves.

Course Outcomes:

No. Course Outcomes Cognitive levels
of attainment as
per Bloom’s
On successful completion, of course, learner/student will be able to:
1 Describe analog and digital communication systems L1,L2
2 Differentiate types of noise, analyses the Fourier transform of time and
frequency domain. L1, L2, L3, L4
3 Design transmitter and receiver of AM, DSB, SSB and FM. L1,L2,L3 ,L4
4 Describe Sampling theorem and pulse modulation systems. L1,L2,L3
5 Explain multiplexing a nd digital band pass modulation techniques. L1, L2
6 Describe electromagnetic radiation and propagation of waves. L1,L2

Prerequisite: Basic of electrical engineering


Page 16

No. Module Detailed Content Hours CO
I Introduction Basics of analog communication and digital
communication systems (Block diagram),
Electromagnetic Spectrum and application, Types of
Communication channels.
Self-learning Topics: Applications areas of analog
and digital communication. 02 CO1
II Noise and Fourier
Representation of
Signal and System Basics of signal representation and analyses,
Introduction to Fourier Transform, its properties
(time and frequency shifting, Fourier transform of
unit step, delta and gate function. Types of Noise,
Noise parame ters –Signal to noise ratio, Noise factor,
Noise figure, Friss formula and Equivalent noise
temperature .
Self-learning Topics: Practice Numerical on above
topic. 06 CO2
III Amplitude and
Angle modulation
Techniques. Need for modulation,
Amplitude Modulation Techniques: DSBFC
AM,DSBSC -AM, SSB SC AM - block diagram
spectrum, waveforms, bandwidth,
Power calculations.
Generation of AM using Diode, generation of DSB
using Balanced modulator, Generation of SSB using
Phase Shift Method.
AM Transmitter (B lock Diagram)
AM Receivers – Block diagram of TRF receivers and
Super heterodyne receiver and its characteristics -
Sensitivity, Selectivity, Fidelity, Image frequency and
its rejection
and double spotting
Angle Modulation
FM: Principle of FM - waveforms, spectrum,
bandwidth. Pre - emphasis and de -emphasis in FM,
FM generation: Direct method –Varactor diode
Modulator, Indirect method (Armstrong method)
block diagram and waveforms.
FM demodulator: Foster Seeley discriminator, Ratio
Self-learning Topics: Use of AM and FM in Modern
Communication Technology . Challenges faced by
radio business . 12 CO1,

Text Books:

[1]. George Kennedy, Bernard Davis, SRM Prasanna, Electronic Communication Systems, Tata McGraw
Hill, 5th Ed
[2]. Simon Haykin, Michael Moher, Introduction to Analog & Digital Communications, Wiley India Pvt.
Ltd., 2nd Ed.
[3].Wireless Communication and Networking, Vijay Garg

[1]. Wayne Tomasi, Electronic Communications Systems, Pearson Publication, 5th Ed.
[2]. B P Lathi, Zhi Ding, Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, Oxford University
[3]. Herbert Taub, Donald L Schilling, Goutam Saha, Principles of Communication Systems, Tata

Page 17

McGraw Hill, 3rdEd.
[4]. K Sam Shanmugam, Digital and Analog Co mmunication Systems, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 1st Ed.

Online References:

Sr. No. Website Name

Internal Assessment (IA) for 20 marks:
 IA will consist of Two Compulsory Internal Assessment Tests. Approximately 40% to 50%
of syllabus content must be covered in First IA Test and remaining 40% to 50% of syllabus
content must be covered in Second IA Test
 Question paper format
 Question Paper will comprise of a total of six questions each carrying 20 marks Q.1 will
be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of the syllabus
 Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (part (a) and part (b) of each question must
be from different modules. For example, if Q.2 has part (a) from Module 3 then part (b)
must be from any other Module randomly selected from all the modules)
 A total of four questions need to be answered

Page 18

Course Code
Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical
/Oral Tutorial Total
ITC305 Paradigms
Fundamentals 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03

Name Examination Scheme
Theory Marks
Term Work Pract. /Oral Total Internal assessment End
Exam Test1 Test 2 Avg.
ITC305 Paradigms and
Fundamentals 20 20 20 80 -- -- 100

Course Objectives:

Sr. No. Course Objectives
The course aims:
1 To introduce various programming paradigms and the basic constructs that underline any
programming language.
2 To understand data abstraction and object orientation
3 To introduce the basic concepts of declarative programming paradigms through functional and
logic programming.
4 To design solutions using declarative programming paradigms through functional and logic
5 To introduce the concepts of concurrent program execution.
6 To understand use of scripting language for different problem domains

Course Outcomes:

No. Course Outcomes Cognitive levels
of attainment as
per Bloom’s
On successful completion, of course, learner/student will be able to:
1 Understand and Compare different programming paradigms. L1, L2
2 Understand the Object Oriented Constructs and use them in program design. L1, L2
3 Understand the concepts of declarative programming paradigms through
functional and logic programming. L1, L2
4 Design and Develop programs based on declarative programming paradigm
using functional and/or logic programming. L5, L6
5 Understand the role of concurrency in parallel and distributed programming. L1, L2
6 Understand different application domains for use of sc ripting languages. L1. L2

Prerequisite: Students must have learned C Programming (FEC205 and FEL204),

Page 19


No. Module Detailed Content Hours CO
I Introduction to
Paradigms and
Core Language
Design Issues Introduction to different programming paradigms.
Names, Scopes, and Bindings, Scope Rules, Storage

Subroutine and Control Abstraction: Stack Layout,
Calling sequence, parameter passing
Generic subroutines and modules.
Self-Learning Topic: Implementation of basic
concepts using programming language.

II Declarative
Programming Introduction to Lambda Calculus, Functional
Programming Concepts, Evaluation order, Higher order
functions, I/O -Streams and Monads.

Self-Learning Topic: Implementation of programs
using functional programming Language Haskel can
refer to hacker rank website for problem statements. 07
III Declarative
Paradigm: Logic
Programming Logic Programming with PROLOG - Resolution and
Unification, Lists, Arithmetic execution order,
imperative control flow, database manipulation,
PROLOG facilities and deficiencies.

Self-Learning Topic: Identification of different
application domains for use of Prolog and Logic
programming 06 CO3,
Text Books:
1. Scott M L, Programming Language Pragmatics, 3rd Edn., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2009
2. Graham Hutton, Programming in Haskell, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2016
3. Programming Languages: Concepts and Constructs; 2nd Edition, Ravi Sethi, Pearson Education
Asia, 1996.
1. Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman foreword by Alan J. Perlis, Structure
and Interpre tation of Computer Programs (2nd Edition) (February 2, 2016)
2. Programming Languages: Design and Implementation (4th Edition), by Terrence W. Pratt, Marvin
V. Zelkowitz, Pearson, 2000
3. Rajkumar Buyya, Object -oriented Programming with Java: Essentials and App lications, Tata
McGraw Hill Education Private Limited
4. Max Bramer, Logic Programming with Prolog, Springer ISBN -13: 978 -1852 -33938 -8
Online References:
Sr No Website Name Link
1 Principles of programming Languages
2 Edx course Paradigms of Computer -

Page 20

Programming – Fundamentals paradigms -of-computer -programming -
fundamentals -2298
3 Udemy Couses

Assessment :
Internal Assessment (IA) for 20 marks:
 IA will consist of Two Compulsory Internal Assessment Tests. Approximately 40% to 50% of
syllabus content must be covered in First IA Test and remaining 40% to 50% of syllabus content
must be covered in Second IA Test
► Question paper format
 Question Paper will comprise of a total of six questions each carrying 20 marks Q.1 will be
compulsory and should cover maximum contents of the syllabus.
 Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (part (a) and part (b) of each question must be from
different modu les. For example, if Q.2 has part (a) from Module 3 then part (b) must be from any
other Module randomly selected from all the modules)
 A total of four questions need to be answered

Page 21

Lab Code
Lab Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
ITL301 Data
Structure Lab -- 02 -- -- 01 -- 01

Lab Code
Lab Name Examination Scheme
Theory Marks
Term Work Pract. /Oral Total Internal assessment End
Exam Test1 Test 2 Avg.
ITL301 Data Structure
Lab -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

Lab Objectives:

Sr. No. Lab Objectives
The Lab experiments aims:
1 To use data structures as the introductory foundation for computer automation to engineering
2 To use the basic principles of programming as applied to complex data structures.
3 To learn the principles of stack, queue, linked lists and its various operations.
4 To learn fundamentals of binary search tree, implementation and use of advanced tree like
AVL, B trees and graphs.
5 To learn about searching, hashing and sorting.
6 To learn the applications of linked lists, stacks, queues, trees and graphs.

Lab Outcomes:

No. Lab Outcomes Cognitive levels
of attainment as
per Bloom’s
On successful completion, of course, learner/student will be able to:
1 Understand and use the basic concepts and principles of various linked lists,
stacks and queues. L1, L2, L3
2 Understand the concepts and apply the methods in basic trees. L1, L2
3 Use and identify the methods in advanced trees. L3, L4
4 Understand the concepts and apply the methods in graphs. L2, L3
5 Understand the concepts and apply the techniques of searching, hashing and
sorting L2, L3
6 Illustrate and examine the methods of lin ked lists, stacks, queues, trees and
graphs to various real time problems L3, L4

Page 22

Prerequisite: C Programming

Hardware & Software Requirements:

Hardware Requirement:

PC i3 processor and above Software requirement:

Turbo/Borland C complier


No. Module Detailed Content Hours LO
I Linked Lists  Insertion, deletion operations with Singly linked
 Insertion, deletion operations Doubly linked lists
 Insertion, deletion operations Circular linked
 Reversing a singly linked list.
 * Linked List implementation 03 LO 1
II Trees  * Implementation of operations (insertion,
deletion, counting of nodes, counting of leaf
nodes etc.) in a binary search tree. 02

LO 2
III Advanced Trees  * Implementation of AVL tree.
 Implementation of operations in a B tree. 04 LO 3
IV Graphs
 Implementation of adjacency matrix creation.
 Implementation of addition and deletion of
edges in a directed graph using adjacency
matrix. 02

LO 4
V Applications of
Data Structures  * Implementation of infix to postfix
conversion and evaluation of postfix
 * Implementation of Josephus Problem using
circular linked list
 *Implementation of hashing functions
with different collision resolution
techniques 02 LO 6

Text Books:
1. S. K Srivastava, Deepali Srivastava; Data Structures through C in Depth; BPB Publications;
2. Yedidya Langsam, Moshej Augenstein, Aaron M. Tenenbaum; Data Structure Using C & C++;
Prentice Hall of India; 1996.
3. Reema Thareja; Data Str uctures using C; Oxford.


Page 23

1. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni; Fundamentals of Data Structures; Galgotia Publications; 2010.
2. Jean Paul Tremblay, Paul G. Sorenson; An introduction to data structures with applications;
Tata McGrawHill; 1984.
3. Rajesh K. Shukla; Data Structures using C and C++; Wiley India; 2009.

Term Work: Term Work shall consist of at least 10 to 12 practical’s based on the above list. Also Term work
Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

Term Work Marks: 25 Marks (Total marks) = 15 Marks (Experiment) + 5 Marks (Assignments) + 5 Marks

Practical & Oral Exam: An Oral & Practical exam will be held based on the above syllabus.

Page 24

Lab Code
Lab Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
ITL302 SQL Lab -- 02 -- -- 01 -- 01

Lab Code
Lab Name Examination Scheme
Theory Marks
Term Work Pract. /Oral Total Internal assessment End
Exam Test1 Test 2 Avg.
ITL302 SQL Lab
-- -- -- -- 25 25 50

Lab Objectives:

Sr. No. Lab Objectives
The Lab experiments aims:
1 To identify and define problem statements for real life applications
2 To construct conceptual data model for real life applications
3 To Build Relational Model from ER/EER and demonstrate usage of relational algebra.
4 To Apply SQL to store and retrieve data efficiently
5 To implement database connectivity using JDBC
6 To understand the concepts of transaction processing - concurrency control & recovery

Lab Outcomes:

No. Lab Outcomes Cognitive levels
of attainment as
per Bloom’s
On successful completion, of course, learner/student will be able to:
1 Define problem statement and Construct the conceptual model for real life
application. L1, L3, L4, L6
2 Create and populate a RDBMS using SQL. L3, L4
3 Formulate and write SQL queries for efficient information retrieval L3, L4
4 Apply view, triggers and procedures to demonstrate specific event handling. L1, L3, L4
5 Demonstrate database connectivity using JDBC. L3
6 Demonstrate the concept of concurrent transactions . L3, L4

Prerequisite: C Programming

Page 25

Hardware & Software Requirements:

Hardware Requirement:

PC i3 processor and above Software requirement:

Any SQL Compiler, Java Programming Language


No. Detailed Content Hour
s LO Mapping
1. I Identify real world problem and develop the problem statement. Design an
Entity -Relationship (ER) / Extended Entity -Relationship (EER) Model. 02 LO1
2. I
I Create a database using DDL and apply integrity constraints.
02 LO2, L O3
3. I
V Perform data manipulations operations on populated database. 02 LO3
4. V
I Implement Basic and complex SQL queries. 02 LO3, L O4
5. V
I Implementation of Views and Triggers.
02 LO4
6. V
I Demonstrate database connectivity using JDBC.
01 LO5
7. X Implement functions and procedures in SQL 02 LO3, L O4

Text Books:

1. Korth, Slberchatz , Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill
2. Elmasri and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, 6th Edition, Pearson education
3. Raghu Ramkrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, Database Management Systems, TMH


1. Peter Rob and Carlos Coronel, ― Database Systems Design, Implementation and Management‖, Thomson
Learning, 9th Edition.
2. SQL & PL / SQL for Oracle 11g Black Book, Dreamtech Press
3. G. K. Gupta : “Database Management Systems”, McGraw – Hill

Term Work:
Term Work shall consist of at least 10 Practical’s based on the above list, but not limited to. Also, Term
work Journal must include at least 2 assignments:
The first assignment may be based on: Relational Algebra and Second may be based on

Term Work Marks: 25 Marks (Total marks) = 15 Marks (Experiment) + 5 Marks (Assignments) + 5
Marks (Attendance)

Practical & Oral Exam: An Oral & Practical exam will be held based on the above syllabus.

Page 26

Lab Code
Lab Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
ITL303 Computer
Lab -- 02 -- -- 01 -- 01

Lab Code
Lab Name Examination Scheme
Theory Marks
Term Work Pract. /Oral Total Internal assessment End
Exam Test1 Test 2 Avg.
ITL303 Computer
Lab -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

Lab Objectives:

Sr. No. Lab Objectives
The Lab experiments aims:
1 Understand data abstraction and object orientation
2 Design and implement declarative programs in functional and logic programming languages
3 Introduce the concepts of concurrent program execution
4 Understand run time program management
5 Understand how to implement a programming solution using different programming
paradig ms.
6 Learn to compare implementation in different programming paradigms.

Lab Outcomes:

No. Lab Outcomes Cognitive levels
of attainment as
per Bloom’s
On successful completion, of course, learner/student will be able to:

1 Implement Object Oriented concepts in C++. L1, L2, L3
2 Design and Develop solution based on declarative programming paradigm
using functional and logic programming. L6
3 Understand the multi threaded programs in Java and C++ L1, L2
4 Understand the need and use of exception handling and garbage collection
in C++ and JAVA L2, L3
5 Implement a solution to the same problem using multiple paradigms. L6
6 Compare the implementations in multiple paradigms at coding and
execution level. L4

Page 27

Prerequisite: Students mu st have learned C Programming (FEC205 and FEL204)

Hardware & Software Requirements:

Hardware Requirement:

PC i3 processor and above Software requirement:

C++ compiler, Java Languge support, SWI
Prolog, GHC Compiler .


No. Module Detailed Content Hours LO
I Declarative
Programming  Tutorial Introduction to Haskell programming
 Tutorial exercise on operators, types etc. in
 At least 5 Haskell Programs to demonstrate
Functional Programming Concepts.
 Sample Programs but not limited to:
◦ Implement safetail function that behaves in
the same way as tail, except that safetail
maps the empty list to the empty list,
whereas tail give s an error in this case.
Define safetail using: (a) a conditional
expression; (b) guarded equations; (c)
pattern matching. Hint: the library function
null :: [a] -> Bool can be used to test if a list
is empty.
◦ Simple List Comprehension
◦ Higher -Order Funct ions
◦ Write recursive function to multiply two
natural numbers that uses pre defined add
◦ Implement the game of nim in Haskell to
apply list processing.
◦ Haskell code to represent infinite list e.g.
fibobacci series
◦ Implement simple Calculator
Students should clearly understand the syntax and the
execution of the Functional Implementation using
Haskell. 06 LO2
II Declarative
Paradigm: Logic
Programming  Tutorial Installation and working of SWI
Prolog Environment
 Implement at least 5 Prolog programs to
understand declarative programming concepts.
Students should clearly understand the syntax and the
execution of the Prolog code Implementation.
05 LO2
III Programming
Assignment For
comparative study
of Different
Paradigms At Least two implementations each implemented on
multiple paradigms like procedural, object oriented,
functional, logic.
The implementations should be done in a group of
two/three students with appropriate difficulty level. 02 LO5,

Page 28

Student should prepar e small report and present the
solution code and demonstrate execution for
alternative solutions they build.

Text Books:

1. Scott M L, Programming Language Pragmatics, 3rd Edn., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2009
2. Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman foreword by Alan J. Perlis, Structure
and Interpretation of Computer Programs (2nd Edition)
3. Graham Hutton, Programming in Haskell, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2016

1. Sethi R, Programming Languages Concepts and Constructs , 2nd Ed, Pearson Education
2. Yogesh Sajanikar, Haskell Cookbook, Packt Publishing, 2017

Online References:

No Website Description Link
1 University Stuttgart Germany Lab Course on
Programming Paradigms http://software -
2 Course at MIT Structure and Interpretation of
Computer Programs [2019]
3 Edx Course Paradigms of Computer
Programming – Fundamentals, -
of-computer -programming -
4 Tutorials point link for Haskel

Term Work: Term Work shall consist of at least 15 Practicals based on the above modules, but not limited
to. Also, Term work Journal must include at least 3 tutorial reports and 01 report of programming assignment
as mentioned in module VI.

Term Work Marks: 25 Marks (Total marks) = 15 Marks (Experiments/Tutorials) + 5 Marks (Assignment
write up) + 5 Marks (Attendance)

Practical & Oral Exam: An Oral & 1 Hr Practical exam will be held based on the above syllabus

Page 29

Lab Code
Lab Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
ITL304 Java Lab
(SBL) -- 04 -- -- 02 -- 02

Lab Code
Lab Name Examination Scheme
Theory Marks
Term Work Pract. /Oral Total Internal assessment End
Exam Test1 Test 2 Avg.
ITL304 Java Lab
(SBL) -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

Lab Objectives:

Sr. No. Lab Objectives
The Lab experiments aims:
1 To understand the concepts of object -oriented paradigm in the Java programming language.
2 To understand the importance of Classes & objects along with constructors, Arrays ,Strings and vectors
3 To learn the principles of inheritance, interface and packages and demonstrate the concept of
reusability for faster development.
4 To recognize usage of Exception Handling, Multithreading, Input Output streams in various
5 To learn designing, implementing, testing, and debugging graphical user interfaces in Java using
Swings and AWT components that can react to different user events.
6 To develop graphical user interfaces using JavaFX controls.

Lab Outcomes:

No. Lab Outcomes Cognitive levels
of attainment as
per Bloom’s
On successful completion, of course, learner/student will be able to:
1 Explain the fundamental concepts of Java Programing. L1, L2
2 Use the concepts of classes, objects, members of a class and the relationships among
them needed for a finding the solution to specific problem. L3
3 Demonstrate how to extend java classes and achieve reusability using Inheritance,
Interface and Packages. L3
4 Construct robust and faster programmed solutions to problems using concept of
Multithreading, exceptions and file handling L3
5 Design and develop Graphical User Interface using Abstract Window Toolkit and
Swings along with response to the events. L6
6 Develop Graphical User Interface by exploring JavaFX framework based on MVC
architecture. L6

Page 30

Prerequisite: Basics of Computer Programming

Hardware & Software Requirements:

Hardware Requirements Software Requirements Other Requirements
PC With Following
1. Intel PIV Processor
2. 2 GB RAM
3. 500 GB Harddisk
4. Network interface card 1. Windows or Linux Desktop OS
2. JDK 1.8 or higher
3. Notepad ++
4.JAVA IDEs like Netbeans or
1. Internet Connection for installing
additional packages if required


No. Module Detailed Content Hours LO
I Inheritance,
Interfaces. Inheritance : Inheritance Basics, Types of Inheritance
in Java, member access, using Super - to call superclass
Constructor, to access member of super class(variables
and methods), method overriding, Abstract cl asses and
methods, using final.
Interfaces : Defining, implementing and extending
interfaces, variables in interfaces, Default Method in
Interface ,Static Method in interface, Abstract Classes
vs Interfaces.
(Perform any 3 programs covering Inheritance,


1) Create a Teacher class and derive Professor/
Associate_Professor/Assistant_Professor class from
Teacher class. Define appropriate constructor for all the
classes. Also define a method to display information of
Teacher. Make necessary assumptions as requ ired.

2) Create a class Book and define a display method to
display book information. Inherit Reference_Book and
Magazine classes from Book class and override display
method of Book class in Reference_Book and Magazine
classes. Make necessary assumptions required.

3) A university has two types of students — graduate
students and research students. The University
maintains the record of name, age and programme of
every student. For graduate students, additional
information like percentage of marks and str eam, like
science, commerce, etc. is recorded; whereas for
research students, additionally, specialization and years
of working experience, if any, is recorded. Each class
has a constructor. The constructor of subclasses makes
a call to constructor of the superclass. Assume that every
constructor has the same number of parameters as the
number of instance variables. In addition, every
subclass has a method that may update the instance
variable values of that subclass. All the classes have a 08 LO1

Page 31

function display _student_info( ), the subclasses must
override this method of the base class. Every student is
either a graduate student or a research student.
Perform the following tasks for the description given
above using Java :
(i) Create the three classes with pro per instance
variables and methods, with suitable inheritance.
(ii) Create at least one parameterised constructor for
each class.
(iii) Implement the display_student_info( ) method in
each class.

4) An employee works in a particular department of an
organization. Every employee has an employee number,
name and draws a particular salary. Every department
has a name and a head of department. The head of
department is an employee. Every year a new head of
department takes over. Also, every year an employee is
given an annual salary enhancement. Identify and
design the classes for the above description with suitable
instance variables and methods. The classes should be
such that they implement information hiding. You must
give logic in support of your design . Also create two
objects of each class.

5) Consider a hierarchy, where a sportsperson can either
be an athlete or a hockey player. Every sportsperson has
a unique name. An athlete is characterized by the event
in which he/she participates; whereas a hock ey player is
characterised by the number of goals scored by him/her.
Perform the following tasks using Java :
(i)Create the class hierarchy with suitable instance
variables and methods.
(ii) Create a suitable constructor for each class.
(iii) Create a method named display_all_info with
suitable parameters. This method should display all the
information about the object of a class.
(iv) Write the main method that demonstrates

6) Create an interface vehicle and classes like bicycle,
car, bike etc, having common functionalities and put all
the common functionalities in the interface. Classes like
Bicycle, Bike, car etc implement all these functionalities
in their own class in their own way

II Exce ption
Multithreading. Exception Handling: Exception -Handling
Fundamentals, Exception Types, Exception class
Hierarchy, Using try and catch, Multiple catch Clauses,
Nested try Statements, throw, throws, finally , Java’s
Built -in Exceptions, Creating Your Own Exce ption
Multithreaded Programming: The Java Thread
Model and Thread Life Cycle, Thread Priorities,
Creating a Thread, Implementing Runnable, Extending 05 LO1

Page 32

Thread, Creating Multiple Threads, Synchronization:
Using Synchronized Methods, The synchro nized
(Perform any 3 programs that cover Exception
Handling, Multithreading )

1) Write java program where user will enter loginid and
password as input. The password should be 8 digit
containing one digit and one special symbol. If user
enter valid password satisfying above criteria then show
“Login Successful Message”. If user enter invalid
Password then create InvalidPasswordExcep tion stating
Please enter valid password of length 8 containing one
digit and one Special Symbol.

2) Java Program to Create Account with 1000 Rs
Minimum Balance, Deposit Amount, Withdraw
Amount and Also Throws LessBalanceException. It has
a Class Called LessBalanceException Which returns the
Statement that Says WithDraw Amount(_Rs) is Not
Valid. It has a Class Which Creates 2 Accounts, Both
Account Deposite Money and One Account Tries to
WithDraw more Money Which Generates a
LessBalanceException Take App ropriate Action for the

3) Create two threads such that one thread will print
even number and another will print odd number in an
ordered fashion.

4) Assume that two brothers, Joe and John, share a
common bank account. They both can, independently,
read the balance, make a deposit, and withdraw some
money. Implement java application demonstrate how
the transaction in a bank can be carried out concurrently.

programming - I
(AWT, Event
Handling, Swing) Designing Graphical User Interfaces in Java :
Components and Containers, Basics of Components,
Using Containers, Layout Managers, AWT
Components, Adding a Menu to Window, Extending
GUI Features

Event -Driven Programming in Java : Event -Handling
Process, Event -Handling Mechanism, De legation
Modelof Event Handling, Event Classes, Event Sources,
Event Listeners, Adapter Classes as Helper Classes in
Event Handling.

Introducing Swing: AWT vs Swings, Components and
Containers, Swing Packages, A Simple Swing
Application, Painting in Swing , Designing Swing GUI
Application using Buttons, JLabels, Checkboxes, Radio
Buttons, JScrollPane, JList, JComboBox, Trees,
TablesScroll pane Menus and Toolbar 12 LO1

Page 33

(Perform any 3 programs that contain AWT, Event
handling and Swing to build GUI application).

1)Write a Java program to implement Swing
components namely Buttons, ,JLabels, Checkboxes,
Radio Buttons, JScrollPane, JList, JComboBox, Trees,
Tables Scroll pane Menus and Toolbars to design
interactive GUI.

2) Write a program to create a window with four text
fields for the name, street, city and pincode with
suitable labels. Also windows contains a button
MyInfo. When the user types the name, his street, city
and pincode and then clicks the button, the types details
must appear in Arial Font with Size 32, Italics.

3) Write a Java program to create a simple calculator
using java AWT elements.
.Use a grid layout to arrange buttons for the digits and
basic operation +, -, /, *. Add a text felid to display the
4) Write a Java Program to create a Student Profile
form using AWT controls.
5) Write a Java Program to simulate traffic signal light
using AWT and Swing Components.
6) Write a Java Program to create a color palette.
Declare a grid of Buttons to set the color names.
Change the background color by clicking on the color
7) Build a GUI program that allows the user to add
objects to a collection and perform search and sort on
that collection.(Hint. Use Swing components like
JButton, JList, JFrame, JPanel and JOptionPane.)

Programming -II
(JavaFX) JavaFX Basic Concepts, JavaFX application skeleton,
Compiling and running JavaFX program,Simple
JavaFX control:Label,Using Buttons and events,
Drawing directly on Canvas. 01


Text Books:
1. Herbert Schildt, “Java -The Complete Reference”, Tenth Edition, Oracle Press, Tata McGraw Hill
2. E. Balguruswamy, “Programming with Java A primer”, Fifth edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publication
3. Anita Seth, B.L.Juneja, “ Java One Step Ahead”, oxford university press.

1. D.T. Editorial Services, “Java 8 Programming Black Book”, Dreamtech Press.
2. Learn to Master Java by Star EDU Solutions
3. Yashvant Kanetkar, “Let Us Java” ,4th Edition ,BPB Publications.

Term Work:
The Term work shall consist of at least 15 practical based on the above list. The term work Journal must
include at least 2 Programming assignments. The Prog ramming assignments should be based on real world

Page 34

applications which cover concepts from more than one modules of syllabus .

Term Work Marks: 25 Marks (Total marks) = 15 Marks (Experiment) + 5 Marks
(Assignments/tutorial/write up) + 5 Marks (Attendance)

Practical & Oral Exam: An Oral & Practical exam will be held based on the above syllabus.

Page 35

Course Code
Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
ITM301 Mini Project
– 1 A for
Front end
using JAVA -- 04 -- -- 02 -- 02

Name Examination Scheme
Theory Marks
Term Work Pract. /Oral Total Internal assessment End
Exam Test1 Test 2 Avg.
ITM301 Mini Project –
1 A for Front
end /backend
using JAVA -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

Course Objectives
1. To acquaint with the process of identifying the needs and converting it into the problem .
2. To familiarize the process of solving the problem in a group .
3. To acquaint with the process of applying basic engineering fundamental s to attempt solutions to the
4. To inculcate the process of self -learning and research.
Course Outcome: Learner will be able to…
1. Ident ify problems based on societal /research needs.
2. Apply Knowledge and skill to solve societal problems in a group.
3. Develop interpersonal skills to work as member of a group or leader.
4. Draw the proper inferences from available results through theoretical / experimental/simulations .
5. Analyse the impact of solutions in societal and environmental context for sustainable development.
6. Use standard norms of engineering practices
7. Excel in written and oral communication.
8. Demonstrate capabilities of self -learning in a group, which leads to life long learning.
9. Demonstrate project management principles during project work.

Guidelines for Mini Project
 Students shall form a group of 3 to 4 students, while forming a group shall not be allowed less than
three or more tha n four students, as it is a group activity.
 Students should do survey and identify needs, which shall be converted into problem statement for
mini project in consultation with faculty supervisor/head of department/internal committee of
 Students hall submit implementation plan in the form of Gantt/PERT/CPM chart, which will cover
weekly activity of mini project.
 A log book to be prepared by each group, wherein group can record weekly work progress,
guide/supervisor can verify and record notes/comments.
 Faculty supervisor may give inputs to students during mini project activity; however, focus shall be
on self -learning.

Page 36

 Students in a group shall understand problem effectively, propose multiple solution and select best
possible solution in consultation with guide/ supervisor.
 Students sh all convert the best solution into working model using various components of their
domain areas and demonstrate.
 The solution to be validated with proper justification and report to be compiled in standard format of
University of Mumbai .
 With the focus on the self -learning, innovation, addressing societal problems and entrepreneur ship
quality development within the students through the Mini Projects, it is preferable that a single
project of appropriate level and quality to be carried out in two semesters by all the groups of the
students. i.e. Mini Project 1 in semester III and IV . Similarly, Mini Project 2 in semesters V and VI.
 However, based on the individual students or group capability, with the mentor’s recommendations,
if the proposed Mini Project adhering to the qualitative aspects mentioned above gets completed in
odd sem ester, then that group can be allowed to work on the extension of the Mini Project with
suitable improvements/modifications or a completely new project idea in even semester. This policy
can be adopted on case by case basis.
Guidelines for Assessment of Mini Project :
Term Work
 The review/ progress monitoring committee shall be constituted by head of departments of
each institute. The progress of mini project to be evaluated on continuous basis, minimum two
reviews in each semester.
 In continuous assessment focus shall also be on each individual student, assessment based on
individual’s contribution in group activity, their understanding and response to questions.
 Distribution of Term work marks for both semesters shall be as below;
o Marks awarded by guide/sup ervisor based on log book : 10
o Marks awarded by review committee : 10
o Quality of Project report : 05

Review/progress monitoring committee may consider following points for assessment
based on either one year or half year project as mentioned in genera l guidelines.
One-year project:
 In first semester entire theoretical solution shall be ready, including components/system
selection and cost analysis. Two reviews will be conducted based on presentation given by
students group.
 First shall be for finalisation of problem
 Second shall be on finalisation of proposed solution of problem.
 In second semester expected work shall be procurement of component’s/systems, building of
working prototype, testing and validation of results based on work complete d in an earlier
 First review is based on readiness of building working prototype to be conducted.
 Second review shall be based on poster presentation cum demonstration of working
model in last month of the said semester.
Half-year project:
 In this case in one semester students’ group shall complete project in all aspects including,
o Identification of need/problem
o Proposed final solution
o Procurement of components/systems
o Building prototype and testing
 Two reviews will be conducted for continuous assessment,
 First shall be for finalisation of problem and proposed solution
 Second shall be for implementation and testing of solution.

Page 37

Assessment criteria of Mini Project.

Mini Project shall be assessed based on following criteria;
1. Quality of survey/ need identification
2. Clarity of Problem definition based on need.
3. Innovativeness in solutions
4. Feasibility of proposed problem solutions and selection of best solution
5. Cost effectiveness
6. Societal impact
7. Innovativeness
8. Cost effectivene ss and Societal impact
9. Full functioning of working model as per stated requirements
10. Effective use of skill sets
11. Effective use of standard engineering norms
12. Contribution of an individual’s as member or leader
13. Clarity in written and oral communication

 In one year, project , first semester evaluation may be based on first six criteria’s and
remaining may be used for second semester evaluation of performance of students in mini
project .
 In case of half year project all criteria’s in generic may be considered for evaluation of
performance of students in mini project.
Guidelines for Assessment of Mini Project Practical/Oral Examination:
 Report should be prepared as per the guidelines issued by the University of Mumbai.
 Mini Project sh all be assessed through a presentation and demonstration of working model by the
student project group to a panel of Internal and External Examiners preferably from industry or
research organisations having experience of more than five years approved by head of Institution.
 Stude nts sh all be motivated to publish a paper based on the work in Conferences/students
competitions .

Mini Project shall be assessed based on following points;
1. Quality of problem and Clarity
2. Innovativeness in solutions
3. Cost effectiveness and Societal impact
4. Full functioning of working model as per stated requirements
5. Effective use of skill sets
6. Effective use of standard engineering norms
7. Contribution of an individual’s as member or leader
8. Clarity in written and oral communication