French MA PO and CO Appendix 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

French MA PO and CO Appendix 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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M.A in French PART I

COURSE CODE: C1 Credits = 6
COURSE TITLE: XIX century French literature (Poetry/Prose/Theatre)
This course will introduce the students to the genre of French literature of the XIX century
illustrated by a selection of poetry, a novel and a play. Each of the texts will be read with the
students in detail, analysed and discussed at length in terms of form, content and historical
Written and oral communication skills shall be part of the continuous evaluation.

Course Outcomes :

1. Demonstrate and apply domain knowledge of primary text/s, genre, author, epoch and
secondary literature.
2. Understand and read the selected texts.
3. Analyse, interpret, argu e, discuss and think critically.
4. Apply academic/creative writing and research skills.
5. Memorise, recite passages.
6. Compare and discuss the texts with respect to other texts or to inter -medial /
intercultural aspects / to contemporary social issues.

Prescribed Texts::
1. Musset - Lorenzaccio .
2. Maupassant : choix de nouvelles .
3. Poésie – choix de poèmes romantiques et symbolistes
Reading list and reference books are suggested by the teacher depending on the level of
linguistic and cultural competence of the students.

Scheme of examination: 60 marks = End Semester Exam (2hrs)
40 marks = Internal Assessment

Pattern of the ex am paper: 4 questions of 15 marks each with internal choice


COURSE CODE: C 2 Credits = 6
COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Didactics (Introdu ction à la Didactique)

This course is an introduction to the science of learning/teaching a language, especially with
relationship to foreign language learning, in this case, French, in a non francophone context,
ie India.
Course Outcomes:

1. To understand the basic and fundamental concepts of didactics of languages and cultures
with specific reference to French as a foreign language
2. Acquaint learners with the historical background of the field

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3. Review methodologies of second/foreign language learning and teaching
4. Analyse relation between theory and the practical terrain
5. Study and conceive language teaching units, teaching/learning approaches and reflect upon
classroom practices
6. Recognise research done in this field and study contempo rary areas of teaching/learning
especially with relation to technology

Scheme of examination: 60 marks = End Semester Exam (2hrs)
40 marks = Internal Assessment

Pattern of the exam paper: 4 questions of 15 marks each with internal choice


COURSE CODE: C3 Credits = 6
COURSE TITLE: XX century French literature (Poetry/Prose/Theatre)

This course will introduce the students to t he genre of French literature of the XIX century
illustrated by a selection of poetry, a novel and a play. Each of the texts will be read with the
students in detail, analysed and discussed at length in terms of form, content and historical

Course Outcomes :
1. Demonstrate and apply domain knowledge of primary text/s, genre, author, epoch and
secondary literature.
2. Understand and read the selected texts.
3. Analyse, interpret, argue, discuss and think critically.
4. Apply academic/creative writing and research skills.
5. Memorise, recite passages.
6. Compare and discuss the texts with respect to other texts or to inter -medial /
intercultural aspects / to contemporary social issues

Course Outline:

Besides the study of texts, the genres and their respecti ve theories shall be included. Focus
will be to give the student an insight into the XX century as a whole. Wider reading list will
be provided and drawn up for discussion. Written and oral communication skills shall be part
of the continuous evaluation.

Prescribed Texts::
François Mauriac – Thérèse Desqueyroux .
Choix de poèmes – XX siècle
André Gide - La Symphonie Pastorale

Reading list and reference books are suggested by the teacher depending on the level of
linguistic and cultural competence of the students.

Scheme of examination: 60 marks = End Semester Exam (2hrs)

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40 marks = Internal Assessment

Pattern of the ex am paper: 4 questions of 15 marks each with internal choice


COURSE CODE: C4 Credits = 6
COURSE TITLE: Theory and Practice of Translation

This course will introduce students to translation studies , relying on theory and practical work

Course Outcomes:
1. Introduce select theories of translation .
2. Apply theories to practice of translation
3. Propose a variety of texts for translation, analysis and discussion.
4. Acquaint students with translation tools and software.

Course Outline:

The students shall be introduced to various translation theories, and the methodolo gy and
practice of translation (English & French)

Scheme of examination: 60 marks = End Semester Exam (2hrs)
40 marks = Internal Assessment

Pattern of the exam paper: 4 questions of 15 marks.


COURSE TITLE: XVII and XVIII century French literature (Prose/Theatre)

This course will be of 6 credits, for which there will be an end semester exam (60 marks) and
viva + internal assessment (40 marks).

Course Outcomes:

1. Introduction to théâtre classiq ue et the aesthetics of classical theatre .
2. Introduction to theatre des Lumières et the aesthetics thereof .
3. Study in detail two illustrative texts of each century
4. Use Anne Ubersfeld’s Lire le théâtre to better understand the genre .
5. Memorize and recite pass ages from other plays of the period
6. Develop the capacity to analyse and critique a play and contextualise it.

Course Outline:
Besides the study of texts in the syllabus , the genres and the concerned literary doctrines shall
be included. Focus will be to give the student an insight into the XVII and XVIII century as a
whole. Wider reading list will be provided and drawn up for discussion

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Written and oral communication skills shall be part of the continuous evaluation.

Prescribed Texts::
Molière – Le Bou rgeois Gentilhomme
Montesquieu – Lettres Persanes
Rousseau – La Nouvelle Heloïse

Additional Material to be compiled by the concerned teacher based on skills of the target

Scheme of examination: 60 marks = End Semester Exam
40 marks = Internal Assessment

Pattern of the exam paper: 4 questions of 15 marks each with choice, where applicable.


COURSE CODE: C6 Credits = 6
COURSE TITLE: History of French Literature from its origins to the end of the XII century
This course will be of 6 credits, for which there will be an end semester exam (60 marks) and
viva + internal assessment (40 marks).
Course outcomes

1. Understand medieval French literature with reference to the respective epochs.
2. Introduce the historical social, political context .
3. Interpret the texts with reference to the socio -historical context .
4. Evaluate their role in laying the foundation of modern French litera ture and modern
Europe .

Course Outline:

Besides the study of texts in the syllabus , the genres and students will be introduced to a
sample of representative texts . Focus will be to give the student an insight into the origins of
French society and its e volution upto the end of the XII century as a whole. Wider reading list
will be provided and drawn up for discussion.

Prescribed Texts:
Chanson de R oland
Tristan Iseult
Roman de Renart
Written and oral communication skills shall be part of the continuous evaluation.


COURSE CODE: C7 Credits = 7
COURSE TITLE: History of French Literature from XIII to the XVI century
Course Outcomes:

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1. Understand medieval French literature with reference to the
respective epochs.
2. Study the evolution of the the historical social, political and
geographical context.
3. Interpret the texts with reference to the changing socio -
historical context.
4. Evaluate their role in laying the foundation of modern French
literature and modern Europe

Course Outline:

Besides the study of texts in the syllabus , the genres and students will be introduced to a
sample of representative texts . Focus will be to give the student an insight into the origins of
French society and its evolution upto the end of the XII century as a whole. Wider reading list
will be provided and drawn up for discussion.
Written and oral communication skills shall be p art of the continuous evaluation.

Presribed Authors and extracts of their works
Guillaume de Lorris, Jean de Meung , Le Roman de la Rose

Additional material to be provided by the teacher.

Scheme of examination: 60 marks = End Semester Exam (2hrs)
40 marks = Internal Assessment

Pattern of the exam paper: 4 questions of 15 marks each with internal choice


COURSE CO DE: C8 Credits = 6
COURSE TITLE: Literary Doctrines in France
Course Outcomes:

In depth study of the following literary doctrines their historical and socio -political context
1. Le Classicisme
2. Le Siècle des Lumières
3. Le Romantisme
3. Le Symbolisme

Wider reading list will be provided and drawn up for discussion.
Written and oral communication skills shall be part of the continuous evaluation.

Scheme of examination: 60 marks = End Semester Exam (2hrs)
40 marks = Internal Assessment
Pattern of the exam paper: 4 questions of 15 marks each with internal choice