French BA PO and CO Appendix 1 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

French BA PO and CO Appendix 1 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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University of Mumbai
B.A in French Studies
Program Outcome & Course Outcome

Program Outcome
• To comprehend literary texts of modern literature written by great writers of French.
• To acquire good knowledge of language skills – communicative skills in French. On completion of
this course, students will be accurate in both oral and written communication in French.
• To obtain sound knowledge about literary, social, cultural, historical background in the French
• To be able to take part effectively in verbal and written communication in French in the
professional and business world.
• Upon the completion of this course, students will possess advanced language skills in another
foreign language i.e. German.
• Last but not the least, this course helps prepare students for post -graduation in French language
as well as for any other professional course, degree or jobs where sound knowledge of foreign
languages is a must.
F.Y.B.A in Fre nch Studies
Syllabus with effect from 2019 -20
Course outcome
Core Course UAFRE 101&201
French Literature XIXe Century & French Literature XXe century
• To develop critical and analytical understanding of language and literature through study of
various lit erary genres.
• To obtain skills of literary criticism in a specific literary genre.
• To introduce ancient and contemporary literary works.

Language Course UAFRE 102 & 202

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Oral and written competence in French

• To apply effectively and improve four language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking.
• To acquire appropriate communicative and interactive skills in French.
• To be able to use French effectively in various day to day situations.
Skill Based C ourse UAFRE 103 & 203
Fables de la Fontaine et choix de poèmes & Eugène Labiche -La Poudre aux Yeux

• To understand interrelation between literature, culture and society.
• To apply critical theories and concepts to understand a literary piece.
• To acquire writing skills in simple literary analysis and criticism.
Special Course UAFRE 104 & 204
Optional foreign language course - German

• To apply and learn four basic language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking in another
foreign language (German).
• To acquire basic communicative and interactive skills in German.
• To be able to use German in various simple day to day situation s.
Foundation Course UAFRE 105 & 205
Commercial French
• To develop spoken and written communication skills in Business French.
• To be able to write simple CVs, letter of applications, simple business letters in French.
• To be able to participate effecti vely in conferences, phone calls, business meetings, interviews in
Interdisciplinary Applied Component UAFRE 106 & 206
History of France - Louis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI & French Revolution and Napoleon I

• To understand major historical events in history of France.
• To acquaint with different ideologies and historical perspectives.
• To equip students with rich understanding of historical and cultural contexts.

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S.Y.B.A in French Studies
Syllabus with effect from 2017 -18

Core Course UAFREST 301 & 401
Literature of the XVIIth century illustrated by 1 literary work
Literature of the XVIIIth century illustrated by 1 literary work
• To develop critical and analytical understanding of language and literature thro ugh study of
various literary genres from 17th and 18th Century French literature.
• To obtain skills of literary criticism in a specific literary genre.
• To introduce 17th and 18th Century French literary works and authors.
Language Course UAFRE 302 & 402
Oral and Written competence in French
• To communicate accurately and precisely both in speaking and writing in a variety of contexts
and situations.
• To be able to speak, read and write in more authentic and formal situations.
• To demonstrate a good (intermediate level) command of French language skills.
Skill Based Course UAFREST 303 & 403
Optional foreign language
• To apply and learn four language skills (Intermediate level): listening, reading, writing and
speaking in anothe r foreign language (German).
• To acquire acurate communicative and interactive skills in German.
• To be able to use German in various authentic and more formal day to day situations.
Special Course UAFREST 304 & 404
Literature of the XXth Century
• To be able to identify and interpret critical ideas, values and themes that appear in literary texts.
• To understand different ways in which literary themes and ideas impact culture and society both
now and in the past.

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• To acquire necessary skills for ana lytical and reflective writing.
Foundation Course UAFREST 305 & 405
History of France - World War I
History of France - World War II

• To familarise students with key events in history of France and world.
• To provide an overview of various social, polit ical and cultural impact of key historical events.
• To understand various aspects of French society through a critical examination of historical
Interdisciplinary Applied Component UAFREST 306 & 406
French Painting of the XIX century
• To equip students to analyse and appreciate French painting through the (selected) artistic
works of great French painters.
• To equip students with a general understanding of Romantic and Impressionist French paintings.
• To develop interest amongst students in French paintings and different artists through
interactive and innovative classroom practices.

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T.Y.B.A in French Studies
Syllabus with effect from 2018 -19

Core Course UAFRE 501 & 601
Technical French
French Society of XXI Century
• To acquaint students with the contemporary French society through timely, up -to-date
information on politics, technology, economics, culture and various forces that affect this
fascinating country and its people.
• To equip students to make a compar ative study of French, Francophone and Indian civilization.
• To develop interest amongst current affairs witin France and different French -speaking
Core Course UAFRE 502 & 602
Advanced French B 2
• To acquaint students with four advanced languag e skills of advanced level in French.
• To equip students with language skills required to conduct debates, discussions and conferences
in French.
• To develop coherent and precise expression of ideas.
Special Course UAFRE 503 & 603
French Literature of the XVII th and XVIII century
• To develop critical and analytical understanding of language and literature through study of 17th
and 18th Century French theatre as a literary genre.
• To obtain skills of literary criticism in theatre as a literary genre.
• To introduce 17th and 18th French literary works and authors.

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Special Course UAFRE 504 & 604
French Literature of the XIX th & XX century
• To develop critical and analytical understanding of language and literature through various
literary genres of 20th and 21st Century.
• To obtain skills of literary criticism in specific literary genres
• To introduce 20th and 21st century French literary works and authors.
Special Course UAFRE 505 & 605
Optional Foreign Language
• To apply and learn four language skills (B1 level): listening, reading, writing and speaking in
another foreign language (German).
• To acquire accurate communicative and interactive skills in German.
• To be able to use German in various authentic and more formal day to day situations
Special Course UAFRE 506 & 606
Optional Foreign Language
• To appreciate literary works in German language.
• To be able to read literary texts in relation to their cultural, historical, social and political
• To make stu dents more aware about German culture and civilisation.