Final Marine Sciences I to IV 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Final Marine Sciences I to IV 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC –
Item No. – 8.7 (R.)

University of Mumbai

Revised Syllabus for (Marine Science s)
Semester – (I to IV )
(Choice Based Credit System)

(With effect from the academic year 2022 -23)


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No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the course M.Sc (Marine Sciences )
2 Eligibility for the admission B.Sc degree from any UGC
recognized University
Physics/ Chemistry/
Mathematics/ Statistics/ any
Biological Sciences OR
Equivalent Qualification

3 Passing Marks 240 out of 600 every semester

4 Ordinance / Regulations (if any) As applicable
5 No of years/semester 2 years. 4 Semester
6 Level PG
7 Pattern Semester
8 Status Revised
9 To be implemented from the
academic year From Academic Year: 2022 -

Chairman Board of Studies Signature
Dean faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies

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Physical, chemical, and biological processes in the Marine environment are active
topics of research today. A good understanding of these processes is critical to addressing
several fundamental issues like weather/climate forecasting in short to seasonal s cales, climate
change, exploration and sustainable exploitation of both living and non -living marine
resources, conservation of marine ecosystem, mitigation of natural hazards of oceanic origin
,etc. The United Nation’s Decade of Oceans (Ocean Decade, 2021 -2030) envisages intensive
and collective efforts in oceanographic research and education to ensure that we use our marine
resources to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and our marine environment
is protected for the future generations. The government of India has come up with the draft
policy on the ‘Blue Economy’ to harness our enormous marine and maritime wealth to propel
our growth and empower us both in social and economical fronts. Initiatives such as
‘Sagarmala’, ‘Pradhan Mantri Matsy a Sampata Yojana’ etc are important steps to cater to these

Considering the importance of studies in Marine Sciences and preparing our younger
generations to grab the enormous job opportunities in this field, the Centre for Excellence in
Marine S tudies (CEMAS) of the University of Mumbai has introduced a 2 -year Master’s
Degree program in Marine Sciences. In addition to take some core papers on Marine Sciences,
the M. Sc. Marine Sciences students will have opportunity to choose elective papers to
specialize either in Physical Oceanography or Biological Oceanography depending upon their
eligibility and interest. Students will undertake academic project in under the guidance of
reputed researchers in the 4th semester.

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Program : Master of Science (Marine Sciences)
1. Program Objective: Develop highly qualified manpower in the field of Marine Sciences
to take up challenging opportunities in the emerging fields of Physical and Biological
Oceanography, Climate Change Studies, Coastal H azards and Mitigation; Operational
Oceanography etc.
2. Eligibility for Admission:
a. B.Sc degree from any UGC recognized University Physics/ Chemistry/
Mathematics/ Statistics/ any Biological Sciences OR
b. Equivalent Qualification
c. Learner must have secured minim um 50% marks at bachelor’s degree
examination and as per rules of University of Mumbai and Govt. of Maharashtra
d. Foreign candidate should have equivalent degrees from foreign Universities
recognized by Association of Indian Universities (AIU)
e. Selection of C andidate can be made on the basis of merit and personal interview/
written aptitude Test
3. Intake Capacity: Maximum Intake: 20
4. Duration of the Course:
The P.G. programs have 4 semesters. There shall be two Semesters in an academic year,
the odd semester comm ences in July -August and on completion, the even Semester
commences after a semester -break of one or two days. However, variations in this
theme would be addressed with an academic calendar that would be fixed and declared
by the University at the beginnin g of each academic year.
5. Programme Structure:
Semester I (24 Credits)

Paper Subject Lectures
(Hrs) Credit
MMS101 Introduction to Maritime Studies, Blue
Economy & UN Sustainable Goals 60 04
MMS102 Introduction to General Oceanography
(Physical/Chemical/Biological) 90 06
MMS103 Research Methodology 60 04

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MMS104 Evolution of Marine Environment and Life 60 04
MMS105 Marine Geology 90 06

Semester II (24 Credits)
Paper Subject Lectures
(Hrs) Credit
MSCMS201 Satellite Oceanography 90 06
MSCMS202 Marine Pollution & Ecosystem 60 04
MSCMS203E Physical Oceanography 90 06
MSCMS204E Ocean General Circulation 60 04
MSCMS205E Geophysical Fluid Dynamics 60 04
MSCMS206E Biological Oceanography 90 06
MSCMS207E Marine Microbiology & Cell Biology 60 04
MSCMS208E Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 60 04

Semester III (24 Credits)
Paper Subject Lectures
(Hrs) Credit
MSCMS301 Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ocean Optics 60 04
MSCMS302E Coastal and Estuarine Oceanography 90 06
MSCMS303E Air-Sea interaction 60 04
MSCMS304E Numerical Ocean Modelling 90 06
MSCMS305E Marine Hazards and Coastal Zone
Management 60 04
MSCMS306E Fishery Resource Management and
Technology 60 04
MSCMS307E Marine Biotechnology & Bioprospecting 90 06

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MSCMS308E Marine Biological Engineering 90 06
MSCMS309E Fish Developmental Biology & Aqua farming 60 04
MSCMS3010E Maintenance of Marine Electrical Systems and
Troubleshooting 60 04
MSCMS311E Ship Construction 60 04

Semester IV
MSCMSDP M.Sc Dissertation Based Project Work ( 24 Credits)
Semester -IV of M.Sc. (Marine Sciences) consists of a full -term Dissertation Based Research
Project of 24 credits. Every student will have to complete a separate pr oject in Semester IV
with twenty four credits (600 marks). Students have to prepare and submit a Master level thesis
and the final evaluation will be done by an external expert and Guide on the basis of the quality
of the thesis and Viva -Voce examination. Mentor/advisor should facilitate field work and
laboratory experimental work related projects across domains of science and technology.
Projects with interdisciplinary objectives will also be encouraged.
The candidate shall be awarded the degree of Master of Science (Marine Sciences) after
completing the course and meeting all the evaluation criteria.

Scheme of Examination and Passing:

This course will have 40% Internal Assessment (IA) and 60% end semester

• Written examination of 2.5 Hours duration or 3 Hours for each course paper at the end
of each semester, end semester examinations (ESE) will be conducted by the
University as per the existing norms, statutes and ordinances.

• Internal Assessment - IA (40%) and End Semester Examination (ESE) (60%) - shall
have separate heads of passing. For Theory courses, internal assessment shall carry 40
marks and Semester -end examination shall carry 60 marks for each Theory Course.

• To pass, a student has to obtain minimum 40% marks and above, separately in the IA
and end semester examination.

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• The University (external) examination for Theory and term assignments shall be
conducted at the end of each Semester and the evaluation of Project work at the end
of the forth Semes ter will be by the external expert and Guide.

• The candidates shall appear for external examination of 5 theory papers out of which
two papers carrying 100 marks of 3 hours duration and 3 papers carrying 60 marks of
2.5 Hours duration.

• Every student will have to complete a separate dissertation based project in Semester
IV with twenty four credits (600 marks).

• Students have to prepare and submit a Master level thesis and the final evaluation will
be done by external expert and Guide on the bases of the quality of the thesis and
Viva -Voce examination.

6. Standard of Passing for University Examinations:

As per ordinances and regulations prescribed by the University for semester based credit and
grading systems.

7. Standard point scale for grading:

Grade Marks Grade Points
O 80 and above 10
A+ 70 to 79.99 9
A 60 to 69.99 8
B+ 55 to 59.99 7
B 50 to 54.99 6
C 45 to 49.99 5
D 40 to 44.99 4
F (Fail) 39.99 and below 0

Semester -1
MMS101 Introduction to Maritime Studies, Blue Economy & UN
Sustainable Goals ( 4 Credit)
Unit I : Blue Economy (1 0 Hours)
Background to the Blue Economy, Elements of Blue Economy: The Marine Environment, Fisheries
and Aquaculture, Maritime Tourism, Ocean -based ren ewable sources of energy Transportation and the
Blue Economy; Blue Economy Policy of India.
Unit II Sustainable G oals Linked to Marine System (30 Hours)
Overview of UN Sustainable Development Goals; SDGs linked to marine studies (GOAL 1:
No Poverty; GOAL 2 : Zero Hunger; GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy; GOAL 12:
Responsible Consumption and Production; GOAL 13: Climate Action; GOAL 14: Life Below

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Water); Analysis of IPCC reports;

Unit III: India’s Maritime History (15 Hours):

Indus Valley Civilization and trade links with Greeks, Egyptians and other countries.
Maritime activity between Indian and Arabian Nations, West and East Asian Countries.
Maritime Trade and diplomacy during Mauryan Period Expansion of Budhisim through
Sea Pandiyan Navy : Sea borne trade and expeditions Chola Navy: Expeditions and
relation with Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia Chera Period: Trade and Maritime Activities
Gupta Navy British, Portugese, Dutch, French Naval Presence and influence in the
Indian Ocean

Unit IV: Nat ional & International Maritime Laws (20 Hours):

Organisations like the UNO, OPEC, NAM, EU, League of Arab States, WARSAW
Security, Piracy. Leadership Challenges of Maritime Forces in 2 1st Century
Law of Contract, The Indian Ports Act, 1908 The Major Port Trust Act, 1963 Carriage
of Good by Sea Act, 1925 Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 Customs Act, 1962 Maritime
Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution Modes Salvage, International Salv age
Convention 1989, of 2000, SCOPIC MARPOL SOLAS and ISPS Code

1. Maritime Labour Convention 2006 Hongkong Convention 2009
2. The Timeless Wake by Cmde Odakkal Jonson
3. A World of Nations: The International Order Since 1945 by William R Kaylor
4. Transition to Triumph: History of Indian Navy by VAdm G H Hiranandani
5. Rulers of the Indian Ocean by G A Ballard
6. A Maritime History of India Adm K Sridharan
7. Coastal Security: Maritime Dimensions of India‟s Homeland Security by Kunwar
Rajendra Singh
8. Coastal Security: The Indian Experience by Pushpita Das
9. Role of Coast Guard in the Maritime Security of Indian by Prabhakaran Paleri
10. An Integrated Approach to Coastal and Offshore Defense: Leveraging the Coastal

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Security by Capt Himadri Das
11. Armed Robbery in Sea in India: Trends and Imperatives by Capt Himadri Das.
12. Coastal Security, Challenges, Concerns and Way ahead by Brig Hemant Mahajan
13. The Blue Economy Policy of India, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India.
14. The Blue Economy: 10 Years, 100 Innovations, 100 M illion Jobs by Gunter Pauli
15. Rethinking the Oceans: Towards the Blue Economy by James Alix Michel
16. The Blue Economy 3.0: The Marriage of Science, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Creates a New Business Model That Transforms Society by Gunter Pauli

MMS102 Introduction to General Oceanog raphy ( 6 Credit)

Unit I : Introduction to Physical Oceanography (20 Hours)
Structure of Ocean Floor/Bed
Sea Water & its properties
Tides & Waves
Ocean Circulation
Ocean Climate
Unit II : Introduction to Biological Oceanography (20 Hours)
Ocean as Biologic al Medium
Biological zonation & Intertidal Ecosystem
Major Division of Marine Environments (Pelagic and benthic, their subdivision)
Benthic communities & Marine Environment
Environmental factors affecting Marine Life (Light, salinity, pH, Turbidity, DO, Te mperature,
Trace elements)
Classification of Marine Flora & Funa
Unit III: Introduction to Ocean Chemistry (20 Hours)
Characteristics of Sea Water
Chemical composition of Sea Water
Chlorinity & Salinity
Dissolved Gasses
Major Marine Biogeochemical cycles
Mineral Resources of the Ocean
Unit IV: Ocean Research & Case Study (30 Hours)

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Major Ocean Expeditions
Introduction to research vessel
Oceanographic Instruments
Sea Water Analysis
Biodiversity of Coastal Region

1. Introduction to Physical Oceanography. by Robert H. Stewart, Texas A&M
2. Descriptive Physical Oceanography, an Introduction, 6th edition, 2011, D. Talley,
George L.
Pickard, William J. Emery and James H. Swift, Elsevier Ltd.,ISBN: 978 -0-7506 -4552-
3. Atmosphere Ocean Dynamics. Adrian E. Gill, Academic Press, 1982.
4. Ocean Circulation: Prepared by an Open University Course Team (S330) by Joan
5) Seawater: its Composition, Properties and Behaviour (Second Edition),Prepared by
an OpenUn iversity Course Team by John M. Wright, Angela Colling and Gerry
6. Introductory Dynamical Oceanography, 2nd edition by Stephen Pond and George L
7. Dynamics of Marine ecosystems: Biological –Physical Interactions in the Oceans,3rd
Edition K.H Mann, John R.N Lazie, Wiley, 2013.
8. Lee R. Kump, James F. Kasting, Robert G. Crane, The Earth System (3rd Edition)
3rd Edition, Pearson New International Edition.
9. Essential of Oceanography, by Trujillo/ Thurman (6 January 2015)
10.Oceanography: A n Invitation to Marine Science, by Tom Garrison (31 July 2012)
11. Essentials of Meteorology: An Invitation to the Atmosphere by C. Donald Ahrens
12. Meteorology Today: An Introduction to Weather, Climate, and the Environment by
Robert Henson, C. Donald Ah rens

MMS10 3 Research Methodology ( 4 credits)

Unit I: Introduction/ Basics of Research Methodology : (5 Hours)
Definition of Research, The objective of Research & Types of Research, Research Process
Selecting a Research Problem , Technique Involved in Defining a Research Problem Research
Design, Literature Search: Reference management, Systematic literature sear ch, literature
Search techniques, Data collection: Source of Data/ Database, Primary & Secondary Data,
Methods of Data collection , Data Processing

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Unit II: Statistics In Research ( 15 Hours)
Measurement of Central tendency: Mean, Arithmetic Mean, Geometri c Mean, Mode, Median
Measures of dispersion: Range, Q.D., M.D., variance, standard deviation Correlation &
Regression Analysis Probability Distribution & Hypothesis Testing: Binomial, poisson,
normal, exponential, uniform distributions. Type I and II error, testing of mean, pr oportion,
tests for equality of mean and variances of two populations, confidence interval, Z test, T -test
and χ2 test for goodness of fit, ANOVA (one way & Two way classification) Non parametric
tests: The Wilcoxon signed -Rank test for location, The Mann -Whitney Test, The Kolmogorov -
Smirnov Goodness - of -Fit Test, The Kruskal -Wallis One -Way Analysis of Variance by Ranks
, The Friedman Two -Way Analysis of Variance by Ranks

Unit III Interpretation, Report Writing & Decision -making Management: ( 5 Hours)
The technique of Interpretation, Precaution of Interpretation, Systems Thinking & Approach,
Decision Making under uncertainty and Risk, Decision tables & decision Tree. Research
Reports: Research Article, Review Article, Thesis, Patent, Book Chapter, Presenta tion, Poster,
Infographics; IPR.

Unit IV: Skill Enhancement (10 Hours)
Soft Skills: Scientific/ Academic Communication, Presentation skills, Body language
Computational Skill: MS Office, Adobe, Google workplace, and some other basic computer
and mobile ap plications Web -based and mobile applications for the Literature search:
Mendeley, Scopus, NCBI, Researcher, ResearchGate, web of Science, etc Software used in
Reference management such as Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote; Use of thesaurus, Grammarly,
typeset, etc ; Introduction to Statistical and Graphical Softwares: Graph Pad, SPSS, SAS, ggplot
in R language

Unit V: Analysis of Marine Field data (25 hours)

1. Research Methodology Methods and Techniques by C.R.Kothari, Gaurav Garg, New
Age International Publishers
2. Methodology of Research in Social Science by O.R. Krishnaswami and M.

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Ranganatham, Himalaya Publishing House
3. Principles of Statistics, 2nd Ed. M Pagano & K Gauvreau (2007), Thomson
4. BK Mahajan, Methods in Biostatistics (7th Edition), Published December 1st 2008 by
JP Medical Ltd
5. Goode W J & Hatt P K, Methods in social research, McGraw Hill
6. Shrivastava, Shenoy & Sharma, Quantitative Techniques for Managerial Decisions,
7. Piero Mella (2021), The Magic Ring: Systems Thinking Approach to Control
Systems, Springer Nature
8. Donella Meadows (2015), Thinking in Systems, Chelsea Green Publishing Co
9. Latest Research Articles & Review Articles from the Relevant Subject

MMS104 Evolution of Marine Environment and Life (4 Credit)
Unit I Earth & Atmosphere (15 Hours)
Evolution earth system; Structure of Earth, Structure of Atmosphere, World oceans, salient
features of Ocean s, Understanding of Map projections.
Unit II Evolution of life in earth system (15 Hours)
History, classification, theories, expeditions, hypothesis testing; Origin and evolution of life –
life processes, abiogenesis, theories of natural selection, organic evolution, primordial soup
hypothesis, organic molecule s, chemical evolution, iron sulfide and black smoker’s theory,
RNA world hypothesis, theory of evolution and panspermia
Unit III Methods to Study Evolution (15 Hours)
Carbon Dating
Molecular Evolution
Unit IV Case Study (15 Hours)

1. Euge n Seibold, Wolfgang Berger. 2017. The Sea Floor: An Introduction to Marine
Geology. Springer International Publishing.272 pp.
2. Crist, D.T. Scowcroft, G. and Harding Jr., J.M. 2009. World Ocean Census; a Global

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Survey of Marine Life, Firefly Books, New York: 256 pp.
3. Guido di Prisco, Peter Convey (auth.), Guido di Prisco, Cinzia Verde (eds.). 2012.
Adaptation and Evolution in Marine Environments, Volume 1: The Impacts of Global
Change on Biodiversity. Springer -Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 236 pp.
4. Hewitt, G.M., Johnston, A. and Young, J.P.W. (Eds.) 1991. Molecular Techniques in
Taxonomy, Springer -Verlag: 410 pp.
5. Mayr, E. and Ashlock, P.D. 1991. Principles of Systematic Zoology. McGraw -Hill,
New York: 475 pp. Quicke, Donald L.J. 1993. Principles and Technique s of
Contemporary Taxonomy, Blackie Academic & Professional, London: 331 pp.
6. Schuh, R. T. and Brower, A. V. Z. 2009. Biological Systematics: Principles and
Applications (2ndedn.). Cornell University Press: 311 pp.
7. Venkataraman K & C. Sivaperuman. 2014. Marine Faunal Diversity in India:
Taxonomy, Ecology and Conservation. Academic Press 546 pp.
8. Winston, Judith E. 1999. Describing Species: Practical Taxonomic Procedure for
Biologists, Columbia University Press, New York

MMS105 Introduction to Marine Geology (6 Credit)
Unit I: 15 Hours
Sediment, sediment grade scale and analysis – Classification, composition, distribution and
source of sediments with emphasis on nearshore areas – Surveying, sampling and laboratory
techniques for the study of coa stal and estuarine sediments – Analysis of sedimentological data
and interpretation – Instruments used in marine geology. Beach and beach profile, variations
in beach morphology and its significance – Nearshore geological processes: erosion,
transportation and deposition
Unit II: 15 Hours
Sea bed minerals with emphasis on Indian ocean – Polymetallic nodules, phosphorites,
carbonates, placer deposits and petroleum resources, gas hydrates – Fossilization process –
Types of microfossils and classification, tec hnique for paleoclimate reconstruction with respect
to oxygen isotope studies, role of microfossils in paleo – oceanography, paleoclimate, marine
archaeology petroleum exploration and monitoring marine pollution
Unit III 15 Hours

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Structural Geology - Folds - parts of fold, nomenclature, types, causes; Faults - nomenclature,
types; Joints. Minerals and their physical properties, Rocks - classification and properties.
Ground water and saline water intrusion on the coastal plain and ground water.
Unit IV 15 Ho urs
Principles of geophysical methods: Gravity, magnetic and seismic – Elucidation of the structure
of the earth using seismic model -–Instruments used in marine geophysics. Hydrography –
position fixing, depth measurement and sea bed mapping technique, si de scan sonar,
hydrographic chart.
Unit V 15 Hours
Beach profile survey and sediment sample collection -Water sample collection and separation
of suspended sediments - Sample collection using grab and corer and sample preservation -
Beach profile plotting and volume computation - Pre-treatment of sediment - Grain size analysis
(sand grade) - Grain size data computation, graphical representation and interpretation
Unit VI 15 Hours
Depositional environment studies using a data set of river, dune and beach - Techniqu es for
heavy mineral separation - Computation of gravity data - Computation of magnetic data -
Computation of Seismic data - Graphical representation and interpretation of bathymetry data
set- Study of bathymetry maps - Study of seismic profiles

1. Introductory oceanography (5th ed),1988 Thurman,H.V., Mercill Publ. Co, Ohio.
2. Oceanography (5th ed), 1990 –Grant Gross, M., Prentice Hall.
3. Coastal and estuarine sediment dynamics, 1986 – Dyer,K.R., John Wiley & Sons.
4. Beach processes and sedime ntation, 1976 – Komar, P.D., Prentice Hall
5. Beaches and Coasts (2nd ed), 1972 – King, C.A.M.,Edward Arnold
6. Introduction to marine micropaleontology, 1978 – Haq, B.U. and Boersma, A.
(Eds.), Elsevier Publ.
7. Introduction to geophysical prospecting, 1976 – Dobrin, M.B., McGraw -Hill.
8. Gravity and magnetics in oil prospecting , 1976 – Nettleton, L.L., McGrw -Hill
9. The mineral sources of the sea, 1965 – Mcro, J.L.,Elsevier, Amsterdam.
10. Earth resources. 1969 – Skinner, B.J., Prentice Ha ll
11. Structural Geology, 1972 - M.P. Billings, Third Edition
12. Marine minerals: advances in research and resource assessment, 1987 –
Teleki, P.G. et al. D. Reidel Dordrechart.
13. The micropaleontology of oceans, 1971 – Funnell, B.M. and Reidel, W.R.,
Cambridge Univ. Press., U.K.
14. Marine geology and oceanography of the Arabian Sea and coastal Pakisthan
1984 – Haq. B.U. and Milliman, J.D., Van Norstrand Reinhold Co.
15. Marine Geology, 1982 – James P. Kennet. Prentice Hall INC Englewood,Cliffs, N.J.

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Semester II
MMS201 Satellite Oceanography (6 Credits)

UNIT -1: Introduction to remote sensing: (10 hours) Basic concepts; electromagnetic
radiation; solar and terrestrial radiation; atmospheric effects; absorption; transmission;
scattering; spectral response of earth's surface features.

UNIT -2: Satellite Remote Sensing: (15 hours) Major Satellite systems fo r ocean remote
sensing; satellite orbits - near polar geostationary and sun -synchronous satellites; swath; spatial,
temporal, spectral and radiometric resolution; examples of Indian atmospheric and ocean
satellites including INSAT; sensors -active and passiv e sensors; sensor calibration; visible,
thermal and microwave sensors and their applications in oceanography

UNIT -3 Ocean Color Remote Sensing: (15 hours) Theory of ocean colour remote sensing;
optical properties of pure water; natural waters and atmosph ere; reflection and refraction at the
surface; scattering and absorption of light underwater; reflection from sea bed; colour of the
sea; phytoplankton, yellow substance, suspended particulate matter; case 1 and case 2 waters;
estimating water parameters; satellite sensors for ocean colour -I and their applications

UNIT -4: Infrared Remote Sensing: ( 5 hours) Infrared radiometers; SST retrieval with
atmospheric corrections andvalidation; application; skin and bulk SST; global SST data

UNIT -5: Micro wave remote sensing: (5 hours) Theory and principles of microwave
radiometry; passive microwaveradiometers and its applications in ocean and atmosphere;
active microwave sensors; principles;applications of SAR; scatterometers and altimeters for
ocean and a tmospheric studies.

UNIT -6: Handling Remote Sensing Data: (40 hours) Introduction to GIS; creation of point,
line and polygon in form of shape file/Geo -database; geo -referencing of satellite data and
digitized vector files using GIS software; geo -informat ics; integration of attribute data; analysis
using map algebra; map composition and finalization; web -GIS; application of ArcGIS and
Reference Books:
• Houghton, J. T., F.W. Taylor and C.D. Rodgers, Remote sounding of atmosphere,
Cambridge University Press, 1984.
• Stewart, R. H., Methods of Satellite Oceanography, University of California, 1985.
• Robinson, I. S., Satellite Oceanography, Ellis Horwood, 1985.

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• Weng,Q., Remote Sensing and GIS Integration: Theories, Methods and applications,
McGaw -Hill Professional, 2009.

MMS202 Marine Ecosystem & Pollution (4 Credits)

Unit I: Marine and Coastal Ecosystems (10 Hours)
Key marine and coastal habitats (Coral reefs, Mangroves, Sea Grass, Sandy shores, Rocky
Shores, Sand dunes and mudflats) Trop hic structure and energy transfer at various trophic
levels. Benthic ecosystem (Components, functioning and interactions) .Ecosystem functioning
Population connectivity in marine systems and biogeography Carbon and nutrient cycles
Biological productivity N utrient cycles. Processes across land -ocean interface Processes in the
marine boundary layer

Unit II Overview of Marine Pollution (10 Hours)
Types of pollution, Response of benthic communities to the physical disturbance, Organic and
inorganic pollution, Toxic metals in marine environment, Harmful Algal Blooms Coastal
pollution: Industrial; sewage; microbial pollution; eutrophication; water quality; microbial
indicators; bioremediation

Unit III Marine pollution hazard management and mitigation (10 Hours)
Evaluation and monitoring of pollution, Evaluation of toxicity in marine biota, Managing Oil
spills and Oil spill mitigation, Incursion management, Solid -waste discharge and management,
Marine pollution bioremediation – Fungal and microbial

Unit IV Marine Noise and light pollution (5 Hours)
Sea-bed mining and oil and gas infrastructure, Impact of underwater noise on cetaceans. Impact
of coastal illumination on marine fauna

Unit V Marine litter and impacts (5 Hours)
Plastic and Micro -plastic pol lution and impacts ; Impacts on benthic and pelagic fauna and flora
Unit VI (10 Hours) Construction of Marine Ecological Model
Marine Ecological Model construction with respect to selected marine site

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Unit VII (10 Hours) Site Vis it to Understand Marine Pol lution
Site Visits to coastal regions to understand marine pollution (Litter Survey), sample collection
(hydrocarbon and eutrophication and pollution prevention and management
1. Levinton, J. S. 2001. Marine Biology: Functions, biodiversity, ecology. Oxford Univ.
Press. (2nd Edition)
2. Castro, P., Huber, M. E., 2003. Marine Biology. McGraw Hill Science. (4th Edition)
3. Jones, C. G., Lawton, J. H., 1995. Linking species and ecosystem. Springer.
4. Takahashi, M., Hargrave, B., Parsons, T. R., 1984. Biological oceanographic
processes. Pergamon Press. (3rd Edn)
5. Gray, J. S., Elliot, M., 2009. Ecology of marine sediments. Oxford Univ. Press
6. Richard T Wright and Bernard J. Nebel : ‘Environmental Science – Towards a
Sustainable Future’ (Eighth Ed ition) – Prentice -Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi pp
213 – 237, 439 - 459
7. Savindra Singh : ‘Physical Geography’ – Prayag Pustak Bhavan, Allahabad pp 388 -
8. Asthana D K and Meera : A Textbook of Environmental Studies’ – S. Chand and
Company Pvt. Ltd, N ew Delhi pp 177 – 224
9. Savindra Singh : ‘Environmental Geography’ – Prayag Pustak Bhavan, New Delhi pp
414 –
10. 541
11. Karlekar Shrikant : ‘Coastal Geomorphology of India’ – Diamond Publication, Pune
12. Bhakhtaver Mahajan and Suma Nair : ‘Health and Environment – Action Based
13. (HEAL), HBCSE, TIFR, Mumbai pp 36 – 98
14. Botkin and Keller : ‘Environmental Science – Earth as a Living Planet’ (Fifth
Edition), John Wiley and Sons pp 262 – 293, 435 – 465
15. Vivek Sharma and Deepika Singla : ‘NTA, UGC – NET/JRF/SLET Geogra phy’ –
Arihant Publication, New Delhi pp 202 – 204, 238 – 241
16. Doney, S. C., Lima, I., Feely, R. A., Glover, D. M., Lindsay, K., Mahowald, N.,
Moore, J.K. & Wanninkhof, R. (2009). Mechanisms governing internal variability in

Page 20

upper -ocean inorganic carbon sys tem and air –sea CO2 fluxes: Physical climate and
atmospheric dust. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 56(8 -
10), 640 -655
17. Valsala, V., & Maksyutov, S. (2013). Interannual variability of the air –sea CO2 flux
in the north Indian Ocean. Ocean Dynamics, 63(2 -3), 165 -178
18. Doney, S. C., Lima, I., Feely, R. A., Glover, D. M., Lindsay, K., Mahowald, N.,
Moore, J.K. & Wanninkhof, R. (2009). Mechanisms governing interannual variability
in upper -ocean inorganic carbon system and air –sea CO2 fluxe s: Physical climate and
atmospheric dust. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 56(8 -
10), 640 -655
19. Stock, C. A., Dunne, J. P., Fan, S., Ginoux, P., John, J., Krasting, J. P., Laufkötter, C.,
20. F. & Zadeh, N. (2020). Ocean biogeoc hemistry in GFDL’s earth system model 4.1
and its response to increasing atmospheric CO2. Journal of Advances in Modeling
Earth Systems, e2019MS002043
21. Senthil Kumar : Modern Treatment Strategies for Marine Pollution (First Edition) -

MSCMS203E Introduction to Physical Oceanography ( 6 credits)
UNIT -1: Introduction to Physical Oceanography: (4 hours) Historical perspective; voyages
and expeditions; Dimension; Definitions; Bathymetric features;

UNIT -2: Physical properties of seawater an d upper ocean vertical structure: (10 hours)
Temperature, salinity, density, mixed layer, isothermal layer, barrier layer, thermal inversion.
Water masses: formation and classification - T-S diagram - water masses of the world ocean
with special reference to Indian Ocean; Sea level changes and associated processes.

UNIT -3: Ocean Mixing Processes: (10 hours) Mixing processes in the surface layers; wind
induced mixing; convective mixing; Richardson number - Double Diffusion and Salt Fingers.
Mixing in the int erior ocean; Vertical structure of other properties -light, sounds, nutrients,
oxygen and chlorophyll. Mixed layer heat and salt budget.

Page 21

UNIT - 4: Tides and Waves: (12 hours) Theory of Ocean Surface Waves; observation
techniques; Wave Spectrum; Wind forcing ; Fetch; Generation, propagation and dissipation of
wind waves; Swells and Sea; Tides in the Ocean; Physics of Ocean tides; observation
techniques; Dissipation of tides; Tsunamis; Storm Surges.

UNIT -5: Ocean Observation: (14 hours) Principles of measureme nts of ocean temperature;
conductivity; salinity; currents; sea level; In situ ocean observations: Moored buoys;
Thermisters; Thermosalinograph; current meters; tide gauges; Bottom Pressure Recorders;
Argo buoys; Drifters; Gliders; XBT -XCTDs; Wire Walker; ADCP; uCTD; Satellite Remote
Sensing: Principles of measurements of SST, SSS; SLA, Surface Currents; Chlorophyll
Concentration; Important satellite missions and sensors;

UNIT -6: Physical Oceanography Practice: (40 hours ) Analysis of in situ ocean observat ion
data to identify physical properties and identification of water masses; Computation of ocean
mixed layer heat budget;

1. Introduction to Physical Oceanography. by Robert H. Stewart, Texas A&M
2. Descriptive Physical Oceanography, an I ntroduction, 6th edition, 2011, D. Talley,
3. George L. Pickard, William J. Emery and James H. Swift, Elsevier Ltd.,ISBN: 978 -0-
7506 -4552 -2.
4. Seawater: its Composition, Properties and Behaviour (Second Edition),Prepared by an
Open University Course Team by Jo hn M. Wright, Angela Colling and
5. Introductory Dynamical Oceanography, 2nd edition by Stephen Pond and George L

MSCMS204E Ocean General Circulation ( 4 credit)

UNIT -1: The observed mean global ocean and atmospheric general circulation features:
(10 hours) Temperature and salinity distribution in the oceans; Major ocean current systems;
Ekman and Geostrophic Currents; Warm and cold currents; Ocean Circulation and distribution
of heat and salt.

UNIT -2: Wind -driven ocean circulation: (10 hours) Boundary currents; theories of wind -
driven circulation; Ekmann depth; Ekmann drift; Ekman Transport; Sverdrup solution; Munk
theory; Stommel theory; Western boundary currents;

Page 22

UNIT -3: Oceanic Gyres and Eddies: (5 hours) Ocean Gyres and their properties; Dynamics
of Ocean Gyres; Characteristics of oceanic eddies; Mesoscale and submesoscale eddies;
Dynamics of Oceanic Eddies; Importance of Oce anic eddies in global ocean circulation;

UNIT -4: Thermohaline circulation: (5 hours) Vertical distribution of temperature and
salinity in the global oceans; Mixing processes; Thermohaline circulation; Conveyor belt
mechanism and ocean climate; Abyssal cir culation; Climate Change and thermohaline

UNIT -5: Indian Ocean circulation: (10 hours) Basics of Indian Monsoon Circulation; Major
features of Indian Ocean circulation; Monsoon currents; Coastal currents around India and
forcing mechanism; T emperature and Salinity distribution in Arabi an Sea and Bay of Bengal
and variability; The Indian Ocean Dipole;

UNIT -5: Analysis of Global and Indian Ocean observations: (20 hours) Preparation of
maps of Indian Ocean and Global Ocean current systems and d ocumentation of their seasonal
variation using ocean reanalysis datasets; Analysis of Temperature and Salinity Distribution in
the Indian Ocean using ocean reanalysis datasets and documentation of their variability.

Reference Books:
1. Pedlosky, J., Ocean Circulation Theory, Springer, 1998.
2. Marshall J., and R. A. Plumb, Atmosphere Ocean and Climate Dynamics: An Introductory
Text, Elsevier Academic Press, 2008.
3. Holton J. R., and G. J. Hakim, Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology, 5th edition,
Academic P ress, 2012
4. Sverdrup, H. U., M. W. Johnson and R. H. Fleming, The Oceans: Their Physics, Chemistry
and General Biology, Prentice Hall Inc, 1942.
5. Peixoto, J.P. and Oort, A.H. (1992) Physics of Climate. Springer -Verlag, New York,
Berlin, Heidelberg.
6. Pond and Pickard (1983). Introductory Dynamic Oceanography, Elsevier;

MSCMS 205E Geophysical Fluid Dynamics ( 4 Credit)
Unit I ( 15 hours) Importance of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, The equation of
motion in a rotating coordinate frame; Coriolis and Cent rifugal forces, Constant angular
momentum (Inertial) oscillations, Geostrophic adjustment, geostrophic balance,
thermal wind.

Unit II ( 15 hours) Vorticity & Circulation., Kelvin's Theorem., The Vorticity
Equation., Concept of Potential Vorticity, Taylo r-Proudman Theorem., Geostrophic

Unit III (15 hours) Shallow Water Model, Potential Vorticity Conservation, Small

Page 23

Amplitude Motions, The Kelvin, Poincarre wave & Rossby wave, Dispersion diagram
and interpretation; Steady Quasigeostrophic Motion, Inertial Boundary Currents,
Quasigeostrophic Rossby waves, The beta -plane approximation.

Unit IV (15 hours) Ekman Layer, The nature of nearly frictionless flows, Boundary
Layer Theory. Quasi -geostrophic dynamics in the presence of friction; Inertial
Boundary Layer Theory, Inertial Currents in presence of friction.

1. Fluid Mechanics, Kundu, P.K., Cohen , I.M., Dowling, D.R., 6th Edition,
Academic Press, Elsevier, 2015.
2. Introduction to geophysical fluid dynamics physical and numerical aspects,
Benoit Cushman -Roisin, Jean -Marie Beckers, 2nd Edition, Academic press,
Elsevier 2011.
3. Atmosphere -Ocean Dynamic s, Gill, A. E., International Geophysics Series,
Vol. 30, 1982.
4. Fluid Physics for Oceanographers and Physicists: An Introduction to
Incompressible Flow, Samual A. Elder and J. Williams, 2nd Edn, Pergamon
Pr, 1989.
5. An introduction to fluid dynamics, Batch elor, G. K., Cambridge University
Press, 2000.
6. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics – Joseph Pedlosky

MSCMS20 6 E Biological Oceanography ( 6 credit)
Unit I (15 Hours)
Marine Habitats, Marine & Coastal Environments , Extreme Environments , Biological zonation,
inter-tidal ecosystem (rocky - zonation pattern - physical and biological factors, sandy shores
and protected sand flats – physical and biological factors, faunal composition and adaptations
sea as a biological environment – physiolog ical changes, regulators and conformers, scope for
growth, temperature and metabolic rates, comparison among marine and terrestrial

Page 24

Unit II (15 Hours)
Classification & Taxonomy of Marine organisms , Salient features of various Marine Phyll um,
Major Marine Flora - Major Marine Fu na . Classification of Major zooplankton &
Phytoplankton Groups. Marine Biological distribution in Indian EEZ
Unit I II (15 Hours)
Primary productivity – mechanism, light and dark reaction, intermediate products, fact or
affecting primary productivity, role of pigments, methods of assessment, biological pump and
transformation of organic matter, vertical profile of primary productivity and SCM, turbulence
and MLD. Secondary productivity - heterotrophic processes and pathways, herbivores and
grazing, zooplankton sampling and constraints, biomass estimation, ontogenic and vertical
migrations, mud bank formation, processes and fisheries.

Unit IV (15 Hours)
Marine biodiversity, Biodiversity valuation, Conservation status, Endangered marine organisms,
CITES, Red data list and its categories. Regulations concerned with the conservation of marine fauna
and flora. Marine sanctuaries, Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) etc.
Integra ted Coastal Zone Management. International regulations related to maritime boundaries
(UNCLOS, ANMJ, BBNJ etc.), EEZ and territorial waters.

Unit V (30 Hours)
Marine benthos, Sampling and quantitative analysis of marine benthos - Sieves, Grabs, Box corers,
Hydraulic corers, Dredges. Estimation of standing stock and biomass of benthos. Biodiversity and
community structure analysis, species richness, succession, species equitability, species diversity and
species dominance. Data analysis and interpreta tion. Software related to biodiversity and community
structure analysis. Census of marine life (CoML) – Barcoding of marine organisms, Ocean Biographic
information system (OBIS), taxonomic databases (FishBase, SeaLifeBase, WORMS, CephBase, etc.).

1. Biolo gical oceanography 1999 – Lalli, C.M.
2. Oceanography: The past, 1980 – Sears, M and Merimann D. (Eds).
3. Elements of ecology (3rd edn) 1982 – Tail, R.V.
4. An introduction to marine sciences, 1988 – Meadows, P.S. & Campbell, J.J.
5. Textbook of marin e ecology, 1989 – Nair, N.B. & Thampy, D.M.
6. Marine biology, 1984 Thurman, H.V. and Webber, H.H.

Page 25

7. Methods in marine zooplankton ecology, 1984 Omori, W. and Ikeda, T.
8. Methods for the study of marine benthos, 1984 – Holme, N.A. & Melntyre, A.D.
9. The ecology of rocky coasts, 1964 – Lewis, J.R.
10. The shore environment, 1980 – Irvine, J.H., Price, D.E.C. and Farnham, W.F.
11. Life between tidemark on rocky shores, 1972 – Stephenson, T.A. & Stephenson, A.
12. The invertebrates (5th Edn.), 1986 – Barnes, R.D.
13. Zooplankton Methodology Manual, 2000 - Harris, R., Wiebe, P., Lenz, J., Skjoldal, H.R.,
Huntley, M. (Eds), ICES Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 684.

Page 26

MSCMS 20 7E Marine Microbiology & Cell Biology ( 4 credit)

Unit I Introduction to Microbiology (1 5 Hours)
A brief history of microbiology, An overview of the organization and cell structure of
prokaryotes and archaea; Microbial nutrition; Structure & Classification; Specialized

Unit II Marine Microbiology (15 Hours)
Introduction to Marine Microbiology. Characteristics of marine bacteria. Influence of physical and
chemical factors on the distribution of marine microorganisms. Sample collection methods.

Unit III: Cell Biology (1 5 Hours)
Cell structure, cell organelles & their function, mitochondria and chloroplast, cell signaling ,
cell cycle, cell division, microtubules & microfilaments, Molecular chaperones, cell fusion

Unit V Techniques in Marine Microbiology & Cell Biolog y (15 Hours)
Estimation of marine microorganisms. Total plate count, Epifluorescence count, ATP assay.
Identification of Microorganisms


2. David,L.Nelson.&Michael,M.Cox. (2017). Lehninger,Principles of
3. Fiechter, A (Ed.). (2000). Advances in Bioch emical Engineering /Biotechnology .
Berlin, Heidelberg:Springer -Verlag.
4. James, A., & Lilian, Evison. (1979). Biological Indicators of Water Quality in
Environmental Science and Technology Textsand Monographs. NewYork: John
Wiley and Sons.
5. Rodina, A.G. (1972) . Methods in Aquatic Microbiology . University Park Press.
6. Burrows, William., Porter, R. Janvier., Moulder & J. William. (1955). Textbook of
Microbiology (16thEdition).W. B. Saunders Company.
7. Holger, W. Jannasch. (1986). Advances in Aquatic Microbiology . Academic Press.
8. Irving, J. Higgins& Roger, G. Burns. (1975). The Chemistry and Microbiology of
Pollution . Academic Press.
9. Carol, D (Ed.). (1976). Marine Microbiology . Stroudsburg: Dowden, Hutchinson &

Page 27

10. Lynch, J.M & Hobbie, J.B (Eds.). ( 1988). Micro -organisms in Action:Concepts and
Applications in Microbial Ecology . Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
11. Michael, J. Pelczar., Roger, D. Reid., & Chen. E.C.S. (1997).
Microbiology (4thEdition). Tata MacGraw Hill.
12. Mitchell, Ralph. (1974). Introduction to Environmental Microbiology. Englewood
Cliffs: Prentice -Hall.
13. Prescott, Harley and Klein. (2008). Microbiology . 8thEdition. MacGraw Hill.
14. Rheinheimer, G.(1985). Aquatic Microbiology (3rdEdition). Book Depart.
15. Ronald, M. Atlas. (1986). Basic and Practical Microbiology . New York: Macmillan
Pub Co.
16. Salle, A.J.(1948). Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology. McGraw -Hill.
17. Skinner, F A., & Shewan, J M. (1977). Aquatic Microbiology. Academic Press.
18. William, C. Frazier.,& Dennis, C. Westhoff. (1988). Food Microbiology. McGraw -
21. Sabu Thomas et al. (eds). (2020). Emerging Concepts in Bacterial Biofilms:
Molec ular Mechanisms and Control Strategies. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN

MSCMS208E Biochemistry & Molecular Biology ( 4 credit)
Unit I: Carbohydrates, Vitamins, Minerals (1 0 Hours)
Carbohydrate: Classification and stereochemistry, structu re, properties and biological roles of
storage and structural carbohydrates such as sucrose, starch, glycogen, cellulose, pectin,
hemicelluloses, chitin, mucopolysaccharides. Glycoproteins, proteoglycans, glycolipids.
Applications of carbohydrates (biofuel , industrial and therapeutic). Vitamins: Structure,
sources and biological roles of water soluble and lipid soluble vitamins,
Unit II: Protein and Lipids (1 0 Hours)
Protein: Structure, classification and properties of Amino acids; Peptide bonds and Prima ry
structure; Secondary structure eg. Keratin, Collagen; Ramachandran plot; Tertiary structure
and the underlying interactions/ forces, quaternary structure and with references to
haemoglobin; and quinary structure. Protein folding and denaturation; Domain s and motifs;
Cytoskeletal and extracellular proteins; Isolation, purification and characterization of proteins;
Applications of proteins (industrial and therapeutic); Parameters of protein quality (Biological
value, net protein utilization, protein effici ency rate, digestibility) Lipids: Structure,
classification and properties of lipids; Lipid peroxidation;

Page 28

Unit III: Enzymology (10 Hours)
Enzyme: Enzyme and enzyme substrate interactions; chemical modification and identification
of active site amino acids; Enzyme kinetics (Michaelis -Menten equation and plot, Lineweaver -
Burk plot, significance of Km and Vmax); Catalytic efficiency of enzymes; Mechanism of
enzyme catalysis with reference to chymotrypsin/lysozymes/metalloenzymes; Role of metals
in catalysis with reference to carboxypeptidase; Therapeutic and industrial applications of
enzymes. Regulation: Regulation of enzyme action; Theory of a llostery with reference to
ATCase; Isozymes with reference to LDH; Coenzymes and their roles; Enzyme inhibitors,
types and their kinetics; Enzyme inhibitors as drugs; Ribozymes and Abzymes.
Unit IV Molecular Biology (10 Hours)
Structure of RNA, DNA. Centr al Dogma, Replication, Repair, Translation, Transcription.
Gene, Structure & function of Gene, Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and
eukaryotes. Induced gene mutation. Transposons. Chromosome mapping.
Unit IV: Marine Biochemical Techniques ( 20 Hours)
pH, Buffers and colorimetry:;. Chromatography: (paper, thin layer, column (gel filtration, ion
exchange, affinity, gas, HPLC,FPLC etc). Colorimetry and spectroscopy: Radioisotope
methods and tracer techniques in biology: Basic princi ples of radioactivity, properties and
handling of radioisotopes in biology and medicine, Molecular techniques in microbial
community structure analysis –Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE), Amplicon
sequencing, Terminal Restriction Fragment Leng th Polymorphism (T -RFLP). Fluorescence in situ
hybridization (FISH). Box PCR. Molecular methods of microbial identification -16S rRNA,
Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS), Nanopore sequencing. Microbial databases and microbial
culture collections -ARB, EZtax on, NCBI, Greengenes, MTCC, ATCC

References :
1. L. Stryer (2002): Biochemistry, W.H. Freeman and Co. 5th Edition.
2. Voet, Donald, Voet Judith, Pratt, Charlotte W. (2006): Fundamentals of Biochemistry:
Life at the molecular Level 2nd Edition. Publisher: Asia, John Wiley & Sons.
3. Nelson David L., Cox Michale. Lehninger (2008.): Principles of Biochemistry 5th
Edition.Publisher: New York. W. H. Freeman.
4. Text Book of Biochemistry with clinical correlation by Thomas M. Devlin, John Wiley
- Liss, Hobo khen NJ publishers
5. Zubey, Biochemistry GL WCB Publishers.
6. Purich Daniel L., Allison R. Donald. (2002): The Enzyme Reference: A Comprehensive
Guidebook to Enzyme Nomenclature, Reactions, and Methods. Publisher: California,
Academic Press.

Page 29

7. K. Wi lson and I. Walker, (2000): Practical Biochemistry, 5 th edition, University press
8. David Frifelder (1982): Physical Biochemistry, W. H. Freeman; 2nd edition
9. Sheehan, D. (2009) Physical Biochemistry: Principles and Applications. John Wiley &
Sons Ltd., UK.
10. Branden, C. I. and Tooze, T. (1999) Introduction to Protein Structure. Garland
Publishing, USA.
11. Lesk, A. M. (2004) Introduction to Protein Science: Architecture, Function and
Genomics. Oxford University Press, UK.
12. Creighton, T.E. ( 1983) Proteins: Structures and Molecular Properties. W.H. Freeman
and Co., USA.
13. Arai, M. and Kuwajima, K. (2000) Advances in Protein Chemistry. Academic Press,
14. David E Metzler (2001. 2002): The Chemical Reactions of Living Cells – Vol1 and 2.
15. William J. Marshall, Stephan K. Bangert, Elizabeth S.M. Ed. S.M (ed) Marshall,
Clinical Biochemistry: Metabolic And Clinical Aspects by (2008) Publisher: Elsevier
Science Health Science Div

Semester III

MSCMS301 Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ocean Optics (4 credit)
UNIT -I Introduction to Ocean Biogeochemistry: (10 hours) Primary Productivity, Role of
nutrients and light, Sverdrup’s critical depth concept, New and Regenerated production, Export
Production, Biological Pump, S olubility Pump;
UNIT -II Chemical Oceanography: (10 hours) Chemical composition of seawater, Macro
and Micronutrients, Concept of proximate and ultimate limitation, importance of trace ele-
ments, Elemental stoichiometry & Redfield ratio, Carbon, Nitrogen, Silicon and Phosphorus
cycles, Importance of these elements in Ocean biogeochemistry
UNIT -III Physical -Biological Interactions: (12 hours) Coupling between physical, chemi-
cal and Biological Oceanography, Upwelling and winter mixing, Physical fact ors controlling
marine productivity; ocean food web (phytoplankton to fish and microbial loop); Growth rate
of phytoplankton, nutrient limitation, light limitation, Liebig law of minimum, Michaelis -Men-
ton representation, Redfield ratio, photosynthesis, siz e consideration of phytoplankton (Diazo-
troph, picoplankton and diatom), zooplankton grazing;
UNIT -IV Oxygen minimum Zones: (4 hours) formation, distribution and implications; De -
oxygenation of ocean, Dentrification and annamox, Organic matter cycling
UNIT -V Biogeochemistry and Climate linkages: (12 hours) Ocean Carbon Cycle & Ocean
Acidification, Understanding of the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics and pro-
cesses influencing carbon dynamics in ecosystems, A simple carbon -cycle model, Contr olling

Page 30

factors of Ocean Acidification, Ocean acidification and implications for global marine ecosys-
UNIT -VI Ocean Optics: (12 hours) Fundamentals of the light/matter; electromagnetic radia-
tion; ocean color; measurements & uncertainties, Optics of mar ine particles; optically active
substances (OAS); inherent optical properties (IOP); apparent optical properties (AOP); remote
sensing reflectance; downwelling diffuse attenuation coefficient; effect of OAS on apparent
optical properties; vertical propagat ion of light

1. “Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics” by J. L. Sarmiento and N. Gruber, Princeton University
2. “Marine Biogeochemical Cycles”, 2nd Edition, by Rachael James, Open University Publi-
3. “Fundamentals of Remote Sensing”, 2nd Edition, by George Joseph, Universities Press.
4. “Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics,” by Jorge L. Sarmiento & Nicolas Gruber, Prince-
tonUniversity Press.
5. “Dynamics of Marine ecosystems: Biological –Physical Interactions in the Oceans”,3rd Edi-
tion by K.H Mann, John R.N La zie, Wiley, 2013.
6. “Phytoplankton productivity: Carbon assimilation in marine and freshwater ecosys-
tems”, by Williams, P.J. B, Thomas, D. N, Reynolds, C. SWiley,2008.

MSCMS302E Coastal and Estuarine Oceanography ( 6 credit)
Unit 1: Elements of coastal oceanography: (8 hours) Coasts and shorelines, coastal
geomorphology, coastal processes. Beaches – classification and features, beach configuration
& profiles, beach ero sion & accretion, long shore bars, sand spits, atolls, mud banks - beach

Unit 2: Dynamics of coastal processes: (8 hours) Wave transformation in shallow waters,
effect of bottom friction, phenomena of wave reflection, refraction and diffraction, breakers,
littoral currents. Sediment transport in coastal zone, wave action on sediments, alongshore and
cross shore transport, c haracteristics of wind waves and swells.

Unit 3: Tides: (8 hours) Basics of tidal circulation; Tides -tidal constituents, Harmonic analysis
of tides. Tides and tidal currents in shallow seas and estuaries. Barotropic and baroclinic tidal

Unit 4 Estuaries (8 hours) Definitions; Classification and nomenclature, effect of river
discharge and tides, salinity intrusion in estuaries, mixing and stratification, residual estuarine
circulation, estuaries of India – monsoonal estuaries, Tidal prism, uses and issues associated
with estuaries.

Page 31

Unit 5: Coastal zone management: (8 hours) Oceanographic aspects in coastal zone
protection, coastal uses and resources, coastal pollution, coastal zone of India, coastal hazards
and mitigation measures; Sea level ris e; Tsunami and Storm surge;

Unit 6: Observations of coastal ocean and estuaries: (40 hours) Field visits; collection of
water and sediment samples from estuaries and coastal waters, basic analysis and classification;
observation of water quality; observat ions of tides; harmonic analysis of tides and

• Beaches and Coasts: C A M King, Edward Arnold, 1961.
• Beaches Processes and Sedimentation: P D Komar, Prentice Hall, 2nd Edn., 1997.
• Contemporary issues in estuarine physics, Arnold o-Valle Levinson, Cambridge Uni-
versity Press, 2010.
• Estuaries: A Physical Introduction: K R Dyer, John Wiley, 1973.
• Sea-level science : understanding tides, surges, tsunamis and mean sea -level changes,
Pugh, David, Cambridge University Press, 2015

MSCMS3 03E Air -Sea interaction ( 4 credit)
Unit 1: Introduction: (15 hours) Ocean -atmosphere boundary layer; properties; diurnal
variation; Examples of oceanic influence on atmospheric boundary layer and atmospheric
influence of ocean mixed layer; Scales of air -sea interaction; Important assumptions in air -sea
interaction; Importance of air -sea interaction and climate; Examples of coupled ocean -
atmosphere processes;
Unit 2: (15 hours) Instabilities: Buoyancy driven instability; Kelvin Helmholtz instability;
Reyno lds Stress; Turbulant Kinetic Enery; TKE equation; Mixing Length Theory; Similarity
theory; Flux Richardson number; Tylor hypothesis;

Unit 3: (30 hours) Estimation of Air -sea fluxes: Drag coefficient, wind stress, heat and
moisture exchange coefficients, bulk formula for momentum flux, sensible heat flux and latent
heat flux; Eddy Viscocity;

Reference Books:
• Kraus E. B. and J. A. Businger, Atmosphere -Ocean interaction, Oxford University
Press, 1995.
• Stull R. B., Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology, Springer, 1988.

Page 32

• Kagan, B, A., Ocean atmospheric interaction and climate modeling, Cambridge Uni-
versity Press,1995.

MSCMS304E Numerical Ocean Modeling ( 6 credit)

UNIT -1: Elements of Numerical Methods (8 hours): Taylor’s expansion; forward, backward
and central schemes; nonlinear instability and aliasing; Arakawa grids. Time integration
schemes: Explicit and implicit schemes; semi -implicit schemes; initia l conditions; surface and
lateral boundary conditions.

UNIT -2: Ocean Circulation Modeling (10 hours) : Primitive Equations; Approximations;
Assumptions; Surface Mixed Layer Processes, Interior Ocean mixing processes, Mixing
Parameterisation Schemes, Representation of radiative transfer, Atmospheric Forcing; spin -
up of models;

UNIT -3: Modeling of Wind Wa ves (6 hours) : Fundamental Equations and concepts;
Modeling of the generation, propagation and dissipation of wind waves; Assumptions and
Approximations; Wave current interaction;

UNIT -4: Ocean Data Assimilation (8 hours): Elements of Ocean Data Assimi lation; Data
Variational methods; Adjoint Methods; Ensemble based filter methods; Assimilation of in situ
data; Assimilation of satellite observations;

UNIT -5: Applications of Ocean Modeling and Data Assimilation (8 hours): Operational
Oceanography; Clima te Prediction and Projection; Ocean Process Studies; Ocean Analysis and
Reanalysis; Observation System Evaluation and Observation System Sensitivity Experiments;

UNIT -6: Numerical Ocean Modeling Practice (40 hours): Configuration of an Indian Ocean
Circu lation Model - Preparation of grid, forcing fields; initial and boundary conditions;
selection of constants and coefficients; selection of baroclinic and barotropic time -stepping;
testing of numerical stability; selection of Physics options; selection of ra diation and mixing
parameterisation schemes. Experiments with numerical ocean model - impact of different
Physics/parameterisation schemes options on the model simulations; impact of changes in
different constants/coefficients on model simulations;

Refere nces:
• Fundamentals of Ocean Climate Models (2004) by Stephen M. Griffies,Princeton Uni-
versity Press, 533 pp.
• Chassignet, E.P., and J. Verron (Eds.), 1998. Ocean Modeling and Parameterization .
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 451 pp.
• Kampf, J., Ocean Modeling for beginners, Springer, 2009
• Kampf, J., Advanced Ocean Modelling, Springer, 2010

Page 33

MSCMS 305E Marine Hazards and Coastal Zone Management (4 credit)

Unit I: (12 hours) General introduction - classification -overview of marine and atmospheric
hazards -Tsunami -cyclones -storm surges -floods -coastal vulnerability -shore line changes -land-
slides -earthquakes -subsidence.

Unit II: (12 hours) Pollution - oil spills - chemical and other pollutants – toxic algal bloom -
thermal pollution –radioactivity - remedial approaches – dredging – mining - sand excavation
- structures and ship collision – fire on oil rigs.

Unit III: (12 hours) Winds, waves, currents as agencies bring about hazards - Hazard manage-
ment -Mitigation measures - long term planning – pre hazard action plans - hazard monito ring
and early warning sysems –active post hazard management plans.

Unit IV: (12 hours) Global environmental change - climate change and impacts on coastal
zone – sea level changes and coastal responses – approaches to sustainable coastal zone man-
agement – adaptive management in contextual scenarios;

Unit V: (12 hours) Coastal engineering works – structures – impacts - shore protection and
maintenance -dredging and impacts - ports and harbours – pre-requisites.

1. Global Warming -The Complete B riefing: H. John, 4th Edn, Cambridge University Press,
2. Ocean Environmental Management: E. G. Frankel, 1st Edn, Prentice Hall, 1995.
3. Encyclopedia of Disaster Management: P. C. Sinha, Anmol, India, 2002.
4. Environmental Hazards -Assessing Risk an d Reducing Disasters: K. Smith, 5th Edn,
Routledge, 2009.
5. Essentials of Oceanography, Trujillo, Alan P., Pearson, 2014.
6. Sustainable Coastal Management & Climate Adaptation: R Kenchington, CRC Press, 2012.

MSCMS306E Fisheries Resource Management & Technology (4 Credits):

Page 34

Unit I: Marine Fisheries resource management (15 Hours)
Important finfish and shellfish resources of India; Issues and challenges of managing multi -
species fishery; Fisheries co -management; Inshore, offshore and high seas fishery; Fish stock
concept and assessment; Eco path and Ecosystem models; Stock recruitment relationships
Unit II: Coastal Fishery Resource Management (15 Hours)
Biological resources (finfish, shellfish, mangroves, sea grass, sea weed); Mangrove ecos ys-
tem; Coral reef ecosystem; Coastal tourism; Coastal aquaculture; Ornamental fishery; Cli-
mate resilient coastal agriculture; Identification ecologically sensitive sites – Using Ecologi-
cally and Biologically Significant Areas tool
Unit III Fishing and alli ed technologies (15 Hours)
Inland & Estuarine Fishery resources of India; Commercially important fisheries in India;
Hygienic Handling of fish; Traditional & Modern fish processing; Quality assurance norms
and methods
Unit IV Remote sensing and GIS for fis hery management (15 Hours)
Sensor platforms; Environmental satellites

1. Conservation of Fish and Shellfish Resources - By J. Thorpe, Graham Gall, 2007.
2. Aquaculture, Resource Use, and the Environment - By Claude E., BoydAaron A., and
McNevin. 2014.
3. Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment - By Per Sparre and Siebren C. Venema.
4. Marine and Coastal Resource Management: Principles and Practice (Earths can
Oceans) - By David R. Green, and Jeffrey L. Payne. 2017.
5. Remote Sensing and GIS for Fisheries Management - By Mogalekar H S, and Johnson
Canciyal. 2015
6. The book of Indian shells - by Deepak Apte (Bombay Natural History Society ; Cal-
cutta : Oxford Universi ty Press,
7. Fisheries biology Assessment and management – by Michael King ( Oxford ; Ames,
Iowa : Blackwell Pub.,

Page 35

MSCMS207E Marine Biotechnology & Bioprospecting ( 6 credit)

Unit I Cell Culture (15 Hours)
definition of primary, established, suspended and anchoragedependent cell cultures. Cell culture
techniques -enzymatic disaggregation and explant culture techniques, open and closed systems, sub
culturing, in vitro transformations and established cell lines . Preservation of established cell
lines.Biomedical applications such as viral isolation and propagation. Toxicology –Cytotoxicity
Unit II Bioactive Substances from Marine Environment (10 Hours)
Bioactive substances from marine organisms -alkaloids , terpenoids and steroids. Nucleosides,
peptides, depsipeptides, polyketides & macrolides. Antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral,
anticancerand analgesic compounds.

Unit III Biomaterials from the marine environment (15 Hours)
chitin, chitosan, oils and fa ts, surfactants, biopolymers and novel enzymes from marine organisms.
Microbial Fermentation –bioreactors -upstream and downstream processes. Single cell proteins.
Algal Biotechnology –Pharmaceutical application, antimicrobial compounds. Industrial product s -
fertilizers, micronutrients, alginates, agar, carrageenan, diatomaceous earth.Applications of algae
in waste treatment.Photobioreactors -algae as food and feed, Bioethics, IPR and patenting issues
Unit III Marine Pharmacognosy (10 Hours)
Antimicrobial c ompounds, Antioxidant Compounds, Anticancer compounds Cell Assays,
Drug Discovery, Targeted drug delivery, Drug isolated from the Marine organisms, Clinical
Unit IV Bioreactors (10 Hours)
Design of Bioreactors, Componet of Bioreactior , Batch and Continuous bioreactors, microbial
bioractors, algal bioreactors, animal cell bioreactors

Unit IV Techniques in Biotechnology ( 30 Hours)
Methods for screening, isolation and characterization of marine natural products.High throughput
and high content screening, Bioassays for screening biomolecules -Design of assays -Brine shrimp
lethality assay, Cytotoxicity assay, Antimicrobial assays, Anticancer assays, Comet assay, MTT
assay, Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), Sulforhodamine B (SRB), Neutral Red uptake, Glucose
uptake, Caspase assay, Antimitotic assay. Genomics of Marine Toxins -Paralytic shellfish
poisoning (PSP), Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning (NSP), Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning(DSP),
Ciguatera poisoning, Amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP). P hotobioreactors


1. Becker. (1994). Microalgae –Biotechnology and Microbiology . University of
2. Bernard R. Glick, Jack J. Pasternak, Cheryl L. Patten. (2010). Molecular
Biotechnology –Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA . 4thEd ition. ASM
3. Bye, V.J. (1983). Applications of Genetics in Aquaculture , CMFRI Special

Page 36

4. Cheremisinoff, N. Paul., & Ferrante, L. M. (1991). Biotechnology -Current Progress
(Vol. 1). Lancaster, PA, USA: Technomic Publishing Company.
5. Cheremisinoff, N. Paul., & Ouellette,P. Robert (Ed.). (1985). Applications of
Biotechnology. Lancaster, PA, USA: Technomic Publishing Company.
6. Committee on Marine Biotechnology: Biomedical Applications of Marine Natural
Products, National Research Council. (2002). Marine Biotechnology in the
21stcentury –Problems, Promise and Products. Washington, D.C: National Academy
7. Fingerman, Milton., Rachakonda, Nagabhushanam & Mary -Frances, Thompson.
(1999). Recent Advances in Marine Biotechnology (Vol 3): Biofil ms, Bioadhesion,
Corrosion, and Biofouling . Science Publishers.
8. Freshney, R.I. (2010). A Manual of Basic Techniques -Culture of animal cells . John
Wiley & Sons.
9. Jean, L. Marx. (1989). A Revolution in Biotechnology. ICSU Press, University of
10. John, H. Paul. (2001). Method in Microbiology: (Vol.13) Marine Microbiology ,
Academic Press.
11. Pillai, T.V.R. (1993). Aquaculture -Principles and Practices , John Wiley & Sons.
12. SambrookJ, Russell D (2001) Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, 3rd edn.
Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

MSCMS 308E Marine Biological Engineering (6 Credits)
Unit I: Genetic Engineering (25 Hours)
Principles.Isolation of DNA, Restriction enzymes, Vectors. Cloning organisms.Splicing and
insertion of DNA.Southern blotting.Genomic libraries.Polymerase chain reaction.Hybridoma
technology –production of monoclonal antibodies and their applications.Applications of genetic
engineering, Genetic engeereed organism, Selective fish breeding, GMO laws, Marine genetic
library, marine cell lines.
Unit II Marine Genomics (15 Hours)
principle, protocol,l and applications. Marine modelorganisms. Differential gene expression. DNA
microar ray. Transcriptomics. Genesilencing techniquess.siRNA technologyy. Role of Micro RNA
in gene regulation. Next -generation sequencing technology. Model organism
Unit III Marine Proteomics. (20 Hours)
Primer designing, cDNA library Proteinidentificationby MA LDI-TOF -MS
peptidemassfingerprinting. Proteinsequencing -Edmandegradation. Structuralproteomics: X -
raycrystallography and NMR spectroscopy. Protein Docking

Unit IV Bioinformatics tools (30 Hours)
Using NCBI and Uniprot web resources. Introduction and use of various genome databases.
Sequence information resource: Using NCBI, EMBL, Genbank, Entrez, Swissprot/ TrEMBL,
UniProt. Similarity searches using tools like BLAST and interpretation of results. Multiple
sequence a lignment using ClustalW. Phylogenetic analysis of protein and nucleotide se-
quences. Use of gene prediction methods (GRAIL/Genscan,/Glimmer). Use of various primer
designing and restriction site prediction tools. Use of different protein structure predict ion
databases (PDB, SCOP, CATH). Construction and study of protein structures using

Page 37

RASMOL/Deepview/PyMol. Homology modelling of proteins. Use of tools for mutation and
analysis of the energy minimization of protein structures


1. Becker. (1 994). Microalgae –Biotechnology and Microbiology . University of
2. 2. Bernard R. Glick, Jack J. Pasternak, Cheryl L. Patten. (2010). Molecular Bio-
technology –Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA . 4thEdition. ASM
3. 3. Bye, V.J. (1983) . Applications of Genetics in Aquaculture , CMFRI Special pub-
4. 4. Cheremisinoff, N. Paul., & Ferrante, L. M. (1991). Biotechnology -Current Pro-
gress (Vol. 1). Lancaster, PA, USA: Technomic Publishing Company.
5. 5. Cheremisinoff, N. Paul., & Ouellette,P . Robert (Ed.). (1985). Applications of
Biotechnology. Lancaster, PA, USA: Technomic Publishing Company.
6. 6. Committee on Marine Biotechnology: Biomedical Applications of Marine Nat-
ural Products, National Research Council. (2002). Marine Biotechnology in the
21stcentury –Problems, Promise and Products. Washington, D.C: National Acad-
emy Press.
7. 7. Fingerman, Milton., Rachakonda, Nagabhushanam & Mary -Frances, Thomp-
son. (1999). Recent Advances in Marine Biotechnology (Vol 3): Biofilms, Bioad-
hesion, Corrosion, and Biofouling . Science Publishers.
8. 8. Freshney, R.I. (2010). A Manual of Basic Techniques -Culture of animal cells .
John Wiley & Sons.
9. 9. Jean, L. Marx. (1989). A Revolution in Biotechnology. ICSU Press, University
of Cambridge.
10. 10. John, H. Pau l. (2001). Method in Microbiology: (Vol.13) Marine Microbiol-
ogy, Academic Press.
11. 11. Pillai, T.V.R. (1993). Aquaculture -Principles and Practices , John Wiley &

MSCMS309E Fish
Physiology, Developmental Biology & Aqua farming (6 credits)

Unit I (15 Hours)
Classification of fishes with special emphasis on marine fishes. Food and feeding
mechanisms, reproduction, courtship and parental care. Fish eggs and larvae.
Distribution and migration of fishes. Mud banks and related fishery.

Unit II (15 Hours)

Page 38

A general outline of the circulatory pattern among vertebrates and invertebrates.
Respiratory System , Digestive System, Osmoregulatory system among the Fishes and
Marine organisms. Electric organs
Unit III (15 Hours)
Reproductive system focusing on finfish & Shell fish. Hormonal Regulation of
reproduction. Endocrine System, Neurological system
Unit IV (15 Hours)
Fisheries resources of India & their current status - Shrimps, Lobsters, Crabs, Pearl
oysters and Edible Oyster, Mussels, Clams, Gastropods , Squids, Cuttlefish and
Octopus. Export of marine products. Impacts of climate change on fisheries.
Unit V (10 Hours)
Aquaculture –Definition. Objectives, history and scope. Present global and national
scenario. General principles of Aquaculture. Criteri a for selection of species for
aquaculture. Important brackish water and marine species for aquaculture in India.
Unit VI ( 20 Hours)
Brackish water farming practices of India – Prawn filtration system and Bhasabada
fisheries. Culture of milk fish, mullets , pearl spot, Asian sea bass, shrimps, crabs,
lobsters. Brackish water molluscan species for aquaculture -mussels and clamspresent
status and prospects. Induced breeding in finfishes and shellfishes. Hatchery
techniques of shrimp seed production. Live feed culture techniques. Coastal and open
sea marine culture. Present status and future prospectus of mariculture in India. Cage
culture and Pen culture. Culture of pearl oyster, edible oyster, grouper and cobia.
Seaweed culture. Legal aspects of coastal aquacu lture – CRZ Act and Coastal
Aquaculture Authority.

1. Allen, R. and Steene, R.C. 1987. Reef Fishes of Indian Ocean by Gerald TFH
Publication, USA.
2. Bal D.V and Virabhadra Rao,K. 1990, Marine Fisheries of India, Tata
McGrawHill, 472 p.
3. Jhingra n,V.G. 1991. Fish and Fisheries of India, Hindustan Pub. Corp.
(India), ISBN 9788170750178., 727 p.

Page 39

4. Kurian C.V. and Sebastian, V.O. 1976.Prawn and Prawn Fisheries of India.
Hindustan Pub. Corp., Delhi.
5. Modayil , M.J. and Jayaprakash, A.A. 2003. Status of Exploited Marine
Fishery Resources of India, CMFRI, Kochi.
6. Morgan, R. 1956. World Sea Fisheries, Pitman Publishing Corp., New York.
Pillai, K.B. 1998. Commercial Fishes and Shellfishes of India.
7. Marine Prod ucts Export Development Authority, MPEDA House. Panampilly
8. Shanbhouge, S.L. 2000. Marine Fisheries of India, Directorate of Information
and Publications of Agriculture, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New
9. Yadav, B.N. 2006. Fish and Fisheries 4thedn., Daya Publishing House, Delhi.
ISBN: 81 -7035 -171-5
10. Bal, D.V. and Rao, K.V. 1990. Marine Fishes of India. 1st tevisededn. Tata
McGraw Hill.
11. Beverton, R.J.H. and S.J. Holt, 1957. On the Dynamics of Exploited Fish
Populations. Fish. Invest. Minist. Agric. Fish. Food G.B. (2 Sea Fish.), 19:
12. Chandra, P. 2007. Fishery Conservation Management and Development. SBS
Publ. Christensen, V. and and D. Pauly (Eds.) Trophic Models of Aquatic
Ecosystems. ICLARM Conference Proceedings No. 2 6.
13. Christensen, V. and D. Pauly, (Eds.) 1993. Trophic Models of Aquatic
Ecosystems. ICLARM Conference Proceedings No. 26. ICLARM Manila,
Philippines, 390 p.
14. Christensen, V. and Pauly, D. 1992a. ECOPATH II - software for balancing
steady state ecosystem models and calculating network characteristics. Ecol.
Modeling 61: 169 -185.
15. Christensen, V. and Pauly, D. 1992b. A Guide to the ECOPATH II
Programme (version 2 .1). ICLARM Software 6, 72p.
16. Christensen, V. and Pauly, D. 1995. Fish production, catches and the carrying
capacity of the world oceans. Naga, The ICLARM Quarterly 18 (3): 34 -40.
Christensen, V. and Pauly, D. 1998. Changes in models of aquatic ecosystem s

Page 40

approaching carrying capacity. Ecological Applications, 8 (1), (Suppl): 104 -
17. Christensen, V., Walters, C.J. and Pauly, D. 2000. ECOPATH with ECOSIM:
A User’s Guide. Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
Canada and Internation al Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Management
(ICLARM), Penang, Malaysia, 125 p.
18. Gulland, J.A. (1983). Fish Stock Assessment: A Manual of Basic Methods.
FAO/ Wiley, New York, 223 p. Hall, S. J and B. Mainprize, Towards
ecosystem -based fisheries mana gement, Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Fish and
Fisheries, 5 (2004) 1 -20.
19. Michael, R.R. 1997. Fisheries Conservation and Management. Prentice Hall.
Pascoe, S. 2005. Bycatch Management and the Economics of Discarding.
Daya Publ. House.
20. Pauly, D. 1983. Some Simple Methods for The Assessment of Tropical Fish
Stocks. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 234, 52 p.
21. Pauly, D. 1999. Ecosystem consideration and the limitations of Ecosimmodels
in fisheries management: insights from the Bering Sea. In: Keller, S. (Ed.)
Ecosystem A pproaches for Fisheries Management, University of Alaska Sea
grant, Fairbanks, pp. 609 -618.
22. Sparre P. and Venema, C. 1992. Introduction to Tropical Fish Stock
Assessment. FAO Fish Tech. Pap. 306, 376 p.
23. Thorpe, J.E., Lannan J.E. and Nash, C.E. (Eds.) 1995. Conservation of Fish
and Shellfish Resource - Managing Diversity. Academic Press Ltd,
London.ISBN 0 -12690685 -8.

MSCMS310E: Maintenance of Marine Electrical System &
Troubleshooting ( 04 Credits)

Unit 1: (10 hours) Essentials of Electrical Safety ; Generic Guidelines for Maintenance;
Maintenance of Low Voltage Equipment; Maintenance of High Voltage Equipment ;

Page 41

Unit 2: 10 hours: Test Equipment and Component Testing; Earth Fault Monitors; Guidelines
for Troubleshooting;

Unit 3: 10 hours: Introduc tion to Alarm and Monitoring Systems; MSBs, ACB, GSP;
Integrated Monitoring and Control System; Main Engine Alarm and Safety System;M.E.
Engine Alarms Handling and References.

Unit 4: (20 hours) Electronic Governor; Viscosity Controller; Heaters and Coolers; Air
Conditioning System; Axial Flow Fan; Magnetic and Gyro Compasses; Global Positioning
System ; ECDIS ; Echo Sounder and Electro Magnetic Log; Anemometer and Anemoscope;
BNWAS and Master Clock ;VHF Communication Set; Weather Facsimile

Unit 5 : ( 10 hours) Tank Radar; Gas Detection System; Fire Detection Systems; Internal
Communication Systems;

1. Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Marine Electrical Systems Volume 1 by Harbhajan
Singh,Elstan A. Fernandez and Lakshman Singh Yadav
2.Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Marine Electrical Systems Volume 2 by Harbhajan
Singh,Elstan A. Fernandez and Lakshman Singh Yadav

MSCMS311E : Ship Construction (04 Credits)

Unit 1: (10 hours) Introduction to shipbuilding; Purchase and Basic Design of the Ship; Ship
Dimensions and Form; Development of Ship Types.
Unit 2: (5 hours) Materials and Strength of ships:Classification societies; Steels;Aluminium
Alloy; Testing of Materials; Stresses to which a Ship is Subject.
Unit 3 (5 hours): Welding and Cutting: Welding and Cutting Processes used in Shipbuilding;
Welding Practice and Testing Welds.
Unit 4 (10 hours): Shipyard Practice: Shipyard layout; Computer aided Design and
Manufacture; Plate and Section Preparation and Machining; Prefabrication; Launching.
Unit 5 (10 hours) : Ship Structure: Bottom Structure; Shell Plating and Framing; Bulkheads

Page 42

and Pillars; Decks, Hatches and Superstructures; Fore End Structure; Aft End Structure; Tanker
Construc tion; Liquefied Gas Carriers.
Unit 5: (10 hours) Outfit: Derricks, Masts and Rigging; Cargo Access, Handling and Restraint;
Pumping and Pipe Arrangements; Corrosion Control and Paint systems; Ventilation,
Refrigeration and Insulation.
Unit 6: (10 hours) International Regulations:International Maritime Organization; Tonnage;
Load Line Rules; Structural Fire Protection

1. Ship Construction by D J Eyres