Fee Structure Mass Media 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Fee Structure Mass Media 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC : 30/09/2016
Item No. 4.11

A meeting of the Ad- hoc Board of Studies in Mass Media was held on
Friday, 12th August, 2016 at 4.00 p.m. at the Department of Communication &
Journalism,Vidyanagari Campus, University of Mumbai, Mumbai – 400 098.

The minutes of the meeting were given by Dr. Sunder Rajdeep
(Chairman, Board of Studies in Mass Media)

Amendment in Re gulation 8721 Fee Structure of B achelor of Arts (Fil m,
Television and New Media Production).
The board has discussed the Amendment in Regulation 8721 Fee Structure of
Bachelor of Arts (Fil m, Television and New Media production) and has been
resolved that the course fee is as follows:
Admission fees Rs. 1000/- (Shall be taken in only Sem ester – I, III & IV)
Tuition fees Rs. 16000/ - (Shall be taken in every Semester)
Library fees Rs. 1000/ - (Shall be taken in every Semester)
Computer Lab fees Rs. 6000/ - (Shall be taken in every Semester)

An Additional Refundable Security deposit of Rs . 10,000/ - (At the time
of admission to First Year) will be charged to the students and will be refunded to
them post the completion of the course provided there is no loss to either
equipments & library material.