FYBSc Physics_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

FYBSc Physics_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Syllabus for Sem I & I I
Program: B.Sc.
Course: Physics

(Credit Based Semester and Grading
System for Academic year 2016 -17)


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Syllabus for B.Sc. Phys ics(Theory& Practi cal)
Aspercreditb asedsystem
FirstYearB.Sc. 2016– 2017 .

Therevisedsyl labusinPhysicsasper creditbasedsystemforthe FirstYearB. Sc.
willb eimplementedfromth eacadem icyear2016–2017.

The systematic and planned curricula from these courses s hall motivate and encourage
learners to understand basic concepts of Ph ysics.

• To develop analytical abilities towards real world problems
• To familiarize with current and recent sci entific and technological
• To enrich k nowledge through problem solving, hands o n activities, study v isits,
projects etc.

Course code Title Credits
Semester I
USPH101 Classical Physics 2
USPH102 Modern Physics 2
USPHP1 Practical I 2
Total= 06
Semester II
USPH201 Mathematical Physics 2
USPH202 Electricity and Electronics 2
USPHP2 Practical II 2


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Name of the

Semester Subject
B.Sc.in Physics Sixsemesters I Phys ics
CourseCode Title Credits
USPH1 01 Classical Physics 2for USPH 101

Learning Out comes:

On successful completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Understand Newton's l aws and apply them in c alculations of the motion of simple
2. Use th e free body diagrams to analyzetheforces on the object.
3. Understand the concepts of friction and t he concepts of elasticity, fluid mechanics and
be able to perform calculations using them.
4. Understand the concepts of lens system and interference.
5. Apply the laws of thermodynamics to formulate the relations necessary toanalyze
athermodynamic process.
6. De monstrate quantitative problem solving ski lls in a ll the topics covered

Unit:I 15lectures

1. Newton’s Laws :
Newton’s first, second and third laws of motion, interpretation and applications, pseudo forces, Inertial and non-inertial frames of reference.Worked out examples (with friction present )
2. Elasticity:
Review of Elastic constants Y, K, η and σ;Equivalence of shear strain to compression and
extension strains. Relations between elastic constants, Couple for twist in cylinder.
3. Fluid Dynamics :
Equation of continuity, Bernoulli’s equation, applications of Bernoulli’s equation, streamline and
turbulent flow, lines of flow in airfoil, Poiseuille’s equation.
Unit:II 15
1. Lens Maker's Formula (Review), Newton’s lens equation,magnification -lateral, longitudinal
and angular .

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2. Equivalent focal length of two thin lenses, thick lens, cardinal points of thick lens, Ramsdenand
Huygens eyepiece .
3. Aberration: Spherical Aberration, Reduction of Spherical Aberration, Chromatic aberration and condition for achromatic aberration.
3. Interference: Interference in thin films, Fringes in Wedge shaped films, New ton’s Rings

UNIT III 15 lectures

1. Behavior of real gases and real gas equation, Van der Waal equation
2.Thermodynamic Systems, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Concept of Heat, The first law, Non
Adiabatic process and Heat as a path function, Internal energy, , Heat Capacity and specific heat,
Applications of first law to simple processes, general relations from the first law, Indicator
diagrams, Work done during isothermal and adiabatic processes, Worked examples, Problems.

Note:Agood number ofnume ricalexamplesareexpectedtobecoveredduringthe presc ribed
lecture s.

Refere nces:

1. Halliday, Resnick and Walker, Fundamental of Physics (extended) – (6th Ed.), John Wiley
and Sons.
2. H. C. Verma, Concepts of Physics – (Part –I), 2002 Ed. BharatiBhavan Publishers.

3. Iradov

4. Brijlal,Subramanyam and Avadhanulu A Textbook of Optics, 25th revised ed.(2012) S.

5. Brijlal, Subramanyam and Hemne, Heat Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, S Chand, Revised, Multi -coloured,2007 Ed.

6. Jenkins and White, Fundamentals of Optics by (4th Ed.), McGraw Hill International.

Additional References :

1. Thornton and Marion, Classical Dynamics – (5th Ed)
2. D S Mathur, Element of Properties of Matter, S Chand & Co.
3. R Murugeshan and K Shivprasath, Properties of Matter and Acoustics S Chand.
4. M W Zemansky and R H Dittman, Heat and Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill.
5. D K Chakrabarti, Theory and Experiments on Thermal Physics, (2006 Ed) Central books.
6. C L Arora, Optics, S Chand.
7. Hans and Puri, Mechanics –, 2nd Ed. Ta ta McGraw Hill


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Progr amme Duration Semester Subject
B.Sc.in Physics Sixsemesters I Phys ics
CourseCode Title Credits
USPH1 02 Modern Physics
2for USPH 102

Learning Out comes:

After successful completion of this course students will be able to
1. Understand nuclear properties and nuclear behavior.
2. Understand the type isotopes and their applic ations.
3. Demonstrate and understand the quantum mechanical concepts.
4. De monstrate quantitative problem solving ski lls in a ll the topics covered.

Unit I 15 lectures

1. Structure of Nuclei:Basic properties of nuclei, Composition, Charge, Size, Rutherford's expt. for estimation of nuclear size, density of nucleus, Mass defect and
Binding energy, Packing fraction, BE/A vs A plot, stability of nuclei (N Vs Z plot)
and problems.
2. Radioactivity: Radioactive disintegration c oncept of natural and artificial
radioactivity, Properties of α, β, γ -rays, laws of radioactive decay, half -life, mean life
(derivation not required), units of radioactivity, successive disintegration and equilibriums, radioisotopes. Numerical Problems .
3. Carbon dating and other applications of radioactive isotopes (Agricultural, Medical,
Industrial, Archaeological - information from net ).

Unit II 15

Interaction between particles and matter, Ionization chamber, Proportional counter and
GM counter, problems
Nuclear Reactions: Types of Reactions and Conservation Laws. Concept of Compound
and Direct Reaction, Q value equation and solution of the Q equati on, problems .
Fusion and fission definitions and qualitative discussion with examples.


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Unit III 15 lectures

1. Origin of Quantum theory, Black body (definition), Black Body spectrum, Wien's
displacement law, Matter waves, wave particle duali ty, Heisenberg’s uncertainty Principle.
Davisson -Germer experiment, G. P. Thompson experiment .
2. X-Rays production and properties. Continuous and characteristic X -Ray spectra, X -Ray
Diffraction, Bragg’s Law, Applications of X -Rays .
3. Compton Effect, Pair production, Photons and Gravity, Gravitational Red Shift.

Note: Agoodnumber ofnume ricalexamplesareexpectedtobecoveredduringthe presc ribed
lecture s

1. Kaplan: Nuclear Physics, Irving Kaplan, 2nd Ed. Narosa Publishing House
2. SBP: Dr. S. B. Patel, Nuclear Physics Reprint 2009, New Age International
3.BSS: N Subrahmanyam, Brijlal and Seshan, Atomic and Nuclear Physics Revised Ed. Reprint
2012, S. Chand
4. Arthur Beiser, Perspectives of ModernPhysics : Tata McGraw Hill
Additional R eferences:

1 S N Ghosal, Atomic Physics S Chand
2 S N Ghosal, Nuclear Physics 2
nd ed. S Chand


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Name of the
Progr amme Duration Semester Subject
B.Sc.in Physi cs Sixsemesters I Phys ics
CourseCode Title Credits
USP HP1 Practical I 2

Leaning Outcome:

On successful completion of this course students will be able to:
i) To demonstrate their practical skills.
ii) To understand and practice the skills while doing physics practical.
iii) To understand the use of apparatus and their use without fear.
iv) To correlate their physics theory concepts through practical.
v) Understand the concepts of errors and their estimation.

A. Regularex periments :

1 J by Electrical Method : To determine mechanical equivalent of
heat (Radiation correction by graph method)
2 Torsional Oscillation: To determine modulus of rigidity η of a
material of wire by torsional oscillations
3 Bifilar Pendulum
4 Spectrometer: To determine of angle of Prism.

5 Y by vibrations : To determine Y Young's Modulus of a wire
material by method of vibrations - Flat spiral Spring
6 To determine Coefficient of Viscosity (η) of a given liquid by
Poisseuli’s Method
7 Surface Tension/ Angle of contact
8 Combination of Lenses To determine equivalent focal length of a
lens system by magnification method.
9 Spectrometer: To determine refractive index µ of the material of
10 To study Thermistor characteristic Resistance vs Temperature
11 Constant volume/constant pressure
12 Newton’s Rings To determine radius of curvature of a given
convex lens using Newton's rings.
13 Wedge Shaped Film


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B. Skill Experiments:

1. Use of Vernier calipers , Micrometer Screw Gauge, Travelling
2. Graph Plotting : Experimental, Straight Line with intercept ,
Resonance Curve etc.
3. Spectrometer: Schuster’s Method
4. Use of DMM
5 Absolute and relative errors calculation.

C) Any one out of following is equivalent to two experiments from section A and/ or B
1. Students should collect the information of at least five Physicists with their work.
Report that in journal.
2. Students should carry out m ini-project upto the satisfaction of professor
In -charge of practical .
3. S tudy tou r. Stu dents participated in s tudy tour must submit a s tudy tour report.

Mini mum 8expe rimentsfrom the list shou ldbecompl etedinthe first semester. Any four skill
experimentsaretobereport edinjourna lCertif iedjournalis a must
tobeeligibletoa ppearforthese mesterend pract ical.

Theschemeofexaminationforther evisedcoursein Physicsat theFirstYe arB.Sc. Semester
ende xaminat ionwillbeasfollows.

SemesterEnd P racti cal Examination :
Schemeof examination:

There will be no internal assessment for practical .
Acandidatewillbeallowed toappea rforthesemester end practical
examinationonlyifthecandidate submits aCertified journalattheti meofpracticale xamination ofthe
semester oracer tificatefrom theHeadoft heDepartment /Institu te toth eeffectt hatheca ndidate
hascompleted the
practicalc ourseoft hatsem ester ofF.Y.B.Sc.Phy sicsasperthem inimumrequire ment. The duration
of the practical examination will be two hours per experiment. There will be two experiments
through which the candidate will be examined in practical. The questions on slips for the same
should be framed in such a way that candidate will be able to complete the task and should be
evaluated for its sk ill and understanding of physics.


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Progr amme Duration Semester Subject
B.Sc.in Physics Sixsemesters II Phys ics
CourseCode Title Credits
USPH2 01 Mathematical Physics
2for USPH201

Learning Out comes:

On successful completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Understand the basic mathematical concepts and applications of them in physical
2. Demonstrate quantitative problem solving ski lls in a ll the topics co vered.

Unit I 15 l ectures
1. Vector Algebra :
Vectors, Scalars, Vector algebra, Laws of Vector algebra, Unit vector, Rectangular unit vectors,
Components of a vector, Scalar fields, Vector fields, Problems based on Vector algebra.
Dot or Scalar product, Cross or Vector product, Commutative and Distributive Laws, Scalar Triple product, Vector Triple product (Omit proofs). Problems and applications based on Dot, Cross and
Triple products.
2. Gradient, divergence and curl:
The ∇ operator, Definitions and physical significance of Gradient, Divergence and Curl;
Distributive Laws for Gradient, Divergence and Curl (Omit proofs); Problems based on Gradien t,
Divergence and Curl.

Unit: II 1 5
1. Differential equations :
Introduction, Ordinary differential equations, First order homogeneous and non- homogeneous
equations with variable coefficients, Exact differentials, General first order Linear Differential
Equation, Second- order homogeneous equations with constant coefficients. Problems depicting
physical situations like LC and LR circuits, Si mple Harmonic motion (spring mass system).
2. Transient response of circuits: Series LR, CR, LC R circuits. Growth and decay of

Unit:III 15lectures
1. Superposition of Collinear Harmonic oscillations: Linearity and Superposition Principle.
Superposition of two collinear oscillations having (1) equal frequencies and (2) different
frequencies (Beats).

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2. Superposition of two perpendicular Harmonic Oscillations: Graphical and Analytical
Methods. Lissajous Figures with equal an unequal frequency and their uses
3. Wave Motion: Transverse waves on string, Travelling and standing waves on a string. Normal modes of a string, Group velocity, Phase velocity, Plane wave s, Spherical waves,
Wave intensity .

Note: Agoodnumber ofnume ricalexamplesareexpectedtobecoveredduringthe presc ribed
lecture s

1.MS:Murray R Spiegel, Schaum’s outline of Theory and problems of Vector Analysis, Asian
Student Edition
2. CH : Charlie Harper, Introduction to Mathematical Physics , 2009 (EEE) PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
3. CR: D. Chattopadhyay, P C Rakshit , Electricity and Magnetism 7th Ed. New Central Book agency.
4. Waves: Berkeley Physics Course, vol. 3, Francis Crawford, 2007, Tata McGraw -Hill.
5. The Physics of Vibrations and Waves, H. J. Pain, 2013, John Wiley and Sons. 6. The Physics of Waves and Oscillations, N.K. Bajaj, 1998, Tata McGraw Hill.
Additional R eferences:
1. BrijLal ,N. Subrahmanyam , Jivan Seshan , Mechanics and Electrodynamics, , (S. Chand)
(Revised & Enlarged ED. 2005)
2. A K Ghatak, Chua, Mathematical Physics, 1995, Macmillan India Ltd.
3. Ken Riley , Michael Hobson and Stephen Bence, Mathematical Methods for Physics and
Engineering, Cambridge (Indian edition).
4. H. K. Dass, Mathematical Physics, S. Chand & Co.
5. Jon Mathews & R. L. Walker, Mathematical Methods of Physics: W A Benjamin Inc.


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Progr amme Duration Semester Subject
B.Sc.in Physics Sixsemesters II Phys ics
CourseCode Title Credits
USPH2 02 Electricity and
2for USPH202

Unit I : 15 lectures
1. Alternating current theory:(Concept of L, R, and C: Review)
AC circuit containing pure R, pure L and pure C, representation of sinusoids by complex numbers,
Series L -R, C- R and LCR circuits. Resonance in LCR circuit (both series and parallel), Power in
ac circuit. Q -factor.
2. AC bridges: AC- bridges: General AC bridge, Maxwell, de-Sauty, Wien Bridge , Hay
Bridge .

Unit II: Electronics 15 lectures
1.Circuit theorems: (Review: ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws) Superposition Theorem, Thevenin’s Theorem, Ideal Current Sources, Norton’s Theorem,
Reciprocity Theorem, Maximum Power Transfer Theorem .
Numericals related to circuit analysis using the above the orems.
2.DC power supply: Half wave rectifier , Full wave rectifier, Bridge rectifier, PIV and Rippl e
factor of full wave rectifier, Clipper and Clampers( Basic circuits only), Capacitor Filter.
Zener diode as voltage stabilizer.
3.Digital electronics : Logic gates( Review) , NAND and NOR as universal building blocks. EXOR
gate: logic expression, logic symbol, truth table, Implementation using basic gates and its applications, Boolean algebra, Boolean theorems. De -Morgan theorems, Half adder and Full adder

Unit II I : Electrostatics and Magnetostatics 15 lectures
1.The Electric Field : Introduction , Coulomb’s Law, The Electric Field, Continuous charge
Distribution, Electric Potential, Introduction to Potential, Comments on Potential,
The Potential of a Localized Charge Distribution
2.Work and Energy in Electrostatics : The Work Done to Move a charge, The Energy of
a Point Charge Distribution
3.Magnetostatics: Magnetic Fields
4.TheBiotSavart Law : Steady Currents,The Magnetic Field of a Steady Current

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Helmholtz coil and solenoid.

Note: Agoodnumber ofnume ricalexamplesareexpectedtobecoveredduringthe presc ribed
lecture s

References :
CR: D. Chattopadhyay, P C Rakshit , Electricity and Magnetism 7th Ed. New Central Book agency.
TT :B.L. Theraja and A.K. Theraja , A Textbook of Electrical Technology Vol. I , S. Chand Publication
BN : Boylestad and Nashelsky, Electronic devices and Circuit Theory: 7
th edition, Prentice Hall of
VKM: V K Mehta and R Mehta Electronics Principals, MulticolouredRevised 1 1th Ed. reprint in
2012 ,S Chand.
David J. Griffiths : Introduction to Electrodynamics, Prentice Hall India (EEE) 3rd Ed.
A B Bhattacharya, Electronics Principlesand Applications, Central publisher.
A P Malvino, Digital Principles and Applications: Tata M cGraw Hill
Tokhiem, Digital electronics, 4thed, McGraw Hill International Edition.


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Name of the
Progr amme Duration Semester Subject
B.Sc.in Physi cs Sixsemesters II Phys ics
CourseCode Title Credits
USP HP2 Practical II 2

Leaning Outcome:

i) To understand and practice the skills while doing physics practical.
ii) To understand the use of apparatus and their use without fear.
iii) To correlate their physics theory concepts through practical.
iv) Understand the concepts of errors and their estimation.

A) Regular experiments:
1 Flywheel
2 To study Zener Diode as Regulator
3 To study load regulation of a Bridge Rectifier
4 LR Circuit: To determine the value of given inductance and phase angle
5 CR Circuit: To determine value of given capacitor and Phase angle
6 Frequency of AC Mains: To determine frequency of AC mains.
7 LCR series Resonance: To determine resonance frequency of LCR series circuit.
8 To study NAND and NOR gates as Universal Building Blocks
9 To study EX -OR Gate, half adder and full adder and verify their truth tables.
10 To verify De Morgan’s Theorems
11 Thevenin’s Theorem : To verify Thevenin's theorem for DC circuits
12 Norton’s Theorem : To verify Norton's Theorem for DC circuits
13 LDR Characteristics : To study the dependence of LDR resistance on intensity of

B) List of Demo -experiments: (Min. four)

1. Angular Momentum conservation
( Rotating Platform)
2. Light dependent switch
3. Laser beam divergence, Intensity
4. Use of Oscilloscope
5 Charging and discharging of a capacitor

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6 Use of PC for graph plotting
7 Clipper and Clamper circuits.

C) Any one out of following is equivalentto two experiments from section A and/ or B
1. Students should collect the information of at least fourPhysics events and their
outcome. Report that in journal.
2. Students should carry out m ini-project up to the satisfaction of professor
In -charge of practical
3. S tudy tou r. Stu dents participated in s tudy tour must submit a s tudy tour report.

Mini mum 8expe rimentsfrom the list shou ldbecompl etedinthe first semester. Any four skill
experimentsaretobereport edinjourna lCertif iedjournalis mustto beeligibletoa ppearforthe
semester end pract ical.

Theschemeofexaminationforther evisedcoursein Physicsat theFirstYe arB.Sc. Semester
ende xaminat ionwillbeasfollows.

SemesterEnd P racti cal Examination :
Schemeof examination:

There will be no internal assessment for practical
A candidate will be allowed t o appea r for the semester end practical e xamination only if the
candidate submits a Certified jour nal at the ti me of p ractical e xamination of the semester or a
certificate from the Head of t he Department /Institu te to t he effect t hat the ca ndidate has
completed the practical c ourse of t hat sem ester of F.Y.B.Sc. Ph ysics as per the minimum
require ment. The duration of the practical examination will be two hours per experiment. There
will be two experiments through which the candidate will be examined in practical. The questions on slips for the same should be framed in such a way that candidate will be able to
complete the task and should be evaluated for its skill and understanding of physics