FYBSc Biochemistry Sem I II1 Syllabus Mumbai University

FYBSc Biochemistry Sem I II1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Syllabus for the F.Y.B.Sc.
Program: B.Sc.
Course : Biochemistry

(Credit Based Semester and Grading System
effect from the academic year 2017 – 2018)

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Biochemistry is central to all areas of the “biological” and “life” science. It aims to provide an
understanding of every aspect of the structure and function of living things at cellular level.
Being an interdisciplinary subject it is spanning a wide rang e of areas from microbiology to plant
and animal sciences to pathology of diseases and nutrition.
The impact of studies in biochemistry on modern life is enormous. Therefore , the syllabus is
structured to touch upon broad base at the beginning. Unique phy sical and chemical
characteristics of water enable it to function in ways essential to human and other life processes
due to its structure and composition. Life on Earth began more than 3 billion years ago, evolving
from the most basic of microbes into a d azzling array of complexity over time, which makes it
necessary to study the origin of life and evolution of a modern species over span of years. After
an in -depth understanding of how the first cells originated, students are introduced to detailed
structu ral organization of basic unit of a living system “The Cell”. Biomolecules are the basic and
important constituents of a living system. Hence , it is mandatory to study structure, occurrence
and functions of large biomolecules like carbohydrates, lipids and proteins along with nucleic
acids. In order to prepare the students for detailed course in Applied Nutrition in the higher
education, the syllabus is made to understand human nutrition and its significance. In order to
understand the biological processes occurring in the living body, processes as digestion,
absorption, respiration and excretion are necessary to be studied. As stated earlier, life evolved
from a small microbe, it is our aim to study living microscop ic size organisms which
include bacteria, f ungi, protozo a and special type of microorganisms called extremophiles

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Objectives of the first year of the course

Develop an adequate background to enable the first year students to study more
advanced biochemistry topics.

Acquaint the learners with the unique properties of the universal
solvent - water, essential for life processes.

Understand the life constituting bio molecules: proteins, carbohydrates, lipids,
nucleic acids.

Familiarize the learners about the origin of life and take them through the process of

Focus on Cell as the basic unit of life which is the center
for all biochemical processes.

Familiarize the learners to the world of microorganisms which exist as independent
cellular units.

Develop an interest in the learner in nutrition for sustaining life, and physiology and
functioning of life systems.

Appreciate the importance of the broad spectrum of biochemistry.

Provide familiarity with basic biochemistry laboratory techniques.

Develop the practical skills of students to enhance their observational skills and to
use these skills for problem solving.

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F. Y. B. Sc. Biochemistry Syllabus

Credit Based Semester and Grading System

To be implemented from the academic year 2017 - 2018

Semester I

Course Code Unit Topics Credits Lectures
Biomolecules and Nutrition
USBCH101 I Water 2 15
II Amino acids and proteins 15
III Carbohydrates 15
Introduction cell biology, Physiology and Microbiology
USBCH102 I Origin of life and formation of cells 2 15
II The cell wall, cell membrane, cell
organelles and cell division 15
III Microbiology I 15
Practicals based on both course s in
theory - USBCH101 and USBCH102 2 2

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Semester II
Course Code Unit Topics Credits Lectures

Biomolecules and Nutrition
USBCH201 I Lipids 2 15
II Nucleic acid s 15
III Nutrition 15

Introduction cell biology, Physiology and Microbiology
USBCH202 I Physiology of digestion and
absorption 2 15
II Physiology of respiration and
excretion 15
III Microbiology II 15

USBCHP02 Practicals based on both courses in
theory - USBCH201 and USBCH202
2 2

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F.Y.B.Sc. Biochemistry Syllabus
Restructured for Credit Based and Grading System
to be impleme nted fro m the Academic year 2017 - 2018
Semester I
USBCH101 - Bio molecules and Nutrition
Course Code Title Credits
USBC H101 Biomolecules and Nutrition 2 Credits
(45 lectures )

Unit I : Water

1.1 Water : Its effect on Biomolecules , hydrogen bonding and s tructure , properties
(surface tension, latent heat, specific heat, viscosity, dilectric constant, colligative
properties) of water and their biological significance, w ater as a universal solvent.
1.1.1 Entropy and dissolution of solute
1.1.2 Effect of non polar compounds on the structure of water
1.1.3 Weak interactions of biomolecules in aqueous solutions

1.2 Solutions
1.2.1 Concepts of mole, molar , molar equivalent and normal, Dalton

1.3 Ionization of water, weak acids and weak bases
1.3.1 pH: pH scale , H+ and OH- concentrations
1.3.2 Weak acids and bases and their dissociation constants Ka & Kb
1.3.3 Buffers - definition, action, physi ological buffers - phosphate and carbonate
(No derivations . Only simple problems on solutions ) 15 Lect ures

Unit II : Amino acids and proteins

2.1 Amino acids
2.1.1 Amino acid structure - D & L forms of all 20 amino acids
2.1.2 Detailed classification based on polarity , essential and non essential amino acid
2.1.3 Physical properties: zwitter ions, pI of amino acids amino acids as ampholytes,
melting point, optical rotation, UV absorption and chemical properties:
Chemical reactions of amino acids with Ninhydrin, Sanger's reagent,
Edman's reagent and Dansyl chloride

2.2 Peptides and Proteins
2.2.1 . ASBC - APS classification on the basis of shape and function
2.2.2 Primary structure - Formation and characterization of the peptide bond
2.2.3 Secondary structure - Alpha helix and beta sheet
2.2.4 Tertiary ( myoglobin) and Quaternary ( hemoglobin) structures - an introduction
2.2.5 Protein denaturation
15 Lect ures

Unit III: Carbohydrates.

3.1 Definition, Classification, and functions of carbohydrates
(mono, oligo polysaccharides)

3.2 Monosaccharides
3.2.1 Classification in terms of aldoses and ketoses
3.2.2 Occurrence,s tructures and significance of glucose, fructose, galactose, mannose,
and ribose
3.2.3 Properties:
a) Physical - isomerism D & L, optical ; epimers : anomers
b) Chemical reactions -
i) oxidation to produce aldonic. a ldaric and uronic acids
(with respect to glucose);
ii) reducing a ction in boiling alkali, enediol formation
(with respect to glucose and fructose)
iii) Osazone formation (with r espect to glucose and fructose) .
iv) Orcinol (with respect to ribose)
15 Lect ures

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3.3 Disaccharides
3.3.1 Occurrence and structure of maltose , lactose and sucrose
3.3.2 Formation of glycosidic bonds

3.4 Polysaccharides
3.4.1 Classification based on function. storage and structure
a) Composition: homo & hetero. with examples
b) Storage : starch and glyc ogen - action of amylase on starch
c) Structural: cellulose, chitin

USBCH102 - Introduction to Cell biology, Physiology and Microbiology
Course Code Title Credits
USBCH 102 Introduction to Cell biology, Physiology and Microbiology 2 Credits
(45 lectures )

Unit I : Origin of Life & Formation of cells

1.1 Big bang theory, Theories on the origin of life: Abiogenesis, Heterotroph
hypothesis, RNA world, protein world, Miller's exp eriment , Formation of the first cell,
endosymbiont theory

1.2 Evolution - Darwinian theory, Modern synthetic theory of evolution and its factors:
Gene mutations( recombination), heredity, natural selection and isolation Biological
evidences: Fossil record,chemical and anatomicalsimilarities of related life forms,
geographic distribution of related species, genetic changes in living organisms over
generations and Mechanism of evolution, Gene flow and genetic drift,
Hardy -Weinbe rg principle
15 Lect ures

Unit II: The cell- cell wall, cell membrane, cell organelles and cell division

2.1 Structural organization of cells
2.1.1 Prokaryotic, Eukaryotic (plant & animal) and yeast cells - a comparative overview

2.2 Cell wall structure (plant ), cell membrane (fluid mosaic model )
Cytoskeleton : microtubules & microfilaments

2.3 Cell organelles :
2.3.1 Mitochondrion : Organization & function of the mitochondria, mitochondria l genome
2.3.2 Chloroplast : Structure and function of the chloroplast. the chloroplast genome,
other plastids
2.3.3 Ribosome : ER: Golgi Structure & Function of Ribosome, ER, Golgi apparatus
2.3.4 Peroxisome & Lysosom e: Peroxisome func tion & assembly (in brief) and
Lysosome structure and function
2.3.5 Nucleus : Structure & function of the nucleus, nuclear envelope, nuclear pores,
nuclearmatrix and Nucleolus

2.4 Mitosis and Meiosis

15 Lect ures

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Unit III: Microbiology I

3.1 Historical background (contributio ns of Leeuwenhoek. Pasteur ,etc )
and genera l characteristics ( size, shape and structure) of Bacteria

3.2 Microbial Taxonomy : Microbial species and strains. classification of bacteria
based on morphology (shape and flagella), staining reaction.
nutrition and extreme environment

3.3 Bacterial cell wall: Structure and function , components of peptidoglycan frame
work (structures of NAG and NAMA not necessary)

3.4 An introduction to extremophiles : thermophile s, psychrophile s, halophile s,
magnetotactic, radiation resistant - examples with their application

3.5 Staining methods ( principles of staining & types or stains ) and microscopic
identification of bacteria
15 Lect ures

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45 Lectures
1. Preparation & Standardisation of laboratory reagents
Primary standards - 0.1N oxalic acid
Secondary standards - 0.1N NaOH , 0.1N HCl

2. Preparation of buffers - acetate and phosphate

3. Determination of pKa of acetic acid

4. Qualitative tests for Carbohydrates –
Monosaccharides (glucose and fructose),
Disaccharides (lactose ,maltose and sucrose)
Polysaccharides (starch and dextrin)

5. Qualitative test for amino acids

6. Effect of heat, organic solvents and ammonium sulphate on proteins


pH meter – working of a pH meter

PRACTICAL – II 45 Lectures
1. Effect of isotonic, hypertonic and hypotonic solutions on cells – onion peel
2. Staining of bacterial yeast cells (negative staining)
3. Staining techniques -
gram staining,
capsule and
4. Permanent slides/ diagrams or electron micrograph of organelles -nucleus,
mitochondria and chloroplast
5. Study of stages of mitosis using onion root tips

6. Permanent slides of mitosis and meiosis


1. Microscopy – study of a compound microscope

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Semester II
USBCH201 - Bio molecules and Nutrition

Course Code Title Credits
USBC H201 Biomolecules and Nutrition 2 Credits
(45 lectures )

Unit I : Lipids

1.1 Definition, classificati on (Bloor’s) and functions of L ipids

1.2 Fatty' acids and Triacylglvcerol
1.2.1 Classification &Chemistry ,
Saturated fatty acids - classificatio n of C2 to C20 : even carbon: Common and
IUPAC names. Unsaturated fatty acids MUFA, PUFA (2.3.4 double bonds)
Omega - 3.6.9 fatty acids. Triacyl glycerol - simple and mixed - names and structure
1.2.2 Chemical Reactions of fats
Saponification, Iodination, Ozonolysis, Auto -oxidation,
Action of heat on glycerol and choline,
Rancidity D efinition & significance - Acid number, Saponification number,
Iodine number, Reic hert - Meissel number

1.3 Compound Lipids
Functions of glycero phospholipids (PE.PC.PL)
Phosphosphingolipids ( ceramide , sphingomyelin) , Glycolipids / Cerebroside s
(gluco & galactocerebroside s )

1.4 Steroids Cholesterol structure and biochemical significance.
15 Lect ures

Unit II : Nucleic Acids

2.1 Structure - Purine & Pyri midine bases, ribose, deoxyribose, nucleosides and
nucleotides ( ATP, CTP, GTP, TTP, UTP ) Formation of polynucleotide strand
with its shorthand Representation

2.2 RNAs ( various types in prokaryotes and eukaryotes) mRNA & rRNA - gener al
account, tRNA - clover leaf model , Ribozymes

2.3 DNA
2.3.1 Physical evidence of DNA helical structure. Chargaff's rules
(chemical evidence ), Watson -Crick model of DNA & its features
2.3.2 Physical properties of DNA - Effect of heat on physical properties of DNA
(Viscosity, buoyant density, UV absorption), H ypoc hrom ism, hyperchro mism,
denaturation of DNA.
2.3.3 Reactions of nucleic acids (with DPA and Orcinol)
15 Lect ures

Unit III : Nutrition

3.1 Definition: Calorie, Joule, Food calorimetry - calorific value determination by
130mb calorimeter, calorific values of p roximate principles, concept of BMI,
BV and PER

3.2 BMR – definition, factors affecting BMR, Significance of BMR in clinical diagnosis

3.3 SDA/DIT -General concept and significance, energy requirement of individuals
for various activities - sedentary, moderate and heavy

3.4 Nutritional significance of carbohydrates, Protein, lipids, vitamins, minerals
and water

3.5 Formulation of balanced diet

3.6 Numerical problems based on above concepts 15 Lect ures

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USBCH202 - Introduction to Cell biology, Physiology and Microbiology
Course Code Title Credits
USBC H202 Introduction to Cell biology, Physiology and Microbiology 2 Credits
(45 lectures )

Unit I : Physiology of digestion and absorption

1.1 Parts and Functions of gastro intestinal tract (GIT)

1.2 Organs and Glands associated with GIT
Secretions and Juices of GIT ( Saliva, Gast ric juice, Intestinal juice, pancreatic
and Bile juice)

1.3 Digestion and Absorption of carbohydrates

1.4 Digestion and Absorption of Lipids

1.5 Digestion and Absorption of Proteins

1.6 Disorders - Peptic ulcer, Lactose Intolerance
15 Lect ures

Unit II : Physiology of respiration and excretion

2.1 Respiratory system,

2.2 Breathing - inspiration and expiration,

2.3 Composition of air and partial pressure of gases

2.4 Physical exchange of gases
2.4.1 Transport of oxygen
2.4.2 Transport of carbon dioxide
Respiratory disorders – cyanosis, respiratory acidosis and alkalosis

2.5 Excretion
2.5.1 Structure of the nephron: Bowman’s capsule & glomerulus - Structure &
function, ( ultr afiltration, pressures involved, GFR, regulation of GFR);
Renal tubule - structure & f unction ( proximal and distal convoluted tubules and
Henle's loop )
2.5.2 Urine formation: Reabsorption / Secretion of glucose, Na+, K+. HCO3
Cl- and H+ : renal threshold , Excretory disorder : Nephritis
15 Lect ures

Unit III: Microbiology II

3.1 Microbial Growth - Growth Curve, Mathematical expression, Synchronous
growth, Generation time

3.2 Culture media (N, C, Special requirements) , Natural and Synthetic media

3.3 Sterilization and Disinfection techniques

3.4 Physical Agent of sterilization - Temperature - Pressure (Hot Air Oven,
Autoclave), Radiations (UV, Gamma) (examples with mechanism)
Chemical agents of sterilization - Alcohol, Halogens, Formaldehyde
15 Lect ures

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PRACTICAL - I 45 Lecture
1. Qualitative tests for lipids
a) Miscibility test
b) Saponification test
c) Unsaturation test
d) Sudan black dye test
e) Salkowski test for cholesterol
2. Determination of SAP value of given oil sample
3. Determination of Acid value of give oil samp le
4. Staining of DNA and RNA (methyl green : pyronine) using onion peel
5. Qualitative tests for DNA (DPA) & RNA (Orcinol) (Neumann’s test for presence of phosphorus) -
6. Estimation of Calcium by oxalate method
7. Qualitative analysis for Proteins (albumin, peptone , gelatine and casein - any four proteins)


PRACTICAL – II 45 Lecture hours

1. Identification of organs / parts of digestive system
2. Identification of organs / parts of respiratory system
3. Identification of organs / parts of excretory system
4. Analysis of the action of salivary α - amylase action on starch
5. Concept of Dialysis: Ammonium sulphate precipitation  Dialysis (Test with BaCl 2 for presence of sulphate
in the buffer or water outside)

6. Estimation of total acidity of gastric juice
7. Urine analysis :
Inorganic constituents: SO 4-2 (BaCl 2), Cl- (AgNO 3), Na+, K+ (Flame test)
Organic constituents: Urea, Uric acid, Creatinine
Abnormal constituents – glucose by Benedicts method, proteins by Hellers ring test

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Scheme of Examination:

Semester end a ssessment : It is defined as the assessment of the learners on the basis of performance in the
semester end theory/ written/ p ractical examination.

a) Theory 100 m arks
Question Paper Pattern for Semesters I & II (100 marks ) 3hrs

Q1) Objective questions based on all units with no internal options: 20 marks
a) Define the following (10 marks) : (Provide 5 terms to be defined, each
definition will carry 2 marks)
b) True or False with reasons (10 marks): (Provide 5 statements, for each the student
has to state whether it is true or false and provide reasons.)

Q2) Questions based on Unit I 20 marks
(either answer any 4 out of 8 sub -questions OR any 2 out of 4 )
Q 3) Questions based on Unit II 20 marks
(either answer any 4 out of 8 sub -questions OR any 2 out of 4 )
Q4) Questions based on Unit III 20 marks
(either answer any 4 out of 8 sub -questions OR any 2 out of 4 )
Q 5) Questions based on Units I,II,III 20 marks
(Answer 4 out of 6 sub -questions)

b) Practicals 50 marks
The Course having Practical training will have Practical Examination 20 marks
for 50 marks at theend of Semester, out of which 30 marks for the Practical task
assigned at the time of examination.
The 20 marks are allotted as Internal Assessment.

Sr. No Evaluation type Marks
1 Two best practicals 10
2 Journal 05
3 Viva 05

Practical External Assessment 30 marks

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Suggested Reading
1. De Rob ertis, E.D.P. and De Robertis, E.M.F. 2006. Cell and Molecular Biology. 8thedition. Lippincott
Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia.

2. Becker W. M. Kleinsmith, L.J., Hardin. J. and Bertoni, G. P. 2009. The World of the Cell. 7th edition,
Pearson Benjamin Cummings Publishing , San Francisco

3. Cooper, G.M. and Hausman, R.E. 2009. The Cell: A Molecular Approach. 5th edition. ASM Press
&Sunderland,Washington, D.C.; Sinauer Associates , MA.

4. Lehninger, Albert L, Biochemistry , Kalyani Publishers

5. Nelson, D . L. and Cox, M.M, ( 2008) . Lehninger , Principles of Biochemistry 5th Edition, W. H. Freeman and
Company, NY., USA.

6. Voet, D. and Voet, J.G. (2004) Biochemistry, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc. USA. Biochemistry by Zubay, Geoffrey L.; Wm. C. Brown publishers

7. Zubay, Geoffrey L., Biochemistry; Wm.C.Brown publishers

8. Stryer, Lubert; W.H.; Biochemistry; Freeman publishers.

9. Harpers illustrated biochemistry by Murray, Robert K. etal.; Mc Graw Hill

10. Freifelder, D. (1982) Physical Biochemistry 2nd edition, W.H . Freeman and Co.NY. USA.

11. Coop er, T.G. (1977) TheTools of Biochemistry John Wiley and Sons, N .Y. USA.

12. Pattabhi. V. and Gautham N. (2002) Biophysics. Narosa Publishing House, India.

13. Roy, R.N. (2005) A Textbook of Biophysics. New Central Book Agency(P) Ltd., Calcutta, India

14. Guyton, Arthur C. and Hall, John E.;Te xt book of Medical physiology ; Harcourt Brace & Company Asia
Pvt. Ltd.

15. Orten, J.M. and Ne uhaus, O.W.; Human biochemistry ; Mosby publishers.

16. Davidson, S. etal; Human nutrition and dietetics ; Churchill Livingstone Publishers.

17. Joshi, Shubhangini A.; Nutrition and dietetics ; Tata Mc Graw and Hill publishers.

18. Srilakshmi, B.; Nutrition Science ; New Age International publishers.

19. Plummer, David T.; Introduction to practical biochemistry; Tata Mc. Graw and Hill publishers.

20. Boyer, Rodney F. Modern experimental biochemistry

21. Sawhney, S.K. and Singh, Randhir; Introductory practical biochemistry ; Narosa Publishing House.

22. Verma , P.S. and Agarwal V.K.; Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular biology, Evolution and Ecology ;
Publishers : S. Chand and Co.Ltd., (2009)

23. Essential Cell Biology Ed: Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Karen Hopkin and Alexander Johnson (2009) 3rd
Edition Pub: Garland Science

24. B. Hall and B. Hallgrimsson Strickberger’s Evolution ; 4th Edition (2008) Jones and Bartlett Publishers

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25. Sean B. Carrol, Remarkable Creatures: Epic Adventures in Search of the Origin of Species (2009).
Mariner Books

26. Stanier,Ingraham et al ,General Microbiology 4th & 5th Ed. 1987, Macmillan Education Ltd 6.

27. Pelczar Michael J. ; Chan Jr., E.C.S. , Krieg ,Noe l R.; Microbiology TMH 5th Edition .

28. Ananthanarayanan and Panniker, Textbook of Microbiology 5th Edition (1996). Orient Longman