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Academic Council 24/06/2016
Item No. 4.17
Syllabus for First Year B.Com
(Semester I and Semester II)
Business Economics Paper I & II
(Choice Based Credit System with effect from the
Academic year 2016-17)
First Year B.Com Semester I
Business Economics Paper I
This paper provides an overall introduction to economics as dealing with the problems
of allocation of scarce resources in optimum manner. It aims to build a familiarity with the
basic tools of consumer and producer theory, the operation of markets and optimisation in an economic context. In order to explain economic issues and solutions in a practical manner, the concepts are to be discussed with case studies and numerical problems wherever
Unit I:Introduction (10 lectures)
Scope and Importance of Business Economics - basic tools - Opport unity Cost principle -
Incremental and Marginal Concepts. Basic economic relations - functional relations:
equations - Total, A verage and Marginal relations - Use of M argina l analysis in decision
The basics of market demand, market supply and equilibrium price - shifts in the demand and
supply curves and equilibrium
Unit II:Demand Analysis(15 lectures)
Demand Function - nature of demand curve under different markets
Meaning, significance, types and measurement of elasticity of demand (Price, income cross
and promotional) - relationship between price elasticity of demand and revenue concepts
Demand Estimation and forecasting : Meaning and significance - methods of demand
estimation - survey and stati stical methods (numerical examples on trend analysis and simple
linear regression )
Unit III: Supply and Production D ecisions: (10 lectures)
Production function: short run analysis with Law of Variable Proportions - Production
function with two variable inputs - isoquants, ridge lines and least cost combination of inputs -
Long run production function and Laws of Returns to Scale - expansion path - Economies
and dis economies of Scale and economies of scope
Unit IV:Cost of Production: (1 0 lectures)
Cost concepts: accounting cost and economic cost, implicit and explicit cost, social and
private cost, historical cost and replacement cost, sunk cost and incremental cost -fixed and
variable cost - total, average and marginal cost - Cost Output Relationship in the Short Run
and Long Run- (hypothetical numerical problems to be discussed)
Extension of cost analysis : Cost reduction through experience - LAC and Learning curve
and Break Even Analysis (with business application)
References :
1) Mehta, P.L.: Managerial Economics – Analysis, Problem and Cases (S. Chand & Sons,
N. Delhi, 2000)
2) Hirchey .M., Managerial Economics, Thomson South western (2003)
3) Salvatore, D.: Managerial Economics in a global economy (Thomson South Western Singapore, 2001)
4) Frank R.H, Bernanke.B.S.,Principles of Economics (Tata McGraw Hill (ed.3)
5) Gregory Mankiw., Pr inciples of Economics, Thomson South western (2002 )
6) Samuelson &Nordhas.: Economics (Tata McGraw Hills, New Delhi, 2002)
7) Pal Sumitra, Managerial Economics cases and concepts (Macmillan, New Delhi,2004)
F.Y B.Com Semester II
Business Economics Paper II
Unit I:Market S tructure: Perfect Competition and Monopoly ( 10 lectures)
Perfect competition and Monopoly models as two extreme cases - profit maximisation and
the competitive firm’s supply curve - Short run and long run equilibri um of a firm and of
industry - Monopoly - Sources of monopoly power – short run and long run equilibrium of a
firm under Monopoly
Unit II:Pricing and Output Decisions under Imperfect Competition ( 15 lectures)
Monopolistic competition: Competitive and Monopolistic elements of monopolistic
competition - equilibrium of firm under monopolistic competitions, monopolistic verses
perfect competition, excess capacity and inefficiency, debate over role of advertising, (topics
to be taught using case studies from real life examples)
Oligopolistic Market: Key attributes of oligopoly- Collusive and non- collusive oligopoly
market, Price rigidity, Cartels and price leadership models (with practical examples)
Unit III: Pricing practices (10 lectures)
Cost oriented pricing methods: cost –plus (full cost) /mark -up pricing, marginal cost pricing,
Mark up pricing, discriminating pricing, multiple – product pricing - transfer pricing (case
studies on how pricing methods are used in business world)
Unit IV: Evaluating capital projects (10 lectures)
Meaning and importance of capital budgeting - steps in capital budgeting- Techniques of
Investment appraisal: payback period method, net present value method, and internal rate of
return method (with numerical examples)
References :
1) Mehta, P.L.: Managerial Economics – Analysis, Problem and Cases (S. Chand &
Sons, N. Delhi, 2000)
2) Hirchey .M., Managerial Economics, Thomson South western (2003)
3) Salvatore, D.: Managerial Economics in a global economy (Thomson South
Western Singapore, 2001)
4) Frank Robert.H, Bernanke. Ben S., Principles of Economics (Tata McGraw Hill (ed.3)
5) Gregory Mankiw., Principles of Economics, Thomson South western (2002 reprint)
6) Samuelson &Nordhas.: Economics (Tata McGraw Hills, New Delhi, 2002)
7) Pal Sumitra, Managerial Economics cases and concepts (Macmillan, New Delhi,2004)
Question Paper Pattern
(Business Economics Paper I & II)
Maximum Marks: 100
Questions to be set: 06
Duration: 03Hrs.
No Particula r Marks
Q-1 Objective Questions
A) Sub Questions to be asked 07 and to be a nswered any 05
B) Sub Questions to be asked 12 and to be answered any 10
(*Multiple choice / True or False / Match the columns/Fill in the blanks) 20
Q-2 Full Length Question
Full Length Question
Q-3 Full Length Question
Full Length Question
Q-4 Full Length Question
Full Length Question
Q-5 Full Length Question
Full Length Question
Q-6 Short Notes
To be asked 06 To be answered 04
Note - Theory questions of 15 marks may be divided into tw o sub questions of 7/8 and 10/5.