FYBA Chinese Studies_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

FYBA Chinese Studies_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Date: 20th Feb 2017 Signature:

Name of BOS Chairperson / Dean: ___________________________ _________ Sr.
No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the
Course F.Y.B.A. in Chinese Studies
2 Eligibility for
Admission XIIth (10+2) passed: 40% + Personal Interview
3 Passing
Marks 40%
4 Ordinances /
Regulations ( if any)
5 No. of Years /
Semesters 1 year / Sem I & II
6 Level U.G.
7 Pattern Semester
8 Status New
9 To be implemented from Academic Year From Academic Year
2017 - 18 AC___________
Item No. 4


Syllabus for Approval

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Syllabus for the F.Y.B.A . in Chinese Studies
Program: B.A.
Course: Chinese Studies

Sem I & II

(As per Credit Based Semester & Grading System with effect
from the academic year 2017-18)


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Ordinances and Regulations as per the credit system of the Faculty of Arts, University of
O_________ Title: F .Y.B.A.
O_________ Eligibility: Students seeking admission to this programme should have passed
XIIth (10+2): 40% + Personal Interview
R_________ Intake Capacity: 30.
R_________ Teaching Faculty Qualification: as per the University norms for BA courses.
R_________ Duration of the Course: One academic year
R_________ Fees: Tuition fees: Rs. 30000/ - (Full year - Sem I & II)
Exam fees: as per the university policy
R_________ Standard of Passing: as per the university policy
R_________ Scheme of Syllabus and Evaluation
R_________ Scheme of examination: 50 marks = End Semester Exam
50 marks = Internal Assessments

Pattern of the exam paper: 10+10+10+10+10 / as decided by the Faculty committee
Pattern & Evaluation:
Continuous evaluation (Chinese): 3 tests
Tool: 1 test + 1 assignment or as decided by course in- charge

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Bachelor Programme 2017- 2018

F.Y.B.A . Semester I
Codes Course Name Marks
(Internal +
Theory) Credits Lectures
per week
UACHN 101 Chinese Language: Listening Skills I 100 3 3
UACHN 102 Chinese Language: Speaking Skills I 100 3 3
UACHN 103 Chinese Language: Reading Skills I 100 3 3
UACHN 104 Chinese Language: Writing Skills I 100 2 2
UACHN 105 Introduction to East Asia 100 2 2
UACHN 106 Chinese History I (Foundation
Course) 100 2 2
Audit Course Chinese Language T utorials
Listening + Reading 3
Audit Course Chinese Language T utorials
Speaking + Writing 3
Total 600 15 15
(+ 6 = 21)

F.Y.B.A . Semester II

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Codes Course Name Marks
(Internal +
Theory) Credits Lectures
per week
UACHN 201 Chinese Language: Listening Skills II 100 3 3
UACHN 202 Chinese Language: Speaking Skills II 100 3 3
UACHN 203 Chinese Language: Reading Skills II 100 3 3
UACHN 204 Chinese Language: Writing Skills II 100 2 2
UACHN 205 Chinese History II 100 2 2
UACHN 206 Tools: Chinese Culture Studies 100 2 2
Audit Course Chinese Language Tutorials
Listening + Reading 3
Audit Course Chinese Language Tutorials
Speaking + Writing 3
Total 600 15 15
(+ 6 = 21)

F.Y.B.A. Semester I
COURSE TITLE: Chinese Language: Listening Skills I
Credits = 03
The course shall introduce 300 basic Chinese words. The focus shall be on practice of
listening skills. Emphasis shall be on tone marks and oral comprehension.
Listening I:
Chinese Phonetics and Intonation
Basic Recognition of Sounds
Basic Recognition of the Four Tones
Simultaneous Reproduction of Sounds and the Four Tones

Prescribed Texts:

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• A Practical Intermediate Chinese Course ( I) and Supplementary Book, Beijing
Language and Culture University Press, Beijing, 2014, Chen Zhuo.
• Elementary Chinese Readers, Part 1 and Part 2, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2008.
Recommended Reading:
• Modern Chinese Beginner’s Course, Part 1, BLCU, Beijing, 2008.
• New Practical Chinese Reader: Textbook Volume 2, Beijing language and Culture
University Press, Liu Xun.
• Conversational Chinese 301, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Kang, Yuhua and Li, Siping.
• A Practical Chinese Grammar for Foreigners, Beijing Language and Culture Unive rsity Press, Li Dejin ; Cheng Meizhen .

(Additional material to be complied & provided by Course Incharge )
Pattern & Scheme of examination: As per University norms.
COURSE TITLE: Chinese Language: Speaking Skills I
Credits = 03
The course shall introduce 300 basic Chinese words and elementary grammar for basic
conversation . The focus shall be on practice of speaking skills. Emphasis shall be on tone
marks and proper pronunciation. They should be able to speak basic Chinese for everyday
Speaking I:
Intonation w ith emphasis on four tones and tonal modification
Simple sentence reading in pinyin

Prescribed Texts:
• A Practical Intermediate Chinese Course ( I) and Supplementary Book, Beijing
Language and Culture University P ress, Beijing, 2014, Chen Zhuo.
• Elementary Chinese Readers, Part 1 and Part 2, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2008.
Recommended Reading:

• Modern Chinese Beginner’s Course, Part 1, BLCU, Beijing, 2008.
• New Practical Chinese Reader: Textbook Volume 2, Beijing language and Culture
University Press, Liu Xun.
• Conversational Chinese 301, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Kang, Yuhua and Li, Siping.
• A Practical Chinese Grammar for Foreigners, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Li Dejin ; Cheng Meizhen .

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(Additional material to be complied & provided by Course Incharge)
Pattern & Scheme of examination: As per University norms.

COURSE TITLE: Chinese Language: Reading Skills I
Credits = 03
The course shall introduce 300 basic Chinese words and elementary grammar for basic
reading. The focus shall be on practice of reading skills. Emphasis shall be on tone marks ,
proper pronunciation of pinyin tone marks and recognition of Chinese characters . They
should be able to read basic C hinese words and text s.
Reading I:
Introduction to the Intricacies of the Four Tones
Introduction to Pinyin Romanization
Basic Recognition of Chinese Characters
Basic Reading of Simple Chinese
Sentences Focus on Pitch Contours

Prescribed Texts:
• A Practical Intermediate Chinese Course ( I) and Supplementary Book, Beijing
Language and Culture University Press, Beijing, 2014, Chen Zhuo.
• Elementary Chinese Readers, Part 1 and Part 2, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2008.

Recommended Reading:

• Modern Chinese Beginner’s Course, Part 1, BLCU, Beijing, 2008.
• New Practical Chinese Reader: Textbook Volume 2, Beijing language and Culture
University Press, Liu Xun.
• Conversational Chinese 301, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Kang, Yuhua and Li, Siping.
• A Practical Chinese Grammar for Foreigners, Beijing Language and Culture
University Press, Li Dejin ; Cheng Meizhen .

(Additional material to be complied & provided by Course Incharge)
Pattern & Scheme of examination: As per University norms.

COURSE TITLE: Chinese Language: Writing Skills I

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Credits = 02
The course shall introduce 300 basic Chinese words and elementary grammar for basic
writing in pinyin and Chinese characters. The focus shall be on practice of writing skills.
Emphasis shall be on stroke order and 100 radicals . They should be able to write basic
Chinese characters and sentences.
Writing I :
History of Chinese Script
Introduction to Chinese Pictographs and Ideographs
Introduction to Basic Strokes and Stroke Order
Simple Character Writing
Basic Grammatical Constructions

Prescribed Texts:
• A Practical Intermediate Chinese Course ( I) and Supplementary Book, Beijing
Language and Culture University Press, Beijing, 2014, Chen Zhuo.
• Elementary Chinese Readers, Part 1 and Part 2, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2008.

Recommended Reading:

• Modern Chinese Beginner’s Course, Part 1, BLCU, Beijing, 2008.
• New Practical Chinese Reader: Textbook Volume 2, Beijing language and Culture University Press, Liu Xun.
• Conversational Chinese 301, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Kang,
Yuhua and Li, Siping.
• A Practical Chinese Grammar for Foreigners, Beijing Language and Culture
University Press, Li Dejin ; Cheng Meizhen .

(Additional material to be complied & provided by Course Incharge)
Pattern & Scheme of examination: As per University norms.

COURSE TITLE: Introduction to East Asia
Credits = 02
The course shall focus on East Asian nation’s relationship with China, the development and
progress took place through Silk Route Trade. Strengthen relationship among the nations and
geographical, political and economic relationship from China.
Prescribed Texts:

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• East Asia: The Great Tradition ed. Edwin Reischauer and J.K. Fairbank, Geroge Allen
and Unwin Ltd; London, 1960.
• Veeck, Gregory. “China’s Geography: Globalization and the Dynamics of Political, Economic and Social Change” in Changing Regions in Global Context: New Perspectives in Regional Geography Series, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers,
Second Edition, 2011.
Recommended Reading:

• National Geographic Atlas of China, National Geographic, 2009.

(Additional material to be complied & provided by Course Incharge)
Pattern & Scheme of examination: As per University norms.

COURSE TITLE: Chinese History I (Foundation Course)
Credits = 02
The course shall focus on Chinese legendary history, emperors and uprising of social and
economic developments under dynasties.
Chinese History:
Legendary Emperors
Political History from the Legendary Xia until the Qing Dynasty (2100 BCE - 1911 CE)
Social Institutions in Ancient China

Prescribed Texts:
• Dawson, Raymond, Imperial China, Pelican Books, 1976.

Recommended Reading:

• Schurmann, Franz and Schell, Orville(eds.). Imperial China and Republican China, 2 Volumes: China Readings, 1970.
(Additional material to be complied & provided by Course Incharge)
Pattern & Scheme of examination: As per University norms.

COURSE TITLE: Chinese Language Tutorials (Listening + Reading)

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The course shall focus on reading and listening practice. Reading and Listening exercises
shall be decided by the respective course teacher.
Prescribed Texts:
• A Practical Intermediate Chinese Course ( I) and Supplementary Book, Beijing
Language and Culture University Press, Beijing, 2014, Chen Zhuo.
• Elementary Chinese Readers, Part 1 and Part 2, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2008.
Recommended Reading:

• Modern Chinese Beginner’s Course, Part 1, BLCU, Beijing, 2008.
• New Practical Chinese Reader: Textbook Volume 2, Beijing language and Culture University Press, Liu Xun.
• Conversational Chinese 301, Beijing Language and Culture Univers ity Press, Kang,
Yuhua and Li, Siping.
• A Practical Chinese Grammar for Foreigners, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Li Dejin ; Cheng Meizhen .
(Additional material to be complied & provided by Course Incharge)
Pattern & Scheme of examination: As per University norms.

COURSE TITLE: Chinese Language Tutorials (Speaking + Writing)

The course shall focus on speaking and writing practice. Speaking and Reading exercises
shall be decided by the respective course teacher.
Prescribed Texts:
• A Practical Intermediate Chinese Course ( I) and Supplementary Book, Beijing
Language and Culture University Press, Beijing, 2014, Chen Zhuo.
• Elementary Chinese Readers, Part 1 and Part 2, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2008.
Recommended Reading:

• Modern Chinese Beginner’s Course, Part 1, BLCU, Beijing, 2008.
• New Practical Chinese Reader: Textbook Volume 2, Beijing language and Culture
University Press, Liu Xun .
• Conversational Chinese 301, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Kang, Yuhua and Li, Siping.
• A Practical Chinese Grammar for Foreigners, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Li Dejin ; Cheng Meizhen .

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(Additional material to be complied & provided by Course Incharge)
Pattern & Scheme of examination: As per University norms.

F.Y.B.A. Semester II
COURSE TITLE: Chinese Language: Listening Skills II
Credits = 03
The course shall introduce 600 basic Chinese words. The focus shall be on practice of
listening skills. Emphasis shall be on tone marks and oral comprehension.
Listening II:
Listening to the basic conversation audios
Simultaneous listening exercise

Prescribed Texts:
• A Practical Intermediate Chinese Course ( I) and Supplementary Book, Beijing
Language and Culture University Press, Beijing, 2014, Chen Zhuo.
• Elementary Chinese Readers, Part 1 and Part 2, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2008.
Recommended Reading:

• Modern Chinese Beginner’s Course, Part 1, BLCU, Beijing, 2008.
• New Practical Chinese Reader: Textbook Volume 2, Beijing language and Culture
University Press, Liu Xun.
• Conversational Chinese 301, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Kang,
Yuhua and Li, Siping.
• A Practical Chinese Grammar for Foreigners, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Li Dejin ; Cheng Meizhen .

(Additional material to be complied & provided by Course Incharge)
Pattern & Scheme of examination: As per University norms.
COURSE TITLE: Chinese Language: Speaking Skills II
Credits = 03
The course shall introduce 600 basic Chinese words and elementary grammar for basic
conversation. The focus shall be on practice of speaking skills. Emphasis shall be on tone
marks and proper pronunciation. They should be able to speak basic Chinese for everyday

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Speaking II:
Conversation through simple sentences in dialogue on topics drawn from everyday life based
on text.
Prescribed Tex ts:
• A Practical Intermediate Chinese Course ( I) and Supplementary Book, Beijing
Language and Culture University Press, Beijing, 2014, Chen Zhuo.
• Elementary Chinese Readers, Part 1 and Part 2, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2008.
Recommended Reading:

• Modern Chinese Beginner’s Course, Part 1, BLCU, Beijing, 2008.
• New Practical Chinese Reader: Textbook Volume 2, Beijing language and Culture
University Press, Liu Xun.
• Conversational Chinese 301, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Kang,
Yuhua and Li, Siping.
• A Practical Chinese Grammar for Foreigners, Beijing Language and Culture
University Press, Li Dejin ; Cheng Meizhen .
(Additional material to be complied & provided by Course Incharge)
Pattern & Scheme of examination: As per University norms.

COURSE TITLE: Chinese Language: Reading Skills II
Credits = 03
The course shall introduce 600 basic Chinese words and elementary grammar for basic
reading. The focus shall be on practice of reading skills. Emphasis shall be on tone marks,
proper pronunciation of pinyin tone marks and recognition of Chinese characters. They
should be able to read basic Chinese words and texts.
Reading II:
Simple passages in Chinese
Select text
Basic Grammatical Construction

Prescribed Texts:
• A Practical Intermediate Chinese Course ( I) and Supplementary Book, Beijing
Language and Culture University Press, Beijing, 2014, Chen Zhuo.
• Elementary Chinese Readers, Part 1 and Part 2, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2008.

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Recommended Reading:

• Modern Chinese Beginner’s Course, Part 1, BLCU, Beijing, 2008.
• New Practical Chinese Reader: Textbook Volume 2, Beijing language and Culture
University Press, Liu Xun.
• Conversational Chinese 301, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Kang, Yuhua and Li, Siping.
• A Practical Chinese Grammar for Foreigners, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Li Dejin ; Cheng Meizhen .

(Additional material to be complied & provided by Course Incharge)
Pattern & Scheme of examination: As per University norms.

COURSE TITLE: Chinese Language: Writing Skills II
Credits = 02
The course shall introduce 600 basic Chinese words and elementary grammar for basic
writing in pinyin and Chinese characters. The focus shall be on practice of writing skills.
Emphasis shall be on stroke order and 100 radicals. They should be able to write basic
Chinese characters and sentences.
Writing II:
Origin of Chinese Characters
Characters writing
Prescribed Texts:
• A Practical Intermediate Chinese Course ( I) and Supplementary Book, Beijing
Language and Culture University Press, Beijing, 2014, Chen Zhuo.
• Elementary Chinese Readers, Part 1 and Part 2, Sinolingua, Beijing, 2008.
Recommended Reading:

• Modern Chinese Beginner’s Course, Part 1, BLCU, Beijing, 2008.
• New Practical Chinese Reader: Textbook Volume 2, Beijing language and Culture
University Press, Liu Xun.
• Conversational Chinese 301, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Kang,
Yuhua and Li, Siping.
• A Practical Chinese Grammar for Foreigners, Beijing Language and Culture
University Press, Li Dejin ; Cheng Meizhen .
(Additional material to be complied & provided by Course Incharge)

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Pattern & Scheme of examination: As per University norms.

COURSE TITLE: Chinese History II
Credits = 02
The course shall focus on a ncient Chinese philosophers and their contribution towards
ancient Chinese society.
Chinese History II: Confucianism, Confucianism, Daoism, Neo-Daoism
History of a ncient Chinese Humanist Thought
Ancient Confucianism, the four Books and Five Classics
Medieval Confucianism, the Book of Changes, Naturalism
Neo-Confucianism, Chou- Tun I, Shao Yung, Ch’eng I
Daoism and Neo Daoism, Huai -Nan-Tuz
Buddhism in the Han, Tang, S ong, Ming and Qing Dynasty

Prescribed Texts:

• Dawson, Raymond, Imperial China, Pelican Books, 1976.
Recommended Reading:

• Schurmann, Franz and Schell, Orville(eds.). Imperial China and Republican China, 2 Volumes: China Readings, 1970.

(Additional material to be complied & provided by Course Incharge)
Pattern & Scheme of examination: As per University norms.

COURSE TITLE: Tools: Chinese Culture Studies
Credits = 02
The course shall cover basic general knowledge about Chinese medieval and modern society,
culture, economy and lifestyle.
Chinese Culture Studies : (1949 till date)
Major Political, Social, and Economic Trends
First Five Year Plan
Socialist Construction of the State

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Collectivization of Agriculture
Agrarian Reform Policy
Hundred Flowers’ Campaign
Anti-Rightist Movement
Great Leap Forward Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Reform and Opening up Policy

Prescribed Texts:
• Gifford, Rob. China Road: A Journey into the Future of a Rising Power, Random
House Trade Paperbacks, 2008.

Recommended Reading:

• Chen Jerome, Mao Tse -Tung and the Chinese Revolution, 1915 – 1949, Oxford
University Press, 1971.
• Hsu, Y. Immanuel, The Rise of Modern China, Oxford University Press, 1989.
(Additional material to be complied & provided by Course Incharge)
Pattern & Scheme of examination: As per University norms.

COURSE TITLE: Chinese Language Tutorials (Listening + Reading)

The course shall focus on reading and listening practice. Reading and Listening exercises
shall be decided by the respective course teacher.
Prescribed Texts:
• A Practical Intermediate Chinese Course ( I) and Supplementary Book, Beijing
Language and Culture University Press, Beijing, 2014, Che n Zhuo.
• Elementary Chinese Readers, Part 1 and Part 2, S inolingua, Beijing, 2008.

Recommended Reading:

• Modern Chinese Beginner’s Course, Part 1, BLCU, Beijing, 2008.
• New Practical Chinese Reader: Textbook Volume 2, Beijing language and Culture
University Press, Liu Xun .
• Conversational Chinese 301, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Kang, Yuhua and Li, Siping.

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• A Practical Chinese Grammar for Foreigners, Beijing Language and Culture
University Press, Li Dejin ; Cheng Meizhen .
(Additional material to be complied & provided by Course Incharge)
Pattern & Scheme of examination: As per University norms.

COURSE TITLE: Chinese Language Tutorials (Speaking + Writing)

The course shall focus on speaking and writing practice. Speaking and Reading exercises
shall be decided by the respective course teacher.
Prescribed Texts:
• A Practical Intermediate Chinese Course ( I) and Supplementary Book, Beijing
Language and Culture University Press, Beijing, 2014, Chen Zhuo.
• Elementary Chinese Readers, Part 1 and Part 2, S inolingua, Beijing, 2008.
Recommended Reading:
• Modern Chinese Beginner’s Course, Part 1, BLCU, Beijing, 2008.
• New Practical Chinese Reader: Textbook Volume 2, Beijing language and Culture
University Press, Liu Xun.
• Conversational Chinese 301, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Kang,
Yuhua and Li, Siping.
• A Practical Chinese Grammar for Foreigners, Beijing Language and Culture University Press, Li Dejin ; Cheng Meizhen .

(Additional material to be complied & provided by Course Incharge)
Pattern & Scheme of examination: As per University norms.

Examination and Standard of Passing
As per existing University of Mumbai norms .