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Academic Council ______
Item No. _____________
B. Sc.
Nautical Science (NS)
Syllabus for Semester I & II
With effect from the academic year 2020 -2021
AC___________ ______
Item No.______ _______
No. Heading Particulars
1. Title of the Program B.Sc. (Nautical Science)
2. Eligibility for Admission Indian National
HSC or equivalent Certificate
Mark Sheet showing minimum 60% marks
in PCM subjects in HSC (10+2).
Minimum 50% Marks in English language
in SSC or HSC
Age not m ore than 25 yrs on the date of
commencement of course. Age relaxation
as per govt. Rules.
Medical Fitness Certificate from a Doct or
approved by Director General of Shipping
Eye Sight Tes t Certificate -6x6 both eyes
and no colour blindness from any DG
approved doctor
3. Entrance Examination Should have passed CET conducted by IMU
4. Ordinances / Regulations
(if any) Time to time issued by university.
5. No. of Years / Semesters 3 Years / 6 Semesters .
6. Level U.G.
7. Pattern Semester
8. Status Revised
9. To be implemented from
Academic Year From Academic Year 2020 -21
(w.e.f. Academic Year 2020 -21 onwards. )
Date: Signature:
Name BOS Chairperson / Dean: Capt. Vinod Suryavanshi
Cover Page
Syllabus for Approval
1. Title of the Program :- B.Sc. (Nautical Science )
Program Code : – 42300006
2. Preamble / Scope :-
This course is an integral part of the overall shipboard structured training
programme for the prospective navigating officer and guidelines set by DG
Shipping of India . The course is residential in nature and of Three -year duration
comprising of six semesters of six months each.
The prospective navigating offi cer will be trained for 12 months onboard ship in
practical application of the theory learnt. Thereafter at th e end of this structured
programme, a “contact programme” for four months (optional) may be conducted
at any of the DG approved Institute to prepare the Cadets for a written & oral
examination conducted by the Director General of Shipping, Ministry of Surf ace
Transport, G overnment of India.
On successful completion of the Programme a Cadet will be awarded a degree of
B.Sc. (Nautical Science) by University of Mumbai and a Certificate of
Competency by Govt. of India, which will enable him to become an offic er on a
merchant ship.
A Pre -Sea Navigating Officer Cadet successfully completing the three year s
programme would acquire basic knowledge and understanding of the types of
merchant ships, ship operations, types of goods carried by ships, shipping trade,
and a foundation in the basic principles of navigation and environmental science.
The course is designed to impart:
~ Theory and practice of seamanship and ship knowledge.
~ Good foundation in principles of navigation and introduction to celestial
~ Practical knowledge of chart work and cargo work.
~ Detailed study of atmosphere and use of meteorological instruments in
connection with weather reporting.
~ Knowledge of ship construction and ship stability.
~ Regular practice in Morse code signaling , in addition to International Code of
Signals and use of VHF and R/T.
~ Practical training in handling a lifeboat and motorboat.
~ One Project related to shipping industry to be under taken.
~ Study of envir onmental protection with reference to MARPOL 73/78, as
~ Study of various SCTW courses.
~ Study of basic Marine Engineering and drawing.
Practical Training in carpentry shop , plumbing shop, machine shop, electrical
shop and maintenance workshop including Electric Arc welding and Gas welding,
Hydraulics, Pneumatic s and Diesel Engine maintenance .
This course is designed to assist a prospective navigating officer in achieving the
minimum standards of competence for officers in charge of navigational watch on
ships of 500 GT or more as specified in Regulation I I/1, Table A -1 of STCW
1978, as amended.
This course is aimed at preparing the trainee to develop a right attitude tow ards
tasks and duties assigned to him during the on -board training programme in
learning the job of being a ship's officer and in achieving the overall standard of
competence as required.
Salient features
As under the preview of D.G Shipping , it’s a fu lly residential course
Students’ daily routine starts from 6: 00 o’clock in the morning till 9 :00 in
the evening, as per the requirement on board ships
Morning exerci se, parade, evening sports and 1 hour of self study classes 6
days a week is the part of daily routine.
Trekking, dock visits, ship visits is a part of curriculum apart from other
extracurricular and sports activities
Note: The conduct of STCW courses is strictly conducted as per the guidelines of
D.G S hipping; who in turn being directed by International Marit ime Organization.
These guidelines may be mo dified/ changed time to time as instructed by D.G
Shipping through its training circulars or as the case may be.
Syllabus Committee Members
1) Capt. Vino d Suryavanshi Convener /BOS Chairperson
2) Capt. (Dr.) Ashutosh Apandkar Invitee /Ex BOS Chairperson
3) Capt. Mahadeo Makane Member (Teacher)
4) Capt. Laxman Dubey Member (Teacher)
5) Capt. Sandeep G. Bhatnagar Member (Teacher)
6) Capt. A.P. Singh Member (Teacher)
3. Eligibility :-
Indian National
HSC or equivalent Certificate
Mark Sheet showing minimum 60% marks in PCM subjects in HSC
(10+ 2).
Minimum 50% Marks in English language either in SSC or HSC
Age not more than 25 yrs for HSC students on the date of
commencement of course. Age relaxation as per govt. Rules.
Medical Fitness Certificate from a Doct or approved by Director
General of Shipping
Eye Sight Test Certificate -6x6 both eyes and no colour blindness from
a DG appro ved do ctor
B.Sc. in Nautical Science : Theory/Practical : 16 Weeks (15 weeks for
lectures/practical & one week for semester end examination)
Semester –I
B.Sc . in Naut ical Science Theory / Practical :
Code Title of the
Course Per Week Per
Semester Marks Credits Total
Core Course
USNSc102 Navigation –I 3 1 45 15 100 50
3 2 5 Voyage Planning
& Collision
Prevention – I 2 2 30 30 100 50
USNSc103 Ship Operation
Technology -I 3
1 45 15 100 50
3 2 5 Cargo Work &
Communication 3
1 45 15 100 50
Architecture -I 3 45 100
AECC – Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course
USNSc101 Applied
Mathematics -I 4 60 100
3 1 4 Nautical Physics &
Electronics -I 4 2 60 30 100 50
SEC - Skill Enhancement Course
USNSc101 English &
Skills 3 1 45 15 100 50 1 1 2
DSE – Elective: Discipline Specific
USNSc104 Environmental
Science -I 3 1 45 15 100 50
2 2 4
USNSc104 Marine
Engineering &
Control System - I 3
1 45 15 100 50
Total 31
Semester II
Code Title of the
Course Per Week Per
er Marks Credit
s Total
Core Course
USNSc 202 Navigation –I 3 1 45 15 100 50
3 2 5 Voyage Planning &
Prevention – I 2 2 30 30 100 50
USNSc 203 Ship Operation
Technology -I 3
1 45 15 100 50
3 2 5 Cargo Work &
Communication 3
1 45 15 100 50
Naval Architecture -I 3 45 100
AECC – Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course
USNSc 201 Applied
Mathematics -I 4 60 100
3 1 4 Nautical Physics &
Electronics -I 4 2 60 30 100 50
SEC - Skill Enhancement Course
USNSc 201 English &
Skills 3 1 45 15 100 50 1 1 2
DSE – Elective: Discipline Specific
USNSc204 Environmental
Science -I 3 1 45 15 100 50
2 2 4 Marine Engineering
& Control System - I 3
1 45 15 100 50
Objective : - This subject exposes the students to English & Communication
skills, Applied Mathematics & Nautical Physics
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 101 - ENGLISH & COMMUNICATION
Semester I
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I 1.1 Comprehension passages – Prose and short
stories out of below mentioned:
1.1.1 The Refugee – K.A. Abbas
1.1.2 Happiness 101 – Geeta Padmanabhan
1.1.3. The Google guys
1.1.4. The Postmaster – Rabindranath Tagore
1.1.5. A Garden So rich – Christie Craig
1.1.6. The Umbrella Man – Roald Dahl
1.2 Reading Process, Sub-Skills of Reading,
Reading Techniques, Note Making Techniques,
Summarizing and Paraphrasing.
1.3 Integrated Grammar
1.4 Importance of effective communication on
board - Difference between General and Technical
Communication - Key Aspects and Barriers of
Communication 15 Hrs.
Unit II Written Communication
2.1: Writing Process (identify, organize and list
the points/ideas related to a given topic in a proper
logical sequence and write a rough draft and final
draft), Sentence Structure, Sentence Coherence,
Paragraph Writing.
2.2: Letter Writing: Types, Pa rts, Style and Tone,
2.2.1: FORMAL LETTERS - Official and Semi -
Official Letters: application of appointment, leave
application, formal invitations, requisition letter,
grievance letter, commercial letters and letter to
influence public opinion
2.2.2: INFORM AL LETTERS: letters to friends
and relatives. 28 Hrs.
2.3 Resume writing.
2.4 Email Writing.
2.5 Factual Reports (Informative): Types of
Reports (Routine/Special), Incident Report,
Accident Report, Visit Report, Feedback.
2.6 Log book writing & Di ary writing.
2.7 Essay writing on contemporary topics.
2.8 Safety circulars and notices
2.9 Agenda and minutes of a meeting
Unit III 3: Skills of oral communication
3.1: Presentation skills – Group activities
3.2 Asking for and giving personal data
3.3 Expressing personal likes and dislikes,
3.4 Describe crew roles and routines
3.5 Sea speak - SMCP phrases and maritime
English - Procedure, Spelling, Message Markers,
Responses, Distress/ Urgency, Safety Sig nals,
Corrections, Readiness, Repetition, Numbers,
Positions, Bearings, Courses, Distance, Speed,
Time, Geographical names, ambiguous words 2 Hrs
Practical All items under skills of oral communication, i.e.
item 3 under course content. 15 Hrs.
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 2 01 - ENGLISH & COMMUNICATION
Semester II
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I 1.1 Comprehension passages - Seen and unseen
comprehension - Prose and short stories out of
below mentioned:
1.1.1 The Cellphonic Epidemic
1.1.2 The Lion and the Lamb 18 Hrs.
1.1.3. The Lady or the Tiger?
1.1.4. The Sky is the Limit
1.1.5. The Model Millionaire
1.1.6. The Adventure of the Dying Detective
1.2 Development of logical reasoning and
analytical ability to enhance situational thinking
and strategizing.
1.3 Technical writing definition and
characteristics giving
Unit II 2. Writing Skills.
a) Maritime correspondence.
b) Report writing
c) Welcome address
d) Vote of thanks
e) Essay writing 18 Hrs.
Unit III 3.1 Importance of SMCP and English language
among multilingual crew - Procedure, Spelling,
Message Markers, Responses, Distress/ Urgency,
Safety Signals, Corrections, Readiness,
Repetition, Numbers, Positions, Bearings,
Courses, Distance, Speed, Time, Geographical
names, ambiguous words, omission of ‘may’,
‘might’, ‘should’ and ‘could’.
3.2 Phonology: Pronunciation, Work Stress,
Intonation, Sentence Stress.
3.3 Presentation Skills: Content Structuring,
Preparation & Planning, Welcome Note, Vote of
3.4 Facin g Interview: Attitude, Etiquette, Body
Language and Diction.
3.5 “Sea -Speak” Training Manual: External
Communication & Internal Communication on
Board Ship.
3.6 Group Discussion & Extempore Speeches. 9 Hrs.
Practical All topics covered in unit III 15 Hrs.
*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through class
work, practical and periodic assignments / project works / tests/ orals etc.
*Journal to be submitted at the end of each term for assessment
NOTE : A candidate has to s ecure minimum percentage /grade : 40 % as per
Training Circu lar No 4 of 2005 by DG Shipping, Govt o f India
1. Spring Text book - Board of Editors
2. Panorama - English for Communication - Board of Editors
3. IMO Standard Marine Communicat ion Phrases (SMCP) London - IMO
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 101 – APPLIED MATHEMATICS - I
Semester I
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I Complex Variables & Vector Algebra and
Definition, Cartesian, Polar & exponential form.
De- Moivre’s Theorem. Power & Roots of
Exponential and Trigonometric Functions.
Hyperbolic & Logarithmic Functions. Inverse
Hyperbolic & Inverse Trigonometric Functions.
Separation into real and imaginary parts of all types
of functions.
Vector Algebra and Ca lculus
Scalar and Vector Triple Products. Differentiation
of a vector functions of a single scalar variable .
Derivative of a unit vector . 20 Hrs.
Unit II Vector analysis
Gradient, divergence and curl, Divergence theorem,
Stoke’s theorem , expressions for gradient,
divergence and cu rl in orthogonal curviline ar co -
ordinates, Gauss theorem, Equation of heat flow,
equations of hydrodynamic s.
Differential Calculus
Successive differentiation. Standard form to find
the nth derivative. Rolle’s theorem (with proof),
Lagrange’s and Cauchy’s mean value theorem (with
proof). 20 Hrs.
Unit III Spherical trigonometry & Simpson’s Rules
Properties of a spherical triangle and oblique
spherical triangle. Cosine formula, Haversine
formula, Sine formula and four part formula and
their application to Navigational problems. Polar
triangle and application of their properties. Right
angle and qua drantal triangle s. Napier’s Rules and
their application to Navigational problems. Area of
spherical triangles. Inequalities, Derivation of
formula by supplemental theorem, ‘Half angle’
formula, ‘Half side’ formula, Identities.
Delambre’s Analogies , Napier’ s Analogies,
Legendre’s theorem.
Derivation of Simpson’s first, second and five -eight
rules and their use in the computation of areas ,
volumes and centroids. 20 Hrs
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 2 01 – APPLIED MATHEMATICS - II
Semester II
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I Integral Calculus and Beta & Gama Functions
Rectification of plane curves. Double & Triple
integrals, their geometrical interpretation and
evaluation. Evaluation of double integrals by
change of order and change t o polar form.
Applications of double & triple integrals to areas
and volumes Centre of mass, Moment of Inertia.
Beta & Gama functions & their properties,
relations between Beta & Gama functions. Error
functions 20 Hrs.
Unit II Infinite Series and Fourie r Series
Convergence of infinite series, uniform
convergence, properties of uniformly convergent
series, Exponential and logarithmic series, definition
of Trigonometric and Fourier series, Fourier
coefficients, expansion of functions in Fourier
series, Ev en and Odd functions, half range Four ier
series, Differentiation and Integration of Fourier
Series, Fourier series with respect to a set of 20 Hrs.
orthogonal functions over (a,b). [Fourier series over
(- π, π), (0, 2π) and for arbitrary range (a, a+2L)
must be treated.
Unit III Differential Calculus
Indeterminate forms. L’Hospital’s rule, Expansion
of function in power series (all types), Partial
derivatives of first and hi gher orders. Total
differential. Euler’s theorem on homogeneous
functions. Deduction from Euler theorems. Errors
& approximations. Maxima & Minima the
functions of two variables.
Differential equations
a) Exact differential equations and those which can
be made exact by use integrating factors by
inspection. (i ) Linear Equations and reducible to
linear (Bernoulli) equations, (ii) Method of
substitution to reduce the equations to one of the
above forms.
b)Linear Differential Equations of the nth order
with constant coefficients. Complimentary
function and Particu lar integral when the function
of the independent variable R.H.S. is eax, xn,
eaxV(x), Sin (ax+b), Cos (ax+b). Cauchy’s Linear
equation (homogeneous). Legendre’s Linear
equation . Variation of parameters and method of
indeterminate coefficients.
c) Elementary applications of above differential
equations in solving engineering problems such as
Electrical Engg., Mech. Engg. 20 Hrs.
*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through class
work, periodic assignments / project works / tests.
NOTE : A candidate has to s ecure minimum percentage /grade : 40 % as per
Training Circular No 4 of 2005 by DG Shipping, Govt o f India
Reference Books: -
1. An introduction to Spherical Trigonometry Clough -Smith J.H
2. Spherical Trigonometry Capt. H. Subramaniam
3. Higher engineering Mathematics Dr. B.S. Grewal
4. A Text book of applied mathematics Wartikar P.N. & Wartikar J.N.
5. Integral Calculus Shanti Narayan
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 101 – NAUTICAL PHYSICS &
Semester I
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Review of Newton’s Law of motion. Circular
motion, Centripetal and Centrif ugal forces. Law
of Gravitation. Work, Power and Energy,
Potential and Kinetic Energy. Conservation of
Energy, Conservation of linear momentum,
Impulse, collision – direct and oblique impact.
Explain and apply triangle and parallelogram
law of forces. Centre of Mass and Centre of
Gravity , Rotational Motion, Torque, Angular
Momentum, conservation of angular
Hydrostatics: - Archimedes Principle, upthrust,
Buoyancy, Pressure at a depth. Atmospheric
Pressure, Barometer. Hydrodynamics: -
Streamlines, Turbulence, Pascal Law. Equation
of continuity. Bernoulli’s equation: - Stability
and Spin, Aerofoil, lift, Rotating cylinder ship.
Surface Tension: - Capillarity, Angle of contact,
Excess Pressure inside a bubble, Air bubbles in
an oil tank.
Oscillation: - S.H.M and its features, Typica l
examples – A helical spring, a pendulum.
Damped & undamped oscillations, Forced
oscillations (vibrations), Resonance. 20 Hrs.
Velocity of sound, Effect of pressure,
temperatu re and humidity on velocity of sound,
Pitch, Quality & Loudness, The Decibel.
Doppler Effect. Principle of Radar, echo
sounder . Refraction of sound waves, Effect of
wind & Temperature.
Propagation of light, Shadows, Eclipses,
Reflection of light at plane and curved surfaces,
Rotation o f a plane mirror, Refraction. Total
internal refle ction. Mirages. Optical fibre, the 25 Hrs.
azimuth mirror, Periscope. Lenses, Image
formation , Telescope, Prism Binocular. Explain
why wheelhouse windows are required to be
Transfer of Heat: Conduction, Convection and
Radiation. Expansion of solids, liquids and
gases and their effect on liquid cargoes.
Equation of state for gases, isothermal and
adiabatic processes. First law of
Thermodynamics, Second law of
Thermodynamics – Carnot cycle. T he Heat
engine and refrigerator, Concept of Entropy. 15 Hrs
1) Demonstration of block and tackle
2) Demonstration of a Weston Differential
3) A single cantilever (loaded at one end).
Determination s of Y.
4) Surface tension of liquid by capillary rise
5) Moment of Inertia of Flywheel and
Frictional Torque.
6) Velocity of sound in air (Using a CRO).
7) Use of CRO to study the characteristics
of an audio oscillator (Frequency,
Period, Amplitude).
8) Study of Laser: Interference and
diffraction due to a single and double
9) Stefan’s Law of radiation using a
filament lamp.
10) Thermistor as a Thermometer.
11) Determination of angle of repose
of grains
12) Determine focal length of
combination of lenses.
NOTE: A minimum of 8 experiments are
expected to be performed 30 Hrs.
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 2 01 – NAUTICAL PHYSICS &
Semester II
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
AC and DC voltages, dangerous levels,
Static electricity and its hazards. Work, energy,
power in a circuit.
Magnetic Effect: Magnetic field due to a
stationary coil, Electromagnet, Circular lifting
Review of electro – magnetic induction.
Faraday – Lenz’s Law, transformer. The AC
generator, The DC generator . 17 Hrs.
Semiconductors of p and n type, p -n junction
diodes -their characteristics, half -wave, full
wave & bridge rectifiers, voltage regulation.
Ripple, Capacitor filter, Zener Diode, its uses
as a voltage regulator.
Thermistors: - Use in temperature control.
Transistors: - pnp, npn, 3 modes of operation,
current gains α and β. Photoelectric effect,
opto-electronic devices – LDR, LED.
7 – Segment displays, photo diode, photo
transistor. 18 Hrs.
Earth as a magnet, magnetic elements and their
variation. Magnetism of the ship and its
components. Effect of motion of th e ship and
latitude on the compass.
Radioactivity, emissions from natural
radioactive nuclei, radioactive series. Detection
of radiation, GM counter, radiation units.
Radiation damage, Nuclear fission and fusion,
Nuclear Reactors. Nuclear hazards &
precautions. 25 Hrs.
1. Series L -R and C -R AC circuits, 30 Hrs.
Determination of impedance, L & C.
2. Magnetic elements of the earth, use of a
Dip circle.
3. Use of multimeter (analog and digital) to
determine resistance. Comparison with
color code value.
4. Use of multimeter (analog and digital)
for testing of diodes and transistors.
5. Forward and Reverse characteristics of
Rectifier Diode and a Zener Diode.
6. CE characteristics of an npn transistor,
Determination of α and β.
7. Half wave Rectifier – Voltage regulation
and ripple. Effect of a capacitor filter.
8. Full wave rectifier – Voltage regulation
and ripple. Effect of a capacitor filter.
9. Study of an IC voltage Regulation,
Voltage regulation and ripple.
10. LED and LDR characteristics .
11. Use of Digital multimeter and DPMs is
preferred for measurement of voltage and
12. Ripple to be obtained on CRO.
NOTE: A minimum of 8 experiments are
expected to be performed.
*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through class
work, practical and periodic assignments / project works / tests/ orals etc.
*Journal to be submitted at the end of each term for assessment
NOTE : A candidate has to s ecure minimum percentage /grade : 40 % as per
Training Circular No 4 of 20 05 by DG Shipping, Govt o f India.
Reference Books:
1. Electronic Principles Malvino, TMH
2. Electronic Devices and Circuits Boylestead & Nashelsky
3. Physics – Classical & Modern Gettys, Keller, Skove
4. University Physics Young, Sears & Zemansky
5. Electricity & Magnetism Brijlal & Subramanium
6. Physics Part II Halliday & Resnick
7. Modern Physics B.L. Thareja
8. Basic Electronics B.L. Thareja
Books for Practical for Paper I & II
1. Advanced level Practical Physics M. Nelkon & J.M. Ogborn
2. Electronics – A Test Lab Manual Zabar
Objective: - The subject will develop basics of Principles of Navigation /
Practical Navigation and Voyage Planning & Collision Prevention.
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 102 – NAVIGATION I
Semester I
Unit No. Topics /Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I Introduction to Sea Navigation, Navigable waters
on the Earth – Ocean s and major ocean routes, seas,
canals, straits, navigable rivers. Continents, major
ports of the world .
The shape of the earth, Poles, Equator, Great
circles, Small circles, P arallels of latitude, Latitude,
D’Lat, Meridian s, Prime meridian, Longitude,
D’long, Position by latitude & longitude.
Measurement of distance: Nautical, Geographical
and Statute mile. Knot. Effect of polar
compression on nau tical mile. 10 Hrs.
Unit II Section A
Compass Points: True and Magnetic north.
Magnetic variation and changes in its annual
value. Isogonals. Deviation of magnetic compass,
compass error. Course & Bearing. Conversion of
compass course to true course and vice versa.
Departure. Relationship between Departure and
D’long. Parallel sailing.
Section B
Practical problems on p arallel sailing using
formulae 15 Hrs.
Unit III Section A
Rhumb Line: Mean latitude. Plane sailing.
Relationship between departure, d’lat, course &
distance. Middle Latitude.
Section B –
Practical problems on plane sailing using formulae. 20 Hrs.
Practical Lay out of Bridge and Integrated Bridge: Sketch
the layout of the Bridge with its Navigational
Equipment, Use of v arious Navigational
Equipments. Introduction to Integrated Bridge.
The chronometer. Checking chronometer error by
radio signals. Finding U.T and correct date.
The micrometer Sextant. Arc of excess. Error of
perpendicularity. Side error. Index error on the arc
and off the arc. Collimation error. Taking vertical
and horizontal angles. 15 Hrs.
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 202 – NAVIGATION I
Semester II
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I Section A
Principles of Mercator projection: Mercator chart,
Natural Scale, Meridional parts; DMP. Latitude
and longitude scales and conversion of one to the
Mercator sailing. Relationship between Course,
D’long and DMP.
Principle of Gnomonic projection. Gnomonic
Section B
Practical problems on Mercator sailing using
formulae. 15 Hrs.
Unit II Section A
Dead Reckoning position (DR), Estimated
position (EP) and & Observed position (Fix). Set
and drift of current. Leeway . Spherical triangle.
Great circle sailing: initial course, f inal course,
distance using cosine formula.
Section B
The Use of Traverse Tables to obtain the position
of the ship at any time, given compass course,
variation, deviation, and the run recorded by the
log or estimated speed or engine speed allowing
for the ef fects of wind and current, if any. Day’s
work. 15 Hrs.
Unit III Section A
Solar System: Rotation and Revolution. Equinoxes
and solstices. Cause of seasons and unequal length
of day and night. The principle of the Sextant and
the Azimuth Mirror
Section B
To find initial course, final course and distance
between two positions on the earth’s surface by
Great Circle Sailing. 15 Hrs.
Practical Recognition of important stars with reference to
stellar constellations.
The use of Azimuth mirror and Pelorus.
Procedure for checking accuracy of azimuth
The use and care of magnetic compasses.
Precautions to be observed while taking compass
bearings. Practical limitations of the magnetic
compasses . 15 Hrs.
*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through
class work, practical and periodic assignments / project works / tests/
orals etc.
*Journal to be submitted at the end of each term for assessment
NOTE: A candidate has to secure minimum percentage /grade: 70 % as per
Trai ning Circular No 4 of 2005 by DG Shipping, Govt of India
Reference Books:
1. Principal of Navigation Capt. Joseph and Capt. Rewari
2. Principal of Navigation Capt. P. M. Sarma
3. Practical Navigation Capt. H. Subramanium
4. Admiralty Manual of Navigation Vol. I & II
5. Nicholl’s Concise Guide Vol. I & II
6. Bridge Equipment, Charts and Publications Capt. H. Subramanium
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 102 – VPCP I
Semester I
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
The nautical chart. Natural Scale, types of
projections, Title of Chart, Number of Chart,
Date of Publication. Deciphering the symbols
and abbreviations used on a nautical chart (Chart
BA 5011 & BA 5012). Units of Soundings used. 10 Hrs.
How to read latitude and l ongitude. The use of
parallel rulers to lay down or read courses and
bearings. The compass Rose. The distance scale.
Use of dividers to measure distances. Reason for
using the nearest latitude scale for measuring
Internationa l Regulations for preventing
collisions at sea. Part A – General (Rule 1 to 3)
Application. Exceptions for local rules or
harbors etc. Exception for special class of ships.
Responsibility for the consequence of neglect
of rules. Definitions of term ‘Vesse l’. ‘Power
driven vessel’, ‘sailing vessel’, ‘fishing vessel’,
‘seaplanes’, ‘Underway’ etc.
Correction from Notices to Mariners. Weekly,
Cumulative & Annual summary of admiralty
notices to mariners. T & P Corrections. To find
the date the chart was last brought up to date.
Small and large Corrections. Degree of
reliability of information shown on the chart.
IRPCS Part B – Section I – (Rule 4 – 8).
Conduct of vessel in any condition of visibility,
Maint enance of proper looks out. Maintenance
of safe speed. Factors to be considered for
determining safe speed. Determination of risk of
collision with another vessel. Use of radar in
determining risk of collision. Use of visual
bearings. Types of actions to b e taken to avoid
collision or close quarter situation 10 Hrs.
Types of chart – Ocean charts, coastal charts,
harbour plans, Routeing charts. Various nautical
Publications. The use of the Admiralty
Catalogue to identify the charts required for the
IRPCS Part B – Section I – (Rule 9 – 10).
Conduct of vessels in narrow channels and when
approaching blind bends . Conduct of vessel in
traffic separation schemes of International
Maritime Organization . 10 Hrs.
1. To find the position of a point on the
chart by its latitude and longitude
2. To find the position of a point on the
chart by its bearing and distance from a
navigational marks
3. To measure the course & distance
between two points on chart.
4. To find compass error by transit bearings
5. To plot ship’s position given the compass
bearings o f two or more shore objects.
6. To plot ship’s position given the rising or
dipping bearing of a light .
7. To plot ship’s position using three shore
objects by horizontal sextant angles
(given Horizontal sextant angle less than
90, equal to 90, or greater than 90).
8. To plot ship’s position, given vertical
sextant angles and bearing of a light
Note – Collision Prevention Practical
Syllabus same as Theory syllabus. 30 Hrs.
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 202 – VPCP I
Semester II
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Meaning of Chart Datum. Reference point used
for heights. Nature of bottom. Depth Contours.
Information regarding lights. Height, colour and
characteristics of lights. Use of leading lights
for safe navigation in ha rbour. Horizontal
sectors of lights and their use by navigators in
keeping clear of submerged dangers to
navigation. Use of sectors in laying courses.
Use of clearing marks and horizontal and
vertical danger angles. Sailing round an arc.
IRPCS Part B – Section – II – Rules 11 – 15.
Conduct of vessel in sight of one another ,
Responsibilities to keep out of way when two
sailing vessels are on collision course. 10 Hrs.
Responsibility to keep out of way when one
vessel is overtaking another vessel of any type.
Action to be taken by a vessel when meeting
another vessel head on. Responsibility to keep
out of way when two vessels are crossing each
True, Magnetic and Compass North. Variation.
Annual rate of change of variation. How to
obtain variation from date given on the compass
Rose. Deviation of the compass. The Deviation
Card. True, magnetic and Compass course.
Conversion of one to another. The compass
error for the ship’s head. True, magnetic and
Compa ss bearings. Conversion of one to
Gyro Error, High and Low, Conversion of Gyro
courses to True course and vice versa.
IRPCS Part B – Section – II – Rules 16 – 18.
Duty of the vessel which has the right of way
(Stand on & Give way vessels). Action to be
taken by such vessel required to keep out of way
is not taking avoiding action. Right of way
between a normal power driven vessel, a vessel
not under command, a vessel restricted in her
ability to manoeuvre, a vessel engaged in
fishing, a sailing vessel and a vessel constrained
by her draft. 10 Hrs.
The effect of current on course steered. Set and
drift. The effect of wind on course steered.
Leeway. The dead Reckoning Position,
Estimated Position and Observed Position (Fix).
Different methods of position fixing. Reasons
for “Cocked Hat”.
IRPCS Part B – Section – III – Rules 19.
Conduct of vessel in restricted visibility,
Applicability. Determination of risk of collision
when anothe r vessel is detected by radar alone. 10 Hrs.
Actions to be taken / avoided to prevent close
quarter situation with a vessel detected on radar
Action to be taken when fog signal of another
vessel is heard but vessel is not seen though it
may have been detect ed by radar
1. To plot position lines obtained by terrestrial
2. To find compass course to steer between two
positions on the chart so as to counteract the
given set and drift of current and given
3. To find the course and distance made good,
given course steered, set and drift of current
and leeway.
4. To find the course and speed made good and
the set and drift, given the course steered,
speed, duration and the initial and final
observed positions.
5. To find the course from a given position so
as to pass a lighthouse at given distance
when abeam with & without current
Note – Collision Prevention Practical Syllabus
same as Theory syllabus. 30 Hrs.
*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through
class work, practical and periodic assignments / project works / tests/
orals etc.
*Journal to be submitted at the end of each term for assessment
NOTE : A candidate has to s ecure minimum percentage /grade : 70 % as per
Training Circu lar No 4 of 2005 by DG Shipping , Govt o f India
Reference Books:
1. Chartwork Capt. S.S. Chaudhari
2. Chartwork for Mariners Capt. S.K. Puri
3. Marine Chartwork D.A. Moore
4. IMO Rule of the Road Bhandarkar Publication
5. International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea IMO
6. Manual of the Rule of the Road Capt. S.K. Puri
Objective: - This subject exposes the students to Ship Operation Technology
Paper - I, Cargo Work & Marine Communication & Naval Architecture Paper
- I
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 103 – SOT I
Semester I
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
1. Introduction to SOLAS & STCW
2. Type of Ships
3. Names of various parts of ship –
Ship’s Deck
Fore Castle
Poop Deck
Poop Deck
Monkey Island
Cargo Spaces (Cargo Holds, Tanks)
Cargo Handling Gear (Derricks,
Cranes, Grabs, Pumps)
Machinery Space (Engine
Room/Pump room)
4. Names and timings of watches.
5. Sea terms - Common terms used onboard
from Nautical Dictionary
6. Look -out – Ref. STCW Chapter 8 –Part 4 -1
7. Compass points – Boxing the Compass
8. Safety wearing apparel (PPE) –
Requirements for various works.
9. Preparing a surface for painting - Need for
surface preparation
10. Various tools used for Surface Preparation
& Painting
11. Painting defects and th eir prevention.
12. Cleaning of wooden decks.
13. Cleaning and polishing of brass and copper. 15 Hrs.
1. Contents of code of safe working practices for
merchant seamen
2. Perso nal protective equipment (PPE)
1. Classification of ships for Life Saving
Appliances – LSA Rules, Latest
2. LSA requirements for cargo ships -Life
Boat: - Description of Lifeboat.
Construction and parts of lifeboat.
Buoyancy tanks. Means of propulsion.
Different types of lifeboats used. Motor
lifeboats, Totally enclosed lifeboats,
partially enclosed life boats, Free fall
3. Determining the carrying capacity of a
4. Life boat Equipment, rations
5. Types of boat davits and their method of
6. FPD and recovery stro ps – their uses
7. On Load & Off Load release mechanism
1. Procedures for manual lifting and carrying
of weights;
2. Precautions while working aloft, over side 15 Hrs.
1. Liferaft : - inflatable and rigid.
Construction and parts of life raft.
2. Methods of launching Liferaft – Davit,
Manual, Use of HRU
3. Life raft equipment, ration and distress
4. Repairing leaks and punctures.
5. Getting into a liferaft.
6. Inflatable chute, Marine evacuation
System (MES)
7. Life Buoy: - Description & Specification
of a lifebuoy. Correct procedure for use of
a lifebuoy. Lifebuoy with line, with SI
light and Lifebuoy used with MOB
Marker 15 Hrs
8. Life jacket: - description of a life jacket.
Buoyant material used. The correct
method of putting on a life jacket and
jumping into water.
9. Line throwing appliances: - description
and use of line throwing appliance.
10. Care and maintenance of life saving
1. Marking obstructions on the passage way
on deck;
2. Safety precautions whilst walking/
working on deck;
Practical 1) To make and understand the use of various
knots, bends and hitches.
2) Mousing hooks and shackles. Breaking
3) Making fast tug/ship’s lines on bitts,
Racking & Parbuckling.
4) To apply rope and chain stoppers.
5) To make various types of whippings.
6) To perform various splices on natural and
synthetic fibre ropes.
7) To perform various splices on wire ropes.
8) Worming, parcelling and serving of hawsers.
9) Throwing a heaving line & Passing the
messenger line
10) Heaving the Hand lead line and calling
out soundings.
11) Slinging a stage, Precautions when using
12) Rigging a Bosun’s chair - Safety
precautions while using.
13) Canvass sewi ng & Use of grommets.
14) Seizing: flat, round.
15) Changing boat falls - Demonstration.
16) Operating windlass and winches.
17) Demonstrate taking soundings and ullage
to find quantity of liquid in a tank using 15 Hrs.
Calibration Table.
18) Demonstrate taking hold temperature.
19) Removing rust by chipping hammers for
preparing a surface and painting.
20) Cleaning of wooden decks – deck
washing compounds
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 2 03 – SOT I
Semester II
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I Fire fighting appliances: -
1. Fire hydrants and hoses. Types of
2. Types of nozzles.
3. International shore connection – Use &
Standard dimensions
4. Description of portable fire
extinguishers, various types and their
suitability for different types of fires.
5. Princi ple of fire extinguishing used in
each type.
6. Fireman’s outfit – as per FSS Code and
self- contained breathing Apparatus
7. Fixed smothering system: carbon dioxide
smothering system, inert gas system,
Flue gas system, Foam smothering
system for liquid fires,
8. Safety, care and maintenance of all fire
fighting appliances.
1. Precautions while using hand tools;
2. Safety precautions while painting; 15 Hrs.
1. Use of various types of cordage, fibre and
wire ropes used on the ship. Natural fibre
rope, synthetic fibre rope, wire rope –
construction, care and lay . Identify
between right h and lay and left hand lay
ropes. Plaited ropes.
2. Characteristics of different types of fibre
3. Comparison of strength and elasticity of
different ropes. 15 Hrs.
4. Care and maintenance of fibre ropes.
5. Damage caused by surging.
6. Meaning of marline, spun yarn, oakum,
tarred hemp, 3 ply and 5 ply twines,
halyards, loglines, lead lines.
7. Grades of steel used for making wire
ropes. Construction of wire ropes.
Advantage of a fibre heart. Factors
determining flexibility. Meaning of 6/12,
6/24, 6/37, types of wire ropes, plaited
wire rope. Plastic covered wire rope –
Advantages & Disadvantages. Non -
rotating wire rope.
8. Care and maintenance of wire ropes.
9. Measuring sizes of ropes, wire and
10. Breaking strength, Proof load and safe
working load of ropes, wires and chains.
11. To calculate the size of rope or wire
required for lifting a weight with a tackle
1. Safety precautions while operating hatch
2. Method of guarding of openings
1. Description of the hand -lead line.
Procedure for taking a cast.
2. Different types of logs - Patent log,
impeller log, electromagnetic log, pitot
log. Principles of their operation.
3. The electric telegraph, description and its
4. Windlass & cargo winches – description
and their operation.
5. Steering gear – Use, mode of operation –
6. Deck fittings for mooring
7. Moorings arrangement. Doubling of
lines, slip ropes, fire wire/rope
1. Safety precautions while on mooring
stations; 15 Hrs.
2. Safety precautions while rigging gangway
and pilot ladder;
Practical 1. Cleaning and polishing of brass and copper.
2. Swinging out and lowering a lifeboat from
gravity davits. Use of Tricing pendants &
Bowsing - in Tackle
3. Handling of life boat under oars – coming
alongside, getting away and picking up a man
4. Use of sea anchor and steering oar.
5. Starting the engine of a motor lifeboat.
6. Hoisting a lifeboat on davits. Checking the
working of cut -off switches.
7. Boat and fire drill. Sounding emergency
signal. Action on hearing the emergency signal.
8. Coiling ropes. Cutting wire ropes. Opening a
new coil.
9. Reading of drafts marks (meter & feet) 15 Hrs.
*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through class
work, practical and periodic assignments / project works / tests/ orals etc.
*Journal to be submitted at the end of each term for assessment
NOTE : A candidate has to s ecure minimum percentage /grade : 60 % as per
Training Circu lar No 4 of 2005 by DG Shipping, Govt o f India
Reference Books:
1. Survival in Lifeboat and Liferaft Capt. S.K. Puri
2. Survival at Sea C.H. Wright
3. Theory and Practice of Seamanship Danton
4. Seamanship Notes Kemp & Young
5. Life saving Appliances Rules Govt. of India
6. Fire fighting Appliances Rules Govt. of India
7. SOLAS, 1974 as amended IMO
8. LSA Code IMO
9. FSS Code IMO
10. STCW 1978, as amended IMO
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 103 – Cargo Work & Marine Communication
Semester I
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Blocks: Parts of a block, different types of block,
non-toppling and snatch blocks. External
binding. Internal binding. Strapped. Markings on
a block. Size of a block and sheave, size of rope
to be used in a block. Relationship between
diameter of sheave and diame ter of rope.
Overhauling of block.
Tackles: Names of parts of a tackle, using a
tackle to advantages or disadvantage. Mechanical
advantage, velocity ratio or ‘power gained’,
efficiency of a tackle; relationship between pull
on the hauling part and load. Ty pes of
tackles/purchases used on ships.
Shackles: Various types. Markings on
shackles.Tonsberg & Mandal Shackles
Meaning of bunting, halyard, at the dip, close
up, half mast, hoist, fly, tackline 10 Hrs.
5 Hrs.
Unit II Cargo hooks: Various types. Markings on cargo
Ropes: Care of ropes and wires used for cargo
Derrick rigs: The union purchase. Setting up of
a union purchase. Importance of preventer guys.
Maximum load to be used for angle between
runners. Swin ging derrick with powered guys.
Putting winches in double gear. The Yo -Yo gear.
Working of ships cranes. Hoisting, lowering and
securing a derrick.
Courtesy flag, ship’s numbers, jack flag,
quarantine flag, pilot flag, blue peter. 10 Hrs.
5 Hrs.
Unit III Stresses: Calculating the stresses in various
parts of a derrick rig. Calculating the tension on
ropes and wires of a purchase and finding the
correct size to be used.
Location on a ship of jack staff. Ensign staff,
Gaff, Triatic stay, foremast yardarm, main mast
head. What flags are hoisted from these parts of
ship and when. 5 Hrs.
Practical 1. To send and receive signals visually by
Morse code
2. Recognition of national flags of all
3. Recognition of house flags and funnels of
Indian Shipping Companies
4. Recognition of flags denoting numbers
and flags used as substitutes
5. How to bend on or unbend a flag from
6. Breaking a flag at close up
7. Flag hoisting practice at colours and
sunset 15 Hrs
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 203 – CW & MC
Semester II
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Slings: Types of slings used for lifting cargo of
different types.
Accident prevention when working cargo.
Overhauling blocks : Care and maintenance.
Reeving a threefold purchase.
Hatch -Covers: Types of hatches. Opening and
closing of McGregor and Hydraulic hatch
covers. Closing arrangements.
Battening down a hatch.
Types of ensigns. Penalty for not using or
wrongly using an ensign. 10 Hrs.
5 Hrs.
- Categories of cargoes, bulk solid, bulk liquid,
chemical in bulk, gas, dangerous goods, general
cargo. Methods of carrying cargoes, tanks,
containers, holds, portable tanks aboard ship,
ro-ro, refrigerated containers & holds.
Loading/discharging/lashing of Heavy Lifts and
deck cargoes.
Cargo holds preparation and inspection prior
loading. 15 Hrs.
Unit III CARGO CARE: - Importance of cargo care to
economical operation of ship. Care of cargo on
board ship. Securing cargo by using Bull -dog
grips and bottle screws. Securing by chains and
tensioners. Container lashing and securing. Fire
prevention, interaction, temperature variations
leading to sweat Damage (cargo sweat & ship
sweat), sea water damage, ventilation to avoid
hazardous gas accumulations, dunnage,
separations, bulkheads, shifting boards. 15 Hrs.
Practical 1. Morse signalling with Aldis lamp on mains
and batter y
2. Morse signalling with Daylight signalling
3. Practical usage of “International Code of
4. Conduct practical exercise on the use of
blocks, snatch blocks and the differential
pulley (chainblocks).
5. Demonstrate the method of reeving a
threefold purchase. (group activity of 2 -3
6. Overhauling of blocks
7. Conduct practical exercises on the use and
maintenance of various types of blocks,
tackles, shackles and bottle screws /
turnbuckles, including o pening, greasing,
(group activity of 2 -3 cadets)
8. Demonstrate the use of container lashing
gear. (group activity of 2 -3 cadets) 15 Hrs.
*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through class
work, practical and periodic assignments / project works / tests/ orals etc.
*Journal to be submitted at the end of each term for assessment
NOTE: A candidate has to secure minimum percentage /grade: 60 % as per
Training Circular N o 4 of 2005 by DG Shipping , Govt o f India
Reference Books:
1. Theory and Practice of Seamanship Danton
2. Seamanship Notes Kemp & Young
3. Cargo Work Kemp & Young
4. Cargo Work for Ship’s officers Capt. E . Fernandes
5. Cargo Work & Maintenance Capt. E. Fernandes
6. International Code of Signals HMSO
7. Stowage of Cargo Capt. O.O. Thomas
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 103 – NAVAL ARCHITECTURE I
Semester I
No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I INTRODUCTION: Development of ocean -going
Merchant Ships. Modern merchant ships.
TYPES OF SHIPS: types of ships based on
nature of cargo. Passenger Liners, Ferries.
Specialized carriers for General Cargo, Bulk, Oil
(Crude Oil and Products) OBO’s, Container, RO-
Ro, Lash, LPG, LNG, Cattle, Cars, etc. Special
features of above types of s hips.
MB, Depth, Draft, Freeboard, Camber, Sheer,
Rake, Rise of floor, Tumble Home, etc.
Cargo Ship, Bulk Carrier, Oil Tanker and
Container Ship. Simple sketches of the same. 15 Hrs.
Shell plating, Double Bottom Tanks, Cargo
Holds, Tween Deck, Deep Tanks, Fore -peak
and After Peak store rooms and tanks, Plates
Keels and Duct Keels. Forecastle deck,
Quarter Deck, Main/Weather de cks, Hatch
covers, Cargo Gear, anchoring and mooring
equipments, etc.
MACHINERY SPACES: Engine Room: Engine
Casing, subdivisions of Engine Room. Steering
Dear, Pump rooms, Mast houses, Workshops,
accommodation spaces, cabins, galley, pantry,
dining saloons, recreation rooms, various stores
and lockers, cold storage spaces, etc. 16 Hrs.
Unit III SHIP STABILITY : Laws of floatation .
Buoyancy, Reserve buoyancy, Displacement,
Deadweight. Change of draft due to change of
density. TPC. FWA. DWA. The centre of gravity
of a ship and factors affecting the same. The 14 Hrs
centre of buoyancy and factors affecting the
same. Calculations involving K G and KB of a
ship. The meaning of the terms Block co -
efficient, Water -plane coefficient, Mid -ship
Coefficient, Prismatic Coefficient and
relationship between them. Calculation based on
Density, relative density, water pressure,
flotation, displacement, de adweight, form
coefficients, reserve buoyancy, TPC, FWA,
DWA, load lines of ships, COG, COB.
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 2 03 – NAVAL ARCHITECTURE I
Semester II
No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN: Common principles
governing design and construction of various
types of steel ships with respect to:
(a) Longitudinal, transverse and vertical
(b) Continuity of strength
(c) Strength – under static and dynamic
(d) Stability
(e) Water – tightness.
(f) Conformity with statutory requirements. 14 Hrs.
of steel used in ship construction. Steel plates
and their treatment. Rolled sections – various
shapes and standard sizes. Fabrication, Casting
and forging and their us e in construction.
Testing of materials - various tests at production
and building stages.
RIVETING & WELDING: Riveting as a joining
process. Welding – its predominant use in ship
construction. Advantages of welding over
riveting in ship construction. General ideas of
Electric welding equipment, coated electrodes,
methods used, etc. Gas welding, Gas cutting.
Precautions while welding. 14 Hrs.
Unit III SHIP STABILITY : Use of displacement and
TPC curves and scales to determ ine weight of
cargo or ballast from draughts or freeboards.
Meta centric height, Righting lever, Righting 17 Hrs.
Moment. Stable, Unstable and Neutral
equilibrium. Free Surface Effect. Stiff and
Tender ships. Difference between heel and list.
Use of hydrostatic tables and curves as
supplied to ships.
Calculations based on GM, GZ, Righting moment
(Moment of statical stability), FSC, Hydrostatic
curves, Hydrostatic Table, Hydrostatic Draft.
*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through
class work, periodic assignments / project works / tests/ orals etc.
NOTE : A candidate has to s ecure minimum percentage /grade : 60 % as per
Training Circular No 4 of 2005 by DG Shipping, Govt o f India
Reference Books:
1. Ship Construction notes Kemp & Young
2. Ship Construction for Engineers Reid
3. Ship Construction Pursey
4. Ship Construction D J Eyres
5. Ship Stability at Operational Level Capt. H. Subramanium
6. Problems on MV Hindship Capt. Joseph & Rewari
Objective: - This subject e xposes the students to Environment Science – I and
Marine Engineering & Control System - I
Contents of Syllabus for US NSC 104 – Environmental Science - I
Semester I
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I Geographical Features affecting Shipping –
Climate, tides, wind, current, areas of bad
weather, Time zone, International Dateline, Sea
water density, Load line zones
ATMOSPHERE : Composition , hydrostatic
equation, equation of state for dr y air and moist
air. Density variation. Vertical layers of the
atmosphere, Ozone depletion, air pollution.
ENERGY BUDGET: Radiation laws:
Emission, Reflection, absorption and scattering.
Solar and terrestrial radiation, Greenhouse
effect and global warming, Heat exchange 16 Hrs.
processes. Radiation budget of the
earth/atmospheric system. Environmental lapse
rate and inversion. Diurnal, seasonal and
geographical variation of temper ature.
Unit II
Changes of state, specific, absolute and relative
humility, dew points temperature, humidity
mixing ratio. Unsaturated and saturated states,
super -cooling, frost point. Diurnal and seasonal
variatio n of water vapour.
ADIABATIC PROCESSES: Dry and saturated
adiabatic lapse rates, Potential temperature. The
tephigram and its uses. Stability analysis.
PHENOMENA: Condensation and freezing
nuclei, condensation forms: Dew, fro st, mist,
fog, haze and clouds. Visibility. Development
and classification of clouds.
PRECIPITATION: Processes, forms and types.
Principles and methods of surface
meteorological observations. 14 Hrs.
Temperature, Salinity, density and pressure –
their relationship and measurement. Optical
properties, sound and light in the sea, colour of
the sea water.
SALINITY AND DENSITY : Distribution in
surface layers of the ocean. Controlling
Spatial variation of temperature and
evaporation. Heat balance.
and the spatial distribution of surface
circulation. Seasonal changes.
source region and movement of water masses.
waves, wave energy, behavior of waves in deep
and shallow waters. Tide -producing forces.
Types of tides. Tide prediction and analysis,
tidal streams, co -tidal charts. Storm surges and
tsunamis. 15 Hrs
Practical METEOROLOGY: The principles, construction
and uses of various meteorological instruments,
maximum and minimum thermometers,
psychrometer/hygrometer, anemometer, wind
vane. Barometers (aneroid and mercury) and
15 hrs.
OCEANOGRAPHY: Use of main instruments
and observational methods in the sea
environment: Sensors for temperature, salinity,
depth, velocity etc.
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 2 04 – Environmental Science - I
Semester II
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
Unit I 1. The Multidisciplinary Nature Of
Environmental Studies:
Definition, Scope, Importance, Need for
public awareness
Renewable and non -renewable resources:
Natural resources and associated problems
a) Forest resources: Use and over -
exploitation, deforestation, case studies.
Timber extraction, mining, dams and their
effects on forests and tribal people.
b) Water resources: Use and over -utilization
of surface and ground water, floods,
drought, conflicts ov er water, dams -
benefits and problems.
c) Mineral resources: Use and exploitation,
environmental effects of extracting and
using mineral resources. Case studies.
d) Food resources: World food problem,
changes caused by agriculture and
overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture,
fertilizer -pesticide problems, water
logging, salinity. Case studies.
e) Energy resources: Growing energy needs,
renewable and non -renewable en ergy
sources, use of alternate energy sources.
Case studies.
f) Land resources: Land as a resource, land
degradation, man induced landslides, soil
erosion and desertification.
● Role of an individual in conservation of
natural resources.
● Equitable use of resources for sustainable
2. ECOSYSTEMS: 16 Hrs.
a. Concept of an Ecosystem
b. Structure and function of an
c. Producers, consumers and
d. Energy flow in the ecosystem.
e. Ecological succession.
f. Food chains, food web and
ecological pyramids.
g. Introduction, types, characteristic
features, structure and function of
the following ecosystems:
i. Forest ecosystem
ii. Grassland ecosystem
iii. Desert ecosystem
iv. Aquatic ecosystem (ponds, streams, lakes,
rivers, oceans, estuaries)
Introduction – Definition: Genetic.
Species and ecosystem diversity.
Biogeographical classification of India.
Value of biodiversity: Consumptive
use, productive use, social, ethical,
aesthetic and option values.
Biodiversity at global, national and
local levels.
India as a mega diversity nation.
Hot-spots of biodiversity.
Threats to biodiversity: Habitat loss,
poaching of wildlife, man wildlife
Endangered and endemic species of
Conservation of biodiversity: In -situ
and Ex -situ conservation of
Causes, effects and control measures of:
a. Air pollution
b. Water pollution
c. Soil pollution
d. Marine pollution 16 Hrs.
e. Noise pollution
f. Thermal pollution
g. Nuclear hazards
Solid waste management: Causes, effects
and control measures of urban and
industrial waste.
Role of an individual in prevention of
Pollution case studies.
Disaster management: Floods, earthquakes,
cyclone and landslides.
From Unsustainable to Sustainable
Urban problems related to energy.
Water conservation, rain water harvesting,
watershed management.
Resettlement and rehabilitation of people;
its problems and concerns. Case studies.
Environmental ethics: Issues and possible
Climate change, global warming, acid
rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear
accidents and holocaust. Case studies.
Wasteland reclamation.
Consumerism and waste products.
Environment Protection Act.
Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution)
Water (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act.
Wildlife Protection Act.
Forest Conservation Act.
Issues involved in enforcement of
environmental legislation.
Public Awareness.
Population growth, variation among 13 Hrs.
Population explosion – Family Welfare
Environment and human health.
Human Rights.
Value Education.
Women and Child Welfare.
Role of Information Technology in
Environment and Human health.
Case Studies.
Practical Field Work
(i) Visit to a local area to document
environmental assets – River / Forest /
Grassland / Hill / Mountain.
(ii) Visit to local polluted site – Urban /
Rural / Industrial / Agricultural.
(iii) Study of common plants, insects, birds.
(iv) Study of simple ecosystems – Pond /
River / Hill slopes, etc. 15 Hrs.
*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through class
work, practical and periodic assignments / project works / tests/ orals etc.
*Journal to be submitted at the end of each term for assessment
NOTE: A candidate has to secure minimum percentage /grade: 50 % as
per Training Circular No 4 of 2005 by DG Shipping , Govt of India
Reference Books:
1. Marine Meteorology Capt. H. Subramanium
2. Atmosphere, Weather & Climate Barry R.G.
3. Introduction to theoretical Meteorology Hess
4. Meteorology for Mariners HMSO
5. An introduction to dynamic meteorology James, R. Holton
6. Environmental Studies Erach Bharucha
Contents of Syllabus for US NSC 104 – MECS - I
Semester I
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
1) Strength of materials – Elasticity, Hook’s 15 Hrs.
Law – Stress and Strain . Tensile,
Compressive and Shear forces. Failure of
materials under tension, compression, shear
and fatigue. Examples related to Marine
2) Cantilever and simply supported Beams,
Shear force and Bending Moments,
calculation of stresses and B.M. Di agrams for
above and other systems of the ship.
3) Mechanical properties of common
engineering materials – hardness, ductility,
malleability, melting point etc.
1) Fluid Mechanics – Flow of liquids and gases,
Laminar and Turbulent flow, Resistance to
flow. Viscosity – definition and meaning.
Bernoulli’s Theory – Simple treatment .
2) Loss of energy of fluid due to bends, friction,
valves etc. Simple hydraulic equipments.
3) Thermodynamics – Properties of steam;
Boili ng point and effect of pressure on it;
Saturated, dry and superheated steam;
Dryness fraction. Meaning of Sensible Heat
and Latent Heat. 15 Hrs.
Electrostatics, Electro -magnetism and
Electricity. Electric current, Voltage, EMF,
Ohm’s Law, Direct Current (DC) and
Alternating Current (AC). Simple electrical
circuits, Kirschoff’s laws, simple calculations,
Wheatstone bridge 15 Hrs
Practical Brief description of drawing papers, pencils,
Instruments & their use. Types of lines &
dimensioning. Loci of points, orth ographic
projection of points, Straight lines, Planes,
Solids. Isometric Projection. Concept of Form &
shape, Plan, Elevation and End views of objects.
15 hrs.
Contents of syllabus for USNSC 204 – MECS - I
Semester II
Unit No. Topics/Sub Topics Theory Practical
General introduction and scope. Classification of
ships as per propulsion plants. G eneral layout of
ship’s Engine Rooms and machinery.
Unit II Main Engine Plants and supporting systems.
Introduction about ship’s Auxiliary Systems.
Electri cal Power Generation Plants – its
supporting systems and importance. 19 Hrs.
Unit III Bilge, ballast, fire, cargo & other pipelines of
different type of ships. 12 Hrs.
Practical Contd.from Semester I
Contours, change of sections, hidden (Internal)
construction, dotted lines, etc. D iscussion on
ship’s plans. Isometric views, cut/cross sections.
Simple assembly drawings. Engineering drawing
by free hand sketching.
NOTE: Sufficient time should be allotted for
drawing -practice 15 Hrs.
*There will be continuous assessment of skills being acquired through class
work, practical and periodi c assignments / project works / tests/ orals etc.
*Journal to be submitted at the end of each term for assessment
NOTE : A candidate has to s ecure minimum percentage /grade : 50 % as per
Training Circu lar No 4 of 2005 by DG Shipping , Govt o f India
Reference Books:
1. Basic Marine Engineering J.K. Dhar
2. Engineering Drawing N.D. Bhatt
3. Engineering Knowledge for Deck officer Reed
4. General Engineering Knowledge Vol. 8 Reed
5. Mechanical Engineering Science Hannah & Hillier
6. Marine Auxiliary Machinery D.W Smith
Scheme of Examination:
The performance of the learners shall be evaluated into two parts. The learner’s
performance shall be assessed by Internal Assessment with 25% marks in the first part & by
conducting the Semester End Examinations with 75% marks in the second part.
The Course having Practical training will have Practical Examination for 50 marks at the
end of Semester, out of which 40 marks for the Practical task assigned at the time of
examination. The 10 marks are allotted Oral/Viva/Journal.
The allocation of marks for the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examinations are as
shown below: -
Internal Assessment: It is defined as the assessment of the learners on the basis
ofcontinuous evaluation as envisaged in the Credit based system by way of participation of
learners in various academic and correlated activities in the given semester of the
Semester End Assessment: It is defined as the assessment of the learners on the basis
ofPerformance in the semester end Theory/ written/ Practical examination.
Modality of Assessment :
Internal Assessment - 25% 25 marks.
a) Theory 25 marks
No Evaluation type Marks
1 One class Test (multiple choice questions
objective) 20
2 Active participation in routine class instructional
deliveries. 05
Overall conduct as a responsible student,
manners, skill in articulation, leadership qualities
demonstrated through organizing co -curricular
activities etc.
B ) External examination - 75 %
Semester End Theory Assessment - 75% 75 marks
i. Duration - These examinations shall be of 2.5 hours duration.
ii. Theory question paper pattern : -
1. There shall be five questions.
2. 1st question will be objective type from entire syllabus, 2nd question from
unit 1, 3rd question from unit 2 and 4th Question from unit 3 and 5th
question examiners choice. 3. All questions will be 15 marks each.
4. All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice within the
questions for question number 2nd, 3rd, 4th& 5th.
5. Questions may be sub divided into sub questions a, b, c, d & e only & the
allocation of marks depends on the weight age of the topic.
Practical External Assessment 50 marks