F Y BSc Computer Scienc1_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

F Y BSc Computer Scienc1_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Academic Council 2 4/06/2016
Item No: ________________


Syllabus for
Program: B achelor of Science
Course: Computer Science

With effect from
Academic Year 2016 -2017

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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has today become integral part of all industry
domains as well as fields of academics and research. The industry requirements and
technologies have been steadily and rapidly advancing. Organizations are increasingly opting for
open source systems. The students too these days are thinking beyond career in the industry
and aiming for research opportunities.
The B.Sc. Computer Science course structure therefore needed a fresh outlook and complete
overhaul. A real genuine attempt has been made while designing the new syllabus for this 3 -
year graduate course. Not only does it prepares the students for a career i n Software industry, it
also motivates them towards further studies and research opportunities.
The core philosophy of overall syllabus is to -
a. Form strong foundation of Computer science,
b. Introduce emerging trends to the students in gradual way,
c. Groo m the students for the challenges of ICT industry
In the first year i.e. for semester I & II, basic foundation of important skills required for software
development is laid. The syllabus proposes to have four core subjects of Computer science and
two core courses of Mathematics -Statistics. All core subjects are proposed to have theory as
well as practical tracks. While the Computer Science courses will form fundamental skills for
solving computational problems, the Mathematics & Statistics course will inculcate research -
oriented acumen.
The syllabus design for further semesters encompasses more advanced and specialized courses
of Computer Science .
We sincerely believe that any student taking this course will get very strong foundation and
exposure to basics, advanced and emerging tre nds of the subject. We hope that the students’
community and teachers’ fraternity will appreciate the treatment given to the courses in the
We wholeheartedly thank all experts who shared their valuable feedbacks and suggestions in
order to improvise the contents, we have sincerely attempted to incorporate each of them. We
further thank Chairperson and members of Board of Studies for their confidence in us.
Special thanks to Department of Computer Science and col leagues from various colleges, who
volunteered or have indirectly helped designing certain specialized courses and the syllabus as a

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F.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science Syllabus
Credit Based System and Grading System
Academic year 201 6-2017

Semester – I
Code Course Type Course Title Credits Lectures/Week
USCS101 Core Subject Computer Organization and Design 2 3
USCS102 Core Subject Programming with Python - I 2 3
USCS103 Core Subject Free and Open Source Software 2 3
USCS104 Core Subject Databas e Systems 2 3
USCS105 Core Subject Discrete Mathematics 2 3
USCS106 Core Subject Descriptive Statistics and Introduction to
Probability 2 3
USCS10 7 Ability
Course 1 Soft Skills Development 2 3
USCS P01 Core Subject
Practical Practical of US CS101 + USCS102 +
USCS103+USCS104+USCS105+USCS106 6 18

Semester – II
Code Course Type Course Title Credits Lectures/Week
USCS20 1 Core Subject Programming with C 2 3
USCS202 Core Subject Programming with Python – II 2 3
USCS203 Core Subject Linux 2 3
USCS204 Core Subject Data Structures 2 3
USCS205 Core Subject Calculus 2 3
USCS206 Core Subject Statistical Methods and Testing of Hypothesis 2 3
USCS20 7 Ability
Course 2 Green Technologies 2 3
USCS P02 Core Subject
Practical Practica l of USCS201 + USCS2 02 +
USCS2 03+USCS204+USCS205+USCS2 06 6 18

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Semester I – Theory

USCS101 Computer Organization and Design
(Credits : 2 Lectures/Week: 3)
To understand the structure and operation of modern processors and their in struction sets
Expected Learning Outcomes:
1) To learn about how computer systems work and underlying principles
2) To understand the basics of digital electronics needed for computers
3) To understand the basics of instruction set architecture for reduced and complex instruction sets
4) To understand the basics of processor structure and operation
5) To understand how data is transferred between the processor and I/O devices
Unit I Computer Abstractions and Technology : Basic structure and operation of a computer ,
functional units and their interaction. Representation of numbers and characters.
Logic circuits and functions:
Combinational circuits and functions: Basic logic gates and functions, truth tables;
logic circuits and functions. Minimization with Karnaugh maps. Synthesis of logic
functions with and -or-not gates, nand gates, nor gates. Fan-in and fan -out
requirements; tristate buffers. Half adder, full adder, ripple carry adder.
(Flip flops) Gated S -R and D latches, edge -triggered D latch. Shift registers and
registers. Decoders, multiplexers.
Sequential circuits and functions: State diagram and state table; finite state machines
and their synthesis. 15 L
Unit II Instruction set architectures :
Memory organization, addressing and operations; word size , big -endian and little -
endian arrangements. Instructions, sequencing . Instruction sets for RISC and CISC
(examples Altera NIOS II and Freescale ColdFire ). Operand addressing modes;
pointers ; indexing for arrays . Machine language, assembly language, assem bler
directives. Function calls, processor runtime stack, stack frame. Types of machine
instructions: arithmetic, logic, shift, etc. Instruction sets , RISC and CISC examples . 15 L
Unit III Basic Processor Unit:
Main components of a processor: registers a nd register files, ALU, control unit,
instruction fetch unit, interfaces to instruction and data memories. Datapath.
Instruction fetch and execute; executing arithmetic/logic, memory access and branch
instructions; hardwired and microprogrammed control fo r RISC and CISC.
Basic I/O:
Accessing I/O devices, data transfers between processor and I/O devices. Interrupts
and exceptions: interrupt requests and processing. 15 L

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Text book:
1. Carl Hamacher et al. , Computer Organization and Embedded Systems , 6 ed., McG raw-Hill
Additional References:
1. Patterson and Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design, Morgan Kaufmann, ARM
Edition, 2011
2. R P Jain, Modern Digital Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd. , 4th Edition,

Course :
USCS102 Programmin g with Python - I
(Credits : 2 Lectures/Week: 3)
The objective of this paper is to introduce various concepts of programming to the students using Python.
Expected learning outcomes
1) Students should be able to understand the concepts of progr amming before actually starting to write
2) Students should be able to develop logic for Problem Solving.
3) Students should be made familiar about the basic constructs of programming such as data, operations,
conditions, loops, functions etc.
4) Stud ents should be able to apply the problem solving skills using s yntactically simple language i. e.
Python (version: 3.X or higher)
Unit I Reasons for Python as the learner’s first programming language. Introduction to the
IDLE interpreter (shell) and its d ocumentation. Expression evaluation: similarities and
differences compared to a calculator; expressions and operators of types int, float ,
bool ean. Built -in function type . Operator precedence.
Enumeration of simple and compound statements. The expressio n statement. The
assert statement, whose operand is a boolean expression (values true or false ). The
assignment statement, dynamic binding of names to values, (type is associated with
data and not with names); automatic and implicit declaration of variab le names with
the assignment statement; assigning the value None to a name. The del (delete)
statement. Input/output with print and input functions. A statement list (semicolon -
separated list of simple statements on a single line) as a single interpreter command.
The import statement for already -defined functions and constants. The augmented
assignment statement. The built -inhelp() function.
Interactive and script modes of IDLE, running a script, restarting the shell.
The compound statement def to def ine functions; the role of indentation for delimiting
the body of a compound statement; calling a previously defined function. Compound
data types str, tuple and list (enclosed in quotes, parentheses and brackets,
respectively) . Indexing individual elem ents within these types. Strings and tuples are
immutable, lists are mutable. Built -in functions min, max, sum. Interactive solution of
model problems, (e.g., finding the square root of a number or zero of a function), by
repeatedly executing the body of a loop (where the body is a statement list). 15 L

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Unit II Advantages of functions, function parameters, formal parameters, actual parameters,
global and local variables.
The range function, the iterative for statement. The conditional statements if, if-else,
if-elif-else. The iterative statements while , while -else, for-else. The continue
statement to skip over one iteration of a loop, the break statement to exit the loop.
Nested compound statements. Dictionaries: concept of key -value pairs, techni ques to
create, update and delete dictionary items. Problem -solving using compound types
and statements. 15 L
Unit III Anonymous functions. List comprehensions. Gentle introduction to object -oriented
programming; using the built -in dir() function, enum erate the methods of strings,
tuples, lists, dictionaries. Using these methods for problem -solving with compound
types. 15 L
Text books:
1. Magnus Lie Hetland, Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional, Apress
2. Paul Gries, et al., Practical Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python 3,
Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2/E 2014

Additional References:
1. Charles Dierbach, Introduction to Computer Science using Python , Wiley, 2013
2. Paul Gries , Jennifer Campbell, Jason Montojo, Practical Programming: An Introduction to Computer
Science Using Python 3 , Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2/E 2014
3. Adesh Pandey, Programming Languages – Principles and Paradigms, Narosa, 2008

Course :
USCS103 Free and Open -source Software
(Credits : 2 Lectures/Week: 3 )
Objective :
Open Source has acquired a prominent place in software industry. Having knowledge of Open Source and its
related technologies is an essential for Computer Science student. This course introduces Open Source
methodologies and ecosystem to students.
Expected Le arning Outcome:
1) Upon completion of this course, students should have a good working knowledge of Open Source
ecosystem, its use, impact and importance.
2) This course shall help student to learn Open Source methodologies, case studies with real life
Unit I Introduction
Introduction: Open Source, Free Software, Free Software vs. Open Source
software, Public Domain Software, FOSS does not mean no cost. History: BSD,
The Free Software Foundation and the GNU Project.
Open Source History, Initiatives, Principle and methodologies. Philosophy :
Software Freedom, Open Source Development Model Licenses and Patents: What
Is A License, Important FOSS Licenses (Apache,BSD,GPL, LGPL), copyrights and
copy lefts, Patents Economics of FOSS : Zero Marg inal Cost, Income -generation
opportunities, Problems with traditional commercial software,
Internationalization 15L

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Social Impact
Open source vs. closed source, Open source government, Open source ethics.
Social and Financial impacts of open source technology, Shared software, Shared
source, Open Source in Government.

Unit II Case Studies
Example Projects: Apache web server, GNU/Linux, Android, Mozilla (Firefox),
Wikipedia, Drupal, wordpress, GCC, GDB, github, Open Office. Study:
Understanding the develop mental models, licensings, mode of
funding,commercial/non -commercial use. Open Source Hardware, Open Source
Design, Open source Teaching. Open source media.
Collaboration, Community and Communication
Contri buting to Open Source Projects
Introduction to gi thub, interacting with the community on github,
Communication and etiquette, testing open source code, reporting issues,
contributing code.
Introduction to wikipedia, contributing to Wikipedia Or contributing to any
prominent open source project of student ’s choice.
Starting and Maintaining own Open Source Project . 15L
Unit III
Understanding Open Source Ecosystem
Open Source Operating Systems: GNU/Linux, Android, Free BSD, Open Solaris.
Open Source Hardware, Virtualization Technologies, Containerization
Technologies: Docker, Development tools, IDEs, debuggers, Programming
languages, LAMP, Open Source database technologies 15L
Text books:
1. Unix Concepts an d Applications by Sumitabha Das , Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2006
2. The official Ubuntu Book , 8th Edition
Additional references:
1. The Linux Documentati on Project: http://www.tldp.org/
2. Docker Project Home: http://www.docker.com
3. Linux kernel Home: http://kernel.org
4. Open Source Initiative: https://opensource.org/
5. Linux Documentation Project: http://www.tldp.org/
6. Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/
7. https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Contributing_to_Wikipedia
8. Github: https://help.github.com/
9. The Linux Foundation: http://www.linuxfoundation.org/

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Course :
USCS104 Database Systems
(Credits : 2 Lectures/Week: 3)
Objectives :
The objective of thi s course is to introduce the concept of the DBMS with respect to t he relational model, to
specify the functional and data requirements for a typical database application and to understand creation,
manipulation and querying of data in databases
Expected Learning Outcomes
1) Students should be able to evaluate business information problem and find the requirements of a
problem in terms of data.
2) Students should be able to design the database schema with the use of appropriate data types for
storage of data in da tabase.
3) Students should be able to create, manipulate, query and back up the databases.
Unit I Introduction to DBMS – Database, DBMS – Definition, Overview of DBMS, Advantages
of DBMS, Levels of abstraction, Data independence, DBMS Architecture
Data model s - Client/Server Architecture, Object Based Logical Model, Record Based
Logical Model ( rel ational, hierarchical, network)
Entity Relationship Model - Entities, attributes, entity sets , relations, relationship sets,
Additional constraints ( key constraint s, participation constraints, weak entities,
aggregation / generalization, Conceptual Design using ER ( entities VS attributes, Entity
Vs relationship, binary Vs t ernary, constraints beyond ER)
Relational data model – Domains, attributes, Tuples and Relatio ns, Relational Model
Notation, Characteristics of Relations, Relational Constraints - primary key, referential
integrity, unique constraint, Null constraint, Check constraint
ER to Table - Entity to Table, Relationship to tables with and without key constra ints. 15L
Unit II Schema refinement and Normal forms: Functional dependencies, first, second, third,
and BCNF normal forms based on primary keys, lossless join decomposition.
Relational Algebra operations (selection, projection, set operations union,
intersection, difference, cross product, Joins –conditional, equi join and natural joins,
DDL Statements - Creating Databases, Using Databases, datatypes, Creating Tables
(with integrity constraints – primary key, default, check, not null), Alteri ng Tables,
Renaming Tables, Dropping Tables, Truncating Tables, Backing Up and Restoring
DML Statements – Viewing the structure of a table insert, update, delete, Select all
columns, specific columns, unique records, conditional select, in claus e, between
clause, limit, aggregate functions (count, min, max, avg, sum), group by clause, having
clause 15L

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Unit III Functions – String Functions (concat, instr, left, right, mid, length, lcase/lower,
ucase/upper, replace, strcmp, trim, ltrim, rtrim), M ath Functions (abs, ceil, floor, mod,
pow, sqrt, round, truncate) Date Functions (adddate, datediff, day, month, year, hour,
min, sec, now, reverse)
Joining Tables – inner join, outer join (left outer, right outer, full outer)
Subqueries – subqueries wit h IN, EXISTS, subqueries restrictions, Nested subqueries,
ANY/ALL clause, correlated subqueries
Database Protection: Security Issues, Threats to Databases, Security Mechanisms, Role
of DBA, Discretionary Access Control
Views (creating, altering dropping, renaming and manipulating views)
DCL Statements (creating/dropping users, privileges introduction, granting/revoking
privileges, viewing privileges) 15L
Text books:
1. Ramez Elmasri & Shamkant B.Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pearson Education, Sixth
Edition, 2010
2. Ramakrishnam, Gehrke, Database Management Systems, McGraw ‐Hill, 2007
3. Joel Murach, Murach’s MySQL, Murach, 2012
Additional References:
1. Robert Sheldon, Geoff Moes, Begning MySQL, Wrox Press, 2005.

Course :
USCS10 5 Discrete Mathematics
(Credits : 2 Lectures/Week: 3)
Objectives :
The purpose of the course is to familiarize the prospective learners with mathematical structures that are
fundamentally discrete. This course introduces sets and functions, forming and solving recurrence relations and
different counting principles. These concepts are useful to study o r describe objects or problems in computer
algorithms and programming languages.
Expected Learning Outcomes:
1) To provide overview of theory of discrete objects, starting with relations and partially ordered sets.
2) Study about recurrence relations, generating function and operations on them.
3) Give an understanding of graphs and trees, which are widely used in software.
4) Provide basic knowledge about models of automata theory and the corresponding formal languages.

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Unit I Recurrence Relations
(a) Functions: Definiti on of function. Domain, co domain and the range of a function.
Direct and inverse images. Injective, surjective and bijective functions. Composite
and inverse functions.
(b) Relations : Definition and examples. Properties of relations , Partial Ordering sets,
Linear Ordering Hasse Daigrams , Maximum and Minimum elements, Lattices
(c) Recurrence Relations: Definition of recurrence relations, Formulating recurrence
relations, solving recurrence relations - Back tracking method, Linear homogeneous
recurrence relations with constant coefficients. Solving linear homogeneous
recurrence relations with constant coefficients of degree two when characteristic
equation has distinct roots and only one root, Particular solutions of non linear
homogeneous recurrence relation, Solu tion of recurrence relation by the method
of generation functions, Applications - Formulate and solve recurrence relation for
Fibonacci numbers, Tower of Hanoi, Intersection of lines in a plane, Sorting
Algorithms. 15L
Unit II Counting Principles , Langua ges and Finite State Machine
(a) Permutations and Combinations: Partition and Distribution of objects,
Permutation with distinct and indistinct objects, Binomial numbers, Combination
with identities: Pascal Identity, Vandermonde’s Identity, Pascal triangle, Bi nomial
theorem, Combination with indistinct objects.
(b) Counting Principles: Sum and Product Rules, Two -way counting, Tree diagram for
solving counting problems, Pigeonhole Principle (without proof); Simple examples,
Inclusion Exclusion Principle (Sieve formu la) (Without proof).
(c) Languages, Grammars and Machines: Languages , regular Expression and Regular
languages, Finite state Automata, grammars, Finite state machines, Gödel
numbers, Turing machines. 15L
Unit III Graphs and Trees
(a) Graphs : Definition and elem entary results, Adjacency matrix, path matrix,
Representing relations using diagraphs, Warshall’s algorithm - shortest path ,
Linked representation of a graph, Operations on graph with algorithms - searching
in a graph; Insertion in a graph, Deleting from a graph, Traversing a graph -
Breadth -First search and Depth -First search.
(b) Trees: Definition and elementary results. Ordered rooted tree, Binary trees,
Complete and extended binary trees, representing binary trees in memory,
traversing binary trees, binary s earch tree, Algorithms for searching and inserting
in binary search trees, Algorithms for deleting in a binary search tree 15L

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Textbook :
1. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Seventh Edition by Kenneth H. Rosen, McGraw Hill Education
(India) Priva te Limited. (2011)
2. Norman L. Biggs, Discrete Mathematics, Revised Edition, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1989.
3. Data Structures Seymour Lipschutz, Schaum’s out lines, McGraw - Hill Inc.
Additional References :
1. Elements of Discrete Mathematics: C.L. Liu , Tata McGr aw- Hill Edition .
2. Concrete Mathematics (Foundation for Computer Science): Graham, Knuth, Patashnik Second Edition,
Pearson Education.
3. Discrete Mathematics: Semyour Lipschutz, Marc Lipson, Schaum’s out lines, McGraw - Hill Inc.
4. Foundations in Discrete Math ematics: K.D. Joshi, New Age Publication, New Delhi.

Course :
USCS10 6 Descriptive Statistics and Introduction to Probability
(Credits : 2 Lectures/Week: 3)
Objectives :
The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with basics of Statistics. T his will be essential for prospective
researchers and professionals to know these basics.
Expected Learning Outcomes :
1) Enable learners to know descriptive statistical concepts
2) Enable study of probability concept required for Computer learners
Unit I Data Presentation
Data types : attribute, variable, discrete and continuous variable
Data presentation : frequency distribution, histogram o give, curves, stem and leaf
Data Aggregation
Measures of Central tendency: Mean, Median, mode for raw data, di screte, grouped
frequency distribution.
Measures dispersion: Variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation for raw
data, discrete and grouped frequency distribution , quartile s, quantiles Real life
examples 15L
Unit II Moments : raw moments, cent ral moments, relation between raw and central
Measures of Skewness and Kurtosis: based on moments, quartiles, relation between
mean, median, mode for symmetric, asymmetric frequency curve.
Correlation and Regression: bivariate data, scatter plot, correlation, nonsense
correlation, Karl pearson’s coefficients of correlation, independence.
Linear regression : fitting of linear regression using least square regression, coefficient
of determination, properties of regression coefficients (only statement) 15L

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Unit III Probability : Random experiment, sample space, events types and operations of
Probability definition : classical, axiomatic, Elementary Theorems o f probability
(without proof)
 0 ≤ P(A) ≤ 1,
 P(A  B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A  B)
 P (A’) = 1 - P(A)
 P(A) ≤ P(B) if A  B
Conditional probability, ‘Bayes’ theorem, independence , Examples on Probability 15L
Text Book:
1. Trivedi, K.S.(2001) : Probability, Statistics, Design of Experiments and Queuing theory, with applications
of Computer Science, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi

Additional References:
1. Ross, S.M. (2006): A First course in probability. 6th Edⁿ Pearson
2. Kulkarni, M.B., Ghatpande, S.B. and Gore, S.D. (1999): common statistical te sts.
Satyajeet Prakashan, Pune
3. Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V.K. (1987): Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics,
S. Chand and Sons, New Delhi
4. Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V.K. ( 1999 ): Applied Statistics, S. Chand and Son’s, New Delhi
5. Montgomery, D.C. ( 2001) : Plan ning and Analysis of Experiments, wiley.

USCS107 Soft Skills Development
(Credits : 2 Lectures/Week: 3)
To help learners develop their soft skills and develop their personality together with their technical skills.
Developing pr ofessional, social and academic skills to harness hidden strengths, capabilities and knowledge
equip them to excel in real work environment and corporate life. Understand various issues in personal and
profession communication and learn to overcome them
Expected Learning Outcomes:
1) To know about various aspects of soft skills and learn ways to develop personality
2) Understand the importance and type of communication in personal and professional environment.
3) To provide insight into much needed technical and no n-technical qualities in career planning.
4) Learn about Leadership, team building, decision making and stress management

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Unit I Introduction to Soft Skills and Hard Skills
Personality Development: Knowing Yourself, Positive Thinking, Johari’s Window,
Commun ication Skills, Non -verbal Communication , Physical Fitness
Emotional Intelligence: Meaning and Definition, Need for Emotional Intelligence,
Intelligence Quotient versus Emotional Intelligence Quotient, Components of
Emotional Intelligence, Competencies of Emotional Intelligence, Skills to Develop
Emotional Intelligence
Etiquette and Mannerism : Introduction , Professional Etiquette , Technology
Communication Today : Significance of Communication , GSC’s 3M Model of
Communication , Vitality of the Commun ication Process , Virtues of Listening ,
Fundamentals of Good Listening , Nature of Non -Verbal Communication , Need for
Intercultural Communication , Communicat ing Digital World 15L
Unit II Academic Skills
Employment Communication: Introduction, Resume, Curric ulum Vitae, Scannable
Resume, Developing an Impressive Resume, Formats of Resume, Job Application or
Cover Letter
Professional Presentation: Nature of Oral Presentation, Planning a Presentation,
Preparing the Presentation, Delivering the Presentation
Job I nterviews: Introduction, Importance of Resume, Definition of Interview,
Background Information, Types of Interviews, Preparatory Steps for Job Interviews,
Interview Skill Tips, Changes in the Interview Process, FAQ During Interviews
Group Discussion: Intro duction, Ambience/Seating Arrangement for Group
Discussion, Importance of Group Discussions, Difference between Group Discussion,
Panel Discussion and Debate, Traits, Types of Group Discussions, topic based and
Case based Group Discussion, Individual Trait s 15L
Unit III Professional Skills
Creativity at Workplace: Introduction, Current Workplaces, Creativity, Motivation,
Nurturing Hobbies at Work, The Six Thinking Hat Method
Ethical Values: Ethics and Society, Theories of Ethics, Correlation between Values and
Behavior, Nurturing Ethics, Importance of Work Ethics, Problems in the Absence of
Work Ethics
Capacity Building: Learn, Unlearn and Relearn : Capacity Building, Elements of
Capacity Building, Zones of Learning, Ideas for Learning, Strategies for Capaci ty
Leadership and Team Building: Leader and Leadership, Leadership Traits, Culture and
Leadership, Leadership Styles and Trends, Team Building, Types of Teams,
Decision Making and Negotiation: Introduction to Decision Making, Steps for
Decision M aking, Decision Making Techniques, Negotiation Fundamentals,
Negotiation Styles, Major Negotiation Concepts
Stress and Time Management: Stress, Sources of Stress , Ways to Cope with Stress 15L

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Text book:
1. Soft Skills: an Integrated Approach to Maximise Pers onality, Gajendra S. Chauhan, Sangeeta Sharma,
Wiley India

Additional References:
1. Personality Development and Soft Skills , Barun K. Mitra, Oxford Press
2. Business Communication, Shalini Kalia, Shailja Agrawal, Wiley India
3. Soft Skills - Enhancing Employabili ty, M. S. Rao, I. K. International
4. Cornerstone: Developing Soft Skills , Sherfield, Pearson India

Semester I – Practical

Course :
USCS P1 Practical of USCS101 + USCS102 + USCS103+USCS104+USCS105+USCS106
(Credits : 6, Lectures/Week: 18)
USCSP101 Compu ter Organization and Design
1. Study and verify the truth table of various logic gates (NOT, AND, OR, NAND,
NOR, EX -OR, and EX -NOR).
2. Simplify given Boolean expression and realize it.
3. Design and verify a half /full adder
4. Design and verify half /full subtractor
5. Design a 4 bit magnitude comparator using combinational circuits.
6. Design and verify the operation of flip -flops using logic gates.
7. Verify the operation of a counter.
8. Verify the operation of a 4 bit shift register
9. Using SPIM, write and test an adding machin e program that repeatedly reads
in integers and adds them into a running sum. The program should stop when
it gets an input that is 0, printing out the sum at that point.
10. Using SPIM, write and test a program that reads in a positive integer using the
SPIM system calls. If the integer is not positive, the program should terminate
with the message “Invalid Entry”; otherwise the program should print out the
names of the digits of the integers, delimited by exactly one space. For
example, if the user entered “5 28,” the output would be “Five Two Eight.”

# Practical No. 1 to 8 can be performed using any open source simulator (like
(Download it from https://sourceforge.net/projects/circuit/ )
# Practical No. 9 and 10 are required to be done using SPIM. SPIM is a self -
contained simulator that will run MIPS R2000/R3000 assembly language
# Latest version is available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/spimsimulator/

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USCSP102 Programming w ith Python – I
1. Installing and setting up the Python IDLE interpreter. Executing simple
statements like expression statement (numeric and Boolean types), assert,
assignment, delete statements; the print function for output.
2. Script and interactive modes; de fining a function in the two modes; executing
a script; interactively executing a statement list (semicolon -separated
sequence of simple statements); the input function.
3. Programs based on lists, conditional constructs, the for statement and the
range funct ion; interactively using the built -in functions len, sum, max, min
4. Programs related to string manipulation
5. Programs based on the while statement; importing and executing built -in
functions from the time, math and random modules
6. Programs using break and c ontinue statements.
7. Programs related to dictionaries
8. Programs using list comprehenstions and anonymous functions
9. Programs using the built -in methods of the string, list and dictionary classes

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USCSP103 Free and Open Source Software
1. Identif y any Open Sou rce software and create detailed report about it.
Sample Guidelines.
a. Idea
b. What problem does it solves?
c. Licensing model
d. Intent behind making it open source
e. Monetization models
f. Popularity
g. Impact
2. Learn at least three different open source licenses and create a brief report
about them.
a. History of license
b. Idea
c. What problems does it solve?
d. Detailed licensing model
e. Which popular software are released under this license?
f. Any popular news associated with this license?
g. Popularity
h. Impact
3. Contributing to Open Source
a. Identify any Open Source project of your interest
b. Learn more about the project w.r.t. Lab 1.
c. Start contributing to the project either by
i. Testing
ii. Reporting bugs
iii. Coding
iv. Helping in documentation
v. Participating in discussions
vi. Participating in pre -release testing programs
vii. UI development.
viii. Or any other important area.
4. Hands on with Open Source Software
a. Identify any open source software of your interest
b. Learn it from practical view -point
c. Give a brief presentation about it to the class
d. Sample projects: gcc, gdb, drupa l, wordpress, apache web server,
mysql database
5. Contributing to Wikipedia:
a. Introduction to wikipedia: operating model, license, how to
b. Create your user account on wikipedia
c. Identify any topic of your choice and contribute the missing
informatio n
6. Github
a. Create and publish your own open source project: Write any simple
program using your choice of programming language.

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USCSP103 b. Create a repository on github and save versions of your project. You’ll
learn about the staging area, committing your c ode, branching, and
c. Using GitHub to Collaborate: Get practice using GitHub or other
remote repositories to share your changes with others and
collaborate on multi -developer projects. You’ll learn how to make
and review a pull request on GitHub.
d. Contribute to a Live Project: Students will publish a repository
containing their reflections from the course and submit a pull
7. Open Source Operating Systems
a. Learn any open source operating system of your choice : Linux,
Android, FreeBSD, Open Sola ris etc.
b. Learn the installation.
c. Identify the unique features of the OS of your choice.
8. Virtualization: Open Source virtualization technologies:
a. Install and configure any one: VirtualBox, Zen, KVM
b. Create and use virtual machines
9. Containerization:
a. Container ization technologies: docker, rocket, LXD
b. Install and configure any containerization technology
c. Create and use containers using it
10. Linux Kernel: Learn Linux kernel with respect to:
a. What is Linux kernel?
b. Operating model
c. Licensing Model
d. How development works ?
e. Download kernel source code.
f. Compil e the Kernel
USCSP104 Database Systems
1. For given scenario
 Draw E -R diagram and convert entities and relationships to table.
2. Write relational algebra queries on the tables created in Practical -1.
3. Perform the following :
 Viewing all databases
 Creating a Database
 Viewing all Tables in a Database
 Creating Tables (With and Without Constraints)
 Inserting/Updating/Deleting Records in a Table
 Saving (Commit) and Undoing (rollback)
4. Perform the following:
 Altering a Table
 Droppi ng/Truncating/Renaming Tables
 Backing up / Restoring a Database

Page 18

5. Perform the following:
 Simple Queries
 Simple Queries with Aggregate functions
 Queries with Aggregate functions (group by and having clause)
6. Queries involving
 Date Functions
 String Function s
 Math Functions
7. Join Queries
 Inner Join
 Outer Join
8. Subqueries
 With IN clause
 With EXISTS clause
 Creating Views (with and without check option)
 Dropping views
 Selecting from a view
10. DCL statements
 Granting and revoking permissions
USCSP105 Discrete Mathematics
1. Graph s of standard functions such as absolute value function, inverse
function, logarithmic and exponential functions, flooring and ceiling functions,
trigonometric functions over suitable intervals.
2. Partial ordering sets, Hasse diagram and Lat tices.
3. Recurrence relation.
4. Different counting principles.
5. Finite state Automata and Finite state machines.
6. Warshall’s Algorithm.
7. Shortest Path algorithm s.
8. Operations on graph.
9. Breadth and Depth First search algorithms.
10. Concept of searching, inserting an d deleting from binary search trees.
USCSP106 Descriptive Statistics and Introduction to Probability (To be implemented using R)
1. Frequency distribution and data presentation
2. Measures of central tendency
3. Data entry using, functions, c(), scan () , Creat ing vectors, Mathematical
Operations: ** +/ -/*/ / ^ , exp, log, log10, etc, creating vector of text type,
useful functions: data, frame, matrix operations, seq(), split() etc.
4. Frequency distribution using cut(), table()
5. Data presentation
6. Summ ary Statistics (measures of central tendency, dispersion)
7. Measures of skewness and kurtosis
8. Correlation and regression
9. Probability
10. C onditional probability

Page 19

Semester I I - Theory

Course :
USCS201 Programming with C
(Credits : 2 Lectures/Week: 3)
Objectives :
The objective of this course is to provide a comprehensive study of the C programming language, stressing
upon the strengths of C, which provide the students with the means of writing modular, efficient,
maintainable, and po rtable code.

Expected Learning Outcomes
1) Students should be able to write, compile and debug programs in C language.
2) Students should be able to use different data types in a computer program.
3) Students should be able to design programs involving decision st ructures, loops and functions.
4) Students should be able to explain the difference between call by value and call by reference
5) Students should be able to understand the dynamics of memory by the use of pointers.
6) Students should be able to use different data structures and create/update basic data files.
Unit I Structure of C program : Header and body, Use of comments. Interpreters vs compilers,
Python vs C. Compilation of a program. Formatted I/O: printf(), scanf().

Data : Variables, Constants, data types like: int, float char, double and void, short and long
size qualifiers, signed and unsigned qualifiers. Compare with datatypes in Python.
Compare static typing in C vs dynamic typing in Python

Variables : Declaring variables, scope of the variables accord ing to block, hierarchy of data
types. Compare explicit declarations in C with implicit declarations in Python.

Types of operators : Arithmetic, relational, logical, compound assignment, increment and
decrement, conditional or ternary, bitwise and comma op erators. Precedence and order
of evaluation, statements and Expressions. Automatic and explicit type conversion.

Iterations : Control statements for decision making: (i) Branching: if statement, else.. if
statement, (does the writer mean if -else or nested ifs)switch statement. (ii) Looping:
while loop, do.. while, for loop. (iii) Jump statements: break, continue and goto.
Unit II Arrays: (One and two dimensional), declaring array variables, initialization of arrays,
accessing array elements. Compare array types of C with list and tuple types of Python.

Data Input and Output functions : Character I/O format: getch(), getche(), getchar(),
getc(), gets() , putchar(), putc(), puts().

Manipulating Strings : Declaring and initializing String variables, Chara cter and string
handling functions. C ompare with Python strings.

Functions : Function declaration, function definition, Global and local variables, return
statement, Calling a function by passing values.

Recursion : Defin ition, Recursive functions. 15L

Page 20

Unit III Pointer: Fundamentals, Pointer variables, Referencing and de -referencing, Pointer
Arithmetic, Using Pointers with Arrays, Using Pointers with Strings, Array of Pointers,
Pointers as function arguments, Fu nctions returning pointers.

Dynamic Memor y Allocation : malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), free() and sizeof operator.
Compare with automatic garbage collection in Python.

Structure : Declaration of structure, reading and assignment of structure variables, Array
of structures, arrays within structures , structures within structures. Compare C st ructures
with Python tuples.

Unions : Defin ing and working with unions.

File handling : Different types of files like text and binary, Different types of functions:
fopen(), fclose(), fgetc(), fputc(), fgets(), f puts(), fscanf(), fprintf(), getw(), putw(), fread(),
fwrite(), fseek(). 15L
Text books:
1. Programming in ANSI C (Third Edition) : E Balagurusamy, TMH

Additional References:
1. Pradip Dey, Manas Ghosh, “Programming in C”, second edition, Oxford University P ress
2. Yashavant P. Kanetkar. “ Let Us C”, BPB Publications

Page 21

Course :
USCS20 2 Programming with Python – II
(Credits : 2 Lectures/Week: 3)
The objective of this paper is to explore the style of structured programmi ng to give the idea to the students
how programming can be used for designing real -life applications by reading/writing to files, GUI programming,
interfacing database/networks and various other features.

Expected Learning Outcomes
1) Students should be a ble to understand how to read/write to files using python.
2) Students should be able to catch their own errors that happen during execution of programs.
3) Students should get an introduction to the concept of pattern matching.
4) Students should be made famili ar with the concepts of GUI controls and designing GUI applications.
5) Students should be able to connect to the database to move the data to/from the application.
6) 6)Students should know how to connect to computers, read from URL and send email.
Unit I Python File Input -Output: Opening and closing files, various types of file modes,
reading and writing to files, manipulating directories.
Iterables, iterators and their problemsolving application s.
Exception handling : What is an exception, various keyword s to handle exceptions
such try, catch , except , else, finally , raise .
Regular Expressions : Concept of regular expression, various types of regular
expressions, using match function. 15 L
Unit II GUI Programming in Python (using Tkinter/wxPython/Qt)
What is GUI, Advantages of GUI, Introduction to GUI library. Layout management,
events and bindings, fonts, colours, drawing on canvas (line, oval, rectangle, etc.)
Widgets such as : frame, label, button, checkbutton, entry, listbox, message,
radiobutton, t ext, spinbox etc 15 L
Unit III Database connectivity in Python : Installing mysql connector, accessing connector
module module, using connect, cursor, execute & close functions, reading single &
multiple results of query execution, executing different types of statements,
executing transactions, understanding exceptions in database connectivity.
Network connectivity : Socket module, creating server -client programs, sending email,
reading from URL 15 L
Text books:
1. Paul Gries , Jennifer Campbell, Jaso n Montojo, Practical Programming: An Introduction to Computer
Science Using Python 3 , Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2/E 2014
Additional References:
1. James Payne , Beginning Python: Using Python 2.6 and Python 3, Wiley India, 2010
2. A. Lukaszewski, MySQL for Python: Database Access Made Easy, Pact Publisher, 2010

Page 22

Course :
USCS20 3 Linux
(Credits : 2 Lectures/Week: 3)
This course introduces various tools and techniques commonly used by Linux programmers, system
administrators and end user s to achieve their day to day work in Linux environment. It is designed for
computer students who have limited or no previous exposure to Linux.
Expected Learning Outcomes:
1) Upon completion of this course, students should have a good working knowledge of Linux, from both
a graphical and command line perspective, allowing them to easily use any Linux distribution.
2) This course shall help student to learn advanced subjects in computer science practically.
3) Student shall be able to progress as a Developer or Linux System Administrator using the acquired
skill set.
Unit I Introduction
History of Linux, Philosophy, Community, Terminology, Distributions, Linux kernel vs
Why learn Linux? Importance of Linux in software ecosystem: web servers,
superc omputers, mobile, servers.
Installation methods, Hands on Installation using CD/DVD or USB drive.
Linux Structure
Linux Architecture, Filesystem basics, The boot process, init scripts, runlevels,
shutdown process, Very basic introductions to L inux processes, Packaging methods:
rpm/deb, Graphical Vs Command line. 15L
Unit II Graphical Desktop
Session Management, Basic Desktop Operations, Network Management, Installing
and Updating Software, Text editors: gedit, vi, vim, emacs, Graphics editors ,
Multimedia applications.
Command Line
Command line mode options, Shells, Basic Commands, General Purpose Utilities,
Installing Software, User management, Environment variables, Command aliases.
Linux Documentation
man pages, GNU info, help command, More documentation sources
File Operations
Filesystem, Filesystem architecture, File types, File attributes, Working with files,
Backup, compression 15L
Unit III Security
Understanding Linux Security, Uses of root, sudo command, working with
passwords, Bypassi ng user authentication, Understanding ssh
Basic introduction to Networking, Network protocols: http, ftp etc., IP address, DNS,
Browsers, Transferring files.
ssh, telnet, ping, traceroute, route, hostname, networking GUI.
Basic Shell Scripting
Features and capabilities, Syntax, Constructs, Modifying files, Sed, awk command,
File manipulation utilities, Dealing with large files and Text, String manipulation,
Boolean expressions, File tests, Case, Debugging, Regular expressions 15L

Page 23

Text book:
1) Unix Concepts and Applications by Sumitabha Das.
2) Official Ubuntu Book, 8th Edition, by Matthew Helmke & Elizabeth K. Joseph with Jose Antonio Rey and
Philips Ballew, Prentice Hall

Additional References:
1) Linux kernel Home: http://kernel.org
2) Open Source Initia tive: https://opensource.org/
3) The Linux Foundation: http://www.linuxfoundation.org/

USCS20 4 Data Structure s
(Credits : 2 Lectures/Week: 3)
Objectives: To explore and understand the concepts of Data Structures and its significance in
prog ramming. Provide and holistic approach to design, use and implement abstract data types.
Understand the commonly used data structures and various forms of its implementation for different
applications using Python.
Expected Learning Outcomes:
1) Learn about Data structures, its types and significance in computing
2) Explore about Abstract Data types and its implementation
3) Ability to program various applications using different data structure in Python
Unit I Abstract Data Types: Introduction, The Date Abstrac t Data Type, Bags, Iterators.
Arrays: Array Structure, Python List, Two Dimensional Arrays, Matrix Abstract Data
Type, Application
Sets and Maps: Sets-Set ADT, Selecting Data Structure, List based Implementation,
Maps -Map ADT, List Based Implem entation, Multi -Dimensional Arrays -Multi -Array
ADT, Implementing Multiarrays, Application
Algorithm Analysis: Complexity Analysis -Big-O Notation, Evaluating Python Code,
Evaluating Python List, Amortized Cost, Evaluating Set ADT, Application
Searching and Sorting: Searching -Linear Search, Binary Search, Sorting -Bubble,
Selection and Insertion Sort, Working with Sorted Lists -Maintaining Sorted List,
Maintaining sorted Lists. 15L
Unit II Linked Structures : Introduction, Singly Linked List -Traversing, Searchi ng,
Prepending and Removing Nodes, Bag ADT -Linked List Implementation. Comparing
Implementations, Linked List Iterators, More Ways to Build Kinked Lists,
Applications -Polynomials
Stacks : Stack ADT, Implementing Stacks -Using Python List, Using Linked List, Stack
Applications -Balanced Delimiters, Evaluating Postfix Expressions
Queues : Queue ADT, Implementing Queue -Using Python List, Circular Array, Using
List, Priority Queues - Priority Queue ADT, Bounded and unbounded Priority Queues
Advanced Linked List : Dou bly Linked Lists -Organization and Operation, Circular
Linked List -Organization and Operation, Multi Lists 15L

Page 24

Unit III Recursion: Recursive Functions, Properties of Recursion, Its working, Recursive
Hash Table: Introduction, Hashing -Linear Pr obing, Clustering, Rehashing, Separate
Chaining, Hash Functions
Advanced Sorting: Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Radix Sort, Sorting Linked List
Binary Trees: Tree Structure, Binary Tree -Properties, Implementation and Traversals,
Expression Trees, Heaps and Heaps ort,Search Trees 15L
Text book:
1) Data Structure and algorithm Using Python , Rance D. Necaise, 2016 Wiley India Edition
2) Data Structure and Algorithm in Python , Michael T. Goodrich, Robertom Tamassia, M. H. Goldwasser,
2016 Wiley India Edition

Additional Re ferences:
1) Data Structure and Algorithmic Thinking with Python - Narasimha Karumanchi, 2015, Careermonk
2) Fundamentals of Python: Data Structures, Kenneth Lambert , Delmar Cengage Learning

Course :
USCS20 5 Calculus
(Credits : 2 Lectures/Week: 3)
Objectives :
The course is designed to have a grasp of important concepts of Calculus in a scientific way. It covers topics from
as basic as definition of functions to partial derivatives of functions in a gradual and logical way. The learner is
expected to solve as many examples as possible to a get compete clarity and understanding of the topics covered.
Expected Learning Outcomes:
1) Understanding of Mathematical concepts like limit, continuity, derivative, integration of functions.
2) Ability to ap preciate real world applications which uses these concepts.
3) Skill to formulate a problem through Mathematical modeling and simulation.
Review of Functions, limit of a function, continuity of a function, derivativ e function.
Derivative In Graphing And Applications: Analysis of Functions: Increase, Decrease,
Concavity, Relative Extrema; Graphing Polynomials, Rational Functions, Cusps and Vertical
Tangents. Absolute Maxima and Minima, Applied Maximum and Minimum Prob lems,
Newton’s Method. 15L
An Overview of the Area Problem, Indefinite Integral, Definition of Area as a Limit; Sigma
Notation, Definite Integral, Evaluating Definite Integrals by Substitution, Area Between
Two Curves, Length of a Plane Curve. Numerical Integration: Simpson’s Rule. Modeling
with Differential Equations, Separation of Variables, Slope Fields, Euler’s Method, First -
Order Differential Equations and Applications. 15L
Functions of Two or More Variables Limits and Continuity Partial Derivatives,
Differentiability, Differentials, and Local Linearity, Chain Rule, Directional Derivatives and
Gradients, Tangent Planes and Normal, Vectors, Maxima and Mi nima of Functions of Two
Variables. 15L

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Textbook :
1. Calculus: Early transcendental (10th Edition): Howard Anton, Irl Bivens, Stephen Davis, John Wiley & sons,
Additional References :
1. Calculus and analytic geometry (9th edition): George B Thomas, Ros s L Finney, Addison Wesley, 1995
2. Calculus: Early Transcendentals (8th Edition): James Stewart , Brooks Cole, 2015.
3. Calculus (10th Edition): Ron Larson , Bruce H. Edwards , Cengage Learning, 2013.
4. Thomas' Calculus (13th Edition): George B. Thomas, Maurice D. Weir , Joel R. Hass , Pearson, 2014.

Course :
USCS20 6 Statistical Methods and Testing of Hypothesis
(Credits : 2 Lectures/Week: 3 )
Objectives :
The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with basics of Statistics. This will be essential for prospective
researchers and professionals to know these basics.
Expected Learning Out comes :
1) Enable learners to know descriptive statistical concepts
2) Enable study of probability concept required for Computer learners
Unit I Standard distributions : random variable; discrete, continuous, expectation and
variance of a random variabl e, pmf, p df, cdf, reliability,
Introduction and properties without proof for following distributions; binomial,
normal, chi -square, t, F. Examples 15L
Unit II Hypothesis testing : one sided, two sided hypothesis, critical region, p -value, tests
based on t, Normal and F, confidence intervals.
Analysis of variance : one -way, two -way analysis of variance 15L
Unit III Non -parametric te sts: need of non -parametric tests, sign test, Wilicoxon’s signed
rank test, run test, Kruskal -Walis tests.
Post -hoc analysis of one -way analysis of variance : Duncan’s test Chi-square test of
association 15L
Text Book:
1. Trivedi, K.S.( 2009 ) : Probability, Statistics, Design of Experiments and Queuing theory, with applications of
Computer Science, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
Addition al References:
1. Ross, S.M. (2006): A First course in probability. 6th Edⁿ Pearson
2. Kulkarni, M.B., Ghatpand e, S.B. and Gore, S.D. (1999): C ommon statistical tests.
Satyajeet Prakashan, Pune
3. Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V.K. ( 2002 ) : Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics,
S. Chand and Sons, New Delhi
4. Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V.K. ( 4th Edition ) : Applied Statistics, S. Chand and Son’s, New Delhi
5. Montgomery, D.C. (2001) : Plannin g and Analysis of Experiments, W iley.

USCS207 Green Technologies
(Credits : 2 Lectures/We ek: 3)
To familiarize with the concept of Green Computing and Green IT infrastructure for making computing and
information system environment sustainable. Encouraging optimized software and hardware designs for
developmen t of Green IT Storage, Communication and Services. To highlight useful approaches to embrace
green IT initiatives.

Page 26

Expected Learning Outcomes:
1) Learn about green IT can be achieved in and by hardware, software, network communication and data
center operati ons.
2) Understand the strategies, frameworks, processes and management of green IT
Unit I Green IT Overview: Introduction , Environmental Concerns and Sustainable
Development, Environmental Impacts of IT, Green I , Holistic Approach to Greening IT,
Greening IT, Applying IT for Enhancing Environmental Sustainability, Green IT Standards
and Eco -Labelling of IT , Enterprise Green IT Strategy, Green Washing, Green IT: Burden
or Opportunity?
Green Devices and Hardware: Introduction , Life Cycle of a Device or Har dware, Reuse,
Recycle and Dispose
Green Software: Introduction , Processor Power States , Energy -Saving Software
Techniques, Evaluating and Measuring Software Impact to Platform Power
Sustainable Software Development: Introduction, Current Practices, Sust ainable
Software, Software Sustainability Attributes, Software Sustainability Metrics,
Sustainable Software Methodology, Defining Actions 15L
Unit II Green Data Centres: Data Centres and Associated Energy Challenges, Data Centre IT
Infrastructure, Data Centre Facility Infrastructure: Implications for Energy Efficiency, IT
Infrastructure Management, Green Data Centre Metrics
Green Data Storage: Introduction , Storage Media Power Characteristics, Energy
Management Techniques for Hard Disks, System -Level En ergy Management
Green Networks and Communications: Introduction, Objectives of Green Network
Protocols, Green Network Protocols and Standards
Enterprise Green IT Strategy: Introduction, Approaching Green IT Strategies, Business
Drivers of Green IT Strategy , Business Dimensions for Green IT Transformation,
Organizational Considerations in a Green IT Strategy, Steps in Developing a Green IT
Strategy, Metrics and Measurements in Green Strategies. 15L
Unit III Sustainable Information Systems and Green Metrics: Introduction, Multilevel
Sustainable Information, Sustainability Hierarchy Models, Product Level Information,
Individual Level Information, Functional Level Information, Organizational Level
Information, Measuring the Maturity of Sustainable ICT
Enterpr ise Green IT Readiness: Introduction, Readiness and Capability, Development of
the G -Readiness Framework, Measuring an Organization's G -Readiness
Sustainable IT Services: Creating a Framework for Service Innovation: Introduction,
Factors Driving the Develo pment of Sustainable IT, Sustainable IT Services (SITS), SITS
Strategic Framework
Green Enterprises and the Role of IT: Introduction, Organizational and Enterprise
Greening, Information Systems in Greening Enterprises, Greening the Enterprise: IT
Usage and Hardware, Inter -organizational Enterprise Activities and Green Issues 15L
Text book:
1) Harnessing Green IT: Principles and Practices, San Murugesan, G. R. Ganadharan, Wiley & IEEE.
Additional References:
1) Green IT, Deepak Shikarpur, Vishwkarma Publications , 2014
2) Green Communications: Principles, Concepts and Practice - Samdanis et al, J. Wiley
3) Green IT for Sustainable Business Practice: An ISEB Foundation Guide, Mark G. O'Neill, The Chartered
Institute for IT, 2010

Page 27

Semester II – Practical

Course :
USCS P2 Practical of USCS201 + USCS202 + USCS2 03+USCS 204+ USCS2 05+ USCS2 06
(Credits : 6, Lectures/Week: 18)
USCSP20 1 Programming with C
1. Programs to understand the basic data types and I/O.
2. Programs on Operators and Expressions
3. Programs on decision stateme nts.
4. Programs on looping.
5. Programs on arrays.
6. Programs on functions.
7. Programs on structures and unions.
8. Programs on pointers.
9. Programs on string manipulations.
10. Programs on basic file operations.
USCSP202 Programming with Python -II
1. Programs to read and write files.
2. Programs with iterables and iterators .
3. Program to demonstrate exception handling.
4. Program to demonstrate the use of regular expressions .
5. Program to show draw shapes & GUI controls.
6. Program to create server -client and exchange basic informati on.
7. Program to send email & read contents of URL .

Page 28

USCSP203 Linux
1. Linux Installation:
a. Install your choice of Linux distribution e.g. Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian.
b. Try different installation media like CD/DVD, USB Drive to install.
c. Customize desktop environment by changing different default options like
changing default background, themes, screens avers.
a. Screen Resolution: Ascertain the current screen resolution for your
b. Networking: Get the current networking configuration for your desktop.
Are you on a wired or a wireless connection? What wireless networks are
available, if any?
c. Time Settings Change the time zone of your system to (or New York Time
if you are currently in Indian time). How does the displayed time change?
After noting the time change, change the time zone back to your local
time zone.
3. Installing and Removing Softw are:
a. Install gcc package. Verify that it runs, and then remove it.
4. Documentations:
a. Finding Info Documentation: From the command line: bring up the info
page for the grep command. Bring up the usage section.
b. Finding man pages From the command line: Bring up the man page for
the ‘ls’ command. Scroll down to the EXAMPLES section.
c. Finding man pages by Topic What man pages are available that
document file compression?
d. Finding man pages by Section From the command line, bring up the m an
page for the printf library function. Which manual page section are library
functions found?
e. Command -Line Help List the available options for the mkdir command.
How can you do this?
5. Command line operations:
a. Install any newpackage on your system
b. Remove the package installed
c. Find the passwd file in / using find command
d. Create a symbolic link to the file you found in last step
e. Create an empty file example.txt and move it in /tmp directory using
relative pathname.
f. Delete the file moved to /tmp in previous step using absolute path.
g. Find the location of ls, ps, bash commands.
6. File Operations:
a. Explore mounted filesystems on your sys tem.
b. What are different ways of exploring mounted filesystems on Linux?
c. Archive and backup your home directory or work directory using tar, gzip
d. Use dd command to create files and explore different options to dd.
e. Use diff command to create diff o f two files.
f. Use patch command to patch a file. And analyze the patch using diff
command again.

Page 29

7. Use environment
a. Which account are you logged in? How do you find out?
b. Display /etc/shadow file using cat and understand the importance of
shadow file. How it’s different than passwd file.
c. Get you current working directory.
d. Explore different ways of getting command history, how to run previously
executed command without typing it?
e. Create alias to most commonly used commands like.
8. Linux Editors: vim/emacs
a. Create ,modify, search, navigate a file in editor.
b. Learn all essential commands like search, search/replace, highlight, show
line numbers.
9. Linux Security:
a. Use of sudo to change user privileges to root
b. Identify all operations that require sudo privileges
c. Create a new user and add it to sudo configuration file.
d. Set password for new user.
e. Modify the expiration date for new user using password ageing.
f. Delete newly added user.
10. Network:
a. Get IP address of your machine using ifconfig.
b. If IP is not set, then assign an IP address according to your network settings.
c. Get hostname of your machine.
d. Use ping to check the network connectivity to remote machines.
e. Use telnet/ssh to connect to remote machines and learn the difference
between the two.
f. Troubleshooting network using traceroute, ping, route commands.
11. Shell Scripting
a. Searching with grep: Search for your username in the /etc/passwd file.
b. Parsing files with awk: Display in a column a unique list of all the shells used
for users in /etc/passwd. Which field in /etc/passwd ho lds the shell (user
command interpreter in the manual page)? How do you make a list of unique
entries, that is, no repeated entries?
c. Searching and substituting with sed: Search all instances of the user
command interpreter (shell) equal to /bin/false in / etc/passwd and substitute
with /bin/bash using sed.
d. Exit status: write a script which does ls to a non existent file. Display an exit
status of the previous command. Now create the file and again display the exit
status. In each task send the ls output to /dev/null
e. Working with files: Write a shell script which will ask user for a directory,
create that directory and switch to it and tell the user where you are using pwd
command. Now use touch to create some new files followed by displaying the

Page 30

f. Environment variables: Write a script which displays all environment
variables on the system.
g. Functions: Write a script that asks user for a number (1,2 or 3) which is
used to call a function with the number in its name. The function then displays
a message with the function number within it, example: “This message is from
function number 4.”
h. Arithmetic: Write a script which will work as arithmetic calculator to add,
subtract, multiply, divide. The user should pass an argument on the command
line a let ter (a,s,m or d) and two numbers. If wrong number of arguments are
passed then display an error message. Make use of functions to perform
i. Case Statements: Write a script that will be given a month number as the
argument and will translate this number into a month name. The result will be
printed to stdout.
j. Script Arguments and Usage Information: Write a script that takes exactly
one argument, a directory name. The script should print that argument back to
standard output. Make sure the script g enerates a usage message if needed
and that it handles errors with a message.
k. Randomness: Create a script that takes a word as an argument from the
user, then appends a random number to the word and display it to the user.
Put in a check to make sure the u ser passed in a word, displaying a usage
statement if a word was not passed as an argument.
l. Strings: Write a script that will read two strings from the user. The script
will perform three operations on the two strings: (1) Use the test command to
see if one of the strings is of zero length and if the other is of non -zero length,
telling the user of both results. (2) Determine the length of each string and tell
the user which is longer or if they are of equal length. (3) Compare the strings
to see if they are the same. Let the user know the result.
12. Processes
a. Background and Foreground Jobs: Create a job that writes the date to an
output file thrice, with a gap of 60 seconds and 180 seconds. Check whether
the job is running and bring it to foreground job. Sto p the foreground job and
make it run in the background. Finally, kill the background job and verify its
b. Scheduling a One -Time Backup: Create job using at to back up files in one
directory to another 10 minutes from now.
c. Scheduling Repeated Backup s: Set up a cron job to backup the files in one
directory to another every day at 10 am. Put the commands in file called

Page 31

USCSP204 Data structures
1) Implement Linear Search to find a n item in a list.
2) Implement binary search to find an item in an ordered list.
3) Implement Sorting Algorithms
a. Bubble sort
b. Insertion sort
c. Quick sort
d. Merge Sort
4) Implement use of Sets and various operations on Sets.
5) Implement working of Stacks. (pop method to ta ke the last item added off the
stack and a push method to add an item to the stack)
6) Implement Program for
a. Infix to Postfix conversion
b. Postfix Evaluation
7) Implement the following
a. A queue as a list which you add and delete items from.
b. A circular queue. (The beginning items of the queue can be reused).
8) Implement Linked list and demonstrate the functionality to add and delete
items in the linked list.
9) Implement Binary Tree and its traversals.
10) Recursive implementation of
a. Factorial
b. Fibonacci
c. Tower of Ha noi
USCSP205 Calculus
1. Continuity of functions; Derivative of functions
2. Increasing, decreasing, concave up and concave down functions
3. Relative maxima, relative minima, absolute maxima, absolute minima
4. Newton’s method to find approximate solution of an equ ation
5. Area as a limit and length of a plane curve
6. Numerical integration using Simpson’s rule
7. Solution of a first order first degree differential equation, Euler’s method
8. Calculation of Partial derivatives of functions
9. Local linear approximation and direc tional derivatives
10. Maxima and minima of functions of two variables
USCSP206 Statistical Methods and Testing of Hypothesis
1. Problems based on binomial distribution
2. Problems based on normal distribution
3. Property plotting of binomial distribution
4. Property plotting of normal distribu tion
5. Plotting pdf, cdf, pmf, for discrete and continuous distribution
6. t test, normal test, F test
7. Analysis of Variance
8. Non parametric tests - I
9. Non - Parametric tests – II
10. Post -hoc analysis of one -way analysis

Page 32

Evaluation Sche me
I. Internal Exam -25 Marks
(i) Test– 20 Marks
20 m arks Test – Duration 40 mins
It will be conducted either using any open sou rce learning management system su ch as
Moodle (Modul ar object-oriented dynamic learning environment)Or a test based on an
equiv alent online course on the contents of the concerned course(subject)offered by or
build using MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)platform.

(ii) 5 Marks - Active participation in routine class inst ructional deliveries
Overall conduct as a responsible stud ent, m anners, skill in a rticulation,
leadership qu alities demonst rated th rough o rganizing co-curricular
activiti es, etc.

II. External Examination - 75 Marks
(i) Duration - 2.5 Hours.
(ii) Theory question paper pattern: -
All qu estions are compu lsory.
Question Based on Marks
Q.1 Unit I 20
Q.2 Unit II 20
Q.3 Unit III 20
Q.4 Unit I,II and III 15

 All qu estions sh all be compulso ry with int ernal choice within the questions.
 Each Question m ay be sub-divid ed into sub questions as a, b, c, d & e,
etc & the allocation of Marks depends on the weightage of the topic.

III. Practical Examination – 300 marks (50 marks x 6 core papers)
- Each core subject carries 50 Marks : 40 m arks + 05 m arks (journal)+ 05
- Minimum 75 % practical from each core subjects are requir ed to be completed
and written in the journal .
(Certified Journal is compulsory for appearing at the time of P ractical Ex am)
