Edites Physics SYBSc Syllabus sem III and Sem IV 2018 to be placed before Academic Council Syllabus Mumbai University

Edites Physics SYBSc Syllabus sem III and Sem IV 2018 to be placed before Academic Council Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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USPH303: Applied Physics - I
This paper consists of three modules (units) designed in a way so as to offer
interdisciplinary & application oriented learning.
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this, it is expected that
i) Students will be exposed to contextual real life situations.
ii) Students will appreciate the role of Physics in 'interdisciplinary areas related to
materials and Acoustics etc.
iii) The learner will understand the scope of the subject in Industry & Research.
iv) Experimental learning opportunities will faster creative thinking & a spirit of

Unit 1: Acoustics, LASER and fibre optics 15 Lectures

1. Acoustics of Buildings: Reverberation, Explanation of Sabine’s formula, &
Importance of Sabine’s Formula, Absorption Coefficient, Acoustics of Buildings,
Factors Affecting Acoustics of Buildings, Sound Distribution in an Auditorium.
RK: 5.9, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.14 & 5.15

2. Laser: Introduction, transition between Atomic energy st ates, Principle of Laser,
Properties of Laser: Coherence Properties of LASER, Spatial Coherence Length,
Directionality, Intensity, Helium –Neon Laser, Application of Laser, Holography
SP: 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.4.1, 9.4.2, 9.4.3, 9.4.4, 9.6& 9.10

3. Fibre Opti cs: Light propagation through Fibres, Fibre Geometry, Internal
reflection, Numerical Aperture, Step -Index and Graded -Index Fibres,
Applications of Optical Fibres.
SP: 13.3, 13.3.1, 13.3.2, 13.3.3, 13.5 & 13.9

SP: Modern Physics Conce pt and Applications – Sanjeev Puri, Narosa Publication.
RK: Properties of matter and Acoustics – R Murugeshan and K. Shivaprasath, S
Chand & Co.Ltd. (2005 -Ed)

Unit II: Crystal Physics 15 Lectures
1) Lattice points and space lattice, The basis and crystal st ructure, Unit Cells and
lattice parameters, Primitive Cells, Crystal Systems, Crystal Symmetry,
Bravais space lattices

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2) Metallic crystal structures, relation between the density of crystal material
and lattice constant in a cubic lattice, Directions, Planes, Miller Indices,
Important planes in simple cubic structure, separation between lattice planes
in a cubic crystal.


Unit III: Properties of Material 15 Lectures
1) Electrical properties: Review of energy band diagram for materials –
conductors, semiconductors and insulators, Electrical conductivity in metals,
semiconductors and insulators (dielectrics), effect of temperature on
2) Optical properties: Reflection, refraction, absorption and transmission of
electromagnetic radiation in solids.
3) Magnetic properties: Origin of magnetism in solids (basic idea), Types of
magnetic order (paramagnetism, diamagnetism, antiferromagnetism,
ferromagnetism, ferrimagnetism),magnetic hysteresis.
4) Applications: Dielectric materials: Piezoelectric, ferroelectric and pyroelectric

1. Electronic Properties of Materials, Rolf E Hummel.
2. Materials Science and Engineering: A First Course by V. Raghavan.

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USPH403: Applied Physics - II

Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
i) Understand the concepts of mechanics & properties of matter & to apply them to
ii) Comprehend the basic concepts of thermodynamics & its applications in physical
iii) Learn about situations in low temperature.
iv) Demonstrate tentative problem solving skills in all above areas.

Unit 1: Introduction to Geology and Geophysics15 Lectures
1.1 Introduction to Geology its branches and relationship with other sciences.
1.2 Earth and solar system: Meteorites and other extra -terrestrial materials.
1.3 Age of Earth and various methods of determination. Planetary evolution of
the Earth and its intern al structure: Elastic waves and variation of physical
and chemical properties in the interior of Earth.
1.4 Major tectonic features of the ocean oceanic and continental crust.
1.5 Continental drift – geological and geophysical evidence: mechanisms,
objections and present status.
1.6 Geodynamics of the Indian plate.
2.1 Introduction to Geophysics
2.2 Gravity and magnetic anomalies at Mid -ocean ridges: deep sea trenches,
continental shield areas and mountain chains.
2.3 Geomagnetism, elements of Earth’s magnetism: Internal, external fields and
their causes, Palaeomagnetism, Polar wandering paths and reversals, Seafloor
spreading and Plate tectonics.
2.4 Seismic belts of the Earth: Seismicity and plate movements.
2.5 Utility of the different geophysical techniques (discussed above) in
exploration for academic as well as for harnessing resources. Geophysical
potential fields: Principles of Gravity and Magnetic methods.
2.6 Instrumentation, field procedures used in geophysical studies.

Suggested Textbooks and References
1. Geomagnetism: Solid Earth and Upper Atmosphere Perspectives. Nathani
Basavaiah, Springer (2011).
2. Introduction to Applied Geophysics: Exploring the Shallow Subsurface. H.R.

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Burger, A.F. Sheehan and C.H. Jones. W.W. Norton, New York (2006).
3. Earth Science. E.J. Tarbuck, F.K. Lutgens and D. Tasa, Prentice & Hall (2005). 4.
Mantle Plumes and Their Record in Earth History. K.C. Condie, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, UK (2001)
5. The Magnetic Field of the Earth: Paleomagnetism, the Core, and the Deep
Mantle. R.T. Merrill, M.W. McElhinny and P.L. McFadden, International
Geophysical Series 63, Academic Press (1996).
6. Applied Geophysics (Paperback). W.M. Telford, L.P. Geldart and R.E. Sheriff,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1990).

Unit: II - Microprocessors 15 lectures
1) Building Concept of Microprocessor
Introduction, Study of Memory, Input Device , Output Device , Input/output Device
Central Processing Unit.
Chapter 3 : 3.1 , 3.2 , 3.3 (3.3.1 , 3.3.2 , 3,.3.3) , 3.4. , 3.5 , 3.6 , 3.7

2) 8085 Microprocessor
Introduction , Features of Inter 8085 , Pin Diagram of 8085 , 8085 CPU Architecture ,
Arithmetic and Logical Group (ALU , Accumulator , Temporary Register , Flag
Register (PSW)) , Register Group (Temporary Registers (W and Z) , General purpose
registers , Special Purpose registers) , Interrupt Control , Serial I/O Control Group ,
Instruction Register , Decoder and Control Group (Instruction Register , Instruction
Decoder , Timing and Control)
Chapter 4 : 4.1 ,4.2 , 4.3. , 4.4 , 4.5 (4.5.1 , 4.5.2 , 4.5.3 , 4.5.4) , 4.6 (4.6.1 , 4.6.2 , 4.6.3)
,4.7 , 4.8 , 4.9 (4.9.1 , 4.9.2 , 4.9.3)
3) 8085 Instruction Set
Introduction , Flowchart , Classification of Instruction Set (Data Transfer Group ,
Arithmetic Group , Logical Group , Branching Group , Stack and Machine Control
Group) , Notations used in Instructions and Opcode , Data Transfer Group ,
Program Examples for Data Transfer Group , Arithmetic Operation Group , Branch
Group , Logical Group , Addressing Modes , 8085 Program mers Model.
Chapter 6 : 6.1 , 6.2 , 6.3 6.4 , 6.5 , 6.6 , 6.7 , 6.8 (6.8.1 , 6.8.2 , 6.8.3 , 6.8.8 , 6.8.9, 6.8.10 ,
6.8.11 (A part Block Transfer) , 6.9 (6.9.1 upto 6.9.19) , 6.12 , 6.13
Reference Book: V.J. Vibhute & P.B. Borole, Fifth Revised Edition

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Unit: III-Radio communication 15 lectures
1) Basics of Communication: Block diagram of communication system, types of
communication system: simplex, duplex, analog and digital communication,
Electromagnetic spectrum, base band and broad band comm unication. Noise
concept and types, signal to noise ratio, noise figure, noise temperature.
2) Amplitude Modulation: Need of modulation, concept of modulation, AM
waveform, mathematical expression of AM, concept of sideband, demodulation
principles. AM Receiver: TRF and super heterodyne receiver.
3) Frequency Modulation: Definition, mathematical representation, frequency
spectr um, bandwidth and modulation index.
4) Concept of ASK, PSK, FSK, PAM, PWM, PPM, PCM.

Suggested Books:
1. Communication Electronics: Principles and applications by Louis E Frenzel
3rd edition TMH Publications.
2. Electronics Communication Systems by Kennedy
3. Telecommunication Switching Systems and Network by Vishwanathan and
Thiagarajan, PHI publication.
4. Electronics Communication Systems by Denis Roddy and John Coolen, PHI