Digital Business Mgt 2016 Syllabus_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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Restructured & Revised Syllabus under
Credit based Semester and Grading System
Master of Management Studies (MMS)
2 Years full -time Masters Degree
Course in
Digital Business Management
(Effective from the academic year 2016 – 2017)
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Nature of the Programme: - MMS (Master of Management Studies) in Digita l Business
Management is a 2 year Full time Master‟s Degree course of University of Mumbai.
Eligibility Criteria
As per the directives of Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Maharashtra
Digital Business Management programme provi des the essential components of a traditional
business degree, plus broad selection of cutting edge technology and advanced marketing
techniques. It will help the students to succeed in a highly competitive business environment.
For years, we are witnes sing the transition from an analog to a new digital society, (new
technologies, business models, forms of organization and communication ...) with the
disruptive changes that this implies; the way of doing business and structure the work. This
has been a c onsequence of profound changes that have experienced the most economic
sectors, new companies with new business cultures that have revolutionized the prevailing
status quo in many economic sectors creating new totally different to the previous settings.
We live in a changing stage characterized by complexity, ambiguity, volatility and the speed
of the environment.
Society demands more transparency and honesty in the way we communicate and witness the
exponential increase in information (external, unstruct ured, open and real time) to manage
decision making. There are new technological tools that will meet in the Master in Digital
Business Management allows you to manage more efficiently an organization. A very
challenging environment that demands new skills , professional and personal skills required to
assimilate in this program. Given the above, the Master in Digital Business Management
Mumbai University focuses on the key aspects from both technical and human, to face this
new environment guarantees. There is a need for professionals and digital entrepreneurs of
our time
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Need for Revision and Restructure of MMS in Digital Business Management
The curriculum shift is a response to the industries digital infrastructure shift, from
informatio n islands to digital infrastructure of systems and services. The Curriculum in
Digital Business Management is restructured to focus on digital tools and technologies that
are essential in every aspect of the business. Thus, the new design is developed to meet the
digital business needs and also to meet the emerging industry demand for masters who can
manage digital business and networks. The revision of DBM curriculum is a paradigm shift
from Digital marketing to Digital Technology based business programm e to a new one
focused on using Digital Technology for business process integration.
The Current Scenario
1. Changing global facets of businesses and economies
2. Dynamism in industry practices and evolution of digital technology
3. Emergence of new digital b usiness models and business practices
4. Thrust on Application oriented and experiential learning
5. Expectations of Key stakeholders viz. Students, Industry and Academicians
This has led to
Gaps in Current Curriculum
1. Lack of specialized in depth knowledge i n Digital technology based business models.
2. Lack of thrust on current Digital Business Management practices.
3. Absence of cross -functional skills and holistic thinking.
4. The challenge is to become a place, where leadership is promoted and nurtured with a
long-term vision.
5. B-schools must be creative and introduce innovative courses for the overall development
of the students.
Objectives for New Curriculum
The MMS in Digital Business Management programme prepares a student for a career in
diverse sectors n ationally as well as globally. The MMS in Digital Business Management is
a Combo programme , facilitates absorption & application of knowledge in Digital
Information and C ommunication S ystem Technology and as well as theory and practice
across multiple functional areas of management and enables students to adopt an
integrated approach toward s real life situations and circumstances.
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1. To thrive in complex reality and to acquire a systemic understanding of what
organizations are, how they work and how they can interact effectively with their
commercial, social and physical environment
2. To nurt ure and develop higher consciousness, cognitive flexibility by developing a strong
base to build professional career and to channel that knowledge into a targeted career
3. To Change mindset of the Learner and to develop well trained leaders and ma nagers who
are responsible citizens.
4. Incorporate some flexibility for institutes to teach new and contemporary curriculum for
greater employability of their students.
5. Make the course attractive for large number of students to specialize in the existing
domains and other attractive new domains like education management, corporate law and
consultancy streams.
6. Institutions should also inculcate multitasking abilities amongst students, learning foreign
languages and advanced IT knowledge so that they can per form better in the chosen field
nationally and internationally
7. Providing more flexibility to individual Institutes for introducing courses/electives.
The goal is aimed at to imbibe and enhance the following skill sets
1. Exposure to Global practices
2. Applic ation of Digital technology and enhancement of Digital technology skills
3. Peer based learning and team work
4. Experiential Learning (Learning by Action and Application)
5. Team building basics and its orientation
With the breadth and depth of our core and electives , students can take a multi -disciplinary
approach or delve deeply into a single area.
Highlights of the New Curriculum
1) additional choices in electives from 1st semester
2) Providing the much needed flexibility to individual Institutes to carve a ni che for
3) Reduction in the number of subjects in all semesters to enable students to delve deep into
the domain specialization subjects and utilize the time for employment oriented training
for their employability.
4) Commencement of Specializations from 3rd Semester.
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5) Augmentation in the number of electives starting from 2nd semester to provide greater
flexibility and choice from the career perspective.
Structure of the Revised MMS in Digital Business Management Curriculum
The courses under the re vised structure and curriculum fall under two categories of Core and
Electives. The core subjects are from Digital Business Management domain. The
electives component will provide flexibility and allow the institutes to provide some
initiatives in Human Re source Management, Finance Management, Marketing Management,
and Operation Management. List of elective courses allows flexibility for institutes to teach
courses keeping in mind industry needs and student‟s profile so as to enable them to position
themsel ves based on their areas of expertise.
The essence of this structure is to encourage students to “ think like a mountain” , starting
with a broad canvas to assimilate knowledge from all facets of management and meticulously
move towards acquisition and pract ice of excellence in a specific and desired domain of
Learning Pedagogy
1. Foundation Course is the cornerstone of the MMS in Digital Business Management
program. It is offered before the commencement of MMS Digital Business Management
programme t o acquaint with the basics of the course.
2. The first semester is the foothill, where the odyssey begins. A common base of
knowledge essential for all management professionals. The first semester shall be
consisting of 8 subjects - 5 (five) core and 3 (thre e) electiv e from the 10 subjects.
3. Having cleared the foothills, students in the second semester endeavour to attain further
skill sets through an integrated frame work, which guides them towards their desired field
through subtle introduction of relevant subjects. The second semester would consist of
eight subjects of which 5 subjects would be core subjects and 3 subje cts would be
electives from the 10 subjects.
Teaching Pedagogy
Teachers are expected to impart knowledge along -with traditional teaching through new and
innovative pedagogical approaches. Some of these techniques are: -
Reading, Group Discussions, Lectures, Role plays, Field Work, Workshops, Counseling
Sessions, Watching Educational and Informative Videos, Assignments, Quizzes, Tests, L ive
Projects, Case Studies, Presentations, Simulations, Industrial Visits, Participation in academic
and extra – curricular activities, inculcation of industry specific skills and training &
development sessions
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MMS in Digit al Business Management - Semester I (CBGS)
with effect from Academic Year 2016 -17
Teaching Hours Assessment Pattern
Sr. No. of No. of Semester Duration
Subject Sessions Sessions of Continuous Total of No of
No. End
of 90 90 minutes Assessment Marks Theory Credits
minutes per week Paper
1 Perspective Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
2 Financial Accounting 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
3 Business Statistics 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
4 Operations Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
5 Managerial Economics 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
1 Effective and Management Communication 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
2 Business Ethics 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
3 Ecommerce 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
4 Organizational Behaviour 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
5 Introduction to Creativity and Innovation 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
6 Foreign Language (Other than English) 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
7 Negotiation and Selling Skills 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
8 IT Skills for Management and Technology 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
9 Information Technology for Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
10 Personal Grooming / Personal Effectiveness 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
Total No of Credits 32
UA: University Assessment IA: Internal Assessment
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Proposed Revision for MMS in Digital Business Management Syllabus
wef AY 2016 -17 (Batch 2016 -18)
Semester I
Sr. Core Sr. Electives (Any 3)
No. No.
1 Perspective Management 1 Effective and Management Communication
2 Financial Accounting 2 Business Ethics
3 Business Statistics 3 Ecommerce
4 Operations Mana gement 4 Organizational Behaviour
5 Managerial Economics 5 Introduction to Creativity and Innovation
6 Foreign Language (Other than English)
7 Negotiation and Selling Skills
8 IT Skills for Management a nd Technology
9 Information Technology for Management
10 Personal Grooming / Personal Effectiveness
All subjects / papers for Semester I will be internally assessed by the institute
1. . The Criteria for the internal marks is given below
The marks of term work shall judiciously awarded depending upon the quality of the term work
including that the report on experiments assignments. The final marks will be awarded if the
term work warrants the satisfactory the a ppropriate completion of the assignments. The
following weightage of marks shall be given for different components of term work
Class test [2 X 20] will be converted into 20 Marks
Assignments, Role Plays, Case Studies , Presentations, Projects, Quizzes
[ 2X10 ] will be converted into 10 Marks
Attendance and Class Participation 10 Marks
[50%- 75% : 03 Marks; 76% -80% 05 Marks 81% - 90%: 07Marks 91% onwards:
Institute will have the discretion to select minimum 3 (three) subjects or more from given
list of 10 subjects. Total 32 credits has to be obtained.
Any new elective proposed to be introduced by the Institute, apart from electives listed in
the new syllabus, need to take prior approval from Board of Management Studies of t he
3 University in writing outlining the details of the course with learning objectives, learning
outcomes, detailed syllabus, teaching learning plan and course evaluation procedures
atelast 6 months in advance before the commencement of the semester.
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PROG RAM : MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : I - Core
Title of the Subject / course : Perspective Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
1 explain the relationships between organizational mission, goals, and objectives
2 To comprehend the significance and necessity of managing stakeholders
To conceptualize how internal and external environment shape organizations and their
3 responses
To develop critical thinking skills in identifying ethica l, global, and diversity issues in
4 planning, organizing, controlling and leading functions of management
5 To Understand organizational design and structural issues
To understand that citizenship involves taking To conscious steps for societal advancement
6 at individual level and organizational level
Prerequisites if any
Connections with
Subjects in the current or
Future courses
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Fundamentals for personal Lecture, in teraction,
1. and organisational success Discussion .
Fundamentals of personal success stories The student will be able to look at
1leadership through videos of multiple perspectives that impact
industry pioneers Business and life.
followed by
Management: Science, Self-study,
Theory and Practice – The Discussion, Quiz
Evolution of Management To demonstrate empirical
Functions of Management understanding of various
2 Nature and purpose of organizational processes and
Planning behaviors and the theories
Objectives, Strategies, associated with them
Policies and Planning
Premises – Decision
making – Global Planning
Managing your career and
understanding The student will be able to
organisational dynamics: demonstrate leadership behaviours
3 - Leadership functions and Discussion which will be three pronged:
corresponding skills leading self, leading others and
required leading for change and impact.
- Choosing the
right positions
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Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
- Special dilemmas of
early career
- Landing stretc h
- Building a network of
- Challenges faced by the
- Developing ethical
- Assessing your career
Managing in adversities / Case Stu dy The Student will explore different
4 Management of crisis approaches and their consequences
during crisis management
Social Responsibility, Discussion, Case To understand the role of
Ethics and Sustainable study, Group work,
managers and citizens in society
5 Development Movie, Student
Presentation, Debate
on MBA Oath
Mind control and spiritual Literature Reading, The Student will learn ways of
6 Quotient Discussion staying positive and having a
healthy mind
Role and Responsibilities Caselets, role plays To understand the roles and
of a Manager, Effective and discussions
7 functions of managers at various
and Ineffective Managerial
(entry, middle and the to p) levels
Difference between Literature reading The student will understand the
8 management and and Discussion behavior, skills and mindset of a
leadership, Understanding manager and of a leader.
Level 5 Leade rship
Strategic Management – Discussion, Student
Definition, classes of Presentations, Case
decisions, levels of study
decision, Strategy, Role of The Student will understand
9 different Strategists, various concepts a nd examples
Relevance of Strategic related to Strategic Management
Management and its
benefits, Strategic
Management in India
Change Management Discussion, Movies, The Student will learn about the
10 Case study various steps to be followed to
bring about change
11 Total Quality Management Discussion, Quiz The Student will understand the
concepts and examples of TQM
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Text books
1 Principles and Practices of Management by DrKiranNerkar and D r Vilas Chopde
2 Principles of Management – Davar
3 Essentials of Management – Koontz &Weihrich
4 Strategic Management – V S P Rao& V Hari Krishna
Reference books
1 The Leader Within – DreaZigarmi, Michael O‟Connor, Ken Blenchard, Carl Edeburn
2 The Action -Centred Leadership – John Adair
3 Good to Great – Jim Collins
4 Leadership – Rudolph Guliani
5 The Mind and its Control – Swami Budhananda
6 Management – a competency building approach – HeilReigel / Jackson/ Slocum
Internal 40%
Seme ster end 60%
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PROGRAM: MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : I - Core
Title of the Subject / course : Financial Accounting
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs. : 40
Learning Objective
1 To understand the basic concepts a nd fundamentals used in financial accounting.
2 To learn all the intricacies of corporate financial statements.
Prerequisites if any
Connections with This subject will provide basic knowledge of accounting which will be useful
Subjects in the cu rrent or and required for the subjects in the area of finance in the upcoming terms
Future courses
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Introduction to Accounting Lecture and
Meaning and necessity o f accounting discussion Clarity and understanding of the basic
1 Accounting cycle concepts of accounting and financial
An overview of Financial Statements – statements
Income Statement and Balance Sheet
Introduction and meaning of GAAP, IFRS Theoretical
and Ind AS discussion
Important Accounting Standards and Ability to apply the principles and
Concepts used in accounting explanation
2 concepts of accounting in preparing the
Concepts related to Income Statement and
financial statements
Balance Sheet
Accounting Equation and its relation to
accounting mechanics
Accounting mechanics and process Theoretical Ability to execute the accounting process -
discussion Recording - Classifying and Summarizing.
3 leading to preparation of Trial Balance and
and Understanding the use of accounting
Financial Statements
exercises software
Preparation of Financial Statements with Theoretical
Adjustment - „T‟ form and vertical form of discussion
financial statements and Detailed and in depth understanding of all
4 Detailed discussion and understanding of problem the items in the corporate financial
various items in Schedule III solving statements
Preparation of Corporate Financial
Statements and Notes to Accounts
Revenue recognition and measurement Theoretical Understanding the principles of revenue
discussion recognition and ability to disting uish
Capital and revenue items
and between revenue and capital income and
5 Treatment of R & D expenses
exercises expenditure and their treatment in
Preproduction cost
corporate financial statements
Deferred revenue expenditure etc.
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
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discussion Understanding different methods of
6 Fixed Assets and Depreciation Accounting and depreciation and their impact on
proble m profitability and asset valuation
discussion Understanding the concepts of inventory
7 Evaluation and accounting of Inventory and valuation and their effect on profit and
problem cost of goods sold.
and Ability to prepare a statement of changes
Fund Flow Statement exercises
8 in financial position with respect to
Cash Flow Statement with
working capital and cash flow.
Corporate Financial Reporting – Reading of Assignment
Annual Report, Presentation and analysis of discussion Ability to read Annual Reports,
audit reports and directors report. (Students
9 Presentation and analysis of audit reports
should be expos ed to reading of Annual
and directors‟ report
Reports of companies both detailed and
summarized version)
10 Basics of Cost Accounting Theoretical Understanding basic cost concepts and
discussion ability to prepare a si mple cost sheet
Theoretical Understanding the difference between
11 Ethical Issues in accounting discussion errors and frauds; creative accounting and
the Corporate Governance Report.
Text Books
1 Financial Accounting for Management – Dinesh D Harsolekar
2 Financial Accounting –Text and Cases – Dearden and Bhattacharyya
3 Accounting - Text and Cases – Robert Anthony, david Hawkins and Kenneth Merchant
Reference Books
1 Financial Accounting - Reporting & Analysis – Stice and Diamond
2 Full Text of Indian Accounting standard – Taxmann Publication
3 Financial Accounting for Managers – T.P. Ghosh
4 Financial Accounting – R. Narayanaswamy
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
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PROGRAM: MMS in Digital Business Mana gement
Semester : I - Core
Title of the Subject / course : Business Statistics
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs. : 40
Learning Objectives
1 To know statistical techniques
2 To understand different statistical tools
3 To under stand importance of decision support provided by analysis techniques
4 To appreciate and apply it in business situations using caselets, modeling, cases and projects
5 To understand Managerial applications of Statistics
Prerequisites if any Basic Mathemat ics
Connections with Operations Research, Economics, Research Methodology, Quantitative
Subjects in the current Techniques, Project Management, Financial Management, production and
or Future courses operations management,
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Revision of Data Problem solving, cases Learner will be able to apply these
demonstrating typical uses
Representation, Central basic concepts in business situations,
1 of mean, mode median,
Tendency and Di spersion Analyse charts graphs to analyse
Use of Microsoft Excel,
Kurtosis and Skewness business situations
available software
Probability - Axioms, Addition
and Multiplication rule, Types of Solving problems and Understand the uncertainty in
2 probability, Independence of Caselets,
business situations as probability
events, probability tree, Bayes‟ Writing short cases
Concept of Random variable,
Probability distribution, Problem solving ,
Expected value and variance of Understand decision under risk, use
Creating decision tree,
3 random variable, conditional of conditional expectation as basis
expectation, Classical News for comparison
Paper boys problem( EMV,
Probability distributions Problem solving, Microsoft Use of distributions in Quality
4 control, Six sigma and process
Binomial, Poisson, Normal excel, cases
5 Sampling distribution Problem solving, Microsof t Importance of Central limit theorem
6 Estimation - Point estimation , Problem solving, Microsoft Understand Confidence interval as
Interval estimation Excel way of hypothesis testing
7 Hypothesis testing - students t, Problem solving, Microsoft Use in research
Chi square, Z excel, cases
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Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
8 Analysis of variance - one way, Problem solving, Microsoft Use in research
two way excel, cases
9 Correlation and regression Problem solving, Microsoft Understand Model building
Analysis and significance excel, cases
Text books
1 Statistics for Management Richard Levin , David Rubin, Prentice Hall of India
2 Statist ics for Managers Levine, Stephen, Krihbiel, Berenson, Pearson Education
3 Complete Business Statistics Aczel Sounderpandian, Tata McGraw Hill
Reference books
1 Statistics for Business and Economics Newbold, Carlson, Thorne, Pearson Education
Anderson, Sweeney, Williams,
2 Statistics for Business and Economics Cengage Learning
Albright, Winston, Zappe, Thomson
3 Data Analysis and Decision Making
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
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PROGRAM: MMS in Digital Bus iness Management
Semester : I - Core
Title of the Subject / course : Operations Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs. : 40
Learning Objectives
1 To expose a student of Management to operations principles.
2 To understand basic operating principles in product and service industry
To be able to apply different analytical techniques of operations Management in different industry
3 sectors like hotel, hospital, mall, BPO, Airlines, manufacturing, consulting etc.
Prerequisites if any Exposure to MS -excel
Connections with Subjects
in the current or Future Manufacturing Resources planning and control, Quantitative models in
courses Operations, Operations analytics, Operations applications and cases
Sr. Content Activit y Learning outcomes
Introduction to Operations
1 Management, applications in product Lecture, examples Understand the basic concepts and
and service industry, use of learn how to apply the same.
competitive advantage
2 Process analysis in Industry Lectures, cases Understand the physical processes
3 Facility location Lecture, examples Understand characteristics of
equipment, machines and workflow
4 Facility layout Lecture, examples Understand charact eristics of
equipment, machines and workflow
Inventory Management, EOQ,ABC Lecture, examples, Understand how, when, what and
5 how much to order, stock and cost
analysis, Discount policy cases
Capacity and i ntroduction to Lecture, examples, Understand capacity utilization,
6 overall production planning and
aggregate planning, PPC cases
7 Basics of MRP Lecture, examples, Understand concept of dependency
8 Sequenc ing techniques Lecture, examples, Understand and implement optimal
ordering of jobs
9 Introduction to Service Operation lecture, examples, Understand application of operation
management cases to services
10 Work study and method stu dy lecture, examples Understand measurement of time
Understand quality and control
methods, understand sources of
11 QC and SQC lecture, examples variation and identify them on charts,
process improvement
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Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
12 ISO systems, Value engineering and lecture Understand global standards, cost
analysis Reduction
13 Introduction to supply chain Lecture Understand basic concept of supply
management Chain
Cases and presentation
Text books
1 Theory & Problems in Production & Operations Management - S N Chary, Tata McGraw Hill
2 Production & Operations Management -Kanishka Bedi , Oxford University Press
Reference books
1 Prod uction and Operations Management -S N Chary, Tata McGraw Hill
2 Production and Operations Management - Chunawalla & Patel, Himalaya Publishing
3 Operations Management for competitive advantage -Chase & Jacob, McGraw -Hill/Irwin
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
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PROGRAMME : MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : I - Core
Title of the Subject / : Managerial Economics
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
To ena ble the students to understand both the theory and practice of Managerial
1 Economics,
2 To ensure that the students are in a position to appreciate the finer nuances of the subject.
To help the students in applying the knowledge so acquired in policy plannin g and
3 managerial decision making.
Prerequisites if any Nil
1) This would be a pre -requisite to the second semester paper on
Business Environment, which mainly deals with
Connections with macroeconomic issues, and,
Subjects in the current 2) Both Managerial Economics and Business Environment
or Future courses papers also constitute the base for studying Strategic
Management, which is a University paper in the third
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Introduction to Managerial
The meaning, scope and
methods of Managerial The students should be able to
1 Economics, Dominic Lecture& case decipher, analyse and apply the
Salvatore model of study theory and practice o f Managerial
application of Economics to Economics
business decision making.
Scarcity, choice & production
possibility curve.
Consumer Behavior - I: Students develop an understanding
of a businessman need to locate
Deman d, types of demand,
various factors affecting demand of
factors affecting demand &
Lecture& case his product and plan marketing &
2 demand function. Making of
study business strategies accordingly.
linear demand function &
Students develop an understanding
linear demand curve. Law of
of the practical application of law
demand. Consumer‟s surplus
of demand.
Consumer behavior – II: Students develop an understanding
Concept of elasticity of Lecture& case
3 of the various concepts and its
demand and its significance study
for a businessman. Types of
Page 19
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Elasticity – Price Elasticity of
Demand, Incom e Elasticity of
Demand, Cross elasticity of
demand & Promotional
Elasticity of Demand,
Demand forecasting –
features, significance &
Supply – concept of supply, Students should understand the
factors affecting supply& the
analytics of supply and demand and
law of supply
Lecture & case its various uses.
4 Determination of equilibrium
price :effects of changes in
demand & supply on
equilibrium price
Product ion Function: Lecture and a Student should get an holistic
5 Concept, Isoquant &Isocost understanding of production
case study
analysis economy.
Laws of returns to scale,
6 economies & diseconomies of
Revenue Analys is, Cost Students will follow the
7 analysis and break even Lecture relationship between costs,
analysis revenues, profits and losses
Types of markets: perfect Students will learn about the
competition, monopoly,
Lectures & case intrica cies of the various market
8 oligopoly & monopolistic
study forms and their impact on the
competition – features and
economy and business.
price determination
Types of markets: perfect Students will learn about the
compe tition, monopoly,
Lectures & case intricacies of the various market
9 oligopoly & monopolistic
study forms and their impact on the
competition – features and
economy and business.
price determination
Pricing practices: Factors
affecting pricing decision.
Marginal cost pricing, mark Awareness of students about
10 up pricing, transfer pricing, Lectures & cases
various pricing practices.
product line pricing, price
skimming and penetration
• Profit management
• Role of profits in a market
11 • Nature and measurement of Lecture Students learn about the role of
profit, profit policies profit in business.
• The hypothesis of profit
maximi zation and it's
Page 20
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
• Demand for capital
• Supply of capital
• Capital Rationing Students should realize the
• Capital Budgeting, Net
importance of the diff erent methods
12 Present Value(NPV), Lecture
of capital budgeting as a tool of
Internal Rate of
project management.
• Appraising - the
profitability of projects
Students should realiz e the
13 Presentations by students importance of the different methods
of capital budgeting as a tool of
project management.
Text books
1 Managerial Economics in a Global Economy by Dominick Salvatore
2 Managerial Economics by Suma Damodaran
3 Microeconomics for Business by Satya P Das
Reference books
Economics by Paul Samuelson and Richard Nordhaus : Indian Adaptation, 19th
1 Edition
2 Managerial Economics by Milton Spencer and Louis Siegelman
3 Managerial Economics: C oncepts and Cases by Mote, Paul and Gupta
Internal 40
Semester end 60
Page 21
PROGRAM : MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : I - Elective
Title of the Subject / course : Effective and Management Communication
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
1 In all social behavior, communication is essential in building and maintaining human
2 In business, communication is essential for the smooth and efficient conduct of day -to-day
trans actions/activities. In recent years the importance of communication has greatly increased as a result of the 3 growing complexity of businesses, as also the impact of rapid
industrialization, globalization and the advent of modern technologies.
4 English be ing globally the language of Management, those with good communication skills in
English enjoy a distinct advantage in their work and careers.
Decent working knowledge of the English language ( including
Grammar) is a must, keeping in mi nd that most
business/management transactions in India and internationally are
Prerequisites if any conducted in the English language.
English is globally the most widely spoken language and it is the
Connections with accepted language of th e business world. It is the medium of
Subjects in the current or instruction for this course, hence it impacts every subject and future
Future courses courses.
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
1 Introduction and Theory of 2 sessions Historical background and the
Communication: nature, function & (3 hrs) development of communication;
scope; The 7 Cs of communication Importance and role of
communication in everyday life
2 The communication Process: 2 sessions Mechanics behind the
classification , components and models (3 hrs) communication process,
of communication; difficulties experienced in
Problems in communication (Filters) communication
3 Channels of communication: Formal 2 sessions Different types of
v/s Informal, Upward, Downward, (3 hrs) communication, impedance due
Horizontal, Grapevine; to extraneous factors called
Barriers to communication. “barriers”
4 Verbal and Non -verbal 2 sessions Important non -verbal parameter s
communication: Listening, Kinesics, (3 hrs) in communication
Paralanguage, Proxemics
5 Essentials of effective verbal 2 sessions (3 How to make your
communication: Voice modulation, hrs) communication effective and
Tone, Pitch,Knowledge and self attractive
Page 22
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
6 Meetings: Types; purpose. 2 sessions (3 Communication in groups,
Group Discussions: Do‟s and Don‟ts; hrs) guidelines to improve
Committees: Types, Advantages and performance/effectiveness in
disadvantages, effectiveness. group interactions
7 Public Speaking: Preparation, Attire, 2 sessions (3 How to become a convincing
Posture and Delivery techniques hrs) and forceful public speaker
8 Written communication : Business 2 sessions (3 Ways to achieve impressive and
letters, Types, Essentials, Format, hrs) meaningful written
common errors. communication
e-mail: format, language and courtesy,
common errors.
9 Report Writing: Types of Reports, 2 sessi ons (3 Correct and effective Report -
requirements, format hrs) writing techniques
10 Communication and Culture: 4 sessions (6 Understanding cultural diversity
Intercultural sensitivities, Business hrs) and Business etiquette with
etiquette when deal ing with people foreign clients
from different nationalities.
12 Impact of modern Technology on 2 sessions (3 Methods of effective audio -
Business Communication: the hrs) visual communication
paperless office, use of modern devices
13 Cases, s ample communications and 2 sessions (3 Experiential learning through
exercises, audio -visual presentations hrs) audio -visual means
Text books
1 Singh Nirmal, “Business Communication : Principles, Methods & Techniques,” Deep &
Deep Publications, D elhi.
2 Krishna Mohan & Meera Banerji, “Developing Communication Skills,” MacMillan.
3 Murphy, Hildebrandt & Thomas, “Effective Business Communications,” McGraw Hill.
4 Taylor & Chandra, “Communication for Business: A Practical Approach,” Pearson
5 Mukherjee H ory Sankar, “Business Communication: Connecting at Work”, Oxford
University Press, 2013.
Reference books
Doctor & Doctor, “Business Communication,” Sheth Publishers.
2 Raman & Singh, “Business Communication,” Oxford University Press.
3 Madhukar R . K., “Business Communication,” Vikas Publishing House
McKay, Davis and Fanning, “Communication Skills,” B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd, New 4 Delhi .
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 23
PROGRAM : MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : I - Elective
Title of the Subject / course : Business Ethics
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
To have an in -depth knowledge of the issues concerning Morals, Values, Ideologies and
1 Ethics in personal, professional and business lives
To prepare the budding managers and entrepreneurs to develop themselves into better
2 corporate citizens
To imbibe into students the importance of fair transactions, ethical conduct and
3 conscientious decision making
4 To exp ect an Integrity -driven work place scenario from students
To ensure sustainability as a compulsive tool of driving Organisational Vision and
5 Mission
To have a balance between the Theoretical and practical aspects of Ethics in general
6 and Ethics in busine ss in particular.
A thorough understanding of the amalgam of Class Room and
Prerequisites if any Work place driven learning of business studies.
1. Perspective Management
Connections with 2. Ethos in Indian Management
Subjects in th e current or 3. Corporate Social Responsibility
Future courses 4. Organisational Behaviour
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Ethics : Types, Characteristics
Need, Theories, Mer its and Discussion,
1 Limitations. Text Book, Getting to know of the basis and
Moral disintegration in Electronic basics of Ethics
contemporary times and need for Presentations
it to be controlled.
Role and F eatures of Business.
How Business and Ethics are to Discussion, The compulsive connection
be conjoined used integrally to Text Book,
2 between Business and Ethics. How
each other. Merits of using Ethics Electronic
does it help the Business.
in Business.Chanakya and Gandhi Presentations
Theory of Ethics. Management of
3, Ethics - Ethics analysis [ Hosmer Discussion,
model ]; Ethical dilemma; Ethics Strong knowledg e of the theory and
4 Text Book,
in practice - Ethics for managers; written material on Ethics, Integrity
& Electronic
Role and function of Ethical and Ideologies
5 Presentations
managers - Comparative ethical
behaviour of managers; Code of
Page 24
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
ethics; Competitiveness,
organizational size, profitability
and ethics; Cost of Ethics in
Corporate ethics evaluation.
Business and Ecology /
Environmental issues in the Discussion,
Indian context and case studies. Importance and respect for
Text Book,
6 Green Judicial Activism, Green Ecological Environment. Green
Tribunal , Legislations
Economic & Environmental
Compliance and Legal Aspects Discussion,
Text Book,
of Ethics
General and Business Ethics in Presentati ons, Knowledge and respect for Law
Seminar by
particular. and natural justice in business.
7, Legal Experts
Political and Legal Environment. Appreciating the role and
8 / NGOs,
Indian Constitution and Ethics, importance of re specting the tenets
Indian Legal framework, of Natural Law in Business.
Session by
Competition Law, Indian Culture
experts in
and Values, Concept of Karma,
Business and
Dharma and Good Conduct
Law fields.
Environment of Ethics
Economic Environment.
Economic Growth and Business.
Relationship between Profitability
and Ethics. Discussion,
Role of Chambers of Commerce
9, Text Book, Role of Government, Trade Bodies,
& Industry in furthering the cause
10 Electronic Economy in Business Ethics.
of Ethical aspects of Business.
Ethics in International Scenario,
Ethics and Globalisation,
Etiquettes and International
11 Corporate Governance and Discussion,
Ethics Text Book,
Code of Conduct, Citizen‟s
Charter, Employee Welfare,
Labour Legislations and
Privileges, Collective Bargaining,
Fair Wage, Sexual Harassment at
Workplace, Vishaka V State of
Rajasthan guidelines, Future of
Governance in Business.
12 Live Case Studies, Projects,
Page 25
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
& Presentations, Submission by
13 Students in Consultation with
Industry and Academic Faculty
Reference books
1 S. A. Sherlekar, Ethics in Management, Himal aya Publishing House.
2 Chandrashekhar, Ethics
3 Chakraborty, Business Ethics
Text books
1 W. H Shaw, Business Ethics
2 Satheesh Kumar, Corporate Governance
3 Hosmer and Richard, The Ethics of Management
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 26
PROGRAMM: MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : I - Elective
Title of the Subject / : Ecommerce
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
1 To understand the Introduction to Electro nic Commerce: Meaning, nature and scope
2 To understand the Business to Consumer E -commerce Applications
3 To Understand Business to Business E -Commerce and applications
4 To analysis the Electronic Payment Systems and Order Fulfillment
5 To focus on the Secur ity Issues in E -Commerce
6 To understanding the Management Challenges and Opportunities of E - Commerce:
Prerequisites if any Basic understanding of E - Commerce
Will connect conceptual framework to
Connections with Subjects in the Management Challe nges and Opportunities of E -
current or Future courses Commerce to the business
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Introduction to Electronic
Commerce: Meaning, nature and
Channels of e - commerce ;
Business applications of
e -commerce;
Global trading environment and
adoption of
e-commerce. 1. To understand basic concepts
Business Models of E -commerce
1 Lecture of online business
and Infrastructure; B2B, B2C, B2 G
2. To know insides of
and other models of e -commerce;
Applications of e -commerce to
3. To know how technology
supply chain
helps bridging gaps in
management; product and service
digitization; Remote
servicing,procurement, and online
marketing and advertising E -
commerce ,resources and
infrastructure planning
Business to Consumer E -commerce
2 Applications: Cataloging; Order Lecture &
planning and o rder generation; Cost cases
estimation and pricing; Order
Page 27
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
receipt and accounting; Order
selection and prioritization: Order
scheduling, fulfilling and delivery,
Order billing and payment
Management; Post sales services.
Business to Business E -Commerce:
Need and alternative models of
B2B e - commerce; Using Public
and private computer networks for
B2B trading: EDI and paperless
trading: characteristic fea tures of
EDI service arrangement; Internet
based EDI; EDI architecture and
standards; Costs of EDI
infrastructure; Reasons for slow
acceptability of EDI for trading; E -
marketing – Traditional web
Promotion: Web counters; Web
3 Lecture
Electronic Payment Systems and
Order Fulfillment: Types of
payment systems - e-cash and
currency servers, e -cheques, credit
4 cards, smart cards, electro nic purses Lecture
and debit cards; Operational, credit and cases
and legal risks of e - payment, Risk
management options for e -
payment systems; Order fulfillment
for e –commerce.
Security Issues in E -Commerce:
Secu rity risks of e -commerce -Types
and sources of threats; Protecting
electronic commerce assets and
intellectual property; Firewalls;
Client server network security; Data
and message security; Security
tools; Digital identity and electronic
signature; Encryption approach to
e-commerce security. Salient
provisions for Security and Privacy, ;
Legal and Regulatory Environment
for e-commerce, cyber laws in India
and their limitations Taxation and e -
commerce; M anagement of Risk:
Introduction, Introduction to Risk
Management, Disaster Recovery
Plans, Risk Management Paradigm
Management Challenges and
Opportunities of Ecommerce
Page 28
6 New Business Model, Required
Changes in Business Processes,
Channel Conflicts, Et hical issues in
e –commerce.
7 Case Studies and Presentations.
Text books
Electronic commerce – A managerial perspectives Efraim Turban , David King , Jae
1 lee
Reference books
1 CIO magazine - 2 Technology Forecast - Price Waterhouse Coopers
3 McKinsey Quarterly -
"XML Web Services Professional Projects" Authors:
4 GeetanjaliArora&SaiKishorePublisher: Premier Press ISBN: 1931841365
"Service -Oriented Architecture: A field Guide to Integrating XML and Web Services "
5 Author: Thomas ErlPublisher: Prentice Hall ISBN: 0 -13-142898 -5
Internal 40%
end 60%
Page 29
PROGRAM : MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : I - Elective
Title of the Subject / course : Organizational Behav iour
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
To provide students understanding how and why people behave in organizations as they do,
1 either as individuals or in groups and how their behaviours affect their perfor mance and
performance of the organization as a whole.
to provide understanding how to effectively modify their behaviour through motivation and
2 leadership for enhanced performance. And also to provide understanding about related
concepts such as Org. Str ucture, Design and Culture.
3 To help students to understand human behaviour in organizations and equip them to enhance
their performance as well as performance of the people reporting to them.
Prerequisites if any
Connections with Subjects in
the current or Future courses
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Introduction to OB Understand the nature and scope of
1 Lecture organizational behavior at individual,
group, organizational and societal
Personality: Meaning and Lecture Comprehend the meaning and
2 Determinants of Personality determinants of personality and the
effects of perception, attitude and
values on work
Perception, Attitude and Value Lecture Understand the concepts of group
3 dynamics, team effectiveness , team
roles and conflict management
Motivation Concepts : Motives Lecture Distinguish between the various
4 theories of motivation and their
application in organizations
Group Behaviour and Group Lecture Define the concept of leadership and
5 Dynamics distinguish between a number of
different leadership theories
Organisational Design: Structure, size, Lecture Identify the d ifferent bases of power;
6 technology and discuss how individuals and
groups use power in organizations
Leadership: Concepts and skills of Lecture Understand the impact of
7 leadership organizational culture and structure
on organizational behavior
8 Organisation Development Lecture Define the concept and practice of
change management and
Page 30
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
organizational development; with an
analytical insight related to
application of interventions
Understanding of the Concept of
Defence Mechanism; Types of Enhanced understanding of the
Defence Mechanism; Role of Defence
behavior of superior s, peers and
Mechanism in Personality, Perception Video &
9 subordinates especially in problem
& Attitude; Significance & Relevance Role Play
situations and the ways to deal with
of Defence Mechanism for
them more effective ly.
Interpersonal Relations and Group
10 Case Studies and Presentations
Text books
1 Any textbook of Psychology of undergraduate course (only for Defence Mechanism)
Reference books
1 Understanding Organizational Behavior – Udai Pareek
2 Organizational Behavior – Stephen Robbins
3 Organizational Behavior – Fred Luthans
4 Organizational Behavior – L. M. Prasad (Sultan Chand)
5 Organisational Behaviour – Dipak Kumar Bhattacharya – Oxford Publica tions
6 Organisational Behaviour – Dr Chandra sekhar Dash – International Book House Ltd
7 Organisational Behaviour – Meera Shankar – International Book House Ltd
8 Management & Organisational Behaviour – Laurie Mullins – Pearson Publications
9 Organisational Behaviour, Structure, Process – Gibson – McGraw Hill Publications
10 Organisational Behaviour – McShane – McGraw Hill Publications
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 31
PROGRAM : MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : I - Elective
Title of the Subject / course : Introduction to creativity & Innovation Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
1 To make students aware of their own creative potential and the va rious ways that each one can
contribute to innovation in an organization context
2 To learn tools and techniques for creativity and Innovation
3 To appreciate the importance and impact of innovation in todays business con text
4 To understand the process of innovation
5 To understand the various issues related to managing innovation in an organization context
Prerequisites if any
Connections with
Subjects in the current or
Future courses
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Students realize that every one is
What is creativity and inherently creative – and t hey need to
Lecture/ small in - nurture this creativity
1 innovation - importance and
class exercises Students understand the difference and
relationship between such terms as
creativity, invention , innovation etc
Students are exposed to various tools and
approaches to stimulating creativity and
2, 3 Workshop style innovation. Some of these could include –
Tools for Creativity Viewing from Multiple (stake holder
& 4 activities
perspective), Lateral Thinking, 6 Thinking
Hats, Brainstorming, Use of Analogies and
metaphor, Problem reframing etc
Students are now familiar with the various
Basic concept s of concepts and vocabulary related t
innovation – such as incremental innovation,
5 Innovation,Types of Lecture
4Ps of innovation, Disruptive innovation ,
Innovation in products, processes,
experiences, business model etc
Students begin to appreciate how
innovations have taken place over the past
Historical perspective on several decades – the historical perspective
sensitizes them to the var ious drivers and
6 innovation in products, Lecture
factors which led to or deterred these
processes, business etc
innovation. These could include but not
limited to laws, government initiatives in
terms of policy and R&D spends, technology
Page 32
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
available, etc. They also learn about various
milestones – and realize that a timeline
based study of any industry could help
identify triggers/opportunities for innovation
Lecture/video eg
IDEO‟s Shopping
cart video/ small
Student learns the importance of each
in-class exercise to
help students stage of the innovation process and how
to work through each stage
Over view of the Innovation The stages understood include
7,8 experience the
process contextual inquiry/ immersive study,
innovation process
insight development, ideation , concept
– from observ ation
development, prototyping , validation
to ideation,
prototyping etc
Students understand how various leading
Innovation processes and innovative companies such as IDEO, Apple,
Samsung, 3M, Google etc innovate and
9 practices in Highly Lecture/Discussion
develop a comparative understanding of
Innovative companies
their approach , tools and techniques and
processes for innovation
Students understand the basic concept of
culture , the elements of and the unique
10 Developing an Innovation Lecture attributes of a culture for innovation
culture Students realize the barriers to
innovation in an organization context
and how these could be overcome
Lecture/ case Students develop and understanding of the
/examples to
various problems faced in managing an
Managing an Innovation highlight
11 innovation project in an organizational
project challenges faced in
context and how can it be managed
effectively as a project
Students realize how Innovation can
provide a competitive advantage
Students become familiar with strategic
innovation methods/ frameworks used
at a strategic level such as Blue Ocean
12 Strategic innovation Lecture Strategy, Sc anario planning ,
Osterwalder‟s Business Model Canvas
13 etc
Students realize how innovation can help
in creating Intellectual property which
can be create entry barriers for
Student s also become familiar with the
Page 33
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
challenges of evaluating innovation
either for recognition or funding
14 Presentations & Case Studies/
15 Presentations & Case Studies/
Text books
1 Innovation management – Besant and Tidd
2 Innovation and Entrepreneurship – Besant and Tidd
3 Ten Rules of Strategic Innovation – Vijay Govindrajan
Reference books
1 Ten Faces of Innovation – Tom Kelly
2 Design Lead Innovation b y Prof Sten Ekman et all
3 Edward DeBono – books related to Lateral thinking, 6 thinking hats
4 The Innovator‟s Dilema – Clayton Christensen
5 Business Model innovation by Osterwalder
6 The Art of Innovation – Tom Kelly
Internal 40%
Semest er end 60%
Page 34
PROGRAM : MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : I - Elective
Title of the Subject / course : Foreign Language (Other than English)Chinese
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
China is the world‟s fastest growing economy and hasbecomes the factory of the world, also the
world‟s supply chain and logistics is heavily focused towards China. China being one of the few
countries in the world which has not adopted English it becomes imp erative to
1 learn Chinese to enable business dealings with the country.
Many multinationals have invested in China, because of the cheap labor and other such
comprehensive factors available here we can take the example of Apple which manufactures
most of i ts phones in China There is hardly any country that does not have
2 business dealings withChina. Thereforethe advantage of learning this language is huge.
The course should be able to enable basic communication in Chinese so that one can
3 understand simple C hinese words and phrases
To be able to use Chinese in everyday situations such as greeting a person asking for
4 directions in short to be able to interact in a simple manner.
5 Carry out simple conversations with Chinese people.
Read and write simple phra ses in pinyin (spelling Chinese words with the western alphabet)
Read signs written in Chinese and be able to read simple notices documents and articles
6 written in Chinese
Understand the elements of Chinese characters and evaluate the advantages as well a s
limitations of a pictographic writing system in contrast with western writing systems
Understand the construction of Chinese characters recognizing approximately 120 Chinese
7 characters as well as the radicals
Reflect on cultural differences and similari ties between Indian and Chinese societies,
for example with regard to housing and family relationships and gender roles as well as
8 treatment of minorities and the elderly.
Prerequisites if any none
Connections with Subjects in the
current or Future courses none
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Course introduction. 1sessions Preparatory foundation to be
Chinese pronunciation and the five tones.
1 3 hours able to progress towards
Chinese sentence structure and grammar.
each learning the language
Simpli fied Chinese characters and Pinyin Able to converse in
Romanization system. rudimentary Chinese
2 Greeting and Introducing each other. 2 sessions Example
Meeting family members. of 3 hours (你好 ! !How do you do?)
The verbs 姓 (xìng), 叫 (jiào), 是 (shì) Able to make simple
and有 (yǒu). inquiry
Page 35
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
The adverbs 不 (bù), 也 (yě), 都 (dōu).
The particles 的 (de). (你是哪国人? Where
Usage of 二 (èr)/两 (liǎng). do you come from?)
Questions ending with 吗 (ma) and 呢
(ne), questions pronouns.
Measure words.
Routine and everyday aspects
Dates & Time – taking someone out to eat on
his/her birthday and inviting someone to
Hobbies – Talking about hobbies and would
you like to play ball?
Visiting friends – visiting a friend‟s home and
at a friend‟s house.
Asking Directions
Direction and Location Words
Have a high comfort level if
Direction and Lo cation Words
3sessions visiting China or if
3 Comparative Sentences with
of 3 hours entertaining Chinese visitors
没(有) (méi{yǒu})
to India
3 那么 (nàme) Indicating Degree
4 到(dào) + Place + 去(qù) + Action
Going to Chinatown
Seeing a Doctor
Seeing a Movie
Turning Down an Invitation
Renting an Apartment
Traveling to Beijin g
Checking In at the Airport
Arriving in Beijing
The adverbs 还 (hái) and 才 (cái).
The particles 吧 (ba) and 了 (le).
The conjunction 那么 (nàme).
The modal verb 想 (xiǎng).
The preposition 在 (zài).
Numbers (0, 1 –100).
4 Dates and time. 2 sessions Learn to write simple words
Word order in Chinese.
3 hours
Alternative questions, affirmative + negative
(A-not-A) questions, questions with 好吗 (hǎo
去 (qù) + action.
Verb + object as a detachable compound.
一下 (yíxià) and 一点儿 (yìdiǎnr) moderating
the tone of voice
covers the following topics: 2 session
5 开学 , 宿舍,在 饭馆儿,买东西 , 选课 . Construct simple sentences
3 hours
Adverbs 真 and 难道 .
Page 36
Sr. Content Activit y Learning outcomes
Dynamic particle 了.
Preposition 至于 .
The 是…的… construction.
除了 …以外 ; 再说; 得很 ; 那(么).
一 + v; 又adj/verb, 又adj/verb.
Emphatic 是; 无论…, 都…
Conjunction 于是 ; adj/v+是+adj/v,
可是 /但是 …再, 又, and 还 compared.
要么 …, 要么 ….
Also connecting sentences, existential
sentences, conjunctions, topic -comment
sentence structure, resultative compliments.
Words and phrases include 恐怕 (I‟m afraid; I
think perhaps), 差不多 (about; roughly), 一般
(generally speaking), 不怎么样 (not that great;
just so -so), 这(就)要看 …(了) (that depends
on...) , 比如 (说) (for example), … 什么的
(…Etc.), ( 要) 不然 (otherwise), 非…不可
(have to; must), 受不了 (unable to bear), 不过
(but), 这样 (in this way
having students learn to write traditional or 2 session Be able to write simple
6 simplified characters progressing to simple
3 hours paragraphs or articles
paragraphs and essays
Geography, climate, people. Important to be able to
7 Ethnicities, religion, government. 1 session understand and respond to
Chinese culture & Business etiquette. 3 hours cultural differences and
Cultural differences & sensitivities respect them
Text books
1 Integrated Chinese, Level 1, Part 1, Textbook ( website http://ic.cheng
2 Integrated Chinese, Level 1, Part 2, Textbook
Integrated Chinese, Level 1 Part 1 Character Workbook, 3rd Edition (Simplified &
3 Traditional)
Reference books
1 New Prac tical Chinese Reader 2 Dvd (Only) (English And Chinese Edition)Jan 1,
2005by Liu Xun
2 Practical Audio -Visual Chinese 1 2nd Edition (Book+mp3) (Chinese Edition) Oct 1,
2008by Guo Li Tai WAN Shi Fan Da XueGuo Yu Jiao XueZhongXin
3 Colloquial Chinese: The Comp lete Course for Beginners (Colloquial Series)2nd Edition ISBN -13: 978 -0415434157 ISBN -10: 0415434157
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 37
PROGRAM: MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : I - Elective
Title of the Subject / co urse : Negotiation & Selling Skills
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
1 The module will sensitize the students to the concepts and importance of Negotiations & Selling
for all functions of Management. 2 The module is designed to introduce the students to the basic elements of the selling
3 The module will give the students a broad understanding regarding different models used for effective
selling and negotiations.
4 It also creates awareness among the students about the basic qualities, traits and skills that they
need to imbibe to be an effective management professional.
Prerequisites if any
Connections with
Subjects in the current or
Future courses
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Meaning, Definition & Importance of Lecture Developing basic understanding
1 Negotiation in Management, Types of
of students related to Negotiation.
Understanding Negotiation Lecture
2 Framework including Legal Aspects, Providing deeper insight
Negotiation Process, Skills of a relatedto Negotiation framework
Negotiation Models (BATNA, Dyad, Lecture Familiarizing students
3 ZOPA, 9 Grid) & Strategies, with basics of models in
Understanding Barriers to Agreement negotiation and strategies
Introducing students to
Introduction to Marketing & Selling Role Play on understand the difference
4 Concepts & Traits of a Successful between Marketing and
Salesperson Selling and giving them
useful tips for succeeding in Sales
Lecture Introducing students to
Understanding Successful Selling understand the difference
5 between Marketing and
Process & Models (7 Steps Model)
Selling and giving them useful
tips for succeeding in Sales
Customer Focussed Selling, Art of Lecture Creating awareness about
6 importance of customer in selling
Page 38
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Selling to Various Stakeholders such Guest Familiarizing students with
as Dealers, Suppliers, Vendors, Session with
7 differe nt approaches required
Channel Partners, Superiors, industry
For selling different stakeholders
Subordinates, Team - Mates & Peers experts
Lecture Familiarizing students with
Selling to Customers – B2C, B2B, different approaches required
8 C2C, Products, Services, Intangibles for selling to different segments
& Projects of customers.
Guest Creating awareness about
Session with
9 Strategic Selling for Start -ups challenges and opportunities
available in Start -ups domains
To enhance effectiveness of a
10 Body Language for Negotiation & Role Plays on Salesperson by understanding
Selling Selling Clues provided by body
11 Case Studies and Presentations
Activity: In addition to classroom teaching, the Teaching -Learning process may combine the use of
role plays, audio -visual films/aids, and management exercises with individual student, and or in
team consider ing appropriate cases or case -lets in the field of business domain wherever applicable.
Text books
1 The Essentials of Negotiation – Harvard Business School Press
2 Negotiations Selling by Sameer Kulkarni – Excel Books
3 Negotiation & Selling by R. K . Srivastava – Excel Books
Reference books
1 Organizational Behavior by Fred Luthans (9th edition)
2 Managing Conflict & Negotiation by B. D. Singh – Excel Books
3 Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher & William Ury –Random House
4 Negotiation Handbook by P. J. Cleary – Printice Hall of India
5 ABC‟s of Selling Skills by Charles M. Futrell – McGraw Hill
6 Sales Management Analysis and Decision Making by Thomas Ingram & Raymond LaFarge –
Published by DRYDEN
7 How to Handle Conflict & Confrontation by Peg Pickering – Natl Seminars Publications
a) Internal 40% 40 Marks continuous assessment
b) Semester End Examination 60% 60 Marks theory paper of 3 hours duration
Page 39
PROGRAM: MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : I - Elective
Title of the Subject / course : IT Skills for Management and Technology Platform
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
To have the basics practical skills of information Technology( i.eHardware -
1 Software , Datab ase, Networking, Communication Technology )with its application
and usage.
Prerequisites if any Basic understanding of IT Skills for
Management and Technology Platform
Connections with Subjects in the Will connect and have application of
information technology and technology platform
current or Future courses
No. Content Activity Learning outcomes
1 To, understand the conceptual
background of Hardware - Softwa re
– (Systems Software, Application
Software and Packages )
Introduction and Fundamentals
of operating system - Windows,
Introduction and knowledge of Internet
operations. World Wide Web ,
Emerging communication technologies Lectur e
2 Introduction to Software Packages &
practical knowledge of
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel – Formulas, Graphs,
Basis statistical formulae. 1. To know data
Microsoft Power Point – Creating analysis and database
effective prese ntations management with
Microsoft Access - Introduction to Microsoft Excel
DBMS concepts, creating a database, 2. To know management
Basic queries. of data using
Tally – Journal Entry, Ledger posting, Microsoft Access
Preparation of Bala nce Sheet 3. To know how to
Emerging technology of office prepare interactive
Automation systems business presentation
Lab Sessions of Document
Preparation & Presentation Skills Lecture & cases
3 Practical hands on experience of
Internet and Web Technology Lecture
Page 40
Internet Technology
Understanding Websites
Understanding Domain Names &
Domain Extensions Web Server & Web
Web Designing ,Home page designing
Website Content designing, Joomla,
query, kn owing & Adding Payment
Gateways, Web Hosting,
Mobile Technology & Business
On-line Business Mechanism
Hands on experience of Emerging
communication technology
Lab Sessions
4 Case Study and Practical Exercises
With Lab Se ssions Lecture and cases
Text books
1 Work -study by ILO
Reference books
1 Rajaraman, V. (2004). Introduction to Information Technology.PHI.
Turban, Rainer and Potter (2003). Introduction to information technology.John Wiley and
2 sons
3 Sinha, P.K., PritiSinha (2002). Foundation of computing.BPB Publications.
4 Ram, B. (2003). Computer Fundamentals. New Age Publication
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 41
PROGRAM: MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : I - Elective
Title of the Subject / course : Information Technology for Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
To understand the significance of information technology , conceptual framework of
1 networking, co mmunication technology, database etc. for individual & business
To understand role , impact and emerging trends of information technology for
2 management and its application at individual ,organizational level society and similarly for
business alignment.
Basic understanding of Information Technology for
Prerequisites if any management
Will connect conceptual framework of Information
Connections with Subjects in the Technology for Management at individual and
current or Future courses organizational level.
No. Content Activity Learning outcomes
1 Historical perspective of information
technology and business. Lecture
2 Functioning of computer hardware and
software components, character istic from
user and buyers perspectives. Lecture & cases
3 Introduction and conceptual framework of
networking & Telecommunication,
components of networking,
LAN/WAN/MAN, network topologies, and
various option of networkin g for business,
various medium of communication,
physical and cable less ( dial up, leased
line, satellite , V - SAT, DSL Lines , fiber
optics) Lecture
5 Role and emerging trends of information 1. Learning of basic
technolog y
concepts and
Overview of concept such as ERP,SCM,
components of IT
CRM, database management, DBMS
2. Learning different
Data warehousing, Business intelligent,
application of
knowledge Management, E - Commerc e, E-
computer and IT in
Business, M - Commerce,
Digital Business , E -governance. Lecture and cases
3. Application of It
6 Impact of information on business, business
across the
alignment across the fu nction and sectors
and society Lecture & Cases
7 Case study and presentation Lecture & Cases
Page 42
Text books
1 Information Technology for Management by Rainer , Porter and Turban.
2 Introduction to information technology byRajaramman.
3 Information technology for Management DrChandrahaunschavan& B lal
Reference books
1 E- Business: road map for success, Ravi Kolkata and Marcia Robinson.
2 Competitive strategic by Michael Porter
3 Electronic commerce – A managerial perspectives Efraim Turban , David King , Jae lee
4 Principles of information Systems by ralph stair & George Reynolds
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 43
PROGRAM: MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : I - Elective
Title of the Subject / course : Personal Grooming / Personal Effectiveness
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
1 Identify personal thinking habits and their impact
2 Understand and address the barriers to perso nal effectiveness
3 Apply clear and effective communication skills
4 Develop effective time management skills and the ability to cope with stress
Prerequisites if any
Connections with
Subjects in the current or
Future courses
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
1 Know Yourself – Self Discovery Know yourself (Your Values,
Abilities and Goals)
Identify influences of their attitudes
2 Developing a Positive Attitude and towards success, achievement, and
Values disappointment both in personal and
professional lives
Grooming - Corporate Etiquette and Enhancing corporate and social
3 Image, learning grooming basics
and personal hygiene management
An understand ing of the key role
listening plays in the ability to solve
4 The Art of Listening problems, work effectively with
customers, and be a valuable team
5 Body Language Using body language to increase
your personal impact
Ability to communicate
6 The Art of Speaking competently in groups and
Augment skills related to this
7 GD and PI Skills important dimension of the
selection process in organizations
8 Written Business Communicat ion Organize and present information
for maximum impact and clarity
Understand and write a functional
9 CV. and Resume writing resume , versus a chronological
resume, writing cover letters
Page 44
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Enhance capabilities to lead and
10 Working in Groups and Teams succeed and for that you need to be
a good team player
11 Time Management Identify typical time -wasters and
create solutions to over come them
12 Stress Management Ability to deal with stress and
pressure effectively
13 Career Planning How to develop a personal
development plan
Text and Reference books
1 Super Self: Doubling Your Pers onal Effectiveness by Charles Given
2 The 3 Pillars of Personal Effectiveness by TroelsRichte
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
3 by Stephen R. Covey
4 Personality Development and Soft skills by Bar unMitra
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 45
MMS in Digital Business Management - Semester II (CBGS)
with effect from Academic Year 2016 -17
Teaching Hours Assessment Pattern
Sr. No. of No. of Duration
Subject Sessions Sessions of Continuous Semester End Total No of
of Theory
of 90 90 minutes Assessment Examination Marks Credits
minutes per week Paper
1 Marketing Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
2 Financial Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
3 Operations Research 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
4 Business Research Methods 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
5 Human Resource Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
1 Legal Aspect of Business 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
2 Event Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
3 Business Environment 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
4 Digital Perspective for Managers 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
5 Corporate Social Responsibility 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
6 Business Systems and Procedures 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
7 Entrepreneurship Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
8 Management Information Systems 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
9 Developing teams & Eff ective leadership 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
10 Intellectual Capital and Patenting 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
Total No of Credits 32
UA: University Assessment IA: Internal Assessment
Page 46
Proposed Revision for MMS Syllabus wef AY 2016 -17 (Batc h 2016 -18)
Semester II
Sr. Core Sr. Electives (Any 3)
No. No.
1 Marketing Management 1 Legal Aspect of Business
2 Financial Management 2 Event Management
3 Operations Research 3 Business Environment
4 Business Research Metho ds 4 Digital Perspective for Managers
5 Human Resource Management 5 Corporate Social Responsibility
6 Business Systems and Procedures
7 Entrepreneurship Management
8 Management Information System
9 Developing teams & Effective leadership
10 Intellectual Capital and Patenting
All s ubjects / papers for Semester II will be internally assessed by the institute
2. . The Criteria for the internal marks is given below
The marks of term work shal l judiciously awarded depending upon the quality of the term work
including that the report on experiments assignments. The final marks will be awarded if the
term work warrants the satisfactory the appropriate completion of the assignments. The
followin g weightage of marks shall be given for different components of term work
Class test [2 X 20] will be converted into 20 Marks
Assignments, Role Plays, Case Studies , Presentations, Projects, Quizzes
[ 2X1 0] will be converted into 10 Marks
Attendance and Class Participation 10 Marks
[50%- 75% : 03 Marks; 76% -80% 05 Marks 81% - 90%: 07Marks 91% onwards:
Institute will have the discretion to select minimum 3 (three) subjects or more from given
list of 10 subjects. Total 32 cred its has to be obtained.
Any new elective proposed to be introduced by the Institute, apart from electives listed in
the new syllabus, need to take prior approval from Board of Management Studies of the
4 University in writing outlining the details of the course with learning objectives, learning
outcomes, detailed syllabus, teaching learning plan and course evaluation procedures at
least 6 months in advance before the commencement of the semester.
Page 47
PROGRAM : MMS in Digital Business Management
Semest er : II - Core
Title of the Subject / course : Marketing Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
This coursework is designed to introduce the student to the basic elements of the
1 marketing managemen t terms, implementation of studied term in the industry and
related process.
The scope of marketing management is quite broad and the students will be exposed to
2 the marketing concepts that will enable them to acquaint with contemporary marketing
practic es.
This module is to learn the art and science of choosing target markets and getting,
3 keeping and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating
superior customer value.
This module will give the student a very broad understanding o f what marketing is all
4 about and the vital role that it plays in every organization, every department and every
5 The module will help the student to identify and solve many business problems by using a
marketing perspective, as a universa l concept.
Prerequisites if any
Connections with
Subjects in the current or
Future courses
Sr. Content Activity* Learning outcomes
Introduction t o Marketing Concept Students will develop basic
understanding of concepts in
Evolution of Marketing from
1 the marketing with respect
Production to Sustainability &
to historical development of the
Customer Orientation
Understanding the Basics:
Concept of Need, Want and Demand Making students familiar with the
Concept of Product and Brand Fundamental concepts and
2 Business Environment in India vocabulary or practices from
Demand States & Marketing Tasks business perspective in the
Company Orientation towards the Organization.
Market Place
Marketing Environment : Understanding of the
Marketing envi ronment to help
Marketing Environment and
3 students to compare various
Evaluation of Market Opportunities
opportunities available in various
like Services, Rural & International
4 Market Research & Marketing To familiarize students with
Information Systems and Demand various concepts related to
Page 48
Sr. Content Activity* Learning outcomes
Forecasting and Market Potential market resea rch and its
Analysis utility.
Helping students to focus on
Important issues related to
5 Consumer Buying Process & success in consumer buying
Organizational Buying Behaviour behavioural process vis a vis
organizationa l buying
behaviour process.
Pillars of Marketing - Market Imparting knowledge of
6 Segmentation, Target Marketing, various important marketing
Positioning & Differentiation concepts.
Marketing Mix and Product Decisions Various p ractices related to
7 The important aspects of
– Product Life Cycle, & Brand
marketing in decision Making
Understanding mechanism
8 New Product Development Process of developing a new product
related process
To understand the pricing
9 Pricing Decisions dynamics being practiced by
the organizations in different
Distribution Decisions – Logistics & Understanding of operational issues
10 Channel Decisions (Retail, E - in order to support marketing -
commerce, etc.) process
Promotion Decisions – Integrated To familiarize students with
Marketing Communications Concept: various concepts related to
11 Advertising, Sales Promotions, Public Communication Desi gn
Relations, Direct Marketing; Process in effective marketing
Communication Tools practices
To understand the important
12 Personal Selling & Sales Management aspects direct marketing in
the Changing circumstance with the
help of latest development
Overview of Marketing Strategies:
BCG, Ansoff, GE, Shell Model, Porter To make students understand basics
13 Generic Model, 5 Forces Model, PLC, of various models and their
7s Model of Marketing, A Litt le application in their field of work
Model, Value Chain Model
14 Case Studies and Presentations
*Activity: In addition to classroom teaching, the Teaching -Learning process may combine the use
of role plays, audio -visual films/aids, a nd management exercises with individual student, and or
in team considering appropriate cases or case -lets in the field of business domain wherever
Page 49
Text books
Marketing Management (A South Asian Perspective) by Philip Kotler, Kevin La ne Keller,
1 Abraham Koshy & Mithileshwar Jha, Pearson Education
2 Marketing Management by R. Varshney, S. Chand
3 Marketing Management by Rajan Saxsena, Tata McGraw Hill
Reference books
1 Basic Marketing by Jr., William Perreault, Joseph Cannon and E. Jerome McCarthy
Marketing Management – Planning, Implementation and Control by V.S. Ramswamy and
2 S. Namakumari, McMillian
3 Business Marketing Management by M. Hutt, Cengage Learning
a) Internal 40% 40 Marks continuous assessment
b) Semester End Examination 60% 60 Marks theory paper of 3 hours duration
Page 50
PROGRAM: MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : II - Core
Title of the Subject / course : Financial Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs. : 40
Learnin g Objective
1 To gain in -depth knowledge of corporate finance and understand the functions of finance management.
2 Students should learn to analyze corporate financial statements and other parts of the annual report.
Prerequisites if any Knowledge of financial accounting
Connections with
Subjects in the current or This will work as the basic subject for the elective subjects coming in the second
Future courses year
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Objective of financial management Lecture
Functions and decisions of financial management and Understanding the basic concepts
1 Indian Financial system - Functions of the financial theoretical of corporate finance and Indian
system; Financial Assets; Financial markets; discussion financial system
Financial intermediaries; Regulatory system
2 Financial performance analysis using Ratio exercises Ability to analyse the financial
Analysis and statements of companies using ratios
Working Capital Management - Estimation and Lecture, Ability to calculate the working
Financing exercises capital requirements; analyse
3 Inventory Management and case working capital policies and
Receivables Management discussion understanding operating and cash
Cash Management cycle
Financial Planning and Forecasting Lecture
Meaning and importance of financial planning and Ability to prepare pro -forma
Approaches to financial planning exercises
4 financial statements and calculate the
Preparation of Pro -forma Income Statement and
Balance Sheet
Computation of external financing require ments
Investment (Project) identification, feasibility Lecture, Ability to use various evaluation
analysis with sensitivities, constraints and long exercises
techniques like NPV, IRR, PI,
5 term cash flow projection and case
payback period etc. for evaluating
Capital Budgeting and Investment Decision discussion
capital expenditure decision
Theoretical Understanding the features and
6 Sources of Finance - Short Term and Long Term characteristics of various financing
Theory of capital structure: Net income approach; Lecture Understanding different capital
7 Net operating income approach; MM approach; and structure theories and the impact of
Traditional approach exercises D/E ratio on EPS
Page 51
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Capital Structure Planning and Designing capital Lecture Ability to design the optimal capital
8 structure based on EBIT and EPS/MPS approach and
Factors affecting capital structure exercises
Capital Structure Planning and Leverage Analysis: Lecture Ability to calculate DOL, DFL and
9 Operating, financial and total and
Capital Structure Planning and cost of capital exercises
Dividend Policy: Factors affecting dividend Lecture Understanding the impact of
policy decision; and
10 dividend payout ratio and retention
Dividend decision models; Walter model; Gordon exercises
ratio on company‟s financial position
model; MM approach
Text Books
1 Financial Management – M.Y. Khan and P.K. Jain
2 Financial Management – Prasanna Chandra
Reference Books
1 Financial Management – I. M. Pandey
2 Principles of Corporate Finance – Myers and Brealey
3 Fundamentals of Financial Management – James Van Horne
4 Financial Management: theory and practice – Brigham Eugene F; Ehrhardt, Michael C.
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 52
PROGRAM : MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : II - Core
Title of the Subject / course : Operations Research
Course Code : For Office use
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40hrs
Learning Objectives
1 To kno w optimizing techniques
2 To understand its use in decision making in business 3 To Identify and develop operational research model from realsystem
4 To appreciate the mathematical basis for business decision making
Statistics for management, Operations a nd production
Prerequisites if any management, economics
Connections with
Subjects in the current or
Future courses Project Management, Quantitative Techniques,
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Linear Programming - Use of Solver/ similar Understand application in
Formulation, Solution by
software for decision business.
1 graph, Simplex, Duality,
making, cases in various Data Envelopment Analysis as
post optimality and
scenarios of management extension of LPP model
Sensitivity Analysis
Use of Solver/ similar Understand special cases of
Transportation problem software for decision
2 LPP and apply in appropriate
with special cases making, ca ses in various
scenarios of management
Use of Solver/ similar Understand special case of LPP
Assignment Problem with software for decision
3 and apply in appropriate
special cases making, cases in various
scenarios of management
Use of Solver/ similar
4 Game theory - Zerosum software for decision Understand Competitive
games making, cases in various environment of business
scenarios of management
Decision Theory - Under Use of Solver/ similar
software for decision Understand project
5 Risk, Uncertainty,
making, cases in various management techniques
decision tree
scenarios of management
Waiting lines model - Use of Solver/ similar Understand queue model as a
software for decision
6 (M|M|1):(FIFO|∞|∞) with measure of performance of
making, cases in various
cost implication system
scenarios of management
Simulation - queue Create models in In want of assumptions of the
7 system, inventory and model a working system can be
Microsoft Excel
demand simulation created
Page 53
Text books
1 Operation Research – AN introduction - HamdyTaha, Prentice Hall Of India
2 Quantitative Techniques in Management -N D Vohra, Tata McGraw Hill
3 Operations Research Theory and Applications - J K sharma, Macmillan Business books
Reference books
1 Principles of Operations Research –Wagner, Prentice Hall of India
2 Operations Res earch - Hilier, Liberman, Tata McGraw HIll
3 An introduction to Management Science – Anderson Sweeney Williams, Cengage Learning
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 54
PROGRAM : MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : II
Title of the Subj ect / course : Business Research Methods
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
To understand the importance of research and various methods that researcher used to
1 investigate problems
2 Applying Modern Analyt ical tools for Business Management Decisions
3 To derive strategies from the research
4 To understand the challenges in collecting the data collection and analysis
5 To interpret the data to make meaningful decisions.
Prerequisites if any
Connections with
Subjects in the current or
Future courses
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Meaning of research; Types of research -
Introduction to Exploratory research, Conclusive research;
1 Lecture The process of research; Research
applications in social and business sciences;
Features of a Good research study.
Defining the Research problem; Management
Decision Problem vs Management Researc h
Research Problem Problem; Problem identification process;
2 and Formulation of Lecture Components of the research problem;
Research Formulating the research hypothesis - Types of
Hypotheses Research hypothesis; Writing a research
proposal - Contents of a research proposal and
types of research proposals.
Meaning of Research Designs; Nature and
Classification of Research Designs;
Exploratory Research Designs: Secondary
Resource analysis, Case study Method, Expert
opinion survey, Focus group discussions;
Descriptive Research Designs: Cross -
sectional studies and Longitudinal studies;
Experimental Designs, Errors affecting
Research Design
3 Research Design Lecture
Classification of Data; Secondary Data: Uses,
Advantages, Disadvantages, Types and
sources; Primary Data Collection:
Observation method, Focus Group
Discussion, Personal Interview method
Primary and
4 Field Work
Secondary Data
Page 55
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Types of Measurement Scales; Attitude;
Classification of Scales: Single item vs
Multiple Item scale, Comparative vs Non -
Comparative scales, Measurement Error,
Criteria for Good Mea surement
5 Measurement and Lecture
Questionnaire method; Types of
6 Questionnaire Lecture Questionnaires; Process of Questionnaire
Design Designing; Advantages and Disadvantages of
Questionnaire Met hod
Sampling concepts - Sample vs Census,
Sampling vs Non Sampling error; Sampling
Design - Probability and Non Probability
Sampling design; Determination of Sample
size- Sample size for estimating population
7 Sampling and Data Case Study and mean, Determination of sample size for
Processing SPSS / Excel estimating the population proportion
Data Editing - Field Editing, Centralized in
house editing; Coding - Coding Closed ended
structured Questions, Coding ope n ended
structured Questions; Classification and
Tabulation of Data.
Descriptive vs Inferential Analysis,
Descriptive Analysis of Univariate data -
Analysis of Nominal scale data with only one
Univariate and possible response, A nalysis of Nominal scale
8 Bivariate Analysis SPSS Lab / Excel data with multiple category responses,
of Data Analysis of Ordinal Scaled Questions,
Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of
Dispersion; Descriptive Analysis of Bivariate
Concepts in Testing of Hypothesis – Steps in
testing of hypothesis, Test Statistic for testing
hypothesis about population mean; Tests
Testing of Analyzing concerning Means - the case of single
9 population; Tests for Difference between two
Hypotheses Primary Data
population means; Tests concerning
population proportion - the case of single
population; Tests for difference between two
population proportions.
Chi square test for the Goodness of Fit ; Chi
10 Chi-square Analysis Analyzing square test for the independence of variables;
Primary Data Chi square test for the equality of more than
two population proportions
Analysis of Lecture and Completely randomized design in a one -way
11 Analyzing ANOVA; Randomized block design in two
Primary Data way ANOVA; Factorial design
Research Report Types of research reports – Brief reports and
Detailed reports; Report writing: Structure of
12 Writing and Ethics Lecture
the research report - Preliminary section, Main
in research
report, Interpretations of Results and
Page 56
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Suggested Recommendations; Report writing:
Formulation rules for writing the report:
Guidelines for presenting tabular data,
Guidelines for visual Representations.
Meaning of Research Ethics; Clients Ethical
code; Researchers Ethical code; Ethical Codes
related to respondents; Respons ibility of
ethics in research
13 Presentation / PowerPoint
Text books
1 Business Research Methods – Cooper Schindler
2 Research Methodology Methods & Techniques – C.R.Kothari
3 Statistics for Management – Richard L Levin
Reference books
1 D. K. Bhattacharya: Research Methodology (Excel)
P. C. Tripathy: A text book of Research Methodology in Social Science(Sultan
2 Chand)
3 Saunder: Research Methods for business students (Pearson)
4 Marketing Research –Hair, Bush, Ortinau ( 2nd edition Tata McGraw Hill)
5. Business Research Method –Alan Bryman & Emma Bell–Oxford Publications
6. Business Research Methods – Naval Bajpai – Pearson Publications
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 57
PROGRA M : MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : II - Core
Title of the Subject / course : Human Resource Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
1 To prepare a student for a career in industry and services . To facilitate learning in modern concepts, techniques and practices in the management of
2 human resources
To expose the student to different functional areas of Human Resource Management to
3 enhance the effectiveness.
Prerequisites if any
Connections with Subjects in the Foundation for Advance subjects in HRM
current or future course
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
1 Introduction to
Organizational Behaviour Nature and scope of OB, Concepts of Person ality,
Perception, Attitude and Value, Concepts of Group
Behaviour and Group Dynamics . Concept of
Leadership and skills of Leadership
2. Organization Design:
Structure, Size and
Technology Lecture Identify the different bases of power; and discuss
how in dividuals and groups use power in
Human Resource Apply the theoretical and practical aspects of
Management human resource management to formulate
3 Lecture strategies that will enable organizations to
achieve both o perational and strategic goals
related to the organization‟s human capital.
Understand the scope to HRM and its relationship
to other social sciences
4 Organization of Personnel Lecture Study the personnel function with respect to its
Function s organization , polices and responsibilities in an
Manpower Planning Lecture Understand the importance and the process of
man power planning, the process of job
analysis, compare and contrast methods used
for selection and pla cement of Human resources.
Motivating Employees Lecture Understand the application of the different theories
of motivation , explaining the difference between
6 internal and external equity in terms of
monetary and non -monetary rewards and
7 Performance Appraisal
Systems Lecture Discuss the importance and process of Performance
Management, Organizational Strategic Planning and
Succession Planning
8 Training & Development Lecture Describe the steps required to analyze needs ,
develop and evaluate an employee training and
development programs in organizations
Page 58
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Management of Define the concept and practice of ch ange
9 Organizational Change Lecture management and organizational development;
with an analytical insight related to application
of OD interventions strategically
10 HRD Strategies for Long Lecture Discuss different types of HRD strate gies for
increasing productivity and long term planning
for an organization
Term Planning & Growth
11 Introduction to Digital HR M Lecture and
Explanation Concept of e -HRM , requirements for smart
HRM, understanding the concepts of
e-recruitment, e -selection and e -learning,
Systems application in HR (Payroll management
and Perfo rmance Appraisal), Context of e HRM
and its implementations, Business policy changes
with e -HRM, e -HRM and smart restructuring of
the HRM functions , cloud based HRM, HRM
analytics, Social Media in HRM, fu ture of e -
Text book
1. Understanding Organizational Behaviour --- Udai Pareek
2. Organizational Behaviour -- Stephen Robbins
3. Organizational Behvaiour – L.M. Prasad [ Sultan Chand ]
4. Human Resource Management P. Subbarao
Reference Books
1. Organizational Behaviour -McShane -McGraw Hill Publications
2. Personnel Management – C.B. Mammoria
3. Dessler: Human Resource Management(Prentice Hall India)
4. Personnel/Human Resource Management: DeCenzo& Robbins (Prentice Hall India)
5. D. K. Bhattacharya: Human Resource Management (Excel)
6. VSP Rao – Human Resource Management(Excel)
7. Dessler: Human Resource Management(Prentice Hall India)
8. Personnel/Human Resource Management: DeCenzo& Robbins (Prenti ce Hall India)
9. Gomez: Managing Human Resource (Prentice Hall India)
10 Organizational Behaviour –International Book House Ltd
11. Human Resource Management – Dr P Jyothi and Dr D.N Venkatesh – Oxford Publications
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 59
PROGRAM: MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : II – Elective
Title of the Subject / course : Legal Aspects of Business
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs. : 40
Learning Objective
1 To learn abou t the important provisions of some of the important business laws
2 To get exposure to important provisions of Indian I T Act and Cyber Laws
Prerequisites if any None
Connections with
Subjects in the current or
Future courses Students in all the s pecialisations must have a minimum knowledge of
important business laws. The applications of law will be in many subjects
they will study in the Second Year
No. Content Activity Learning outcomes
1. Business Laws for Managers -
The Indian Contract Act 1872
The Sales of Goods Act 1930
Negotiable Instruments Act
The Consumer Protection Act 1986 Lecture
And Case Laws
(12 Hours) Understanding the law and concepts of
Parties to the contract, considerati on and
other legal concepts related to a contract
Underst anding the meaning of Sales of
goods and the rights and duties of vendor
and Consumer under the Act
Understanding the various negotiable
instruments available under the Act
Understanding th e rights and duties of
consumers under the Consumer
Protection Act
2. Cyber Laws
And Case Laws
(02 Hours)
Genesis, Object and scope, Encryption,
Symmetric Cryptography, Asymmetric
Cryptography, RSA Algorithm, Public
Key encryption
Digital Signat ure-Technology behind
Digital Signature, Creating and Verifying
a Digital Signature -Digital Signature and
PKI-Digital Signature and the Law.
3. Introduction to Cyber crimes
Lecture and
Case Studies
( 6 Hours) Definition, cybercrime and information
Classes of cybercrime and categories,
Cyber offences, Cybercrimes with mobile
and wireless devices
Page 60
4. Jurisdiction in the cyber world
across the world
Lecture and
Case Studies
( 6Hours) Cybercrime law in Asia,
Cybercrime & federal laws, legal
principles on
jurisdiction and jurisdictional disputes
the internet in united states of America,
Cybercrime legislation in African region,
Foreign judgments in India
5. Indian IT Act 2000
Lecture and
Case Studies
( 08Hours) Information Technology Act,
including digital signature, certifying
authorities and E -governance),
Positive aspects, weak areas
Amendments to the Information
Technology Act, 2008
Challenges to Indian law and cybercrime
scenar io in India
Protection of cyber consumers in India
Intellectual property Rights
Lecture and
Case Studies
( 3Hours) Intellectual Property law basics
Types of Intellectual Property
Agencies responsible for Intellectual
Property registration
International organizations, Agencies
and Treaties
Increasing importance of Intellectual
Property Law
Copyright issues in Cyberspace Lecture and
Case Studies
( 3Hours) Relevant provisions under Copyright
Act, 1957 regulating copyr ight issues in
Online Software Piracy – legal issues
Analysis of sufficiency of provisions of
Copyright Act to deals with Online
Software Piracy.
Trademark issues in Cyberspace –
Domain Name; Cyber squatting as a form
of Domain Name d ispute; Case law.
Text and Reference Books
1 Legal Aspects of Business – AkhileshwarPathak
2 Legal Aspects of Business – David Albuquerque
3 Business Law – N.D. Kapoor
4 Herman T. Tavani. Ethics & Technology, Ethical Issues in an Age of Information and
Communication Technology,3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011
5 Cyber Laws – Singh Yatindra
6 Cyber Crime – Bansal S K
7 Cyber law , E -commerce & M -Commerce – Ahmand Tabrez
8 The Indian Cyber Law, Second Edition 2001, Vish wanathan Suresh T., Bharat Law House.
Page 61
PROGRAM: MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : II – Elective
Title of the Subject / course : Event Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs. : 40
Learning Objective
1 To Apprecia te event management as a professional endeavour
2 To understand the chain of events that goes into successful event management
Prerequisites if any None
Connections with
Subjects in the current or
Future courses Students in all the specialisations must have a minimum knowledge of Event
Sr.No. Content Activity Learning Outcomes
1. Scope and nature of Event Management:
Definition, Variables, Types of events, The impact
of events, Timelines, What is an event worth?,
What m akes someone a good event manager?
Developing a concept and planning: The need,
Expectation determination, Developing concepts,
The stakeholders, Planning processes Lecture and
Exercises To understand
importance of Event
2. Organizing the resou rces required: Location,
Organizing physical resources and services,
Financial resources, Managing financial resources,
Marketing resources, Outsourcing resource
Catering - Food and Drink: Determining food
and beverage needs, Choosing a cater er, Other
catering considerations. Lecture and
Exercises Students will learn about
the resources required
for organizing the event
through exercises
3. Promoting an event: Marketing an event, Target
marketing, How to determine the target, The
marketing mix , How to promote a private event,
How to promote a public event
Managing the clientele: Accessibility, Queuing
theory, Negative situations Lecture and
Exercises Students will be able to
do the marketing of
4. Risk management, legalities and contin gency
planning: Planning for the unexpected, Risk
analysis, Tools for identifying risks, Negating risk,
Contingency planning, Legal issues, Insurance,
Security at events
Delivering the event: Some things to consider
before setting -up day, After the event
Lecture and
Exercises To understand about the
risks involved in the
event management
5. Organising celebrations and parties: A
children‟s party, A wedding, A reunion, A street
Organising exhibitions: Guidelines for planning
a show or exh ibition
Organising conferences and seminars:
Organising a conference Working in the events Exercises Actual experience
Page 62
industry: Education, Job profiles
Text Books
1. Event Management, Wagen and Carlos, Pearson
2. Event Planning & Management. Diwakar Shar ma, Deep and Deep Publications
3. Successful Event Management, Shone & Parry, Thomson Learning
4. Event Management , John Mason
Reference Books
1. The Business of Event Planning: Behind -the-Scenes Secrets of Successful Special Events, Allen, J,
Canada: Wiley
2. Planning Special Events. , Armstrong, J S, New York: Josse Bass Wiley.
3. Professional Event Coordination , Rutherford Silvers, J and Goldblatt, J. New York: Wiley
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 63
PROGRA MME : MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : II Elective
Title of the Subject / : Business Environment
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
1 To sensitize the students to t he multi -faceted environment of business. to
enable them to appreciate the finer nuances of the environment, and,
to improve their ability to operate effectively in the contemporary globalized world
as 3 managers or entrepreneurs
Prerequisites if any Nil
1: It would also deal with macroeconomic issues, and, thus
become an essential sequel to Managerial Economics dealing
Connections with with microeconomics in Semester I, and,
Subjects in the current or 2: it would be an essential pre-requisite to the University paper
Future courses on Strategic Management in Semester III.
No Content Activity Learning outcomes
Business environment - definition, nature The students should be a ble to
and scope, distinction between internal
1 Lecture decipher, analyse and understand
and external environment of business,
the environment of business.
limitations of environmental analysis.
Socio -cultural environment of business: Lecture The students should be able to
decipher, analyse and understand
2 elements of culture, the impact of culture and a case
the environment of business.
on business, multiculturalism study
Political environ ment of business: The The students should be able to
State and it's branches, political ideals Lecture decipher, analyse and understand
3 including liberty, equality, fraternity and and a case the environment of business.
tolerance. The politics o f coalition study
Regulatory environment of business, The students should be able to
including the need for effective decipher, analyse and understand
4 regulation and governance as well as the Lecture the environment of business.
ingredients of a good system of
Regulatory environment of business, The students should be able to
including the need for effective decipher, analyse and understand
5 regulation and governance as well a s the Lecture the environment of business.
ingredients of a good system of
Page 64
Ecological issues and sustainable The students should be able to
6 -- Do -- decipher, analyse and understand
the envir onment of business.
National Income: Growth and
development. Interconnectivity between
Students should be able to
macroeconomic variables & Business
understand the need for various
campaigns and also the im pact of
7 Lecture
The concept of Inclusive growth changes in the various
Subsidies, JAM (Jandhan, Aadhar and macroeconomic variables on
Economy as well as on business.
Mobile) and the "Make in India
Students should be able to
Money and Banking: including money understand the need for various
campaigns and also the impact of
8 supply, demand for money, credit Lecture
changes in the various
macroeconomic variable s on
economy as well as on business
Central Banking and Monetary Policy: Students should be able to
instruments of credit control, objectives
understand the various instruments
9 of monetary policy. Inflation: the Lecture
of credit control, and its impact on
concept , demand pull, cost push
economy and business.
inflation. Inflation & monetary policy
Budget, budgetary deficit, fiscal deficit Lecture Students will develop
understanding about the Union
10 and fiscal policy: aims, objectives and and a case
Budget and its impact on the
efficacy. study
various sectors
The LPG model (Liberalisation, Students should develop an
understanding of the opportun ities
11 Privatization and Globalisation) : genesis, Lecture
& challenges of the policies relating
features, problems and prospects
to LPG with reference to business.
Balance of Payments. International trade Students shoul d develop a holistic
12 Lecture understanding of the external sector
blocks, IMF, IBRD, WTO.
as well as multilateral organization.
Students should develop a holistic
13 Presentations by students understanding of the externa l sector
as well as multilateral organization
Page 65
Text books
1 Economics by Paul Samuelson and Richard Nordhaus: Indian Adaptation, 19th edition
2 Indian Economy by Mishra and Puri
3 Macroeconomics for Management students by A. Nag
Refere nce books
1 Business Environment and Public Policy by R A Buchholz
2 Economic Survey by Ministry of Finance, Government of India - Different issues
3 World Development Report by the World Bank - different issues
Internal 40%
Semester e nd 60%
Page 66
PROGRAM : MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : II - Elective
Title of the Subject / course : Digital Perspective for Managers
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
1. To apply the l atest digita l tools and technology for achieving business goals.
2. To learn more about current trends in Digital technology and Business
3. To use social media and digital channels to strategically engage management, employees,
partners and suppliers .
Prerequisites if any
Connections with Subjects in
the current or Future courses
No. Content Activity Learning outcomes
1 Digital Business Life Cycle - Stages
of Digital Business life cycle -
Overview of Use of IT in Business,
Definition and characteristics of
Digital Business, Difference
between Digital Marketing and
Digital Business Management
Management is going Digital Literature
To understand the distinctive
characteristics of the Di gital Business
and Digital Business Management
2. Emerging Tools and Technologies
for Managers
Overview of concepts such as ERP,
SCM, CRM, Data Base
Management, , Data warehousing,
Business Int elligent, Knowledge
Manageme nt Lecture,
Conceptual Understanding
3. Social Media - Why Social Media,
Building Relationship via FB,
LinkedIn, Twitter and Youtube
Heading comments,
Social media content base creation,
Application of social media in
different areas of business, Face
Recognition tools Discussion
exercises on
social media
Student should be able to understand
importance of social media in modern
business. Use of social media strategy in
Marketing, Human Resource and Finance
4. Mobile Techn ology - Concept of
mobile web, mobile apps, mobile Discussion
and Student should be able to understand use
of smartphone in business, Use of
Page 67
marketing and mobile payments exercises on
Mobile apps different Google apps, mobile apps, M -
commerce and mobile payment systems
5. Analytics - Web Analysis and
intelligence tools, Introduction to
Google analytics, Social media
analytics, Social Media goals and
KPI, Tools for Social Media
Concept of Big Data Analysis Discussion
exercises Student should be able to understand use
of analytics in decision making and
importance of Big Data analysis in
Consumer Driven Economy
6. Cloud Computing - The digital
collaboration tools , Leveraging the
cloud for competitive advantage
Student should be abl e to understand how
cloud computing useful in collaboration of
business and how it helps to cut costs
7. Cyber Security For Digital
Introduction to Cyber crimes,
Difference between Hacking and
Cracking, Types of Hackers
Types of Cyber Crimes - E-mail
crimes, Social Networking Crimes,
Financial Frauds/Banking Frauids,
Cell Phone Technology Crimes
Cyber Saf ety-Do‟s and Dont‟s Case Study
Student should be able to understa nd the
precaution to be taken while doing Digital
Business Man agement
Text books
1 Digital Business Concepts and Strategies -Eloise Coupey
Reference books
1 Digital Disciplines – Attaining Market Leadership Via the Cloud, Big Data, Social, Mobile and
the Internet of things - Joe Weinman - Wiley Publicatio n
2. Social Media Analytics - Effective Tools for Building, Interpreting and Using Metrics -Marshal
Sponder –McGraw Hill
3. Business Models for Social Mobile Cloud: Transform your Business using Social Media, Mobile
Internet and Cloud Computing –Ted Shol ton -PWC
4. Code Halos: How the Digital lives of People, Things and Organizations are Changing the rules of
Business - Cognizant Technology Solutions
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 68
PROGRAMME: MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : II - Elective
Title of the Subject / course : Corporate Social Responsibility
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
1 A fundamental assumption of Ethics & Social Responsibility is that organizatio ns exists
in uncertain, changing environment and continually confront new challenges and
problems. Managers must find solutions to these concerns if organizations are to
survive, prosper and perform effectively.
Prerequisites if any
Connections wi th
Subjects in the current or
Future courses
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
1. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – Case 1. To have a good
Meaning and Scope Study understanding of the
2. CSR Models Case different ways in which
Study CSR can be managed
3. CSR and Business Ethics Case effectively and integrated
Study throughout an organization
4. Role of Institutions in CSR Case and acqui re the practical
Study skills to develop, manage
and measure the impact of a
Environmental Aspect of CSR:
Environmental Issues for India and the Case CSR strategy.
5. world(Global Warming, Waste Disposal & 2. Under stand the ways in
Pollution) and CSR Efforts of Indian which CSR interventions
Companies for mitigation of these problems can be planned,
implemented, monitored
CSR and Corporate Sustainability: Case
6. Introduction to Sustainability; Sustainability and evaluated in an
and its Challenges organization
3. Create an integrated
7. Global CSR Case
approach to embed CSR
within the core business
8. Understanding Framework for Rating CSR: Case
and culture of an
Global Reporting Initiatives, ISO 26000 Study
4. Comprehend the ways in
9. Project on CSR Case which CSR can make
Study meaningful contribution to
a sustainable culture within
an organization
Page 69
Text books
1 MadhumitaChatterji , Corporate Social Responsibility , Oxford University Press.
2 Krishnamoorthy : Environmental Management (Prentice – Hall India)
Reference books
Michael Blowfield and Alan Murray, Corporate Responsibility , Oxford University
1. Press.
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 70
Semester : II – Elective
Title of the Subject / cou rse : Business Systems and Procedures
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs. : 40
Learning Objective
1. To understand Business as an integrated system
2. To develop process thing for developing procedures
3. To Make students aware of various busine ss functions and responsibilities
Prerequisites if any None
Connections with
Subjects in the current or
Future courses
Sr.No. Content Activity Learning Outcomes
1. Systems and Procedures – Concept and need -
Characteristics of a good procedure. Writing a
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) – Procedure
Identification - Information Gathering –
Interviewing – Analysis – Writing –
Implementation – Review - Fine-tuning. Process
Mapping Tools – Aid Memoir – Flowchart – Swim
Lane Diagrams – Flow Charting Software – Using
MS Word and Excel for Flowcharting - Case
Studies. Lecture and
Practical To understand the
Standard operating
2. Understanding accounting procedures for Cash
Sales - Credit Sales - Cash Receipts – Donations –
Trave lling Expenses – Writing off Bad Debts –
Sale of Scrap. Principles of Internal Control –
Study of Internal Control in Select Procedures such
as Recruitment, Payment of Salaries and Wages,
Verification of Inventories and Work in Progress,
Verification of Fi xed Assets and Investments Lecture and
Practical To understand standard
Accounting procedures
3. Lean Office – Re-engineering information flow
and paper flow – Process Mapping for Current and
Future State Map. Digital Office –Overview of
Office Automation Systems – Use of technologies
such as Bar Coding, RFID, Biometry and Mobile
Computing for redesigning office procedures.
Lecture and
Practical To understand Lean
office concept
4. Study of the following Systems and underlying
Procedures. Point of sale (PO S) system in an
organized retail store, Purchase Order System in a
manufacturing organization, Attendance Recording
System in a factory, Kitchen Order Ticket (KOT)
System in a Restaurant, Just in Time Inventory
System in a manufacturing organization. Lecture and
Practical To know about systems
in different industries
5. Presentation of individual/group projects in Process
Mapping, Improvement and Writing SOP‟s for an
entire range of activities for a segment in a
manufacturing/ service organization. Practic al Hands on experience
Text Books
1. Business Process Management – A Rigorous Approach by Martyn A Ould , British Computer
Page 71
Society, First South Asia Edition.
Reference Books
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 72
PROGRAM : MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : II – Elective
Title of the Subject / : Entrepreneurship Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
1 To acquaint the students with both the theory and practice of Entrepreneurship,
2 to expose the sudents to the finer nuances of the subject, and,
3 to re-orient the outlook of students towards new business ventures and start ups
and also to help them to look at these as a possible career option.
Prerequisites if any Nil
1) Entrepreneurship Management would both supplement and
Connections with Subjects complement the knowledge gained after doing papers like
in the current or Future Businss E nvironment in the second semester, and,
courses 2) 2) it would also pave the way for studying papers like
Strategic Management (Semester III) and Project
Management (Semester IV).
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
(A) Entrepreneurial Perspective :
• Concept of entrepreneur, To gain an understanding of
1 entrepreneurship and enterprise, Lecture entrepreneurship, as well as to
advantages of entrepreneurship realise and harness the potential
• Nature and development of of new ventures and start ups.
entreprener and entrepreneurship
• opportunity -based To gain an understanding of
entrepreneurship, as well as to
2 • social entrepreneurship Lecture
realise and harness the potential
• entrepreneurship by Dalits
of new ventures and start ups.
• technopreneurship
To gain an understanding of
Gender bias and women Lecture and entrepreneurship, as well as to
3 realise and harness the potential
entrepreneurs a case study
of new ventures and start ups.
To gain an understanding of
Entrepreneurs, managers and entrepreneurship, as well as to
4 intrapreneurs : similarities and Lecture realise and harness the p otential
differences of new ventures and start ups.
5 Innovation, creativity and Lecture and To gain an understanding of
entrepreneurship a case study entrepreneurship, as well as to
Page 73
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
realise and harness the potential
of new ventures and start ups.
(B) The Entrepreneurial To gain an understanding of
Environment : entrepreneurship, as well as to
6 • Analysis of business opportunities Lecture realise and harness the potential
in both the domestic and global
of new ventures and start ups.
economies, including the analysis of
PEST factors
• Quick -start routes to establish a To gain an understanding of
business (franchisi ng, ancillarising entrepreneurship, as well as to
7 and asquisitioning) Lecture realise and harness the potential
• Support organisations for an of new ventures and start ups.
entrepreneur and their role
• Legal framework for sta rting a To gain an understanding of
business in India entrepreneurship, as well as to
8 • The Make in India Campaign, the Lecture realise and harness the potential
Digital India Campaign and the of new ventures and start ups.
opportunities fo r start ups in India
To gain an understanding of
(C) The Enterprise Launching : Lecture and entrepreneurship, as well as to
9 • Product / Project identification realise and harness the potential
a case study
• Preparing a B usiness Plan of new ventures and start ups.
To gain an understanding of
• Business financing, including entrepreneurship, as well as to
10 venture capital finance and private Lecture realise and harness the potential
equity of new ventures and start ups.
To gain an understanding of
• Managing early growth of business entrepreneurship, as well as to
Lecture and realise and harness the potential
11 • New venture expansion - strategies
a case s tudy of new ventures and start ups.
and issues
• International variations in To gain an understanding of
entrepreneurship ( including cultural entrepreneurship, as well as to
12 and political differences) -- Do -- realise and har ness the potential
• Indian Family Business: genesis, of new ventures and start ups.
features, issues and challenges
To gain an understanding of
13 Presentations by students entrepreneurship, as well as to
realise and harn ess the potential
of new ventures and start ups.
Page 74
Text books
1 Entrepreneurship Management by P N Singh and J C Saboo.
2 Entrepreneurship by Rajeev Roy
3 Entrepreneurship by Robert Hisrich, Michael Peters and Dean Shepperd
Reference bo oks
1 Beyond Entrepreneurship by James C Collins and William C Lazier
2 Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development by Vasant Desai
3 Entrepreneurship Development in India by B Ghosh
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 75
PROGRAM: MMS in Digital Bus iness Management
Semester : II – Elective
Title of the Subject / : Management Information System
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs. : 40
Learning Objectives
To understand the basic concept data and information , Frame work / structure and role of
1 Information and Information Systems for business
2 Determining Information Needs for an individual & Organization for decision making process.
To understand the requirement & analysis of MIS across the functions of the Management and
3 Sectors of the industry and business
4 To emphasis the Information System Development Process and Security /Privacy of MIS
Need & understanding of Management
Prerequisites if any Information System
Will connect co nceptual framework to
Determining Information Needs for an
Connections with Subjects in the current or Organization/Individual managers for decision
Future courses making process
Module Content Activity Learning outcomes
1 1. Role of Information system in
various organization
Basic Information concepts and 2. Sector wise application of
definitions Information System
Framework and role of Information and 3. Role of Information System in
Information Systems(IS) in an analyzing as well as decision
organization, system concept making process
Characteristics of Information and 4. To understand the application of
Organization with respect to MIS across the function and
organization form, structure , different industrial sector
philosophy, hierarchy etc Lecture
2 Types of Information System (IS) -
Transaction Processing System for
Operational Control, Management
Information System for
Management Control, Decision Support
System and , Executive Information
Systems for Strategic Management,
Knowledge Base Information System Lecture
(Artificial Intelligent/ Expert System) & cases
3 Determining Information Nee ds for an
Organization/Individual Manager,
Overview of use of data and Lecture
Page 76
Information , analysis of information,
Value of information for decision
making and decision making processes
4 MIS across the func tions of the
Management and Sectors i.e
Marketing Information Systems
Manufacturing Information Systems
Human Resource Information Systems
Financial Information Systems Lecture
Information System Required across the and
Sectors. cases
5 Strategic roles of IS
Use of Information for Customer
Bonding and Business Alliance
Breaking Business Barriers –Business
Processes Reengineering
Improving Business Quality – Creating
Virtual Company – Using In ternet
Building Knowledge and Creating
Company – Challenges of
Strategic of IS – Enterprise –wide
systems and E - Business
Applications for business & competitive
6 Managing information systems
Enterprise Management
Information Resource Management
Technology Management
IS planning methodologies – Critical
Success factors
Business Systems Planning – Computer
Aided Planning Tools.
7 Information System Develop ment and
Information System development
Process and Models
Sensitize students to the need for
information security, Concepts such as
confidentiality, Integrity and
Availability, Types of threats and risk,
overview of some of the manual,
procedural and automated controls in
real life IT environments. Computer
Crime –Privacy Issues
8 Case Studies and Presentations
Page 77
Text books
1. Management Information System - Managing th e Digital Firm , by Laudon and Laudon
2. Principles of Information System , by Ralph M. Stair and Georg Raynold
Reference books
1. O‟Brien, James A Management Information Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
2. Marvin Gore, Elements of Systems Analysis & Design, ,Galgota Publications.
3. MIS a Conceptual Framework by Davis and Olson
4. Analysis and Design of Information Systems by James Senn
5. Case Studies : Case on ABC Industrial Gases – Author : Prof PradeepPendse
6. Jessup &Valacich: Information Sys tems Today (Prentice Hall India)
7. Management Information Systems – M.Jaiswal&M.Mittal – Oxford Publications.
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 78
PROGRAM: MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : II
Title of the Subject / course : Developing Teams and Effective Leadership
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
1 Developing and managing a team
2 Understand how to adapt your leadership style to effectively lead and influence others
3 Strategies for coping with team challenges
4 Define your leadership philosophy and learn how to communicate it
5 Earning trust and building relationships
6 Leading virtual teams
Prerequisites if any Base knowledge of Management and HRM
Connections with
Subj ects in the current or
Future courses Organizational Behaviour and Leadership Theories
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
1 Team Building
Role play Types of Teams and Team Building
2 Role of leader in team Role play Manage your team, your boss, and
development your colleagues more effectively
3 Art of using negotiations,
power Case studies Influencing others from a position of
and influence authority
4 Stress Management and Time Case studies Effective management of time and
Management strategies to handle stress
5 Leading Virtual Teams Videos, Strategies for leading a virtual team
Case studies
6. Lab Sessions Students are divided in group of 5 students each.
Students identify 12 Leaders at different levels from
industry, contact them in person, prepare their profiles by
interviews and observations and present it to the class
With the help of games and activities bring out
observa tions on Leadership qualities and traits.
a. The games and activities shall focus on students;
b. Developing leadership skills
c. Raising awareness of group and people skills
d. Developing empowering style of leadership
e. Compile reflections of the students on Leade rship
qualities such as ; Enthusiasm, Integrity, Toughness,
Fairness, Warmth, Humility, Confidence &Fostering
Collaboration, Managing Conflict, Using Diversity, Risking
Innovation etc.
Page 79
Write reviews on articles / books written by or on
leaders from variou s fields and debate and discuss the same
in the class (Bring out the leadership traits, styles and
strengths) e.g. Mahatma Gandhi, APJ Abdul Kalam, Jack
Welch, Steve Jobs, JRD Tata, Ratan Tata, Baba Amte, etc.
Text books
1 Management - Hellriegel, Slocum and Jackson
2 Leadership Theories - Composite
Reference books
1 Leadership – Warren Bennis
2 Organizational Behaviour – Ashwathapa
3 Personnel management – ArunMonappa
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 80
PROGRAM : MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : II - Elective
Title of the Subject / course : Intellectual Capital and Patenting
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
To ensure the fact that students of Business and Managerial Studies are aware of the
1 concept and respect of Intellect and Intellectually driven properties.
2 To know and study about the concept and types of Intellectual Property Rights.
To understand and appreciate the need to h onour and not infringe upon the Intellectual
3 Property Right of others.
To inculcate in the minds of the young managers, entrepreneurs and professionals, the
4 processes and patterns that are emerging in the field of Intellectual Property.
To encourage the business fraternity to develop new products, ideas, constructs and
5 properties on a continual basis.
To study, understand and acknowledge the trends across the globe in areas of Patenting and
Intellectual Property Rights especially in the areas where India is a major player viz.
6 Information Technology, Media, Automobiles and Education.
Suited better for students who have studies Sciences or Law till
Prerequisites if any their Graduation level but it certainly isn‟t a limiting factor.
1. Unders tanding Innovation
2. Management for Technology
Connections with 3. Business Intelligence
Subjects in the current or 4. Information Technology Governance and Compliance
Future courses 5. Business -to-Business
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Introduction to the concept
of Intellect, Intellectual Class Room To appreciate the meaning of
1 Property, Right, Duties Discussions, Media
Intellectual Property
and Intellectual Property Presentations
Understanding of
Philosophical and Legal Class Room Understanding of the philosophical,
2, 3 Concept of Intellectual Discussions, Case ideological and Legal framework as
Property, Its importance, Studies, Media used in t he context of Intellectual
characteristics, features, Presentations. Property.
The relationship between Business
The Economics behind Class Room and Intellectual Property Right and
4 Intellectual Property and Discussions, Case to appreciate the fact that the outlay
Intellectual Property Studies, Media incurred on protection of
Rights. Presentations. Intellectual Property isn‟t a Cost but
an Investment for the Business
5, 6, Types of Intellectual Class Room Understanding the actual scope and
Page 81
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
7, 8 Property, namely, Trade Discussions, Case extent of Intellectual Property.
Marks, Geographical Studies, Media Their connection with Business and
Indications, Copyright, Presentations, real the need to protect them to ensure a
Industrial Design. Their life case laws, congenial Business environment.
respective definitions, judicial
characteristics, interpretations.
importance, scope, Seminars, talks by
registration, infringement legal experts should
and protection. Indian be encouraged at this
Laws related to IPR. stage to understand
the statutory
compulsions of
Intellectual Property
Class Room
Discussions, Case
Studies, Media
Presentations, real
life case laws,
Patent : Definition, judicial
Importance, Development,
Seminars, talks by
Type, Features and
legal experts should
Essentials. Process of
be encouraged at this
Registration, Understanding the actual scope and
stage to understand
infringements : types, extent of Intellectual Property.
9, the statutory
Protection. Their connection with Busin ess and
10,11 compulsions of
Licensing process : the need to protect them to ensure a
Intellectual Property
Software Licensing, congenial Business environment.
Rights. Also, have
General Licensing,
representatives of
Comp ulsory Licensing.
Organisations, R &
Indian Laws related to
D experts who have
developed worked
on Patents in
particular and
Intellectual Property
Rights sphere in
International Protocols, Class Room
Conventions, Trends and
Discussions, Case Appreciating and Understanding the
12 Scenario of Intellectual
Studies, Media Global view of IPR
Property Rights. TRIPS,
GATT etc.
IP M anagement, Concept Class Room
of IP Management, Management and Intellectual
Discussions, Case
13 Intellectual Property and Property. Monetisation and
Studies, Media
Marketing, IP asset Evaluating IP.
Page 82
Text books
1 Indian Patents Act, Indian Copyright Act, Indian Trademarks Act, Indian Designs Act.
2 TRIPS Agreement
3 Cornish : Intellectual Property.
Reference books
1 Nair and Kumar : Intellectual Property Rights.
2 Narayanan : P atent Law
3 Saxena : Trade Related Issues of Intellectual Property Rights and Indian Patents Act.
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 83
MMS Revised Guidelines under Credit Based Semester and Grading System:
(10 point grading system)
Semester wise performance assessment of every registered learner is to be carried out through
various modes of examinations. These include Internal Assessment and End Semester
Examination. Internal Assessment includes class test s, home assignments based on live
problems, course projects either in a group or individually. The modes of evaluation and
distribution of weightage for each of the assessments is given in the syllabus manual of the
programme. Normally weightage of Interna l Assessment and End Semester Examination is 40
and 60 percentage respectively.
Mode of Assessment/Evaluation
Mode of Evaluation for Theory Course: -
The various modes of assessment used for rating learners‟ performance in a theory course
1. Inter nal Assessment and End Semester Examination. Relative weightage for Internal
Assessment is typically 40 percent and will be evaluated by the faculty as per his/her
Teaching Learning Plan submitted at the beginning of the academic year.
2. The end semester ex amination will be held at the end of the Semester planned by the Institute
and the relative weightage for this would be 60 percent. It is normally of 3 hours duration and
will cover the full syllabus of the course. The end semester examination is mandatory . The
grade for theory courses can be awarded only after successful completion of both
Internal Assessment and End Semester Examination of the respective course.
Mode of Evaluation of Projects
If the performance of a student is to be evaluated through P roject work for any course since for a
subject like “Creativity & Innovation” the Internal Examination OR End Term Examination
(written) may not be suitable method of evaluation then the project evaluation to be done as per
the following guidelines keeping the ratio of Internal and End term Examination intact to 40 and
60 respectively.
Page 84
The learner (individual / Group) to be given a Project – (Problem or a situation) for which he
needs to Prepare the solution. This Project is to be graded, at the end of the respective semester.
The projects are supervised or guided, and need regular interaction (atleast once a week) with the
mentor/guide. Project group has to submit a project report and defend it in front of a panel of
examiners. Panel of examiners for P roject evaluation will be appointed by Head of
Department/Institute. The project report will not be accepted if students fail to complete the
project successfully and submit on or before the deadline given for the project submission.. The
grade for Project can be awarded only after successful completion of Term Work and Oral
Presentation / viva -voce as per the schedule.
For Example, if a faculty wants to evaluate the learners‟ performance through a project for 100
marks. He can devise the marks allocation as 40 marks for “the conceptual understanding of the
Topic, Introduction and methodology he wishes to adopt and 60 marks for the actual data
collected, usage of methodology he thought of , preparation and presentation of the report with
conclusions and pr esentation to the panelists.
Another example is a subject, “Developing Teams and Effective Leadership”. These skills
should be learnt by doing rather than by learning theory and writing examination. Therefore, an
institute offering this subject may evolve a suitable method of evaluation and break it into
internal and end semester evaluation.
Grading of Performance
Letter Grade and Grade Point Allocation
The Revised Credit and Grading System will be effective from the academic year 2016 -2017 for
the Fac ulty of Management of University of Mumbai. In every Course, based on the combined
performance in all assessments, in a particular Semester as per the curriculum/syllabus, the
student is awarded a letter grade. These letter grades not only indicate a quali tative assessment of
the learner‟s performance but also carry a quantitative (numeric) equivalent called the Grade
Point. The letter grades and their equivalent grade point applicable for MMS program are given
A learner who remains absent in any fo rm of evaluation/examination, letter grade allocated to
him/her should be AB and corresponding grade point is zero. He/She should reappear for the
said evaluation/examination in due course.
Page 85
Range of percentage of Letter Grade Performance SGPA / CGPA
80 and above O 10 Outstanding 9.51 – 10
75-79.99 A+ 9 Excellent 8.51 – 9.50
70-74.99 A 8 Very Good 7.51 – 8.50
65-69.99 B+ 7 Good 6.51 – 7.50
60-64.99 B 6 Fair 5.51 – 6.50
55-59.99 C 5 Average 4.51 – 5.50
50-54.99 P 4 Pass 4.0 – 4.50
Below 50 F 0 Fail < 4
Absent AB 0 Fail
SGPA/ CGPA Calculation
Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA)
The performance of a learner in a semester is indicated by a number called Semester Grade Point
Average (SGPA). The SGPA is the weighted average of the grade points obtained in all the
courses by the learner during the Semester. For example, if a learner passes five courses
(Theory/Projects etc.) in a semester with credits C 1, C2, C3, C4 and C 5 and learners grade points
in these courses are G 1, G2, G3, G4 and G 5 respectively, then learners‟ SGPA is equal to:
SGPA = C1G1 + C 2G2 + C3G3 + C4G4 + C 5G5
C1 + C2 + C 3 + C4 + C5
The SGPA is calculated to two decimal places. The SGPA for any semester will take into
consideration the “ F or AB” grade awarded in that semester. For example if a learner has failed
in course 4, the SGPA will then be computed as:
SGPA = C1G1 + C 2G2 + C3G3 + C4*ZERO + C 5G5
C1 + C2 + C3 + C4 + C5
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
An up to date assessment of the overall perfo rmance of a learner from the time s/he entered the
University of Mumbai is obtained by calculating a number called the Cumulative Grade Point
Average (CGPA), in a manner similar to the calculation of SGPA. The CGPA therefore
Page 86
considers all the courses m entioned in the curriculum/syllabus manual, towards the minimum
requirement of the degree learner have enrolled for. The CGPA is calculated at the end of every
semester to two decimal places and is indicated in semester grade report cards.The CGPA will
reflect the failed status in case of F grade(s), till the course(s) is/are passed . When the
course(s) is/are passed by obtaining a pass grade on subsequent examination(s) the CGPA will
only reflect the new grade and not the fail grades earned earlier.
Examp le: Up to semester r a learner has registered for n courses, among which s/he has “ F”
grade in ith course. The semester grade report at the end of semester r therefore will contain a
CGPA calculated as:
CGPA = C1G1 + C 2G2 + C3G3 + ….C i*ZERO +…+ C nGn
C1 + C2 + C3…. + C i + …+ C n
Even if a learner has failed in a course more than once, the course will figure only once in the
numerator as well as the denominator . At the end of semester r+1 s/he has appeared for
examination for k number of courses in cluding the ith backlog course and has cleared all the
courses including the backlog course, the CGPI at the end of this semester is calculated as,
CGPA = C1G1 + C 2G2 + C3G3 + ….C i*Gi +…+ C nGn
C1 + C2 + C3…. + C i + … + C n
There will also be a final CGPA calculated which considers all the credits earned by the
learner specified for a particular programme.
Illustration of Computation of SGPA and
CGPA Computation of SGPA and CGPA
i. The SGPA is the ratio of sum of the product of the number of cr edits with the grade
points scored by a student in all the courses taken by a student and the sum of the
number of credits of all the courses undergone by a student, i.e
SGPA (Si) = Σ(Ci x Gi) / ΣCi
where Ci is the number of credits of the ith course and
Gi is the grade point scored by the student in the ith course.
Page 87
ii. The CGPA is also calculated in the same manner taking into account all the courses
undergone by a student over all the semesters of a programme, i.e.
CGPA = Σ(Ci x Si) / Σ Ci
where Si is the SGPA of the ith semester and
Ci is the total number of credits in that semester.
iii. The SGPA and CGPA shall be rounded off to 2 decimal points and reported in the transcripts.
A Successful learner who has passed in all the courses of each Semest ers i.e Semester I,
Semester II, Semester III and Semester IV shall be awarded grades as shown in the table
given below:
Grade Table: - Grade Allocation under 10 point grading scale in CBSGS.
Range of percentage of Letter Grade Performance SGPA / CGPA
80 and above O 10 Outstanding 9.51 – 10
75-79.99 A+ 9 Excellent 8.51 – 9.50
70-74.99 A 8 Very Good 7.51 – 8.50
65-69.99 B+ 7 Good 6.51 – 7.50
60-64.99 B 6 Fair 5.51 – 6.50
55-59.99 C 5 Average 4.51 – 5.50
50-54.99 P 4 Pass 4.0 – 4.50
Below 50 F 0 Fail < 4
Absent AB 0 Fail
Page 88
Example to illustrate the computation of SGPA and CGPA
Semester I
Grade Grade Credits
Point (Gi)
( Ci )
Sub-1 95 O 10 4 40
Sub-2 59 C 5 4 20
SGPA = 108/16
Sub-3 59 C 5 4 20
= 6.75
Sub-4 68 B+ 7 4 28
Credits Earned 16 108
Remarks: Grade: B+ Range 65 -69.99
Seme ster II
Grade Grade Credits
Point (Gi)
( Ci )
Sub-1 60 B 6 4 24
Sub-2 65 B+ 7 4 28
SGPA= 120/16
Sub-3 66 B+ 7 4 28
= 7.50
Sub-4 80 O 10 4 40
Credits Earned 16 120
Remarks: Successful Grade: B+ Range65 -69.99
Semester III
Grade Grade Credits
Point (Gi)
( Ci )
Sub-1 62 B 6 4 24
Sub-2 68 B+ 7 4 28
SGPA = 128/16
Sub-3 85 O 10 4 40
= 8.00
Sub-4 78 A+ 9 4 36
Credits Earned 16 128
Remarks: Successful Grade: A range 70 -74.99
Page 89
Semester IV
( Ci )
Sub-1 89 O 10 4 40
Sub-2 63 B 6 4 24 SGPA = 96/12
= 8.00
Sub-3 72 A 8 4 32
Credits Earned 12 96
Remarks: Successful Grade: A range 70 -74.99
Calculation of CGPA
Semester SGPA Credits
( Ci )
I 6.75 16 108
II 7.5 16 120 CGPA=
Grade: A
III 8 16 128 452/60
= 7.53
IV 8 12 96
Total Credits Earned 60 452 range70 -74.99
Heads of Passing
Internal Assessment (IA) and End Semester Examination (ESE) should be two separate heads for
passing. E.g. 40 mar ks (IA), 60 marks (ESE). Passing standard will be 50% in each individually,
i.e 20 marks in (IA) and 30 marks in ESE.
3.6 Promotion of Learner and Award of Grades
A learner will be declared PASS and be eligible for Grade in M.M.S. course ( Post Graduate
Programme ) if a learner secures at least 50% marks separately in each head of passing as
mentioned above.
Report Card will contain only Grades and no numerical marks.
Page 90
At the end of each Semester the Grade card which states the performance of the learner in that
Semester, is prepared and issued to the leaner. The Grade Card will contain the courses
undertaken by the learner, credits of each course, Grade obtained by the learner and SGPA /
CGPA in the format given by the University.
Carry Forward of Marks
In case of a learner who does not fulfill criteria mentioned in section 3.4 and fails in the Internal
Assessment and/or End Semester Examination in one or more courses:
• A learner who PASSES in the Internal Assessment but FAILS in the End Seme ster
Examination of the course shall reappear for the End Semester Examination of that course.
However his/her marks of the Internal Assessment shall be carried over and he/she shall be
entitled for grade obtained by him/her on passing.
• A learner who PASS ES in the End Semester Examination but FAILS in the Internal
Assessment of the course shall reappear for the Internal Assessment of that course.
However his/her marks of the End Semester Examination shall be carried over and he/she
shall be entitled for gr ade obtained by him/her on passing.
Re-examination of Internal Assessment and End Semester Examination
Re-examination for Internal Assessment and End Semester Examination should be
completed, as per the schedule planned by the respective institutes, be fore the commencement of
next semester theory examination.
Example: A learner who is supposed to reappear for Internal Assessment or End Semester
Examination in semester -I course will appear for the re -examination before commencement of
End Semester Exami nation of semester -II. However, if a learner has to appear for the re -
examination for a subject in semester II then the examination should be conducted and the result
should declared by the institute before the examination forms for the semester III are s ent to the
Page 91
Re-examination of Internal Assessment will be based on single examination having same marks
as of original assessment. A learner who supposed to reappear for Internal Assessment will be
given some work by the concerned teacher . The work assigned can be of the form of a course
project/ assignment problems/ test/ tutorials etc. A learner will do the submission of the assigned
work in the predefined period. Records should be maintained properly for all the re -examinations
as well as Internal Assessments.
Rules for Standard of Passing and Allowed to Keep Terms (ATKT)
1. Under the newly introduced credit based grading system of MMS programme, a learner in
order to pass has to obtain minimum 50% marks in aggregate consisting of minimu m 50%
marks in each set of the examinations separately i.e. internal examination and external
examination, as per the standard of passing.
2. Learner(s), who do not obtain minimum 50% marks in subject(s)/paper(s)/course(s) either in
the internal assessment o r in the external examination or both, shall be declared as “Fail” as
per the standard of passing of examination.
3. A learner failing in not more than two subjects/papers/courses in the Semester I exam shall
be allowed to keep terms in Semester II of the MM S programme.
4. A learner who has failed in more than two subjects/papers/courses in the Semester I exam,
shall not be permitted to proceed to Semester II of his/her first year MMS programme. He/
She will, however, be eligible to re – appear for the subjects in which he /she has failed in the
first semester by re – registering himself/herself in the supplementary examination to be
conducted by the institute.
5. A learner who has passed in both the semester examinations conducted by the institute i.e.:
Semester I and Semester II examinations shall be eligible for admission into Semester III of
the MMS programme.
6. A learner failing in not more than two subjects/papers/courses in the Semester III
examination shall be allowed to keep terms in Semester IV of the MMS programme.
7. A learner, who has failed in more than two subjects/papers/courses in Semester III, shall not
be permitted to proceed to Semester IV of his/her second year MMS programme. He/She
will, however, be eligible to re – appear in the subjects in which he /she has failed in the third
semester by re – registering himself/herself in the supplementary examination to be
conducted by the institute/university or both.
Page 92
8. A learner who has passed in all of the semester examinations of MMS i.e Semester I,
Seme ster II, Semester III, Semester IV examinations shall not be allowed to re – register
himself/herself for improvement of his/her semester examination results.
9. A learner who has not appeared in the internal examinations conducted by the institute for
due t o hospitalization shall as a special case be permitted to appear in those
subject(s)/course(s)/paper(s) in the supplementary examination conducted by the institute
after he/she furnishes a valid medical certificate certified by the rank of a civil surgeon or
superintendent of Government hospital to the satisfaction of the Principal/Director of the
The MMS degree programme under the new credit based grading system shall be of two years
duration consisting of Four (04) Seme sters. The semester examinations for the Master of
Management Studies will be held at the end of every semester i.e at the end of Semester I, Semester
II, Semester III and Semester IV. The Semester I examination will be held in the Second half of the
acade mic year in which the learner was admitted (i.e November/December), Semester II examination
will be held in the first half of the calendar year (April/May), The Semester III examination will be
held in the Second half of the academic year (i.e November/Dec ember), Semester IV examination
will be held in the first half of the calendar year (April/May) respectively.
Page 93
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MMS in Digital Business Management
MMS in Digital Business Management - Semester I II (CBGS)
with effect from Academic Year 2016 -17
No. Teaching Hours Assessment Pattern
No. of
of 90
minutes No. of
Sessions of
90 minutes
per week Semester
Examination Duration
Subject Continuous
Assessment Total
Marks No of
1 International Business 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
2 Strategic Management 27 2 40 IA 60 UA 100 3hr 4
3 Enterprise Management Systems 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
4 Big Data Business Analytics 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
5 Digital Entrepreneurship 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
Summer Internship Project 4
1 Accounting for Managerial Decisions 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
2 Financial Markets and Institutions 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
3 E-Banking Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
4 Security Analysis and Portfolio Manageme nt 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
5 Derivatives and Risk Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
1. Digital Marketing 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
2. Sales Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
3. Marketing Strategy 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
4. Product and Brand Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
5. Services Marketing 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
Page 95
MMS in Digital Business Management
1 Training and Development 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
2 Compensation and Benefits 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
3 Competency Based HRM and Performance
Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
4 Labour Laws and Implications on Industrial
Relations 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
5 Human Resource Planning and Application
of Technology in HR 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
1 Information System Security and Audit 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
2 Knowledge Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
3 Software Engineering 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
4 Cloud Computing & Virtualization 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
5 Data Mining and Business Intelligence 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
1 Operations Analytics 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
2 Service Operations Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
3 Manufacturing Resource Pla nning and Control 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
4 Materials Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
5 Technology Management and Manufacturing
Strategy 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
Total Credits 36
UA: University Assessment IA: Internal Assessment
Page 96
MMS in Digital Business Management
MMS in Digital Business Management – Semester IV (CBGS)
with effect from Academic Year 2016 -17
No. Teaching Hours Assessment Pattern
No. of
of 90
minutes No. of
Sessions of
90 minutes
per week Semester
Examination Duration
Subject Continuous
Assessment Total
Marks No of
1 Digital Transformation Management 27 2 40 IA 60 UA 100 3hr 4
2. Final Project [3nos] 300 Marks 12
General Management
Digital Business Manag ement
Elective Group
1 Corporate valuation and Mergers &Acquisitions 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
2 Wealth Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
3. International Finance 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
1 Digital Consum er and Digital Branding 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
2. Business to Business Marketing 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
3. Consumer Behaviour 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
1 OD and Change Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
2 Strategic HRM with Global Perspective 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
3 Organization Structure, Theory & Design 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
Page 97
MMS in Digital Business Management
1 Internet of Things 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
2 Strategic Information Tec hnology Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
3 Managing Technology Business &
IT Resource Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
1 Total Quality Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
2 International Logistics 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
3 Strategic Sourcing in Supply Management 27 2 40 IA 60 IA 100 3hr 4
Total Credits 20
UA: University Assessment IA: Internal Assessment
Page 98
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : III-Core
Title of the Subject / course : International Business
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
1. To develop a deep understanding of International Management
2. To develop the analytical ability of the student to attain an insight into International
Management contexts
Prerequisites if any Business Management
Connection with subjects in the Internation al Marketing
current or future courses Strategic Management
Sr. Content Activity Learning Outcome
1. Introduction Lecture Understanding the scope of
Objective international business
Perlmutter‟s EPRG M odel
2. Country Analysis http://atlas.cid.h Evaluating country attractiveness,
PESTEL analysis impact on business models
The Atlas of Economic Activity on
Complexity PESTEL of
Porters Diamond emerging
Country Ris k analysis markets
3. Cross Cultural Management Case/ lecture Understanding cultural
Hofstede‟s Cultural differences and Impact on
Dimension business operations CAGE Framework Pankaj
Culture and Leader
Effectivene ss: The
4. Mode of Entry Case / lecture Optimal way to enter a market Market/Country Entry
Strategic Alliances/ - JV /
Page 99
MMS in Digital Business Management
Sr. Content Activity Learning Outcome
5. Investment Decisions Case / lecture International finance decisions
Drivers of FDI – Special and impact on operations
emphasis on emerging
Offshore Banking
Forex Management –
ADR -GDR‟s - EU bonds
6. WTO Regional Trade Case / lecture Basics of WTO from the
Agreements perspective of a business manager
Building Blocks of WTO
Major agreements of WTO
7 Managing of Multinationals Cases / Multinational and subsidiary
Organization Structure Lectures/Assign development and management.
-Matrix ment Impact of I -R model on
-Geographic subsidiary management.
International HRM
-Expatriate Management
-Staffing of Subsidiaries
Integration Response
-Types of subsidiaries
-Control of subsidiaries
Global manufacturing and
supply chain
- Optimizing of Supply
- Offshoring V/S
Text Books
1) International Business - Mike W. Peng; Kla us E. Meyer - Cengage Learning
2) International Business Environment, The: Text and Cases - J Stewart Black ; Anant K
Sundaram – Prentice Hall India
3) International Business –Charles W L Hill - McGraw Hill
Reference Books
1. International Management - Arvind V Pathak - TMH
2. The Cultural Dimension of International Business – Gary P Ferraro – Pearson
3. Multinational Management – John B. Cullen _ Thomson
4. International Business: Challenges and Choices - Alan Sitkin, Nick Bowen – Oxford
Internal 40%
Semester -end 60%
Page 100
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : III-Core
Title of the Subject / course : Strategic Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objective
1 To appreciate the role of Strategic thinking in changing business environment
2 To understand the process of Strategy Formulation, Implementation & Evaluation
3 Focus on application & decision making
Prerequisites if any
Students to refresh themselves on critical The subject provides knowledge about
concepts and models in the areas of wrt HR, corporate level strategies with cross
Marketing, Finance, Operations functional perspective. Hence basic
orientation of all relevant business disciplines
is appreciated
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes No
1 Introduction to Strategic Management Lecture and Familiarization with
and schools of Strategic formulation Case terminolog ies and processes of
and implementation & evaluation discussion Strategic Management
2 Globalization, addressing a VUCA Lecture and Understanding of Strategic
environment with a bottoms – up Case Management so as to enable
approach (Vol atile, Uncertain, discussion the students shoulder
Complex and Ambiguous time) responsibilities in the ever
changing global arena
3 PESTEL & SWOT as tools for Lecture and Environmental scanning and
strategic formulation Case appreciation of external
discussion business environment for
effective strategy formulation
4 BCG matrix / GE matrix, 7S Lecture and SBU portfolio management
McKinsey models as tools for Case and strategic coheren ce
strategic formulation discussion
5 Ansoff matrix, Grand strategy as tools Lecture and Acquaintance with tools of
for strategic formulation Case strategic fit
6 Porter‟s Generic strategies and Value Lecture and Understanding industry
chain Case analysis and sustainable
discussion competitive advantage
7 Internal Competences & Resources Lecture and Leveraging Sustainable unique
Core, Distinctive, Strategic & Case advantage w ith path
Threshold Competence, Competence discussion dependence
vs Capability, Resource Analysis ,
Value Chain Analysis, Strategic
Core competence and synergy,
Page 101
MMS in Digital Business Management
Content Activity Learning outcomes No
Distinctive competencies, VRIO
8 Red – Blue - Purple Ocean strategy Lecture and Identifying strategic gaps in
Case the market and filling them
discussion with unique advantage
9 Competing in Global Market s: Lecture and Understanding organizational
Differences in Cultural, Demographic Case growth options, strategizing
and Markets, Multi Country and discussion and implementing them
Global competition concepts, Strategy
Competing in Emer ging Markets
10 Mergers and Acquisitions, Strategic Lecture and Understanding non - financial
alliance & Joint Ventures, Vertical Case perspective and strategic
Integration, Offensive , Defensive discussion parameters in the globalized
Strateg ies, World
11 Strategy Evaluation and Control Lecture and Understanding of evaluation
Types of Control, Evaluation & Case and control processes to ensure
Control Criteria Pre & Post discussion effective implementation
12 Change ma nagement and Turn – Lecture and Multi directional, innovative
around strategies Case ways of business growth,
discussion aligning organizational forces
to achieve desired objectives
13 Case studies & presentation
Texts Books
1. Pierce & Robins on, “Strategic Management: Formulation, Implementation & Control”,
9th Ed, Tata McGraw – Hill, N. Delhi
2. David Fred R, “Strategic Management: Concepts & Cases”, 10th Ed, Pearson – Prentice
Hall, N. Delhi
3. Thomson, Strickland, Gamble & Jain, “Crafting & Executing Strategy”, 14th Ed, Tata
McGraw – Hill, N.Delhi
4. Hit, Ireland, Hoskisson & Manikutty, “Strategic Management: A South – Asian
Perspective”, 9th Ed, Cengage Learning, Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Pierce & Robinson, “Strategic Management: For mulation, Implementation & Control”,
9th Ed, Tata McGraw – Hill, N. Delhi
2. David Fred R, “Strategic Management: Concepts & Cases”, 10th Ed, Pearson – Prentice
Hall, N. Delhi
3. Cherunilam Francis, “Strategic Management: A Book on Business Policy & Corporate
Planning”, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2008
4. Johnson & Scholes, “Explaining Corporate Strategy”, 6th Ed, Pearson Education, Delhi
Page 102
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester III-Core
Title of the
subject/course Enterprise Management Systems
Course Cod e
Credits 4 Duration in Hrs 40
Learning Objectives
To learn ERP systems in structure, modules, benefits, implementation and post implementation issues
through real life cases
Prerequisites if any
Connections with
Subjects in the current
or Future courses Knowledge of the subject included in II semester Electives - Digital
perspective for managers
No. Content Activity Learning Outcomes
1. Introduction Lecture Overview of enterprise systems –Features of ERP (Basic
and Advanced) , Need of ERP, Advantages of ERP,
Growth of ERP Evolution - Risks and benefits - Issues to
be consider in planning design and implementation of
cross functional integrated ERP systems - Return on
2. Enterprise
Systems Lecture The Components – what is an Enterprise and its
dynamics – how does it work. What subsystems are
required to make it responsive and successful? How
does ITplay a part? Understanding Business IT.
3. Applications
areas of an
Enterprise viz.
ERP Lecture Applications areas of an Enterprise viz. ERP, across
various industry verticals and businesses such as
BFSI, Retail, Telecom, Healthcare, across
manufacturing and/or Marketing organizations,
Government bodies etc...
4. Enterprise
Management Lecture Role of content manage ment – New Organization
and Startup the challenges and Role of IT and
systems Building Cashless and Process oriented
5. Enterprise
Portals Lecture
caselets Enterprise Portals – Concept of an enterprise portal,
benefits to an organization, Tech nologies available
for building such portals
6. Enterprise
Integration Lecture
cases Challenges in integrating various enterprise
applications. Modern technologies for application
7. Appl ication
Areas of ERP in
SCM,& CRM Lecture
cases Supply Chain Management(SCM) – Need for Supply
chain integration, Application overview of supply
chain solution, advanced SCM and ERP Integration
8. SCM,CRM and
ERP combined
with E -enabled
organizations Case Studies and Presentations – Case study to co ver
full enterprise layer with SCM, CRM and ERP
combined with E -enabled organisation
Page 103
MMS in Digital Business Management
Reference and Text books
1. Integrated Business Processes with Enterprise Systems by SimhaMagal published by
2. Enterprise Systems for Management by LuvaiMotiwall a published by Pearson
3. ERP Demystified: Alexis Leon, TMH New Delhi ,2nd Ed.
4. ERP Ware: ERP Implementation Framework : V.K. Garg &N.K. Venkita Krishnan, PHI.
5. ERP Concepts & Planning : V.K. Garg &N.K. Venkita Krishna, PHI, 2nd Ed.
6. David L Olso n, Managerial issues of ERP systems, Tata McGraw Hill
7. Work Study by ILO
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 104
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester III-Core
Course Name Big Data and Business Analytics
Course Code For office use
Credits 4
Duration 40 hrs
Learning Objectives
1 To understand the introduction to Database Management Systems and its applications
2 To understand the Introduction to Big Data and Business Analytics and its
3 To understand the Business Analytics Cycle Intr oduction, Analytical Tools &
4 To understand Data Mining & decision Making concepts, Predictive Analysis,
Forecasting Optimization, Simulation, and Business Metrics tc.
5. To understand the Data Driven Prediction Methods NLP, Regression, Correlat ion,
Cluster Analysis, Artificial Neural Networks, BI Tools & Applications
Prerequisites if any Basic understanding of operations,
Connections with
Subjects in the current or Future courses Will connect conceptual framework to
BigData and business Analytics.
No. Content Activity Learning
1. Introduction to DBMS -Meaning and
purpose of database system, File system
view of data, relational databases, database
architecture, transaction management Theory and Lab
2. Data Models -The importance of data
models, Basic building blocks, Business
rules, The evolution of data models
Hierarchical, Network, Relational,
Entity -relationship model
Entity -Relationship model : entity and entity
sets, relationship, constraints , E-R diagrams,
issues with E -R diagrams Theory and Lab
3. DBMS Basics - DBMS three level, Basic
concepts : data, information, metadata,
definition of DBMS, entities, attributes
,relationships, Data dependency Keys :
Super key, Candidate key, Prima ry key,
Alternate key, Foreign key Integrity
Constraints: Entity Integrity, Referential
Advantages and disadvantages of DBMS
Client/Server Architecture : two and three
tier architecture
Relational Database Model
Database languages and SQL Theory and Lab
Page 105
MMS in Digital Business Management
4. Introduction to Data Analytics Need for
Business Intelligence Data Management,
Data Visualization, Data Warehousing, ETL
Data Processing Chain From Business
Intelligence to Business Analytics Lecture
5. Business Analytics Cycle Introd uction,
Analytical Tools & Methods, Integration
Social Analytics, Operational Analytics Big
Data Analytics, Hadoop, Informatics,
Cognos etc. Business application of big data
Lecture & cases
6. Data Mining & decision Making Predictive
Analysis Fo recasting Optimization
Simulation Gamification.
7. Business Metrics in Action Data science in
Startups Basics of Problem -Solving Design
Patterns in Statistical Computing Excel for
Data Science. Lecture and cases
8. Data Driven Prediction Methods NLP,
Regression, Correlation, Cluster Analysis,
Artificial Neural Networks, BI Tools
&Applications. Lecture and cases
Text & Reference books
1. A Silberschatz, H Korth, S Sudarshan, “ Database System and Concepts ”, fifth Edition
McGraw -Hill ,
2. Rob, Coron el, “Database Systems ”, Seventh Edition , Cengage Learning .
3. Introduction to database systems C.J.Date, Pearson.
4. Principles of Database Management James Martin, PHI.
5. Fundamentals of Database Systems Elmasri Navathe, Pearson,5th ed.
6. Business Analytics: Da ta Analysis and Decision Making by S. Christian Albright
7. Big Data: Using Smart Big Data, Analytics and Metrics to Make Better Decisions and
Improve Performance by Bernard Marr
8. Big Data Big Analytics: Emerging Business Intelligence and Analytic Trends f or
Today's Businesses by Michael Minelli
9. Big Data Big Analytics: Emerging Business Intelligence and Analytic Trends for Today's
Businesses by Michael Minelli
10. Work Study by ILO
11. Business Analytics: Data Analysis and Decision Making by S. Christian
Albrigh t
12. Big Data: Using Smart Big Data, Analytics and Metrics to Make Better Decisions and
Improve Performance by Bernard Marr
Assessment Internal -40%
Semester end 6 0%
Page 106
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : IIICore
Title of the Subject / Course : Digital Entrepreneurship
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs. : 40
Learning Objectives
Present the performance of the enabling factors, a degree of digitalization of enterprises
Promote the awareness campaign on Digital Entrepreneurship and Digital transformation manag ement
Prerequisites if any Digital perspective for managers
Connections with
Subjects in the current
or Future courses
No. Content Activity Learning outcomes
1. The Digital
Economy Theory
Lecture The new world order , The new eco nomy
A new enterprise , Themes for the new economy
2. Technological
Ecosystems and
Workplaces Theory
Lecture Digital ecosystem , Vertical and horizontal value chains
Human –Machine interface , Definition and design of
digital workplaces
3. Digita l Enterprise Theory
Lecture Business impact of digital technologies such as mobile,
IOT, BYOM, Cloud computing and Big Data Analysis -
Opportunities and challenges in different sectors
Smart home, smart city, smart retail . Supply chain and e -
commerce Embe dded digital payments ,Crowd sourcing,
Smart electric cars
4. Digital Business
Models Theory
Lecture Digital retail business model
Digital financial service business model
Digital hospitality business model
Digital health business model
Digital Governm ent and cities
5. Monetizing the
Digital Enterprise Theory
Lecture Operating model practices
Mechanisms for scaling digital enterprise
Building innovative mechanisms in digital enterprise
Mechanisms for monetization and digital enterprise pay
6. Digital
Transformation Theory
Cases What is Digital Transformation, How digital
transformation can generate competitive advantage for
firms , Concept of Digital Maturity and Digital Life cycle
Reference and Text Books
1. Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
Thomas W. Zimmerer St. Leo University Norman M. Scarborough Presbyterian College with
Doug Wilson University of Oregon
2. Digital rights management: implications for libraries DM Davis, T Lafferty - The bottom
line, 2002
3. Don Tapscot,(1995),The Digital Economy, Mc Graw - Hill Publication
4. Mark Skilton, (2015), Building the Digital Enterprise, Palgrave Macmillan.
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MMS in Digital Business Management
5. Software development in startup companies: A systematic mapping study” N Paternoster, C
Giardino, M Unterkalmsteiner… -
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester III-Elective[Finance]
Title of the
subject/course Accounting for Managerial Decisions
Course Code
Credits 4 Duration in Hrs 40
Learning Objectives
To underst and the basic cost concepts and techniques of analyzing cost to have better management
control and decision making
To understand the advanced tools used in financial statement analysis and financial reporting.
Students should learn to do in -depth analysis of the performance of a company
Prerequisites if any
Connections with
Subjects in the current
or Future courses This subject would provide basic understanding of cost and cost
accounting which would help students in some of the advance subjects in
in finance disciplines.
No. Content Activity Learning Outcomes
1. Introduction to Cost and
Management Accounting
discussion Understanding the concepts related to
Financial, Cost and
Management Accounting
Role of Cost in decision makin g
Analysis and classification of cost
2. Preparation of Cost sheet and
Elements of cost - Materials,
Labour and Overheads
Allocation and apportionment of
overheads Discussion
Exercises Understanding the difference between direct
and indirect cost as we ll as apportionment
and allocation of cost
Preparation of cost sheet
3. Introduction to different costing
Methods of costing – with
special reference to job
costing, process costing,
services costing Theoretical
discussion Understanding the c omputation
methods of cost under various
costing methods
4. Marginal Costing and Cost -
Volume -Profit
Analysis, Marginal costing
versus absorption
costing, Computation of
breakeven point, margin
of safety and P/V Ratio
Differential Costing and
Incremental Cos ting Theoretical
solving Ability to make decisions using
marginal cost concept and
calculate BEP and Margin of
5. Budgeting and Budgetary
Control Discussion
and Ability to prepare various types of
budgets and analyze the functional
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Concept of budget, budgeting
and budgetary
control, Types of budget exercises as well as the master budgets
6. Understanding of different
concepts in Costing: - Standard
Costing and Variance Analysis,
Responsibility Accounting and
Transfer Pricing, Act ivity Based
Costing and Activity Based
Management, Target Costing,
Lifecycle Costing,
environmental Costing, Service
Costing Theoretical
Discussion Understanding of the different concepts in
7. Economy -Industry -Company
Top-down and bottom up
Different macro -economic
Inflation rate
Interest rates
Commodities exchange rates
and their
impact on equity markets Theoretical
discussion Understanding the macro factors
affecting company‟s performance
8. Cash Flow Analysis
Measurin g operating / financing
and investing cash flows
Cash flows and life cycle state
of a company
Cash flows and financial
(linkages to dividend policy and
over retention of profits) Theoretical
solving Ability to measure the financial health
of a company using cash flow analysis
9. Assessing Business Performance
Operational efficiency ratios
(gross profit, net profit margins
and various turnover ratios)
Liquidity rations – current ratio,
acid test ratio
Profitability ratios, v aluation
shareholder returns, linkages
between ROE & ROCE &
optimal capital structure and
determinants of PE multiple,
price to book value,
EV/EBDITA multiple. EVA,
MVA Theoretical
solving Ability to measure the financial health
of a company using on ratio analysis
10. Free Cash flows to Equity / Firm
Capitalization leasing expense Theoretical
discussion Understanding the mechanism of
calculating cash flow and sp ecific ratios
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MMS in Digital Business Management
and R&D expenditure, correct
treatment for amortization
expense and deferred
Measuring correct ROE & ROC
after adjusting for inter-
corporate investments.
Implication of the above
mentioned adjustments on
fundamental valuations /
company and PE or Price / Book
Value or
EBDITA multiple and
exercises after considering some special items in
financial statements
11. Forecasting FCFE / FCFF and
Security Valuation Problem
solving and
Discussion Ability to calculate the intrinsic value of
the firm using FCFF and FCFE models
Text Books
1 Cost A ccounting for Managerial Emphasis – Horngren, Datar, Foster
2 Management Accounting – Robert Kaplan, Anthony A. Atkinson
3 Cost and Management Accounting – Ravi. M. Kishore
4 Principles of Corporate Finance – Myers and Brealey
5 Financial Management – M. Y . Khan and P. K. Jain
6 Financial Management – Prasanna Chandra
Reference Books
1 Management Accounting for profit control – I. W. Keller, W. L. Ferrara
2 Accounting & Finance for Managers – T P Ghosh
3 Management Accounting – Paresh Shah – Oxford Public ations
4 Cost Accounting – Jawaharlal and SeemaSrivastava
5 Management and Cost Accounting – Colin Drury
6 Fundamentals of Financial Management – James Van Horne
7 Financial Management and Policy Managerial Finance – E. F. Brigham & J. F. Houston
Assessmen t
Internal 40%
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : III- Elective[Finance]
Title of the Subject / course : Financial Markets and Institutions
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
1. To understand different components of the In dian Financial System and their functions.
2. To comprehend various products issued through different financial institutions in the primary
and secondary market
3. To understand the fixed income market, the different instruments and concepts related to it.
4. To un derstand the regulations and its framework involved in financial system
Prerequisites if any Financial Management
Connections with
Subjects in the current
or Future courses International Business, Derivatives and Risk Management
No. Content Activity Learning Outcomes
1. Overview of Indian
Financial System Theoretical
discussion Understanding Indian F inancial System
2. Stock Exchanges of the
Country -Primary
Markets and Secondary
Markets Theoretical
discussion SE functioning and various produ cts issued by
different financial institu tions in primary market
Products involved in domestic and foreign
markets, institutions involved, stock and other
exchanges, clearing house mechanisms and
clearing corporation, broking houses and portfolio
managemen t services.
3. Derivatives Theoretical
discussion Products forwards, futures, options and swaps, Exotic
options, Financial Market activities -hedging and
4. Intermediaries Theoretical
discussion Mutual funds, insurance firms and hedge funds,
comme rcial banks and investment banks
5. Fixed Income
solving and
Discussion Bond Characteristics, bond types, coupon types,
computation of different yields and bond price,
relationship between, yield and price, floaters and
inverse floaters
Spot rates and forward rates, zero coupon yield curve,
theories of term structure of interest rates.
Fixed income risk measures -duration, modified
duration, convexity and price value of basis point
6. Foreign Exchange
Markets Theoret ical
Discussions Gener al understanding of currency markets and its role
in the financial system
7. Regulators of
Financial System in Need and Significance of IFS regulations, Role of RBI -
Credit control measures, qualitative and quantitative
credit control and regulatory measures taken by RBI to
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Text Books
1 Bharati V. Pathak, The Indian Financial System -Markets, Insti tutions and Services.
2 Mishkin and Eakins, Financial Markets and Institutions.
3 L M Bhole and Jitendra Mahakud, Financial Markets & Institutions.
4 Siddharth Shankar Shah , Indian Financial System and Markets.
5 Shashi K. Gupta and Nisha Aggarwal , Financial Ser vices
6 Guruswamy , Merchant Banking and Financial Services.
Reference Book
1 Fabozzi, The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities.
2. Anthony Saunders, Financial Markets and Institutions
3. Meir Kohn, Financial Institutions and Markets
4. Madura , Financi al Institutions & Markets
5. Seth, P.R Kulkarni, Justice A.B , Banking Regulation Act (Commentary
6. Guide to FEMA with Ready Reckoner and RBI Circulars .Ramamurthy RBI Act
7. Ritika Garg and Bharat Agarwal ,Guide to Prevention of Money Laundering Act with Rules
and Notifications
Internal 40%
er end 60%
India facilitate financial inclusion
Issue of Capital and Disclosure Regulations[2009]
SEBI [Prohibition to Fraudulent and Unfair Trade
Practices Related to Securities Market]Regulations 2003
SEBI Subst antial Acquisition and Takeover
Mutual Fund –SEBI [Mutual Funds] Regulations 1996
SEBI [ Credit Rating Agencies Regulation ]1999
Anti Money Laund ering, Listing and delisting of
FDI Policy -SEBI [Foreign Portfolio Investors
Regulations]2014, SEBI[ Alternate Inves tment Fund
IRDA -Role and Functions
FEMA 1999 Objectives , Definitions, current
account and capital account transactions,
establishment of branch, office etc in India,
realization and repatriation of foreign exchange,
authorized pers on,
penalties and enforcement, foreign
contribution (Regulation)Act, 2010.
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester III Elective[Finance]
Course Name E-Banking Management
Course Code For office use
Credits 4
Duration 40
Learning Objectives
1 To make the students con versant with e -banking products in terms of delivery, security
and control with reference to India
Prerequisites if any Knowledge of e -commerce
Sr.No. Contents Activity Learning Outcome
1 Introduction to E -Banking
Discussion Impact of Information Technology on
Banking -Changing Financial
Environment and IT as a strategic
response Hardware and
2 Applications in Banking
Discussion Centralized Banking System/Core
Banking System / System
Administration, Dat abase Administration,
Application Server and
Application Administration, Network
Administration, Domains, Data
Downloads/Uploads, Band widths, Data
Centre, Data Storage Devices, Data
Backups/ Restoration;
3 Delivery Channels
Discussion ATM , EFTPOS, Phone Banking, Internet
Banking, SMS Banking, Mobile
Banking, Credit/Debit Cards, Smart
Cards, E -Commerce -Secure
Electronic Transfer(SET), Payment
Gateways (Credit card/Debit cards),
Authentication of payments, etc.
4. Security, Controls and
Guidelines -
Discussion Threats to Information System: i)Physical
(Insiders/outsiders) ii) Viruses, Worms,
Trojan horse, Malwares, Software bombs,
Phishing, Spoofing, Spamming, denial of
service attacks, etc., Information System
Security Measu res, policy, controls
5. Managerial Perspective
Discussion Management challenges, Treading the
Organizational Maze, Managing
Relationship with Customers, Managing,
External Relationships Marketing and
Sales, and Regulation management.
Human Involvement -Information System
as Social Systems, Scoping E -Banking
Management -The critical Assessment of
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System Boundaries
Knowledge Management for E -Banking -
Introduction, Meaning, Philosophies and
theoretical roots, Applying KM to e -
Banking, A critical Systems framework
for KM in e -business and Future of KM
and e -Banking
6. Basel guidelines Theoretical
Discussion for E -Banking, various RBI Committee
Reports on Information systems
7 Case studies Compulsory
Reference Books
1 Banking with Technology , Uppal RK, New Century Publications, New Delhi
2 Information System for Modern Management Murdick RG, Ross JHE and
Clagget JR Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
Text Books
1 Internet Banking and
Shopping G.Chapman
2 E-Banking and
multidisci plinary
processes Mohommad Ali Sarlak
3 Indian Banking -
Nature and Problems, Vasantha Desai, Himalaya Publishing
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Assignments on Articles from
Reserve Bank Bulletins
Economic Times and Business Standard
Journal of Banking and Finance International Journal of Banking, account and Finance
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : III-Electives [Finance]
Title of the Subject / course : Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objective
1 To understand the factors affecting the prices of different assets and to create an
optimum portfolio based on given risk conditions.
2 To understand the need for continuous evaluation and review of the portfolio with
different techniques.
3 To learn technical analysis to predict price movements based on indicators and
forecasting techniques.
Prerequisites if any This subject requires basic knowledge of Financial
management, financial markets an d institutions.
Connections with
Subjects in the current or
Future courses Corporate valuation.
No. Content Activity Learning
1 Introduction to securities Lecture and
discussion Understanding the basics of
2 Securitie s - Risk and return analysis
Types of securities, probability v/s
Absolute loss in Risk management,
volatility in prices, statistical tools for risk
calculation. Lecture and
exercises Understand the risk return
3 Efficient Market Hypoth esis
Random walk theory, significance, usage. Lecture and
exercises Ability to calculate prices
using EMH
4 Equity research and valuation
Sources of financial information, industry
analysis, company analysis, valuation
ofequity shares. Lecture and
solving Ability to carry on company
analysis and valuation of
equity shares
6 Fixed income security analysis
Systematic and unsystematic risk,
warrants and convertibles, bond valuation Understand the fixed income
7 Indexing and Be nchmarking
Creation of an index, adjusting for
corporate adjustments in The index,
tracking an index. Lecture and
solving Ability of creating and
tracking index
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8 Technical analysis
Dow theory, types of charts. Japa nese
candle stick patterns, chart patterns,
technical indicators Theory and
Solving Ability to carry on Technical
9. Capital market theories
Capital asset pricing model, portfolio risk
and return. Theory and
Solvin g Ability to apply capital market
10. Factor models and arbitrage pricing
Factor based valuation models, Risk free
arbitrage. Theory and
Solving Understanding and apply
factor models and APT
11 Investment decision theory
Timing, allocation, buy, hold, sell, short Problem
Solving Understanding applying
Investment Decision Theory
12 Portfolio theory
Construction and analysis, portfolio
optimization, portfolio management
strategies, portfolio performance
measurement. Class room
discussion Understanding applying
Portfolio theory
Text Books
1 Prasanna Chandra , Security Analysis and Portfolio Management.
2 Donald E Fischer, Roland J Jordan, Security Anal ysis and Portfolio Management.
Reference Books
1 Steven Achelis , Technical Analysis.
2 John Murphy , Technical Analysis of Financial Markets.
Internal 40%
Semester -end 60%
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : III Electives [Finance]
Title of the Subject / : Derivatives and Risk Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs. : 40
Learning Objectives
1. To understand the concepts related to derivatives markets and gain in dep th knowledge
of functioning of derivatives markets.
2. To learn the derivatives pricing and application of strategies for financial risk
3. To acquaint learners with the trading, clearing and settlement mechanism in derivatives
market s.
Prerequisites if any Financial management, mathematics and statistics.
Connection with subjects in SAPM, Corporat e valuation
the current or Future courses
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
1 Introduction to Derivatives Classroom Understanding the basics of
Economic functions of derivatives, discussion derivatives markets
application of derivatives – for risk
management and speculation (Leveraging),
basic terms and properties of options,
futures and for wards.
2 Forwards and Futures Classroom Understanding the process
Pricing and valuation - futures and discussion of pricing and valuation of
forwards, Risk management using futures, and forwards and futures
introduction to currencies, commo dity and problem
interest rate futures. solving
3 Mechanics and Properties of Options Classroom Understanding mechanics of
Co-relation with underlying assets, discussion options and creating
boundary conditions for options, Put -call and synthe tic options
parity and its interpretation, synthetic problem
options and risk free arbitrage. solving
4 Option Trading Strategies Classroom To understand pay off of
Directional strategies (Bull call spread, discussion/ each strategy
Bear pu t spread, Ladder, Ratio spreads), problem
Non-directional strategy (butterfly, solving/dra
condor), Volatility based strategies wing graph
(Straddle, Strangle, Calendar Spread), and live
Hedging strategies (Protective put, covered trading
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5 Introduction to Options Valuation Classroom Valuations of options and
Binominal Model for valuation, risk discussion creating scenario analysis
neutral probabilities and their and using Excel
interpretation, binomial model‟s problem
application for American options where the solving
underlying pays the dividend, Black and
Scholes Model, log – normal distribution,
interpreting the B & S formula, seeing
options sensitivity to different variable.
6 Risk Manageme nt Classroom Understanding risk
Options sensitivity to the underlying, discussion assessment methods and
volatility, strike price, interest rate, time to Options Greeks
expiration. Scenario analysis. Risk
management using Greeks - Delta, Theta,
Vega and Gamma risks of options,
understanding options Greeks for various
trading strategies (volatility and directional
spreads), delta / dynamic hedging and
relating the cost of Delta.
9 Options Volatility Classroom Understanding vo latility and
Historical and implied volatility, volatility discussion its relation to demand and
smile, term structure of volatility, some and supply of options
advance models of volatility estimation, problem
value at risk, historical simulation, model solving
building approach, stress testing and back
10 Trading, Clearing and Settlement in Classroom Understanding the process
Derivatives Markets discussion of trading, clearing and
Meaning and concept, SEBI guidelines, Settlement
Trading mechanism, learning mechanism -
role of NSCCL, settlement mechanism,
types of settlement, accounting and
taxation aspect of derivatives trade.
Text Books
1 Redhead Keith, Financial Derivatives - An introduction to futures, f orwards, options
and swaps
2 Yadav Surendra S, Jain PK, Foreign exchange markets: understanding derivatives
and other instruments
3 Hull John C. - Options, Futures and other derivatives
Reference Books
1 Bhaskar P Vijaya, Mahapatra B - Derivatives simplified: An introduction to risk
2 Bhalla V K - Financial derivatives (risk management)
Internal 40%
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Semest er : III-Elective
Title of the Subject / course : Digital Marketing
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives:
1. To understand the new media, Different types, their strengths and the way
customer interacts with new / digital media.
2. To develop the skills to strategize and execute campaigns on new / digital media
Prerequisites if any
Connections with Subjects
in the current or Future
No Content Activity* Learning Outcomes
Introduction to digital market ing – To understand the growing
1 types of digital media, industry Lecture, importance of digital media
trends, Indian media spends, industry reports in comparison with
comparison with traditional media traditional media
Customer consumption trend s of
2 digital media Lecture/ Case To understand how
Role of digital media in consumer Study consumers interact with
decision making process digital media and use the
Behavioural and Contextual same for marketing strategies
Searc h Engine Optimization (SEO) Lecture, Case Familiarizing the students
3 Need for SEO Study and with techniques of SEO and
Strategies Practical metrics important for a
Method demonstration website through Google
Integration with Google of creating SEO Analytics
Analytics, analysis of Friendly
reports and metrics
4 Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Lecture & Appreciate the search engine
Importance and need Practical advertising and learn to make
Campaign strategy demonstration strategies for effective
Identifying keywords and of AdWords campaign. Understand the
their configurations Campaign various metrics important for
Creating AdWords SEM campaign
Assess campaign using
AdWords analytics reports
5 Social Media Marketing Lecture & To be able to build brand
Introduction & comparison Practical preference, generate leads
of various Social Media demonstration and aggregate audience on
(including subscriber base, of Campaign on Social Media and increase
features, popularity etc.) Facebook / audience engagement.
LinkedIn / Understanding Social media
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Social Media Marketing Twitter / analytics and make relevant
strategies – with examples/ Instagram / strategies
cases Snapchat etc.
Content Strategy for various
social media
Creating Campaign on
Social media (Facebook)
Assessment of campaign
using Facebook analytics
Display advertising To be able to use display
6 Video advertising - types and their Lecture/ Case advertisement, blogs and
effectiveness Study/ Videos YouTube in overall
Blog marketing marketing strategy
7 Pricing Models Lecture/ Case Students will understand the
Cost per Click (CPC) Study different pricing options, and
Cost per thousand their use in given scenario
Impression (CPM)
Cost per acquisition (CPA)
Relevance of each in
different situations
Prevention of click frauds
8 Email Marketing Lecture/ Case To deliver relevant
Trends, types, Challenges Study marketing communication to
Planning & designing targeted audience in most
campaign creative way. Apply learnt
Assess effectiveness of the skills n effectively building
campaign using various users list, deliver email and
metrics generate relevant clicks
9 Mobile Marketing Lecture/ Case Strategizing marketing
Market size, growth etc. Study/ Videos through smart devices. Learn
Applications app- based marketing, QR
Coupons codes, Location based
Gamification Marketing, SMS marketing
Mob ile wallets and effective use of mobile
QR codes wallet ecosystem
10 E-commerce Lecture/ Case
Understand trends and Study/ Videos
profile of e -commerce
Use of e -tailers for
promotion and d istribution
of brands
Strategies used by E -
commerce players
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MMS in Digital Business Management
*Activity: Teaching -Learning process may combine the use of role plays, audio -visual
films/aids, and management exercises with individual student, and or in team considerin g
appropriate cases or case -lets in the field of business domain wherever applicable.
Recommended Books
1 The Art of Digital Marketing – Ian Dodson – Wiley Publication
2 Digital Marketing – Vandana Ahuja – Oxford Publication
3 Understanding Digital Mark eting: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital
Generation – Damian Ryan – Kogan Page
4 Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation & Practice – Dave Chaffey & Fiona
5 Convert! Designing Websites For traffics and Conversions – Ben Hunt
6 The Social Media Bible: Tactics, Tools & Strategies for Business Success – Lon Safko
7 Global Content Marketing – Pam Didne
8 The Power of Visual Storytelling – Ekaterina walter
9 Digital Marketing – Dr. Hari Krishna Maram
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Semester -end 60%
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : III Elective [Marketing]
Title of the Subject / course : Sales Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
1. To understand function of sales and its importance
2. To comprehend the ar t of managing the sales force
3. To motivate and manage sales force effectively
4. To develop critical thinking skills and situational leaderships
5. To learn the art of solving problems related to sales process on the field
Prerequisites if any
Connections with Subjects in
the current or Future courses
No Content Activity* Learning Outcomes
1 Introduction to sales organisation Lecture Familiarising the student with
and types of sales force. and discussion the sales management
Importance of s ales management function
in any business organisation.
2 Sales Organisation Structures, Lecture/ Case Deeper understanding about
both B2B, B2C Study sales organisations across
3 Selling skills; Negotiation skills Role play / The stude nts will develop an
for services sales as against observation and appreciation of negotiations &
physical good sales, Sales dyads , debriefing by sales of services and physical
Decision Making Units (DMUs), faculty bringing Goods
conceptual clarit y.
4 Sales process – sales approach, Lecture Familiarising the students
demonstration & closure, And role play, with techniques of sales
Personal selling, Applications of debriefing by process
AIDA Model in sales. faculty bringing
conceptual cl arity.
5 Territory and time management, Lecture/ Role Identify right attitude and
route planning, scheduling Play, debriefing by skills for sales force.
customer visits. faculty bringing Developing an understanding
Manpower planning - conceptual cla rity. of Territory Management.
Recruitment, Selection, Training
and development of sales
6 Planning & forecasting Lecture
and discussion with
use of templates, Also
supported by guest
faculty from industry Learn tools & techniques t o
set sales targets.
techniques such as Moving Averages,
Trend Analysis etc. And target
setting[Sales Budget and quota
setting] using software support or
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7 Sales Administration -Devising Lecture/ Case The student will learn how to
sales compensation, incentives, Study / Role play motivated sales team and how
fixed and variable components of compensation is linked to
compensation, Non –monetary sales force performance and
incentives. Performance retention. To develop an
evalua tion of salesmen, setting understanding of the Art of
standards of performance, positive evaluation
recording actual performance,
evaluation and managing sales
8 Sales force management during Lecture/ Case Developing skills to
different phases which includes Study / referrals to effectively manage sales
motivation during bad times research papers. force.
(positive reinforcement), planning
sales contests.
9 Field sales control - Sales Lecture / Understanding the
repor ting system which includes Discussion/ Field relationships between the
weekly, monthly, quarterly trip present sales & future plans of
reports and interpretation of the the organisation as well as an
data for future action plans, sales appreciation of costs.
analysis and marketing cost
analysis, sales audit, managing
10 Importance of Distribution and Lecture and Learning to calculate delivery
Logistics Management in relation Discussion schedules.
to Sales Management,
Understanding lead time and
delivery schedule etc.
*Activity: Teaching -Learning process may combine the use of role plays, audio -visual films/aids, and
management exercises with individual student, and or in team considering appropriate cases or case-
lets in the field of business domain wherever applicable.
Recommended Books
1 Sales Management, Still, Cundiff & Govani, Prentice Hall India
2 Professional Sales Management, Anderson, Hair & Bush , Tata McGraw Hill
3 Management of sales force, Stant on & Spiro Mc Graw Hill International
4 Sales Management , Futrell 6th edition Thomson South western
5 Sales and Distribution Management , S L Gupta, Excel Books India
6 Text Book on Sales Management , Dr. R.K. Srivastava, Excel Books India
Internal 40%
Semester -end 60%
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : III Elective Marketing
Title of the Subject / course : Marketing Strategy
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
1. To understand and predict changes in the macroeconomic environm ent and its impact on
marketing programmes
2. To develop an ability to respond rapidly to changes driven by consumer behaviours / new
technologies etc.
Prerequisites if any
Connections with
Subjects in the
current or Future
No Content Activity* Learning Outcomes
1. Introduction to Marketing strategy - Concept, Lecture Understanding the
Principles, Understanding of Strategy & basics of Marketing
Tactics strategy and tactics
2 New Product Development process Lecture / Case To Understand the
• SWOT analysis, PARTS framework studies / strategic aspects of
and design of the demand landscape discussion New Product
• Commercialization of innovation Development &
through alliances Commercialization
• Challenges durin g the technology
adoption life cycle
3 Marketing Intelligence Case studies To understand and
• Understanding information needs for discussions , apply various
market Research Videos (TED matrices to evaluate
• Assessment of key marketing met rics Talks),Referra marketing
– Return on Marketing Investment; ls to Research programmes
Market share and payback period; papers
Net Promoter score; Customer
satisfaction and share of wallet;
Brand awareness/ preference;
purchase intentions; Average Unit
retail price, percentage sales on deals;
All commodity volume; Inventory
turns, same store sales,
3. Product and Brand Policy
Product Policy Decisions -Line and Mix
Managing across t he PLC from Pre -launch
pruning and withdrawal from the market
Lead users and role in product design
Brand Culture -Aligning with
Organizational Culture Lecture/Cases
/Simulations Understanding issues in
formulating products and
brand policies
4 Pricing Policy Lecture/Cases To understand levers
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• Pricing strategies – Types of pricing to manage prices.
strategies: Cost -plus, Perceived
value, etc.
• Price band – Types and width of
price bands and its management
• Using promotio ns as a lever to
manage the price band
5 Marketing Plan Cases and Formulating a
• Situation Analysis – 5C‟s analysis Field Marketing Plan.
(customer/competitor/collaborator/co Assignments
• Forecasting societal changes based on
PEST analysis
• Preparing and Presenting the
Marketing plan
6 Channel Policy Lectures/Case Understanding the
• Designing the length, breadth, and s/Games issues in the design
modifying the dimensions of the (Beer Games) and m anagement of
channel channels
• Need for control and availability of
resources and role in channel design
• Channel selection strategy – direct,
corporate, contractual systems
• Omni -channels
• Channel conflicts and resolution
*Activity: Teaching -Learning process may combine the use of role plays, audio -visual films/aids, and
management exercises with individual student, and or in team considering appropriate cases or case -
lets in the field of business domain wherever applica ble.
Recommended Books
1 Marketing Strategy, Walker Mullins Boyd & Larreche, Tata McGraw -Hill
2 Marketing Strategy, Luck & Ferrell, Southwestern
3 Marketing Strategy, Stephen Schnaars, Free Press
4 Marketing Metrics, Reibstein , Farris , Bendle, Pfeife r, Pearson
5 Strategic Marketing, Dr.Shahjahan
6 New Product Policy & Plans , Yoram Wind
7 Lead Users, Eric Von Hippel
Internal 40%
Semester -end 60%
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : III Elective [Marketing]
Title of the Subject / course : Product and Bra nd Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
1. To expose and sensitize the students with the practices of product and brand management.
2. To understand the key issues in Product and Brand Management
Prerequisites if a ny
Connections with
Subjects in the
current or Future
No Content Activity* Learning
1 Introduction to Product
Management, Role and Functions of Product
Managers Lecture
and discussion Understanding the
functions of Product
2 Product Mix and SBU Strategies, Portfolio
analysis ( BCG / GE Multifactor Matrix) Lecture Understanding the portfolio
analysis and tools.
3 Product Decisions over
the PLC Lecture/Case
discussion Understanding the
relationship between
Prod uct strategy and PLC
4 New Product
Development Process Lecture/Project
Case study
discussion Understanding NPD
5 Financial Decision on the
PLC using Polly and Cook Model Lecture Understanding the
Financial Implications across
6 Introduction to Brand
Management - Branded
House Vs House of Brands, Corporate Brand. Lecture/Case
and discussion. Understanding the
fundamentals of
Brand Management
7 Brand prism by Kapferer
Model, Brand Anatomy. Lecture/ Case
Study Understanding B rand
development process
8 Branding Decisions - Line Extensions,
Category Extension Lecture/ Case
and discussion Understanding
Branding Decisions
9 Brand Equity – Concept
and measure Lecture Understanding
Brand Equity and its
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MMS in Digital Business Management
*Activity: Teaching -Learning process may combine the use of role plays, audio -visual films/aids, and
management exercises with individual student, and or in team considering appropriate cases or case -
lets in the field of business domain wherever applicable.
Recommend ed Books
1 Strategic Brand Management by Kevin Lane Keller, M G Parameswaran, Isaac
Jacob, Pearson
2 Brand Management by David Aaker, Tat McGraw Hill
3 Brand Management -Indian Perspective by YLR Murthy, Vikas Publishing
Internal 40%
Semester -end 60%
Page 130
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : III-Core
Title of the Subject / course : Services Marketing
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning objectives
1 To familiarize students to basic concept s and decision making processes involved
in Services Management
3. To help students to understand application of these concepts to various industries in
service sector
Prerequisites if any
Connections with
Subjects in the
current or
Future courses
Sr. Content Activity* Learning Outcome
1 Introduction – Difference between Lecture Students will be able to
Products & services, Key understand Fundamentals of
characteristics of services services
2 Consumer Behaviour in Services Lectu re Students will be able to
understand Consumer
Behaviour in Service industry
3 Services Marketing Mix decisions - Case / Lecture / Students will be able to
7Ps, SERVQUAL model Assignment / understand Gaps in service
Field survey delivery
4 Managing Demand, capacity & Class Room Students will be able to
service assets Teaching, understand how to forecast
Case Study demand, Planning delivery and
Discussion capacity by using service
assets of an organization
5 Managing Customer Lecture / Students will be able to
Relationships - Case Study understand use of CRM in
CRM as a tool for customer Discussion customer satisfaction and
satisfaction and retention, service retention
blueprints – moments of truth,
Leaking bucket theory
6 Complaint handling , Service Lecture / Students will be able to
Failure & Service Recovery Case Study understand how to use
Discussion, complaints as an opportunity
Role Play for service recovery and
enhance customer loyalty
7 Impr oving Service Quality , Lecture / Students will be able to
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Service Marketing triangle, Case Study understand how Companies
Fishbone Diagram Discussion, align internal capabilities to
Role Play deliver external promises for
customer loyalty
8 New developments in service Presentation Students will be prepare for
marketing –Peer to Peer sharing ( from Students service sector by evaluating,
Airbnb , Uber , Ola ) and evaluation giving feedback on their
on the basis of presentation for servi ce sector
topic clarity organizations
*Activity: Teaching -Learning process may combine the use of role plays, audio -visual
films/aids, and management exercises with individual student, and or in team considering
appropriate cases or case -lets in the f ield of business domain wherever applicable.
Recommended Books
1 Services Marketing International Edition –Zeithamal V., M. J. Bitner and
2 Services Marketing – Text and Cases – Rajendra Nargundkar, 2nd Edition by
McGraw -Hill Companies
3 Services Marketing by Lovelock, Wirtz & Chatterjee 7 edition
4 Services Marketing, Indian Edition By Valarie A Zeithmal, Dwayne D Gremler,
Mary Jo Bitner, Ajay Pandit
Internal 40%
Semester -end 60%
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w.e.f. 2016 -17
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Semester : III Electives [Human Resource]
Title of the Subject / course : Training & Development
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
Learning the intricacies of process of trainin g and development
Prerequisites if any
Connections with
Subjects in the current
or Future courses
No. Content Activity Learning Outcomes
1. Introduction to human resource
development Case Study/Role
Play/Drama/GD Introduction to the conc ept
of HRD
2. Overview of Training in Organizations
Role of training
Structure of training
Planning for T&D
Management of Training functions
Organization of Training Case Study/Role
Play/Drama/GD Introduction to training,
structure, need assessment
and evaluation of training
3. Learning Organization Case Study/Role
Play/Drama/GD Exploring the concept of
Learning Organization
4. Principles of Adult Learning
Learning Styles
Self Generated Learning
Experiential Learning
Motivation & Performance Case Stu dy/Role
Play/Drama/GD Introduction to adult
learning and different
5. Training Administration
Training budget
Budget of Training Programmes
Design training calendar/schedules
Designing and executing training
Establishing learning obje ctives
Rule of active training Case Study/Role
Play/Drama/GD Introduction to preparation
of training budget, calendar
and training module
6. Training need Assessment Case Study/Role
Play/Drama/GD Understanding the process
of training needs and
assessmen t
7. Competency modeling and mapping Case Study/Role
Play/Drama/GD Understanding the method
of competency modeling
and mapping
8 Designing training modules Case Study/Role Learning to Design training
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Play/Drama/GD modules
9. Implementation of Training Case Study/Role
Play/Drama/GD Learning methods of
implementing training
10 Traditional training methods
E-learning and use of technology in
Computer based training, Satellite
based Training , Fusion
methodology, Theatre, Art, Music
as methodolo gies
The World as a classroom Exploring various types of
11 Training evaluation, Cost Benefit
Analysis and ROI Case Study/Role
Play/Drama/GD Introduction to training
evaluation, cost benefit
analysis and ROI
12. Management Development Case Stu dy/Role
Play/Drama/GD Introduction to
Management Development
13. E-training/Learning –Concept, e
training types, Planning for e -training,
e-training administration,
Organizational readiness for e -training Case study IBM and
Cisco Understanding of e -
training in depth
Reference books
Effective Training Systems, Strategies and Practices P. Nick Blanchard, James
1 W Thacker second edition Pearson Education
2 P. Nick Blanchard, James W Thacker second edition Pearson Education
3. E-Training and De velopment –Collin Barrow, John Willey and Sons -Capstone
Publishing 2003 -EXPRESS EXEC.COM
Text books
Employee Training and Development by Raymond A Noe, 3ed. McGraw Hill 1 Publication
(International Edition
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : III Electives[Human Resource]
Title of the Subject / course : Compensation and Benefits
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
1. To understand the concept of compensation, various elements, inflation, laws related to
compensation, variable pay and income tax
Prerequisites if any
Connections with
Subjects in the current
or Future courses
Sr. Content Activity Learning Outcome
Human Resources Case Study/ Role - Introduc tion to the philosophy
1 Philosophy and Approach play/ Drama/ Group
of human resources for an Organization Discussion
Reward Strategies –
Articulating and Case Study/ Role - Understanding business context
2 understanding business play/ Drama/ Group for reward strategies and
context for reward Discussion preparing strategies
Elements of Reward Case Study/ Role - Understanding the elements of
3 Strategy – Understanding play/ Drama/ Group reward strategy and
Reward Mana gement Discussion management
Compensation / Case Study/ Role - Exploring Compensation /
4 Remuneration place in play/ Drama/ Group Remuneration place in Reward
Reward Strategy Discussion Strategy
Understanding Elements of
Compensation Structure
Case Study/ Role - Understanding Elements of
5 play/ Drama/ Group Compensation Structure , Types
of Variable Pay including Stock
Costing the CTC of each Case Study/ Role - Learning to Cost the CTC of
element of Compensat ion 6 play/ Drama/ Group each element of Compensation
Structure Discussion Structure ( excluding stock options)
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Understanding Inflation –
Inflation – Case Study/ Role - Understanding the concept of
inflation and neutralization o f
Inflation 7 play/ Drama/ Group
Case Study/ Role -
play/ Drama/ Group
Discussion Understanding Provident Fund,
ESIC, Gratuity,
Superannuation, Bonus under
Payment of Bonus Act
Understandi ng Income Tax Case Study/ Role - Understanding Income Tax
9 play/ Drama/ Group
Arriving at the CTC of an Preparing the CTC of an
employee/ candidate – employee
Case Study/ Role -
template play/ Drama/ Group
candidate – understanding
salary ranges
Remuneration Survey - Learning the details of
remuneration survey
Case Study/ Role -
12 play/ Drama/ Group
market data
Remuneration Survey
results into a Salary
Equity Compensation Plans Learning the intricacies of
equity compensation plans
Case Study/ Role -
13 play/ Drama/ Group
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Reference books
1 Textbook of HRM – P. Subha Rao.
2 Managing Human Resources – Bohlander, Snell, Sherman
3 Compensation Management – Dipak Kumar Bhattacharya – Oxford Publications
Text books
1 Comp ensation Management in a Knowledge Based World – Richard I Henderson Pearson Publications
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 138
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : III Electives[Human Resource]
Title of the Subject / course : Competency Based HRM and Performance
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
1 To provide both theoretical and application -oriented inputs on competency mapping and
developing mapped competencies.
2 To understand the concept of competency and competency bas ed HR practices.
3 To understand the various approaches towards building a competency model
4 To understand how to integrate the applications of competency model with HRM
5 To impart the understanding about the performance management and strategies
adopted by the Organizations
Prerequisites if any
Connections with Subjects
in the current or Future courses
No. Content Activity Learning
1 Concept and definition of Role and
competency .
History of competency, Types of competencies –
Competency description, Competency levels,
Designing competency dictionary, Why to promote
a competency culture, Context and Relevance of
competencies in modern organizations Evolution of
Competency based HRM, Competency Selection;
Compet ency based Training & Development.
Competency Based Performance Management;
Competency Based Career & Succession Planning,
linking HR processes to organizational strategy,
competency framework development of personal
competency framework, Developing Compe tency
Models ,Issues relating to Competency models. Case Studies,
Assignments Basic
concept of
Competency and
its relevance to
modern day
Organiz ations.
2. Methods of Data Collection for
Mapping: - .
a. Observation
b. Repertory Grid
c. Critical Incidence Technique
d. Expert Panels
e. Surveys ,
f. Job Task Analysis
g.. Behavioral Event Case Studies,
Presentations, Gaining knowledge
the various
methods of data
collection in
process and
knowledge of
validating the
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Use of technology.
Developing Competency Mod els from Raw Data:
a. Data Recording
b.Analyzing The Data
c. Content Analysis of Verbal Expression
d. Validating the Competency Models Practical
Assign ments Competency
3 Competency Mapping and
Assessment – Meaning, purpose and
Benefits, Steps in Competency
Mapping –, Measuring and map ping
competencies a. BEI b. Assessment
centre c. Conducting and operating
assessment centre d. Role of assessors
in an assessment centre e. Designing
tools in an assessment centre f.
Integration of data , Report Writing
and g. Feedback mechanism .
Approach es to Mapping Case Studies,
Assignments Knowledge about
the assessment
centre and
Report writing and
learning about how
to give
4 Conceptual Framework of
Performance Management
Performance Management process;
Objectives of Performance
Management system; Historical
development in India; Performance
management and Performance
appraisal; Linkage of Performance
Management system with other HR
practices. Components of
Performance Management System:
Performance planning; Ongoing
support and coaching; Performance
measurement and evaluation. Case Studies,
Assignments Learning about the
conceptual frame
work of
System and its
linkage with
HR practices
5. implementation and Issues in Performance
a. Defining Performance
b. Determinants of Performance
c. Performance Dimensio ns
d. Approaches to Measuring Performance
e. Diagnosing The Causes of Poor Performance
f. Differentiating Task from Contextual Performance
g. Choosing a Performance Measurement Approach
h. Measuring Results and Behaviours
i. Gathering Performance Informati on
j. Implementing Performance Management System Case Studies,
Assignments Learning about the
Implementation of
System, issues and
chall enges
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MMS in Digital Business Management
6 Performance Management and
Employee Development:
a. Personal Development Plans
b. 360 Degree Feed Back as a
Developmental Tool
c. Performance Management and
Reward System
d. Performance Linked Remuneration
e. Performance Linked Career
Planning and Promotion Policy
Case Studies,
Discussions Studying performance
management as a tool for
employee development
7 Conducting Staff Appraisals
a. Introduction & Need
b. Skills Required
c. The Role of The Appraiser
d. Job Description and J ob
e. Appraisal Methods
f. Raters Errors
g. Data Collection
h. Conducting an Appraisal Interview
i. Follow Up and Validation Case Studies,
Discussions Understanding the process
of conducting staff appraisal
8 Performance Consulting:
a. Concept
b. The Need for Performance
c. Role of The Performance
d. Designing and Using Performance
Relationship Maps
e. Contracting for Performance
Consulting Services
f. Organizing Performance
Improvement Department Case Studies,
Discussions Understanding performance
9 Reward for Performance:
a. Reward System, Components of
Reward System,
b.Objective of Reward System,
Linkage of performance management
to reward and compensation System
Performance Management Pitfalls and
c.Recognizing the problems and
Pitfalls, Limitations, Shortcoming or
efficiencies of performance appraisal,
Guideline for performance appraisal
and good practices Case Studies,
Discussions Study of rewards for
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Ethics in Performance Management:
a.Ethical Performance Management
Defined, Objectives and Significance
of Ethics in performance
Management, Case Studies, Overview of ethical
10 b.Ethical issues and dilemmas in Class practices in performance
Perfo rmance Management, Ethical Discussions management
Strategies in Performance
management, Performance
Management in Multinational
11 Case Study and Presentations
Text books
1. Armstrong, M. & Baron, A., Performance Managemen t and development, Jaico
Publishing House, Mumbai.
2. Armstrong, M., Performance management: Key strategies and practical
guidelines, Kogan Page, London.
3. Bagchi, S. N., Performance management, Cengage Learning India
4. Bhattacharyya, D.K., Performance managemen t systems and strategies, Pearson
Reference books
Seema Sanghi: „Handbook of Competency Mapping‟; Response Books; Latest
1 Edition
Ganesh Shermon: „Competency based HRM‟; Tata McGraw Hill; Latest
2 Edition.
Whiddett and Holl yforde: „A Practical Guide to Competencies‟; Chartered
3 Institute of Personnel and Development; Latest Edition.
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 142
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : III Electives[Human Resource]
Title of the Subject / course : Labour Laws and Implications on Industrial
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
1 Understanding Nature and Importance of Labour Laws
2 To understand various legislations with their history, basic provisions & case l aws
3 To study current amendments in Labour laws
4 Highlight Labour Laws with IR implications
No. Content Activity Learning
1 Overview of IR
IR history in brief, System approach to IR and IR
Collective Bargaining,
Basic Grievance machinery and disciplinary
Importance of workers participation in
Management with few egs.
Relating IR to labor laws
Labor laws with IR implications for futuristic
India Lecture
method This is to give a
snapshot of IR and
the fac ulty to relate
importance of
IR to Labor Laws,
dynamics of IR
2. Introduction to Labor Laws
Government of India Structure, Constitutional
provisions for labor
Structure of Courts and appropriate authorities in
Principles of Labor L aws Classification of Labor
Laws viz: Regulative, Employment, Wage,
Social Security & IR Lecture
method Understanding
court jurisdictions
and basics of
Labour laws
3 Industrial Relations Legislations
Industrial Dispute Act 1947
Trade Union Act 1926 & M RTUP 7 PULP1971
[Only union politics and recognition provision]
Industrial Employment[Standing Order]Act 1946 Case Laws To study history,
provisions, case
laws &
amendments under
each law
4 Regulative Laws
Factories Act 1948
The Bombay Shop and Establishm ent Act 1948 Case Laws To study history,
provisions, case
laws & amendments
under each law
5. Social Security Legislations
Workmen‟s Compensation act 1923[with sums]
ESI Act 1948
Gratuity act 1972
Provident Fund act & Mis. 1952
Case Laws To study histor y,
provisions, case
laws &
amendments under
each law
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6. Wage Legislations
Payment of Wages Act 1936
Minimum Wages act1948
Case Laws To study history,
provisions, case
laws &
amendments under
each law
7. Overview of few laws
Maternity Benefit Act1961
Apprentice Act 1961
Employment Exchange Act 1951
Payment of Bonus Act 1965 Case Laws To study history,
provisions, case
laws &
amendments under
each law
8 Internal Assessment
Overview of Alternate Dispute Resolution
Text and Reference boo ks
1. Mamoria, C. B. & Mamoria, S. Dynamics of Industrial Relations in India. Himalaya Publication
2. Sharma, A. M. Industrial Relations: Conceptual & Legal Framework. Himalaya Publishing House
3. Sharma, A. M. Industrial Relations: Industrial Jurisprudence and Labour Legislations Himalaya
Publishing House
4. Kapoor N.D. Elements of Mercantile Law Sultan Chand and Sons
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 144
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : III-Core
Title of the Subject / course : Human Resource Planning and Application of
Technology in HR
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
To understand the concept of HR Planning and application of technology in HR
Prerequisites if any
Connections with
Subjects in the current
or Future course s
Sr. Content Activity Learning
No. Outcome
1 Human Resource Planning
Meaning, The planning process.
Indicators and trends.
Ascertaining demand and supply in HR
Causes of demand, forecasting techniques and
human resource requirements.
Estimat ion of internal supply and external
supply. Linking HRP with strategic HRM Case Study/
Role -play/
Drama/ Group
Discussion Introduction to HR
Planning and
2 Job Analysis, HR Planning and Selection in
the Modern Business Environment:
Job analys is and design, Collection and
application of job analysis information,
alignment of job analysis to selection.
Changing perspectives in the field of
recruitment and selection in the information
age: e - recruitment and selection.
Employment Tests:
Concepts of Testing, Types of tests, Executive
Talent Search Case Study/
Role -play/
Drama/ Group
Discussion Learning the
concept of job
analysis and
3 Workforce Diversity, Diversity Planning,
Dimensions of Diversity, Policies, Valuing
Diversity in Organi zations, Gender Diversity
Legislation, Corporate initiatives on Gender
Diversity. Organizational Strategies for
Promoting Diversity, Diversity Awareness
Training and Programs, Systemic and
Individual Diversity Change Initiatives, The
Future of Diversity – A Global Perspective. Case Study/
Role -
GD Understanding the
nuances of workforce
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4 Technology in Human Resource
Administration and HRIS, Talent
Management, Job Analysis and HRP
Recruitment and Selection in an Internet
Context, T&D Issues and HR IS Applications,
Performance Management, Compensation,
Benefits, Payroll and the Human Resource
Information Systems, International H RM Case Study/
Role -play/
Drama/ Group
Discussion Overview of
application of
technology in HR
5 Introduction to Analytics :
Introduction to Business Analytics : Need for
Analytics , Use of Analytics in business :
Introduction to HR Analytics , HR Analytics
and people strategy : Becoming a persuasive
HR function Case Study/
Role -play/
Drama/ G D Introduction to HR
6. Metrics and Analytics
Language of Metrics and Analytics :
Descriptive Analytics : Prescriptive Analytics :
Casual Analysis : Predictors, prediction and
predictive modelling : Business applications of
modelling Case Study/
Role -play/
Drama/ GD Understanding different
categories of HR
Analytics, Applications
of Modelling
HR Information Systems and Data
Information Sources : Analysis software
options : Preparing data : Using SPSS : Big Data
Analysis Strategies
From descriptive reports to predictive analytics :
Statistical Significance : Types of data : Types of
statistical tests : Factor Analysis and reliability
Recruitment and Selection Analytics
Reliability and validity of selection process :
Human bias in recruitment and selection
Predicting Employee Performance Indicators
of performance : Methods fo r Measuring
Performance Case Study/
Role -play/
Drama/ Group
Discussion Introduction to Analysis
using SPSS and Big data,
different ypes of
statistical analysis
Application of analysis in
R & S, Employee
8. Employee Management
Measu ring Employee Engagement :
Interrogating the measures : Conceptual
Explanation of factor analysis
Employee Turnover information, :Descriptive
Turnover Analysis: Measuring and exploring
differences between turnover at an individual or
team level Case Study/
Role -play/
Drama/ Group
Discussion Application of analytics
in employee management
and employee turnover
9. Monitoring the Impact of Interventions
Tracking the impact of various HR
interventions: Value change initiative Case Study/
Role -play/
Drama/ GD Application of Analytics
in tracking the impact of
HR interventions
10. Diversity Analytics
Equality, diversity and inclusion: Approaches
to measuring and managing D&I Case Study/
Role -play/
Drama/ GD Applications of analytics
in assessing diversity
11 Advanced HR Analytic Techniques
Mediation Processes: Moderation and
interaction analysis: Multilevel linear Case Study/
Role -play/
Drama/ GD Learning Advanced HR
analytics Techniques
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modelling, Curvilinear relationships
Structural Equation Models: Growth Models:
Latent Class analysis: Response surface
methodology and polynominal regression
12 Usage, Ethics and Limitations
Institutionalised Metric Oriented Behaviour,
Importance of quality data and measures;
Ethics in analytics: Ethical Standards for HR
Analytics team: Limitations Case Study/
Role -play/
Drama/ GD Understanding ethics
involved and limitations
of HR analytics
Text books
1 Human Resource Planning – James W Walker
2 Human Resource Development – Uday Kumar Haldar – Oxford Publication s
Managing Diversity: Toward a Globally Inclusive Workplace Book by Michalle E.
3 Mor Barak.
4 HR Analytics: The What, Why and How : Tracey Smith
5 The new HR analytis: Predicting the economic value of your company‟s Human Capital
Investment Jac Fitz -enz
Reference books
1 Human Resource Planning – D.K Bhattacharya
2 Human Resource Planning – M.S Reddy
3 Planning & Managing Human Resources – William J Rothwell, H.C Kazanas
4 Predictive HR analytics: Mastering the HR Metric:Dr. Marti n R.Edwards, Kristen
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
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w.e.f. 2016 -17
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Semester : III Elective [Information Systems]
Title of the Subject / course : Information System Security and Audit
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
1. To understand the Need for Information Security and Audit in an organization Identifying
Information Assets in an organization
2. To understand the framework of Concept of Syst ems Audit
3. Understand the System & Infrastructure Maintenance
4. To Know the insights of Security Administration & Operations‟
5. To understand the Global & Indian perspective
Prerequisites if any Basic understanding of Information System Security and
Connections with Subjects in Will connect conceptual framework to significance, Need
the current or Future courses for Information Security and Audit in an organization
Sr. Content Activity Learning
No. outcomes
The latest opportun ities in Information Systems
1 Forensic accounting, Fraud prevention, Security in Lecture
Business Information, Business Analytics, E -
Commerce, Cloud computing, Big Data, Data
Analytics, Social Media, etc.
Need for establ ishing Control Framework for
information asset , Understanding Information Risk
Management and Control, Information Security
(CIA) Management (Tools and techniques) for
Safeguarding Business Information and related
assets. Lecture &
2 General control – Preventive, Detective and
Corrective Controls,
Technological Controls - Application controls,
Database controls and network controls,
Administrative and Operational Controls – Physical,
Environmental an d Logical Controls.
Importance of information security and audit
Concept of Information Systems and Security
Audit Practices
Information System Audit - Planning, Conducting
an audit, Reporting Audit findings, Audit Follow up.
3 Infor mation System Audit Function – Scope of Lecture
Audit, Cycle Time, Audit Time and Cost
effectiveness, Competency of an Auditor, Role
responsibility and accountability of an IS Auditor,
Internal and External Systems Auditor.
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Protection of Information / Application System
Review of business information / application flows
in the organization, inputs, process, validation and
output, modifications, authorizations, information Lecture
4 (data) and application mainten ance, disposal, etc.
and cases
Review of database and data management systems
Review of Logical access, Physical and
Environmental controls that supports business
information / application system.
Protection of Information / Ap plication
Network controls, Vulnerability Assessment and Lecture
5 Penetration Testing, etc.
and cases
Review of Logical access, Physical and
Environmental controls that supports business
information / applicat ion infrastructure.
Business Continuity Management ( A Corrective
Control as part of Contingency plan for Business IT)
Process - Dependencies – External and Internal,
Risk, Actions to address Risk, Performance
Measurement, Improvement i n resilience
6 BC Infrastructure – Cold, Warm, Hot and Lecture &
Reciprocal Sites, Safety and Security of Business Cases
infrastructure, System and People
Practice – BCM Team, Roles, responsibilities and
authorities, Competencies, Awa reness, Plans for
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery,
Exercise and Testing, Management Reviews
Audit Tools and Certifications
Overview of COBIT 5 and its use by IS Auditors
Overview of ISMS ISO 27001:2013
Overview of BCMS ISO 22301:2012
Certified Information System Auditor (CISA)
7 Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)
Certified In Governance of Enterprise IT
(CGEIT) Certified in Risk & Information System
Control (CRISC)
Certified Information System Security
Professional (CISSP)
8 Case Studies and Presentations \
Text books
1. Information Systems Control and Audit – Ron Weber – Prentice Hall Auditing in a
computerized environment – Mohan Bhatia – Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Contemporary Auditing – Kamal Gupta – Tata Mc GrawHil
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Reference books
1. Auditing in a computerized environment – Mohan Bhatia – Tata Mc Graw Hill Contemporary
Auditing – Kamal Gupta – Tata Mc GrawHil
2. Analysis and Design of Information Systems – V. Rajaraman – Prentice Hall of India Audit ing -
D.G–Prasuna – ICFAI Press
3. IT Securtiy Governance by IT Governance Instit ute (ITGI) BS:7799/ISO/IEC:17
4. Information Security Principles and Practices – Mark Merkow and Jim Breithaupt – Pearson
5. Analysis and Design of Information Systems – V. R ajaraman – Prentice Hall of India Auditing -
D.G–Prasuna – ICFAI Press
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester III- Elective (Information System )
Course Name Knowledge Management
Course Code For office use
Credits 4
Duration 40 hr s
Learning Objectives
1 To understand the introduction to Meaning of data, information, knowledge
2 To Know the conceptual background and framework of KM
3 Understand the KM Foundations and Solutions KM Foundations
4 To know the Organizational Structure, Culture, Communities and KM practices,
Information Technology as an enabler.
Prerequisites if any Basic understanding of Knowledge
Connections with Subjects in the current or
Future courses Will connect conceptual framework to KM
Infrastructure, Organizational Structure,
Organizational Culture, Communities of
Practice, Information Technology enabler
Content Activity Learning outcomes
1 Introduction to Knowledge Meaning of
data, information, knowledge and expe rtise
Meaning of epistemology, Types of
Knowledge - Subjective & Objective
views of knowledge, procedural Vs.
Declarative, tacit Vs. Explicit, generals.
Specific. Types of expertise – associational,
theoretical Characteristics of knowle dge
– explicitness, teach ability, specificity
Reservoirs of knowledge Locations and
Intellectual Capital
2 Introduction to Knowledge Management
(KM) Meaning of KM, Relevance of KM
in today‟s dynamic complex environment
Forces Driving KM Organizational issues
in KM Systems & their role Emergent KM
practices Factors influencing KM Future of
Knowledge Management Lecture & cases
3 KM Foundations and Solutions KM
Foundations: Infrastructure, Mechanisms,
Technologies KM Solutions and
compo nents: Processes (Discovery,
Capture, Sharing, and
Applications)Knowledge Utilization
4 KM Infrastructure Organizational Structure
Organizational Culture Communities of
Practice Information Technology enabler Lecture and
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MMS in Digital Business Management
and Infrastructure Common Kn owledge
5 Organizational Impact of KM Dimensions
of KM Impact – People, Processes,
Products & Organizational Performance
Factors influencing impact – universalistic
& contingency view Leadership and
Assessment of KM Leadership , KM
Asse ssment of Knowledge Management
Solutions, Impacts Knowledge Workers
Barriers to KM and IT Dissemination
Lecture and
6 Case studies and Application Exercises on
KM processes
Lecture & Cases
Reference books
1 Irma Becerra -Fernandez , Avelino Gonzalez, Rajiv Sabherwal
(2004). Knowledge Management Challenges, Solutions, and Technologies.
Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0-13-109931 -0.
2 Elias M. Awad, Hassan M. Ghaziri (2004). Knowledge Management.
Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0 -13-034820 -1.
3 Donald Hislop, Knowledge Management in Organizations, Oxford 2nd
4 Ian Watson (2002). Applying Knowledge Management: Techniques for
Building Corporate Memories. Morgan Kaufmann. ISBN: 1558607609.
5 Madanmohan Rao (2004). Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques:
Practitioners and Experts Evaluate KM Solutions. Butterworth -Heinemann.
ISBN: 0750678186.
Text books
1 Donald Hislop, Knowledge Management in Organizations, Oxford 2nd Edition.
2 Work study ILO
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester III-Electives (Information Systems )
Course Name Software Engineering
Course Code For office use
Credits 4
Duration 40 hrs
Learning Objectives
1 To understand the in details software development process with issues
In analysis, design, implementation ,maintenance etc.
2 Ability to analyze, design, verify, validate, implement, apply and maintain software
3 To help students to develop skills that will enable to construct high quality
software and reliability.
Prerequisites if any Basic understanding of software
Connections with Subjects in the current or
Future courses Will connect conceptual framework to
software engineering
Content Activity Learning outcomes
1 Exposure to software development process –
Software Lifecycles such as Waterfall, Spiral,
Prototyping, Rational Unified Process, Agile
Methodologies – Various phases in each
lifecycle model, and the pros and cons of these
approaches to software developme nt Lecture
2 Analysis and Design of Information systems
•Assessing the Feasibility of a system
•Gathering detailed requirement
•Use of Structured methods such as Data flow,
Entity Relationship diagrams etc –
•Use of Object Analysis and Design
•Use Cases and visualization of the IT based
•Design of Inputs , Outputs and other
interfaces Lecture &
3 Documenting Software requirements - various
documents used at different stages of software
development process – User Requirement
Specificatio ns Lecture
4 Software Estimation – challenges in
Estimation of software – methods of software
estimation such as Line of Code, Function
Point, COCOMO, COCOMO II, Use Case
Point Method etc – Estimating a Coding Task Lecture and
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MMS in Digital Business Management
versus non -coding activities such as
Documentation etc
5 Software Quality and Testing – Need for
testing, Quality assurance of software at each
phase in the lifecycle, Various types of tests
such as Black box v/s White box, Functional
test, code reviews , Stress tests, l oad tests etc
Use of Use Cases for functional testing,
Preparing Test Data and Test Cases, overview
of Automated methods for testing Lecture and
6 Review of Student Presentations on exercise
which requires them to analyse a business
process, requi rements, documentation and
maintenance, Analysis and Conceptual design
of the system, estimation of the software size Lecture &
7 Case Studies and Presentations Lecture &
Reference books
1 Analysis and Design of Information Systems, b y James Senn, TMH
2 Software Engineering - A Practioners‟s Approach”, 7thEdition ,
3 OOAD – 3rd Edition, Booch and others, Addison Wesseley
4 Structured systems analysis and design: concise study Ed 2, Kelkar
SA. Published by PHI Learning, 2009 , ISBN 10: 812032451X / ISBN
13: 9788120324510
Text books
1 Software Enginnering – A Practioner‟s Approach”, 7th Edition, Pressman
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 155
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester III-Electives (Information System )
Course Nam e Cloud Computing & Virtualization
Course Code For office use
Credits 4
Duration 40 hrs
Learning Objectives
1 To understand the Enabling Technologies and Cloud Computing Models including
2 Understand the Cloud Op erating System, Cloud Architectures including Federated Clouds
,Scalability, Performance, Quality of Service, Data centers for Cloud Computing
3 Principles of Virtualization platforms, Security and Privacy issues in the Cloud,
Virtualization Techniques & Virtualization Technology
Prerequisites if any Basic understanding of Cloud Computing & Virtualization
Connections with Subjects in the
current or Future courses Will connect conceptual framework to Enabling
Technologies and System Models for Cloud Computing ,
including benefits, challenges, and risks, Applications areas
of business
Content Activity Learning outcomes
1 Enabling Technologies and System Models for
Cloud Computing Introduction to Cloud
Computing including benefits, chall enges, and
risks, Applications areas of business Lecture
2 Cloud Computing Models including
Infrastructure/Platform/Software – as-a-service,
Public cloud, private cloud and hybrid Lecture & cases
3 Cloud Operating System, Cloud Architectures
includi ng Federated Clouds Lecture
4 Scalability, Performance, Quality of Service, Data
centers for Cloud Computing Lecture and cases
5 Principles of Virtualization platforms, Security
and Privacy issues in the Cloud, Virtualization
Techniques & Virtualizat ion Technology Lecture and cases
6 VMWare ESX Memory Management, Capacity
Planning and Disaster Recovery in Cloud
Computing Lecture & Cases
7 Case Studies and presentations Lecture & Cases
Reference books
1 Cloud Computing: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, Vi rtualization, Business Models,
Mobile, Security by Kris Jamsa
2 Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms by RajkumarBuyya, Kames
Broberg, Andrzej Goscinski
3 VigneshPrajapati, “Big Data Analytics with R and Hadoop”,1st Edition,
Shroff / Packt Publicat ions
5 Chuck Lam, “Hadoop in Action”, Dreamtech Press Publisher.
Text books
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1 Cloud Computing: Fundamentals, Industry Approach and Trends by Rishabh Sharma
2 Chuck Lam, “Hadoop in Action”, Dreamtech Press Publisher
3 Work Study by ILO
Asse ssment
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 157
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester III-Electives (Information Systems )
Course Name Data Mining and Business Intelligence
Course Code For office use
Credits 4
Duration 40 hrs
Learning Objectiv es
1 To understand the Introduction to Data Mining: Introduction, Definition of Data Mining,
Data mining parameters, How Data Mining works?,
2 To understand the framework of Classification on Data Mining system
3 Understandthe Data Mining Techniques: Introduction, Statistical Perspective on Data
Mining, Statistics -need and algorithms.
4 Focus on Business Intelligence
5 To understand the Business Intelligence Essentials
Prerequisites if any Basic understanding of Data Mining
and Business Intel ligent
Connections with Subjects in the current or Future
courses Will connect conceptual framework
to Architecture of Data Mining,
Kinds of Data which can be mined,
Functionalities of Data Mining and
business intelligent
Content Activity Learning
1 Introduction to Data Mining: Introduction,
Definition of Data Mining, Data mining parameters,
How Data Mining works?, Types of relationships,
Architecture of Data Mining, Kinds of Data which
can be mined, Functionalities of Data Mining, Lecture
2 Classification on Data Mining system, Various risks
in Data Mining, Advantages and disadvantages of
Data Mining, Ethical issues in Data Mining,
Analysis of Ethical issues, Global issues Lecture & cases
3 Data Mining Techniq ues: Introduction, Statistical
Perspective on Data Mining, Statistics -need and
algorithms. Lecture
4 Business Intelligence an Introduction: Introduction,
Definition, History and Evolution, Business
Intelligence Segments, Difference between
Informatio n and Intelligence, Defining Business
Intelligence Value Chain, Factors of Business
Intelligence System, Real time Business
Intelligence, Business Intelligence Applications Lecture and
5 Business Intelligence Essentials: Introduction,
Creating Bus iness Intelligence Environment,
Business Intelligence Landscape, Types of Business Lecture and
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Intelligence, Business Intelligence Platform,
Dynamic roles in Business Intelligence, Roles of
Business Intelligence in Modern Business -
Challenges of BI
6 Business Intelligence Types: Introduction,
Multiplicity of Business Intelligence Tools, Types
of Business Intelligence Tools, Modern Business
Intelligence, the Enterprise Business Intelligence,
Information Workers Lecture & Cases
7 Business Intellig ence Life Cycle: Introduction,
Business Intelligence Lifecycle, Enterprise
Performance Life Cycle (EPLC) Framework
Elements, Life Cycle Phases, Human Factors in BI
Implementation, BI Strategy ,Business Intelligence
Issues and Challenges: Introduction, Crit ical
Challenges for Business Intelligence success Lecture & Cases
8 Application of Business Intelligent and Data
Mining for Business Lecture & Cases
9 Case Study and Application
Reference books
2 Introduction to Data Mining by Tan, Kumar published by Pearson
Text books
1 Work Study ILO
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
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MMS in Digital Business Management
w.e.f. 2016 -17
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : III Ele ctives [Operations]
Title of the Subject / course : Operations Analytics
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
1. To understand basic aspects of analytics and evaluation
2. To learn various analytical techniques applied in complex real life situations
3. To be able to scale up an academic model to workable practical model by carrying the process of
analytical framework.
Prerequisites if any Operations Management, Operations Research, Statistics
for Management,
Connections with Subjects in
the current or Future
courses Supply Chain Management, MRPC, Materials
No. Content Activity Learning
Gaining data insights and Predictive Analytics Lecture, examples
Introduction to analytics, Dem and
On excel, cases
analytics -qualitative forecasting
Demand analytics –quantitative forecasting
,Moving average, exponential smoothing, Lecture,
2 trend, regression adjusted with seasonality, examples on
double exponential smooth ing, optimum spread sheets,
values of period of MA & smoothing constant cases
Measures of accuracy in forecasting in Lecture,
examples on
3 terms of MAD,MSE,MAPE & tracking
spread sheets,
Service analytics in waiting line, single & Lecture,
4 multiserver, use of simulation and examples on
customer service efficiency, cost spread sheets,
optimization cases
Service analytics in Retail, stocking policy Lecture,
examples on
5 and impact of stock -out, use of simulation,
spread sheets,
service efficiency,& cost optimization
Supply Chain Analytics: Supply Chain Lecture,
6 Metrics, Decision areas in SCM examples on
Procurement, Manufacturing, Distribution, spread sheets,
Logistic s, Global cases
Supply chain analytics, Risk & Lecture, examples
7 performance indices wrt cost, capacity, On spread
quality, logistics & distribution etc sheets, cases
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Types of Reports: Summary Reporting, Lecture,
examples on
8 Detailed, Functional, Multi -view, Drill
spread sheets,
Down, Utility View, Process View
Performance Metrics:
Inventory, Fulfillment, Alerts, and Lecture,
9 Flagging etc. examples on
Dash Board Designing, Balanced spread sheets,
Scorecard: Kaplan and Norton Framework, cases
Strategy Map, Scorecard Design
Text books
Reference books
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 162
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : III Electives [Operations]
Title of the Subject / course : Service Operations Managem ent
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
1. Understanding various types of Service Industry
2. Site selection for service location
3. Role of Operations for Profitability in Service industry
4. Inventory management in Servic e industry
5. Basics of Outsourcing/Offshoring in Services
Operations Management
Prerequisites if any Operations Research
Statistics for Business
Connections with Subjects in the Materials Management, Supply Chain Management current or Fu ture courses
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
1 a) Introduction Lecture with Better understanding of
b) Characteristics of Services, discussion services
c) Impor tance of Service Sector,
Classification of services
a) Classification framework,
2 b) Service Delivery System – Lecture with Understanding of workflow
Process Flow Diagrams, blue discussion of Services
c) Process Simulation
Site Selection for Services:
a) Types of Service Firms – Lecture with
b) Demand Sensitive Services, Understanding complexity of
3 discussion &
c) Delivered Services, services
exampl es
d) Quasi -manufacturing
Site Selection for Services:
a) Site Selection for Demand Developing
Sensitive Services
quantitative Developing quantitative
4 – Factor Rating,
models for ability for decision making
– Regression,
various situations
–Gravity Model of Demand
Site Selection for Services: Developing
a) Site Selection for Delivered
quantitative Developing quantitative
5 Services
models for ability for decision making
– Expected Results,
various situations
– Mathematical Solution
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Methods for delivered services,
Site Selection for Services:
a) Site Selection for Quasi - Developing
6 Manufacturing Services quantitative Developing quantitative
– Mixed Linear / Integer models for ability
Programming for Location various situations
7 Yield Management:
A] Cap acity Strategies for Yield
b) Overbooking,
c) Allocating Capacity – Static
–Nested Static Methods,
–Dynamic Methods.
d) Pricing,
e) Implementation issues
– Alienating Customers,
–Customer Class Cheating,
–Employee Empowerment,
f) Cost and Implemen tation
Time. Developing
models for
various service
situations Understanding Profitability in
in Service Industry
Inventory Management in
a) Services versus
Manufacturing Inventory,
b) Set Up and Ordering Costs,
8 c) Number of Products, Lecture with Understanding Inventory in
d) Limited Shelf Space, discussion Service Industry
e) Lost Sales versus Back
f) Product Substitution,
g) Demand Variance,
h) Information Accuracy
9 Invent ory Management in
a) The Newsvendor Model,
b) Multiple Products and Shelf
Space Limitations, Quantitative
Models Inventory control in Service
10 Inventory Management in
a] Inventory Inaccuracy
b]Phantom stock outs
d]Revenue Sharing
e]Markdown M oney Discussion Inventory Control in Service
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MMS in Digital Business Management
a) Contract risk,
b) Outsource Firm Risk Lecture with Outsourcing concept in 11 c) Pricing Risk,
discussion services d) Com petitive Advantage
e) Information Privacy Risk,
f) Firm Specific Risks
Offshoring :
a) Quantifying Offshoring,
12 b) Offshoring and Competitive Lecture with Outsourcing concept in
Capabilities discussion services
c) Cost Issues
d) Non -cost Issues.
Performance measurement of
Service Operations: Development of
13 a)Productivity Measures measures in the Assessment of Performance
b)Cost Measures class for various of Services
c) SERVQUAL model industries
Text books
1 Successful Service Operations Management Metters, King -Metters, Pulliman
and Walton
2 Operations Management B Ma hadevan
( Theory & Practice
Reference books
1 Service Operations Management - Improving Robert Johnston Graham Clark,
Service delivery
2 Service Operations Management Fritzsimmons
Internal 40% or 25 %
Semester end 60% or 75 %
Page 165
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : III Electives[Operations]
Title of the Subject / course : Manufacturing Resource Planning and control
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
1. To understand importance of manufacturing resources planning and control to achieve continuous
improvement in the better performance.
2. To give knowledge of quantitative methods as well as various tools of resources p lanning
like MRP1,MRP2 & ERP for decision making in operations.
Prerequisites if any Operations management
Connections with Subjects in the Materials Management , SCM current or Future courses
Content Activity Learni ng outcomes
1 Overview of operations planning &
control recent business environment, Lectures
Challenges in competitive edge.
Various Manufacturing resources
2 importance their planning and control. Lectures
Functions of operation planning and
3 Hierarchy of production plans overview, Lecture
linkages to achieve business plans
Various models optimization line Lectures,
4 application
balancing models. Demand managemen t
in the
capacity planning models lay out models.
Mater production scheduling module (I) Lectures,
5 Need objectives functions flow of case
materials in different manufacturing studies,
scenarios application
MPS module (II) Broader heading,
6 planning horizon time periods, order
management, safety and hedges, effect of
changing MPS.
Materials requirement planning MRP1 Lectures
7 Broader topics: Introduction roles & application
functions. Independent & dependent and
demand, Types of Bills of materials, numerical
Quantitative problems, MRP as systems. problems
Capacity Management: Introduction to Lecture
capacity, capacity management, nee d application
8 capacity planning level visa visca,
production planning. Numbering
1) Capacity expansion strategies Problems.
2) Rough out capacity planning RCCP
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MMS in Digital Business Management
3) CRP - Capacity requirement Planning
4) Sche duling strategies
5) Production smoothly policies
6) Finite & Infinite loads.
Manufacturing Resource planning MRP
II ( Module I) : Introduction to MRP II,
Roles functions frame work of Lecture
9 information flow in MRP II, Relation o f and
MRP II with demand management and application
capacity management manufacturing
MRP II module II: Transition of MRPI to Lecture
10 MRPII closed loop MRP, comparison and case
between MRP1 & MRP II benefits. studies
ERP – Need, function & utility to Lecture
business ERP -SAP-PPC modules.
11 and case
Reports, Interpretation variance.
Analysis – use in decision making.
12 Case studies & presentation on all above
Text Books
1 Production/ Operations Management Ashwathappa & Shridhar Bhat
Operations Management ( Theory & B. Mahadevan Person publication 2nd
2 Practice) edition.
Production/ Operations Planning and
3 Control Stephen Chapman
Reference books
Elem ents of production planning &
1 control Samuel Eilon
2 Operations Planning & Control S.K Mukhopadhaya
3 Manufacturing Planning and Control Volmann, Berry, Whybark
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 167
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : III Electives[O perations]
Title of the Subject / course : Materials Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
1 Importance of Materials Management w.r.t. Business
2 Learning various aspects of Purchase & warehousing
3 Understanding documents control w.r.t. Material movement
4 Materials planning with quantitative models
5 Financial aspects of Materials Management
6 Importance of Ethics in Materials Management
Prerequisites if any Operations Management, Operations Research
Connections with Subjects in the Supply Chain Management, MRPC
current or Future courses
No. Content Activity Learning outcomes
1 Materia ls Management an overview Lecture Preparation for the course in
a) Introduction, respect Operations as well as
b) Importance of Materials Organization
c) Objectives of Materials Management
d) Costs involved in the Management
of Materials e) Integrated approach to
Materials Management
f) Organizing Materials Management.
g) Organization based on
h) Centralized versus Decentraliz ed
materials management.
2 Materials Planning Lecture/ Planning with financial
a) Introduction and factors influencing Discussion/ perspective
materials planning b) Techniques of Problems Understanding impact of
materials pla nning from Industry MRP on financial statements
c) Bill -of-Materials using
d) Materials Requirement Planning computers
e) Past Consumption Analysis
3 Purchasing Lecture/ Overview of Purchasing
a) Purchasing principles, policies, Industrial activities
procedures and practices examples/
b) Objectives, scope, responsibility and Problems
c) Sources of supply and Supplier
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MMS in Digital Business Management
d) Vendor development -evaluation and
e) Price forecasting
f) Price -cost analysis
g) Negotiations
h) Reciprocity
i) Legal aspects of purchasing
j) Purchase orders/ contracts
k) Method of buying - under cert ainty,
under risk, and under uncertainty
4 Purchasing and Procurement Activities Lecture/ Detailed understanding of
under Materials Management. Examples of Purchase Process
a) Supplier Quality Assurance supplier
Programme audits/
b) Buyer Supplier Relationship Example of
c) Self certified suppliers. procurement
d) Elements of procurement cycle. cycle
5 Purchasing of Capital Equipment Lecture with Basic understanding of
a) Significant differences examples purchase of projects
b) Considerations in evaluation of bids from Industry
c) Purchase of used equipment
d) Sources of used equipments
e) Purchase versus lease.
f) Role of Purchasing Committees/
Purchase Managers
6 International procurement -Imports. Lecture with Basic introduction to
a) International commercial terms. display of imports
b) Import procedures and relevant
documentation. documents
c) Categories of importers.
d) Identification of foreign sources.
e) Payment terms including Lette r of
f) Types of L/Cs.
g) Custom tariff
h) Custom clearance.
i) Bill of Lading and other documents
7 Classification of Materials Lecture with To understand how industry
a) Introduction and objectives of industrial give sele ctive importance to
classification. examples/ specific materials
b) Basis of classification. ABC analysis
c) Classification on the basis of nature problem on
of materials. excel sheet
d) Classification on the basis of with at least
usabilit y of materials. 20 materials
f) Types of inventories.
8 Materials receipt and Warehousing Lecture with Understanding the controls
a) Introduction and functions of development over materials
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MMS in Digital Business Management
scientific store management. of relevant
b) Types of stores and benefits of documents in
scientific storekeeping. the class by
c) Store location and layout. students
d) Typical layout plans
e) Storing practices and identification
of materials.
f) Centralization and Decentralization
of stores.
g) Preservation of materials
h) Issue control.
9 Codification Lecture with Understanding the impact
a) Introduction day to day codification on
b) Benefits of codification. examples computerization & decision
c) Stages of scie ntific codification. from making
d) Systems of codification. student‟s
e) Colour coding presentation
10 Standardization Lecture & Importance of
a) Introduction and different levels of student standardization
standards (BIS,ISI) presentation
b) Various Foreign Standards in use in with
India. examples
c) How is an Indian standard evolved?
d) Advantages of Standardization.
e) Standardization as a tool for variety
f) The Role of Materials Management
(Purchase/St ores) in Standardization/
Variety Reduction.
11 Obsolete, Surplus and Scrap Lecture with Understanding the processes
Management industrial & financial impacts
a) Definition examples of
b) Need for Scrap yard Issues arising
c) Identificatio n and control. out of scrap
d) Categorization of obsolete/ surplus.
e) Control of scrap/ obsolescence.
f) Responsibility for disposal.
g) Procedures and documentation for
disposal of scrap/ obsolete/ surplus.
12 Stores Accounting and Stock Lecture with Learning the industry
verification stock taking process & its financial
a) Costing of Receipt of Materials. activity in the impacts
b) Costing of Issues to Production. class of the
c) Stock verification class
d) Periodic Veri fication.
e) Perpetual Verification.
f) Process of Verification
13 Ethics in Materials Management Lecture with Importance of Ethics in
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MMS in Digital Business Management
a) Importance of Ethics examples Materials Management
b) Business Ethics
c) Ethics in buying
d) Code of ethics
e) Problems in Ethics
f) Backdoor selling
14 Material Handling Lecture Basic introduction to
a)20 Principles of Material Handling Materials handling
b)Palletisation c)Containerization
d)Transpor tation Modes / Attributes
e)Transportation mix in Economy
f)Total cost concept in Material
Handling and Transportation
Text books
1 Purchasing and Materials P.Gopalkrishnan (Tata McGraw Hill, New
Management Delhi).
2 Materials Management –An P.Gopalkrishnan and M. Sundaresan (Prentice -
integrated approach Hall India, New Delhi).
3 Purchasing Management Datta
4 Purchasing Management Nair
Reference books
1 Materials and Logis tics Management Prof. L.C. Jhamb (Everest Publishing House,
2 Introduction to Materials JR Tony Arnold and Stephan Chapman
Management (Pearson Education, New Delhi) 2004 Fifth
3 Purchasing and Materials N.K.Nair (Vikas P ublishing House, New
Management Delhi).
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 171
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : III Electives [Operations]
Title of the Subject / course : Technology Management & Manufacturing strategy
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
1. How technology can be used in a corporate to gain strategic advantage
2. Contribution of Technology in New product development
3. Use of technology in Product design
4. Application of Technology in a m anufacturing company
5. How to compete with better Manufacturing strategy
6. Application of JIT, TOC and Customization as tools to compete in a manufacturing
1 organisation
Prerequisites if any operations management
Connections with Subjects
in the current or Future World class manufacturing, TQM, Strategic Operations
courses Management, Project Management
No. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Corporate Strategy and Manufacturing. Alignment of functional 1 Pitfalls of functional based strat egies.
strategies with corporate Strategic Integration of manufacturing Lecture and strategy and importance of and marketing. Discussion strategy in customer Concept of Order Winners and
orientation Qualifiers.
Lectu re and
assignment to
Technology Management and New identify new
2 products in
Product development (NPD). Role of Technology in the market Corporate Strategy and New Product NPD. Strategic importance and their Development. of NPD strategic Organization for NPD.
importance to
the respective
Lecture and
3 Technology management and Idea Video on
Generation for NPD. NPD idea
Discovering customer needs. generation Process of NPD. Ro le of
Sources for new product ideas. and VA in NPD
Market assessment and value analysis. assignment on
Evaluation of new product ideas. VA and idea
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MMS in Digital Business Management
4 Technology management and NPD
project selection.
Assessment of product concept.
Assessment of competitors.
Concept testing.
Financial analysis of project. Lecture and
Case study on
analysis of
Criteria for project
Product concept testing
Project analysis
5 Technology Management and Product
Integrated product design.
Design for quality using quality
function deployment.
Design for reliability.
Design for manufacturability. Lecture and
on QFD for
products How QFD is used for
designing new product.
Product designing p rocess
Importance of designing
for reliability and
6 Order Winners and Qualifiers.
Dimensions of order -winners and
qualifiers - manufacturing specific, not
manufacturing related.
Determining order winners and
qualifiers. Lecture and
discu ssion on
order winning
and order
parameters Understanding that Order
winners and qualifiers are
both market -specific and
time-specific. They work
in different combinations
in different ways on
different markets and with
different customers
7 Process Choice.
Lecture and Applications of different
Business implication of process choice - types of processes and their video of project, jobbing, Line batch, continuous. advantages and different types Hybrid processes - batch related, Line disadvantages of processes related. Technology strategy in and their Technology strategy - flexibility, push vs relation to process application pull, technological opportunities. selection
Product profiling and m anufacturing. Lecture and
8 Manufacturing and product life cycle discussion on
stages. PLC in Relation between PLC and
Manufacturing for multiple markets. relation to Manufacturing strategy
Manufacturing and incremental manufacturing
marketing changes. strategy
Focused manufacturing and group Difference focused
9 technology. manufacturing and group
Principles and concepts. technology
Methodology. Lecture and Importance of
Manufacturing infrastructure. manufacturing discussion Organizational structure - specialists, infrastructure
generalists. Significance of Quality
Operational control - quality, inventory, Control and inventory
manufacturing. control in manufacturing
10 Make or buy. Lecture and Outsourcing as st rategic
Core elements of the business and solving Make decision
strategic considerations. or buy Understanding difference
Span of process and product technology. problems between process and
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Product volumes, costs. product technology and
Investment decisions. their application in
manufacturing strategy
11 Basics of world class manufacturing.
General principles.
Design principles. Lecture and Strategic significance of Human resource principles. video world class m anufacturing Quality and process improvement
Capacity principles.
12 Just in time Manufacturing.
Practices. Lecture and Understanding the role of
Time -based competition. Time as competitiv e discussion Time as a competitive weapon. priority
New Product Development and time to
Mass Customization.
Market trends. Lecture and
Pre-requisites for mass customization.
assignment of
13 Technologies for mass customization. Mass customization as a writing a Theory of constraints(TOC) tool.Applications of summary of Basics of TOC. Theory of constraints in book “The Drum -Buffer - Rope solutions to operations
goal” by
manufac turing.
TOC in project management and supply
chain management.
Text books
Reference books
1 Operation Management for competitive advantage Chase - Jacobs
2 Manufacturing Strategy: Text and Cases. 3rd ed. Boston: Irwin Terry Hill McGraw -Hill, 2000.
3 The Goal Eliyahu M
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Core and Electives
W.E.F. 2016 -17
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : IV Core
Title of the Subject / Course : Digital Transformation Manag ement
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs. : 40
Learning Objectives
To understand h ow to complete Digital transformation manag ement project successfully.
Prerequisites if any Digital perspective for managers . Digital Entrepreneurship
Connections with
Subjects in the current
or Future courses
Sr.No. Content Activity Learning Outcom es
1 Introduction - Understanding
Projects and Project management:
Digital Transformation Project
Difference between IT Project and
Digital Transformation Project
The role of Digital Project
Manager Theory
Discussion Introduction of the concept of Project
2 Digital Transformation Project -
Definition Phase
Digital SWOT analysis [Digital
competency & technical capability
of us , Understanding challenges
and opportunities ]
Identifying the value dimensions
Establishing project purpose and
Enga ging with key stakeholders
Aligning Policy and Process
Key Roles & Responsibiliti es and
Organization Structure -
Putting together the „Value Case ” Theory
Case study Definition of procedures,
project roles and responsibilities (w ho
should own what aspects, and how
collaboration can be fac ilitated between
different roles).
Identifying the gap Technology
& Skills required and available within
Identification of realistic goals
and targets in bringing a benefits -led
value -proposition for digital technology
deployment into the organisation.
Risk analysis and defining
contingency plans.
Strategy definition, supporting
policy development and compliance
management (including privacy,
security, governance, and quality
3 Digital Transformation Project -
Implementation Phase
Managing Technical Infrastructure
BPM Workflow Engine [Business
Process Management Workflow] -
Organizer, Controller and
Supervisor Theory
Case study Key processes implementation -
Application of emerging
technologies [SMACTS - Social
Networks, Mobility, Analytics, Cloud
and Internet of things] integrated with
key business processes
Can Achieve traceability
through DATA, OBJECT,
4. Digital Transformation Project -
Evaluation Phase
Learning & Advanced
Analysis Theory
simulation, Analysis with Operative intelligenc e
and holistic vision - Techniques -
Business Activity Monitoring [BAM],
Automatic learning through Cognitive
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Continuous Improvement
Case study Ability, Streaming analysis with CEP [
Complex Event Processing]
For Performance Evaluation – Balanced
Score Card
For Continuous Improvement -
Tech niques - Business Optimisation
with Lean/Six Sigma/TOC
5. Managing Change
Leadership, Organizational and
technological challenges in change
Case study Change Agents skills -Power &
Influence, timing and pacing of the
change process, relational skills and
networking, change context
Leadership skills during digital
transformation[ Digital leadership
mindset, collaborative skills, leading
the digital transfo rmation journey,
crossing silos
6. How to Overcome Difficulties in
Digital T ransformation Social, ethical and legal issues relating
to Digital transformation
Overcoming the cultural challenges ,
budget constraints,
Overcome legacy sy stems to drive
Upskill staff to ensure continuous
7. Digital transformation in
Different S ectors
Text and Refere nces
1. BPM – Driving Innovation in a D igital world [Management for Professionals] by Jan Brocke,
Theresa Schmiedel
2. Leading Digital: Turning Technology into business transformation by George Westerman,
Didier Bonnet
3. The Digital Advantage : How digital leaders outperform their peers in every industry -
Capgemini consulting
4. -transformation -life-cycle -
5. Digital Technology A doption in the Smart Built Environment -IET Institutio n of
Engineering and Technology
Inter nal 40% Semester End 60%
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : IV-Elective[Finance]
Title of the Subject / course : Corporate Valuation and Mergers &
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objective
1 To understand the process and set of procedures to be used to estimate the
value of a company.
2 To Learn to make strategic decisions in M & A to enhance a company‟s growth
Prerequisites if any Financial management, Financial markets and institutions .
Connections with Subjects SAPM
in the current or Future
No. Content Activity Learning Outcomes
1 Over view of valuation
Valuation of a Company - Discounted cash
flows -Terminal value - Equity value multiples
Financial Modeling - Key financial statements
Working capital schedule, Depreciation
schedule, amortization schedule Long -term
items schedule
Building income statement, shooting,
completing the financial models. Lecture and
discussion Understanding the basic
concepts of valuation and the
interplay of factors affecting
Approaches to valuation, valuation
process, uses of valuation, information
needed for valuation, Judicial and
Regulatory overview.
2 Financial statements, leverage and Lecture and Understand the role of leverage,
working capital from va luation exercises working capital and ratios in
perspective. Valuation
3 Calculation of valuation inputs Lecture and Ability to calculate the elements
Risk measurement, looking for exercises of risk, return and cash flows
relationships in data, co st of capital,
FCFF and FCFE, growth rates.
4 Discounted approaches to valuation
1. Discounted Cash Flow Valuation
a. Basics
b. Estimating Inputs
c. Discount Rates
d. Growth flows
e. Growth Patterns
2. Dividend discount model
a. Constant growth mod el
b. Zero growth model
c. Two stage model
d. H model
e. Three stage model Lecture and Overview of valuation using
problem discounted cash flow methods
solving and ability to calculate the same
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5 Other Non -DCF valuation models
1. Relative valua tion model
a. PE
b. PEG
c. Relative PE ratio
d. Enterprise value multiples
e. Choosing the right multiples
2. Book value approach
3. Stock and debt approach
Special cases of valuation
1. Valuation of a company in
Manufacturing Sector
2. Valuation of a company in Service
3. Valuation of conglomerate Company
4. Intangibles –Brand, Human valuation
5. Real estate
6. Start up firm
7. Firms with negative earnings
8. Financial service companies
9. Distressed firms
10. Valuation of cash and cross holdings
11. Warrant and convertible s
12. Cyclical & non -cyclical companies
13. Holding companies
14. E-commerce firm Lecture and
solving Understanding of different
alternative methods used in
6 Option pricing applicat ions in valuation Lecture and
solving Understanding valuation of real
options with help of binomial
model and Black and Scholes
7 Writing a valuation report Lecture Understanding the guidelines to
be followed in valuation reports
8 Introduc tion to Mergers & Acquisitions
Types of restructuring, regulatory
considerations, takeover code, M&A
Process Classroom
discussion Understanding the various
forms of business restructuring,
the regulatory aspects and the M
& A Process
10 Deal structuring a nd financial
Negotiations, payment and legal
considerations, tax and accounting
considerations, financing of the deal. Classroom
discussion Understand the different
methods of financing, payment
and tax considerations and other
factors important for deal
11 Alternative business restructuring
Joint ventures, strategic alliances,
demergers or spin offs, split off,
divestiture, equity carve out. Classroom
discussion. Understanding the alternative
business restructuring method s
for creation of shareholders
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Text Books
1 Prasanna Chandra , Corporate Valuation
2 Donald M.Depamphilis , Mergers, Acquisitions and other restructuring activities.
3 Damodaran, Valuation
4 Ashish Patil , Mergers & Acquisitions – The art of s cience
Reference Books
1 Damodaran , Investment Valuation
Palepu, Healy and Bernard, Business Analysis and Valuation Using Financial
2 Statements.
3 Sudi Sudarsanam , Creating Value from Mergers & Acquisitions.
Internal 40%
Semester -end 60%
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : IV-Elective[Finance]
Title of the Subject / course : Wealth Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Credits : 40
Learning Objective
1. To understand the basic concepts and fundamentals used in wealth management.
2. Capability to design appropriate portfolio for the investors based on their risk
Prerequisites if any Financial Management
Connection with Subjects in Financial Markets and Institutions, SAPM
the current or Future Cour ses
Sr Content Activity Learning outcomes
1 Introduction to Wealth Management Lecture and Clarity and
Meaning, scope, components, process of discussion understanding of the
wealth management, functions of inv estment basic concepts in wealth
advisor, independent advisors, wire house management
wealth managers, code of ethics for wealth
2 Need and expectations of clients Classroom Ability to apply the
Wealth management client categ ories discussion principles and concepts
mass affluent, high net worth individual, of wealth management
ultra high net worth, unified households,
software solutions for advisors, client on
boarding - profiling, financial planning, goal
setting, managing asset, controlling
liabilities, planning taxes, diversification, life
cycle management.
3 Investment planning Lecture and Understanding risk -
Types of investment risk return expectations discussion return trade off
versus risk appetite.
4 Wealth creating asset classes Lecture Detailed and in depth
Equity Investment: Sector exposure and and understanding
diversification, fundamental and technical discussion traditional asset classes
analysis, investment and speculation,
Debt Investment :
Deposits and debt securities, yields and
interest rate risk, concentration risk, passive
investments in debt.
5 Alternate assets Lecture Detailed and in depth
Gold, real esta te, art, mutual fund, and understanding of
derivatives and structured funds, hedge funds discussion alternate asset class
and commodities.
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Content Activity Learning outcomes No
6 Portfolio modelling Classroom Understan ding the
Portfolio modelling, monitoring tolerance discussion principles of portfolio
and rebalancing, substitution, portfolio and modelling and its
performance measurement, attribution and exercises practical use
reporting, portfolio management mo dels,
pooled funds, technology absorption and use
of social media in wealth management and
advantages to investment advisors.
7 Insurance Planning Classroom Understanding the
Life insurance - types of policies, general discussion importance of insurance,
insurance, health insurance - mediclaim, and the various insurance
calculation of Human Life Value. exercises policies and ability to
calculate HLV
8 Retirement Planning Classroom Understanding the
Purpose and need, life cycle plan ning, wealth discussion concepts of retirement
creation - factors and principles, pre and post and planning and tax
– retirement strategies - tax treatment, various exercise implications
tax savings schemes, pension schemes,
9 Estate planning Classroom Ability to prepare a will
Estate planning concept, types of will, discussion
requirements of a valid will, trust – and
deductions –exemptions. exercises
Text Books
1. Harold R Evensky , Wealth Management
2. Nalinipruva Tripat hi , Wealth Management
3. S. K. Bagchi , Wealth Management
Reference Books
1. Herbert B Mayo , Investments -An Introduction,
2. S. Kevin , Portfolio Management
3. Suyash Bhatt , Wealth Management
4. V.K. Bhalla ¸Investment Management
5. Jones, Wiley , Investment: P rinciples and concepts
Internal 40%
Semester End 60%
Page 183
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : IV Elective[Finance]
Title of the Subject / : International Finance
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs. : 40
Learning Objective
1 To understand the dynamics underlying the global economic environment, trade
policies and barriers, cross -border flows of capital, risk profile of international
investors, ways of managing risk emanating from newer and unchartered sources of
risk and changing trade -off between desired return and risk with special reference to
the Indian economy, the US economy and the Euro -zone.
2 To learn the concepts and terminology related to fundamentals of international finance,
foreign exchange markets and arithmetic, currency and in terest rate swaps, exchange
rate regimes, interest rate and purchasing power parity, balance of payments, historical
perspective on exchange rates, gold standard, Bretton Woods system, fixed and
fluctuating rate regimes, euro currency markets, internationa l equity markets and
international debt markets.
3 To understand the regulatory framework for financing international operations
Prerequisites if any Financial Management
Connection with subjects Derivatives and Risk Management, International Business
in the current or Future and Financial Regulations.
Sr Content Activity Learning outcomes
1 Fundamentals of International Classroom To understand the basic
Finance session and concepts related to
Introduction to inte rnational finance, classroom international finance
balance of payment discussion
current account, capital account and
reserve account, determinants of demand
for and supply of currency, exchange rate
and factors affecting exchange rate,
current account deficit, balance of trade
and their implications on exchange rates.
2 International Economics Classroom To understand
Globalization, socialism and session international economics
communism, protected economies,
internation al grants, IMF .
3 International Monetary System Inputs Lecture with To understand the
Introduction, Barter System, Bimetallism lab session International Monetary
and Classical Gold Standard, Bretton System
Wood System, SDRs and Smithsonian
agreements, Fixed and Floating Rate
System , European Monetary System
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Sr Content Activity Learning outcomes
4 Foreign Exchange Markets Lecture with Understanding of the
Exchange rate quotations, direct and classroom foreign exchange mark et
indirect rates, cross currency rates, discussions.
vehicle currency , spreads and calculation
of cross rates , settlements – cash, tom,
spot and forward. , arbitrage, speculation
and trading, interest rate parity and
purchasing power p arity, covered interest
rate parity in arbitrage, borrowing and
investment decisions, calculation of
forward rates through use of forward
schedules, annualized forward margin,
calculation of swap points.
5 Euro Currency Markets Lectu re with To understand Euro
Origin and reasons for growth of Euro classroom currency market
currency markets, their characteristics discussions.
and components, Euro currency deposits,
loans, bonds and notes, Off shore
banking, tax havens.
6 International Equity Markets: Lecture with To understand
Global depository receipts and American classroom international equity
depository receipts, foreign currency discussions. market
convertible bonds, foreign direct
investments and fo reign portfolio
investments, participatory notes.
7 International Debt Markets Lecture with To understand
Introduction, international bond markets classroom international debt
features of foreign bonds, features of discussions. market
euro bonds, risks in international bonds.
8 Currency Forward and Futures Lecture with To understand currency,
Forward and future contracts, non - classroom forwards and futures
deliverable forwards, currency futures discussions.
terminologies, p ricing currency futures,
hedging, speculation and arbitrage with
forwards and futures.
9 Currency Options Lecture with To understand currency
Introduction, option terminologies, classroom options
options pay -offs, hedging with currency discussions.
options, range forward, zero cost collar,
participating forward, barrier options,
asian options
innovation in options.
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Sr Content Activity Learning outcomes
10 Swaps Lecture with To understand swaps
Interest Rate S waps and currency swap. classroom
11 Capital Budgeting for International Lecture with To understand capital
Project Investment Decisions classroom budgeting appraisal
Calculation of DCF, Project IRR, NPV discussions. techniques in
and pay -back period, impact of transfer international project
pricing. investments
12 Risk Management Lecture with To understand risk
Management of risk in international classroom involved in global trade.
trade/ business operations. discussions.
Text Books
1 Jeff Madura , International Financial Management
2 Siddaiah , International Financial Management: An Analytic Framework.
Reference Books
1. Prakash G Apte , International Finance: A Business Perspective.
2. Moosa , Interna tional Finance: An Analytic Approach.
Internal 40 %
Semester end 60%
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W.E.F. 2016 -17
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : IV-Elective [Marketing]
Title of the Subject / course : Digita l Consumer and Digital Branding
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning objectives
1. To understand how key elements of IMC i.e. Advertising, Public Relations, Sales
Promotion, Direct Marketing are integrated.
2. To understand how to manage digit al brand and integrate online marketing channels
Prerequisites if any
Connections with Subjects
in the current or Future
No. Content Activity* Learning Outcome
1 Introduction to Integrated Marketing
Definition of IMC , Key Features, Lecture Understanding Basics of IMC
Advertising –Types of Media -TV, Print,
Radio, , OOH, Internet
Developing Advertising Campaign
Advertising Agency -Functions, Types
Reputation Management -Issues and
2 The Digital Consumer &Digital Branding :
Marketer control versus consumer control,
Consumer empowerment, Consumer
participation and engagement. Internet
Marketing, Unique Value Propositions, Calls -
to-Action and Messaging, Internet Marketing
Tools , The Role of the Website, Internet
Marketing Model and How It Affects
Business. Content marketing and its value,
strategies for content distribution, challenges
associated with content marketing.
Lecture Understand the shift from
traditional to digital media
and how it has altered the way
brands communicate with their
3 Creating and Nurturing an Online
Brand: How digital has changed branding?
Value propositions – content, customization,
community, convenience, choice, cost, Value
proposition for various segments , Considering
the User Journey, Stages of the user journey,
Mapping the User Journey, Multichannel
marketing, Omnichannel marketing, Content
Marketing, Branding for differentiation,
authenticity, authentic value proposition,
Reputation Management, Controlling Content
and Conversation, Dispute Resolution, Lecture To about the challenges of
managing a digital brand and how
rich and compelling content,
combined with digital distribution,
are integral to brand engagement.
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Managing the Online Persona, Rules for
Building Your Personal Brand.
4 Owned, Earned & Paid Media: Concepts
ofowned , earned and paid media, definitions,
examples, roles, advantages, challenges,
importance for brands, brand engagement,
range of engagement plat forms, levels of
engagement, strategies for shaping owned,
earned and paid media, synergy between
owned, earned and paid media.
Lecture To know about different paid
5. Analyzing Customers, Markets, and
Planning: underlying business models and
princ iples that drive successful marketing and
digital media campaigns, strategic decisions in
content management and brand development
through digital media, Planning to Acquire
New Customers, Analyzing Consumer
Behavior – Creating Personas, Customer
Segmentat ion, Targeting, and Profiling,
Customer Relationship Management, Stages in
Planning a Customer Campaign, Analyzing
Customers, Markets and Planning.
Lecture Understanding of customer
analytics and customer behaviour
and planning accordingly
6 Integrate d Campaigns and Multi -Channel
Marketing: Web Growth and the Associated
Risks, Broadcast vs. Narrowcast, Integrated
Tactics and Mass Media, Multimedia
Campaigns, Changes in Sales and
Communication Channels, Integrated Media
Marketing - Integrate online mark eting
channels including web, email, mobile and
social media platforms to manage online
content development and delivery,
To integrate online
marketing channels
including web,
email, mobile and
social media
platforms to manage
online content
development and
*Activity: Teaching -Learning process may combine the use of role plays, audio -visual
films/aids, and management exercises with individual student, and or in team considering
appropriate cases or case -lets in the field of business domain wherever applicable
Recommended Book
1. Advertising and Promotion by George Belch, Michael Belch, Keyoor Purani, 9th Edition,
McGraw Hill
3. Digital Branding, Danlel Rowles, Kogan Page
4. Brand Avtar, Alycia De Mesa, Palgrave Macmillan
5. Integrated Marketing
Communication in Advertising and Promotion by Terence
Shimp,8th Edition, Cengage Learning
6. Advertising and Promotion by Jaishree Jethwaney & Shruti Jain, 2nd Edition, Oxford
Internal 40%
Semester -end 60%
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : IV-Elective [Marketing]
Title of the Subject / course : Business to Business Marketing
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning objectives
To develop an understanding of key aspects of B2B Marketing and manage marketing
programmes for B2B markets.
Prerequisites if any
Connections with Subjects in
the current or Future courses
S. No Conten t Activity* Learning Outcome
Introduction to Industrial Marketing, Lecture and
Differences between Industrial & discussions
Consumer Marketing, Types of B2B
products – Heavy and Light
equipments, systems, raw and processed
materials, consumabl e supplies,
components and industrial services To understand basics of
B2B marketing
Industrial Marketing Environment, Lecture and Class
room discussions To understand industrial
marketing environment
1. Types of Customers, Types of buying
situations, K ey challenges – Managing
commoditization of products, hybrid
channels, CSR issues
3 Segmentation of B2B –
Product/Applications matrix,
Differences in customer strategy,
Types of segmentation: Needs
approach, Identifiable/Accessible
approach, Shapiro -Bonoma Nested
Hierarchy approach - Demographics,
Operation variables, purchasing
approaches, situational factors,
buyer‟s personal characteristics Lecture and
Class room
discussions To understand
segmentation parameters
in B2B marketing
4 Market selection: H orizontal vs
vertical choice in the value chain.
Product form, consequences of
resource commitment by the firm
across the value chain. Lecture and
Class room
Discussions To understand the
consequences of
investment decisions in
identifying markets.
Speci alty vs. commodity markets:
Types of specialities – convenience Lecture and To understand dynamics
5 specialty, availability specialty, Class room of B2B from specialty to
functional specialty, relationship discussions commodity.
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MMS in Digital Business Management
S. No Content Activity* Learning Outcome
Types of commodities – Pure
commodities, price/performance
Dynamics of commodity market and
commoditization process
6 B2B Product Decisions – Service
augmentation, Product -Service
bund ling, Product/ Process innovation,
Service innovation. Lecture and
Class room
discussions To understand strategies
for value added products
and services.
Types of customer benefits in B2B
markets: Tangible financial benefits,
non-tangible financi al benefits, Lecture and To understand different
7 tangible non -financial benefits, non - Class room types of customer
tangible non -financial benefits, loyalty discussions benefits.
benefits, B2B branding – Ingredient
Models of organis ational buying
behaviour: Sheth BUYGRID model – Lecture and To understand various
8 Webster Wind model Class room models of organisation
Developing buyer -seller relationships discussions buying behaviour
– Dwyer‟s 5 phases
Key Account Manageme nt:
Definition, Drivers – Rise of global Lecture and To understand how to
9 customers, JIT. Class room identify and manage key
Selection of Key Accounts – Criteria, discussions accounts.
Analysis of buying process
Firm networks: Uppsala Model
(Johanson and Vahlne), Transaction To understand the
cost theory (Rugman and Williamson), Lecture and importance of
10 Business Ecosystem (Moore). Class room developing a competitive
Network formation – Alliances , JV, discussions advantage in do minant
Decomposition of value chains, Role designs
of networks in dominant design
*Activity: Teaching -Learning process may combine the use of role plays, audio -visual
films/aids, and management exercises with individual student, and or in team co nsidering
appropriate cases or case -lets in the field of business domain wherever applicable.
Recommended Book
1 Business to Business Marketing, Havaldar : IInd Edition, McGraw Hill
2 Industrial Marketing Robert, Reeder
3 Ingredient Branding, Kotler , S pringer
Internal 40%
Semester -end 60%
Page 191
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : IVElective[Marketing]
Title of the Subject / course : Consumer Behaviour
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives:
1. An understanding of the pre and pos t purchase consumer behaviour.
2. To develop conceptual insights into key aspects such as social, psychological and other
factors that influence consumer behaviour.
Prerequisites if any
Connections with
Subjects in the
current or Future
Modul e
No Particular Activity* Learning Objectives
1 Consumer Behaviour: Introduction,
definition and impact of digital
revolution and importance to
marketing. Interactive
Lecture To understand Concept of
consumer behaviour, Role and
importance of consumer behaviour
to a marketer
How consumer behaviour
has changed due to digital
2 Models of consumer behaviour and
their marketing implications: The
economic model, Learning model,
Psychoanalytic model, sociological
model, Howard Seth Model of
buyin g behaviour, The Nicosia
Model, The Engel -Kollat -
Blackwell Model, Decision Making
Model Lecture To understand models of
consumer behaviour
Motivation: Definition, types of
motives, (Positive and Negative
Goal, negative goal, Rational Interacti ve
versus Emotional Motives),
Discovering Purchase Motives To understand the psychological
Case study
3 Theories of motivation, Maslow‟s and physiological aspects of and hierarchy of needs and its relevance consumer beh aviour consumer to consumer behaviour and
marketing strategy; the physiology
of technology on consumer
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MMS in Digital Business Management
4 Absolute and differential thresh
hold, Internal and external factors
affecting perception, Gest alt
Psychology, subliminal perception,
Consumer Imagery, Zaltman
metaphors to understand attitude
towards products Interactive
Quiz and
survey Marketing applications of
consumer perception theory.
5 Learning and Information
Processing an d its impact on
behaviour. Interactive
Lecture, and
survey To understand consumer learning
processes and its impact on
consumer behaviour
6 Attitudes: Concepts and Models -
Cognitive Dissonance, Tri -
Component theory, Multi attribute
component The ory, Multi attribute
model, Attitude and market
segmentation, product development
strategies and attitude change
strategies. Interactive
Case study To understand the various models
pertaining to consumer attitudes
and their impact on marketing
Personality: Meaning, nature,
definition and characteristics, Interactive
Theories of Personality (Freudian Lecture, To understand the development of
theory, Trait Theory, Jungian Case study
7 personalities through different Theory) Self -imag e and self - and theories concept, VALS model and consumer
segmentation, Personality and survey
consumer behaviour.
8 Social Class: concept of social
class, homogeneity of needs in
social class, social class
stratification in India New SEC/
NCAER, classification of the
society, Influence of social class on
purchase behaviour. Interactive
s /McKinsey
Reports (The
Bird of Gold) To understand the consumption
behaviour of social classes.
9 Group Behaviour : Refe rence
Groups and its influence on
consumption, Diffusion of
innovation process, Consumer
Adoption of new products, Impact
of social media on formulating
opinions on products and brands.
Family : Role of family in decision
making and consumption process.
To understand the influence of
groups and families on the
diffusion of innovation and
adoption of new products.
Lecture, and
to research
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Culture and Subcultures :
Understanding the influence of Inter active
culture, norms and their role, Lecture, and To understand impact of cultures
10 traditions and value system, Indian Case and values on Indian consumer.
core values, cultural aspects of discussions
emerging Indian markets.
Post purchase behaviour : Interactive
11 Post purchase evaluation and To understand issues in Post cases and disposition towards the product, purchase decisions consumer Post purchase satisfaction measures
Organization b uying process:
Nested segmentation, Role & Interactive
Power of Buying centres (Initiators,
12 Lecture/Case Understanding the B2B buying Influencers, Deciders, Buyer & s process Gatekeepers).
Buying decisions based on ABC /
VED / FSND analysis.
*Activity: Teaching -Learning process may combine the use of role plays, audio -visual
films/aids, and management exercises with individual student, and or in team considering
appropriate cases or case -lets in the field of business domain including consumer research
methods and reports wherever applicable.
Recommended Books
1 Consumer Behaviour, Schiffman & Kanuk and S Ramesh Kumar,10th edition Prentice
Hall India.
2 Consumer Behaviour, Loudon & Della Bitta, 14th edition Tata McGraw Hill
3 Consumer Behaviour in Indian Perspective - Text and Cases, Suja R. Nair, Himalaya
Publication House.
4 Consumer Behaviour Building Marketing Strategy, Hawkinds David Mothersbaug &
Amit Mookerjee, 11 th edition, McGraw Hill International edition.
5 Consumer Behaviour Text & Cases, Satish Batra & S.H.H.Kazmi
6 Marketing Models , Gary L.Lilien, Kotler, Moorthy, Eastern Economy Edition
Internal 40%
Semester -end 60%
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : IV – Elective [Human Resource]
Title of the Subject / course : Organizational Development and Change
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
1 Basics of Change Management
2 Understanding OD Approaches and Models
3 Understanding Organizational Development – Diagnostics
4 Different Strategies, Approaches and Models
5 Trends in OD and Change Management
Prerequisi tes if any
Connections with Subjects
in the current or Future
Content Activity Learning outcomes No.
Process of Change –
The Process of Change, Creativity &
Innovation: Organizational Chang e.
Definition & Key Dimensions, Factors Case Study/
1 that Promote Change, Creativity & Role -play/ Understand the process of
Innovation, Theories of Innovation Group change in detail
and Levels & Types of Innovation, Discussion
The age of Creativity, Creativity &
National prosperity, Creative
Industries & potential for growth
The Internal Environment –
Orchestrating Structure, Systems and
The Balanced Score Card – Value
Creation and Performance Case S tudy/ Impact of change on
management. internal environment and
Role -play/
2 Organizational Structure – work management of the internal Group specifications, departmentalization, environment to make it Discussion chain of command, span of control, conducive to change
centralization and decentralization,
Formalization. Situational factors –
Corporate Strategy, Organizational
Size and Environmental uncertainty.
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Structural forms – Traditional and
contemporary forms. Organizing for
change, creativity and innovation -
Goal Setting and reward Systems.
Evaluation. Resources – Sufficient
resourcing. Systems of
Organizational culture, Different
Perspectives of Organizational culture,
Can we manage Organizational
culture? Culture as an important
ingredient of Organizational Case Study/ Understanding the role of
3 Creativity. Role -play/ organizational culture and
Norms that promote Creativity and Drama/ Group its impact on change
Innovation, Norms that promote Discussion management
Principles of creativity and
innovation. Do strong, cohesive
cultures hinder innovation?
4 Definitions, underlying assumptions
and values of Orga nization
Development Case Study/
Role -play/
Drama/ GD Introduction to the concept
of OD
Approaches to OD – Systems Case Study/ Study of different
5 Approach, Action Research Role -play/ approaches to OD
Drama/ Group
Organization Diagnosis & Diagnostic
Data Collection & Analysis including Understanding diagnosis, Climate
Case Study/ different diagnostic models Understanding Organizational Roles
Role -play/ and methods of data
6 OD Intervention theories and Metho ds
Large Systems
Group and Individual Techniques Drama/ Group collection and analysis – Discussion Study of different types of
OD interventions
Monitoring Change in Organizations Case Study/
7 Fundamentals of monitoring cha nge, Role -play/ Introduction to methods of
steps of measuring change, Drama/ Group monitoring change
methodologies for measuring change Discussion
Latest trends in OD and Change Case Study/
8 Management Role -play/ Study of latest trends in OD
Drama/ Group and change management
9 Case studies and Presentations
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Text Books
1. Cummings, Thomas G, Worley, Christopher G. Essentials of Organizational
Development and Change
2. Organisational Change and Development – Dipak K umar Bhattacharya –
Oxford Publications
Reference Books
1. Organizational Development – French & Bell
2. Change Management by Andrew Pettigrew and Richard Whipp Infinity Books
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 198
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : IV-Elective [Human Re source]
Title of the Subject / : Strategic HRM with Global Perspective
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in :
Hrs. 40
Learning Objectives
1 To learn the basics of HR strategy formulation and implementation in domestic as well as
international scenario, talent management and competency based HRM
Prerequisites if any
Connections with
Subjects in the current
or Future courses
S. Content Activity Learning Outcome
1 Strategic Human Resourc e Management Case Learning the basics Of
Introduction, Strategic HRM - Definition , Strategic HRM
Aims, Approaches, Challenges. Role of
HR as a Strategic Partner in an
Organisati on
2 HR Strategies: Introduction to HR
Definition, Types of HR Strategies, strategies
Criteria for an Effective HR Strategy, Case
Formulation of HR Strategies, Conducting
a Strategic Review, Implementi ng HR
Impact on Organizational Performance,
Strategic role of Top Management,
Strategic role of Line Management
3 Talent Management Introduction to talent
Career P lanning and Succession Planning: management
Evolution of Careers, Career Planning
Perspectives Organization -Centered Career
Planning, Individual - Centered Career Case
Succession Planning: Definiti on and
Approaches, Elements of Succession
Planning, Relationship between Career
Planning and Succession Planning,
Challenges of Succession Planning, Global
Practices in Career and Succession
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MMS in Digital Business Management
S. Content Activity Learning Outcome
4 Competency and Potential Learning basics of
Development: competencies and
Competencies defined and types of competency based HR
Competencies, Differen ce between practices
Competency and Potential, Potential Case
Development, Difference of Competencies Study/Role
from Skills and Knowledge, Integrated HR Play/Group
Practices through Competency Discussions
Development, Benefits fro m Competency -
Based HR Practices, Outcomes for
Employees‟Development, Developing a
Skill Matrix, Retention Strategies
5 Strategies for Improving Organizational Learning Strategies for
Effectiveness Improving Organizational
Strategies for improving Organizational Effectiveness
Strategies of Organizational Case
Transformations -Cross border HR issues Study/Role
in Mergers & Acquisitions and the role of Play/Group
HR Discussions
Strategi es for Culture Management,
Strategies for Developing Learning
Employee Engagement Strategies
6 Global Dimensions of HR Strategies Introduction to HR
HR Strategies in International Context, strategies in internatio nal
converting Global Presence into Global context
Competitive Advantage
Selection & Staffing of International
Developing Cross Cultural Sensitivity
Training & Development of International Case
Staff Study/Role
Compensation Approaches & Issues Play/Group
Performance Management in International Discussions
International Industrial Relations,
Legislation and the international
workforce, International Labor Standards
Expatriation & Repatriation
Emerging Trends in International Labor
7 Case Studies and Presentations. Case
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Text books
1 Strategic Human Resource Management by Jeff rey Mello, Thomson South Western
Reference books
1 Strategic Human Resource Management by tanuja Agarwala,Oxford Publications
2 International Human Resource Management by Peter j Dowling, Device Welch, 4th
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 201
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : IV-Electives[Human Resource]
Title of the Subject / course : Organization Structure , Theory and Design
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
1 To understand the organizational design a nd different factors affecting organizational
2 To study the evolution of organizational theories
3 To appreciate the organizational culture and its effect on organizational design
Prerequisites if any
Connections with
Subjects in the current
or Future courses
Sr. Content Activity Learning Outcome No.
Organizations and Organization
Theo ry
a. Organization theory in action.
b. What is an organization? Case Study/ Introduction to the concept
c. Perspectives on organizations: open of an organization and Role -play/ 1 systems and organizational organizat ion design. Drama/ Group configuration. Study of evolution of Discussion d. Dimensions of organization design: organization theory
structural and conceptual.
e. The evolution of organization theory
and design
2 Strategy, Organization Design, and
a. The role of strategic direction on
organization design.
b. Organization purpose.
c. A framework for selecting strategy
and design/structure.
d. Assessing organizational
Effectivene ss
resource based approach, and internal
process approach.
f. An integrated effectiveness model Case Study/
Role -play/
Drama/ GD Study of effect of strategy
on organization design
Learning about OE and its
Fundamental of Organization
Structure Case Study/
3 a. Organization structure Role -play/ Study of basics of
b. Information processing perspective Drama/ Group organization structure
in organization structure Discussion
c. Organization design alternatives
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MMS in Digital Business Management
d. Functional, divisional, and
geographical designs
e. Matrix structure
f. Horizontal structure
g. Modular structure
h. Hybrid structure
Open Systems Design Elements Understanding the external a. The external environment. Case Study/ environment,
b. Inter -organizational Relationships. Role -play/
4 organizational life cycle c. Organization size and life cycle and Drama/ Group and Inter -organizational design/structure. Discussion Relationships d. Comparative management.
Organizational Culture
a. Organizational culture. Case Study/
b. Organization design and culture. Study of org anizational
Role -play/
5 .c. Culture and the learning culture and its effect on Drama/ Group organization. organization design Discussion d. Ethical values in organizations.
e. Leadership and culture and ethics.
Innovatio n and Change and
Organizational Design
a. The strategic role of change. Case Study/
b. Elements of successful change. Introduction to change and Role -play/ d. Technology change. design GD e. Strategy and structure change.
f. Culture change.
g. Strategies for implementing change.
7 Decision -Making Process
a. Rational approach.
b. Bounded rationality perspective.
c. Organizational decision -making.
d. The learning organization.
e. Contingency decision -making
perspective .
f. Special decision circumstances. Case Study/
Role -play/
Drama/ Group
Discussion Introduction to decision
making process
Conflict, Power, and Politics
a. Intergroup conflict in organizations. Case Study/ Understanding the
8 b. Power and organizat ions. Role -play/ concepts of conflict, power
c. Political processes in organizations. Drama/ Group and politics in an
d. Using power, politics, and Discussion organization
Page 203
MMS in Digital Business Management
Text books
1 Robins Khandwalla, P. N. Organizat ional design for excellence, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill,
Reference books
1 Daft, R. L. Organization Theory and Design, Current Edition. Thomson Southwestern
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
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W.E.F. 2016 -17
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Semester IV- Elective s (Information System )
Name Internet of Things
Code For office use
Credits 4
Duration 40 hrs
Learning Objectives
1 To study the paradigm of objects interacti ng with people, information systems and
with other objects via network communications.
2 To provide technical introduction to the Internet of Things.
3 A number of devices, platforms and software tools will be introduced during the
course .
4 A syste ms engineering approach is adopted reviewing the key technologies employed
at different levels of the IoT stack and how they are integrated to from complete IoT
Prerequisites if any Familarity with functional C/C++ programming
Connections with
Subjects in the current
or Future courses Will connect conceptual framework to Internet of Things
Content Activity Learning outcomes
1 Introduction to IoT
(6Hours) What is the IoT and why is it important?
Elements of an IoT ec osystem, Technology
drivers, Future Internet Technologies,
Infrastructure, Networks and Communication,
Processes, data Management, Security,
Privacy & Trust, Device Level Energy Issues,
IoT Related Standardization, Overview of IoT
architecture (For concep tual understanding
2 IoT Applications
for Value creation
Lecture & cases
(6 Hours) Typical Applications, Trends and Implications,
IoT applications for future industry, Future
factory Concepts, Brownfield IoT, Smart
Objects, Smart Applications, Four Aspects in
your Business to Master IoT, Value Creation
from Big Data and Serialization, IoT for
Retailing Industry, IoT For Oil and Gas
Industry, Opinions on IoT Application and
Value for Industry, Home Management,
3 Overview of IoT
Technologies Lecture
(9 Hours) Sensing devices, Sensor modules, nodes and
systems, Wireless technologies for the IoT,
Edge connectivity and protocols, Wireless
sensor networks,
4 Analytics and
applications Lecture and
(6 Hours) Signal Pr ocessing, real time and local analytics,
Databases, cloud analytics and applications
5 Evaluation of the
IoT Lecture and
(9 Hours) Platforms, Mobile integration, Deployment
Data Visualization, Convergence with Social
Networks, Value chain and Bus iness models,
User centric cloud based services, Analytical
Hierarchy Process for technology selection,
End-to-end security
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Integration with IT systems, Cost/benefit
constraints, End -to-end compatibility
,Application Architecture, Lifecycle solution
manag ement, Real -time response
and delay
6 Internet of Things
Privacy, Security
and Governance Lecture & Cases
(4 Hours)
Introduction, Overview of Governance, Privacy
and Security Issues, Contribution from FP7
Projects, Security, Privacy and Trust in IoT -
Data-Platforms for Smart Cities, First Steps
Towards a Secure Platform, Smartie Approach.
Data Aggregation for the IoT in Smart Cities,
Reference books
1 Dr. Ovidiu Vermesan, Dr. Peter Friess, Internet of Things: Converging
Technologies for
Smart E nvironments and Integrated Ecosystems, River Publishers, 2013, ISBN:
978-87-92982 -
96-4 (E-Book), ISBN: 978 -87-92982 -73-5 (Print
2 Cuno Pfister, Getting Started with the Internet of Things, O‟Reilly Media, 2011,
ISBN: 978 -1-
4493 -9357 -1
3 Internet of Thi ngs (A Hands -on-Approach) by Vijay Madisetti, Arshdeep Bahga
4 Getting Started with the Internet of Things by Cuno Pfister
5 The Internet of Things by Samuel Greengard
6 McKinsey&Company, "The Internet of Things: Mapping the value beyond the
hype", McKi nsey Global Institute, 2015
7 Keysight Technologies, “The Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies and
Solutions for Design and Test”, Application Note, 2016
Digital Greenwich, "Greenwich Smart City Strategy", 2015
Internal 40%
end 60%
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester IV- Elective s (Information System )
Course Name Strategic Information Technology Management
Course Code For office use
Credits 4
Duration 40 hrs
Learning Objectives
1 To understand the strategic use of Information Technol ogy for Competitive
2 To understand Emerging trends of information technology to devise
organization /business strategy
Prerequisites if any Basic understanding of Strategic
Information Technology
Connections with Subjects in the current
or Future courses Will connect conceptual framework
to Role of Information systems in
organization, Some key concepts
related to strategy such as value
chain, five forces, information
asymmetry, emerging trends in IT
to devise organization /business
Content Activity Learning outcomes
1 Information Technology and Competitive
Advantage –
• Role of Information systems in
organization, Some key concepts related
to strategy such as value chain, five
forces, information asymm etry and
Technology Investment
• Information Technology vs. Information
• Two different approaches for gaining
Competitive Advantages -Market
Based Approach and Resource Based
• Strategic Role of IT in gaining
Competitive Advantages Lecture
2 ERP systems, Business Processes and IT
• Meaning and definition, introduction of
Business Process, Organizational
processes and Information systems
• Use of ERP in Business Process
• Business Process Reengineering, Lecture &
3 Using In formation for Decision Making
• How organization leverage
data/information for competitive
• Importance of database, data warehouse,
Data mining , and Business Intelligence,
How they can be used as part of an Lecture
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organization strategy for Competiti ve
4 Research on Internet use
• Marketing Online - Online Advertising,
Social Media and digital Marketing Lecture and
5 Technology Trends
Emerging trends of information
technology to device business strategic,
• Web related te chnologies, web media,
how to use world wide web for business
and marketing purpose
• Mobile technology impact of mobile
technologies on business and mobile
strategy for a business Lecture and
6 Creating a Technology Strategy
• Developing an IT S trategy
• Writing your own strategy - Develop
your web, web media and mobile strategy Lecture &
7 Case Studies and presentations Lecture &
Reference books
1 Strategic Management of Information Systems by Keri Pearlson
and Carol Sau nders
2 Strategic Management and Information Systems: An Integrated
Approach by Wendy Robson
3 A Guide to Expert Systems by Donald Waterman
4 Strategic Management Of Technology & Innovation by Robert
Burgelman, Clayton Christensen, Steven Wheelwrigh t
5 Strategic Technology Management by Betz
Text books
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 209
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester IV- Electives (Information System )
Course Name Managing Technology Business &
IT Resource Management
Course Code For office use
Credits 4
Duration 40 hrs
Learning Objectives
1 To understand the Need and Significance of IT resource management
3 Understand applications of Determining IT and Information System‟s
Resource Needs and Business
4 IT &Info rmation Systems resources Implementation and Acceptance
Prerequisites if any Basic understanding of IT Resource
Connections with Subjects in the current
or Future courses Will connect conceptual framework
to Need and Significance of IT
resource management & Business
Content Activity Learning outcomes
1 Overview of the IT/ITES/Telecom and
related businesses in India and the world
– segments of these industries , growth,
forecasts, trends, key players, reasons for
their s uccess etc Lecture
2 Challenges for these businesses in the
domestic and international markets such
as Business Development, Technology
Obsolescence, Pricing, Set up &
Infrastructure Costs, Talent management ,
Licensing costs & Intellectual property
rights, Mergers and Acquisitions ,
Customer Contract Management and
SLAs , managing Innovation , legal
issues, Visa‟s, Foreign Soil issues,
Special Incentives and schemes such as
the Export Processing Zones etc Lecture &
cases and
class research
3 Study of various business models
including onsite/off shoring, e -commerce,
e-business, m – commerce and pure play
„e‟ and „m‟ models. Lecture
4 Introduction to IT and Information
System Resource Management
Evolution of IT and Information System
Resource Manageme nt (Software,
Hardware, Database, Networking, and
communications technology, human
resource etc) for Planning and
Implementation of information
technology and technology base system Lecture and
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MMS in Digital Business Management
across the functions and sectors of the
5 Determining IT and Information System‟s
Resource Needs:
Needs Analysis, planning ,System Cost
Justifying and Investments, Automation
and Artificial Intelligence Lectures,
Research and
6 Effective use of IT & Information
Systems resources Implem entation and
Acceptance, maintenance for productivity Lectures
7 IT & Information Systems Resource its
relevance to Human resource
management & Business, Outsourcing
challenges of Internal Functions – the
what, Why and How Lectures,
Research and
Case Studies of successful and
unsuccessful technology companies Group and
Reference books
1 Managing the IT Resource: Leadership in the Information Age by
Luftman published by Pearson
2 Managing IT Infrastructure – TMI
3 A Guide to PMBoK - Project Management Institute
Text books
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
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W.E.F.2016 -17
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : IV Electives[Oper ations]
Title of the Subject / : Total Quality Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
1 Know concept of Total Quality management
2 Know the tools for quality control and management
3 Understand relation of c ost and value to business
Prerequisites if any
Connections with Productivity Management, Industrial Engineering Applications And
Subjects in the current Management, Operations Applications And Case Studies, World
or Future courses Class Manufacturing
Content Activity Learning outcomes No.
1 Introduction and evolution of quality Lecture and
movement case analysis
2 Contributions of Shewhart, Deming, Lecture and
Juran, Feigenbaum, Crosby case analysis
Contribut ions of Japanese pioneers Lecture and
3 Ishikawa, Taguchi, Taichi Ohno, Shigeo
case analysis
4 Statistical quality control basics Lecture and
case analysis
5 Basics of sampling & reliability Lecture and
case analysis
Quality tools and techniques ( Basic and Lecture and
6 advanced tools) case analysis ,
7 Quality Improvement and Total Lecture and
Employee Involvement case analysis
JIT manufacturing and Lean Lecture and
8 manufactu ring through waste
case analysis
9 Six Sigma tools, quality circles Lecture and
case analysis
Statistical Process control, process Lecture and
10 capability studies case analysis,
11 Cost of quality – Juran / crossby Lecture and
case analysis
12 CMM / PCMM , Latest ISO, Overview Lecture and
of international Quality framework case analysis
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Text books
1 Total Quality Management Dale H Besterfield, Carol Besterfield, Mary
Beste rfield, Sacre Glen Hhe
2 Quality Management Total Quality Dr Vikram Sharma
3 Total Quality Management Poornima M Charantimath
Reference books
1 TQM in this Service R.P.Murthy, R.R.Lakhe
2 Total Quality Institute of Directors
3 100 TQM Tools Mike Asher, Gopal Kanji
4 Beyond TQM R.L.Flood
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
Page 214
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : IV Electives [Operations]
Title of the Subject / : International Logistics
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
1. Develop knowledge about international logistics and understand role of various
players like logistics firms, Companies, governments, physical flow of goods, physical
facilities and more importantly sources of information for international logistics.
Prerequisites if any Logistics and Supply chain
Connections with Subjects in the
current or Future courses
Content Activity Learning outcomes
International Tr ade Volume. Historical
Development of International Logistics Lecture and Understanding of 1 International Logistics Definition and
discussion. International logistics Components.
The Economic Importance of International
Logis tics.
Methods of Entry into Foreign Markets.
Indirect Exporting, Active Exporting.
2 Production Abroad -Contract, Licensing, Lecture and Understanding of
Franchising, Joint Venture, Subsidiary. discussion. Exports
Foreign Trade Zones , Maquiladoras, Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act.
3 International Contracts
International Sales Contracts and CISG.
Agency versus Distribution Legal Issues.
Elements of an Agency or Distributor
Contract. Termination and Arbitration. Lecture and
discus sion. Understanding of
International contracts
4 Terms of Trade or Incoterms
Understanding Incoterms,Incoterm
Strategy,Ex -Works,Free Carrier.
DDU,DDP. Electronic Data Interchange. Lecture and
discussion. Understanding of
various Incoterms
Terms of Payment
Introduction,Alternative Terms of Understanding of
Payment,Cash in Advance. Open Account, Lecture and
5 various payment Letter of Credit, Documentary Collection. discussion. methods Purchasing C ards-Procurement
Cards,Tradecard.Bank Guarantees.
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MMS in Digital Business Management
6 Currency of Payment - (Managing
Transaction Risks)
Sales Contracts‟ Currency of Quote,the System
of Currency Exchange Rates.
Theories of Exchange Rate
Determinations,Exch ange Rate Forecasting.
Managing Transaction Exposure, International
Banking Institutions
Lecture and
discussion. Understanding of
importance of
International Commercial Documents Understanding of Invoices,Export Documents,Import
Lecture and various international 7 Documents.
discussion. commercial Transportation Documents,Electronic Data documents Interchange.
8 International Insurance
Insurance Glossary .
Perils of the Sea,Perils Associated wi th Air
Shipments. Insurable Interest.
Risk Management,Marine Insurance Policies,
Coverage under a Marine Cargo.
Elements of an Airfreight Policy.Lloyd‟s -
Principles,Commercial Credit Insurance. Lecture and
discussion. Understanding of
Importance of
Insuran ce.
International Ocean Transportation
Types of Service, Size of vessels,Types of Lecture and Understanding of 9 Vessels.
discussion. Ocean Transportation Flag,Conferences,Liability Conventions, Non -
Vessel -Operating Common Car riers.
10 International Air Transportation
Types of Aircrafts, International Regulations. Lecture and
discussion. Understanding of Air
11 International Land and Multi -Modal
Truck Transportation, Rail Transportation.
Inter modal Transportation.
Freight Forwarders, Project Cargo, Alternative
Means of Transportation. Lecture and
discussion. Understanding of
Packaging for Export
Introduction. Packaging Objectives,Ocean Understanding of Cargo .Air Transport. Lecture and 12 Packing used in Road and Rail Transport, Security. discussion. Import -Export Hazardous Cargo, Refrigerated Goods.
Domestic Packaging Issues.
Customs Clearance
Duty , Non Tariff Barriers,
Customs, Clearing Process,
Foreign Trade zonees Lecture
GD Understanding of
custom clearance
14 International Logistics Infrastructure
Transportation, Communication and Utilities
Infrastructure Lecture and
discussion. Understan ding of
Logistics infrastructure
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Reference books
1 International Logistics by Pierre David –
2 Logistics in International Business By Rajiv
Aserkar Shroff Publishers
Internal 40%
Semest er end 60%
Page 217
MMS in Digital Business Management
Semester : IVElectives [Operations]
Title of the Subject / course : Strategic Sourcing in Supply Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration : 40
Learning Objectives
1. Introduce various parameters required to develop and implement a procurement strategy that aligns with
the overall competitive strategy of the organization.
2. Provide knowledge to understand how Strategic sourcing enhances efficiency and value, ultimately
impacting the profitability of the entire organization.
3. Familiarize with concepts of ethical and contractual risk management, sustainability, and legal issues
faced by purchasing and supply chain managers.
Prerequisites if any Materials Management
Connections with Subjects in
the current or Future courses
Sr. Content Activity Learning outcomes
Introduction to purchasing and supply
chain management
A new competitive environment, Why
Purchasing Important.
1 Purchasing and supply Management, Lecture and Basic understanding of
Supply chains and value chains discussion. Purchasing
Enablers of purchase and SCM
Evolution of Purchasing and supply
Purchasing and supply process
Objectives –Supply continuit y, Sourcing
process efficiency and effectiveness
Develop Supply base management, Lecture and Development of Basic
2 Develop aligned goals with internal stake
discussion. purchasing strategies
Developing purc hasing strategies that
support organizational goals & Objectives
Strategic Supply Management - Roles
and Responsibilities
Spend analysis, Demand management and
specifications / SOW‟s Understanding about
Category Manageme nt and supplier Lecture and
3 pattern of spending and
evaluation / selection discussion.
Contract Management(Purchase and
Service), Cost Management, Managing the
procure to pay process
Supplier relat ionship Management.
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Improving Procure to pay process
Forecast and plan requirement, Needs
clarification, Purchase requisitioning of
Travelling purchase requisitions / Bar
codes, Forecast and customer orders. Lecture and Understanding of
functional sourcing teams. requisition to payment Discussion
Supplier identification and
selection,Bidding or Negotiations, Request
for quotations.
Specifications or Blueprints, Evaluate
International procurement -Imports.
a) International commercial terms.
b) Import procedures and documentation.
c) Categories of importers. Lecture with
d) Identification of foreign sources.
display of Basic introduction to e) Payment terms including Letter of relevant imports credit. documents
f) Types of L/Cs.
g) Custom tariff
h) Custom clearance.
i) Bill of Lading and other documents
Purchase order preparation
Purchase order, Blanket purchase order,
and Material purchase release
Receipt and inspection, Material packing
5 slip, Bill of Lading Lecture and Understanding of types
Receiving Discrepancy report, Invoice discussion. of purchase orders
settlement and paymen t
Record Maintenance, Continuously
measure and Manage supplier performance
Reengineering the procure to pay process
Types of Purchases
Raw material, Semi finished goods,
components, support items, Services, and
Capital equipment .
Transportation and third -party purchasing,
Online requisitioning systems. Understanding about
Procurement cards issued to users, Lecture and
6 classification about Electronic purchasing commerce through discussion. various types of items. internet
Long term purchase agreements, Online
ordering system to suppliers
Purchasing process redesign, Online
ordering through electronic catalogue.
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Purchasing and Supply chain
Organization s tructure, Location of
authority, Centralized or Decentralized
structure, Understanding of
Drivers, advantages of Centralized or
Decentralized structure Lecture and organization stricture
Reporting of Purchasing positions and And link between
purchase and supply Discussion
Factors affecting Purchasing position. chain function.
Scope and Job Tasks of Purchasing /
Supply Management Report.
Separating Strategic and Operational
8 Supplier Evaluation and Selection
Identify Potential Supply Sources, Use of
preferred Suppliers.
Key supplier evolution Criteria.
Developing a Supplier Evaluation and
Selection Survey, Tools and approaches. Lecture and
discussion. Understanding of
Supplier evolution and
9 Purc hasing Analysis: Tools and
Project management, Learning Curve
Analysis, Value Analysis/Value
Quantity Discount Analysis, Process
Mapping. Lecture and
discussion. Understanding of
Tools used in
10 Worldwide Sourcing
Over view, Why source Worldwide,
Barriers to Worldwide sourcing
Developing worldwide sourcing
Cost associated with international
purchasing, Managing Currency Risks. Lecture and
discussion. Understanding of
worldwide sourcing
with currency impact.
11 Strategic Cost Management
A structured Approach to cost Reduction.
Price Analysis, Cost analysis techniques
Total cost ownership, Collaborative
Approaches to cost management. Lecture and
discussion. Understanding of
costing and reduction
of cost.
Negot iation
The Negotiation Framework in supply
12 Management, Negotiation Planning. Lecture and Understanding
Power in Negotiation, Negotiation Tactics, discussion. Negotiation
Win-Win Negotiation.
International negotiation, The Impact of
Electronic Media on Negotiation
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MMS in Digital Business Management
Legal aspects and Ethics in purchasing
Legal authority and personal liability of the
purchasing manager Lecture and Understanding ethics 13 Contract Law, The uniform commercial
discussion. in PURCHASING. code, Patents and Intellectual property
Antitrust and unfair trade practice laws,
Laws affecting Global purchasing
Text books
1 Sourcing and Supply chain Management Handfield , Monczka , Giunipero ,
Procurement Principles and Peter Baily, David Farmer, Barry
2 Management
Crocker, David Jessop, and David Jones
3 Strategic Sourcing V V Sople
Refer ence books
1 Procurement Principles and Peter Baily, David Farmer, Barry
Management Crocker
2 Strategic Procurement Caroline Booth
Internal 40%
Semester end 60%
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