Computer Science BridgeCourse 2018 19 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Computer Science BridgeCourse 2018 19 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Academic Council _______
Item No: ________________


Program: leading to T.Y.B. Sc. In Computer Science .

With effect from
Academic Year 2018 -2019

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Bridge Course in Computer Science Syllabus
Credit Based Semester and Grading System
To be implemented from the Academic year 2018 -2019

Course TOPICS Credits L / Week
USCSBC 201 Paper I 03 03
USCSBC202 Paper II 03 03
USCSBCP2 01 Practical : USCSBC201 + USCSBC2 02 02 03

01 TOPICS (Credits : 03 Lectures/Week:03)
Paper -I
Unit I Automata Theory: Defining Automaton, Finite Automaton, Transitions and
Its properties, Acceptability by Finite Automaton, Nondeterministic Finite State
Machines, DFA and NDFA equivalence, Mealy and Moore Machines,
Minimizing Automata.
Introduction to Combinatorics: Enumer ation, Combinatorics and Graph
Theory/ Number Theory/Geometry and Optimization, Sudoku Puzzles.
Strings, Sets, and Binomial Coefficients: Strings - A First Look, Combinations,
Combinatorial, The Ubiquitous Nature of Binomial Coefficients, The Binomial,
Multinomial Coefficients. 15L
Unit II Linear Algebra Using Python
Field : Introduction to complex numbers, numbers in Python , Abstracting over
fields, Playing with GF(2), Vector Space: Vectors are functions, Vector
addition, Scalar -vector multiplication, Co mbining vector addition and scalar
multiplication, Dictionary -based representations of vectors, Dot -product,
Solving a triangular system of linear equations. Linear combination, Span, The
geometry of sets of vectors, Vector spaces, Linear systems, homogene ous and
otherwise. 15L

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Unit III Network Models: Introduction to data communication, Components, Data
Representation, Data Flow, Networks, Network Criteria, Physical Structures,
Network types, Local Area Network, Wide Area Network, Switching, Network
Models, Protocol layering, Scenarios, Principles of Protocol Layering, Logical
Connections, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Layered Architecture, Layers in the
TCP/IP Protocol Suite.
Introduction to Software Engineering: The Nature of Software, Software
Engineering, The Software Process, Generic Process Model, The Waterfall
Model, Incremental Process Models, Evolutionary Process Models, Concurrent
Models, Component -Based Development, The Unified Process Phases, Agile
Development - Agility, Agile Process, E xtreme Programming. 15L
Textbook (s):
1. Theory of Computer Science, K. L. P Mishra, Chandrasekharan, PHI,3 rd Edition
2. Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Applications to Computer Science Edition 1,
PHILIP N. KLEIN, Newtonian Press (2013)
3. Data Communic ations and Networking, Behrouz A. Forouzan, Fifth Edition, TMH, 2013.
4. Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s Approach, Roger S, Pressman.(2014)
Additional Reference(s):
1. Theory of Computation, Kavi Mahesh, Wiley India
2. Applied Combinatorics, Sixth.edition, Alan Tucker, Wiley; (2016)
3. Linear Algebra and Probability for Computer Science Applications, Ernest Davis, A K
Peters/CRC Press (2012).
4. Computer Network, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall, Fifth Edition, Pearson
Education, 2011.
5. Software Engineering: Principles and Practices”,Deepak Jain,OXFORD University Press,

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202 TOPICS (Credits : 03 Lectures/Week:03)
Paper -II
Unit I Fundamentals of PL/SQL: Defining variables and constants, PL/SQL Data
types: Number Types, Character Types, Boolean Type, Date time and Interval
Types. PL/SQL expressions and comparisons: Logical Operators, Boolean
Expressions, Null Values in Comparisons and Conditional Statements and
Control: IF and CASE Statements, IF -THEN Statement, IF -THEN -ELSE
Statement, IF THEN -ELSIF Statement, CASE Statement, Iterative Control: LOOP
and EXIT Statements, WHILE -LOOP, FOR -LOOP, Sequential Control: GOTO
and NULL Statements.
Advanced Java: Swing: Need for swing components, Difference between AWT
and swing, Comp onents hierarchy, Panes, Swing components: Jlabel, JTextField
and JPasswordField, JTextAres, JButton, JCheckBox, JRadioButton, JComboBox
and JList
JDBC: Introduction, JDBC Architecture, Types of Drivers, Statement, ResultSet,
Read Only ResultSet, Updatabl e ResultSet, Forward Only ResultSet, Scrollable
ResultSet, PreparedStatement. 15L
Unit II The .NET Framework: .NET Languages, Common Language Runtime, .NET
Class Library.
C# Language Basics: Comments, Variables and Data Types, Variable
Operations, Object -Based Manipulation, Conditional Logic, Loops, Methods,
Classes, Value Types and Reference Types, Namespaces and Assemblies,
Inheritance, Static Members, Casting Objects, Partial Classes
ASP.N ET: Creating Websites, Anatomy of a Web Form - Page Directive,
Doctype, Writing Code - Code -Behind Class, Adding Event Handlers, Anatomy
of an ASP.NET Application - ASP.NET File Types, ASP.NET Web Folders.
Android: What is Android? Obtaining the required t ools, creating first android
app, understanding the components of screen, adapting display orientation, action
bar, Activities and Intents, Activity Lifecycle and Saving State, Basic Views:
TextView, Button, ImageButton, EditText, CheckBox, ToggleButton,
RadioButton, and RadioGroup Views, ProgressBar View,
AutoCompleteTextView, TimePicker View, DatePicker View, ListView View, 15L

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Spinner View
Unit III SoC and Raspberry Pi
System on Chip: What is System on chip? Structure of System on Chip.
SoC products: FPGA , GPU, APU, Compute Units.
ARM 8 Architecture : SoC on ARM 8. ARM 8 Architecture Introduction
Introduction to Raspberry Pi: Introduction to Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi
Hardware, Preparing your raspberry Pi.
Programming Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi and Linux: About Raspbian, Linux Commands, Configuring
Raspberry Pi with Linux Commands.
Programing interfaces: Introduction to Node.js, Python.
Useful Implementations: Cross Compilation, Pulse Width Modulation, SPI for
Camera. 15L
Textbook (s):
1. Ivan Bayross, “SQL,PL/SQL -The Programming language of Oracle”, B.P.B. Publications
2. Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell, Core Java™ 2: Volume II –Advanced Features Prentice
Hall PTR,9 th Edition
3. Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Matthew MacDonald, Apress(2012)
4. Beginning An droid 4 Application Development , Wei -Meng Lee, March 2012, WROX.
5. Learning Internet of Things, Peter Waher, Packt Publishing(2015)

Additional Reference(s):
1. Joel Murach, Murach’s MySQL, Murach
2. The Java Tutorials:
3. Beginning ASP.NET 4 in C# and VB Imar Spanajaars, WROX
4. -fundamentals
5. Mastering the Raspberry Pi, Warren Gay, Apress(2014)

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Course :
USCSBCP201 (Credits : 02 Lectures/Week: 06)
Practical of USCSBC201 & USCSBC202
Perform Any 16 practical’s
1. Problems on generating languages for given simple grammar.
2. Problems on DFA and NDFA equivalence.
3. Solving problems on strings, sets and binomial coefficients.
4. Solving problems using induction.
5. Write a program which demonstrates the following:
 Addition of two complex numbers.
 Displaying the conjugate of a complex number.
 Plotting a set of complex num bers
 Creating a new plot by rotating the given number by a degree 90, 180, 270 degrees
and also by scaling by a number a=1/2, a=1/3, a=2 etc.
6. Write a program to do the following:
 Enter a vector u as a n -list
 Enter another vector v as a n -list
 Find the vector au+bv for different values of a and b
 Find the dot product of u and v
7. Using Packet Tracer , create a basic network of two computers using appropriate network
8. Using Packet Tracer , connect multiple (min.6) computers using layer 2 switch.

9. Writing PL/SQL Blocks with basic programming constructs by including following:
a. Sequential Statements b. unconstrained loop
10. Writing PL/SQL Blocks with basic programming constructs by including following:
If...then...Else, IF...ELSIF...ELSE... END IF
case statement, While -loop Statements, For -loop Statements
11. Design and develop suitable database and business logic for Library Management System.
12. Develop Java application to store image in a database as well as retrieve image from

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13. Write C# programs for understanding C# basics involving
a. Variables and Data Types b. Object -Based Manipulation
c. Conditional Logic d. Loops e. Methods
14. Create an android app with Interactive User Interface using basic views and Layouts.
15. Create an android app that demonstrates Activity Lifecycle and Instance State.
16. Preparing Raspberry Pi: Hardware preparation and Installation.
17. Linux Commands: Exploring the Raspbian.
18. GPIO: Light the LED with Python & GPIO: LED Grid Module: Program the 8X8 Grid with
Different Formulas.

Evaluation Scheme
I. Internal Exam -25 Marks
(i) Test – 20 Marks
20 marks Test – Duration 40 minutes
Weightage per topic should be 5 marks for the test. It will be conducted either using any open
source learning management system such as Moodle (Modular object -oriented dynamic learning
environment) or a test based on an equivalent online course on the contents of the concerned
course (subject) offered by or build using MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) platform.
(ii) 5 Marks - Active participation in routine class instructional deliveries Overall condu ct as a
responsible student, manners, skill in articulation, leadership qualities demonstrated through
organizing co -curricular activities, etc.

II. External Examination - 75 Marks
(i) Duration - 2.5 Hours.
(ii) Theory question paper pattern: -
All question s are compulsory.
Q.1 Unit I: 20 Marks
Q.2 Unit II: 20 Marks
Q.3 Unit III: 20 Marks
Q.4 Unit I, II and III: 15 Marks

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III. Practical Examination – 50 marks
50 Marks: 40 marks + 05 marks (journal) + 05marks (viva)
- Minimum 16 practical are required to be completed and written in the journal.

**Theory and Practical Exam ination to be conducted at college level
**Certified Journal is compulsory for appearing at the time of Practical Exam