Cir 168 1 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Cir 168 1 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Copy for information and necessary action : -

1. The Deputy Registrar, College Affiliations & Development Department
2. College Teachers Approval Unit (CTA),
3. The Deputy Registrar, (Admissions, Enrolment, Eligibility and
Migration Department (AEM),
4. The Deputy Registrar, Academic Appointments & Quality Assurance
5. The Deputy Registrar, Research Administration & Promotion Cell
6. The Deputy Registrar, Executive Authorities Section (EA)
He is requested to treat this as action taken report on the concerned
resolution adopted by the Academic Council referred to the above

7. The Deputy Registrar, PRO, Fort, (Publication Section),
8. The Deputy Registrar, Special Cell,
9. The Deputy Registrar, Fort Administration Department
(FAD) Record Section,
10. The Deputy Registrar, Vidyanagari Administration Department

Copy for information : -

1. The Director, Dept. of Information and Communication Technology
(DICT), Vidyanagari,
He is requested to upload the Circular University Website
2. The Director of Department of Student Development (DSD) ,
3. The Director, Institute of Distance and Open Learning (IDOL Admin),
4. All Deputy Registrar, Examination House,
5. The Deputy Registrars, Finance & Accounts Section,
6. The Assistant Registrar, Administrative sub -Campus Thane,
7. The Assistant Registrar, School of Engg. & Applied Sciences, Kalyan,
8. The Assistant Registrar, Ratnagiri sub -centre, Ratnagiri,
9. P.A to Hon’ble Vice -Chancellor,
10. P.A to Pro -Vice-Chancellor,
11. P.A to Registrar,
12. P.A to All Deans of all Faculties,
13. P.A to Finance & Account Officers, (F & A.O),
14. P.A to Director, Board of Examinations and Evaluation,
15. P.A to Director, Innovation, Incubation and Linkages,
16. P.A to Director, Department of Li felong Learning and Extension (D LLE),
17. The Receptionist,
18. The Telephone Operator,

Copy with compliments for information to : -

19. The Secretary, MUASA
20. The Secretary, BUCTU.

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AC- 11/07/2022
Item No. – 8.3 (A)


5.3.1. Scheme of Examination for Undergraduate 3 Years LL.B. and 5 Years B.L.S.,
LL.B. programme shall be as mentioned below:
The performance of the learners shall be evaluated into two components. The learner’s
performance shall be assessed by Internal Assessment with 25% marks in the first
component by conducting the Semester End Examinations with 75% marks in the second
component. The allocation of marks for the Internal Assessment and Semester End
Examinations are as shown below -

5.3.1. Scheme of Examination for Undergraduate 3 Years LL.B. and B.L.S.,
LL.B. programme shall be as mentioned below:
The performance of the learners shall be evaluated into two components. The
learner’s performance shall be assesse d by Internal Assessment with 25% marks
in the first component by conducting the S emester End Examinations with 75%
marks in the second component. The allocat ion of marks for the Internal
Assessment Semester End Examinations are as shown below: -
a) Internal Assessment – 25% (25 Marks)
1 One Periodical class test held in the given semester 10
2 Subject specific Term Work Module / Assessment modes as decided by
the college in the beginning of the semester (like Extension/field or
experimental work, Objective test, open book etc. And written
assignments, Case study, Judgment Analysis, Projects, Pap ers and
Exhibits etc. as shall be designed by the respective colleges for which the
assessment is to be based on class room presentations if so found
desirable by the college) to be selflessly assessed by the teacher/s
concerned. 15

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AC- 11/07/2022
Item No. – 8.3 (A)

b) Semeste r End Examinations – 75% (75 Marks)
i. Duration – These examinations shall be of 2 hours & 30 minutes duration.
ii. Theory Question Paper Pattern: -
1) There shall be four questions as mentioned herein below.
2) All 4 questions shall be compulsory with choice within each of them.
3) Question may be subdivided into sub -questions a,b,c… and the allocation
of marks depends on the weightage of the topic.
Duration Questions to
be attempted Number of
questions Mark s for Sub
150 Mins (
2.5 hours) Long Answers 3 out of 5 13 marks each
Short Notes 2 out of 4 6 marks each
Problems 2 out of 4 6 marks each
2 Sentences
Answers 6 out of 8 2 marks each
Total Marks 75

For the Semesters I to IV of the 5 years B.L.S., LL.B. programme, the assessment of ‘Part
A’ i.e. Internal Assessment and Part B i.e. Semester End Examination shall be processed
by the Colleges/Institutions of their learners on behalf of the University and declare their
results as per the procedure laid down by the University. The Colleges/Institutions shall
accordingly issue the grade cards to them after conversion of marks into the grades as
per the procedure mentioned in th is manual. The format of the grade card is given
hereinbelow to maintain the uniformity across the all colleges for the examinations
conducted by the colleges on behalf of the University.

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AC- 11/07/2022
Item No. – 8.3 (A)

For the Semesters I to IV of the 3 Years LL.B. programme and Semeste rs V to VIII of the
5 Years B.L.S., LL.B. programmes, the assessment of ‘Part A’ i.e. Internal Assessment
and Part B i.e. Semester End Examination shall be processed by the Colleges/Institutions
of their learners on behalf of the University and declare the ir results as per the procedure
laid down by the University. The Colleges/Institutions shall accordingly issue the grade
cards to them after conversion of marks into grade as per the procedure mentioned in this
manual. The format of the grade is given here inbelow to maintain the uniformity across
all colleges for the examinations conducted by the colleges on behalf of the University.
For the Semesters V & VI of the 3 Years LL.B. programme and Semesters IX and X of
the 5 Years B.L.S., LL.B. programme, th e assessment of ‘Part A’ i.e. Internal Assessment
shall be processed by the Colleges/Institutions on behalf of the University of the learners
admitted for the programme while the University shall conduct the assessment of ‘Part B’
i.e. Semester End Examina tion. The Internal Assessment marks of learners appearing
for these Semesters shall be submitted to the University by the respective
colleges/Institutions before commencement of respective Semester End Examinations.
The Semester End Examinations for Semest ers V & VI of the 3 Years LL.B. programme
and Semesters IX and X of the 5 Years B.L.S., LL.B. programme shall be conducted by
the University and the results shall be declared after processing the internal assessment
and the marks awarded to the learners. T he grade cards shall be issued by the University
after converting the marks into grades.
c) Conducting Applied Component Courses’ Examinations:
The Examinations for the Applied Component Group Courses/Papers of the 3 years LL.B.
programme and of the 5 years B.L.S., LL.B. programme respectively shall be conducted
by the respective college/institution of their learners on behalf of the University and
finalize their results as per the rules and regulations laid down by the University from tim e
to time. The marks of the Applied Component Courses of learners appearing shall be
submitted to the University by the respective colleges/Institutions before commencement
of the next ensuing Semester End Examinations.