Cir 166 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC – 17/05/2022
Item No. – 8.10 (R)
Revised Ph.D. Course work in Environmental Science
(With effect from the academic year 2022 - 2023)
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Syllabus for Approval
1 Title of the Course Ph.D. Course work in Environmental Science
Eligibility for Admission As per VCD - No. Exam. / Thesis/ Univ.
/VCD947 of 2018.
Passing Marks As per VCD - No. Exam. / Thesis/ Univ.
/VCD947 of 2018.
4 Ordinances / Regulations
(if any) Nil/-
5 No. of Years / Semesters Nil
6 Level P.G. (Ph. D)
7 Pattern Nil
8 Status Revised
9 To be implemented from
Academic Year
From Academic Year 2022 – 2023.
Name & Signature of BOS Chairperson :
Name & Signature of Dean : Dr. Anita Swami
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The syllabus for the PhD course work has been refined in accordance to the UGC Regulations
(Minimum Standards and Procedure for the Award of M. Phil and Ph. D degrees) published in
the Gazette of India on 5th July 2016 and the subsequent VCD - No. Exam. / Thesis/ Univ.
/VCD947 of 2018.
It can be appreciated that the learner would now move from the comfort zone of the known to
an exploration of the discipline at its limits. A comprehensive literature review would allow
the learner to articulate the current knowledge and detect the lacunae therein.
This syllabus endeavors to sensitize the learner to the importance of a focused study,
formulation of queries, and design of unbiased experimental sets that would lead to an
efficient and economical investigation.
It also retains the scope to enhance the skill sets required to execute the experimental
programmes. The programme aims to train the young researcher to analyze and interpret the
results obtained considering the variations expected in a biological system using bio -statistical
methods, reducing the tedium with the corre ct application of computer based tools and
The programme also endeavors to impart communication skills and inspire an entrepreneurial
attitude firmly based on sound scientific facts, upheld by ethics and values of society .
Programme Outcomes:
The learner would be able to:
1. Identify areas of research that could be addressed and formulate research questions.
2. Hypothesize and design experiments
3. Develop sustainable, robust and ethical protocols or methodology to test and validate
the results.
4. Organize information and write a thesis, reports, articles and apply for grants.
5. Present, communicate and publish research findings effectively.
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Course No.
Course Title Lectures
Research Methodology & Computer Applications
Research Publication Ethics (RPE)
Core Subject
Active Participation, Academic Development
Publication of research paper, etc.
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Detailed Syllabus
Paper I (PhD_EVS101): Research Methodology & Computer Applications (Credits: 4)
Course Outcome:
The learner would be able to:
1. Hypothesize and develop non-biased methodology to test the hypotheses.
2. Organize and analyse the data integrating computer tools and techniques.
3. Get acquainted with principles of scientific research and experimentation
Unit I: Scientific Research: (10 Hrs.)
Research: Definition, Characteristics, types, need of research. Identification of the problem,
assessing the status of the problem, formulating the objectives, preparing design (experimental or
otherwise), Actual investigation, determining the mode of attack.
Unit II: Literature survey: (10 Hrs.)
References, Abstraction of a research paper, possible ways of getting oneself abreast of current
Unit III: Documentation and scientific writing: (10 Hrs.)
Results and Conclusions, Preparation of manuscript for Publication of Research paper, Presenting a
paper in scientific seminar, Thesis writing.
Structure and Components of Research Report, Types of Report: research papers, thesis, Research
Project Reports, Pictures and Graphs, citation styles, writing a review of paper, Bibliography.
Unit IV: (10 Hrs.)
Use of word processing, spreadsheet and database software. Plotting of graphs. Internet and its
application : E‐mail, WWW, Web browsing, acquiring technical skills, drawing inferences from
Unit V: Statistical analysis and fitting of data (10 Hrs.)
Introduction to Statistics – Probability Theories ‐ Conditional Probability, Poisson Distribution,
Binomial Distribution and Properties of Normal Distributions, Estimates of Means and Proportions;
Chi‐Square Test, Association of Attributes ‐ t‐Test –Anova‐ Standard deviation ‐ Co‐e fficient of
variations. Co‐relation and Regression Analysis.
Unit VI: Data Analysis (10 Hrs.)
Mathematical and statistical analysis using software tools like MAT Lab, SPSS, PsiLAB or free
ware tools.
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Main References:
1. Thesis & Assignment Writing –J Anderson, B.H.Dursten & M.Poole, Wiley Eastern, 1977
2. A Hand Book of Methodology of Research – P. Rajammal and P. Devadoss, R. M. M. Vidya
Press, 1976.
3. The Craft of Scientific Writing by Michael Alley, (Springer).
4. Research Methodology by R. Panneerselvam, PHI, New Delhi 2005
5. Practical Research Methods, by Dawson, Catherine, 2002, UBS Publishers’ Distributors New
6. Research Methodology‐ A step by step Guide for Beginners, (2nd ed.) Kumar Ranjit, 2005,
Pearson Education.
7. How to write and publish by Robert A. Day and Barbara Gastel, (Cambridge University Press).
8. Survival skills for Scientists by Federico Rosei and Tudor Johnson, (Imperial College Press).
9. How to Research by Loraine Blaxter, Christina Hughes and Malcum Tight, (Viva Books).
10. The Craft of Scientific Writing by Michael Alley, (Springer).
11. A Student’s Guide to Methodology by Peter Clough and Cathy Nutbrown, (Sage Publications).
12. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists” by Sheldon Ross, (Elsevier Academic
13. Research methodology techniques and methods by C L Kothari, New age International
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Paper II (PhD_EVS101) : Research Publication and Ethics (RPE) (Credits: 2)
Course Outcome:
The learner would be able to:
1. Assess and improve the skills required for the publication and ethics.
2. Design and execute well planned, sustainable, and ethical and legally correct experiments and
3. Publish and present the generated results in scientific journals and conferences.
Unit 1: Philosophy and Ethics (3 Hrs.)
1. Introduction to philosophy: definition, nature and scope, concept, branches
2. Ethics: definition, moral philosophy, nature of moral judgements and reactions
Unit 2: Scientific Conduct (5 Hrs.)
1. Ethics with respect to science and research
2. Intellectual honesty and research integrity
3. Scientific misconducts: Falsification, Fabrication, and Plagiarism (FFP)
4. Redundant publications: duplicate and overlapping publications, salami slicing
5. Selective reporting and misrepresentation of data
Unit 3: Publication Ethics (7 Hrs.)
1. Publication ethics: definition, introduction and importance
2. Best practices / standards setting initiatives and guidelines: COPE, WAME, etc.
3. Conflicts of interest
4. Publication misconduct: definition, concept, problems that lead to unethical behaviorand vice
versa, types
5. Violation of publication ethics, authorship and contributor ship
6. Identification of publication misconduct, complaints and appeals
7. Predatory publishers and journals
Unit 4: Open Access Publishing (4 Hrs.)
Open access publications and initiatives
1. SHERPA/RoMEO online resource to check publisher copyright & self-archivingpolicies
2. Software tool to identify predatory publications developed by SPPU
3. Journal finder / journal suggestion tools viz. JANE, Elsevier Journal Finder, SpringerJournal
Suggester, etc.
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Unit 5: Publication Misconduct (4 Hrs.)
A. Group Discussions
1. Subject specific ethical issues, FFP, authorship
2. Conflicts of interest
4. Complaints and appeals: examples and fraud from India and abroad
B. Software tools
Use of plagiarism software like Tumitin, Urkund and other open source software tools
Unit 6: Database and Research Materials (4 Hrs.)
A. Databases
1. Indexing databases
2. Citation databases: Web of Science, Scopus, etc.
B. Research Metrics
1. Impact Factor of journal as per Journal Citation Report, SNIP, SJR, IPP, CiteScore
2. Metrics: h-index, g index, i10 index, altmetrics
1. Bird, A. (2006). Philosophy ofscience. Routledge.
2. MacIntyre, Alasdair (1967) A Short History ofEthics. London.
3. P. Chaddah, (2018) Ethics in Competitive Research: Do not get scooped; do not get
plagiarized, ISBN:978 - 9387480865
4. National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering and Institute of
Medicine. (2009). On Being
5. Scientist.’ A Guide to Responsible Conduct in Research: Third Edition. National Academies
6. Resnik, D. B. (2011). What is ethics in research & why is it important. National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences, 1-10. Retrieved from httos://www.nieiys.nih .
ov/research/resources/bioethics/whatis/index.cfm Beall , J. (2012). Predatory publishers are
comipting open access. Nature, 489(7415), 179—179.
7. Indian National Science Academy (INSA), Ethics in Science Education, Research and
Governance (2019), ISBN: 978-81-939482 -1-7. http://www.insaindia
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Paper III (PhD_EVS103): Core Subject (Credits: 2)
Course Outcome:
1. To develop the ability according to laboratory work and its allied problems.
2. To provide students with knowledge, general competence, and analytical skills and built their
foundation for research in core subject.
This course is to be suggested by guide/supervisor/through recommendation of RAC in
specific domain area of research undertaken by the research candidate in line with any of the
following: (2 Credits)
A. Descriptive Examination
B. Presentation on sub-topic under the topic of PhD
C. Seminal on sub-topic under the topic of PhD
Paper IV (PhD_EVS104): Active Participation, Academic Development,
Publication of research paper, etc. (Credits: 4)
Course Outcome:
The learner would be able to:
1. Collate and review the literature relevant to the research topic
2. Develop soft skills required for effective presentation and research publication in reputed
3. Engage in scientific discussion.
A. Research paper presentation in national conference & publication.
B. Research paper presentation in international conference & publication.
C. Laboratory/ Field work related with the topic of PhD for not less than 7 days.
D. Training for advanced techniques in reputed institute for not less than 7 days.
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Evaluation and Assessment Methods for Course Work:
Paper I (PhD_EVS101): Research Methodology & Computer Applications
The descriptive examination of duration 2.30 hrs for 60 maximum marks would be conducted.
The six assignments on various sub -topics each carrying 10 marks, would be asked to submit. The
group discussion on chosen sub -topics for 40 marks, would be conducted. The marks obtained by
PhD scholar out of 100 marks for Assignment/Group Discussion would be conducted to the base
of maximum marks 40 and then subsequently added to the marks obtained in above descriptive
Paper II (PhD_EVS101) : Research Publication and Ethics (RPE)
The descriptive examination of duration 1.15 hrs for 30 maximum marks would be conducted.
The six assignments on various sub -topics each carrying 10 marks, would be asked to submit. The
group discussion on chosen sub -topics for 40 marks, would be conducted. The marks obtained by
PhD scholar out of 100 marks for Assignment/Group Discussion would be conducted to the base
of maximum marks 20 and then subsequently added to the marks obtained in above descriptive
Paper III (PhD_EVS103): Core Subject
The descriptive examination of duration 1.15 hrs for 30 maximum marks would be conducted.
The presentation /the seminar on two different sub -topics under the concerned topic of the PhD
will have to be presented/delivered by PhD scholar, each carrying 10 marks.
Paper IV (PhD_EVS104): Active Participation, Academic Development, Publication of
research paper, etc.
The presentation of research paper in National and International Conferences, each carrying 30
marks, and their subsequent publication in Proceeding Volume or Journal is essential. The
laboratory/field work related with the topic of PhD for not less than 7 days, will carry 20 marks.
The training for advanced techniques in reputed institute for not less than 7 days, will carry 20
Kindly Note:
1. The record of the evaluation is to be maintained till the candidate is awarded his/her Ph.D.
degree by the University.
2. After completion of the course -work, the certificate of completion of course work shall be
submitted to the University as per the prescribed format.
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Specimen of Grade Card
(For PhD Scholars registered in this Research Centre)
No. Course Title Head Maximum
Marks Minimum
Marks Marks
Obtained Credits
(C) Grade
and Computer
Applications Examination 60 24
Discussion 40 16
Total 100 40
Research &
Ethics Examination 30 12
Discussion 20 08
Total 50 20
Core Subject Examination 30 12
Presentation/Seminar 20 08
Total 50 20
Publication of
Research Paper Research Paper
Presentation &
Publication in National
and International
Laboratory/Field Work
Training 40 16
Total 100 40
Grand Total 300 12
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Specimen of Grade Card
(For PhD Scholars registered elsewhere)
(For Research Methodology & Computer Applications and Research & Publication Ethics)
No. Course Title Head Maximum
Marks Minimum
Marks Marks
Obtained Credits
(C) Grade
1 Research
and Computer
Applications Examination 60 24
Discussion 40 16
Total 100 40
Research &
Ethics Examination 30 12
Discussion 20 08
Total 50 20
Grand Total 150 6
Only for Research Methodology and Computer Applications:
No. Course Title Head Maximum
Marks Minimum
Marks Marks
Obtained Credits
(C) Grade
1 Research
and Computer
Applications Examination 60 24
Discussion 40 16
Total 100 40
Grand Total 100 4
Only for Research & Publication Ethics:
No. Course Title Head Maximum
Marks Minimum
Marks Marks
Obtained Credits
(C) Grade
1 Research &
Ethics Examination 30 12
Discussion 20 08
Total 50 20
Grand Total 50 2
Grand Total : -
Percentage :-
Grade :-
Remark :-
Page 15
7-Point Scale
Percentage/Grade Point, Grade
No. Percentage of Marks
Obtained Grade Point Grade
1 70.00 and above 7 O
2 60 - 69.99 6 A
3 55 - 59.99 5 B
4 50 – 54.99 4 C
5 45 – 49.99 3 D
6 40 – 44.99 2 E
7 Below 39.99 0 F
Minimum of 55% of marks or its equivalent grade in order to be eligible to submit the synopsis of
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University of Mumbai
Ratnagiri Sub-Campus
(Research Centre for PhD in Environmental Science)
This is to certify that Mr./Ms./Mrs. (Surname) ................................ .......... (First
name)………………….. (Second name)…………….. has been a regular student of Ph.D. He/She
has attended the course work on ……………………………………………….. conducted at the
recognized research centre/department from………………………… to ................................ during
the year …………… He/She has successfully completed this course as part of the pre -registration
course work prescribed by the University of Mumbai. He/She secured ……. grade in point
Seal Director (I/C)
Date: 05/03/2022
Director (I/C) Assistant Registrar