Certificate Course in Prakrits 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Certificate Course in Prakrits 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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1 Title of the Course Syllabus for One Year Certificate Course in Prakrits
2 Course Code UDSANPRC
3 Preamble / Scope Enclosed
4 Objective of Course Enclosed
5 Eligibility SSC or Equivalent
6 Fee Structure ₹3500/- (Tuition fees) + ₹500 (Examination
7 No. of Lectures 3 Hours per Week on Saturday/ Sunday
8 No. of Practical NA
9 Duration of the Course One Year Part Time
10 Notional hours Two Hours per Week
11 No. of Students per Batch Minimum 20 and Maximum 60
Selection First Come First Served Basis
Assessment Annual - Theory+ Viva
Syllabus Details Enclosed
Title of the Unit Enclosed
Title of the S ub-Unit Enclosed
Semester wise Theory NA
Semester wise List of Practical NA
Question Paper Pattern Enclosed
Pattern of Practical Exam NA
Scheme of Evaluation of Project NA
List of Suggested Reading Enclosed
List of Websites NA
List of You -Tube Videos NA 12

Essentials Elements of the Syllabus

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List of MOOC s NA

Date: Signature :

Name of BOS Chairperson / Dean: ______________________________________
No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the
Course One Year Certificate Course in Prakrits
2 Eligibility for
Admission SSC or Equivalent
3 Passing
Marks Paper I - 40 Marks,
Paper II- 40 Marks,
Oral Examination - 20 Marks
4 Ordinances /
Regulations ( if any) NA
5 No. of Years One Year
6 Level P.G. / U.G./ Diploma / Certificate
7 Pattern Yearly / Semester
8 Status New / Revised
9 To be implemented from Academic Year From Academic Year _2017 -18_ AC___________
Item No. ______


Syllabus for Approval

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One year Certificate Course in Prakrits
Preamble and Objectives of the Course:
Prakrits are a group of languages between Sanskrit and Modern Indo Aryan
languages. It is assumed that Modern Indian Languages have been evolved from
Prakrits. Some prominent Prakrit languages are Ardhamagadhi, Magadhi,
Shauraseni and Maharashtri. Prakrits, being the language of the masses, are a valuable literary source for understanding culture of the common people.

Ardhamagadhi, a Prakrit language was the medium of sermons offered by
Bhagavan Mahavira, so that his teachings could reach the masses. Prakrits have
been a medium of communication by certain characters in Sanskrit dramas.

Knowledge of Prakrits will enhance knowledge of folk culture and history of
Ancient India. It will be an added qualification for understanding philosophy of

The Certificate Course in Prakrits is a small step in this endeavor. Gradually, we
intend to start a Diploma Course and Advanced Diploma Course in Prakrits. The course is designed keeping in mind that the students of this course are beginners.
The course will generate interest for in depth knowledge of Prakrits among
students in future.

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Paper I: Prakrit texts

Unit I
1. Gath asattasai- 20 verses- Verses 1 -20
2. Shakuntal a- Seventh Act -Sarvadamana Episode
Unit II
1. Uttar adhyayana sutra - Akama -maraniya - Pancham a Adhyaya na
2. Sutrakrut anga su tra
Unit III
1. Kalpas utra- Fourteen Dreams (33- 46A)
2. Samayas ara- Chapter IX
Unit IV
1. Dasavaik alika sutra - Drumapushpika - Prathama Adhyayana
2. Milind Panho- VI.1 and VI.2

Paper II : Grammar - Prakrit Vyakarana Praveshika

1. Varnam ala
2. Nama, V ishesana, Sarvan ama, Kriy apada etc.
3. Sandhi
4. Rules of different Prakrits
5. Vibhakti
6. Unseen Translation
7. Transliteration

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Paper Pattern:

Paper I - Prakrit Texts
Unit I
1. Translation into medium language (2 out of 3) 10
2. Translation into medium l anguage (3 out of 4) 15

Unit II
1. Reference to context (3 out of 4) 15
2. Translation into medium language (2 out of 3) 10

Unit III
1. Translation into medium language (3 out of 4) 15
2. Translation into medium language (2 out of 3) 10

Unit IV
1. Write paragraphs. (2 out of 3) 15
2. Write short notes. (2 out of 3) 10

Paper II- Prakrit Grammar
1. Fill in the blanks 20
2. Recognize the forms 15
3. Give the forms 15
4. Sandhi 10
5. Transliteration and Translation 20
6. Unseen translation from Prose 10
7. Unseen translation from Poetry 10

Total Marks: 250
Paper I : 100 Marks
Paper II : 100 Marks
Viva : 50 Marks

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Select Bibliography:

1. Prakrit Sahitya Ka Itihas,Jagadishachandra Jain
2. Sanskrit & Prakrit: Sociolinguistic Issues, Madhav Deshpande, MLBD,
3. Grammar of Prakrit Languages, R. Pischel, MLBD, 1999
4. Prakritakosha
5. Hala’s Sattasai (Gathasaptashati in Prakrit): Poems of Life and Love in
Ancient India, Peter Khoroche & Herman Tieken, MLBD, 2014
6. Abhijnanashakuntalam of Kalidasa, M.R. Kale, MLBD
7. Prakrit Vyakarana Praveshika, Dr. Satyaranjan Banerji, Jain Bhavan, Kolkata, 1999
8. The Uttaradhyayana Sutra, Translated from Prakrit by Hermann Jacobi,
Kshetra Books, 2015
9. Gaina Sutras Translated from Prakrit by Hermann Jacobi, Part II - The
Uttaradhyayana Sutra & The Sutrakritanga Sutra, MLBD, Delhi, 1995.
10. ‘The Kalpasutra’ translated in English by Hermann Jacobi in The Sacred
Books of the East (Vol 22), MLBD, Delhi, 1989.
11. Samayasara of Acharya Kundakunda, Jain Vishwabharati University,
12. Dashavikalika Sutra, K.C. Lalwani, Orient Book Distributors, 1973.
13. Milind Panho, Translate d by Bidhusekhar Bhattacharjee