Certificate Course in Dance Odissi 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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Syllabus , Ordinances and Regulations
Relating to the Part Time
Certificate Course in Dance ( Odissi) New Course
(Self - Financing)
O……… Title of the Course will b e Certificate Course in Dance (Odissi )
O……… A Candidate for being eligible for admission must have passed 12th standard
(H.S.C.) or equivalent examinations in any discipline. This course can be done
simultaneously while pursuing a degree of the University in any discipline.
R………. The Certificate Course in Dance ( Odissi ) will be of duration of on e year.
R………. It is a part -time course with compulsory attendance.
R……… The examination at the end of the year will be conducted by the University.
R……….The Certificate Course in Dance ( Odissi ) will have the following scheme of
paper and practicals : -
Certificate Course in Dance ( Odissi )
Paper -I Origin, History and Development of Odissi 50 marks of 2 hours
Practical -I Nritta & Recitation 150 marks
Practical -II Nritya 100 marks
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Grand Total of Theory & Practicals.. 300 marks
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R….. Qualification of Lecturers for Certificate Course in Dance ( Odissi ) :-
Theory – M.P.A. (Dance) Second Class of University of Mumbai.NET
is not compulsory.
Practical s – Traditional teachers with sufficient expertise in Odissi .
Number of lectures for Certificate Course in Dance ( Odissi ) :-
Each theory paper of 50 marks should be covered in 18 to 20 lectures of
one clock hour each. For all the p racticals an aggregate of 80 clock hours
per year should be covered.
Attendance :
75% of the total lectures taken in theory and practicals.
R……. Fee Structure : -
For Certificate Course in Dance (Odissi ) :-
Tuition fees for both terms : Rs.12,000/-
Library fees for each year : Rs. 300/-
Instruments fees for each year : Rs. 200/-
Recognition of colleges/institutions to teach the Certificate Course in Dance
(Odissi) :-
Only recognised and/or renowned institutions with permanent infrastructure be
permitted to teach the course.
Minimum infrastructural facilities are : -
The Principal should be Ph.D. in Dance and approved by the Statutory University
and the o ther regular staff should be academically qualified teachers for theory
and practical , librarian as also other non -teaching st aff, necessary number of class
rooms , well equipped library, musical instruments etc.
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The Details of Theory and Practicals are as follows: -
Paper -I 50 marks
Origin , H istory and Development of Odissi .
a. The evidence of Dance Sculptures from Orissan Temples.
b. Myths, Legends and Historical facts.
c. Maharis and Gotipua tradition.
d. The Cult of Jagannatha.
e. Hastas, Abhinayas, Nritta, Nritya etc of Odissi.
Practical I: Nritta & Recitation : 150 marks
Details of Practicals :
a. Training of the basic steps in Tribhangi and Couka .
b. Arasa s relating to angacalan. .
c. Batu nrtya and its nrtta based analysis.
d. Pallavi.
e. Knowledge and recitation of basic talas.
Pratcial II : Nritya 100 marks
Details of Practicals :
a. Ashtapadi (lalita lavanga)
b. Mangalacharan
c. Definitions of applicable Samyuta and Asamyuta Hastas from
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The distribut ion of marks for Practicals is as follows : -
Practical -I : Nritta & Recitation.
Performance - 75 marks
Laya with Recitation - 50 marks
Angashuddhi - 25 marks
150 marks
Practic al-II : Nritya
Bhaava Exposition - 50 marks
Explanation of content - 25 marks
Shlokas - 25 marks
100 marks
Select Bibliography for Theory Paper
Paper -I
Name of the Book Author Publication
1. “Marg” Orissi Dance Marg Publications 1960.
Vol. XIII -March 1960 No.2.
2. Odissi – What, Why & How Madhumita Raut B.R. Rhyths, Delhi -.
(Evolution, Revival & - First Edition -2007.
3. Odissi Sharon Lowen Wisdom Tree,
New Delhi, 2004
4. Gita Govinda of Jayadeva : Miller Barbra Motilal Banarsidass,
Love song of the dark lord. Delhi, ed & tr 1997.
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Standard for passing the Certificate Course in Dance ( Odissi ) will be as under : -
R…. To pass the examination at the end of each year a candidate must obtain 40% of
marks in theory paper and 40% of marks in each practical.
R……Those of the successful candidates who obtain –
40% to 49% of the total marks will be placed in C grade
50% to 59% of the total marks will be placed in B grade
60% and above of the total marks will be placed in A grade