Biochemistry SYBSc proposed revised syllabus 2018 19 1 Syllabus Mumbai University

Biochemistry SYBSc proposed revised syllabus 2018 19 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Syllabus for the S.Y.B.Sc.
Program: B.Sc.
Course: Biochemistry

( Choice Based Credit System )
(To be implemented from the Academic year 2018 -2019

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S.Y.B.Sc. Bio -Chemistry Syllabus
Choice Based Credit System
To be implemented from the Academic year 2018 -2019
Course Code &

Credits L / Week
US BCH 301
chemistry &
methods I Acids, bases, buffers and ionic equilibria 2 1
II Physicochemical principles
III Microscopy 1
US BCH 302
Fundamentals of
Genetics and
Physiology I Genetics I 2 1
II Blood and Body fluids 1
III Biological transport mechanisms 1
US BCH 303
Biochemistry I I Introduction to microbiology and cell
culture 2 1
II Fermentation and downstream
processing 1
III Industrial biotechnology 1
US BCH P3 Practical ’s based on both courses in theory 3 9

Course Code &
Title UNIT TOPICS Credits L / Week
US BCH 401
chemistry &
methods I Enzymology 2 1
II Plant growth regulators and
endocrinology 1
III Approaches to biochemical
investigations 1
US BCH 402
of Genetics and
Physiology I Genetics II 2 1
II Movement and l ocomotion 1
III Neurophysiology 1
US BCH 403
Biochemistry II I Trends in b iotechnology 2 1
II Introduction to p harmacology 1
III Resource management 1
US BCH P4 Practical ’s based on both courses in theory 3 9

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S.Y.B.Sc. Bio -Chemistry Syllabus
Choice Based Credit System
To be implemented from the Academic year 2018 -2019


Course Code Title Credits
US BCH 301 Bio-organic chemistry & biophysical methods 2 Credits
(45 lectures)
Unit I: Acids, bases, buffers and ionic equilibria
15 Lectures 1.1 Definition – pH, pK, pKw, isoelectric pH, buffer,
buffering capacity
1.2 Derivations: Ionic product of water, Hendersen –
Hasselbalch equation,
1.3 Relation between pI, pKa 1and pKa 2for a neutral,
acidic and basic amino acid
1.3.1 Ionization and titration curves of glycine, lysine and
aspartic acid; pKa, pHm, and pI values of these
amino acids
1.3.2 Sorensen’s reaction and f ormo l titration of amino
1.4 Physiological buffers: Hb - HHb, carbonate -
bicarbonate, phosphate and protein
1.5 Numerical on above concepts.
Unit II: Physicochemical principles
15 Lectures 2.1 Diffusion and osmosis
2.1.1 Ways of expressing solute concentration - mole,
molal , normal, percent, activity & ionic strength.
2.1.2 Diffusion & diffusion coefficient and factors affecting
diffusion of solute in solution
2.1.3 Osmosis - Vant Hoff’s law of osmotic pressure law &
mathematical expression (no derivation),
mechanism of osmosis, role of osmosis in
2.1.4 Renal dialysis: Principles and process
2.2 Colloids and viscosity
2.2.1 Colloidal state in relation to surface forces, surface
area, electrical charge, precipitation and

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2.2.2 Surface tension and its measurement, facto rs
affecting surface tension Eg . Role of bile in digestion
2.2.3 Viscosity - definition, measurement; Donnan
membrane equilibrium, relation between Donnan
equilibrium and osmotic pressure.
Unit III: Microscopy
15 Lectures 3.1 History, Basic principles of microscopy, of light and
3.2 Dissection and compound microscope:
Construction and parts of a microscope, function of
each part, levels of magnification, concept of
refractive index and role of oil in magnification
3.3 Specialized microscopy I
3.3.1 Diffe rential interference contrast ( DIC),
3.3.2 Phase contrast,
3.3.3 Dark Field
3.4 Specialized Microscopy II
3.4.1 Simple fluorescence microscopy
3.4.2 Confocal microscopy
3.4.3 Electron microscopy
 Principle, applications and comparative study
 Types - SEM and TEM

Course Code Title Credits
USBCH302 Fundamentals of Genetics and Physiology 2 Credits
(45 lectures)
Unit I: Genetics: I
15 lectures 1.1 History : Contributions of Mendel, Bateson, Hardy -
Weinberg, Garrod, Morgan, Griffith, Beadle and
Tatum, Avery, Mac Leod, Mc Carthy, Lederberg,
Tatum, Barbara Mclintock, Hershey & Chase,
Watson &Crick.
1.2 Mendelian genetics : Mendel’s experiments -
Monohybrid, Dihybrid crosses, Laws of inheritance
1.3 Dominance, recessivity, co dominance, incomplete
(semi) dominance, lethal genes

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1.4 Gene interaction -Epistasis, types of epistasis,
multiple alleles, maternal effects
1.5 Numerical on above concepts
Unit II: Blood and Body Fluids
15 lectures 2.1 Fluid compartments of the body –ICF and ECF
2.2 Blood : Composition, characteristics and function; role
of plasma proteins, Starlings hypothesis; blood
clotting and factors involved
2.3 Bile: Composition, characteristics and function;
2.4 Urine : Composition –normal and abnormal
constituents; formation of urine.

2.5 Lymph : Composi tion, Formation and Circulation
Unit III: Biological transport mechanisms
15 lectures 3.1 Transport in plants : Role of xylem and phloem
3.2 Transport in blood:
3.2.1 Transport of gases CO 2 and O 2, Role of hemoglobin,
O2 dissociation curves, Bohr effect Chloride shift
3.2.2 Transport of Metabolites: transport of lipids –
lipoproteins and their types, role of plasma protein,
albumin in transport of metabolites and drugs
3.2.3 Transport of Ions: Fe -Ferritin and transferrin and
3.3 Transport across cell membrane s
3.3.1 Channel proteins and Carrier proteins
3.3.2 Passive transport (simple and facilitated diffusion)
with suitable examples; concep t of symport, antiport,
uniport, Endocytosis and Exocytosis – with one
example each
3.3.3 Active transport: primary –Na+&K+ pump, secondary
Glucose -amino acid transport, types of glucose
transporters (GLUT 1 to GLUT 4), aquaporins, ion
channel inhibitors like gramicidin and valinomycin

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Course Code Title Credits
USBCH 303 Applied Biochemistry I (45 lectures)
Unit I: Microbiology in Human Health and Diseases
15 lectures 1.1 Beneficial Microorganism: Lactobacillus, Normal flora of
human gut, Probiotics, Yeast, Nitrogen fixing bacteria
(Rhizobium and Azotobacter)
1.2 Harmful microorganisms:
1.2.1 Air borne - Mycobacterium tuberculae (Tuberculosis),
Corynebacterium diptheriae (Diptheria), Candida sp.,
Haemophilus influenza e (Influenza), morbillivirus
1.2.2 Water borne - Shigella sp. (Dysentery), Vibrio cholerae
(Cholera), Salmonella sp. (Enteric fever), Hepatitis virus
1.2.3 Food borne - Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium
botulinum (Botulism)
1.2.4 Soil borne - Clostridium tetani
1.3 Virology - General s tructure of a typical virus ,
classification of viruses based on genome (DNA, RNA);
symmetry (helical, icosahedral, complex), host (bacteria,
plant, animal, insect); Lytic and Lysogenic cycle
Unit II: Cell and Tissue Culture
15 lectures 2.1 Plant Tissue Culture:
2.1.1 History, Introduction or definition (explants, callus,
dedifferentiation, re -differentiation) concept of
2.1.2 Culture techniques; Types of culture (Callus culture,
Organ culture, protoplast culture, cell culture)
2.1.3 Applications: secondary metabolites in plant culture,
2.2 Animal Cell Culture:
2.2.1 History, Introduction to Primary cell culture, Cell
lines (Finite and continuous)
2.2.2 Culture techniques used for primary culture,
2.2.3 Stem cell culture, Animal Organ Culture, Whole embryo
2.2.4 Applications: hybridoma (monoclonal antibody),
production of Vaccines

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Unit III: Industrial Biochemistry
15 lectures 3.1 Basics of fermentation
3.1.1 Typical Fermente r, Types of Fermenters (CSTF, Bubble
cap, Airlift, Fluidized Bed reactor)
3.1.2 Industrial production of wine, penicillin
3.2 Immobilized Enzyme: Introduction, Methods of
immobilization (entrapment, adsorption, covalent
binding, microencapsulation, cross linking)
3.2.1 Stabilization of soluble enzyme (solvent and substrate
stabilization, enzyme stabilization by polymer. Salts and
chemical modification)
3.3.2 Applications
3.3 Biosensors: Features of Biosensors, classification based
on transducers, applications
3.4 Single Cell proteins and their applications

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Semester III

1. Hall John E ; Guyton : Textbook of Medical Physiology Elsevier publishers
2. Tortora G J, Derrickson B H; Principles of Anat omy and Physiology, Wiley publishers
3. David L. Nelson, Michal M. Cox, Lehniger Principles of Biochemistry, W. H. Freeman
& company, New york, 4th edition
4. J. L. Jain, Fundamentals of Biochemistry, S. Chand & company, 2005 edition
5. A.C. Deb, Fundamentals of Biochemistry, New central book agency (P) Ltd., 8th
6. U. Satyanarayan , Biochemistry, Books & allied (P) Ltd., Kolkata, 3rd edition
7. Murry, R. K. & other s, Harper‟s Biochemistry, Appleton & Lange, california, 21st
8. J.B.Russel, Genetics
9. Benjamin Lewin, Gene VII, Oxford Universi ty Press
10. M.W. Strickberger, Genetics
11. William & Wilson
12. Michael J. Pelczar, Jr; E.C.S. Chan; Noel R. Krieg; Microbiology Tata McGraw Hill
13. S S purohit, Biotechnology fundamental and applications
14. U. Satyanarayan ; Biotechnology
15. Jogdand, Advances in biotechnology
16. Willium Frazier, Dennis C. Westhoff; Food Microbiology; The McGraw hill Companies
17. Roger Y stanier ; General Microbiology ,Macmillan, 198 1
18. David Freifelder, Microbial genetics
19. Gardner E J, Simmons M J, Snustad P D; Principles of Genetics, Wiley
20. Harvey Lodish , Arnold Berk ,Paul Matsudaira, Chris A., Kaiser, Monty Krieger ,
Matthew P. Scott , Lawrence Zipursky, James Darnell, Molecular Cell Biology, Wiley
21. S.K. Verma and Mohit Verma; Plant physiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology

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Practical Syllabus P3
P3 (301)
1) a] Preparation of beta Amyla se/Urease/Invertase extract demonstration of the
activity Qualitatively.
b] Determination of the Achromic point of Salivary Amylase.
2) Preparation of Buffers and measurement of pH using pH papers and pH meter.
3) Acid – Base t itration of a polyprotic acid [H 2CO 3/H3PO 4/Glycine hydrochloride]
4) a] A study of some methods of cell rupture : effect of hypo, hyp er and isotonic
solut ions on cells of the onion peel /plant cell (Hydrilla/ Vallisneria/ Spirogyra)
b] Effect of organic solvents on cell rupture
5) Determination of the Viscosity of sucrose solution using Ostwal d’s Viscometer.
6) Demonstration of Osmosis through a semi permeable membrane. Potato
P3 (302)
1) Mendel ’s Laws :
a] Problems based on the laws
b] case studies based on the laws
2) A study of Human Karyotypes.
3) Isoelectric precipitation of Casein using an indicator.
4) Field visit /Assignment on vermiculture, organic farming, composting, biogas plant
followed by a detailed report of at least one [ the visit is recommended with the
report, but in case it is not possible an assignment is mandatory]
P3 (303)
1) Demonstration of the working of an autoc lave and a hot air oven.
2) Optimization of curd – a demonstration.
3) Sterility testing of air by plate exposure technique. [ in sterile zone, in lab ] and of tap
4) A study of vari ous culture inoculation methods . (streak plate , pour plate and spread
plate methods).
5) Cell count in a culture medium using optical density
6) Determination of the zone of inhibition of microorganisms using the agar well
method and disc method.

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7) Flow sheet diagrams of industrial preparation of: a vitamin , an anti biotic, a food
item, an enzyme and an alcohol.

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Semester IV
Course Code Title Credits
USBCH 401 Bio-organic chemistry & biophysical methods 2 Credits
45 lectures
Unit I: Enzymology
15 lectures 1.1 Definition – Enzyme, coenzyme, cofactor, apoenzyme,
holoenzyme, prosthetic group, active site , enzyme
specificity, Turnover number, specific activity, Katal, IU.
1.2 IUB / EC classification upto one digit. Enzyme specificity
:Fischers lock & key and Koshlands induced fit theories
1.3 Activation energy, mechanism of enzyme action (concept of
active site, single and bi - substrate reaction), factors
affecting enzyme activity – substrate concentration, pH,
1.4 Enzyme kinetics – Derivation of Michaelis - Menten
equation and Li neweaver Burk plot for mono -substrate
reactions and numerical problems based on them.
1.5 Enzyme inhibition – Reversible and Irreversible; competitive
and non competitive, (one example of each)
Numerical problems on above.
Unit II: Plant growth regulators and endocrinology
15 lectures 2.1 Plant growth regulators - Structure and function of - auxins,
gibberellins , cytokinins, ethylene and abscisic acid.
2.2 Definition of hormones, hormone receptor, endocrine &
exocrine glands
2.3 Classification of hormones on the basis of:
2.3.1 Distance of target tissue - autocrine, paracrine, endocrine.
Hierarchal organization of the mammalian endocrine
2.3.2 Chemistry - One example for each sub class.
2.4 Chemistry & physiological role of thyroxine, oxytocin &
vasopressin, Physiological role of glucocorticoids, FSH, LH,
Estrogen, Progesterone (Reproductive cycle) Mode of action
of steroid hormones and epinephrine. (amplification
cascade Only till the level of protein kinase A) G pro tein not
to be covered.
Unit III : Approaches to Biochemical investigations
15 lectures
3.1 Whole animal and plant studies - the advantages and

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disadvantages of any four model systems for biochemical
investigation (e.g . E.coli , yeast, Dictyostelium , C. elegans ,
Drosophila, Arabidopsis )
3.2 Organ & tissue studies
3.3 Isolated and cultured tissue and cell techniques: isolation,
culture and counting of cells.
3.4 Cell Fractionation
3.4.1 Cell rupture – solid shear, liquid shear, high pressure,
ultrasound, osmotic shock, chemical treatment (enzyme,
organic solvent), temperature.
3.4.2 Choice of suspension medium ( isotonic & hypotonic
solution, PBS) and separation methods.

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Course Code Title Credits
USBCH402 Fundamentals of Genetics and Physiology 2Credits
45 lectures
Unit I: Genetics: II
15 lectures 1.1 Genome organization
1.1.1 Prokaryotic Genome: Nucleoid structure
1.1.2 Eukaryotic chromosomes: Packaging of DNA(upto Solenoid
structure), DNA supercoiling, Topoisomerase, Chromatin
structure -Euchromatin, Heterochromatin, structure of
condensed chromatin, Centromere, kinetochore, telomere,
Comparison of chromosomal structure in prokaryotes and
1.2 Recombination in prokaryotes
1.2.1 Transformation: Transforma tion in S. pneumoniae
1.2.2 Transduction: General features with one example
1.2.3 Conjugation: Mechanism F+, F - and Hfr strain
Unit II: Movement and locomotion
15 lectures 2.1 Movement in plants
2.1.1 Movements of Locomotion Spontaneous: Ciliary, Amoeboid,
Cyclosis (Rotation, Circulation) Induced: Chemotaxis,
Phototaxis, Thermotaxis
2.1.2 Movements of Curvature: Mechanical: hygroscopic
Vital:i)Spontaneous -movements of growth(nutation,
circumutation, Hyponasty, epinasty); movements of
ii)Induced –Tropic -hapto/geo/hydrotropism;
Nastic –seismonasty, Nyctynasty
2.2 Muscle contraction
2.2.1 Structural organization of a muscle fibre, myofibril
2.2.2 Contraction and Relaxation of Muscles; -mechanisms, Other
types of contractions –e.g. twitch, tetanus, Isotonic, Isometric
regulation of Muscle contraction
Unit III: Neurophysiology
15 lectures 3.1 Nervous System Classification: CNS,PNS; Components:
Neurons (3types) and Neuroglia(6types) –structure and
function, Axonal transport

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3.2 Nerve impulse transmission :
Resting Membrane Potential, ion channels [voltage and
ligand gated], Action Potential (depolarization, polarization
and refraction period), propagation of action potential
(salutatory & continuous conduction)
3.3 Synaptic transmission :
Physiological anatomy of a synapse; – Electrical & Chemical
synapses, Excitatory & inhibitory postsynaptic potentials,
Agonists & Antagonists, inactivation of Neurotransmitter
3.4 Neurotransmitters :
Structure and function of acetyl choline, catecholamines,
GABA, glutamate, glycine

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Course Code Title Credits
USBCH 403 Applied Biochemistry II 2 Credits
45 lectures
Unit I: Trends in Biotechnology:
15 lectures 1.1 Bioremediation:
1.1.1 Introduction to terms – Bioremediation,
Biotransformation, Xenobiotics, Recalcitrant
xenobiotics, Biomagnification, Factors affecting
1.1.2 Types of Bioremediation ( Insitu , Exsitu) ; Types of
reactions (Aerobic, anaerobic, sequential)
1.1.3 Applications of Biodegradation - hydrocarbons, (Oil
spills) Pesticides and herbicides,Heavy metals
(Uranium) contaminated soil and waste land, Ground
Water; Genetically Engineered Microbes in
1.2 Biopesticides:
1.2.1 Introduction; Types of Biological Control (Classical ,
inoculation , Inundation);
1.2.2 Examples each of Bacterial, Viral, Fungal and Protozoa l
biopesticide .
1.3 Biofungicide: Examples and applications
1.4 Biofertilizers: Examples and applications
Unit II: Introduction to Pharmacology
15 lectures 2.1 Scope of pharmacology
2.2 Sources, Classification, Chemical & physical properties
of drug and Nomenclature of drugs
2.3 Dosage forms and routes of drug administration;
Factors affecting dosage and drug delivery
2.4 Pharmacokinetics: LD 50 , ED 50 Half Life, Loading dose,
Maintenance dose (Explanation of terms only);
Therapeutic index
2.5 Novel Drug delivery system (NDDS):
2.5.1 2.5.1 Transdermal and oral modes
2.5.2 2.5.2 Liposomes and nanoparticles
Unit III: Resource management
15 lectures
3.1 Solid waste: Types of waste, treatment, recycling

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3.2 Waste water - sewage -
3.2.1 Composition of sewage, types of sewage, detection of
pathogenic organism of sewage; preliminary treatment,
primary treatment
3.2.2 Secondary treatment; tertiary treatment, disinfectant
3.2.3 Sludge treatment and disposal; waste water collection
vs sewage treatment in developing countries
3.3 Biomass and Bio energy production
3.3.1 Biofuel and Biomass: Fossil fuel; Energy rich crops
(sugar and starch; wood -rich; petroleum plants);
Animal energy; Sources of biofuel, its cultivation and
extraction process
3.3.2 Biogas: Production, Composition, Applications. Gobar
gas. [MSW and LFG, Renewable natural gas, NG vehicle]

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Semester IV

1 Roger Y stanier ;General Microbiology , Macmillan, 1987
2 Michael J Pelzer ;Microbiology
3 David Freifelder , Microbial genetics
4 A.H. Patel, Industrial microbiology, Macmillan India Ltd.
5 L. E. Casida, Industrial microbiology, New age international publishers
6 F.S.K Brar, Essentials of Pharmacology, S . Chand Publisher
7 Upadhyay, Biophysical chemistry, Himalayan Publisher
8 Keith Wilson & John Walker, Practical Biochemistry, principle and te chnique,
Cambridge University, 5th edition
9 Biotechnology, by Primrose, Dube
10 Jogdand , Advances in Biotechnology; Himalaya Publishing House
11 U. Satyanarayan ;Biotechnology, Books & allied (P) Ltd., Kolkata
12 J B Russell, Genetics
13 M W Strickberger, Genetics
14 Lewin Benjamin, Gene VII
15 David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox, Lehninger; Principles of Biochemistry, W H
Freeman & Co.
16 Tortora G J, Derrickson B H; Principles of Anatomy and
Physiology, Wiley
17 Harvey Lodish , Arnold Berk ,Paul Matsudaira, Chris A., Kaiser,
Monty Krieger , Matthew P. Scott , Lawrence Zipursky, James
Darnell , Molecular Cell Biology, Wiley
18 S.K.Verma and Mohit Verma , Plant physiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology

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Practical Syllabus P4
P4 (401)
1) Parts and maintenance of a microscope.
2) A study of electron micrographs of cell organelles.
3) Permanent slides of Muscle tissue
4) Recrystallization of Benzoic acid and determination of its yield.
5) Ammonium sul phate fractionation of protein and its estimation by a suitable
6) Field visit/ assignment on any topic from the syllabus.

P4 (402)
1) Blood experiments :
i] Determination of total RBC count
ii] Determination of total WBC count
2) Urine a nalysis :
i] Normal constituents - Urea, Uric acid, Chloride
ii] Abnormal constituents – Glucose, Protein Ketone bodies, bile salts and bile
iii] Titratable acidity [using neutral red or phenol red]
3) Bile :
i] Detection of Bilirubin [Iodine test / Gmelin ’s Nitric acid test / Fouchet ’s test]
ii] Detection of Bile salt [ Pettenkofer ’s test. Hays sulphur test]
4) A demonstration of online muscle twitch.
5) Demonstration of plant movement. [A project to be handled in a group. Each group
to plan and execute the experiment in any way they choose. Results to be presented
to the class during a p ractical turn.]

P4 (403)
1) Isolation of DNA from Onions and confirmation by DPA test
2) Determination of the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of any one disinfect ant.
3) Determination of the potability of water by conducting a coliform count. [ MPN]
4) Gram stain of sewage.
5) Determination of the Chemical Oxygen demand of an effluent / sewage.
6) Preparation of immobilized yeast/ amylase and determination of enzyme activity.

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SEMESTER END THEORY ASSESSMENT (100 marks ) Duration of the examination shall be of
3 hours . The theory question paper p attern suggested is as follows:

1. There shall be four questions of 25 marks each.
2. On each unit there will be one question and fourth question will be based
on all the units.
3. All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice within the
4. The questions may be subdivided into sub questions as A, B, C etc.


Q1, Q2, Q3 to be based on Unit I, Unit II and Unit III of 25 marks each and Q4 to be
subdivided into A and B of 10 and 15 marks respectively based on Unit I, Unit II and Unit III.
Total 25 marks.

Options available: (For Q1, Q2, Q3 ) 25 marks each.

A. Objective: (No Internal options) 04 marks
Matc h the following / Answer in one sentence /Define / Give a n example / Name the
following / True or false. : Attempt 4 out of 6
B. Answer the following: Attempt 3 out of 6, each of 3 marks, 09 marks

C. Attempt 2 out of 4 , each of 6 marks 12 marks

Q4 to be subdivided into 2 parts A and B based on Unit I, Unit II and Unit III Total 25 marks

A. Define/ Explain the term: Attempt 5 out of 7, each of 2 marks. 10 marks

B. Attempt 3 out of 6, each of 5 mark with two questions from each unit. 15 marks

Term End Exam: Practical 40 marks + Journal 05 marks + Viva 05 marks= Total 50