BVoc TravelTourismManagement Syllabus 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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Item No.
Syllabus for the F .Y.,S.Y. and T.Y. BVoc.
Program: B .Voc
Course: Software Development
(Credit Based Semester and Grading System with
effect from the academic year 2015 -2016 )
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Cover Page
Date: Signature:
Name of BOS Chairperson / Dean: ______________________________________ Sr.
No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the
Course B.Voc. in Software Development
2 Eligibility for
Admission 10+2
3 Passing
Marks 40%
4 Ordinances /
Regulations ( if any) As per UGC guidelines.
5 No. of Years /
Semesters 3 years / 6 semesters
6 Level U.G
7 Pattern Semester
8 Status New
9 To be implemented
from Academic Year From Academic Year :2015 -16 AC___________
Item No. ______
Syllabus for Approval
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Cover Page
1 Title of the Course Syllabus for Three Years B.Voc in Software Development
2 Course Code ( JSBVOC )
3 Preamble / Scope: - The main objectives of the course Bachelor in Vocation (skill
component) are:
Check their understanding of the Business Requirements Specification (BRS),
Software Requirements Specification (SRS), High Level Design (HLD) and Low
Level Design (LLD) with appropriate people
To demonstrate aptitude for analyzing information and making logical conclusions
and to build knowledge of the foundational mathematical concepts in computing
To design algorithms to solve problems and convert them into code using
appropriate programming language constructs
To read and execute a test case and record outcome in the templates and work with
their peers
To build database skills including DBMS, data design, and query table structures
for specific data
Software engineering approaches to develop applications and the key processes
used for developing applic ation software
To make them learn basic components of computer, Windows and Linux OS, file
systems and task and process management
To make them learn web browsers, the World Wide Web, web -based social media
applications and web programming
To make learn ho w to deal with confidential information and maintain records
legibly and accurately
Essentials Elements of the Syllabus
Page 5
4 Objective of Course / Course Outcome: - The new syllabus is aimed to achieve the
objectives. The students will be ready for the jobs available in different fields like:
Software Development (Programming)
Website Development
Project Management
Discrete Mathematics
C++, Java
Database Administration
Software Engineering
Software Testing
Operating Systems
Network Security
Eligibility :-10+2
Fee Structure :-
2017-18 (AIDED)
B.VOC Fees for Travel
&Toursim / Software
Sr.No. Particulars/ Fees Heads F.Year S.Year T.Year
1 Tuition Fees
800 800
2 Library Fees
200 200
3 Gymkhana Fees
400 400
4 Other Fees /Extra curricular Fees
250 250
5 Laboratory Fees
800 800
6 Exam Fees
7 Marksheet Fees
120 120
8 Convocation Fees - - 250
9 Magazine Fees
100 100
10 Utility Fees
250 250
11 Development Fees
500 500
12 Adm Process Fees
200 200
13 Identity Fees
14 Alumni Asso Fees
Page 6
25 25 25
15 Group Insurance
16 Enrollment Fees
220 - -
17 Computer Practicals Fees For
comp Sc Students
600 600
18 Students Welfare Fund
19 Uni Sports & Cultural Activity
20 E-Charges
21 Vice Chancellor Fund
22 Disaster Relief Fees
23 National Service Scheme
24 E-Suvidha
6,525 6,775
25 Caution Money
150 -- --
26 Library Deposits (Refundable)
250 -- --
27 Laboratory Deposits (Refundable)
400 - -
Grand Fees for Maharashtra
6,525 6,775
Eligibility fees ( For Other Boards
320 - -
Grand Fees for Other Boards
7,865 - -
New Students from other College
(Maharashtra Board) for SY & TY fees
28 Caution Money
Deposits(Refundable) - 150 150
29 Library Deposits (Refundable) - 250 250
30 Laboratory Deposits (Refundable) 400 400
New students (Mah Board) Fees
31 New Students from other College
(Other Board)Eligibility Fees Rs. 320/ -
& Enrollment fees Rs. 220/ - for SY &
TY fees 540 540
Page 7
New students (Other Board) Fees
7 No. of Lectures 8 courses per semester
8 No. of Practical 3 period of a week per course
9 Duration of the Course 3 Years
10 Notional hours 15 hours per unit per course
11 No. of Students per Batch :- 50
Selection :- Merit
Assessment :- Theory (75 marks)+ Practical (50 marks) + Internal (25 marks)
Syllabus Details 12
Page 8
Item No.
Syllabus for the F .Y.BVoc.
Program: B .Voc
Course: Software Development
(Credit Based Semester and Grading System with
effect from the academic year 2015 -2016 )
Page 9
Semester I
Courses Theory Code Practical Code
General Component
Communication Skills, Meet & Greet Professional Etiquettes JBVOC 1.01 -
French Language, Culture, Historical milestones & local
Etiquettes JBVOC 1.02 -
Office Automation JBVOC 1.03 -
General knowledge & contemporary world perspective(history) JBVOC 1.04 -
Skill Component
Web Designing and Programming JSBVOC 1.05 JSBVOCP 1.05
Logics and Algorithm JSBVOC 1.06 JSBVOCP 1.06
Software Engineering JSBVOC 1.07 JSBVOCP 1.07
Object Oriented Programming with C++ JSBVOC 1.08 JSBVOCP 1.08
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – I
Theory Code : JBVOC 1.01 Subject : Communication Skills, Meet & Greet Professional
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I Basics of Communication : Concept -7Cs, Process, Need, Feedback
Barriers to Communication, Channels of Communication, Basic Reporting &
Documentation Letters -Formal & Informal 11
Unit-II Parts of Grammar Prepositions & Articles , Similes and metaphors, Proverbs
and Idioms 10
Unit-III Speaking Skills&Listening , First Impression& Body Language:
Pronunciation, diction and accents,Intonation& listening skillsPleasant voice
culture Body Language Way to greet Importance of eye contact Activities to
be conducted 12
Unit-IV Greeting the tourists/Clients and ensuring etiquette
Interacting with superior & colleagues (ac c to NOS), Importance of Health
& Hygiene (acc to NOS), Gender Sensitiveness (acc to NOS)
(Especially for TTM Students -Contact the tourists to provide personal details in
case of advance booking
Coordinate for the meet point and the time of meet
Greet the tourists with a smile
Showcase a friendly approach on meeting them
Ensure the tourists are comfortable with the approach
Ensure appropriate body language maintained to the tourists
Exchange the names and necessary personal details with the to urists
Register the details of the tourists
Address the tourist with their names to have more friendly approach
Issue any identification badges and safety equipments that the tourist will
Pose an approachable personality
Promote the various pr oduct and service package promotions in house)
Page 10
1. Ecouse Barry, (1999), Competitive Communication: A Rhetoric for Modern Business, OUP.
2. Fisher Dalmar, (1999), Communication in Organisation, Jaico Pub House, Mumbai, Delhi.
3. French, Astrid (1993) Interpersonal Skills. Sterling Publishers, New delhi.
4 Garlside, L.E. (1980) Modern Business Correspondence, McDonald and Evans Ltd. Plymouth.
5. Ghanekar,A(1996) Communication Skills for Effective Management. Everest Publishing House,
6. Graves, Harold F. (1965) Report Writing, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Krevolin, Nathan (1983)
Communication Systems and Procedure
7. Ludlow,Ron.(1995) The Essence of Effective Communication, Prentice , New Delhi.
8. Raman, Meenakshi and Sha rma, Sangeeta (2004) Technical Communication: Principles and
Practice, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
Page 11
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – I
Theory Code : JBVOC 1.02 Subject : French Language, Culture, Historical milestones &
local Etiquettes
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I Basic Grammar: Oral and Written competence in French, Situational
Communication in French 15
Unit-II Translation:
Translation – Intermediate level French to English, English to French
Translation of sentences from English to French and French to English.
Translation of idiomatic expressions from English to French and French to
Translation of short passages from English to French and French to English.
Translation – Basic level French to English, English to French 15
Unit-III History and Culture:
History of France under Louis XIV
History of France: French Revolution and Age of Napoleon
Contemporary French Society: French educational S ystem and French
Contemporary French Society: Political Systems in France 10
Unit-IV Tourist Destinations &Regulations, Fashion, Cuisine, Shopping & Local
Etiquettes 5
1. (PrescribedText) Connexions 2 (Lessons 1 to 6)
Cahier d’exercises – Connexions 2 (Lessons 1 to 6),
Connexions 2 (lessons 7 to 12) Cahier d’exercices,
Connexion 2 (lessons 7 to 12)
2. L’Histoire de la France by Georges Duby
3. Civilisation Française Quotidienne by Michel Paoletti and Ross Steel
4. His toire de la civilisation française by Georges Duby and Robert Mandrou
5. L’Histoire de la France by Georges Duby
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CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – I
Theory Code : JBVOC 1.03 Subject : Office Automation
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I INTRODUCTION TO MS OFFICE: About MS Office, Why MS Office,
What Are Documents and Templates
WORD: Introduction To Document, Formatting Text, Editing Text, Creating
Template, Insertion Of - Table, Image, Text Box, Cover Page , Header, Footer,
Date And Time, Page Number; Margin, Page Setup, Printing Document; Mail
Merge - Creating Main Document, Data Source, Adding and Removing Fields,
Bulleted and Numbered Lists, Page Formatting, Graphics ,Adding tables,
styles 15
Unit-II POWERPOINT: Introduction To Slide, Inserting Slide, Navigation In
Presentation, Insert -Text, Text Style, Clip Art, Table, Chart, Picture, Audio,
Video; Layout, Slide Design, Master Slide; Enhancing Presentation With
Multimedia Effect -Animation, Tr ansition, Slide Show, Recording Sound Slide
By Slide, Auto Content Wizard, Template, Slide View, Printing Presentation,
Sharing presentation, Working with multimedia, Formatting presentation,
Editing presentation. 10
Unit-III EXCEL : Introduction To Spreadsheet, Rows, Columns, Cells, Navigation,
Selection of Cells, Resizing Columns, Series Fill, Working with Formulas,
Formatting worksheets, Formatting Cells, Editing worksheet, Alignment,
Conditional Formatting, Cell Styles, Inserting Chart, Data S ort, Filters,
Functions, Pivot Table, Pivot Charts, Workgroup, Protecting Worksheet,
Printing Worksheet ,Data tables, Workbook security, Translate worksheet,
Adding graphics, Marcos, Templates, Themes, Styles, Data validation
ACCESS: What Is Database, Crea ting New Database, Database through Table
Wizard, Creating New Table, Rename Columns, Creating Table through
Design View, Relationship, Query, Forms, Reports, Webpage 10
Unit-IV OUTLOOK: What Can Do with Outlook, Toolbars, Adding Contact, Addres s
Book, Changing View, Finding Contact, Filtering Contact, Sorting Contacts,
Calendar, Tasks, Journal, Inbox, Reviewing Email, Notes, Action on A
Message, Personalizing Message with Signatures, Tracking Message,
Automating Tasks Using Message Rules
PUBLISHER: Introduction - Use The Catalogue Features, Use The Quick
Publication Wizard, Creating a Letterhead, Saving Letterhead, Changing Look
of Publication, Formatting Text, Aligning the Text, Manipulating Frames,
Adding Object to Publication, Banners 10
1. OFFICE 2016 for Dummies by Peter Weverkar
2. Step by Step Microsoft Word 2013 by Joan Lambert and Joyce Cox
3. Step by Step Microsoft OFFICE 2013
Page 13
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – I
Theory Code : JBVOC 1.04 Subject : General knowledge & contemporary world
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I Post-World War II - History - Cold War: Origin, Causes, Wars (Period - 1945 -
1991), Disintegration of USSR, Unipolar World, Coming of EU 15
Unit-II Post-World War II - Economic Order - International Economy – Bretton
Woods, WTO, IMF, UNO, Regional Organization - OPEC, ASEAN, SAARC ,
Unit-III History of Asia -Rise of China, Japan’s Economic Miracle, Israel –Palestine,
Issue Oil Politics, South East Asia -short history 8
Unit-IV Society, Politics, Culture, Places & Personalities Capitals , Currencies ,
Political systems, & Current Affairs 10
1. Boyer, Paul S. (ed.), The Oxford Companion to United States History , OUP, New York ,
2. Chatterjee, B. R., The Last Hundred Years in the Far East .
3. Dobb, Maurice, Studies in the Development of Capitalism , Intl. Pub. Co., 1974.
4. Gottschalk, L., The Transformation of Modern Europe ,
5. Hane, Mikiso, Modern J apan : A Historical Survey , Westview, 1986.
6. Hayes, Carlton J.H., Contemporary Europe Since 1870 , (Revised ed.), Macmillan, New
York, 1970.
7. Noan Chomsky ,
8. Hobsbawm, E. J., Nation and Nationalism , Cambridge, 1970.
9. Joll, James, Europe Since 1870 , Har – Row, 1973.
10. Kochan, Lionel, The Russian Revolution , Rupert Hart Davis, Educational Publication
London, 1970 .
11. Langsam, W. C., The World Since 1919 , The Macmillan, New York, Seventh edition,
12. Longer, W. L., Diplomacy of Imperialism , ii) The Shif ting Balance of World force , New
York, 1951(1898 -1945).
13. Pearsen, George, Towards one World , Cambridge University Press,
14. Thomson, David, World History, 1914 -1968 , Oxford, 1968.
15. Rao, B. V., World History , Sterling, New Delhi, 1988.
16. Roberts, J.M., History of the World , OUP., Newyork, 1993.
Page 14
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – I
Theory Code : JSBVOC 1.05 Subject : Web designing and Programming
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Unit – I HTML5:
Introduction, Why HTML5? Difference between HTML 4 and HTML5
Formatting text by using tags, using lists and backgrounds, Creating
hyperlinks and anchors.
HTML5 Tables, Forms and Media:
Creating tables: creating simple table, specifying the size of the table,
specifying the width of the column, merging table cells, using tables for page
layout, formatting tables: applying table borders, applying background and
foreground fills, changing cell padding, spacing and alignment, creating user
forms: creating basic form, using chec k boxes and radio buttons, creating lists,
additional input types in HTML5, Incorporating sound and video: audio and
video in HTML5, HTML multimedia basics, embedding video clips,
incorporating audio on web page, Image Mapping. 15
Unit – II CSS: Introduction , how does CSS work? , syntax , identification and grouping
of elements ,selectors , color , background , fonts , text , links , lists ,tables .
CSS Box model : margin , Padding , Border , height and width, floating
elements, positioning of elements, align, dropdowns, navigation bar, forms,
counters, Image gallery. 15
Unit – III Java Script: Introduction, Client -Side JavaScript, Server -Side JavaScript,
JavaScript Objects, JavaScript Security,
Operators : Assignment Operators, Comparison Operators, Arithmetic
Operators, % (Modulus), ++(Increment), --(Decrement), -(Unary Negation),
Logical Opera tors, Short -Circuit Evaluation, String Operators, Special
Operators, ?: (Conditional operator), , (Comma operator), delete, new, this,
Statements: Break, comment, continue, delete, do...while, for, function,
if...else, return, switch, var, while, wit h
Core JavaScript (Properties and Methods of Each) : Array, Boolean, Date,
Function, Math, Number, Object, String
Document and its associated objects: document, Link, Area, Anchor, Image,
Applet, Layer
Events and Event Handlers : General Information about Events, Defining
Event Handlers, event, onAbort, onBlur, onChange, onClick, onDblClick,
onDragDrop, onError, onFocus, onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp,
onLoad, onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseOut, onMouseOver,
onMouseUp, onMove, on Reset, onResize, onSelect, onSubmit, onUnload 15
1. Web Design the Complete Reference, Thomas Powell, Tata McGrawHill
2. HTML and XHTML the Complete Reference, Thomas Powell, Tata McGrawHill
3. JavaScript 2.0: The Complete Reference, Second Edition by Thomas Powell and Fritz Schneider
4. Styling with CSS by Charles Wyke -Smith
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 1.05
1. Design a web page using basic html tags.
2. Design a webpage using Image mapping
Page 15
3. Design a webpage using frames.
4. Design a webpage using inline, internal and external CSS.
5. Design a webpage using Table tag so that the content appears well placed and apply CSS on it.
6. Design a webpage using HTML forms that uses all types of control and style it with CSS.
7. Design a webpage using CSS and display Horizon tal and Vertical Navigation bar.
8. Write a javascript program which displays the working of operators.
9. Writea javascript program which displays the working of control statements.
10. Write a javascript program which displays the working of events and event handl ers.
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CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – I
Theory Code : JSBVOC 1.06 Subject : Logics & Algorithm
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Logic and Discrete Mathematics
Unit 1 Number Systems and Conversion 1
Digital Systems and Switching Circuits, Number Systems and Conversion,
Binary Arithmetic, Representation of Negative Numbers, Sign and Magnitude
Numbers, 2’s Complement Number, Addition of 2’s Complement Numbers,1’s
Complement Numb ers, Addition of 1’s Complement Numbers, Binary Codes 15
Unit 2
Boolean Algebra
Basic Operations, Boolean Expressions and Truth Tables, Basic Theorems,
Commutative, Associative, Distributive, and DeMorgan’s Laws, Simplification
Theorems, Karnaugh Maps, Applications of Boolean Algebra, Minterm0 and
Maxterm Expansions
Definition and examples. Properties of relations, Partial Ordering sets, Linear
ordering Hasse Diagrams , Maximum and Minimum elements, Lattices 15
Unit 3
Graphs and Trees:
Graphs: Representing relations using diagraphs, Warshall’s algorithm ‐ shortest
path, Linked representation of a graph, Operations on graph with algorithms ‐
searching in a graph; Traversing a graph ‐ Breadth‐First search and Depth ‐First
Trees: Definition and elementary results. Ordered rooted tree, Binary trees,
Complete and extended binary trees, representing binary trees in memory,
traversing binary trees, binary search tree, Algorithms for searching and inserting
in binary sear ch trees, Algorithms for deleting in a binary search tree 15
Reference Books:
1. Discrete Mathematics and its applications: Kenneth H. Rosen, Third Edition, McGraw Hill
2. Discrete mathematical structures by B Kolman RC Busby, S Ross PHI Pvt.Ltd.
3. Elements of Discrete Mathematics: C.L. Liu , Tata McGraw Hill Edition .
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 1.06
1. Examples of number system and conversion
2. Examples of complements of number.
3. Examples of Minterm and Maxterm expansion.
4. Examples of Karnaugh Map.
5. Examples of partial ordering sets, Hasse diagram.
6. Examples on Lattices.
7. Develop Warshall’s and Shortest Path algorithm and implement using C.
8. Implement operations on graph in C.
9. Develop Breadth and Depth First search algorithms and implement using C.
10. Implement in C for searching and inserting in binary search trees and deleting in a binary
search tree.
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CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – I
Theory Code : JSBVOC 1.07 Subject : Software Engineering
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Unit – I Introduction to Software Engineering What is software? Types of software,
Software Quality factors, what is software engineering? Introduction to Soft
Eng & its objectives, the general systems approach to problem solving. The
three app roaches to software systems development ‐ The Structured
approach, the Object Oriented Approach and the Information Engineering
Approach. Software Process: SDLC ‐Requirement Analysis, Software
design, coding, testing, maintenance etc. Software Development Life Cycle
Models ‐ Waterfall Model, Prototyping Model, RAD Model, Incremental
Model, Spiral Model, Component Based Model, Their features, strengths,
weaknesses and differences between them, Fourth Generation Techniques
Project Management Proce ss, Role of metrics & models in project
management Project Feasibility Study ‐ Operational, Technical, Economic,
Organizational and Cultural feasibility. Defining project costs and project
benefits. Cost/Benefit Analysis for a project 15
Unit – II System Analysis
Investigating System Requirements – Software Requirement Specification
Document, Need of SRS, Characteristics & Components of SRS,
Stakeholders, Identifying requirements using various techniques (such as
Questionnaires, reviewing r eports/forms, interviews, workflows etc),
building prototypes, Structured Walkthroughs, Modeling System
Requirements –Conceptual modeling Data Modeling ‐ Data entities,
Attributes, Relationships, Cardinality, ERD Process Modeling ‐
Developing Dat a Flow Diagrams, Level of abstraction, Context diagram, Top
level DFD, DFD fragments, Physical and Logical DFD, Data Dictionary,
Events, Event Table Logic Modeling ‐ Decision Tables, Decision Trees,
Structured English & Pseudo ‐code Object Oriented Modeling : Object Model,
Elements of Object Model, Basic Principles of OO Approach, Association,
Generalization, Specialization, Aggregation UML: Basics of UML, Types of
UML Diagrams, Use Case Diagram, Class Diagram, Object Diagram,
Sequence diagram & Collaboration diagram, State Transition & State chart
diagrams 15
Unit – III System Design & Coding System Design ‐ Problem partitioning,
Abstraction, Top ‐down & Bottom ‐up Design, Function ‐Oriented &
Object‐oriented Design, Problem Partitioning, Abstract ion & its type(Data &
Function), Modularity, Coupling, Cohesion, Drawing Structure Charts &
Flow charts, UML Activity Diagram, Component Diagram, Package &
Deployment Diagram Designing Databases: Converting ERD to Databases,
Introduction to OO Databases, Object‐Relational Databases, User Interface
Design ‐ Designing System Input, output, User Interface, Characteristics of
good interfaces Coding – Top down VS Bottom up strategies, structured
programming & object oriented programming, Information hiding,
programming styles, Internal documentation Verification & Validation: What
is V&V, Types of V&V activities such as inspection, review, walkthrough,
V&V with respect to requirements, system analysis, system design &
coding. 15
Page 18
1. Software Engineering – A Practitioner’s Approach – 6th Edition,Roger Pressman, McGraw Hill.
2. Integrated Approach to Software Engineering (3rd Edition) ‐ Pankaj Jalote (Narosa)
3. System Analysis & Design in a Changing World, Satzinger, Jackson, Bu rd – Thompson Learning
4. Instant UML, Pierre ‐Alain Muller,Wrox.
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 1.07
1. Problem Definition ‐ Identifying& Understanding the system, its functions, desired inputs, outputs
2. Conducting Feasibility Study – Deciding S/W, H/W requirements, Type of system
(Single‐User/Multi ‐user etc), Limitations of current system, Benefits of the proposed system etc.
3. Requirement Analysis, Interviews, Questionnaire, Creating SRS
4. Drawing ERD & converting to tables
5. Drawing Context Diagram, DFDs for understanding process flow
6. Drawing Use Case Diagram
7. Drawing Class, Object Diagrams,
8. Drawing Sequence & Collaboration Diagrams,
9. Drawing State Transition, State chart diagrams,
10. Drawing Activity, Component, Package Dia grams
Page 19
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – I
Theory Code : JSBVOC 1.08 Subject : Object Oriented Programming with C++
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Unit – I Introduction to OOPs: Need object oriented programming, comparison of
procedural and object oriented approach, characteristics of OOPs – object ,
classes , polymorphism, inheritance, reusability, data hiding and abstraction,
applications of OOPs 15
Classes and Objec ts: Class declaration, constructors, constructor
initialization lists, access functions, private member functions, the copy
constructor, the class destructor ,constant objects, structures, pointers to
objects, static data members, static function members
Unit-II Operator Overloading: overloading the assignment operator, the this pointer,
overloading arithmetic operators, overloading the arithmetic assignment,
operators, overloading the relational operators ,overloading the stream
operators, conversion ope rators ,overloading the increment and decrement
operators, overloading the subscript operator 15
Composition and Inheritance: inheritance, protected class members ,
overriding and dominating inherited members, private access verses protected
access, virtual functions and polymorphism, virtual destructors, abstract base
classes File Handling: Classes for file stream operations, opening and closing
a file, detecting end of file, file modes, file pointers and their manipulations,
sequential input an d output operations, random access, file operations error
handling, command line argument
Unit-III Strings and Streams: the string class interface, the constructors and
destructor , the copy constructor, the assignment operator, the addition
operator , an append operator, access functions , the comparison operators,
stream operators, stream classes, the ios class, ios form at flags, ios state ,
variables ,the istream and ostream classes, unformatted input functions ,
unformatted output functions, stream manipulators. 15
Templates and Iterators: function templates, class templates, container
classes, subclass templ ates, passing template classes to template parameters,
iterator classes Libraries: the standard C++ library, proprietary libraries,
contents of the standard c headers, string streams, file processing, the standard
template library
R. HUBBARD, TATAMCGRAW -HILL Object Oriented Programming with C++, E.
Balagurusamy,Fourth Edition, TATAMCGRAW -HILL. Object Oriented Programming with C++, by
P. Sarang 2nd Edition, (PHI) EE E edition
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 1.08
1. Implement the following
a. Design an employee class for reading and displaying the employee information, the getInfo()
and displayInfo() methods will be used repectively. Where getInfo() will be private method.
b. Design the class student containing getData() and displayData() as two of its methods which
will be used for reading and displaying the student information respectively.Where getData()
will be private method.
Page 20
c. Design the class Demo which will contain the follo wing methods: readNo() ,factorial() for
calculating the factorial of a number, reverseNo() will reverse the given number,
isPalindrome() will check the given number is palindrome, isArmstrong() which will calculate
the given number is armStrong or not.Wher e readNo() will be private method.
2. Implement the following
a. Write a friend function for adding the two complex numbers, using a single class.
b. Write a friend function for adding the two different distances and display its sum, using two
c. Write a friend function for adding the two matrix from two different classes and display its
3. Implement the following
a. Design a class Complex for adding the two complex numbers and also show the use of
b. Design a class Geometry containing the methods area() and volume() and also overload the
area() function .
c. Design a class StaticDemo to show the implementation of static variable and static function.
4. Implement the following
a. Overload the operator unary ( -) for demonstrating operator overloading.
b. Overload the operator + for adding the timings of two clocks, And also pass objects as an
c. Overload the + for concatenating the two strings. For e.g “c” + “++” = c++
5. Impl ement the following
a. Design a class for single level inheritance using public and private type derivation.
b. Design a class for multiple inheritances.
c. Implement the hierarchical inheritance.
6. Implement the following
a. Implement the concept of method overr iding.
b. Show the use of virtual function
c. Show the implementation of abstract class.
7. Implement the following
a. String operations for string length , string concatenation
b. String operations for string reverse, string comparison
c. Console formatting functio ns.
8. Implement the following:
a. Show the implementation of exception handling
b. Show the implementation for exception handling for strings
c. Show the implementation of exception handling for using the pointers.
9. Show the implementation
a. Design a class FileDemo opens a file in read mode and display the total number of words and
lines in the file.
b. Design a class to handle multiple files and file operations
c. Design a editor for appending and editing the files
10. Show the implementation for the following
a. Show the implementation of template class library for swap function.
b. Design the template class library for sorting ascending to descending and vice -versa
c. Design the template class library for concatenating two strings
Page 21
Semester II
Courses Theory Code Practical Code
General Component
Business Communication, Soft Skills & Foreign Language(
French) JBVOC 2.01 -
Organizational Behavior, Cultural & Health Psychology JBVOC 2.02 -
Introduction to computer networks JBVOC 2.03 -
Principles of Marketing & Customer Service Management JBVOC 2.04 -
Skill Component
Modern Operating Systems JSBVOC 2.05 JSBVOCP 2.05
Computational Mathematics JSBVOC 2.06 JSBVOCP 2.06
Core Java JSBVOC 2.07 JSBVOCP 2.07
Database Management System JSBVOC 2.08 JSBVOCP 2.08
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – II
Theory Code : JBVOC 2.01 Subject : Business Communication, Soft Skills & Foreign
Language( French)
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I Drafting of business letters, Enquiries and replies - Placing and fulfilling
orders - Complaints and follow -up - Sales letters - Circular letters -
Application for employment and resume - Report writing - Notices, Agenda
and Minutes of the Meetings - Memos – 10
Unit-II Oral Communication Meaning, nature and scope - Principles of effective
oral communication - Techniques of effective speech - Media of oral
communication (Face -to-face conversation - Teleconferences - Press
Conference – Demonstration - Radio Recording - Dictaphone – Meetings -
Rumor - Demonstration and Dramatization - Public address system -
Grapevine - Group Discussion - Oral report - Closed circuit TV). The art of
listening - Principles of good listening 15
Unit-III Application of Communication Skills Group Decision -Making - Conflict
and Negotiations - Presentation and Interviews - Speeches - Customer
Care/Customers Relations - Public Relations (Concept, Principles, Do’s and
Don’ts etc. to be studied for each type). 10
Unit-IV Soft skills - Art of presentation, articulation and conversation skills, Body
Language, eye contact, effective listening skills, Gender sensitization and
conversational norms in different groups, Personal Hygiene, sanitation and
grooming, Facing Int erviews, GD and media interface
Topics Prescribed for workshop/lab 12 Group Discussion i) Mock Interview
ii) Interview iii) Public Speech iv) Conflict Situation v) Decision -making in a
group 10
1) Business Communication - K. K. Sinha - Galgotia Publishing Company, New Delhi.
2) Media and Communication Management - C. S. Rayudu - Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.
3) Essentials of Business Communication - Rajendra Pal and J. S. Korlhalli - Sultan Chand & Sons,
New Delhi.
4) Business Com munication (Principles, Methods and Techniques) Nirmal Singh - Deep & Deep
Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Page 22
5) Business Communication - Dr. S.V. Kadvekar, Prin. Dr. C. N. Rawal and Prof. RavindraKothavade
- Diamond Publications, Pune.
6) Business Corre spondence and Report Writing - R. C. Sharma, Krishna Mohan - Tata McGraw -Hill
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
7) Communicate to Win - Richard Denny - Kogan Page India Private Limited, New Delhi.
8) Modern Business Correspondence - L. Gartside - The English Language Book Society and
Macdonald and Evans Ltd.
9) Business Communication - M. Balasubrahmanyan - Vani Educational Books.
10) Creating a Successful CV - Siman Howard - Dorling Kindersley.
Page 23
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – II
Theory Code : JBVOC 2.02 Subject : Organizational Behavior, Cultural & Health
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I Organizational Behavior& Cultural Psychology , Meaning and Scope 4
Unit-II Individual Behavior& Personality – Type A and B, Big five personality
types, Factors influencing personality. Values and Attitudes – Concept and
types of values: Terminal value and instrumental value. Components of
attitude, job related at titudes, measurement of attitude. Learning – Concept
and learning theories and reinforcement. Perceptions And Emotions –
Importance, factors influencing perception, perpetual distortions, emotional
intelligence. 16
Unit-III Motivation – Meaning and importance of motivation, Maslow’s need
hierarchy theory, Herzberg’s two factor theory, Theory X Theory Y, Intrinsic
and Extrinsic motivation by Ken Thomas
Introduction to Health Psychology : components of health as social,
emotional, cognitive and phys ical aspects, relationship between health and
psychology, mind and body relationship, goals of health psychology 15
Unit-IV Cross cultural management : Frameworks of cross cultural managing skills –
Cultural shock and acculturation – cross cultura l training - managing multi -
cultural teams, cultural negotiations, global leadership & motivational issues –
cultural difference in ethics & decision making. 10
Essential Readings:
1. Robbins, S.P., OrganisationalBehaviour, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Greenberg, Jerald, and Robert A Baron, OrganisationalBehaviour, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi.
3. Luthans, F., OrganisationalBehaviour, McGraw Hill International. New York.
Suggested Readings:
1. Chhabra, T. N., OrganisationalBehaviour, Sun India Publications.
2. Singh, A.K., and B. P. Singh, Organizational Behavior, Excel Books Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
3. Hersey, P.K., Blanchard, H. and D. E. Johnson, Management of Org anisationalBehaviour: Leading
Human Resources, Pearson Education.
4. Moshal, B.S., OrganisationalBehaviour, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
5. Sekaran, Uma, OrganisationalBehaviour: Text and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Health Psychology
Reading List: Carr, A. (2004). Positive Psychology: The science of happiness and human
strength.UK: Routledge. DiMatteo, M.R. and Martin, L.R.(2002).
Health psychology. New Delhi: Pearson. Misra,G.(1999).
Stress and Health. New Delhi: Concept. Sarafino, E.P. (200 2).
Health psychology: Bio psychosocial interactions( 4th Ed.).NY: Wiley. Snyder, C.R.,
Page 24
Positive psychology :The scientific and practical explorations of human strengths. Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage. Taylor, S.E. (2006).
Health Psychology (6th Ed.). New York: Tata McGraw Hill.
Page 25
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – II
Theory Code : JBVOC 2.03 Subject : Introduction to computer networks
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I KNOWING COMPUTER: What Is Computer, Basic Applications of
Computer, Evolution of Computers ‐ Generations, Types of Computers,
Computer System, Characteristics, Data, Information
HARDWARE: Basic Components of a Digital Computer ‐ Control Unit,
ALU, Input / Output, Functions and Memory, Memory Addressing Capability
of a CPU, Processing Speed of computer. 15
Unit-II What is a Network :Introduction , Local Area Network , Wide Area Network ,
Advantages of a School Network , Disadvantages of a School Network
Protocol : Introduction , Ethernet (Ph ysical/Data Layers) , IP/IPX (Network
Layer) , TCP/SPX (Transportation layer) , HTTP, FTP, Telnet, SMPT, and
DNS(Session/Presentation/Application Layers) 10
Unit-III Hardware :Introduction , File Server , Workstations , Laptops/Mobile Devices ,
Network Interface Cards , Switches/Concentr ators/Hubs , Repeaters , Bridges ,
Routers, Firewalls
Cabling :Introduction , Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTS) Cable , Shielded
Twisted Pair (STP) Cable , Coaxial Cable , Fiber Optic Cable , Ethernet Cable
Summary , Cable Installation Guidelines , Wireless LANs 10
Unit-IV Topology :Introduction , Linear Bus , Star, Tree or Expanded Star , Choosing a
Addresses: Class A, Class B, Class C
Software :Introduction , Peer-to-Peer, Client/Server , Network Operating
System Software 10
“Networking Essentials” - Glenn Berg
“Computer system architecture” - M. Morris Mano
“An Internet starter kit” - Sam
“E-Commerce” - David Whiteley
“Introduction to computer” -Peter Norton
“How computer work” - Ron White (QUE)
Page 26
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – II
Theory Code : JBVOC 2.04 Subject : Principles of Marketing & Customer Service
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I Marketing – An Overview: Introduction, Definition of Market, Types of
Markets, Meaning and Definition of Marketing, Origin of Marketing, Scope of
Marketing, Importan ce of Marketing, Functions of Marketing, Difference
between Marketing and Selling:
Marketing Concepts: Introduction, Exchange concept, Production concept,
Product concept, Sales/selling concept, Modern marketing concept, Societal
marketing concept, Impact of marketing concepts and its applicability 10
Unit-II Marketing Environment - Introduction, Need and Importance of
Environmental Analysis, Methods of Analysis – SWOT, PEST, Internal
Environment of the Organization, External Environment; Marketing
Mix: Introduction, Evolution of the “Marketing mix”, Components of a
traditional marketing mix , Additional components in the mix, Importance of
marketing mix in marketing decisions 10
Unit-III Customer Relationship Management
Customer Relationship Management Fundamentals - Theoretical perspectives
of relationship, Evolution of relationship marketing,
Customer Satisfaction: Meaning, Definition, Significance of Customer
Satisfaction, Components of Customer Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction
Models, Rationale of Customer Satisfaction, Measuring Customer Satisfaction,
Cases of Customer Satisfaction 15
Unit-IV Service Quality: Concept of Quality, Meaning and Definition of Service
Quality, Factors influencing customer expectation and perception, Types of
Service Quality, Service Quality Dimensions, Service Quality Gaps,
Measuring Service Quality, Service Quality measurement Scales 10
1.Alok Kumar Rai : Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Cases (Second Edition) -PHI
2. Simon Knox, Adrian Payne, Stan Maklan: Customer Relationship Management - Routledge Inc.
3. Bhasin - Customer R elationship Management (Wiley Dreamtech)
4. Dyche - Customer relationship management handbook prentice hall
5. Peelan -Customer relationship management prentice hall
6. Kristin Anderson, Carol Kerr : Customer relationship management, McGraw -Hill Professio nal
7. Chaturvedi -Customer Relationship Management(Excel Books)
8. Sheth J N, Parvatiyar A. and ShaineshG. : Customer relationship management: , Emerging
Concepts, Tools, & Applications, Tata McGraw -Hill Education
9. Lumar - Customer Relationship Management (Wiley India)
Page 27
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – II
Theory Code : JSBVOC 2.05 Subject : Modern Operating Systems
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Unit – I Introduction to Operating Systems: OS and Computer SystemArchitecture,OS
Operations,Process Management ,Memory Management, Storage
Management, Protection and security, Batch processing, time -sharing,
multiprocessing, real time, distributed and modern operating systems, Desktop
Systems, Handheld Systems, Cl ustered Systems.
Operating -System Structures, Operating -System Services, User Operating -
System Interface, System Calls, Types of System Calls, System Programs,
Operating -System Design and Implementation, Virtual Machines, Operating -
System Generation, Syste m Boot. 15
Unit- II Processes and Process Synchronization: Process Concept, Process Scheduling,
Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms, Operations on Processes,
Interprocess Communication, Multithreading Models, Threading Issues,
Thread Scheduling, Communication in Client – Server Systems, The Critical -
Section Problem, Peterson’s Solution, Semaphores. Deadlocks , Deadlock
detection and recovery, avoidance and prevention 15
Unit-III Memory Management: Memory management without swapping or paging;
Swapping, Virtual Memory, Page replacement algorithms, Modeling paging
algorithms, Design issues for paging systems, segmentation.
I/O Sytem: Overview,I/O hardware,Application I/O Interface. 15
Books: Operating System Concepts, 8th Edition, Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B.Galvin, Greg Gagne,
Wiley publication
References: Operating Systems - A concept based approach , 2nd Edition, D.M. Dhamdhere
McGrawHill publications Operating Systems, 3rd Edition ,Godbole
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 2.05
2. Windows NT
3. Windows 7, 8 and 10
4. Android
5. Linux
6. Mac OS
7. Trojan worms and viruses
8. Unix
Page 28
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – II
Theory Code : JSBVOC 2.06 Subject : Computational Mathematics
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
UNIT 1 -
Set Theory: Fundamentals - Sets and subsets, Venn Diagrams, Operations on
sets, Laws of Set Theory, Power Sets and Products, Partition of sets, The
principle of Inclusion -Exclusion.
Functions and Pigeon Hole Principle: Definitions and types of functions:
injective, surjective and bijective, Composition, identity and inverse, Pigeon
hole principle. 15
UNIT 2 -
Errors, Solutions of Algebraic a nd Transcendental Equations using - Bisection
Method, the Method of False Position, NewtonRaphson Method. Interpolation:
Interpolation: - Forward Difference, Backward Difference, Newton’s Forward
Difference Interpolation, Newton’s Backward Difference Inter polation,
Lagrange’s Interpolation. 15
UNIT 3 -
Random variables: Discrete and Continuous random variables, Probability
density function, Probability distribution of random variables, Expected value,
Variance. Moments Relation between Raw moments and Central moments.
Distributions: Discrete distributio ns: Uniform, Binomial, Poisson, Continuous
distributions: uniform distributions, exponential, Normal distribution state all
the properties and its applications 15
1)Discrete mathematical structures by B Kolman RC Busby, S Ross PHI Pvt. Ltd.
2)Discrete mathematical structures by RM somasundaram (PHI) EEE edition
3)Introductory Methods of Numerical Methods, Vol -2, S.S.Shastri, PHI
4)Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, S.C.Gupta, V.K.Kapoor
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 2.06
1. Practical 1Calculate error
a. Calculate absolute error
b. Calculate relative error
c. Calculate percentage error.
2. Practical 2: Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations:
a. Program to solve algebraic and transcendental equation by bisection method.
b. Program to solve algebraic and transcendental equation by false position method.
c. Program to solve algebraic and transcendental equation by Newton Raphson method.
3. Practical 3: Interpolation
a. Program for Newton’s forward interpolation.
b. Program for Newton’s backward interpolation.
c. Program for Lagrange’s interpolation.
4. Practical 4: Random number
a. program to find poisson distribution
b. Program to find binomial distribution
c. Progra m to find Exponential Distribution
5. Practical 5: Random number generation and distributions
a. Program for random number generation using various techniques.
b. Program for fitting of Binomial Distribution.
Page 29
c. Program for fitting of Poisson Distribution.
6. Pr actical 6: Sampling:
a. Model sampling from Binomial and Poisson Populations.
b. Model sampling from Uniform, Normal and Exponential Populations.
c. Large sample tests -( Single mean, difference between means, single proportion, difference
between proportions, difference between standard deviations.)
d. Tests based on students ‘t -test’( Single mean, difference between means and paired ‘t’)
7. Practical 7: Moments, Correlation and R egression
Computation of raw and central moments, and measures of skewness and kurtosis.
8. Practical 8:Computation of correlation coefficient and Fitting of lines of Regression ( Raw and
Frequency data )
Page 30
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – II
Theory Code : JSBVOC 2.07 Subject : Core Java
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3+1.5 Credits
Unit – I Introduction : History of Java, Java features, different types ofJava programs,
Differentiate Java with C and C++, JVM, JIT and JRE.
Java Basics : Variables and data types, declaring variables, literals: numeric,
Boolean, character and string literals, keywords, type conversion and casting.
Standard default values.
Java Oper ators : Arithmetic, relational, logical, assignment,increment and
decrement, conditional, bitwise, precedence and order of evaluation, statement
and expressions, string arithmetic.
Loops and Controls : Control statements for decision making :select
statement s (if statement, if … else … statement, if …. Else … if … statement,
switch statement), goto statement, looping (while loop, do … while loop and
for loop), nested loops, breaking out of loops (break and continue statements),
labeled loops.
Arrays and Strin gs :One and two dimensional array, creating anarray, strings,
Introduction of Classes : Defining a class, creating instance andclass members
: creating object of a class, accessing instance variables of a class, creating
methods, naming method s of a class, accessing methods of a class, constructor,
parameterized constructor, ‘this’ keywood, garbage collection, finalize()
method, methods overloading, constructor overloading, nested and inner
classes, static member.
Visibility control : public access, friendly access, protectedaccess, private
access, private protected access. 15
Unit- II Inheritance : Various types of inheritance, super and subclasses,keywords -
‘extends’, ‘super’, constructor chaining, method overriding, final v ariables and
methods, final classes, abstract method and classes, dynamic method dispatch.
Interface : Defining interfaces, extending interfaces, implementinginterfaces.
Packages : System packages, using system package, namingconventions,
creating packages, accessing a package, using a package, adding a class to a
Exception Handling : Exception -handling fundamentals, Exception types,
Uncaught exceptions, Using try and catch, Multiple catch clauses, nested try
statements, use of throw, throws and finally keywords, Java’s Built -in
exceptions, User defined exception, Chained Exception.
Streams and File I/O : Concept of streams, stream classes, bytestream classes
: InputStream, and OutputStream, character stream classes : Reader and
Writer, Difference between byte stream classes and character stream classes,
other I/O classes. File class, Reading / writing bytes / characters, random
access file, serialization. 15
Unit-III Applets : Difference of applet and application, creating applets,applet life
cycle, passing parameters to applets.
Graphics, Fonts and Color : The graphics class, painting, repainting and
updating an applet , sizing graphics. Font class, draw graphical figures - lines
and rectangle, circle and ellipse, drawing arcs, drawing polygons. Working 15
Page 31
with Colors : Color methods, setting the paint mode.
AWT package : Window fundamentals : Component, container,Panel,
Window, Frame, and Canvas. AWT Controls : labels, buttons, textfield,
textarea, checkboxes, checkboxgroup, choice, and list. Layout Managers
:FlowLayout, BorderLayout, GridLayout.
Event Handling : The Delegation Event Model, Event classes(ActionEvent,
FocusEve nt, InputEvent, ItemEvent, KeyEvent, MouseEvent,
MouseWheelEvent, TextEvent, WindowsEvent) and various listener interfaces
(ActionListener, FocusListerer. ItemListener, KeyListener, MouseListener,
MouseMotionListener, MouseWheelListener, TextListener,
Wind owFocusListener, WindowListener)
Main References:
1. Chapters 6 -8, 10, 17, 19 -22, Java 2 : The Complete Reference - Tata McGraw Hill, Fifth
2. Chapters 2 -7, 9, 10, 11, 16, 20, 21, 22 of Programming with Java A primer, by E.
Balagurusamy 3rd Edition.
Other References:
1. Programming in Java, Schaum Series.
2. Java2 Programming - Black Book, Dreamtech Press.
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 2.07
1. Write a Java program to create a Java class : (a) without instance variables and methods, (b)
with instance variables and without methods, (c) without instance variables and with methods.
(d) with instance variables and methods.
2. Write a Java program that illustrates the concepts of selection statement, looping, nested loops,
breaking out of loop.
3. Write a Java Program that illustrates the concepts of one, two dimension arrays and strings.
4. Write a Java program that illustrates the concepts of Java class that includes (a) constructor
with and w ithout parameters, (b) Overloading methods, (c) Overriding methods.
5. Write a Java program to demonstrate inheritance by creating suitable classes.
6. Create a Java package, interface and implement in Java program.
7. Write a program that illustrates the error handling using exception handling.
8. Write a program that illustrates the concepts of stream classes.
9. Write a Java applet to demonstrate graphics, font and Color classes.
10. Write a Java program to illustrate AWT package, Event classes and listeners.
Page 32
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – II
Theory Code : JSBVOC 2.08 Subject : Database Management Systems
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3+1.5 Credits
Unit – I Introduction to Databases and Transactions :
What is database system, purpose of database system, view of data,
relational databases, database architecture, transaction management, client -
server architecture, database users, database administrator
Data Models : The importance of data models, Basic building blocks,Business
rules, The evolution o f data models, Degrees of data abstraction.
Database Design, ER -Diagram:
Database design and ER Model:overview, ER -Model, Constraints,
ERDiagrams, ERD Issues, weak entity sets, specialization and generalization,
design constraints,Codd’s rules 15
Unit- II Relational database model: Logical view of data, keys, integrity
rules.Relational Database design: features of good relational database design,
atomic domain and Normalization (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF).
Relational Algebra and Calculus: Relational alg ebra: introduction,
Selection and projection, set operations, renaming, Joins, Division, syntax,
semantics. Operators, grouping and ungrouping, relational
comparison.Calculus: Tuple relational calculus, Domain relational Calculus. 15
Unit-III Constraints, Views and SQL: What is constraints, types of constrains,
Integrity constraints, Views: Introduction to views, data independence, updates
on views, comparison between tables and views SQL: data definition,
aggregate function, Null Values, nested s ub queries, Joined relations. Triggers.
Transaction management and Concurrency control: Transaction
management: ACID properties, serializability and concurrency control, Lock
based concurrency control (2PL, Deadlocks),Time stamping methods,
optimistic meth ods, database recovery management, Buffer management. 15
A Silberschatz, H Korth, S Sudarshan, “Database System and Concepts”, fifth Edition McGrawHill
References : , Rob, Coronel, “Database Systems”, Seventh Edition
An introduction to Database systems -C.J.Date
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 2.08
1. Design a Database and create required tables. For e.g. Bank, College Database
b.implement ALTER,UPDATE and DELETE statements
2. Apply the constraints like Primary Key, Foreign key, NOT NULL and UNI QUE
3. Demonstrate different types of data types.
4. Write the query for implementing the following functions: MAX (),MIN(),AVG(),COUNT() and
group by clause
5. Write the queries to implement the joins
6. Create views along with set operations.
7. Wri te the query to create the sequences and indexes
8. Demonstrate Sub queries.
Page 33
Issues related to Term Work, tutorial, assignments and Practical’s
Following is the marks distribution for Theory and Practical. Minimum 10 marks out of 25 and 30
marks out of 75 for passing in Theory and 20 marks out of 50 for passing in Practical.
Credit of 3 of Theory and 1.5 of Practical for any course is to be awarded only if students clear.
Semester I
Course Internal Assessment (25 Marks) External Assessment ( 75 Total(100
Marks) Marks)
Conduct Total
Marks Theory Exam
Class Test
JBVOC1.01 20 5 25 75 100
JBVOC1.02 20 5 25 75 100
JBVOC1.03 20 5 25 75 100
JBVOC1.04 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC1.05 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC1.06 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC1.07 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC1.08 20 5 25 75 100
Course Internal Assessment (10 External Assessment (40 Total
Marks) Marks) (50 Marks)
1.05 Lab and
Journal Practical Exam 50
1.06 Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
1.07 Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
1.08 Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
Page 34
Semester II
Course Internal Assessment (25
Marks) External Assessment (75 Total(100
Marks) Marks)
Conduct Total
Marks Theory Exam
JBVOC2.01 20 5 25 75 100
JBVOC2.02 20 5 25 75 100
JBVOC2.03 20 5 25 75 100
JBVOC2.04 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC2.05 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC2.06 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC2.07 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC2.08 20 5 25 75 100
Course Internal Assessment (10 External Assessment (40 Total
Marks) Marks) (50 Marks)
2.05 Lab and
Journal Practical Exam 50
2.06 Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
2.07 Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
2.08 Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
Page 35
Tutorials are theory /problems to be solved by the students in the class room at the end of practical /
theory session
Assignments are theory / problems to be solved by the students at home.
Class Test is to be conducted in the class room with due notice. Semester I,II,III,IV are college
exam inations. Question papers will be set by examiners appointed by Principals of the affiliated
Suggested Question Paper Format for END Semester Examination
General Component
Duration : 2 1/2 hrs. Total Marks : 75
All Questions Compulsory:
Q. 1 From Unit I 20 marks
Attempt any Four of following
I. …….. 5 marks
II. …….. 5 marks
III. …….. 5 marks
IV. …….. 5 marks
V. …….. 5 marks
VI. …….. 5 marks
Q. 2 From Unit II 20 marks
Attempt any Four of following
I …….. 5 marks
II …….. 5 marks
III …….. 5 marks
IV …….. 5 marks
V …….. 5 marks
VI …….. 5 marks
Q. 3 From Unit III 20 marks
Attempt any Four of following
I. …….. 5 marks
II. …….. 5 marks
III. …….. 5 marks
IV. …….. 5 marks
V. …….. 5 marks
VI. …….. 5 marks
Q. 4 From Unit IV 15 marks
Attempt any Three of following
I. …….. 5 marks
II. …….. 5 marks
III. …….. 5 marks
IV. …….. 5 marks
V. …….. 5 marks
VI. …….. 5 marks
Skill Component
Page 36
Duration : 2 1/2 hrs. Total Marks : 75
All Questions Compulsory:
Q. 1 From Unit I 20 marks
Attempt any Four of following
I …….. 5 marks
II …….. 5 marks
III …….. 5 marks
IV …….. 5 marks
V …….. 5 marks
VI …….. 5 marks
Q. 2 From Unit II 20 marks
Attempt any Four of following
I …….. 5 marks
II …….. 5 marks
III …….. 5 marks
IV …….. 5 marks
V …….. 5 marks
VI …….. 5 marks
Q. 3 From Unit III 20 marks
Attempt any Four of following
I …….. 5 marks
II …….. 5 marks
III …….. 5 marks
IV …….. 5 marks
V …….. 5 marks
VI …….. 5 marks
Q. 4 From Unit I,II,III 15 marks
Attempt any Three of following
I …….. 5 marks
II …….. 5 marks
III …….. 5 marks
IV …….. 5 marks
V …….. 5 marks
VI …….. 5 marks
Note: Internal choice should be given.
University of Mumbai
Credit Based, Semester & Grading System
SYLLABUS IN BRIEF: B.VOC, Software Development:
Semester - I
Page 37
Code Paper Credits Lectures L/Wk
General Education Component
JBVOC 1.01 Communication Skills, Meet & Greet
Professional Etiquettes 3 45 3
JBVOC 1.02 French Language, Culture, Historical
milestones & local Etiquettes 3 45 3
JBVOC 1.03 Office Automation 3 45 3
JBVOC 1.04 General knowledge & contemporary
world perspective(history) 3 45 3
Skill Component
JSBVOCP 1.05 Web Designing and Programming 3
1.5 45 3
JSBVOCP 1.06 Logics and Algorithm 3
1.5 45 3
JSBVOCP 1.07 Software Engineering 3
1.5 45 3
JSBVOCP 1.08 Object Oriented Programming with
C++ 3
1.5 45 3
Page 38
University of Mumbai
Credit Based, Semester & Grading System
SYLLABUS IN BRIEF : B.VOC, Software Development:
Semester - II
Code Paper Credits Lectures L/Wk
General Education Component
JBVOC 2.01 Business Communication, Soft Skills
& Foreign Language ( French) 3 45 3
JBVOC 2.02 Organizational Behavior, Cultural &
Health Psychology 3 45 3
JBVOC 2.03 Introduction to computer networks 3 45 3
JBVOC 2.04 Principles of Marketing & Customer
Service Management 3 45 3
Skill Component
JSBVOCP 2.05 Modern Operating Systems 3
1.5 45 3
JSBVOCP 2.06 Computational Mathematics 3
1.5 45 3
JSBVOCP 2.07 Core Java 3
1.5 45 3
JSBVOCP 2.08 Database Management System 3
1.5 45 3
Page 39
Cover Page
Date: Signature :
Name of BOS Chairperson / Dean : ______________________________________ Sr.
No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the
Course B.Voc. in Software Development
2 Eligibility for
Admission 10+2
3 Passing
Marks 40%
4 Ordinances /
Regulations ( if any) As per UGC guidelines.
5 No. of Years /
Semesters 3 years / 6 semesters
6 Level U.G
7 Pattern Semester
8 Status New
9 To be implemented
from Academic Year From Academic Year :2016 -17 AC___________
Item No. ______
Syllabus for Approval
Page 40
Cover Page
1 Title of the Course Syllabus for Three Years B.Voc in Software Development
2 Course Code ( JSBVOC )
3 Preamble / Scope: - The main objectives of the course Bachelor in Vocation (skill
component) are:
Check their understanding of the Business Requirements Specification (BRS),
Software Requirements Specification (SRS), High Level Design (HLD) and Low
Level Design (LLD) with appropriate people
To demonstrate aptitude for analyzing information and making logical conclusions
and to build knowledge of the foundational mathematical concepts in computing
To design algorithms to solve problems and convert them into code using
appropriate programming language constructs
To read and execute a test case and record outcome in the templates and work with
their peers
To build database skills including DBMS, data design, and query table structures
for specific data
Software engineering approaches to develop applications and the key processes
used for developing applic ation software
To make them learn basic components of computer, Windows and Linux OS, file
systems and task and process management
To make them learn web browsers, the World Wide Web, web -based social media
applications and web programming
To make learn ho w to deal with confidential information and maintain records
legibly and accurately
Essentials Elements of the Syllabus
Page 41
4 Objective of Course / Course Outcome: - The new syllabus is aimed to achieve the
objectives. The students will be ready for the jobs available in different fields like:
Software Development (Programming)
Website Development
Project Management
Discrete Mathematics
C++, Java
Database Administration
Software Engineering
Software Testing
Operating Systems
Network Security
Eligibility :-10+2
Fee Structure :-
2017-18 (AIDED)
B.VOC Fees for Travel
&Toursim / Software
Sr.No. Particulars/ Fees Heads F.Year S.Year T.Year
1 Tuition Fees
800 800
2 Library Fees
200 200
3 Gymkhana Fees
400 400
4 Other Fees /Extra curricular Fees
250 250
5 Laboratory Fees
800 800
6 Exam Fees
7 Marksheet Fees
120 120
8 Convocation Fees - - 250
9 Magazine Fees
100 100
10 Utility Fees
250 250
11 Development Fees
500 500
12 Adm Process Fees
200 200
13 Identity Fees
Page 42
14 Alumni Asso Fees
15 Group Insurance
16 Enrollment Fees
220 - -
17 Computer Practicals Fees For
comp Sc Students
600 600
18 Students Welfare Fund
19 Uni Sports & Cultural Activity
20 E-Charges
21 Vice Chancellor Fund
22 Disaster Relief Fees
23 National Service Scheme
24 E-Suvidha
6,525 6,775
25 Caution Money
150 -- --
26 Library Deposits (Refundable)
250 -- --
27 Laboratory Deposits (Refundable)
400 - -
Grand Fees for Maharashtra
6,525 6,775
Eligibility fees ( For Other Boards
320 - -
Grand Fees for Other Boards
7,865 - -
New Students from other College
(Maharashtra Board) for SY & TY fees
28 Caution Money
Deposits(Refundable) - 150 150
29 Library Deposits (Refundable) - 250 250
30 Laboratory Deposits (Refundable) 400 400
New students (Mah Board) Fees
31 New Students from other College
(Other Board)Eligibility Fees Rs. 320/ -
& Enrollment fees Rs. 220/ - for SY &
TY fees 540 540
Page 43
New students (Other Board) Fees
7 No. of Lectures 8 courses per semester
8 No. of Practical 3 period of a week per course
9 Duration of the Course 3 Years
10 Notional hours 15 hours per unit per course
11 No. of Students per Batch :- 50
Selection :- Merit
Assessment :- Theory (75 marks)+ Practical (50 marks) + Internal (25 marks)
Syllabus Details 12
Page 44
Item No.
Syllabus for the S.Y.BVoc.
Program: B .Voc
Course: Software Development
(Credit Based Semester and Grading System with
effect from the academic year 2016 -2017)
Page 45
Semester III
Courses Theory Code Practical Code
General Component
Business Communication JBVOC 3.01 -
Basics of Book -Keeping & Accountancy JBVOC 3.02 -
Principles of Management JBVOC 3.03 -
Public Relations andAdvertisement JBVOC 3.04 -
Skill Component
Cryptography and Network Security JSBVOC 3.05 JSBVOCP 3.05
Advanced Java JSBVOC 3.06 JSBVOCP 3.06
Software Engineering using OOAD JSBVOC 3.07 JSBVOCP 3.07
Software Testing JSBVOC 3.08 JSBVOCP 3.08
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – III
Theory Code : JBVOC 3.01 Subject : Business Communication
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I Meaning and importance of communication in Business, Models of
communication, Effective communication -do and don’ts, Learning drafting of
business messages -Memorandums, Letters.
Diction, usage and Pronunciation skills, Developing reading and speaking skills,
Improving Listening Skills, Tools of communication (Grammar) -sentence,
paragraph, punctuation and report writing 10
Unit-II Resume Writing, Interviews, & Presentation Skills : Interview: Grooming for
interview: Appearing for interview and handling interview. 15
Unit-III Team building and team work: features of successful teams: understanding
teams and working in teams, skills needed for team works, Group Discussions
Leadership: understanding leadership; traits of leader and development of
leadership qualities. Attitudes: Attitudes: in service industry and developing
suitable attitudes 10
Unit-IV Time management: concept of time management; techniques of time
management. 10
1.Ecouse Barry, (1999), Competitive Communication: A Rhetoric for Modern Business, OUP.
2. Fisher Dalmar, (1999), Communication in Organisation, Jaico Pub House, Mumbai, Delhi.
3. French, Astrid (1993) Interpersonal Skills. Sterling Publishers, New delhi.
4 Garl side, L.E. (1980) Modern Business Correspondence, McDonald and Evans Ltd. Plymouth.
5. Ghanekar,A(1996) Communication Skills for Effective Management. Everest Publishing House,
6. Graves, Harold F. (1965) Report Writing, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. K revolin, Nathan (1983)
Communication Systems and Procedure
7. Ludlow,Ron.(1995) The Essence of Effective Communication, Prentice , New Delhi.
Page 46
8. Raman, Meenakshi and Sharma, Sangeeta (2004) Technical Communication: Principles and
Practice, Oxford Universit y Press, New Delhi.
9. Business Communication - K. K. Sinha - Galgotia Publishing Company, New Delhi.
10. Media and Communication Management - C. S. Rayudu - Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.
11. Essentials of Business Communication - Rajendra Pal and J. S. Korlhalli - Sultan Chand & Sons,
New Delhi.
12. Business Communication (Principles, Methods and Techniques) Nirmal Singh - Deep & Deep
Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
13. Business Communication - Dr. S.V. Kadvekar, Prin. Dr. C. N. Rawal and Prof.
RavindraKothavade - Diamond Publications, Pune.
14. Communicate to Win - Richard Denny - Kogan Page India Private Limited, New Delhi.
15. Modern Business Correspondence - L. Gartside - The English Language Book Society and
Macdonald and Evans Ltd.
Page 47
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – III
Theory Code : JBVOC 3.02 Subject : Basics of Book -Keeping & Accountancy
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I Meaning and Scope of Accounting Need for Accounting, Definition and
Functions of Accounting, Book -keeping and Accounting, Accounting as an
Art or Science, Classification of Accounting: Financial Accounting,
Management Accounting, Difference between Management and Financial
Accounting, Accounting Principles, Accounting Principles, Journal, Rules
of Debit and Credit, Compound Journal Entry. 10
Unit-II Ledger Posting and Trial Balance & Final Account Ledger Posting
Relationship between Journal and Ledger, rules Regarding Posting, Trial
Balance. Trading Account, Profit & Loss Account: Manufacturing Account,
Balance Sheet (without Adjustment Entries). 10
Unit-III Management Accounting: Meaning, Functions, Scope, Utility, Limitation of
System; Cost Accounting: Meaning, Activities, difference between Cost
Accounting and Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting and Management
Accounting; Concepts of Co st: Cost, Expense and Loss, Elements of Cost,
Components of Total Cost. 15
Unit-IV Financial Statements: analysis and Interpretation: Financial Statements:
Meaning and Types, Nature , Limitations, Analysis and Interpretation;
Ratio Analysis; Classification of Ratios; Profitability Ratios; Turnover
Ratios; Financial Ratios; Advantages of Ratios analysis. Fund Flow
Statement & Cash Flow Statement: Use, preparation of statement,
difference between Fund Flow Statement & Cash Flow Statement. 10
1. Donald F. Sutton, 1986. Financial Management in Hotel and Catering Heinemann, London.
2. FlamholdsEtle, Human Research Accounting, California.
3. G. Boni and F.F. Shartes , 1988 Hotel Organization Management and Accounting, Sir ISAAR,
Pitman, London.
4. Horwarth and Toth, 1979, Hotel Accounting, Ronald Press, New York.
5. J. M. Negi, 1987, Financial and cost Control Techniques in hotel and Catering Industry.
6. L. S. Por wal, 1993, Accounting theory, An Introduction Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., Ltd.,
New Delhi.
7. Leslie Chadwick, 1995 The Essence of Financial Accounting Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
Page 48
8. Owen, Accounting for Hospitality Tourism and Leisu re, Pitman.
9. Richard, Katas, 1984, Management Accounting for Hotels and Restaurants, Surrey University
10. Richard, Katas, 1989, Book -Keeping in hotel and Catering Industry, Surrey University Press,
11. Robert and Anthony, 1995, Managem ent Accounting, Prentice Hall of India Pvt., Ltd. New
12. R.D. Boardman, 1980, Hotel and Catering Costing and Budgets, Heinemann, London.
13. Adrill, P and Mclancey , 2001, Accounting and Finance for non -Specialists, Prentice Hall.
14. Dyson J R, 2001, Accounting for Non -Accounting Students, 5th Ed. Prentice Hall.
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – III
Theory Code : JBVOC 3.03 Subject : Principles of Management
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I Introduction to Management
Management : meaning & definition – Principles of Management –
Functions of Management – Factors Responsible for New Horizons
of Management – Management Skills and Competency in21st
Management Information System: Meaning and Features
Management by Exception: Meaning and Advantages. 10
Unit-II Planning and Decision Making
Planning : Meaning and Definition – steps in Planning – Components
of Planning
MBO : Meaning – Steps - Advantages
Decision Making : Meaning and Definition of Decision Making Steps/
process in decision making – Techniques of decision making –
Essentials of sound decision making 10
Unit-III Organizing
Organization: Meaning and Definition of Organization – Types of
Organization - Formal and Informal forms of Organization – Meaning
and Features of line –line and staff – matrix.
Virtual Organization: Features - Challenges of Virtual teams
Span of Control : meaning and features – Factors determining Span of
Cont rol
Delegation : Meaning – Barriers to Delegation – Principles of
Effective Delegation
Departmentation : Meaning and Bases of Departmentation. 15
Unit-IV Management Challenges in Competitive Environment
Corporate Social Responsibility : Meaning – Scope – Advantages
Knowledge Management :Meaning – Features
Management of Change : Meaning – Process – Barriers to Change
Corporate Governance : Meaning – need – Corporate Governance 10
Page 49
Stress Management a t Work: Meaning – effects of Stress – Measures
of Managing Stress.
1. Management and OrganisationaBehaviour by Paul Hearsay and ken Blanchard
2. Essentials of Management by Koontz and Donnnel
3. Principles and Practice of Management by L M Prasad
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – III
Theory Code : JBVOC 3.04 Subject : Public Relations andAdvertisement
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I Introduction to Advertising
Meaning ‐ Evolution ‐ Features ‐ Active participants ‐ Functions ‐
Advertising as a Communication process Overview and scope of
advertising industry in India ‐ Trends in advertising and advertising
industry in India -Challenges faced by advertisers in India in the era of
Advertising as a component of Marketing Concept of Marketing and
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) ‐ Advertising and other tools of
marketing/IMC – Role of advertising in Product Life C ycle (PLC), low
involvement and high involvement products – Role of advertising in brand
building – Consumer behaviour – Target audience and market
segmentation 15
Unit-II Economic, Social and Regulatory aspects of Advertising
Economic impact of advertising ‐ Advertising and Society
inter‐relationship ‐ Ethical and social issues in advertising ‐ Advertising
and Indian values / culture Regulatory system for control on advertising in
India – Advertising Standard Counc il of India (ASCI) ‐ Various laws and
enactments concerning advertising in India 10
Unit-III Public Relations
Internal PR and External PR – The various stakeholders to which PR person
is responsible – Consumer, shareholder, government, employee, general
public, Public Relations and related fields like advertising, marketing and
journalism. Strategies of PR, Press Release, Press Conference and other
media tools used, Code of ethics in PR, Relevant case studies for each sector. 10
Lecture s
Unit-IV Strategies of PR : Press Release, Press Conference and other media tools
used, Code of ethics in PR, Relevant case studies for each sector 10
Page 50
1. Koontz, O’Donnell &Weihrich , Management, Tokyo: McGraw – Hill Inc.
2. Robbins, Organizational Behaviour, 7th ed., New Delhi: Prentice -Hall of India.
3. Singh, D. Emotional Intelligence at work, Response Books, New Delhi: Sage Publication
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – III
Theory Code : JSBVOC 3.05 Subject : Cryptography and Network Security
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Unit – I Computer Security : Introduction, Need for security, Principles of Security,
Types of Attacks Cryptography : Plain text and Cipher Text, Substitution
techniques, Caesar Cipher, Mono -alphabetic Cipher, Polygram,
Polyalphabetic Substitution, Playfair, Hill C ipher, Transposition techniques,
Encryption and Decryption, Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Cryptography,
Steganography, Key Range and Key Size, Possible Types of Attacks
Symmetric Key Algorithms and AES: Algorithms types and modes,
of Symmetric key Cryptography, Data Encryption Standard (DES),
Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA), RC4, RC5, Blowfish, Advanced
Standard (AES) 15
Unit – II Asymmetric Key Algorithms, Digital Signatures and RSA: Brief history
ofAsymmetric Key Cryptography, Overview of Asymmetric Key
Cryptography,RSA algorithm, Symmetric and Asymmetric key cryptography
together, DigitalSignatures, Knapsack Algorithm, Some other algorithms
(Elliptic curvecryptography, ElGamal, problems with the public key
Digital Certificates and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): Digital Certificates,
Private Key Management, The PKIX Model, Public Key Cryptography
Standards (PKCS), XML,PKI and Security, Hash functions, Key 15
Page 51
Blom’s Scheme, Diffie -Hellm an Key Predistribution, Kerberos, Diffie -
Key Exchange, The Station -to-station Protocol
Unit – III Network Security, Firewalls and Virtual Private Networks: Brief
Introduction to TCP/IP, Firewalls, IP Security, Virtual Private Networks
Internet Security Protocols: Basic concepts, Secure Socket Layer (SSL),
Transport Layer Security (TLS), Secure Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
Time Stamping Protocol (TSP), Secure Electronic Transaction (SET), SSL
SET, 3 -D Secure Protocol, Electronic Money, E -mail Security, Wireless
Application Protocol (WAP) Security, Security in GSM, Security in 3G
User Authentication and Kerberos: Authentication basics, Passwords,
Authentication Tokens, Certificate -based Authentication, Biometric
Authentication, Kerberos, Key Distribution Center (KDC) , Security
Pitfalls, Single Sign On (SSO) Approaches 15
Cryptography and Network Security by AtulKahate, 2nd Edition, Tata McGrawHill
(Unit I: Chapter 1,2, Unit II: Chapter 3, Unit III: Chapter 4, Unit IV: Chapter 5, Unit V:
Chapter 6, Unit VI: Chapter 7)
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 3.05
1. Implementing Substitution Ciphers
a. Caesar Cipher
b. Modified Caesar Cipher
c. Mono -Alphabetic
d. Poly -Alphabetic
2. Implementing Transposition Ciphers
a. Rail fence Techniques
b. Simple Columnar
c. Multicolumnar
d. Vernam Cipher
3. Implementing DiffieHelman Key Exchange Algorithm
4. Implementing DES Algorithm
Page 52
5. Implementing IDEA
6. Implementing AES
7. Implementing RSA Algorithm
8. Implementing RC4, RC5
9. Implementing Blowfish
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – III
Theory Code : JSBVOC 3.06 Subject : Advanced Java
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Unit 1 Swing Components – I :-
Introduction to JFC and Swing, Features of the Java Foundation Classes, Swing
API Components, JComponentClass,Windows, Dialog Boxes, and Panels,
Labels, Buttons, Check Boxes, Menus, Pane, JScrollPane, Desktop pane,
Scrollbars, List s and ComboBoxes, Text Entry Components.
Swing Components – II : -
Toolbars, Implementing Action interface, Colors and File Choosers, Tables and
Trees, Printing with 2D API and Java Print Service API. Schedules Tasks using
JVM, Thread -safe variables, Commu nication between threads. 15
Page 53
Unit 2
JDBC Introduction, JDBC Architecture, Types of JDBC Drivers, The
Connectivity Model, The java.sql package, Navigating the ResultSet object’s
contents, manipulating records of a ResultSet object through User Interface , The
JDBC Exception classes, Database Connectivity, Data Manipulation (using
Prepared Statements, Joins, Transactions, Stored Procedures), Data Navigation.
Servlet : -
What Is a Servlet? The Example Servlets, Servlet Life Cyc le, Sharing
Information, Initializing a Servlet, Writing Service Methods, Filtering Requests
and Responses, Invoking Other Web Resources, Accessing the Web Context,
Maintaining Client State, Finalizing a Servlet 15
Unit 3
JSP : -
What Is a JSP Page?, The Example JSP Pages, The Life Cycle of a JSP Page,
Creating Static Content, Creating Dynamic Content, Unified Expression
Language, JavaBeans Components, JavaBeans Concepts, Using NetBeans GUI
Builder Writing a Simple Bean, Properties : Simple Properties, Using Custom
tags, Reusing content in JSP Pages, Transferring Control to Another Web
Component, Including an Applet.
EJB : -
Introduction to EJB, Benefits of EJB, Types of EJB, Session Bean: State
Management Modes; Message -Driven Bean, Differences between Session Beans
and Message -Driven Beans, The Contents of an Enterprise Bean, Naming
Conventions for Enterprise Beans, The Life Cycles of Enterprise Beans, The Life
Cycle of a Stateful Session Bean, The Life Cycle of a Stateless Session B ean,
The Life Cycle of a Message -Driven Bean
Reference Books:
• Java Programming: Advanced Topics (JPAT)
• J2CR
• Core Java™ 2: Volume II –Advanced Features
• The Java EE 5/6 Tutorial
• Head First Servlets and JSP
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 3.06
Using Basic Swing Controls
2. Using JScrollPane, JTabbedPane, JDesktopPane
3. Using Common Dialog Boxes
Page 54
4. Using JTable and JTree
5. Creating Table in database
6. Inserting data in tables &Displaying data
7. Using ResultSetMetaData
8. Using Prepared Statement
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – III
Theory Code : JSBVOC 3.07 Subject : Software Engineering using OOAD
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Unit – I An Introduction : To Software, Software Engineering, Software
Process, Software Engineering Methods; CASE Tools, Attributes ofgood 15
Page 55
software. Socio -technical system : Essential characteristics ofsocio
technical systems, Emergent System Properties, SystemsEngineering,
Components of system such as organization, people andcomputers, Dealing
Legacy Systems. Critical system : Types ofcritical system, A simple safety
critical system, Dependability of asystem, Availability and Reliability,
Safety and Security of Softwaresystems. Software processe s :Fundamental
activities of software process,Different software process models, Process
Iteration and Activities,The Rational Unified Process, CASE in detail.
Unit – II Project Management : Software Project Management, Management
activities, ProjectPlanning, Project Scheduling, Risk Management.
SoftwareRequirements: Functional and Non -functional requirements,
UserRequirements, System Requirements, Interface
Specification,Documentation of the software requirements. Requirements
Engineering Proce sses : Feasibility study,Requirements elicitation and
anlaysis, Requirements Validations,
Requirements Management. System Models : Models and its types,
Context Models, Behavioural Models, Data Models, Object Models,
Structured Methods. 15
Unit – III Application Architectures : Data Processing Systems, Transaction
Processing Systems, Event Processing Systems, Language Processing
Systems. User Interface Design : Need of UI design, Design issues, The
UIdesign Process, User analysis, User Interface P rototyping,
InterfaceEvaluation; Rapid Software Development : Agile Methods,
ExtremeProgramming, Rapid Application Development, Software
Prototyping. Verification and Validation : Planning Verification and
Validation,Software Inspections. Quality Management :Process and
Product Quality, Qualityassurance and Standards, Quality Planning, Quality
Control, SoftwareMeasurement and Metrics. 15
Software Engineering , “Ian Somerville”, 8th edition, Pearson Education.
Software Engineering , PankajJalote, Narosa Publication
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 3.07
Case Studies:
1. Project Initiation and scheduling.
2. Analyzing a system and specifying the requirements
3. Project Cost Estimation
4. Designing the database design
5. Designing the User inte rface design
6. Use of testing methodologies
7. Cost Estimation Techniques
8. Cost benefit Analysis
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – III
Page 56
Theory Code : JSBVOC 3.08 Subject : Software Testing
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Unit – I Fundamentals of testing: Necessity of testing , what is it, Testing
principles, Fundamental test process, The psychology of testing
Testing throughout the software life cycle: Software development models,
Test levels, Test types: the targets of te sting, Maintenance testing 15
Unit-II Static techniques: Reviews and the test process, Review process, Static
analysis by tools
Test design techniques: Identifying test conditions and designing test cases,
Categories of test design techniques, Specification -based or black -box
techniques, Structure -based or white -box techniques, Experiencebased
techniques 15
Unit-III Test management: Test organi zation, Test plans, estimates, and strategies,
Test progress monitoring and control, Configuration management, Risk and
testing, Incident management
Tool support for testing: Types of test tool, Effective use of tools: Potential
benefits and risks, Introdu cing a tool into an organization 15
B1: Software Testing Foundations, 2nd Edition By Hans Schaefer, Andreas Spillner, Tilo Linz,
Shroff Publishers and Distributors (Unit I: Chapter 1,2, Unit II: Chapter 3, Unit III: Chapter 4, Unit
IV: Chapter 5, Unit V: Chapter 6, Unit VI: Chapter 7)
B2: FOUNDATIONS OF SOFTWARE TESTING by Dorothy Graham, Erik van Veenendaal, Isabel
Evans, Rex Black (Uni t I: Chapter 1, Unit II: Chapter 2, Unit III: Chapter 3, Unit IV: Chapter 4, Unit
V: Chapter 5, Unit VI: Chapter 6)
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 3.08
1. You have got the brilliant idea of setting up a company that sells testing services to software
Make a strategic plan for your company, taking into account the following issues:
a. What is the testing process that will be followed in the company?
b. What is the focus of the testing services?
c. What kind of people are you going to hire as staff for the com pany?
d. How are you going to validate that a testing project carried out in the company has been
beneficial to the customer?
e. What kind of automated tools will the company use?
2. Prepare a small project and submit SRS, design, coding and test plan.
3. The program reads an arbitrary number of temperatures (as integer numbers) within the range -
60°C … +60°C and prints their mean value. Design test cases for testing the program with the black -
box strategy.
4. When getting a person’s weight and height as inp ut, the program prints the person’s body weight
index. The weight is given in kilograms (as a real number, for instance: 82,0) and the height in
Page 57
meters (as a real number, for instance: 1,86). The body weight index equals weight divided by height
squared: w eight / (height ´height). Design test cases for testing the program with the black -box
5. Let us study the following program: x=0; read(y); while (y > 100) { x=x+y; read(y); } if (y < 200)
print(x) else print(y); a) Construct a control -flow grap h for the program. b) Design test cases for
reaching complete branch coverage over the program. Use as few test cases as possible.
6. Design test cases for the following program with the “simple loop” strategy: x=0; read(y); while
((y > 100) && (x < 10)) { x=x+1; read(y); } print(y); a) Construct a data -flow graph for the program
with respect to variable x. b) Which execution paths have to be traversed during testing, in order to
reach complete alldefinitions coverage with respect to variable x? c) Minimiz e the number of paths
and tests. d) Which execution paths have to be traversed during testing, in order to reach complete
alluses coverage with respect to variable x? Minimize the number of paths and tests. e) Design test
cases for reaching the (minimal) c omplete all -uses coverage with respect to variable x.
7. MANUAL TESTING for the project a) Walkthrough b) Whitebox Testing c) Blackbox Testing d)
Unit Testing e) Integration Testing
8. Functional Testing a) Boundary value Testing b) Equivalence class tes ting c) Decision Table
based testing d) Cause -effect graphs
9. Regression Testing using automated testing for website.
10. AUTOMATED TESTING for websites a) Load Testing b) Performance Testing
Page 58
Semester IV
Courses Theory Code Practical Code
General Component
Report Writing JBVOC 4.01 -
Digital Marketing JBVOC 4.02 -
Green Computing JBVOC 4.03 -
Human Resource Management JBVOC 4.04 -
Skill Component
Android App Development JSBVOC 4.05 JSBVOCP 4.05 with C# JSBVOC 4.06 JSBVOCP 4.06
Advance SQL with Oracle JSBVOC 4.07 JSBVOCP 4.07
Project Management JSBVOC 4.08 JSBVOCP 4.08
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – IV
Theory Code : JBVOC 4.01 Subject :Report Writing
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3 Credits
Unit-I REPORT WRITING: Writing an Effective Report: Stages of Writing,
Composing Business Messages, Style and Tone; Five Ws and one H of
Report Writing, Planning and Types of Reports, Divisions, Numbering and
use of Visual Aids, creativity in written communication, use of picture,
diagram in written communication . 15
Unit-II ORAL COMMUNICATION: Fundamentals of Oral Communication:
Introduction, Barriers and Gateways in Communication, Listening,
Feedback, Telephonic Messages, Public Speaking, and Presentation of
Reports, Power point presentation, body language, non -verbal, facial
expressions, communication and emotional intelligence, creativity in oral
communication, -4- persuasive communication, communicat ion through
organizing various events like conferences, committee meeting, press meets,
seminars, fests and the like. 10
Unit-III BUSINESS COMMUNICATION: Writing Commercial Letters: Business
Letter Format, Types of Letter – Routine Business Letters, Sales Letters,
Resume and Job Applications, Business Memos, E - Mail Messages,
Proposals, Technical Articles, Telegrams, Telex Message, Facsimiles,
Electronic Mail, Handling a Mail, Maintaining a Diary, Legal Aspects of
Business Communication, Nego tiation Skills. 10
Unit-IV ROUTINE CORRESPONDENCE: circulars, drafting notices, handling 10
Page 59
complaints, evaluating interview performance, articles, formal invitations,
proforma for performance appraisal, letters of appointment, captions for
advertis ing, company notice related shares, dividends, MoA, AoA, Annual
Reports, Minutes of Meeting, action taken report on previous resolution. Lectures
1. Scot Ober, Contemporary Business Communication, Biztantra 2. Bovee, Thill and Schatzman ,
Business Communication today, Pearson 3.NageshwarRao and Rajendra Das, Business Skills, HPH
4. Mary ellenGuffy, Business Communication, Thomson 5. M Ashraf Rizvi, Effective Technical
Communication, TMH 6. Meenakshi Raman and Sangeeta Sharma, Technical Co mmunication,
Oxford 7. Micheal Osborn and Suzanne Osborn, Public Speaking, Biztantra 8. John Seely, Oxford
Writing and Speaking, Oxford 9. ParagDiwan, Business Communication,
BOOKS RECOMMENDED 1. OR Krishnaswami&Rangantham, Methodology of Research, HPH 2.
Donald Cooper and Pamela Schindler, Business Research Methods, TMH 3. Dipak Kumar
Bhattacharyya, Research Methodology, EB 4. KN Krishnaswamy, Sivakumar and Mathirajan,
Management Research Methodology, Pearson 5. WiilamZikmund, Business research Methods,
Thomson 6. Panneerselvam, Research Methodology, PHI 7. Daniel Riordan and Steven Pauley,
Technical Report Writing Today, Biztantra 8. Alan Bryman and Emma Bell, Business Research
Methods, Oxford 9. William Trochim, Research Methods, Biztantra
Page 60
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – IV
Theory Code : JBVOC 4.02 Subject : Green Computing
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3 Credits
Unit-I What is environment? Introduction to Environment.Key elements of a safety
and Health Management System - Policy & commitment, Initial Safety and
health Management System, Review safety and Health policy - Developing a
workplace Safety and Health Policy. Safety Consultation. Fire, change of
state and latent he at, thermal expansion of solids, liquids and
gases.Transmission of heat, combustion, Fire tetrahedron, and combustible
solid, liquids and gases.
Classification of Fire and different fire extinguishing methods, portable fire
extinguishers. 15
Green IT Fundamentals: Business, IT, and the Environment – Green
computing: carbon footprint, scoop on power – Green IT Strategies: Drivers,
Dimensions, and Goals – Environmentally Responsible Business : Policies,
Practices, and Metrics.
Green Assets : Buildings, Networks, and Devices – Green Business Process
Management: Modeling, Optimization, and Collaboration – Green Enterprise
Architecture :Environmental Intelligence – Green Supply Chains – Green
Information Systems: Design andDevelopment Models. 10
Socio -cultural aspects of Green IT – Green Enterprise Transformation
Roadmap – Green
Compliance: Protocols, Standards, and Audits – Emergent Carbon Issues:
Technologies and
Green Hardware and Software :
Green Hardware, Introduction, Life Cycle of a Device or Hardware, Reuse, 10
Page 61
Recycle and Dispose, Green Software, IntroductionEnergy -Saving Software
Techniques, Changing the way we work, Going Paperless.
Unit-IV Green Data Center : Data Centre IT Infrastructure, Data Centre Facility
Infrastructure: Implications for Energy Efficiency, IT Infrastructure
Management, Green Data Centre Metrics,.
Green Data Storage :Introduction, Storage Media Power Characteristic s,
Energy Management Techniques for Hard Disks, System -Level Energy
Management 10
The Environmentally Responsible Business Strategies (ERBS) – Case Study Scenarios
for Trial Runs – Case Studies – Applying Green IT Strategies and Applications to a Home,
Hospital, Packaging Industry and Telecom Sector
References :
Foundation Guide.
Jason Harris, Green Computing and Green IT Best Practices.
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – IV
Theory Code : JBVOC 4.03 Subject : Human Resource Management
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I Overview of HRM Field The human relations movement, human capital,
human resource department structure, job attitudes, ethics. Organizational
Theories & Human Resources Taylor's principles of scientific
management, Fayol's staff management theories, the two types of managers 10
Unit-II Job Analysis and Design - Job enrichment and enlargement, job rotation, job
specifications and descriptions, job evaluation methods. Staffing in
Organizations -The hiring process, staff selection methods, job bidding,
employee turnover an d absenteeism, employee termination. Employee
training programs 10
Unit-III Performance Appraisals -Administrative and developmental uses of
performance appraisals, common appraisal methods, management by
objective. Types of compensation systems, compensation equity, mandatory
and voluntary benefits, incentives 10
Unit-IV Labor Relations -The National Labor Relations Board, collective bargaining
and unionizing processes, bargaining strategies, Executive Order 10988
Current Issues and Trends in HRM -Affirmative action, cultural and age
diversity, gender diversity, workplace violence, alternative work
arrangements 15
Page 62
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – IV
Theory Code : JBVOC 4.04 Subject :
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I Social media marketing -Types of social media and how it influences
customers -Facebook -creating facebookpage,creating FAN page for Business
Marketing, You Tube Ads, Twitter, Linked in, slide share, Search engine
optimization -rank webpage on top of search, ORM, Google webmaster tool,
.Google Analytics -Analyse, measure and improve performance of online
campaigns 10
Lectur es
Unit-II Freelancer affiliate Marketing, Google Adwords, Create advertising
campaigns on google
Email marketing, Mobile marketing, Online reputation management, Google
webmaster Tools
Infographics Content marketing, .DigitalMarketing strategy, E commerce
Business marketing -Top E – Commerce Websites around the world E –
Commerce Scenario in India How to do SEO of an E – Commerce Website
Why you need a solid E – Commerce marketing strategy Formulating right e
– commerce marketing strate gy Using affiliate marketing to promote your e –
commerce business , Hashtag Viral Market Webinar Marketing, Whatsapp
marketing, Creating a blog, Instagram Marketing 15
Unit-III Marketing analysis (annual reports, news articles, government resou rces) 10
Page 63
Target Audience analysis (Simmons Market Research Bureau, Mediamark
Competitive analysis (Bureau of Advertising Research, Leading National
Media planning ,The function of media planning in advertising Lectures
Unit-IV Role of media planner, Challenges in media planning ,Media planning
Deciding the ideal media mix and communications mix. 10
1. Jack Z Sissors and Jim Surmanek, Advertising Media Planning -crain books 1976
2. James R Adams, Media P lanning -Business books 1977
3. Advanced M.P. -John R Rossister, Kluoer Academic publications 1998
4. Advertising M.P. , Jack Z Sissors, McGraw Hill 6th Edition
Reference Text
1. Marketing Research –Hair, Bush, Ortinau (2nd edition Tata McGraw Hill)
2. Marketing Research Text & Cases – (Wrenn, Stevens, Loudon Jaico publication)
3. Marketing Research Essentials – McDaniels& Gates (3rd edition SW College publications)
4. Marketing Research – Aaker, Kumar, Day (7th edition John Wiley & Sons)
5. Marketing Research – Burns , Alvin, Bush, Ronald (3rd edition Prentice Hall)
6. Rajendra Nargundkar: Marketing Research (Macmillan)
7. S. L. Gupta: Marketing Research (Excel Books)
8. Marketing Research – Sunanda Easwaran and Sharmila J Singh – Oxfo rd Publications
9. Marketing Research – Nigel Bradley – Oxford Publications
10 .Marketing Research – An Applied Orientation – Naresh K Malhotra – Pearson Publications
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – IV
Theory Code : JSBVOC 4.05 Subject : Android App Development
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Unit – I Introduction to Android
Android Architecture
Project Structure
Android Components
Activity Life Cycle
Introduction to XML
UI Components
Style and Themes
Design Login and Registration Page (First App)
Splash Screen & App Icon
Android Toast & Custom Toast
Android Intent – Explicit & Implicit 15
Page 64
Android Dialogs – Alert Dialog & Custom Dialog
Material Design Conc epts
Unit- II
ListView& Adapters
Custom ListView
Shared Preferences
Expandable ListView
Android Fragments
WebView& Custom Web Browser
Localization 15
SQL Basics and SQLite
WebServices& JSON Parsing
Third Party Library Integration
Image loading with Picasso
Font Awesome Integration
Local Notifications
Firebase – Push Notification
Firebase – Realtime Database
Introduction to Augmented Reality
App Deployment on PlayStore 15
Books: -Professional Android™ 4 Application Development, Reto Meier , John Wiley & Sons, Inc.12
Android Application Development, Black Book, Pradeep Kothari, Kogent Learning Solutions,
DreamTech Press
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 4.05
1. Design an application representing a simple calculator.
2. Develop an application for working with Menus and Screen Navigation
3. Design a simple to -do list application using SQLite
4. Develop an application for connecting to the internet and sending email.
5. Develop an application for working with graphics and animation.
6. Develop an application for working with device camera.
7. Develop an application for working with location based servic es.
8. Using Worker thread write Android code for a click listener that downloads an
image from a separate thread and displays it in an ImageView.
9. Develop an application demonstrating Internal Storage to store private data on the
device memory.
10. Develop an application for working with Notifications
Page 65
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – IV
Theory Code : JSBVOC 4.06 Subject : Asp. Net with C#
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Overview of .NET Framework, Objectives, Main components of .NET
Framework and their overview, Types of Applications 15
Page 66
.NET Framework Architecture – CLR(Goal of CLR, Services/Features,
Benefits, Managed Execution Process, Automatic memory Management),
CTS( CTS Overview, Type Definitions, Type members, Different types of
data such as class, delegates, pointes, arrays, interfaces), Meta Data,
Structure of Metadata & Self Describing Components, Cross Language
Interoperability & CLS, Assemblies(Assembly overview , Benefits,
Contents, Types)
Creating Web Sites : - Working with Web Forms, Working with CSS in
Visual Web Developer, ASP.NET Server Controls, Standard Controls,
HTML Controls, Understanding ASP.NET State Engine.
UNIT 2 -
Introduction to Programming: - Data Types and Variables, Statements,
Methods: Functions and Subroutines.
Consistent Page Layout with Master Pages, Using a Centralized Base Page.
Structured Exception Handling : try, catch, finally blocks, throwing
exceptions, Err object, Us ing masked Textboxes
Navigation Controls - Architecture of the Navigation Controls, Menu
Control, TreeView Control
Validation Controls – Validations & Validator controls, 15
UNIT 3 -
ADO.NET: Data Provider Model, Direct Data Access - Creating a
Connection, Select Command, DataReader, Disconnected Data Access
Data Binding: Introduction, Single -Value Data Binding, Repeated -Value
Data Binding, Data Source Controls – SqlDataSource, Other Data
Controls, Working Together with Data Source and Data -bound Controls
User Controls -Creating User Controls, Adding User Controls to a Content
Page or Master Page
LINQ -LINQ to Objects, LINQ to ADO.NET
Introducing Query Syntax, Standard Query Operators, Shaping Data with
Anonymous Types, Using Server Controls with L INQ Queries. 15
1. The Complete Reference ASP .NET, MacDonald, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Beginning ASP.NET 4 in C# and VB ImarSpanajaars, WROX
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 4.06
1. Fundamentals of ASP.NET such as using HTML/Web Controls, Autopostback, Appli cation
events, Configuration files,
2. ADO.NET Programming & Data Binding.
3. Creating Custom Controls.
4. State management, Validation Controls
5. LINQ - Using Server Controls with LINQ Queries
6. Performance improvement using Caching
7. Using AJAX in ASP.NET
8. Creating & Consuming web services
Page 67
Page 68
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – IV
Theory Code : JSBVOC 4.07 Subject : Advance SQL with Oracle
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Unit – I Fundamentals : Introduction to PL/SQL , Benefits of PL/SQL , Creating
PL/SQL Blocks
DDL and data types : Using Variables in PL/SQL, Recognizing PL/SQL
Lexical Units, Recognizing Data Types, Using Scalar Data Types , Writing
PL/SQL Executable Statements ,Nested Blocks and Variable Scope , Good
Programming Practices
DML : Review of SQL DML, Retrieving Data in PL/SQL, Manipulating Data
in PL/SQL, Using Transaction Control Statements, aggregate queries
Control structure: Conditional Control: IF Statements, Conditional Cont rol:
CASE Statements ,Iterative Control: Basic Loops , Iterative Control: WHILE
and FOR Loops , Iterative Control: Nested Loops 15
Unit- II Cursors and Parameters Introduction to Explicit Cursors , Using Explicit
Cursor Attributes, Cursor FOR Loops , Cursors with Parameters ,Using
Cursors for UPDATE , Using Multiple Cursors
Exception Handling Handling Exceptions, Trapping Oracle Server
Exceptions , Trapping User -Defined Exceptions , Recognizing the Scope of
Using and Managing Procedures Creating Procedures, Using Parameters in
Procedures, Passing Parameters
Using and Managing Functions Creating Functions ,Using Functions in
SQL Statements , Review of th e Data Dictionary , Managing Procedures and
Functions , Review of Object Privileges 15
Unit-III Using and Managing Packages Creating Packages , Managing Package
Concepts , Advanced Package Concepts Getting the Best out of Packages ,l
Persistent State of Package Variables , Using Oracle -Supplied Packages
Improving PL/SQL Performance Using Dynamic SQL , Improving
PL/SQL Performance Using and Managing Triggers, Introduction To
Triggers , Creating DML Triggers Part I, Creating DML Triggers Part II ,
Creating DDL and Database Event Triggers , Managing Triggers
XML structure of XML, Document schema, querying and transformation,
XML application 15
Reference Books
Oracle PL/SQL Programming , Fifth Edition By Steven Feuerstein, Bill Pribyl
Murach’s Oracle SQL and PLSQL by Joel Murach, Murach and Associates.
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 4.07
1. Creating anonymous PL/SQL blocks.
2. DDL and insert values in tables
Page 69
a. Querying single and multiple tables
b. Creating simple tables and tables with constraints.
3. Manipulating data (Insert, update and delete)
4. Conditional statement and control statement
5. Iterative control
6. Cursors with parameters to process a number of rows from multiple tables.
7. Create exception handlers for specific situations.
8. Function and procedures
a. Creating and invoking functions from SQL statements
b. Creating and invoking stored procedures.
c. Re-create the source code for a procedure and a function.
d. Create procedures that issue DML and query commands.
9. Working with packages
a. Create package spe cifications and package bodies. Invoke the constructs in the
b. Create a package containing an overloaded function.
10. Triggers
a. Create statement and row triggers.
b. Create procedures that will be invoked from the triggers.
11. XML
Page 70
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – IV
Theory Code : JSBVOC 4.08 Subject : Project Management
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Unit – I Conventional Software Management: The waterfall model, conventional
software Management performance.
Evolution of Software Economics: Software Economics, pragmatic software
cost estimation.
Improving Software Economics: Reducing Software product size, improving
software processes, improving team effectiveness, improving automation ,
Achieving required quality, peer inspections.
The old way and the new: The principles of conventional software
Engineering, principles of modern software management, transitioning to an
iterative process.
Life cycle phases: Engineering and production st ages, inception, Elaboration,
construction, transition phases.
Artifacts of the process: The artifact sets, Management artifacts, Engineering
artifacts, programmatic artifacts.
Model based software architectures: A Management perspective and technical
perspective. 15
Unit- II Work Flows of the process: Software process workflows, Iteration
Checkpoints of the process: Major mile stones, Minor Milestones, Periodic
status assessments.
Iterative Process Planning: Work breakdown structur es, planning guidelines,
cost and schedule estimating, Iteration planning process, Pragmatic planning.
Project Organizations and Responsibilities: Line -of-Business Organizations,
Project Organizations, evolution of Organizations.
Process Automation: Automa tion Building blocks, The Project Environment. 15
Unit-III Project Control and Process instrumentation: The seven core Metrics,
Management indicators, quality indicators, life cycle expectations, pragmatic
Software Metrics, Metrics automation.
Tailoring the Process: Process discriminants.
Future Software Project Management: Modern Project Profiles, Next
generation Software economics, modern process transitions. 15
Page 71
B1: Software Project Management by Walker Royce: Pearson Educatio n, 2005.
(Unit I: Chapter 1,2,3, Unit II: Chapter 4,5,6,7, Unit III: Chapter 8,9,10 Unit IV: Chapter 11,12, Unit
V: Chapter 13,14, Unit VI: Chapter 15,16,17)
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 4.08
Practical No. 2 : Waterfall Model as the conventional process model to prepare the flow and Gantt
Practical No. 2 : Waterfall Model as the conventional process model to prepare the flow and Gantt
Practical No. 3 : Cost Estimation of the proje ct Using Function Point Analysis (FPA)
Practical No. 3 : Cost Estimation of the project Using Function Point Analysis (FPA)
Practical No. 4 : Cost Estimation of the project Using COCOMO Model I
Practical No. 4 : Cost Estimation of the project Using COCOMO Model I
Practical No. 5 : Class diagram using StarUML
Practical No. 6 : Use Case diagram using StarUML
Practical No. 7 : Acitvity description for the project
Practical No. 8 : Activity description and diagram for the project
Practical No. 9 : Work Breakdown Structure for the given Project
Page 72
Semester III
Course Internal Assessment (25 Marks) External Assessment (75 Total(100
Marks) Marks)
Conduct Total
Marks Theory Exam
Class Test
JBVOC3.01 20 5 25 75 100
JBVOC3.02 20 5 25 75 100
JBVOC3.03 20 5 25 75 100
JBVOC3.04 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC3.05 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC3.06 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC3.07 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC3.08 20 5 25 75 100
Course Internal Assessment (10 External Assessment (40 Total
Marks) Marks) (50 Marks)
3.05 Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
3.06 Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
JSBVOCP Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
Page 73
3.08 Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
Semester IV
Course Internal Assessment (25 Marks) External Assessment (75 Total(100
Marks) Marks)
Conduct Total
Marks Theory Exam
Class Test
JBVOC4.01 20 5 25 75 100
JBVOC4.02 20 5 25 75 100
JBVOC4.03 20 5 25 75 100
JBVOC4.04 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC4.05 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC4.06 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC4.07 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC4.08 20 5 25 75 100
Course Internal Assessment (10 External Assessment (40 Total
Page 74
Marks) Marks) (50 Marks)
4.05 Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
4.06 Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
4.07 Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
4.08 Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
Tutorials are theory /problems to be solved by the students in the class room at the end of practical /
theory session
Assignments are theory / problems to be solved by the students at home.
Class Test is to be conducted in the class room with due notice. Semester I,II,III,IV are college
examinations. Question papers will be set by examiners appointed by Principal s of the affiliated
Suggested Question Paper Format for END Semester Examination
General Component
Duration : 2 1/2 hrs. Total Marks : 75
All Questions Compulsory:
Page 75
Q. 1 From Unit I 20 marks
Attempt any Four of following
VII. …….. 5 marks
VIII. …….. 5 marks
IX. …….. 5 marks
X. …….. 5 marks
XI. …….. 5 marks
XII. …….. 5 marks
Q. 2 From Unit II 20 marks
Attempt any Four of following
VII …….. 5 marks
VIII …….. 5 marks
IX …….. 5 marks
X …….. 5 marks
XI …….. 5 marks
XII …….. 5 marks
Q. 3 From Unit III 20 marks
Attempt any Four of following
VII. …….. 5 marks
VIII. …….. 5 marks
IX. …….. 5 marks
X. …….. 5 marks
XI. …….. 5 marks
XII. …….. 5 marks
Q. 4 From Unit IV 15 marks
Attempt any Three of following
VII. …….. 5 marks
VIII. …….. 5 marks
IX. …….. 5 marks
X. …….. 5 marks
XI. …….. 5 marks
XII. …….. 5 marks
Skill Component
Duration : 2 1/2 hrs. Total Marks : 75
All Questions Compulsory:
Q. 1 From Unit I 20 marks
Attempt any Four of following
Page 76
I …….. 5 marks
II …….. 5 marks
III …….. 5 marks
IV …….. 5 marks
V …….. 5 marks
VI …….. 5 marks
Q. 2 From Unit II 20 marks
Attempt any Four of following
I …….. 5 marks
II …….. 5 marks
III …….. 5 marks
IV …….. 5 marks
V …….. 5 marks
VI …….. 5 marks
Q. 3 From Unit III 20 marks
Attempt any Four of following
I …….. 5 marks
II …….. 5 marks
III …….. 5 marks
IV …….. 5 marks
V …….. 5 marks
VI …….. 5 marks
Q. 4 From Unit I, II & III 15 marks
Attempt any Three of following
I …….. 5 marks
II …….. 5 marks
III …….. 5 marks
IV …….. 5 marks
V …….. 5 marks
VI …….. 5 marks
Note: Internal choice should be given.
University of Mumbai
Credit Based, Semester & Grading System
SYLLABUS IN BRIEF : B.VOC, Software Development
Semester - III
Code Paper Credits Lectures L/Wk
Page 77
General Education Component
JBVOC 3.01 Business Communication 3 45 3
JBVOC 3.02 Basics of Book -Keeping &
Accountancy 3 45 3
JBVOC 3.03
Principles of Management 3 45 3
JBVOC 3.04
Public Relations and Advertisement 3 45 3
Skill Component
JSBVOCP 3.05 Cryptography and Network Security 3
1.5 45 3
JSBVOCP 3.06 Advanced J ava 3
1.5 45 3
JSBVOCP 3.07 Software Engineering using OOAD 3
1.5 45 3
JSBVOCP 3.08 Software Testing 3
1.5 45 3
Page 78
University of Mumbai
Credit Based, Semester & Grading System
SYLLABUS IN BRIEF : B.VOC, Software Development
Semester - IV
Code Paper Credits Lectures L/Wk
General Education Component
JBVOC 4.01 Report Writing 3 45 3
JBVOC 4.02
Green Computing 3 45 3
JBVOC 4.03
Human Resource Management 3 45 3
JBVOC 4.04
Digital Marketing 3 45 3
Skill Component
JSBVOCP 4.05 Android App Development 3
1.5 45 3
JSBVOCP 4.06 with c# 3
1.5 45 3
JSBVOCP 4.07 Advance SQL with oracle 3
1.5 45 3
JSBVOCP 4.08 Project Management 3
1.5 45 3
Page 79
Cover Page
Date: Signature:
Name of BOS Chairperson / Dean : ______________________________________ Sr.
No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the
Course B.Voc. in Software Development
2 Eligibility for
Admission 10+2
3 Passing
Marks 40%
4 Ordinances /
Regulations ( if any) As per UGC guidelines.
5 No. of Years /
Semesters 3 years / 6 semesters
6 Level U.G
7 Pattern Semester
8 Status New
9 To be implemented
from Academic Year From Academic Year :2015 -16 AC___________
Item No. ______
Syllabus for Approval
Page 80
Cover Page
1 Title of the Course Syllabus for Three Years B.Voc in Software Development
2 Course Code ( JSBVOC )
3 Preamble / Scope: - The main objectives of the course Bachelor in Vocation (skill
component) are:
Check their understanding of the Business Requirements Specification (BRS),
Software Requirements Specification (SRS), High Level Design (HLD) and Low
Level Design (LLD) with appropriate people
To demonstrate aptitude for analyzing information and making logical conclusions
and to build knowledge of the foundational mathematical concepts in computing
To design algorithms to solve problems and convert them into code using
appropriate programming language constructs
To read and execute a test case and record outcome in the templates and work with
their peers
To build database skills including DBMS, data design, and query table structures
for specific data
Software engineering approaches to develop applications and the key processes
used for developing applic ation software
To make them learn basic components of computer, Windows and Linux OS, file
systems and task and process management
To make them learn web browsers, the World Wide Web, web -based social media
applications and web programming
To make learn ho w to deal with confidential information and maintain records
legibly and accurately
Essentials Elements of the Syllabus
Page 81
4 Objective of Course / Course Outcome: - The new syllabus is aimed to achieve the
objectives. The students will be ready for the jobs available in different fields like:
Software Development (Programming)
Website Development
Project Management
Discrete Mathematics
C++, Java
Database Administration
Software Engineering
Software Testing
Operating Systems
Network Security
Eligibility :-10+2
Fee Structure :-
2017-18 (AIDED)
B.VOC Fees for Travel
&Toursim / Software
Sr.No. Particulars/ Fees Heads F.Year S.Year T.Year
1 Tuition Fees
800 800
2 Library Fees
200 200
3 Gymkhana Fees
400 400
4 Other Fees /Extra curricular Fees
250 250
5 Laboratory Fees
800 800
6 Exam Fees
7 Marksheet Fees
120 120
8 Convocation Fees - - 250
9 Magazine Fees
100 100
10 Utility Fees
250 250
11 Development Fees
500 500
12 Adm Process Fees
200 200
Page 82
13 Identity Fees
14 Alumni Asso Fees
15 Group Insurance
16 Enrollment Fees
220 - -
17 Computer Practicals Fees For
comp Sc Students
600 600
18 Students Welfare Fund
19 Uni Sports & Cultural Activity
20 E-Charges
21 Vice Chancellor Fund
22 Disaster Relief Fees
23 National Service Scheme
24 E-Suvidha
6,525 6,775
25 Caution Money
150 -- --
26 Library Deposits (Refundable)
250 -- --
27 Laboratory Deposits (Refundable)
400 - -
Grand Fees for Maharashtra
6,525 6,775
Eligibility fees ( For Other Boards
320 - -
Grand Fees for Other Boards
7,865 - -
New Students from other College
(Maharashtra Board) for SY & TY fees
28 Caution Money
Deposits(Refundable) - 150 150
29 Library Deposits (Refundable) - 250 250
30 Laboratory Deposits (Refundable) 400 400
New students (Mah Board) Fees
Page 83
7,325 7,575
31 New Students from other College
(Other Board)Eligibility Fees Rs. 320/ -
& Enrollment fees Rs. 220/ - for SY &
TY fees 540 540
New students (Other Board) Fees
7 No. of Lectures 8 courses per semester
8 No. of Practical 3 period of a week per course
9 Duration of the Course 3 Years
10 Notional hours 15 hours per unit per course
11 No. of Students per Batch :- 50
Selection :- Merit
Assessment :- Theory (75 marks)+ Practical (50 marks) + Internal (25 marks)
Syllabus Details 12
Page 84
Item No.
Syllabus for the T.Y.BVoc.
Program: B .Voc
Course: Software Development
(Credit Based Semester and Grading System with
effect from the academic year 2017 -2018)
Page 85
Semester V
Courses Theory Code Practical Code
General Component
Strategic Management JBVOC 5.01 -
Entrepreneurship I JBVOC 5.02 -
Multimedia JBVOC 5.03 -
Managerial Economics JBVOC 5.04 -
Skill Component
Asp.Net With C# JSBVOC 5.05 JSBVOCP 5.05
Software Testing JSBVOC 5.06 JSBVOCP 5.06
Advanced Java JSBVOC 5.07 JSBVOCP 5.07
Linux Administration JSBVOC 5.08 JSBVOCP 5.08
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – V
Theory Code : JBVOC 5.01 Subject : Strategic Management
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I Introduction to business policy – their definitions, nature, scope, significance,
elements and processes.Introduction to strategic management – their definitions,
nature, scope, significance, elements and processes. Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream:
Case Study. Mission, Goals and Objectives Company report analysis
Unit-II Analyzing the External Environment of the Firm, Michael Porter’s Five Forces
Model, Analyzing the Internal Environment of the Firm, Kirin Beer: Case
Study, SWOT Analysis
Recognizing a Firm’s Intellectual Assets Ali -baba: Case Study (not assessed)
Group Project: Preparation and Guidance.
Lectur es
Unit-III Strategic formulation – the input stage, matching stage and decision stage,
cultural aspect of strategic choice and functional strategies. 15
Unit-IV A) - Introduction to Corporate Level Strategies -Samsung: Case Study,
business level strategy - Foxconn: Case Study, international strategy -Zara case
B) Strategy implementation – issues in implementation, project
implementation and control procedures, resource allocation.
C) Corporate ethos, culture and ethics, management of change. 10
1. Strategic Mgt. Fred R. David Prentice Hall International
2. Business Policy & Strategic Mgt. Dr. AzharKazmi - Tata McGraw Hill Publi. Col Ltd.
3. Strategic Mgt. Beni Banerjee
4. Business Policy & Strategic Mgt. Jauch Lawrence R & William Glueck McGraw - Hill Book Co.
5. International Strategic Management (suggested for Global Strategies) R.M. Shivstava Himalayan
Publishing House.
6. Strategic Mgt. - a multi -perspective approac h Edited by Mark Jenkins & Veronique Ambrosmi
Palgrave (Publication)
7. Strategic Mgt. - Thomas L. Wheelers & J. David Hunger Addison -- Wesley Publishers.
Page 86
8. Strategic Mgt. Competitiveness &Globalisation. Michael Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, Robert E.
Hosk isson South - Western Thomson Learning
9. Business Policy & Strategy - Concepts & Readings. Daniel McCarthy, Robert Minichiello, Joseph
Curran All India Traveller Bookseller – Delhi
10. Strategic Mgt. John A. Pearce II & Richard B. Robinson Jr. A.I.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors
– Delhi
11. Strategic Mgt. Alex Miller & Gregory G. DessThe McGraw -Hill Companies, Inc.
12. Strategic Mgt. - Concepts & Cases Arthur A. Thompson Jr. & A.J. Strickland III Tata McGraw -
Hill Publi. Coin.Ltd.
13. Business Policy & Strategic Mgt. Dr. L.M. Prasad. Sultan Chand & Sons. New Delhi
Page 87
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – V
Theory Code : JBVOC 5.02 Subject : Entrepreneurship & Business Planning I
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I Introduction: The Entrepreneur – Definition – Characteristics of
Successful entrepreneur.
Entrepreneurial scene in India: Analysis of entrepreneurial growth in
different communities
Case histories of successful entrepreneurs.
Social entrepreneurship – concept, development of Social Entrepreneurship
in India.
Role of Entrepreneurship in economic development –Start-ups.
Unit-II Innovation in Business : Types of Innovation – Creating and Identifying
Opportunities for Innovation – The Technological Innovation Process –
Creating New
Technological Innovation and Intrapreneurship – Licensing –Patent –
Innovation in Indian
Idea Generation and Opportunity Assessment – Sources of New
Ideas ,Techniques for generating ideas ,Opportunity Recognition.
Option available to Entrepreneur.(Ancillarisation, BPO, Franchise, M&A).
Unit-III Business Plan Preparation – Elements of the Business Pl an – Developing
a Business Plan –
Guidelines for preparing a Business Plan Financial Analysis; Market
Analysis; Technical
Feasibility. Feasibility Analysis: Technical Feasibility of Products and
Services - Marketing
Feasibility: Marketing Methods – Pricing Policy and Distribution Channels.
Estimating project cost.
Incorporation of Business – Forms of Business organisations .
Unit-IV Marketing : Methods, Channel of Marketing, Marketing Institutions and
Business Model Canvas.
New trends in entrepreneurship – E-entrepreneur.
Role of e - commerce and M commerce.
Ethical considerations.
Life cycle of an entrepreneurial venture - Role of entrepreneur during
transition stages.
Dynamics of small business environment - Causes for s mall business failure
Success factors for small business. 10
Page 88
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – V
Theory Code : JBVOC 5.03 Subject : Multimedia
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I Introduction to CorelDraw, Use and importance in Designing, Various
Graphic Files and File Extensions ,Vector Image and Raster Images ,
Introduction to Screen and Work Area.
Introduction to Tools of CorelDraw, Managing Palettes ,Working with Images,
Patterns and Textures 15
Lecture s
Unit-II Working with Shapes, Colours and Fills ,Image Rasterisation and Editing,
Transformation Menu.
CorelDraw Files and supporting documents, Import and Export of Files and
File formats Page Setup and Designing. 10
Unit-III Using Styles and Templates , Working with Text, Formatting Text, Text
Designing Different Page Layouts, Column Layout, Working with Layers,
Special Effect to Objects and Texts, Contour Tool, Layout for News Paper and
Magazines. 10
Unit-IV Introduction to Adobe Photoshop & Documents, Various Graphic Files and
Extensions, Vector Image and Raster Images, Various Colour Modes and
Introduction to Screen and Work Area, Photoshop Tools &Palettes ,Use of
Layers & Filters, Working with Images
Preparation of Visiting Cards & Invitation Cards, Shaping Dockers & Logo Design Introduction
Brochure & Books, Introduction to Magazine Designing.
Page 89
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – V
Theory Code : JBVOC 5.04 Subject : Managerial Economics (Macro Economics)
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I National Income: Concept and measurement, Concept of HDI. 15
Unit-II Concepts of Aggregate & Demand and multiplier. 10
Unit-III Monetary Economics: Concepts of Money demand, Money Supply, Liquidity
Preference. Concepts of Inflation, deflation, recession, depression,
stagflation.Monetary policy - objectives & instruments 10
Unit-IV Concept of BOP, disequilibrium, devaluation. 10
1. Managerial Economics by Johnson &Mascerhans
2. Managerial Economics by Saraswathy
3. Managerial Economics by Dwevdi
Page 90
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – V
Theory Code : JSBVOC 5.05 Subject : Asp.Net With C#
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Unit – I Introduction to C#, Review of .NET frameworks, Variables and expressions,
flow controls, functions, debugging and error handling, OOPs with C#,
Defining classes and class members.
Assembly, Components of Assembly, Private and Shared Assembly, Garbage
Collector, JIT compiler. Namespaces Collections, Delegates and Events.
Introduction to ASP.NET 4: Microsoft.NET framework, ASP.NET lifecycle.
CSS: Need of CSS, Introduction to CSS, Working with CSS with visual
developer. 15
Unit – II ASP.NET server controls: Introduction, How to work with button controls,
Textboxes, Labels, checkboxes and radio buttons, list controls and other web
server controls, web.config and global.asax files.
Programming ASP.NET web pages: Introduction, data types and variables,
statements, organizing code, object oriented basics.
Validation Control: Introduction, basic validation controls, validation
techniques, using advanced validation controls.
State Mana gement: Using view state, using session state, using application
state, using cookies and URL encoding.
Master Pages: Creating master pages, content pages, nesting master pages,
accessing master page controls from a content page.
Navigation: Introduction t o use the site navigation, using site navigation
controls. 15
Unit – III Databases: Introduction, using SQL data sources, GridView Control,
DetailsView and FormView Controls, ListView and DataPager controls,
Using object datasources.
ASP.NET Secu rity: Authentication, Authorization, Impersonation, ASP.NET
provider model
LINQ: Operators, implementations, LINQ to objects,XML,ADO.NET, Query
ASP.NET Ajax: Introducing AJAX, Working of AJAX, Using ASP.NET
AJAX server controls.
JQuery: Introduction to JQuery, JQuery UI Library, Working of JQuery 15
Beginning Visual C# 2010, K. Watson, C. Nagel, J.H Padderson, J.D. Reid, M.Skinner, Wrox
(Wiley) 2010. (Unit I: Chapter 1 to 10, Unit II: Chapter 11, 13)
Murach’s ASP.NET 4 Web Programming with C# 2010, 4th Edition, Anne Boehm, Joel Murach,
(Unit III: Chapter 6 Unit IV: Chapter 7,8,9,10 Unit V: Chapter 12,13,14,15,16,17,19,20 Unit
VI: Chapter 21)
Beginning ASP.NET 4 in C# and VB, I. Spanjaars, Reprint 2011. (U nit II: Chapter 2 and 3 Unit
III: Chapter 5 Unit VI: Chapter 14)
ASP.NET 4.0 programming, J. Kanjilal, Tata McGraw -Hill.
Programming ASP.NET, D.Esposito, Microsoft Press (Dreamtech), Reprint 2011.
Visual C#.NET, Vijay Nicoel, TMH
Page 91
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 5.05
1. Simple Programs with C#:
a) Write a console application that obtains four int values from the user and displays the
product. Hint: you may recall that the Convert.ToDouble() command was used to convert the
input from the con sole to a double; the equivalent command to convert from a string to an int
is Convert.ToInt32().
b) If you have two integers stored in variables var1 and var2, what Boolean test can you
perform to see if one or the other (but not both) is greater than 10?
c) Write an application that includes the logic from Exercise 1, obtains two numbers from the
user, and displays them, but rejects any input where both numbers are greater than 10 and
asks for two new numbers.
d) Write a console application that places do uble quotation marks around each word in a string
e) Write an application that uses two command -line arguments to place values into a string and
an integer variable, respectively. Then display these values.
f) Write an application that receives the followi ng information from a set of students:
Student Id:
Student Name:
Course Name:
Date of Birth:
The application should also display the information of all the students once the data is
entered. Implement this using an Array of Structs.
g) Write programs using conditional statements and loops:
i. Generate Fibonacci series.
ii. Generate various patterns (triangles, diamond and other patterns) with numbers.
iii. Test for prime numbers.
iv. Generate prime numbers.
v. Reverse a number and find sum of digits of a number.
vi. Test for vowels.
vii. Use of foreach loop with arrays.
2. Object oriented programs with C#
b) Program using classes.
Page 92
c) Program with different features of C#
i. Function Overloading
ii. Inheritance (all types)
iii. Constructor overloading
iv. Interfaces
v. Using Delegates and events
vi. Exception handling
3. Programs using different controls.
4. Programs using CSS.
5. Programs using ASP.NET Server controls.
6. Database programs with ASP.NET and ADO.NET
7. Programs using Language Integrated query .
8. Programs securing web pages.
9. Implement the exercise on AJAX.
10. Implement the exercise on JQuery.
Page 93
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – V
Theory Code : JSBVOC 5.06
Subject : Software Testing
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Software Testing
Unit 1 Fundamentals of testing: Necessity of testing , what is it, Testing principles,
Fundamental test process, The psychology of testing
Testing throughout the software life cycle: Software development models, Test
levels, Test types: the targets of testing, Maintenance testing 15
Unit 2
Static techniques: Reviews and the test process, Review process, Static analysis
by tools
Test design techniques: Identifying test conditions and designing test cases,
Categories of test design techniques, Specification -based or black -box
techniques, Structure -based or white -box techniques, Experience based
techniques 15
Unit 3
Test management: Test organization, Test plans, estimates, and strategies, Test
progress monitoring and control, Configuration management, Risk and testing,
Incident management
Tool support for testing: Types of test tool, Effective use of tools: Potential
benefits and ri sks, Introducing a tool into an organization 15
B1: Software Testing Foundations, 2nd Edition By Hans Schaefer, Andreas Spillner, Tilo Linz, Shroff
Publishers and Distributors (Unit I: Chapter 1,2, Unit II: Chapter 3, Unit III: Chapter 4, Unit IV:
Chapter 5, Unit V: Chapter 6, Unit VI: Chapter 7)
B2: FOUNDATIONS OF SOFTWARE TESTING by Dorothy Graham, Erik van Veenendaal, Isabel
Evans, Rex Black (Uni t I: Chapter 1, Unit II: Chapter 2, Unit III: Chapter 3, Unit IV: Chapter 4, Unit
V: Chapter 5, Unit VI: Chapter 6)
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 5.06
1. You have got the brilliant idea of setting up a company that sells testing services to software
Make a strategic plan for your company, taking into account the following issues:
f. What is the testing process that will be followed in the company?
g. What is the focus of the testing services?
h. What kind of people are you going to hire as staff for the com pany?
i. How are you going to validate that a testing project carried out in the company has been
beneficial to the customer?
j. What kind of automated tools will the company use?
2. Prepare a small project and submit SRS, design, coding and test plan.
3. The program reads an arbitrary number of temperatures (as integer numbers) within the range -
60°C … +60°C and prints their mean value. Design test cases for testing the program with the black -
box strategy.
4. When getting a person’s weight and height as inp ut, the program prints the person’s body weight
index. The weight is given in kilograms (as a real number, for instance: 82,0) and the height in meters
Page 94
(as a real number, for instance: 1,86). The body weight index equals weight divided by height
squared: w eight / (height ´height). Design test cases for testing the program with the black -box
5. Let us study the following program: x=0; read(y); while (y > 100) { x=x+y; read(y); } if (y < 200)
print(x) else print(y); a) Construct a control -flow grap h for the program. b) Design test cases for
reaching complete branch coverage over the program. Use as few test cases as possible.
6. Design test cases for the following program with the “simple loop” strategy: x=0; read(y); while ((y
> 100) && (x < 10)) { x=x+1; read(y); } print(y); a) Construct a data -flow graph for the program with
respect to variable x. b) Which execution paths have to be traversed during testing, in order to reach
complete alldefinitions coverage with respect to variable x? c) Minimiz e the number of paths and
tests. d) Which execution paths have to be traversed during testing, in order to reach complete alluses
coverage with respect to variable x? Minimize the number of paths and tests. e) Design test cases for
reaching the (minimal) c omplete all -uses coverage with respect to variable x.
7. MANUAL TESTING for the project a) Walkthrough b) Whitebox Testing c) Blackbox Testing d)
Unit Testing e) Integration Testing
8. Functional Testing a) Boundary value Testing b) Equivalence class tes ting c) Decision Table based
testing d) Cause -effect graphs
9. Regression Testing using automated testing for website.
10. AUTOMATED TESTING for websites a) Load Testing b) Performance Testing
Page 95
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – V
Theory Code : JSBVOC 5.07 Subject : Advanced Java
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Unit – I Event Handling: The delegation event model, Events, Event classes, Event
Listener Interfaces, Using the Delegatiion event model, Adapter classes,
inner classes
AWT : Windows fundamentals, Working with frame windows, Control
fundamentals, - Labels, Buttons, CheckBox, Radio button TextFileld,
Understanding Layout Manager
Swing: JColorChooser, JComboBox, JFileChooser, JI nternalFrame, JLabel,
JMenuBar, JOptionPane, JLayeredPane, JDesktopPane, JPanel,
JPopupMenu, JProgressBar, JRootPane, JScrollBar, JScrollPane, JSeparator,
JSlider, JSplitPane, JTabbedPane, JTable, JTableHeader, JtoolBar, JToolTip,
JTree, JViewPort, JEditor Pane, JTextPane, JTextArea, JTextField,
JPasswordField, JButton, JMenuItem, JCheckBox -MenuItem, JRatioButton -
MenuItemJCheckBox, JRadioButton, JMenu. 15
Unit – II Introduction to servlets: Need for dynamic content, java servlet technology,
why ser vlets?
Servlet API and Lifecycle: servlet API, servletConfig interface,
ServletRequestandServletResponse Interfaces, GenericServlet Class.
ServletInputStream And ServletOutputStream Classes,
RequestDispatcherInterface,HttpServlet Class, HttpServletRequest and
HttpServletResponse Interfaces, HttpSession Interface, Servlet Lifecycle.
Working with servlets: organization of a web application, creating a web
application(using netbeans) , creating a servlet, compiling and building the
web application
JDBC: Design of JDBC, JDBC configuration, Executing SQL statement,
Query Execution, Scrollable and updatable result sets, row sets, metadata,
JSP: Introduction, disadvantages, JSP v/s Servlets , Lifecycle of JSP,
Comments, JSP documents, JSP elements, Action elements, implicit objects,
scope, characterquoting conventions, unified expression language 15
Unit – III Java server Faces :
Need of MVC , what is JSF?, components of JSF, JSF as an application, JSF
lifecycle, JSF configuration, JSF web applications (login form, JSF pages)
EJB: Enterprise bean architecture, Benefits of enterprise bean, types of beans,
Accessing beans , packaging beans, creating web applications, creating
enterpris e bean, creating web client, creating JSP file, building and running
web application
HIBERNATE: Introduction, Writing the application, application
development approach, creating database and tables in MySQL, creating a
web application, Adding the required library files, creating a java bean class,
creating hibernate configuration and mapping file, adding a mapping
resource, creating JSPs.
STRUTS: Introduction, Struts framework core components, installing and
setting up struts, getting started with struts. 15
Reference Books:
B1 Java Complete Reference, Herbert Schildt, Seventh Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
(Unit I Chapter 20,21,22)
B2 Core Java Vol. II – Advanced Features, Cay S. Horstmans, Gary Coronell, Eight Edition,
Page 96
Pearson Education (Unit II: Chapter 6, Unit IV: Chapter 4 and Oracle Java Documentation on
B3 Java EE 6 for Beginners, Sharanam Shah, Vaishali Shah, Shroff Publishers and Distributors
(Unit III: Chapter 5,6,7, Unit IV: Chapter 13,14,15,16, Unit V : Chapter 18, 1,9,24,25, Unit V:
Chapter 33,34,35,36,37,38)
Java EE Project using EJB 3, JPA and struts 2 for beginners, Shah, SPD
Java Programming A practical Approach, C Xavier, McGraw Hill
Java Server Faces A practical Approach for beginner s, B M Harwani, Eastern Economy
Edition (PHI).
Advanced Java Technology, Savaliya, Dreamtech.
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 5.07
1. Write a java program to present a set of choices for a user to select Stationary products and
display the price of Product afte r Selection from the list.
2. Write a java program to demonstrate typical Editable Table, describing employee details for a
software company.
3. Write a java program using Split pane to demonstrate a screen divided in two parts, one part
contains the names of Planets and another Displays the image of planet.
When user selects the planet name form Left screen, appropriate image of planet displayed in
right screen.
4. Develop Simple Servlet Question Answer Application to demonstrate use of HttpServl etRequest
and HttpServletResponse interfaces.
5. Develop Servlet Application of Basic Calculator (+, -,*, /, %) using
ServletInputStream and ServletOutputStream.
6. Develop a JSP Application to accept Registration Details form user and Store it into the dat abase
7. Develop a JSP Application to Authenticate User Login as per the registration details.
If login success the forward user to Index Page otherwise show login failure Message.
8. Develop a web application to add items in the inventory using JSF.
9. Develop a Room Reservation System Application Using Enterprise Java Beans.
10. Develop a Hibernate application to store Feedback of Website Visitor in MySQL Database.
11. Develop a simple Struts Application to Demonstrate 3 page Website of Teaching Classes which
passes values from every page to another.
12. Develop a simple Struts Application to Demonstrate E -mail Validator.
Page 97
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – V
Theory Code : JSBVOC 5.08 Subject : Linux Administration
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Unit – I Introduction: Introduction to UNIX, Linux, GNU and Linux distributions
Duties of the System Administrator, The Linux System Administrator,
Installing and Configuring Servers, Installing and Configuring Application
Software, Creating and Maintaining User Accounts, Backing Up and
Files, Monitoring and Tuning Performance, Configuring a Secure System,
Using Tools to Monitor Security
Booting and shutting down: Boot loaders -GRUB, LILO, Bootstrapping ,
Initprocess, rc scripts, Enabling and disabling services.
The File System: Understanding the File System Structure, Working with
LinuxSupportedFile Systems, Memory and Virtual File Systems, Linux Disk
Management, Network Configuration Files
System Config uration Files: System wide Shell Configuration Scripts, System
Environmental Settings, Network Configuration Files, Managing the init
Scripts, Configuration Tool, Editing Your Network Configuration
TCP/IP Networking: Understanding Network Classes, Setting Up a Network
Interface Card (NIC), Understanding Subnetting, Working with Gateways and
Routers, Configuring Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, Configuring
theNetwork Using the Network
The Network File System: NFS Overview, Planning an NFS Installation,
Configuring an NFS Server, Configuring an NFS Client, Using Automount
Services, Examining NFS Security 15
Unit-II Connecting to Microsoft Networks: Installing Samba, Configuring the Samba
Server, Creating Samba Users 3, Starting the Samba Server, Connecting to a
Samba Client, Connecting from a Windows PC to the Samba Server
Additional Network Services: Configuring a Time Server, Providing a
Caching Proxy Server
Internet Services: Secure Ser vices, SSH, scp, sftp Less Secure Services
(Telnet ,FTP, sync,rsh ,rlogin,finger,talk and ntalk, Linux Machine as a
Server, Configuring the xinetd Server, Comparing xinetd and Standalone,
Configuring Linux Firewall Packages, Domain Name System: Understandi ng
DNS, Understanding Types of Domain Servers, Examining Server
Configuration Files, Configuring a Caching DNS Server, Configuring a
Secondary Master DNS Server, Configuring a Primary
Master Server, Checking Configuration 15
Unit-III Configuring Mail Services: Tracing the Email Delivery Process, Mail User
Agent (MUA), Introducing SMTP, Configuring Sendmail, Using the Postfix
Mail Server, Serving Email with POP3 and IMAP, Maintaining Email
Security Configuring FTP Services: Introducing vsftpd, Conf iguringvsftpd,
Advanced FTP Server Configuration, Using SFTP
Configuring a Web Server: Introducing Apache, Configuring Apache,
Implementing SSI, Enabling CGI, Enabling PHP, Creating a Secure Server
with SSL System Administration: Administering Users and Groups Installing
and Upgrading Software Packages 15
Page 98
B1: Red hat Linux Networking and System Administration, 3rd Edition by Terry Collings and Kurt
Wall, Wiley Publishing
(Unit I: Chapter 1,6,7,8, Unit II: Chapter 8,11,12, Unit III: Ch apter 14, 17, Unit IV: Chapter 19, 20,
Unit V: Chapter 21, 22, Unit VI: Chapter 23,29,30
UNIX: Concepts and techniques, S. Das, Tata McGraw -Hill,
Linux Administration: A Beginner's Guide, Fifth Edition, Wale Soyinka,
Tata McGraw -Hill
Linux: Complete Reference, 6th Edition, Richard Petersen, Tata McGraw -Hill
Beginning Linux by Neil Mathew 4th Edition
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 5.08
1. Installation of Red HAT/Fedora Linux operating system.
a. Partitioning drives
b. Configuring boot loader (GRUB/LILO)
c. Network configuration
d. Setting time zones
e. Creating password and user accounts
f. Shutting down
2. Software selection and installation
3. Linux system administration
a. Becoming super user
b. Temporarily changing user identity with su co mmand
c. Using graphical administrative tools
d. Administrative commands
e. Administrative configuration files
4. Connecting to the internet and configuring samba
a. Setting up linux as a proxy server
b. Configuring mozilla or firefox to use as a proxy
c. Setting Up Samba Server
5. Setting up local area network
a. LAN topologies
b. LAN equipment
c. Networking with TCP/IP
d. Configuring TCP/IP
e. Adding windows computer’s to user LAN
f. IP address classes
6. Server setup and configuration
a. Setting up NFS file server
b. The Apache web server
c. Setting up FTP server
7. Understanding COMPUTER SECURITY: Firewall and security configurations
a. LINUX security checklist
b. Securing linux with IP table firewalls
c. Configuring an IP table firewall
d. Securing Lin ux features
8. Using gcc compiler (Programming using C++).
9. Using javac compiler (Implementing Socket programs).
10. Setting up hardware devices including sound card and printers and others (USB devices etc).
Page 99
11. Working with X -windows
a. Switching betwe en text and graphical consoles
b. set up my video card, monitor and mouse for the X -server.
c. Install KDE, change default desktop to KDE (or Gnome)
d. Accessing X -window remotely.
e. Installing TrueType fonts from my MS Windows partition.
f. Display and C ontrol a Remote Desktop using VNC.
12. Configuring Mail Server.
Page 100
Semester VI
Courses Theory Code Practical Code
General Component
International Finance JBVOC 6.01 -
Multimedia -II JBVOC 6.02 -
Reasoning Aptitude and Placement Orientation JBVOC 6.03 -
Economic Analyses & Data Analytics JBVOC 6.04 -
Skill Component
Strategic Project Management JSBVOC 6.05 JSBVOCP 6.05
Internet Technologies and Protocols JSBVOC 6.06 JSBVOCP 6.06
Data Warehousing JSBVOC 6.07 JSBVOCP 6.07
Project Viva & Voce JSBVOC 6.08 JSBVOCP 6.08
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – VI
Theory Code : JBVOC 6.01 Subject : International Finance
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I Meaning, scope, importance of international finance. Emerging issues in
International finance in a globalized world economy. Relationship/ role of
BOP with International finance. 15
Unit-II Brief overview of international monetary system – Gold standard, Bretton
Woods system, Fixed and flexible exchange rates, current exchange rate
regimes. 10
Unit-III Foreign exchange Mares – meaning, functions and structure of forex
markets. Types of transactions, exchange rates – meaning and factor
determinants. Forex quotations - spot and forward and arbitrage. 10
Unit-IV World Financial markets and institutions , euro currency markets - origin –
Euro bonds. 10
Page 101
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – VI
Theory Code : JBVOC 6.02 Subject : Multimedia -II
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I Advance Corel Draw: - Importance & Usage various Interactive tool.
How to apply Interactive extrude effect to an object with its options.
How to select color from one object & fill in other object.
How is interactive mesh tool different from interactive fill tool.
Explain various option of Outline & Fill tool.
Differe nce between Duplicate & Clone.
Use of Copy Properties from.
Use of Transformation tool.
Various options of Arranging order.
Difference between Combine & group.
Use of Perspective in CorelDraw.
How to apply Power clip effect to an imported image.
Various ways of adjusting colors on an image.
At the end they can able to make Layout for Poster, Menu, Broachers,
Leaflets, Pamphlets etc. 15
Unit-II Advance Photoshop: -
Navigating the Workspace
The Menu Bar
The Status Bar
The Toolbox
The Palettes
Working with Documents
Navigator Palette & Hand Tool
New View & Duplicate
Image Size & Resolution
Image Size Dialog Box
Canvas Size
Crop Tool
Saving Images
Image Modes & Color Selection
The Color Picker
Color & Swatch Palettes
Info Palette
Marquee Selection Tools
Lasso & Wand Selection Tools
Selection Tool Practice
Transforming Selections
Quick Mask Mode
Transforming images 10
Unit-III Layers and Mask
Intro to Layers
The Layers Palette
Move, Copy & duplicate Layers 10
Page 102
Layer Mask
Adding and Working with Type
Working With Type Introduction
The Type Tool
Type Palettes and Text Warping
Painting Tools
Intro, Paint Bucket and Fill Command
Gradient, Pattern and Line Tools
Eraser Tools
Saving & exporting
Saving as PSD
Exporting as PDF, GIF, JPG & PNG
At the end they can able to make Layout for Advertisement in
Magazine, Newspaper, Hoardings etc.
Unit-IV Adobe Flash
Drawing Tool bar introduction
Timeline Introduction
Introduction to Different Symbols, Library etc.
Introduction to Classic Animation
Introduction to Shape Animation
Introduction to Frame by Frame Animation
Introduction to Masking Techniques in Flash etc 10
1. Adobe PhotoshopCS6 Bible: The Comprehensive, Tutorial Resource PB by Dayley LD Wiley.
2. Exploring Adobe Flash CS6 PB by Tickoo J Wiley.
3. Adobe Flash Professional CC Classroom in a Book PB by Adobe Creative Team Pears on.
Page 103
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – VI
Theory Code : JBVOC 6.03 Subject :Reasoning Aptitude and Placement Orientation
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I PICTURE REASONING - In this section, a series of pictures are given
which may consist of picture series, picture analogy or picture classification,
STATEMENT REASONING - In this section, sequence questions like
seating arrangement or money distribution or height arrangement are given. A
set of five questions are based directly on the statements given. 15
Unit-II DATA INTERPRETATION -This section consists of a direct sequence of 5
questions based on the data which is provided in the form of table charts, bar
charts, pie charts or line charts. DATA SUFFICIENCY - Here a set of two
statements are given followed by 5 options which satisf y the answer for the
statements. You have to decide which option best suits the answer.
Unit-III ANALYTICAL PROBLEMS -This section will have case studies and you
need to mark options from the given solutions and provide analysis for the
appropriate solution, RELATION PROBLEM - This section consists of
questions which are similar to the sets and relations like students w ith biology,
maths, physics and chemistry, maths and biology, only physics, etc., and
questions related as such 10
Unit-IV SYLLOGISM -This section consists of statement followed by two
conclusions. We need to pick out from 5 options which suits t he best answer,
COMPREHENSION & TECHNICAL WRITING -In this section questions
will test your comprehension and understanding of technical reports. 10
Page 104
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – VI
Theory Code : JBVOC 6.04 Subject : Economic Analyses & Data Analytics
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit-I Statistical Techniques Different types of data, Frequency Distributions,
Measures of central tendency and dispersion, Basic Probability, Normal
Distribution, Central Limit Theorem, Hypothesis Testing 15
Unit-II Regression Simple and Multiple Lin ear Regression, R2 and Adj R2 , ANOVA,
Interpretation of coefficients, Dummy Variables, Residual Analysis, Outliers,
Logistic Regression, Assumptions, Logistic Function, Chi -Square, -2 Log
Likelihood, Classification Table, Interpreting Coefficients, Depend ent Variable
Prediction 10
Unit-III Forecasting (Time Series) Time Series vs. Causal Models, Moving Average,
Exponential Smoothing, Trend, Seasonality, Cyclicity, Causal modeling using
linear regression, Forecast Accuracy 10
Unit-IV Data Mining Techniques Market Basket Analysis, Apriori, FPGrowth,
Evaluation Methods: Lift, Kulc, IR, Chi –Square, Classification, Decision Tree
Induction, Bayes Methods, Rule -Based Classification, Model Evaluation and
Selection, Ensemble Approaches, Clust ering, Partitioning Methods,
Hierarchical Methods, Density -Based Methods, Grid -Based Methods,
Evaluation of Clustering 10
Page 105
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – VI
Theory Code : JSBVOC 6.05 Subject : Strategic Project Management
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Unit 1 Conventional Software Management: The waterfall model, conventional software
Management performance.
Evolution of Software Economics: Software Economics, pragmatic software cost
Improving Software Economics: Reducing Software product size, improving
software processes, improving team effectiveness, improving automation,
Achieving required quality, peer inspections.
The old way and the new: The principles of conve ntional software Engineering,
principles of modern software management, transitioning to an iterative process.
Life cycle phases: Engineering and production stages, inception, Elaboration,
construction, transition phases.
Artifacts of the process: The arti fact sets, Management artifacts, Engineering
artifacts, programmatic artifacts.
Model based software architectures: A Management perspective and technical
perspective. 15
Unit 2
Work Flows of the process: Software process workflows, Iteration workflows.
Checkpoints of the process: Major mile stones, Minor Milestones, Periodic status
Iterative Process Planning: Work breakdown structures, planning guidelines, cost
and schedule estimating, Iteration planning process, Pragmatic plannin g.
Project Organizations and Responsibilities: Line -of-Business Organizations,
Project Organizations, evolution of Organizations.
Process Automation: Automation Building blocks, The Project Environment. 15
Unit 3
Project Control and Process inst rumentation: The seven core Metrics, Management
indicators, quality indicators, life cycle expectations, pragmatic Software Metrics,
Metrics automation.
Tailoring the Process: Process discriminants.
Future Software Project Management: Modern Project Profiles, Next generation
Software economics, modern process transitions. 15
B1: Software Project Management by Walker Royce: Pearson Education, 2005.
(Unit I: Chapter 1,2,3, Unit II: Chapter 4,5,6,7, Unit III: Chapter 8,9,10 Unit IV: Chapter 11,12, Unit
V: Chapter 13,14, Unit VI: Chapter 15,16,17)
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 6.05
Practical No. 2 : Waterfall Model as the conventional process model to prepare the flow and Gantt
Practical No. 3 : Cost Estimation of the project Using Function Point Analysis (FPA)
Practical No. 4 : Cost Estimation of the project Using COCOMO Model I
Practical No. 5 : Class diagram using StarUML
Practical No. 6 : Use Case diagram using StarUML
Practical No. 7 : Acitvity description for the project
Practical No. 8 : Activity description and diagram for the project
Practical No. 9 : Work Breakdown Structure for the given Project
Page 106
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – VI
Theory Code : JSBVOC 6.06 Subject : Internet Technologies and Protocols
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Unit 1 Introduction: OSI Model, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, IPV 4 Addresses and Protocol
and IPV6 Addresses and Protocol
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), Internet Control Message Protocol Version 4
(ICMPv4), Mobile IP, Unicast Routing Protocols (RIP, OSPF and BGP) 15
Unit 2
User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), Host Configuration: DHCP,
Domain Name System (DNS) 15
Unit 3
Remote Login: TELNET and SSH, File Transfer: FTP and TFTP ; World Wide
Web and HTTP, Electronic Mail: SMTP, POP, IMAP and MIME, Multimedia 15
B1: TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Behrouz A. Forouzan, 4th Edition, Tata McGrawHill
(Unit I: Chapter 2, 5, 7, 26, 27, Unit II: Chapter 8, 9, 10, 11, Un it III: Chapter 14,15, Unit IV:
Chapter 16, 18, 19, Unit V: Chapter 20, 21, 22, Unit VI: Chapter 23, 25)
Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume I, Fifth Edition, Douglas E. Comer, PHI.
Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume II, Third Edition, Dougla s E. Comer, D.L. Stevens, PHI
TCP/IP Illustrated, Eastern Economy Edition,N.P.Gopalan, B.SivaSelvan, PHI
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 6.06
1. IPv4 Addressing and Subnetting
a. Given an IP address and network mask, determine other information about the IP address
such as:
• Network address
• Network broadcast address
• Total number of host bits
• Number of hosts
b. Given an IP address, network mask, and subnetwork mask, determine other information
about the IP address such as:
• The subnet address of this subnet
• The broadcast address of this subnet
• The range of host addresses for this subnet
• The maximum number of subnets for this subnet mask
• The number of hosts for each subnet
• The number of subnet bits
• The number of this subnet
2. Use of ping an d tracert / traceroute and arp utilities.
3. Configure IP static routing.
4. Configure IP routing using RIP.
5. Configuring OSPF.
6. Configuring UDP and TCP
7. Run different STCP commands.
8. Configure DHCP and DNS.
9. Configure FTP and HTTP. Run Telnet an d SSH.
10. Configure SMTP, POP3, IMAP and MIME.
Page 107
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – VI
Theory Code : JSBVOC 6.07 Subject : DATA WAREHOUSING
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3+1.5 Credits
Unit 1 Introduction to Data Warehousing: Introduction, Necessity, Framework
of the datawarehouse, options, developing datawarehouses, end points.
Data Warehousing Design Consideration and Dimensional Modeling:
Defining Dimensional Model, Granularity of Facts, Additivity of Facts,
Functional dependency of the Data, Helper Tables, Implementation manyto -many
relationships between fact and dimensional modelling.
An Introduction to Oracle Warehouse Builder: Installation of the
database and OWB, About hardware and operating systems, Installing
Oracle database softwa re, Configuring the listener, Creating the database,
Installing the OWB standalone software, OWB components and
architecture, Configuring the repository and workspaces.
Defining and Importing Source Data Structures: An overview of
Warehouse Builder Design Center, Importing/defining source metadata,
Creating a project, Creating a module, Creating an Oracle Database module,
Creating a SQL Server database module, Importing source metadata from a
database, Defining source metadata manually with the Data Object Editor,
Importing source metadata from files. 15
Unit 2
Designing the Target Structure: Data warehouse design, Dimensional
design, Cube and dimensions, Implementation of a dimensional model in a
database, Relational implementation (star schema),Multidimensional
implementation (OLAP),Designing the ACME data warehouse, Identifying
the dimensions, Designing the cube, Data warehouse design in OWB,
Creating a target user and module, Create a target user, Create a target
module, OWB design obje cts.
Creating the Target Structure in OWB: Creating dimensions in OWB,
The Time dimension, Creating a Time dimension with the Time Dimension
Wizard, The Product dimension, Product Attributes (attribute type),Product Levels,
Product Hierarchy (highest to lo west),Creating the Product dimension with the
New Dimension Wizard, The Store dimension, Store Attributes (attribute type),
data type and size, and (Identifier),Store Levels, Store Hierarchy (highest to
lowest),Creating the Store dimension with the New Dim ension Wizard, Creating a
cube in OWB, Creating a cube with the wizard, Using the Data Object Editor
Extract, Transform, and Load Basics: ETL, Manual ETL processes,
Staging, To stage or not to stage, Configuration of a staging area, Mappings and
operators in OWB, The canvas layout, OWB operators, Source and target
operators, Data flow operators, Pre/post -processing operators.
Designing and building an ETL mapping: Designing our staging area, Designing
the staging area contents, Building the staging area tab le with the Data Object
Editor, Designing our mapping, Review of the Mapping Editor, Creating a
mapping. Designing the Target Structure: Data warehouse design, Dimensional
design, Cube and dimensions, Implementation of a dimensional model in a
database, Re lational implementation (star schema),Multidimensional
implementation (OLAP),Designing the ACME data warehouse, Identifying
the dimensions, Designing the cube, Data warehouse design in OWB,
Creating a target user and module, Create a target user, Create a target
module, OWB design objects.
Creating the Target Structure in OWB: Creating dimensions in OWB,
The Time dimension, Creating a Time dimension with the Time Dimension 15
Page 108
Wizard, The Product dimension, Product Attributes (attribute type),Product Levels,
Product Hierarchy (highest to lowest),Creating the Product dimension with the
New Dimension Wizard, The Store dimension, Store Attributes (attribute type),
data type and size, and (Identifier),Store Levels, Store Hierarchy (highest to
lowest),Creating the St ore dimension with the New Dimension Wizard, Creating a
cube in OWB, Creating a cube with the wizard, Using the Data Object Editor
Extract, Transform, and Load Basics: ETL, Manual ETL processes,
Staging, To stage or not to stage, Configuration of a staging area, Mappings and
operators in OWB, The canvas layout, OWB operators, Source and target
operators, Data flow operators, Pre/post -processing operators.
Designing and building an ETL mapping: Designing our staging area, Designing
the staging area contents, Building the staging area table with the Data Object
Editor, Designing our mapping, Review of the Mapping Editor, Creating a
Unit 3
ETL: Transformations and Other Operators: STORE mapping, Adding
source and target operators, Adding Transformation Operators, Using a Key
Lookup operator, Creating an external table, Creating and loading a lookup
table, Retrieving the key to use for a Lookup Operator, Adding a Key
Lookup operator, PRODUCT mapping, SALES cube mapping, Dimension
attributes in the cube, Measures and other attributes in the cube, Mapping
values to cube attributes, Mapping measures' values to a cube, Mapping
PRODUCT and STORE dimension values to the cube, Mapping
DATE_DIM values to the cube, Features and benefits of OWB.
Validating, Generating, Deploying, and Executing Objects: Validating,
Validating in the Design Center, Validating from the editors, Validating in
the Data Object Editor, Validating in the Mapping, Editor, Generating,
Generating in the Design Center, Genera ting from the editors, Generating in the
Data Object Editor, Generating in the Mapping Editor, Deploying, The Control
Center Service, Deploying in the Design Center and Data Object Editor, The
Control Center Manager, The Control Center Manager window overv iew,
Deploying in the Control Center ,Manager, Executing, Deploying and executing
remaining objects, Deployment Order, Execution order.
Extra Features: Additional editing features, Metadata change management,
Recycle Bin, Cut, copy, and paste, Snapshots, M etadata Loader (MDL)
exports and imports, Synchronizing objects, Changes to tables, Changes to
dimensional objects and auto -binding, Warehouse Builder online resources.
Datawarehousing and OLAP: Defining OLAP, The Value of
Multidimensional data, OLAP termi nologies, Multidimensional
architectures, Multidimensional views of relational data, Physical
Multidimensional databases, Data Explosion, Integrated relational OLAP,
Data sparsity and data explosion. 15
Reference Books:
Data Warehousing by SoumendraMohanty, Tata McGrawHill
(Unit I: Chapter 1, 2 Unit VI: 14 ).
Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g, Getting Started by Bob Griesemer, PACKT Publishing, SPD.
(Unit II: Chapter 1,3 Unit III: Chapter 3,4 Unit IV: Chapter 5,6 Unit V: Chapter 7,8 Unit VI: Chap ter
DW2.0 The architecture for Next Generation of Datawarehousing by W.H. Inmon, Derek Strauss,
GeniaNeushloss, ELSEVIER.
Data Warehousing Fundamentals by PaulrajPonnian, John Wiley.
Building the data warehouse by, W.H.Inmon, third Edition, John Wiley.
Page 109
The Data Warehouse Lifecycle toolkit by Ralph Kimball, John Wiley.
Practical Code: JSBVOCP 6.07
1. Importing the source data structures in Oracle.
2. Design the target data structure using Oracle
3. Create the target structure in OWB (Oracle Web Builder)
4. Designed and build the ETL mapping
5. Perform the ETL process and transform it to data marts.
6. Create the cube and process it in OWB.
7. Generate the different types of reports in using Oracle.
8. Perform the deployment of Warehouse
9. Cr eate the Pivot table and Pivot chart using some existing data or create the new data.
10. Import the cube in access and create Pivot table and chart.
Page 110
Issues related to Term Work, tutorial, assignments and Practical’s
Following is the marks distribution for Theory and Practical. Minimum 10 marks out of 25 and 30
marks out of 75 for passing in Theory and 20 marks out of 50 for passing in Practical.
Credit of 3 of Theory and 1.5 of Practical for any course i s to be awarded only if students clear.
Semester V
Course Internal Assessment (25 Marks) External Assessment (75 Total(100
Marks) Marks)
Conduct Total
Marks Theory Exam
Class Test
JBVOC5.01 20 5 25 75 100
JBVOC5.02 20 5 25 75 100
JBVOC5.03 20 5 25 75 100
JBVOC5.04 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC5.05 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC5.06 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC5.07 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC5.08 20 5 25 75 100
Course Internal Assessment (10 External Assessment (40 Total
Marks) Marks) (50 Marks)
5 Lab and
Journal Practical Exam 50
5.06 Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
5.07 Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
5.08 Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
Page 111
Semester VI
Course Internal Assessment (25 Marks) External Assessment (75 Total(100
Marks) Marks)
Conduct Total
Marks Theory Exam
Class Test
JBVOC6.01 20 5 25 75 100
JBVOC6.02 20 5 25 75 100
JBVOC6.03 20 5 25 75 100
JBVOC6.04 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC6.05 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC6.06 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC6.07 20 5 25 75 100
JSBVOC6.08 20 5 25 75 100
Course Internal Assessment (10 External Assessment (40 Total
Marks) Marks) (50 Marks)
6.05 Lab and
Journal Practical Exam 50
6.06 Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
6.07 Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
6.08 Lab and Journal Practical Exam 50
Page 112
Tutorials are theory /problems to be solved by the students in the class room at the end of practical /
theory session
Assignments are theory / problems to be solved by the students at home.
Class Test is to be conducted in the class room with due notice. Semester V and VI are university
examinations. Question papers will be set by examiners appointed by university.
Suggested Question Paper Format for END Semester Examination
General Component
Duration : 2 1/2 hrs. Total Marks : 75
All Questions Compulsory:
Q. 1 From Unit I 20 marks
Attempt any Four of following
XIII. …….. 5 marks
XIV. …….. 5 marks
XV. …….. 5 marks
XVI. …….. 5 marks
XVII. …….. 5 marks
XVIII. …….. 5 marks
Q. 2 From Unit II 20 marks
Attempt any Four of following
XIII …….. 5 marks
XIV …….. 5 marks
XV …….. 5 marks
XVI …….. 5 marks
XVII …….. 5 marks
XVIII …….. 5 marks
Q. 3 From Unit III 20 marks
Attempt any Four of following
XIII. …….. 5 marks
XIV. …….. 5 marks
XV. …….. 5 marks
XVI. …….. 5 marks
XVII. …….. 5 marks
XVIII. …….. 5 marks
Q. 4 From Unit IV 15 marks
Attempt any Three of following
XIII. …….. 5 marks
XIV. …….. 5 marks
XV. …….. 5 marks
XVI. …….. 5 marks
XVII. …….. 5 marks
XVIII. …….. 5 marks
Page 113
Skill Component
Duration : 2 1/2 hrs. Total Marks : 75
All Questions Compulsory:
Q. 1 From Unit I 20 marks
Attempt any Four of following
I …….. 5 marks
II …….. 5 marks
III …….. 5 marks
IV …….. 5 marks
V …….. 5 marks
VI …….. 5 marks
Q. 2 From Unit II 20 marks
Attempt any Four of following
I …….. 5 marks
II …….. 5 marks
III …….. 5 marks
IV …….. 5 marks
V …….. 5 marks
VI …….. 5 marks
Q. 3 From Unit III 20 marks
Attempt any Four of following
I …….. 5 marks
II …….. 5 marks
III …….. 5 marks
IV …….. 5 marks
V …….. 5 marks
VI …….. 5 marks
Q. 4 From Unit I, II & III 15 marks
Attempt any Three of following
I …….. 5 marks
II …….. 5 marks
III …….. 5 marks
IV …….. 5 marks
V …….. 5 marks
VI …….. 5 marks
Note: Internal choice should be given.
Page 114
University of Mumbai
Credit Based, Semester & Grading System
SYLLABUS IN BRIEF : B.VOC, Software Development
Semester - V
Code Paper Credits Lectures L/Wk
General Education Component
JBVOC 5.01 Strategic Management 3 45 3
JBVOC 5.02 Entrepreneurship I 3 45 3
JBVOC 5.03 Multimedia 3 45 3
JBVOC 5.04 Managerial Economics 3 45 3
Skill Component
JSBVOCP 5.05 with c# 3
1.5 45 3
Software Testing 3
1.5 45 3
Advanced Java 3
1.5 45 3
Linux Administration 3
1.5 45 3
Page 115
University of Mumbai
Credit Based, Semester & Grading System
SYLLABUS IN BRIEF : B.VOC, Software Development
Semester - VI
Code Paper Credits Lectures L/Wk
General Education Component
JBVOC 6.01 International Finance 3 45 3
JBVOC 6.02 Multimedia -II
3 45 3
JBVOC 6.03 Reasoning Aptitude and Placement
Orientation 3 45 3
JBVOC 6.04 Economic Analyses & Data Analytics
3 45 3
Skill Component
Strategic Project Management 3
1.5 45 3
Internet Technologies and Protocols 3
1.5 45 3
Data Warehousing 3
1.5 45 3
Project Viva & Voce 3
1.5 45 3
Page 116
AC 11 -12-2017
Item No.
Page 117
Date : Signature :
Name of BOS Chairperson / Dean : _________________ _____________________
No. Heading Particulars
1 Title of the
Course Bachelor of Vocation –Travel & Tourism
2 Eligibility for
Admission 10+2 passed
3 Passing
Marks 40 marks / 100 (10 in internals & 30 in externals
4 Ordinances /
Regulations (
if any) As Per Credit Based Semester and Grading System
5 No. of Years /
Semesters 3 years /6 semesters
6 Level U.G. (with exit option with Diploma in 1st and 2nd
7 Pattern Semester
8 Status New
9 To be
Year From Academic Year -2015 AC 11122017
Item No. ______
Syllabus for Approval
Page 118
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme : B. Voc ( Travel and Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code : JBVOC 1.01
iii) Course Title : Communication Skills, Meet and Greet and
Professional Etiquettes
iv) Semester Wise Course Content : As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit : 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
Page 119
PAPER JBVOC 1.01 Communication Skills, Meet and Greet and Professional Etiquettes
CLASS: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – I
Theory Code : JBVOC 1.0 1 Subject : Communication Skills, Meet and Greet and
Professional Etiquettes
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3 Credits
Course Objectives
The course enhances the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening
Trains students about fundamental concepts in Communication
It introduces students to relevant aspects of grammar and usage
Train the students in phonology, accent neutralization and presentation techniques
To prepare students for Front Office & Meet and Greet Roles
List of
references Module Module name No of lectures
(total 45 lectures)
Unit I - Basics of Communication
Concept -7Cs, Process, Need, Feedback
Barriers to Communication
Channels of Communication
Basic Reporting & Documentation
Letters -Formal & Informal
11 lectures
Unit II Parts of Grammar
Prepositions & Articles
Similes and metaphors
Proverbs and Idioms
10 lectures
Unit III Speaking Skills & Listening, First Impression &
Body Language
Pronunciation, diction and accents,
Intonation& listening skills
Pleasant voice culture
Body Language
Way to greet
Importance of eye contact
(Activities to be conducted )
12 lectures
Unit IV Greeting the tourists/Clients and ensuring etiquette
Interacting with superior & colleagues (acc to
NOS), Importance of Health & Hygiene (acc to
NOS), Gender Sensitiveness (acc to NOS)
12 lectures
Page 120
1) Business Communication - K. K. Sinha - Galgotia Publishing Company, New Delhi.
2) Media and Communication Management - C. S. Rayudu - Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.
3) Essentials of Business Communication - Rajendra Pal and J. S. Korlhalli - Sultan Chand & Sons,
New Delhi.
4) Business Communication (Principles, Methods and Te chniques) Nirmal Singh - Deep & Deep
Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5) Business Communication - Dr. S.V. Kadvekar, Prin. Dr. C. N. Rawal and Prof. Ravindra
Kothavade - Diamond Publications, Pune.
6) Business Correspondence and Report Writing - R. C. Sharma, Krishna Mohan - Tata McGraw -
Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
7) Communicate to Win - Richard Denny - Kogan Page India Private Limited, New Delhi.
8) Modern Business Correspondence - L. Gartside - The English Language Book Society and
Macdonald and Evans Ltd
. 9) Business Communication - M. Balasubrahmanyan - Vani Educational Books. 10) Creating a
Successful CV - Siman Howard - Dorling Kindersley.
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc (Travel and Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 1.02
iii) Course Title French Language, Culture, Historical milestones & local Etiquettes
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
( Especially for TTM students -Contact the tourists to
provide personal details in case of advance booking
Coordinate for the meet point and the time of meet
Greet the tourists with a smile
Showcase a friendly approach on meeting them
Ensure the tourists are comfortable with the approach
Ensure appropriate body language maintained to the
Exchange the names and necessary personal details
with the to urists
Register the details of the tourists
Address the tourist with their names to have more
friendly approach
Issue any identification badges and safety equipments
that the tourist will require
Pose an approachable personality
Promote the various pr oduct and service package
promotions in house )
Page 121
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
JB.Voc.1.02: French Language, Culture, Historical milestones & local Etiquettes
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – I
Theory Code : JBVOC 1.0 2 Subject : French Language, Culture, Historical milestones
& local Etiquettes
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3 Credits
Module Module name No of lectures (total 45
Unit I Basic Grammar -Conjugations , Oral and
Written competence in French, Situational
Communication in French
15 Lectures
Unit II Translation -
Translation –French words to English /English to
Translation of sentences from English to French
and French to English.
Translation of idiomatic expressions from
English to French and French to English.
Translation of short passages from English to
French and Frenc h to English.
Translation – Basic level French to English
&English to French
15 Lectures
Unit III History and Culture 10 Lectures
Page 122
History of France under Louis XIV
History of France: French Revolution and Age of
Contemporary French Society: French
educational System and French society
Contemporary French Society: Political Systems
in France
Unit IV Tourist Destinations & Regulations,
Museums , Cuisine, Shopping & Local
5 Lectures
List of referenc es
Prescribed Text : Connexions 2 (Lessons 1 to 6) Cahier d’exercises – Connexions 2 (Lessons 1 to 6) Reference
Material : (Additional material to be compiled & provided by the teacher)
Le syndicalisme en France, collection Que sais -je, 2009, Histoire de l'enseignement en Fran ce ( du I° siècle à
aujourd'hui), avril 2012, 127 pages -La crise des banlieues, sociologie des quartiers sensibles, 2010, toujours
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc (Tourism and Travel Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 1.03
iii) Course Title: Office Automation
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
Page 123
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligi bility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
J.B.Voc 1.03 Office Automation
CLASS: B. Voc (Software Development) Semester – I
Theory Code : JBVOC 1.03 Subject : Office Automation
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit -I INTRODUCTION TO MS OFFICE: About MS Office, Why MS Office,
What Are Documents and Templates
WORD: Introduction To Document, Formatting Text, Editing Text,
Creating Template, Insertion Of - Table, Image, Text Box, Cover Page,
Header, Footer, Date And Time, Page Number; Margin, Page Setup, Printing
Document; Mail Merge - Creating Main Document, Data Sourc e, Adding and 15
Page 124
Removing Fields, Bulleted and Numbered Lists, Page Formatting, Graphics
,Adding tables, styles
Unit -II POWERPOINT: Introduction To Slide, Inserting Slide, Navigation In
Presentation, Insert -Text, Text Style, Clip Art, Table, Chart, Picture,
Audio, Video; Layout, Slide Design, Master Slide; Enhancing Presentation
With Multimedia Effect -Animation, Transition, Slide Show, Recording
Sound Slide By Slide, Auto Content Wizard, Template, Slide View,
Printing Presentation, Sharing pr esentation, Working with multimedia,
Formatting presentation, Editing presentation. 10
Unit -III EXCEL : Introduction To Spreadsheet, Rows, Columns, Cells, Navigation,
Selection of Cells, Resizing Columns, Series Fill, Working with Formulas,
Format ting worksheets, Formatting Cells, Editing worksheet, Alignment,
Conditional Formatting, Cell Styles, Inserting Chart, Data Sort, Filters,
Functions, Pivot Table, Pivot Charts, Workgroup, Protecting Worksheet,
Printing Worksheet ,Data tables, Workbook sec urity, Translate worksheet,
Adding graphics, Marcos, Templates, Themes, Styles, Data validation
ACCESS: What Is Database, Creating New Database, Database through
Table Wizard, Creating New Table, Rename Columns, Creating Table
through Design View, Relation ship, Query, Forms, Reports, Webpage 10
Unit -IV OUTLOOK: What Can Do with Outlook, Toolbars, Adding Contact,
Address Book, Changing View, Finding Contact, Filtering Contact, Sorting
Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, Journal, Inbox, Reviewing Email, Not es, Action
on A Message, Personalizing Message with Signatures, Tracking Message,
Automating Tasks Using Message Rules
PUBLISHER: Introduction - Use The Catalogue Features, Use The Quick
Publication Wizard, Creating a Letterhead, Saving Letterhead, Changing
Look of Publication, Formatting Text, Aligning the Text, Manipulating
Frames, Adding Object to Publication, Banners 10
1. OFFICE 2016 for Dummies by Peter Weverkar
2. Step by Step Microsoft Word 2013 by Joan Lambert and Joyce Cox
3. Step by Step Microsoft OFFICE 2013
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
Page 125
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel and Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 1.04
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per Un iversity Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
Page 126
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – I
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Module Module name No of lectures (total 45
UNIT I Post-World War II - History - Cold War: Origin,
Causes, Wars (Period - 1945 - 1991)
Disintegration of USSR
Unipolar World
Coming of EU
15 lectures
Unit II Post-World War II - Economic Order
International Economy – Bretton Woods, WTO,
Regional Organization - OPEC, ASEAN, SAARC ,
12 lectures
Unit III History of Asia
Rise of China
Japan’s Economic Miracle
Israel -Palestine Issue
Oil Politics
South East Asia -short history
8 Lectures
Unit IV Society, Politics, Culture, Places & Personalities
Capitals , Currencies , Political systems, &
Current Affairs
10 Lectures
Brivati , Brian (1996). "Introduction". In Brivati, Brian; Buxton, Julia; Seldon,
Anthony. The contemporary history handbook (1st ed.). Manchester: Manchester
University Press.
Bass Claud, Asia in the Modern World.
Bernard L: Turkey Today ,The Emergence of Moder n Turkey.
Beasley, W G : The Modern History of Japan
Buchanaa P, A History of the Far East.
Clyde P.H. and B.F.Beers, The Far East ( 1830 -1965)
Fisher S N : The Middle East
Page 127
H. Benda, The Crescent and the Rising Sun. Furnivall, Colonialism and the P lural
Society. G. Hart, ed., Agrarian Transformations: Local Processes and the State in
South - east Asia. J. Kemp ed., Peasants and Cities, Cities and Peasants: Rethinking
South -east. Asian Models. Milton Osborne, South east Asia: An Introductory History.
Nicholas Tarling, ed., Cambridge History of South -east Asia, Vol. II
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel and Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JTVOC 1.05
iii) Course Title: Tourism Concepts & Principles
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 4
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
Page 128
JBVoc 1.05 Tourism Concepts & Principles
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – I
Theory Code : JT VOC 1.0 5 Subject : Tourism Concepts & Principles
Periods per week Lectures - 3 4 Credits
Course Objectives
This will be an introductory module giving the basis of tourism studies. This will give an overview of
tourism industry and various organisations.
Module Module name No of lectures
Unit I - Introduction:
What is Tourism? Definitions and Concepts, tourist
destination, services and industry, definition and
historical development, Past to 2nd world war, recent
and current 1945 –2002, Future from 2002 onwards.
General Tourism Trends. Types of Tourists, Visitor,
Traveller, and Excursionist –Definition and
differentiation. Tourism, recreation and leisure, their
Unit II Tourism Products & Attraction: Nature, Characteristics
and Components of Tourism Industry. Why it is
different from other types of consumer product?
Elements and characteristics of tourism products.
Tourism product production system, Tourism Product
Life Cycle, typology of tourism products 10
Unit III Types and Forms of Tourism:
Inter –regional and intra –regional tourism, inbound
and outbound tourism, domestic, international
Page 129
1. Chuck Y. Gee, Travel Industry
2. R Gartner, Tourism Development: Tourism System: Mill R.C & Morrison
3. J.K Sharma , Tourism Planning & Development
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc (Tourism and Travel Management)
ii) Course Code: JTVOC 1.06
Course Title Heritage and Tourism Resources in India
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 5
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15 Unit IV Tourist Transportation: Air transportation:
The airline industry present policies, practices.
Functioning of Indian carrie rs. Air Corporation Act,
Air charters.
Road Transport: Rent -a-car Scheme and coach -Bus
Tour, Fare Calculation. Transport & Insurance
documents, All -India Permits
Rail Transport: Major Railway Systems of World, (Euro
Rail and Amtrak) General informatio n about Indian
Railways, Types of rail tours in India:, Place -on-Wheels
and Royal Orient, Deccan Odyssey , Toy Trains. Indrail
Water Transport: Historical past, cruise ships, ferries,
hovercrafts, river and canal boats, Fly -cruise.
Page 130
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
JTBVOC 1.06 Heritage and Tourism Resources in India
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – I
Theory Code : JT VOC 1.0 6 Subject : Heritage and Tourism Resources in India
Periods per week Lectures – 3 5 Credits
Module Module name No of lectures
Page 131
Unit I - Heritage and Tourism
Significance of Heritage in Tourism
Indian Cultural Heritage & Impact on
Tourism in India
Tangible Heritage & Intangible Heritage &
Business of Tourism -(Existing M &
Managing Heritage Tourism: Challenges &
Rules and regulations at Heritage sites &
associated Code of Conduct through
examples -national & international
Unit II Tourism Resources of India
Topographical features & Scenic beauty of
North India & South India
Topographical features & Scenic beauty of
East India & West India
Tourism destinations in India –Heritage
wise, Natural Beauty , Manmade and
Cultural destinations
Unit III Architectural Heritage
Origin: Structure of Temple / Stupas/
Architectural styles
Overview of Architecture Islamic, British &
World Heritage Sites (& Conservation)
World Heritage Cities
Unit IV Cultural Products & Tourism Circuits
Folklore, Festivals, Fairs,
Dances, Music, Handicrafts
Tour Guide Role
(for QP Assesments ) Destination Work
profile for Tour Guide (by field vist
)(Cultural Tourism )
Briefing the requirements to the tourists
Explain the various rules and regulations to
be followed at the destination
Mention the various restrictions and
prohibitions that have to be kept in mind
such as attire, body language, way of
speaking, etiquette, etc. 15
Page 132
Intimate the tourists if they are restricted
entry to specific locations in the destination
and give reasons
Explaining the destination or the tourist
Brief cultural activities and shows organized
at the location, the specialty of the place
with respect to its traditional cultures in
dance, music, festivals, architecture,
customs, food, language, religion, rituals,
Brief the weather conditions and
environmental effects at the place during
different times of the year
Describe the rich culture followed, the
exhaustive and vibrant varieties of culture
existing and its preservation
Explain the history of the introduction to the
various culture practices followed describe
the stories behind the culture practices and
the people involved and associated with it
Provide the customers with schedule of
events and calendars projecting the dates of
various cultur al shows, fairs, mela,
exhibitions and festivals are organized in the
Take the customers through the ancient art
and craft in the location
Explain the development phases of the
cultural destination
Make the tourists aware of the character and
behavioral etiquettes to be followed
according to the local culture and tradition
Make the tourists experience the rich culture
and tradition of the destination
Make the tourists mingle and interact with
the local people
Explain the various values and eti quettes
and the lifestyle associated with the
destination and the culture followed
Take the customers through the local
traditions, beliefs and customs followed
National Occupational Standard .
Guide the tourists during culture tours at
the destination
Brief the history of the religion which is
followed at large in the destination
Page 133
J C Harle, The Art and Architecture of the Indian Subcontinent, Penguin Books, New York, 1990. 2.
Niharranjan Ray, Maurya and Shunga Art, Indian Studies, Calcutta, 1965. 3. Susan Huntington, The
Art of Ancient India: Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, Weather Hill, New York, 1985. 3. T S Maxwell, Gods
of Asia: Text, Image and Meaning, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1996. 4. V S Agarwala,
Indian Art, Prithvi Prakashan, Varanasi, 1965. 5. C. B. Asher, Architecture of Mughal India, Provide a small highlight of the famous
culture and traditions followed at various
parts of the country
List the various festivals, fairs and mela
celebrated in the destinat ion
Explain the significance and history of the
festival, fairs and mela
Brief the formalities performed during every
festival, fairs and mela
Make the tourist experience celebrating any
festival, fairs and mela if their visit is
combined with some festiv al time
Coordinate with the local people and
organize for some culture shows and events
such as local music and dance to entertain
the tourist
Teach the tourists with the basics of the
local language of the destination
List the local cuisine of the dest ination, its
ingredients and make the customers
experience the food
Take through the various architectures and
religious sites and explain its significance
Make the tourists wear the local clothing
Take through the shopping places and
mention the famous articles of the
destination and the souvenirs to take back
home in remembrance of the place
Brief the famous handicraft article that the
destination is famous for and assist the
tourists in buying
list the various art and craft famous items,
textiles, etc. that the destination is famous
Assist the tourists in buying these articles
and if possible take the customers to the
place where these articles are made
Take photographs of the tourists in the
various spots and during events
Present the photographs as a token of
memento to them
Page 134
Cambridge, 1992, pp 51 -67. 6. Percy Brown, Indian Architecture: Buddhist and Hindu Periods,
Bombay, 1971 7. --------------- Indian Architecture: Islamic Period, Bombay , 1958, pp 97 -101. 8.
John Burton -Page, ‗Daulatabad‘ in George Michell, ed., Islamic Heritage of the Deccan, Bombay,
1986, pp. 16 -25. 9. Pramod Chandra, ed., Studies in Indian Temple Architecture, New Delhi, 1975,
pp 1-39. 10. ParthaMitter, Indian Art, Oxf ord University Press, 2001.
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel and Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JTVOC 1.07
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 5
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Speci al Ordinance / Resolution , if any
Page 135
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – I
Periods per week Lectures – 3 5 Credits
Objectives: The module will expose the students about the Tourism policy of India and world .
Study International Conventions relate to Tourism
Module Module name No of lectures
Unit I - Introduction : What is Tourism policy?
Role of government, public and private
sectors, Role of international multinational,
state and local tourism organisations in
carrying out tourism policies
International organizations : WTTC,
(National Bodies in India: ITDC, Ministry of
Unit II Tourism Policy : National Tourism Policy
1982 and 2002, National Action Plan on
Tourism, 1992: Special Tourism Area
Development Programme. The concept of
National Tourism Board, National
Committee on Tourism, Case study of
tourism policies of a few states (Uttar
Pradesh, Rajasthan, Kerala, Madhya
Pradesh,). Investment opportunities and
government policy for investment in
hotel/tourism industry. Sources of funding.
Unit III Understanding Tourism Planning :
Conceptual meaning of Tourism Planning, 16
Page 136
New Inskeep , Edward, Tourism Planning : An Integrated and Sustainable Development Approach
( 1991) VNR, New York.
Ashworth, G. J. (2000), The Tourist Historic City. Retrospect and Prospect of Managing the
Heritage City, Pergamon, Oxford
Dept. of Tourism, GOI Inv estment Opportunities in Tourism (Brochure).
Sharma, J. K. (2000), Tourism Development. Design for ecological sustainability, Kaniska
Publication, New Delhi
E. Tourism Planning: An Integrated and Sustainable Development Approach, New York: Van
Nostrand Rein hold. 2. Ritchie, J.R. & Crouch, I.G. Competitive Destination –A Sustainable Tourism
Perspective, CABI Publishing, UK. 3. Mowforth, M. and Munt, I. Tourism and Sustainability.
Development and New Tourism in the Third World. Routledge, London. 4. Middleton, V.T.C and
Hawkins, R. Sustainable Tourism: A Marketing Perspective, Butterworth – Heinemann, Oxford. 5.
Weaver, D. , The Encyclopedia of Ecotourism, CABI Publication, UK. 6. Wahab, S and John J.
Pigram, J.J. Tourism, Development and Growth: The Challenge of Sustainability, Routledge,
Travel Information Manual – IATA 2. OAG/ABC – IATA 3. Air -Tariff Book – IATA 4. Mahinder
Chand, Travel Agency Management . 5. R. Doganis, Airport Business 6. K. Skidder , All You
Wanted to Know about Air lines Function s
Tour Guiding
1.Susan Websters, Group Travel Operating Procedures
2. Kathleen Lingle, Pond,The Professional Tour Guiding
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel and Tourism Management)
Evolution of Tourism Planning, General
Concepts of Planning, Levels and Types of
Tourism Planning, Background Approach
and planning scale. Public and Private
sectors role in Tourism Development.
Analysis of an indivi dual Tourism Project
(development of the Buddhist circuit)
Unit IV International Agreements: Chicago
Convention, Warsaw Convention, Open
Sky Policy, Bermuda Convention, Euro
Agreement, Schengen Agreement
Page 137
ii) Course Code: : JTVOC 1.08
iii) Course Title: World Geography & International Tourist Circuits
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Alrea dy
Credit: 4
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
JTBVOC 1.08- World Geography & International Tourist Circuits
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – I
Theory Code : JT VOC 1.0 8 Subject : World Geography & International Tourist Circuits
Periods per week Lectures - 3 4 Credits
Module Module name No of lectures
Unit I - Geography of Africa -topography,
drainage, lakes, climate , natural
vegetation, soils, mineral resources,
people, languages, economy, transport
&communication; characteristic features of
north, north eastern, south, west central
and west Africa with names of prominent
Page 138
Johnson J.H. - Urban Geography Hussain Majid – Human Geography
Bhatia S.C. The rural urban continuum
Cole, J: A Geography of the World’s Major Regions, Routledge, London, 1996. 2. Dickenson, J.P:
The Geography of the Third World, Routledge, London, 1996. 3. Stamp, L. Dudley: Asia: A
Regional and Economic Geography, Methuen & Co., London, 1959. 4. Tirtha, Ranjit: Geography of
Asia, Rawat Publications Jaipur & New Delhi, 2001. 5. Tikkha, R.N: Geography of Asia, New
Academic Publishing Co. Educational Publishers, Mai Hiran Gate, Jalandhar, Latest Edition.
SYLLABUS FY B .Voc- Travel & Tourism Management
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
Unit II Geography of Asia –topography, climate,
drainage, vegetation, mineral and other
resources, ethnicity, religions, languages:
Countries and features in South East Asia,
East Asia, West Asia and South West Asia,
Central Asia 12
Unit III Geography of Europe -Topography,
Climate, Vegetation, drainage, Ethnicity,
People, Economy, Transportation, Trade;
Prominent destinations -UK, France,
Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Germany,
Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Italy, Spain,
Portugal & Russia
Unit IV Geography of North America, Middle
America & South America - Topography,
Climate, Vegetation, drainage, Ethnicity,
People, Economy, Transportation, Trade,
prominent States & cities -Oceania –
Australia, New Zealand, Papua New
Guinea, Melanesia, Micronesia,
Polynesian, Prominent World Tourist
Circuits, Travel time zones sums
Page 139
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel and Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 2.01
iii) Course Title: Business Communication & Soft skills
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
JB.VOC .2.01 -Business Communication &Soft Skills
Page 140
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – I
Theory Code : JBVOC 2.01 Subject : Business Communication &Soft Skills
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3 Credits
Module Module name No of lectures
Unit I - Drafting of business letters, Enquiries
and replies - Placing and fulfilling orders -
Complaints and follow -up - Sales letters -
Circular letters - Application for
employment and resume - Report writing -
Notices, Agenda and Minutes of the
Meetings - Memos –
Unit II Oral Communication Meaning, nature
and scope - Principles of effective oral
communication - Techniques of effective
speech - Media of oral communication
(Face -to-face conversation -
Teleconferences - Press Conference –
Demonstration - Radio Recording -
Dictaphone – Meetings - Rumor -
Demon stration and Dramatisation - Public
address system - Grapevine - Group
Discussion - Oral report - Closed circuit
TV). The art of listening - Principles of
good listening 15
Unit III Application of Communication Skills
Group Decision -Making - Conflict and
Negotiations - Presentation and Interviews
- Speeches - Customer Care/Customers
Relations - Public Relations (Concept,
Principles, Do’s and Don’ts etc. to be
studied for each type).
Unit IV Soft skills - Art of presentation, articulation
and conversati on skills, Body Language,
eye contact, effective listening skills,
Gender sensitization and conversational
norms in different groups, Personal
Hygiene, sanitation and grooming,Facing
Interviews, GD and media interface
Topics Prescribed for workshop/lab 12
Group Discussion i) Mock Interview ii)
Interview iii) Public Speech iv) Conflict
Situation v) Decision -making in a group
Page 141
Book references
1) Business Communication - K. K. Sinha - Galgotia Publishing Company, New Delhi.
2) Media and Communica tion Management - C. S. Rayudu - Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.
3) Essentials of Business Communication - Rajendra Pal and J. S. Korlhalli - Sultan Chand & Sons,
New Delhi.
4) Business Communication (Principles, Methods and Techniques) Nirmal Singh - Deep & Deep
Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5) Business Communication - Dr. S.V. Kadvekar, Prin. Dr. C. N. Rawal and Prof. Ravindra
Kothavade - Diamond Publications, Pune.
6) Business Correspondence and Report Writing - R. C. Sharma, Krishna Mohan - Tata McGraw -
Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
7) Communicate to Win - Richard Denny - Kogan Page India Private Limited, New Delhi.
8) Modern Business Correspondence - L. Gartside - The English Language Book Society and
Macdonald and Evans Ltd.
9) Business Communication - M. Balasubrahmanyan - Vani Educational Books.
10) Creating a Successful CV - Siman Howard - Dorling Kindersley.
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel and Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 2.02
iii) Course Title: Organizational Behavior and Cultural Psychology
iv) Semester Wise Cou rse Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
Page 142
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
JB.VOC 2.02- Organisational Behaviour& Cultural Psychology
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – I
Theory Code : JBVOC 2.02 Subject : Organisational Behaviour& Cultural Psychology
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Module Module name No of lectures
Unit I - Organizational Behavior& Cultural
Meaning and Scope
Unit II Individual Behavior& Personality –
Type A and B, Big five personality types,
Factors influencing personality. Values
and Attitudes – Concept and types of
values: Terminal value and instrumental
value. Components of attitude, job related
attitudes, measurement of attitude.
Learning – Concept and learning theories
and reinforcement. Perceptions And
Emotions – Importance, factors influen cing
perception, perpetual distortions, emotional
intelligence. 16
Unit III : Motivation – Meaning and importance of
motivation, Maslow’s need hierarchy
theory, Herzberg’s two factor theory,
Theory X Theory Y, Intrinsic and Extrinsic
motivation by Ken Tho mas 15
Introduction to Health Psychology :
components of health as social, emotional,
cognitive and physical aspects, relationship
between health and psychology, mind and
body relationship, goals of health
Unit IV Cross cultural management : Frameworks
of cross cultural managing skills – Cultural
shock and acculturation – cross cultural
training - managing multi cultural teams,
cultural negotiations, global leadership & 10
Page 143
Essential Readings:
1. Robbins, S.P., OrganisationalBehaviour, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Greenberg, Jerald, and Robert A Baron, OrganisationalBehaviour, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi.
3. Luthans, F., Organisational Behaviour, McGraw Hill International. New York.
Suggested Readings:
1. Chhabra, T. N., OrganisationalBehaviour, Sun India Publications.
2. Singh, A.K., and B. P. Singh, Organizational Behavior, Excel Books Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
3. Hersey, P.K., Blanchar d, H. and D. E. Johnson, Management of OrganisationalBehaviour:
Leading Human Resources, Pearson Education.
4. Moshal, B.S., OrganisationalBehaviour, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
5. Sekaran, Uma, OrganisationalBehaviour: Text and Cases, Tata McGraw Hil l, New Delhi.
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 2.03
iii) Course Title: Introduction to Computer Networks
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 8- 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any motivational issues – cultural difference in
ethics & decision making.
Page 144
PAPER -JBVOC 2.03 Introduction to Computer N etworks
MANAGEMENT ) Semester – I
Theory Code : J BVOC 2 .03 Subject : Introduction to Computer N etworks
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Unit -I KNOWING COMPUTER: What Is Computer, Basic Applications of
Computer, Evolution of Computers ‐ Generations, Types of Computers,
Computer System, Characteristics, Data, Information
HARDWARE: Basic Components of a Digital Computer ‐ Control Unit,
ALU, Input / Output, Functions and Memory, Memory Addressing
Capability of a CPU, Processing Speed of computer. 15 Marks
Unit -II What is a Network :Introduction , Local Area Network , Wide
Area Network , Advantages of a School Network ,
Disadvantages of a School Network
Protocol : Introduction , Ethernet (Physical/Data Layers) ,
IP/IPX (Network Layer) , TCP/SPX (Transportation layer) ,
HTTP, FTP, Telnet, SMPT, and
DNS(Session/Presentation/Application Layers) 10 Marks
Unit -III Hardware :Introduction , File Server , Workstations ,
Laptops/Mobile Devices , Network Interface Cards ,
Switches/Concentrators/Hubs , Repeaters , Bridges , Routers ,
Cabling :Introduction , Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTS) Cable ,
Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) Ca ble, Coaxial Cable , Fiber Optic 10 Marks
Page 145
Cable , Ethernet Cable Summary ,Cable Installation Guidelines ,
Wireless LANs
Unit -IV Topology :Introduction , Linear Bus , Star, Tree or Expanded
Star, Choosing a Top ology
Addresses: Class A, Class B, Class C
Software :Introduction , Peer-to-Peer, Client/Server , Network
Operating System Software 10 Marks
“Networking Essentials” - Glenn Berg
“Computer system architecture” - M. Morris Mano
“An Internet starter kit” - Sam
“E-Commerce” - David Whiteley
“Introduction to computer” -Peter Norton
“How computer work” - Ron White (QUE)
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading Syst em
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 2.04
iii) Course Title: Principles of Marketing & Customer Service Management
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
Page 146
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
J.B.VOC 2.04-Principles of Marketing & Customer Service Management
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – I
Theory Code : J BVOC 2 .04 Subject : Principles of Marketing & Customer Service
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
Module Module name No of lectures
Unit I - Marketing – An Overview: Introduction,
Definition of Market, Types of Markets,
Meaning and Definition of Marketing, 10
Page 147
Suggested Readings
1. Alok Kumar Rai : Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Cases (Second Edition) -
PHI Learning Origin of Marketing, Scope of Marketing,
Importance of Marketing, Functions of
Marketing, Difference between Marketing
and Selling :
Marketing Concepts: Introduction,
Exchange concept, Production concept,
Product concept, Sales/selling concept,
Modern marketing concept, Societal
marketing concept, Impact of marketing
concepts and its applicability
Unit II Marketing Environment - Introduction,
Need and Importance of Environmental
Analysis, Methods of Analysis – SWOT,
PEST, Internal Environment of the
Organization, External Environment;
Marketing Mix: Introduction, Evolution of
the “Marketing mix”, Components of a
traditional marketing mix , Additional
components in the mix, Importance of
marketing mix in marketing decisions
Unit III Customer Relationship Management
Customer Relationship Management
Fundamentals - Theoretical perspectives of
relationship, Evolution of relationship
Customer Satisfaction: Meaning,
Definition, Significance of Customer
Satisfaction, Components of Customer
Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction
Models, Rationale of Customer
Satisfaction, Measuring Customer
Satisfaction, Cases of Customer
Unit IV Service Quality: Concept of Quality,
Meaning and Definition of Service Quality,
Factors influencing customer expectation
and perception, Types of Service Quality,
Service Quality Dimensions, Service
Quality Gaps, Measuring Service Quality,
Service Quality measurement Scales
Page 148
2. Simon Knox, Adrian Payne, Stan Maklan: Customer Relationship Management - Routledge Inc.
3. Bhasin - Customer Relationship Management (Wiley Dreamtech)
4. Dyche - Customer relationship management handbook prentice hall
5. Peelan -Customer relationship management prentice hall
6. Kristin Anderson, Carol Kerr : Customer relationship management, McGraw -Hill Pro fessional
7. Chaturvedi -Customer Relationship Management(Excel Books)
8. Sheth J N, Parvatiyar A. and ShaineshG. : Customer relationship management: , Emerging
Concepts, Tools, & Applications, Tata McGraw -Hill Education
9. Lumar - Customer Relationship Management (Wiley India)
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JTBVOC 2.05
iii) Course Title: Indian Geography &Tourism Products
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 4
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
Page 149
J.T. BVOC 2.05- Indian Geogr aphy &Tourism Products
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – I
Theory Code : J TVOC 2 .05 Subject : Indian Geography &Tourism Products
Periods per week -3 Lectures - 3 4 Credits
Module Module name No of lectures
Unit I - Geography of India –Physical geography,
Cultural Patterns, & Political Geography of
East,West , North & South India ,
Naturalresources – wild life sanctuaries ,
national parks , biosphere reverses,
backwater tourism, mountain & hills tourist
destinations - island, beaches, caves and
deserts in India.
Tourism Products - concept,
characteristics and classification of 10
Unit II Tourism Circuits – Major tourism circuits
of India: inter state& intra state circuit,
religious circuits heritage circuits, wildlife
- Man -made destinations & theme parks -
Manmade destinati Sons : Locations of
Adventure sports – Commercial attractions -
Amusement parks – gaming – Shopping –
Live e ntertainments - Supplementary
accommodation – House boats – Tree
houses – home stays – tourism by rail –
Palace on wheels, Zoological & Botanical
Gardens, 15
Unit III Contemporary destinations in India –
Places & packages for Eco tourism, Rural
Tourism, Go lf tourism, Camping Tourism,
Medical tourism & pilgrimage tourism,
Important Case studies on types of
Tourism in India –Adventure Tourism,
Cultural Tourism, Heritage Tourism,
Pilgrimage 10
Unit IV Facts about India -Media, Mass
Communication, Transport &
Communication, Economy, Currency,
Postal and Courier Services , Important
Information for Tourists - Documents
&formalities,TypesofVisa,Airport entry, 10
Page 150
1. S.P. Gupta (2002), Cultural Tourism in India, Indraprastha Museum of Art and Archaeology, New
1. Stephen Ball (2007), Encyclopedia of Tourism Resources in India,B/H. 2. Manoj Dixit (2002),
Tourism products, New Royal Book Co. Lucknow. 3. Norman Douglas. Ed. (2001), Special
Interest Tourism, John Wiley & Sons, Australia. 4. Sarina Singh (2008), Lonely Planet India.
5. Robinet Jacob (2007), Indian Tourism Products, Abhijeet Publications, Delhi.
2. Majid Hussain, Geography of India,
3. Gopal Singh, A Geography of India
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Seme ster and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JTBVOC 2.06
iii) Course Title: Global Tourism Industry & Issues
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 4
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms baggage rules, Customs, lost baggage,
prohibited items, health checks, Railway
Reservation –Special Quota
&Indirail,CircularJourney,Tourist cars,
Tatkal reservations, Govt of India Tourist
Offices, Leading travel Agents, Special
Interest Tourism
Page 151
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
JTVOC 2.06-Global Tourism -Industry and Issues
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – I
Theory Code : J TVOC 2 .06 Subject : Global Tourism -Industry and Issues
Periods per week Lectures - 3 4 Credits
To introduce students to the Global Tourism Industry -its evolution, trends and challenges
To provoke critical perspective by undertaking case studies pertaining to aspects of global
To introduce concepts of sustainability and Eco tourism
To teach students about internati onal VISA/Passport regulations etc
Module Module name NO OF LECTURES
Unit I - . Understanding Global Tourism
Growth and evolution of tourism
Measuring tourism
Global Tourism –Development, Trends &
Globalisation, Tourism and Cultural
Unit II Sociology of Travel
Analyzing Tourist Behaviour
Protecting the visitor
Eco Tourism for developing countries
Tourism Case Studies –Malaysia,
Thailand, African Safari
Tourism Carrying Capacity
Tourism , Environment Impact
Page 152
Smith, V. (ed.). 2001. Hosts and Guests Revisited: Tourism Issues in the 21st Century.
Dieke, Peter U. C. (ed.). 2000. The Political Economy of Tourism Development in Africa.
Stronach, V. 2000. The Other Side of Paradise: Tourism, Conservation and Development in the
Bay Islands.
Dahles , H. and K. Bras (eds.). 1999. Tourism and Small Entrepreneurs: Development, National
Policy and Entrepreneurial Culture: Indonesian Cases.
Lew, Alan (ed.). 1999. Tourism on American Indian Lands.
Meyer -Arendt, Klaus and Rudi Hartmann (eds.). 1998. Casin o Gambling: Origins, Trends, and
Singh, T. V. and S. Singh (eds.). 1999. Tourism Development in Critical Environments.
Oppermann, Martin. 1998. Sex, Tourism and Prostitution: Aspects of Leisure, Recreation, and
Wilkinson, Paul. 1997.Tourism Policy and Planning: Case Studies from the Commonwealth
Getz, Donald. 1997. Event Management and Event Tourism.
Cultural Heritage and Tourism: An Introduction (Aspects of Tourism Texts) Paperback – May 15,
2011by Dallen J. Timothy
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc (Tourism and Travel Management)
ii) Course Code: JTBVOC 2.07
iii) Course Title: Travel Agency Management & Tour Guide Role
Unit III Planning& Approaches to Tourism
Homogeneous Product -Established Resorts
Stages in Tourism Planning
Types of Tourism Planning –Macro and
Synergy between Shopping and tourism
Event Tourism
Tourism & Sustainable Development
Unit IV
Tourism Organisations, Geopolitical &
Policy Issues
Role of UNWTO
Global Approach UNESCO
Criteria, Fairs & festivals, funding,
committee, conventions, approved heritage
sites- challenges, impact of IT & trends.
Page 153
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 5
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester En d (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
J.TB.Voc 2.07 - Travel Agency Management & Tour Guide Role
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – I
Theory Code : J TVOC 2 .07 Subject : Travel Agency Management & Tour Guide Role
Periods per week Lectures – 3 5 Credits
Module Module name No of lectures
Unit I - Introduction & Functions of a Travel
Agency –Organised Travel, meaning of
Travel Agency, Types of Travel agency,
Tour Agency Operations, on site and off
site servicing, Travel Retailing and sale of
products, IATA controlled approval, E –
ticket, settlement of Account, be nefits of
Insurance, Organisational Structure and
Working of Travel Agency & Tour
Operators, travel Agency – MNCs
Meaning & Benefits, procedure for the 10
Page 154
1. D.L. Foster , The Business of Travel agency Operation & Administration
2. Malik, Haris&Chatterjee,Indian Travel Agents
3. J.M.S. Negi, Travel Agency & Tour Operatiuons: Concepts & Principles
4. C.Y. Gee,Travel Industry approval from Government of India and
IATA of tour Agency & Tour Operator.
Unit II Tour Operations – origins of packaged
tour, growth in package tours, Mass
Market Operations, Specialist Tour
Operators, Domestic operators, Types of
packaged tour, Inbound Tour
Management -types of travellers and major
markets of inbound tourists, Inbound
Itinerary descrip tion, transport,
accommodation, steps to itinerary making,
sample programs for inbound tourists, cost
sheet (meaning & significance), terms and
conditions, tour extensions(options),
Unit III Outbound Tour Management -Major
markets for outbound Tourism , statistics of
outbound Tourists, Visa, reasons for
growth and need for Better
packages,handling outbound groups,
potential of outbound group, profile of
outbound travelers, Outbound Tourist data,
European jewels -Best of Italy and France,
Switzerland, Sup er Saver USA, Tour
pricing, fixed costs, variable costs, Total
Net tour Cost, total cost worksheet,
cancellation fee, refund
Unit IV Agency Supplier relationship -
relationship with air travel producers,
customer centric approach, relationship
with transport suppliers, Private Bus line
operators, operators of mass transit system,
relationship with accommodation
suppliers, category of rooms, relationship
between trave l agents and tour operators;
Hospitality Management: Type of
accommodations available, different
categories of hotels, different departments
of hotel – an Introduction. Other functions
–Documentation of Tours, Communication
strategies with seniors and colle agues
Safety measures, emergencies, insurance
guidelines and refund policies 10
Page 155
5. Yale P,The Business of Tour Operations
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tou rism Management)
ii) Course Code: JTBVOC 2.08
iii) Course Title: Reservations, E - Ticketing & Technology in Tourism Services
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 5
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special N otes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
JTBVOC 2.08 Reservations, e-ticketing & Technology in Tourism Service.
CLASS: B. Voc Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – I
Theory Code : J TVOC 2 .08 Subject : 08-Reservations , e -ticketing & Technology in
Tourism Service.
Periods per week Lectures - 3 5 Credits
Page 156
Module Module name NO OF LECTURES
Unit I - Air Transportation -II: Introduction to Air
Ticketing - Booking, Ticketing (Def.), City
codes terminology, OAG flight schedules.
Baggage Rules – Piece and weight
concept, prohibited items, checked and
unchecked baggage.
Road Transportation booking, e -ticketing
Unit II Train transportation –Inbound and
outbound, terminologies -PRS, PNR,
Tatkal, Automated Fares e -Ticketing
System Formats 15
Unit III Cruise Transportation booking, e -ticketing
Unit IV Accomodations booking , e -ticketing
formats, Special Mileage Provisions &
special fares etc, Travel Softwares training
& prominent portals 10
Page 157
SYLLABUS S Y B.Voc- Travel & Tourism
Management (SEM I II) GE PAPER
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 3.01
iii) Course Title: Business Communication & Soft Skills
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
Page 158
JBVOC . 3.01 - Business Communication & Soft Skills
CLASS: JB. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management) Semester – III
Theory Code : 3.01 Subject : Business Communication & Soft Skills
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3 Credits
To teach strategic communication model and critical thinking to identify objectives, analyze
audiences, and choose the most effective structure and style for delivering strategically sound
written and spoken messages.
To give Practice to principles of effective business writing and document design in all written
Design and deliver a persuasive presentation that convinces the audience of the topic’s relevance
and overcomes resistance, using appropriate visual support and adhering to a specified time limit.
As a team, design and deliver a presentation that both informs and persuades, using an appropriate
visual support strategy and adhering to a specified time lim it
Module Module name No of lectures
Unit I - Meaning and importance of
communication in Business, Models of
communication, Effective communication -
do and don’ts, Learning drafting of
business messages -Memorandums, Letters
Tools of communication (Grammar) -
sentence, paragraph, punctuation and
report writing 10
Unit II Resume Writing, Interviews, &
Presentation Skills : Interview: Grooming
for interview: Appearing for interview and
handling interview 15
Unit III Team building and team work: features of
successful teams: understanding teams and
working in teams, skills needed for team
works, Group Discussions , Leadership:
understanding leadership; traits of leader
and development of leadership qualities.
Attitudes: Att itudes: in service industry
and developing suitable attitudes 10
Page 159
Books Recommended –
1.Ecouse Barry, (19 99), Competitive Communication: A Rhetoric for Modern Business, OUP.
2. Fisher Dalmar, (1999), Communication in Organisation, Jaico Pub House, Mumbai, Delhi.
3. French, Astrid (1993) Interpersonal Skills. Sterling Publishers, New delhi.
4 Garlside, L.E. (1980) Modern Business Correspondence, McDonald and Evans Ltd. Plymouth.
5. Ghanekar,A(1996) Communication Skills for Effective Management. Everest Publishing House,
6. Graves, Harold F. (1965) Report Writing, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Krevolin, Nathan (1983)
Communication Systems and Procedure
7. Ludlow,Ron.(1995) The Essence of Effective Communication, Prentice , New Delhi.
8. Raman, Meenakshi and Sharma, Sangeeta (2004) Technical Communication: Principles and
Practice, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
9. Business Communication - K. K. Sinha - Galgotia Publishing Company, New Delhi.
10. Media and Communication Management - C. S. Rayudu - Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.
11. Essentials of Business Communication - Rajendra Pal and J. S. Korlh alli - Sultan Chand & Sons,
New Delhi.
12. Business Communication (Principles, Methods and Techniques) Nirmal Singh - Deep & Deep
Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
13. Business Communication - Dr. S.V. Kadvekar, Prin. Dr. C. N. Rawal and Prof. Ravindra
Kothavade - Diamond Publications, Pune.
14. Communicate to Win - Richard Denny - Kogan Page India Private Limited, New Delhi.
15. Modern Business Correspondence - L. Gartside - The English Language Book Society and
Macdonald and Evans Ltd.
1) Syllabus as pe r Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 3.02
iii) Course Title: Basics of Book Keeping & Accountancy
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15 Unit IV Time management: concept of time
management; techniques of time
management 10
Page 160
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
JBVOC 3.02 – Basics of Book -Keeping & Accountancy
CLASS: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – III
Theory Code : J BVOC 3.02 Subject : Basics of Book -Keeping & Accountancy
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3 Credits
Module Module name No of lectures
Unit I - Meaning and Scope of Accounting Need
for Accounting, Definition and Functions
of Accounting, Book -keeping and
Accounting, Accounting as an Art or
Science, Classification of Accounting:
Financial Accounting, Management
Accounting, Difference between
Management and Financial Accounting, 10
Page 161
1. Donald F. Sutton, 1986. Financial Management in Hotel and Catering Heinemann, London.
2. FlamholdsEtle, Human Research Accounting, California.
3. G. Boni and F.F. Shartes, 1988 Hotel Organization Management and Accounting, Sir ISAAR,
Pitman, London.
4. Horwarth and Toth, 1979, Hotel Accounting, Ronald Press, New York.
5. J. M. Negi, 1987, Financial and cost Control Techniques in hotel and Catering Industry.
6. L. S. Porwal, 1993, Accounting theory, An Introduction Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., Lt d.,
New Delhi.
7. Leslie Chadwick, 1995 The Essence of Financial Accounting Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
8. Owen, Accounting for Hospitality Tourism and Leisure, Pitman.
9. Richard, Katas, 1984, Management Accounting for Hotels and Resta urants, Surrey University
Press. Accounting Principles, Accounting
Principles, Journal, Rules of Debit and
Credit, Compound Journal Entry
Unit II Ledger Posting and Trial Balance & Final
Account Ledger Posting Relationship
between Journal and Ledger, rules
Regarding Posting, Trial Balance. Trading
Account, Profit & Loss Account:
Manufacturing Account, Balance Sheet
(without Adjustment Entries). 10
Unit III Management Accounting: Me aning,
Functions, Scope, Utility, Limitation of
System; Cost Accounting: Meaning,
Activities, difference between Cost
Accounting and Financial Accounting,
Cost Accounting and Management
Accounting; Concepts of Cost: Cost,
Expense and Loss, Elements of Cost ,
Components of Total Cost.
Unit IV Financial Statements: analysis and
Interpretation: Financial Statements:
Meaning and Types, Nature , Limitations,
Analysis and Interpretation; Ratio
Analysis; Classification of Ratios;
Profitability Ratios; Turnove r Ratios;
Financial Ratios; Advantages of Ratios
analysis. Fund Flow Statement & Cash
Flow Statement: Use, preparation of
statement, difference between Fund Flow
Statement & Cash Flow Statement.
Page 162
10. Richard, Katas, 1989, Book -Keeping in hotel and Catering Industry, Surrey University Press,
11. Robert and Anthony, 1995, Management Accounting, Prentice Hall of India Pvt., Ltd. New
12. R.D. Boardman, 1980, Hotel and Catering Costing and Budgets, Heinemann, London.
13. Adrill, P and Mclancey , 2001, Accounting and Finance for non -Specialists, Prentice Hall.
14. Dyson J R, 2001, Accounting for Non -Accounting Students, 5th Ed. Prentice Hall.
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 3.03
iii) Course Title: Principles of Management
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
JBVOC . 3.03 - Principles of Management
CLASS:. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – III
Theory Code : J BVOC 3.03 Subject : Principles of Management
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3 Credits
Module Module name No of lectures
Page 163
Unit I - Introduction to Management
Management: meaning & definition –
Principles of Management – Functions of
Management –Management Skills and
Competency in 21st Century.
Management Information System:
Meaning and Features
Management by Exception: Meaning and
Advantages 10
Unit II
Planning and Decision Making
Planning : Meaning and Definition – steps
in Planning – Components of Planning
MBO : Meaning – Steps - Advantages
Decision Making : Meaning and Definition
of Decision Making Steps/ process in
decision making – Techniques of decision
making – Essentials of sound decision
Unit III Organizing
Organization: Meaning and Definition of
Organization – Types of Organization -
Formal and Informal forms of Organization
– Meaning and Features of line –line and
staff – matrix.
Virtual Organization: Features - Challenges
of Virtual teams
Span of Control : meaning and features –
Factors determining Span of Control
Delegation : Meaning – Barriers to
Delegation – Principles of Effective
Departmentation : Meaning and Bases of
Departmentation 15
Unit IV Management Challenges in Competitive
Corporate Social Responsibility : Meaning
– Scope – Advantages
Knowledge Management :Meaning –
Management of Change : Meaning –
Process – Barriers to Change
Corporate Governance : Meaning – need –
Corporate Governance Tests
Stress Management a t Work: Meaning –
effects of Stress – Measures of Managing
Page 164
1. Management and Organisationa Behaviour by Paul Hearsay and ken Blanchard
2. Essentials of Management by Koontz and Donnnel
3.Principles and Practice of Management by L M Prasad
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 3.0 4
iii) Course Title: Public Relations & Advertising
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
Page 165
JB.Voc 3.04 - Public Relations & Advertising
CLASS: JB. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – III
Theory Code : J BVOC 3.04 Subject : Public Relations & Advertising
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3 Credits
LIST OF REF ERENCES Module Module name No of lectures
Unit I - Introduction to Advertising -
Meaning ‐ Evolution ‐ Features ‐ Active participants ‐ Func
tions ‐ Advertising as a Communication process Overview a
nd scope of advertising industry in India ‐ Trends in advertisin
g and advertising industry in India – Challenges faced by adverti
sers in India in the era of globalization Concept of Marketing and
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) ‐ Advertising and o
ther tools of marketing/IMC – Role of advertising in Product Lif
e Cycle (PLC), low involvement and high involvement products
– Role of advertising in brand building – Consumer behavio
ur – Target audience and market segmentation
Unit II
Economic, Social and Regulatory aspects of Advertising 12
Economic impact of advertising ‐ Advertising and Society i
relationship ‐ Ethical and social issues in advertising ‐ Adverti
sing and Indian values / culture Regulatory system for control on
advertising in India – Advertising Standard Council of India (A
SCI) ‐ Various laws and enactments concerning advertising in In
Unit III Public Relations 15
Page 166
1. Koontz, O’Donnell & Weihrich, Management, Tokyo: McGraw – Hill Inc.
2. Robbins, Organizational Behaviour, 7 th ed., New Delhi: Prentice -Hall of India.
3. Singh, D. Emotional Intelligence at work, Response Books, New Delhi: Sage Publication
SYLLABUS S Y B.Voc- Travel & Tourism
Management (SEM I II) - SKILL PAPERS
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JTBVOC 3.0 5
iii) Course Title: Tour Packaging
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already Internal PR and External PR – The various stakeholders to which
PR person is responsible – Consumer, shareholder, government,
employee, general public, Public Relations and related fields like
adver tising, marketing and journalis
Strategie s of PR, Press Release, Press Conference and other
media tools used, Code of ethics in PR, Relevant case studies for
each sector
Unit IV Strategies of PR , Press Release, Press Confer ence and other
media tools used, Code of ethics in PR , Relevant case studies for
each sector
Page 167
Credit: 5
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester En d (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – III
Periods per week Lectures – 3 5 Credits
OBJECTIVES: Tour packaging is an essential dimension of tourism industry and is fastest growing
at global level. It requires systematic and scientific approaches to deal with the growing demands for
tour packages. In fact it is the core component of tourism industry where more than 90% students get
jobs. Thus, the course aims to provide a com prehensive theoretical and practical knowledge to the
students for understanding the concept of tour operation, type of tour, standard components of tour
package and preparation of tour packages - their costing and pricing and marketing strategies. It also
helps to develop students as tour manager. Its arising in that relationship. To understand reasonably
the culture -tourism relationship the Indian culture and heritage shall be taught with the purpose of
application of the same in tourism.
APPROACHES: Lect ures, Group Discussion, Presentations, Practical, Case studies Business
Page 168
Gee, Chuck and y. Makens,(2000) Professional Travel Agency Management, Prentice hall,
New York..
MohinderChand ,,(2007), Travel Agency Management: An Introductory Text,Anmol
publication Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
Foster, D.L.(2010) The Business of Travel Agency Operations and Administration, McGraw
Hill, Singapore.
FrenmountP.,(2000), How to open and run a Money Making Travel Agency, Johan Wiley and
Sons, New York..
Gregory A.,(1990), The Travel Agent: Dealer in dreams,, Prentice Hall, London.
YoleP.,(2000), The Business of Tour Operations, Pitman, Landon. Module Module name No of lectures
Unit I - Tour designing process - meaning and steps
– tour research, development of tour
itinerary, negotiation with travel vendors,
designing and printing of tour brochure;
Tour costing and pricing and Tour
promotion. Detailed study of passport,
visa, health regulations. Customs and
currency regulations, baggage rules and
Unit II Itinerary preparation - meaning, types, Do’s
and Don’ts of itinerary preparation.
Limitations and constraints. Tour costing
and pricing -cost concept, types of costs.
Tour cost sheet. Procedure of costing;
group tour, independent tours, and business
tours pricing in tour operation industry -
Tour p ricing strategies n India. Pricing of
deferent tour packages.
Unit III Developing tour packages for business
travelers; Cultural destinations; Popular
Itineraries for Pilgrimage destinations.
Tour packages for hill resort, adventure
sports, deserts & beach resorts. Study of
outbound tour packages offered by major
tour operators of India - Cox & Kings,
American Express, Thomas Cook and
Kuoni Travels to south -East Asia -
Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia, USA
and Europe. Salient features of destinations
cove red in these itineraries.
Unit IV Projects & Assignments
Page 169
Witt S., and MoutnhoL.,(1990) Tourism, marketing and managemen t handbook (ed.),
prentice Hall, UK.
Manjula Chaudhary, (2010) Tourism Marketing, Oxford publication , New Delhi.
Holloway, J.C.,(2010), The Business of Tourism, Pitman.
Kamra K.K. and Chand Mohinder, (2002), Basic of Tourism - Theory operation and practice.
Kanishka publishers, and distributors, New Delhi. Syratt G., Manual of Travel Agency
practice, (1995) Butterworth, Oxford., IATA Manuals Various Issues.
Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India, Reports and guidelines for travel agency and tour
opera tors.
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JTBVOC 3.0 6
iii) Course Title: Sustainable Tourism
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 4
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
Page 170
JTVOC 3.06 - Sustainable Tourism
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – III
Theory Code : J TVOC 3.06 Subject : Sustainable Tourism
Periods per week Lectures - 3 4 Credits
Module Module name No of lectures
Unit I - Concept of Sustainable Development :
Evolution, Meaning, Principles, Key
Dimensions of Sustainability, Stockholm
Conference 1972 ( Human&
Environment), World Conservation Union
1980 – World Commission on
Environment & Development (WCED)
1987 and Brundtland Commission - Rio
Declaration 1992 – Kyoto Protocol 1997 –
World Summit on Sustainable
Development (WSSD) 2002 - Global
Warming & Climate Change
Unit II Sustainable Tourism Development :
Meaning - Principles - 10 Rs -Agenda 21 for
Travel and Tourism Industry - World
Conference on Sustainable Tourism 1995 -
Globe 90 Conference - Berlin Declarations
- Bali Declarations 2005 - Cape Town
Declarations 2002 and Kerala
Declarations, Ecotourism - Quebec
Declaration 2002 - Kyoto Protocol 1997 -
Oslo Declaration 2007
Unit III
Planning for Sustainable Tourism: -
Topographical Analysis - Analysis of
Local Resources - Land Use Pattern –
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA),
Environmental Information System (EIS),
Environmental Management System
(EMS) & Community Participation and
Types of Community Participation and
Socio - Economic and Cultural Conditions -
Evaluation of Impact of Tourism Site - 10
Page 171
Suggested Readings:
1. Inskeep, E. Tourism Planning: An Integrated and Sustainable Development Approach, New York:
Van Nostrand Reinhold.
2. Ritchie, J.R. & Crouch, I.G. Competitive Destination –A Sustainable Tourism Perspective, CABI
Publishing, UK.
3. Mowforth, M. and Munt, I. Tourism and Sustainability. Development and New Tourism in the
Third World. Routledge, London.
4. Middleton, V.T.C and Hawkins, R. Sustainable Tourism: A Marketing Perspective, Butterworth –
Heinemann, Oxford.
5. Weaver, D. , The Encyclopedia of Ecoto urism, CABI Publication, UK.
6. Wahab, S and John J. Pigram, J.J. Tourism, Development and Growth: The Challenge of
Sustainability, Routledge, London.
For a general overview:
Baker, S. (2006): Sustainable Development. London and New York: Routledge.
Stran ge, T. and Bayley, A. (2008): Sustainable Development. Linking Economy, Society,
Environment. Paris: OECD.
Page, S.J. and Connell, J. (2006) Tourism a modern synthesis. Second edition. London:
Weaver, D. (2006) Sustainable tourism. Oxford: Elsevie r.
Goodwin, H. (2011). Taking responsibility for tourism. Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers
Swarbrooke, J. (2005) Sustainable Tourism Management. Cambridge: CABI Publishing.
Miller, G. And Twinin -Ward, L. (2005) Monitoring for a sustainable tourism transition.
The challenge of developing and using indicators. Cambridge: CABI Publishing.
Holden, A. (2000) Environment and tourism. London & New York: Routledge.
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B . Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JTBVOC 3.0 7
iii) Course Title: MICE
Zoning System - Carrying capacity & its
Unit IV Eco- tourism - Evolution, Principles,
Trends. Functions of Ecotourism - Mass
Tourism Vs Ecotourism -Typology of Eco-
tourists - Ecotourism Activities & Impacts
-Western Views of Ecotourism. Eco -
tourism travel essentials. Eco - tourism and
protected areas: visitor management for
sustainability. Major Eco tourism
destinations of India. 10
Page 172
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 5
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
JTBVo c. 3.07 - MICE
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – III
Theory Code : J TVOC 3.07 Subject : MICE
Periods per week Lectures – 3 5 Credits
Course Outline
This course gives students an overview of the MICE(Meetings, Incentive, Conventions and
Events/Exhibitions) sector of the tourism industry. Students will understand the managerial and
operational aspects pertaining to MICE industry.
Course Objectives
To provide a conceptual overview and a systematic study of MICE programming, managem
ent, marketing, and practical applications
To foster professionalism in MICE management, covering the knowledge base, theory, meth
odologies and ethics
Module Module name No of lectures
Page 173
Required Reading Unit I - : Introduction. Overview of the MICE In
dustry -
Introduction of MICE industry
Basic terms and concepts in MICE
The nature of MICE markets and demand
for facilities
The impact of MICE on local and national
The Role of MICE in the Tourism
Broader value of MICE; Educate and
inform, Promote, Network/Socialize
Attracting tourism
Improving the Destination’s image;
Increase sales, Improve performance
Support the Local Community; New skills
and knowledge, job creation ,
Infrastructure investment
Unit II MICE Destinations and Facilities
Destination management
A frame work for the study of destination
selection model
Stakeholders of MICE Industry
Local community
Association / Exhibitors
Convention Bureau/ Destination
Management Organization (DMO)
Venue and Hotels
Travel agency
Participants 15
Unit III Types of Events
Process and Management 1 (before the
Types of events
The bidding process
Set a goal
Program development and design
Negotiating and best deal 10
Page 174
Professional Convention Management Association (2006) Professional meeting management:
Comprehensive Strategies for Meetings, Conventions and Events; Kendall/Hunt Publishing
Fenich, G. (2005). Meetings, Expositions, Events, and Conventions: An intr oduction to the
industry. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Kilkenny, Shannon (2006) The Complete Guide to Successful Event Planning , Atlantic Pub.
Schaumann, P. (2005) Practical advice from an event planner. The Guide to Successful
Destination Mana gement . Wiley.
Recommended Further Reading
1. Coleman, Lee &Frankle (1991), Powerhouse Conferences. Educational Institute of AH &
MA. Work with convention Bureau /
Selection processes; site, venue,
Cast important guest speakers
Human resource plan and training;
Event operating committee
Physical/Tech nical arrangement
Food and beverage plan
Assessing and Measuring event
Customer satisfaction
Client service
Vendor relations
Unit IV
Marketing of MICE
MICE Markets attractiveness
Segmentation, Targeting and
Positioning Techniques
:Budgeting of MICE
Ethics in the MICE Industry
Ethical behavior practices in the
MICE industry
Field trip/ Technical visit & Final
Project Presentation
Page 175
2. Hoyle, Dorf & Jones (1995), Meaning conventions & Group business. Educational institute
of AH & MA.
3. Getz, D. (1997). Event Management & Event Tourism. New York: Cognizant
Communication Corporation.
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JTBVOC 3.08
Course Title: Art Styles, Cultural Expressions & Fairs -Global & Indian
iii) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
iv) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 4
v) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vi) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
Page 176
JTVOC 3.08 : Art Styles, Cultural Expressions & Fairs -Global & Indian
CLASS: JTB. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – III
Theory Code : J TVOC 3.08 Subject : Art Styles, Cultural Expressions & Fairs -Global
& Indian
Periods per week Lectures – 3 4 Credits
Module Module name No of lectures
Unit I - ART – Global
Art Theory I From Pre -modern to 18th
Art Theory II: From 18th century to the
Survey of Western Art
Art of Indic Asia: Central Asia and
Unit II ART -India
Early Iconography, Art and Archaeology
Buddhist Visual Culture from Theravada to
Neo Buddhism
Textual sources of Indian Art
Visual studies -The History of Indian Art
and Architecture from Proto -history to the
Eighteenth Century: Methods, Materials
and Meanings
Mughal Painting
Folk styles of painting
Art styles in modern India
Overview of World Architectural styles
Early Indian Temple Architecture and
Sculpture, Buddhist Architecture, Jain
Architecture in Mughal period
Modern Architectural styles
Museums and Representations
Page 177
1. J C Harle, The Art and Architecture of the Indian Subcontinent, Penguin Books, New York, 1990.
2. Niharranjan Ray, Maurya and Shunga Art, Indian Studies, Calcutta, 1965. 3. Susan Huntington,
The Art of Ancient India: Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, Weather Hill, New York, 1985. 3. T S Maxwell,
Gods of Asia: Text, Image and Meaning, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1996. 4. V S
Agarwala , Indian Art, Prithvi Prakashan, Varanasi, 1965. 5. C. B. Asher, Architecture of Mughal
India, Cambridge, 1992, pp 51 -67. 6. Percy Brown, Indian Architecture: Buddhist and Hindu
Periods, Bombay, 1971 7. --------------- Indian Architecture: Islamic Period, Bombay, 1958, pp 97 -
101. 8. John Burton -Page, ‗Daulatabad‘ in George Michell, ed., Islamic Heritage of the Deccan,
Bombay, 1986, pp. 16 -25. 9. Pramod Chandra, ed., Studies in Indian Temple Architecture, New
Delhi, 1975, pp 1 -39. 10. ParthaMitter, Indian Ar t, Oxford University Press, 2001.
SYLLABUS S Y B.Voc- Travel & Tourism Management
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
Cultural festivals in the West
Cultural Festivals in India
Theatre and Performance Studies
Introduction to World theatre
Living Traditions of Performance:
The Comic Traditions in performance
Cultural Hist ory of Modern Indian Theatre
Indian Dance: Theory and Practice
Film and History
Global Art Cinema
Page 178
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 4.01
iii) Course Title: Report writing
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted A lready
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – IV
Theory Code : J BVOC 4.01 Subject : REPORT WRITING
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3 Credits
Page 179
Module Module name No of lectures
Unit I - REPORT WRITING: Writing an Effective
Report: Stages of Writing, Composing
Business Messages, Style and Tone; Five
Ws and one H of Report Writing, Planning
and Types of Reports, Divisions,
Numbering and use of Visual Aids,
creativity in written communicatio n, use of
picture, diagram in written communication
Unit II
Fundamentals of Oral Communication:
Introduction, Barriers and Gateways in
Communication, Listening, Feedback,
Telephonic Messages, Public Speaking,
and Presentation of Reports, Power point
presentation, body language, non -verbal,
facial expressions, communication and
emotional intelligence, creativity in oral
communication, -4- persuasive
communication, communication through
organizing various events like conferences,
committee meeting, press meets, seminars,
fests and the like
Writing Commercial Letters: Business
Letter Format, Types of Letter – Routine
Business Letters, Sales Letters, Resume
and Job Applications, Business Memos, E -
Mail Messages, Proposals, Technical
Articles, Telegrams, Telex Message,
Facsimiles, Electronic Mail, Handling a
Mail, Maintaining a Diary, Legal Aspects
of Business Communication, Negotiation
circulars, drafting n otices, handling
complaints, evaluating interview
performance, articles, formal invitations,
proforma for performance appraisal, letters
of appointment, captions for advertising,
company notice related shares, dividends,
MoA, AoA, Annual Reports, Minutes o f
Page 180
1. Scot Ober, Contemporary Business Communication, Biztantra
2. Bovee, Thill and Schatzman, Business Communication today, Pearson 3. Nageshwar Rao and
Rajendra Das, Business Skills, HPH
4. Mary ellenGuffy, Business Communication, Thomson
5. M Ashraf Rizvi, Effective Technical Communication, TMH
6. Meenakshi Raman and Sangeeta Sharma, Technical Communication, Oxford
7. Micheal Osborn and Suzanne Osborn, Public Speaking, Biztantra
8. John Seely, Oxford Writing and Speaking, Oxford
9. Parag Diwan, Business Communication,
BOOKS RECOMMENDED 1. OR Krishnaswami&Rangantham, Methodology of Research, HPH
2. Donald Cooper and Pamela Schindler, Business Research Methods, TMH
3. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya, Research Methodology, EB
4. KN Krishnaswamy , Sivakumar and Mathirajan, Management Research Methodology, Pearson
5. WiilamZikmund, Business research Methods, Thomson
6. Panneerselvam, Research Methodology, PHI
7. Daniel Riordan and Steven Pauley, Technical Report Writing Today, Biztantra
8. Alan Bryman and Emma Bell, Business Research Methods, Oxford 9. William Trochim, Research
Methods, Biztantra
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 4.02
Meeting, action taken report on previous
Unit V Technical Report writing, Types of reports
objectives and function of report formal
and informal, report writing process, target
audience, pre -research proposals, progress
reports, final rep orts, guidelines for
effective writing, Research report format,
Presentation of a report, Persuasive nature
of reports, Reports for Decision Making,
technical proposal, instructions manuals,
precis writing and reporting committee
Page 181
iii) Course Title: Green Computing
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
PAPER -JBVOC 4.02 Green Computing
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – IV
Theory Code : J BVOC 4 .02 Subject : Green Computing
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
The Environmentally Responsible Business Strategies (ERBS) – Case Study Scenarios
for Trial Runs – Case Studies – Applying Green IT Strategies and Applications to a Home,
Hospital, Packaging Industry and Telecom Sector
Page 182
References :
Foundation Guide.
Jason Harris, Green Computing and Green IT Best Practices.
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
Unit -I
What is environment? Introduction to Environment.Key
elements of a safety and Health Management System - Policy &
commitment,Initial Safety and health Management
System,Reviewsafety and Health policy - Developing a
workplace Safety and Health Policy . Safety Consultation. Fire,
change of state and latent heat, thermal expansio n of solids,
liquids and gases. Transmission of heat, combustion, Fire
tetrahedron, and combustible solid, liquids and gases.
Classification of Fire and different fire extinguishing methods,
portable fire extinguishers. 15
Green IT Fundamentals: Business, IT, and the Environment – Green computing:
carbon footprint, scoop on power – Green IT Strategies: Drivers, Dimensions,
and Goals – Environmentally Responsible Business : Policies, Practices, and
Green Assets : Buildings, Networks, and Devices – Green Business Process
Management: Modeling, Optimization, and Collaboration – Green Enterprise
Architecture :Environmental Intelligence – Green Supply Chains – Green
Information S ystems: Design andDevelopment Models. 10
Socio -cultural aspects of Green IT – Green Enterprise Transformation
Roadmap – Green
Compliance: Protocols, Standards, and Audits – Emergent Carbon Issues:
Technologies and
Green Hardware and Software :
Green Hardware, Introduction, Life Cycle of a Device or Hardware,
Reuse, Recycle and Dispose, Green Software, IntroductionEnergy -Saving
Software Techniques, Changing the way we work, Going Paperless. 10
Unit -IV Green Data Center :Data Centre IT Infrastructure, Data Centre Facility
Infrastructure: Implications for Energy Efficiency, IT Infrastructure
Managem ent, Green Data Centre Metrics,.
Green Data Storage :Introduction, Storage Media Power Characteristics , Energy
Management Techniques for Hard Disks, System -Level Energy Management 10
Page 183
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 4.03
iii) Course Title: Human Resources Management
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
JBVOC 4.03 – Human Resource Management
Page 184
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – IV
Theory Code : J BVOC 4.03 Subject : Human Resource Management
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3 Credits
Unit Sample of Topics Covered Lectures
UNIT I Overview of HRM Field The human relations movement,
human capital, human resource department structure, job
attitudes, ethics Organizational Theories & Human
Resources Taylor's principles of scientific management,
Fayol's staff management theories, the two types of managers 10
UNIT II Job Analysis and Design - Job enrichment and enlargement, job
rotation, job specifications and descriptions, job evaluation
Staffing in Organizations -The hiring process, staff selection
methods, job bidding, employee turnover and absentee ism,
employee termination
Employee training programs 10
UNIT III Performance Appraisals -Administrative and developmental
uses of performance appraisals, common appraisal methods,
management by objective
Types of compensation systems, compensation equity,
mandatory and voluntary benefits, incentives 10
UNIT IV Labor Relations -The National Labor Relations Board,
collective bargaining and unionizing processes, bargaining
strategies, Executive Order 10988
Current Issues and Trends in HRM -Affirmative action, cultural
and age diversity, gender diversity, workplace violence,
alternative work arrangements 15
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 4.04
iii) Course Title: Digital Marketing
Page 185
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 8-15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester En d (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
BVoc 4.04 – Digital Marketing
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – IV
Theory Code : J BVOC 4.04 Subject : Digital Marketing
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3 Credits
Module Module name No of lectures
Page 186
References: Unit I - Social media marketing -Types of social me
dia and how it influences customers -Faceb
ook-creating facebookpage,creating FAN p
age for Business Marketing, You Tube Ad
s, Twitter, Linked in, slide share, Search en
gine optimization -rank webpage on top of s
earch, ORM, Google webmaster tool, .Goo
gle Analytics -Analyse, measure and impro
ve performance of online campaigns
Unit II Freelancer affiliate Marketing , Google
Adwords, Create advertising campaigns on
Email marketing, Mobile marketing,
Online reputation management, Google
webmaster Tools
Infographics Content marketing,
.DigitalMark eting strategy, E commerce
Business marketing -Top E – Commerce
Websites around the world E – Commerce
Scenario in India How to do SEO of an E –
Commerce Website Why you need a solid
E – Commerce marketing strategy
Formulating right e – commerce marketing
strategy Using affiliate marketing to
prom ote your e – commerce business ,
Hashtag Viral Market Webinar Marketing ,
Whatsapp m arketing, Creating a blog,
Instagram Marketing
Unit III Marketing analysis (annual reports, news
articles, government resources)
Target Audience analysis (Simmons
Market Research Bureau, Mediamark
Competitive analysis (Bureau of
Advertisin g Research , Leading National
Media planning , The function of media
planning in advertising 10
Unit IV Role of media planner, Challenges in
media planning , Media planning process
Deciding the ideal media mix and
communications mix
Page 187
1. Jack Z Sissors and Jim Surmanek, Advertising Media Planning -crain books 1976
2. James R Adams, Media Planning -Business books 1977
3. Advanced M.P. -John R Rossister, Kluoer Academic publications 1998
4. Advertising M.P. , Jack Z Sissors, McGraw Hill 6th Edition
Reference Text
1. Marketing Research –Hair, Bush, Ortinau (2nd edition Tata McGraw Hill)
2. Marketing Research Text & Cases – (Wrenn, Stevens, Loudon Jaico publication)
3. Marketing Research Essentials – McDaniels& Gates (3rd ed ition SW College publications)
4. Marketing Research – Aaker, Kumar, Day (7th edition John Wiley & Sons)
5. Marketing Research – Burns , Alvin, Bush, Ronald (3rd edition Prentice Hall)
6. Rajendra Nargundkar: Marketing Research (Macmillan)
7. S. L. Gupta: Marketing Research (Excel Books)
8. Marketing Research – Sunanda Easwaran and Sharmila J Singh – Oxford Publications
9. Marketing Research – Nigel Bradley – Oxford Publications
10 .Marketing Research – An Applied Orientation – Naresh K M alhotra – Pearson Publications
SYLLABUS S Y B.Voc- Travel & Tourism Management
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JTBVOC 4.05
iii) Course Title: Tourism Economics
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Page 188
Credit: 4
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
BVoc 4.05 - Tourism Economics
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – IV
Theory Code : J TVOC 4.05 Subject : Tourism Economics
Periods per week Lectures - 3 4 Credits
Module Module name No of lectures
Unit I - Introduction, scope and methodology,
Industrial transition, Industrial
development, special reference to Tourism
Unit II
Overview of Industrial structure of Indian
economy -new scenario -1990 onwards
Market structure -during period of
Page 189
Suggested Readings:
1. Petersen, Craig H. Managerial Economics, New Delhi Pearson Education.
2. Mithani, D.M. Managerial Economics, New Delhi, Himalaya Publications.
3. Chopra, O.P. Managerial Economics. New Delhi Me Graw Hill.
4. Koutsoyiannis, A. Modern Micro Economics. New York, Macmillan.
5. M. Thea Sinclair and Mike Stabler. The Economics of Tourism. Rutledge, London and Yew York.
6. Peter Cullen, Economics of Hospitality Management
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JTBVOC 4.06
iii) Course Title: Destination Planning & Development
Unit III Role of Public and Private sector in Indian
Economic planning of Tourism
-integrated approach
National Tourism Policy, 1997 Policy
NRI & Tourism
Domestic Tourism
Inbound Tourism
Outbound Tourism
Action plan during the period of 10th Plan
Unit IV Concept of Economics and Tourism
Decision making
Importance of marginal concept -
Macroeconomics and microeconomics
Economic impact of Tourism
Tourism as export industry
Determinants of demand /factors affecting
Unit V Tourism Economics -production function,
Economies of scale, Elasticity of supply
Cost and profit
Pricing strategy in Tourism sector
Promotional activities -Incredible India
branding strategy
Tourism Marketing Mix
Tourism Marketing strategies
Page 190
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 4
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
BVoc 4.06 - Destination Planning & Development
CLASS: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – IV
Theory Code : J TVOC 4.06 Subject : Destination Planning & Development
Periods per week Lectures - 3 4 Credits
Module Module name No of lectures
Page 191
Suggested Readings:
Ernie Health & Geoffrey Wall,Marketing Tourism Destinations , John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
2. J. Christopheo Holloway & Chris Robinson,Marketing for Tourism
3. Philip Kotler, Jon Bower, Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism
Internship for 720 hours compulsory (720 hrs = 10
Unit I - Necessary precursors to Tourism
Strategic foundations
How CVB can serve diverse groups of
customers, clients and members
Importance of alliance and partnerships for
Unit II Necessary precursors to Tourism
Strategic foundations
How CVB can serve diverse groups of
customers, clients and members
Importance of alliance and partnerships for
Unit III Components of Destination Marketing
Mix, Product Strategy – Nature &
characteristics, Managing existing Tourism
Products, New Product development in
Regional Tourism, Pricing Strategies –
Tourists Perception of Price. 15
Unit IV
Role of transportation services -concept of
accessibility and mobility and how they are
crucial to destination development
Page 192
SYLLABUS S Y B.Voc- Travel & Tourism Management
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 5.01
iii) Course Title: Strategic Management
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
Page 193
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – V
Theory Code : J BVOC 5.01 Subject : STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3 Credits
Objectives :
1. To introduce students to the subjects of Strategic Management.
2. To give them fair understanding of strategy formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. 3. To
familiarize students to corporate strategies, functional strategies and global strategies.
4. To develop capabilities of the students to analyze cases and develop strategic solutions
Module Module name No of lectures
Unit I -
Introduction to business policy – their
definitions, nature, scope, significance,
elements and processes. Introduction to
strategic management – their definitions,
nature, scope, significance, elements and 10
Page 194
Suggested Readings / Books :
1. Strategic Mgt. Fred R. David Prentice Hall International
2. Business Policy & Strategic Mgt. Dr. AzharKazmi - Tata McGraw Hill Publi. Col Ltd.
3. Strategic Mgt. Beni Banerjee
4. Business Policy & Strategic Mgt. Jauch Lawrence R & William Glueck McGraw - Hill Book Co.
5. International Strategic Management (suggested for Global Strategies) R.M. Shivstava Himalayan
Publishing House.
6. Strat egic Mgt. - a multi -perspective approach Edited by Mark Jenkins & Veronique Ambrosmi Palgrave
7. Strategic Mgt. - Thomas L. Wheelers & J. David Hunger Addison -- Wesley Publishers.
8. Strategic Mgt. Competitiveness &Globalisation. Michael Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson
South - Western Thomson Learning
9. Business Policy & Strategy - Concepts & Readings. Daniel Mc Carthy, Robert Minichiello, Joseph Curran
All India Traveller Bookseller – Delhi
10. Strategic Mgt. John A. Pea rce II & Richard B. Robinson Jr. A.I.T.B.S. Publishers & Distributors – Delhi
11. Strategic Mgt. Alex Miller & Gregory G. Dess The McGraw -Hill Companies, Inc.
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B . Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management) processes. Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream: Case
Study . Mission, Goals and Objectives
Company report analysis
Unit II
Module 2 -Analyzing the External
Environment of the Firm, Mic hael Porter’s
Five Forces Model , Analyzing the Internal
Environment of the Firm, Kirin Beer: Case
Study, SWOT Analysis
Recognizing a Firm’s Intellectual Assets Ali-
baba: Case Study (not assessed) Group Project:
Preparation and Guidance .
Unit III Strategic formulation – the input stage,
matching stage and decision stage, cultural
aspect of strategic choice and functional
strategies 15
Unit IV Introduction to Corporate Level Strategies -
Samsung: Case Study, business level strategy -
Foxconn: Case Study, international strategy -
Zara case study
B) Strategy implementation – issues in
implementation, project implementation and
control procedures, resource allocat ion.
C) Corporate ethos, culture and ethics,
management of change
Page 195
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 5.02
iii) Course Title: Entrepreneurship & Business Planning
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management ) Semester – V
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3 Credits
Page 196
Units Module name No of lectures
UNIT I Introduction: The Entrepreneur
– Definition – Characteristics of
Successful entrepreneur.
Entrepreneurial scene in India:
Analysis of entrepreneurial
growth in different communities
Case histories of successful
Social entrepreneurship –
concept, developm ent of Social
Entrepreneurship in India.
Role of Entrepreneurship in
economic development –Start -
UNIT II Innovation in Business : Types
of Innovation – Creating and
Opportunities for Innovation –
The Technological Innovation
Process – Creating New
Technological Innovation and
Intrapreneurship – Licensing –
Patent – Innovation in Indian
Idea Generation and Opportunity
Assessment – Sources of New
Ideas ,Techniques for generating
ideas ,Opportunity Recognition.
Option available to En trepreneur.
(Ancillarisation, BPO, Franchise,
UNIT III Business Plan Preparation –
Elements of the Business Plan –
Developing a Business Plan –
Guidelines for preparing a
Business Plan Financial Analysis;
Market Analysis; Technical
Feasibility. Feasibility Analysis:
Technical Feasibility of Products
and Services - Marketing
Feasibility: Marketing Methods –
Pricing Policy and Distribution
Estimating project cost. 15
Page 197
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme : B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 5.03
iii) Course Title: Multimedia I
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60 Incorporation of Business –
Forms of Business organisations
Marketing : Methods, Channel of
Marketing, Marketing Institutions
Business Model Canvas.
New trends in entrepreneurship –
Role of e - commerce and M
Ethical considerations.
Life cycle of an entrepreneurial
venture - Role of entrepreneur
during various
transition stages.
Dynamics of small business
environment - Causes for small
business failure
Success factors for small
Page 198
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
PAPER -JBVOC 5.03 Multimedia
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management) Semester – V
Theory Code : J BVOC 5 .03 Subject : Multimedia
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3 Credits
Units Module name No of
Unit -I Introduction to CorelDraw, Use and importance in Designing, Various
Graphic Files and File Extensions ,Vector Image and Raster Images ,
Introduction to Screen and Work Area.
Introduction to Tools of CorelDraw, Managing Palettes ,Working with
Images, Patterns and Textures . 15
Unit -II Working with Shapes, Colours and Fills ,ImageRasterisation and Editing,
Transformation Menu.
CorelDraw Files and supporting documents, Import and Export of Files
and File fo rmats Page Setup and Designing. 10
Page 199
Unit -III Using Styles and Templates, Working with Text, Formatting Text, Text
Designing Different Page Layouts, Column Layout, Working with
Layers, Special Effect to Objects and Texts, Contour Tool, Layout for
News Paper and Magazines. 10
Unit -IV Introduction to Adobe Photoshop & Documents, Various Graphic Files
and Extensions, Vector Image and Raster Images, Various Colour Modes
and Models.
Introduction to Screen and Work Area, Photoshop Tools &Palettes ,Use
of Layers & Filters, Working with Images
Preparation of Visiting Cards & Invitation Cards, Shaping Dockers & Logo Design
Introduction Brochure & Books, Introduction to Magazine Designing.
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 5.04
iii) Course Title: Managerial Economics
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
Page 200
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
JBVOC PAPER -JBVOC 5.04 Managerial Economics ( Macro Economics)
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management) Semester – V
Theory Code : J BVOC 5 .04 Subject : Managerial Economics ( Macro Economics)
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3 Credits
Objectives :
1. To familiarize the students with macro concepts and macro policies.
2. To help them to understand how these policies affect business decisions.
3. To effectively use economic analysis while framing business policies.
Units Module name No of
Unit -I National Income: Concept and measurement, Concept of HDI. 10
Unit -II Concepts of Aggregate & Demand and multiplier 10
Unit -III Monetary Economics: Concepts of Money demand, Money Supply, Liquidity
Preference. Concepts of Inflation, deflation, recession, depression, stagflation.
Monetary policy - objectives & instruments.
Page 201
Unit -IV Fiscal policy – Objectives and instruments, taxation, government spending and
public debt, Concept of BOP, disequilibrium, devaluation 10
1. Managerial Economics by Johnson &Mascerhans
2. Managerial Economics by Saraswathy
3. Managerial Economics by Dwevdi
SYLLABUS S Y B.Voc- Travel & Tourism Management
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JTBVOC 5.05
iii) Cour se Title: International Tourism & trends
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 4
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
Page 202
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management) Semester – V
Theory Code : J TVOC 5 .05
Periods per week Lectures – 3 4 Credits
Units Module name No of
Unit -I International Tourism growth Forces and factors influencing growth of
international tourism -Trends in tourists’ arrivals and receipt in international
tourism Measurement of international tourism: Methods and their merits and
Unit -II Regional Distribution of International Tourism -I International Tourism
(inbound tourism) trends in Europe with special reference to French, Spain,
Italy, and United Kingdom International tourism (inbound tourism) trends in
Americas with special reference to USA, Mexico, Caribbean, Islands and
Unit -III Regional Distribution of International Tourism -II International tourism
(inbound tourism) trends in Asia -Pacifica region with special reference to
China, Thailand, Singapore, India, Australia, and New Zealand International
tourism (inbound tourism) trends in Africa and Middle East with special
reference to South Africa, Kenya and Egypt
Unit -IV International Tourism Organization United Nations World Tourism
Organization (UNWTO ): Role in tourism development and promotion,
membership and objectives World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) role in
tourism development and promotion, membership and objectives Pacific Asia
Travel Association (PATA) : role in tourism development and promotion,
Page 203
membership and objectives International Air Transports Association (IATA):
role in tourism development and promotion, membership and objectives
REFERENCES: World Development Indicators 2012,
World Bank,
World Bank Group 2012 World Bank Group Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2012, Roland
Conrady, Martin Buck -2012 Springer. Copyright. International Cases in Tourism Management -
Susan Horner, John Swarbrooke 2012 Routledge Domestic Tourism in Asia: Diversity and
Divergence by Shalini Singh - 2012 Routledge Understanding Tourism -S. Medlik -2012 C R C
Atlas of Travel and Touri sm Development -Myra Shackley -2012 Routledge Tourism -John
Whittingdale, 2008, The Stationery Office. 8.Tourism and Climate Change: Impacts, Adaptation and
Mitigation, C. Michael Hall, Stefan Gössling, Daniel Scott, 2012 Routledge Global Tourism:
Cultura l Heritage and Economic Encounters; Sarah M. Lyon, E. Christian Wells 2012 Rowman
Altamira. Burkari A.A.J. &Medlik, S, 1981. Tourism: Past, Present and Future, Helnemann
McIntosh Robert, W.Goeldner& R. Charles, 1990. Tourism principles, Practices & Philo sophies,
John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York (6th edition) O’Grady R. 1981: Third World Stopover world
Council of Churches, Geneva. Robinson, H.R. 1976. Geography of Tourism. Mac Donald & Evan,
London, 1976. Singh T.V., H.L. Theuns and E.M. Go (eds) 1989: T owards appropriate tourism -The
Case of developing Countries, peter Long, Frankfurt. W.T.O. Country Tourism Profiles, Madrid
Travel Review Media Transasia, 3/F, Sarasin Building
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme : B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JTBVOC 5.06
iii) Course Title: Niche Tourism I
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference an d Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 5
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
Page 204
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management) Semester – V
Page 205
Theory Code : J TVOC 5 .06 Subject : NICHE TOURISM I
Periods per week Lectures – 3 5 Credits
Learning outcomes
To build in students an ability to understand the niche segments in tourism
To build knowledge necessary to target niche markets in a more effective manner,
according to the needs of business as well as market development
Interpret market trends and match and design or redesign niche tourism products
appropriate to a particular destination
Find, ev aluate, use and appropriately refer to relevant information
1. Adventure Tourism: Satyendra Malik
2. Hand book of National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries & Biosphere Reserves of India
References: - 1. Ahmad Aizaz : ‘General Geography of India, NCERT, New Delhi 2. Goh Cheong
long : An Economic Atlas of India, Oxford University 3. National Atlas of India, Govt. of India
Publication, Calcutta 4. Atlas of World Oxford 5. Singh, R.L.(ed) India : A Regional Geography
National Geographical Society of India (Varansi 1989) 6. Manorama Year Book 7. Indian Year
book, Publication Division, Govt. of India, New Delhi 8. Aluwalia H.P.S. and Manfred Garner :
Himalayas: A Practical Guide, Himalayan Books ( Delhi, 1985) 9. Bedi, Ram esh and Rajesh : Indian
Wildlife, Brijbasi Printers ( New Delhi, 1989) 10. Bose, S.C. Geography of the Himalayas, National
Book trust, India ( New Delhi, 1976) 11. Chand Gian and Manohar Puri ‘Trekking’ International
publisher India ( new Delhi,1989) 12. G amma, Karl ‘The Handbook of Skiing Pelham Books
(London, 1985) 13. Lozawa, Tomoya : Trekking in the Himalayas, Allied published Pvt. Ltd., ( New
Delhi, 1980) 14. Law, B.C. (ed) : Mountains and Rivers of India, Calcutta, 1968 15. Rowe, Ray
‘White in Water K ayaking’, Salamander Books (London, 1987) 16. Saharia, V.B. “Wildlife in India’
Natraj Publisher (Dehradun, 1982)
Smith, M., Puczko, L. 2008. Health and Wellness Tourism. Butterworth -Heinemann
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JTBVOC 5.0 7
iii) Course Title: Tour Manager Operations
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
Page 206
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 5
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms Units Module name No of
Unit -I (Adventure Tourism)
Concept of adventure tourism, classification of adventure tourism
Adventure on Ground:
Mountain climbing, trekking, skiing, ice skating, motor car rally, rock
climbing, camel safari, bungee jumping etc. ; their necessary equipments,
techniques and problems.
Geographical diversities and opportunities for India. Potential and
existing a dventure tourism in different states. Planning and development
perspective, major thrust areas, promotional steps taken by states and centers.
Organization and institutions promoting Adventure Tourism in India.
Unit -II (Adventure Tourism)
Adventure i n Water: -
River running -canoeing, kayaking, white water rafting, diving, rowing, surf
boating, wind surfing etc.
River reading , Rafting, Kayaking canoeing, yachting, water scooter, Hover
craft. Surfing, SCUBA diving, under water activities, coastal activi ties. Places,
organizations, equipments associated with above activities.
Adventure in Air: -
Ballooning, parachuting & sky diving, paragliding, Para sailing, gliding,
soaring, hang gliding, micro lighting, weather observations.
Unit -III Health and Medical Tourism
Unit -IV Sports Tourism
Page 207
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management) Semester – V
Theory Code : J TVOC 5 .07 Subject : TOUR MANAGER OPERATIONS
Periods per week Lectures – 3 5 Credits
Qualification Pack: Tour Manager
SERVICES (IT -ITES) Helpdesk Attendant
SUB -SECTOR: Tours and Travels
OCCUPATION: Tour Packaging
NSQF Level
The Tour Manager is responsible handling the administration, operations, staffing and client
management, and developing business.
Brief Job Description: The individual at work designs the tour packaging and administers the
company operations and staff. T he individual also manages client relations and develops new
Personal Attributes : The job requires the individual to have: politeness, etiquette, leadership,
ability to work in sitting position for long hours and attention to details.
(a)Design ing the tour packaging,
To be competent, the user/ individual must be able to: visit various tourist destinations, understand
the various tourist attractions and places of interest in the destination, suggest interesting travel
Page 208
routes to and within the d estination, design and develop various interesting and economical domestic
and international tour packages, ensure the packages will meet the needs of various types of
(b)Planning and controlling the work requirement and assigning duties -discus s various updated
information on itineraries, destinations and culture, decide on the number of holidays to sell each
season and the resorts/ countries to use, fix deadlines and monitor the work plan,
assign targets to the team leaders
©Managing the fin ancial operations -perform the financial analysis of potential income earned by
packaged and promotional tours organized, prepare and produce the budget comprising of various
costs for the financial year, verify the accounts and financial statement from t he accounting
department, check the various expenses and income statements of the company, inspect the issues
and causes for the loss if any, ensure to rectify the mistakes in the current financial year in case of
loss, provide approval for the reimburseme nts of team leaders, oversee the bills received from the
clients, approve to settle the bills of various clients such as hotels, guides, event organizers and other
clients if there are no doubts in it, approve the payrolls of the staff
(d)Attending to cus tomer concerns
read through the feedback forms and look into the customer concerns, ensure the customer
complaints and concerns are taken into action for rectification, provide any support to the tourists
during the trip
(e)Achieving customer satisfactio n- To be competent, the user/ individual must be able to: ensure
travel arrangements for the tourists run smoothly and enjoyably throughout the trip , ensure to
maintain long standing relationships with the customers, ensure the customers are satisfied at all
times with the services offered, ensure the safety and security of the tourists
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JTBVOC 5.08
iii) Course Title: Event Management
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 4
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
Page 209
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management) Semester – V
Theory Code : J TVOC 5 .08 Subject : EVENT MANAGEMENT
Periods per week Lectures – 3 4 Credits
Units Module name No of
Unit -I Introduction to Event Management Introduction to Events – Concept,
Definition and Frameworks, Categories and Typologies. Characteristics of
Events, Social - Economical and Developmental implications of Events.
Market Demand and Supply for Event.
Unit -II Event Planning Event planning – Concept, Process and D esign, Pre - Event
Research, Studying Event Feasibility, Legal compliances, Event Venue
Finding, Logistics and Ambience. Marketing, and Advertising for Events. For
Events, PR for Events Financial Management of Events. Events Catering tips.
Events decorati on Entertainment planning and Speaker selection. Various
Protocols Events Time Management in Events.
Page 210
Unit -III
Issues in Event Management HR Considerations : The Human Resource
Planning Process: Need Assessment: Policies and Procedures; Job
Description s: Recruitment and selection; training and development of event
staff. Developing Leadership and Supervision skills during Events. Group
development, Skills required to be a Good event planner. Safety and Security
Considerations; Occupational Safety, and H ealth, Major Risks. Incident
Reporting, Crowd Management and Evacuation: the Crowd Management plan.
Unit -IV Specialized Events -Types. Various considerations while organizing theme
parties. M.I.C.E (Meeting, Incentive, Conference and Convention, Exhibitions
Business Meetings: understanding the concept, various meeting setups.
Organizing business meetings.
REFERENCES: • Lynn V. and Brenda R., Event Management, Pearson Publication, New Delhi •
Van der Wagen, L., & Carlos, B. R. (2005). Event mana gement: For tourism cultural, • Business and
Sporting Events. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, Prentice Hall. • S.N Bagchiand Anita Sharma ,
Food and Beverage Service, Aman Publication. New Delhi. • Lawson, F.R Congress, Conventions
and Conference: facili ty Supply and demand International Journal of tourism management,
September. 188, 1980. • Donald Getz, Event Management and Event Tourism, 1999. • Goldblatt, JJ
Special Evens: Art and Science of Celebration. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1990
SUB -SECTOR: Tours and Travels
OCCUPATION: Travel Agency Operations
Qualification Pack: Team Leader (Travel)
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
Page 211
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 6.01
iii) Course Title: International Finance
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
J.B.Voc. 6.01 International Finance
Page 212
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management) Semester – VI
Theory Code : J BVOC 6.01 Subject : International Finance
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3 Credits
Objectives :
To integrate domestic and global business analysis and provide students with the necessary
tools to understand global business principles,
To acquaint the student with issues associated with the international finance.
To familiarize the students with the concepts, functions, techniques of the working of the
foreign exchange markets and its influence and impact on business in a glo balized business
Units Module name No of
Unit -I Meaning, scope, importance of international finance. Emerging issues in
International finance in a globalized world economy. Relationship/ role of
BOP with International finance.
Unit -II Brief overview of international monetary system – Gold standard, Bretton
Woods system, Fixed and flexible exchange rates, current exchange rate
Unit -III
Foreign exchange Mares – meaning, functions and structure of forex markets.
Types of transactions, exchange rates – meaning and factor determinants.
Forex quotations - spot and forward and arbitrage.
Unit -IV World Financial markets and institutions , euro currency markets - origin –
Euro bonds.
J.B.Voc. 6.02
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
Page 213
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 6.02
iii) Course Title: Multimedia II
iv) Seme ster Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Sche me of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
PAPER -JBVOC 6.02 Multimedia II
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management) Semester – VI
Page 214
Theory Code : J BVOC 6.02 Subject : Multimedia II
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3 Credits
Units Module name No of
Introduction -Getting Started -Creating A New File - Title Bar -Menu Bar -Work
Area -Printable Page -Property Bar -Page Counter Bar -Colour Palette -Toolbox -
Status Bar -Drawing Figures -Lines -Ellipse -Circles -Rectangle -Square -
Polygon -Saving -Closing -Opening -Views -Normal View -Preview -Wire Frame
View -Draft View -Zoom -View Manager -Creating a View.
Introduction - Toolbox -Selecting an Object -Resizing an Object -
Moving an Object -Changing the Shape -Combining Two Objects -Skewing -
Welding the Objects -Blending -Curve Lines -Straight Lines -Continuing a Line -
View Mode -Changing -Media Tool -Rotating An Object -Grouping -Fill Tool
Fly Out -Filling -Spray Mode.
Introduction -Text Tool -Entering Artistic Text -Entering Paragraph Text -
Converting Text -Formatting Text-Changing the Font Size -Arranging
Objects -Ordering The Objects -Changing the Font -Bullets -Decorating the
Text-Webdings -Text Editor -Opening -Changing the Alignment -Type Style -
Spell Checking -Grammer -Searching Synonyms -Find-Replace -Editing -
Kerning -Formattin g Characters.
Bitmap Images -Vector Image -Resizing -Rotating -Skewing -Moving -Cropping -
Importing Images -Adding Special Effects -Converting to Bitmap -Exporting
Navigating Photoshop, Menus and panels, Opening new files, Opening
existing files
Page 215
Getting Started with Photoshop : Exploring the Toolbox
The New CS4 Applications Bar & the Options Bar, Exploring Panels &
Menus, Creating & Viewing a New Document ,Customizing the Interface,
Setting Preferences, Working with Images,resizing & cropping images
1) An Introduction to Adobe Photoshop by Steve Bark
2) Basics of Photoshop by Adam Dachis
3) CorelDraw For Dummies
4) CorelDraw 10 Step by Step
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 6.03
iii) Course Title: Reasoning Aptitude and Placement Orientation
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
Page 216
PAPER -JBVOC 6.03 Multimedia II
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management) Semester – VI
Periods per week Lectures - 3 3 Credits
1.To enable students for reasoning aptitude questions
2.To prepare students in data interpretation
3.To hone skills in Syllogism, verbal ability and comprehension
4.To prepare students in critical problem solving
5.To check General awareness
5.Group discussion and Interview
Units Module name No of
Unit -I PICTURE REASONING - In this section, a series of pictures are given which
may consist of picture series, picture analogy or picture classification,
STATEMENT REASONING - In this section, sequence questions like
seating arrangement or money distribution or height arrangement are given. A
set of five questions are based directly on the statements given.
Unit -II DATA INTERPRETATION -This section consists of a direct sequence of 5
questions based on the data which is provided in the form of table charts, bar
charts, pie charts or line charts. DATA SUFFICIENCY - Here a set of two
statements are given followed by 5 options which satisf y the answer for the
statements. You have to decide which option best suits the answer
Unit -III ANALYTICAL PROBLEMS -This section will have case studies and you
need to mark options from the given solutions and provide analysis for the
appropriate solutio n, RELATION PROBLEM - This section consists of
questions which are similar to the sets and relations like students with biology,
maths, physics and chemistry, maths and biology, only physics, etc., and
questions related as such
Unit -IV SYLLOGISM -This section consists of statement followed by two
conclusions. We need to pick out from 5 options which suits the best answer,
COMPREHENSION & TECHNICAL WRITING -In this section questions
will test your comprehension and understanding of technical reports ,
Page 217
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JBVOC 6.04
iii) Course Title: Data Analytics
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 3
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
J.B.Voc 6.04 Data Analytics
PAPER -JBVOC 6.04 Data Analytics
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management) Semester – VI
Theory Code : J BVOC 6.04 Subject : Data Analytics
Periods per week Lectures – 3 3 Credits
Units Module name No of
Page 218
Unit -I Statistical Techniques Different types of data, Frequency Distributions,
Measures of central tendency and dispersion, Basic Probability, Normal
Distribution, Central Limit Theorem, Hypothesis Testing
Unit -II -Regression Simple and Multiple Linear Regression, R2 and Adj R2 ,
ANOVA, Interpretation of coefficients, Dummy Variables, Residual Analysis,
Outliers, Logistic Regression, Assumptions, Logistic Function, Chi -Square, -2
Log Likelihood, Classificati on Table, Interpreting Coefficients, Dependent
Variable Prediction
Unit -III Forecasting (Time Series) Time Series vs. Causal Models, Moving Average,
Exponential Smoothing, Trend, Seasonality, Cyclicity, Causal modeling using
linear regression, Forecast Accuracy
Unit -IV Data Mining Techniques Market Basket Analysis, Apriori, FP Growth,
Evaluation Methods: Lift, Kulc, IR, Chi –Square, Classification, Decision Tree
Induction, Bayes Methods, Rule -Based Classification, Model Evaluation and
Selection, Ensemble Approaches, Clustering, Partitioning Methods,
Hierarchical Methods, Density -Based Methods, Grid -Based Methods,
Evaluation of Clustering
SYLLABUS S Y B.Voc- Travel & Tourism Management
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JTBVOC 6.05
iii) Course Title: Quality Management in Tourism
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 4
Page 219
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
J.B.VOC 6.05 Quality Management in Tourism
PAPER -JBVOC 6.05 Quality Management in Tourism
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management) Semester – VI
Theory Code : J TVOC 6.05 Subject : Quality Management in Tourism
Periods per week Lectures – 3 4 Credits
Units Module name No of
Unit -I Quality Management : Concept, need & importance , Quality Management in Urban
Tourism Seasonability in tourism : Problems & Measurement , Improving the tourist
experience , Quality Management applied to tourist destinations, Attraction & land
use management , Project Management : Managing recourses, time, Quality Project
Management techniques & skills.
Unit -II The role of manager and management style, Principles and applications of service
quality in managing tourist destination, Tourist destination life cycle and quality
management. , Total Quality Management & Tourism o ISO , Importance of quality
Management in deve loping and tourist destination .
Unit -III Concept of service: Definitions & Meaning o Types of service o Classifications of
services, Growing importance of services in Future Societies & impact of service in
daily life o Role of customers in Service P rocess of Service Quality, Productivity &
quality improvement
Page 220
Unit -IV Management challenges in service sector, Key elements of Managerial skill in
Tourism & hospitality Industry, Tourism and crises Management, International
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JTBVOC 6.06
iii) Course Title: Niche Tourism II
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 5
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
J.T.VOC 6.06 Niche Tourism II
PAPER -JTVOC 6.06 Niche Tourism II
Page 221
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management) Semester – VI
Theory Code : J TVOC 6.06 Subject : Niche Tourism II
Periods per week Lectures – 3 5 Credits
Learning outcomes
To build in students an ability to understand the niche segments in tourism
To build knowledge necessary to target niche markets in a more effective manner, according to the
needs of business as well as market development
Interpret market trends and match and design o r redesign niche tourism products appropriate to a
particular destination
Find, evaluate, use and appropriately refer to relevant information
Units Module name No of
Unit -I (Wildlife Tourism)
Selected important national parks & sanctuaries in India: (List given below)
Dachigam national Park, Corbett National Pak, Dudhwa National Park,
Kaziranga National Park, Manas Tiger Reserve, Kanha National Pak, Gir
National parks & Sanctuary, Ranthambore National Park, Keoladeo Ghana
Natio nal Park,TheSunderbans National Park, Simlipal National Park,
Bandipur&Nagarhole National Park, Madumalai Sanctuary, Periyar National
Park, Desert Sanctuary, Wild Ass Sanctuary.
Unit -II Wellness and Medical Tourism
Unit -III Culinary and Beverage Tourism
Unit -IV Special Interest Tourism
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
ii) Course Code: JTBVOC 6.07
Page 222
iii) Course Title: Tourism Law
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 5
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligib ility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management) Semester – VI
Theory Code : J TVOC 6.07 Subject : TOURISM LAW
Periods per week Lectures – 3 5 Credits
To understand the basic principles of various Laws, Codes, roles and regulations relating to tourism for
providing professional assistance and advice to tourists
Units Module name No of
Unit -I Introduction – Law and society - Branches of Law – Commercial Law - Company
Law- Industrial Law – Environmental Law. General Principles of Contract Act -
Essential elements of Contract, Breach of Contract – Consumer Protection Act.
Page 223
Unit -II Basic Principles of Company Law - Registration of Company – Types of
companies – Types & administration of Meetings – winding up of companies.
Unit -III Citizenship – Passport - Visa - FEMA – Foreigners Registration Act – Customs –
RBI g uidelines - Criminal Law - Registration of cases. Law relating to common
carrier, tour operators, travel agents & hotel, air law - concepts & carriage by air.
Law of sea -concept, bill of lading and foreign travels, Regulatory law for tourism
,Baggage conces sions for tourist
Unit -IV Environment Act – Environment rules – EIA guidelines - Forest Act – Forest
Conservation Act – Wild life Protection Act –, Antiquities & Art Treasures Act
The Ancient Monument & Archaeological Sites & Remains Act
General suggestions to improve tourism in India
1. Shyam Divan, Armin Rosencranz (2008), Environmental law and policy in India, Oxford University
2. M.C.Kuchhal (1994), Company Law, Vikas Publication House, New Delhi.
Contract Act - Consumer Protection Act, 1986 - Constitution of India - Criminal Procedure Code 1973 -
Environmental Protection Act 1986 - Foreign Exchange Management Act - Forest Conservation Act
1980 - Negotiation Instruments Act 1881 - Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 1954 - Passports Act
1967 - RBI guidelines - Sale of Goods Act 1930 - The Pondicherry code -volume I - Wildlife Protection
Act 1972.
1. Avtar Singh (2007), Company Law, Eastern Book & Co., Lucknow.
2. Chandra P.R (2007), Mercantile Law, Galgotia Publishing House, New Delhi.
3. Tulsain P.C (2007), Business Laws, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
4. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, amended 1991, http://envfor.nic/legis/legis.html
5. Foreign Exchange Management Act, /the_minister/dept_eco
6. Foreigners Registration Act,
1. SachindraShekharBishwas:: protecting the cultural Heritage
2. Sinha P.C :: International E ncyclopaedia of Tourism Management
3. Malik S :: Ethical & Legal & Regulatory Aspects Tourism Business
1) Syllabus as per Credit based Semester and Grading System
i) Name of the Programme: B. Voc ( Travel & Tourism Management)
Page 224
ii) Course Code: JTBVOC 6.08
iv) Semester Wise Course Content: As per Syllabus
v) Reference and Additional References: Submitted Already
Credit: 4
vi) Lectures per unit: 15
vii) No of Lectures per week /Semester: 60
2) Scheme of Examination : Internal and Semester End (75/25)
3) Special Notes if any : As per UGC Norms
4) Eligibility , if any : As per UGC Norms
5) Fee Structure : As per University Norms
6) Special Ordinance / Resolution , if any
CLASS: B. Voc (Travel & Tourism Management) Semester – VI
Periods per week Lectures – 3 4 Credits
The general objective of this course is to introduce students to entrepreneurship and its role in
tourism sector. The specific objectives are: (i) to ensure that students acquire some basic
understanding about the concept, its growth and its scope for tourism sector (ii) to help
students understand the importance of entrepreneurship for any eco nomy
Units Module name No of
Unit -I .
Page 225
Stages of Evolution of the Concept of Entrepreneur and & Entrepreneurship,
Theories of Entrepreneurship: Schumpeter’s Theory, Peter Duckers Theory
and Mc. Clelland’s Theories, Communities promoted entrepreneurship in
India, Role of entrepreneurs in economics
development of a country, Entrepreneurship & its barriers in India.
Unit -II Meaning, definition, and scope of SSI • Role of Government agencies and financial
institutions in promotion of Tourism & entrepreneurship development.
i. DIC ii. MIDC iii. MSFC iv. MSSIDC v. SICOM vi. TFCI - Tourism Finance Corporation of
India. vii. India Tourism viii. Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation.
Unit -III Small Scale Industry (SSI), Definitions, Characteristics, Need and Rationale:
Scope, Role of SSI, Advantages of SSI, Different Policy of SSI, Government
Supports for
SSI during Five -Year Plans, Impact of Liberalization, Privatization, and
Globalization, Effect
Unit -IV Entrepreneurship in Tourism – Opportunity Identification – Business Plan -
Feasibility Report – Funding options -Organizational Framework for Promotion
and Development of Tourism and Travel Business - Venture Creation and
1. Bedi, Kanishka: Management & Entrepreneurship, Oxford, New Delhi.
2. Aldrich, H.E. & Martinez, M.A. (2001). Many are called but few are chosen: An
evolutionary perspective for the study of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and
Practice, 25:41 -56.
3. New York: John Wiley & Sons Bird B.J. (1989). Entrepreneurial Behavior.
4. Caree, M. Van Stel, A. Thurik R., &Wennekers, S. (2002). Economic d evelopment and
business ownership; An analysis using date of 23 OECD countries in the period 1976 -
1996. Small Business Economics, 19:271 -90.
5. Cramer,J.S., Hartog, J, Jonker, N., & Van Praag, C.M. (2002). Low risk aversion
encourages the choice of entrep reneurship an empirical test of a truism. Journal of
Economic Behavior and Organizing, 48:29 -36
6. Earle, J.S., &Sakova, Z. (1999). Entrepreneurship from scratch: Lessons on the entry
decision into self -employment from transiton economics. IZA Discussion P aper 79.
7. Evans D.S., & Leighton, L.S. (1989). Some empirical aspects of entrepreneurship.
American Economic Review, 79:519 -35.
8. Gartner, W.B. (1989). ‘Who is an entrepreneurial?’ is the wrong question.
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 13:47 -68.
9. McGrath, R.G., MacMillan, I.C., &Scheinberg, S(1992). Elitist, ris
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