BIM Semester V and VI Syllabus to be implememnted 2018 2019 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 1 | P a g e
University of Mumbai
Revised Syllabus
Question Paper Pattern
of Courses of
B.Com. (Investment Management)
Programme at
Third Year
Semester V and VI
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and
Semester System
(To be implemented from Academic Year 2018-2019)
Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 2 | P a g e
B.Com. ( Investment Management ) Programme
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System
T.Y.B.Com. ( Investment Management )
(To be implemented from Academic Year 2018 -2019)
No. of
Courses Semester V Credits No. of
Courses Semester VI Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC) 1 Elective Courses (EC)
&4 *Any four courses from the
following list of the courses 12 1,2,3
&4 **Any four courses from the
following list of the courses 12
2 Core Course (CC) 2 Core Course (CC)
5 International Finance - I 04 5 International Finance - II 04
3 Ability Enhancement Course(AEC) 3 Ability Enhancement Course(AEC)
6 Research Methodology 04 6 Project Work 04
Total Credits 20 Total Credits 20
Note: Project work is considered as a special course involving application of knowledge in
solving/analyzing/exploring a real life situation/ difficult problem. Project work would be of 04
credits each. A project work may be undertaken in any area of Elective Courses/ Study Area
*List of Elective Courses
for Semester V (Any F our) **List of Elective Courses
for Semester VI (Any Four)
01 Operations in Equity Market 01 Commodity Market s and Derivative s
02 Corporate Accounting 02 Auditing
03 Business Ethics 03 Corporate Governance
04 Risk Management 04 Project Management
05 Behavioural Finance 05 Venture Capital
06 Merchant Banking - I 06 Merchant Banking - II
Note: Course selected in Semester V will continue in Semester VI
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 3 | P a g e
B.Com . (Investment Management ) Programme
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System
Course Structure
(To be implemented from Academic Year 2018 -2019)
Semester V
No. of
Courses Semester V Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
1,2,3 & 4 *Any four courses from the following list of the courses 12
2 Core Courses (CC)
5 International Finance - I 04
3 Ability Enhancement Course(AEC)
6 Research Methodology 04
Total Credits 20
*List of Elective Courses for Semester V (Any F our)
01 Operations in Equity Market
02 Corporate Accounting
03 Business Ethics
04 Risk Management
05 Behavioural Finance
06 Merchant Banking - I
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 4 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Investment Management )
Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
1. Operations in Equity Market
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 An Overview of Indian Equity Market 15
02 Primary and Secondary Markets 15
03 Valuation of Equities 15
04 Trading Systems and Strategies 15
Total 60
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 5 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 An Overview of the Indian Equity Market
Meaning and definition of Equity Shares - Growth of Corporate Sector and
simultaneous growth in number of equity shareholders -Separation of Ownership
and Management in the Company - Development of Equity Culture in India and
Current Position.
Security Marke t- An overview, Market Terminology and Investment Procedure in
Primary and Secondary Market .
2 Primary and Secondary Markets
Primary Market -IPO- Methods Followed - Book building - offer for sale - Role of
Merchant Bankers in Fixing the Price - Red Herring P rospectus - ASBA - Green Shoe
Option - Sweat Equity - ESOP - Right Issue of Shares - ADR - GDR - IDR
Secondary Market - Definition and Functions - Evolution and Growth - NSE- BSE-
SME Exchanges and overseas Stock Exchanges - Recent developments - Merger o f
SEBI with FOMC - Stock market indices .
3 Valuation of Equities
Factors affecting Share Prices – Balance Sheet Valuation - Dividend Discount
Model - Price Earning Model - Fundamental Analysis - Macroeconomic F actors -
Market Related F actors
Role of Brokers - stock market quotations - procedure for buying and selling - BOLT
online trading - NEAT - Clearing and settlement - Order matching .
4 Trading Systems and Strategies
Trading System in Stock E xchange: Introduction, NEAT & BOLT, Screen Based
Trading System (SBTS), Market Phases , Order Management , Trade Management ,
Market Window Operations and Auction .
Trading Strategies: Long v/s Short and Brief Introduction to Hedging , Daily
Settlement and Market Margins .
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 6 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Investment Management )
Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
2. Corporate Accounting
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Introduction to Corporate Accounting 15
02 Valuation of Shares 15
03 Company Final Accounts 20
04 Investment Accounting 10
Total 60
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 7 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Corporate Accounting
Meaning of Company, Requirement of Accounting for Companies, Procedures of
Accounting for Companies, Importance of Corporate Accounting, Use of
Accounting Standards in Corporate Accounting, Issue of Shares , Issue of
Debentures , Issue of Bonds , Recent Trends in Corporate Accounting.
2 Valuation of Shares
Meaning of Shares , Types of Shares , Shares as a means of Investment , Importance
of Shares , Valuation of Shares in case of Merger and Acquisition of Shares ,
Intrinsic value of Shares , Yield value of Shares, Fair Value of Shares
3 Company Final Accounts
Relevant provisions of Companies Act related to Preparation of Final Account s
(excluding cash flow statement)
Preparation of Financial Statements as per Companies Act. (excluding cash flow
AS 1 in relation to Final Accounts of Companies (disclosure of accounting
Adjustment for –
1. Closing Stock
2. Depreciation
3. Outstanding expenses and income
4. Prepaid expenses and Pre received income
5. Proposed Dividend and Unclaimed Dividend
6. Provision for Tax and Advance Tax
7. Bill of exchange ( Endorsement, Honour, Dishonour)
8. Capital Expenditure included in Revenue expenditure and vice versa
eg- purchase of furniture included in purchases
9. Unrecorded Sales and Purchases
10. Good sold on sale or return basis
11. Managerial remuneration on Net Profit befor e tax
12. Transfer to Reserves
13. Bad debt and Provision for bad debts
14. Calls in Arrears
15. Loss by fire ( Partly and fully insured goods)
16. Goods distributed as free samples.
17. Any other adjustments as per the prevailing accounting standard.
4 Investment Accounting
For Shares (variable income bearing securities)
For Debentures/Preference Shares (fixed income bearing securities)
Accounting for Transactions of Purchase and Sale of Investments with ex and
cum interest prices and finding cost of investment sold and carrying cost as per
weighted average method (Excl. brokerage).
Columnar Format for Investment Account .
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 8 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Investment Management )
Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
3. Business Ethics
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Introduction to Business Ethics 15
02 Application of Ethical Theories in Business 10
03 Organizational Ethics 10
04 Ethics and Social Responsibility 15
05 Business Ethics in Global Economy. 10
Total 60
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 9 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Business Ethics
Defini tion, Meaning, Nature of Ethics, Meaning of Moral & Ethics.
Types of Ethics, Import ance of Ethics, Business Ethics -Meaning and Nature.
Importance of Ethics in Business , Areas of Business Ethics, Meaning of Functional
Ethics , Types of Ethics According to Functions of Business - Marketing Ethics,
Foreign Trade Ethics and Ethics Relating t o Copyright.
Ethics relating to Free and Perfect Competitive Mar ket.
2 Application of Ethical Theories in Business
Ethical Decision Making: Decision Making (Normal Dilemmas And Problems):
(I) Utilitarianism (J. Bentham And J.S. Mill), (Ii) Deontology (I. Kant) Virtue Ethics
(Aristotle). Gandhain Approach In Management And Trustee ship, Importance And
Relevance o f Trusteeship Principle in Modern Business. Ethical Issues in
Functional Areas of Business.
Ethics in Advertising (Truth In Advertising). Ethical Issues i n Finance,
3 Organizational Ethics
Individual Ethics - Professional Ethics . Corporate Ethics - Ethical Behavior - Ten
Commandments of Ethical Behavior , Control & Audit of Ethical Behavior .
Finance: Fairness and Efficiency in Financial M arket, Insider Trading, Green Mail ,
Golden Parachute . HR: Workers Rights and Duties : Work place Safeties , Sexual
harassment, Whistle Blowing .
4 Ethics and Social Responsibility
Meaning & Definition of CSR, History & Evolution of CSR. Concept of Charity ,
Corporate Philanthropy , Ethics Relating to Environment Protection , Ethics
Relating to Consumer Protection - Social Responsibility &Business Ethics
Arguments for and against Social Responsibility . CSR through Triple Bottom Line
and Sustainable Business , -Relation Between Corporate Responsibility &Business
Ethics .
5 Business Ethics in Global Economy
Ethics in the context of Global E conomy - Relationship between Business Ethics &
Business Development - Role of Business Ethics in Building a Civilized Society .
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 10 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. (Investment Management )
Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
4. Risk Management
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Foundations of Risk Management 15
02 Capital Market Risk Management 15
03 Credit Market Risk Management 15
04 Risk Measurement 15
Total 60
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 11 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Foundations of Risk Management
Basic Risk Types
The Role of Risk Management
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
History of Financial Disasters and Risk Management Failures
2007 Financial Crisis
2 Capital Market Risk Management
Equity, Currencies &Commodities Markets in India
Introduction to Derivatives
Forward, Future and Option C ontracts
Hedging through Derivatives Contract
Fixed -income Securities
Fixed -income Risk management through Derivatives
Rating Agencies
3 Credit Market Risk Management
Information required for Evaluation of Credit Risk ,
Procedure for Credit Risk Management,
Credit Lifecycle,
Loan Review Mechanism,
RBI guidelines on Credit Rating Framework in Banks,
Introduction of Basel Norms and Calculation of Capital Adequacy Ratio
4 Risk Measurement
Estimation of volatilities and correlations (application to volatility term
structures) Monte Carlo simulations (application to interest rate forecasting)
Linear Value -at-Risk (application to market, credit and operational risk)
Option valuation
Risk-adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC) & beta calculation
Risk management of Derivatives (applica tion to convertible risk)
Interest Rates and Measures of Interest Rate Sensitivity
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 12 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Investment Management )
Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
4. Behavioural Finance
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Behavioural Factors and Financial Markets 15
02 External Factors and Investor Behaviour 15
03 Behavioural Corporate Finance 15
04 Emotions and Decision 15
Total 60
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 13 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Behaviour al Factors and Financial Markets
The Efficient Markets Hypothesis – Fundamental Information and Financial
Markets - Information available for Market Participants and Market Efficiency -
Market Predictability –The Concept of limits of Arbitrage Model - Asset
Management and Behavioural Facto rs - Active Portfolio Management: Return
Statistics and Sources of Systematic Underperformance . - Fundamental
Information, Technical Analysis, and Behavioural Factors
2 External Factors and Investor Behaviour
Weather, Emotions, and Financial Markets: Sunshine, Geomagnetic Activity -
Mechanisms of the External Factor influence on Risk Perception and Attitudes -
Connection to Human Psychophysiology and Emotional Regulation - Misattribution
as a mechanism for exter nals factors influence. Statistical methodology for
capturing the effects of external influence onto stock market returns - Emotional
content of news articles and their correlation with market dynamics - Social
trends and market dynamics: music, fashion, d emographics - Active portfolio
management – the source of the systematic underperformance. Fundamental
information and technical analysis – the case for psychological influence.
3 Behavioural Corporate Finance
Behavioural factors and Corporate Decisions on Capital Structure and Dividend
Policy - Capital Structure dependence on Market Timing - Timing of Good and Bad
Corporate News Announcement - Mergers and Acquisitions and the Winner’s
Curse - M&A waves and market timing - IPO under pricing - Systematic excessive
optimism and Over confidence in managers’ decisions. Company Name and its
Market value - Sunk costs and mental accounting. Evolutionary explanations for
behavioural effects - Evidence from behavioural game theory - Systematic
approach to using behavioural factors in corporate decision making
4 Emotions and Decision
Experimental measurement of risk -related - Measuring Risk - Emotional
mechanisms in modulating risk -taking attitude - Neurophysiology of risktaking .
Personality traits and risk attitudes in different domains - Evolutionary
prospective and emotions. Proximal and ultimate mechanisms framework –
Making decisions with “play” and real money - Modulating altruistic behaviour by
utilizing the essentials of the specific proximal mechanisms - Emotions and
rationality - Antonio Damasio and somatic markers
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 14 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Investment Management )
Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
6. Merchant Banking - I
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Merchant Banking 15
02 Capital Funds 15
03 Issue Management Process 15
04 Issue Management & Due Diligence 15
Total 60
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 15 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Merchant Banking
Merchant Banking and Financial Services : Introduction, Concept of
Merchant Banking , Financial system in India and Development of Merchant
Banks and Regulations in India.
Underwriting and Brokerage - Different roles played by Underwriters and
Brokers in Issue Management and their responsibilities .
2 Capital Funds
Raising Capital from International Markets - Needs of Indian companies for raising
Funds from Foreign Markets , Usage of Euro issue, Evaluation of various types of
Depository Receipts - American Depository Receipts, Global Depository Receipts,
FCCBs and FCEBs.
3 Issue Management Process
The process of issue management and merchant banker’s role in it, The
appointment of SEBI registered intermediaries and other intermediaries, The
process of filing of offer document by the issuer with SEBI and the ROC with the
help of the lead Merchant Ban ker, List of the documents to be submitted before
opening of the issue, Copy of agreement between the Issuer and Merchant
Banker, Certificate of compliance stating compliance of conditions, Due diligence
certificate while registering DRHP/ Red Herring Pros pectus/ prospectus with the
ROC/ final post issue report, The type of In -Principle Approval from recognized
stock exchanges for initial public issues as well as in the case for rights and further
public offerings, the allotment, refund and payment of inte rest.
4 Issue Management & Due Diligence
The general obligations of Intermediaries with respect to Public Issues and Rights
Issue, The pricing in preferential issue, The pricing and restrictions on allotment of
Qualified Institutional Placement, The pre -issue advertisement for rights issue,
Utilization of funds raised through rights issue and the manner of disclosures in
the offer document, The procedure for Institutional Placement Programme w.r.t
Offer Document Pricing and Allocation/Allotment Restrictions, Minimum number
of allotees, Restriction s on size of the offer, Period of subscription and display of
demand, Transferability of eligible securities, The procedure for issue of Indian
Depository Receipts (IDRs) w.r.t Eligibility Conditions for issue of IDR, Minimum
Subscription Filing of Draft P rospectus, Due diligence Certificate, Payment of Fees
and Issue of advertisements for IDR, Post Issue Reports, Undersubscribed Issue
Finalisation of basis of allotment, The importance of due diligence, The role of
external parties in the due diligence pro cess and List of due diligence documents.
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 16 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Investment Management )
Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
2. Core Course ( CC)
1. International Finance - I
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Global Financial Environment 15
02 International Money and Equity Markets 15
03 Euro Currency Markets and International Bond Market 15
04 Obstacles to International Investment 15
Total 60
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 17 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Global Financial Environment
Introduction to International Finance - The Challenge of International Finance - The
Finance Function in Global Context -Global Financial Markets -Cost of Capital -
Financial Structure -Intra company Transfers -Capital Budgeting(only theoretical
overview) -International Financial Management and Imperfections in Financial
Markets - Growing International Integration - Diversification Benefits of Global
Investment - International Mergers and Acquisitions - Definition and Classification -
Why d o Firms Engage in Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions -Changes in Policy
and Regulatory Environment - Trends and Characteristics of Cross -Border M&As
2 International Money and Equity Markets
Introduction and Role of the International Money Market -Selected Instruments of
International Money Market -Returns on the Money Market Instruments
Major stocks markets of the world -Emerging stock markets -International Equity
Trading – Multiple Listing -International Equity Markets Credit Rating Agencies and
Their Role -Depository Receipts - GDR -Characteristics -Mechanism of Issue -
Participants involved -ADR - Types and Characteristics -concept of IDR
3 Euro Currency Markets and International Bond Market
Introduction to Eurocurrency Markets -Reasons for Growth of Eurocurrency
Markets -Euro Dollar Markets - Operations of Euro Markets -Functions of
International bond market - Participants - Risk Associated with Investing in Bond
Markets -Domestic Bond -Foreign Bonds -Euro Currency Bond -Types of euro
currency bonds - Issue Procedure of Euro Currency Bonds -Foreign Currency
Convertible and Foreign Currency Exchangeable Bonds - Participatory notes
4 Obstacles to International Investment
Information Barriers -Foreign Exchange Risk-Political Risks -Market Risks -Taxation -
Other Regulatory Barriers
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 18 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking and Insurance )
Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
3. Ability Enhancement Course ( AEC)
1. Research Methodology
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Research 10
2 Data Collection and Processin g 15
3 Data Analysis and Interpretation 15
4 Advanced Statistical Techniques 15
5 Research Report 05
Total 60
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 19 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Research
Meaning, Objectives and Importance of Research
Types of Research
Research Process.
Characteristics of Good Research
Hypothesi s-Meaning, Nature, Significance, Types and Sources.
Research Design– Meaning, Definition, N eed and Impor tance, Steps,
Scope and Essent ials of a Good Research Design.
Sampling– a) M eaning of Sample and Sampling,
b) Methods of S ampling
i) Non -Probability Sampling– Convenient, Judgment, Quot a, Snow b all
ii) Probability– Simple Random, Stratified, Cluster, Multi Stage.
2 Data Collection a nd Processing
Types of Data and Sources-Prima ry and Secondary Data Sources
Methods of Collection of Primary Data
a. Observation- i)structured and unstr uctured, ii) disguised and u ndisguised,
iii)me chanical observations (use of gadgets)
b. Experime ntal i) Field ii) Laboratory
c. Interview – i) Person al Interview ii) focused group, iii) in- depth interviews
d. Survey– Telephonic su rvey, Mail, E-mail, Internet surv ey, Social medi a,
and M edia listenin g.
e. Survey instrument– i) Questionnaire designing.
a. Types of qu estions–i) structured/close ended and ii )
unstructured/ open ended, iii) Dichotomous, iv) Multiple Choice
b. Scaling technique s-i) Likert scale, ii) Semantic Differential scale.
3 Data Analysis and Interpretation
Processing of Data– Meaning & Essentials of i) Editing ii) Coding iii)
Analysis of Data-Meaning, Purpose, Types.
Interpretation of Data-Esse ntials, Import ance, Significance and Descriptive
Testing of hypothesis – One Sample T - Test, ANOVA, F - test, Chi Square and
Paired Sample Test
4 Adva nced Statistical Techniques
Introduction, Characteristics and Application of
Correlation and Regression Analysis
Factor Analysis
Cluster Analysis
Discriminant Analysis
Multidimensional Scaling
5 Research Report
Report writing – i) Meaning, Importanc e, Structure, Types, Process and
Essential s of a Good Repor t.
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 20 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com.( Investment Management )
Programm e at Semester V
with ef fect from the Academic Year 2018 -2019
Reference Books
Reference Books
Elective Courses (EC)
1. Operations in Equity Market
Financial Market and Services – E.Gordon and K.Natarajan - Himalaya Publishing House
Financial Market and Financial Securities in India - Benson Kunjukunju and S.Mohanan – New
Country Publication
Indian Financial Syste m- Evolution & Present Structure -Nitin Bnasin -New country Publication
Financial Market Operations - B.L.Mathur -Wide Vision
Capital Market Management - V.A.Avdhani –Himamlaya Publishing House
Capital Market and Financial Services - Anil Agashe –EverstPublishng House
2. Corporate Accounting
Ashish K. Bhattacharyya – “Financial Accounting for Business Managers”, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd.
Shashi K. Gupta – “Contemporary Issues in Accounting”, Kalyani Publishers.
R. Narayanaswamy – “Financial Accounting”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
Ashok Sehgal – “Fundamentals of Financial Accounting”, Taxmann’s Publishers
Financial Accounting Reporting – Barry Elliot and Jamie Elliot – Prentice Hall ( 14th Edition)
3. Business Ethics
Business Ethics, Crane& Matten
The Management and ethics omnibus - Chakraborty, Its only Business,Mitra,
Values and Ethics for Organizations, Chakraborty, OUP/OIP
Perspectives in Business Ethics, Hartman, Chatterjee
4. Risk Management
Quantitative Risk Management : A Practical Guide to Financial Risk - Thomas S. Coleman
Investment Theory and Risk Management: Steve Peterson
Risk Management : M/s Macmillan India Limited
Theory & Practice of Treasury Risk Management: M/s Taxman Publicati ons Ltd.
Corporate Value of ERM : Sim Segal
Risk Management : Insurance and Derivatives Dr G Kotreshwar -Himalaya Publishing House
5. Behavioural Finance
Behavioral Finance: Psychology, Decision -Making, and M arkets", by Ackert and Deaves.
Understandi ng Behavioral Finance by Ackert
The Psychology of Investing by John R. Nofsinger, Pearso n Prentice Hall, (4th Edition)
What Investors Really Want - Learn the lessons of behavioral Fina nce, McGraw -Hill
Handbook of Behav ioral Finance – Brian R. Bruce
Behaviora l finance - Wiley Finance - Joachim Goldberg, Rüdiger von Nitzsch
Plous, Scott, 1993, The Psychology of Judgment a nd Decision Making, Ch 10 -15
Shleifer, Andrei, 2000, Are Financial Markets Efficient, Chapter 1 in Inefficient Mar kets, Oxford
University Pre ss.
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 21 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com.( Investment Management )
Programm e at Semester V
with ef fect from the Academic Year 2018 -2019
Reference Books
Reference Books
Ackert, L., and R. Deaves, 2010, Behavioral Finance: Psychology, Decision -Making and Markets,
South -Western Cengage Learning, Mason, Ohio.
Nofsinger, J. R., 2001, Investment Madness, Prentice Hall.
Mitchell, O. S., and S. P. Utkus, eds., 2004. Pension Design and Structure: New Lessons from
Behavi oral Finance (Oxford University Press, New York, New York).
Shleifer, Andrei (2000): Inefficient Markets: An Introduction to Behavioral Finance, Oxford
University Press, Oxford.
6. Merchant Banking - I
Merchant Banking and Financial Services – Dr. S Guruswamy Fourth Edition, Delhi Publishing
Merchant Banking Principles & Practices – H. R Machiraju New Age International Ltd
Merchant Banking – NISM 2015 Edition
Core Course ( CC)
1. International Finance - I
Apte P.G. International Finance – A Business Perspective, New Delhi, TATA McGraw Hill ,
McGraw Hill Education; 2 edition .
Bhalla .V.K. international Financial Management - S.Chand Publishing.
International Financial Management, Thummuluri Siddaiah ,Pearson Education India, 2009.
Ability Enhancement Course ( AEC)
2. Research Methodology
Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis - Understanding Concepts and Applications(2004)
– Bruce Thompson First Edition
Interpreting Economic and Social Data – A Foundation of Descriptive Statistics (2009) - Othmar
W. Winkler - Springer
Regression Mod elling Strategies (2015) – Frank E Harrell, Jr Springer Series in Statistics
Research Methodology (2014) – Deepak Chawla and Neena Sondhi, Vikas Publishing House.
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 22 | P a g e
B.Com . (Investment Management ) Programme
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System
Course Structure
(To be implemented from Academic Year 2018 -2019)
Semester VI
No. of
Courses Semester VI Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
1,2,3 & 4 **Any four courses from the following list of the courses 12
2 Core Courses (CC)
5 International Finance - II 04
3 Ability enhancement Course
6 Project Work 04
Total Credits 20
**List of Elective Courses for Semester V I (Any F our)
01 Commodity Market s and Derivative s
02 Auditing
03 Corporate Governance
04 Project Management
05 Venture Capital
06 Merchant Banking - II
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 23 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Investment Management )
Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8- 2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
1. Commodity Markets a nd Derivatives
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Introduction to Commodity Markets 15
02 Commodity Exchanges 15
03 Commodity Derivatives 15
04 Pricing and Trading in Commodity Derivatives 15
Total 60
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 24 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Commodity Market
Emergence of Commodity Market -Dynamics of Global Commodity Markets .
Commodity Market in India - Commodity Exchanges in India -Role of Information in
Commodity Markets -Linkages between Equity Markets and Commodity Markets -
Commodity Markets - Logistics and Warehousing .
2 Commodity Exchanges
Function & Role -Trading & Clearing Methods -Commodity Futures -Commodity
Specific Exchanges Vs Multi Commodity Exchanges - Strengthening Commodity
Markets in India - Role of Government - Role of Commodity Exchanges - Other
Institutions -Training & development of Dealers .
Regulatory Framework: Forward Market Commission - Rules Governing
Commodity Derivatives Exchange, Rules Governing Intermediaries, Investor
Grievances, Arbitration Rules. -Essential commodities Act - VAT-Forward Contract
Regulation Act .
3 Commodity Derivatives
Definition, Types of Derivatives , Products, Participants and Functions, Exchange
Traded vs. OTC Derivatives -How Commodity Derivatives differ from Financial
Derivatives - Warehousing, Quantity of Underlying A ssets, Global Commodity
Exchanges, Commodity Exchanges in India, Commodities permitted for Trading ,
KABRA committee Report, Commodity Specific Issues - Cropping and Growth
Patterns , Global Domestic Demand -Supply Dynamics , Price Trends and Factors
that Influence Prices .
4 Pricing and Trading in Commodity Derivatives
Investment assets vs. Consumption assets -The Cost of Carry Model - Pricing
Futures Contracts on Investment Commodities -Pricing futures Contracts on
Consumption Commodities -The Futures Basics - Concept of Hedging, Speculation,
Basic concepts such as Margins, Circuit filters - Delivery Norms – Contracts
Specifications , Trading System , and Entities in the Trading System , Trader
Works tation , Order types and conditions, Exposure limits, Commodities to be
Traded : Types of Commodities: Bullion (silver and Gold), Agricultural
Commodities . Clearing, Settlement and Risk Management .
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 25 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Investment Management )
Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
2. Auditing
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Introduction to Auditing 15
02 Audit Planning, Procedures and Documentation 15
03 Auditing Techniques and Internal Audit Introduction 15
04 New Areas of Auditing and Professional Ethics 15
Total 60
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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Auditing
Basics – Financial Statements, Users of Information, Definition of Auditing,
Objectives of Auditing – Primary and Secondary, Expression of opinion, Detection
of Frauds and Errors, Inherent limitations of Audit. Difference between
Accounting and Auditing, Investi gation and Auditing.
Errors & Frauds – Definitions, Reasons and Circumstances, Types of Error –
Commission, Omission, Compensating error. Types of frauds, Risk of fraud and
Error in Audit, Auditors Duties and Responsibilities in case of fraud .
Principles of Audit – Integrity, Objectivity, Independence, Skills, Competence,
Work performed by others, Documentation, Planning, Audi Evidence, Accounting
System and Internal Control, Audit Conclusions and Reporting .
Types of Audit – Meaning, Advantages, Disadvant ages of Balance sheet
Audit, Interim Audit, Continuous Audit, Concurrent Audit and Annual Audit .
2 Audit Planning, Procedures and Documentation
Audit Planning – Meaning, Objectives, Factors to be considered, Sources of
obtaining information, Discussion with Client, Overall Audit Approach.
Audit Program – Meaning, Factors, Advantages and Disadvantages, Overcoming
Disadvantages, Methods of Work , Instruction befo re commenci ng Work, Overall
Audit Approach.
Audit Working Papers - Meaning, importance, Factors determining Form and
Contents, Main Functions / Importance, Features, Contents of Permanent Audit
File, Temporary Audit File, Ownership, Custody, Access of Othe r Parties to Audit
Working Papers, Auditors Lien on Working Papers, Auditors Lien on Client's Books
Audit Notebook – Meaning, Structure , Contents, General Information, Current
Information, Importance .
3 Auditing Techniques and Internal Audit Introduction
Test Check - Test Checking Vs Routing Checking, Test Check meaning, features,
factors to be considered, when Test Checks can be used, advantages
disadvantages precautions.
Audit Sampling - Audit Sampling, Meaning , Purpose, Factors in determining
Sample Size -Sampling Risk, Tolerable Error and Expected Error , Methods of
Selecting , Sample Items , Evaluation of Sample Results , Auditors Liability in
Conducting Audit Based on Sample
Internal Control - Meaning and Purpose , Review of Internal Control , Advantages ,
Auditors Duties , Review of Internal Control , Inherent Limitations of Internal
Control , internal Control Samples for Sales and Debtors , Purchases and Creditors ,
Wages and Salaries . Internal Checks Vs Internal Control, Internal Checks Vs Test
Internal Audit - Meaning, Basic Principles of Establishing Internal Audit ,
Objectives , Evaluation of Internal Audit by Statutory Auditor , Usefulness of
Internal Audit, Internal Audit Vs External Audit,, Internal Checks Vs Internal Audit
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Sr. No. Modules / Units
4 New Areas of Auditing and Professional Ethics
New Areas of Auditing
Introduction to Cost Audit, Human Resource Audit, Management Audit,
Operational Audit, Forecast Audit, Social Audit, Tax Audit, Forensic Audit and
Environmental (Green) Audit, Audit Committee.
Audit in an EDP Environment - Introduction, General Approach to EDP based Audit
and Special Techniques for Auditing in an EDP Environment.
Professional Ethics and Misconduct
Introduction, Meaning of Professional Ethics Meaning of Professional Misconduct,
Schedules to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 Relating to Professional
Misconduct, Enquiry into Charges of Misconduct of Chartered Accountants.
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Investment Management )
Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
3. Corporate Governance
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Introduction to Corporate Governance 15
02 Genesis of Corporate Governance in India 10
03 Evolution of Corporate Governance 10
04 Implementation of Corporate Governance 15
05 Corporate Governance and Issues Related to Scams 10
Total 60
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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Intro duction to Corporate Governance
Definition & Conceptual Framework of Corporate Governance, Business Ethics - an
important dimension to Corporate Governance, Fair and Unfair Business Practices.
Theoretical Basis of Corporate Governance, Mechanism - Corporate Governance
Systems, Indian Model of Governance, Good Corporate Governance, Obligations
Towards Society and Stake holders. Theories underlying Co rporate Governance
(Stake holder’s theory and Stewardship theory, Agency theory, Separation of
Ownership and Control, Corporate Governance Mechanism: Process, Indian
Model, OECD, and Emphasis on Corporate Governance, (Transparency
Accountability and Empowe rment).
2 Genesis o f Corporate Governance in India
Introduction , Principles – Arthashastra and Good Governance in Ancient India,
Protection of Interest of Customer and Investors, Historical Perspective of
Corporate Governance and Issues in Corporate Governance .
Values: Meaning, Types , Teaching from Scriptures Like Gita, Quran, Bible value
systems in Business.
3 Evolution of Corporate Governance
The Cadbury Committee -Code of best principles –Indian Experience of Corporate
Governance – The C II Code - SEBI initiative ,The Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee
Report, Corporate Governance in Globalized Economy – MNCs/TNCs and Business
Ethics. Relationship between Business Ethics -Corporate Governance and Ethical
Leadership ; Kohlberg’ s Six Stages of Moral Development
4 Impleme ntation of Corporate Governance
Role of Board of Directors and Board Structure, Role of the Non‐ executive
Director, Role of Auditors, SEBI Growth of Corporate Governance. Role of
Government, Corporate Governance in India. Accounting Standards and
Accounting disclosures. Finance Reporting and Corporate Governance, Non
Accounting Regulations in Corporate Governance, Corporate Governance & CSR,
Family Owned BusinessBackground, family businesses in India , Need for
Professionalization and Transparency in Family Business .
5 Corporate Governance and Issues Related to Scams
Corruption: Meaning, Causes , Effects. Frauds and scams in Banks , Insurance
Companies , Financial Institutions , Measures to Overcome F raud and Corruption
Zero Tolerance of Corruption . MRTP Act and MRTP commission. Competition Act,
Ethical Approach in IPR with respect to Designs, Patents and copyrights, Ethics and
IT. Case study, future of corporate Governance.
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Revised Syllabus of Co urses of B.Com. ( Investment Management )
Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
4.Project Management
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Basics of Project Management 15
02 Project Selection and Evaluation 15
03 Project Management Techniques 15
04 Project Quality Management 15
Total 60
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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Basics of Project Management
Introduction, Need for Project Management, Project Management
Knowledge Areas and Processes, The Project Life Cycle, The Project
Manager (PM), Phases of Project Management Life Cycle, Project
Management Processes, Impact of Delays in Project Completions,
Essentials of Project Management Philosophy, Project Management
Principles .
2 Project Selection and Evaluation
Project Identification and Selection: Introduction, Project Identification Process,
Project Initiation, Pre -Feasibility Study, Feasibility Studies, Project Break -even
point. Project Planning: Introduction, Project Planning, Need of Project Planning,
Project Life Cycle, Roles, Responsibility and Team Work, Project Planning Process,
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) .
Organisational Structure and Organisational Issues: Introduction, Concept of
Organisational Structure, Roles and Responsibilities of Project Leader,
Relationship between Project Manager and Line Manager, Leadership Styles for
Project Managers, Conflict Resolution, Team Management and Diversity
Management, Change Management .
3 Project Management Techniques
PERT and CPM: Introduction, Development of Project Network, Time Estimation,
Determination of the Critical Path, PERT Model, Measures of Variability , CPM
Model, Network Cost System .
Resources Considerations in Projects: Introduction, Resource Allocation,
Scheduling, Project Cost Estimate and Budgets, Cost Forecasts
Project Risk Management: Introduction, Risk, Risk Management, Role of Risk
Management in Overall Project Management, Steps in Risk Management, Risk
Identification, Risk Analysis, Reducing Risks .
4 Project Quality Management
Project Quality Management and Value Engineering: Introduction, Quality, Quality
Concepts, Value Engineering
Project Management Information System: Introduction, Project Management
Information System (PMIS), Planning of PMIS, Design of PMIS .
Project Management Software: Introduction, Advantages of Using Project
Management Software, Common Features Available in Most of the Project
Management Software.
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Investment Management )
Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
5. Venture Capital
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Conceptual Understanding of Venture Capital and Private
Equity 15
02 Structure and Valuation Approaches 15
03 Strategies of Private Equity 15
04 Exit strategies for Private Equity 15
Total 60
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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Conceptual Understanding of Venture Capital and Private Equity
Venture Capital –Over View of Venture Capital - Definition - Features - Types –Roles
Concept of PE and its characteristics - Definition - Difference between PE,VC and
Hedge Funds - Nature of PE Firm - Players in the PE market – Benefit of PE Finance
PE Fund –Legal structure and terms - Private Equity Investments and Financing -
Private Equity Funds and Private Equity Firms - Investment Feature and
2 Structure and Valuation Approaches
Structure and Regulation of Venture Capital and Private Equity - Business Cycle of
PE –Structure of VC/PE firms - Limited Liability Partnerships - Routes of VC/PE
investments in India - Regulatory Aspects of VC/PE investments
Valuation approaches - Risk and Returns - Analysis of Funds - Conventiona l Method -
Revenue Multiplier Method
3 Strategies of Private Equity
Leverage Buyout -
Growth Capital -
Mezzanine Capital -
Distressed Investments -
Other Strategies : Real Estates; Infrastructure; Energy & Power ; Merchant
Banking; Funds of Fund
Due Diligence - Procedure and Challenges - Due Diligence in Emerging PE
Market -Investing in Developing Market - Past Performance and Strategy
4 Exit strategies for Private Equity
Modes of exits in Indian Context and Challenges involved -
Sale to Other PE funds
Sale to other Strategic Investors
Stake Swap -
M & A’s
Open Market - Secondary Market
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Investment Management )
Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
6. Merchant Banking - II
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Factoring 15
02 Securitization 15
03 Mergers, Acquisitions & Takeovers 15
04 Disinvestment and Buyback of Equity Shares 15
Total 60
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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Factoring
Factoring: Concept, Nature and Scope of Factoring, Forms of Factoring , Factoring
vis-à-vis Bills Discounting , Factoring vis -àvis Credit Insurance, Factoring vis -à-vis
Forfeiting, Evaluation of a factor , Evaluation of factoring, Status of Factoring in
2 Securitization
Securitization / Mortgages: Meaning, Nature and Scope of Securitization,
Securitization as a Funding Mechanism, Securitization of Residential Real Estate
and Mortgages -Features, Types and Provisions.
Security Brokerage: Meaning of Brokerage, Types of Brokers, Difference between
Broker and Jobber, SEBI Regulations relating to brokerage business in India.
3 Mergers, Acquisitions & Takeovers
Difference between Mergers, Acquisitions and Takeover, The Role of Merchant
Banker in M&A and Takeovers, SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 w.r.t Substantial acquisition of shares or voting
rights, Voluntary Offer - Offer Size, Offer Price, Payment Mode, Exemptions and
Process of Open Offer.
4 Disinvestment and Buyback of Equity Shares
The Role of Merchant Banker in Disinvestment Process, Role and Obligations of
Merchant Banker in Buyback of Equity Shares, Role of Merchant Banker in
Delisting of Shares, Role of Merchant Banker in Issue and Listing of Debt Securities
and The Role of Merchant Banker in ESOP .
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Investment Management )
Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
2. Core Course (CC)
1. International Finance - II
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Fundamentals of International Finance 15
02 Foreign Exchange Markets 15
03 Currency Futures 15
04 Currency Options and Swaps 15
Total 60
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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Fundamentals of International Finance
Meaning and Scope of International Finance -Balance of Payment - Components -
Deficit in Balance of Payment -Concept of Currency Convertibility
International Monetary System - Gold Standard -Features -Bretton Wood System -
Background and Features -Reasons for its Failure -Smiths onian Agreement -SDRs -
European Monetary system
Current Exchange Rate Systems – Fixed and Flexible Exchange rate - Merits
Demerits - Types of Fixed Exchange Rate - Hard Pegs and Soft Pegs - Types of
Flexible Exchange Rate - Managed and Free Float .
2 Foreign Exchange Markets
Introduction - Market and Market Participants - Structure of Forex Markets -The
Mechanics of Currency Trading -Types of Transactions and Settlement Dates -
Exchange Rate Quotations and Arbitrage(Geographical, Triangular and Interest
Rate) - Short Date and Broken Date Forward Contracts - Borrowing and Investment
Decisions -Deter minants of Exchange Rate – Purchasing Power and Interest rate
Foreign Exchange Management in India - Retail and Whole Sale Component of
Indian Foreign Exchange Market - Role of FEDAI - FEMA and Regulatory
framework -Dealing Room Operations
3 Currency F utures
Introduction: Currency Futures -Future Contract -Futures Forward Contract -
Currency Futures Quotes -How to Read Currency Futures Quotes -Market
Operations -Clearing House and Clearing Margins - Hedging with Currency Futures
and Contracts
4 Currency Options and Swaps
Introduction -Options -Market Structure -Currency Option Quotes -Currency Option
Pricing -Fischer Black’s Option Pricing Model -Currency Call Options -Currency Put
Options -Hedging Currency Positions with Foreign Currency Options
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com.( Investment Management )
Programm e at Semester VI
with ef fect from the Academic Year 2018 -2019
Reference Books
Reference Books
Elective Courses (EC)
1. Commodity Markets and Derivative s
Commodities Market Module, Workbook from NSE
Chatnani, (2010), Commodity Markets, 1st edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
Kleinman, George, (2001), Commodity Futures & Options, 2nd (revised, illustrated edition),
Prentice Hall.
Stephens, John. (2001), Managing C ommodity Risk, John Wiley & Sons. o Indian Institute of
Banking & Finance, (2007),
Commodity Derivatives, Macmillan India
2. Auditing
CA Surbhi Bansal – Audit and Assurance
Taxmann – Auditing
Dr.SMeenakumari – Fundamentals of Auditing
BaldevSachdeva& Jagwant Singh Pardeep Kumar – Auditing theory & Practice.
Woolf, Emile,Auditing Today
Basu, Sanjib Kumar, Fundamentals of Auditing, Pearson
3. Corporate Governance
A. C. Fernando, Corporate Governance Principles, Policies and Practices;Pearson
Marc Goeren, International Corporate Governance; Black Wells .
Cristian A. Mallin, Corporate Governance
4. Project Management
Project Management – Marion Haynes Crisp 9th Edition
5 phase Project Management – Joesph Weiss and Robert Wysocki
Software Project Management – Mike Cotterel and Bob Hughes
Introduction to Project Management and Quality Assurance – Darrel Ince, Mc Graw Hill
5. Venture Capital
The Masters of Private Equity and Venture Capital: Robert Finkel: McGraw -Hill Education
Guide to Private Equity : CA Neha Bhuvania: Taxmann
Venture Capital, Private Equity, and the Financing of Entrepreneurship: Josh Lerner , Ann Leamon
, Felda Hardymon : Wiley
The Business of Venture Capital: Mahendra Ransinghani: Wiley Finance
Venture Capit al Financing in India: J C Verma :Response Books
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com.( Investment Management )
Programm e at Semester VI
with ef fect from the Academic Year 2018 -2019
Reference Books
Reference Books
6. Merchant Banking - II
Merchant Banking and Financial Services – Dr. S Guruswamy Fourth Edition, Delhi Publishing
Merchant Banking Principles & Practices – H. R Machiraju New Age International Ltd
Merchant Banking – NISM 2015 Edition
Core Course ( CC)
1. International Finance - II
Apte P.G. International Finance – A Business Perspective, New Delhi, TATA McGraw Hill ,
McGraw Hill Education; 2 edition .
Bhalla .V.K. international Financial Management - S.Chand Publishing.
International Financial Management, Thummuluri Siddaiah ,Pearson Education India,
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 40 | P a g e
University of Mumbai
B.Com. (Investment Management)
Guidelines for Project Work
Third Year
Semester VI
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and
Semester System
(To be implemented from Academic Year 2018-2019)
Board of Studies -in-Banking and Finance
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 41 | P a g e
Inclusion of project work in the course curriculum of the B.Com. (Investment Management )
programme is one of the ambitious aspects in the programme structure. The main objective of
inclusion of project work is to inculcate the element of research analyse a nd scientific
temperament challenging the potential of learner as regards to his/ her eager to enquire and
ability to interpret particular aspect of the study. It is expected that the guiding teacher should
undertake the counselling sessions and make the a wareness among the learners about the
methodology of formulation, preparation and evaluation pattern of the project work.
There are two modes of preparation of project work
1. Project work based on research methodology in the study area
2. Project work based on internship in the study area
Guidelines for preparation of Project Work
1. General guidelines for prepar ation of project work based on
Research M ethodology
The project topic may be undertaken in any area of Elective Courses.
Each of the learner has to undertake a Project individually under the supervision of a
teacher -guide.
The learner shall decide the topic and title which should be specific, clear and with
definite scope in consultation with the teacher -guide concerned.
University/college sha ll allot a guiding teacher for guidance to the students based on her /
his specialization.
The project report shall be prepared as per the broad guidelines given below:
Font type: Times New Roman
Font size: 12 -For content, 14 -for Title
Line Space : 1.5-for content and 1 -for in table work
Paper Size: A4
Margin : in Left -1.5, Up -Down -Right -1
The Project Report shall be bounded.
The project report should be 80 to 100 pages
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1st page (Main Page)
Title of the problem of the Project
A Project Submitted to
University of Mumbai for partial completion of the degree of
Bachelor in Commerce (Investment Management )
Under the Faculty of Commerce
Name of the Learner
Under the Guidance of
Name of the Guiding Teacher
Name and address of the College
Month and Year
2nd Page
This page to be repeated on 2nd page (i.e. inside after main page)
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On separate page
Chapter No. 1
(sub point 1.1, 1.1.1, .... And so on)
Title of the Chapter Page No.
Chapter No. 2 Title of the Chapter
Chapter No. 3 Title of the Chapter
Chapter No. 4 Title of the Chapter
Chapter No. 5 Title of the Chapter
List of tables, if any, with page numbers.
List of Graphs, if any, with page numbers.
List of Appendix, if any, with page numbers.
Abbreviations used:
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 44 | P a g e
Structure to be followed to maintain the uniformity in
formulation and presentation of Project Work
(Model Structure of the Project Work)
Chapter No. 1: Introduction
In this chapter Selection and relevance of the problem, historical background of the
problem, brief profile of the study area, definition/s of related aspects, characteristics,
different concepts pertaining to the problem etc can be incorporated by the lea rner.
Chapter No. 2: Research Methodology
This chapter will include Objectives, Hypothesis, Scope of the study, limitations of
the study, significance of the study, Selection of the problem, Sample size, Data
collection, Tabulation of data, Techniques and tools to be used, etc can be
incorporated by the learner.
Chapter No. 3: Literature Review
This chapter will provide information about studies done on the respective issue. This
would specify how the study undertaken is relevant and contribute for value a ddition
in information/ knowledge/ application of study area which ultimately helps the
learner to undertake further study on same issue.
Chapter No. 4: Data Analysis, Interpretation and Presentation
This chapter is the core part of the study. The analysi s pertaining to collected data
will be done by the learner. The application of selected tools or techniques will be
used to arrive at findings. In this, table of information’s, presentation of graphs etc.
can be provided with interpretation by the learner.
Chapter No. 5: Conclusions and Suggestions
In this chapter of project work, findings of work will be covered and suggestion will
be enlisted to validate the objectives and hypotheses.
Note: If required more chapters of data analysis can be added.
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On separate page
Name and address of the college
This is to certify that Ms/Mr _____________________________________ has worked
and duly completed her/his Project Work for the degree of Bachelor in Commerce
(Investment Management ) under the Faculty of Commerce in the subject of
__________________ ______________________ and her/his project is enti tled,
“__________ ___________________________________________ _________” under
my supervision.
I further certify that the entire work has been done by the learner under my guidance
and that no part of it has been submitted previously for any Degree or Diploma of any
It is her/ his own work and facts reported by her/his personal findings and
inves tigations.
Name and Signature of
Guiding Teacher
Date of submission:
Title of the Project
Seal of the
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On separate page
Declaration by learner
I the undersigned Miss / Mr. ______________________________________ here by,
declare that the work embodied in this project work titled “________
forms my own contribution to the research work carried out under the guidance of
________________________________ is a result of my own research work and has
not been previously submitted to any other University for any other Degree/ Diploma
to this or any other University.
Wherever reference has been made to previous works of others, it has been clearly
indicated as such and included in the bibliography.
I, here by further declare that all information of this document has been obtained and
presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct.
Name and Signature of the learner
Certified by
Name and signature of the Guiding Teacher Name of the learner
Name of the guiding teacher Title of the Project
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On separate page
(Model structure of the acknowledgement)
To list who all have helped me is difficult because they are so numerous and the depth
is so enormous.
I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic channels and fresh
dimensions in the completion of this project.
I take this opportunity to thank the University of Mumbai for giving me chance to
do this project.
I would like to thank my Principal, __________ for providing the necessary facilities
required for completion of this project.
I take this opportunity to thank our Coordinator_______________ , for her moral
support and guidance.
I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to wards my project guide
_____________ whose guidance and care made the project successful.
I would like to thank my College Library , for having provided various reference
books and magazines related to my project.
Lastly, I would like to thank each and ev ery person who directly or indirectly helped
me in the completion of the project especially my Parents and Peers who supported
me throughout my project.
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 48 | P a g e
2. Guidelines for Internship based project work
Minimum 20 days/ 100 hours of Internship with an Organi sation/ NGO/ Charitable
Organisation/ Private firm.
The theme of the internship should be based on any study area of the elective courses
Experience Certificate is Mandatory
A project report has to be brief in content and must include the following aspec ts:
Executive Summary:
A bird’s eye view of your entire presentation has to be precisely offered under this
Introduction on the Company:
A Concise representation of company/ organization defining its scope, products/
services and its SWOT analysis.
Statement and Objectives:
The mission and vision of the organization need to be stated enshrining its broad
Your Role in the Organisation during the internship:
The key aspects handled, the department under which you were deployed and brief
summary report duly acknowledged by the reporting head.
The challenges confronted while churning out theoretical knowledge into practical
A brief overview of your exper ience and suggestions to bridge the gap between theory
and practice.
The project report based on internship shall be prepared as per the broad guidelines given
Font type: Times New Roman
Font size: 12 -For content, 14 -for Title
Line Space : 1.5 -for content and 1 -for in table work
Paper Size: A4
Margin : in Left -1.5, Up -Down -Right -1
The Project Report shall be bounded.
The project report should be of minimum 50 pages
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Evaluation pattern of the project work
The Project Report shall be evaluated in two stages viz.
Evaluation of Project Report (Bound Copy) 60 Marks
Introduction and other areas covered 20 Marks
Research Methodology, Presentation, Analysis and
interpretation of data 30 Marks
Conclusion & Recommendations 10 Marks
Conduct of Viva -voce 40 Marks
In the course of Viva -voce, the questions may be asked such
as importance / relevance of the study, objective of the study,
methodology of the study/ mode of Enquiry (question
responses) 10 Marks
Ability to explain the analysis, findings, concluding
observations, recommendation, limitations of the Study 20 Marks
Overall Impression (including Communication Skill) 10 Marks
The guiding teacher along with the external evaluator appointed by the University/
College for the evaluation of project shall conduct the viva -voce examination as per the
evaluation pattern
Passing Standard
Minimum of Grade E in the project component
In case of failing in the project work, the same project can be revised for ATKT
Absence of studen t for viva voce: If any student fails to appear for the viva voce on the
date and time fixed by the department such student shall appear for the viv a voce on the
date and time fixed by the Department, such student shall appear for the viva voce only
along with students of the next batch.
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Investment Management ) Programme
at Semester V and VI
with effect from the Academic Year 2018 -2019
Scheme of E valuation
The performance of the learners will be evaluated in two Components. One component will
be the Internal Assessment component carrying 25% marks and the second component will
be the Semester -wise End Examination component carrying 75% marks. The allocation of
marks for the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examinations will be as shown below: -
A) Internal Assessment : 25 %
Question Paper Pattern
(Internal Assessment - Courses without Practical Courses)
Sr. No. Particular Marks
1 One class test (20 Marks)
Match the Column/ Fill in the Blanks / Multiple Choice Questions
(½ Mark each) 05 Marks
Answer in One or Two Lines (Concept based Questions)
(01 Mark each) 05 Marks
Answer in Brief (Attempt Any Two of the Three)
(05 Marks each) 10 Marks
2 Active participation in routine class instructional deliveries and
overall conduct as a responsible learner, mannerism and
articulation and exhibit of leadership qualities in organizing
related academic activities 05 Marks
B) Semester End Examination: 75 %
i) Duration: The examination shall be of 2 ½ Hou rs duration
ii) Theory question paper pattern
There shall be five questions each of 15 marks.
All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice within the questions.
Question may be subdivided into sub -questions a, b, c… and the allocation of
marks depends on the weightage of the topic.
(Detail question paper pattern has been given separately)
Passing Standard
The learners to pass a course shall have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate for
each course wher e the course consists of Internal Assessment and Semester End
Examination. The learners shall obtain minimum of 40% marks (i.e. 10 out of 25) in the
Internal Assessment and 40% marks in Semester End Examination (i.e. 30 Out of 75)
separately, to pass the c ourse and minimum of Grade E to pass a particular semester A
learner will be said to have passed the course if the learner passes the Internal Assessment
and Semester End Examination together.
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 51 | P a g e
Question Paper Pattern
(Practical Courses)
Maximum Marks: 75
Questions to be set: 05
Duration: 2 1/2 Hrs.
All Questions are Compulsory Carrying 15 Marks each.
No Particular Marks
Objective Questions
A. Sub Questions to be asked 10 and to be answered any 08
B. Sub Questions to be asked 10 and to be answered any 07
(*Multiple choice / True or False / Match the columns/Fill in the
15 Marks
Full Length Practical Question
Full Length Practical Question
15 Marks
15 Marks
Full Length Practical Question
Full Length Practical Question
15 Marks
15 Marks
Full Length Practical Question
Full Length Practical Question
15 Marks
15 Marks
A) Theory questions
B) Theory questions
Short Notes
To be asked 05
To be answered 03
08 Marks
07 Marks
15 Marks
Practical question of 15 marks may be divided into two sub questions of 7/8 and
10/5Marks. If the topic demands, instead of practical questions, appropriate theory
question may be asked.
Page 53
Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 52 | P a g e
Question Paper Pattern
(Theoretical Courses)
Maximum Marks: 75
Questions to be set: 05
Duration: 2 1/2 Hrs.
All Questions are Compulsory Carrying 15 Marks each.
No Particular Marks
Objective Questions
A) Sub Questions to be asked 10 and to be answered any 08
B) Sub Questions to be asked 10 and to be answered any 07
(*Multiple choice / True or False / Match the columns/Fill in the
15 Marks
Full Length Question
Full Length Question
15 Marks
15 Marks
Full Length Question
Full Length Question
15 Marks
15 Marks
Full Length Question
Full Length Question
15 Marks
15 Marks
A) Theory questions
B) Theory questions
Short Notes
To be asked 05
To be answered 03
08 Marks
07 Marks
15 Marks
Theory question of 15 marks may be divided into two sub questions of 7/8 and 10/5Marks.