BEd Learning Disability Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC d ated:
Item No.
B.Ed. Spl. Ed. (LD)
FROM 2016-17
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University of Mumbai
Syllabus for the Bachelor of Education - Special Ed ucation (Learning Disability)
B.Ed. Spl. Ed. (LD)
As per the NCTE Regulations 2014 Notification 346 dated 1.12.2014 and subsequent letter
No8-A/ Recog./ Policy /2014-RCI dated 28 th January 2015 and letter # 7-128 RCI/ 2015 from
Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI), New Delhi, t he B.Ed.- Special Education (Learning
Disability) program of one academic year is revised to two years in the University of Mumbai.
The said program is now Choice Based Credit System as per the UGC guidelines. It has semester
system comprising of four semesters and offers choi ce based optional courses in theory
component. Being a teacher education program it is extensively skill based. It is implemented
from academic year 2016-2017. The syllabus of B.Ed. - Special Education (Learning Disability)
is based on the syllabus prescribed by the Rehabili tation Council of India.
The Title and Eligibility of the programme are:
O………… Title: Bachelor of Education- Special Education (Learning Disability)
[ B. Ed. Spl.Ed.(LD)]
O………… Eligibility:
Following candidates are eligible for admission to B. Ed. Spl. Ed: A candidate for the
degree of B.Ed.Spl.Ed. must have passed a Bachelors ' degree examination of this
University in any discipline or a corresponding deg ree examination of any other UGC
recognized University with minimum 50% in the quali fying degree examination.
R………….Duration: The duration of the programme is two academic year s (four semesters)
with 40 credits in each year.
• Aim and Objectives of the Programme:
The B.Ed.Spl.Ed. programme aims to develop special education teachers/educators for
children with disabilities and in particular for ch ildren with hearing impairment for
various educational settings (Inclusive, Special, O pen School , Home Based services
etc.). The B.Ed. Spl. Ed. programme will prepare h uman resources to enable them to
acquire knowledge and competencies to impart effect ive education to children with
(Learning Disability) and other disabilities with adequate emphasis on education of ALL
children. The program further aims to develop speci al teachers/educators who are able to
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deliver the best in all the roles like classroom te acher, resource teacher, itinerant teacher,
cross disability teacher facilitator.
The objectives of the programme are to facilitate l earners to:
i. Acquire knowledge & skills about human development , contemporary Indian education,
pedagogy of various school subjects and assessment for learning.
ii. Acquire knowledge & skills about nature and educati onal needs of children with
disabilities with emphasis on children with Learnin g Disability.
iii. Develop conceptual understanding of education for w orking with children with and
without disabilities in various settings.
iv. Enhance knowledge and skills related to professiona l competencies.
v. Facilitate proactive and desirable attitudes toward s education of children with special
I The programme of B. Ed. Spl.Ed. comprises of Part-I Theory courses ( A,B,C & D),
Part-II Practical courses (E) and Part-III Field engagement (F),which will be covered
in four consecutive semesters. The programme struct ure has four sets of theory courses
(A) core courses including two choice based pedagog y courses, (B) Courses in cross
disability and inclusion including two optional cou rses which can be chosen from two
pools of courses (C) Disability specialization cour ses and (D) Courses for enhancement
of professional capacities.
II. ATTENDANCE: The programme will be conducted for mi nimum 180 days each year
exclusive of the period of semester end examinati on and admission. The institution shall
work for a minimum of thirty six hours in a week. The Minimum attendance of learners
will be as per Mumbai university guidelines. Howeve r, for practical and field engagement
of the programme, the learners must complete all co urse work within the stipulated
period . A candidate for the examination in Part I, II & III courses must apply to the
Registrar of University of Mumbai with certificates required, through the Principal/ Head
of the College in which he/she has received educati on.
III The entire programme of B. Ed. Spl. Ed. is of 80 cr edits. Each credit will comprise of 30
learning hours.
A1: Human Growth & Development
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A2: Contemporary India and Education
A3: Learning, Teaching and Assessment
A4 :Pedagogy of Teaching (Special Reference to Disabi lity) ANY ONE
a) Science
b) Mathematics
c) Social Studies
A5: Pedagogy of Teaching (Special Reference to Disabil ity) ANY ONE
a) Hindi
b) English
c) Marathi
AREA B: CROSS DISABILITY AND INCLUSION (Ability Enh ancement Compulsory
Course AECC)
a. All student-teachers will be learning about all dis abilities in theory and practical.
b. All student-teachers will be learning about one mor e disability over and above the main
disability specialization in practical and field en gagement courses
c. In case of student-teachers with disability; the ch oice of both optional courses either
from B-10 or from B-11 can be chosen on case to cas e basis (e.g. Student-teachers with
VI and HI may opt for both courses that are appropr iate for him/her from either B10 &
B6 : Inclusive Education
B7: Introduction to Sensory Disabilities (VI, HI, Deaf- Blind)
B8 : Introduction to Neuro - Developmental Disabilitie s (LD, ID, ASD)
B9: Introduction to Locomotor & Multiple Disabilities (CP, MD)
B10: Skill-based Optional Course-Basket (Cross Disabilit y and Inclusion ) ANY ONE
a. Guidance and Counselling
b. Early Childhood Care & Education
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c. Orientation & Mobility
d. Community Based Rehabilitation
e. Application of ICT in Classroom
f. Management of Learning Disability
g. Gender and Disability
B11 : Skill-based Optional Course-Basket (Disability Sp ecialization) ANY ONE
a. Applied Behavioural Analysis
b. Communication Options: Oralism
c. Communication Options: Manual options
d. Augmentative and Alternative Communication
e. Braille and Assistive Devices
f. Vocational Rehabilitation & Transition to Job Pla cement
C12 : Assessment and Identification of Learning Disabil ity and Needs
C13 : Curriculum Designing, Adaptation and Evaluation
C14: Educational Intervention and Teaching Strategies
C15 : Technology and Disability
C16: Psycho Social and Family Issues
(These 3 courses are PROJECT BASED wherein each can didate is expected to work upon,
submit and present project with reference to disabi lities)
D17: Reading and Reflecting on Texts
D18: Drama and Art in Education
D 19 : Basic Research & Basic Statistic
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E1 . Cross Disability and Inclusion (Linked with Area B)
E2. Disability Specialization (Linked with Area C)
F1. Special School/Centre of Main Disability (Relat ed to Area C)
F2. Special School/centre of Other Disability (Rela ted to Area B)
F3. Inclusive school (Related to Area B & C)
Part Course
code Number of
courses Areas Hours credits Marks
I A 5 THEORY: Core courses 450 15 375
I B 6 THEORY: Cross Disability &
Inclusive Education (AECC) 540 18 450
I C 5 THEORY: Disability Specialization 450 15 375
I D 3 PROJECT BASED : Enhancement of
Professional Capacities EPC) 180
06 150
II E 2 SKILL BASED Practical related to
disability 450 15 375
Engagement(Internship) 330 11 275
Total 24 2400 80 2000
The total hours allotted to each theory course will include both instructional and notional hours.
The instructional hours for all theory courses as s pecified in the structure include lecture and
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tutorials as contact hours. The notional hours incl ude hands on tasks/experience specified under
each theory course.
IV . The assessment in Part I comprising of theory cou rses (A, B, C) shall be semester wise as
per the scheme of courses given in item # VI by way of written papers and internal
assessment. The Principal/Head of the College shall forward to the University, the marks
obtained by each candidate for internal assessment of parts I,II &III.
V The assessment in Part I D, Part II (E1 & E2) comp rising of project / practical courses
and Part III (F1, F2 and F3) comprising of field en gagement courses shall be evaluated
internally by each College at the end of semester a s per the details given in item # VII.
The Principal/Head of college shall forward to the University, the marks obtained by each
candidate in part II and III in relevant semesters.
VI. Semester-wise scheme of courses: SEMESTER I
code short title credits
+notional) total
hours internal
marks external
marks Total
A1 Human Growth & Development 3 (2+1) 90 15 60 75
A2 Contemporary India and Education 3 (2+1) 90 15 6 0 75
B7 Introduction to Sensory Disabilities 3 (2+1) 90 15 60 75
B8 Introduction to Neuro -Developmental
Disabilities 3 (2+1) 90 15 60 75
B9 Introduction to Locomotor & Multiple
Disabilities 3 (2+1) 90 15 60
C12 Assessment and Identification of Learning
Disability and Needs 3 (2+1) 90 15 60 75
E1 Practical: Cross disability and inclusion 2 60 5 0 Nil 50
TOT 20 600 140 360 500
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Part Course
code Short title Credits
+notional) Hours Internal
marks Externa
l marks Total
I A3 Learning ,Teaching and Assessment 3 (2+1) 90 1 5 60 75
A4 Pedagogy of Teaching (optional course) 3 (2+1) 90 15 60 75
A5 Pedagogy of Teaching (optional course) 3 (2+1) 9 0 15 60 75
B6 Inclusive Education 3 (2+1) 90 15 60 75
C13 Curriculum 3 (2+1) 90 15 60 75
II E2 Practical: Disability specialization 5 150 12 5 Nil 125
L 20 600 200 300 500
code Short title Credits
+notional) Hours Internal
marks External
marks Total
I C14 Educational Intervention and Teaching
Strategies 3 (2+1) 90 15 60 75
C15 Technology and Disability 3 (2+1) 90 15 60 75
C16 Psycho Social and Family Issues 3 (2+1) 90 15 6 0 75
D17 Reading and Reflecting on Texts 2 (1+1) 60 50 N il 50
B 11 optional (specialization) ANY ONE 3(2+1) 90 15 60 75
II E2 Practical: Disability Specialization 4 120 1 00 Nil 100
III F1 Field Engagement: Disability
specialization 3 90 75 Nil 75
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TOTAL 21 630 285 240 525
Part Course
code Title Credits
+notional) Hours Internal
marks Extern
marks Total
I B10 Skill based Optional Course (Cross
disability and inclusion) ANY ONE 3 (2+1) 90 15 60
D 18 Drama & Art in Education 2 (1+1) 60 50 Nil 50
D19 Basic Research & Basic Statistic 2 (1+1) 60 50 Nil 50
II E1 Practical: Cross Disability and Inclusion 4 1 20 100 Nil 100
III F2 Field Engagement: Other disability 4 120 10 0 Nil 100
III F3 Field Engagement: i)Inclusive school
ii) Assessment and remediation 4 120 100 Nil 100
TOTAL 19 570 415 60 475
VII Scheme and Details of Assessment of courses:
The performance of the candidates in each of the th eory courses shall be evaluated through
internal assessment and semester end assessment.
1. Internal Assessment for theory courses will be on the basis of continu ous evaluation as
indicated in item # VI.
2. Internal Assessment for Areas A, B & C of PART I (15 Marks)
(i) Average of two class tests 05 Marks
(ii) Performance on notional hour tasks/experience 10 marks
The list of tasks given in the syllabus is a sample list. College may add appropriate tasks to
make learning more relevant for students.
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3. Internal Assessment for Area D (50 Marks)
i) Class participation and interaction during activiti es / tasks (Students can be
divided into groups wherein each group is assigned to a faculty / supervisor who
breaks down the project into smaller tasks, give on going input and feedback
during the project work 15 marks
ii) Submitted project journal of activities / tasks (st udent groups and supervisors are
exchanged for assessing the submitted projects) 25 marks
iii) Post submission class presentation on learning and reflections (Not less than two
supervisors attend and assess all presentations. The average of the marks assigned
by each is taken to be the final score. All student s are given opportunity to attend
the session for learning and transparency.) 10 marks
4. Semester End Assessment for theory courses
Semester End Assessment will be on the basis of performance in the semeste r end written
examinations. The weightage of semester end assessm ent (theory examination) is 80% (rounded
about) of the total marks of each theory course.
• Question Paper Pattern for Areas A, B & C: 2 hrs . 30 min. (60 Marks)
5 Essay type questions: one per module (any three) (12 x 3 = 36 marks)
6 short questions: Minimum one per module (any four ) (6 x 4 = 24 marks)
VIII Schemes and Details of Assessment of Part II & III Courses
There will be no Semester End examination for part I.D, II & III. There will be only internal
assessment as indicated in item # VI.
• The passing percentage of Part I, Part II & Part II I is 50% for each course (Internal
and external together ) in all the four semesters separately.
If the minimum passing mark is in decimal points, t he same is to be converted to the next
whole number (Eg. a course of 75 marks (including i nternal marks) will require a
minimum pass marks of 38).
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• The overall grade of the B. Ed.Spl. Ed. programme w ill be calculated on the basis of total
marks obtained in all four semesters. The grade mar ks and grade points are as follows:
Grades and Grade Points for 4 semester together
Letter Grade Marks Grade Point
R: ……………
(i) Candidates are required to pass in both internal an d external assessments.
(ii) A candidate who scores 50% or more in the Interna l Assessment but FAILS in the
Semester End Examination of the Course shall reappe ar for the Semester End
Examination of that Course only. However, his/her m arks of the internal assessment shall
be carried forward.
(iii) Improvement opportunities for the candidates who ha ve passed the course are as per the
Mumbai University norms.
(i) A student shall be allowed to keep term/s for conse cutive semester/s irrespective of
number of heads of failure in earlier semester/s.
(ii) The result of semester IV shall be kept in abeyanc e until the student passes all semesters
(semester I, II, III and IV) with all necessary tas ks.
(iii) a) A maximum of three years from the date of admiss ion to the programme is allowed for
programme completion. b) Number of attempts is limi ted to maximum 3 per course -
inclusive of the first attempt. c) whichever earlie r (from a and b), is applicable.
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(iv) A candidate failing in course of part I semester-en d examination can reappear for the
examination without putting in attendance for the i nstructional hours of that course/s.
(v) Colleges are expected to provide opportunities to c omplete and pass the tasks of non theory
components if the candidate fails to complete or pa ss the tasks in the first attempt.
(vi) If a candidate does not appear for the semester-end examination fully or partially, he/she will
be considered as a failure candidate. However, he/s he is eligible for reappearing facility as
per failure candidates and his/her internal marks w ill be carried forward.
R.............. Student Intake: As per the RCI recognition given to the college , t he college
can admit minimum 20 and maximum 30 students per ba tch (Additional seats for OBC
candidates as per Govt Of India Directives wherev er applicable.)
R--------------Faculty Norms: As per RCI Norms
R..................Fee structure: As per RCI / Univ ersity/ State Government /Central
Government –whichever applicable
Note: It is mandatory for every teacher with BEd. Spl. E d. to obtain a “Registered Professional
Certificate” from the Rehabilitation Council of Ind ia to work in the field of education of
children with disabilities in India. Hence, success ful candidates of B.Ed.Spl. Ed. shall
have to register their names with RCI. As continuou s professional growth is necessary for
the renewal of the certificate in every 5 years, th e teachers in this field should involve self
in professional development activities like undergo ing in-service programmes
periodically or publishing articles. Amendments, if any, to the regulations will be made
periodically by the Rehabilitation Council of India .
Course Code: A1 Credit: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Not ional Hours 30 Marks: 75
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This course exposes student teachers to the study o f child and human development in order to
gain a better understanding about variations and th e influence of socio-cultural-political realities
on development. A critical understanding of theoret ical perspectives of development would aid
in their application in teaching learning process. Through close observation of children in their
natural environments the teacher trainee would be a ble to situate their theoretical knowledge
within realistic frames. This course would also be able to equip the trainees to reflect and critique
the normative notions of childhood and adolescence.
After studyingthis course the student- teachers wil l be able to
• explain the process of development with special foc us on infancy, childhood and
• critically analyze developmental variations among c hildren
• comprehend adolescence as a period of transition an d threshold of adulthood
• analyze different factors influencing child develop ment
Module 1: Approaches to Human Development
1.1 Human development as a discipline from infancy to adulthood
1.2 Concepts and Principles of development
1.3 Developing Human- Stages (Infancy, Childhood, A dolescence)
1.4 Basic understanding of Nature versus Nurture
1.5 Basic understanding of Domains (Physical, Senso ry- perceptual, Cognitive, socio-
emotional, language and communication, Social rel ationship)
Module 2: Theoretical approaches to development
2.1 Cognitive & Social- cognitive theories: Basic u nderstanding of key concepts:Piaget,
2.2 Cognitive & Social- cognitive theories: Basic u nderstanding of key concepts: Bruner,
2.3 Psychosocial theory: Basic understanding of key concepts: Erikson
2.4 Psychoanalytic Theory Basic understanding of ke y concepts: Freud
2.5 Holistic Theory: Basic understanding of key con cepts: Steiner
Module 3: The Early Years (Birth to Eight Years)
3.1 Influences on prenatal development,
3.2 Screening the newborn -APGAR Score, Reflexes an d responses, neuro-perceptual
3.3. Basic Milestones and variations in Development
3.4 Environmental factors influencing early childho od development
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3.5 Role of play in enhancing development
Module 4: Middle Childhood to Adolescence (From nin e years to eighteen years)
4.1 Emerging capabilities across domains: Social an d Emotional
4.2Emerging capabilities across domains: cognition (metacognition and creativity
4.3 Issues related to puberty
4.4 Gender and development
4.5 Influence of the environment (social, cultural, political) on the growing child
Module 5: Transitions into Adulthood
5.1 Psychological well-being
5.2 Formation of identity and self-concept
5.3 Emerging roles and responsibilities
5.4 Life Skills and independent living
5.5 Career Choices
Hands on Experience for notional hours: (ANY TWO) 30 Hrs 10 Marks
1. Observe children in a setting (like preschool or pr imary class) and report identified
milestones achieved by the children therein. Submit reflections.
2. Attend a Seminar/parent meeting on human developmen t. Submit report with
3. Submit Journal of a case study of a child with disa bility focussing developmental
Suggested References:
• Berk, L. E. (2000). Human Development, Tata Mc.Graw Hill Company, New York
• Brisbane, E. H. (2004). The developing child, Mc.Gr aw Hill, USA
• Cobb. N. J. (2001). The child infants, children and adolescents, Mayfield Publishing
company, California
• Hurlocl, E. B. (2005). Child growth and development , Tata Mc.Graw Hill Publishing
company, New york
• Hurlocl, E. B. (2006). Developmental Psychology- A life span approach, Tata Mc.Graw
Hill Publishing company, New Delhi
• Mittal. S. (2006). Child development- Experimental Psychology, Isha books, Delhi
• Nisha, M. (2006). Introduction to child development , Isha books, Delhi
• Papalia, D. E. and Olds, S. W.(2005). Human develop ment, Tata Mc.Graw Hill
Publishing company, New York
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• Santrock. J. W. (2006). Child Development, Tata Mc. Graw Hill Publishing company,
New York
• Santrock. J. W. (2007). Adolescence,Tata Mc.Graw Hi ll Publishing company, New Delhi
• Meece, J.S. & Eccles J.L (Eds) (2010). Handbook of Research on Schools, Schooling and
Human Development, Routledge
Course Code: A2 Credit: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Notional Hours: 30 Marks:75
This course will enable student-teachers to explore education from philosophical and
sociological perspective and hands on experience of engaging with diverse communities,
children and schools. It also traces the educationa l developments in the historical context leading
to contemporary India. The course also includes var ious commissions and policies and issues and
trends in the field of education, special education and inclusive education.
After completing this course the student teachers w ill be able to-
• Explain the history, nature and process and Philoso phy of education
• Analyse the role of educational system in the conte xt of Modern Ethos
• Understand the concept of diversity
• Develop an understanding of the trends, issues, and challenges faced by the
contemporary Indian Education in global context
Module 1: Philosophical Foundations of Education
1.1 Education: Concept, definition and scope
1.2 Agencies of Education: School, family, communit y and media
1.3 Philosophies of Education: idealism, naturalism , pragmatism, existentialism, humanism,
constructivism and connectionism
1.4 Historical Perspective of Indian Education (Gan dhi, Tagore, Krishna Murthy, Aurobindo)
1.5 Contemporary Indian Perspective
Module 2: Understanding Diversity
2.1 Concept of Diversity
2.2 Types of Diversity: Gender, linguistic, cultura l, socio-economic and disability
2.3 Diversity in learning needs and learning
2.4 Addressing diverse learning needs
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2.5 Diversity: Global Perspective
Module 3: Contemporary Issues and Concerns
3.1 Universalisation of School Education, Right to Education and Universal Access
3.2 Issues of a) Universal enrolment b) Universal r etention c) Universal learning
3.3Issues of quality and equity: Physical, economic , social, cultural and linguistic,
particularly w.r.t girl child, weaker sections and PWDs
3.4 Equal Educational Opportunity: constitutional p rovisions and preventing inequality
3.5 Nature of Inequality in Schooling: Public-priva te schools, rural-urban schools, Dominent-
minority, single teacher schools and other forms of inequalities in school systems
Module 4: Education Commissions and Policy
4.1 Concepts of National ideals (Equality, li berty, secularism, and social justice)
4.2 National Commissions and Policies: NPE and POA (1986, 1992), National Policy for
Persons with Disabilities (2006)
4.3 National Acts: RCI Act, 1992, PWD Act, 1995, NT Act, 1999, RTE Act (2009 &2012).
4.4 Programmes and Schemes: IEDC (1974, 1983), SSA (2000, 2011), RMSA, 2009, IEDSS,
4.5 International Conventions and Policies: UNCRPD, 2006, MDG, 2015, INCHEON
Module 5: Issues and Trends in Education
5.1 Challenges of education from preschool to senio r secondary
5.2 Inclusive education as a rights based model
5.3 Complementarity of inclusive and special school s
5.4 Language issues in education
5.5 Community participation and community based edu cation
Hands on Experience for notional hours: (ANY TWO) 30 Hrs 10 Marks
1. Education as a tool to deal with current inequaliti es. Write an essay with reference to any
one: Women, Dalit, Tribal people or PWDs
2. First generation learners : interview a parent and submit a report
3. Make a poster on RTE act in the context of disadvan taged
4. Linguistic and religious diversity: Present data gr aphically
Essential Readings
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• Government of India (GoI) (1966). National Educatio n Commission (1964-66), Ministry
of Education: New Delhi.
• Government of India (GoI) (1986/92). New Education Policy, MHRD: New Delhi.
• Guha, Ramchandra (2007). India after Gandhi: The Hi story of the World's Largest
Democracy. Macmillon: Delhi
• GoI (2010). Right to Education Act 2009, MHRD: New Delhi.
Suggested Readings
• Aggarwal. J.C. (1992). Development and Planning of Modern Education: New Delhi
Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
• Amartya Sen, and Jean Dreze (1997). India: Economic Development and Social
Opportunity, Oxford India: Delhi. Select Chapters.
• Anand, S. P. (1993).The Teacher & Education in Emer ging Indian Society, New Delhi:
• Bhat. B.D. (1996). Educational Documents in India, New Delhi: Arya Book Depot.
• Bhatia, K. & Bhatia, B. (1997): The Philosophical a nd Sociological Foundations, New
Delhi Doaba House.
• Biswas. A. (1992): Education in India, New Delhi: A rya Book Depot.
• Biswas. A. and Aggarwal, J.C. (1992). Education in India, New Delhi: Arya Book Depot.
• Chakravarty, Sukhamoy (1987). Development Planning: The Indian Experience, Oxford
University press: New Delhi.
• Choudhary. K.C. and Sachdeva, L. (Eds) (1995): Tota l literacy by 2000: New Delhi: IAE
• Dubey, S.C (2001). Indian Society, National Book Tr ust: New Delhi.
• Ain, L.C. (2010). Civil Disobedience, Book Review L iterary Trust: New Delhi. Select
• Kashyap, S.C. (2009). The Constitution of India, Na tional Book Trust: New Delhi.
• Mohanty, Jagannath. (1993). Indian Education in the Emerging Society, New Delhi
Sterling publishers Pvt. Ltd.
• Sapra. C.L. and Ash Aggarwal, (Ed.,) (1987): Educat ion in India some critical Issues.
New Delhi: National Book Organisation.
• Saraswathi, T.S. (1999). Culture, Socialization and Human Development, New Delhi:
Sage Publications.
• Steven, B. (1998).School and Society, New Delhi: Sa ge Publications.
• Suresh, D. (1998). Curriculum and Child Development , Agra: Bhargava.
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• Taneja. V.R. (1998).Educational Thoughts and Practi ce, Delhi University Publications.
• Vaidyanathan, A. (1995). The Indian Economy: Crisis , Response and Prospects. Tracts of
the Times. Orient Longman Publications: New Delhi.
• Weber. O.C. (1990). Basic Philosophies of Education , New York Holt, Rinehart and
Course Code: A 3 Credits: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Notional Hours: 30 Marks: 7 5
This Course will initiate teacher Trainees to under stand learning theories and as these translate
into teaching and learning actions. Assessment of learning as a continuous process is also
focused. The course also needs to focus on the PwD as Learner and their special education needs
that teacher needs to address in diverse education settings.
After completing this course the student will be ab le to:
• Comprehend the theories of learning and intelligenc e and their applications for teaching
• Analyse the learning process, nature and theory of motivation
• Describe the stages of teaching and learning and th e role of teacher
• Situate self in the teaching learning process
• Analyze the scope and role of assessment in teachin g learning process in order to
introduce dynamic assessment scheme for educational set up towards enhanced learning .
Module 1: Human Learning and Intelligence with implications on classroom Teaching and
1.1 Human learning: Meaning, definition and concept formation
1.2 Learning theories:
- Behaviourism: Skinner, Thorndike
- Cognitivism: Piaget, Kohlberg
- Social Constructism: Vygotsky, Bandura
1.3 Intelligence: Concept and definition
1.4 Theories: Two-factor, Multifactor, Triarchic Th eory (Robert Steinberg)
1.5 Creativity: Concept, Definition and Characteris tics
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Module 2: Learning Process and Motivation
2.1 Sensation: Definition and Sensory Process
2.2 Attention: Definition and Affecting Factors
2.3 Perception: Definition and Types
2.4 Memory, Thinking, and Problem Solving
2.5 Motivation: Nature, Definition and Maslow’s The ory
Module 3: Teaching Learning Process
3.1 Maxims of Teaching
3.2 Stages of Teaching: Plan, Implement, Evaluate, Reflect
3.3 Stages of Learning: Acquisition, Maintenance, G eneralization
3.4 Learning Environment: Psychological and Physica l
3.5 Leadership Role of Teacher in Classroom, School and Community
Module 4: Overview of Assessment and School System
4.1 Assessment: conventional meaning and constructi vist perspective
4.2 ‘Assessment of Learning’ and ‘Assessment for Le arning’: Meaning and difference
4.3 Curriculum Based Measurement
4.4 Formative and summative evaluation,
4.5 Understanding key concepts in school evaluation : filtering learners, marks, credit,
grading, choice, alternate certifications, transpar ency, internal-external proportion,
improvement option
Module 5: Assessment: Strategies and Practices
5.1 Strategies: (Oral, written, portfolio, observat ion, project, presentation, group discussion,
open book test, surprise test. untimed test, team t est, records of learning landmark, cloze
set/open set and other innovative measures) Meaning and procedure
5.2 Typology and levels of assessment items: open e nded and cloze ended; direct, indirect,
inferential level
5.3 Assessment of diverse learners: Exemptions, con cessions, adaptations and
5.4 School examinations: Critical review of current examination practices and their
assumptions about learning and development
5.5 Efforts for exam reforms: Comprehensive and Con tinuous Evaluation (CCE), NCF
(2005) and RTE (2009)
Hands on Experience for notional hours: (ANY TWO) 30 Hrs 10 Marks
1. Preparation of Self study report on individual diff erences among learners
2. Prepare a leaflet for parents on better emotional m anagement of children
3. Compilation of 3 CBM tools from web search in any o ne school subject
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4. Study recent ASAR report to understand school indep endent assessment. Submit
Understanding most of the concepts introduced throu gh this course is essential for any classroom
teacher. Hence, curriculum transactions may involve lectures with adequate explanations and
examples with reference to Indian context. Class di scussions must follow theoretical
introductions so that the student teachers are able to link this knowledge with whatever
observations and reflections they are making in sch ools. Suggested library readings prior to the
lecture will help student teachers to get familiari zed with the notions and appropriate terms.
Evaluations must focus on understanding the concept s and processes with reference to students
with and without special needs.
Essential Readings
• Amin, A. Assessment of Cognitive Development of Ele mentary School Children A
Psychometric Approach Jain Book Agency 2002
• Panch, R. (2013). Educational Psychology: Teaching and Learning PerspectivesMcGraw
Hill Education (India) Private Limited
• Misra, G., Jha, A., & Woolfolk, A.(2012). Fundament als of Educational
Psychology11 th edn Pearson Publication
• Whitcomb, S. and Merrell, K.W.(2012). Behavioral, S ocial, and Emotional Assessment
of Children and AdolescentsRoutledge 4th edn.
• Chauhan, S.S.(2013). Advanced Educational Psycholog y. Jain Book Agency, Delhi
• Salvia, John, Ysseldyke, James, E. And Bolt, Sara. (2007). Assessment in Special and
Inclusive Education. Houghton Mifflin Company, Bos ton.
• King-Sears, E. Margaret. (1994). Curriculum Based A ssessment in Special Education.
Singular Publishing Group
• Paul, P.(2009). Language and deafness. Singular pub lication
Suggested Reading
• Geisinger, K.F. (2013) APA Handbook of Testing and Assessment in Psychology.
Available at American Psychological Association, US A
• Howell, Kenneth W., (2000). Curriculum Based Evalua tion. (3 rd Ed).
WordswortThompson Learning.
• McMillan, James H. (2001). Classroom Assessment: Pr inciples and Practice for Effective
Instruction. Allyn and Bacon, London.
Page 21
• Nevo, David. (1995). School based Evaluation. Pergr amon Publishing
• Salvia, J. (1998). Assessment. (7th ed) Boston:Hou ghton Mifflin
• Guskey, T. R. & Bailey. J (2000). Grading and Repo rting. Thousnad Oaks,CA: corwin
• Howell, Kenneth, W. & Nolet Victor (2000). Curricu lum based Evaluation (3rd ed.).
Wadsworth Thomson Learning.
Course Code: A 4 (a) Credi ts: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Notional Hours: 30 Marks: 75
The course will help the student-teachers to genera te their student’s interest for learning
science and develop a scientific attitude. It is de signed to equip the student-teachers to teach
science using innovative methods, techniques and te aching learning material to students with &
without disabilities.
After completing the course the student-teachers wi ll be able to:
• Explain the role of science in day to day life and its relevance to modern society.
• Describe the aims and objectives of teaching scienc e at school level.
• Demonstrate and apply skills to select and use diff erent methods of teaching the content
of sciences.
• Demonstrate competencies of planning for teaching s ciences, organizing laboratory
facilities and equipment designing pupil centered t eaching learning experiences.
• Demonstrate skills to design and use various evalua tion tools to measure learner
achievement in sciences.
Module 1: Nature and Significance of Science
1.1 Nature, Scope, Importance and Value of Science.
1.2 Science As An Integrated Area of Study
1.3 Science and Modern Indian Society: Relationship of Science and Society.
1.4 Impact Of Science With Special Reference To Issues Related With Environment,
Industrialization and Disarmament.
1.5 Role Of Science For Sustainable Development
Module 2: Planning for Instruction
Page 22
2.1 Aims and Objectives of Teaching Science in Elementa ry and Secondary School
2.2 Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and Writ ing Objectives in Behavioural
2.3 Lesson Planning – Importance and Basic Steps. Plann ing Lesson for an Explanation,
Demonstration, and Numerical Problem in Teaching of Sciences.
2.4 Unit Planning – Format of A Unit Plan.
2.5 Pedagogical Analysis: Meaning and Need. Guidelines for Conducting Pedagogical
Module 3: Approaches and Methods of Teaching Scienc es
3.1 Process approach, Direct Experience Approach, I nductive-Deductive Approach,
3.2 Lecture, Demonstration, Discussion, Problem-sol ving, Concept-mapping, Programmed
Instruction, Team Teaching, Seminar, Computer Assis ted Learning (CAL)
3.3 Project Method and Heuristic Method
3.4 Creating Different Situations of Learning Engagemen t: Group Learning, Individual Learning,
Small Group, Cooperative (Peer-Tutoring, Jigsaw Et c.), Situated/Contextual Learning with
reference to Children With Disabilities
3.5 Constructivist Approach and its Use in Teaching Sci ence
Module 4: Learning Resources with reference to Chil dren with Disabilities for Teaching
4.1 Teaching Learning Aids – Need, Importance, Selectio n, Use and Classification of Aids
Based on Type of Experience, Audio Visual Aids, Mul timedia, Charts, and Models
(Tactile and Visual)
4.2 Importance of Co-Curricular Activities-Science Club , Science Exhibition, Science Text
Books-Characteristics and Significance With Referen ce To Children With Disabilities
4.3 The Science Laboratory-Planning Organization of Lab , Storage, Record Keeping And
Safety of Scientific Equipments With Reference To C hildren With Disabilities
4.4 Use of net based Resources: Open Educational R esources (OER), Virtual laboratories
4.5 Use of net based Resources: Learning Management Systems (LMS)
Module 5: Evaluation
5.1 Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation: Concept a nd Significance
5.2 Tools and Techniques for Formative and Summative As sessments
5.3 Curriculum Based Assessment
5.4 Adaptations of Evaluation Procedure With Reference To Children With Disabilities
5.5 Reflections on how this paper facilitates the teach er within you
Hands on Experience for notional hours: (ANY TWO) 30 Hrs 10 Marks
Page 23
1. Pedagogical analysis of a unit from Science content . Summarize and submit.
2. Preparation of a multimedia presentation on a topic from Science content keeping
students with disabilities in view.
3. Select a science based concept. Review 3 to 4 board s in terms of how and when it is
introduced in science curriculum. Submit comparativ e statement.
4. Curricular adaptations for teaching Sciences to stu dents with disabilities: Write a
letter to a school head suggesting Dos and Donts
Essential Readings
• Brown, R. (1978). Science instruction of visually Impaired Youth . New York: AFB.
• Buxton, A C. (2010). Teaching Science in Elementary and Middle School . NewDelhi:
Sage Publications.
• Bybee.w.Roger (2010) The Teaching of Science 21 st Century Perspective National
Science Teachers. Association, USA
• Fensham, P.J. (1994). The content of Science: A constructive Approach to its Teaching
and Learning .Washington, D.C: The Falmer Press.
• Gupta, V. K. (1995). Teaching and learning of Science and Technology . New Delhi:
Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
• Henninen, K. A. (1975). Teaching of Visually Handicapped , Ohio: Charles E. Merrill
Publishing Company
• Joshi, S. R (2005). Teaching of Science. New Delhi: A.P.H Publishing Corporation.
• Kelley, P. & Gale, G. (1998). Towards Excellence: Effective education for student s with
vision impairments , Sydney: North Rocks Press.
• Layton, D. (1989). Innovations in Science and Technology Education , New Delhi:
Sterling Publishers
• Lawson, E. A. (2010). Teaching Inquiry Science in Middle School , New Delhi: Sage
• Mani, M. N. G. (1992). Techniques of teaching blind children , New Delhi: Sterling
• Mukhopadhyay, S., Jangira, N. K., Mani, M.N. G., & Raychowdhary, N. (1987).
Sourcebook for training teachers of visually impair ed , Delhi: NCERT.
• Murray, L. J. (1988). Basic Skills – Science, Boston: John Murrey.
• NCERT (1982). Teaching Science in secondary schools , New Delhi: NCERT.
• NIVH (1992). Handbook for the teachers for the visually handicap ped , Dehradun: NIVH.
• Scholl, G.T. (1986). Foundations of education for b lind and visually handicapped
children and youth, New York: American Foundation f or the blind.
Page 24
• Sharma, R. C. (2005). Modern Science teaching , Delhi: Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
• Siddiqui, H. M. (2007). Teaching science , New Delhi: Balaji offset.
• Siddiqui, N.N & Siddiqui, M. N. (1994). Teaching of science today & tomorrow , Delhi:
Doaba House.
• Starin, A. & Sund, B. (1983). Teaching science through discovery . Ohio: Charles E.
Merril Publishing Company.
• Tripathi, S. (2004). Teaching of Physical Science , Delhi: Dominant Publications
• UNESCO (1966). Source Book for Science Teaching , Paris: UNESCO.
• Vaidya, N. (2003). Science Teaching in Schools , New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publishers.
• Vanaja, M. (2006). Teaching of Physical Science , Hyderabad: Neelkamal Publications.
Suggested Readings
• Gupta, S. K. (1983). Technology of Science Education , Delhi: Vikas Publishing House
Pvt. Ltd.
• Gupta, V. K. (1995). Readings in Science and Mathematics Education , Ambala: The
Associated Press.
• Mangal S. K & Shubhra (2005). Teaching of Biological Sciences , Meerut: International
Publishing House.
• Rao, V.K. (2004). Science Education , APH Publishing Corpn. New Delhi
Course Code: A4 (b) Credits: 03
Contact Hours:60 Notiona l Hours: 30 Marks: 75
The course will help the student-teachers to genera te their student’s interest for learning
maths and develop dispositions towards the subject. It is designed to equip the learners to
teach math using innovative methods, techniques and teaching learning material for childrenwith
& without disabilities.
After completing the course the student-teachers wi ll be able to:
• Explain the nature of Mathematics and its historica l development with contribution of
• Describe the aims and objectives of teaching Mathem atics at school level.
Page 25
• Demonstrate and apply skills to select and use diff erent methods of teaching
• Demonstrate competencies of planning for teaching Mathematics, organizing laboratory
facilities and equipment designing pupil centered t eaching learning experiences.
• Demonstrate skills to design and use various evalua tion tools to measure learner
achievement in Mathematics.
Module 1: Nature of Mathematics
1.1 Meaning, Nature, Importance of Mathematics
1.2 Values of Mathematics.
1.3 Maxims of teaching Mathematics
1.4 Contribution of Mathematicians (Ramanujam, Aryabhat ta, Bhaskaracharya, Euclid,
1.5 Perspectives on Psychology of Teaching and Learning of Mathematics-Constructivism,
Vygotskyian Perspectives
Module 2: Objectives and Instruction Planning in Ma thematics
2.1 Aims and Objectives of Teaching Mathematics in Ele mentary and Secondary Schools
2.2 Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and Wri ting Objectives in Behavioural
2.3 Lesson Planning–Importance and Basic Steps. Planni ng Lesson of Arithmetic, Algebra
and Geometry.
2.4 Unit Planning – Format of A Unit Plan.
2.5 Pedagogical Analysis: Meaning and Need and Procedu re for Conducting Pedagogical
Analysis. Classification of Content, Objective, Eva luation, Etc
Module 3: Strategies for Learning and Teaching Math ematics
3.1 Understanding mathematical concepts
3.2 Concept Formation and Concept Attainment: Concept A ttainment Model for Learning
and Teaching of Concepts.
3.3 Methods of Teaching- Discussion, Lecture cum Demons tration, Inductive-Deductive,
Analytic-Synthetic, Problem-Solving, And Project
3.4 Techniques of Teaching Mathematics: Oral Work, Wri tten Work, Drill-Work, Brain-
Storming And Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)
3.5 Creating Different Situations of Learning Engagemen t: Group Learning, Individual
Learning, Small-Group, Cooperative (Peer-Tutoring, Jigsaw Etc.), And
Situational/Contextual Learning
Module 4: Teaching- Learning Resources in Mathematics for Students with Disabilities
4.1 Mathematics Laboratory- Concept, Need, And Equipmen ts
Page 26
4.2 Utilization of Learning Resources in Mathematics: C harts and Pictures, Weighing and
Measuring Instruments, Drawing Instruments, Models, Concrete Materials, Abacus (
With Reference To Children With Disabilities)
4.3 Use of net based Resources: Open Educational R esources (OER), Virtual laboratories
4.4 Use of net based Resources: Learning Managemen t Systems (LMS)
4.3 Calculators, Smart Boards, and Special Aids and App liances For Children With
Module 5: Assessment and Evaluation for Mathematic s Learning
5.1 Assessment And Evaluation-Concept, Importance and P urpose
5.2 Error Analysis, Diagnostic Tests, Identification of Hard Spots and Remedial Measures.
5.3 Tools and Techniques for Formative and Summative As sessments of Learner
Achievement in Mathematics and Comprehensive And Co ntinuous Evaluation in
5.4 Adaptations in Evaluation Procedure for Students Wi th Disabilities
5.5 Reflections on how this paper facilitates the teach er within you
Hands on Experience for notional hours: (ANY TWO) 30 Hrs (10 Marks)
1. Pedagogical analysis of a unit of content from seco ndary school Mathematics
Syllabus. Submit a report
2. Prepare a multimedia presentation on a topic with s pecial reference to students with
disabilities and submit.
3. Construct a question paper based on current CBSE / State Board of education, prepare
its Scoring key, and marking scheme and submit
4. Analyzing errors committed by school children in Ma thematics and preparing a
remedial plan in the form of report
Lecture cum demonstration, Workshops and Seminars
Essential Readings
• Carey, L.M. (1988). Measuring and Evaluating School Learning , Boston: Allyn and
• Chambers, P. (2010). Teaching Mathematics , New Delhi: Sage Publication South
• Chapman, L. R. (1970). The Process of Learning Mathematics , New York: Pregamon
Page 27
• David, H., Maggie, M. & Louann, H. L. (2007). Teaching Mathematics Meaningfully:
Solutions for Reaching Struggling Learners , Canada: Amazon Books.
• David, W. (1988). How Children Think and Learn , New York: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
• James, A. (2005). Teaching of Mathematics , New Delhi: Neelkamal Publication
• Kumar, S. (2009). Teaching of Mathematics, New Delh i: Anmol Publications.
• Mangal, S.K. (1993). Teaching of Mathematics , New Delhi: Arya Book Depot.
• Mani, M. N. G. (1992). Techniques of Teaching Blind Children , New Delhi: Sterling
• Mukhopadhyaya, S., Jangira, N. K., Mani, M.N. G., & Raychaudhary, N. (1987).
Sourcebook for Training Teachers of Visually Handic apped , Delhi: NCERT.
• Nemeth, A. (1973). Nemeth Code for Mathematics and Scientific Notation , Loviseville
K: American Printing House.
• Shankaran & Gupta, H. N. (1984). Content-Cum-Methodology of Teaching Mathematics ,
New Delhi: NCERT.
• Siddhu, K.S. (1990). Teaching of Mathematics , New Delhi: Sterling Publishers.
Suggested Readings
• Keeley, P. K., & Cheryl, T. R. (2011). Mathematics Formative Assessmen t, Canada:
Sage Publications.
• National Curriculum Framework. (2005). NCERT, New Delhi: NCERT.
• National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education . (2009). NCTE, New Delhi.
• Teaching of Mathematics (ES-342), Blocks 1-4. (2000). IGNOU, New Delhi.
• Text Books of Mathematics for Class-VI to X. (2006). NCERT, New Delhi.
Course Code: A 4 (c) Credits: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Notional Hours: 30 Marks: 7 5
This course explores the scope of social science. I t develops competencies in designing
lesson plans and evaluations tools. It addresses th e knowledge and understanding of the
methodologies, approaches to teach social sciences at secondary level and also modify and
adapt content-area curricula, materials and techniq ues for students with disabilities. The course
also focuses on various skills and competencies tha t teachers need to develop.
After completing the course the learners will be ab le to:
Page 28
• Explain the concept, nature and scope of social sci ence.
• Develop competencies for designing unit and lesson plans, as well as tools of evaluation for
social science teaching.
• Develop skills in preparation and use of support ma terials for effective social science
• Develop the ability to organize co-curricular activ ities and community resources for
promoting social science learning.
Module 1: Nature of Social Sciences
1.1 Concept, scope and nature of social science
1.2 Difference between social sciences and social studi es
1.3 Aims and objectives of teaching social science at s chool level.
1.4 Significance of social science as a core subject
1.5 Role of social science teacher for an egalitarian society
Module 2: Curriculum and Instructional Planning
2.1 Organization of social science curriculum at sc hool level
2.2 Instructional Planning: Concept, need and impor tance
2.3 Unit plan and lesson plan: need and importance
2.4 Procedure of Unit and lesson Planning
2.5 Adaptation of unit and lesson plans for childre n with disabilities
Module 3: Approaches to teaching of Social Science
3.1 Curricular approaches: a) Coordination b) Corre lational c) Contentric d) Spiral e)
Integrated f) Regressive
3.2 Methods of teaching social science: Lecture, di scussion, socialized recitation, source and
project method.
3.3 Devices and techniques of teaching social studi es – Narration, description, illustration,
questioning, assignment, field trip, story telling, Role play, Group and self study,
programmed learning, inductive thinking, Concept ma pping, expository teaching and
problem solving
3.4 Instructional material for teaching of social science: Time-lines & Genealogical charts,
Maps & Globes, Use of different types of Boards(Sma rt boards, Chalk Board, Flannel
Board), Tape-records, Radio, Television, Films & Fi lmstrips, Overhead Projector, Social
science games and Power Point Presentation.
3.5 Adaptations of material for teaching children w ith disabilities
Module 4: Evaluation of learning in Social Science
4.1 Techniques of evaluating learner achievement in social Science: Written and Oral tests,
Observation Tools
Page 29
4.2 Techniques of evaluating learner achievement in social Science: Work Samples, Portfolio
4.3 Assessment: tools and techniques of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)
for curricular and co-curricular subjects
4.4 Understanding teacher made test
4.5 Adaptations and accommodations for children wit h disabilities
Module 5: Social Science Teacher as a Reflective Pr actitioner
5.1 Reviewing text books of any three boards at pri mary level
5.2 Use of net based Resources: Open Educational Re sources (OER), Virtual laboratories
5.3 Use of net based Resources: Learning Management Systems (LMS)
5.4 Development of a Professional Portfolio/ teachi ng Journal
5.6 5.5 Reflections on how this paper facilitates the t eacher within you
The student-teachers should be encouraged to read c hapters and articles. There may be quizzes,
seminars, field trips, lectures, demonstrations, sc hool visits and observations to teach this course.
Hands on Experience for notional hours: (ANY TWO) 30 Hrs 10 Marks
1. Prepare a unit of social science content for a give n child with disabilities
2. Create a sample LMS for a class and submit reflecti ons
3. Prepare and submit an adapted teaching learning aid for a child with disabilities.
4. Construct a question paper based on current CBSE / State Board of education, prepare
its Scoring key, and marking scheme and submit
5. Organize activities like quiz, mock-parliament, fie ld trips, exhibitions and any other
co-curricular activities in schools and write a rep ort and submit.
Essential Readings
• Aggarwal, J. C. (2008). Principles, methods & techn iques of teaching. UP: Vikas
Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
• Batra, P. (2010). Social Science Learning in School s Perspective and Challenges,
Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd; Pap/Com edition.
• Chauhan, S. S. (2008). Innovations in teaching lear ning process. UP: Vikas
Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
• Dhand, H. (2009). Techniques of Teaching. New Delhi : APH Publishing Corporation.
• Duplass, J. A. (2009). Teaching elementary social s tudies. New Delhi: Atlantic
• Mangal, U. (2005). Samajik Shikshan, Arya Book Depo t, New Delhi.
Suggested Readings:
• Aggarwal, D.D (2000) Methods of Teaching Geography, Sarup & Sons, New Delhi
• George Alex M. & Manad Amman(2009) Teaching Social Science in Schools : NCERT'S
New Textbook Initiative
Page 30
• Mangal S.K. (2004) Teaching of Social Science, Ary a Book Depot, Delhi
• Rai B.C (1999) Methods of Teaching Economics, Praka shan Kendra, Lucknow.
• Sharma, R. A. (2008). Technological foundation of e ducation. Meerut: R.Lall Books
• Sharma, R. N. (2008). Principles and techniques of education. Delhi: Surjeet
• Singh,Y. K. (2009). Teaching of history: Modern met hods. New Delhi: APH Publishing
• Stone Randi(2008) Best Practices for Teaching Soci al Studies: What Award-Winning
Classroom Teachers Do, Corwin
Course Code: A 5 (a) Credi ts: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Not ional Hours 30 Marks: 75
Page 34
Course Code: A5 (b) Credits: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Notiona l Hours : 30 Marks: 75
This course will enable the student-teachers to gai n a strong knowledge base in nature of English
language & literature, instructional planning and e valuation. It will help in applying theory to
practice to design your own materials and plan less ons in preparation for teaching real classes.
The course offers you the opportunity to explore in -depth aspects of English and to find out
about the approaches and current practices of langu age teaching in relation to Indian and
international contexts. The course also equips you with analytical and investigative skills and
provides a foundation in issues related to English language teaching,second language pedagogy
and language acquisition.
After completing the course the learners will be ab le to:
• Explain the principles of language teaching, and ev olution and trends in English
• Prepare an instructional plan in English
• Adapt various approaches and methods to teach Engli sh language.
• Use various techniques to evaluate the achievement of the learner in English.
Module 1: Nature of English Language & literature
1.1 Principles of Language Teaching
1.2 Language Proficiency : Basic Interpersonal Communic ation Skills (BICS) and Cognitive
Academic Language Proficiency( CALP)
1.3 English Language in the school context: An Evolutio nary Perspective
1.4 Current Trends in Modern English literature in Indian context
1.5 Teaching English as second language and challen ges faced by Indian teachers
Module 2: Instructional Planning
2.1 Aims and objectives of Teaching English at diff erent stages of schooling
2.2 Instructional Planning: Need and Importance
2.3 Unit and lesson plan: Need and Importance
2.4 Procedure of Unit and Lesson Planning
2.5 Planning and adapting units and lessons for chi ldren with disabilities
Page 35
Module 3: Approaches and methods of teaching Englis h
3.1 Difference between an approach and a method.
3.2 Task based approach, co-operative learning, lan guage across curriculum, communicative
language teaching, Bilingual, Eclectic and Construc tiveapproach
3.3 Methods Teaching English (Prose, Poetry, Drama, Grammar and Vocabulary)- i)
Translation method. ii) Structural – Situational me thod. iii) Direct method.
3.4 Development of four basic language skills: List ening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing.
3.5 Accommodation in approaches and techniques in t eaching children with disabilities
Module 4: Instructional Materials
4.1 Importance of instructional material and their effective use.
4.2 The use of the instructional aids for effective teaching of English: Smart boards, Chalk
Board, Flannel Board, Pictures/ Picture-cut-outs, C harts, Language games, reading cards,
Worksheets, Handouts, and Audio Visual Aids (Tape-r ecorders, Radio, Television, Films
and Filmstrips, Overhead Projector, Language Labora tory, and Powerpoint etc)
4.3 Construction of a teacher made test for English proficiency
4.4 Teaching portfolio
4.5 Adaptations of teaching material for children w ith disabilities
Module 5: Evaluation
5.1 Evaluation - concept and need.
5.2 Testing language skills and language elements ( vocabulary, grammar and phonology)
5.3 Adaptation of evaluation tools for children wit h disabilities
5.4 Individualized assessment for children with dis abilities
5.5 Error analysis, diagnostic tests and enrichment measures.
This course should be taught through a series of wo rkshops, seminars and presentations. Lectures,
demonstrations and discussions for theory based top ics. Students should be encouraged to use
instructional material in their practice of teachin g lessons. Adaptations in pedagogy, material and
evaluation should be taught through workshops and s pecific case studies
Hands on Experience for notional hours: (ANY TWO) 30 Hrs 10 Marks
1. Design teaching programme based on error analysis a nd submit.
2. Develop a strategy to rectify any common error in th e use of English.
3. Develop a language game to teach any language element.
4. Prepare worksheets to enrich vocabulary among secondary students with disabilities
and submit.
5. Critically analyze any one poem or essay of a well know n poet or writer and submit
the report.
Page 36
Essential Readings
• Allen, H., & Cambell, R. (1972). Teaching English as sec ond Language, McGraw Hill,
New York.
• Bharthi, T., & Hariprasad, M. (2004). Communicative Eng lish, Neelkamal Publications,
• Bhatia, K.K. (2006). Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language. Kalyani
Publishers, New Delhi.
• Grellet, F.(1980). Developing Reading Skills, Cambridge U niversity Press, New York.
• IGNOU CTE – 02 Certificate in Teaching of English (1989 ). The Structure of English,
IGNOU, New Delhi.
• IGNOU EEG – 02 Elective Course in English (1989). The St ructure of Modern English
Blocks (1 to 7), IGNOU, New Delhi.
Suggested Readings:
• Agnihotri, R.K. and Khanna A.L. (Ed.) 1996, English G rammar in context, Ratnasagar,
• Bhatia, K.K. (2006). Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language. New Delhi:
Kalyani Publishers.
• Bhatia, K.K. and Kaur, Navneet (2011). Teaching and L earning English as a Foreign
Language. Ludhiana :Kalyani Publishers.
• Bindra, R. (2005). Teaching of English. Jammu: Radha Krishan Anand and Co.
• Brumfit, C.J and Johnson (Ed.) 1979, The communicative Approach to Language Teaching,
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
• Donn Bryne (1988), Teaching Writing Skills, Longman, En gland.
• Francoise Grellet (1980), Developing Reading Skills, Cam bridge University Press.
• Hari Prasad, M. & Prakashan, V. (2004), Communicative En glish, Neelkamal Publications,
• IGNOU EEG – 02 Elective Course in English (1989), The str ucture of modern English
Blocks (1 to 7), IGNOU, New Delhi.
• Krashen, D. (1992), Principles and Practice in second Lang uage Acquisition, Pergamum
Press Oxford.
• Krishna Swamy (2003), Teaching English: Approaches, Meth ods and Techniques,
Macmillan Publication New Delhi
• Sachdeva, M. S. (2007). Teaching of English. Patiala: Tw enty First Century Publications.
• Sahu, B. K. (2004). Teaching of English. Ludhiana: Kalyan i Publishers.
Page 37
• Shaik, M & Gosh, R. N (2005), Techniques of Teaching E nglish, Neelkamal Publications,
• Sharma, P. (2011). Teaching of English: Skill and Methods. Delhi: Shipra Publication.
Page 41
Course Code: B 6 Credits: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Notional Hours: 30 Marks: 7 5
The course is designed to develop an understanding abo ut inclusive education and addressing
diversity in the mainstream classroom. It is also formulated in a way that the learners will know
the pedagogical practices and recognizes ways in which different stakeholders can collaborate
for the success of inclusive education.
After completing the course the learners will be able to:
• Explain the construct of inclusive education & the progression from segregation towards
valuing& appreciating diversity in inclusive educat ion
• Explicate the national &key international policies & frameworks facilitating inclusive
• Enumerate the skills in adapting instructional stra tegies for teaching in mainstream
• Describe the inclusive pedagogical practices & its relation to good teaching.
• Expound strategies for collaborative working and st akeholders support in implementing
inclusive education
Module 1: Introduction to Inclusive Education
1.1 Marginalization versus Inclusion: Meaning & Definition s
1.2 Changing Practices in Education of Children with Disab ilities: Segregation, Integration&
1.3 Understanding Diversity in Classrooms: Learning Styles, Linguistic & Socio-Cultural
1.4 Principles of Inclusive Education: Access, Equity, Rele vance, Participation &
Empowerment, Natural proportion
1.5 Barriers to Inclusive Education: Attitudinal, Physical & Ins tructional
Module 2: Polices & Frameworks Facilitating Inclus ive Education
2.1 Need and scope of policies and legislations
Page 42
2.2 International Conventions: Convention on Rights of a Chil d (1989), United Nations
Convention of Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) (2006 )
2.3 International Framework: Biwako Millenium Framework of A ction (2002), MDG, 2015
2.4: National Programs: SSA (2000), RTE (2006), RMSA (2 009), IEDSS (2013)
2.5: Future Constitutional Provisions: RPD Bill (Proposed), NPE (Draft 2016)
Module 3: Adaptations Accommodations and Modificati ons
3.1 Meaning, Difference, Need & Steps
3.2 Specifics for Children with Sensory Disabilities
3.3 Specifics for Children with Neuro-Developmental Disabilit ies
3.4 Specifics for Children with Loco Motor & Multiple Disabilitie s
3.5 Engaging Gifted Children
Module 4: Inclusive Academic Instructions
4.1 Universal Design for Learning: Multiple Means of Acce ss, Expression, Engagement &
4.2 Co-Teaching Methods: One Teach One Assist, Station-Te aching, Parallel Teaching,
Alternate Teaching & Team Teaching
4.3 Differentiated Instructions: Content, Process & Product
4.4 Peer Mediated Instructions: Class Wide Peer Tutoring, Pee r Assisted Learning Strategies
4.5 ICT for Instructions
Module 5: Supports and Collaborations for Inclusive Education
5.1 Stakeholders of Inclusive Education & Their Responsi bilities
5.2 Advocacy & Leadership for Inclusion in Education
5.3Family Support & Involvement for Inclusion
5.4 Community Involvement for Inclusion
5.5 Resource Mobilisation for Inclusive Education
Hands on Experience for notional hours: (ANY TWO) 30 Hrs (10 Marks)
1. Visit Special Schools Of Any Two Disabilities & An Inclusive School & Write
Observation Report Highlighting Pedagogy
2. Prepare A Checklist For Accessibility In Mainstream Schools Fo r Children With
Disabilities and submit
3. Design A Poster On Inclusive Education and submit for ev aluation
4. Prepare A Lesson Plan On Any One School Subject Of Your Choice Using Any One
Inclusive Academic Instructional Strategy and submit
Page 43
Group discussions following videos and visits; Debate for Inclusion vs. Segregation &
Self study for legislations and frameworks
Suggested Readings
• Bartlett, L. D. and Weisentein, G. R. (2003). Successful Inclusion for Educational
Leaders . New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
• Chaote, J. S. (1991). Successful Mainstreaming .Allyn and Bacon
• Choate, J. S. (1997). Successful Inclusive Teaching . Allyn and Bacon
• Daniels, H. (1999) . Inclusive Education. London: Kogan.
• Deiner, P. L. (1993). Resource for Teaching Children with Diverse Abiliti es , Florida:
Harcourt Brace and Company
• Dessent, T. (1987). Making Ordinary School Special . Jessica Kingsley Pub.
• Gargiulo, R. M. Special Education in Contemporary Society: An Intro duction to
Exceptionality .Belmont: Wadsworth.
• Gartner, A. &Lipsky, D. D. (1997) Inclusion and School Reform Transferring America’s
Classrooms, Baltimore: P. H. Brookes Publishers.
• Giuliani, G. A. &Pierangelo, R. (2007) Understanding, Developing and Writing IEPs .
Corwin press:Sage Publishers.
• Gore, M. C. (2004) . Successful Inclusion Strategies for Secondary and M iddle School
Teachers , Crowin Press, Sage Publications.
• Hegarthy, S. &Alur, M. (2002) Education of Children with Special Needs: from
Segregation to Inclusion, Corwin Press. Sage Publishers
• Karant, P. &Rozario, J. ((2003 ).Learning Disabilities in India. Sage Publications.
• Karten, T. J. (2007). More Inclusion Strategies that Work . Corwin Press, Sage
• King ‐Sears, M. (1994) Curriculum ‐Based Assessment in Special Edcuation . California:
Singular Publications.
• Lewis, R. B. &Doorlag, D. (1995) Teaching Special Students in the Mainstream .4th Ed.
New Jersey: Pearson
• McCormick, Sandra.(1999)Instructing Students who Have Liter acy Problems. 3rd Ed.
New Jersey, Pearson
• Rayner, S. (2007). Managing Special and Inclusive Education , Sage Publications.
• Ryandak, D. L. &Alper, S. (1996) Curriculum content for Students with Moderate and
SevereDisabilities in Inclusive Setting. Boston, Allyn and Bacon
Page 44
• Sedlak, R. A. &Schloss, P. C. (1986). Instructional Methods for Students with Learning
and Behaviour Problems . Allyn and Bacon
• Stow L. &Selfe, L. (1989) Understanding Children with Special Needs . London :Unwin
• Turnbull, A., Turnbull, R. Turnbull, M. Shank, D. L. (1 995). Exceptional Lives: Special
Education in Today’s Schools . 2nd Ed.New Jersey: Prentice ‐Hall.Inc.
• Vlachou D. A. (1997) Struggles for Inclusive Education: An ethnographic study .
Philadelphia: Open University Press
• Westwood P. (2006) Commonsense Methods for Children with Special Educa tional
Needs ‐Strategies for the Regular Classroom. 4th Edition, London RoutledgeFalmer:
Taylor & Francis Group.
Course Code: B 7 Credits: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Notional Hours: 30
Marks: 75
The course is designed to provide a basic understandin g to the student-teachers about the nature
and needs of different types of sensory disabilities. It will also equip them in undertaking
screening, planning and instructing students with sensory disa bilities.
After completing this course, the student-teachers will be a ble to:
• Name the different types of sensory impairments &it s prevalence& describe the process
of hearing & implications of various types of hear ing loss
• Explain the issues & ways to address challenges in educating students with hearing loss
• Describe nature, characteristics & assessment of st udents with low vision & visual
• Suggest educational placement and curricular strat egies for students with low vision &
visual impairment
• Explicate the impact of deaf-blindness & practices for functional development
Module 1: Hearing Impairment: Nature & Classificati on
Page 45
1.1 Types of sensory impairments: Single (Hearing Impairment/ Hard of Hearing & Visual
Impairment / low vision) & Dual sensory impairment (Deaf-b lindness)
1.2 Importance of hearing
1.3 Process of hearing & its impediment leading to different type s of hearing loss
1.4 Definition of hearing loss, demographics& associated term inologies: deaf/Deaf/deafness/
1.5 Developmental challenges arising due to congenital an d acquired hearing loss
Module 2: Impact of hearing loss
2.1Characteristics of learners with hearing loss and impac t of different degrees of hearing
impairment on communication
2.2 Language & communication issues attributable to hearin g loss& need for early
2.3 Communication options, preferences & facilitators of in dividuals with hearing loss
2.4 Issues & measures in literacy development and schola stic achievement of students with
hearing loss
2.5 Restoring techniques using human (interpreter) & tech nological support (hearing devices)
Module 3: Visual Impairment--Nature and Assessment
3.1. Process of Seeing and Common Eye Disorders in India;
3.2. Blindness and Low Vision--Definition and Classification ;
3.2. Demographic Information--NSSO and Census 2011;
3.4. Importance of Early Identification and Intervention;
3.5. Functional Assessment Procedures.
Module 4: Educational Implications of Visual Impair ment
4.1. Effects of Blindness--Primary and Secondary;
4.2. Selective Educational Placement;
4.3. Teaching Principles;
4.4. Expanded Core Curriculum--Concept and Areas;
4.5. Commonly Used Low Cost And Advanced Assistive D evices.
Module 5: Deaf-blindness
5.1 Definition, causes, classification, prevalence and cha racteristics of deaf-blindness
5.2 Effects and implications of deaf-blindness on activitie s of daily living & education
5.3 Screening, Assessment, Identification & interventional strategies of deaf-blindness
5.4 Fostering early communication development: Methods, a ssistive devices and practices
including AAC
5.5 Addressing o rientation, mobility & educational needs of students with deaf -blindness
Page 46
Conventional lecturing, PPTs, Visits, Observations, class dis cussions Videos and Interactions
with Students/adults with Disabilities, reflecting upon learnt know ledge.
Hands on Experience for Notional Hours: (Any Two ): 30 hours 10 marks
1. Interact with 2-3 Deaf adults and reflect upon their prefere nces
about communication methods
2. Make a poster on positive attitude towards sensory impairm ents.
3. Make a check list for identifying low vision in primary classes
4. Do web search on deafblindness and write an essay on s trategies
for developing daily living skills.
Essential readings:
• Bradford, L. J. & Hardy, W.G. (1979). Hearing and Hearing Impairment . New York:
Grune and Stratton
• Davis, H. & Silverman, S. R. (1970). Hearing and Deafne ss - Part I. Holt, London:
Rinehart & Winston.
• Holbrook Cay M. & Koenig Alan. J (Eds.) (2000) Found ations of Education, Vol I:
History and Theory of Teaching Children and Youths with V isual Impairments. (2 nd
ed):New York : AFB Press
• Handbook on Deafblindness (2005) Sense International Ind ia. Retrieved online on
• Kauffman James M. & Hallahan Daniel P. (Ed) (2011) H andbook of Special Education.
Routledge NY
• Kelley, P. & Gale, G. (1998). Towards Excellence: Effectiv e education for students with
vision impairments. Sydney: North Rocks Press.
• Lowenfeld, B (1973).Visually Handicapped Child in Schoo l and Society; American
Foundation for the Blind; NewYork.
• Lynas, W. (2000). Communication options. In J. Stokes (Ed ), Hearing Impaired Infants –
Support in the first eighteen months. London: Whurr Publisher s Ltd
• Martin, F. N. Clark, J.G. (2009). Introduction to Audiology . 10th ed. Boston: Pearson
Education. OR
• Martin, F. N. Clark, J.G. (2012). Introduction to Audiology . 11th ed. Boston: Pearson
• National institute for the Visually Handicapped.(2015). Inform ation Booklet on Visual
Impairment in India, Dehradun: Government of India.
• Nerbonne, M. A. & Schow, R.L. (2002). Introduction to Audiologic Rehabilitation.
Boston: Allyn and Bacon. OR
Page 47
• Nerbonne, M. A. & Schow, R.L. (2013). Introduction to Audiologic Rehabilitation. 6th
ed. Boston: Pearson Education.
• Northern, J. L. & Downs, M. P. (2002). Hearing in C hildren. (5th Ed.) Philadelphia:
• Williams & Wilkins
• Prescod, S. V. (1978). Audiology hand book of hearing d isorders. New York: van
Nostrand Reinhold Company.
• Sataloff, R. T. & Sataloff, J. (2005). Hearing Loss. (4th Ed.) London: Taylor & Francis
• Sims, L. G., Walter, G. G., & Whitehead, R. L. (1981). D eafness and Communication:
Assessment and Training. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins.
• Warren, D. H. (1994). Blindness and Children: An Individ ual Differences Approach.
New York: Cambridge University Press
Suggested Readings:
• Auditory-Verbal International (1991). Auditory-verbal posit ion statement. Auricle 4:11-
• Harp, B. (2006). The handbook of literacy assessment and evaluation , (3 rd Eds).
Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon Publishers, Inc.
• Katz, J. (1985). Handbook of Clinical Audiology . (4 th Ed.) Baltimore: Williams and
• Loreman.T, Deppeler.J & Harvey.D (2005). Inclusive education- A practical guide to
supporting diversity in the classroom .(2 nd Eds.). U.K. Routledge
• Norris G, Haring & Romer L.T (1995). Welcoming Students who are deafblind to
typicalclassrooms .U.S : Paul H Brookes
• Pandey, R. S. & Advani, L. (1995). Perspectives in disability and rehabilitation . New
Delhi: Vikas Publishing house Pvt. Ltd.
• Proceedings from National Conference on Centenary f or Work for the Blind in
India (1987); All India Confederation of the Blind and Christof fel Blinden Mission;
• Scholl, G.T. (1986). Foundations of education for blind and visually han dicapped
children and youth . New York: American Foundation for the blind.
• Tucker, I. & Nolan, M. (1984). Educational Audiology . London: Croom Helm.
• Tye-Murray, N. (1998). Intervention plans for children. In Tye-Murray N . (Eds)
Foundations of aural rehabilitatio n. San Diego: Singular. P381–413.
Page 48
CourseCode: B 8 Credits : 03
Contact Hours:60 Notional Hours: 30 Marks:75
The course integrates relevant subject matter in the areas of Learning Disability, intellectual
Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder. This course will p repare pre-service teachers to work
with students with Neuro Developmental disabilities in inclusive and specialized settings. It
fosters the acquisition of the broad-based knowledge and s kills needed to provide effective
educational programs for students with learning and behavio r characteristics. The course
emphasizes implications for educational and vocational program ming, curriculum, and
After completing the course the learners will be able to :
• Discuss the characteristics and types of learning d isability.
• Describe the tools, areas of assessment and apply intervention strategies to enhance
• Explain the characteristics and types of Intellectu al disability.
• Describe the tools, areas of assessment and prepa re and apply intervention strategies
for independent living
• Explain the characteristics and types of Autism spectrum Disorder
• Describe the tools, areas of assessment and apply intervention strategies
Module 1: Overview of Neuro-developmental disabilit ies
1.1 Neuro-developmental disabilities: concept
1.2 Types and characteristics
1.3 Prevalence and incidence
1.4 Educational implications: Needs
1.5 Educational implications: Classroom Strategies
Module 2: Learning Disability: Nature, needs and in tervention
2.1 Definition, Types
2.2 Characteristics (Typewise)
2.3 Areas of assessment
2.4 Strategies for reading, writing and maths
2.5 Curricular adaptation, IEP
Page 49
Module 3: Intellectual Disability: Nature, needs an d intervention
3.1 Definition, Types and Characteristics
3.2 Areas of assessment
3.3 Strategies for functional academics and social skills
3.4 Assistive devices, Adaptations, Individualized Education Plan, Person centered plan,
Life skill education
3.5 Vocational training and independent living
Module 4: Autism Spectrum Disorder: Nature, needs a nd intervention
4.1 Definition, Types and Characteristics
4.2 Areas of assessment
4.3 Instructional Approaches
4.4 Teaching Methods
4.5 Vocational training and career opportunities
Module 5: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder : Nature, needs and intervention
1.1 Definition, types and characteristics
1.2 Areas of assessment
1.3 Environmental adaptations
1.4 Instructional methods
1.5 Behaviour management methods
Hands on experience for notional hours (any two). 3 0 hrs 10 marks
1. Review an assessment tool for a child with learning disabilit y in the given area and report
Your reflections
2. Read a life skill curriculum and reflect upon it
3. Study a screening tool for children with Autism Spectrum Diso rder. Use it with three
children and submit report.
4. Plan an educational program on the basis of an assessmen t report of a child with ID/Autism
5. Prepare a small checklist to suspect ADHD among children
Transactions: Conventional lecturing, PPTs, Visits, Observations, class dis cussions, Videos,
reflecting upon learnt knowledge.
• Accardo,P.J., Magnusen,C., and Capute,A.J Autism: Clinic al and Research Issues. York
Press, Baltimore, 2000
• American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manua l of Mental Disorders
(4 th ed. TR). Washington DC. 2000
Page 50
• Bala, M.J : Methods of Teaching Exceptional Children, 2004
• Browning , R, E: Teaching Students with Behaviour and Serve Emotional Problems,
Jampala, M, B: Methods of Teaching Exceptional Children, 2004
• Higgins J : Practical Ideas that Really work for students w ith Dyslexia and other reading
Disorders, 2003
• Kauffman James M. & Hallahan Daniel P. (Ed) (2011) Hand book of Special Education.
Routledge NY
• Moyes, R.A Building Sensory Friendly Classrooms to Suppo rt Children with Challenging
Behaviors: Implementing Data Driven Strategies, 2010
• Pierangelo, R. & Giuliani G.A.Transition services in Special Ed ucation, Allyn& Bacon, 2003
• Reddy G.L. & Rama, R: Education of children with special needs, New Delhi - Discovery
Pub. 2000
• Simpson, R. L, Myles, B, S: Educating children and youth with autism: strategies for
effective practice. (2 nd edition) Pro Ed. Texas, 2008
• Smith, D.D: Introduction to Special Education Teaching in an Age of opportunity, Allyn&
Bacon, 2003
• Strichart, S., S :Teaching Study Strategies to Students with Learning Disabilities, Allyn &
Bacon, Boston 1993
• Swady, E.R: Diagnosis & Correction of Reading, Difficulties , Allyn& Bacon Boston 1989
• Taylor, B: Reading Difficulties : Instruction and Assessment, Random House, New York,
• Wong. B, Y, L: .The ABCs of Learning Disabilities, 1996.
CourseCode: B 9 Credits : 03
Contact Hours:60 Notional Hours: 30 Marks:7 5
The course aims to develop understanding about planning effective educational programme
and functional activities for students with locomotor and multiple disabilities. This course
intends to develop required skills in teacher trainee to identify the children with locomotor
and multiple disabilities and also plan an effective programme education as well as for
creating awareness on these conditions. Teacher is also e xpected to plan an effective
therapeutic and programme and also refer for medical inte rvention whenever if necessary.
After completing the course the student-teachers will be able t o
Page 51
• Identify the persons with Locomotor disabilities su ch as Cerebral Palsy, Amputees,
Polio, Leprosy cured, Muscular dystrophies, Neural and spinal defects and Multiple
• Plan an effective programme for creating awareness about the persons with
Locomotor disabilities and Multiple disabilities.
• Plan an effective therapeutic and programme for the persons with Locomotor
disabilities and Multiple disabilities and to refer for medical intervention if necessary.
• Plan an effective educational programme and functio nal activities for the persons
with Locomotor disabilities and Multiple disabiliti es.
Unit 1: Cerebral Palsy (CP)
1.1. CP: Nature, Types and its Associated Conditions
1.2. Assessment of Functional Difficulties of CP including A bnormalities of Joints and
Movements (Gaits)
1.3. Provision of Therapeutic Intervention and Referral of Children with CP
1.4. Implications of Functional Limitations of Children with C P in Education
1.5. Creating Prosthetic Environment in School and Home: Seatin g Arrangements,
Positioning and Handling Techniques at Home and School
Unit 2: Amputees, Polio, Spinal Cord Injuries Spina -bifida and Muscular Dystrophy
2.1. Meaning and Classification
2.2. Basic understanding of Assessment of Functional Dif ficulties
2.3. Provision of Therapeutic Intervention and Referral
2.4. Implications of Functional Limitations for Education
2.5. Creating Prosthetic Environment in School and Home: Seatin g Arrangements, Positioning
and Handling Techniques at Home and School
Unit 3: Multiple Disabilities and Other Disabling C onditions
3.1 Multiple Disabilities: Meaning and Classifications
3.2 Various Combinations of Multiple Disabilities and Associate d Conditions (Epilepsy, Motor
and Sensory Conditions)
3.3 Basic understanding of other Disabling Conditions suc h as Leprosy Cured Students,
Tuberous Sclerosis and Multiple Sclerosis
3.4 Implications of Functional Limitations for Education
3.5 Creating Prosthetic Environment in School and Home: Sea ting Arrangements, Positioning
and HandlingTechniques at Home and School
Module 4: Facilitating Teaching-Learning in school
4.1 Introduction to early intervention and multidisciplinar y team
4.2 Introduction to functional and vocational education
4.3 Government Concessions, schemes and facilities- educ ational, aids and appliances, transport
4.4 Introduction to IEP and TLM for children with CP, Amputee s, Polio, Spinal Cord Injuries,
Spina-bifida and Muscular Dystrophy and Multiple Disabilities a nd Other Disabling Conditions
4.5 Facilitating social and peer group relationships
Page 52
Module 5: Introduction to Therapeutic Intervention
5.1 Problems & Management of hand function
5.2 Assistive Technology to Facilitate Learning and Functional A ctivities for CP, Amputees,
Polio, Spinal Cord Injuries, Spina-bifida and Muscular Dyst rophy, Multiple Disabilities and
Other Disabling Conditions
5.3 Universal Design for accessibility
5.4 Partnership with individuals and families
5.5 Alternative and Augmentative Communication in classroom
Hands on experience for notional hours (any two). 3 0 hrs 10 marks
1. Make a list of child’s difficulties in activities of daily living and academic activities.
2. Make a poster on providing barrier free environment to be put up in mainstream schools.
3. Learn any one option available for AAC and write your ref lections on it.
4. Make a power point presentation on multidisciplinary approac h.
5. Observe two sessions of therapeutic intervention provided t o CWCP and submit
Essential Readings
• Banerjee, Arundhati. Infant assessment (0-2 years) Calcutta: Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy
• Cerebral palsy grast bachchon ke liye aao ek sa th padhe Majumdar, Manjulika Sen Reena . Calcutta :
Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy
• Audiovisual training kit on cerebral palsy part 1-1 4 Calcutta: Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy
• Cerebral palsy : a complete guide for care gi ving / Miller, F ; Bachrach, S J .-2nd Ed. . Baltimore :
Johns Hopkins Press Health Book , 2006
• Manual (series-Curriculum guidelines for stud ents with multiple disabilities) : physical and
neurological / Choudhary, Sipra Roy ; Banerjee, Ranu and Dutt, Vijaya Calcutta : Indian Insti tute of
Cerebral Palsy , 1999
• Vocational rehabilitation for persons with Lo comotors disabilities / Goel, Sushil Kumar; Parames hwar,
Kannekanti. Agra: Harprasad Institute of Behavioral Studies, 2012
• Training module on multiple disabilities / Sarv Shiksha Abhiyaan . New Delhi : Sarv Shiksha
• Training module on cerebral palsy and loc omotors impairment / Sarv Shiksha Abhiyaan . New
Delhi : Sarv Shiksha Abhiyaan
• Physical assessment of child with cerebral palsy part 3-4/ IICP, Calcutta: Indian Institute of Cere bral
Page 53
• Bridge Course manual locomotors impairment and a ssociated disabilities /Goyal, H C,; Ramachandra n,
B . New Delhi : RCI
• Miller, F. and Bachrach, S.J. (2012). Cerebral Palsy: A Complete Guide for
Caregiving .A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book.
• SarvaSikshaAbhiyan. Module on Cerebral Palsy. http://ssa
• SarvaSikshaAbhiyan .Module on Multiple Disabilities. http://
Course Code: B 10 (A) Credits: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Notional Hours: 30 hrs Marks: 75
Guidance and counseling have been vital aspects of educa tion. One of the purposes of education
is to help an individual becoming useful member of society . This course has been designed with
the fullest understanding of the important role you are going to play in schools and community as
a whole. The course modules have been written to enable y ou to assist the young students with
hearing impairment in schools to develop values and life o rientations, to assist students in
making appropriate and satisfying personal, vocational and educational choices; and to assist
students acquire a positive image of self through self unde rstanding the needs and problems
After completing this course the student will be able to:
• Apply the skills of guidance and counselling in cla ssroom situations
• Describe the process of development of self-image a nd self-esteem
• Appreciate the types and issues of counselling and guidance in inclusive settings
Module 1: Introduction to Guidance
1.1 Guidance : concept, aims and Functions
1.2 Need for Guidance
1.3 Principles of Guidance
1.4 Areas of Guidance : Educational / Vocational / Personal Gu idance
1.5 Role of teachers in guidance for students with disability
Module 2: Introduction to Counseling
2.1 Counseling: Meaning, nature and characteristics of c ounseling
2.2 Core conditions in counseling (special concerns in c ounseling)
Page 54
2.3 Types of counseling: Directive, non directive and eclec tic counseling
2.4 Skills and competencies of a counselor
2.5 Professional ethics of a counselor
Module 3: Enhancing Self Image and Self Esteem
3.1 Concept of Self as Human
3.2 Understanding of Feelings and Changes
3.3 Developing Mental Health and Coping Skills
3.4 Personality Development,
3.5 Role of Teacher in Developing Self-Esteem in Children
Module 4: Approaches and Services offered in guidan ce and counseling
4.1 Approaches: child centered, supportive and f amily
4. 2 Services offered in guidance and counseling : placement Services
4.3 Services offered in guidance and counseling: reme dial service
4.4 Services offered in guidance and counseling: Stu dent information service
4.5 Services offered in guidance and counseling: Follo w-up service
Module 5: Guidance and Counseling in Inclusive Educ ation
5.1 Current status with Reference to Indian schools
5.2 Role of a counsellor in mainstreaming and providing sup portto students with special
5.3 Guidance/ couselling needs of families of children with s pecial needs
5.4 Group Guidance: Group Leadership Styles and Grou p Processes
5.5 Challenges in Group Guidance
Hands on Experience for notional hours: (ANY TWO) 30 Hrs 10 Marks
1. Report your reflections on 2 sessions of professiona l guidance that you observed
2. Hold simulation of a parent guidance session and submi t your reflections
3. Interview a professionally active school counsellor and make a report on counselling
needs of children with special needs
4.Make a poster on encouraging school students to seek counsellors help for academic as
well as interpersonal concerns
5.Make a list of points to be covered with parent guidance of a specific disability
Transactions : Conventional lecturing, PPTs, Visits, Observations, class disc ussions, Videos,
reflecting upon learnt knowledge.
Essential reading
• Shah, A (2008) Basics in guidance and Counselling. Global Vision Publishing House
• Nayak, A.K. (1997) Guidance and Counselling. APH Publis hing, Delhi
Page 55
• Rao, V.K. & Reddy, R.S. (2003) Academic Environment: Ad vice, Counsel and
Activities. Soujanya Books
• Sharma, V.K. (2005) Education and Training of Educationa l and Vocational Guidance.
Soujanya Books
• Naik, P.S (2013) Counselling Skills for Educationists. Soujanya Books
Suggested Reading
• Kapunan, R.R (2004) Fundamentals of Guidance and Counselling . Rex Printing
Company, Phillipines
• Pal, O.B. (2011) Educational and Vocational Guidance and Counselling . Soujanya
Course Code: B 10(B) Credits:03
Contact Hours: 60 Notional Hours: 30 Mar ks: 75
The course is designed to provide the student-teachers with an insight into developmental
milestones of typical children. This will enable the learners to understand deviations and
strategies to address them in the critical phase of develo pment. It will also help the
learnersunderstand the importance of transitions and its re quirements.
After undertaking the course the students will be able to:
• Explain the biological & sociological foundations o f early childhood education
• Describe the developmental systems approach and rol e responsibilities of
interdisciplinary teams for early education of chil dren with disabilities
• Enumerate the inclusive early education pedagogical practices
• Understand the dynamics of early intervention
Module 1: The Early Years: An Overview
1.1 Facts about Early Childhood Learning & Development
1.2 Basic understanding of Neural Plasticity
1.3 Critical Periods of Development of Motor, Auditory, Visual , Linguistic & Cognitive
Page 56
1.4 Understanding basic concept of Sensitive Periods of Lea rning: Maria Montessori’s
Framework, Windows of Opportunity & Learning Timelines of Development in Young
1.5 Integrating Theories of Development & Learning for designing Early Childhood
Education activities
Module 2: Early Education of Children with Disabili ties
2.1Young Children at Risk & Child Tracking
2.2 Interdisciplinary Assessments & Intervention Pl ans: Need and challenges
2.3 Developmental Systems Model for Early Intervent ion (Of G uralnick , 2001)
2.4 Curricular Activities for Development of Skills of: Imagi nation, Joy, Creativity,
Symbolic Play, Musical, Aesthetic, Linguistic, Emergent Litera cy, Scientific & Cultural
2.5 Involving Families in early education / intervention: why and How
Module 3: Inclusive Early Childhood Educational (EC E) Practices
3.1 Concept of Natural Environments and Importance of U niversal Designs of Learning
3.2 Practices for Inclusive ECE Programs: Adaptations of Ph ysical Environment &
Equipments, Visual Support Materials, Parent Partnerships, F riendships & Engagements
with Typical Children
3.3 Principles of Inclusive ECE Practices: Full Participation , Open Ended Activities,
Collaborative Planning,
3.4Collaborating with Parents, Family Education &Develo ping Individualised Family
Service Plan (IFSP)
3.5 Concept of School Readiness and transition
Module 4: Early screening, identification and intervention
4.1 Early identification and intervention: defining the terms and setting criteria
4.2 Early Intervention: Need and Justification
4.3 Parameters of effective early intervention progra ms
4.4 Early screening, identification and early interventi on: managing the link
4.5 Managing early intervention-Multi disciplinary involvem ent
Module 5: Early Intervention: National and Internat ional scene
5.1 Outcomes of early intervention: Areas and Preco nditions of success)
5.2 Global benchmarks/global trends including JCIH Ref erence
5.3 Early intervention services: Indian scenario and ch allenges
5.4 Early intervention and inclusive education
Page 57
5.5 Reflections on learnt content and drawing pro act ive conclusions
Hands on Experience for notional hours: (ANY TWO) 30 Hrs (10 Marks)
1. Prepare and submit a poster on developmental milestones & le arning timelines of
children of any age group
2. Participation in Family empowerment program and writing ref lections
3. Develop a creative teaching learning materials for childr en for overall stimulation
4. Make a checklist for early identification of preschoolers f or teachers.
5. Visit early intervention center / preschool unit and make a list of learning points
Transactions : Conventional lecturing, PPTs, Visits, Observations, class disc ussions, Videos,
reflecting upon learnt knowledge.
Essential Readings
• Costello.P.M (2000). Thinking Skills & Early Childhood Education . London: David
Fulton Publishers.
• Dunn.S.G. & Dunn.K (1992). Teaching Elementary students through their individu al
learning styles:Practical approaches for grades 3-6 . Massachusetts: Allyn & Bacon.
• Klausmeir H.J. & Sipple. T.S. (1980). Learning & Teaching Concepts. A strategy for
testing applications of theory. New York: Academic Press
• Kauffman James M. & Hallahan Daniel P. (Ed) (2011) H andbook of Special Education.
Routledge NY
• Mohanty J & Mohanty. B (1999). Early Chilhood Care and Education . Delhi: Offset
Suggested Readings
• Barbour.N & Seefeldt.C (1998). Early Childhood Education. An Introduction (4 th Eds).
U.K: Prentice Hall.
• Broman.B.C (1978). The Early Years in Childhood Education. Chicago: RandMcNally
College Publishing Company.
• Catron.C.E. & Allen.J (1993). Early Childhood Curriculum. New York: MacMillan
Publishing Company.
• Dahlberg.G , Moss.P & Pence. A (2007). Beyond Quality in Early Childhood Care and
Education.(2 nd Ed.). New York: Routledge Publication.
• Dopyera.M.L & Dopyera. J (1977). Becoming a Teacher of Young Children . New
York:Random House Publications.
• Gordon.I.J (1972). Early Childhood Education . Chicago: Chicago University Press.
Page 58
Hamilton.D.S & Flemming (1990). Resources for Creative Teaching in Early Childhood
Education (2 nd Edition). Tokyo: Harcourt Brace Jovanvich.
• Hilderbrand.V (1991). Introduction to Earcly Childhood Education . New York:
MacMillan Publishing
• Krogh.S.L & Slentz.K (2001). Early Childhood Education, Yesterday, Today &
Tomorrow .London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers
• Range.D.G, Layton.J.R.& Roubinek.D.C.(1980). Aspects of Early Childhood
Education.Theory to Reserch to Practice. New York: Academic Press.
• Spodek.B, Saracho.O.N & Davis.M.D (1987). Foundations of Early Childhood
Education . Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall,
• Wortham.S.C (NK). Measurement & Evaluation in early childhood educati on (2 nd
Eds.).Ohio: Merrill Prentice Hall.
Course Code: B 10 (C) Credits: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Notional Hours: 30 Marks: 75
Movement with independence in the environment has been state d to be one of the major
challenges of vision loss. In order to facilitate their mea ningful empowerment, therefore, it is
necessary to provide students with visual impairment skills a nd techniques which enable them to
cope with these challenges. Developments, especially durin g and after World War II, have led to
the emergence of a large variety of such strategies, s kills and technologies, which are covered
under the discipline titled Orientation and Mobility.
So, the present course carrying the same title introduces th e learners to various crucial aspects of
this vital subject. It is hoped that through the study of the course, the learners would be in a
better position to understand the implications of vision loss with reference to independent
movement. It would also enable them to get insights int o basic skills and components essential
for meaningful orientation and easy and graceful movemen t for the visually impaired.
After completing the course the learners will be able to:
• Describe the nature and scope of O&M as also the O& M related responsibilities of the
special teacher.
• Acquire basic knowledge of human guide techniques.
Page 59
• Describe pre-cane and cane travel skills and device s.
• Get acquainted with the importance and skills of tr aining in independent living for the
visually impaired.
Module 1: Introduction to Orientation and Mobility
1.1 Orientation and Mobility --Definition, Importance and Scope
1.2 Basic Terminologies Associated with O&M: Trailing, Landm arks, Clues, Cues,
Shoreline, Squaring Off, Clockwise Direction, Sound Masking , Sound Shadow
1.3 Roles of Other Senses in O&M Training
1.4 Special Responsibilities of Special Teacher/ Educator with re ference to O&M Training
1.5 Blindfold--Rationale and Uses for the Teacher
Module 2: Understanding and practicing Human/Sighte d Guide Technique
2.1 Grip
2.2 Stance
2.3 Hand Position
2.4 Speed Control
2.5 Negotiating: Narrow Spaces, Seating Arrangements, Staircas es, Muddy paths
Module 3: Pre-Cane Skills
3.1 Upper and Lower Body protection
3.2 Room Familiarization
3.3 Using Oral Description for Orientation
3.4 Search Patterns
3.5 Building Map reading Skills
Module 4: Cane Travel Techniques and Devices
4.1 Canes--Types, Parts, Six Considerations
4.2 Cane Travel Techniques: Touch Technique, Touch and Drag Technique, Diagonal Cane
4.3 Use of Public Transport
4.4 Asking for Help: When and How
4.5 Electronic Devices, Tactile and Auditory Maps -- Descr iption and Uses
Module 5: Training In Independent Living Skills
5.1 Self Care, Gait and Posture
5.2 Personal Grooming
5.3 Eating Skills and Etiquette
5.4 Identification of Coins and Currency Notes
5.5 Basics of Signature Writing
Page 60
Hands on Experience for notional hours: (ANY TWO) 30 Hrs 10 Marks
1. Act as a sighted guide in different situations/settings and s ubmit reflections.
2. Prepare a list of canes and other devices available with v arious sources along
with prices.
3. Undergo an experience of moving under a blindfold for a few minutes and
describe the experience in 200 words.
4. Make a short PowerPoint presentation on the importance o f O&M for the
visually impaired.
5. Draw up a list of important clues /cues/landmarks which the visually impaired
student can use in the school.
Transactions : Conventional lecturing, PPTs, Visits, Observations, Demonstr ations, class
discussions, Videos, reflecting upon learnt knowledge.
Essential Readings:
• Blasch, B. B., Weiner, W. R., & Welsh, R. L. (1997). Foundations of Orientation and
Mobility (2nd ed.). New York: AFB Press.
• Cutter, Joseph (2006). Independent Movement and Trav el in Blind Children. North
Carolina: IAP
• Fazzi, D. L. & Petersmeyer, B. A. (2001). Imagining the Possibilities: Creative
Approaches to Orientation and Mobility Instruction for Perso ns who are Visually
Impaired. New York: AFB Press.
• Jaekle, Robert C.( 1993). Mobility Skills for Blind People : A Guide for Use in Rural
Areas. Christoffel BlindenMission.
• Knott, N. I. (2002). Teaching Orientation and Mobility in the Schools: An Instructor’s
Companion. New York: AFB Press.
• Smith, A. J. & Geruschat, D. R. (1996). Orientation and Mo bility for Children and
Adults with Low Vision. In A. L. Corn & A. J. Koenig ( Eds.), Foundations of Low
Vision: Clinical and Functional Perspectives .New York: AFB.
Suggested Readings:
• Dodds, Allan(1986). Mobility Training for Visually Handicappe d People. London:
Croom Helm
• Hill, Everett and Ponder, Purvis (1976). Orientation and Mo bility Techniques. New York:
• Jacobson, W.H. (1993). The Art and Science of Teaching Orientation and Mobility to
Persons with Visual Impairments. New York: AFB Press.
• Singh, J.P. (2003). Technology for the Blind. New Delhi: K anishka Publication
Page 61
Course Code: B 10(D) Credits: 03 Contac t Hours: 60
Notional Hours: 30 Marks: 75
After completing this course the student will be able to:
• Explain the concept, principles and scope of commun ity based rehabilitation
• Learn the strategies for promoting public participa tion in CBR
• Apply suitable methods for preparing persons with d isability for rehabilitation within the
• Provide need-based training to persons with disabil ities
• Develop an understanding of the role of government and global agencies in CBR
Module 1 Introduction to Community Based Rehabilita tion (CBR)
1.1 Concept and definition of CBR
1.2 Principles of CBR
1.3 Difference between CBR and institutional living
1.4 Socio-cultural and economic contexts of CBR
1.5 Scope and inclusion of CBR in government policies and pr ograms
Module 2Preparing Community for CBR
2.1Awareness program-Types and methods
2.2 Advocacy - citizen and self
2.3 Focus group discussion
2.4 Family counselling and family support groups
2.5 Corporate social responsibility
Module 3Preparing Persons with Disability for CBR
3.1 Early identification and intervention
3.2 Development of Person Centred Plan for education
3.3 Individual Transition Plan
3.4 Community related vocational training
3.5 Skill training for living within community
Module 4 CBR Strategies for Persons with Disabiliti es
4.1 Visual impairment
Page 62
- Orientation and mobility training
- Braille
4.2 Hearing impairment
- Training in sign language and system
4.3 Physical impairment and Cerebral Palsy
- Training in use of assistive devices
- Training in use of augmentative and alternative co mmunication systems
4.4 Autism and intellectual disability
- Training in functional and survival skills
4.5 Access to school and higher education
Module 5 Role of Government and International Agenc ies
5.1 Poverty alleviation and development programs
5.2 Disability related legislations & judicial activism
5.3 Disability related policies and schemes
5.4 United Nation’s Conventions and Declarations
5.5 Review of global legislations
Hands on Experience for notional hours: (ANY TWO) 30 Hrs 10 Marks
1. Visit an ongoing CBR program and write a report on its effic acy
2. Participate in a community awareness program and submit a report
3. Prepare an outline of a CBR program for a given type of disability
4. Prepare a feedback form to be given to benefiaries after CBR program
5. Make a list of parameters to measure the success of a C BR program
Besides lecture method the topics in this course may be trans acted through discussion on selected
case studies, classroom seminar/debates.
Essential Readings
• Loveday, M. (2006). The HELP Guide for Community Based Rehabilitation W orkers :
A Training Manual. Global-HELP Publications, California.
• McConkey, R. and O’Tool, B (Eds). Innovations in Developing Countries for People
with Disabilities , P.H. Brookes, Baltimore.
• Neufelt, A. and Albright, A (1998). Disability and Self-Directed Employment:
Business Development Model. Campus Press Inc. York University.
• Peat, M. (1997). Community Based Rehabilitation , W.B. Saunders Company.
• Scheme of Assistance to Disabled for Purposes of Fi tting of Aids/Appliances , —
Ministry of Social Welfare, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
• Scheme of Assistance to Organizations for Disabled Persons , Ministry of Social
Welfare, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Page 63
• WHO .(1982). Community Based Rehabilitation — Report of a WHO In ternational
Consultation , Colombo, Sri Lanka, 28 June- 3 July. WHO (RHB/IR/82 .1)
• WHO .(1984). "Rehabilitation For AIl" in World Health Magaz ine, WHO, Geneva
Course Code: B 10 (E) Credit: 03 Contact Hours: 60
Notional Hours 30 Marks: 75
This course has dual purpose: firstly it aims to orient the teacher trainee to various applications
of Information and Communication Technology in teaching lea rning process; and secondly it
intends to orient the learners to understand the scope and application of ICT for students with
disabilities. The course includes uses of all kinds of m edia and computer in order to give hands
on experience of applying ICT in various learning enviro nments as well to familiarize the student
teacher with different modes of computer based learning.
After completing the course the student teacher will be able to :
• Gauge the varying dimensions in respect of ICT and Applications in Special Education
• Delineate the special roles of ICT Applications
• Acquire Familiarity with Different Modes of Compute r-Based Learning
Module 1: Information Communication Technology (ICT ) and Special Education
1.1.Meaning and Scope of ICT
1.2.Role of ICT in 'Construction of Knowledge';
1.3. Possible Uses of Audio-Visual Media and Computers (Radio, Television, Computers)
1.4. Integrating ICT in Special Education With Reference To Articles 4 and 9 of UNCRPD
and Goal 3 of Incheon Strategy
1.5. Three As of ICT Application—Access, Availability, Af fordability
Module 2: Using Media and Computers
2.1. Media: Radio and Audio Media- Script Writing, Storyte lling, Songs, Etc.,
2.2 Television and Video in Education,
2.3 Importance of Newspaper in Education
2.4. Computers: Functional Knowledge of Operating Computers– On/Off,
Word Processing, Use Of Power Point, Excel,
2.5 ICT Applications For Access To Print
Page 64
Module 3. Computer as a Learning Tool
3.1 Effective Browsing of the Internet for Discerning and Selecting Relevant Information
3.2 Survey of Educational Sites and Downloading Relevant M aterial;
3.3 Cross Collating Knowledge from Varied Sources,
3.4. Computer-Aided Learning: Application of Multimedia in T eaching and Learning,
Programmed Instruction; Computer-Assisted Instruction; Web ba sed learning, Interactive
Learning & i-learning; virtual classrooms
3.5. E-Classroom: Concept, Organizing E-Classroom and R equired Adaptations for Students
with Disabilities;& mobile learning and mobile learning apps.
Module 4: Visualising Technology-Supported Learning Situations
4.1 Preparation of Learning Schemes and Planning Intera ctive Use of Audio-Visual
4.2 Developing PPT for Classroom Use; skype and ISL, us ing software for ‘captioning’
4.3 Using of Available Software or CDs
4.4 Using LCD Projection for Subject Learning Interactio ns;
4.5. Generating Subject-Related Demonstrations Using Compu ter Software and Enabling
Students to Plan and Execute Projects;
Module 5: Interactive use of ICT
5.1 Participation in Social Groups on Internet,
5.2 Creation of 'Blogs',
5.3 Organizing Teleconferencing and Video-Conferencing ;
5.4 Identifying and Applying Software for Managing Disabilit y Specific Problems.
5.5 Overview of WCAG (Web Content Access Guidelines)
Hands on Experience for notional hours: (ANY TWO) 30 Hrs 10 Marks
1. Develop a plan for making audio or video program on a g iven topic.
2. Prepare a PPT by inserting photos and videos on a topic of your choice.
3. Compile Youtube films on disability and education .
4. Learn about Open Education Resources and explain the sam e to your classmates
5. Learn about web based Discussion Boards and explain the same to your classmates
6. Learn about Learner Management System and explain the s ame to your classmates
Transactions : Conventional lecturing, PPTs, Visits, Observations, class disc ussions, Videos,
reflecting upon learnt knowledge.
Essential Readings
• Abbot, C. (2001). ICT: Changing Education . Routledge Falmer
• Florian, L. & Hegarty J. (2004). ICT and Special Educational Needs: A Tool for
Inclusion . Open University Press
Page 65
Suggested Readings
• Kozma, R.B. (2003). Technology, Innovation, and Educational Change: A G lobal
Perspective: A Report of the Second Information Tec hnology in Education Study, Module
2. International Society for Technology in Education
Course Code: B 10 (F) Credits: 03 Contact Hours: 60
Notional hours: 30 Marks: 75
After completing the course the learners will be able to:
• Explain the concept, causes and characteristics of learning disabilities.
• Discus different types of learning disabilities and its associated conditions
• Develop teacher made assessment test in curricular areas
• Plan appropriate teaching strategies as per the spe cific needs of children with learning
Module 1: Learning Disabilities: Types
1.1 Verbal learning disabilities: Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dysca lculia.
1.2 Nonverbal learning disabilities
1.3 Language Disorders
1.4 Associated Conditions: ADHD & ADD
1.5 Emotional & Behavioral problems.
Module 2: Assessment of basic curricular skills
2.1 Assessment of Readiness skills
2.2 Assessment of Reading, Writing and Math skills
2.3 Teacher made test
2.4 Standardized Tests: Need, Types & Purpose
2.5 Interpretation of Test report
Module 3: Intervention strategies in Basic Skills o f Learning
3.1 Language skills
3.2 Reading
3.3 Writing
3.4 Maths Skills
3.5 Study skills
Page 66
Module 4: Inclusion of children with LD
4.1 Curriculum Adaptation
4.2 Differentiated Curriculum
4.3 Transition Planning
4.4 Vocational Education and Higher Education
4.5 Collaborative efforts: Teachers, Peers, family
Module 5: Trends, needs and issues
5.1 Provisions for children with LD at school (across boa rds) and college level in India
5.2 Open schooling and home schooling
5.3 Community partnership
5.4 Advocacy
5.5 Use of technology
Hands on experience for notional hours (any two) 30 hrs 10 marks
1. Study a checklist for screening LD. Administer it for 2 cas es and report reflections.
2. Develop teacher made assessment test in any one curricu lar area for a given child.
3. Plan appropriate teaching strategies as per the specific n eeds of a given child with
learning disability.
4. Conduct a seminar on trends and issues in the field of LD
5. Make a poster for mainstream teachers on dealing with s tudents with LD
Transactions : Conventional lecturing, PPTs, Visits, Observations, class disc ussions, Videos,
reflecting upon learnt knowledge.
Essentail readings
• Adamson & Adamson: Handbook of Specific Learning Disabili ties, Gardner Press USA
• Eddy G.L: Adaptive Language Disorders of Youth, Adults with Learning disabilities ,
ingular Pub., California 1992.
• Kauffman James M. & Hallahan Daniel P. (Ed) (2011) H andbook of Special Education.
Routledge NY
• Langone, J: Teaching Students with Mild & Moderate Learning problems, Allyn&
Bacon, Boston 1990
• Myklebust, H:Progress in Learning Disabilities, Guene and Str atton – New York – 1983
• Pierangelo, R & Robert, J: Parent’s complete Special Educ ation Guide, 1996
• Reddy G.L. & Ramar R: Education of children with special needs, New Delhi –
Discovery Pub. 2000
Suggested Readings:
Page 67
• Reid, K: Teaching the Learning Disabled, Allyn and Bacon, Baston, 1988
• Strichart, S., S :Teaching Study Strategies to Students with Learnin g Disabilities, Allyn
& Bacon, Boston 1993
• Swady, E.R: Diagnosis & Correction of Reading, Difficulties, Allyn& Bacon Boston
• Taylor, B: Reading Difficulties : Instruction and Assessm ent, Random House, New
York, 1988
• Selikowitzi M : Dyslexia and other Learning Disabilities, Oxfo rd Univ, Press – 1998
Course Code: B 10(G) Credits: 03 C ontact Hours: 60
Notional Hours: 30 Marks: 75
Objectives: After completion of this course the student will be able to
• Develop an understanding of human rights based appr oach in context of disability
• Explain the impact of gender on disability
• Describe the personal and demographic perspectives of gender and disability
• Analyse the issues related to disabled women and gi rl children
• Describe the role of advocacy and legislation in cr eating gender equity
Module 1: Human Right-based Approach& Disability
1.1 Human Rights-based approach
- Concept and history
1.2 Principles of HRbA
- Equality and non-discrimination
- Universality & Inalienability
- Participation and inclusion
- Accountability and rule of law
1.3 Elements of Human Rights System
- Legal framework
- Institutions
- Development policies & programs
- Public awareness
- Civil society
1.4 Advantage of HRbA
1.5 HRbA and Disability
- Empowerment
- Enforceability
- Indivisibility
- Participation
Page 68
Module 2 : Gender and Disability
2.1 Sex &Gender
- Concept & difference
2.2 Disability& impairment
- Concept& difference
2.3 Gendered experience of disability
- Public domain
- Private and familial domain
2.4 Gender and disability mainstreaming
2.5 Gendered patterns in relation to disability
- Developed countries
- Developing countries
Module 3: Gender and Disability Analysis
3.1 Gender analysis
3.2 Disability analysis
3.3 Sex-disaggregated data
3.4 Psyche and gender
3.5 Normalization and social role valorisation
Module 4: Women and Girl Child with Disability
4.1 Inclusive equality
- Equal access to family life
- Equal access to education
- Equal access to political participation
4.2 Factors contributing to disability
- Gender-based violence
- Traditional practices
4.3 Sexual and reproductive health
4.4 Standard of living and social protection
4.5 Work and employment
Module 5: Advocacy and Legal Framework
5.1 Women’s movement
5.2 Disability rights movement
5.3 International initiatives
5.4 Constitutional provisions & schemes for disability
5.5 Gender critique of government schemes
Hands on Experience for notional hours: (ANY TWO) 30 Hrs 10 Marks
Page 69
1. Study the case of a given woman with disability in terms of c hallenges and solutions.
Submit your reflections.
2. Review selected paper/s authored by women with disability
3. Prepare community awareness material for gender equity an d disability rights
4. Submit a power point presentation on gender – disability – p overty links.
5. Prepare a checklist for measuring awareness on gender d iscrimination issues for a chosen
set of people (for example: college students, house ma ids, police constable etc)
This course has been designed to provide the student teachers a socio-cultural perspective to
disability. It aims to promote awareness about the space f or disability equity and rehabilitation
within the human rights system. As such the transaction of the course topics should be done
through focus group discussions, and issue-based classr oom interactions in addition to lectures
and seminars.
Essential Readings
• Habib, L. A. (1997). Gender and Disability: Women's Experiences in the M iddle East .
Oxfam, UK.
• Hans, A. (2015). Disability, Gender and the Trajectories of Power . Sage Publications
Pvt. Ltd.
• Meekosha, H. (2004). Gender and Disability . Sage Encyclopaedia of Disability.
• O'Brien, J., & Forde, C. (2008). Tackling Gender Inequality, Raising Pupil
Achievement , Dunedin Academic.
• Ridgeway, C. L. (2011). Framed by Gender: How Gender Inequality Persists in the
Modern World . Oxford University Press.
• Samuels, E. (2014). Fantasies of Identification: Disability, Gender, R ace. NYU Press,
• Smith, B. G., & Hutchison, B. (2013). Gendering Disability . Rutger University Press,
New Jersey
Suggested Readings
• Beeghley, L. (1999). Angles of Vision: How to Understand Social Problems , West
View Press.
• Purkayastha, D. (2010). Economic Growth, Intra-Household Resource Allocatio n and
Gender Inequality , Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol. 38, No. 4.
• Treas, J., & Drobnic, S. (2010). Dividing the Domestic: Men, Women, and Household
Work in Cross-National Perspective, Stanford University Press.
Course Code: B 11(A) Credits: 03 Contact Hours: 60
Notional Hours: 30 Marks: 75
Objectives: at the completion of this course, the student will be able to
• Develop and understanding of the underlying princip les and assumptions of applied
behavioural analysis
Page 70
• Use various measures of behavioural assessment
• Apply methods of ABA in teaching and learning envir onments
• Integrate techniques of ABA in teaching programs
• Select suitable strategies for managing challenging behaviours
Module 1 Introduction to Applied Behaviour Analysis
1.1 Principles of Behavioural Approach
1.2 ABA - Concept and definition
1.3 Assumptions of ABA – Classical and Operant Conditioning
1.4 Behaviour- definition and feature
1.5 Reinforcement & Punishment
Module 2Methods of Behaviour Assessment
2.1 Antecedent, Behaviour & Consequence
2.2 Behaviour frequency and rate
2.3 Behaviour duration.
2.4 Behaviour latency
2.5 Inter-response time &percent of occurrence
Module 3Methods of ABA
3.1 Identification of behavioural goals
3.2 Functional analysis of behaviour
3.3 Discrete Trial Teaching
-Discriminative stimulus -characteristics
-Consequence -characteristics
-Inter-trial interval
3.4 STAR (Setting Triggers Action Result) Model
3.5 Pivotal Response Training
Module 4 Techniques for Positive Behaviour Support
4.1 Types of positive reinforcement
- Primary
- Secondary
- Token economy
4.2 Schedules of reinforcement
- Continuous
- Fixed ratio
- Fixed interval
- Variable ratio
- Variable interval
- Fading
Page 71
4.3 Negative reinforcement
- Escape
- Avoidance
4.4 Shaping and Chaining
4.5 Types of Prompt
- Physical
- Gestural
- Pointing
- Visual
- Positional
- Verbal
Module 5Management of Challenging Behaviour
5.1Differential reinforcements of behaviour
5.2 Extinction and Time out
5.3 Response cost and overcorrection
5.4 Maintenance
5.5 Generalization and fading
Hands on tasks for Notional Hours: (Any Two): 30 hours 10 marks
1. Conduct a functional analysis of behaviour of a given c ase and submit report
2. Develop and submit an ABA program for management of a challenging behaviour
3. Develop teaching material for Discrete Trial Teaching/Pivota l Response Training
4. Make a poster inviting college graduates to join certificate course on ABA
5. Make a list of pro active learning points drawn from this course
The course consists of several concepts from behaviour al theories. The concepts should
beexplained through real life examples and selected case studies. Students should be
encouraged to conduct systematic observations of behaviour and suggest suitable plan of
action for dealing with behavioural deficits in children.
Essential Readings
• Bailey, J., & Burch, M. (2011). Ethics for Behaviour Analysts . Routledge, New York.
• Cooper, J.O., Timothy, E.H., & Heward, W.L. (2007). Applied Behaviour Analysis .
Pearson Publications.
• Fisher, W.W., Piazza, C.C., & Roane, H.S. (2013). Handbook of Applied Behaviour
Analysis . Guilford Press, New York.
• Kearney, A. J. (2007). Understanding Applied Behaviour Analysis: An Introd uction to
ABA for Parents, Teachers and Other P rofessionals . Jessica Kingsley, Philadelphia.
Page 72
• Lewis, P. (2006). Achieving Best Behaviour for Children with Developm ental
Disabilities. Jessica Kingsley Publishers London
Suggested Readings
• Aune, B., Burt, B., & Gennaro, P. (2013). Behaviour Solutions for the Inclusive
Classroom . Future Horizons Inc, Texas.
• Moyes, R.A. (2002). Addressing the Challenging Behaviour of Children wi th HFA/AS
in the Classroom . Jessica Kingsley Publishers London.
Course Code: B 11(B) Credits: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Notional Hours: 30
Marks: 75
Communication, language and speech have always been at the centre stage when education of
children with deafness is being discussed. Without going into much of judgemental discussions
in the direction of ‘either – or’ options to be the ‘bes t’, this syllabus intends to expose the student
teachers to all the dominant options. However, over and abo ve the said exposure offered through
compulsory courses, this optional course offers the student teachers an additional opportunity to
sharpen the skills in one of the categories of options. T his is expected to emphasize use of
appropriate options rather than advocating one among the ma ny. Moreover, learning this optional
course is also expected to provide wider career choices for the student teachers.
After learning this course the students will be able to:
• Discuss the Aural Oral Options with reference to pe rsons with hearing impairment in the
context of India
• Discuss the relevant issues like literacy, inclusio n and training with reference to Oralism
/Oral Rehabilitation
• Exhibit beginner level hands on skills in using the se options
• Motivate self to learn and practice more skills lea ding to linguistic adequacy and fluency
to be used while developing spoken language in chil dren with hearing losses.
Module 1: Understanding Hearing Loss in Real Life C ontext
1.1 Basic Awareness on Paradigms of D/Deafness (Medica l And Social)
Page 73
1.2 Basic Awareness on Deafness and Communicative Acce ss: Challenges and
1.3 Basic Awareness on Autonomy and Inclusion with Refere nce to Oral Options
1.4 Basic Awareness on Identity Issues with Reference to Oral Options
1.5 Oral / Aural Options: myths and facts
Module 2: Advance Understanding of Oral Options
2.1 Difference Between Uni Sensory and Multi Sensory Approac h in Oralism
2.2 Oracy To Literacy: Why And How
2.3 Speech Reading: Need, Role And Strategies in All Communicat ion Options
2.4 Training And Guidance on Aural Oral Practices for Families And Tuning Home
Environment: Current Scenario
2.5 Tuning Mainstream Schools/Classrooms For Aural Oral Communica tion: Do’s And
Module 3: Skill Development Required for Oralism
3.1 P racticing Interpreting Audiograms and Exposure to Goal Setting In Listening Skills
3.2 Practicin g Motherese (Addressing /Talking To Young Children) and Age Appropriate
Discourse with Children Using Appropriate Language, Turn Taking and Eye Contact
3.3 Practicing Fluency Skills in Verbal Communication: Spontaneous Conversa tions,
Narrations and Loud Reading
3.4 Practicin g Skills in Story Telling /Narrations/Jokes/ Poems / Nursery R hymes (with
special attention to suprasegmental aspects)
3.5 Ongoing Monitoring and Assessing Auditory Functioning an d Speech Development:
Reflecting upon Model Formats Used For the Purpose (Che cklists, Recordings,
Developmental Scales)
Module 4: Understanding Skills related to Auditory Verbal (AV) Approach
4.1 AV Approach: Meaning, Misconcepts and Justification
4.2 Stages of Auditory Hierarchy
4.3understanding Listening Strategies, Techniques of AV App roach and their Relation to
Listening Environment
4.4 Reading Model Plans
4.5 Observing a Few Weekly Individual Sessions
Module 5: Implementing Oralism and AV Approach in I ndian Special Schools & Course
5.1 Use Of Oralism and AV Approach in Indian Special Schoo ls: Current Scenario
5.2 Oralism / AV Approach: Prerequisites for Special Schools
5.3 Strategies of Implementation Oral Communication Policy and Fulf illing Prerequisites
Page 74
5.4 Resource Mobilization For Listening Devices: (ADIP, Organiz ed Charity, CSR, Fund
Raising Events, Web Based Fund Raising)
5.5 Reflections On The Course: From Theory to Practice to In itiating Change
Hands on Experience for notional hours: (ANY TWO) 30 Hrs 10 Marks
1. Watching videos of individual session / classroom teachin g using genuine oralism
and submitting reflections.
2. Developing learning material / worksheet for acilitating con nectivity among
listening, language and cognition
3. Recording self narrated stories / poems and writing ref lections upon it.
4. Interacting with orally raised adults to understand them in ter ms of autonomy and
identity. Submit learning points.
5. Interacting with non disabled children for practicing expansi on of ideas
Curricular transactions of this course must involve skill b ased approach. This course being
placed in the 4 th semester, the students are expected to have adequate exposure of special school
system, aural activities therein and the school environment. Lecturers of this course are expected
to use those experiences while teaching theory component o f this course. The transaction
strategies however, must focus on skill development of aura l oral techniques through
observations (live or recorded) and reflecting upon it. M ock parent child conversations,
demonstrations and practicing tuning speech and language to s uit needs of CWHI etc are
expected to support the understanding of student teacher s. Unconventioanl ASK strategy of
working first on Attitude, then on Skills and lastly backing it u p with Knowledge or theory is
expected to work better. Application in diverse situation an d professional conviction needed for
aural option can be focussed at the time of evaluations.
Essential Readings
• RCI (2010) Communication Options And Students With Deafness . Rehabilitation Council
Of India , New Delhi
• Dhvani (English) Balvidyalaya Publication:Chennai
• Estabrooks. W. (2006) Auditory-Verbal Therapy And Practi ce , Ag Bell
• Paul, Peter V. (2009). Language and Deafness . Jones And Bartlett: Boston
• Borden, Gloria J.; Harris, Katherine S. & Raphael, Lawrenc e J. (2005). Speech Science
Primer (4 th ) Lippincott Williams And Wilkins: Philadelphia
• Ling, Daniel.(1990) Acoustics, Audition And Speech Reception. (Cd) Alexandria,
Auditory Verbal International
• Heller, Robert. (1999). Managing Change . Dk Publishing: New York
Page 75
Suggested Reading
• Estabrooks , W. (2001) 50 Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs) About Auditory-Verbal
Therapy. Learning To Listen Foundation
• Estabrooks W. & Marlowe J, (2000) The Baby is Listening , A G Bell Association For
The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing, Inc, Washington Dc
• Chaney, Ann L. & Burk, Tamara L. (1998). Teaching Oral Communication In Grades K
– 8.Boston: Allyn And Bacon
• Directory of Rehabilitation Resources for Persons W ith Hearing Impairment In Indi a.
(2000) Ayjnihh Publication, Mumbai
• Ling, D. And Ling, A.H. (1985) Aural Habilitation: The Foundations Of Verbal
Learning InHearing Impaired Childre n. A.G. Bell Association For The Deaf And Hard
Of Hearing.Washington D.C.
• Ling, D. (1989) Foundations Of Spoken Language For Hearing Impaired Children .
A.G.Bell Association For The Deaf And Hard Of Hearing. W ashington D.C.
• Dhvani (Marathi) Balvidyalaya – Ccym Publication
• Play It By Ear , John Tracy Clinic Publication: La
• Heller, Robert. (1999). Effective Leadership . Dk Publishing: New York.
• Heller, Robert. (1999). Managing Change. Dk Publishing: New York
• Resource Book on Hearing Impairment . Ayjnihh Publication
• Cole, Elizabeth, B. And Flexer, Carol. (2007). Children With Hearing Loss Developing
Listening And Talking (Birth To Six) Plural Publishing Inc: Uk.
• Unpublished Dissertations And Thesis On Profiling Communication Options In Special
Schools In India
Course Code: B 11(C) Cred its: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Notional Hou rs 30 Marks: 75
Communication, language and speech have always been at the centre stage when education of
children with deafness is being discussed. Without going into much of judgemental discussions
in the direction of ‘either – or’ options to be the ‘bes t’, this syllabus intends to expose the student
teachers to all the dominant options. However, over and abo ve the said exposure offered through
compulsory courses, this optional course offers the student teachers an additional opportunity to
sharpen the skills in one of the categories of options. T his is expected to emphasize use of
Page 76
appropriate options rather than advocating one among the ma ny. Moreover, learning this optional
course is also expected to provide wider Career Choices for the Student Teachers.
After learning this course the students will be able to:
• Discuss the two manual options with reference to In dian special schools
• Discuss the relevant issues like literacy, inclusio n and training with reference to manual
• Describe manual options in the light of issues like language, culture and identify
• Exhibit beginner level hands on skills in using man ual options
• Motivate self to learn and practice more skills lea ding to linguistic adequacy and fluency
Module 1: Understanding Deafness in Real Life Conte xt
1.1 Basic Awareness of Paradigms of D/Deafness (Medica l and Social)
1.2 Basic Awareness of Deafness and Communicative Cha llenges / Concerns
1.3 Basic Awareness on Deafness with Reference to Cultu re, Language, Identity, Minority
Status, Deaf Gain, Literacy and Inclusion
1.4 Basic Awareness of Difference between ISL and ISS;
1.5 ISL / ISS: Myths and Facts
Module 2: Advance Understanding of Manual Options a nd Indian Scenario
2.1 Use of Simcom and Educational Bilingualism an Indian Sc hools: Current Scenario
2.2 Challenges, Prerequisites and Fulfilling Prerequisites
2.3 Monitoring and Measuring Development of ISL/ISS in Studen ts: Why and How
2.4 Training and Guidance for Families on use of manual op tions: current options
2.5 Tuning Mainstream Schools/Classrooms For Students Using Ma nual Communication:
Do’s And Don’ts
Module 3: ISL Skill Development: Middle Order Recep tive and Expressive Skills
3.1 Practicing ‘Motherese’ (Tuning Language to Suit Young Children) an d Age Appropriate
Discourse with Children with Appropriate Language, Turn Ta king and Eye Contact
3.2 P racticing Natural Signing in Short Common Conversations
3.3 Practicing Natural Signing in Stories/Poems/Narrations/Jokes
3.4 Practicing Natural Signing in Discussing Emotions, Expansion of Ideas and Current
3.5 Practicing identifying linguistic structures of ISL and 5 parameters o f signs
Module 4: ISL Skill Development: Towards Higher Ord er Receptive and Expressive Skills
4.1 Insights into grammatical components: Learning to Exp ress Gender, Number, Person,
Tense, Aspect
Page 77
4.2 Insights into grammatical components : Practicing Sentence Types: Affirmative,
Interjections, Imperative and Interrogative and Negativization
4.3 Practicing Sentence Types: Simple, Complex, Compound
4.4 Observing Using ISL in Classrooms – Social Science / Science / Mathematics
4.5 Basic understanding of native and not native ISL processing
Module 5: ISS Skill Development and Course Conclusi ons
5.1 Practicing Markers (Local Language)
5.2 Practicing Syntax in Conversations and Discussions
5.3 Observing Using ISS in Classrooms for School Subjects
5.4 Resource Mobilization for Skill Development / Training i n manual options: (Organized
Charity Sources, CSR, Fund Raising Events, Web Based Fun d Raising)
5.5 Reflections on the Course: From Theory to Practice to Initia ting Change
Hands on Experience for notional hours: (ANY TWO) 30 Hrs 10 Marks
1. Watching videos of individual sessions and classroom teac hing of signing. submit
reflections on communication process and learning.
2. Role play and dramatization in isl. marks assigned to perf ormance.
3. Developing learning material for facilitating connectivity amon g signing, language
and cognition
4. Recording and submittingself narrated stories / poems.
5. Interacting with deaf for practicing expansion of ideas
As the course title suggests, this course is expected to be completely an action / practice oriented
experience. Lecturers are expected to touch upon basic th eory in a rather summarised manner
working basically towards skill development and professiona l conviction needed to apply
manual option. Curricular transactions here must involve in teractions with adults / adolescents
with Deafness and their siblings. The optional course is an extension of the compulsory practical
units learnt during the third semester. Brushing up earl ier learnt skills and practicing them more
in real life situations is therefore recommended. Extensive use of web based material on sign
language is also suggested. Modern and communicative app roach (as against close door
structural approach) typically used for foreign language learning is to be used. Unconventioanl
ASK strategy of working first on Attitude, then on Skills and lastly backing it up with
Knowledge or theory is expected to work better. Applicatio n in diverse situation; importance to
fluency and confidence rather than correctness and non purist approach to evaluation is
recommended so that the student teachers become independe nt users of ISL.
Essential Readings
Page 78
• Communication Options and Students with Deafness . (2010). Rehabilitation Council Of
India Publication
• Heller, Robert. (1999). Managing Change . Dk Publishing: New York
• ISS Learning Material and Dictionaries
• Paul, Peter V. (2009). Language and Deafness . Jones And Bartlett: Boston
• Teaching Learning Isl Material Developed at Ayjnihh, Mumbai, SRKV Coimbatore and d
NISH, Trivandrum
• Zeshan, Ulrike. (2000). Sign Language in Indo-Pakistan . John Benjamins Pub
• Akamatsu, C. T. & Armour, V. A. (1987). Developing W ritten Literacy In Deaf Children
Through Analyzing Sign
• Andrews, J. F., Winograd, P., & Deville, G. (1994). De af Children Reading Fables:
Using Asl Summaries To
• Bhasha Plsi Vol 38 Indian Sign Language(S). Editors: Tanmoy Bhattacharya Nisha
Grover, Surinder Pk Randhawa. Orient Blackswan
• Delhi. New Delhi: All India Federation Of The Deaf, 1981.
• Directory of Rehabilitation Resources For Persons W ith Hearing Impairment In India .
(2000)Ayjnihh Publication
• Evans, L. (1982). Total Communication, Structure And Strate gy. Washington Dc:
Gallaudet College Press.
• Ezell And Justice (2005). Programmatic Research On Early Literacy: Several Key
Findings. Ies 3rd Annual Research Conference: American Speech Language & Hearing
Association (Asha).
• Frank, Smith (1985). Reading Without Nonsense. New York: Teachers College Press,
• Ghate, Prabha (1996). Indian Sign System. Ayjnihh In-H ouse Publication: Mumbai.
• Ghate, R. A. (2009). Survey Of Teachers’ Opinion On Stat us Of Education Of The Deaf.
Unpublished Report Of Rci
• Heller, Robert. (1999). Effective Leadership. Dk Publishin g: New York.
• Huddar, Asmita. (Ed) Language and Communication . (2008) Dse Manuals.
Rehabilitation Council Of India Publication
• Indian Sign Language Dictionary. 2001. Coimbatore: Sri Ramak rishna Mission
Page 79
• Johnson, R., Liddell, S., and Erting, C. (1989). Unlocking The Curriculum: Principles For
Achieving Access In Deaf
• Lewis, Rena B. & Doorlag, Donald H.(1999). (5 th Ed) Teaching Students with Special
Needs in General Education Classrooms . Prentice Hall Inc. New Jersy. Printing Press.
• Unpublished Dissertation And Thesis On Signing, Structure Of ISL And Its Impact On
• Unpublished Dissertations And Thesis On Profiling Communication Options In Special
Schools In India
• Vasishta M., Woodward J, De Santis S. An Introduction To Indian Sign Language: Focus
• Vasishta, M.M., Woodward, J. De Santis, S. 1980. An Introduction To Indian Sign
Language (Focus On Delhi). New Delhi: All Indian Federation of The Deaf.\\
• Websites For Signed Dictionaries
• Woodward, J (1993). "The Relationship Of Sign Language Va rieties In India, Pakistan
And Nepal". Sign Language Studies (78): 15–22.
Course Code: B 11(D) C redits: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Notional Ho urs: 30 Marks: 75
After learning this course the student-teachers wil l be equipped with a basic knowledge of:
• Concept of AAC,
• AAC systems,
• AAC assessment,
• programme planning and strategies
Module 1: Organizational frame work for Communicati on:
1.1 Normal development of speech, language and communic ation
1.2 Factors that influence communication, speech and langua ge in relation to each other
1.3 Levels of communication in children: Functional (Emergent )
1.4 Situational ( Context Dependent)
1.5 Independent ( Creative)
Module 2: Basic principles of AAC interventions:
2.1 Child - Child capacity
2.2 Child capacity and context
2.3 Working towards symbolic expression
2.4 Communication skills and
2.5 Functions
Page 80
Module 3: Areas of AAC Assessment:
3.1 Sensory areas
3.2 Cognition , communication and language
3.3 Posture and positioning. Motor planning and control
3.4 Scanning
3.5 Environment, Interaction &Symbols
Module 4: Context of Communication:
4.1 Partner /skills , user skills and environment
4.2 Competency development - types of competencies and its development
4.2.1 Linguistic competence
4.2.2 Operational Competence
4.2.3 Social competence
4.2.4 Strategic competence
Module 5: Introduction to communication tools and A ccess Mode:
5.1 Types of AAC devices and systems
5.1.1 No Technology
5.1.2 Low Technology
5.1.3 High Technology
5.2 Access to communication charts - hand, finger, eye p oint
5.3 Access to devices:
5.3.1 Switches - hand switch , blow switch, infrared device s etc
5.3.2 Software -scan mode combined with a switch
5.4 Selection of AAC
5.4.1 Child competency and environment
5.4.2 Design, Access, Motor, Devices
5.5 Challenges in the development of AAC and Literacy
5.5.1 Grammar; spelling
5.5.2 Building V ocabulary : and richness of language
5.5.3 Motor expression
Hands on tasks for Notional Hours: (Any Two): 30 hours 10 marks
1. Learn basic skills involved in an AAC system and e xhibit performance
2. Make a poster on AAC for family members
3. Websearch AAC options and report your reflections on learning
Transactions: Conventional lecturing, PPTs, Visits, Observations, class d iscussions, Videos,
reflecting upon learnt knowledge.
Essential readings:
Page 81
• Kauffman James M. & Hallahan Daniel P. (Ed) (2011) H andbook of Special Education.
Routledge NY
Suggested Reading:
• Silverman, F.H.(1994). Communication for the Speechless (3 rd Edn.) . Allyn & Bacon,
• David R. Beukelman,D.R., & Mirenda,P (2013). Augmentative and Alternative
Communication Supporting Children and Adults with C omplex Communication
Needs (4 th Edn.) Brookes Publishing Co. Baltimore.
• Lynch, C., & Cooper, J.(1991). Early Communication Skills: Practical Activities fo r
Teachers and Therapists , Speechmark Publishing Ltd, Bicester, Oxon
• Warrick, A., & Kaul,S.(1997). Their manner of speaking : augmentative
communication for children and young adults with se vere speech disorders, Indian
Institute of Cerebral Palsy, Kolkata
• Communication, compiler: T.N. Southgate. BA, Ormerod School, Oxford, Editor
G.M. Cochrane MA, FRCP, Equipment for Disabled People , M ary Mariboroug
Lodge, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford OX3 7 LD
• Tina, D., & Mike, D.(1997). Literacy Through Symbols: Improving Access
forChildren and Adults , David Fulton Publishers, London.
• McCurtin, A., & Geraldine, M.(2000). The Manual of AAC Assessment . Speechmark
Publishing Ltd., London.
Course Code: B 11(E) Credits: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Notional Hours: 30 Marks: 75
Braille, the embossed system of reading and writing for the blind along with its inventor, Louis
Braille (1809-1852), has opened a wide range of avenue s and opportunities for effective
mainstreaming and empowerment for persons with visual imp airment. In addition, a plethora of
devices are now available which help the visually impaired to access meaningful education in all
school-subjects as also skills of independent living and e conomic activities.
This course familiarizes the learners with the importance an d operational aspects of Braille,
which has stood the test of time and competition for the last a bout 185 years. It also introduces
them to basic devices used for teaching blind and low visio n children.
It is hoped that through the study of the course, the lear ners will be motivated to know more
about these and various other devices and technologies a nd be in a position to help children with
visual impairment/their parents to procure the needed devices with ease and speed.
Page 82
After completing the course the learners will be able to:
• Acquire basic information about Braille, its releva nce and some important functional
• Get basic information on types and significance of different Braille devices;
• Get acquainted with the types and significance of b asic devices relating to Mathematics,
Science, Geography and Low Vision as also on source s of their availability .
Module 1: Braille
1.1 Louis Braille and the Evolution of Braille
1.2 Continuing Relevance of Braille vis-a-vis Audio Material;
1.3 Braille Signs, Contractions and Abbreviations--English Braille;
1.4 Braille Signs and Symbols—Hindi/Regional Language;
1.5 Braille Reading and Writing Processes.
Module 2: Braille Devices -- Types, Description, Re levance
2.1 Slate and Stylus
2.2 Braille Writer
2.3 Electronic Devices—Notetakers and Refreshable Braille D isplays
2.4 Braille Embossers
2.5 Braille Translation Software
Module 3: Other Devices – Types, Description, Relev ance
3.1 Mathematical Devices: Taylor Frame and Types, Abac us, Geometry Kit, Algebra Types
3.2 Geography: Maps--Relief, Embossed, Models
3.3 Science Material
3.4 Low Vision Aids--Optical, Non-Optical, Vision Training M aterial
3.5 Schemes and Sources of Availability
Hands on tasks for Notional Hours: (Any Two): 30 hours 10 marks
1. Observe at least five devices in use in at least five sch ool periods.
2. Draw up an item-wise price list of at least ten devices from different sources.
3. prepare a presentation – Oral/Powerpoint – on the r elevance of Braille for children with
visual impairment
4. Prepare a report on the availability and use of Mathema tical devices (at least two) in one
special school and on inclusive school
5. Make a report on the application of at least two non-op tical devices for children with
low vision.
Transactions : Conventional lecturing, Demonstrations , PPTs, Visits, Observ ations, class
discussions, Videos, reflecting upon learnt knowledge.
Page 83
Essential Readings:
• A Restatement of the Layout, Definitions and the Rules of th e Standard English Braille
System (1971). London: The Royal National Institute for the Blind
• Ashkroft, S.C. and Henderson, F. (1963). Programmed Instruction in Braille. Pittsburgh :
Stanwick House
• Lowenfeld, B.(1969). Blind Children Learn to Read. Springf ield: Charles C. Thomas
• Mani, MNG (1997). Amazing Abacus. Coimbatore: SRVK Vidy alaya
• Manual on Bharti Braille (1980). Dehradun: NIVH
• Olson, Myrna R. (1981). Guidelines and Games for Teachi ng Efficient Braille Reading.
New York: AFB
• Proceedings: National Conference on Past and Present Status of Braille in India
• ( 2001). New Delhi: All India Confederation of the Blind
Suggested Readings:
• Hampshire, Barry (1981). Working with Braille - A Study of Braille as a Medium of
Communication. Geneva: UNESCO
• Kusanjima, T. (1974). Visual Reading and Braille Reading. New York: AFB
• Mani, MNG (1992).Techniques of Teaching Blind Children. N.Delhi: Sterling Publishers
• Mellor Michael C. (2006). Louis Braille A touch of Genius. Boston: National Braille
Course Code: B 11(F) Credits: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Notional Hours: 30 Marks: 75
After learning this content the trainees are expected to
• Develop an understanding of vocational education & its relevance for PWD’s.
• Carry out vocational assessment and make vocational training plan.
• Plan for transition from School to job.
• Identify various avenues for job placement.
• Facilitate PWD’s in making choice of vocational tra des.
• Acquire the concept of independent living and empow erment.
Unit 1: Fundamentals & Assessment of Vocational reh abilitation
Page 84
1.1.Definition, meaning and scope of Vocational Education.
1.2.Legislations, policies, agencies, schemes, concessions & benefits for PWDs with respect
to employment.
1.3.Approaches and models of Vocational training
1.4.Assessment, Evaluation of Generic skills & specific job s kills using various tools.
1.5.Approaches & Principles of vocational assessment.
Unit 2: Vocational Transition & Curriculum Planning
2.1. Concept, meaning, importance of Transition
2.2. Vocational transition models.
2.3. Transitional Planning at Pre vocational & post vocational level.
2.4. Development of Individualized Vocational Transitional Pla n.
2.5. Development of Vocational Curriculum.
Unit 3: Process of Vocational Rehabilitation & Plac ement 10 Hours
3.1. Types of Employment Settings.
3.2. Process of Job Placement & Creation of Need based e mployment settings.
3.3. Adaptations, accommodation, Safety skills and First A id.
3.4. Self Advocacy & Self Determination skill training
3.5. Equal opportunities and attitudes towards persons with disabilities
Hands on Experience for notional hours (ANY TWO) 30 hours 10 marks
1. Review 2-3 curriculums on any vocational skill/s and write reflections.
2. Observing Administering any vocational assessment tool on 2 individuals and submitting
report with reflections.
3. Visit to any vocation Institution and submit report with lear ning points.
Transactions: Conventional lecturing, PPTs, Visits, Observations, class dis cussions, Videos,
reflecting upon learnt knowledge.
• Kutty A.T. &. Rao L.G, (2001) Transition of Persons with M ental Retardation from
School to Work – A Guide, NIMH Publications, Secunderaba d.
• Kutty A.T. &. Rao L.G, (2003), Curriculum for Vocationa l Education, Transition of
Persons with Mental Retardation from School to Work. Series -2, NIMH Publications,
• John McDonnell & Michael L. Hardman, (2010), Successfu l transition Programs,
Pathways for students with Intellectual & developmental disab ilities, Sage Publications,
Los Angeles.
Page 85
• Mukhobadhyay, M. Editor Kutty A.T. (2006), Principles of Vocational Training Part-II,
DVTE(MR) Manual , RCI & Kanishka Publisher, New Delhi.
• Rao, V.K. (2004), Vocational Education , A.P.H Publish ing Corporation, New Delhi
• Whitehead, Tanya D & Hughey Joseph B, (2004) Explorin g Self Advocacy From a
Social Power Perspective, Nova Science publishers, New Yor k
• Wehmeyer Michael.L. (2007), Promoting Self-Determination in students with
Developmental Disabilities, Guilford Press, Washington.
Course Code: C 12 Credits: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Notional h ours : 30 Marks: 75
This course is planned to orient and educate the teache r trainees on understanding the
condition of Learning Disability, the various types of LD and acquiring the skills of
assessment in different domains and curricular areas, an d diagnosing the condition. Along
with the exposure to the standardized tools of assessment, the informal assessment tools are
introduced. The skills in development and use of these tools will help them in conducting
comprehensive assessment for programme planning.
After Completing the course, the learners will be able to:
• Comprehend the concept, the history, causes and man ifestations of Learning Disability.
• Describe and differentiate among different types of Learning Disability.
• Understand the assessment and the assessment proced ures for Learning Disability
• Explain the domains and tools for assessment.
Module 1: Introduction to LD
1.1 LD: Definition and concept
1.2 History of LD
1.3 Etiology of LD- medical and social
1.4 Co-morbidity with LD – ADHD
1.5 LD across the life span
Module 2: Types of LD
2.1 Specific LD in Reading
2.2 Specific LD in Writing
2.3 Specific LD in Mathematics
Page 86
2.4 Dyspraxia
2.5 Non-verbal LD
Module 3: Assessment of LD
3.1 Concept of screening and identification
3.2 Identification criteria – DSM 5
3.3 Differential diagnosis
3.4 Assessment tools – standardized (WISC, SPM, CPM, DT LD, DTRD, BCSLD, GLAD,
Aston Index), CRTs and NRTs, TMTs
3.5 Portfolios, checklists, rating scales, anecdotal records, observation schedules
Module 4: Domains of Assessment
4.1 Motor
4.2 Perceptual
4.3 Cognitive
4.4 Social-Emotional
4.5 Language
Module 5: Assessment of Curricular Areas
5.1 Readiness skills
5.2 Reading
5.3 Spelling
5.4 Writing
5.5 Mathematics
This course creates a foundation for understanding and assessing for Learning Disability.
While teaching this course, a lot of emphasis has to be pla ced on presenting case studies to
comprehend the manifestations of Learning Disabilities. Thro ugh discussions, demonstrate
the process of arriving at differential diagnosis. The teache r trainees have to acquire the skill
of developing Teacher Made Tests for assessment. Keepin g this in mind, the transaction of
unit 4 and 5 has to be through hands on training in devel opment of TMTs. Evaluating the
TMTs developed by peers will also be a valuable learning experience.
Hands on experience for notional hours (any two). 30 hrs 10 marks
1. Watch a relevant movie to understand issues related t o LD. Submit review & reflections.
2. Review 2 IEPs of student with LD. Submit report in a fo rmat given by the college.
3. Develop a TMT to assess various domains and curric ular areas. Submit the test.
4. Make a leaflet for mainstream school teachers help the m suspect LD in their primary class.
Essential Readings
• Lerner, J W.2000. Learning Disabilities: Houghton Mifflin
Page 87
• Bender, W. N.,(1995)Identification and Teaching Strategies Learning Disabilities,
characteristics, identification and coaching categories New Y ork: Allyn bacon
Suggested Readings
• Raj F (2010) Breaking Through – A hand book for pare nts and teachers of children with
specific learning disabilities, Secunderabad: Vifa Pub
• Reddy L. G., Ramaa R. and Kusuma A. (2000): Learning Disabilities: a practical Guide
to Practitioners, New Delhi: Discovery Publishers
• Lee. S H., Harris Karen R., Graham Steve. (2003) Handb ook of Learning Disabilities,
the Guilford Press, I st Edition
• Venkateshwarlu, D. 2005. Diagnosis and remediation of ma thematical difficulties, New
Delhi: Neel Kamal publications
• Kapur, M John A, Rozario J, Oommen A. NIMHANS index o f specific learning
disabilities, Bangalore:NIMHANS
• Jena SPK 2013. Specific Learning Disabilities: Theory to Prac tice New Delhi; Sage
• Karanth, Prathibha & Rozario, Joe: Learning disabilities in Ind ia willing the mind to
learn. New Delhi. Sage, 2003. 978 81 7829 142 0 Rs.595--(371.90954Kar/Roz)
Course Code: C 13 Credits: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Notional hours : 30 Marks: 75
This paper covers all about curriculum. The first unit is about different designs of curriculum
wherein the UDL needs to be looked at from the inclusive education perspective. The second
unit needs to be studied as the emphasis is on inclusion, hen ce curriculum hierarchies are
essential to be understood. Unit three and four are abou t instructional planning and adaptations
that will benefit students with learning disability. Unit six is on evaluation where different
kinds of evaluation have to be studied, so as , to be ab le to choose the appropriate tool for
After completing the course the learners will be able to:
• Describe the principles, types, and areas of curric ulum
• Acquire knowledge about learning hierarchies to hel p planning
• Discuss the different instructional planning and it s use
Page 88
• Demonstrate skills in applying different adaptation s for inclusive education
• Make effective use of different forms of evaluation
Module 1: Curriculum Design
1.1 Curriculum design- Concept, definition and prin ciples
1.2 Principles of Inclusive Curriculum
1.2 Types of curriculum – Core, collateral, support , hidden
1.3 Universal design of learning for curriculum dev elopment
1.4 NCF
1.5 C urriculum Design and Development: Subject centred, learne r centred (CWLD),
Learning centred
Module 2: Curriculum Hierarchies
2.1 Reading (English and any regional language)
2.2 Writing
2.3 Mathematics
2.4 Science
2.5 Social studies
Module 3: Instructional Planning
3.1 Models of instructional planning –ADDIE
3.2 Taxonomies of learning – Cognitive (Bloom’s and Anderson),
psychomotor, affective
3.3 Elements of lesson plan- 5 E plan
3.4Models of teaching- CAM
3.5 Pyramid plan
Module 4: Adaptation, Modification, Accommodation
4.1 Definition and concept of adaptation, modification, accommodation
4.2 Principles and steps of adaptation
4.3 Differentiated instruction
4.4 IEP
4.5 Classroom management – cooperative, collaborative, arrangement
Module 5: Assessment & Evaluation
5.1 Assessment& Evaluation- Concept, definition, sc ope
5.2 Types of Assessment- Alternative, Authentic, pe rformance based, subject based,
5.3 Evaluation – Formative, Summative, CCE
5.4 Development of question paper (table of specifi cations)
Page 89
5.5 Tools of evaluation- Rubrics grading, marking s chemes
This paper deals with one of the core areas of bein g a teacher that is planning
curriculum. The planning is done keeping in mind th e adaptations to suit the needs of
a LD student .Hence direct instruction alone will n ot help. Experiential method, task
analysis, discussion, role play, reader’s theatre, debates; teach reteach cycles are a
must. Collaborations with general education teacher for unit two will be helpful to
understand it in relation to the unit three and fou r.
Hands on experience for notional hours (any two). 30 hrs 10 marks
1. Submit a lesson adapted according to the needs of the identified student/ class
2. Plan and submit a differentiated lesson for a given class
3. Develop and submit a rubric as an evaluation tool
4. Prepare a blueprint for lesson evaluation. Submit i t.
5. Make a poster for minstream teachers on universal d esign of learning
Essential Reading
• Cook, R, E, Tessier, Annette & Armbruster, Virginia B: Ada pting early childhood
curricula for children with special needs. (2nd ed) Columb us. Merrill Publ, 1987
• Glazzard, Peggy: Learning activities and teaching ideas for the special child in the regular
classroom. New Jersey. Prentice-Hall, 1982.
• Joyce S. Choate et al :Assessing and programming basic cur riculum skills,1987
• Joyce S. Choate :Successful Inclusive Teaching: Proven Wa ys to Detect and Correct
Special Needs,2003
• Margo A. Mastropieri & Thomas E. Scruggs : The Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for
Effective Differentiated Instruction, 4th Edition, 2009
• Mcintyre, Thomas: A resource book for remediating common behavior and learning
problems. Boston. Allyn and bacon, 1989.
• Stephen S. Strichart & Charles T. Mangrum : Teaching Learnin g Strategies and Study
Skills To Students with Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit Disorders, or Special
Needs, 3rd Edition
• Steve Graham & Karen Harris.: Writing Better: Effective Stra tegies for Teaching
Students with Learning Difficulties ,2005
• Virginia W. Berninger & Beverly J. Wolf : Teaching Stude nts with Dyslexia and
Dysgraphia: Lessons from Teaching and Science, 2009
Desirable Reading
Page 90
• Angela Losardo &Angela Syverson :Alternative Approac hes to Assessing Young
Children, Second Edition,2011
• Cohen, Sandra B & Plaskon, Stephen P: Language arts. Columbus. Charles E Merrill,
o 1980. 0-675-08131-9
• Davis, William E : The Special Educator : strategies for succe eding in today's schools.
• D Kim Reid,Wayne P Hresko: A Cognitive approach to learning disabilities. Auckland.
o McGraw-Hill, 1981
• Lewis, Rena B. & Doorlag, Donald H.: Teaching special students in general education
classrooms. (5th ed) New Jersey. Prentice Hall, c1999.
• Nancy L Eisenberg, Pamela H Esser: Teach and reach : stu dents with attention deficit
disorders : the educator's handbook and resource guide. Texas. Multi Growth Resources,
1994. 0-9630847-0-4 Rs.1011--(371.92Eis/Ess)
• Schulz, Jane B & Carpenter, C Dale: Mainstreaming exceptio nal students. [a guide for
classroom teachers] (4th ed) Boston. Allyn and Baco n, c1995. 0-205-15724
• Westwood, Peter: Commonsense methods for children with sp ecial needs. [strategies for
the regular classroom] London. Croom Helm, 1987
• William N. Bender :Differentiating Instruction for Students Wi th Learning Disabilities:
Best Teaching Practices for General and Special Educators ,2007
• Hodkinson, Alan & Vickerman, Philip: Key issues in specia l educational needs and
inclusion. Los Angeles. SAGE, 2009
• Karten, Toby J.: Inclusion strategies that work! [research -based methods for the
classroom] (2nd ed) California. Corwin A Sage Company , 2010
Page 91
Course Code: C 14 Credits: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Notional hours : 30 Marks: 75
This course will provide insight into the conceptual framew ork of the area of interventions
and strategies. It will familiarize the students with the appr oaches and tools of assessment and
seeks to develop an understanding of how interventions in the areas affected can be
instrumental in enhancing performance. The course will p repare the students in helping
children with learning disabilities by developing appropriate strategies and intervention plans
for them. This will prepare them to work with students in c linical as well as classroom set-ups
and arm them with programmes for assessment, goal settin g, reviewing and reporting the
success of the intervention targets.
After completing the course the learners will be able to
• Explain the purpose and define the principles of ed ucational intervention
• Discuss the various Teaching Strategies across the curricular hierarchies
• Link the teaching Strategies to the curricular area s
• Provide specific strategies for core and collateral curriculum
• Plan Programme for skill, process and curricular de ficits
Module 1: Conceptual Framework of Educational Interventio ns
1.1 Definition, purpose, scope and principles of educational interv ention
1.2 Curriculum intervention: gap analysis and linkages with d emands of school
curriculum(Diagnostic Prescriptive Teaching)
1.3 Steps of intervention
1.4 Cascade of services and Response to Intervention
1.5 Issues and ethics in educational intervention
Module2: Educational Interventions for Processing Deficit
2.1 Attention
2.2 Perception
2.3 Memory
2.4 Thinking
2.5 Meta-cognition
Page 92
Module 3: Reading and Writing Interventions
3.1 Principles of intervention in reading and writing
3.2 Strategies for developing word recognition skills, fluen cy and comprehension
3.3 Strategies for developing handwriting, spelling and writte n expression
3.4 Strategies for Reading and writing across the curriculum
3.5 Strategies for differentiation and inclusion in the classro om
Module 4: Interventions for Mathematics
4.1 Principles for interventions in mathematics
4.2 Strategies for developing mathematical concepts
4.3 Strategies for developing computation, automaticity [timed tasks] and application
4.4 Strategies for problem solving
4.5 Accommodations [calculators, computers] in the mains tream classroom
Module 5: Intervention in Life Skills 1 0 hours
5.1 Strategies for developing of Social Skills
5.2 Strategies for developing Study Skills
5.3 Strategies for self-assessment and advocacy
5.4 Strategies for soft skills [presenting self, time manageme nt, decision making]
5.5 Preparation for Independent Living; Career Planning, le isure and recreation
This paper will be dealt with using lectures followed by projects in specific processing deficits
and specific curricular deficits. Assignments in order to align the strategies of intervention to the
curriculum across grades can be taken up. Presentations based on educational intervention for a
specific child can be examined. Discussion on issues in intervention and goal setting for
educational intervention can be organized. The use and su ccess of specific strategies and
teaching technique can be observed using field work. Actual demonstration of the technique
can be provided to ensure hands on experience.
Hands on experience for notional hours (any two). 30 hrs 10 marks
2. Prepare and submit an educational intervention plan/tool for a given process
3. Prepare and submit an educational intervention plan\tool for a given skill
4. Assist in planning and conducting a parental meet to disc uss the intervention goal.
Submit a reflective report.
5. Collaborate with a specific subject teacher to set an interv ention goal. Write a report
about the collaborative work.
6. Attend a workshop for mainstream teachers on educationa l interventions/classroom
Strategies . Submit learning points.
Page 93
Essential Readings
• Lerner, J. W. 2011. Learning Disabilities. Boston: Houghto n Mifflin Brookes,
• Karten, T, J. [2007] More Inclusion Strategies that work- aligning student strength with
standards. Corwin Press
Desireable Readings
• Bird, RThe dyscalculia toolkit supporting learning difficu lties in maths. (2nd ed) Los
Angeles. Sage,
• Cummings, C, B [2000] Winning Strategies for Classroom M anagement Teaching, I nc
• Das, J. P.: Reading difficulties and dyslexia. New Delhi.
• Forster, C, Grant, J; Hollas, B; Pittet, J; Shaffer, J: [2 002] Differentiated Instruction:
Different Strategies for Different Learners, 1 st edition. Staff Development for Educators,
Div highlights for Children
• Geoff, H. Dyspraxia. (2nd ed). 2007. : Continuum Inte rnational publishing Group.
• Harwell, J, M; Jackson, R, W. [2008] The Complete Lear ning Disabilities Handbook:
Ready-to-Use Strategies and Activities for Teaching Student s with Learning Disabilities:
John Wiley and Sons Inc.
• Lee. S H., Harris K, R. Graham, S. (2003) Handbook of Learning Disabilities: the
Guilford Press, I st Edition,
• Martin, L, C . [2009]. Strategies for Teaching Students Wit h Learning Disabilities:
Corwin Press
• Mather N and Goldstein S (2001). Learning Disabilities and C hallenging Behaviors: A
Guide to Intervention and Classroom Management: Brookes Publishing Company, 1 st
• Narayan J (2002). Educating children with learning problems in the primary school:
NIMH Secunderabad.
• Pandey J, and Thapa K. (2008). Perspectives on learning disabilities in India: Current
practices and prospects: Sage Publications, New Delhi.
• Raj, F (2010) Breaking Through – A hand book for pare nts and teachers of children with
specific learning disabilities, Secunderabad: Vifa Pub
• Reddy G.L. and Rama R. (2000) Education of children with special needs: Discovery
Pub. New Delhi
• Reddy L. G., Ramaa R. and Kusuma A. (2000) Learning Disabilities: a practical Guide
to Practitioners, New Delhi: Discovery Publishers, ,
Page 94
• Tomlinson, C, A. [1999]. The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of A ll
Learners. ASCD
• Venkateswanshu, D., (2005) Diagnosis and remediation of mathematical difficulties,
New Delhi: Neel Kamal publications
Page 95
Course Code: C 15 Credits: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Notional hou rs : 30 Marks: 75
This paper covers the integration of technology in the teaching learning process of
the students with learning disability. It’s importa nt to remember that the assistive
technology is to support or reduce the barrier to l earning. The focus must be on
what the device or software does for the individual /student not on the device itself.
The units progress from understanding the meaning s cope , to the use of technology
for teaching and learning and ends with the issues that one faces while dealing with
After completing the course the learners will be able to
• Explain the meaning , scope and use of Technology
• Analyse the learning needs in relation to Technolo gy
• Understand and use the various types of technology for presenting , engaging , and
• Discuss the trends and issues related to the use of technology
Module 1: Concept of Technology
1.1 Meaning, Nature, Scope and Significance of Tech nology
1.2 Types /tools of technology – Projector, Smart b oard, Software and ipad,
ipod, tablets, mobiles
1.3 Technology integration vs technology use in the curriculum
1.4 Assistive technology: Meaning and scope,
1.5 Role & Use of AT for children with LD
Module 2: Learning Needs of CWLD
2.1 Communication
2.2 Reading
2.3 Writing
2.4 Mathematics
2.5 Self management
Module 3: Technology for Presentation & Expression (Input and Output)
3.1 Classroom Presentation & Expression: Concept & scop e
Page 96
3.2 Visual presentation - Large print displays, alternative colours to the screen, colour
coding, smart boards, Multimedia Presentations, screen mag nifiers
3.3 Auditory - text to voice, screen readers, FM Listenin g Systems, podcast
3.4 Cognitive – graphic organisers
3.5 Consideration for selection of tools – no tech, low tec h, high tech, low cost, high cost
Module 4: Technology for Classroom Engagement
4.1 Classroom engagement – Meaning and components
4.2 Reading ,Writing & Mathematics - Talking books, recor der,Optical character
recognition , Speech recognition systems, Alternative writing surfaces , pencil grips ,
podcast, Proof reading software,Talking calculators, Electro nic math worksheets,
fluidity software
4.3 Organising - sticky notes, highlighter pens, or hi ghlighter tape, graphic organisers, digital
4.4 Types programme- drill & practice, Simulations, Games , Tutorial
4.5 Consideration for selection of programmes and tools in an inclusive class
Module 5: Trends & Issues in Using Technology
5.1 Digital natives & Immigrants
5. 2 From isolation to inclusion
5.3 Parent/family involvement
5.4 Cyber Safety
5.5 Evaluation of impact of technology –Social, eth ical and human
This unit focuses on assistive technology, hence while tak ing it ahead, its important to focus
on the kind of needs that are present in an LD student and the matching of those with the
technology used.
Transaction for all units must be through experiential learning, discussion, debate, research
& review, design and problem solve (unit 2&3), colloquia (with instructional designers,
software developers).
Hands on experience for notional hours (any two). 30 hrs 10 marks
1. Develop and submit a tool to assess the learning needs for planning compensatory
and remedial instruction.
2. Develop low cost material for presentation (for teachers).
3. Develop low cost material for engagement.
4. Develop low cost material for expression.
5. Conduct a small survey on the kind of assistive technology used in the schools for
Page 97
students and present the findings.
6. Prepare a power point for the teachers on how to use cyber space for teaching
Essential Reading
• Amy G. Dell,Deborah Newton (2011) :Assistive Technology in the Classroom:
Enhancing the School Experiences of Students with Disabilities ( 2nd Edition)
• Das,R.C(1992) Educational Technology : A Basic Text New Delhi :Sterling
• Diane P. Bryant and Brian R. Bryant (2011) :Assistive Tech nology for People with
Disabilities ,2nd Edition
• Joan Green (2011): The Ultimate Guide to Assistive Technolog y in Special Education:
Resources for Education, Intervention, and Rehabilitation
• Kimberly S. Voss (2005):Teaching by Design: Using Your C omputer to Create Materials
for Students With Learning Differences
• Sampath, K et al. (1990) Educational Technology. NewDelhi:Ste rling
Desirable Reading
• Albert M. Cook PhD PE and Janice Miller Polgar(2012) :Esse ntials of Assistive
• Judy Lever-Duffy & Jean McDonald (2010): Teaching and Learning with Technology
(4th Edition)
• Loui Lord Nelson Ph.D. and Allison Posey (2013) :Design a nd Deliver: Planning and
Teaching Using Universal Design for Learning
• Thomas G. West (2009) : In the Mind's Eye: Creative Visua l Thinkers, Gifted
Dyslexics, and the Rise of Visual Technologies
• Tracey E. Hall & Anne Meyer (2012): Universal Design fo r Learning in the Classroom:
Practical Applications
• Timothy J. Newby & others (2010) : Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning
(4th Edition)
Course Code: C 16 Credits: 03
Contact Hours: 60 Not ional hours : 30 Marks: 75
This course gives an overview of psychosocial domains, stages, characteristics and
manifestations of psychosocial behaviours at home a nd in community settings. It also
deals with family dynamics and parenting styles and parent empowerment. It also
lays stress on the importance of stress management, family counselling and social
and emotional wellbeing.
Page 98
After completing the course the learners will be able to:
• Explain the concept of psycho-social issues
• Reflect on various dimensions of Psycho-social issu es among children with learning
• Understand various Family issues of children with L D
• Learn the importance of intervening strategies and ways of handling issues
• Discuss the concept of networking and liaisoning wi th the parents ,community, family,
school and NGO’s
Module 1: Overview of Psycho social domains
1.1 Psychosocial domains- Meaning and components- cognitiv e, affective, social
1.2 Stages of Psychosocial development
1.3 Psycho-social characteristics of children with LD
1.4 Manifestations of psychosocial behaviour at home, scho ol and society
1.5 Causative factors – self and others
Module 2: Family Dynamics
2.1 Family structure and its functioning
2.2 Parenting styles and home environment
2.3 Needs and concerns of family
2.4 Needs and concerns of child with LD
2.5 Empowering Parents- Resource management, legal prov isions
Module 3: Adolescence and Young Adulthood Issues
3.1 Physiological Changes: Implication in Emotional and Social Development
3.2 Interpersonal relationship: Siblings, Extended family, Pe ers
3.3 Employment, Sexuality, Marriage
3.4 Ethical Issues
3.5 Challenges and Implications
Module 4: Nurturing Social Emotional wellbeing
4.1 Strategies for developing positive self-concept
4.2 Social skill training
4.3 Stress management
4.4 Personal counselling
4.5 Family counselling
Module 5: Networking and Liaising for Psycho-social wellbeing
5.1 With school mates, colleagues
5.2 With parents
Page 99
5.3 With school , work authorities
5.4 With professionals
5.5 With community members
This paper should be taught through review of researc h papers, seminars, discussions,
debates, presentations, field trips, youtubes and movies to understanding of the issues at
Hands on experience for notional hours (any two). 30 hrs 10 marks
1. Observe and identify psycho-social problems of any LD student of the class during
school internship programme. Give description along with inte rvention performed.
2. Design a Scrap book on news related to psycho-social an d adult issues among perons
with LD. Analyse them and present a report with detailed wr ite-up.
3. Collect and compile articles from various sources and prese nt in class for critical analysis
and understanding.
4. Make a poster for siblings and peers on socilaization with Students with LD
5. Make a leaflet on Psycho-social characteristics of childre n with LD
Essential Readings
• Hurlock, E B 2002. Developmental Psychology, Tata Mc Graw –Hill, New Delhi.
Desirable Readings
• Goldstein,S; Naglieri, J, A.,. &DeVries, M. (2011): Learning and Attention Disorders in
Adolescence and Adulthood: Assessment and Treatment
• Gunton , S(2007) : Learning Disabilities (Social Issues Firsth and)
• Hales G. .(2003). Beyond Disability towards an Enabling s ociety.
• Kelly, K& others (2006) : You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!: The Classic Self-
Help Book for Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder
• Paley, S. (2012). Promoting positive behaviour when supp orting people with a learning
disability and people with autism. Los Angeles. Sage,
• Reid , R & Lienemann, T, O :Strategy Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities,
Second Edition (What Works for Special-Needs Learners)
CODE: D 17 CREDIT: 2 Hours: 60
MARKS: 50 (10 class participation, 25 journal submission, 15 presentation with reflections)
Page 100
One of the core areas that schools focus upon is age appropriate and fluent literacy skills. Hence,
aspirant graduates who intend to make career in education must be good readers and good
writers (in literally sense). Due to several reasons a s tudent teacher like you may not have
adequate skills, interest and motivation for reading and wri ting. Here is a skill based and activity
oriented course designed to give you an opportunity to lo ok at reading writing seriously, relearn
it as a professional activity, apply it for students with sp ecial needs and enjoy it like never
After completing the course the learners will be able to:
• Reflect upon current level of literacy skills of th e self
• Show interest and begin working upon basic skills r equired to be active readers in
control of own comprehension.
• Show interest and begin working upon basic skills r equired to be independent writers
understanding adequate intent, audience and organiz ation of the content.
• Prepare self to facilitate good reading writing in students across the ages.
• Find reading writing as learning and recreational t ools rather than a course task.
UNIT 1 a. Literacy and Current University Graduates: Status and Conc erns b. Role of Literacy
in Education, Career and Social Life
UNIT 2 Meta cognitive awareness of reading
UNIT 3 Understanding basic Braille skills and reflections on litera cy concerns of children with
specific disability
UNIT 4 Developing Good Reading Skills and Habits in Prima ry Level Students: Activities And
UNIT 5 Understanding writing as a process: i) Content (In tent, Audience and Organization) ii)
Language (Grammar, Vocabulary, Spelling) iii) Surface Mecha nics (Handwriting, Neatness,
Alignment And Spacing etc)
MODULE 2 : Project of Activities / tasks (preparation, submission and pre sentation of the
journal) Students have to do ANY SIX practice tasks as a project out of the options given here
(preferably 3 from A and 3 from B) Students are exp ected to submit journal and make
1. Responding to recreational Reading Material (Narrations) b y Retelling, Summarizing /
concluding, Answering, Predicting, Commenting and Discussing (Any three)
Page 101
2. Responding to School Textbooks (Description) by Retelling, Su mmarizing, Answering,
Predicting, Commenting and Discussing (Any three)
3. Responding to Reports, Policy Documents And News (Expos itions) by Retelling,
Summarizing, Answering, Predicting, Commenting and Discussing (Any three)
4. Responding to Editorial, Academic Articles, Advertisement C opy, Resume
(Argumentation) by Retelling, Summarizing, Answering, Pred icting, Commenting and
Discussing (Any three)
5. Practicing web search on a given topic
6. Practicing reading graphically presented information
7. Practicing Self Editing And Peer Editing Of Sample Texts
8. Practicing Evaluating Students Writing Using Parameters: Prod uctivity, Correctness,
Complexity, Text Organization And Literary Richness
9. Practicing Writing: Picture Description/ Expansion Of Ideas / Essays / Stories
10. Practicing Daily Leaving Writing: Applications / Agenda - Mi nutes/ Note Taking
11. Practicing Converting Written Information Into Graphical Repr esentation and writing
book/movie review
12. Practicing Filling Up Surveys, Forms, Feedback Responses, Checklists
MODULE 3: Mid project interaction and feedback: Students are exposed to basic skills through
workshops or subject seminars. They are grouped under the supervisors who review the progress
of the practice and journal preparation by showing them ro le model responses. Students discuss
and learn from each others. They improve the strategie s and output on the basis of the feedback
from supervisor and peers.
MODULE 4 : Submission and presentation with reflections: Each student submits the journal
and makes a presentation on reflections and learning. This p resentation is to be attended by all
supervisors and students – preferably also of first year and students from other disability.
It is highly recommended that this course reaches meta-lev el understanding of own reading
process by the student teachers. Hence lecturers are su ggested to float the theory bare minimum
focussing more on ‘insights through practice sessions’ . To keep the motivation high and
complexity low the transactions must involve hands on activi ties based on the units of the course.
The terminology used in units is more for the understanding of the lecturers than the student
teachers since this is a newly introduced course in this r evised syllabus. Experiential discussions,
team tasks and internalising learning by doing are expected to obtain best outcomes. Evaluation
must target process of reflecting upon own personalised insights into reading and responding to
Page 102
texts. Hence, entire internal assessment must focus on prog ressions through activities rather than
written tests.
Essential Reading
• Soundarapandian, M. (2000). Literacy campaign in India. Discovery Publishing House:
New Delhi.
• May, Frank B. (2001). Unravelling the seven myths of re ading. Allyn and Bacon: Boston
• Tovani.C & Keene.E.O (2000). I Read It, but I Don't Get It: Comprehension Strate gies
for Adolescent Readers . Stenhouse Publishers
• McGregor .T(2007). Comprehension Connections: Bridges to Strategic Rea ding .
Heinemann Educational Books
• Anderson, R., Hiebert, E., Scott, J., & Wilkinson, I. ( 1985). Becoming a Nation of
Readers: The report of the commission on reading. Washing ton, DC: National Institute of
Education and the Center for the Study of Reading.
• ASER report of 2015: Pratham Publication
• Collection of reading material locally collected by the college including articles,
newspapers, surveys, files, portfolios etc
Suggested Readings:
• McCormick, Sandra. (1999). Instructing students who h ave literacy problems.(3 rd )
Merrill: New Jersy
• Aulls, Mark W. (1982). Developing readers in today's elem entary school. Allyn and
Bacon: Boston
• Heller, Robert. (1998). Communicate clearly. DK Publis hing: New York.
• May, Frank B. (1998). Reading as communication. Merrill: N ew Jersy
• Gallangher.K (2004). Deeper Reading: Comprehending Challenging Texts . Stenhouse
• Miller.D (2002). Reading With Meaning: Teaching Comprehension in the Primary
Grades. New York: Stenhouse Publishers
• Baniel, Anat. (2012). Kids beyond limits. Perigee Trade: New York
• Pandit, Bansibihari, Suryawanshi, Dhyane Kute & Meena Prak ash. (2007)
Communicative language teaching in English: Nityanutan Pr akashan: Pune
• Paul, Peter V. (2009). Language and Deafness. Jones an d Bartlett: Boston
• Ezell and Justice (2005). Programmatic Research on Early Literacy: Several Key
Findings. IES 3rd Annual Research Conference: American Speech Language & Hearing
Association (ASHA).
Page 103
• Frank, Smith (1985). Reading without Nonsense. New York: Teachers College Press,
• Luetke-Stahlman and Nielsen (2003). Early Literacy of Kindergartners with Hearing
Impairment. High Beam
• Research The Gale Group, Inc.& GRIN Publishing Muni ch Germany.
CODE: D 18 CREDIT: 2 Hours: 60
MARKS: 50 (10 class participation, 25 journal submission, 15 presentation with reflections)
India has an excellent historical backdrop as well as c ontemporary talents in the field of art.
However, it is debatable whether the same has been translated into our school system effectively.
Do most of our students get exposure to a variety of activ ities involving knowing, exploring and
appreciating art? Most probably they do not. It is time tha t we take a fresh look at what art
education is and what role it plays in school education. M ore than anything, art education is also
expected to enhance learning. And do teachers know how to go about it to achieve it? Here is an
opportunity to facilitate the art within you which in turn will r eflect art in within students.
Important Note: for a student teacher with disability appropriate learnin g alternatives are to be
given by the college. For example, a candidate with blindnes s must get alternative learning
opportunities and evaluative tasks for visual art or a cand idate with deafness for music art – if
and when needed.
After completing the course the learners will be able to:
• Exhibit Basic understanding in art appreciation, a rt expression and art education
• Plan and implement facilitating strategies for stud ents with and without special needs
• Discuss the adaptive strategies of artistic express ion
• Discuss how art can enhance learning
UNIT 1: Art education: Meaning and scope, Strategies to enhance learning through art,
UNIT 2: Performing Arts (drama, dance and Music): Range of activities, Appreciating and
performing, Identifying skills used in performing arts, Facilitating interest and learning
Page 104
UNIT 3: Visual Arts: Range of activities, Appreciating and p erforming, Identifying skills used in
visual arts, Facilitating interest and learning
UNIT 4: Media and electronic art: Range of activities, Appreciating and performing, Identifyi ng
skills used in visual arts, Facilitating interest and learning
UNIT 5: Art therapy, linking art with multiple intelligences, Adaptation s for special needs
MODULE 2 : Project of Activities / tasks (preparation, submission and pre sentation of the
journal) Students have to do ANY SIX practice tasks as a project out of the options given here
(preferably 3 from A and 3 from B) Students are exp ected to submit journal and make
1. Learn Mudras / postures / Todas (or any basic skills) of c lassical dance. Submit summary
/ portfolio of it with reflections.
2. Learn voice modulation needed in dramatics. Submit summar y / portfolio of it with
3. Learn comprehending notations of music. Submit summary / portfolio of it with
4. Prepare a short skit / street play / folk item for awareness on any social issue (This may
be a group activity)
5. Select one art creation like music album / play / dance sho w etc and write critical
appreciation with reflections
6. Review the adaptations required for children with various ty pes of special needs while
learning performing arts
7. Learn basic skills of still photography. Submit summary / por tfolio of it with reflections.
8. Learn basic line drawings / stick figures to be used for d eveloping teaching aids. Submit
summary / portfolio of it with reflections.
9. Learn basic puppet making. Submit summary / portfolio of i t with reflections.
10. Learn copy writing for advertisement. Submit summary / portf olio of it with reflections.
11. Carry out web search on Indian sculpture and submit a b rief compilation.
Page 105
12. Select one art creation like movie / painting / Advertiseme nt / sculpture etc and write
critical appreciation with reflections
MODULE 3: Mid project interaction and feedback: Students are exposed to basic skills through
workshops or subject seminars. They are grouped under the supervisors who review the progress
of the practice and journal preparation by showing them ro le model responses. Students discuss
and learn from each others. They improve the strategie s and output on the basis of the feedback
from supervisors and peers.
MODULE 4 : Submission and presentation with reflections: Each student submits the journal
and makes a presentation on reflections and learning. This p resentation is to be attended by all
supervisors and students – preferably also of first year and students from other disability.
Curriculum transactions of this course are recommended to involve holistic teaching learning
rather than the conventional ‘unit by unit’ steps. More numb er of local visiting faculties may be
invited to talk about the ideas and its applicability in art educa tion. Collaborative sessions and
workshops with local B Ed colleges (in general as well as sp ecial education) will help students
see the diverse perspective of art appreciation. Transactio ns of this course may involve student
demonstrations, role plays, hands on experiences with basic skill development and outdoor visits
for exploring best practices of art education for studen ts with and without special needs.
Evaluation strategies may focus reflections and innovative ideas rather than theoretical data
based information.
Essential Reading:
• Finlay, Victoria. The brilliant History of Color in Art. Getty Publications. China
• Khoda, Ritu & Pai Vanita. Eye Spy. (2016) Takshila publicat ion
• Shirley, Greenway. (2000). Art, an A to Z guide. Franklin Watts: USA
• Vaze, Pundalik. (1999). How to Draw and Paint Nature. Jyo sna Prakashan: Mumbai
• Ward, Alan.(1993) Sound and Music. Franklin Watts: New Yor k
Suggested Readings:
• Beyer, E. London. (2000). The arts, popular culture a nd social change
• Heller, Robert. (1999). Effective Leadership. DK Publishing : New York.
• Greene, Sheila & Hogan, Diane. (2005).Researching childr en's experience. Sage
Publication: London
• Baniel, Anat. (2012). Kids beyond limits. Perigee Trade: New York
Page 106
• Efland, A. D. (1990). A history of Art Education: Intellectual and social currents in
teaching the visual arts . New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
• C. Lewiecki-Wilson & B. J. Brueggemann (Eds.), Disabilit y and the teaching of writing:
A critical sourcebook. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin's.
• L. Nyman & A. M. Jenkins (Eds.), Issues and approaches to art for students with spec ial
needs (pp. 142–154). Reston, VA: National Art Education Assoc iation.
• Gair, S. B. (1980). Writing the arts into individualized educa tional programs. Art
Education,33 (8), 8–11
Course Code: D 19 Credit: 02 Hours: 60
MARKS: 50 (10 class participation, 25 journal submi ssion, 15 presentation with reflections)
Objectives : After completion of this course the student will be able to
• Describe the concept and relevance of research in e ducation and special education
• Develop an understanding of the research process an d acquire competencies for conducting a
• Explain the various types of tools used in conducti ng research
• Describe the methods of measurement and organizatio n of data
• Apply suitable measures for data analysis
PLEASE NOTE: Students are expected to work on a project of the 4 tasks given in the module content.
Journal Submission and presentation with reflection s are part of this project. Each student submits th e
journal and makes a presentation on reflections and learning. This presentation is to be attended by a ll
supervisors and students – preferably also of first year and students from other disability
Module 1: Introduction to Research (Basic theory wi th lot of examples)
1.1 Scientific method
1.2 Research: concept and definition
1.3 Application of scientific method in research
1.4 Purpose of research
1.5 Research in education and special education
Module 2: Types and Process of Research
2.1 Types, methods and process of research (To be t aught by the faculty)
2.2 Student to select a topic for research. The top ic needs to be relevant in special education and co uld be
from the following areas.
Page 107
• inclusive education of children with disability
• rehabilitation and other services
• parental involvement and training
• early intervention services / special schools
• needs and issues of children and families with disa bility
• attitudes and perceptions about disability
TASK 1.Each student will submit a brief research proposal on selected topic. (Colleges make the
template available for the students)
Module 3:Tools of Research
3.1 Introduction to types of research tools (To be taught by the faculty)
TASK 2 : Student to develop a tool relevant for the select ed topic of research (under supervision of
faculty member)
Module 4:Measurement Scale and Organization of Data
4.1 Introduction to various scales and methods for organization of data ((To be taught by the faculty)
TASK 3 : Student will select and review any 2 published ar ticles / unpublished dissertations in terms of
data organization. Brief reflections to be submitte d.
Module 5: Descriptive Statistic
5.1 Introduction to measures of central tendency
TASK 4 : Student will apply the measures to the organized data (3-4 Data samples to be provided by the
Curricular transactions for this course must involv e more pragmatic approach than mere theoretical
discussions. Best outcomes in terms of understandin g, skills and pro-active attitude towards role of
research can be obtained if this course is well lin ked with experiences. Focus has to be placed on
understanding research carried out by others and th eir outcomes. Also minimum jargon to be used with
more applicability to be emphasized. Evaluations to o will involve application rather than theory.
Essential reading
• Best, J. W. and Kahn, J. V. (1996) Research in Education Prentice-Hall of India New Delhi
• Dooley, D. (1997) Social Research Methods . New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India.
• Grewal, P. S. (1990) Methods of Statistical Analysis . New Delhi: Sterling Publishers
• Guptha, S. (2003) Research Methodology and Statistical Techniques . New Delhi: Deep & Deep
Page 108
• Kauffman James M. & Hallahan Daniel P. (Ed) (2011) H andbook of Special Education.
Routledge NY
• Koul, Lokesh. (1996). Methodology of Educational Research . New Delhi: Vikas Publishing
• Potti, L. R. (2004) Research Methodology . Thiruvananathapuram: Yamuna Publications
Suggested Reading
• Cohen, J. (1988) Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Scien ces . New York: Academic
• Greene, Sheila & Hogan, Diane. (2005). Researching children's experience. Sage Publication:
Area E1- Practical-Cross Disability and Inclusion
Imp: Practical activities in this section must be c onducted on or HI or ASD or VI or MD or ID
Semester - I Credits: 02 Hours: 60 Marks: 50
NO Tasks Disability
Focus Education
Setting Marks Hrs Description Submission
1 Visit to special
school Other than
disability Minimum 3
Special schools 10 18 Infrastructure
study Infrastructure
2 Classroom
observation “
Special school 30 30 Observation of all
the activities in a
class Reflection
form for each
3 Classroom
observation Inclusive set up 10 12 Observation of all
the activities in a
class Reflection
form for each
Page 109
E 2: Disability Specialisation (LD)
Semester - II Credits: 05 Hour s: 150 Marks: 125
Note: Schedule for practical for E-1 shall be inclu ded in the time table (minimum ten working
days may be allocated).
NO Tasks Disability
Focus Education Setting Marks Hrs Description Submission
Inclusive school
of all
subjects at
Reflection and
form of each
1.2 Assessment in
psychology Institute
/Clinic *Studying &
describing DST,
assessment of
children using any
two of the above
*Studying 10
assessment reports
and noting the
diagnosis and
a. Lesson
planning with
respect to micro
skills for selected
For special
school/Inclusive set up
5 lessons
Lesson plan
and the TLM
b. Lesson
focusing on
adaptation and
Inclusive set up
2 lessons
2 lessons with
the adapted
version and
the TLM
Page 110
Semester - III
Area E2- Practical Disability Specialization (Learn ing Disability) (Part C)
Semester - III Credits: 04 Ho urs: 120 Marks: 100
NO Tasks Education Setting Marks Hours Description Submi ssion
1.1 a. Case study
observation &
assessment Special School/
school/ resource
24 Minimum 30
school Periods File with the
report and
b. Case study:
planning and
implementation of
48 Minimum 20
lessons File with
report, lessons
and IEP
1.2 a. Practice
teaching on
different levels
for all subjects Special School /
Resource Room
b. Practice
teaching on
different levels
for selected
(pedagogy) subject
s Special School /
Resource Room
5 lessons
1.3 Observation of
support services Institute / Clinic 20
Depending on
specialization Report
Page 111
Area F1- Disability Specialisation (Learning Disabi lity)
Semester - III Credits: 03 Ho urs: 90 Marks: 75
Setting: Special school for children with LD
# Tasks Specific activities Hrs Marks Submissions
1 Classroom
observation Observing teaching learning process 24 10 Report with
2 Teacher
** Working as teacher assistant for prayers /
assembly, attendance, home work/class
work, writing diaries, preparing TLM,
teaching practice sessions recapitulation,
and break times 18 10 Journal of
and learning
3 Understanding
** Assisting in exam related planning,
setting question papers, assessing,
entering outcome in records, writing
progress reports, feedback to students and
parents, drawing pedagogic decisions.
Any 3 6 10 Portfolio of
4 Understandin
g beyond
classrooms Participating in School committees
meetings, Sports, Picnics, trips, visits,
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
meeting, competitions, Celebrations,
annual gatherings, medical check ups –
any 3 12 10
5 Development
of teaching
worksheet, Developing 2 TLM and 5 worksheet for
the assigned class 18 10 TLM
6 Document
study Reading and reporting on academic
calendars, time table, diaries, work
books, progress reports, case files, parent
meeting reports, certificates, forms to
avail exemptions and concessions 6 10
7 Program end
presentation Power point presentation on
consolidations, reflections and take away
points from field engagement to be able 6 15
Page 112
to become a teacher
TOTAL 90 75
** For these tasks each student will be assigned a class. T he class teacher is expected to support
as a long term mentor for the student placed in her / his class.
Semester - IV
Area E1- Practical: Cross Disability and Inclusion (Area B)
Semester - IV Credits: 04 Hours: 120 Marks: 100
Imp: Practical activities in this section must be c onducted on HI or ASD or VI or MD or ID
Note: Practical timing shall be included in time table (m inimum of four week)
Observations as mentioned are essential. However, i f schools for other disability are not available in the nearby
area, the same may be interpreted as observation at Inclusive school/ education/services being provide d in the
resource room/ home based education or vice versa w ith other disability
No. Tasks for the
Trainees Disability
Focus Education
Setting Hours
(120) Marks
(100) No. of
1.1 Community work /
Tour Community
perspective rural / semi-urban
30 30 Visit report
1.2 Collaborative
teaching Any Disability
LD) Resource Room/
home based /
Inclusive Schools
5 lessons
1.3 Case study 2
(individualised) Inclusive Special schools for
other disabilities/
Resource Room/
inclusive schools/
home based
report &
10 lessons
b. Group Teaching
lessons (selected
subject) Inclusive Inclusive Schools
5 lessons
Page 113
Area F2- Cross Disability Special School
Semester - IV Credits: 04 Hours: 120 Marks: 100
Setting: special school of other disability than LD
# Task Specific activities Hrs Marks Submissions
1 Teacher
Studying the background of the
children in the allotted class &
working as teacher assistant for
prayers / assembly, attendance , home
work/class work, writing diaries &
assisting in school celebrations 42
40 Journal of
reflections and
2 Document
study Reading and reporting on academic
calendars, time table, diaries, work
books, progress reports, case files,
certificates, forms to avail exemptions
and concessions
10 Journal on
3 Use of
internet and
for improving
the class
processes Using technology for classroom
teaching, art education, record
keeping, communication,
downloading power points, AVs for
concept development involving
00 School head’s
4 Understandin
g beyond
classrooms Participating in School committees
meetings, Sports, Picnics, trips, visits,
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
meeting, competitions, Celebrations,
annual gatherings, medical check ups
– any 3 36 25 School head
sends marks to
college as per
5 Program end
presentation Power point presentation on
consolidations, reflections and take
away points from field engagement to
be able to become a teacher 12 25
Area F3 - Inclusive school & Support Services in LD
Page 114
Semester - IV Credits: 4 Hours : 120 Marks: 100
# Tasks Specific Activities Set up Hours
Marks Submission
i Internship activities same as F2 Inclusive
School 54 30 Report on daily
activities &learning
Program end
presentation and
viva college 6 20 Report with
ii Internship
a. Observing assessing,
remediation, and parent
b. development of TLM and
c. Reviewing and assisting
in IEPs Clinic /
hospital /
remedial set
up etc 54 20 Report on daily
activities &learning
Program end
presentation and
viva college 6 20 Report with