BCom Transport Management_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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AC 23/5/2016 Item No. – 4.15
University of Mumbai
Revised Syllabus and Question Paper
Pattern of Courses
B.Com. (Transport Management )
Third Year Semester
V and VI
Under Credit, Grading a nd Semester System
With Effect from Academic Year 2016 -2017
Board of Studies -in-Transport Management , University of Mumbai
Board of Studies -Transpo rt Management , University of Mumbai
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Revised Syllabus and Quest ion Paper Pattern of Courses of
Revised Syllabus
of Courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at
Semester V
No. Title of the Course
3.5.1 Community Development Project
3.5.2 Law and Insurance in Transport and Logistics
3.5.3 Survey in Transport
3.5.4 Maritime Economics and Policy
3.5.5 Fleet Operation and Management
3.5.6 Port Operations and Management
3.5.7 Transport Costing and Pric ing
With effect from Academic Year 2016 -2017
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Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester V
with effect from the Academic Year 201 6-2017
3.5.1 Community Development Project
Modules at a Glance
SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction 10
2 Basics of Urban Community D evelopment 15
3 Administrative and Policy Arrangements for Urban D evelopment 15
4 Concept of Region: - Rural and Urban Community 10
5 Problems and Prospects of Urban L ife 10
Total 60
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SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction
• Community development -concept, definition, meaning, need, history, principles,
objectives and scope. Rural development -concept, definition, meaning, need,
objectives and scope.
• Understanding urbanization and urban growth in India - definition and
characteristics of urban areas, town, city, metropolis, suburbs, satellite towns, the
relevance of urban ecology, urban sociology and environmental psychology for
urban community development practice. The demographic and land use pattern
in urban areas - social area analysis
2 Basics of Urban Community Development
• Urban community development - meaning and scope. Urban development
programs in India.
• Review of Indian experience in urban development with reference to town
planning, slum clearance and improvement. IDSMD (integrated development of
Small and Medium Towns etc).
3 Administrative and Policy Arrangements for Urban Development
• Administrative and policy arrangements for urban development with reference to
municipalities, corporations, metropolitan development authorities, housing and
slum clearance boards.
• Constitution -73rd amendment and its relevance to urban community
deve lopment.
4 Concept of Region: - Rural and Urban Community
• Concept of Region. Types of Regions -functional and formal region. Techniques of
regions delimitation. Regionalisation in India. Physiographic, Economic, Linguistic.
Classification and Hierarchy o f regions. The Concept of Rural - Urban Continuum
5 Problems and prospects of Urban Life
• Problems and prospects of urban life with reference to crowding and density,
noise, air , solid, and liquid pollution, urban housing, drinking water supply,
transpor t, urban public health, urban non-formal sector, etc
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Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester V
with effect from the Academic Year 2016 -2017
3.5.2 Law and Insur ance i n Transport and Logistics
Modules at a Gl ance
SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction 12
2 Various Types of Insurance 13
3 Losses and Claim Handling 15
4 International Commercial Arbitration 20
Total 60
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SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction
• Importance of insurance, Meaning, definition, Features, Parties to insurance,
Evolution & Importance of insurance, Types of Insurance.
• General Insurance - Type, Need, Scope, Principles, Functions, Organization &
Administration of general insurance in India.
2 Various Types of Insurance
• Types of In surance cover, Insurance products, Transport Insurance, legal liabilities
insurance, Third party legal liability insurance, property insurance, Hull &
Machinery insurance, Rights & Obligations of party and particulars obligations,
Insurance contract - Cost , Risk, Coinsurance, Retention, deductible
3 Losses and Claim Handling
• Kinds of losses – perils and causa proxima – Actual Total Loss(ALT) - Constructive
Total Loss (CTL) – Collisions and salvage – Average Clause – general average –
coverage and instit ute clauses – transit clauses – Disbursement – premiums –
liability – mutual protection & indemnity clubs (P&L clubs)
• Claims Handling – Insurance claims – Risks – Reinsurance – Demurrage – claim
producers and Documentation – right of subrogation.
4 International Commercial Arbitration
• International Commercial Arbitration -Define, Advantage, traits, principles, basics,
hulls, procedure.
• Internationa l regulation - Regulations for vessel, Regulation relating to cargos,
dangerous and hazardous cargos and packa ging of cargos.
• Conventions - Air Transport - Montreal Conventions, International inland waterway
Transportation - CMNI/ BUDPEST convention.
• Introduction into the Logistics law.
• Efforts of United Nations and World Trade Organization (WTO) in unifying the
basis of the International Trade Law – General principles in the International trade
contracts/ negotiations, formulation and impact of the international trade
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Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester V
with effect from the Academic Year 2016 -2017
3.5.3 Survey i n Transport
Modules at a Glance
SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Business Research Methods 15
2 Data Collection and Processing 15
3 Data Analysis and Interpretation 15
4 Advanced Techniques in Report Writing 15
Total 60
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SN Modules/ Units
1 Introducti on to Business Research Methods
• Meaning and objectives of research
• Types of research
Pure, Basic and Fundamental
Scientific & Social
• Concepts in Research: Variables, Qualitative and Quantitative Research
• Stages in research process.
• Characteristics of Good Research
• Hypothesis - Meaning, Nature, Significance, Types of Hypothesis, Sources.
• Research design - Meaning, Defini tion, Need and Importance, Steps in research
design, Essenti als of a good research design, Areas / Scope of research design and
Types - Descriptive, Exploratory and causal.
• Sampling:
Meaning of sample and sampling
Methods of sampling
2 Data Collection and Processing
• Types of data and sources – Primary and Secondary data sources
• Methods of collection of primary data
Observation -
i)Structured and unstructured, ii) disguised and undisguised,
iii)Mechanical observations (use of ga dgets)
i) Field ii) Laboratory
Interview –
i) Personal Interview ii) Focused group iii) I n-depth interviews - Method,
Survey – Telephonic survey, Mail, E -mail, Internet survey, Social media, and
Media listening.
Survey instrument –
1) Questionnaire designing.
2) Types of questions -
a) Structured/ close ended b) Unstructured/ open ended,
c) Dicotomous d) Multiple Choice Questions.
Scaling techniques
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3 Data Analysis and Interpretation
• a) Processing o f data –
i) Editing – field and office editing,
ii) coding – meaning and essentials,
iii) tabulation – note
• Analysis of data- Meaning, Purpose, types.
• Interpretation of data - Essentials, importance and Significance of processing data
• Multivariate analysis – concept only
• Testing of hypothesis – concept and problems
i) chi square test,
ii) Z and t- test (for large and small sample)
4 Advanced Techniques in Report Writing
• Report writing – Meaning , importance, functions of reports, essential of a good
repor t, content of report , steps in writing a report, types of reports, Footnotes
and Bibliography
• Ethics and research
• Objectivity, Confidentiality and anonymity in Research
• Plagiarism
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Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester V
with effect from the Academic Year 2016 -2017
3.5.4 Maritime Economics a nd Policy
Modules at a Glance
SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction of Maritime Economics 15
2 Financing Ships and Shipping C ompanies 15
3 Bulk Cargo and the E conomics of Bulk Shipping 15
4 The Regulatory F rame Work of Maritime Economics 15
Total 60
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SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction of Maritime Economics
• The economic organization of the shipping market: economic role of the shipping
industry, World merch ant fleet, Shipping cycles and shipping risk, Characteristics
of shipping market cycles, The frequency of shipping cycles, Freight market, The
return on investment in shipping, Determinants of maritime transport cost.
• Supply, demand & freight rates: The shipping market model, The demand for sea
transport, the supply of sea transport, the freight rate mechanism. Costs, Revenue and financial performance: Cash flow and the art of survival, The cost of running ships, The capital cost and financial performance,
the revenue calculating
computing the cash flow, price of vessel, Monopoly environment, Role of
2 Financing Ships and S hipping Companies
• Financing Ships and shipping companies: Ship finance and shipping economics,
How ships have been financed in the past, The world financial system and types of finance, Financing ships with equity, Financing ships with debt, finance for new building, Leasing ships.
• The economic principles of maritime trade, The decisions facing ship owners, The freight mark
et, The sale and purchase market, The new building market, The
demolition (recycling) market.
3 Bulk Cargo and the E conomics of Bulk S hipping
• Bulk cargo and the economics of bulk shipping: The commercial origins of bulk
shipping, The bulk trades, The ‘transport system’ concept, Handling bulk cargoes, Liquid bulk cargoes, The five major dry bulks, The minor bulk trades, Refrigerated
cargo, The vehicle trade
• The general cargo and the economics of liner shipping: Introduction, The origins
of the liner ser vices, Economic principle of liner operation, Liner conference and
their regulation, The components of liner service costs, The liner service cash flow
model, Liner price, The demand for liner services, The liner shipping routes, The
liner fleet, The econo mics of ships and ship designs.
• Containerization and the economics of container shipping
4 The regulatory Frame Work of Maritime E conomics
• The regulatory frame work of maritime economics: How maritime regulation
affects maritime economics, The instituti on that regulate shipping, self- regulation
and the classification societies, The law of the sea, The regulatory role of the flag state.
• The economics of shipbuilding and scrapping : Role of the merchant shipbuilding and scrapping industries, Regional stru
cture of the world shipbuilding,
shipbuilding market cycles, The economic principles, The shipbuilding production process, shipbuilding costs and competitiveness, The ship breaking industry, The
international labour maritime market, The Indian legislation
in maritime
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Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester V
with effect from the Academic Year 2016 -2017
3.5.5 Fleet Operation a nd Management
Modules at a Glance
SN Modules No. of
1 Introductio n 15
2 Budgeting & Costing of Fleets 15
3 Fleet Operations and Functions 15
4 Fleet Management 15
Total 60
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SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction
• Introduction to fleet management - Meaning, define, functions, Types of fleet
management, In house, outsourced, Advantages, Disadvantage & Role, Institutes,
Regulatory bodies and related organization in fleet management, parties for fleet
management, Rules applicable for fleet management.
2 Budgeting & Costing of Fleets
• Budgeting and cost – cost factors in fleets, causes, magni tude & variabilities, key
cost variables, Whole life cost.
• Vehicle selection &acquisition, Methods of supply, Strength & weaknesses.
• Operational options – Purchase, Leasing, Contract hire for vehicles, vehicle
• Fuel – Choic e, cost, control [Alternative fuel types], Safety, Reliability, Durability.
• Managing HR in fleets – Staffing issues, Important of Managing total crew,
Fulfilling future requirement
3 Fleet Operations and Functions
• Functions – vehicle maintenance, vehicl e telematics, vehicle tracking, Driver
management, speed management, fuel management, Health & Safety
• Fleet administration, monitoring and report, Maintenance & repairs relationship
to time & mileage, Maintenance expenditure, Maintenance planning, Controlling
maintenance expenditure, Warranty optimization, unplanned repair
Maintenance, Organize emergency work, Vehicle maintenance system, cost of
• Insurance & Accident – Risk Management, Insurance cover, Types of cover, Driver
• Disp osals – Methods, Advantages, Disadvantages, optimization, depreciation cost,
predicting residual value, Replacement cycle.
4 Fleet Management
• Fleet legislations
• Introduction to computer (IT) in fleet management
• Environment – Green fleet issue, Minimising the effects of fleet on environment,
fuel types & technology, Travel places & alternative working methods.
• Grey fleet operations & management,
• Current issue & sources of Information, Identifying the need of business &
ensuring the fleet matches those needs.
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Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester V
with effect from the Academic Year 2016 -2017
3.5.6 Port Operations a nd Management
Modules at a Glance
SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction 15
2 Port Sec urity and Safety , Port Competition & M arketing 15
3 Port Management 15
4 Port Facilities Management 15
Total 60
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SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction
• What is port, Features of port, Function of port, Role of port operator/manager,
Types of port Authorities – Functions & role of port Authorities, port users &
stakeholders, Port Administration & organization, Structure, Recent trends in port
• Interfacing between water air and land transportation, Transportation and
Delivery of goods.
• Role of port in International Trade & Transport, Effects of Globalisation on port
choice, Change in Logistic & distribution pattern on influencing development or decline in port.
2 Port Security and Safety , Port Competition & M arketing
• Port Security and Saf ety:
Importance of safety Management, Safety Regulation & Procedure,
Prevention of terrorism, Illegal Immigration, Theft & Smuggling, Handing of
Dangerous goods.
Regulat ory Framework for port Security
• Port Competition & M arketing.
Nature of national & international port competition,
Analysis of port market
Techniques of port promotion
Forms of port competition
Tools of port marketing - Market information, Trade growth, Vessel
development, Commercial needs, Financial viability, Location , Vessel transit
times & port location
3 Port Management
• Structure, Relationship between Infrastructure & delivery of services, Marine
operations – conservancy, dredging, navigation aids etc., Avoidance of congestion,
• Role of trade union, Labour organization and ITF, Sta tutory bodies, Customs,
Immigration, port health, Marine safety, Needs of port users, Owners, Operators,
Agents, Forwarders, Information flow between port, statutory bodies & port
4 Port Facilities Management
• General layout of port & harbor, Ty pes of Terminals, Vessel traffic system(VTS),
Basic & Ancillary port services, Imports/Exports procedure & custom formalities, Types of cargo, equipment used in cargo and ship handling – conventional,
present and future, port facilities, infrastructures an
d its optimal utility, Cargo
clearance formalities
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Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester V
with effect from the Academic Year 2016 -2017
3.5.7 Transport Costing a nd Pricing
Modules at a Glance
SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction of Costing & Pricing 10
2 Transport Costing Techniques 10
3 Contract & Process Costing 15
4 Decision Making Techniques 10
5 Budgetary Tech niques 15
Total 60
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SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction of Costing & Pricing
• Introduction - Meaning, define, objectives & advantages, difference & relationship
between cost, finance & management, accounting, essential of a good cost
accounting system.
• Cost concept & classification, Role of a cost accountant in an organization,
Materi al cost, Labour cost, Overhead cost.
• Preparation of cost sheet, Reconciliation of cost sheet
2 Transport Costing Techniques
• Job costing, Batch costing, Unit costing, Operating costing (transport).
3 Contract & Process Costing
• Contract costing, Proces s costing, ABC Analysis
4 Decision Making Techniques
• Marginal costing and Decision Making
5 Budgetary Techniques
• Standard costing, Budget & Budgetary control.
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Revised Syllabus
of Courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
at Semester VI
No. Title of the Course
3.6.1 Public Transport, Network Planning and Operation
3.6.2 Quantitative Methods in Transport
3.6.3 Taxation and Transport
3.6.4 Maritime Transport
3.6.5 Human Resource Management and Industrial Relation
3.6.6 Transport Project Management
3.6.7 Research Project
With effect from Academic Year 2016 -2017
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Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester VI
with effect from the Academic Year 2016 -2017
3.6.1 Public Transport, Network Planning and
Modules at a Glance
SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction of Public Transport 15
2 Public Transport Planning Process 15
3 Policies and Regulations of Public Transport 15
4 Networking Planning & Operations in Public Transport 15
Total 60
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SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction of Public Transport
• Public Transport – Meaning , Advantages, Disadvantages, Need , Types - Airline,
Bus, Train, Personal r apid transit, Cabel propelled transit, Ferry, Auto rickshaws
and other, problems and challenges of public transport, factors and properties
determining quality public transport,
• Privatization of India’s public transport sector, public transport and private transport –
relationship and comparison, Integrated transport infrastructure
approach in public transport, comparative analysis of different public transport modes
• Status of public transport in India, Public transport in India and developing
• Current perception of public transport, Issues in public transport, Travel demand issues, Fundamentals of demand & supply sides of transportation, societal issues constraining mobility of people goods & its implementation on public transport system
2 Publ ic Transport Planning Process
• Planning process: Steps in planning process - plans, levels, objectives, content and
data requirement- regional plan, master plan, detail development plan,
development control regulation, zoning regulation.
• Public transport planning in rural areas - Planning strategy, Network planning,
Travel demand estimation, Stakeholder consultation and preferences, Public
transport mode options
• Public Transport Planning In Urban Areas - Urban transport planning, Travel
demand estimation, Efficient use of existing/proposed infrastructure, Routing and scheduling of public transport, Intermodal coordination, Stakeholder consultation and preferences, Feasibility for higher- order modes like BRT and Metro rail
3 Policies and Regulations of Public Transport
• Policies & regulations – Public transport policy of India, Regulators Role
(Regulation of Competition) - role of federal , regional and local transport
agencies, Role of operators, private transport providers, & passengers of
transportation , a nd other Stakeholders. Role of International Transport
authorities in developing public transport.
• Current transportation policy issues
• Operations – Infrastructure, interchanges, Timetable, scheduling , routing ,
managing delays
• Planning Approaches: Demand studies: Origin – Destination matrices, minimum
paths (distance, time and cost), Route planning, special service [schools, offices,
rural, disable, senior citizen etc], application of optimization Techniques to
operations headways, route, length, stops, etc
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SN Modules/ Units
4 Networking Planning & Operations in Public Transport
• Managing network infrastructure - Terminal, stops, information systems, ticketing
• Customer satisfaction and marketing of public transport, Customers care - Safety,
Security, Lost Luggage, Complaints & Investigations etc
• Funding of public transport system , Financing of public transport- fare and
ticketing, Revenue, profit and subsidies
• Rules and Regulations in public transport – food and drink , smoking , noise,
banned items, other regulations
• Recent Developments in public transport in India and World, Emerging
technologies - to improve mobility, economic and environmental concerns of
public transport
• Sustainable Transportation - Principles, indicators and its implications.
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Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester VI
with effect from the Academic Year 2016 -2017
3.6.2 Quantitative Methods in Transport
Modules at a Glance
SN Modules No. of
1 Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of D ispersion 10
2 Probability and Probability D istribution 15
3 Regression and Correlation 15
4 Multivariate Data A nalysis 10
5 Tests of Significance and Confidence Interval 10
Total 60
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SN Modules/ Units
1 Measures of Centr al Tendency, Measures of D ispersion
• Introduction to Sampling Techniques and Statistical Distributions : Frequency
distribution; Mean; Standard deviation; Standard error, Skewness; Kurtosis;
Definitions and Applications; Simple random sampling; Stratified sampling;
Systematic sampling; Sample Size determination; Applications in Traffic
Engineering ; Statistical Distributions: Binomial, Poisson, Expone ntial and Normal
distributions; Fitting of distributions; Mean and variance; Chi -square test of
goodness -of-fit; Chi -square distribution; Students T -distribution; Snedectors, F -
2 Probability and Probability D istribution
• Probability and Probability distribution
3 Regression and Correlation
• Regression and Correlation
4 Multivariate Data A nalysis
• Multivariate data analysis: Types of data; Basic vectors and matrices, Dispersion,
Variance and covariance, Analysis of Variance; Correlation matrices; Principal
component analysis, Time series analysis
5 Tests of Significance and Confidence Interval
• Large sample and small sample tests; Tests for single mean, Means of two
samples, Proportions, two variances, two observed correlation coefficients,
Applications. Intervals for mean, variance and regression coefficients
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Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester VI
with effect from the Academic Year 2016 -2017
3.6.3 Taxation and Transport
Modules at a Glance
SN Modules No. of
1 Direct Tax 15
2 Deductions 15
3 Transport R elated Acts 15
4 Indirect Tax 15
Total 60
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SN Modules/ Units
1 Direct Tax
• Definition: Assesse, Assessment Year, assessment, annual value, business, capital
asset, income, person, previous year, transfer.
• Basis of Charge: Previous Year, Residential Status, Scope of total income, deemed
income, income deemed to accrue or arise in India.
• Income from Salaries
• Computation of Capital Gain
2 Deductions
• TDS (194 C, 194J, 192, 194 H)
• Profit and Gains from Business and Profession (Special preferences to taxation
and provi sion related to transportation)
• Deduction from gross total income (80 C, 80 G, 80 TTA, 80 D, 80 E)
• Computation of total income (slab rate of individual, company, HUF, Advance
• Indirect Tax
3 Transport R elated Acts
• Customs Act
• Excise Act
4 Indirec t Tax
• Vat, Service Tax, LBT.
• Road Tax, Vehicle Tax, Toll Tax.
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Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester VI
with effect from the Academic Year 2016 -2017
3.6.4 Maritime Transport
Modules at a Glance
SN Module s No. of
1 Basics of Maritime Transport 15
2 Maritime Contracts and Shipping 15
3 Flagging Policy and Decisions 15
4 International C onventions and N ational Regulations 15
Total 60
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SN Modules/ Units
1 Basics of Maritime Transport
• Introduction to marine transport, Principles of marine transport, Development of
maritime transport, Outlook of marine transport Market, Organizations & other
stake holders in maritime Industry, Documentation, Elements of maritime
geography & port – shipping R outes & ports, Role & Functions of seaports,
container transport by sea. Major components of maritime transport
2 Maritime Contracts and Shipping
• Shipping market, Shipping costs & pricing mechanism in maritime, Transport cost
of marine transport & freig ht, Maritime Expeditious, operational aspect –
Maritime contracts – Types & Provision, Management of Maritime contracts – on
board administration, documentation & procedures [time sheet, bill of lading]
3 Flaggi ng Policy and D ecisions
• Flagging policy an d decisions: flag state and ship registration practices, shipping
management practices and uses of BIMCO Shipman and CREWMAN. Design and
development of safety management systems in maritime organisations using ISM
code. Legislation: Hague Visby Rules. The Hamburg Rules
4 International Conventions and National Regulations
• The role and function of UNO and othe r international organizations ( IMO, ILO,
UNCTAD, WHO) in the maritime context. International conventions and national regulations responsibility of s
hip owners and crews: report, declaration and
certificate requirement. History of IMO, membership in IMO, legal instruments -
SOLAS, COLREG, PSC. Governing bodies in IMO, Technical Committee, Marine
Safety Committee, standards and recommendations for safety . Investigation in
Marine casualty. Safety of navigation, radio communications, search and rescue,
standards of training and watch keeping, ship design and equipment, fire
protection, stability ,load lines and shipping vessel safety, flag state
implementation, dangerous goods, solid cargoes and containers, bulk liquid and gases
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Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester VI
with effect from the Academic Year 2016 -2017
3.6.5 Human Resource Management a nd
Industria l Relation
Modules at a Glance
SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction 15
2 Recruitment and Selection Process 15
3 Performance Appraisal 15
4 Participative Management and Industrial Relations 15
Total 60
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SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction
• Definition , features, scope / functions of HRM, definition of personnel
• Evolution of HRM / trends in HRM, Difference between HRM and PM, Challenges
before the HR manager, Role of HR manager, Traits / characteristics of the
workforce, Personnel phi losophy
• Personnel Manual.
• HRP- Definition, Process of HRP along with brief coverage of personnel demand
and supply forecasting techniques, Factors affecting HRP
• Human Resource Information System – HRIS
• VRS, Outsourcing, pink slip/termination / retrenchment / downsizing / separation,
Contracting and sub- contracting, Promotions and transfers
2 Recruitment and Selection Process
• Job analysis – definition, methods of collecting job data, merits and demerits /
• Job design – definition, factors affec ting job design, approaches to job design
• Job evaluation – definition, methods of job evaluation, process of job evaluation.
• Recruitment – definition, sources of recruitment, merit and demerits
• Selection – definition, process of selection, types of selecti on tests, types of
• Induction / orientation – definition, methods, process
• Placement
• Training and Development - Definition of training and development, Methods of
training managers
• Process / procedure of conducting training program , How to evaluate
effectiveness of training programs
• Advantages of T and D
3 Performance Appraisal
• Performance Appraisal - Definition of performance appraisal, Methods of
appraisal for managers – traditional and modern, Process / procedure of
conducting performance a ppraisal, Advantages of performance appraisal,
Limitations of appraisal
• Compensation Management - Definition of compensation, Components of salary /
salary slip
• Fringe benefits – definition and types, Performance linked incentives / incentives
– definition, advantages and disadvantages
• Career Planning and Development - Definition of career planning and career
development, Process / procedure of career planning, Career stages / career life cycle and how to handle personnel at each stage
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SN Modules/ Units
• Essentials to make career planning successful
• Career counseling
• Employee retention techniques
• Succession planning
4 Participative Management and Industrial Relations
• Participative Management - Definition of Participative Management, Levels of
participation, Trends in Participative Management, Factors essential for successful
participative management, Forms of participation, Participation through Quality
circles, Empowered Teams.
• Industrial Relations: Definition of industrial relations, Features of indus trial
relations, Importance of industrial relations, Approaches to industrial relations,
Parties to industrial relations
• Dynamics of Industrial Relation in India - Significance of IR, Conflicts and Disputes,
Trade unions, Employers Federations,
Industrial Disputes: causes, types, trends, Dispute Settlements Machinery,
Wages and IR, collective Bargaining,
Labour welfare and social security - Labour welfare and FR: Concept, Purpose,
Statutory and non- statutory provisions, ILO Conventions
Employee Discipline and Domestic Enquiry
Employee Grievances
Globalisation and FR
• Trade Unions - Definition of trade union, Features of trade unions, Trade union
movement in India
• Trends in the trade union.
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Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Progra mme at Semester VI
with effect from the Academic Year 2016 -2017
3.6.6 Transport Project Management
Modules at a Glance
SN Modules No. of
1 Introduction 15
2 Project Identification and Selection Planning 15
3 Project Management 15
4 Project Performance Measurement and Evaluation 15
Total 60
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SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction
• Introduction, Need for Project Management, Project Management Knowledge
Areas and Processes, The Project Life Cycle, The Project Manager (PM), Phases of
Project Management Life Cycle, Project Management Processes, Impact of Delays
in Project Completions, Essentials of Project Management Philosophy, Project
Management Principles
2 Project Identification and Selection Planning
• Project Identification and Selection : Pre -Feasibility Study, Feasibility Studies
• Project Planning: Introduction, Project Planning, Need of Project Planning, Roles,
Responsibility and Team Work
• Organizational Structure and Organizational Issues: Relationship between Project
Manager and Line Manager, Conflict Resolution, Change management
• PERT and CPM
3 Project Management
• Resources Considerations in Projects: Introduction, Resource Allocation,
Scheduling, Project Cost Estimate and Budgets, Cost Forecasts
• Project Risk Management Steps in R isk Management, Risk Identification, Risk
Analysis, Reducing Risks
• Project Quality Management and Value Engineering
• Project Management Information System
• Purchasing and Contracting for Projects: Introduction, Purchase Cycle, Contract
Management, Procuremen t Process
4 Project Performance Measurement and Evaluation
• Project Performance Measurement and Evaluation: Introduction, Performance
Measurement, Productivity, Project Performance Evaluation, Benefits and
Challenges of Performance Measurement and Evalua tion, Controlling the Projects
• Project Execution and Control
• Project Close -out, Termination and Follow -up
• Reference
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Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester V
with effect from the Academic Year 2016 -2017
Referenc e Books
Reference Books
Community Development Project
1. K.C. Sivaramakrishnan, A. Kundu and B.N. Singh Handbook of Urbanisation in India by, 2007, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi.
2. Rao VLS Prakasa Urbanization in India, Concept Pubishing Company, New De lhi
3. R Ramachandran, Urbanization and Urban Systems in India By , Oxford University Press
4. Urban social geography: an introduction Paul L. Knox, Steven Pinch
5. Urbainization and Governance in India by Hust, Evelin & Mann, Michael(Eds), Place of Pubilication,
New Delhi, 2005
6. Pillai P Gopinadhan , Rural Development in India, Pointer Publishers, New Delhi
7. Behera, M. C, Globalising Rural Development, Sage Pubns
8. Singh Katar Rural Development, sage pubns pvt ltd
9. Lea, D.A.M. and Srivastava, R.K., Rural Development and the state: Contradiction and Dilemmas in
Development countries, Methun: London, 1983
10. Roy, Ramasahray and Srivastava, R.K. Dialogues on Development, Sage Publication London, 1986
11. Singh, K., Rural Development: Principles, Policies and Management, New Delhi, Sage Publication,
12. Desai, Vasant, Rural Development (Vol 1 & 4), Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, 1988
13. Misra, R.P., Rural Development (Vol 1&5), Concept Pubilshing Company, New Delhi, 1985
14. Chandra, Subhash, Social Participation in Urban Neighbourhoo ds, National Publishing House, New
Delhi, 1977
15. Kasambi Meera, Urbanisation and Urban Development in India I CSSR, New Delhi, 1994
16. Chandrashekhara, C.S. and Deva Raj (eds.) Urban Perspectives -2000, Nation Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi, 1978
Law an d Insurance in Transport and Logistics
1. Dr. Talib H Musa, Almujaz in the International Trade Law, Altaqafeh publishers, 2001.
2. Rosa Greaves, EC Transport Law, Pearson Education, maritime & Transport law area
3. Hamzah Haddad, The International Trade Law
4. Legal principles in shipping Business 2010 -2011 by institute of chartered shipbrokers[written by
seamanship international Ltd.]
5. Shipping law by simon baughen [Routledge -Cavendish]
6. Marine cargo claims [International shipping laws] by William Tetley
7. General In surance Guide – Dr. L.P.Gupta, 2016
8. The business for insurance - Ronald Perm Company
9. The International Law of the sea by R Rothwell
10. Shipping and Environmental Law (2nd Edition) by Charles
11. Marine Insurance: its principles and practice by Tempelman (Qureshi press)
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Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester V
with effect from the Academic Year 2016 -2017
Reference Books
Reference Books
Survey in Transport
1. Research for Marketing Decisions paul E. Green, Donald S. Tu ll
2. Marketing Research – text and cases Harper W. Boyd jr. , Ralph Westfall
3. Research methodology in social science, O.R.Krishnaswamy, Himalaya Publication
4. Bussiness Research Methods, Donald R Cooper, Pamela Schindler, Tata McGraw Hill
5. Marketing research an d applied orientation, Naresh K Malhotra, pearson
6. Statistics for management, Levin and Reuben, Prentice hall.
7. Research methods for Management :S Shajahan, Jaico publishing
8. Survey Method for Transport Planning Anthony J. richandson, Elizabeth S. Ampf, Arnim H. Meyburg
Maritime Economics and Policy
1. International Economics (2nd edition)
2. Principle of Economics (3rd edition) – N. Gregory Mantiw
3. Miltiades Chachdrads, International Economics – Mc. Graw Hill International edition
4. Maritime Economics – Martin Stopford
5. Maritime Economics – Alan Branch
6. The hand book of maritime economics and business – Taylor and Francis
Fleet Operation and Management
1. Analytical fleet maintenance management – 3rd edition – John. E. Dolce
2. Fleet Management - John. E. Dolce
3. Dynamic f leet Management – Zeimpekis
4. Fleet managers guide to vehicle specification and procedures - John. E. Dolce
5. John Duke – Fleet management , Mc. Graw Hill
Port Operations and Management
1. Port Management and operations –Patrick Alderton , 2nd edition
2. Port secu rity handbook , 2004 - Lloyds Register
3. Port infrastructure and economic development – Pradeepta Kumar Samanta and Ashok Kumar
Monthay, Gyan publication, 2005.
4. Port State control – Dr Z. Ozcayir, 2nd edition
5. Port development – a handbook for planners in dev eloping countries - UNCTAD
6. Port management textbook series, vol 1, General aspects of port ma nagement; vol3 port marketing
; vol 4 port and transport logistics, Bremen: Institute of Shipping economics and logistics
7. Thomas B.J. 1989, Management of port maint enance; A review of current problems and practices,
London : HMSO
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Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester V
with effect from the Academic Year 2016 -2017
Reference Books
Reference Books
Transport Costing and Pr icing
1. Khanna Pandey & Ahuja: Practical costing , Sultan Chand
2. K.S.Thakur: Cost Accounting , New century book house pvt. Ltd.
3. Jain and Narang: Cost Accountong , Kalyani Publishers
4. S. N Maheshwari: Cost accounting , Mahaveer Publishers
5. Horngreen : Cost acco unting – A Managerial emphasis, Prentice Hall
6. LLectures on Costing by Swaminathan: S. Chand and Company (P) Ltd., New Delhi
7. Cost Accounting by C.S. Rayudu, Tata Mc. Graw Hill and Co. Ltd., Mumbai
8. Cost Accounting by Jawahar Lal and Seema Srivastava, Tata Mc. Graw Hill and Co. Ltd.Mumbai
9. Cost Accounting by Ravi M. Kishore, Taxmann Ltd., New Delhi
10. Principles and Practices of Cost Accounting by N.K. Prasad, Book Syndicate Pvt. Ltd., Calcutta
11. Cost Accounting Theory and Practice by B.K. Bhar, Tata Mc. Graw Hill and Co. Ltd., Mumbai
12. Cost Accounting Principles and Practice by M.N. Arora, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
13. Advanced Cost and Management Accounting: Problems and Solutions by V.K. Saxena and C.D.
Vashist, S. Chand and Company (P) Ltd., Ne w Delhi
14. Cost Accounting by S.P. Jain and K.L. Narang, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana
15. Modern Cost and Management Accounting by M. Hanif, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New
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Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester VI
with effect from the Academic Year 2016 -2017
Reference Books
Reference Books
Public Transport, Network Planning and Operation
1. Vuchic, V.R., Urban Transit: Operations, Planning, and Economics, John Wiley and Sons (2005).
2. Transportation R esearch Board, Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual, Transit Cooperative
Research Program (TCRP) Report 100, 2nd Edition, 2001.
3. Vuchic, V.R., Urban Transit: Systems and Technology, John Wiley and Sons (2007).
4. Ceder, A., Public Transit Planning a nd Operation: Theory, Modeling, and Practice,
ButterworthHeinemann (2007)
Quantitative Methods in Transport
1. Basic Statistics - Simpson and Kafks; Oxford and IBH Calcutta, 1969.
2. Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics – Gupta, S.C and Kapoor, K.V.Sultancha
Taxation and Transport
1. Direct tax manual – Taxmann
2. Direct tax law – Bangar
3. Indirect tax law - Taxmann
4. Indirect tax manual – Bangar
5. Singhania VK & Singhania K, Direct Taxes – Laws and practices, Taxmann
6. Ahuja – direct taxes
Maritime Transport
1. Caraiani G., Serescu, M, Maritime transport, Luxima Lex Publishing House, Bucharest.
2. Popa C, Maritime Economics, Course notes, Mircea cel batran, Naval academy Publishing house,
Constanta, 2007
3. Popa C, Maritime Economics, Course notes, Mircea cel batran, Naval ac ademy Publishing house,
Constanta, 2008
4. Maritime Transportation - Safety , Management and Risk Analysis – Svein Kristiansen
Human Resource Management and Industrial Relation
1. Human Resources and Personnel management – text and cases – 4th edition – K. Asw athappa
2. A strategic approach to Human Resources Management – Jayashree Sadri, Sorabh Sadri
3. Personnel management – Mamoria
4. Principles of Personnel Management – Edwin B. Flippo
5. Excellence through HRD – M. Nair and T.V. Rao
6. Handbook of Human Resource manageme nt Practice – Michael Armstrong
7. Human Resource management – Gary Dessler
8. Human resource management – Saiyadain
9. Planning and Managing Human Resources - William J Rothwell and H.C. Kazanas
Transport Project Management
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