BCom Transport Management BTM Semester III and IV1_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

BCom Transport Management BTM Semester III and IV1_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Board of Studies-Transport Management, University of Mumbai
Page 1University of Mumbai
Revised Syllabus and Question Paper
Pattern of Courses
B.Com. (Transport Management)
Second Year Semester
III and IV
Under Credit, Grading and Semester System
With Effect from Academic Year 2017-2018
Board of Studies-in-Transport Management, University of Mumbai

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Board of Studies-Transport Management, University of Mumbai
Revised Syllabus and Question Paper Pattern of Courses of
Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester IIIRevised Syllabus
of Courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at
Semester III
No. of
CoursesSemester III Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
1,2,&3*Any three courses from the following
list of the courses09
1Production and Quality Management 03
2Custom Procedures and Cargo Handling 03
3Transport Project Management 03
4Transport and Environment
5Managerial Skill Development 03
2 Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
4Information Technology in Transport-I 02
3 Core Courses (CC)
5Service Marketing 03
6Warehousing and Inventory Control 03
7Transport Law 03
Total Credits 20
With effect from Academic Year 2017-2018

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Board of Studies-Transport Management, University of Mumbai
Page 3with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
3.1.1 Production and Quality Management
SN ModulesNo. of
1Product and Production 15
2 Productivity and Quality 15
3Total Quality Management 15
4Quality Improvement Strategies and Certifications 15
Total 60

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Page 4SN Modules/ Units
1Product and Production
Product-Meaning, Objectives ,Need, Planning, Design, Development, Life
Production Management- Meaning, objective, Characteristics, Need,
Components, Manufacturing systems, Intermittent and continuous production
systems, Decision making, problems.
Functions of Production Manager.
 Plant Location and Layout- Objectives, principles of good product layout,
types of layout, Importance of purchase management, product life cycle.
2Productivity and Quality
Productivity : Meaning, concept, various ways and methods of calculating it.
Ways to improve productivity. Partial productivity and total productivity.
Quality Management : Concept, Importance, Principles, factors affecting
quality , characteristics,
Product and service quality dimensions- Physical aspects, reliability,
personal interaction, problem solving and policy.
Quality Standards: Storage, packaging and material handling.
Quality Assurance. Quality circle.
3Total Quality Management
Total quality management- definition, basics, Concept, importance,
Principles, cost of quality, eight building blocks, seven stages and pillars of
TQM, Seven deadly disasters. Factors affecting TQM
Philosophy and approach to quality: Edward Deming, J. Juran, Kaizen,
P.Crosbys Philosophy. 7 Quality Control Tools and Advance Quality control
4Quality Improvement Strategies and Certifications
Lean thinking, Kerpner Tregor methodology of problem solving, 6 sigma,
DMAIC/DMADV, TAGUCHI’s Quality Engineering, ISO 9000, ISO 1400, QS
9000. Malcon Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA), Demings Application
Prize, Poka Yoke, Work Methodology, Study methodology, National Productivity
council, JIDOKA, KANBAN, ISHIKAWA, Mini, Mura, Muda, Ergonomics,
SMED, Brainstorming, Delphi and nominal group techniques, Lateral thinking,
Split brain theory, Benchmarking.

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Page 5Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester III
with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
3.1.2 Custom Procedures and Cargo Handling
Modules at a Glance
SN ModulesNo. of
1Introduction 15
2Role and Documentation 15
3Cargo Handling 10
4Procedure of Cargo Handling 10
Total 50

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Page 6SN Modules/ Units
Impact of custom procedure, Custom procedure for home consumption, role of
customs, Procedure for clearance of import and export goods, import export
restrictions and prohibitions, , transshipment of cargo, import/ export through
post, re import and re export, custom clearance - seaport, airport, ICD
2Role and Documentation
Role in Cargo Handling of various authorities -Custom cargo service
providers, custom house agent, freight forwarders, CFS , ICD authority, MTO,
 Cargo Documentation- Bill of lading, Bill of entry, Packing List, Invoice,
others, types of Bond. Difference between airway bill, seaway bill and bill of
Check System- 1st Check System, custom examination, Calculation of Custom
3Cargo Handling
Cargo Handling – at airport, seaport, ICD.
CFS agent.
Equipment used in Cargo Handling.
 Cargo rates and charges, Unitization, consolidation of cargo, world
geography- geography and IATA 3 letter codes, Time difference,
calculation of transportation time.
4Procedure of Cargo Handling
Bulk loading limitation in railways, airways and shipment, cargo terminal
facilities, special cargoes, Cargo booking procedures in India ( railway, airways
and shipment),online booking procedures, labeling and marking of cargo.

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Board of Studies-Transport Management, University of Mumbai
Page 7Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester III
with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
3.1.3. Transport Project Management
Modules at a Glance
SN ModulesNo. of
1Introduction to Project Management 15
2Organization Structure and Project Manager 15
3Project Planning and Budgeting 20
4New Dimensions in Project Management 10
Total 60

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Page 8SN Modules/ Units
1Introduction To Project Management
Introduction-Meaning, Features ,Need, Types, History
Project Management knowledge areas - deliverables typically provided for
each knowledge areas,
Project Management-Project Life cycle, Phases of project management life
cycle, Project Management Process, Project Stakeholders and Project Interface,
Project champions, roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders in project
2Organization Structure and Project Manager
Organization Structure- Types, forms, Work breakdown structure, master
production scheduling, system integration, strategic business unit, change
management. How to select a good project team, role and responsibilities of
Project Manager- Role (especially in planning), Importance, Selecting criteria
of project manager, project and project manager, project manager and
organization, location of project manager in organization, managing conflict by
project manager, relationship of line- staff- project manager.
3 Project Planning and Budgeting
Project Planning (Detailed project plan, cost ), Project Selection (dealing
with risk and uncertainty), Project Feasibility Study ( feasibility, technical,
marketing, operational),SWOT Analysis , Project Selection Models (Numeric
and Non numeric), budget and cost estimation ( leverages, profitability
statement, valuation of shares),scheduling, resource allocation, project
communication and documentation, project monitoring and controlling, project
close out, termination and follow up, project auditing.
4New Dimensions in Project Management
Contract Management, Managing crisis in project, Modern development in
project management- PMIS, Project Management Methodology, Continuous
improvement, capacity planning, project management maturity model, managing
multiple projects, competency models.
 Live case studies:- dedicated freight corridor, bullet trains, monorails, pod taxis,
metro projects.

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Page 9Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester III
with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
3.1.4. Transport and Environment Management
Modules at a Glance
SN ModulesNo. of
1Introduction 15
2Environment law and Remedies 15
3Environment Audit and Waste management 15
4Environmental impact 15
Total 60

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Page 10SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction
Environment: Meaning, features, classification, components,
objectives of environmental studies, factors influencing environment,
Environmental degradation- meaning, types (extreme events and
hazardous pollution) Interface between pollution and transport.
Environmental impacts of transportation: air, water, noise, global
diming, global warming, desertification, ozone depletion and others.
Environment management issues
Environment externalities.
2 Environment law and Remedies
Green belt- meaning, encroachment on green belt. Green house gas-
meaning , effect, causes and damages, measures to mitigate green house
effect. Green logistics- meaning importance, paradoxes of green
logistics, cases. Sustainable transportation- meaning, elements of
sustainable transport, criticism. Fossil fuels, bio fuels, shift from fossil
fuels to bio fuels. Transport and urban problems. Designing traffic
system to reduce pollution, monitoring tools for environment
management, Government incentives to reduce pollution, transport
schemes and environment impact with cases .
Environment and law: Environment Protection Act, World
Commission on environment and development report, 1987.
International Earth Summit, 1992., Kyoto protocol, problems in
implementing environment laws and order.
3 Environment Audit and Waste management
Corporate environment and business ethics: Role of stakeholders.
Environment and health., Waste management meteorology. waste audit
and waste minimization. Environmental audit- audit as per ISO 9011,
roles and qualifications of auditor. Environment performance
Environmental impact of roads: noise and acoustical engineering,
combustion by-products of gasoline and fossil fuels, habitat destruction,
habitat fragmentation. Barriers to animal movement. Increased animal
mortality due to traffic. Toxic effects on plants and animals. Poaching of
flora and fauna. Curtailment of space for growth of forest. Problems of
ill legal logging. Road Ecology: Hydrology: Storm water run-off as a
source of pollution, storm sewers, air and noise pollution, Plant life,
Effects on wild life, Increased human encroachment,
Mitigating efforts: Measures to reduce traffic noise, habitat
construction and planting of trees
4Environmental impact

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Page 11Environmental impact of aviation: Increase in demand for air travel and
related statistics of carbon emissions, acidification, photo-chemical air
pollution, Impact in terms of noise and air quality, Greenhouse effect, Role of
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Ban on noisy aircrafts,
Enforcement of aircraft construction standards
Maritime and inland waterway transport: Atmospheric emissions of sea-
going ships, Regulations for polluting emissions from inland waterway
vehicles, Role of Inland Waterways Authority of India
Integration of environment and sustainable development into transport
policy, Existing machinery for policy implementation in India Strategies to
minimize environmental impact of transport: Promotion of public transport,
intermodal and combined transport in urban areas, Elimination of negative
effects of transport growth through land-use measures, Infrastructure charging,
Promoting research to reduce CO2 emissions and noise, Variation of tolls based
on vehicle emission classes and time of day.

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Board of Studies-Transport Management, University of Mumbai
Page 12Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester III
with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
3.1.5. Managerial Skill Development
Modules at a Glance
SN ModulesNo. of
1Introduction to Management 15
2Intra Personal skills 10
3Inter personal Skills 10
4Leadership Skills 15
5Negotiation Skills 10
Total 60

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Page 13SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Management
Management – Definition, Features, Importance, Function, Functional
Areas of Management, Levels of Management, Role and Skills of
manager, Evolution of management thoughts, Contribution of F.W.
Taylor, Henri Fayol and Contingency approach, PODSCORB.
2 Intra Personal skills
Self-awareness- Concept, The Johari Window.
Stress management-meaning, types, elements, stress management
techniques, Causes and effects of stress.
Problems solving skills, Time management skills and techniques.
Delegation skills – Importance, Prioritization, Advantages of delegation
& principles of delegation
Employability in transport- careers and challenges
3 Inter personal Skills
Supportive communication- Concept
Motivation-meaning, factors, types, theories of motivation –Maslow’s
theory, theory X theory Y, McGregor theory, Hygiene theory (Herzberg
Managing Change & Conflict-Definition, Importance, Change agents,
Managing Change (process), Interpersonal conflict management.
4Leadership Skills
Leadership Skills-Meaning , definition, Characteristics, leader V/s
managers, Traits of leaders, leadership styles, Theories of leadership-
Great Man, Trait Theory, Behavioural theory, Contingency (fielders
contingency theory, Hersey blackhead situational leadership theory,
vroom, mount and Blake theory) , Women as leader, Empowerment-
dimensions, Teamwork- Meaning of team, stages of team development,
problems & barriers
Groups- Groups in organization, group dynamic, group decision making
5Negotiation Skills
Negotiation skills-approaches, self-assessment, strategies to influence
people, group negotiation, how to deal with difficult negotiation
Controlling – Meaning, Techniques & prerequisite
TQM, Knowledge management, customers service management skills,

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Board of Studies-Transport Management, University of Mumbai
Page 14Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester III
with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
3.2.4 Information Technology in Transport
Modules at a Glance
SN ModulesNo. of
1E-Commerce & ICT12
2Computer Organization & Internet1
3ICT soft Tools – Word Processor15
4ICT soft Tools – Spreadsheet15
Total 60

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Page 15SN Modules/ Units
1 E-Commerce & ICT
Introduction, Definition, Advantages & Disadvantages, Types of E-
Commerce, Electronic Data Interchange, EDI Applications in Business,
EDI implementation, E-Commerce: Its Impact on Transportation,
Logistics, and Supply Chain Management, Types of Electronic Payment
Systems, Smart Cards & Electronic Payment Systems, Credit Card-
Based Electronic Payment Systems.
Information & Communication Technology
Introduction, Objectives, Advantages & Disadvantages, Use of ICT in
day to day life, ICT Applications: Communication applications,
measurement applications, booking systems, monitoring and tracking
systems, satellite systems.
2Computer Organization & Internet
Computer Organization
What is Hardware & Software?, Components of Computer System,
Input devices and their uses, Output Devices and their uses, Primary
Memory-RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Secondary
Memory- portable and removable hard drives, magnetic tape drives and
magnetic tapes, memory cards, Optical storage media (CD/DVD/Blu-
Defining and describing the Internet, Brief history, future of the
Internet, Internet Resources- Email, Newsgroups, Conferencing, Types
of Internet Access, Internet service providers, World Wide Web,
Protocols: Uniform resource locator, File Transfer protocol, Internet
Protocol, Web-browser: Returning to the home page, Changing the
home page, Favourites and Bookmarks, Cookies, Search Techniques,
Examples of search tools, Protecting the computer: Viruses, Virus
protection software, Updating the software, Scanning files., Using
Search Engine.
3ICT soft Tools – Word Processor
Getting Started with Word 2010: Starting Word, Opening a saved
Word document, Entering text in a document, previewing a document,
saving a document, printing a document, Closing a document and

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Page 16exiting Word, Editing a Document: Navigate through a document,
Scroll through text, Insert and delete text in a document, Select text,
Undo and redo commands, Use drag and drop to move text, Copy, cut
and paste, Formatting A Document: Format and align text, Line and
paragraph spacing, Add bulleted and numbered lists, Add borders and
shading, Using Editing and Proofing Tools: Document views, Spell
and grammar check, Shortcut Menus, Find and replace text, Changing
the Layout of a Document: Adjust page margins, Change page
orientation, Create headers and footers, Set and change indentations,
Insert and clear tabs, Inserting Elements to Word Documents: Insert
and delete a page break, Insert page numbers, Insert the date and time,
Insert special characters(symbols), Insert a picture from a file, Resize
and reposition a picture, Using Words new picture tools, Working with
Tables: Insert a table, Convert a table to text, Navigate and select text
in a table, Resize parts of a table, Align text in a table, Format a table,
Insert and delete columns and rows, Borders and shading, Merge table
4ICT soft Tools – Spreadsheet
Learning Worksheet Fundamentals: Understand basic workbook
concepts, Create a workbook, Select cells, Use undo and redo, Enter
text, numbers and dates in a workbook, Enter a range of data, Edit cell
contents, Save a workbook for the first time, Close a workbook and quit
excel, Editing and Formatting Worksheets: Format numeric data,
Adjust the size of rows and columns, Align cell contents, Create and
apply conditional formats, Find and replace cell contents, Insert and
delete row and columns, Cut, copy and paste, Formatting
Worksheets: Format text and numbers, Create and modify styles, Use
Format Painter, Add borders and shading to cells, Merge cells, Wrap
text in a cell, Changing Print Options: Add a header and footer to a
worksheet, Change the page orientation, Set and clear print areas, Set
other print options, Worksheets & Workbook: Autocomplete, Use
numbered series and AutoFill, Hide and unhide rows and columns,
Freeze and unfreeze rows and columns, Add and delete worksheets,
Rename worksheets, filtering Data, Sort data, Performing Basic
Calculations: Formula basics, Create formulas using cell references,
Create formulas using functions, Work with the formula tab, Link
workbooks, Excel 2010 Charts: Chart basics, Create a chart, Chart &
Axis Titles, Change the chart type & organize the source data, Update
data and format the Axes, Add gridlines and arrows.

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Page 17Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester III
with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
3.3.5 Service Marketing
Modules at a Glance
SN ModulesNo. of
1Introduction to Service Marketing15
2Key Element of Service Marketing Mix15
3Managing Quality in Service Marketing15
4Globalisation and Recent Trends in Service Marketing15
Total 60

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Page 18SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Service Marketing
Services Marketing Concept, Distinctive Characteristics of Services,
Services Marketing Triangle, Purchase Process for Services, Marketing
Challenges of Services, Role of Services in Modern Economy,
Services Marketing Environment, Goods vs Services Marketing,
Goods Services Continuum, Consumer Behavior, Positioning a Service
in the Market Place, Variations in Customer Involvement, Service
Recovery , Complain Handling, Type of Contact: High Contact
Services and Low Contact Services, Sensitivity to Customers’
Reluctance to Change
2 Key Element of Service Marketing Mix
The Service Product, Pricing Mix, Promotion & Communication Mix,
Place/Distribution of Service, People, Physical Evidence, Process-
Service Mapping Flowcharting, Branding of Services – Problems and
Solutions, Brand Positioning, Options for Service Delivery, STP in
service sector.
3 Managing Quality in Service Marketing
Improving Service Quality and Productivity, Service Quality – GAP
Model, Benchmarking, Measuring Service Quality -Zone of, Tolerance
and Improving Service Quality, The SERVQUAL Model, Defining
Productivity – Improving Productivity, Demand and Capacity
4Globalisation and Recent Trends in Service Marketing
International and Global Strategies in Services Marketing: Services in
the Global, Economy- Moving from Domestic to Transnational
Marketing, Factors Favoring Transnational Strategy, Elements of
Transnational Strategy, Recent Trends in Marketing Of Services in:
Tourism, Hospitality, Transportation (Air, Water, Road, Rail) ,
Unethical Practices in Service Sector, Live Case Studies.

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Page 19Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester III
with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
3.3.6 Warehousing and Inventory Control
Modules at a Glance
SN ModulesNo. of
1Introduction to Warehousing15
2Warehousing Operations15
3Warehousing Management15
4Inventory Management & Control15
Total 60

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Page 20SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Warehousing
Evolution & History of Warehousing
Warehouse- Meaning, Definition, Importance, Need, Characteristics of
warehouses, Uses of warehousing, Tasks, Warehousing Functions.
Issues Affecting Warehouses- Insufficient space, slow picking &
discrepancies, Warehousing slotting problems, inaccurate quantities, Capacity,
Damage etc.
Storage- Meaning, Reasons, Need for Storage.
Factors to be considered for selection of Warehouse.
Types of Warehouses- Private, Public, Government, Bonded, Co-operative,
Cross Docking, Contract, Centralized & Decentralized warehouses.
Advantages and Disadvantages of different types of Warehouses.
Private & Public Warehouse Expenses.
Economic & Service benefits of Warehouses
Size and Number of Warehouse- Factors affecting Warehouse size and
number, Warehouse size and material handling equipment, demand and
warehouse size.
Characteristics of Ideal Warehouse.
Significance of Warehousing in Logistics.
Role of Warehouse Manager, attracting & retaining warehouse employees.
2 Warehousing Operations
Location Analysis- Meaning, Considerations for the location of a warehouse
 Location of Warehouse- location analysis-market positioned- warehouses-
production positioned-intermediately positioned warehouse positioned.
Setting up a warehouse, Determining Storage requirements, Warehousing
Preparation Planning, Resource Requirements, Legal Considerations.
Warehouse Layout and Design- randomized storage, dedicated storage,
warehouse redesign.
Storage System- Meaning, Types of storage systems, Benefits of storage
systems, Factors influencing choice of storage system.
Warehouse Operations- Process of Warehousing operations, Monitoring
warehouse operations, receiving and put away principles, pallet storage

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Page 21retrieval system, case picking system, small item picking system, order
picking operations, utilizing and shipping
Warehouse Audit
Warehouse work force design.
3Warehousing Management
Warehouse Handling Equipment- Types of material handling systems-manual
system, automated systems & semi-automated, Merits & demerits of various
handling systems
Warehouse Management System (WMS)- Meaning, Need of Warehouse
Management systems, Master Production Scheduling, Material Requirement
Planning (MRP), benefits of MRP, Closes Loop MRP, MRP II, Distribution
Requirement Planning (DRP), EOQ,
Just in Time (JIT)- Meaning, Objectives, Benefits, JIT as a philosophy.
Comparison between Independent and Dependent demand system.
Packaging- Meaning, Purpose, Functions, Types, Factors influencing package
Technology for warehouse management- Bar code, RFID, Scanning Devices,
4Inventory Management & Control
Inventory- Meaning, Necessity of Inventory, Types of Inventory- Based on
physical form, Position in the supply chain, Inventory performance Cycle,
Inventory Costs- Material Costs, Procurement costs, Inventory Carrying costs,
Inventory Management- Meaning, Importance of Inventory Management in
Supply Chain Management, Functions of Inventory Management, Objectives & Importance of Inventory Management.
Inventory Control- Meaning, Objectives, Advantages, Limitations, Mechanism of inventory control.
Selective inventory control- ABC, HML, VED, SDE, GOLF, FSN, XYZ.
Concept of EOQ, Reorder Level.
Methods of controlling stock levels.
Role of Inventory Manager in Inventory Management & Inventory Control

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Page 22Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester III
with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
3.1.3. Transport Law
Modules at a Glance
SN ModulesNo. of
1Laws relating to Roadways15
2Railways and Shipping Laws 15
3Multimodal and Customs law 15
4Laws relating to foreign trade 15
Total 60

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Page 23SN Modules/ Units
1Laws relating to Roadways
Motor Vehicle Act, 1988.
Road Transport Corporation.
National Highway Act.
2Railways and Shipping Laws
Railway Act, 1989.
Merchant Shipping Act, 1958.
3Multimodal and Customs law
Indian Contract Act, 1872.
Sale of Goods Act, 1930.
Multimodal Transport and Goods Act 1993.
Customs Act 1962.
4Laws relating to foreign trade
Common Carrier Act 1965
Role of ICAO
Indian Foreign Trade Act

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Page 24Revised Syllabus
of Courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
at Semester IV
No. of
CoursesSemester IV Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
1,2,&3*Any three courses from the
following list of the courses09
1Procurement Management 03
2Management Accounting 03
3Transportation, Containerization and Distribution Management
4Taxation and Transportation 03
5Health and Safety and Facility
2 Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
4Information Technology in Transportation-II
3 Core Courses (CC)
5Multi Modal Transport 03
6Surveys in Transport 03
7Business Economics-II 03
Total Credits 20
Note: The Syllabus of Ability Enhancement and Core Courses are same at all SY
level programme

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Page 25Revised Syllabus of courses of B.Com. (Transport Management)
Programme at Semester IV
with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
Modules at a Glance
SN ModulesNo. of
1 Introduction to Procurement Management 15
2 Purchasing Scope, Strategies & Policies 15
3 Sourcing Strategies, Relationships & Performance Measurement 15
4 Strategic Procurement & Quality Management 15
Total 60

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Page 26SN Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Procurement Management
Procurement:- Meaning, definition, objectives, functions, importance,
challenges, purchase principles, evolution of procurement, procurement
process, prerequisite of procurement, procurement skills.
Functional integration of procurement- production inventory and distribution,
seven R’s of procurement, procurement methods,
Purchasing cycle, purchasing document- quotation, purchase order, purchase
release and other documents .
2 Purchasing Scope, Strategies & Policies
Types of purchases -: Raw material, semi-finished, products and components,
finished products, maintenance repair and operating items, production support
items, services, capital equipment, transportation and third party logistics.
Factors affecting purchasing position, Organizational structure for purchasing
function, centralized and decentralized purchases, SCM and procurement
Purchasing policy:- advantages, disadvantages, effective purchasing policy,
policy hierarchy, components of purchasing cycle:- role of purchasing, code of
conduct, social and minority business, objectives, operational issues,
purchasing procedure, purchasing linkages:- internal and external linkages.
Purchasing strategy:- purchasing strategy development process, types of
purchasing strategies.
Purchasing ethics:- types of unethical purchasing behavior. SIM code of
ethics. Role of organization in supporting ethical behavior, laws affecting
purchasing- warranties, transportation terns and risk of loss, sellers rights,
buyers rights, cancelation of orders, breach of contract, acceptance and
rejection of goods, patents and intellectual properties.
Purchasing transportation services:- decision making process for developing
transportation strategies, trends affecting transportation.
3 Sourcing Strategies, Relationships & Performance Measurement
Concepts: Insourcing and Outsourcing, Backward Integration and Forward
integration, Bidding, Tendering.
World-wide sourcing: meaning, need, barriers, international sourcing process, organizational structure for world-wide sourcing, organization structure for
world-wide sourcing.
Buyer seller relationship:- advantages and obstacles to closer buyer- seller
relationship, collaborative buyer seller relationship, strategic alliance, cross
functional team approach, benefits and drawbacks, purchasing contribution to
new product development.
Performance management - need, problems, performance measurement
categories, developing performance measurement and evaluation system.

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Page 27Performance benchmarking.
Supply evaluation, selection and measurement process:- supply revaluation
and selection process, key supply revaluation criteria.
Supplier measurement and evaluation:- what to measure, measurement
techniques, measurement decisions.
4 Strategic Procurement & Quality Management
Supplier quality management:- meaning, importance, managing supplier quality, purchasing’s role in suppliers quality. World class supplier quality
Counter trade:- meaning, types, issues, processing from domestic to global
sourcing, canalization.
Negotiation:- meaning, negotiation framework, powers in negotiation,
negotiation techniques.
Contracts:- types of contract- fixed price, cost based, long term, unique type of
Stock control and storage, Budgeting.
KPI’s used by organization for successful procurement.
E procurement- B2B, new trends in procurement management, sustainable

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Programme at Semester IV
with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
4.1.2 Management Accounting
Modules at a Glance
SN ModulesNo. of
1Introduction 15
2Budgets 15
3Introduction to cost accounting 15
4Marginal and Absorption costing 15
Total 60

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Page 29SN Modules/ Units
Financial Analysis and Interpretation :- Comparative, Common size, Trend
Working Capital Management
Ratio Analysis.
Budget & Budgetary control.
Cash Budget
Fixed and Flexible Budget
3Introduction to cost accounting
Introduction-Meaning, define, objectives & advantages, difference &
relationship between cost, finance & management, accounting, essential of a
good cost accounting system.
Cost concept & classification, Role of a cost accountant in an organization,
Preparation of cost sheet
Reconciliation of financial and cost sheet
4Marginal and Absorption costing
Meaning, advantages and limitations
Cost volume profit analysis –meaning & computation of breakeven point, break
even sales(units) ,break even sales (Rs), margin of safety
Managerial decision making
(product mix decisions, make or buy decisions, operation or shut down decisions,
accept-reject export orders)
Case Study: Study of balance sheet of various transport industries (eg:- port,
road, rail, aviation industries, logistic companies, IRCTC, etc.)

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Programme at Semester IV
with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
4.1.3 Transportation, Containerization and
Distribution Management
Modules at a Glance
SN ModulesNo. of
1Transportation 10
2Containerization 20
3Distribution 15
4Distribution control and evaluation 15
Total 60

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Page 31SN Modules/ Units
Transport Terminal Function: terminal and location- port terminals- rail
terminals-airport terminals- transport terminal governance.
Four Stage Modeling Process : Conventional and four stage modeling process-
trip generation models- trip distribution models and calibration- methods of trip
assignment models- multi modal trip assignment-mode choice and modal split
Advance Travel Forecasting: Advanced travel demand forecasting methods-
activity based modeling-comparison of conventional and activity based
modeling- integration of system simulation modeling, transportation network
planning sustainability
Meaning, Definition, features, benefits, constraints, Evolution of
Containerization, classifications of containers, packing of cargo in containers.
Freighting and size of containers: FCL and LCL cargo, Freighting of cargos,
slot utilization strategies, estimation of optimum container fleet size,
Container leasing- types, terms and conditions.
Multimodal transport and containerization : Alternate uses of containers,
marketing of used containers, multimodal transport options for containers,
insurance for containers, strategies for managing container imbalance
Container manufacturing trends, maintenance and repairs of containers,
tracking of container movement, container interchange
Container terminal business , World’s leading container terminals and
location characteristics, container terminal infrastructure, container terminal
productivity, container terminal profitability, inland container terminals,
container freight stations,
Inland container depot (ICD): roles and functions, CFS, Export clearance at
ICD, CONCOR, ICDs under CONCOR, Chartering: meaning, kinds of charter,
charter party and arbitration
Containerizations- global scenario.

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Page 323Distribution
Meaning, importance, need, functions, evolution of distribution channels,
market forces affecting distribution.
Organization for distribution:- distribution organization structure, private
and public organization, rising cost and need for control, complexities for
physical distribution,
Distribution channel management- meaning and need, channel partners-
types roles and functions, choice of distribution system
Factors affecting choice of distribution channels
Factors affecting effective channel of distribution management- channel
design, channel policy, channel conflict- meaning, types, reasons, resolution of
conflict- methods, Kenneth Thomas five style of conflict resolution.
Training, selection, motivation of channel members
4Distribution Control and Evaluation
Cost control of total distribution system- task and approaches, physical
distribution cost analysis, elements of total cost in physical distribution system,
physical distribution efficiency.
Order processing- definition, meaning, order acquisition, order entry, document
processing, status reporting, factors affecting processing time, customer service.
Packaging- functions of packaging, cost of packaging, designing a package,
packaging materials, choosing right materials, Concept of unitization and
Distribution control and evaluation: Distribution control stages, standards and
goals, performance report, measurement monitoring, corrective actions.
Channel control-instruments of control, contract or agreement, budgets and
reports, distribution audit. changing channel arrangements.
New trends in distribution management, Ethics in distribution management.

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Programme at Semester IV
with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
4.1.4 Taxation and Transportation
Modules at a Glance
SN ModulesNo. of
1Direct Tax 15
2PGBP and TDS 15
3Indirect Tax 15
4Additional Taxes 15
Total 60

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Page 35SN Modules/ Units
1Direct Tax
Definition: Assesse, Assessment Year, assessment, annual value, business,
capital asset, income, person, previous year, transfer.
Basis of Charge: Previous Year, Residential Status, Scope of total income,
deemed income, income deemed to accrue or arise in India.
Income from Salaries
Computation of Capital Gain
Profit and Gains from Business and Profession (Special preferences to taxation
and provision related to transportation)
TDS (194 C, 194J, 192, 194H)
3Indirect Tax
Customs Act, GST Act
4Additional Taxes
Road Tax, Vehicle Tax, Toll Tax, Octroi, Infrastructure Cess, Fire Tax,
Municipal Tax.

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Programme at Semester IV
with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
4.1.5 Health & Safety and Facility Management
Modules at a Glance
SN ModulesNo. of
1Health and Safety15
2Safety Management Systems 15
3Safety Regulations15
4Facility Management15
Total 60

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Page 37SN Modules/ Units
1Health and Safety
Introduction: Concept, Scope, Nature of Occupational Health and Safety, Key
Elements of Health and Safety, Benefits and Problems Associated with
Occupational Health and Safety Management, Role of National Government and
International Bodies in formulating and frame work for regulation of Health and
Safety, Health and Safety Training Programme.
Exposure to Risks – Physical work factors, Harassment and Violence, Work
organizational factors, Working time.
 Health Outcomes – Occupational Accidents, recognized occupational disease,
occupational health problems, work related health problems.
Health and safety issues and guidelines at airport, shipping and railways.
2Safety Management Systems
Overview and Understanding Safety
Factors for improving safety on roads – causes of accidents due to drivers and
pedestrians-design, selection, operation and maintenance of motor trucks,
Responsibility for Management of Safety, Basics of Safety Management,
Risk Management
Hazards Management- Industry specific hazard, HNS Management Cycle.
Hazard and Incident Identification and Reporting.
3Safety Regulations
Policy Issues, Safety and Injury Control Programs, Multidisciplinary approach
to Planning for Safety and Injury Control ‐ pre crash, crash, and post crash,
Accident investigation- Objectives, Parties involved in the Accident
Investigation, Accident Investigation Tools and Procedures,
Safety Recommendations, Safety Performance Monitoring, Safety Auditing,
Safety Committee, Employee Participation in safety.
Rehabilitation Policy.
ILO conventions and recommendations for safety health and welfare.

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Page 384Facility Management
Introduction- Meaning, Role, Scope, Job Description and Profile of Facility
Skills required by Facility Manager, Responsibility of Facility Manager,
Characteristics of a successful facilities manager ,
Facility Management - 3P’s, Outsourced and Insourced Facility Management-
Advantages and Disadvantages,
Six stages of FM process, FM organizational models, FM principles and
Facility- Core, Non Core, Basic facility.
Benchmarking- meaning, importance, tools and techniques.
Ergonomics and workplace.
Space requirement and asset management.
Customer Service and feedback.
Disaster management.
Energy Management and Sustainable technology.

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Programme at Semester IV
with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
4.2.4 Information Technology-II in Transportation
Modules at a Glance
SN ModulesNo. of
2Advanced Excel15
3Introduction to Remote Sensing & GPS15
4E Business15
Total 60

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Page 40SN Modules/ Units
Lookup and Reference Functions: VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX,
Logical Function: IF / ELSE, AND, OR, NOT, TRUE, NESTED IF/ELSE
Database Functions: DGET, DMAX, DMIN, DPRODUCT, DSTDEV,
Date and Time Functions: DATE, DATEVALUE, DAY, DAY360, SECOND,
2Advanced Excel
Information Functions: CELL, ERROR.TYPE, INFO, ISBLANK, ISERR,
Math and Trigonometry Functions: RAND, ROUND, CEILING, FLOOR,
3Introduction to Remote Sensing & GPS
Introduction to Remote S ensing
Spec tural reflectanc e curves of earth objec ts. Electr omagnetic energy
transfer through atmosphere and digital data acquisition , earth observation
satellite syste ms and energy bands; analysis of digital data; effective
combination of energy bands for different purposes; production of colour
compo sites; interpre tation of satellite images.

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Page 41GIS Techniques
Introduction to GIS, different forms of data such as vector raster and attribute
data, development and use of a G IS.
GPS Applicat ions
GPS & Communication Applica tions in Transport, Navi gation & Fleet
Manageme nt Using GPS
4E Business
Management Information System in Transport - Introduction to
manage ment inf ormation system s, Types of Ma nagem ent Infor mation systems;
Digital Firm and E Busines s - Manage ment of software and hardware assets,
Data analysis and databas e design for Managem ent Information Systems,
Computer systems include Scheduling syste ms, Estimating systems, Cost
control systems and Accounting systems etc.; Use of general software such
as MS-Access and MS-Excel for the develo pment of Management
Information sys tems.

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Programme at Semester IV
with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
4.3.5 Multi Modal Transport
Modules at a Glance
SN ModulesNo. of
1Multimodal Transport 15
2Multi Modal Transport System In India 15
3 Regulatory Reforms In Multimodal Transport 15
4Global Perspective Of Multimodal Transport 15
Total 60

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Page 43SN Modules/ Units
Concept of Multi Modal Transport, Components of Multi Modal
Transportation System, Benefits of Multi Modal Transport,
Multi Modal Transport Operator, Responsibilities and Liabilities of the Multi
Modal Transport Operator,
Challenges of Multi Modal Transport System, Multi Model Transport
Technology. Multi Modal Transport Documents. Difference between
Multimodal and Intermodal.
Various Modes of Transport. Intermodal systems – road/rail/sea; sea/air;
road/air; road/rail, sea/rail, sea/road.
Inland Container Depot (ICD) . Container Freight Station (CFS) Terminals,
Roll-on/Roll-Off Service,
Development of multi modal transport system in Indian - Metro Rails, Light
Rail Transit (LRT), Sub-Urban Trains, Ring Rail and Monorails, Bus Rapid
Transit Systems, Bullet Trains. City Transport. Inland Waterways.
Multimodal Transport of Goods Act- 1993,
Private Freight Terminals (PFT) Policy,
Draft Coastal Shipping Policy, Cabotage Policy,
Policy to permit Operators to move container trains on Indian Railways,
Foreign Direct Investment Regulatory Reforms.
Intermodal in- India, China, Gulf, Europe, Australia, America.
Comparison between the above mentioned countries.

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Programme at Semester IV
with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
4.3.6 Surveys in Transport
Modules at a Glance
SN ModulesNo. of
1Introduction 15
2Data collection and Processing 15
3Data analysis and Interpretation 15
4Advanced techniques in Report Writing 15
Total 60

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Page 45SN Modules/ Units
Meaning of Survey. Types of Surveys. Instrument of Surveys.
Introduction to business research methods: Meaning and objectives of research
Types of research –a)Pure, Basic and Fundamental b) Applied, c) Empirical d) Scientific & Social e) Historical f) Exploratory g) Descriptive h)Causal
Concepts in Research: Variables, Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Stages in research process.
Characteristics of Good Research
Hypothesis- Meaning, Nature, Significance, Types of Hypothesis, Sources.
 Research design – Meaning, Definition, Need and Importance, Steps in research design, Essentials of a good research design, Areas / Scope of
research design and Types- Descriptive, Exploratory and causal.
Sampling – a) meaning of sample and sampling, b) methods of sampling-
concept- unit, element, frame, universe, errors.
2Data collection and Processing
Data collection and Processing: : Types of data and sources – Primary and
Secondary data sources
Methods of collection of primary data
a) Observation- i) structured and unstructured, ii) disguised and undisguised, iii)mechanical observations ( use of gadgets)
b) Experimental i) Field ii) Laboratory
c) Interview – i) Personal Interview ii) focused group, iii) in-depth interviews -
Method,d) Survey – Telephonic survey, Mail, E-mail, Internet survey, Social media,
and Media listening.
e) Survey instrument – i) Questionnaire designing. ii) Types of questions-
a)structured/ close ended and b)unstructured/ open ended, c) Dichotomous, d)
MultipleChoice Questions.f) Scaling techniques
3Data analysis and Interpretation

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Page 46Data analysis and Interpretation – types of data- nominal, ordinal, internal
,ratio. Measurement Sales.
 Processing of data –
i) Editing – field and office editing,
ii) coding – meaning and essentials,
iii) Transcription. tabulation – note
Analysis of data- Meaning, Purpose, types.
Interpretation of data- Essentials, importance and Significance of processing
Multivariate analysis – concept only
Testing of hypothesis – concept and problems –
i) chi square test, ii) Z and t-test (for large and small sample) iii) P-test.
4Advanced techniques in Report Writing
Report writing – i) Meaning , importance, functions of reports, essential of a
good report, content of report , steps in writing a report, types of reports,
Footnotes and Bibliography
Ethics and research
Objectivity, Confidentiality and anonymity in Research

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Programme at Semester IV
with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
4.3.7 Business Economics-II
Modules at a Glance
SN ModulesNo. of
1Introduction to Transport Economics 15
2Demand and Supply of Transport 15
3Pricing of Transport 15
4Growth and Development 15
Total 60

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Page 48SN Modules/ Units
1Introduction to Transport Economics
Meaning and Emergence of Transport Economics – Economic characteristics of
transport – Transport infrastructure investment and economic productivity –Trade
and transport strategy- The multiplier impacts of a transport investment-Concepts
and case studies of price elasticity, income elasticity, cross elasticity and service
elasticity of demand.
2Demand and Supply of Transport
Demand for Transport- Transport as a derived demand - The notion of transport
demand curve- Determinants of transport demand - Demand function: marginal
benefits – Transport supply curve- Equilibrium with negative feed-back system –
Disequilibrium with positive feedback system - Demand and budgets in
The Supply of Transport – Concepts and source of supply of transport – Fixed
and variable costs –– Specific, joint and common costs – Economies of scale and
scope - Externalities – Supply function: marginal costs.
3Pricing of Transport
The principles of pricing – Marginal cost pricing – Price discrimination –
Geographical pricing- Indirect pricing- The problem of the peak- Second best
situations- Transport subsidies.
4Growth and Development
Transport and economic activity - Economics of sustainable transport in India -
Theory of Transportation: Charles Horton Cooley – Trends in growth and
development of transport – Transport reforms: transportation with smart cities.

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Management) Programme at Semester III
with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
Reference Books
SN Reference Books
1Production and Quality Management
Production and Operations Management: R. Paneerselvam
Production (Operations) Management: L.C. Jhamb
K. Ashwathappa and K .Shridhar Bhatt ; Production and Operations management
Productivity Management: Concepts and Techniques, Sawhney S.C., Tata
McGraw Hill
Srinivas Gondhalekar and Uday Salunkhe, “Productivity Techniques”, Himalaya
Publishing House
2Customs Procedure and Cargo Handling
Custom Manual
Handbook of procedure –DGFT.
Working paper of planning commission
Cargo handling manual
3Transport Project Management
Project Management a managerial approach – Jack R. Meredith, Samuel J.
Mcgraw Hill Project managment.
PMBOK Guide
Project Management Methodology Guidelines- Chandler, Arizona.
Project Management a systematic approach- Harold Kerzner.
4Transport Environment Management
Energy, Transport and the Environment by Oliver Inderwildi and David King

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Page 50Globalisation, Transport and Environment, O.E.C.D.
Handbook of Transport and Environment, by David A. Hensher and Kenneth J.
Central Pollution Control Board, Annual Reports
International Energy Agency (IEA) Reports on World Energy Outlook
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Reports
Transport, the Environment and Sustainable Development, David Bannister,
Kenneth John Button, Kenneth Button
Unsustainable Transport: City Transport in the New Century, David Bannister
Environmental Transport Processes, Bruce C. Logan
Air Transport and the Environment, Ben Daley
The Environmental Impact of Railways, T. G. Carpenter
 Environmental Problems Caused by Railways, Charlie Higgins
Environmental External Costs of Transport, Rainer Friederich, Peter Bickel
5 Managerial Skill Development
Essentials of Management Koontz H & W McGraw Hill, New York
 Principles of Management Ramaswamy Himalaya, Mumbai
 Management Concept and Practice Hannagain T McMillan, Delhi
 Basic Managerial Skills for All McGrath, E.H. Prentice Hall of India
 Management-Text & Cases VSP Rao Excel Books, Delhi Assessment Pattern
 Essentials of Management Massie Joseph Prentice Hall of India
 Management: Principles & Guidelines Thomas N. Duening & John Ivancevich
Management Concepts and OB P.S.Rao & N.V.Shah Ajab Pustakalaya
Management Concepts and Strategies J S Chandran Vikas Publishing House
principles Of Management Tripathi P.C. Tata McGraw Hill
6Information technology in transport – I
ICT for transport, Edward Elgar publishing
ICT and future of transport- Ericsson, Pantheon Books
Innovative ICT Application in transport and logistics – Mark Goh and Kym
E- Commerce An Indian Perspective, P.T. Joseph

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Page 51E- Commerce and the digital economy, Michael J Shaw
7 Service Marketing
Valarie A. Zeithmal &Mary Jo Bitner, Service Marketing, Tata McgrawHill, 6th
 Christoper Lovelock, JochenWirtz, Jayanta Chatterjee, Service Marketing People,
Technology, Strategy – A South Asian Perspective , Pearson Education, 7th
 Ramneek Kapoor, Justin Paul &Biplab Halder, Services Marketing-Concepts
And Practices, McgrawHill, 2011
 Harsh V.Verma, Services Marketing Text &Cases, Pearson Education, 2nd
K. Ram Mohan Rao, Services Marketing, Pearson Education, 2nd Edition, 2011
C. Bhattacharjee, Service Sector Management, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai,
Govind Apte, Services Marketing, Oxford Press, 2004
8 Warehousing and inventory control
Essentials of Inventory Management- R Bhargava, Cybertech Publicaitons.
John J. Coyle, Edward J. Bardi and C. John Langley Jr., 2003, The Management
of Business Logistics, A Supply Chain Perspective, Thomson
Kee-Hung Lai and Edwin T.C. Cheng, 2006, Just-in-time Logistics An
Introduction, McGraw Hill [ISBN: 007 - 125583 - 4]
Paul R. Murrhy Jr. and Donald F. Wood, 2004, Contemporary Logistics, Prentice
Ronald H. Ballou, 2004, Business Logistics / Supply Chain Management, Prentice
Inventory Control and Management- Willey, Donald Waters. Essentials of
Inventory Management- R Bhargava, Cybertech Publicaitons.

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Page 529 Transport law
Multimodal transport law- marian hoeks.
Transport law in india- talat Fatima.
Carriage of goods by sea,land and air- unimodal and muti modal transport in 21st
century- baris soyer and Andrew tettenborn.
Road traffic law
Road traffic act

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Management) Programme at Semester IV
with effect from the Academic Year 2017-2018
Reference Books
SN Reference Books
1Procurement management
Purchasing and supply chain management- Thomas publication by Monczka,
Trent, Hand field
Purchasing and material management- p. gopalkrishnan
Purchasing and material management- N.K.Nair
Material management and purchasing- Dean SAmmer.
2Management Accounting
KhannaPandey& Ahuja: Practical costing , Sultan Chand
 K.S.Thakur: Cost Accounting , New century book house pvt. Ltd.
Jain and Narang: Cost Accountong , Kalyani Publishers
 S. N Maheshwari: Cost accounting , Mahaveer Publishers
 Horngreen : Cost accounting – A Managerial emphasis, Prentice Hall
Lectures on Costing by Swaminathan: S. Chand and Company (P) Ltd., New
Cost Accounting by C.S. Rayudu, Tata Mc. Graw Hill and Co. Ltd., Mumbai
Cost Accounting by JawaharLal and SeemaSrivastava, Tata Mc. Graw Hill and
Co. Ltd.Mumbai
Cost Accounting by Ravi M. Kishore, Taxmann Ltd., New Delhi
Principles and Practices of Cost Accounting by N.K. Prasad, Book Syndicate Pvt.
Ltd., Calcutta
Cost Accounting Theory and Practice by B.K. Bhar, Tata Mc. Graw Hill and Co.
Ltd., Mumbai
Cost Accounting Principles and Practice by M.N. Arora, Vikas Publishing House
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
Advanced Cost and Management Accounting: Problems and Solutions by V.K.
Saxena and C.D. Vashist, S. Chand and Company (P) Ltd., New Delhi

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Page 54Cost Accounting by S.P. Jain and K.L. Narang, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana
Modern Cost and Management Accounting by M. Hanif, Tata McGraw Hill
Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
3Transportation, Containerization and Distribution
Containerization, Logistics Management and foreign trade- Indian perspective –
Shipra Publication, Namita Pandey
The Docker Book: Containerisation is the new virtulisation, James Turrbuh
Intermodal Transportation and containerization , Hofstra.edu
Transportation management: Imperatives and best practices, S Jaya,Krishna,
ICFAI, University Press, 2007
Management of Transportation – Bardi Edward J, Cengage Learning
Dr. K V Hariharan, Containerization , Multimodal transport and infrastructure
developmeny in Indi, Shroff publishers
Lee C Y Neng Q, Handbook of Ocean Container transport logistics Making global
supply chain effective, Springer, 2015
Kapoor Satish K and Kaushal Purv, Basics of Distribution Management: A
logistical approach , Prentice hall of India
D. K . Agarwal , Distribution and logistics Managemnt : A Strategic Marketing
Approach, Macmillan Publishers India
The Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Management: Understanding the
Supply Chain Paperback – Import, 3 Jan 2014
By Alan, Phil Croucher , Dr Peter Baker, The Handbook of Logistics and
Distribution Management
A Nag, Sales and distribution Management, Mcgraw hill, 2013
Krishna K Havaldar, Vasant M. Cavale, sales and Distribution Management- Text
&Cases, Mcgraw Hill Education, 2011
Dr. Matin Khan, Sales and Distribution Management, Excel Books, 1st Edition.
4Taxation and Transport
Direct tax manual – Taxmann
Direct tax law –Bangar
Indirect tax law- Taxmann
Indirect tax manual – Bangar

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Page 55Singhania VK & Singhania K, Direct Taxes – Laws and practices, Taxmann
Ahuja – direct taxes
5 Health& Safety and Facility Management
Phil Hughes & Ed Ferrett (2010). International Health and Safety at Work.
Routledge Publisher.
Faciltiy Management Handbook 3rd Edition- Cotts, David G.; Roper, Kathy O.;
Payant, Richard P.
Faciltiy Design and Management Handbook- Eric Teicholz
Kadiyali (1983). Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning. Khanna Publishers,
New Delhi,.
 Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Government of India.
 NSC (1982). Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations. Chicago.
 Pasricha (1999). Road Safety guide for drivers of heavy vehicle. Nasha
Publications, Mumbai.
 K.W.Ogden, “Safer Roads – A guide to Road Safety Engineering”.
Babkov, V.F. (1986). Road Conditions and Traffic Safety. MIR Publications,
Popkes, C.A. (1986). Traffic Control and Road Accident Prevention. Chapman
and Hall Limited.
Faciltiy Management Handbook 3rd Edition- Cotts, David G.; Roper, Kathy O.;
Payant, Richard P.
Faciltiy Design and Management Handbook- Eric Teicholz
6Information technology in transport – II
ICT for transport, EdwardElgar publishing
ICT and future of transport- Ericsson, Pantheon Books
Innovative ICT Application in transport and logistics – Mark Goh and Kym
E- Commerce An Indian Perspecgtive, P.T. Joseph
E- Commerce and the digital economy, Michael J Shaw
7 Multimodal transport

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Board of Studies-Transport Management, University of Mumbai
Page 56Hugh M. Kindred & Mary R. Brooks (1997). Multimodal Transport Rules.
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Multimodal Transportation of Goods Act, 1993 Along With Allied Rules,
Professional Book Publishers.
Slim Hammadi & Mekki Ksouri (2013). Multimodal Transport Systems. John
Wiley & Sons.
Joseph S. Szyliowicz, Luca Zamparini, Genseric L.L. Reniers & Dawna L.
Rhoades (2016).
Multimodal Transport Security: Frameworks and Policy Applications in Freight
and Passenger Transport. Edward Elgar Publishing.
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (2004).
 Manual on Modernization of Inland Water Transport for Integration within a
Multimodal Transport System. United Nations Publications.
Jean-Paul Rodrique, Claude Comtois & Brian Slack (2013). The Geography of
Transport Systems. Routledge.
 Christos N. Pyrgidis (2016). Railway Transportation System: Design,
Construction and Operation. CRC Press.
United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Secretariat (2003).
 Training Manual on the Operational Aspects of Multi Model Transport. United
Nations Publications.
Container and Multimodal Transport Management (2002). Shroff Publishers &
8 Surveys in transport
Research for Marketing Decisions paul E. Green, Donald S. Tull
Marketing Research – text and cases Harper W. Boyd jr. , Ralph Westfall
Research methodology in social science, O.R.Krishnaswamy, Himalaya
Bussiness Research Methods, Donald R Cooper, Pamela Schindler, Tata McGraw
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