BCom Semester V and VI Syllabus to be implememnted 2018 2019 Syllabus Mumbai University

BCom Semester V and VI Syllabus to be implememnted 2018 2019 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 1 | P a g e

University of Mumbai

Revised Syllabus
Question Paper Pattern
of Courses of
Bachelor of Commerce Programme
Third Year
Semester V and VI

Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and
Semester System

To be implemented from Academic Year 2018-2019

Faculty of Commerce

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 2 | P a g e

Bachelor of Commerce ( B.Com ) Programme
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System

(To be implemented from Academic Year - 2018 -2019)
No. of
Courses Semester V Credits No. of
Courses Semester VI Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC) 1 Elective Courses (EC)
1A Discipline Specific Elective(DSE) Courses 1A Discipline Specific Elective(DSE) Courses
1 &
2 *Any one group of courses
from the following list of the
Groups (A/B/C/D/E/F) 04+04 1 &
2 *Any one group of courses
from the following list of the
Groups (A/B/C/D/E/F) 04+04
1B Discipline Related Elective(DRE) Courses 1B Discipline Related Elective(DRE) Courses
3 Commerce V 03 3 Commerce VI 03
4 Business Economics V 03 4 Business Economics VI 03
2 Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC) 2 Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
5 &
6 **Any two course s from the
following list of the courses 03+03 5 &
6 **Any two course s from the
following list of the courses 03+03
Total Credits 20 Total Credits 20

*List of groups of
Discipline Specific Elective(DSE) Courses
for Semester V (Any One Group) *List of groups of
Discipline Specific Elective(DSE) Courses
for Semester VI (Any One Group)
Group A: Advanced Accountancy
1 Financial Accounting and Auditing VII -
Financial Accounting 1 Financial Accounting and Auditing IX -
Financial Accounting
2 Financial Accounting and Auditing VIII -
Cost Accounting 2 Financial Accounting and Auditing X -
Cost Accounting
Group B: Business Management
1 Business Management Paper - I 1 Business Management Paper - III
2 Business Management Paper - II 2 Business Management Paper - IV
Group C: Banking and Finance
1 Banking and Finance Paper - I 1 Banking and Finance Paper - III
2 Banking and Finance Paper - II 2 Banking and Finance Paper - IV
Group D: Commerce
1 Commerce Paper - I 1 Commerce Paper - III
2 Commerce Paper - II 2 Commerce Paper - IV
Group E: Quantitative Techniques
1 Quantitative Techniques Paper - I 1 Quantitative Techniques Paper - III
2 Quantitative Techniques Paper - II 2 Quantitative Techniques Paper - IV
Group F: Economics
1 Economics Paper - I 1 Economics Paper - III
2 Economics Paper - II 2 Economics Paper - IV
Note: Group selected in Semester V will continue in Semester VI

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**List of Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
for Semester V (Any Two ) **List of Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
for Semester VI (Any Two )
1 Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations
Paper - I 1 Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations.
Paper - II
2 Computer system s & Applications Paper -I 2 Computer system s & Applications Paper - II
3 Export Marketing Paper - I 3 Export Marketing Paper - II
4 Marketing Research Paper - I 4 Marketing Research Paper - II
5 Investment Analysis and Portfolio
Management Paper - I 5 Investment Analysis and Portfolio
Management Paper - II
6 Transport Management Paper - I 6 Transport Management Paper - II
7 Entrepreneurship& M.S.S.I. Paper - I 7 Entrepreneurship& M.S.S.I. Paper - II
8 International Marketing Paper - I 8 International Marketing Paper - II
9 Merchant Banking Paper - I 9 Merchant Banking Paper - II
10 Direct & Indirect Taxation Paper - I 10 Direct & Indirect Taxation Paper - II
11 Labour Welfare & Practice Paper - I 11 Labour Welfare & Practice Paper - II
12 Purchasing & Store keeping Paper - I 12 Purchasing & Store keeping Paper - II
13 Insurance Paper - I 13 Insurance Paper - II
14 Banking Law & Practice Paper - I 14 Banking Law & Practice Paper - II
15 Regional Planning Paper - I 15 Regional Planning Paper - II
16 Rural Marketing Paper - I 16 Rural Marketing Paper - II
17 Elements of Operational Research Paper - I 17 Elements of Operational Research Paper - II
18 Psychology of Human Behaviour at work
Paper - I 18 Psychology of Human Behaviour at work
Paper - II
Note: Course selected in Semester V will continue in Semester VI

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 4 | P a g e

B.Com. Programme
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System
Course Structure

(To be implemented from Academic Year - 2018-2019)
Semester V

No. of
Courses Semester V Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
1A Discipline Specific Elective(DSE) Courses
1 &
2 *Any one group of courses from the following list of the Groups
(A/B/C/D/E/F) 04+04
1B Discipline Related Elective(DRE) Courses
3 Commerce V 03
4 Business Economics V 03
2 Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
5 &
6 **Any two course s from the following list of the courses 03+03
Total Credits 20

*List of groups of Discipline Specific Elective(DSE) Courses
for Semester V (Any One Group)
Group A: Advanced Accountancy
1 Financial Accounting and Auditing VII - Financial Accounting
2 Financial Accounting and Auditing VIII - Cost Accounting
Group B: Business Management
1 Business Management Paper - I
2 Business Management Paper - II
Group C: Banking and Finance
1 Banking and Finance Paper - I
2 Banking and Finance Paper - II
Group D: Commerce
1 Commerce Paper - I
2 Commerce Paper - II
Group E: Quantitative Techniques
1 Quantitative Techniques Paper - I
2 Quantitative Techniques Paper - II
Group F: Economics
1 Economics Paper - I
2 Economics Paper - II

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**List of Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC) for Semester V (Any Two )
1 Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations Paper - I
2 Computer system s & Applications Paper -I
3 Export Marketing Paper - I
4 Marketing Research Paper - I
5 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Paper - I
6 Transport Management Paper - I
7 Entrepreneurship& M.S.S.I. Paper - I
8 International Marketing Paper - I
9 Merchant Banking Paper - I
10 Direct & Indirect Taxation Paper - I
11 Labour Welfare & Practice Paper - I
12 Purchasing & Store keeping Paper - I
13 Insurance Paper - I
14 Banking Law & Practice Paper - I
15 Regional Planning Paper - I
16 Rural Marketing Paper - I
17 Elements of Operational Research Paper - I
18 Psychology of Human Behaviour at work Paper - I

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 6 | P a g e

Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 A. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group A: Advanced Accountancy
1. Financial Accounting and Auditing VII -
Financial Accounting
Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Preparation of Final Accounts of Companies 15
2 Internal Reconstruction 15
3 Buy Back of Shares 10
4 Investment Accounting (w.r.t. Accounting Standard - 13) 12
5 Ethical Behaviour and Implications for Accountants 08
Total 60

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 7 | P a g e

Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Preparation of Final Accounts of Companies
Relevant provisions of Companies Act related to preparation of Final Account
(excluding cash flow statement)
Preparation of financial statements as per Companies Act. (excluding cash flow
AS 1 in relation to final accounts of companies (discl osure of accounting
Adjustment for –
1. Closing Stock
2. Depreciation
3. Outstanding expenses and income
4. Prepaid expenses and Pre received income
5. Proposed Dividend and Unclaimed Dividend
6. Provision for Tax and Advance Tax
7. Bill of exchange ( Endorsement, Honour, Dishonour)
8. Capital Expenditure included in Revenue expenditure and vice versa
eg- purchase of furniture included in purchases
9. Unrecorded Sales and Purchases
10. Good sold on sale or return basis
11. Managerial remuneration on Net Profit befor e tax
12. Transfer to Reserves
13. Bad debt and Provision for bad debts
14. Calls in Arrears
15. Loss by fire ( Partly and fully insured goods)
16. Goods distributed as free samples.
17. Any other adjustments as per the prevailing accounting standard.
2 Internal Reconstruction
Need for reconstruction and company law provisions
Distinction between internal and external reconstructions.
Methods including alteration of share capital, variation of shareholder rights,
sub division, consolidation, surrender and reissu e / cancellation, reduction of
share capital with relevant legal provisions and accounting treatment for
3 Buy Back of Shares
Company Law / Legal provisions (including related restrictions, power,
transfer to capital redemption reserve account and prohibitions)
Compliance of conditions including sources, maximum limits and debt equity
ratio. Cancellation of Shares Bought back (Excluding Buy Back of minority

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 8 | P a g e

Sr. No. Modules / Units
4 Investment Accounting (w.r.t. Accounting Standard - 13)
For shares (variable income bearing securities)
For debentures/Preference. shares (fixed income bearing securities)
Accounting for transactions of purchase and sale of investments with ex and
cum interest prices and finding cost of investme nt sold and carrying cost as per
weighted average method (Excl. brokerage).
Columnar format for investment account.
5 Ethical Behaviour and Implications for Accountants
Introduction, Meaning of ethical behavior
Financial Reports – What is the link between law, corporate governance,
corporate social responsibility and ethics?
What does the accounting profession mean by the ethical behavior?
Implications of ethical values for the principles versus rule based approaches to
accounting standards
The principal based approach and ethics
The accounting standard setting process and ethics
The IFAC Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants
Ethics in the accounting work environment – A research report
Implications of unethical behavior for financial rep orts
Company Codes of Ethics
The increasing role of whistle – Blowing
Why should student learn ethics?

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 9 | P a g e

Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 A. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group A: Advanced Accountancy
2. Financial Accounting and Auditing Paper -VIII:
Cost Accounting
Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Cost Accounting 10
2 Material Cost 10
3 Labour Cost 10
4 Overheads 10
5 Classification of Costs and Cost Sheet 10
6 Reconciliation of cost and financial accounts 10
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Cost Accounting
(a) Objectives and scope of Cost Accounting
(b) Cost centres and Cost units
(c) Cost classification for stock valuation, Profit measurement, Decision making and
(d) Coding systems
(e) Elements of Cost
(f) Cost behaviour pattern, Separating the components of semi - variable costs
2 Material Cost
(i) Procurement procedures —Store procedures and documentation in respect of
receipts and issue of stock, Stock verification
(ii) Inventory control —Techniques of fixing of minimum, maximum and reorder levels,
Economic Order Quantity, ABC classification; Stocktaking and perpetual inventory
(iii) Inventory accounting
Note - Simple practical problems based on
Calculation of EOQ, Raw Material Turnover ratio, Preparation of stock ledger and
Valuation of Inventories, based on FIFO and Weighted averag e cost.
3 Labour Cost
(i) Attendance and payroll procedures, Overview of statutory requirements, Overtime,
Idle time and Incentives
(ii) Labour turnover
(iii) Utilisation of labour, Direct and indirect labour, Charging of labour cost, Identifying
labour hours with work orders or batches or capital jobs
(iv) Efficiency rating procedures
(v) Remuneration systems and incentive schemes.
Note -Simple practical problems based on
Preparation of labour cost statement Remuneration and incentive systems based on
Piece work plan, Hal ey Premium Plan, Rowan system, Gantt’s Task
4 Overheads
Functional analysis — Factory, Administration, Selling and Distribution
Behavioural analysis — Fixed, Variable, Semi -variable cost
Note -Simple practical problems on
Departmentalization and apportionment of primary overheads,
Computation of overhead rates including Machine overhead rates
Basic concepts of treatment of over/under absorption of overheads - Direct Labour
method and Prime Cost method
5 Classification of Costs and Cost Sheet
Classification of costs, Cost of Sales, Cost Centre, Cost Unit, Profit Centre and Investment
Cost Sheet, Total Costs and Unit Costs, Different Costs for different purpose
Note - Simple practical problems on preparation of cost sheet
6 Reconciliation of cost and financial accounts
Practical problems based on Reconciliation of cost and Financial accounts.

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 11 | P a g e

Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 A. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group B: Business Management
1. Business Management Paper -III:
Management and Organization Development

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction 15
2 Planning 15
3 Organizing as a Managerial Function 15
4 Staffing 15
Total 60

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 12 | P a g e

Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction
 Management – Definition and Characteristics
 Management – as Science, art and profession – Levels of management and
management skills
 Development of Management Thought – Scientific Approach Administrative
School, Behaviour School, Systems Approach and Contingency Approach.
Evolution of Indian management thoughts and their relevance in the curren t
 Functions of Management in a typical business organisation
2 Planning
 Planning, forecasting, decision making and problem solving
 Nature, characteristics, merits and limitations of planning.
 Classification and components of plans
 Essentials of a good plan and planning process
 Management by objectives (MBO) – Importance and relevance
3 Organizing as a Managerial Function
 Definition and Principles
 Departmentalisation
 Formal organisations – Functional, SBU, Matrix, Committees
 Informal organisations – Relevance and Importance
 Authority, responsibility, accountability and span of control
 Organizational hierarchy – charts
 Delegation of authority and decentralization
 Emergence of virtual organisation – merits and limitations
4 Staffing
 Importance of human resource in organisations
 Estimation of human resource requirements
 Human Asset Accounting
 Job Analysis
 Recruitment and selection
 Training and Development
 Performance Appraisal

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 13 | P a g e

Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 A. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group B: Business Management
2. Business Management Paper -V:
Financial Management

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Financial Management 11
2 Study of Financial Statements 11
3 Ratio Analysis 12
4 Sources of Finance and Cash Flow Analysis 11
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Financial Management
 Definition, nature and functions of financial management
 Objectives of financial management
 Importance of financial management and limitations.
 Preparation of financial Statements adhering to current statutory
2 Study of Financial Statements
 Objectives of financial statement analysis and interpretation
 Steps involved in the analysis of financial statements
 Comparative Statements
 Common Size Statements
 Trend Analysis
3 Ratio Analysis
 Ratio Analysis – Meaning and objectives and Classification of Ratios -
Traditional classification, functional classification and classification from the
point of view of users
 Balance Sheet Ratios - Current Ratio, Liquid Ratio, Proprietary Ratio, Stock -
Worki ng Capital Ratio, Capital Gearing Ratio, Debt Equity Ratio
 Revenue Statement Ratios - Gross Profit Ratio, Operating Ratio, Expense
Ratios, Net Profit Ratio, Stock Turnover Ratio.
 Combined Ratios - Return on Capital Employed, Return on Proprietors’ Funds ,
Return on Equity Share Capital, Debtors’ Turnover Ratio (Debtors’ Velocity),
Earning Per Share, Dividend Payout Ratio, Price Earning Ratio
 Importance and limitations of Accounting Ratios
4 Sources of Finance and Cash Flow Analysis
 Classification of sources of finance with reference to period , ownership and
source of generation
 Internal and external financing including choice of financial instruments
 Cash Flow Statement – Meaning and Classification
 Uses of Cash Flow statement
 Preparation of Cash Flow Statement – Direct and Indirect

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 15 | P a g e

Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 A. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group C: Banking and Finance
1. Banking and Finance Paper - I:
Central Banking

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Indian Financial System 15
2 Financial Markets in India 15
3 Commodity Market 15
4 Derivatives Market 15
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Indian Financial System
A) Introduction, Meaning, Functions of financial system,
Indian financial system from financial neutrality to financial activism and from
financial volatility to financial stability, Role of Government in financial
development, Overview of Phases of Indian financial system since
independence (State Domination – 1947 -1990, Financial sector reforms 1991
till Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission 2013), Monitoring
framework for financial conglomera tes.
B) Structure of Indian Financial System – Banking & Non -Banking Financial
Institutions, Organized and Unorganized Financial Markets, Financial
Assets/Instruments, Fund based & Fee Based Financial Services.
2 Financial Markets in India
A) Indian Money Market – Meaning, Features, Functions, Importance, Defects,
Participants, Components of Organized and Unorganized markets and
B) Indian Capital Market - Meaning, Features, Functions, Importance,
Participants, Instruments, Reforms in Prim ary and Secondary Market.
C) Indian Stock Market - Meaning and functions of Stock Exchange - NSE and
D) Equity Market – Primary Market, IPO, Book Building, Role of Merchant
Bankers, ASBA , Green Shoe Option, Issue of Bonus shares, Right Shares,
Sweat Equit y shares, ESOP.
E) Indian Debt Market –Market Instruments, Listing, Primary and Secondary
3 Com modity Market
 Introduction to commodities market - Meaning History & origin, Types of
commodities traded,
 Structure of commodities market in India,
 Participants in commodities market, Trading in commodities in India(cash &
derivative segment),
 Commodity exchanges in India & abroad
 Reasons for investing in commodities.
4 Derivatives Market
 Introduction to Derivatives market - Meaning, History & origin,
 Elements of a derivative contract,
 Factors driving growth of derivatives market,
 Types of derivatives, Types of underlying assets, Participants in derivatives
market, Advantages & disadvantages of trading in derivatives market,
 Current volumes of derivative trade in India,
 Difference between Forwards & Futures

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 17 | P a g e

Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 A. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group C: Banking and Finance
2. Banking and Finance Paper - II:
Financial Reporting Analysis

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Final Accounts of Banking Company 16
2 Final Accounts of Insurance Company 12
3 Preparation of Final Accounts of Companies 12
4 Cash Flow Analysis & Ethical Behavior and implications for
accountants 12
5 Introduction to IFRS 08
Total 60

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 18 | P a g e

Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Final Accounts of Banking Company
Legal provision in Banking Regulation Act, 1949 relating to Accounts. Statutory
reserves including Cash Reserve and Statutory Liquidity Ratio. Bill purchase and
discounted, rebate of bill discounted.
Final Accounts in prescribed form
Non – performing assets and Income from non – performing assets. Clas sification
of Advances, standar d, sub – standard, doubtful and provisioning requirement.
2 Final Accounts of Insurance Company
(a) Preparation and presentation of Corporate Final Accounts for Insurance
(b) Final Accounts in accordance with Insurance Legislation.
(c) Study of Accounting Policies from Annual Reports of Listed Insurance
3 Preparation of Final Accounts of Companies
Relevant provisions of Companies Act related to preparation of Final Account
(excluding cash flow statement)
Preparation of financial statements as per Companies Act. (excluding cash flow
AS 1 in relation to final accounts of companies (discl osure of accounting policies)
Adjustment for –
1. Closing Stock
2. Depreciation
3. Outstanding expenses and income
4. Prepaid expenses and Pre received income
5. Proposed Dividend and Unclaimed Dividend
6. Provision for Tax and Advance Tax
7. Bill of exchange ( Endorsemen t, Honour, Dishonour)
8. Capital Expenditure included in Revenue expenditure and vice versa eg -
purchase of furniture included in purchases
9. Unrecorded Sales and Purchases
10. Good sold on sale or return basis
11. Managerial remuneration on Net Profit before tax
12. Transfer to Reserves
13. Bad debt and Provision for bad debts
14. Calls in Arrears
15. Loss by fire ( Partly and fully insured goods)
16. Goods distributed as free samples.
Any other adjustments as per the prevailing accounting standard.

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
4 Cash Flow Analysis as per AS 3 ( Indirect Method Only )
Ethical Behaviour and implications for accountants
Introduction, Meaning of ethical behavior
Financial Reports – What is the link between law, corporate governance,
corporate social responsibility and ethics?
What does the accounting profession mean by the ethical behavior?
Implications of ethical values for the principles versus rule based approaches to
accounting standards
The principal based approach and ethics
The accounting standard setting pr ocess and ethics
The IFAC Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants
Ethics in the accounting work environment – A research report
Implications of unethical behavior for financial reports
Company Codes of Ethics
The increasing role of whistle – Blowing
Why should student learn ethics?
5 Introduction to IFRS
IFRS 1 - First time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Statements
Objective, Scope, Definitions, First IFRS financial statements, Recognition and
measurement, Comparative information, Explanation of transition to IFRS,
Reconciliations, Interim financial reports, Designation of financial assets or
financial liabilities, U se of fair value as deemed cost, Use of deemed cost,
Exceptions to retrospective application of other IFRS, Exemptions for business
combination, Exemptions from other IFRS and Presentation and Disclosure.
IFRS2 - Share Based Payment – Objective, Scope, Def initions, Recognition, Equity
settled share based payment transactions, Transactions in which services are
received, Treatment of vesting conditions, Expected Vesting Period, Determining
the fair value of equity instruments granted, Modifications of terms and
conditions, Cancellation, Cash settled share based payment transactions, Share
based payment transactions in which the terms of the arrangement provide the
counterparty with a choice of settlement, Share based payment transactions in
which the terms of the arrangement provide the entity with a choice of
settlement, Share based payment transactions among group entities ( 2009

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 20 | P a g e

Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 2018-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 A. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group D: Commerce
1. Commerce Paper - I:
Management of Service Industry

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Service Industry 15
2 Tourism and Hospitality Industry 15
3 Transport Industry 15
4 Heal th Care Industry 15
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to S ervice Industry
Services -Concept - characteristics –classification -significance - importance of
relationship marketing in services - technology and its impact on service industry -
role of service industry in economic development - career opportunitie
2 Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Tourism Industry - significance - challenges - types of Tourism products -Present
scenario of travel and tourism in India - Future prospects - Government’s Tourism
policy - Role /functions of Indian Tourism Development Corporation and
Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation
Hospitality Industry - characteristics - classification
Restaura nts- classification and types of consumers in a restaurant
3 Transport Industry
Role of transport in economic development - types of transport (road, rail, air &
ocean) - merits, demerits & recent trends in each mode
4 Health C are Industry
Features - types of health care services - major inputs of health care industry - role
of Corporates & Government in health care sector - emerging trends in health care

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 22 | P a g e

Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 A. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group D: Commerce
2. Commerce Paper - II:
Commercial Administration

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction and Orientation to Commercial Administration 15
2 Office Layout and Equipments 15
3 Office Communication 15
4 Information Management and Records 15
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction and Orientati on to Commercial Administration
Commercial Administration: Meaning, nature and importance of Commercial
Administration in business activity - role and functions of a commercial office -
administrative structure of a commercial office - abilities, skills and attributes of
office manager.
2 Office Layout and Equipments
Office layout - Meaning, importance and types of office layout (enclosed or
cellular/modular/ virtual etc.) - factors determining office layout - ergonomics with
respect to comfort, health & safety
Office equipments - various typ es of office equipments -functions of office
equipments - types and uses of various office stationery -Role of IT in office
3 Office Communication
Communication : Various channels of office communication - factors affecting
selection of communication channels
flows(upward/downward/vertical/horizontal/diagonal/grapevine) - barriers to
effective communication - methods for intra firm communication - role of front
office in communication with external stakeholders
4 Information Management and Records
Information Management : Meaning and characteristics of information
management - types of records to be maintained - characteristics of effective
record management system - methods of classification of records -methods and
procedures for managing inactive files - duties of record management

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 B. Discipline Related Elective (DRE) Courses
3. Commerce - V

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Marketing 12
2 Marketing Decisions I 11
3 Marketing Decisions 11
4 Key Marketing Dimensions 11
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Marketing
 Marketing, Concept, Features, Importance, Functions, Evolution, Strategic v/s
Traditional Marketing
 Marketing Research - Concept, Features, Process
Marketing Information System -Concept, Components
Data Mining - Concept, Importance
 Consumer Beh aviour - Concept, ,Factors influencing Consumer Behaviour
Market Segmentation - Concept, Benefits, Bases of market segmentation
Customer Relationship Management - Concept , Techniques
Market Targeting - Concept, Five patterns of Target market Selection
2 Marketing Decisions I
 Marketing Mix - Concept,
Product - Product Decision Areas
Product Life Cycle - Concept, Managing stages of PLC
Branding - Concept , Components
Brand Equity - Concept , Factors influencing Brand Equity
 Packaging - Concept , Essentials of a good package
Product Positioning - Concept, Strategies of Product Positioning
Service Positioning - Importance & Challenges
 Pricing - Concept, Objectives, Factors influencing Pricing, Pricing Strategies
3 Marketing Decisions
 Physical Distribution - Concept, Factors influencing Physical Distribution,
Marketing Channels (Traditional & Contemporary Channels)
Supply Chain Management -Concept, Components of SCM

 Promotion - Concept, Importance, Elements of Promotion mix
Integrated Marketing Commun ication (IMC) - Concept, Scope ,Importance
 Sales Management - Concept, Components, Emerging trends in selling
Personal Selling - Concept , Process of personal selling, Skill Sets required for
Effective Selling
4 Key Marketing Dimensions
 Marketing Ethics: Concept, Unethical practices in marketing, General role of
consumer organizations
Competitive Strategies for Market Leader, Market Challenger, Market Follower
and Market Nicher Marketing Ethics:
 Rural Marketing - Concept, Features of Indian Rural Market, Strategies for
Effective Rural Marketing
Digital Marketing -Concept, trends in Digital Marketing
Green Marketing - concept, importance
 Challenges faced by Marketing Managers in 21st Century
Careers in Marketing – Skill sets required for effective marketing
Factors contributing to Success of brands in India with suitable examples,
Reasons for failure of brands in India with suitable examples.

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 26 | P a g e

Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 B. Discipline Related Elective (DRE) Courses
4. Business Economics - V
Macro Economic Aspects of India

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Macro Economic overview of India 15
2 Agriculture During Post Reform Period 10
3 The Industry And Ser vice Sector During Post Reform Period 10
4 Banking and Financial Market 10
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Macro Economic overview of India
 Overview of New Economic Policy -1991, - Role of Social Infrastructure with
reference to education, health and family welfare.
 Sustainable Development Goals and Policy measures: Make in India, Invest in
India, and Skill Development and Training Programmes .
 Foreign Investment Policy Measures in India – Foreign Investment Promotion
Board , FDI- MNCs and their role.
2 Agriculture During Post Reform Period
 National Agricultural Policy 2000: Objectives, Features and Implications
 Agricultural pricing and agricultural finance
 Agricultural Marketing Development -Agricultural Market infrastructure -
Market information - Marketing training - Enabling environments -Recent
3 The Industry And Service Sector During Post Reform Period
 Policy Measures - Competition Act 2003, Disinvestment Policy, Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprises [MSME sector] since 2007 .
 Industrial Pollution in India: Meaning , Types, Effects and Control.
 Service Sector: Recent trends, role and growth in Healthcare and Tourism
4 Banking and Financial Market
 Banking Sector - Recent trends, issues and challenges in Banking and Insurance
 Money Market – Structure, Limitations and Reforms.
 Capital Market – Structure, Growth and Reforms .

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
1. Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations Paper - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Trade Unionism 12
2 Functions of Trade Unions 12
3 Leadership ideology, Recognition, Registration and
administration of trade union 11
4 ILO- Objectives, Principles and O rgans 10
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Trade Unionism
Meaning, Scope, Significance and Objectives, Structure of trade unions in India.
New Role of Trade Union in the context of globalization
2 Functions of Trade Unions
 Functions of trade unions with respect to:
i) Wages ii) Labour welfare iii) Training and education iv) Social security)
Awareness of social responsibility vi) Environmental awareness.
 Problems of trade unions, Industrial dispute – causes of industrial disputes
3 Leadership ideology, Recognition, Registration and administration of trade
 Impact of recession and globalization on trade unions in India.
 Problems of employees and need of trade unions in Information and
Communication Industry.
4 ILO- Objectives, Principles and Organs
ILO- Objectives, principles and organs. Impact of ILO on Indian trade union
 Workers participation in management – concept, pre -requisites, forms & levels
of participation, benefit of workers Participation in Management
 Women’s participation in trade union activities.

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with effect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
2. Computer Systems and Applications Paper - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Data Communication, Networking and Internet 18
2 Database and MySQL 09
3 Database and MySQL 09
4 Spread Sheet 09
Total 45

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 31 | P a g e

Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Data Communication, Networking and Internet
a) Data Communication Component, Data representation, Distributed processing.
(Concepts only)
b) Network Basics and Infrastructure
 Definition, Types (LAN, MAN, WAN) Advantages.
 Network Structures – Server Based, Client server, Peer to Peer.
 Topologies – Star, Bus, Ring.
 Network Media, Wired – Twisted Pair, Co -axial, Fiber Optic and Wireless –
Radio and Infrar ed.
 Network Hardware: Hubs, Bridges, Switches, Routers.
 Network Protocols – TCP/IP, OSI Model.
c) Internet
 Definition, Types of connections, sharing internet connection, Hot Spots.
 Services on net - WWW, Email -Blogs.
 IP addresses, Domain names, URLs, Hyperlinks, Web Browsers
 Searching Directories, Search engines, Boolean search (AND, OR, NOT),
Advanced search, Meta Search Engines.
 Email – POP/SMTP accounts in Email, Different parts of an Email address.
Receiving and sending emails with attachments by s canning attachments for
 Cyber Crime, Hacking, Sniffing, Spoofing
2 Database and MySQL
a) Introduction : To Databases, Relational and Non -relational database system
MySQL as a Non -procedural Language. View of data.
b) MySQL Basics : Statements (Schema Statements, Data statements, Transaction
statements), names (table & column names), data types (Char, Varchar, Text,
Mediumtext, Longtext, Smallint, Bigint, Boolean, Decimal, Float, Double, Date,
Date Time, Timestamp, Year, Time), Creating Database, insert ing data,
Updating data, Deleting data, expressions, built -in-functions – lower, upper,
reverse length, Itrim, rtrim, trim, left, right, mid, concat, now, time, date,
curdate, day, month, year, dayname, monthname, abs, pow, mod, round, sqrt
missing data(NU LL and NOT NULL DEFAULT values) CREATE,USE, ALTER (Add,
Remove, Change columns), RENAME, SHOW, DESCRIBE (CREATE TABLE,
DATABASES statements), PRIMARY KEY FOREIGN KEY (One and more columns)
Simple Validity checking using CONSTRAINTS.
3 Database and MySQL
a) MySQL Simple queries : TheSELECT statement (From, Where, Group By, Having,
Order By, Distinct, Filtering Data by using conditions. Simple and complex
conditions using logical, arithmetic and relational operators (=, !,=, <, >, <>, AND,
OR, NOT, LIKE) Aggregate Funtions – count, sum, avg, max, min.
b) Multi -table queries: Simple joins (INNER JOIN), SQL considerations for multi table
queries(table aliases, qualified column names,all column selections self joins).
c) Nested Queries (Only up to two levels) : Using sub queries, sub query sea rch
conditions, sub queries & joins, nested sub queries, correlated sub queries, sub
queries in the HAVING clause.
Simple Transaction illustrating START, COMMIT, and R OLLBACK .

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
4 Spread Sheet
a) Creating and Navigating worksheets and adding information to worksheets
 Types of data, entering different types of data such as texts, numbers,
dates, functions.
 Quick way to add data Auto complete, Autocorrect, Auto fill, Auto fit. Undo
and Redo.
 Moving data, con tiguous and non contiguous selections, Selecting with
keyboard. Cut -Copy, Paste. Adding and moving columns or rows. Inserting
columns and rows.
 Find and replace values. Spell check.
 Formatting cells, Numbers, Date, Times, Font, Colors, Borders, Fills.
b) Multiple Spreadsheets
 Adding, removing, hiding and renaming worksheets.
 Add headers/Footers to a Workbook. Page breaks, preview.
 Creating formulas, inserting functions, cell references, Absolute, Relative
(within a worksheet, other worksheets and other wor kbooks).
c) Functions
 Financial functions: FV, PV, PMT, PPMT, IPMT, NPER, RATE
 Mathematical and statistical functions. ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, ROUNDUP,
d) Data Analysis
 Sorting, Subtotal.
 Pivot Tables - Building Pivot Tables, Pivot Table regions, Rearranging Pivot

Note :
a) Theory 03 lectures per week.
b) Practical batch size 20 -25, 01 practical = 03 theory lectures per week.
c) 10 Practical’s are to be completed in each semester.

Semester V
Topic Number of Practical’s
Word processing 01
Spread sheet 03
MySQL 06
Minimum 6 practical’s are to be recorded in the journal in the Semester V
[Minimum 4 on SQL, 2 on MS -Excel )

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 Scheme of Examination
Type Marks Duration
Theory 75 2 ½ hours
Practical 20 1 hour per batch of 10
Active Participation and Class conduct 05 ---

 Practical Examination Pattern - Semester V
Sr. No. Topic Marks
01 MySQL 07
02 Spread Sheet 03
03 Journal 05
04 Viva 05
 Practical examination to be conducted 2 to 3 weeks before the theory examination.
Marks out of 25 to be submitted to the University before commencement of theory
 Software Requirement :
MS-Excel 2010, VB 6.0
 Hardware
For a batch of 120 students minimum 10 computers with appropriate hardware and
software installed on each computer. During practical hours maximum two student
may share one computer.
 For in house computing facility fee of rupees 750/ - be charged for each student per
Semester in the existing fee structure against head of computer fee/computer

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 34 | P a g e

Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
3. Export Marketing Paper - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Export Marketing 12
2 Global Framework for Export Marketing 11
3 India’s Foreign Trade Policy 11
4 Export Incentives and Assistance 11
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Export Marketing
a) Concept and features of Export Marketing; Importance of Exports for a Nation
and a Firm; Distinction between Domestic Marketing and Export Marketing
b) Factors influencing Export Marketing; Risks involved in Export Marketing;
Problems of India’s Export Sector
c) Major merchandise/commodities exports of India (since 2015); Services
exports of India (since 2015); Region -wise India’s Export Trade (since 2015)
2 Global Framework for Export Marketing
a) Trade barriers; Types of Tariff Barriers and Non -Tariff barriers; Distinction
between Tariff and Non -Tariff barriers
b) Major Economic Groupings of the World; Positive and Negative Impact of
Regional Economic Groupings; Agreements of World Trade Organisation
c) Need for Overseas Market Research; M arket Selection Process,
Determinants of Foreign Market Selection
3 India’s Foreign Trade Policy
a) Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015 -20 - Highlights and Implications, Export Trade
facilitations and ease of doing business as per the new FTP
b) Role of Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), Negative list of Exports,
Deemed Exports
c) Benefits to Status Holders & Towns of Excellence; Common benefits for EHTP,
BTP and STP; Benefits enjoyed by (IIAs) Integrated Industrial Areas (SEZ), EOU,
4 Export Incentives and Assistance
a. Financial Incentives available to Indian Exporters - Marketing Development
Assistance (MDA), Market Access Initiative (MAI), Assistance to States for
Infrastructure Development for Exports (ASIDE), Industrial Raw Material
Assist ance Centre(IRMAC),
b. Institutional Assistance to Indian Exporters - Federation of Indian Export
Organisations (FIEO), India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO), The
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), Export
Promotion Councils (EPCs) & Commodity Boards (CBs), Indian Institute of
Foreign Trade (IIFT), Indian Institute of Packaging (IIP)
c. Schemes - Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) Scheme, Duty Exemption
and Remission Schemes, Export Advance Authorisation Scheme; Duty
Drawback (DBK); IGST Refund for Exporters

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
4. Marketing Research Paper - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Marketing Research 12
2 Planning Research 11
3 Data Collection 11
4 Data Processing, Analysis, Reporting 11
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Marketing Research
a. Marketing Research - Definition, features, functions, significance of Marketing
Research in marketing decision making, limitations of Marketing Research
b. Steps in Marketing Research, Ethics in Marketing Research, Career options in
Marketing Research, Qualiti es of a good Marketing Research professional
c. Marketing Information System - Definition, components, essentials of a good
MIS, Concept of Decision Support System - Components , importance
Data Mining - concept, importance
2 Planning Research
a. Research Design - concept, importance, types
Hypothesis - concept, types, importance
b. Questionnaire - concept, types of questions, steps in the preparation of
questionnaire, essentials of a good questionnaire
c. Sampling - concept, terms in sampling, techniques of sam pling, essentials of
good sampling
3 Data Collection
a. Primary data -concept, merits, demerits, methods
b. Secondary data - concept, merits, demerits, sources
c. Qualitative and Quantitative research - concept, features, Qualitative v/s
Quantitative research
Integrating technology in data collection, methods - (online surveys, hand held
devices, text messages, social networking), importance
4 Data Processing, Analysis, Reporting
a. Stages in Data processing
Editing - meaning, objectives, types
Coding - meaning, guidelines
Classification - meaning, methods
Tabulation - meaning, methods
b. Data Analysis & Interpretation
Data Analysis - meaning, steps, use of statistical tools (SPSS, SAS, MS EXCEL,
Data Interpretation - meaning, importance, stages
c. Report Writing - concept, types, contents, essentials, use of visual aids in
research report

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
5. Investment Analysis and Portfolio
Management Paper - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Portfolio Management – An Introduction 09
2 Portfolio Analysis and Selection 12
3 Portfolio Revision and Evaluation 12
4 Bond Valuation 12
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Portfolio Management – An Introduction
A) Investment - Meaning, Characteristics, Objectives, Investment V/s
Speculation, Investment V/s Gambling and Types of Investors
B) Portfolio Management – Meaning, Evolution, Phases, Role of Portfolio
Managers, Advantages of Portfolio Management.
C) Investment Environment in India and factors conducive for investment in
2 Portfolio Analysis and Selection
A) Portfolio Analysis – Meaning and its Components, Calculation of Expected
Return and Risk, Calculation of Covariance, Risk – Return Trade off.
B) Portfolio Selection – Meaning, Feasible Set of Portfolios, Efficient Set of
Portfolios, Selection of Optimal Portfolio, Markowitz Model, Limitations of
Markowitz Model, Measuring Security Return and Portfolio Return and Risk
under Single Index Model and Mu lti Index Model.
3 Portfolio Revision and Evaluation
A) Portfolio Revision – Meaning, Need, Constraints and Strategies.
B) Portfolio Evaluation – Meaning, Need, Measuring Returns
(Sharpe, Treynor and Jensen Ratios) and Decomposition of Performance.
4 Bond Valuation
A) Bond Valuation – Meaning, Measuring Bond Returns – Yield to Maturity, Yield
to call and Bond Pricing. Bond Pricing Theorems, Bond Risks and Bond
Duration. ( Practical Problems on YTM and Bond Duration.)

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
6. Transport Management Paper - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Transportation Network 11
2 Factors Influencing transport development 11
3 Transportation Planning and Production Management 11
4 Multi Modal Transport System i n India 12
Total 45

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 41 | P a g e

Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Transportation Network
Definition of transport, Characteristics of transport, various mode of transport
network - Air, Surface and Water; public transport and its importance, Element of
Transport – way, unit of carriage, motive power, Terminal
2 Factors Influencing transport development
Factors Influencing transport development: Physical, Economic, Political and
Strategic, Concept of connectivity and accessibility, Transport organisation:
terminal facilities for different modes, Transport Demand: Direction, Volume and
3 Transportation Planning and Production Management
Classification of roads, types of parking, problems due to parking, nature of traffic
problem in cities, traffic and environment - Pollution under control certificate
agency, cost structure of different transport modes, discriminatory pricing
4 Multi Modal Transport System in India
Intermodal systems – road/rail/sea; sea/air; road/air; road/rail, sea/rail, sea/road
– Inland Container Depot (ICD) & Container Freight Station (CFS) Terminals, Roll -
on/Roll -Off Service, Planning of multi modal transport system for Indian cities -
Metro Rails, Light Rail Transit (LRT), Sub -Urban Trains, Ring Rail and Monorails,
Bus Rapid Transit Systems.

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
7. Entrepreneurship and Management o f Small
Scale Industries Paper - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 11
2 Entrepreneurial Development 11
3 Entrepreneurial Project Development 11
4 Specialized Focus Areas in Entrepreneurship 12
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Unit -1:-
 Meaning, Features, Need and Significance, Concept of Entrepreneur and
 Importance, Significance and Growth of Entrepreneurial activity
 Classification and Types of Entrepreneurs
 Functions of an Entrepreneur
Unit -2:
 Characteristics, Qualities and Competencies of a Successful Entrepre neur –
Examples of Successful Indian Entrepreneurs.
 Entrepreneurship as a Career - Creating Self -employment through
 Scope of Entrepreneurship
 Meaning, Features, Significance, Concept of Promoters - Types of Promoters
Unit -3:-
 Incentives and Subsidies to Entrepreneurs in India
 Meaning, Features, Significance, Concept and Qualities of Intrapreneur –
Meaning and
 Concept of Intrapreneurship
 Measures to Promote Intrapreneurship
 Differentiating the Role of: Entrepreneurs and Businessman - Entr epreneurs
and Managers - Entrepreneurs and Employees
2 Entrepreneurial Development
Unit -1:-
 Meaning, Significance and Concept of Entrepreneurial Development in India
 Factors influencing Entrepreneurial Development – Pull and Push Factors
 Barriers to Entrepreneurship
 Managing the Problems faced by Entrepreneurs - Measures/Suggestions to
Overcome Barriers to Entrepreneurship, Start up India -Make in India.
Unit -2:-
 Meaning, Concept and Inter -Linkage between: Innovation and Invention -
Innovation and Entr epreneurship
 Factors influencing Entrepreneurial Development and Motivation
 Role of Psychological, Social and Cultural factors in Entrepreneurial
 Theories of Entrepreneurship - Contribution of David McClelland and Joseph
Unit -3:-
 Need and Significance of Entrepreneurial Education and Training
 Meaning, Concept & Areas of Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP)
 Role of Entrepreneurial Development Programme (EDP) and Training Centers
in India
 Role of Entrepreneurial Development I nstitutes in India such as MSME -DI
Mumbai, EDI Ahmedabad, MITCON, MCED, NIESBUD toward Entrepreneurial
Development in India

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
3 Entr epreneurial Project Development
Unit -1:-
 Steps in Setting -up of an Entrepreneurial Venture
 Idea Generation – Sources and Methods
 Identification and Classification of Ideas
 Meaning and Concept of Environment Scanning, SWOT Analysis and SWOT
Unit -2:-
 Meaning and Concept of Project Formulation
 Meaning, Concept and Importance of Project Plan ning - Preparation of Project
(Business) Plan -Points to be considered in Project Planning
 Components of an ideal Business Plan: Market Plan, Financial Plan, Operational
Plan, and HR Plan
 Meaning and Concept of Project Report - Significance of Project Rep ort -
Contents of Project Report
Unit -3:-
 Meaning, Significance and Concept of Project Appraisal
 Aspects and Methods of Project Appraisal: Economic Oriented Appraisal,
Financial Appraisal, Market Oriented Appraisal, Technological Feasibility,
Managerial Co mpetency
 Meaning, Concept, Significance and Importance of Feasibility Study
 Types and Different Areas of Feasibility Study
4 Specialized Focus Areas in Entrepreneurship
Unit -1:-
 Meaning, Features, Concept, Role and Importance of Women Entrepreneurs
 Problems faced by Women Entrepreneurs and Need for Promotion and
 Measures/Suggestions to Overcome the Problems faced by Women
 Agencies Supporting and Promoting Women Entrepreneurs - Stand up India.
Unit -2:-
 Meaning, Features, Concep t, Role and Importance of Rural Entrepreneurs
 Problems faced by Rural Entrepreneurs and Need for Promotion and
 Measures/Suggestions to Overcome the Problems faced by Rural
 Agencies Supporting and Promoting Rural Entrepreneurs
Unit -3:-
 Meaning, Features, Role and Importance, Concept of Social Entrepreneurship
 Differentiating Role of Social Entrepreneurship and NGOs
 Problems faced by Social Entrepreneurs and Need for Promotion and
Assistance – Suggestions to Overcome the Challeng es faced by Social
 d. Examples of Social Entrepreneurship in India

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 45 | P a g e

Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
8. International Marketing Paper - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to International Marketing 12
2 Product Decisions in International Marketing 11
3 Finance and Pricing Decisions In International Marketing 11
4 International Marketing Environment 11
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to International Marketing
a. International Marketing - Features, Importance and scope of International
Marketing. Domestic Marketing & International Marketing.
b. Motivating Factors for International Marketing, Problems in Interna tional
Marketing, Challenges faced by Indian Exporter in International Market.
c. International Marketing Research – Need & importance, Scope & complexities,
International Marketing Informatio n System - Concept, Importance and
2 Product Decisions in International Marketing
a. Product -Product Mix, International Product Life Cycle, New Product
Development steps.
b. Branding – Factors affecting International branding, Importance, Types.
c. Labeling, Marking & Packaging – Essential of Good Packaging in International
Marketing, Importance of Labeling, Marking & Packaging.
3 Finance and Pricing Decisions In International Marketing
a. Export Finance -, Types, Features, Procedure for obtaining export finance.
b. Export Financial Institutions -Role and Functions of Commercial Banks, EXIM,
c. Pricing – Factors determining pricing in International Marketing, quotations
including INCO terms (Sums / Practical Problems) Pricing strategies in
International Marketing.
4 International Marketing Environment
a. Interna tional Marketing Environment - ,Components of Internatio nal Marketing
Environment (Eco, Social, Cultural, Legal & regulatory environment)
b. Trade barriers – Types (Tariff and Non -Tariff Barriers), trading blocs (EU,
c. International Forums – WTO -Role/ Functions, Agreements (TRIMS, TRIPS,
GATS, AOA, AOT), IMF, IBRD, BRICS - Role/ Functions.

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
9. Merchant Banking Paper - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Merchant Banking 11
2 Capital Funds 11
3 Issue Management Process 11
4 Issue Management & Due Diligence 12
Total 45

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 48 | P a g e

Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Merchant Banking
Merchant Banking and Financial Services : Introduction, Concept of
merchant banking, Financial system in India and Development of merchant
banks and regulations in India.
Underwriting and Brokerage - Different roles played by underwriters and
brokers in issue management and their responsibilities
2 Capital Funds
Raising Capital from International Markets - Needs of Indian companies for raising
funds from foreign markets, Usage of Euro issue, Evaluation of various types of
depository receipts - American Depository Receipts, Global Depository Receipts,
FCCBs and FCEBs.
3 Issue Management Process
The process of issue management and merchant banker’s role in it, The
appointment of SEBI registered intermediaries and other intermediaries, The
process of filing of offer document by the issuer with SEBI and the ROC with the
help of the lead Merchant Ban ker, List of the documents to be submitted before
opening of the issue, Copy of agreement between the Issuer and Merchant
Banker, Certificate of compliance stating compliance of conditions, Due diligence
certificate while registering DRHP/ Red Herring Pros pectus/ prospectus with the
ROC/ final post issue report, The type of In -Principle Approval from recognized
stock exchanges for initial public issues as well as in the case for rights and further
public offerings, the allotment, refund and payment of inte rest.
4 Issue Management & Due Diligence
The general obligations of Intermediaries with respect to Public Issues and Rights
Issue, The pricing in preferential issue, The pricing and restrictions on allotment of
Qualified Institutional Placement, The pre-issue advertisement for rights issue,
Utilization of funds raised through rights issue and the manner of disclosures in
the offer document, The procedure for Institutional Placement Programme w.r.t
Offer Document Pricing and Allocation/Allotment Restri ctions, Minimum number
of allotees, Restrictions on size of the offer, Period of subscription and display of
demand, Transferability of eligible securities, The procedure for issue of Indian
Depository Receipts (IDRs) w.r.t Eligibility Conditions for issue of IDR, Minimum
Subscription Filing of Draft Prospectus, Due diligence Certificate, Payment of Fees
and Issue of advertisements for IDR, Post Issue Reports, Undersubscribed Issue
Finalisation of basis of allotment, The importance of due diligence, The ro le of
external parties in the due diligence process and List of due diligence documents.

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
10. Direct and Indirect Taxes Paper - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Basic Terms 04
2 Scope of Total Income & Residential Status 04
3 Heads of Income 24
4 Deduction from Total Income 04
5 Computation of Total Income for Individual 09
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Basic Terms
Assessee, Assessment, Assessment Year, Annual value, Business,
Capital Assets, Income, Person, Previous Year, Transfer
2 Scope of Total Income & Residential Status
Scope of Total Income (S: 5)
Residential Status (S: 6) for Individual assessee
3 Heads of Income (S: 14)
 Salary (S: 15 to 17)
 Income from House Properties (S: 22 to 27)
 Profit and Gain From Business (S:28, 30, 31, 32, 35, 35D, 36, 37, 40, 40A 43B.
 Capital Gains (S: 45, 48, 49, 50, 54, 54 EC) restricted to computation of Capital
gain on transfer of residential house property only
 Income from Other Sources (S: 56 to S: 59)
Exclusions From Total Income (S: 10)
Exclusion related to specified heads to be covered with relevant head.eg. Salary,
Business Income, Capital Gain, Income from Other Sources
4 Deduction from Total Income
S 80 A, S 80C, 80CCC, 80D, 80DD, 80E, 80 U, 80 TTA
5 Computation of Total Income for Individual

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
11. Labour Welfare and Practice Paper - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Labour welfare 15
2 Labour Legislations in India 10
3 Agencies of Labour welfare 10
4 Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Health 10
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Labour welfare
 Meaning, Definition, Scope, Objective & Theories of Labour welfare.
 Evolution of Labour Welfare in India.
 Provisions for Labour welfare content in the Constitution of India ( including
Articles 41,42,43…..factories Act 1948, ESI Act 1948, Workmen’s Compensation
Act 1923)
2 Labour Legislations in India
 Labour Welfare Facilities
 National Commission on Labour and Labour Welfare
 Labour Laws of the Elimination of Child Labour
3 Agencies of Labour welfare
 Agencies of Labour welfare in India ( Central govt. , State govt., Employers &
Trade -Unions)
 Labour Welfare Officer: role and functions.
 Labour Administration in India
4 Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Health
 Industrial hygiene & Occupational Health
 Industrial accidents – causes & prevention.
 Occupational diseases & Statutory Provisions, Fatigue, Frustration, Absentism

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
12. Purchasing and Store Keeping Paper - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Material Management and Material Requirement Planning 12
2 Materials Research & ‘E’ Material management 11
3 Scientific Purchasing 11
4 Purchase procedure 11
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Material Management an d Material Requirement Planning
a. Material Management – Definition, Concept, Importance, Objectives,
Functions, Scope, Responsibilities of material manager, Interdepartmental
b. Materials budget – Purpose, Procedures & Factors.
c. Material Requirement Planning – Concept, Need, Objectives and Factors
affecting MRP.
2 Materials Res earch & ‘E’ Material management
a. Material Research – Meaning, Definition, Need, Importance, Scope &
b. ‘E’ Material Management – Concept, Application & Operation, Uses &
Advantages, Classes/ Types of materials.
c. Coding and Standardization – Nature, Methods and Advantages of
Codification, Standardization – Nature & Importance.
3 Scientific Purchasing
a. Purchase Department - Types of Buyers/ Consumers, Personality traits for
Purchase executives/ Manager -qualities & qualification, Functions of Purchase
department, Records maintain by Purchase department
b. Scientific Purchasing - Meaning, Importance, Objectives & Principles,
Purchase policies -Centralized vs decentralized purchasing.
c. Suppliers – Sources of supplier, Selection of Suppliers – Methods, Vendor
rating & Vendor development.
4 Purchase procedure
a. Purchase procedure - Make or Buy or Import decision, Buyer & Seller
relationship – Techniques, Ethics in Buying – Principles, Purchase methods,
b. National purchase Procedure – Steps/procedure, Purchase requisition,
quotations – types, Invoice – Types and different Methods of payment
settlement, Legal aspect of contract - Contents and Clauses .
c. International Purchase Procedure – Need, Indent house / firm – Functions &
Services offered by Indent house, Steps/Procedure of Importing,
Documentations, Emerging trends in purchasing.

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with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
13. Insurance Paper - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Risk Management 11
2 Insurance 11
3 Insurance Market 11
4 Insurance Regulation 12
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Risk Management
a. Risk - Concept, different types of risks - actual and consequential losses
b. Risk Management - Management of risks – Concept and Methods, loss
minimization techniques
c. Insurance Terminology : Common terms used in insurance - terms common to
both life and non -life insurance - terms as specific to life and non -life insurance
2 Insurance
a. Insurance – Concept , Nature of insurance, evolution of insurance, Different
Types of insurance –importance of insurance, Insurance contract – Concept
and Terms of an insurance contract
b. Fundamental principles of insurance contract – principle of insurable interest,
principle of indemnity, principle of subro gation, principle of contribution,
principle of disclosure of all relevant information, principle of utmost good
faith. Relevance of proximate cause
c. Policy documents: Importance of a policy document, Format of a policy
3 Insurance Market
a. Insurance Market - Various Constituents of Insurance Market, operations of
insurance companies - operations of intermediaries – specialist insurance
companies – insurance specialists
b. Insurance customers – different customer needs -importance of underst anding
customers – customer mind -sets’ - customer satisfaction - customer behaviour
at purchase point - customer behaviour at the time of claim.
c. Ethics in Insurance – concept and importance of ethical behaviour
4 Insurance Regulation
a. Role of regulators – IRDA – Role, functions and importance
b. Management of risk by individuals – management of risk by insurers – fixing of
premiums, how insurance takes care of unexpected eventualities.
c. Reinsurance – Concept and its importance for insurers - role of insurance in
Economic development and social security - contribution of insurance to the
society. Double Insurance

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with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
14. Banking Law and Practice Paper - I
Central Banking

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 An Overview of Central Banking 09
2 RBI as the Central Bank of India 09
3 Supervisory Role of RBI 09
4 Central Banking in other Countries 09
5 Central Banking in the Cyber World 09
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 An Overview of Central Banking
Overview: Concept of Central Banking – Institutional Growth of Central Banking
– The Changing Face of Central Banking.
Role of Central Banks: Determination of Goals – Inflation Targeting – Exchange
Rate Targeting – Money Supply Targeting – Money -Growth Targeting – Viable
Alternatives to Central Bank – Central Banking in India.
Contemporary Issues - Autonom y and Independence - credibility, accountability and
transparency of a central bank
2 RBI as the Central Bank of India
Policy Framework for RBI: Organizational Framework – Operational Framework
– Role as a Central Banker – Promotional Role of RBI – Regulatory Role of RBI.
RBI and Monetary Policy: Macroeconomic Policies: Objectives – What is a
Monetary Policy? – Goals, Targets and Instruments – Monetary Policy in India.
A Brief Overview of Fiscal Policy - Striking Balance between Inflation and Growth
through Monetary and Fiscal Policies
3 Supervisory Role of RBI
Regulation and Supervision: Need for Regulation and Supervision – Banking
Regulation Act, 1949 – Banking Regulation and Supervision – Functions of the
Department of Supervisory – Regulations Review Authority – Unified Regulator
v/s Multiple Regulators.
RBI – On-site Inspection and Off -site Monitoring and Surveillance: The Core
Principles for Effective Supervision – On-site Examination – Off-site Surveillance
– On-site Inspection and Off -site M onitoring in India – Off-site Monitoring in
Different Countries – Computerized Off -site Monitoring and Surveillance
RBI and Financial System - Introduction - Functions - Characteristics of Financial
System - Role of RBI in regulating Financial System and Financial Sector Reforms
4 Central Bank in other Countries
Federal Reserve System – Bank of England – The European Central Banking, Bank
of Japan, Peoples Bank of China
Interconnectivity of Central Banks with Other International Financial Institutions -
ADB - IMF- World Bank - BIS- Objectives - Role and Functions
5 Central Banking in Cyber World:
E Banking, E money, IT induced Changes and Monetary Policy, E payments, Risks
in the New IT ERA, Impact of IT, Globalization and Central Banks.

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
15. Regional Planning Paper - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Development 15
2 Factors Determining Regional Planning 10
3 Problems in India 10
4 Human and Environmental Impacts 10
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Development
 Development: Meaning – Growth versus Development
 Factors promoting development of resources, infrastructure, technology,
culture – diversities & disparities & need for balanced growth.
 Concept and Nature of Planning, need for planning of region
2 Factors Determining Regional P lanning
 Factors determining regional planning
Area versus regions, formal functional & problem regions – utility of these
concepts in identifying regions for planning.
 National versus regional planning - Regional hierarchy & Multi -level planning
3 Problem s in India
 Regional Problem in India - varying levels of development - causative factors
 Problems characterizing development -potential, declining
 Backward and ecologically sensitive regions examples -Inter related nature of
regional problem.
4 Human and Environmental I mpacts
 Human and Environmental impacts of regional planning
 Rural and Urban planning policy
 Rural and Tribal Development Plans.

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with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
16. Rural Marketing Paper - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Rural Marketing 11
2 Rural Consumer Behaviour 12
3 Marketing Mix – Product and Price in Rural Marketing 11
4 Marketing Mix – Promotion and Distribution in Rural
Marketing 11
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Rural Marketing
a. Rural Marketing -Concept, Nature, Scope, Significance of Rural Marketing
b. Factors contributing to Growth of rural markets, e -rural marketing, growing
importance of rural marketing, challenges in rural marketing
c. Components and classification of Rural markets, Rural Marketing Information
2 Rural Consumer Behaviour
a. Rural Consumer behaviour -features, Rural Market VS Urban Market, Lifestyle
of rural consumer, Classification of rural consumers, factors influencing
consumer behaviour
b. Rural Marketing Research - Significance, Tools of marketing research for rural
c. FMCG sector in Rural India -concept and classification of consumer goods
3 Marketing Mix – Produ ct and Price in Rural Marketing
a. Potential and size of the Rural Markets, Marketing mix for rural marketing
b. Product Strategy - Product mix Decisions - Competitive product strategies for
rural markets, importance of Branding, Packaging and Labelling in rural
c. Pricing strategy – pricing objectives, pricing policies, innovative pricing
methods for rur al markets
4 Marketing Mix – Promotion and Distribution in Rural Marketing
a. Promotion strategy - appropriate media - Designing right promotion mix –
promotional campaigns
b. Distribution - Logistics Management - Problems encountered, Channels for
rural markets, selection of appropriate channels - Factors
c. New approaches and strategies to reach out rural markets

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
17. Elements of Operation al Research Paper - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Operation Research 10
2 Replacement Theory 05
3 Linear Programming Problems (LPP) 15
4 Transportation Problem 15
Total 45

Pre-requisites: Use of Normal Distribution in finding Probabilities. Concept of present
value of money. Application of derivatives to obtain minima of Cost

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Operation Research and Replacement Theory
Introduction: Meaning an d scope of Operations Research, Applications in
Business, Commerce and Industry, limitations of Operations Research.
2 Replacement Theory
Replacement Theory: Replacement Models for items that deteriorate with time
assuming value money i) constant ii) changes with time. Replacement of items
that fail completely using individual and Group replacement.
3 Linear Programming Problems (LPP)
Mathematical Formulation of LPP . Solution to the LPP using Graphical
Method, Simplex Method and Big M method Duality in LPP. Detection of
optimum solution to primal using optimum solution to the dual.
4 Transportation Problem
Description and Formulation of Transportation Problem Initial Basic Feasible
Solution by i) North West Corner Rule, ii) Least Cost Entry Method (Matrix
Minima), iii) Vogel's Approximation Method. Optimum Solution by MODI
Method. Existence of Alternative optimum solution. Impact of change in some
cost Coefficients on optimum solution. Maximization type and Unbalanced
Transportation Problems.

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
18. Psychology of Human Behavior at Work Paper - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 What is Organizational Behaviour? 11
2 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 11
3 Motivation Concepts 12
4 Leadership 11
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 What is Organizational Behaviour?
a) The importance of interpersonal skills
b) What managers do - management functions, roles, and skills
c) Defining organizational behaviour; Disciplines that contribute to the OB field
d) Challenges and Opportunities for OB - Responding to globalization; managing
work force diversity; coping with “temporariness”; helping employees balance
work –life conflicts; creating a positive work environment; improving ethical
2 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction
a) Attitudes - Main components of attitudes; Major Job Attitudes
b) Job Satisfaction - Measuring job satisfaction. What causes job
satisfaction? The impact of satisfied and dissatisfied employees on the
3 Motivation Concepts
a) Defining Motivation; 4 early theories of motivation
b) Contemporary theories of motivation - Goal Setting Theory, Equity
Theory/ Organizational justice, Expectancy Theory
4 Leadership
a) What is Leadership? Trait theories, Behavioural theories
b) Contingency Theory – The Fiedler Model
c) Charismatic Leadership and Transformational Leadership - Key
characteristics of a charismatic leader; characteristics of transactional
leaders; characteristics of transformational leaders
d) Leading for the future: Mento ring

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with ef fect from the Academic Year 2018 -2019

Reference Books

Reference Books
Elective Courses (EC)
Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group A: Advanced Accountancy
1. Financial Accounting and Auditing VII - Financial Accounting
 Ashish K. Bhattacharyya – “Financial Accounting for Business Managers”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
 Shashi K. Gupta – “Contemporary Issues in Accounting”, Kalyani Publishers.
 R. Narayanaswamy – “Financial Accounting”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
 Ashok Sehgal – “Fundamentals of Financial Accounting”, Taxmann’s Publishers
 Financial Accounting Reporting – Barry Elliot and Jamie Elliot – Prentice Hall ( 14th Edition
2. Financial Accounting and Auditing VIII - Cost Accounting
 Cost Accounting - A managerial emphasis by Horngren, Charles, Foster and Datar, Prentice Hall
 Management Accounting by Khan and Jain, Tata McGraw Hill
 Practical Costing by P C Tulsian, Vikas New Delhi
 Advanced problems and solutions in cost Accounting by S N Maheshwari, Sultan Chand New Delhi
 Cost Accounting (For B. Com 4th Sem, Delhi Univ) by Arora M N, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
 A Textbook of Cost And Management Accounting - 10th Edn by Arora M N, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
 Cost Accounting: Principles & Practice - 12 Edn by Arora M N, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
 Essentials of Cost Accounting by Arora M N, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
 Students Guide to Cost Accounting & Financi al Management (Set of 2 Volumes) (CA -IPCC) (Group I) by
Bhavesh N. Chandarana, Taxmann
 Lectures on Costing by Swaminathan: S. Chand and Company (P) Ltd., New Delhi
 Cost Accounting by C.S. Rayudu, Tata Mc. Grow Hill and Co. Ltd., Mumbai
 Cost Accounting by J awahar Lal and Seema Srivastava, Tata Mc. Grow Hill and Co. Ltd., Mumbai
 Cost Accounting by Ravi M. Kishore, Taxmann Ltd., New Delhi
 Principles and Practices of Cost Accounting by N.K. Prasad, Book Syndicate Pvt. Ltd., Calcutta
 Cost Accounting Theo ry and Practice by B.K. Bhar, Tata Mc. Grow Hill and Co. Ltd., Mumbai
 Cost Accounting Principles and Practice by M.N. Arora, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
 Advanced Cost and Management Accounting: Problems and Solutions by V.K. Saxena and C.D . Vashist, S.
Chand and Company (P) Ltd., New Delhi
 Cost Accounting by S.P. Jain and K.L. Narang, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana
 Modern Cost and Management Accounting by M. Hanif, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
 Fundamentals of Cost Accountin g by Jhamb. H. V., Ane Books Pvt. Ltd.
 Cost Accounting by Gupta Nirmal, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd.
Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group B : Business Management
1. Business Management Paper I
 Essentials of Management by Koontz and Weihrich / McGraw Hill
 Principles of Management by Koontz and O. Donnel/ Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
 Principles of Management: Theory and practices by Sarangi S.K. VMP Publishers and Distributors.
 Guide to Management Ideas by Tim Hindle, The Economist
 Principles of Management by Terry G.R. AITBS
 Business Organization and Principles of Management by Dutta Chowdury, Central Education

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Reference Books
 Principles of Management, Daver Rustoms, Crown
 Principles of Management, Tripathi P.C. Tata McGraw Hill, New York
 Management Theory and Practices by Dale, Ernest / McGraw Hill, New York.
 Practice of Management by Peter Drucker / Allied Publisher, New Delhi
 Management by Ricky W Griffin / Houghton Mifflin Company
 Management by Gary Dessler / Prentice Hall
 Management by Stephen Robbins, Mary Coulter / Prentice Hall
 Management by James Stoner, Edward Freeman / Prentice Hall
 Time Management by Roberta Roesch, Tata Mc Graw Hill
 Time Management by Marc MANCINI, Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Business Management Paper II
 Fundamentals of Financial Management(5th edition) by Chandra Prasanna (2010). Tata McGraw Hill
Education Pvt. Ltd.: New Delhi
 Financial Management – Analytical and Conceptual Approach (12th edition) by Kuchhal S.C.
(1995).Chaitanya Publishing House: Allaha bad
 Financial Management by Reddy R.Jayprakash (2010) APH Publishing Corporation: New Delhi
 Financial Management – Theory and Practice (5 & 6th edition) by Chandra Prasanna (2003, 2004). Tata
McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.: New Delhi
 Fundamentals of Financial Management (13th edition) by Horne, James C. Van (2012) PHI Learning Pvt.
Ltd.: New Delhi
 Financial Management and decision making by Samuels, John (1999) International Thomson Nusiness
Press : London
 Financial Management - problems & solutions (2nd edition) by Kishore, Ravi M. (2010) Taxmann
Publication Pvt. Ltd.: New Delhi
 Financial Management : theory, concepts and cases(5th rev edition) by Rustagi, R.P. (2011) Taxmann
Publication Pvt. Ltd.: New Delhi
 Financial Management : principles & probl ems (7th edition) by Srivastava, R.M.&VermaShubhra (2002)
PragatiPrakashan: Meerut
 Fundamentals of Financial Management – problems and solutions (3rd edition) by Maheswari, S.N. (2006)
Sultan Chand and Sons: New Delhi
Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Co urses
Group C: Banking and Finance
1. Banking and Finance Paper - I Financial Markets
 Khan M.Y, Financial Services, Mc Graw Hill Education.
 Dr.S. Gurusamy, Financial Services, Vijay Nicole Imprints.
 E. Gordon and K. Natarajan – Financial Markets and Services
 Niti Chatnani - Commodity markets McGraw Hill Publication
 S. Kevin, - Commodities & financial derivatives PHI Learning Pvt ltd
2. Banking and Finance Paper - II Financial Reporting Analysis
 Ashish K. Bhattacharyya – “Financial Accounting for Business Managers”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
 Shashi K. Gupta – “Contemporary Issues in Accounting”, Kalyani Publishers.
 R. Narayanaswamy – “Financial Accounting”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
 Ashok Sehgal – “Fundamen tals of Financial Accounting”, Taxmann’s Publishers
 IFRS – Dr Ram Mohan Bhave and Dr Anjali Bhave

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Reference Books
Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group D : Commerce
1. Commerce Paper I
 Bhattacharjee, Service Sector Mgt; An Indian Perspective, Jaico Publishing house, 2011.
 Christoper lovelock, service marketing –people technology, strategy, pearson education, IV Edi, 2003.
 Valarie A. Zeithaml 8 Mary Jo Bitner, Services Marketing, Tata Mcgraw -Hill, 2000.
 A. Vijaykumar, service sector in India – Recent Policy initiative, New century Publication, 2008.
2. Commerce Paper II
 Office Management, Pillai R S N, S. Chand Publishers, 2010
 Office Organisation & Management, N.Kumar & R. Mttal, Anmol Publisher, 2001
 Office Management, Balachandran, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2009
Discipline Related Elective(DRE) Courses
3. Commerce V
 Phillip Kotler. ( 2005) Marketing Management, Englewood cliffs, Prentice Hall, NJ
 Richard M. S Wilson, Colin gilligam, Strategic Marketing Management, Viva BooksPvt. Ltd.,2003.
 Walker –Boyd, Larreche , Marketing Strategies –Planning Implementations, TataMacgraw Hill.2004.
 Neelamegam,S.(2007) Marketing in India : Cases and Readings, Vikas, New Delhi
 Kotler, P., Keller, K.L. Koshy, A. &Jha. M. (2009). Marketing Management: A South Asian Perspective.
(Thirteenth Ed). Pearson Education, New Delhi.
 Gandhi, J.C. Marketing a Managerial Introduction TataMcGrawHill.
 Maheshwari, R.P., Jindal, Lokesh, (2011). Marketing Management Theory and Practice.
 Sherlekar, S.A. Mar keting Management. Himalaya Publishing House.
 Saxena, Rajan. Marketing Management
 Ramaswamy & Kumari Nama. Marketing Management
4. Business Economics V
 Indian Economic Survey Reports (Annual), Ministry of Finance, Government of India
 Indian Economy by Misra and Puri, Himalaya Publishing House - Delhi
 Gaurav Dutt & Ashwini Mahajan, (2016) Indian Economy, S.Chand& company PVT LTD New Delhi
 A.N.Agarwal – Indian Economy problems of Development and Planning New Age International Publisher
 RuddarDatt K.P.M Sundharam – Indian Economy S. Chand E -co LTD. Delhi
 http://www.environmentalpollution.in/industrial -polluti on/industrial -pollution -types -effects -and-control -
of-industrial -pollution/299 for industrial pollution
Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
1. Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations Paper I
 Myers C.A. & Kannappan S. (1970), ‘Industrial Relation in India’ , Asia publishing House, India.
 Singh, J.K. (1988), ‘Labour Economics. Principles Problem and Practices’, Deep andDeep Publication Pvt.
Ltd. New Delhi.
 Jackson, M.P. , Strikes
 Karnik V.B. (1974),’Indian labour, Problems and prospects’, Minewal Associations .
 Joshi C.K (1967), ‘ Unionism in Developing Economy’, Asia Publication House, Bombay.
 Mamoria C.B. &Mamoria S.(1992),’Dynamics of Industrial Relation in India’, Himalaya Publishing House.
 Sahani, Dr, N.K. (2009) ‘Industrial Relations’ Kalyani Pub. Ludhiya na.
 Tripathi, P.C. (2009) ’Personal Management and Ind. Relations’ – Sultan Chand and Jons, New Delhi.
 Memoria&Memoria - ‘Ind. Relations’ Himalaya Pub. House, Mumbai.
 A.M. Sharma - ‘Ind. Relations’ - Himalaya Pub. House, Mumbai.
 G.Ramanugan - The Honey bee to words a new culture in Ind, Relations - Sterling Pub. Pvt. Ltd.

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Reference Books
2. Computer Systems and Applications Paper I
 Data Communication and Networking -Behrouz A Forouzan
 Introduction to Computers – Peter Norton, Tata McGraw Hill
 Fundamentals of Database Systems - Elmasri Navathe, Somayajulu, Gupta
 Database Systems and Concepts - Henry F. Korth, Silberschatz, Sudarshan McGraw Hill
 DBMS - Date
 The complete reference SQL - Vikram Vaswani TMH
 The complete reference SQL - James R. Groff & Paul N. W einberg TMG
 Learning SQL - Alan Beaulieu O’REILLY.
 Learning MySQL - Seyed M. M. and Hugh Williams, O’REILLY.
 SQL a complete reference - Alexis Leon & Mathews Leon TMG
3. Export Marketing Paper I
 Export Policy Procedures& Documentation – M. I. Mahajan, Snow White Publications Pvt. Ltd, 26th Edition,
 International Business, K. Aswathappa,McGraw -Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd.,6th Edition
 Export Import Procedures - Documentation and Logistics, C. Rama Gopal, New Age International
Publishers, 2006 / Reprin t Jan 2016
 International Trade and Export Management, Francis Cherunilam, Himalaya Publishing House, 20th
Edition, 2017
 R. K. Jain's, Foreign Trade Policy & Handbook of Procedures [With Forms, Circulars & Public Notices],
Centax Publication, 2017
 EXIM Policy & Handbook of EXIM Procedure – VOL I & II
 International Marketing and Export Management, Gerald Albaum, Edwin Duerr, Alexander Josiassen,
Pearson Publications, 8th Edition, June 2016
 International Marketing Strategy,IsobelDoole and Robin Lowe, 5th Edition, Thomson Learning, 2008.
 Global marketing, Warren J. Keegan 9th Edition Pearson Education, Delhi,
 New Import Export Policy - Nabhi Publications, 2017
 P.K. Khurana, Export Management, Galgotia Publishing Co, New Delhi
 P.K.Vasudeva, Internat ional Marketing -, Excel Books, fourth edition, New Delhi
 Paras Ram, Export documentation and procedure A -Z
 Export: What, Where, How?Paras Ram, & Nikhil K. Garg, Anupam Publishers, 47th Edition, 2016 -17
 International Marketing, Mary C. Gilly, John L. Graham , Philip R. Cateora, 14th Edition, Tata McGraw -Hill
Co. Ltd., 2014
 International Marketing Management, An Indian Perspective,R.L.Varshney and B. Bhattacharya, Sultan
Chand & Sons, 24th Edition, 2012
 International Marketing Analysis and Strategy, SakOnkvisi t, John J. Shaw, Prentice -Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
5th Edition, 2008
 International Marketing, Subhash C. Jain, South -Western, 6th Edition, 2001
 Export Management, T.A.S.Balagopal , Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2014
 Michael R. Czinkota and Iikka A. Ro nkainen, International Marketing, South -Western, 10th Edition, 2012
 Export -Import and Logistics Management, Charlie Hill, Random Publications, 2014
 International Marketing Management, M.V. Kulkarni, Everest Publishing House
4. Marketing Research Paper I
 Marketing Research Text and Cases, Rajendra Nargundkar, McGraw Hill, 2nd edition
 Marketing Research ( Text with Cases), Suja Nair, Himalaya Publishing House, Maharashtra, 2014
 Marketing Research, John Boyce, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., Maharashtr a, 2011
 Encyclopaedia of Marketing Research Series, S.D. Singh, Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2012
 Marketing Research: A Global Outlook, V. Kumar, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2015
 Marketing Research, G. C. Beri, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007
 Fundamentals of Marketing Research, M.K. Gawande, Chandralok Prakashan, Kanpur, 2012
 Marketing Research: The impact of internet, Gates, Roger et al, John Wiley & sons, Great Britain, 2002

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Reference Books
5. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Paper I
 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Prasanna Chandra, Tata McGraw Hill
 Financial Management, Prasanna handra, Tata McGraw Hill
 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Ravi Kishor, Taxman Publishers
 Financial Management, Khan & Jain, Tata McGraw Hill
 Fundamentals of Investment Management, Hirt and Block, Tata McGraw Hill. Ed 2009.
 Portfolio Management Handbook, Robert A. Strong, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai
6. Transport Management Paper I
 Phil Hughes & Ed Ferrett (2010). International Health and Safety at Work. Routledge Publisher.
 Mather J. C. (ed.) (1992). ‘Transport and Economic Development’, Chugh Publications, Allahabad.
 Modak S.K. (1980). ‘Adgunik Parivahanache Arthashastra’, Maharashtra Vidhyapeeth Grantha Nirmitee
Mandal, Nagpur.
 Hugh M. Kindred & Mary R. Brooks (1997). ‘Multimodal Transport Rules’. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
 Multimodal Transportation of Goods Act, 1993 Along With Allied Rules, Professional Book Publishers.
 Slim Hammadi & Mekki Ksouri (2013). Mult imodal Transport Systems. John Wiley & Sons.
 Joseph S. Szyliowicz, Luca Zamparini, Genseric L.L. Reniers & Dawna L. Rhoades (2016). Multimodal
Transport Security: Frameworks and Policy Applications in Freight and Passenger Transport. Edward Elgar
Publishin g.
 United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (2004). Manual on Modernization
of Inland Water Transport for Integration within a Multimodal Transport System. United Nations
 Jean -Paul Rodrique, Claude Comtois & Bri an Slack (2013). The Geography of Transport Systems. Routledge.
 Christos N. Pyrgidis (2016). Railway Transportation System: Design, Construction and Operation. CRC
 United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Secretariat (2003). Training
Manual on the Operational Aspects of Multi Model Transport. United Nations Publications.
 Container and Multimodal Transport Management (2002). Shroff Publishers & Distributors.
 Faulks R.W. (1982). ‘Principal of transport’, Iran Allen.
 Owe n, W. (1964). ‘Strategy for Mobility’, East -West Centre Edition, Honolulu.
 Bruton, M.J. (1985). Introduction to Transportation Planning’, Hutchinson, Londan.
 Lok sabha Secretariat (1986). ‘Transport in India’, New Delhi.
 Pasricha (1999). Road Safety guide for drivers of heavy vehicle. Nasha Publications, Mumbai.
 K.W.Ogden, “Safer Roads – A guide to Road Safety Engineering”.
 Babkov, V.F. (1986). Road Conditions and Traffic Safety. MIR Publications, Moscow.
 Popkes, C.A. (1986). Traffic Control and Road Accident Prevention. Chapman and Hall Limited.
 Pradeep Chaturvedi (2006). Challenges of Occupational Safety and Health. Concept Publishing Company.
 Konkan Railway - A Dream Come True - Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd.
 S. Ponnuswamy (2012), ‘Urban Transportation: Planning, Operation and Management’ Publisher - Tata
McGraw -Hill Education.
 B.C. Vaidya (2003). ‘Geography of Transport Development in India’ Concept Publishing Company
7. Entrepreneurship & Management of Small Scale Industries Pape r I
 Batra G.S. and Dangal R.C., Entrepreneurship and Small Scale Industries, Deep and Deep Publications Pvt.
 Entrepreneurial Development, Colombo Plan, 1998, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
 Entrepreneurship Development, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
 Gupta C.B., Entrepreneurial Development, 1995, Somaiya Publication, New Delhi.
 Hisrich R.D., Cases in International Entrepreneurship, 1997, Liven, Chicago.
 Hisrich Robert D and Peters Michael, Entrepreneurship, 2002, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
 Mascarenhas Romeo S., Entrepreneurship and Management of Small and Medium Enterprises, Vipul
Prakashan, Mumbai.

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Reference Books
 Mascarenhas Romeo S., Management of Small Scale Industries, Vipul Prakashan, Mumbai.
 MSME Policy Document, Government of India.
 Pooja, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indian Economy, New Century Publications New
 Principles of Entrepreneurship, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi.
 Sharma P.K., Development Banks and Entrepreneurship Promotion in India, Mittal Pub lications.
 Singh P.N. and Saboo J.C., Entrepreneurial Management, Dr. P. N. Singh Centre for HRD.
 Vasant Desai, Entrepreneurial Development, 3 Volumes Himalaya Publishing House.
 Vasant Desai, Entrepreneurship and Management of Small and Medium Enterprises, Himalaya Publishing
 Vasant Desai, Small Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship, Himalaya Publishing House.
 Yerram Raju B. and Pujari Ram R., The Small Entrepreneur Starting and Growing, Excel Publication, New
8. International Marketing Paper I
 International Marketing - Rathor Jani Rathor
 International Business - P. Suhbarau
 Global Marketing Strategy - Jeannet&Hennssey
 Managing International Marketing - dr. V. O. Varkey
 Modern Marketing Research – M.N.Mithani
 Marketing Research – G.C.Berry
 Marketing Research : Applied Orientation. - Naresh Malhotra
 Marketing Research - Boyd, Westfall &Stasch SakOnkvisit , John J. Shaw ,
 International Marketing -Phillip R Cateora and John Graham
 International Marketing - Varshney and Bhattacharya
 International Marketing - P.K. Vasudev.
 International Marketing & Export Management – Edwin Duerr, Jesper
 B.L. Varshney and B. Bhattacharya , International Marketing Management .
 P.G. Apte, International Financial Management .
 Francis Cherunilum, Internatio nal Marketing Management.
 Phillip R. Cateoria, International Marketing.
9. Merchant Banking Paper I
 Merchant Banking and Financial Services – Dr. S Guruswamy Fourth Edition, Delhi Publishing House.
 Merchant Banking Principles & Practices – H. R Machiraju New Age International Ltd
 Merchant Banking – NISM 2015 Edition
 Merchant Banking and Financial Services – Dr L.N Natarajan, Margham Publications 2012
10. Direct and Indirect Taxation Paper I
 Students guide to Income Tax (simplified version) by V.K.Singhania and Monica Singhania, Taxmann
 Systematic approach to Income Tax by Ahuja & Gupta, Bharat Law Publication
 Income Tax by T.M. Manorahan, Snow White
 Direct Tax ready reckoner by N.V.Mehta, Kuber Publication
 Indirect Taxes by V.S.Datey, Taxmann
 Service Tax by S.S.Gupta, Taxmann
 Commentary on M.V.A.T.ACT, 2002 by M.S.Mathuria & Dilip Phadke, Maharashtra Sales Tax Vat News
 Indirect Taxes by V.S.Balchandra, Sultanchand
 Direct Taxes by B.B. Lal and N. Vashishta, Pearson Educati on
 Students Guide to Income Tax (Including Service Tax / VAT) - Simplified Version with Problems and
Solutions (Set of 2 Vols) by Dr Monica Singhania Dr. Vinod K Singhania, Taxmann
 Indirect Tax Laws - Service Tax & VAT (Module -II) by Vineet Sodhani, Taxma nn
 Indirect Taxes Law and Practice by V. S. Datey, Taxmann

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Reference Books
11. Labour Welfare & Practice Paper I
 Jayant S. Railkar - Labour welfare & Practice – Vipul Prakashan.
 A.M. Sarma – Aspects of Labour welfare & Social Security – Himalaya Publications.
 Punekar & Deodhar – Labour welfare Tata MC Graw Hill Publishing.
 Misra & Puri – Indian Economy – Himalaya Publications.
 Dutt & Sundharam - Indian Economy S. Chand Publication.
 Labour Welfare, Trade Unionisms and Industrial Relations – S.D. Pa nekar, S.B. Deodhar, Mrs. Saraswathi
Sankaram, Himalaya Publishing House.
12. Purchasing and Storekeeping Paper I
 Ammer. Dean S : Materials Management (Richard D. Irwin Inc. U.S.A.).
 Baily, Peter and Farmer, D. : Purchasing Principles and Techniques : Arnold Heinemann, Publishers India
New Delhi.
 Baily, Peter : Purchasing Principles and Management.
 Benjamin Melnitsky : Industrial Storekeeping Manual (Chilton Company, Philadelphia).
 Branch, Alan E. : Internation al Purchasing and Management : Thomson Learning.
 Buchan and Keenigsberg : Scientific Inventory Management : Prentice Hall, U.S.A.
 Bagade, Shankar D. : Production and Materials Management : Himalaya.
 Chadha, H. L. : Industrial Purchasing and Materials Man agement (Jaico Publishing House, Bombay).
 Datta, A. K. : Modern Materials Management (Indian Society for Materials Management, Calcutta).
 Deb. A. : Materials Management (Academic Publishers, Calcutta).
 Dr. P. K. Bangar and Dr. B. S. Rupnawar Purchasing and Storekeeping Himalaya Publication House.
 Dobler, Donald W. : Purchasing and Supply Management Text and Cases : Tata McGraw Hill,2000.
 Gupta D. R. : Purchasing and Storekeeping : Tata McGraw Hill.
 Gokarn, P. R. : Essentials of Materials Management : Somaiya.
 Gopalakrishnan, P. and Sandiya, M. S. : Purchasing Strategy (Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi).
 Gopalakrishnan, P. and Sundaresan, Materials Management : Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi). 5
 Gopalakrishnan, P. Purchasing and Materials Management : Tata McGraw Hill 2001.
 Heinritz, Stuart F. : Purchasing Principles and Applications (Prentice Hall U.S.A.)
 Kapoor, P. P. : Modern Purchasing Principles and Practices : S. Chand and Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
 Lee, Lamer: Purchasing and Materials M anagement Texts and Cases : Tata McGraw Hill.
 Magee, John F. : Production Planning and Inventory Control (McGrow Hill, U.S.A.).
 Materials Management, Inventory Control and Logistics Texts and Cases.
 Menon K. S. : Purchasing and Inventory Control : Wheel er.
 Morrison, A : Storage and Control of Stock (Pitman Publishing Co., London).
 Nair, N. K. Purchasing and Materials Management : Vikas.
 Roy Chowdhury, B. K. : Management of Materials (Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi).
 Varma : Essentials of Store Keepi ng and Purchasing : M. M. Sultan Chand.
 Westing, J. H., Fine, I.V., Zenz, G. J. : Purchasing Management (Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi).
13. Insurance Paper I
 General Insurance, John Magee & David Bicklhaupt,
 Operational Transformation of General Insurance Industry during the period 1950 to 1990 &Beyond, R D
 Study on Distribution Functions in General Insurance & Role of Intermediaries, Arun Agarwal / PR Rao
 General Insurance for Information Technology Professionals, Martin Frappoli
 S. Arunajatesan and T.R. Vishwanathan: Risk Management and Insurance:Macmillan, New Delhi.
 Shashidharan K. Kutty: Managing Life Insurance:Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
 Kenneth Black Jr. and Harold D. Skipper Jr.: Life and Health Insurance: Pearson, New De lhi
 Uma Narang, Insurance Industry in India, Features, Reforms & Outlook, New century Publication, 2013

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Reference Books
14. Banking Law and Practice Paper I Central Banking
 Central Banking - IIBF- MacMillan Publishers
 Central Banking – ICFAI Press
 Theory and Practice of Central Banking in India - V.A.Avdhani
 Central Banking - M H deKock
 Central Banking in Planned Economy - The Indian Experiment - C.R.Basu
15. Regional Planning
 Glasson, J. (1974), ‘An Introduction to Regional planning, Hutchinson & Co., London.
 O.E.C.D (1970), ‘The Regional Factor in Economic Development’,
 Minahull, R.(1968), ‘ Regional Geography’. Hutchinson * Co., Ltd., London.
 B.I.S.R (1978), ‘The Role of Fiscal Incentives in Reducing Regional Imbalances: Some Comparison’, New
 Misra, R.P et.al (1974). ‘Regional Development Planning in India’, Vikas, New Delhi.
 Sen. L.K. (ed.) (1972),’Reading in micro level planning and rural growth centers, NICD, Hyderabad.
 B.M.R.P.E. (1974), Regional plan for Bombay metropolitan Region: 197 0-1991, Bombay
 Planning Commission Draft Five Year Plans.
16. Rural Marketing Paper I
 DantwalaM.L., Indian Agriculture Since Independence Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. NewDelhi –
110001, 1990.
 Habeeb U.R.,Rahman K.S., Rural Marketing in India, HPH -Mumbai 400004 ---2003
 Rural Marketing, Gopala swamy, Vikas Publishing House, NewDelhi.
 Kashyp Pradeep, Rant Siddhartha, The Rural Marketing, Biztantra, Mumbai, 2005.
 Dogra Balram Ghuman Karmider Rural Marketing concepts and practices Tata McGrawHILL Education Ltd.
New Delhi, 2011
 Singh S, Rural Marketing Management I/e Vikaj Publishing House New Delhi
17. Elements of Operation Research Paper I
 PERT & CPM Principles and Applications by L.S.Srinath
 Operations Research Principles & Practice by Ravinderan, Phillips Solber.
 Schaum's outline series Therory & Problems of Operations Research by Richard Bronson
 Operations Research by H.A.Taha
 Operations Research by Gupta & Hira
 Operations Research Theory & Applications by J.K.Sharma
 Operations Researc h Problems & Solutions by V.K.Kapoor
 Quantitative Techniques by Shenoy, Shrivastav & Sharma
 Introduction to Operations Research by Hiller & Lieberman
 Operations Research Techniques for Management by B.Banerjee
 Operations Research by Gupta & Manmohan
 Quantitative Techniques by N.D.Vohra
18. Psychology of Human Behaviour at work Paper I
 Robbins, S. P. Judge, T. A. & Vohra, N. (2013). Organizational Behavior. (15th ed.), Indian subcontinent
adaptation, New Delhi: Pearson Education, Dorling Kindersley India pvt ltd.
 Aquinas, P. G. (2013). Organisational Behavior Concepts Realities Application and Challenges. (2nd ed.)
New Delhi: Excel Books
 Ashliegh, A. M. (2012). The psychology of people in organizations. Pearson Education
 Baltus, R. (2012). Personal p sychology for work and life. Tata McGraw Hill
 Dash, C. (2013). Organisational behavior. New Delhi: International Book House
 Gibson, J. L., Ivancevich, J. M., & Konopaske, R.(2013). Organisations: Behaviour, Structure, Processes. Tata
McGraw Hill
 Greenberg, J. (2013). Behaviour in organizations (10th ed.). PHI Learning Private Limited.

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Reference Books
 Luthans, F. (2013). Organisational behaviour: An evidence –based approach. Tata McGraw Hill
 McShane, S. L., Glinow, M. A., Sharma, R. R. (2012) Organisational behavior. (5th ed.): Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi.
 Pareek, U. & Khanna, S. (2011). Understanding organizational behavior. Oxford University Press
 Rajendra, P. Maheshwari, J. & Mahajan, P. (2012). Business organization management. (2nd Revised ed.)
New Delhi: International Book House
 Riggio, R. (2012). Introduction to industrial and organizational psychology. Pearson Education
 Schultz, D. & Schultz,S.(2013). Psychology and work today. Pearson
 Shankar, M. (2013). Organizational behavior. International Book House
 Sharma, S. (2013). Organisational behavior. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
 Singh, K. (2012). Organizational behaviour text and cases. New Delhi: Pearson Education.

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B.Com. Programme
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System
Course Structure

(To be implemented from Academic Year - 2018-2019)
Semester VI

No. of
Courses Semester V I Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
1A Discipline Specific Elective(DSE) Courses
1 &
2 *Any one group of courses from the following list of the Groups
(A/B/C/D/E/F) 04+04
1B Discipline Related Elective(DRE) Courses
3 Commerce VI 03
4 Business Economics VI 03
2 Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
5 &
6 **Any two course s from the following list of the courses 03+03
Total Credits 20

*List of groups of Discipline Specific Elective(DSE) Courses
for Semester V I (Any One Group)
Group A: Advanced Accountancy
1 Financial Accounting and Auditing IX - Financial Accounting
2 Financial Accounting and Auditing X - Cost Accounting
Group B: Business Management
1 Business Management Paper - III
2 Business Management Paper - IV
Group C: Banking and Finance
1 Banking and Finance Paper - III
2 Banking and Finance Paper - IV
Group D: Commerce
1 Commerce Paper - III
2 Commerce Paper - IV
Group E: Quantitative Techniques
1 Quantitative Techniques Paper - III
2 Quantitative Techniques Paper - IV
Group F: Economics
1 Economics Paper - III
2 Economics Paper - IV

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**List of Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC) for Semester VI (Any Two )
1 Trade Uni onism and Industrial Relations Paper - II
2 Computer system s & Applications Paper - II
3 Export Marketing Paper - II
4 Marketing Research Paper - II
5 Investment Analysis Portfolio Paper - II
6 Transport Management Paper - II
7 Entrepreneurship& M.S.S.I. Paper - II
8 International Marketing Paper - II
9 Merchant Banking Paper - II
10 Direct & Indirect Taxation Paper - II
11 Labour Welfare & Practic e Paper - II
12 Purchasing & Store keeping Paper - II
13 Insurance Paper - II
14 Banking Law & Practice Paper - II
15 Regional Planning Paper - II
16 Rural Marketing Paper - II
17 Elements of Operational Research Paper - II
18 Psychology of Human Behaviour at work Paper - II

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 A. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group A: Advanced Accountancy
1. Financial Accounting and Auditing Paper -IX:
Financial Accounting

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 AS – 14 - Amalgamation, Absorption & External
Reconstruction 15
2 Accounting of Transactions of Foreign Currency 15
3 Liquidation of Companies 10
4 Underwriting of Shares & Debentures 10
5 Accounting for Limited Liability Partnership 10
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 AS – 14 - Amalgamation, Absorption & External Reconstruction (excluding inter -
company holdings)
In the nature of merger and purchase with corresponding accounting treatments
of pooling of interests and purchase method respectively. Meaning and
Computation of purchase consideration. Problems based on purchase method
2 Accounting of Transactions of Foreign Currency
In relation to purchase and sale of goods, services and assets and loan and credit
Computation and treatment of exchange rate differences
3 Liquidation of Companies
Introduction, Underwriting, Underwriting Commission
Provision of Companies Act with respect to Payment of underwriting commission
Underwriters, Sub -Underwriters, Brokers and Manager to issues
Types of underwriting, Abatement Clause
Marked, Unmarked and Firm -underwriting applications, Liability of the
underw riters in respect of underwriting contract Practical problems
4 Underwriting of Shares & Debentures
Meaning of liquidation or winding up
Preferential payments
Overriding preferential payments
Preparation of statement of affairs, deficit / surplus account
Liquidator’s final statement of account
5 Accounting for Limited Liability Partnership
Statutory Provisions
Conversion of partnership firm into LLP
Final Accounts

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 A. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group A: Advanced Accountancy
2. Financial Accounting and Auditing Paper -X:
Cost Accounting

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Cost Control Accounts 10
2 Contract Costing 10
3 Process Costing 10
4 Introduction to Marginal Costing 10
5 Introduction to Standard Costing 10
6 Some Emerging concepts of Cost accounting 10
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Cost Control Accounts
Advantages and Disadvantages
Cost Control Accounts, Principal Accounts, Subsidiary Accounts to be maintained
Note - Simple practical problems on preparation of cost control accounts
2 Contract Costing
Progress payments, Retention money, Contract accounts, Accounting for material,
Accounting for Tax deducted at source by the contractee, Accounting for plant
used in a contract, treatment of profit on incomplete contracts, Contract profit
and Balance sheet entries.
Excluding Escalation clause
Note - Simple practical problems
3 Process Costing
Process loss, Abnormal Gains and Losses, Joint products and by -products.
Excluding Equivalent units, Inter -process profit
Note - Simple Practical problems Process Costing and joint and by -products
4 Introduction to Marginal Costing
Marginal costing meaning, applications, advantages, limitations
Contribution, Breakeven analysis, Margin of safety and profit volume graph.
Note -Simple Practical problems based on Marginal Costing excluding decision
5 Introduction to Standard Costing
Various types of standards, Setting of standards, Basic concepts of Material and
Labour variance analysis.
Note -Simple Practical problems based on Material and labour variances excluding
6 Some Emerging concepts of Cost accounting
Target Costing
Life cycle Costing
ABC Costing
Note - No practical problems

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 A. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group B: Business Management
1. Business Management Paper -IV
Management and Organization Development

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
01 Directing & Leading 15
02 Co-ordination & Motivation 15
03 Controlling & Information Management 15
04 Contemporary Issues in Management 15
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Directing and Leading
 Communication as an important tool for effective direction and leadership
 Barriers to Communication
 Ethical issues in using social media for communication
 Role of a leader in business organisations - qualities of a good leader
 Style of leadership
 Leadership continuum – developing an effec tive leader – path goal theory
 Transactional and transformational leaders
2 Co-ordination and Motivation
 Co-ordination as essence of management
 Co-ordination vs co -operation vs conciliation
 Motivation – meaning and importance of motivation
 Financial and non-financial motivators
 Theories of Motivation – Maslow’s theory – Herzberg’s theory – McGregor’s
3 Controlling and information Management
 Definition and steps in controlling.
 Strategic and operational controlling techniques.
 Requirements of an effective control system.
 Flow of information n a typical organisation - Need for managing information.
 Designing and developing modern MIS - Introduction to ERP.
4 Contemporary Issues in Management
 Challenges in organisational growth and development - management
 Change management
 Importance of time management and tools for effective time management
 Addressing diversity due to human resource mobility
 Conflict management.

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 A. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group B: Business Management
2. Business Management Paper -VI
Financial Management

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
01 Capital Budgeting and Evaluation techniques 11
02 Working Capital Management 11
03 Receivable Management, Cash Management and Marketable
Securities 12
04 Basic Principles of Cost Accounting 11
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Capital Budgeting and Evaluation techniques
 Capital Budgeting - Meaning and Importance
 Evaluation techniques
 Pay-back method and ARR
 NPV and Profitability index
 Choice of evaluation techniques, uses and limitations
2 Working Capital Management
 Working Capital – Meaning and Importance
 Factors determining Working Capital requirements, Working Capital cycle
 Classification of Working Capital – Gross and Net Working Capital, Permanent
and Variable Working Capital, Positive and Negative Working Capital, Cash and
Net Current Assets concept of Working Capital
 Management of Working Capital
 Estimation of Working Capital requirement
3 Receivable Management, Cash Management and Marketable Securities
 Receivables Management – Meaning and importance, aspects of receivable
management, Credit Policy and Credit Evaluation
 Control of accounts receivables – Day’s Sales Outstanding, Ageing Schedule,
ABC Analysis
 Cash Management – Meaning, motives of holding cash, ways of speeding up
cash collections
 Preparation of Cash Budget
 Understanding the role of marketable securities in corporate financial
4 Basic Principles of Cost Accounting
 Cost Accounting – Meaning, classification of costs and non-cost items
 Preparation of Cost sheet
 Marginal Costing - Meaning, features, advantages and limitations of marginal
 Break Even Analysis
 Application of marginal costing

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 A. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group C: Banking and Finance
1. Banking and Finance Paper -III:
Risk Management

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
01 Foundations of Risk Management 15
02 Capital markets Risk Management 15
03 Credit Market Risk Management 15
04 Risk Measurement 15
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Foundations of Risk Management
 Basic risk types
 The role of risk management
 Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
 History of financial disasters and risk management failures
 2007 financial crisis
2 Capital Market Risk Management
 Equity, currencies & commodities markets in India
 Introduction to Derivatives
 Forward, Future and option contracts
 Hedging through Derivatives contract
 Fixed -income securities
 Fixed -income risk management through derivatives
 Rating agencies
3 Credit Market Risk Management
 Introduction,
 Information required for evaluation of credit risk,
 Procedure for Credit Risk Management,
 Credit Lifecycle,
 Loan Review Mechanism,
 RBI guidelines on Credit Rating Framework in Banks,
 Introduction of Basel Norms and calculation of capital adequacy ratio
4 Risk Measurement
 Estimation of volatilities and correlations (application to volatility term
structures) Monte Carlo simulations (application to interest rate forecasting)
 Linear Value -at-Risk (application to market, credit and operational risk)
 Option valuation
 Risk-adjusted return on capital (RAROC) & beta calculation
 Risk management of derivatives (application to convertible risk)
 Interest rates and measures of interest rate sensitivity

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 A. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group C: Banking and Finance
2. Banking and Finance Paper -IV:
Actuarial Analysis in Banking and Insurance

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
01 Probability & Mathematical Statistics 12
02 Models 12
03 Mortality Model 12
04 Contingencies 12
05 Statistical Methods 12
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Probability & Mathematical Statistics
Concepts of Probability, Bayes’ Theorem, Concepts of Random Variable,
Probability Distribution, Distribution Function, Expected Value, Variance
and Higher Moments, Basic Discrete And Continuous Distributions, Central
Limit Theorem , Statistical Inference And Sampling Distribution, Confidence
Intervals For Unknown Parameters. Test Hypotheses, Concepts Of Analysis
Of Variance
2 Models
The Principles of Actuarial Modelling., General Principles of Stochastic Processes,
Markov Chain, Markov Process., Concept of Survival Models., Estimation
Procedures for Lifetime Distributions., Maximum Likelihood Estimators For The
Transition Intensities In Models Of Transfers Between States With Piecewise
Constant Transition Intensities.
3 Mortality Model
Binomial Model of Mortality, Derive A Maximum Likelihood Estimator for The
Probability of Death, How to Estimate Transition Intensities Depending on Age,
Exactly Or Using The Census Approximation., How To Test Crude Estimates For
Consist ency With A Standard Table Or A Set Of Graduated Estimates, And
Describe The Process Of Graduation.
4 Contingencies
Simple assurance and annuity contracts, means and variances of the present
values of the payments under these contracts, assuming constant deterministic
Expressions in the form of sums for the mean and variance of the present value of
benefit payments under each contract above, in terms of the curtate random
lifetime, assuming that death benefits are payable at the end of the year of death
and that annuities are paid annually in advance or in arrear, and, where
appropriate, Obtain expressions in the form of integrals for the mean and
variance of the present value of benefit payments under each contract above, in
terms of the random future lifetime, assuming that death benefits are payable at
the moment of death and that annuities are paid continuously, and, where
5 Statistical Methods
Concepts of decision theory, Decision function and a risk function. Apply decision
criteria to determine which decision functions are best with respect to a specified
criterion. In particular consider the minimax criterion and the Bayes criterion.
Calcula te probabilities and moments of loss distributions both with and without
limits and risk -sharing arrangements.
The properties of the statistical distributions which are suitable for modelling
individual and aggregate losses. Apply the principles of stati stical inference to
select suitable loss distributions for sets of claims. Concepts of excesses
(deductibles), and retention limits. The operation of simple forms of proportional
and excess of loss reinsurance.

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 A. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group D: Commerce
1. Commerce III:
Management o f Service Industry

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
01 Housing and Construction Industry 15
02 Computer Services and e- commerce 15
03 Banking 15
04 Insurance 15
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Housing and Construction Industry
Characteristics - scope - challenges -promotion activities of construction industry -
role of co -operative societies and Government schemes - career opportunities
2 Computer Services and e - commerce
e-commerce - concept -functions - merits & limitations
IT enabled services (ITES): features - Business Process Outsourcing: concept -
advantages & challenges - Consultancy services: classification & significance
3 Banking
Types of Banks - functions of a commercial bank -types of banking products -role of
RBI- recent trends in Banking - Career opportunities in Banking
4 Insurance
Concept - importance - types (Life, Fire, Marine & General) - Regulation of
Insurance sector: role of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of
India – Foreign Direct Investment in insurance sector - career opportunities in
insurance sector

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 A. Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group D: Commerce
2. Commerce IV:
Commercial Administration

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
01 Human Resource Management for office 15
02 Office Services -I 15
03 Office Services -II 15
04 Office Services -III 15
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Human Resource Management for office
Human Resource Management : Meaning, nature and importance of human
resource management - scope of HR functions in an office - duties and
responsibilities of HR officer - records and information to be maintained with
respect to the human resource - important HR legislations in India.
2 Office Services -I
Reception & hospitality : Role and function of the reception desk - duties and
responsibilities of a receptionist, importance of reception.
Meetings & Travel Arrangement : meaning and procedure for business meetings -
types of meetings - information and services related to travel - procedure for
making travel arrangements
3 Office Services -II
Accounts & financial services: Role and functions of an accounts department/
officer - documents to be prepared by the accounts officer - types of hardware and
software used – procedure for making and receiving payments - bank and cash
related documents and procedures, digital payments.
Sales, marketing and customer care : functions of sales & marketing officer -
functions of customer service officer, importance of customer care
4 Office Services -III
Procurement & dispatch: role and functions of procurement officer - procedure
for procurement of materials and services - functions of a dispatch clerk -
documents to be maintained with respect to procurement and dispatch
Inventory management: meaning and nature of inventory management,
functions of inventory management - stock records to be maintained manual and

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 B. Discipline Related Elective (DRE) Courses
3. Commerce -VI
Human Resource Management

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
01 Human Resource Management 12
02 Human Resource Development 11
03 Human Relations 11
04 Trends In Human Resource Management 11
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Human Resource Management
 Human Resource Management – Concept, Functions, Importance, Traditional
v/s Strategic Human Resource Management
 Human Resource Planning - Concept Steps in Human Resource Planning
Job Analysis -Concept, Components, Job design - Concept, Techniques
 Recruitment - Concept, Sources of Recruitment
Selection - Concept , process , Techniques of E,selection,
2 Human Resource Development
 Human Resource Development - Concept, functions
Training - Concept, Process of i dentifying training and development needs,
Methods of Training & Development ( Apprenticeship, understudy, job rotation,
vestibule training, case study, role playing, sensitivity training, In, b asket,
management games )
Evaluating training effectiveness - Concept, Methods
 Performance Appraisal - Concept, Benefits, Limitations, Methods
Potential Appraisal -Concept, Importance
 Career Planning - Concept, Importance
Succession Planning - Concept, Need
Ment oring - Concept, Importance
Counseling - Concept, Techniques.
3 Human Relations
 Human Relations - Concept, Significance
Leadership –Concept, Transactional & Transformational Leadership
Motivation - Concept, Theories of Motivation,(Maslow’s Need Hierarchy
Theory, Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, Pink’s
Theory of Motivation)
 Employees Morale - Concept, Factors affecting Morale, Measurement of
Employees Morale Emotional Quotient and Spiritual Quotient - Concept,
Factors affecting EQ & SQ
 Employee Grievance - Causes, Procedure for Grievance redressal
Employee welfare measures and Healthy & Safety Measures.
4 Trends In Human Resource Management
 HR in changing environment:
Competencies - concept, classification
Learning organizations - Concept, Creating an innovative organization,
Innovation culture - Concept, Need, Managerial role.
 Trends in Human Resource Management,:
Employee Engagement - Concept, Types
Human resource Information System (HRIS) – Concept, Importance,
Changing patterns of employment.
 Challenges in Human Resource Management: Employee Empowerment,
Workforce Diversity. Attrition, Downsizing, Employee Absenteeism, Work life
Balance, Sexual Harassment at work place, Domestic and International HR
Practices, Mil lennial (Gen Y)Competency Mapping

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
1 B. Discipline Related Elective (DRE) Courses
4. Business Economics -VI
International Economics

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
01 Introduction to International Trade 10
02 Commercial Policy 10
03 Balance of payments and International Economic Organization 15
04 Foreign Exchange market 10
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to International Trade
 Theories of International Trade - Ricardo’s Theory of Comparative Costs and
the Heckscher - Ohlin Theory.
 Terms of Trade - Types and Limitations.
 Gains from International trade - Offer Curves and Reciprocal Demand.
2 Commercial Policy
 Commercial Trade Policy –Free Trade and Protection – Pros and Cons.
 Tariff And Non Tariff Barriers: Meaning, Types and Effects
 International Economic Integration – Types and Objectives: -EU and Brexit,
3 Balance of payments and International Economic Organization
 Balance of Payment: Meaning, Structure, Types of Disequilibrium.
 Causes and measures to correct the disequilibrium in Balance of Payments
 WTO - Recent Developments in TRIPS, TRIMS and GATS.
4 Foreign Exchange market
 Foreign Exchange Market: Meaning, Functions, Determination of Equilibrium
Rate of Exchange.
 Purchasing Power Parity Theory, Spot and Forward Exchange Rates, Arbitrage.
 Role of Central Bank in foreign exchange rate management, Managed flexible
exchange rate system of India.

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
1. Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations Paper - II

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Industrial relations 12
2 Industrial conflicts and its Measures for Prevention and
Settlement 12
3 Collective bargaining and Workers Participation in
Management 11
4 Industrial relations in Public Sector Multi-nationals, and Co-
operative S ector 10
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Industrial relations
 Industrial relations: Meaning, Importance, Scope, Role and Impact on Labour
Laws legislation, Execution, Employer, Trade Unions and Judiciary
 Recommendations of Second National Commission on labour 2002.
2 Industrial conflicts and its Measure s for Prevention and Settlement
 Industrial conflicts: Meaning causes and impact. Strike: Meaning, Types &Legal
aspects. Concept of lockout.
 Measures for prevention and settlement of industrial conflicts -
(a) Conciliation (b) Mediation (c) Arbitration (d) Adjudication.
3 Collective bargaining and Work ers Participation in Management
 Collective bargaining: concept, principles and importance. Collective
bargaining in India.
 Workers participation in management - Meaning, Types with reference to India.
4 Industrial relations in Public Sector Multi -nationals, and Co -operative Sector
 Industrial relations in public sector, mul ti-nationals, and co -operative S ector.
 Plant level Industrial relations: - standing orders and grievance procedure.
 Work and role of labour welfare officer.

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect fro m the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
2. Computer Systems and Applications Paper - II

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 E – Commerce 18
2 Advanced Spread Sheet 09
3 Advanced Spread Sheet 09
4 Visual Basic 09
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 E – Commerce
a) Definition of E -commerce
b) Features of E -commerce
c) Types of E -commerce (B2C, B2B, C2C, P2P)
d) Business Models in E -commerce (Advertising, Subscription, Transaction Fee,
Sales Revenue, Affiliate Revenue)
e) Major B2C models (Portal, Etailer, Content Provider, Transaction Broker,
Market Creator, Service Provider, Community Provider).
f) E-Commerce Security: Integrity, Non repudiation, Authenticity, Confidentiality,
Privacy Availa bility.
g) Encryption: Definition, Digital Signatures, SSL.
h) Payment Systems: Digital Cash, Online stored value, Digital accumulating
balance payment, Digital credit accounts, digital checking.
i) How an Online credit card transaction works. SET protocol.
j) Limitation of E -commerce.
k) M-commerce (Definition and Features).
2 Advanced Spread Sheet
a) Multiple Spread sheets
 Creating and using templates, Usi ng predefined templates, Adding
protection option.
 Creating and Linking Multiple Spreadsheets.
 Using formulas and logical operators.
 Creating and using named ranges.
 Creating Formulas that use reference to cells in different worksheets.
b) Functions
 Database Functions LOOKUP, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP
 Conditional Logic functions IF, Nested IF, COUNTIF, SUMIF, AVERAGEIF
3 Advanced Spread Sheet
a) Functions
b) Data Analysis
 Filter with customized condition.
 The Graphical representation of data Column, Line, Pie and Bar charts.
 Using Scenarios, creating and managing a scenario.
 Using Goal Seek
 Using Solver
 Understanding Macros, Creating, Recording and Runni ng Simple Macros.
Editing a Macro(concept only)

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
4 Visual Basic
a) Introduction to Visual Basic, Introduction Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Programming Language (Procedural, Object Oriented, Event Driven), Writing
VB Projects. The Visual Basic Environment
b) Introduction to VB Controls
Text boxes, Frames, Check boxes, Option button, Designing the User Interface,
Default & Cancel property, tab order, Coding for controls using Text, Caption,
Value property and Set Focus method
c) Variables, Constants, and Calculations
Variable and Constant, Data Type (String, Integer, Currency, Single, Double,
Date), Naming rules/conventions, Constants (Named & Intrinsic), Declaring
variables, Val Function, Arithmetic Operations, Formatting Data.
d) Decision and Condition
Condition, Comparing numeric variables and constants, Comparing Strings,
Comparing Text Property of text box, Compound Conditions (And, Or, Not). If
Statement, if then -else Statement, LCase and Ucase function, Using If
statements wi th Option Buttons & Check Boxes. Msgbox (Message box)
statement Input Validation : Is Numeric function.
e) Sub-procedures and Sub -functions, Using common dialog box, Creating a new
sub–procedure, Writing a Function procedure. Simple loops using For Next
statements and Do while statement and display output using MsgBox

Note :
a) Theory 03 lectures per week.
b) Practical batch size 20 -25, 01 practical = 03 theory lectures per week.
c) 10 Practical’s are to be completed in each semester.

Semester VI
Topic Number of Practical’s
Presentation skills 01
Advanced Spread Sheet 06
Introduction to Visual Basic 03
Minimum 6 practical’s are to be recorded in the journal in the Semester VI
[Minimum 4 on VB, 2 on Advanced Spread Sheet )

 Suggested list of Practical’s for Semester VI
1. Preparing a PowerPoint presentation on an E -Commerce website.
2. Calculation of DA, HRA, PF, Gross Salary and Net Salary using Spread Sheet
3. Calculation of Income Tax using Spread Sheet
4. Filtering data and Graphical representation of data using Spread Sheet
5. Using VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP using Spread Sheet
6. Creating and managing a scenario using Spread Sheet
7. Use of Goal Seek and Solver using Spread Sheet

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8. Write a project in VB to design a suitable form to add two numbers and display their
9. Write a project in VB to design a suitable form to enter sales and calculate and
display the bonus which is 10% of sales.
10. Write a project in VB to design a suitable form to enter salary and calculate and
display the DA which is 90% of salary.

 Scheme of Examination
Type Marks Duration
Theory 75 2½ hours
Practical 20 1 hour per batch of 10
Active Participation and Class conduct 05 ---

 Theory Examination Pattern
All questions are compulsory
No. Unit No. Marks Marks with Internal
Q. 1. Objective type based on I, (II,III) and IV 11+2+2 23
Q. 2. I 15 30
Q. 3. II 15 30
Q. 4. III 15 30
Q. 5. IV 15 30

 Practical Examination Pattern - Semester VI
Sr. No. Topic Marks
01 Advanced Spread sheet 07
02 Introduction to VB Programing 03
03 Journal 05
04 Viva 05
 Practical examination to be conducted 2 to 3 weeks before the theory examination.
Marks out of 25 to be submitted to the University before commencement of theory
 Software Requirement :
Spread Sheet 2010, VB 6.0
 Hardware
For a batch of 120 students minimum 10 computers with appropriate hardware and
software installed on each computer. During practical hours maximum two student
may share one computer.
 For in house computing facility fee of rupees 750/ - be charged for each student per
Semester in the existing fee structure against head of computer fee/computer

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
3. Export Marketing Paper - II

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Product Planning and Pricing Decisions for Export Marketing 12
2 Export Distribution and Promotion 11
3 Export Finance 11
4 Export Procedure and Documentation 11
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Product Planning and Pricing Decisions for Export Marketing
a) Planning for Export Marketing with regards to Product, Branding, Packaging
b) Need for Labelling and Marking in Exports, Factors determining Export Price;
Objectives of Export Pricing
c) International Commercial (INCO) Terms; Export Pricing Quotations – Free on
Board (FOB), Cost Insurance and Freight (CIF) and Cost and Freight (C&F);
Problems on FOB quo tation
2 Export Distribution and Promotion
a) Factors influencing Distribution Channels; Direct and Indirect Exporting
Channels; Distinction between Direct and Indirect Exporting Channels
b) Components of Logistics in Export marketing; Selection criteria of Modes of
Transport; Need for Insurance in Export Marketing
c) Sales Promotion Techniques used in Export Marketing; Importance of Trade
Fairs and Exhibitions; Benefits of Personal Selling; Essentials of Advertising in
Export Marketing;
3 Export Finance
a) Methods of Payment In export marketing; Procedure to open Letter of Credit,
Types and Benefits of Countertrade
b) Features of Pre -Shipment and Post -shipment finance; Procedure to obtain
Export Finance; Distinction between Pre -shipment Finance and Post Shipmen t
c) Role of Commercial Banks, EXIM Bank, SIDBI in financing exporters; Role of
4 Export Procedure and Documentation
a. Registration with different authorities; Pre -shipment Procedure involved in
Exports; Procedure of Quality Control and Pre -shipment Inspection;
b. Shipping and Custom Stage Formalities; Role of Clearing & Forwarding Agent;
Post -shipment Procedure for Realisation of Export Proceeds; Procedure of
Export under Bond and Letter of Undertaking. (LU T)
c. Importance of - Commercial Invoice cum Packing list, Bill of Lading/ Airway Bill,
Shipping Bill/Bill of Export, Consular Invoice, Certificate of Origin

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 2018-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
4. Marketing Research Paper - II

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Applications of Marketing Research -I 12
2 Applications of Marketing Research -II 11
3 Applications of Marketing Research -III 11
4 Managing Marketing Research 11
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Applications of Marketing Research -I
a. Product Research - concept, areas, steps in new product development Product
Testing & Test Marketing - concept, methods
b. Brand Research - concept, components of a Brand, importance of brand
research Packaging Research - concept, importance
c. Price Research - concept, factors influencing pricing, importance of price
research, methods of price research
2 Applications of Marketing Research -II
a. Physical Distribution research - concept, types of distribution channels, Supply
Chain Management - concept, components of supply chain management,
importance of physical distribution research
b. Promotion Research - concept, elements of promotion, importance of
promotion research
Advertising Research - concept, scope, pre & post testing methods of
advertising effectiveness
c. Consumer Research - concept, objectives, methods Motivation Research -
concept, importance
3 Applications of Marketing Research -III
a. Sales Research - concept, significance, scope/areas
b. Rural Marketing Research -concept, features of Indian rural market, sources of
data, research tools, do’s and don’ts in rural Marketing Research
c. Global Marketing Research - concept, factors affecting Global Marketing , need
and scope of Global Marketing Research
4 Managing Marketing Research
a. Organizing Marketing Research activity - factors involved in organizing
Marketing Research activity, methods of organizing Marketing Research
activity, In house marketing department, --structure, merits , demerits
b. Professional Marketing Research agencies - structure, merits, demerits,
professional standards
c. Prominent Marketing Research agencies - HTA, ORG, IMRB, NCAER, Nielson

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
5. Investment Analysis and Portfolio
Management Paper - II

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Fundamental Analysis 12
2 Technical Analysis 11
3 Efficient Market Theory 11
4 Capital Asset Pricing Model 11
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Fundamental Analysis
A) Economy Analysis – Meaning, Framework, Economic Analysis, Forecasting,
Barometric or Indicator Approach, Econometric Model Building and
Opportunistic Model Building.
B) Industry Analysis – Concept of Analysis, Industry Life Cycle, Industry
Company Analysis – Financial Statements, Analysis of Financial Statements, (
Practical questions on Debt equity ratios, total debt ratio, proprietary ratios,
interest coverage ratio, Profitability ratios related to sales, investment and
equity shares Efficiency or Activity Ratios) and Assessment of risk (
2 Technical Analysis
A) Dow Theory
B) Meaning and Principles of Technical Analysis, Price Chart, Line Chart, Bar Chart,
Japanese Candlestick Chart, Trends and Trend Reversals, Chart Patterns,
Support and Resistance, Reversal Patterns, Continuation Patterns and Elliot
Wave Theory
C) Mathematical Indicators – Calculation of Moving Averages ( Simple and
Exponential Moving Average), Oscillators and Relative Strength Index
D) Market Indicators
E) Fundamental Analysis V/s Technical Analysis
3 Efficient Market Theory
A) Random Walk Theory
B) The Efficient Market Hypothesis
C) Forms of Market Efficiency
D) Competitive Market Hypothesis
4 Capital Asset Pricing Model
A) CAPM – Fundamental Notions of Portfolio Theory, Assumption of CAPM,
Efficient Frontier with Riskless Lending and Borrowing, Capital Market Line,
Security Market Line and Pricing of Securities with CAPM.
B) Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) – The Return Generati ng Model, Factors
Affecting Stock Return, Expected Return on Stock, APT V/s CAPM.

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
6. Transport Management Paper - II

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Indian Surface Transport Service 11
2 Marketing of Transport S ervices 11
3 Transport Organisation 11
4 Safety Management Systems 12
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Indian Surface Transport Service
Development of Railway network and problem -changes in composition of
passenger and freight traffic, Development of Road transport - Growth of
Automobile Industry, Indian Motor Vehicle Acts, Urban transport problems with
special defence to Mumbai
2 Marketing of Transport Services
Marketing of transport services: Role of Advertising – Changes in fares and freight
rates and their impact on demand, Regulation of transport services: Licensing
policies, transport taxation, role of International bodies in transport development
3 Transport Organisation
Water transport: Present status of Inland and Coastal Shipping in India, Growth of
Merchant Shipping, International competition and problems of port.
Air transport: Working of Indian Airlines and Air India - International Airport
Authority of India – Air Cargo.
4 Safety Management Systems
Overview and Understanding Safety, factors for improving safety on roads –
causes of accidents due to drivers and pedestrians -design, selection, operation
and maintenance of motor trucks, Responsibility for Management of Safety,
Basics of Safety Management, Safety Training Programme

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
7. Entrepreneurship and Management o f Small
Scale Industries Paper - II

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises 11
2 Setting -up of SSI/SME/MSME 11
3 Organization of SSI/SME/MSME 11
4 Specialized Focus Areas in Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises 12
Total 45

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 113 | P a g e

Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise s
Unit -1: –
 Meaning, Features, Concept of SSI
 Role and Importance of SSI
 Evolution and Growth of SSI since Independence in India w.r.t. 5 -Year Plans in
 SSI Support Mechanism in India - Central and State Level, Government and
Non -Government Agencies support to SSI with due emphasis to Concessions
and Incentives
Unit -2:-
 Meaning, Features, Concept of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
 Need and Significance of MSMEs
 Evolution and Growth of MSMEs since Economic Liberalization in India
 Role and Importance of MSMEs
Unit -3:-
 Meaning, Features, Concept of Industrial Sickness
 Causes of Industrial Sickness
 Consequences of Industrial Sickness
 Remedies to Resolve the Problem of Industrial Sickness
2 Setting -up of SSI/SME/MSME
Unit -1:-
 Steps in Setting -up a SSI/SME/MSME
 Registration Procedure – Benefits of Registration – De-registration
 Environmental and Locational Issues – Environmental Clearance
 Steps in Setting up a SSI/SME/MSME in India with Special Reference to
Clearances and Permissions req uired
Unit -2:-
 Meaning, Features, Concept of Regulatory Environment in India
 Brief insights relating to Laws affecting SSI/SME/MSME
 MSME Policy in India - Highlights of MSMED Act, 2006
 Classification of Manufacturing and Service Industries under MSMED Act, 2006
Unit -3:-
 Growth and Expansion of SSI/SME/MSME
 Options available to SSI/SME/MSME for Growth and Expansion (Part -I):
Ancillarisation, Licensing, Franchising
 Options available to SSI/SME/MSME for Growth and Expansion (Part -II):
Outsourcing, Insourci ng
 Options available to SSI/SME/MSME for Growth and Expansion (Part -III):
Mergers, Acquisitions, Takeovers in India and at Global Level

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
3 Organization of SSI/SME/MSME
Unit -1:-
 Meaning, Features, Concept of Organisation Structure of SSI/SME/MSME
 Overview of Principles of Management applicable in Management of
SSI/SME/MSME - Types of Organisation of SSI/SME/MSME
 Problems and Prospects of SSI/SME/MSME
 Legal Framework and Regulations Governing SSI/SME/MSME - Government
Measu res, Policy Support, Taxation Benefits for SSI/SME/MSME
Unit -2:-
 Meaning, Features, Concept of SSI/SME/MSME Funding
 Requirements of Capital (Fixed and Working) for SSI/SME/MSME
 Factors Determining Capital (Fixed and Working) Requirements of
 Sources of Institutional Finance to SSI/SME/MSME
Unit -3:-
 Meaning, Features, Concept of Marketing Mechanism in SSI/SME/MSME
 Marketing related Problems of SSI/SME/MSME - Measures to Reduce
Marketing related Problems of SSI/SME/MSME
 Export Potential of SSI/SME /MSME - Export Incentives available to
SSI/SME/MSME – SSI/SME/MSME and Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
 Role of Self Help Groups (SHGs) in Development of SSI/SME/MSME
4 Specialized Focus Areas in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Unit -1:-
 Meaning, Features, Concept, Significance of Rural Industries
 Nature of activities involved in Rural Industries - Measures to Support and
Promote Rural Industries
 Meaning, Features, Concept, Significance and Role of Rural Artisans
 Measures to Support and P romote Rural Artisans – Role of Government and
Non -Government Agencies in Promoting Rural Artisans
Unit -2:-
 Meaning, Features, Concept, Significance of Agro -based Industries
 Nature of activities involved in Agro -based Industries - Measures to Support
and Promote Agro -based Industries
 Meaning, Features, Concept of Ancillary Industries
 Nature of activities involved in Ancillary Industries - Measures to Support
and Promote Ancillary Industries
Unit -3:-
 Meaning and Concept of Industrial Estates
 Features of Ind ustrial Estates
 Utility and Significance of Industrial Estates to SSI/SME/MSME Sector
 Policy Initiatives and Measures to Revive Industrial Estates

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with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
8. International Marketing Paper - II

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 International Marketing Channels & Physical Distribution 12
2 Procedures & Policy Framework in International Marketing 11
3 International Trade Promotion Organization 11
4 Export Assistance, Incentives & Documentation 11
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 International Marketing C hannels & Physical Distribution
a. International Marketing Channels - , Need and Importance.
b. Method of Entry in International Market. Factors influencing selection of
Suitable Channels.
c. Physical Distribution – Importance, Scope and Problems.
2 Procedures & Policy Framework in In ternational Marketing
a. Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), 2015 -20-Highlights and implications.
b. Export Procedure - Registration Procedure, Role of Customs House Agent,
Customs/Shipment Formalities, Procedure of Export Proceeds Realization.
Procedure to obtain ISO Certification.
c. Import Procedure involved in International Market.
3 Internation al Trade Promotion Organization
a. Export Marketing Organisation - and Types, Role and Functions of Export
Promotion Councils, Commodity Board, IPP, FIEO, IIFT, DGFT, ITPO and IIP.
b. Export Promotion Organisation - and Types.
c. E- Marketing – Features Importance and Impact.
4 Export Assistance, Incentives & Documentation
a. Main Assistance available for Exporters.
b. Incentives available for exporters - Duty Drawback, EPCG, MDA, ASIDE, IRMAC.
c. Export Documentation -and Importance, Main Export Documents - Commercial
Invoice, Consular Invoice, Certificate of Origin, Shipping Bill, Mats Receipt, GR
Form and Bill of Exchange.

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with e ffect fro m the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
9. Merchant Banking Paper - II

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Factoring 11
2 Securitization 11
3 Mergers, Acquisitions & Takeovers 11
4 Disinvestment and Buyback of Equity Shares 12
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Factoring
Factoring: Concept, Nature and Scope of Factoring, Forms of Factoring , Factoring
vis-à-vis Bills Discounting , Factoring vis -àvis Credit Insurance, Factoring vis -à-vis
Forfeiting, Evaluation of a factor , Evaluation of factoring, Status of Factoring in
2 Securitization
Securitization / Mortgages: Meaning, Nature and Scope of Securitization,
Securitization as a Funding Mechanism, Securitization of Residential Real Estate
and Mortgages -Features, Types and Provisions.
Security Brokerage: Meaning of Brokerage, Types of Brokers, Difference between
Broker and Jobber, SEBI Regulations relating to brokerage business in India.
3 Mergers, Acquisitions & Takeovers
Difference between Mergers, Acquisitions and Takeover, The Role of Merchant
Banker in M&A and Takeovers, SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 w.r.t Substantial acquisition of shares or voting
rights, Voluntary Offer - Offer Size, Offer Price, Payment Mode, Exemptions and
Process of Open Offer.
4 Disinvestment and Buyback of Equity Shares
The Role of Merchant Banker in Disinvestment Process, Role and Obligations of
Merchant Banker in Buyback of Equity Shares, Role of Merchant Banker in
Delisting of Shares, Role of Merchant Banker in Issue and Listing of Debt Securities
and The Role of Merchant Banker in ESOP

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with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
10. Direct and Indirect Taxation Paper - II
Goods and Service Tax Act

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction 09
2 Levy and Collection of Tax 09
3 Time, Place and Value of Supply 09
4 Input Tax Credit & Payment of Tax 09
5 Registration under GST Law 09
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction
 What is GST
 Need for GST
 Dual GST Model
 Definitions
Section 2(17) Business
Section 2(13) Consideration
Section 2(45) Electronic Commerce Operator
Section 2(52) Goods
Section 2(56) India
Section2 (78) Non taxable Supply
Section 2(84) Person
Section 2(90) Principal Supply
Section 2(93) Recipient
Section 2(98) Reverse charge
Section 2(102) Services
Section 2(105) Supplier
Section 2(107) Taxable Person
Section 2(108) Taxable Supply
 Goods & Services Tax Network (GSTN)
2 Levy and Collection of Tax
 Scope of Supply
 Non taxable Supplies
 Composite and Mixed Supplies
 Composition Levy
 Levy and Collection of tax
 Exemption from tax
3 Time, Place and Value of Supply
 Time of Supply
 Place of Supply
 Value of Supply
4 Input Tax Credit & Payment of Tax
 Eligibility for taking Input Tax Credit
 Input Tax Credit in Special Circumstances
 Computation of Tax Liability and payment of tax
5 Registration under GST Law
 Persons not liable registration
 Compulsory registration
 Procedure for registration
 Deemed registration
 Cancellation of registration

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with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
11. Labour Welfare and Practice Paper - II

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Social Security 15
2 Labour Markets 10
3 Labour Force in India 10
4 Globalization &Labour 10
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Social Security
 Meaning, Definition &Objective of Social Security.
 Various Social Security provisions made in India ( Employees provident fund
Act, Maternity benefit Act, Family Pension Scheme, Provision of Gratuity Act
 Trade Union – Structure , Types & Functions.
2 Labour Markets
 Demand for and supply of labour - determinants of demand for and supply of
labour –
 Mobility of Labour
 Problems of Agricultural Labour, Child Labour and Female Labour
3 Labour Force in India
 Factors determining Labour Force.
 Labour Force & Human Development in India
 Participation of workers in Management
 Industrial disputes
4 Globalization &Labour
 Globalisation & Labour Markets in India.
 Impact of Labour Migration.
 ILO- Aims & objectives & impact on Labour Welfare.

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with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
12. Purchasing and Store Keeping Paper - II

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Store Keeping and Materials Handling 12
2 Store Accounting and Store Record 11
3 Inventory Control 11
4 Logistics and Supply Chain Management (SCM) 11
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Store Keeping and Materials Handling
 Store Keeping - Concept, Meaning, Objectives, Functions of Storekeeping,
Types of stores, Stages in storekeeping, Duties and Responsibilities of
 Material handling – Objective, Advantages & Principles, Protection and
Preservation of materials in stor e.
 Store Location & Layout – Location of Store House, Factors influencing store
location, Objectives, Principles and Types of store layout.
2 Store Accounting and Store Record
 Store Accounting – Objectives, Importance, Advantages, Need for Store
Accounting, Methods of Valuation of Material – FIFO, LIFO, Simple average &
Weighted average method
 Store Record – Concept, Objectives, Need, and Documents required for Store
 Store Ledger & Bin card – Meaning, Advantages of Store ledger and Bin card ,
Stock Audit, Lead time - Concept & Classification
3 Inventory Control
 Stock levels & Value analysis – Types of stock level, Value analysis – Concept,
Essentials & Steps.
 ABC analysis – Purpose, Steps and Advantages of ABC analysis.
 Inventory Control – Objectives, Advantages and Disadvantages of Periodical &
Perpetual Inventory Control, Selective Inventory control techniques, Economic
Order Quantity – Importance.
4 Logistics and Supply Chain Management (SCM)
 Logistics – Concepts, Nature, Importance & Challenges
 Supply chain management – concepts, Objectives, Benefits & Process of
Supply Chain Management
 Recent trends in logistics & SCM – Role of IT in logistics / SCM, Issues &
Challenges in logistics, Logistics Outsourcing – Concept & Benefits.

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with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
13. Insurance Paper - II

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Life Insurance Products 11
2 General Insurance 11
3 Miscellaneous Coverage’s 11
4 Insurance Business Environment in India 12
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Life Insurance Products
a. Different products offered by life insurers – term plans, pure endowment
plans, combinations of plans, traditional products
b. Market linked policies, of Annuities and group policies.
c. Procedure for obtaining life insurance policy, procedure for se ttlement of
2 General Insurance
a. Fire Insurance - Risks faced by the owner of assets – exposure to perils –
features of products covering fire and allied perils, Procedure for obtaining
fire insurance policy
b. Marine Insurance - Products covering marine and transit risks -products
covering financial losses due to accidents, Procedure for obtaining marine
insurance policy
c. Health insurance - Products covering financial losses due to hospitalization -
products covering miscellaneous risks . Procedure for obtaining health/ Medi -
claim insurance policy
3 Miscellaneous Coverage’s
a. Motor insurance – Liability only policy – Package policy –Personal Accident
b. Burglary insurance – Baggage insurance – Legal Liability insurance – Public &
Product Liability insurances – Professional Indemnity insurance
c. Workmen’s Compensation insurance – Fidelity Guarantee insurance –
Banker’s Indemnity insurance – Carrier’s Legal Liability insurance – Jeweller’s
Block insur ance -Aviation insurance – Engineering insurance – Rural
insurances – Micro insurance
4 Insurance Business Environment in India
a. Specialised Insurances : Industrial All Risks insurance – Advance Loss of Profits
insurance – Oil & Energy Risks insurance – Satellite insurance
b. Challenges in Insurance Industry, LIC v/s Private Insurance Companies in India
c. Recent trends in Insurance, Growth of Insurance Business, Actuarial Role,
Reasons for attraction of Foreign Insurance Companies in India.

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with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
14. Banking Law and Practice Paper - II
Corporate and Securities Law

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
01 Company Law – An Overview 12
02 Regulatory Framework Governing Stock Exchanges as per
Securities Contracts Regulation Act 1956 11
03 Security Exchange Board of India 11
04 The Depositories Act, 1996 11
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Company Law – An Overview
 Development of Company Law in India
 Doctrines Governing Corporates – Lifting the Corporate Veil , Doctrine of Ultra
Vires, Constructive Notice, Indoor Management, Alter Ego. The Principle of
Non Interference ( Rule in Foss V/s Harbottle) – Meaning , Advantages ,
Disadvantages & Exceptions, Majority and Minority Rights under Companies
 Application o f Company Law to Banking and Insurance Sector
Application of Companies Act to Banking and Insurance sector governed by
Special Acts. S.1(4) of Companies Act 2013
Exceptions provided (S.67(3), S.73(1), S.129(1), 179(3), S.180(1)(c), S.186, S.189
2 Regulatory Framework governing Stock Exchanges as per Securities Contracts
Regulation Act 1956
 Definition of Securities, Spot Delivery Contract, Ready Delivery Contract, Stock
 Corporatisation and demutualisation of Stock Exchange –Meaning, Procedure &
 Power of Recognised Stock Exchange to make rules restricting voting rights etc
 Power of Central Government to Direct Rules or Make rules
 Power of SEBI to make or amend bye laws of recognised stock exchange
 Books and Accounts to be m aintained by recognized stock exchange
 Grounds on which stock exchange can delist the securities of a company.
 Section 3 to Section 20
3 Security Exchange Board of India
 SEBI: Objectives -terms -establishment -powers -functions -accounts and audit -
penalties –registration.
 Issues of Disclosure Investors Protection Guidelines: Pre & Post obligations -
conditions for issue -Debt Security -IPO-E-IPO-Employee option -right -bonus -
preferential allotment intermediary -operational -promoter lock in perio d
requirements -offer document.
4 The Depositories Act, 1996
 Depository – Meaning , Benefits , Models, Functions Participants
 The Depository Act 1996 – Objectives, Eligibility condition for depository
services, Fungibility, Bye laws of depository , Governance of Depository and
Internal audit of depository Participants
 BSDA and single registration for depository participants.

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with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
15. Regional Planning Paper - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Regional Planning Strategies & Techniques 15
2 Regionalization of Planning in India 10
3 Regional Development in Maharashtra 10
4 Problem Regions and Case Studies 10
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Regional Planning Strategies & T echniques
 Regional planning strategies & techniques
 Planning machinery & problems of co -ordination – integrated area
 Multi -level nature of planning in India, specific contribution of planning at
different levels.
2 Regionalization of P lanning in India
 Regionalization of planning in India: an assessment
 Regional development & efficiency
 Ecological dimension – strategy for future.
3 Regional D evelopment in Maharashtra
 Regional development in Maharashtra – regional backlogs causative factors.
 Strategies for regional development – achievements & failures
 Strategy for future.
4 Problem Regions and Case Studies
 Problem regions: Nature of problems& strategies for its solution
 Case Studies: Mumbai Metropolitan Region -Vidharbha, South Kokan,
Marathwada, Western Ghats, Sugarcane growing areas

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with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
16. Rural Marketing Paper - II

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Agricultural Marketing 11
2 Rural Marketing and Market Regulation 12
3 Institutional Support to Rural Marketing 11
4 Problems in Rural Marketing 11
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Agricultural Marketing
a. Agricultural Marketing - Concept, Nature and Types, Agriculture produce -
concept and types of Agricultural Markets.
b. Marketing agencies, Risks involved in marketing, Types of risks, Measures to
minimise risks
c. Contract Marketing (Farmer – Processor linkage), Marketing channels for
agricultural produce
2 Rural Marketing and Market Regulation
a. Regulated Market - APMC Act 1963, Standardisation and Grading, Inspection of
quality, AGMARK
b. The National Council for State Marketing Boards (NCOSAMB) State Trading
corporation (STC), Public Distribution System(PDS) – Need and importance
c. Fruit Products order (FPO) 1955 - objectives, Consumer Protection Act 1986 -
Rights of Consumers
3 Instituti onal Support to Rural Marketing
a. Commission on Agriculture Costs and Prices (CACP) - Role, Functions and
b. National Agriculture Co -operative Marketing Federation (NAFED) -Role,
Functions and Importance
c. Agriculture and Processed Food Exports Development Authority (APEDA) -Role,
Functions and Importance
4 Problems in Rural Marketing
a. Problems in rural marketing ---Strategies for rural marketing --- Integration,
Efficiency, Cost and Price Spread
b. Need for marketing finance, Source of marketing finance, Non Institutional ---
Institutions ---Commercial Banks ---PACS, Farmers Service Societies (FSS), RRBs
c. Challenges and recent trends in rural marketing

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with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
17. Elements of Operational Research Paper - II

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Project Analysis 15
2 Theory of Games 15
3 Inventory Models 15
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Project Analysis
Basic concepts and Definitions, Gannt Charts and its weaknesses, CPM and PERT
networks, Numbering of Events, Contractual Obligation Time, Earliest occurrence
time, Latest allowable occurrence Time and Slack Time for Events, Different types
of floats for activiti es. Critical Path Calculations, Probability Assessment in PERT
Networks. Time Cost Trade - Off Analysis for CPM Networks
2 Theory of Games
Basic Conc ept and Definitions. Two Person Zero Sum Game. Saddle point, Pure
and Mixed Strategies. Reducing the size of the game using dominance property.
Optimum Solution to a 2x2 game without saddle point. Graphical solution to 2xn
and mx2 games.
3 Inventory Models
Costs in Inv entory management Deterministic Inventory Model s- EOQ Model with
Instantaneous Replenishment and Consta nt Rate of Demand Assuming that
shortages are not allowed (Mat hematical derivation expected), its price bre ak
model. Other EOQ models with instantaneous/uniform rate of replenish ment and
constant rate of demand assuming shortages are allowed/not allowed.

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with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019

Elective Courses (EC)
2. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
18. Psychology of Human Behavior at Work Paper -II

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Understanding Work Teams 11
2 Conflict and Negotiation 11
3 Emotions and Moods 12
4 Organizational Change and Stress Management 11
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Understanding Work Teams
a) Differences between groups and teams; Types of teams
b) Creating effective teams
2 Conflict and Negotiation
a) Defining Conflict; transitions in conflict thought
b) The Conflict Process
c) Negotiation: Bargaining strategies; the negotiation process
3 Emotions and Moods
a) What are Emotions and Moods? The basic emotions; sources of emotions and
moods `
b) Emotional Intelligence
c) Organizational Behaviour applications of emotions and moods
4 Organizational Change and Stress Management
a) a Forces for Change
b) Work Stress and its Management

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with ef fect from the Academic Year 2018 -2019

Reference Books

Reference Books
Elective Courses (EC)
Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses
Group A: Advanced Accountancy
1. Financial Accounting and Auditing IX - Financial Accounting
 Ashish K. Bhattacharyya – “Financial Accounting for Business Managers”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
 Shashi K. Gupta – “Contemporary Issues in Accounting”, Kalyani Publishers.
 R. Narayanaswamy – “Financial Accounting”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
 Ashok Sehgal – “Fundamentals of Financial Accounting”, Taxmann’s Publishers
 Financial Accounting Reporting – Barry Elliot and Jamie Elliot – Prentice Hall ( 14th Edition
2. Financial Accounting and Auditing X - Cost Accounting
 Cost Accounting - A managerial emphasis by Horngren, Charles, Foster and Datar, Prentice Hall
 Management Accounting by Khan and Jain, Tata McGraw Hill
 Practical Costing by P C Tulsian, Vikas New Delhi
 Advanced problems and solutions in cost Accounting by S N Maheshwari, Sultan Chand New Delhi
 Cost Accounting (For B. Com 4th Sem, Delhi Univ) by Arora M N, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
 A Textbook of Cost And Management Accounting - 10th Edn by Arora M N, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
 Cost Accounting: Principles & Practice - 12 Edn by Arora M N, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
 Essentials of Cost Accounting by Arora M N, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
 Students Guide to Cost Accounting & Financial Management (Set of 2 Volumes) (CA -IPCC) (Group I) by
Bhavesh N. Chandarana, Taxmann
 Lectures on Costing by Swaminathan: S. Chand and Company (P) Ltd., New Delhi
 Cost Accounting by C.S. Rayudu, Tata Mc. Grow Hill and Co. Ltd., Mumbai
 Cost Accounting by Jawahar Lal and Seema Srivastava, Tata Mc. Grow Hill and Co. Ltd., Mumbai
 Cost Accountin g by Ravi M. Kishore, Taxmann Ltd., New Delhi
 Principles and Practices of Cost Accounting by N.K. Prasad, Book Syndicate Pvt. Ltd., Calcutta
 Cost Accounting Theory and Practice by B.K. Bhar, Tata Mc. Grow Hill and Co. Ltd., Mumbai
 Cost Accounting P rinciples and Practice by M.N. Arora, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
 Advanced Cost and Management Accounting: Problems and Solutions by V.K. Saxena and C.D. Vashist, S.
Chand and Company (P) Ltd., New Delhi
 Cost Accounting by S.P. Jain and K. L. Narang, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana
 Modern Cost and Management Accounting by M. Hanif, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
 Fundamentals of Cost Accounting by Jhamb. H. V., Ane Books Pvt. Ltd.
 Cost Accounting by Gupta Nirmal, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd.
Group B: Business Management
1. Business Management Paper III
 Essentials of Management by Koontz and Weihrich / McGraw Hill
 Principles of Management by Koontz and O. Donnel/ Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
 Principles of Management: Theory and practices by Sarangi S.K. VMP Publishers and Distributors.
 Guide to Management Ideas by Tim Hindle, The Economist
 Principles of Management by Terry G.R. AITBS
 Business Organization and Principles of Management by Dutta Chowdury, Central Education
 Principles of Management, Daver Rustoms, Crown

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Reference Books
 Principles of Management, Tripathi P.C. Tata McGraw Hill, New York
 Management Theory and Practices by Dale, Ernest / McGraw Hill, New York.
 Practice of Management by Peter Drucker / Allied Publisher, New Delhi
 Management by Ricky W Griffin / Houghton Mifflin Company
 Management by Gary Dessler / Prentice Hall
 Management by Stephen Robbins, Mary Coulter / Prentice Hall
 Management by James Stoner, Edward Freeman / Prentice Hall
 Time Management by Roberta Roes ch, Tata Mc Graw Hill
 Time Management by Marc MANCINI, Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Business Management Paper IV
 Fundamentals of Financial Management (5th edition) by Chandra Prasanna (2010). Tata McGraw Hill
Education Pvt. Ltd.: New Delhi
 Financial Management – Analytical and Conceptual Approach (12th edition) by Kuchhal S.C.
(1995).Chaitanya Publishing House: Allahabad
 Financial Management by Reddy R.Jayprakash (2010) APH Publishing Corporation: New Delhi
 Financial Management – Theory and Practice (5 & 6th edit ion) by Chandra Prasanna (2003, 2004). Tata
McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.: New Delhi
 Fundamentals of Financial Management (13th edition) by Horne, James C. Van (2012) PHI Learning Pvt.
Ltd.: New Delhi
 Financial Management and decision making by Samuels, John (1999) International Thomson Nusiness
Press : London
 Financial Management - problems & solutions (2nd edition) by Kishore, Ravi M. (2010) Taxmann
Publication Pvt. Ltd.: New Delhi
 Financial Management : theory, concepts and cases(5th rev edition) by Rustagi, R.P. (2011) Taxmann
Publication Pvt. Ltd.: New Delhi
 Financial Management : principles & problems (7th edition) by Srivastava, R.M.&VermaShubhra (2002)
PragatiPrakashan: Meerut
 Fundamentals of Financial Management – problems and solutions (3rd edi tion) by Maheswari, S.N. (2006)
Sultan Chand and Sons: New Delhi
Group C: Banking and Finance
1. Banking and Finance Paper - III Risk Management
 Quantitative Risk Management : A Practical Guide to Financial Risk - Thomas S. Coleman
 Investment Theory and Risk Management: Steve Peterson
 Risk Management : M/s Macmillan India Limited
 Theory & Practice of Treasury Risk Management: M/s Taxman Publications Ltd.
 Corporate Value of ERM : Sim Segal
 Risk Management : Insurance and Derivatives Dr G Kotreshwar -Himal aya Publishing House
2. Banking and Finance Paper - IV Actuarial Analysis in Banking & Insurance
 “Actuarial Statistics: An Introduction Using R” by Shailaja R Deshmukh.
 “Predictive Modeling Applications in Actuarial Science” by Richard A Derrig and Glenn Meyers
 “Generalized Linear Models for Insurance Data (International Series on Actuarial Science)” by Piet de Jong
and Gillian Z Heller
 “Contributions to Sampling Statistics (Contributions to Statistics)” by Maria Giovanna Ranalli and Fulvia
 “Forecasting Product Liability Claims: Epidemiology and Modeling in the Manville Asbestos Case” by J B
Weinstein and Eric Stallard
 “Financial Modeling, Actuarial Valuation and Solvency in In surance” by Mario V Wuthrich & Michael Merz
 “Modern Actuarial Risk Theory: Using R” by Rob Kaas and Marc Goovaerts
 “Health Insurance: Basic Actuarial Models” by Ermanno Pitacco
 “Financial and Actuarial Statistics: An Introduction” by Dale S Borowiak and Arnold F Shapiro

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Reference Books
Group D: Commerce
1. Commerce III
 Bhattacharjee, Service Sector Mgt; An Indian Perspective, Jaico Publishing house, 2011.
 Christoper lovelock, service marketing –people technology, strategy, pearson education, IV Edi, 2003.
 Valarie A. Zeithaml 8 Mary Jo Bitner, Services Marketing, Tat a Mcgraw -Hill, 2000.
 A. Vijaykumar, service sector in India – Recent Policy initiative, New century Publication, 2008.
2. Commerce IV
 Office Management, Pillai R S N, S. Chand Publishers, 2010
 Office Organisation & Management, N.Kumar & R. Mttal, Anmol Publisher, 2001
 Office Management, Balachandran, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2009
Discipline Related Elective(DRE) Courses
3. Commerce VI
 Bernardin, John H: Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2004.
 Arthur M, Career Theory Handbook, Prentice Hall Inc, Englewood Cliff.
 Belkaoui, A.R. and Belkaoui ,JM, Human Resource Valuation: A Guide to Strategies and Techniques,
Quarum Books, Greenwood, 1995.
 Dale, B, Total Quality and Human Resources: An Executive Guide, Blackwell, Oxford.
 Greenhaus, J.H., Career Management, Dryden, New York.
 Mabey, C and Salama, G., Strategic Human Resource Management, Blackwell, Oxford.
 Aswathappa. K, Human Resource Management
 Subba Rao, Human Resources Management.
 Michael Porter, HRM and Human Relations.
 M.N. Rudrabasavaraj: Cases in Human Resource Management –Himalaya Publishing House –NewDelhi,
 Decenzo, D.A. and Robbins, S. P.,Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, Wiley, India.
 Dessler, G. and Varkkey, B., Human Resource Management,Pearson Education, Delhi.
 Chhabra, T.N.,Human Resource Management,Dhanpat Rai & Co., Delhi.
 AswathappaK.,Human Resource Management,Tata McGraw,Hill, New Delhi.
 H. John Bernardin and Richard W. Beatty: Performance Appraisal: Human Behav ior at work –Boston: Kent,
 George T. Milkovich and John W. Boudream: Personnel / Human Resources Management: A Diagnostic
Approach, 5thEdn. Plano, TX: BusinessPublications, 1998.
 Lepak, David &Gowan, Mary. Human Resource Management.Dorling Kindersley (India).
 Khanna, S.S. Human resource Management (Text and Cases). S. Chand, New Delhi.
 Sadri.J, Sadri.S, Nayak.N, A Strategic Approach to HumanResource Management, JAICO Publishing House.
 Davar, R. S. Personnel Management and Industrial Relations. Vikas Pu blication, Noida.
 Robbins, Stephen P. OrganisationalBehaviour. Pearsons Education, New Delhi
4. Business Economics VI
 Kindleberger, C.P. (1973) International Economics, Homewood
 Kenan, P.B. (1994), The International Economy, Cambridge University Press, London
 Krugman, P.R. and M. Obstgold (1994), International Economics: Theory and Policy, Glenview, Foreman
 Dwivedi D N (2013) International Economics: Theory and Policy, Vikas publishing House New Delhi
 M.L. Jhingan – International Economics – Vrinda publi cation Pvt. Ltd – Delhi
 Francis Cheunilam International Economics Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing co.Ltd.New Delhi.
 Dominick Salvatore – International Economics – John Wiley & sons, Inc Singapore.
 https://europa.eu asean.org

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Reference Books
Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
1. Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations Paper II
 Myers C.A. & Kannappan S. (1970), ‘Industrial Relation in India’ , Asia publishing House, India.
 Singh, J.K. (1988), ‘Labour Economics. Principles Problem and Practices’, Deep and
 Deep Publication Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
 Jackson, M.P. , Strikes
 Karnik V.B. (1974),’Indian labour, Problems and prospects’, Minewal Associations.
 Joshi C.K (1967), ‘ Unionism in Developing Economy’, Asia Publication House, Bombay.
 Mamoria C.B. &Mamoria S.(1992),’Dynamics of Industrial Relation in India’, Himalaya Publishing House.
 Sahani, Dr, N.K. (2009) ‘Industrial Relations’ Kalyani Pub. Ludhiyana.
 Tripathi, P.C. (2009) ’Personal Management and Ind. Relations’ – Sultan Chand and Jons, New Delhi.
 Memoria & Memoria - ‘Ind. Relations’ Himalaya Pub. House, Mumbai.
 A.M. Sharma - ‘Ind. Relations’ - Himalaya Pub. House, Mumbai.
 G.Ramanugan - The Honey bee to words a new culture in Ind, Relations - Sterling Pub. Pvt. Ltd.
2. Computer Systems and Applications Paper II
 E- Commerce - Kenneth Laudon, Carol Traver , Pearson Education
 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce - Kalakota & Whinston
 E- Commerce - Rajaraman
 E- Commerce - Whitley
 E- Commerce concepts and cases - Rao and Deshpande.
 Programming in VB 6.0 - Julia case Bradley, Anita C. Milspaugh, TMH
 Visual Basic 6.0 Programming - Content Development Group, TMH
 The Complete Reference to Visual Basic 6 - Noel Jerke, TMH
 Visual Basic 6 Programming Black Book - Steven Holzner, Dreamtech Press
3. Export Marketing II
 Export Policy Procedures& Documentation – M. I. Mahajan, Snow White Publications Pvt. Ltd, 26th Edition,
 International Business, K. Aswathappa,McGraw -Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd.,6th Edition
 Export Import Procedures - Documentation and Logistics, C. Rama Gopal, New Age International
Publishers, 2006 / Reprint Jan 2016
 International Trade and Export Management, Francis Cherunilam, Himalaya Publishing House, 20th
Edition, 2017
 R. K. Jain's, Foreign Trade Policy & Handbook of Procedures [With Forms, Circ ulars & Public Notices],
Centax Publication, 2017
 EXIM Policy & Handbook of EXIM Procedure – VOL I & II
 International Marketing and Export Management, Gerald Albaum, Edwin Duerr, Alexander Josiassen,
Pearson Publications, 8th Edition, June 2016
 Internatio nal Marketing Strategy,IsobelDoole and Robin Lowe, 5th Edition, Thomson Learning, 2008.
 Global marketing, Warren J. Keegan 9th Edition Pearson Education, Delhi,
 New Import Export Policy - Nabhi Publications, 2017
 P.K. Khurana, Export Management, Galgotia Publishing Co, New Delhi
 P.K.Vasudeva, International Marketing -, Excel Books, fourth edition, New Delhi
 Paras Ram, Export documentation and procedure A -Z
 Export: What, Where, How?Paras Ram, & Nikhil K. Garg, Anupam Publishers, 47th Edition, 2016 -17
 International Marketing, Mary C. Gilly, John L. Graham, Philip R. Cateora, 14th Edition, Tata McGraw -Hill
Co. Ltd., 2014
 International Marketing Management, An Indian Perspective,R.L.Varshney and B. Bhattacharya, Sultan
Chand & Sons, 24th Edition, 2012
 Interna tional Marketing Analysis and Strategy, SakOnkvisit, John J. Shaw, Prentice -Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
5th Edition, 2008

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Reference Books
 International Marketing, Subhash C. Jain, South -Western, 6th Edition, 2001
 Export Management, T.A.S.Balagopal , Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2014
 Michael R. Czinkota and Iikka A. Ronkainen, International Marketing, South -Western, 10th Edition, 2012
 Export -Import and Logistics Management, Charlie Hill, Random Publications, 2014
 International Marketing Managemen t, M.V. Kulkarni, Everest Publishing House
4. Marketing Research Paper II
 Marketing Research Text and Cases, Rajendra Nargundkar, McGraw Hill, 2nd edition
 Marketing Research ( Text with Cases), Suja Nair, Himalaya Publishing House, Maharashtra, 2014
 Marketing Research, John Boyce, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., Maharashtra, 2011
 Encyclopaedia of Marketing Research Series, S.D. Singh, Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2012
 Marketing Research: A Global Outlook, V. Kumar, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2015
 Marketing Research, G. C. Beri, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007
 Fundamentals of Marketing Research, M.K. Gawande, Chandralok Prakashan, Kanpur, 2012
 Marketing Research: The impact of internet, Gates, Roger et al, John Wiley & sons, Great Brit ain, 2002
5. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Paper II
 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Prasanna Chandra, Tata McGraw Hill
 Financial Management, Prasanna handra, Tata McGraw Hill
 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Ravi Kishor, Taxman Publishers
 Financial Management, Khan & Jain, Tata McGraw Hill
 Fundamentals of Investment Management, Hirt and Block, Tata McGraw Hill. Ed 2009.
 Portfolio Management Handbook, Robert A. Strong, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai
6. Transport Ma nagement Paper II
 Phil Hughes & Ed Ferrett (2010). International Health and Safety at Work. Routledge Publisher.
 Mather J. C. (ed.) (1992). ‘Transport and Economic Development’, Chugh Publications, Allahabad.
 Modak S.K. (1980). ‘Adgunik Parivahanache Arthashastra’, Maharashtra Vidhyapeeth Grantha Nirmitee
Mandal, Nagpur.
 Hugh M. Kindred & Mary R. Brooks (1997). ‘Multimodal Transport Rules’. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
 Multimodal Transportation of Goods Act, 1993 Along With Allied Rules, Professional B ook Publishers.
 Slim Hammadi & Mekki Ksouri (2013). Multimodal Transport Systems. John Wiley & Sons.
 Joseph S. Szyliowicz, Luca Zamparini, Genseric L.L. Ren iers & Dawna L. Rhoades (2016). Multimodal
Transport Security:Frameworks & Policy Appl. in Freight & Passenger Transport.Edward Elgar Publishing.
 United Nations Economic & Social Commission fo r Asia and the Pacific (2004). Manual on Modernization of
Inland Water Transport for Integration within a Multimodal Transport System. United Nations Publications.
 Jean -Paul Rodrique, Claude Comtois & Brian Slack (2013). The Geography of Transport Systems. Routledge.
 Christos N. Pyrgidis (2016). Railway Transportation System: Design, Construction & Operation. CRC Press.
 United Nations. Economic and Social Commissio n for Asia and the Pacific Secretariat (2003). Training
Manual on the Operational Aspects of Multi Model Transport. United Nations Publications.
 Container and Multimodal Transport Management (2002). Shroff Publishers & Distributors.
 Faulks R.W. (1982). ‘Principal of transport’, Iran Allen.
 Owen, W. (1964). ‘Strategy for Mobility’, East -West Centre Edition, Honolulu.
 Bruton, M.J. (1985). Introduction to Transportation Planning’, Hutchinson, Londan.
 Lok sabha Secretariat (1986). ‘Transport in India’, New D elhi.
 Pasricha (1999). Road Safety guide for drivers of heavy vehicle. Nasha Publications, Mumbai.
 K.W.Ogden, “Safer Roads – A guide to Road Safety Engineering”.
 Babkov, V.F. (1986). Road Conditions and Traffic Safety. MIR Publications, Moscow.
 Popkes , C.A. (1986). Traffic Control and Road Accident Prevention. Chapman and Hall Limited.
 Pradeep Chaturvedi (2006). Challenges of Occupational Safety and Health. Concept Publishing Company.
 Konkan Railway - A Dream Come True - Konkan Railway Corporation Lt d.
 B.C. Vaidya (2003). ‘Geography of Transport Development in India’ Concept Publishing Company

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Reference Books
7. Entrepreneurship & Management of Small Scale Industries Paper II
 Batra G.S. and Dangal R.C., Entrepreneurship and Small Scale Industries, Deep and Deep Publications Pvt.
 Entrepreneurial Development, Colombo Plan, 1998, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
 Entrepreneurship Development, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
 Gupta C.B., Entrepreneurial Development, 1995, Somaiya Publication, New Delhi.
 Hisrich R.D., Cases in International Entrepreneurship, 1997, Liven, Chicago.
 Hisrich Robert D and Peters Michael, Entrepreneurship, 2002, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
 Mascarenhas Romeo S., Entrepreneurship and Management of Small and Medium Enterpri ses, Vipul
Prakashan, Mumbai.
 Mascarenhas Romeo S., Management of Small Scale Industries, Vipul Prakashan, Mumbai.
 MSME Policy Document, Government of India.
 Pooja, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indian Economy, New Century Publications Ne w
 Principles of Entrepreneurship, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi.
 Sharma P.K., Development Banks and Entrepreneurship Promotion in India, Mittal Publications.
 Singh P.N. and Saboo J.C., Entrepreneurial Management, Dr. P. N. Singh Centre for HRD.
 Vasant Desai, Entrepreneurial Development, 3 Volumes Himalaya Publishing House.
 Vasant Desai, Entrepreneurship and Management of Small and Medium Enterprises, Himalaya Publishing
 Vasant Desai, Small Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship, Himalaya Pu blishing House.
 Yerram Raju B. and Pujari Ram R., The Small Entrepreneur Starting and Growing, Excel Publication, New
8. International Marketing Paper II
 International Marketing - Rathor Jani Rathor
 International Business - P. Suhbarau
 Global Marketing Strategy - Jeannet&Hennssey
 Managing International Marketing - dr. V. O. Varkey
 Modern Marketing Research – M.N.Mithani
 Marketing Research – G.C.Berry
 Marketing Research : Applied Orientation. - Naresh Malhotra
 Marketing Research - Boyd, Westf all &Stasch
 Philip R. Cateora , John L. Graham ,
 SakOnkvisit , John J. Shaw ,
 International Marketing -Phillip R Cateora and John Graham
 International Marketing - Varshney and Bhattacharya
 International Marketing - P.K. Vasudev.
 International Marketing & Export Management – Edwin Duerr, Jesper
 B.L. Varshney and B. Bhattacharya , International Marketing Management .
 P.G. Apte, International Financial Management .
 Francis Cherunilum, International Marketing Management.
 Phillip R. Cateoria, International Marketing.
9. Merchant Banking Paper II
 Merchant Banking and Financial Services – Dr. S Guruswamy Fourth Edition, Delhi Publishing House.
 Merchant Banking Principles & Practices – H. R Machiraju New Age International Ltd
 Merchant Banking – NISM 2015 Edition
 Merchant Banking and Financial Services – Dr L.N Natarajan, Margham Publications 2012

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Reference Books
10. Direct and Indirect Taxation II - GST
 GST Bare Act 2017
 GST Law & Practice - V.S Datey (6th Edition)
 GST Laws – National Academy of Customs, Indirect Tax
11. Labour Welfare & Practice Paper II
 Jayant S. Railkar - Labour welfare & Practice – Vipul Prakashan.
 A.M. Sarma – Aspects of Labour welfare & Social Security – Himalaya Publications.
 Punekar & Deodhar – Labour welfare Tata MC Graw Hill Publishing.
 Misra & Puri – Indian Economy – Himalaya Publications.
 Dutt & Sundharam - Indian Economy S. Chand Publication.
 Labour Welfare, Trade Unionisms and Industrial Relations – S.D. Panekar, S.B. Deodhar, Mrs . Saraswathi
Sankaram, Himalaya Publishing House.
12. Purchasing and Storekeeping Paper II
 Ammer. Dean S : Materials Management (Richard D. Irwin Inc. U.S.A.).
 Baily, Peter and Farmer, D. : Purchasing Principles and Techniques : Arnold Heinemann, Publishers India
New Delhi.
 Baily, Peter : Purchasing Principles and Management.
 Benjamin Melnitsky : Industrial Storekeeping Manual (Chilton Company, Philadelphia).
 Branch, Alan E. : Internation al Purchasing and Management : Thomson Learning.
 Buchan and Keenigsberg : Scientific Inventory Management : Prentice Hall, U.S.A.
 Bagade, Shankar D. : Production and Materials Management : Himalaya.
 Chadha, H. L. : Industrial Purchasing and Materials Management (Jaico Publishing House, Bombay).
 Datta, A. K. : Modern Materials Management (Indian Society for Materials Management, Calcutta).
 Deb. A. : Materials Management (Academic Publishers, Calcutta).
 Dr. P. K. Bangar and Dr. B. S. Rupnawar Purchasing and Storekeeping Himalaya Publication House.
 Dobler, Donald W. : Purchasing and Supply Management Text and Cases : Tata McGraw Hill,2000.
 Gupta D. R. : Purchasing and Storekeeping : Tata McGraw Hill.
 Gokarn, P. R . : Essentials of Materials Management : Somaiya.
 Gopalakrishnan, P. and Sandiya, M. S. : Purchasing Strategy (Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi).
 Gopalakrishnan, P. and Sundaresan, Materials Management : Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi). 5
 Gopalakrishnan, P. Purchasing and Materials Management : Tata McGraw Hill 2001.
 Heinritz, Stuart F. : Purchasing Principles and Applications (Prentice Hall U.S.A.)
 Kapoor, P. P. : Modern Purchasing Principles and Practices : S. Chand and Co. Ltd., New De lhi.
 Lee, Lamer: Purchasing and Materials Management Texts and Cases : Tata McGraw Hill.
 Magee, John F. : Production Planning and Inventory Control (McGrow Hill, U.S.A.).
 Materials Management, Inventory Control and Logistics Texts and Cases.
 Menon K. S . : Purchasing and Inventory Control : Wheeler.
 Morrison, A : Storage and Control of Stock (Pitman Publishing Co., London).
 Nair, N. K. Purchasing and Materials Management : Vikas.
 Roy Chowdhury, B. K. : Management of Materials (Sultan Chand and Sons, Ne w Delhi).
 Varma : Essentials of Store Keeping and Purchasing : M. M. Sultan Chand.
 Westing, J. H., Fine, I.V., Zenz, G. J. : Purchasing Management (Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi).

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Reference Books
13. Insurance Paper II
 General Insurance, John Magee & David Bicklhaupt,
 Operational Transformation of General Insurance Industry during the period 1950 to 1990 &Beyond, R D
 Study on Distribution Functions in General Insurance & Role of Intermediaries, Arun Agarwal / PR Rao
 General Insurance for Inf ormation Technology Professionals, Martin Frappoli
 S. Arunajatesan and T.R. Vishwanathan: Risk Management and Insurance:Macmillan, New Delhi.
 Shashidharan K. Kutty: Managing Life Insurance:Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
 Kenneth Black Jr. and Harold D. S kipper Jr.: Life and Health Insurance:
 Pearson, New Delhi
 Uma Narang, Insurance Industry in India, Features, Reforms & Outlook, New century Publication, 2013
14. Banking Law and Practice Paper I Corporate and Securities Law
 Mamta Bhargava – Compliances and Procedures under SEBI Law
 V.L Iyer – SEBI Practice Manual - Taxmann
 D.K Jain – Company Law Ready Reckoner
 Bare Act – Corporate Laws Taxmann
15. Regional Planning
 Glasson, J. (1974), ‘An Introduction to Regional planning, Hutchinson & Co., London.
 O.E.C.D (1970), ‘The Regional Factor in Economic Development’,
 Minahull, R.(1968), ‘ Regional Geography’. Hutchinson * Co., Ltd., London.
 B.I.S.R (1978), ‘The Role of Fiscal Incentives in Reducing Regional Imbalances: Some Comparison’, New
 Misra, R.P et.al (1974). ‘Regional Development Planning in India’, Vikas, New Delhi.
 Sen. L.K. (ed.) (1972),’Reading in micro level planning and rural growth centers, NICD, Hyderabad.
 B.M.R.P.E. (1974), Regional plan for Bombay metropolitan Region: 1970 -1991, Bom bay
 Planning Commission Draft Five Year Plans.
16. Rural Marketing Paper II
 Dantwala M.L., Indian Agriculture Since Independence Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. NewDelhi –
110001, 1990.
 Habeeb U.R.,Rahman K.S., Rural Marketing in India, HPH -Mumbai 400004 ---2003
 Rural Marketing, Gopala swamy, Vikas Publishing House, NewDelhi.
 Kashyp Pradeep, Rant Siddhartha, The Rural Marketing, Biztantra, Mumbai, 2005.
 Dogra Balram Ghuman Karmider Rural Marketing concepts and practices Tata McGrawHILL Education Ltd.
New Delhi, 2011
 Singh S, Rural Marketing Management I/e Vikaj Publishing House New Delhi
17. Elements of Operation Research Paper II
 PERT & CPM Principles and Applications by L.S.Srinath
 Operations Research Principles & Practice by Ravinderan, Phillips Solber.
 Schaum's outline series Therory & Problems of Operations Research by Richard Bronson
 Operations Research by H.A.Taha
 Operations Research by Gupta & Hira
 Operations Research Theory & Applications by J.K.Sharma
 Operations Research Problems & Solution s by V.K.Kapoor
 Quantitative Techniques by Shenoy, Shrivastav & Sharma
 Introduction to Operations Research by Hiller & Lieberman
 Operations Research Techniques for Management by B.Banerjee
 Operations Research by Gupta & Manmohan
 Quantitative Techniques by N.D.Vohra

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Reference Books
18. Psychology of Human Behaviour at work Paper I
 Robbins, S. P. Judge, T. A. & Vohra, N. (2013). Organizational Behavior. (15th ed.), Indian subcontinent
adaptation, New Delhi: Pearson Education, Dorling Kindersley India pvt ltd.
 Aquinas, P. G. (2013). Organisational Behavior Concepts Realities Application and Challenges. (2nd ed.)
New Delhi: Excel Books
 Ashliegh, A. M. (2012). The psychology of people in organizations. Pearson Education
 Baltus, R. (2012). Personal psychol ogy for work and life. Tata McGraw Hill
 Dash, C. (2013). Organisational behavior. New Delhi: International Book House
 Gibson, J. L., Ivancevich, J. M., & Konopaske, R.(2013). Organisations: Behaviour, Structure, Processes. Tata
McGraw Hill
 Greenberg, J. (2 013). Behaviour in organizations (10th ed.). PHI Learning Private Limited.
 Luthans, F. (2013). Organisational behaviour: An evidence –based approach. Tata McGraw Hill
 McShane, S. L., Glinow, M. A., Sharma, R. R. (2012) Organisational behavior. (5th ed.): T ata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi.
 Pareek, U. & Khanna, S. (2011). Understanding organizational behavior. Oxford University Press
 Rajendra, P. Maheshwari, J. & Mahajan, P. (2012). Business organization management. (2nd Revised ed.)
New Delhi: International Book House.
 Riggio, R. (2012). Introduction to industrial and organizational psychology. Pearson Education
 Schultz, D. & Schultz,S.(2013). Psychology and work today. Pearson
 Shankar, M. (2013). Organizational behavior. International Book House
 Sharma, S. (2013) . Organisational behavior. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
 Singh, K. (2012). Organizational behaviour text and cases. New Delhi: Pearson Education.

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V and VI
with effect from the Academic Year 2018 -2019
Question Paper Pattern
(Practical Courses)

Maximum Marks: 100
Questions to be set: 06
Duration: 03 Hrs.
All Questions are Compulsory Carrying 15 Marks each.

No Particular Marks


Objective Questions
A) Sub Questions to be asked 12 and to be answered any 10
B) Sub Questions to be asked 12 and to be answered any 10
(*Multiple choice / True or False / Match the columns/Fill in the
20 Marks


Full Length Practical Question
Full Length Practical Question
15 Marks

15 Marks


Full Length Practical Question
Full Length Practical Question
15 Marks

15 Marks


Full Length Practical Question
Full Length Practical Question
15 Marks

15 Marks


Full Length Practical Question
Full Length Practical Question
15 Marks

15 Marks


A) Theory questions
B) Theory questions
Short Notes
To be asked 06
To be answered 04
10 Marks
10 Marks

20 Marks

Practical question of 15 marks may be divided into two sub questions of 7/8 or 10/5 Marks.

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Faculty of Commerce , University of Mumbai 147 | P a g e

Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. Programme at Semester V and VI
with effect from the Academic Year 2018 -2019
Question Paper Pattern
(Theoretical Courses)

Maximum Marks: 100
Questions to be set: 0 6
Duration: 03 Hrs.
All Questions are Compulsory Carrying 15 Marks each.

No Particular Marks


Objective Questions
A) Sub Questions to be asked 12 and to be answered any 10
B) Sub Questions to be asked 12 and to be answered any 10
(*Multiple choice / True or False / Match the columns/Fill in the
20 Marks


Full Length Question
Full Length Question
15 Marks

15 Marks


Full Length Question
Full Length Question
15 Marks

15 Marks


Full Length Question
Full Length Question
15 Marks

15 Marks


Full Length Question
Full Length Question
15 Marks

15 Marks


A) Theory questions
B) Theory questions
Short Notes
To be asked 06
To be answered 04
10 Marks
10 Marks

20 Marks

Theory question of 15 marks may be divided i nto two sub questions of 7/8 or 10/5 Marks.