BCom Banking Insurance BBI Semester III and IV Syllabus Mumbai University

BCom Banking Insurance BBI Semester III and IV Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 1 | P a g e

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 2 | P a g e
B.Com . (Banking and Insurance ) Programme
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System

Course Structure

S.Y.B.Com. (Banking & Insurance )
(To be implemented from Academic Year - 2017 -2018)
No. of
Courses Semester I II Credits No. of
Courses Semester IV Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC) 1 Elective Courses (EC)
1,2 & 3 *Any three courses from the
following list of the courses 09 1,2 & 3 **Any three courses from the
following list of the courses 09
2 Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC) 2 Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)
2A Ability Enhancement Compulsory
Course (AECC) 2A Ability Enhancement Compulsory
Course (AECC)
4 Information Technology in
Banking & Insurance - I 03 4 Information Technology in
Banking & Insurance - II 03
2B *Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) 2B **Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)
5 Any one course from the
following list of the courses 02 5 Any one course from the
following list of the courses 02
3 Core Courses (CC) 3 Core Courses (CC)
6 Financial Markets 03 6 Corporate & Securities Law 03
7 Direct Taxation 03 7 Business Economics -II 03
Total Credits 20 Total Credits 20

*List of Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)
for Semester I II (Any One) **List of Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)
for Semester IV (Any One)
1 Foundation Course – III
(An Overview of Banking Sector) 1 Foundation Course - IV
(An Overview of Insurance Sector)
2 Foundation Course - Contemporary Issues - III 2 Foundation Course - Contemporary Issues - IV
3 Foundation Course in NSS - III 3 Foundation Course in NSS – IV
4 Foundation Course in NCC - III 4 Foundation Course in NCC – IV
5 Foundation Course in Physical Education - III 5 Foundation Course in Physical Education -IV

*List of Elective Courses (EC)
for Semester III (Any Three) **List of Elective Courses (EC)
for Semester IV (Any Three)
1 Financial Management - I 1 Financial Management –II
2 Management Accounting 2 Cost Accounting
3 Organizational Behaviour 3 Entrepreneurship Management
4 Risk Management 4 Wealth Management
5 Mutual Fund Management 5 Customer Relationship Management
Note: Course selected in Semester III will continue in Semester IV

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 3 | P a g e

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 4 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester I II
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 7-2018
1. Elective Courses (EC)

Financial Management - I
Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Finance and Financial Management 15
2 Financial Goal Setting & Time value of Money 15
3 Investment Decisions: Capital Budgeting 15
4 Financial Decisions 15
Total 60

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 5 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Finance and Financial Management
A) Introduction to Finance
 Meaning and definition of finance
 Importance of finance
 Types of Finance: Public and Private
 Sources of finance
1. Long Term Sources : Term Loans, Debentures, Bonds, Zero
Coupon bonds, Convertible Bonds, Equity shares , Preference
shares, CD, CP, Public Deposits
2. Short Term Sources: Bank Finance, Trade Credit ,Other Short
Term Sources
3. Venture Capital and Hybrid Financing
B) Financial Management
 Meaning and Importance of Financial Management
 Scope of Financial Management
 Functions and Objectives of Financial Management
 Primary Objective of Corporate Management
 Agency Problem
 Organization of Finance Function
 Emerging role of Finance Managers in India.
C) Objectives of the Firm
 Profit Maximization and Shareholders Wealth Maximization,
 Profit V/s Value Maximization

2 Financial Goal Setting & Time value of Money
A) Financial Goal Setting
 Introduction
 Financial Forecasting – Meaning, Techniques, Benefits
 Approaches to Financial Planning
 Economic Value Added (EVA) – Measurement & Components
 Free Cash Flow (FCF) -

B) Time Value of Money
 Concept
 Present Value
 Annuity
 Techniques of Discounting
 Techniques of Compounding,

3 Investment Decisions : Capital Budgeting
A) Capital Budgeting
 Nature of Capital Budgeting
 Purpose of Capital Budgeting
 Capital Budgeting Process
 Types of Capital Investment
 Basic Principle of Measuring Project Cash Flows
 Increment Principle, Long Term Funds Principle, Exclusion of
Financial Cost Principle, Post Tax Principle

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 6 | P a g e
 Probability technique for measurement of cash flow
 Capital Budgeting Techniques : Net Present Value Profitability
Index and Discounted Pay Back Method .
 A Comparison; Project Selection Under Capital Rationing
(Note: Problems on computation of cash flow, ranking of projects on various
techniques, selection and analysis with / without capital rationing)
4 Financial Decisions
A) Cost of Capital :
 Introduction and Definition of Cost of Capital
 Measurement of Cost of Capital
 Measurement of WACC using book value and market value
 Measuring Marginal Cost of Capital
B) Capital Structure Decisions :
 Meaning and Choice of Capital Structure
 Importance of Optimal Capital Structure
 EBIT -EPS Analysis
 Capital Structure Theories
 Dividend Policies (Walter & Gordon)

Note: Relevant Law/Statute/Rules in force and relevant Accounting Standards in force on 1st April
immediately preceding commencement of Academic Year is applicable for ensuing examination
after relevant year.

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 7 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester I II
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 7-2018
1. Elective Courses (EC)

Management Accounting

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Management Accounting 10
2 Financial Statement Analysis 20
3 Working Capital Management 15
4 Management of Profits/Dividend Policy 15
Total 60

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 8 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Management Accounting
Meaning and Definition , Scope, Functions , Objectives, Importance,
Role of Management Accounting, Management Accounting Framework, Tools
of Management Accounting

2 Financial Statement A nalysis
A) Introduction to Corporate Financial Statements :
Understanding the Balance sheet and Revenue statements with the headings
and sub headings, Uses of financial statements, Users of Financial
Statements .
B) Financial Statement Analysis
Introduction and Meaning of Financial Statement Analysis, Steps,
Objective, Types of Analysis .
 Ratio analysis : Meaning, classification, Du Point Chart, advantages &
 Balance Sheet Ratios : Current Ratio, Liquid Ratio , Stock Working Capital
Ratio, Proprietary Ratio , Debt Equity Ratio , Capital Gearing Ratio .
Revenue Statement Ratios : Gross Profit Ratio, Expenses Ratio ,
Operating Ratio, Net Profit Ratio , Net Operating Profit Ratio , Stock
Turnover Ratio , Combined Ratio, Return on Ca pital employed (Including
Long Term Borrowings) , Return on proprietor’s Fund (Shareholders Fund
and Preference Capital , Return on Equity Capital , Dividend Payout Ratio ,
Debt Service Ratio, Debtors Turnover , Creditors Turnover .

3 Working Capital Management:
Concept, Nature of Working Capital, Planning of Working Capital, Estimation
/Projection of Working Capital Requirements in case of Trading and
Manufacturing Organization
Operating Cycle.

4 Management of Profits/Dividend Policy
Meaning, Types, Factors influencing dividend policy, Forms of dividend.
Determinants of Dividends Policy: Factors; Dividend Policy in India; Bonus
Shares (Stock dividend) and Stock (Share) Splits; Legal, Procedural; and Tax
Aspects associated wit h Dividend Decision

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 9 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester I II
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 7-2018
1. Elective Courses (EC)

Organizational Behaviour

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 The Individual Behaviour 15
2 The Group Dynamics 15
3 The Organizational Dynamics 15
4 Organization Behaviour In Financial Services 15
Total 60

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 10 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 The Individual Behaviour
A) Personality : Meaning, Determinants of Personality, Major personality traits
influencing OB, The Big Five Model, Trait Theory of personality,
Psychoanalytic theory of Personality, Freud Stages of Personality
Development, Locus of Control, Self -Monitoring .
B) Learning: Meaning and D efinition of Learning -The Learning Process,
Principles of Learning, Theories of Learning -Classical conditioning,
Operant Conditioning, Social Learning Theory, Learning through
Reinforcement, Learning by Observing, Learning through Experience.
C) Perception -Meaning, Factors Influencing Perception, Attribution Theory,
Improving Perceptions - Johari Window, Empathy .
D) Workplace Emotions, Values and Ethics: Meaning of Emotions, Cognitive
Dissonance, Emotional Dissonance, Managing Emotions at Work
(Emotional Labor) - The Six Universal Emotions. Meaning and Types of
Values, Sources of Value systems, Values across Cultures, Values and
Ethical Behaviour .
E) Individual Decision Making: How are Decisions made in organization,
Decision Making process, Decisional Styles.

2 The Group Dynamics
A) Group Communication: Importance, Corporate Communication – Need,
Importance and Techniques of Corporate Communication.

B) Power and Politics: Meaning of Power, Bases of Power, Power Tactics,
Organizational Politics, Reasons for Organizational Politics, Managing
Organizational Politics.

C) Negotiations: Meaning, Process, Strategies, Third Party Negotiations,
Crisis Negotiations, Focus Areas of Negotiations.

D) Transactional Analysis Model: Types of Transactions, Ego states, Life
Posit ions, Elaboration of Transactional styles.

E) Virtual teams and Group Cohesiveness: Structure, Types, Stages in
Management of Virtual teams, Features of Cohesive Groups,
Effects/Consequences/Impact of Group Cohesion.

F) Group Decision -Making: Advantages, Disad vantages, Assumptions,
Managing Group Decision -Making, Strength and Weakness of Group
Decision -Making.

3 The Organizational Dynamics
A) Organization structure: Meaning, Meaning and key features of the concept
of Centralization, Decentralization, Span of control and Departmentation,
Simple structure, Bureaucratic & Matrix structure.
B) New design options: Team structure, Virtual organizations, Boundary less
C) Organization structure differentiation: Strategy, Organization size,
Technology & Envi ronment, Organizational Designs and employee
behaviour .

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 11 | P a g e
D) Organizational Climate: Impact of Communication, Impact of Rewards &
Punishment, Quality work life with reference to Banking & Insurance, Job
Frustration -Sources, Causes, Effects, Ways to Overcome Fr ustration,
Impact of Frustration on Banking and Insurance companies.

4 Organization Behaviour In Banking and Insurance Sector
A) Practices of OB in Banks and Insurance
B) Issue of organization behaviour in Banks
C) Strategies to manage issues of organization behaviour in banks
D) Case Studies – Transfer, Promotion, Separation .

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 12 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester I II
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 7-2018
1. Elective Courses (EC)

Risk Management

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Foundations of Risk Management
2 Capital Market Risk Management
3 Credit Market Risk Management
4 Risk Measurement
Total 60

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 13 | P a g e
No. Modules / Units
1. Foundations of Risk Management
 Basic risk types
 The role of risk management
 Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
 History of financial disasters and risk management failures
 2007 financial crisis
2. Capital M arket Risk Management
 Equity, currencies & commodities markets in India
 Introduction to Derivatives
 Forward, Future and option contracts
 Hedging through Derivatives contract
 Fixed -income securities
 Fixed -income risk management through derivatives
 Rating agencies

3. Credit Market Risk Management
 Introduction,
 Information required for evaluation of credit risk,
 Procedure for Credit Risk Management,
 Credit Lifecycle,
 Loan Review Mechanism,
 RBI guidelines on Credit Rating Framework in Banks,
 Introduction of Basel Norms and calculation of capital adeq uacy ratio

4. Risk Measurement
 Estimation of volatilities and correlations (application to volatility term
structures) Monte Carlo simulations (application to interest rate forecasting)
 Linear Value -at-Risk (application to market, credit and operational risk)
 Option valuation
 Risk-adjusted return on capital (RAROC) & beta calculation
 Risk management of derivatives (application to convertible risk)
 Interest rates and measures of interest rate sensitivity

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 14 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com . (Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester I II
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 7-2018

Mutual Fund Management
Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Mutual Fund 15
2 Classification of Mutual Fund 20
3 Fund Selection Criteria 15
4 Financial Planning in Mutual fund 10
Total 60

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 15 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Mutual Fund
A) History & Origin, Definition, Meaning, Characteristics, Advantages,
Disadvantages, Limitations of Mutual Funds, Ethics in Mutual Fund.
Entities involved – Sponsor, Trust, Trustee, Asset Management Company,
Registrar and Transfer Agent ( RTA) and Fund Houses in Indi a.
B) Legal Framework - Role of regulatory agencies for Mutual funds – SEBI,
RBI, AMFI, Ministry of Finance, SRO, Company Law Board, Department
of Company’s affairs, Registrar of Companies
MF guidelines on advertisement , Accounting , Taxation and Valuation
norms, Guidelines to purchase Mutual Funds, Investor protection and MF
regulations, Grievance mechanism in MF in India.
2 Classification of Mutual Fund
A) Types of Mutual Fund - (introduction and Characteristic s)
 Functional/Operational – Open ended, close ended, Interval
 Portfolio – Income, Growth, Balanced, MMMF
 Geographical/ Location – Domestic, Offshore
 Miscellaneous - Tax Saving Funds , Exchange Traded Funds, Balance
Funds, Fixed Term Plan, Debt Funds , Systematic Investment Planning &
Systematic Transfer Plan
B) Portfolio Maturity, Calculations of NAV, Entry Load, Exit Load.
3 Fund Selection Criteria
A) Fund Rating and Ranking – Its need and importance. Basis of Ratings,
Interpretation of Funding Rating by CRISIL, CARE and ICRA, Selection
Criteria – (Size, Stability, Credit Portfolio, Performance )Performance
Measurement – Rolling Returns and Benchmarking
B) Yield To Maturity and Bond Valuation
4 Financial Planning in Mutual fund
A) Basics of Financial Planning – Financial Planning Steps, Life Cycle,
Wealth Cycle, Risk Profiling, Asset Allocation, Contingency Funds.
B) Investors Guide Towards Financial Planning – Eligibility for investment
in MF, KYC ( Individuals, Micro SIPs, Institutional Investors ,Fund
Category Guidance ( Long Bond Funds, Short Bond Funds, Ultra Short
Bond Funds) , Need for Financial Advisor, Difference between Advisor
and Distributor, Colour Coding MF products, Bank FD’s V/s Mutual
Funds, Dividend V/s Growth Option
C) Developing Model Portfolio for Investors – Model Portfolios meaning,
Step by Step Approach of Building Model Portfolio .

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 16 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester III
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 7-2018
2A. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)

Information Technology in Banking & Insurance - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Electronic Commerce 10
2 25TE-banking 15
3 MS-Office: Packages for Institutional Automation: 20
4 Cyber Law & C yber Security 15
Total 60

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 17 | P a g e

Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Electronic Commerce
A) E-Commerce Framework, E-Commerce and media convergence, anatomy
of E -Commerce Applications, E -Commerce Consumer and Organization
B) The network Infrastructure for Electronic Commerce - Market forces
influencing the I -way, Components of I -way, Network Access Equipment
C) E-Commerce and World Wide Web - Architectural framework of E -
Commerce, WWW and its architecture, hypertext publishing, Technology
behind the web, Security and the Web

A) 25TMeaning, definition, features, advantages and limitations - core banking, the
evolution of e -banking in India, Legal framework for e -banking.
B) Electronic Payment System
Types of Electronic Payment Systems, Digital Token -based EPS, Smart
Card EPS, Credit Card EPS, Risk in EPS, Designing a EPS

3 MS-Office: Packages for Institutional Automation :
A) Ms-Word : Usage of smart art tools, bookmark, cross -reference, hyperlink,
mail merge utility and converting word as PDF files.

B) Ms-Excel : Manipulating data, Working with charts, Working with PIVOT
table and what -if analysis; Advanced excel functions -Vlookup
(),hlookup(),PV(), FV(),average(),goal seek(),AVERAGE(), MIN(),
MAX(), COUNT(),COUNTA(), ROUND(), INT(), nested functions, name
,cells/ranges/constants,relative, absolute &mixed cell references,
>,<,=operators, Lo gical functions using if, and, or =, not, date and time
functions & annotating formulae.
C) Application in Banking and Insurance Sector – Calculation of Interest,
Calculation of Instalment, Calculation of Cash Flow, Calculation of
Premium, Calculation of risk coverage in Insurance and Reporting.

4 Cyber Law & Cyber Security:
A) Need of Cyber Law, History of Cyber Law in India
B) Cyber Crimes:
Various threats and attacks, Phishing, Key Loggers, Identity Theft, Call &
SMS forging, e -mail related crimes, Denial of Service Attacks, Hacking,
Online shopping frauds, Credit card frauds, Cyber Stalking
C) Cyber Security:
Computer Security, E -Security, Password Security and Reporting internet fraud

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 18 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester I II
with Ef fect from the Academic Year 2017 -2018
2B. Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)

Foundation Course – III (An Overview of Banking Sector)
Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 An Overview of Banking Industry
2 Commercial Banking and Customer – Banker
3 Universal Banking & Technology in Banking sector
4 Microfinance & Financial Inclusion
Total 45

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 19 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 An Overview of Banking Industry
 Definition of Banks, Types of Banks, Principles of Banking
 Banking System in India, Overview of RBI, Public, Private, Co -operative,
Payment Bank, Regional Rural Banks
 Emerging trends of banking - Universal banking, electronic banking,
globalization of banking.
 Brief history of banking sector reforms from 1991 -2000 and Current
developments in banking sector
 Regulatory Architecture – Overview of Banking Regulation Act 1949,
Banking Regulation Act(Amendment 2015), Payment and Settlement Act
2007, Negotiable Instrument Act 1881, BIS, Basel I, II and III.
 Bank Crise s in India
 Critical Evaluation of Banking Industry in India

2 Commercial Banking and Customer – Banker Relationship
 Definition and meaning of Commercial Bank, Evolution of Commercial
Banking in India, Functions of Commercial Bank , Services offered by
Commercial Bank.
 Retail Banking – Meaning, Features, Significance of Retail Banking and
Overview of its products
 Corporate Banking -Meaning, Features, Significance of Corporate Banking
and Overview of its products
 Rural Banking - Meaning, Features, Significance of Rural Banking and
Overview of its products
 Banking Ombudsman – Meaning and Functions

3 Universal Banking & Technology in Banking sector
A) Universal Banking
 Concept of Universal Banking, Evolution of Universal banking ,Services to
Government, Payment & Settlement, Merchant Banking , Mutual Fund ,
Depository Services, Wealth Management, Portfolio Management
Bancassurance, NRI Remittance.

B) Technology in Banking
 Features, norms and Limitations of E - banking, Mobile Banking, Internet
Banking, RTGS, POS Terminal, NEFT, IMPS, Brown Label ATM’s, White
Label ATM’s, NUUP, AEPS, APBS, CBS, CTS, Digital Signature , M -
Wallets , Online opening of bank accounts – savings & c urrent, and
application for credit cards, loan.
 Applicability of KYC norms in Banking Sector.

4 Microfinance & Financial Inclusion
A) Microfinance
 Introduction, Need and Code of Conduct for Microfinance Institutions in
 Advantages, Purpose, Limitations and Models of SHG – Bank Linkage
 Role of NABARD and SIDBI,

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 Portfolio Securitization,
 SHG -2, NRLM and SRLM ,
 Priority Sector and its Classification
B) Financial Inclusion
 Need & Extent
 RBI Committee Report of Medium Term Path on Financial Inclusion
2015, World Findex Report 2015, NISM Report 2015, (Only Brief
Extracts relating to bank account holdings and credit taken and contrast
between developing and developed nations. )
 Features & Procedures of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, and PM
Mudra Yojana.
 Features, procedures and significance of Stand up India Scheme for Green

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 21 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester I II
with Ef fect from the Academic Year 2017 -2018
2B. Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)

Foundation Course - Contemporary Issues - III

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Human Rights Provisions, Violations and Redressal 12
2 Dealing With Environmental Concerns 11
3 Science and Technology I 11
4 Soft Skills for Effective Interpersonal Communication 11
Total 45

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 22 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Human Rights Violations and Redressal
A. Scheduled Castes - Constitutional and legal rights, Forms of violations,
Redressal mechanisms. (2 Lectures)
B. Scheduled tribes - Constitutional and legal rights, Forms of violations,
Redressal mechanisms. (2 Lectures)
C. Women - Constitutional and legal rights, Forms of violations, Redressal
mechanisms. (2
D. Children - Constitutional and legal rights, Forms of violations, Redressal
mechanisms. (2
E. People with Disabi lities, Minorities, and the Elderly population - Constitutional
and legal rights, Forms of violations, Redressal mechanisms. (4 Lectures)
2 Dealing With Environmental Concerns
A. Concept of Disaster and general effects of Disasters on human life - physical,
psychological, economic and social effects. (3 Lectures)
B. Some locally relevant case studies of environmental disasters. (2 Lectures)
C. Dealing with Disasters - Factors to be considered in Prevention, Mitigation
(Relief and Rehabilitation) and disaster Preparedness. (3 Lectures)
D. Human Rights issues in addressing disasters - issues related to compensation,
equitable and fair distribution of relief and humanitarian approach to
resettlement and rehabilitation. (3 Lectures)
3 Science and Technology – I
A. Development of Science - the ancient cultures, the Classical era, the Middle
Ages, the Renaissance, the Age of Reason and Enlightenment. (3 Lectures)
B. Nature of science - its principles and characteristics; Science as empirical,
practical, theoretical, validated knowledge. (2 Lectures)
C. Science and Superstition - the role of science in exploding myths, blind beliefs
and prejudices; Science and scientific temper - scientific temper as a
fundamental duty of the Indian citizen. (3 Lectures)
D. Science in everyday life - technology, its meaning and role in development;
Interrelation and distinction between science and technology. (3 Lectures)
4 Soft Skills for Effective Interpersonal Communication
Part A (4 Lectures)
I) Effective Listening - Importance and Features.
II) Verbal and Non -Verbal Communication; Public -Speaking and Presentation
III) Barriers to Effective Communication; Importance of Self -Awareness and Body
Part B (4 Lectures)
I) Formal and Informal Communication - Purpose and Types.
II) Writing Formal Applications, Statement of Purpose (SOP) and Resume.
III) Preparing for Group Discussions, Interviews and Presentations.
Part C (3
I) Leadership Skills and Self -Improvement - Characteristics of Effective
II) Styles of Leadership and Team -Building.

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 23 | P a g e
1. Asthana, D. K., and Asthana, Meera, Environmental Problems and Solutions , S.
Chand, New Delhi, 2012.
2. Bajpai, Asha, Child Rights in India , Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2010.
3. Bhatnagar Mamta and Bhatnagar Nitin, Effective Communication and Soft Skills ,
Pearson India, New Delhi, 2011.
4. G Subba Rao, Writing Skills for Civil Services Examination, Access Publishing, New
Delhi, 2014
5. Kaushal, Rachana, Women and Human Rights in India , Kaveri Books, New Delhi,
6. Mohapatra, Gaur Krishna Das, Environmental Ecology , Vikas, Noida, 2008.
7. Motilal, Shashi, and Nanda, Bijoy Lakshmi, Human Rights: Gender and
Environment , Allied Publishers, New Delhi, 2007.
8. Murthy, D. B. N., Disaster Management: Text and Case Studies , Deep and Deep
Publications, New Delhi, 2013.
9. Parsuraman, S., and Unnikrishnan, ed., India Disasters Report II , Oxford, New Delhi,
10. Reza, B. K., Disaster Management , Global Publications, New Delhi, 2010.
11. Sathe, Satyaranjan P., Judicial Activism in India , Oxford University Press, New Delhi,
12. Singh, Ashok Kumar, Science and Technology for Civil Service Examination , Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2012.
13. Thorpe, Edgar, General Studies Paper I Volume V , Pearson, New Delhi, 2017.

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 24 | P a g e
Projects / Ass ignments (for Internal Assessment)
i. Projects/Assignments should be drawn for the component on Internal Assessment from
the topics in Module 1 to Module 4 .
ii. Students should be given a list of possible topics - at least 3 from each Module at the
beginning of the semester.
iii. The Project/Assignment can take the form of Street -Plays / Power -Point Presentations /
Poster Exhibitions and similar other modes of presentation appropriate to the topic.
iv. Students can work in groups of not more than 8 per topic.
v. Students must submit a h ard / soft copy of the Project / Assignment before appearing
for the semester end examination.

The Question Paper Pattern for Semester End Examination shall be as follows:
1 i. Question 1 A will be asked on the meaning /
definition of concepts / terms from all Modules.
ii. Question 1 B will be asked on the topic of the
Project / Assignment done by the student
during the Semester
iii. In all 8 Questions will be asked out of which 5
have to be attempted. a) Total marks: 15
b) For 1 A, there
will be 3 marks
for each sub -
c) For 1 B there will
be 15 marks
without any
break -up.
2 Descriptive Question with internal option (A or B)
on Module 1 15
3 Descriptive Question with internal option (A or B)
on Module 2 15
4 Descriptive Question with internal option (A or B)
on Module 3 15
5 Descriptive Question with internal option (A or B)
on Module 4 15

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 25 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester I II
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 7-2018
2B. Skill Enhancement Courses ( SEC)

Foundation Course in NSS - I

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Value System & Gender sensitivity 12
2 Disaster preparedness & Disaster management 10
3 Health, hygiene & Diseases 13
4 Environment & Energy conservation 10
Total 45

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 26 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Value System & Gender sensitivity
UNIT - I – Value System
Meaning of value, Types of values - human values and social responsibilities -
Indian value system - the concepts and its features
UNIT - II - Gender sensitivity and woman empowerment
Concept of gender - causes behind gender related problems - measures
Meaning of woman empowerment - schemes for woman empowerment in India
2 Disaster preparedness & Disaster management
UNIT - I - Basics of Disaster preparedness
Disaster - its meaning and types
Disaster preparedness - its meaning and methods
UNIT - II - Disaster management
Disaster management - concept - disaster cycle - role of technology in disaster
response - role of as first responder – the study of ‘Avhan’ Model
3 Health, Hygiene & Diseases
UNIT - I - Health and hygiene
Concept of complete health and maintenance of hygiene
UNIT - II - Diseases and disorders - preventive campaigning
Diseases and disorders - preventive campaigning in Malaria, Tuberculosis, Dengue,
Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Diabetes
4 Environment & Energy conservation
UNIT - I Environment and Environment enrichment program
Environment - meaning, features , issues, conservation of natural resources and
sustainability in environment
UNIT - II Energy and Energy conservation program
Energy - the concept, features - conventional and non - conventional energy
Energy conservat ion- the meaning and importance

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester III
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 7-2018
2B. Skill Enhancement Courses ( SEC)

Foundation Course in NCC - III

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 National Integration & Awareness 10
2 Drill: Foot Drill 10
3 Adventure Training and Environment Awareness
and Conservation 05
4 Personality Development and Leadership 10
5 Specialized subject (ARMY) 10
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 National Integration & Awareness
Desired outcome: The students will display sense of patriotism, secular values and
shall be transformed into motivated youth who will contribute towards nation
building through national unity and social cohesion.
The students shall enrich themselves about the history of our beloved country and
will look forward for the solutions based on strengths to the challenges to the
country for its development.
 Freedom Struggle and nationalist movement in India.
 National interests, Objectives, Threats and Opportunities.
 Problems/ Challenges of National Integration.
 Unity in Diversity
2 Drill: Foot Drill
Desired outcome : The students will demonstrate the sense of discipline, improve
bearing, smartness, turnout, develop the quality of immediate and implicit
obedience of orders, with good reflexes.
 Side pace, pace forward and to the rear
 Turning on the march and whiling
 Saluting on the march
 Marking time, forward march and halt in quick time
 Changing step
 Formation of squ ad and squad drill
3 Adventure Training, Environment Awareness and Conservation
3A Adventure Training
Desired outcome: The students will overcome fear & inculcate within them the
sense of adventure, sportsmanship, espirit -d-corp and develop confidence, courage,
determination, diligence and quest for excellence.
 Any Two such as – Obstacle course, Slithering, Trekking, Cycling, Rock
Climbing, Para Sailing, Sailing, Scuba Diving etc.
3B Environment Awareness and Conservation
Desired outcome: The student will be made aware of the modern techniques of
waste management and pollution control.
 Waste management
 Pollution control, water, Air, Noise and Soil
4 Personality Development and Leadership
Desired outcome : The student will inculcate officer like qualities with desired
ability to take right decisions.
 Time management
 Effect of Leadership with historical examples
 Interview Skills
 Conflict Motives - Resolution

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
5 Specialized Subject: Army Or Navy Or Air
Desired outcome: It will acquaint, expose & provide knowledge about Army/
Navy/ Air force and to acquire information about expanse of Armed Forces
,service subjects and important battles
A. Armed Force
 Task and Role of Fighting Arms
 Modes of Entry to Army
 Honors and Awards
B. Introduction to Infantry and weapons and equipments
 Characteristics of 5.56mm INSAS Rifle, Ammunition, Fire power,
Stripping, Assembling and Cleaning
 Organization of Infantry Battalion.
C. Military history
 Study of battles of Indo -Pak War 1965,1971 and Kargil
 War Movies
D. Communicati on
 Characteristics of Walkie -Talkies
 Basic RT Procedure
 Latest trends and Development (Multi Media, Video Conferencing, IT)
A. Naval orientation and service subjects
 Organization of Ship - Introduction on Onboard Organization
 Naval Customs and Traditions
 Mode of Entry into Indian Navy
 Branches of the Navy and their functions
 Naval Campaign (Battle of Atlantic, Pearl Harbour, Falkland War/Fleet
Review/ PFR/ IFR)s
B. Ship and Boat Modelling
 Types of Models
 Introduction of Ship Model - Competition Type s of Model Prepare in NSC
and RDC
 Care and handling of power -tools used - maintenance and purpose of tools

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
C. Search and Rescue
 Role of Indian Coast Guard related to SAR
D. Swimming
 Floating and Breathing Techniques - Precautions while Swimming
A. General Service Knowledge
 Organization Of Air Force
 Branches of the IAF.
B. Principles of Flight
 Venturi Effect
 Aerofoil
 Forces on an Aircraft
 Lift and Drag
C. Airmanship
 ATC/RT Procedures
 Aviation Medicine
D. Aero - Engines
 Types of Engines
 Piston Engines
 Jet Engines
 Turboprop Engines

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Programme at Semester I II
with Ef fect from the Academic Year 2017 -2018
2B. Skill Enhancement Courses ( SEC)

Foundation Course in Physical Education - III

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Overview of Nutrition 10
2 Evaluation of Health, Fitness and Wellness 10
3 Prevention and Care of Exercise Injuries 10
4 Sports Training 15
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Overview of Nutrition
 Introduction to nutrition & its principles
 Role of Nutrition in promotion of health
 Dietary Guidelines for Good Health
 Regulation of water in body and factors influencing body temperature.
2 Evaluation of Health, Fitness and Wellness
 Meaning & Concept of holistic health
 Evaluating Personal health -basic parameters
 Evaluating Fitness Activities – Walking & Jogging
 Myths & mis-conceptions of Personal fitness
3 Prevention and Care of Exercise Injuries
 Types of Exercise Injuries
 First Aid - Importance & application in Exercise Injuries
 Management of Soft tissues injuries
 Management of bone injuries
4 Sports Training
 Definition, aims & objectives of Sports training
 Importance of Sports training
 Principles of Sports training
 Drug abuse & its effects

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester I II
with Ef fect from the Academic Year 2017 -2018
3. Core Courses ( CC)

Financial Markets

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Indian Financial System 15
2 Financial Markets in India 15
3 Commodity Market 15
4 Derivatives Market 15
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Indian Financial System
A) Introduction, Meaning, Functions of financial system,
Indian financial system from financial neutrality to financial activism and
from financial volatility to financial stability, Role of Government in
financial development, Overview of Phases of Indian financial system
since independence (State Domination – 1947 -1990, Financial sector
reforms 1991 till Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission 2013),
Monitoring framework for financial conglomerates.

B) Structure of Indian Financial System – Banking & Non -Banking Financial
Institutions, Organized and Uno rganized Financial Markets, Financial
Assets/Instruments, Fund based & Fee Based Financial Services.

2 Financial Markets in India

A) Indian Money Market – Meaning, Features, Functions, Importance,
Defects, Participants, Components of Organized and Unorganized markets
and Reforms
B) Indian Capital Market - Meaning, Features, Functions, Importance,
Participants, Instruments, Reforms in Prim ary and Secondary Market.
C) Indian Stock Market - Meaning and functions of Stock Exchange - NSE
and BSE.
D) Equity Market – Primary Market, IPO, Book Building, Role of Merchant
Bankers, ASBA , Green Shoe Option, Issue of Bonus shares, Right Shares,
Sweat Equity shares, ESOP.
E) Indian Debt Market –Market Instruments, Listing, Primary and Secondary
3 Commodity Market

 Introduction to commodities market - Meaning History & origin, Types of
commodities traded,
 Structure of commodities market in India,
 Participants in commodities market, Trading in commodities in India(cash
& derivative segment),
 Commodity e xchanges in India & abroad
 Reasons for investing in commodities.

4 Derivatives Market
 Introduction to Derivatives market - Meaning, History & origin,
 Elements of a derivative contract,
 Factors driving growth of derivatives market,
 Types of derivatives, Types of underlying assets, Participants in derivatives
market, Advantages & disadvantages of trading in derivatives market,
 Current volumes of derivative trade in India,
 Difference between Forwards & Futures

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester III
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 7-2018
3. Core Courses ( CC)

Direct Taxation

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Definitions and Residential Status 15
2 Heads of Income - I 15
3 Heads of Income - II 15
4 Computation of Total Income & Taxable Income 15
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Definitions and Residential Status
A) Basic Terms ( S. 2,3,4)
Assesse, Assessment, Assessment Year, Annual Value,
Business, Capital Assets, Income, Previous Year, Person,
B) Determination of Residential Status of Individual, Scope of Total Income
2 Heads of Income - I
A) Salary ( S.15 -17)
B) Income from House Property (S. 22 -27)
C) Profit & Gain from Business and Profession (S. 28, 30,31,32, 35, 35D, 36,
37, 40, 40A and 43B)

3 Heads of Income - II
A) Capital Gain (S. 45, 48, 49, 50 and 54)
B) Income from other sources (S.56 - 59)
C) Exclusions from Total Income (S.10)
(Exclusions related to specified heads to be covered with relevant heads of

4 Computation of Total Income & Taxable Income
A) Deductions from Total Income
S. 80C, 80CCC, 80D, 80DD, 80E, 80U, 80T TA
B) Computation of Taxable Income of Individuals.

1. The Syllabus is restricted to study of particular sections, specifically mentioned rules
and notifications only.
2. All modules / units include Computational problems / Case Study .
3. The Law In force on 1 Pst
P April immediately preceding the commencement of Academic
year will be applicable for ensuing Examinations.

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Programme at Semester I V
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 7-2018
1. Elective Courses (EC)

Financial Management -II

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Working Capital Management 15
2 Management of Components of Working Capital 15
3 Financial Planning 15
4 Financial Policy and Corporate Strategy 15
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Working Capital Management
 Management of Working Capital in India
 Estimating wor king capital needs
 Operating or working capital cycle
 Working Capital Financing: Trade Credit; Bank Credit; Commercial Papers;
Certificate of Deposits (CDs); Financing.
2 Management of Components of Working Capital
 Management of Cash and Marketable Securities : Motives for
Holding Cash; Objectives of Cash Management; Factors Determining
Cash Needs; Basic Strategies of Cash Management; Cash
Management Techniques / Processes; Marketable Securities; and
Cash Management Practices in India.
 Receivable s Management : Objectives; Credit Policies; Credit
Terms; and Collection Policies.
 Inventory Management : Objectives; and Techniques.

3 Financial Planning
 Introduction
 Meaning and Essentials of Budget
 Types of Budget
 Advantages of Budgeting
 Zero Based Budgeting
 Master Budget.
 Sales Budget, Production Budget, Material Budget, Cash Budget and
Flexible Budget .

4 Financial Policy and Corporate Strategy
 Meaning of Strategic Financial Management
 Strategic financial decision making framework
 Functions of Strategic financial management

Business Risk and Financial Risk
 Introduction
 Debt v/s Equity Financing
 Types of Leverage
 Investment Objective/Criteria for Individuals/Non -Business Purpose .

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Programme at Semester I V
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 7-2018
1. Elective Courses (EC)

Cost Accounting

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Cost Accounting 10
2 Classification of Costs and Cost Sheet 15
3 Standard Costing 20
4 Introduction to Marginal Costing 15
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Cost Accounting
 Objectives and scope of Cost Accounting
 Cost centres and Cost units
 Cost classification for stock valuation, Profit measurement, Decision
making and control
 Coding systems
 Elements of Cost

2 Classification of Cost and Cost Sheet
 Classification of costs, Cost of Sales, Cost Centre, Cost Unit, Profit Centre
and Investment Centre
 Cost Sheet and Reconciliation of cost and financial accounts .
Note - Practical problems based on preparation of cost sheet reconciliation of cost
and financial accounts
3 Standard Costing
 Various types of standards, setting of standards, Basic concepts of, Labour
and Overhead (Fixed and Variable) variance analysis.

4 Introduction to Marginal Costing
 Marginal costing meaning, application, advantages, limitations,
Contribution, Breakeven analysis and profit volume graph.
Note: - Practical problems based on Marginal Costing excluding decision

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester I V
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 7-2018
1. Elective Courses (EC)

Entrepreneurship Management
Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 The Entrepreneur 15
2 Business Planning 15
3 Key Areas of New Ventures 15
4 Evolving Concepts in Entrepreneurship 15
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 The Entrepreneur

A) Entrepreneur : Meaning, Nature, origin and development of
entrepreneurship in India, Need and Importance, Core elements,
Principles, Essentials, Types, Functions, Concept of entrepreneurship
management, Motives behind being an entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial

B) Theor ies of Entrepreneurship: Innovation Theory of Schumpeter, Need
for Achievement Theory of McClelland, Risk Bearing Theory of knight,
Hagen’s Theory of Entrepreneurship, Economic Theory of

C) Entrepreneurial Values and Attitudes, Dominant characteristics of
successful entrepreneurs, Internal and external factors for entrepreneurial

D) Entrepreneurial Skills, Identifying business opportunities, Role of
creativity in Entrepreneurship, the creative process, the Innovation
process, typ es of innovation, sources of innovation, principles of
innovation, Sources of Business Ideas .

2 Business Planning

A) Forms of Entrepreneurial structures:
 Sole Proprietorship -meaning, merits and limitations.
 Partnership -Meaning , Forms, merits and limitations.
 Corporations -Meaning, merits and limitations .
 Limited Liability partnerships and corporations .
 Franchising -Meaning, types, merits and limitations .

B) Critical Factors for starting a new enterprise: Personal, Environmental,
Sociological factors. Problems of a New Venture - Financial, administrative,
marketing, production and other problems.

C) Business Plan: Meaning, Benefits, Developing a business plan,
Environment scanning, Elements/Areas to be covered in a Business Plan,
Project Report preparatio n, Contents of a Project Report.

3 Key Areas of New Ventures

A) Marketing: New Product Development, Marketing Strategy for the new
venture, Branding strategies, Distribution strategies, Pricing Strategies,
Promotion strategies for new venture, Concept of Marketing Mix and Market
segmentation, Marketing Plan

B) Operations : Size and location of Enterprise, Layout, Inventory Control,
Quality Control.

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C) Finance: Sources of long term and short term finance, Debt fund -Meaning,
Merits and limitations, Equity Fund - Meaning, merits and limitations, Concept
of Break Even analysis, Venture Capital -Meaning, Merits and Limitations,
Criteria for Evaluating New Venture Proposals by Venture Capitalist

D) Human Resource: Personnel Function, Important Labor Laws: Industrial
Disputes Act, Factories Act, Provident Fund Act, Employee State Insurance
Act, Payment of Wages Act, Minimum Wages Act, Payment of G ratuity Act,
other related Acts and Role of HRD in new ventures .

4 Evolving Concepts in Entrepreneurship

A) Social Entrepreneurship: Meaning, Social responsibility of an entrepreneur

B) Barriers to entrepreneurship: Environmental, economic, non -economic,
personal and entrepreneurial barriers.

C) Intrapreneurship: Meaning, Characteristics, Intrapreneurs Activities, types
of Corporate Entrepreneurs, Corporate V/s Intrapreneurial culture, Cli mate,
Fostering Intrapreneurial culture, Promoting intrapreneurship - Pinchot’s
Spontaneous teams and Formal Venture teams, establishing intrapreneurial

D) Ethics and Entrepreneurship: Defining Ethics, Approaches to Managerial
ethics, ethics and business decisions, Ethical practices and code of conduct,
Ethical considerations in corporate entrepreneurship.

E) Institutional Support to Entrepreneurs: Importance, Incentives and
facilities, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI), NSIC,
Small Industries Development Organization (SIDO), National Institute for
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), Others,
Key features of National Policy on Skill Development and
Entrepreneurship 2015 .

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester I V
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 7-2018
1. Elective Courses (EC)

Wealth Management
Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Wealth Management 15
2 Wealth Management Strategy 15
3 Financial Planning & Financial Mathematics 15
4 Retirement & Estate Planning 15
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules/ Units
1 Introduction to Wealth Management
A) Overview
 Define Wealth , Meaning & Scope of Wealth Management
 Wealth cycle
 Wealth Management Process
 Introduction to Financial literacy.
B) Savings and Investments
 Introduction, Nature and Scope of Saving Investments
Objectives of Saving and Investment ( Tax Saving , Income and Growth of
 Investment Alternatives
 Investment Attributes
 Approaches to investment decision making
 Qualities for successful investment
 Alternatives to Investment decision – Direct & Indirect
2 Wealth Management Strategy
A) Wealth Management Strategy
 Meaning & scope of wealth management strategy
 The unwealthy habits
 Philosophy of wealth creation & management
 Need for planning
B) Investment planning:
 Types of investment risk
 Risk profiling of investors & asset allocation (life cycle model)
 Asset allocation strategies(strategic, tactical, life - cycle based)
 Goal -based financial planning
 Active & passive investment strategies

3 Financial Planning & Financial Mathematics:
A) Financial Planning
 Introduction
 Role of Financial planner
 Process of financial planning
 Cash flow analysis
 Financial Planning in India
 Financial Blood Test Report

B) Financial Mathematics:
 Calculation of returns (CAGR, Post-tax returns, etc.)
 Calculation of Total assets
 Net worth calculations

4 Retirement & Estate Planning
A) Retirement Planning
 Meaning & Objectives of Retirement planning
 Gifts & Trust, Charity planning
 Avoidable mistakes in retirement planning
 Power of attorney for asset manag ement,

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B) Estate planning
 Meaning & scope
 Need for Estate planning
 Tools for Estate planning
 Considerations for personal property and collectibles
C) Insurance Planning :
 Meaning
 Basic principles of insurance
 Functions and Characterist ics of Insurance
 Rights and responsibilities of Insurer and Insured
 Types of life insurance policies
 Types of general insurance policies
 Health insurance – mediclaim – Calculation of Human Life Value / Belth
Method CPT

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Programme at Semester I V
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 7-2018
1. Elective Courses (EC)

Customer Relationship Management

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) 15
2 Technological support in Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) 15
3 Implementing Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) 15
4 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in
Banking and Insurance Sector 15
Total 60

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 49 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Meaning, Definition of CRM, Development in CRM, Benefits of CRM, Effective
CRM through Customer Knowledge Management, CRM Cycle, Winning market
through effective CRM, CRM programmes, Relationship marketing &
effectiveness of Relationship marketing, Factors responsible for growth of
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
2 Technological support in Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Introduction, Technological application in CRM, Types of Technological
application in CRM, Database and Information systems, Database marketing
strategies, CRM software solutions for B2C and B2B, Accounting systems for
Customer Acquisition and Retention Costs, Customer loyalty and Pr ofitability
through Technology.
e-CRM – Introduction, Importance, Challenges, Strategies, e -marketing
and e -CRM.
3 Implementing Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Allocation rule of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Customer
Satisfaction survey, Contact management, Building Customer Relationship
Management (CRM), Effectiveness of Customer Relationship Management
(CRM), O rganizing of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Employee &
customer management process.

4 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Banking and Insurance Sector
Building customer loyalty, B2B Commerce, B2B relationship with intermediaries,
Relationship marketing for creating value in business & market, Customer
Relationship Management in Indian Banking and Insuran ce sector - Introduction,
CRM objectives, need of CRM, Process of CRM, Customer Relationship
Management through Call Centres in Banking sector, E - CRM in Banking and

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester IV
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 7-2018
2A. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)

Information Technology in Banking & Insurance II

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 E-banking Business Models 15
2 Induction of TechnoManagement 20
3 IT Applications and Banking 05
4 MS-Office: Packages for Institutional Automation 20
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 E-banking Business Models

Various models - home banking, office banking, online banking, internet
banking, mobile banking, SMS banking, - models of electronic payments,
other business models
2 Induction of TechnoManagement
Development Life Cycle, Project Management, Building Data Centres,
Role of DBMS in Banking, Data Warehousing and Data Mining, RDBMS
 Technological Changes in Indian Banking Industry,
Trends in Banking and Information Technology, Technology in Banking,
Lead Role of Reserve Bank of India, New Horizons for Banking based IT,
Automated Clearing House Operations, Electronic Wholesale Banking
Credit Transfer, Credit Information Bureau (I) Ltd., Credit Information
Company Regulation Bill - 2004, Automation in Indian Banks, Cheque
clearing using MICR technology, Innovations, Products and Services,
Core -Banking Solut ions(CBS), Human Resource Development(HRD) -The
Road Ahead,
 Technology in Banking Industry,
Teleconferencing, Internet Banking, Digital Signature in Banking, MICR -
Facility for ‘paper -based’ clearing, Cheque Truncation
 Dealing with Fraudulent transactions under CTS ,
Efficient customer service, smart quill computer pen, Institute for
Development & Research in Banking & Technology (IDRBT).
 E-Checks -Protocols and Standards ,
Problems on mechanization, e -Banking -RBI Regulations & Supervision,
Technology Diffus ion.

3 IT Applications and Banking

Objectives, Electronic Commerce and Banking, Banking Software,
Electronic Clearing and Settlement Systems, Plastic Money
4 MS-Office: Packages for Institutional Automation
 MS-PowerPoint presentation : Internal links between slides, hyperlinks,
embedding multimedia content onto the slides (video/audio/stylish text),
slide animation, timer, creating new presentation by existing theme, import
online themes, creating a template of presentation, save and run the slid e

 Applications of Internet: Introduction to e -mail, writing professional e -
mails, creating digitally signed documents, use of outlook express:
configuring outlook express, creating and managing profile in outlook,
sending and receiving e -mails via outlook express, Emailing the merged
documents, boomerang facility of email, Google drive: usage of Google
drive in storing the Google documents, excel sheets, presentations and PDF

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insuranc e)
Programme at Semester I V
with Ef fect from the Academic Year 2017 -2018
2B. Skill Enhancement Courses ( SEC)

Foundation Course – IV
(An Overview of Insurance Sector)
Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 An Introduction to Life Insurance 15
2 An Introduction to Health Insurance 10
3 An Introduction to Home and Motor Insurance 10
4 Role of Insurance in Logistic 10
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 An Introduction to Life Insurance

A) Life Insurance Business – Components, Human Life Value Approach,
Mutuality, Principle of Risk Pooling, Life Insurance Contract,
Determinants of Risk Premium

B) Products of LIC – Introduction of life insurance plans - Traditional Life
Insurance Plans – Term Plans, Whole Life Insurance, Endowment
Assurance, Dividend Method of Profit Participation Purpose of plans ,
Riders in plan - Introduction, Forms and procedures

C) Non Traditional Life Insur ance Products ( Those of SBI and ICICI –
Introduction, Forms and procedures)

2 An Introduction to Health Insurance

A) Health Insurance – Meaning , IRDA Regulations, d eterminants of Health
Insurance, He alth Insurance Market in India and d eterminants of Risk
Premium .

B) SBI and ICICI Health Insurance Plans - Introduction and Forms and
Procedures of Hospitalization, Indemnity Products, top up covers, cashless
insurance, Senior citizen plans, critical illness plans and M icro Insurance.

3 An Introduction to Home and Motor Insurance

A) Home Insurance - SBI and ICICI Plans – Introduction, Forms and
Procedures, Inclusions and Exclusions in policies, Determinants of Risk
Premium and Impact of Catastrophes on Home Insurance.
B) Vehicle Insurance - SBI and ICICI Plans -Introduction, Forms and
Procedures, Determinants of Risk Premium , Inclusions and Exclusions.

4 Role of Insurance in Logistic

A) Role of Insurance in Logistic - Meaning &Importance, Hazards, Protection,
Social Security – Type of Risks and Accidents.
B) Fire Insurance – SBI and ICICI Plans – Introduction, Forms and
Procedures, Standard Fire and Special Perils Policy, Tariff system and
special policies.

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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester I V
with Ef fect from the Academic Year 2017 -2018
2B. Skill Enhancement Courses ( SEC)

Foundation Course - Contemporary Issues - IV

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Significant, Contemporary Rights of Citizens 12
2 Approaches to understanding Ecology 11
3 Science and Technology –II 11
4 Introduction to Competitive Exams 11
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Significant, Contemporary Rights of Citizens
A. Rights of Consumers -Violations of consumer rights and important provisions
of the Consumer Protection Act, 2016; Other important laws to protect
consumers; Consumer courts and consumer movements. (3 Lectures)
B. Right to Information - Genesis and relation with transparency and
accountability; important provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005;
some success stories. (3 Lectures)
C. Protection of Citizens’/Public Interest -Public Interest Litigation, need and
procedure to file a PIL; some landmark cases. (3 Lectures)
D. Citizens’ Charters, Public Service Guarantee Acts. (3 Lectures)
2 Approaches to understanding Ecology
A. Understanding approaches to ecology - Anthropocentrism, Biocentrism and
Eco centrism, Ecofeminism and Deep Ecology. (3 Lectures)
B. Environmental Principles -1: the sustainability principle; the polluter pays
principle; the precautionary principle. (4 Lectures)
C. Environmental Principles -2: the equity principle; human rights principles;
the participation principle. (4 Lectures)
3 Science and Technology –II
Part A:Some Significant Modern Technologies, Features and Applications ( 7
i. Laser Technology - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation;
use of laser in remote sensing, GIS/GPS mapping, medical use.
ii. Satellite Technology - various uses in satellite navigation systems, GPS, and
imprecise climate and weather analyses.
iii. Information and Communication Technology - convergence of various
technologies like satellite, computer and digital in the information revolution of
today’s society .
iv. Biotechnology and Genetic engineering - applied biology and uses in
medicine, pharmaceuticals and agriculture; genetically modified plant, animal
and human life.
v. Nanotechnology - definition: the study, control and application of phenomena
and materials at length scales below 100 nm; uses in medicine, military
intelligence and consumer products.
Part B:Issues of Control, Access and Misuse of Technology. (4 Lectures)

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
4 Introduction to Competitive Exams
Part A. Basic information on Competitive Examinations - the pattern,
eligibility criteria and local centres:
i. Examinations conducted for entry into professional courses - Graduate
Record Examinations (GRE), Graduate Management Admission Test
GMAT), Common Admission Test (CAT) and Scholastic Aptitude Test
ii. Examinations conducted for entry into jobs by Union Public Service
Commission, Staff Selection Commission (SSC), State Public Service
Commissions, Banking and Insurance sectors, and the National and State
Eligibility Tests (NET / SET) for entry into teaching profession.
Part B. Soft skills required for competitive examinations - (7 Lectures)
i. Information on areas tested: Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation,
Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning, Creativity and Lateral Thinking
ii. Motivation: Concept, Theories and Types of Motivation
iii. Goal -Setting: Types of Goals, SMART Goals, Stephen Covey’s concept of
human endowment
iv. Time Management: Effective Strategies for Time Management
v. Writing Skills: Paragr aph Writing, Report Writing, Filing an application
under the RTI Act, Consumer Grievance Letter.

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1. Asthana, D. K., and Asthana, Meera, Environmental Problems and Solutions , S.
Chand, New Delhi, 2012.
2. Bajpai, Asha, Child Rights in India , Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2010.
3. Bhatnagar Mamta and Bhatnagar Nitin, Effective Communication and Soft Skills ,
Pearson India, New Delhi, 2011.
4. G Subba Rao, Writing Skills for Civil Services Examination, Access Publishing, New
Delhi, 2014
5. Kaushal, Rachana, Women and Human Rights in India , Kaveri Books, New Delhi,
6. Mohapatra, Gaur Krishna Das, Environmental Ecology , Vikas, Noida, 2008.
7. Motilal, Shashi, and Nanda, Bijoy Lakshmi, Human Rights: Gender and
Environment , Allied Publishers, New Delhi, 2007.
8. Murthy, D. B. N., Disaster Management: Text and Case Studies , Deep and Deep
Publications, New Delhi, 2013.
9. Parsuraman, S., and Unnikrishnan, ed., India Disasters Report II , Oxford, New Delhi,
10. Reza, B. K., Disaster Management , Global Publications, New Delhi, 2010.
11. Sathe, Satyaranjan P., Judicial Activism in India , Oxford University Press, New Delhi,
12. Singh, Ashok Kumar, Science and Technology for Civil Service Examination , Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2012.
13. Thorpe, Edgar, Genera l Studies Paper I Volume V , Pearson, New Delhi, 2017.

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Projects / Assignments (for Internal Assessment)
i. Projects/Assignments should be drawn for the component on Internal Assessment from
the topics in Module 1 to Module 4 .
ii. Students should be given a list of possible topics - at least 3 from each Module at the
beginning of the semester.
iii. The Project/Assignment can take the form of Street -Plays / Power -Point Presentations /
Poster Exhibitions and similar other modes of present ation appropriate to the topic.
iv. Students can work in groups of not more than 8 per topic.
v. Students must submit a hard / soft copy of the Project / Assignment before appearing
for the semester end examination.

The Qu estion Paper Pattern for Semester End Examination shall be as follows:
1 i. Question 1 A will be asked on the meaning /
definition of concepts / terms from all Modules.
ii. Question 1 B will be asked on the topic of the
Project / Assignment done by the student
during the Semester
iii. In all 8 Questions will be asked out of which 5
have to be attempted. a) Total marks: 15
b) For 1 A, there
will be 3 marks
for each sub -
c) For 1 B there will
be 15 marks
without any
break -up.
2 Descriptive Question with internal option (A or B)
on Module 1 15
3 Descriptive Question with internal option (A or B)
on Module 2 15
4 Descriptive Question with internal option (A or B)
on Module 3 15
5 Descriptive Question with internal option (A or B)
on Module 4 15

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 59 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester I V
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 7-2018
2B. Skill Enhancement Courses ( SEC)

Foundation Course in NSS - IV

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Entrepreneurship Development 10
2 Rural Resource Mobilization 10
3 Ideal village & stake of GOS and NGO 13
4 Institutional Social Responsibility and modes of Awareness 12
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Entrepreneurship Development
UNIT - I Entrepreneurship development
Entrepreneurship development - its meaning and schemes
Government and self -employment schemes for Entrepreneurship development
UNIT - II - Cottage Industry
Cottage Industry - its meaning, its role in development process
Marketing of cottage products and outlets
2 Rural Resource Mobilization
UNIT - I - Rural resource mobilization -
A case study of eco-village, eco -tourism, agro -tourism
UNIT - II - Micro financing with special reference to self -help groups
3 Ideal village & stake of GOS and NGO
UNIT - I - Ideal village
Ideal village - the concept
Gandhian Concept of Ideal village
Case studies on Ideal village
UNIT - II - Government Organisations(GOs ) and Non -Government
Organisations (NGOs)
The concept and functioning
4 Institutional Social Responsibility and modes of Awareness
UNIT - I - Institutional Social Responsibilities
Concept and functioning - case study of adapted village
UNIT - II - Modes of awareness through fine Arts Skills
Basics of performing Arts as tool for social awareness, street play, creative dance,
patriotic song, folk songs and folk dance. Rangoli, posters, flip charts, placards,

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 61 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester IV
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 7-2018
2B. Skill Enhancement Courses ( SEC)

Foundation Course in NCC - IV

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Disaster Management, Social Awareness and
Community Development 10
2 Health and Hygiene 10
3 Drill with Arms 05
4 Weapon Training 10
5 Specialized Subject: Army Or Navy Or Air 10
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Disaster Management, Social Awareness and Community Development
Disaster Management:
Desired outcome: The student shall gain basic information about civil defence
organisation / NDMA & shall provide assistance to civil administration in various
types of emergencies during natural / manmade disasters
 Fire Services & Fire fighting
 Assistance during Natural / Other Calamities: Flood / Cyclone/ Earth Quake/
Accident etc.
Social Awareness and Community Development:
Desired outcome: The student shall have an understanding about social evils and
shall inculcate sense of whistle blowing against such evils and ways to eradicate
such evils.
 NGOs: Role & Contribution
 Drug Abuse & Trafficking
 Corruption
 Social Evil viz. Dowry/ Female Foeti cide/Child Abuse & trafficking etc.
 Traffic Control Org. & Anti drunken Driving
2 Health and Hygiene
Desired outcome: The student shall be fully aware about personal health and
hygiene lead a healthy life style and foster habits of restraint and self awareness.
 Hygiene and Sanitation (Personal and Food Hygiene)
 Basics of Home Nursing & First -Aid in common medical emergencies
 Wound & Fractures
3 Drill with Arms
Desired outcome : The students will demonstrate the sense of discipline, improve
bearing, smartness, and turnout, and develop the quality of immediate and implicit
obedience of orders, with good reflexes.
 Getting on Parade with Rifle and Dressing at the Order
 Dismissing and Falling Out
 General Salute, Salami Shastra
 Squad Drill
 Short /Long tail from the order and vice -versa
 Examine Arms
4 Weapon Training
Desired outcome: The student shall have basic knowledge of weapons and their
use and handling.
 The lying position, Holding and Aiming - I
 Trigger control and firing a shot
 Range procedure and safety precautions
 Theory of Group and Snap Shooting
 Short range firing, Aiming - II -Alteration of sight

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
5 Specialized Subject: Army Or Navy Or Air
Desired outcome: The training shall instill patriotism, commitment and passion to
serve the nation motivating the youth to join the defence forces.
It will also acquaint, expose & provide basic knowledge about armed, naval and
air-force subjects
A. Map reading
 Setting a Map, finding North and own position
 Map to ground, Ground to Map
 Point to Point March
B. Field Craft and Battle Craft
 Observation, Camouflage and Concealment
 Field Signals
 Types of Knots and Lashing
C. Introduction to advanced weapons and role of technology (To be covered
by the guest lecturers)
A. Naval Communication
 Semaphore
 Phonetic Alphabets
 Radio Telephony Procedure
 Wearing of National Flag, Ensign and Admiral’s Flag.
B. Seamanship
 Anchor work
 Types of Anchor, Purpose and Holding ground
 Boat work
 Demonstrate Rigging a whaler and enterprise boat - Parts of Sail and
Sailing Terms
 Instructions in Enterprise Class Board including theory of Sailing,
Elementary Sailing Tools
 Types of Power Boats Used in the Navy and their uses, Knowledge of
Anchoring, Sec uring and Towing a Boat
C. Introduction to advanced weapons and role of technology (To be covered
by the guest lecturers)

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Sr. No. Modules / Units

A. Air frames
 Fuselage
 Main and Tail Plain
B. Instruments
 Introduction to RADAR
C. Aero modelling
 Flying/ Building of Aero models
D. Introduction to advanced weapons and role of technology (To be covered
by the guest lecturers)

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 65 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester I V
with Ef fect from the Academic Year 2017 -2018
2B. Skill Enhancement Courses ( SEC)

Foundation Course in Physical Education - III

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Stress Management 10
2 Awards, Scholarship & Government Schemes 10
3 Yoga Education 10
4 Exercise Scheduling/Prescription 15
Total 45

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Stress Management
 Meaning & concept of Stress
 Causes of Stress
 Managing Stress
 Coping Strategies
2 Awards, Scholarship & Government Schemes
 State & National level Sports Awards
 State Sports Policy & Scholarship Schemes
 National Sports Policy & Scholarship Schemes
 Prominent Sports Personalities
3 Yoga Education
 Differences between Yogic Exercises & non - Yogic exercises
 Contribution of Yoga to Sports
 Principles of Asanas& Bandha
 Misconceptions about Yoga
4 Exercise Scheduling/Prescription
 Daily Routine Prescription.
 Understanding Activity level & Calorie requirement.
 Adherence & Motivation for exercise.
 Impact of Lifestyle on Health

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 67 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester I V
with Ef fect from the Academic Year 2017 -2018
3. Core Courses ( CC)

Corporate and Securities Law

Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Company Law – An Overview 15
2 Regulatory Framework G overning Stock
Exchanges as per Securities Contracts
Regulation Act 1956 15
3 Security Exchange Board of India 15
4 The Depositories Act, 1996 15
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Company Law – An Overview
A) Development of Company Law in India

B) Doctrines Governing Corporates – Lifting the Corporate Veil , Doctrine
of Ultra Vires, Constructive Notice, Indoor Management, Alter Ego. The
Principle of Non Interference ( Rule in Foss V/s Harbottle) – Meaning ,
Advan tages , Disadvantages & Exceptions, Majority and Minority Rights
under Companies Act

C) Application of Company Law to Banking and Insurance Sector
Application of Companies Act to Banking and Insurance sector governed by
Special Acts. S.1(4) of Companies Ac t 2013
Exceptions provided (S.67(3), S.73(1), S.129(1), 179(3), S.180(1)(c), S.186,
2 Regulatory Framework governing Stock Exchanges as per Securities
Contracts Regulation Act 1956
 Definition of Securities, Spot Delivery Contract, Ready Delivery Contract,
Stock Exchange.
 Corporatisation and demutualisation of Stock Exchange –Meaning,
Procedure & Withdrawal
 Power of Recognised Stock Exchange to make rules restricting voting rights
 Power of Central Government to Direct Rules or Make rules
 Power of SEBI to make or amend bye laws of recognised stock exchange
 Books and Accounts to be maintained by recognized stock exchange
 Grounds on which stock exchange can delist the securities of a company.
 Section 3 to Section 20
3 Security Exchange Board Of India
A) SEBI: Objectives -terms -establishment -powers -functions -accounts and
audit - penalties –registration.
B) Issues of Disclosure Investors Protection Guidelines: Pre & Post
obligations -conditions for issue -Debt Security -IPO-E-IPO-Employee
option -right-bonus -preferential allotment intermediary -operational -promoter
lock in period requirements -offer document.

4 The Depositories Act, 1996
 Depository – Meaning , Benefits , Models, Functions Participants
 The Depository Act 1996 – Objectives, Eligibility condition for depository
services, Fungibility, Bye laws of depository , Governance of Depository
and Internal audit of depository Participants
 BSDA and single registration for depository participants .

Note: Relevant Law/Statute/Rules in force in force on 1st April immediately preceding
commencement of Academic Year is applicable for ensuing examination after relevant

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 69 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking & Insurance )
Programme at Semester IV
with Effect from the Academic Year 201 7-2018
3. Core Courses ( CC)

Business Economics II
Modules at a Glance

No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Macroeconomic Data and
Theory 15
2 Money, Inflation and Monetary Policy 15
3 Constituents of Fiscal Policy 15
4 Open Economy : The ory and Issues of
International Trade 15
Total 60

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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Macroeconomic Data and Theory
 Macroeconomics: Meaning, Scope and Importance.
 Circular flow of aggregate income and expenditure : closed and open
economy models
 The Measurement of national product: Meaning and Importance -
conventional and Green GNP and NNP concepts - Relationship between
National Income and Economic Welfare.
 Short run economic fluctuations : Features and Phases of Trade Cycles
 The Keynesian Principle of Effective Demand: Aggregate Demand and
Aggregate Supply - Consumption Function - Investment function - effects of
Investment Multiplier on Changes in Income and Output
2 Money, Inflation and Monetary Policy
 Money Supply: Determinants of Money Supply - Factors influencing Velocity
of Circulation of Money
 Demand for Money : Classical and Keynesian approaches and Keynes’
liquidity preference theory of interest
 Money and prices : Quantity theory of money - Fisher’s equation of exchange
- Cambridge cash balance approach
 Inflation: Demand Pull Inflation and Cos t Push Inflation - Effects of Inflation -
Nature of inflation in a developing economy.
 Monetary policy : Meaning, objectives and instruments, inflation targeting

3 Constituents of Fiscal Policy
 Role of a Government to provide Public goods -Principles of Sound and
Functional Finance
 Fiscal Policy: Meaning, Objectives - Contra cyclical Fiscal Policy and
Discretionary Fiscal Policy
 Instruments of Fiscal policy : Canons of taxation - Factors influencing
incidence of taxation - Effects of taxation Significan ce of Public Expenditure -
Social security contributions - Low Income Support and Social Insurance
Programmes - Public Debt - Types, Public Debt and Fiscal Solvency, Burden of
debt finance
 Union budget -Structure - Deficit concepts -Fiscal Responsibility and Budget
Management Act.
4 Open Economy : The ory and Issues of International Trade
 The basis of international trade : Ricardo’s Theory of comparative cost
advantage - Heckscher – Ohlin theory of factor endowments - terms of trade -
meaning and types - Factors determining terms of trade - Gains from trade - Free
trade versus protection
 Foreign Investment : Foreign Portfo lio investment - Benefits of Portfolio capital
flows -Foreign Direct Investment - Merits of Foreign Direct Investment - Role of
Multinational corporations
 Balance of Payments: Structure - Types of Disequilibrium - Measures to correct
disequilibrium in BOP.
Foreign Exchange and foreign exchange market : Spot and Forward rate of
Exchange - Hedging, Speculation and Arbitrage -Fixed and Flexible exchange
rates - Managed flexibility

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 71 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com.( Banking & Insurance )
Programm e at Semester I II
with effect from t he Academic Year 2017 -2018

UReference Books

Reference Books
Financial Management - I
 Financial Management : I M Pandey, Vikas Publishing House.
 Financial Management : M.Y. Khan, P.K. Jain, Tata McGraw Hill.
 Financial Management : Ravi M Kishore, Taxman
 Financial Management : James C Van Horne, Prentice Hall
 Financial Management : Prassana Chandra, Prentice Hall.
 Financial Management : Chandra Haribariran Iyer: IBHL Publication.

Managemen t Accounting
 Cost and Management Accounting – Ravi N Kishor
 Essential of Management Accounting – P.N. Reddy, Himalaya publication.
 Advanced Management Accounting – Robert S Kailer.
 Financial of Management Accounting – S.R. Varshey, Wisdom.
 Introduction of Management Accounting Learning – Charbs T Horngram, PHI.
 Management Accounting – I.M Pandey, Vikas Publications.
 Cost and Management Accounting – D.K. Mattal, Galgotia Publications.
 Cost Accounting Theory and Practice -M.N. Arora, Sultan Chand and sons
 Management Accounting – Khan & Jain Tata Mc Graw

Organizational Behaviour
 Organizational Behaviour - concept, controversies, applications, by Stephen Robbins,
Prentice Hall.
 Management and Organizational Behavior , Ninth Edition, by Laurie J. Mullins, Pearson
 Organizational Behavior, Text, Cases, Games, By K. Ashwathappa, Himalaya Publishing
 Organizational Behavior by Margie Parikh and Rajen Gupta, Tata Mcgraw Hill
 Essentials of Organisational Behaviour (Seventh edition) - Stephen P. Robbins (Prentice
Hall India Pvt.Ltd.)
 Emerging Knowledge and Practices of the Real world (Fifth Edition) - Steven L
McShane, Mary Ann Von Glinow, Radha R. Sharma. (Tata McGraw Hill Education
Private Limited)
 Organizational Behavior by Dr. S.S. Khanka, Sultanchand publication
 Organizational Behavior by Jeff Harris and Sandra J. Hartman, Jaico Publications
 Organizational Behavior by Hellriegel, Slocum, Woodman, Pearson Education

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Reference Books
Risk Management
 Quantitative Risk Management : A Practical Guide to Financial Risk - Thomas S. Coleman
 Investment Theory and Risk Management: Steve Peterson
 Risk Management : M/s Macmillan India Limited
 Theory & Practice of Treasury Risk Management: M/s Taxman Publications Ltd.
 Corporate Value of ERM : Sim Segal
 Risk Management : Insurance and Derivatives Dr G Kotreshwar -Himalaya Publishing
House .
Mutual Fund Management
 Future scenario of Financial services : R. Gordan & Natarajan (Himalaya)
 Marketing of Financial services : V. K. Avadhani (Himalaya)
 MF, Data, Interpretation & analysis : K.G. Shahadevan & Thripairaju (Prentice hall of
 Mutual funds in India (Modern scenario): Dr. Manoj Dave & Mr. Lalitkumar Chauhan,
(Parad ise Publishers)
 Mutual Funds & Financial Management : Ramesh Garg (Yking books)
 Mutual Fund products & services : Indian institute for Banking & Finance ( Taxmann)
Information Technology in Banking& Insurance - I
 0BE-Banking in India : Challenges and Opportunities -By RimpiJatana, R. K. Uppal
 1BFrontiers of E -Commerce - by Ravi Kalakota, Andrew B. Whinston - Pearson Education
 2BFrontiers of E -Commerce - by Ravi Kalakota, Andrew B. Whinston –Pearson Education
 Microsoft Office Professional2013 -Step by step
 By Beth Melton,Mark Dodge, Echo Swinford, Andrew Couch
 An Overview of Cyber Crime & security -Volume 1 -1 Pst
P Edition by Akash Kamal Mishra
 Computers and Banking - by Sony and Agarwal
 E-Commerce by David Whitely

Foundation Course –III ( An Overview of Banking Sector)
 Banking Law and Practice – M.L Tannan
 Microfinance Perspective and Operations – IIBF, 2016.
 Rural Banking Operations – IIBF, 2017 Edition
 Financial Inclusion and Growth Governance - Deepali Pant Joshi Gyan Publishing House
 Bank Financial Management Paperback – 2010 -IIBF
 Money Bankin g And Finance Paperback – 2009 -N K Sinha
 Principles and Practices of Banking Paperback – 2015 - IIBF
 Principles and Practices of Banking 11 edition Paperback – 2015 - N S Too r, Arun Toor
 Principles Of Banking (With Case Studies) Hardcover – 2009 - Rakesh Kumar
 Modern Banking In India , Gupta

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Reference Books
Foundation Course in NSS III
 National Service Scheme Manual (Revised) 2006, Government of India, Ministry of Youth
Affairs and Sports, New Delhi.
 University of Mumbai National Service Scheme Manual 2009.
 Avhan Chancellor's Brigade - NSS Wing, Training camp on Disaster Preparedness
Guidelines, March 2012
 Rashtriya Seva Yojana Sankalpana - Prof. Dr. Sankay Chakane, Dr. Pramod \Pabrekar,
Diamond Publication, Pune
 National Service Scheme Manual for NSS District Coordinators, National Service Scheme
Cell, Dept. of Higher and Technical Education, Mantralaya,
 Annual report of National Service Scheme (NSS) published by De pt. of Higher and
Technical Education, Mantralaya,
 NSS Cell, Dept. of Higher and Technical Education, Mantralaya, UTKARSHA - Socio and
cultural guidelines
 Case material as a Training Aid for Field Workers, Gurmeet Hans.
 Social service opportunities in hospitals, Kapil K. Krishnan, TISS
 New Trends in NSS, Research papers published by University of Pune
 ANOOGUNJ Research Journal, published by NSS Unit C. K. Thakur college
 Training Manual for Field Work published by RGNIYD, Chreeperumbudur
 Prof. Ghatole R.N. Rural Social Science and Community Development.
 Purushottam Sheth, Dr. Shailaja Mane, National Service Scheme
 Joint programme of National Service Scheme, University of Mumbai & DISHA -
DEEPSHIKHA Projects, Nair Hospital, 2011 -12
 National Service Scheme in India: A Case study of Karnataka, M. B. Dishad, Trust
Publications, 2001
 http://www.thebetterindia.com/140/national -service -scheme -nss/
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/national -service -scheme 19=http://nss.nic.in/adminstruc t
 http://nss.nic.in/propexpan
 http://nss.nic. in
 http://socialworknss.org/about.html
Foundation Course in NCC III
 Cadet’s Hand book – Common subject..all wings, BY DG NCC, New Delhi.
 Cadet’s Hand book – Specialised Subjects, Army, Navy, Air -force, BY DG NCC, New
 NCC OTA Precise, BY DG NCC, New Delhi.
 “AVAN” Model of Disaster Mang., Vinayak Dalvie, Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Urban
Plan. and Env Strat & Challenges, Elphinstone College, Jan 2007.
 Humanistic Tradition of India, N.L.Gupta, Mohit Publ ication, New Delhi
 Social psychology, Baron & Byrne, Pearson Publication, 12th Edition self awareness
know yourself / insight (110) Group & Individuals (374) Group discussion
 Chanakya’s 7 Secrets of Leadership, Radhakrishanan Pillai and D.Shivnandhan, Jaic o
 Social Psychology: Understanding Human Interaction, Baron, Robert A.,
(302/BAR/BYR),7th Edition
 Seven Habits of Highly Effective People., Covey , Stephen
 The Habit of Winning., Iyer , Prakash, Penguin , India ; 2011
 The Goal, Goldratt , Eliyahu, The Nort hriver press ; 1994
 Freedom Struggle, Chandra Bipin, National Book Trust 1972

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 Freedom of Religion and The Indian Judiciary, Bachal V.M. , Shubhada Saraswat,
 India 1996 - A Reference Annual Govt. of India
 Saha Soneri Pane, Vinayak D. Savarkar
 Environ mental Biology and Toxicology, P.D. Sharma., Rastogi Publication
 Environmental Science, S.C. Santra, New Central Book Agency
 National Cadet Corps (India), Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F.
Henssonow, Betascript Publishing, 2011
 National Cadet Corps, Youth in Action (Google eBook), National Cadet Corps (India),
Lancer Publishers, 2003
 Youth in Step: History of the National Cadet Corps, V. Longer, Lancer international,
1983 Original from the University of Michigan
 National Cadet Corps of India, M an Mohan Sharma, Vision Books, 1980 Original from
the University of Michigan
 The National Cadet Corps Act, 1948, as Modify Up to the 1st July 1963, India,
Government of India Press, 1963 (Military Law)
 Cadet Corps in India: Its Evolution and Impact, Satis Chandra Maikap, Darbari Udyog,
1979 Original from the University of California
 National Cadet Corps: 100 Years of Distinction, National Cadet Corps (Singapore), NCC
 The NCC, Singapore, National Cadet Corps Council, National Cadet Corps Council
 Grooming Tom orrow’s Leaders: National Cadet Corps, 1917 -2006, R.S. Chhettri,
Lancer Publishers, 2006
 National Civil Defence Cadet Corps, Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F.
Henssonow, Betascript Publishing, 2011
 Discovery of India, Jawaharlal Nehru
 Health a nd Hygiene, Manoj. J.S., Agra University Publication
 Yoga for Healing, Venkateswaran P.S., Bombay: - Jaico Publishing House 1989 )
 Yoga Illustrated, New Delhi, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 1995
 Yoga Practice, 1972, Shivnande Swami, Mumbai: - D.B. Taraporewala 1972
 Yoga of Patanjali -1979, Yardi M.R., Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute - 1974
 Sustainable Development (An Alternative Paradigm), Satpathy , N., Karnavati
Publications , Ahmedabad
 Global Partners for Sustainable Development, Pachau ri R.K & Srivastava L., Tata
Energy Research Institute, New Delhi ; 1994, 1998
 Ecology and the Politics of survival : Conflict over Natural Resources in India, Shiva ,
Vandana, Sage Publications , California , 1991
Foundation Course in Physical Education - III
 Lippian Cott Williams and Wilkins 2006.
 American College of Sports Medicine, ACSM’s, Guidelines for Exercise Testing and
Priscription. (2013) Ninth Edition, Lippian Cott Williams and Wilkins.
 American College of Sports Medicine, ACSM’s Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise
Testing and Priscription. (2006) 5th Ed., Lippian Cott Williams and Wilkins, 2006.
 Beashel, P.,& Taylor, J. (1996). Advance Studies in Physical Education and Sports. U.K.:
Thomas Nelso n and Sons Ltd.
 Bucher, C.A. (1995). Foundation of Physical Education (12th Ed.) USA : St. Louis, C.V.
 Colfter, G.R., Hamilton, K.E., Magill R.A.,& Hamilton B.J. (1986). Contemporary Physical
Education. USA : Wim C. Brown Publisher.
 Daryl S. (1994 ). Introduction to physical education, fitness and sports (2nd ed.). London:
Mayfield publishing company.

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 75 | P a g e

Reference Books
 Greenberg, Dintiman, Oakes. (2004). Physical Fitness & wellness.(3rd ed.) IL:Human
 Halfield, F.C. (2001). Fitness: The Complete Guide. USA : International Sports Science
 Jackson, A.L., Morrow, J.R. (2004). Physical activity for health & fitness. IL:Human kinetics.
 Kamlesh, M.L. (2002). Foundation of Physical Education. New Delhi : Metropolitan Book &
Co. Ptd. Ltd.
 Kansal, D.K. (2012). A Text book of Applied Measurement Evaluation and Sports Selection
(3rd Ed.). New Delhi: DVS Publication.
 Lock Hurt and others – Anatomy of the human body, Feber & Feber Oxford University, 1975
 Muller, J. P.(2000). Health, Ex ercise and Fitness. Delhi : Sports.
 Murgesh N. – Anatomy, Physiology and Health Education, Sathya, Chinnalapatti, 1990.
 NASPE. (2005). Physical Education for lifelong fitness. The physical Best teacher’s guide.
IL:Human Kinetics
 Nieman, D.C.(1986). Fitness and Sports Medicine : Health Related Approach London:
Mayfield Publishing Co.
 Nimbalkar. Sadashiv, Yoga for Health and Peace. - 6th Ed., Yoga Vidya Niketan, Mumbai.,
 Pate R.R. & Hohn R.C. (1994). Health Fitness Through Physical Education. USA : Human
 Pandey ,& Gangopadhyay.(1995). Health Education for school children. New Delhi : Friends
 Safrit, M. (1990). Introduction to Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science.
St. Louis,Toronto,Bastan : Times Mirror/Mosby College Publishing.
Sharma, O.P. (1998). History of Physical Education. Delhi: Khel Sahitya Kendra.Werner. W.K.,
Hoeger. (2007). Fitness and Wellness. (8th ed.). Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Financial Markets
 Khan M.Y, Financial Services, Mc Graw Hill Education.
 Dr.S. Gurusamy, Financial Services, Vijay Nicole Imprints.
 E. Gordon and K. Natarajan – Financial Markets and Services
 Niti Chatnani - Commodity markets McGraw Hill Publication
 S. Kevin, - Commodities & financial derivatives PHI Learning Pvt ltd

 Direct Taxes Law & Practice by V.K. Singhania - Taxman
 Systematic Approach to Direct Tax by Ahuja & Gupta - Bharat Law House
 Income Tax Ready Recknoner by Dr .V.K. Singhania – Taxman
 Direct Tax Laws by T.N. Manoharan - Snow White

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 76 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. (Banking & Finance )
Programm e at Semester IV
with effect from the Academic Year 2016 -2017
UReference Books
Reference Books
Financial Management -II
 Financial Management : I M Pandey, Vikas Publishing House.
 Financial Management : M.Y. Khan, P.K. Jain, Tata McGraw Hill.
 Financial Management : Ravi M Kishore, Taxman
 Financial Management : James C Van Horne, Prentice Hall
 Financial Management : Prassana Chandra, Prentice Hall.
 Financial Management : Chandra Haribariran Iyer: IBHL Publication.

Cost Accounting
 Lectures on Costing by Swaminathan: S. Chand and Company (P) Ltd., New Delhi
 Cost Accounting by C.S. Rayudu, Tata Mc. Grow Hill and Co. Ltd., Mumbai
 Cost Accounting by Jawahar Lal and Seema Srivastava , Tata Mc. Grow Hill and Co. Ltd.,
 Cost Accounting by Ravi M. Kishore, Taxmann Ltd., New Delhi
 Principles and Practices of Cost Accounting by N.K. Prasad, Book Syndicate Pvt. Ltd.,
 Cost Accounting Theory and Practice by B.K. Bhar, Tata Mc. Grow Hill and Co. Ltd.,
 Cost Accounting Principles and Practice by M.N. Arora, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi
 Advanced Cost and Management Accounting: Problems and Solutions by V.K. Saxena and
C.D. Vashist, S. Chand and Company (P) Ltd., New Delhi
 Cost Accounting by S.P. Jain and K.L. Narang, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana
 Modern Cost and Management Accounting by M. Hanif, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi
Entrepreneurship Management
 S.L. Gupta and Dr. Arun Mittal, Entrepreneurship Development by International Books
House ltd.
 Vasant Desai, Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development
 Willaim D. Bygrave and Andrew Zacharakis, The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship by,
Fourth edition, John Wiley and Sons.
 S.S. Khanka, Entrepreneurship Development, Sultanchand and Sons ltd.
 C.B. Gupta and N.P. Shrinivasan, Entrepreneurship Development Sultan chand and sons
 Sharma Sudhir, Singh Balraj, Singhal Sandeep (2005), “Entrepreneurship
Development”, Wisdom Publications, Delhi.
 Badi R.V., Badi N.V. (2010), “Entrepreneurship”, Vrinda Publications (P) Ltd., Delhi.
 Desai Vasant (2009), “The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial D evelopment and Management
– Planning for Future Sustainable Growth”, Himalaya Publishing House, India.
 Vasishth Neeru (2008), “Business Organization”, Taxmann Allied Services (P.) Ltd.,

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 77 | P a g e

Reference Books

 Holt David H. (2004), “Entrepreneurship – New Venture Creation”, Prentice Hall of
India Private Limited, New Delhi.
 Roy Rajeev (2009)], “Entrepreneurship”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
 Burns Paul (2001), “Entrepreneurship and Small Business”, Palgr ave Mecmillan, China.
 Sudha G.S. (2005), “Management and Entrepreneurship Development”, Indus Valley
Publications, New Delhi.
 Basotia G.R., Sharma K.K. (1991), “Handbook of Entrepreneurship Development – An
Entrepreneurs Guide to Planning, Starting, Deve loping and Managing a New
Enterprise”, Mangal Deep Publications, Jaipur .
 Coulter Mary (2003), “Entrepreneurship in Action”, Prentice Hall of India Private
Limited, New Delhi.
 Zimmerer Thomas W., Scarborough Norman M. (2009), “Essentials of Entrepreneurship
and Small Business Management”, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi.
 Hisrich Robert D., Peters Michael P. (2002), “Entrepreneurship – International
Edition”, The McGraw -Hill Companies, New York.
 Cynthia L Greene, Entrepreneurship Ideas in Action, Thomson

Wealth Management
 Wealth Management - Dun & Brastreet, Tata McGrawHill
 Wealth Management - S.K .Bagachi, Jaico publishing house
 Wealth Management - Suyash Bhat, Excel Books
 Wealth Management - Harold Evensky, Tata McGrawHill
 Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management - Prasanna Chandra, Tata McGrawHill
 NCFM - Module of wealth management
Customer Relationship Management
 Alok Kumar Rai, “Customer Relationship Management – Concepts and Cases”, PHI
Learning Private Ltd, New Delhi
 Berry, Leonard L. (1995) ,“Relationship marketing of services – competing through
quality”, free press, New York
 Berson, A and S J Smith, K Thearling (1999), “Building Data Mining Applications for
CRM”, McGraw -Hill, New York.
 Chaturvedi, Kapil and Amit Bhatia (2001), “e-CRM: Deriving value of customer
relationship”, CRM: Emerging Concepts, tools and Application, in J N Sheth, A

 McKenna, Regis (1991) , “Relationship Marketing: Successful Strategies for the Age of
the Customer”, Addison -Wesley, New York.
 Madhavi Garikaparthi, “ E-CRM – Concepts and Cases” , The ICFAI University
 Graham Roberts , Phelps, “Customer Relationship Management” , Thorogood Publishers
Limited, UK

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Reference Books
Information Technology in Banking & Insurance -II
 Sanjay Soni and Vinayak Aggarwal, Computers and Banking, M/s Sultan Chand &
Sons,New Delhi, 1993.
 Uppal, R.K. “E -Banking in India (Challenges & Opportunities)”, New Century
 Publications, New Delhi, 2007.
 General Bank Management from Indian Institute of Banking and Finance by MACMILAN
2. Modern Banking Technology -by Firdos Temurasp Shroff -published by -Northern Book
Center, New Delhi
 General Bank Management from Indian Institute of Banking and Finance by M ACMILAN
 Microsoft Office Professional2013 -Step by step
 By Beth Melton,Mark Dodge, Echo Swinford, Andrew Couch

Foundation Course –III ( An Overview of Insurance Sector)
 Insurance Principles and Practice – M N Mishra & S B Mishra – S. Chand 22 Pnd
P Edition
 Insurance Claims Solutions – DR L.P Gupta Revised Edition
 Introduction to Risk Management & Insurance – Mark S Dorfman & David A. Cather –
Tenth Edition
 Risk Management Insurance – S. Arunajatesan & T.R Vishwanathan

Foundation Course in NSS III
 National Service Scheme Manual (Revised) 2006, Government of India, Ministry of Youth
Affairs and Sports, New Delhi.
 University of Mumbai National Service Scheme Manual 2009.
 Avhan Chancellor's Brigade - NSS Wing, Training camp on Disaster Preparedness
Guidelines, March 2012
 Rashtriya Seva Yojana Sankalpana - Prof. Dr. Sankay Chakane, Dr. Pramod \Pabrekar,
Diamond Publication, Pune
 National Service Scheme Manual for NSS District Coordinators, National Service Scheme
Cell, Dept. of Higher and Technical Education, Mantralaya,
 Annual report of National Service Scheme (NSS) published by Dept. of Higher and Technical
Education, Mantralaya,
 NSS Cell, Dept. of Higher and Technical Education, Mantralaya, UTKARSHA -
 Case material as a Training Aid for Field Work ers, Gurmeet Hans.
 Social service opportunities in hospitals, Kapil K. Krishnan, TISS
 New Trends in NSS, Research papers published by University of Pune
 ANOOGUNJ Research Journal, published by NSS Unit C. K. Thakur college
 Training Manual for Field Work p ublished by RGNIYD, Chreeperumbudur
 Prof. Ghatole R.N. Rural Social Science and Community Development.
 Purushottam Sheth, Dr. Shailaja Mane, National Service Scheme
 Joint programme of National Service Scheme, University of Mumbai & DISHA -
DEEPSHIKHA Projects, Nair Hospital, 2011 -12
 National Service Scheme in India: A Case study of Karnataka, M. B. Dishad, Trust
Publications, 2001
 http://www.thebetterindia.com/140/national -service -scheme -nss/
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/national -service -scheme 19=http ://nss.nic.in/adminstruct
 http://nss.nic.in/propexpan
 http://socialworknss.org/about.html

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Reference Books
Foundation Course in NCC - III
 Cadet’s Hand book – Common subject..all wings, BY DG NCC, New Delhi.
 Cadet’s Hand book – Specialised Subjects, Army, Navy, Air -force, BY DG NCC, New Delhi.
 NCC OTA Precise, BY DG NCC, New Delhi.
 “AVAN” Model of Disaster Mang., Vinayak Dalvie, Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Urban Plan.
and Env Strat & Challenges, Elphinstone College, Jan 2007.
 Humanistic Tradition of India, N.L.Gupta, Mohit Publication, New Delhi
 Social psychology, Baron & Byrne, Pearson Publication, 12th Edition self awareness know
yourself / insight (110) Group & Individuals (374) Group discussion
 Chanakya’s 7 Secrets of Leadership, Radhakrishanan P illai and D.Shivnandhan, Jaico
 Social Psychology: Understanding Human Interaction, Baron, Robert A., (302/BAR/BYR),7th
 Seven Habits of Highly Effective People., Covey , Stephen
 The Habit of Winning., Iyer , Prakash, Penguin , India ; 2011
 The Goal, Goldratt , Eliyahu, The Northriver press ; 1994
 Freedom Struggle, Chandra Bipin, National Book Trust 1972
 Freedom of Religion and The Indian Judiciary, Bachal V.M. , Shubhada Saraswat, (362P)
 India 1996 - A Reference Annual Govt. of India
 Saha Soneri Pane , Vinayak D. Savarkar
 Environmental Biology and Toxicology, P.D. Sharma., Rastogi Publication
 Environmental Science, S.C. Santra, New Central Book Agency
 National Cadet Corps (India), Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow,
Betascript Pub lishing, 2011
 National Cadet Corps, Youth in Action (Google eBook), National Cadet Corps (India), Lancer
Publishers, 2003
 Youth in Step: History of the National Cadet Corps, V. Longer, Lancer international, 1983
Original from the University of Michigan
 National Cadet Corps of India, Man Mohan Sharma, Vision Books, 1980 Original from the
University of Michigan
 The National Cadet Corps Act, 1948, as Modify Up to the 1st July 1963, India, Government of
India Press, 1963 (Military Law)
 Cadet Corps in India: Its Evolution and Impact, Satis Chandra Maikap, Darbari Udyog, 1979
Original from the University of California
 National Cadet Corps: 100 Years of Distinction, National Cadet Corps (Singapore), NCC
 The NCC, Singapore, National Cadet Corps Council, National Cad et Corps Council
 National Civil Defence Cadet Corps, Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F.
Henssonow, Betascript Publishing, 2011
 Discovery of India, Jawaharlal Nehru
 Health and Hygiene, Manoj. J.S., Agra University Publication
Yoga for Healing, Venkateswaran P.S., Bombay: - Jaico Publishing House 1989
 Yoga Illustrated, New Delhi, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, 1995
 Yoga Practice, 1972, Shivnande Swami, Mumbai: - D.B. Taraporewala 1972
 Yoga of Patanjali -1979, Yardi M.R., Bhandarkar Orien tal Research Institute - 1974
 Sustainable Development (An Alternative Paradigm), Satpathy , N., Karnavati Publications ,
 Global Partners for Sustainable Development, Pachauri R.K & Srivastava L., Tata Energy
Research Institute, New Delhi ; 1994, 1998
 Ecology and the Politics of survival : Conflict over Natural Resources in India, Shiva ,
Vandana, Sage Publications , California , 1991

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 80 | P a g e
Reference Books
Foundation Course in Physical Education - III
 Lippian Cott Williams and Wilkins 2006.
 American College of Sports Medicine, ACSM’s, Guidelines for Exercise Testing and
Priscription. (2013) Ninth Edition, Lippian Cott Williams and Wilkins.
 American College of Sports Medicine, ACSM’s Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise
Testing and Priscription. (2006) 5t h Ed., Lippian Cott Williams and Wilkins, 2006.
 Beashel, P.,& Taylor, J. (1996). Advance Studies in Physical Education and Sports. U.K.:
Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.
 Bucher, C.A. (1995). Foundation of Physical Education (12th Ed.) USA : St. Louis,
 Colfter, G.R., Hamilton, K.E., Magill R.A.,& Hamilton B.J. (1986). Contemporary Physical
Education. USA : Wim C. Brown Publisher.
 Daryl S. (1994). Introduction to physical education, fitness and sports (2nd ed.). London:
Mayfield publishing company.
 Dheer, S.D.(19 91). Introduction to Health Education. New Delhi : Friends Publication.
 Dr. A.K.Uppal& Dr. G. P. Gautam (2004). Physical education and Health. Delhi: Friends
 Dr. Gharote M. L; Teaching Methods for Yogic Practices. – 2nd Ed., Kaiv alyadham Samiti,
Lonavala - 2001
 Dr. Gharote M. L; Guideline for Yogic Practices – 2nd Ed., The Lonavala Yoga Institute
(India), Lonavala - 2007
 Greenber et al . (2004). Physical Fitness & wellness.(3rd ed.) IL:Human kinetics.
 Halfield, F.C. (2001). Fitness : The Complete G uide. USA : International Sports Science
 Jackson, A.L., Morrow, J.R. (2004). Physical activity for health & fitness. IL:Human kinetics.
 Kamlesh, M.L. (2002). Foundation of Physical Education. New Delhi : Metropolitan Book &
Co. Ptd. Ltd.
 Kansal, D.K. (2012). A Text book of Applied Measurement Evaluation and Sports Selection
(3rd Ed.). New Delhi : DVS Publication.
 Lock Hurt and others – Anatomy of the human body, Feber & Feber Oxford University, 1975
 Muller, J. P.(2000). Health, Exercise an d Fitness. Delhi : Sports.
 Murgesh N. – Anatomy, Physiology and Health Education, Sathya, Chinnalapatti, 1990.
 NASPE. (2005). Physical Education for lifelong fitness. The physical Best teacher’s guide.
IL:Human Kinetics
 Nieman, D.C.(1986). Fitness and Spor ts Medicine : Health Related Approach London:
Mayfield Publishing Co.
 Nimbalkar. S, Yoga for Health and Peace. - 6th Ed., Yoga Vidya Niketan, Mumbai., 2004.
 Pate R.R. & Hohn R.C. (1994). Health Fitness Through Physical Education. USA : Human
 Pande y,& Gangopadhyay.(1995).Health Education for school children. ND: Friends
 Safrit, M. (1990). Introduction to Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science.
St. Louis,Toronto,Bastan : Times Mirror/Mosby College Publishing.
 Sharma, O.P. (1998). History of Physical Education. Delhi: Khel Sahitya Kendra.Werner.
W.K., Hoeger. (2007). Fitness and Wellness. (8th ed.). Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Corporate & Securities law
 Mamta Bhargava – Compliances and Procedures under SEBI Law
 V.L Iyer – SEBI Practice Manual - Taxmann
 D.K Jain – Company Law Ready Reckoner
 Bare Act – Corporate Laws Taxmann Microsoft Office Professional2013 -Step by step
 By Beth Melton,Mark Dodge, Echo Swinford, Andrew Couch

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Reference Books
Business Economics -II
 Ackley.G (1976), Macro Economic Theory and Policy, Macmillan Publishing Co. New
 Ahuja. H.L., Modern Economics –– S.Chand Company Ltd. New Delhi.
 Bhatia H.L.: Public Finance. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd
 Dornbush , Fisher and Startz, Macroeconomics, Tata -Mac Graw Hill, New Delhi.
 Dwivedi, D.N. (2001), Macro Economics: Theory and Policy, Tata -Mac Graw Hill, New
 Friedman Hilton (1953) Essays in Positive Economics, University of Chicago Press,
 Francis Cherunilam Internat ional Economics Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
 Gregory .N. Mankiw, Macroeconomics, Fifth Edition (2002) New York:Worth
 Jhingan, M.L., Principles of Economics –– Vrinda Publications (P) Ltd.
 Jhingan M.L. – International Economics – Vrinda publication Pvt. Ltd - Delhi
 Musgrave, R.A and P.B. Musgrave (1976) : Public Finance in Theory and Practice,
Tata McGraw Hill, Kogakusha, Tokyo
 Shapiro, E (1996), Macro -Economic Analysis, Golgotha Publication, New Delhi.
 Singh.S.K. (2 014): Public finance in Theory and Practice, S.Chand &co Pvt Ltd, New
 Salvatore Dominick – International Economics – John Wiley & sons, Inc Singapore
 Vaish .M.C. (2010) Macro Economic Theory 14th edition, Vikas Publishing

Page 82

Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 82 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com.( Banking & Insurance )
Programm e at Semester III and I V
with effect from the Academic Year 201 7-2018
Scheme of E valuation
The performance of the learners will be evaluated in two Components. One component will
be the I nternal Assessment component carrying 25% marks and the second component will
be the Semester -wise End Examination component carrying 75% marks. The allocation of
marks for the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examinations will be as shown below: -

A) Internal Assessment : 25 %

Question Paper Pattern
(Internal Assessment - Courses without Practical Courses)
Sr. No. Particular Marks
1 One class test (20 Marks)
Match the Column/ Fill in the Blanks / Multiple Choice Questions
(½ Mark each) 05 Marks
Answer in One or Two Lines (Concept based Questions)
(01 Mark each) 05 Marks
Answer in Brief (Attempt Any Two of the Three)
(05 Marks each) 10 Marks
2 Active participation in routine class instructional deliveries and
overall conduct as a responsible learner, mannerism and
articulation and exhibit of leadership qualities in organizing
related academic activities 05 Marks

Question Paper Pattern
(Internal Asse ssment - Courses with Practical Courses)
Sr. No. Particular Marks
1 Semester End Practical Examination (20 Marks)
Journal 05 Marks
Viva 05 Marks
Laboratory Work 10 Marks
2 Active participation in routine class instructional deliveries and
overall conduct as a responsible learner, mannerism and
articulation and exhibit of leadership qualities in organizing
related academic activities articulation and exhibit of leadership
qualities in organizing related academic activities 05 Marks

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 83 | P a g e
B) Semester End Examination: 75 %
i) Duration: The examination shall be of 2 ½ Hou rs duration
ii) Theory question paper pattern
 There shall be five questions each of 15 marks.
 All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice within the questions.
 Question may be subdivided into sub -questions a, b, c… and the allocation of
marks depends on the weightage of the topic.
(Detail question paper pattern has been given separately)

Passing Standard
The learners to pass a course shall have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate for
each course where the course consists of Internal Assessment and Semester End
Examination. The learners shall obtain minimum of 40% marks (i.e. 10 out of 25) in the
Internal Assessment and 40% marks in Semester End Examination (i.e. 30 Out of 75)
separately, to pass the course and minimum of Grade E to pass a particular semester A
learner will be said to have passed the course if the learner passes the Internal Assessment
and Semester End Examination together.

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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 84 | P a g e
Question Paper Pattern
(Practical Courses)

Maximum Marks: 75
Questions to be set: 05
Duration: 2 ½ Hrs.
All Questions are Compulsory Carrying 15 Marks each.

No Particular Marks


Objective Questions
A) Sub Questions to be asked 10 and to be answered any 08
B) Sub Questions to be asked 10 and to be answered any 07
(*Multiple choice / True or False / Match the columns/Fill in the
15 Marks


Full Length Practical Question
Full Length Practical Question
15 Marks

15 Marks


Full Length Practical Question
Full Length Practical Question
15 Marks

15 Marks


Full Length Practical Question
Full Length Practical Question
15 Marks

15 Marks


A) Theory questions
B) Theory questions
Short Notes
To be asked 05
To be answered 03
08 Marks
07 Marks

15 Marks

Practical question of 15 marks may be divided into two sub questions of 7/8 and 10/5
Marks. If the topic demands, instead of practical questions, appropriate theory question
may be asked.

Page 85

Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance , University of Mumbai 85 | P a g e
Question Paper Pattern
(Theoretical Courses )

Maximum Marks: 75
Questions to be set: 05
Duration: 2 ½ Hrs.
All Questions are Compulsory Carrying 15 Marks each.

No Particular Marks


Objective Questions
A) Sub Questions to be asked 10 and to be answered any 08
B) Sub Questions to be asked 10 and to be answered any 07
(*Multiple choice / True or False / Match the columns/Fill in the
15 Marks


Full Length Question
Full Length Question
15 Marks

15 Marks


Full Length Question
Full Length Question
15 Marks

15 Marks


Full Length Question
Full Length Question
15 Marks

15 Marks


A) Theory questions
B) Theory questions
Short Notes
To be asked 05
To be answered 03
08 Marks
07 Marks

15 Marks

Theory question of 15 marks may be divided into two sub questions of 7/8 and 10/5 Marks.