BBI Semester V and VI Syllabus to be implememnted 2018 20191 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 1 | P a g e
University of Mumbai
Revised Syllabus
Question Paper Pattern
of Courses of
B.Com. (Banking and Insurance)
Programme at
Third Year
Semester V and VI
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and
Semester System
(To be implemented from Academic Year 2018-2019)
Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 2 | P a g e
B.Com. ( Banking and Insurance ) Programme
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System
T.Y.B.Com. ( Banking and Insurance )
(To be implemented from Academic Year 2018 -2019)
No. of
Courses Semester V Credits No. of
Courses Semester VI Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC) 1 Elective Courses (EC)
&4 *Any four courses from the
following list of the courses 12 1,2,3
&4 **Any four courses from the
following list of the courses 12
2 Core Courses (CC) 2 Core Courses (CC)
5 International Banking and
Finance 04 5 Central Banking 04
3 Ability Enhancement Course(AEC) 3 Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)
6 Research Methodology 04 6 Project Work In Banking &
Insurance 04
Total Credits 20 Total Credits 20
Note: Project work is considered as a special course involving application of knowledge in
solving/analyzing/exploring a real life situation/ difficult problem. Project work would be of 04
credits each. A project work may be undertaken in any area of Elective Courses/ Study Area
*List of Elective Courses
for Semester V (Any F our) **List of El ective Courses
for Semester VI (Any Four)
01 Financial Reporting & Analysis(Corporate
Banking & Insurance) 01 Security Analysis and Portfolio
02 Auditing - I 02 Auditing - II
03 Strategic Management 03 Human Resource Management
04 Financial Services Management 04 Turnaround Management
05 Business Ethics and Corporate
Governance 05 International Business
06 Actuarial Analysis in Banking & Insurance 06 Marketing in Banking & Insurance
Note: Course selected in Semester V will continue in Semester VI
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 3 | P a g e
B.Com . (Banking and Insurance ) Programme
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System
Course Structure
(To be implemented from Academic Year 2018 -2019)
Semester V
No. of
Courses Semester V Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
1,2,3 & 4 *Any four courses from the following list of the courses 12
2 Core Courses (CC)
5 International Banking and Finance 04
6 Research Method ology 04
Total Credits 20
*List of Elective Courses for Semester V (Any F our)
01 Financial Reporting and Analysis(Corporate Banking & Insurance)
02 Auditing - I
03 Strategic Management
04 Financial Services Management
05 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance
06 Actuarial Analysis in Banking & Insurance
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 4 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking and Insurance )
Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
1. Financial Reporting and Analysis
(Corporate Banking & Insurance)
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Final Accounts of Banking Company 16
02 Final Accounts of Insurance Company 12
03 Preparation of Final Accounts of Companies 12
04 Cash Flow Analysis & Ethical Behavior and Implications for
Accountants 12
05 Introduction to IFRS 08
Total 60
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 5 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Final Accounts of Banking Company
Legal Provision s in Banking Regulation Act, 1949 relating to Accounts.
Statutory Reserves including Cash Reserve and Statutory Liquidity Ratio.
Bills Purchase and Discounted , Rebate on Bill Discounted .
Final Accounts in Prescribed Form .
Non – performing Assets and Income from Non – performing Assets .
Classification of Advances: Standard , Sub – standard, Doubtful and Provisioning
Requirement .
2 Final Accounts of Insurance Company
(a) Preparation and Presentation of Corporate Final Accounts for Insurance
(b) Final Accounts in accordance with Insurance Legislation
(c) Study of Accounting Policies from Annual Reports of Listed Insurance
3 Preparation of Final Accounts of Companies
Relevant Provisions of Companies Act related to Preparation of Final Account
(excluding cash flow statement)
Preparation of Financial Statements as per Companies Act. (excluding cash flow
AS 1 in Relation to Final Accounts of Companies (Disclosure of Accounting
Policies )
Adjustment for –
1. Closing Stock
2. Depreciation
3. Outstanding expenses and income
4. Prepaid expenses and Pre received income
5. Proposed Dividend and Unclaimed Dividend
6. Provision for Tax and Advance Tax
7. Bill of exchange ( Endorsement, Honour, Dishonour)
8. Capital Expenditure included in Revenue expenditure and vice
versa eg - purchase of furniture included in purchases
9. Unrecorded Sales and Purchases
10. Good sold on sale or return basis
11. Managerial remuneration on Net Profit before tax
12. Transfer to Reserves
13. Bad debt and Provision for bad debts
14. Calls in Arrears
15. Loss by fire ( Partly and fully insured goods)
16. Goods distributed as free samples.
Any other adjustments as per the prevailing accounting standard.
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 6 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
4 Cash Flow Analysis & Ethical Behaviour and Implications for Accountants
Cash Flow Analysis as per AS 3 ( Indirect Method Only )
Ethical Behaviour and Implications for Accountants
Introduction, Meaning of Ethical Behavio ur
Financial Reports – Link between Law, Corporate Governance , Corporate Social
Responsibility and Ethics .
Importance and Relevance of Ethical Behavior in Accounting Profession .
Implications of Ethical Values for the Principles Versus Rule Based Approaches to
Accounting Standards
The Principal Based Approach and Ethics
The Accounting Standard Setting Process and Ethics
The IFAC Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants
Contents of Research Report in Ethical Practices
Implications of Unethical Behavior on Financial Reports
Company Codes of Ethics
The increasing role of Whistle – Blowing
Need to learn ethics .
5 Introduction to IFRS
IFRS 1- First Time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards
Objective, Scope, Definitions, First IFRS Financial Statements , Recognition and
Measurement , Comparative Information , Explanation of Transition to IFRS,
Reconciliations, Interim Financial Reports , Designation of Financial Assets or
Financial Liabilities , Use of Fair Value as Deemed Cost , Use of Deemed Cost ,
Exceptions to Retrospective Application of other IFRS, Exemptions for Business
Combination , Exemptions from other IFRS and Presentation and Disclosure.
IFRS 2- Share Based Payment – Objective, Scope, Definitions, Recognition, Equity
Settled Share Based Payment Transactions , Transactions in Which Services are
Received , Treatment of Vesting Conditions , Expected Vesting Period, Determining
the Fair Value of Equity Instruments granted, Modifications of terms and
conditions, Cancellation, Cash Settled Share Based Payment Transactions , Share
Based Payment Transactions in Which The Terms of The Arrangement Provide The
Counterparty With A Choice o f Settlement , Share Based Payment Transactions in
which the Terms of the Arrangement Provide the Entity with a Choice of
Settlement , Share Based Payment Transactions Among Group Entities ( 2009
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 7 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking and Insurance )
Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
2. Auditing -I
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Introduction to Auditing 15
02 Audit Planning, Procedures and Documentation 15
03 Auditing Techniques and Internal Audit Introduction 15
04 Auditing Techniques: Vouching 08
05 Auditing Techniques: Verification 07
Total 60
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 8 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Auditing
Basics –Financial Statements, Users of Information, Definition of Auditing,
Objectives of Auditing – Primary and Secondary, Expression of Opinion , Detection
of Frauds and Errors, Inherent limitations of Audit. Difference between
Accounting and Auditing, Investigation and Auditing.
Errors & Frauds –Definitions, Reasons and Circumstances, Types of Error –
Commission, Omission, Compensating error. Ty pes of frauds, Risk of Fraud and
Error in Audit, Auditors Duties and Responsibilities in Case of Fraud
Principles of Audit –Integrity, Objectivity, Independence, Skills, Competence,
Work Performed by Others , Documentation, Planning, Audi Evidence, Accounting
System and Internal Control, Audit Conclusions and Reporting
Types of Audit – Meaning, Advantages and Disadvantages of Balance sheet
Audit, Interim Audit, Continuous Audit, Concurrent Audit and Annual A udit.
2 Audit Planning, Procedures and Documentation
Audit Planning –Meaning, Objectives, Factors to be Considered , Sources of
Obtaining Information , Discussion with Client, Overall Audit Approach.
Audit Program – Meaning, Factors, Advantages and Disadvantages, Overcoming
Disadvantages, Methods of Work , Instruction before Commencing Work, Overall
Audit Approach
Audit Working Papers - Meaning, Importance , Factors Determining Form and
Contents, Main Functions / I mportance, Features, Contents of Permanent Audit
File, Temporary Audit File, Ownership, Custody, Access of Other Parties to Audit
Working Papers, Auditors Lien on Working Papers, Auditors Lien on Client's Books
Audit Notebook – Meaning, Structure , Contents , General Information, Current
Information, Importance .
3 Auditing Techniques and Internal Audit Introduction
Test Check -Test Checking Vs Routing Checking, Test Check meaning, Features ,
Factors to be Considered , When Test Checks Can be Used , Advantages ,
Disadvantages and Precautions.
Audit Sampling -Audit Sampling, Meaning , Purpose , Factors in Determining
Sample Size -Sampling Risk, Tolerable Error and Expected Error , Methods of
Selecting Sample Items , Evaluation of Sample Results , Auditors Liability in
Conducting Audit Based on Sample .
Internal Control -Meaning and Purpose , Review of Internal Control , Advantages ,
Auditors Duties , Review of Internal Control , Inherent Limitations of Internal
Control , Internal Control Samples for Sales and Debt ors, Purchases and Creditors ,
Wages and Salaries . Internal Checks Vs Internal Control, Internal Checks Vs Test
Checks .
Internal Audit -Meaning, Basic Principles of Establishing Internal Audit ,
Objectives , Evaluation of Internal Audit by Statutory Auditor , Usefulness of
Internal Audit, In ternal Audit Vs External Audit, Internal Checks Vs Internal Audit .
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 9 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
4 Auditing Techniques: Vouching
Audit of Income - Cash Sales, Sales on Approval, Consignment Sales, Sales Returns
Recovery of Bad Debts written off, Rental Receipts, Interest and Dividends
Received, Royalties Received .
Audit of Expenditure - Purchases, Purchase Returns, Salaries and Wages, Rent,
Insura nce Premium, Telephone Expense s, Postage and Courier, Petty Cash
Expenses, Travelling Commission , Advertisement, Interest Expense s.
5 Auditing Techniques: Verification
Audit of Assets Book Debts / Debtors, Stocks -Auditors General Duties; Patterns,
Dies and Loose Tools, Spare Parts, Empties and Containers , Quoted Inve stments
and Unquoted Investment, Trade Marks / Copyrights , Patents , Know -how, Plant
and Machinery , Land and Buildings , Furniture and Fixtures .
Audit of Liabilities - Outstanding Expenses, Bills Payable , Secured loans ,
Unsecured Loans, Contingent Liabilities .
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 10 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking and Insurance )
Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
3. Strategic Management
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Strategic Management an Overview 15
02 Strategic Management Environment 10
03 Levels of Strategies and Analysis 10
04 Activating Strategy and Implementation 15
05 Strategic Evaluation and Control 10
Total 60
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 11 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Strategic Management an Overview
Definitions, Strategic Decision Making , Levels of Strategic Management , Process
of Strategic M anagement, Principles of Good Strategy , Elements of Strategic
Management , Models of Strategic Management .
2 Strategic Management Environment :
Importance of Politics in Strategic Management , Social, Political, and
Technological forces, Role of Competition , National and Global Business
Components of Environment, Environmental Scanning, Analysis of Strategies and
Choice of Strategy. Ethics, Social Responsibility, Impact of Legal Factors in
Strategic Management, SWOT Analysis.
3 Levels of Stra tegies and Analysis
Corporate Level Strategies - Concentration, Integration and Diversification,
Internationalization, Digitization .
Process of Strategic Choice , Factors of Strategic Choice , Strategic Analysis .
4 Activating Strategy and Implementation
Process and Nature of Strategy implementation, Barriers, Model of Strategy
Implementation - Structural, Behavioral and Functional .
5 Strategic Evaluation and Control
Standards, Benchmarking, Gap Analysis .
Features and Importance of Evaluation, Barriers in Evaluation , Types.
Strategic Control - Setting Standards, Compa rison, Control Process , Systems ,
Approaches , Technique s of Evaluation and Control .
Role of Information System .
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 12 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking and Insurance )
Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
4. Financial Services Management
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Introduction to Financial Services 12
02 Mutual Funds, Factoring and Forfeiting 12
03 Securitisation of Debts and Derivatives 12
04 Housing Finance and Consumer Finance 12
05 Depositories and Pledge 12
Total 60
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 13 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Financial Services
Financial Services
Meaning, Classification, Scope , Fund Based Activities , Non Fund Based Activities,
Modern Activities , Sources of Revenue , Need for Financial Innovation , New
Financial Products & Services , Innovative Financial Instruments , Challenges Facing
the Financial Sector .
Merchant Banking
Definition , Origin , Merchant Banking in India , Merchant Banks and Commercial
Banks , Services of Merchant Banks , Qualities of Merchant Bankers in Market
Making P rocess , Progress of Merchant Banking in India , Problems , Scope of
Merchant Banking in India.
2 Mutual Funds, Factoring and Forfeiting
Mutual Fund s
Introduction to Mutual Fund s, Structure of Mutual Fund in India , Classification of
Mutual F unds, AMFI Objectives , Advantage s of Mutual Funds , Disadvantage s of
Mutual F unds, NAV Calculation and Pricing of Mutual Fund s, Mutual Fund s
Abroad, Mutual Fund s in India, Reasons for Slow growth, Future of Mutual Funds
Industry .
Factoring and Forfeiting
Factoring, Meaning , Modus Operandi , Terms and Conditions , Functions , Types of
Factoring , Factoring vs. Discounting , Cost of factoring , Benefits, Factoring in India ,
International Factoring , Definition , Types of Export Factoring , Factoring in Other
Countries , EDI Factoring , Forfeiting - Definition , Factoring vs. Forfeiting , Working
of Forfeiting , Cost of Forfeiting , Benefits of Forfeiting , Drawbacks of Forfeiting .
3 Securitisation of Debts and Derivatives
Securitization of Debt
Meaning & Definition of Securitization , Securitization vs. Factoring, Modus
Operandi , Role of Merchant Banker, Role of Other Parties, Securitization Structure
Securitisable assets, Benefits of Securitization , Conditions for Successful
Securitization , Securitization Abroad , Securitization in India , Reasons for non
popula rity of Securitization, Future Prospects of Securitization.
Meaning , Types of Financial Derivatives , Options , Futures , Forwards , Swaps ,
Futures & Options Trading System , Clearing Entities &Their Role.
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 14 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
4 Housing Finance and Consumer Finance
Housing Finance
Introduction , Housing Finance Industry , Housing Finance Policy Aspect , Sources of
Funds , Market of Housing Finance in India , Major Issues of Housing Finance in
India , Growth Factors , Housing Fi nance Institutions in India, National Housing
Bank(NHB) , Guidelines for ALM System in H ousing Finance Companies , Fair Trade
Practice , Code for HFC’s, Housing Finance Agencies.
Consumer Finance
Introduction , Sources , Types of Products , Consumer Finance Pra ctice in India ,
Mechanics of Consumer Finance , Terms , Pricing , Marketing & Insurance of
Consumer Finance , Consumer Credit Scoring.
5 Depositories & Pledge
Overview of Depository , Key features of Depositories Systems in India ,
Depository - Bank Analogy , Legal Framework , Eligibility Criteria for A Depository ,
Agreement between Depository & Issuers , Rights & Obligation of Depositories ,
Records Maintained by Depository , Services of Depository & Functions of
Depository , Organization & Functions of NSDL , Pledge & Hypothecation ,
Procedure for Pledge /Hypothecation , Procedure of Confirmation of Creation of
Pledge/Hypothecations by Pledgee , Closure of A Pled ge/Hypothecation by
Pledgor, Invocation of Pledge by Pledgee.
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 15 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking and Insurance )
Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
5. Business Ethics and Corporate Governance
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Introduction to Business Ethics 10
02 Application of Ethical Theories in Business 10
03 Introduction to Corporate Governance 15
04 Genesis and Implementation of Corporate Governance in
India 15
05 Global Scenario 10
Total 60
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 16 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Business Ethics
Defini tion, Meaning, Nature of Ethics, Meaning of Moral & Ethics.
Types of Ethics, Import ance of Ethics, Business Ethics -Meaning and Nature .
Importance of Ethics in Business , Areas of Business Ethics , Meaning of Functional
Ethics , Types of Ethics According to Functions of Business - Marketing Ethics ,
Foreign Trade Ethics and Ethics Relating t o Copyright.
Ethics relating to Free and Perfect Competitive Market .
2 Application of Ethical Theories in Business
Ethical Decision Making: Decision Making ( Normal Dilemmas And Problems ):
(I) Utilitarianism (J. Bentham And J.S. Mill), (Ii) Deontology (I. Kant ) Virtue Ethics
(Aristotle ). Gandhain Approach In Management And Trustee ship, Importance And
Relevance o f Trusteeship Principle in Modern Business. Ethical Issues in
Functional Areas of Business .
Ethics in Advertising (Truth In Advertising ). Ethical Issues i n Finance,
3 Introduction to Corporate Governance
Definition & Conceptual Framework of Corporate Governance, Business Ethics -
an important dimension to Corporate Governance, Fair and Unfair Business
Practices . Theoretical Basis of Corporate Governance , Mechanism - Corporate
Governance Systems , Indian Model of Governance , Good Corporate Governance ,
Obligations Towards Society and Stake holders. Theories underlying Corporate
Governance (Stake holder’s theory and Stewardship theory, Agency theory,
Separation of Ownership and Control , Corporate Governance Mechanism:
Process, Indian Model, OECD, and Emph asis on Corporate Governance ,
(Transparency Accountability and Empowerment).
4 Genesis and Implementation of corporate Governance in India:
Introduction principles – Arthashastra and Good Governance in ancient India,
Protection of Interest of Customer and Investors , Historical perspective of
Corporate Governance and Issues in Corporate Governance .
Values: Meaning, Types Teaching from Scriptures Like Gita, Quran, Bible Value
Systems in Business.
Implementation of Corporate Governance
Role of Board of Directors and Board Structure, Role of the Non‐ executive
Director, Role of Auditors, SEBI Growth of Corporate Governance. Role of
Government, Corporate Governance in India. Accounting Standards and
Accounting disclosures. Finance Reportin g and Corporate Governance, Non
Accounting Regulations in Corporate Governance, Corporate Governance &CSR,
Family Owned Business - Background , Family Businesses in India, Need for
Professionalization and Transparency in Family Business .
5 Global Scenario
Business Ethics in Global Economy .
Ethics in the Context of Global Economy, Relationship Between Business
Ethics & Busin ess Development, Role of Business Ethics in Building a Civilized
Corporate Governance and Issues Related to Scams
Corruption: Meaning, Causes , Effects.
Frauds and Scams in Banks , Insurance Companies , Financial Institutions, Measures
to Overcome Fraud and Corruption, Zero Tolerance of Corruption .
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 17 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking and Insurance )
Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
6. Actuarial Analysis in Banking and Insurance
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Probability & Mathematical Statistics 12
02 Models 12
03 Mortality Model 12
04 Contingencies 12
05 Statistical Methods 12
Total 60
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 18 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Probability & Mathematical Statistics
Concepts of Probability, Bayes’ Theorem, Concepts of Random Variable,
Probability Distribution, Distribution Function, Expected Value, Variance and
Higher Moments, Basic Discrete And Continuous Distributions, Central Limit
Theorem, Statistical Inference An d Sampling Distribution, Confidence Intervals For
Unknown Parameters. Test Hypotheses, Concepts of Analysis of Variance
2 Models
The Principles of Actuarial Modelling., General Principles of Stochastic Processes,
Markov Chain, Markov Process, Concept of Survival Models., Estimation
Procedures for Lifetime Distributions, Maximum Likelihood Estimators For The
Transition Intensities in Models of Transfers Between States With Piecewise
Constant Transition Intensities.
3 Mortality Model
Binomial Model of Mortality, Derive A Maximum Likelihood Estimator for The
Probability of Death, How to Estimate Transition Intensities Depending on Age,
Exactly or Using The Census Approximation , How To Test Crude Estimates For
Consistency With A Standard Table or a Set of Graduated Estimates, The Process
of Graduation.
4 Contingencies
Simple Assurance and Annuity Contracts, Means and Variances of the Present
Values of the Payments Under These Contracts, Assuming Constant Deterministic
Interest . Expressions in the Form of Sums for the Mean and Variance of the
Present Value of Benefit Payments Under Each contract Above , in terms of the
curtate random future lifetime, assuming that death benefits are payable at the
end of the year of death and tha t annuities are paid annually in advance or in
arrear, and, where appropriate, Obtain expressions in the form of integrals for the
mean and variance of the present value of benefit payments under each contract
above, in terms of the random future lifetime, assuming that death benefits are
payable at the moment of death and that annuities are paid continuously, and,
where appropriate.
5 Statistical Method
Concepts of Decision Theory, Decision Function and a Risk Function . Apply
Decision Criteria to Determine Which Decision Functions are Best with Respect to
a Specified Criterion . In particular Consider the Minimax Criterion and the Bayes
Criterion . Calculate Probabilities and Moments of Loss Distributions both with and
without Limits and Risk-Sharing Arrangements .
The properties of the Statistical Distributions which are Suitable for Modelling
Individual and Aggregate Losses . Apply the Principles of Statistical Inference to
Select Suitable Loss Distributions for Sets of Claims. Concepts of Excesses
(deductibles), and Retention Limits. The Operation of Simple F orms of
Proportional and Excess of Loss Reinsurance .
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 19 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking and Insurance )
Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
2. Core Course ( CC)
1. International Banking and Finance
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Fundamentals of International Finance 12
02 International Capital Markets 12
03 Foreign Exchange Markets 12
04 Risk Management 12
05 International Banking Operations 12
Total 60
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 20 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Fundamentals of International Finance
Meaning and Scope of International Fin ance, Balance of Payment , Components ,
Deficit in Balance of Payment , Concept of Currency Convertibility .
International Monetary System, Gold Standard, Features, Bretton Wood System ,
Background and Features , Reasons for its Failure , Smithsonian Agreement , SDRs ,
European Monetary System .
Current Exchange Rate Systems - Fixed and Flexible Exchang e Rate , Merits
Demerits , Types of Fixed Exchange Rate , Hard Pegs and Soft Pegs , Types of
Flexible Exchange Rate , Managed and Free Float .
2 International Capital Markets
Types of Capital Flows , FDI, FPI, FII
Euro Currency Markets , Origin and Reasons of growth , a Brief Understanding of
Eurocurrency Deposit , Loans Bonds and Notes Market ,Concept of Offshore
Banking .
International Equity Markets , Concept of Depository Receipts , GDR ,
Characteristics , Mechanism of Issue , Participants Involved , ADR , Types and
Characteristics , Concept of IDR .
International Bond Market , Concepts of Domestic Bond , Concept and Types of
Foreign Bonds , Concept and Types of Euro Currency Bonds , Concepts of Foreign
Currency Convertible and Foreign Currency Exchangeable Bonds , Participa tory
Notes .
3 Foreign Exchange Markets
Introduction , Market and Market Participants , Foreign Exchange Management in
India , Retail and Whole Sale Component of Indian Foreign Exchange Market , Role
of FEDAI , FEMA and Regulatory Framework , Dealing Room Operations .
Foreign Exchange Arithmetic , Exchange Rate Quotations , Direct , Indirect and
Cross rate, Percentage Spread, Arbitrage , Geographical, Triangular and Interest
Rate (formula method only) , Calculation of Forward Rates using Schedule of Swap
Points , AFM , Determinants of Exchange Rate – Purchasing Power and Interest
Rate Parity .
4 Risk Management
Risk Management and Derivatives , Transaction, Translation and Economic Risk
Faced by Corporates , Transaction , Position , Settlement, Pre -settlement,
Gap/Mismatch Risk faced by Banks , Internal and External Hedging , Foreign
Currency Derivative Instruments for Risk Management , Forward, Futures, Swaps
and Options , Country Risk Management .
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Sr. No. Modules / Units
5 International Banking Operations
Introduction , Definition , Features of International Banking , Reasons for Growth of
International Banking , Recent Trends in International Banking , Emergence of
Crypto currency - Overview , Brief Overview of Bitcoin and other Crypto
Currencies , Note on Mining and Crypto Currency Exchanges , Advantages ,
Disadvantages of Crypto Currency .
Functions of International Banking , Correspondent Banking , International
Payment Systems , NRI accounts , Export Finance , Import Finance , International
Merchant Banking , Fina ncing Project Exports , Derivative Offering , Remittances ,
Compliance related - Interbank Functions , Internal Functions , Letter of Credit and
Bank Guarantees .
International Lending Operation , Loan Syndication , Parties Involved , Phases
/Stages in Loan Syndication , Types of Syndication , Role of LIBOR , Risk in
International Lending , Role of International Credit Rating Agencies .
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 22 | P a g e
Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking and Insurance )
Programme at Semester V
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
3. Ability Enhancement Course ( AEC)
1. Research Method ology
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
1 Introduction to Research 10
2 Data Collection and Processin g 15
3 Data Analysis and Interpretation 15
4 Advanced Statistical Techniques 15
5 Research Report 05
Total 60
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 23 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Research
Meaning, Objectives and Importance o f Research
Types of Research
Research Process.
Characteristics of Good Research
Hypothesi s-Meaning, Nature, Significance, Types and Sources.
Research Design– Meaning, Definition, N eed and Impor tance, Steps,
Scope and Essent ials of a Good Research Design.
Sampling– a) M eaning of Sample and Sampling,
b)Methods of Sampling
i) Non -Probability Sampling–Convenient, Judgment, Quot a, Snow b all
ii) Probability– Simple Random, Stratified, Cluster, Multi Stage.
2 Data Collection a nd Processing
Types of Data and Sources-Prima ry and Secondary Data Sources
Methods of Collection of Primary data
a. Observation- i) structured and unstr uctured, ii) disguised and u ndisguised,
iii)me chanical obs ervations (use of gadgets)
b. Experime ntal i) Field ii) Laboratory
c. Interview – i) Person al Interview ii) focused group, iii) in- depth interviews
d. Survey– Telephonic su rvey, Mail, E-mail, Internet surv ey, Social medi a,
and M edia listenin g.
e. Survey instrument– i) Questionnaire designing.
a. Types of qu estions–i) structured /close ended and ii )
unstructured / open ended, iii) Dichotomous, iv) Multiple Choice
b. Scaling technique s- i )Likert scale, ii) Semantic Differential scale.
3 Data Analysis and Interpretation
Processing of Data– Meaning & Essentials of i) Editing ii) Coding iii)
Analysis of Data-Meaning, Purpose, Types.
Interpretation of Data-Esse ntials, Import ance, Significance and Descriptive
Testing of hypothesis – One Sample T - Test, ANOVA, F - test, Chi Square and
Paired Sample Test
4 Adva nced Statistical Techniques
Introduction, Characteristics and Application of
Correlation and Regression Analysis
Factor Analysis
Cluster Analysis
Discriminant Analysis
Multidimensional Scaling
5 Research Report
Report writing – i) Meaning, Importanc e, Structure, Types, Process and
Essential s of a Good Repor t.
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com.( Banking and Insurance )
Programm e at Semester V
with ef fect from the Academic Year 2018 -2019
Reference Books
Reference Books
Elective Courses (EC)
Financial Reporting & Analysis (Corporate Banking & Insurance)
Ashish K. Bhattacharyya – “Financial Accounting for Business Managers”, Prentice Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd.
Shashi K. Gupta – “Contemporary Issues in Accounting”, Kalyani Publishers.
R. Narayanaswamy – “Financial Accounting”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
Ashok Sehgal – “Fundamentals of Financial Accounting”, Taxmann’s Publishers
IFRS – Dr Ram Mohan Bhave and Dr Anjali Bhave
Auditing - I
CA SurbhiBansal – Audit and Assurance
Taxmann – Auditing
Dr.SMeenakumari – Fundamentals of Auditing
BaldevSachdeva&Jagwant Singh Pardeep Kumar – Auditing theory & Practice
Strategic Management
Strategic Management, 12th Ed. Concepts and Cases, Arthur A. Jr. and A. .J. Strickland
Management Policy and Strategic Management (Concepts, Skills and Practices) ,
Business Policy and Strategic Management – P. SubbaRao
Strategic Planning Formulation of Corporate Strategy , Ramaswamy
Financial Services Management
Financial Services, Dr.S Gurusamy, The MgrawHill companies, 2 edition (26 June 2009) .
Financial Markets and Financial services, Vasant Desai, Himalaya Publishing House, First
Edition edition (2010) .
Financial Services, M.Y.Khan, Tata Mc -Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, Ninth edition
(2017) .
Financial Markets and Services –E.Gordon and K.Natanrajan,Himalaya Publishing House,
TenthEdition edition (2016)
Business Ethics and Corporate Governance
A. C. Fernando, Corporate Governance Principles, Policies and Practices;Pearson
Marc Goeren, International Corporate Governance; Black wells.
Cristian A. Mallin, Corporate Governance.
Business Ethics, Crane& Matten
The Management and ethics omnibus , Chakraborty, Its only Business, Mitra,
Values and Ethics for Organizations, Chakraborty, OUP/OIP
Perspectives in Business Ethics, Hartman, Chatterjee
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com.( Banking and Insurance )
Programm e at Semester V
with ef fect from the Academic Year 2018 -2019
Reference Books
Reference Books
Actuarial Analysis in Banking & Insurance
“Actuarial Statistics: An Introduction Using R” by Shailaja R Deshmukh.
“Predictive Modeling Applications in Actuarial Science” by Richard ADerrig and Glenn Meyers
“Generalized Linear Models for Insurance Data (International Series on Actuarial Science)” by
Piet de Jong and Gillian Z Heller
“Contributions to Sampling Statistics (Contributions to Statistics)” by Maria Giovanna Ranalli
and FulviaMecatti
“Forecasting Product Liability Claims: Epidemiology and Model ing in the Manville Asbestos
Case” by J B Weinstein and Eric Stallard
“Financial Modeling, Actuarial Valuation and Solvency in Insurance” by Mario V Wuthrich and
Michael Merz
“Modern Actuarial Risk Theory: Using R” by Rob Kaas and Marc Goovaerts
“Health In surance: Basic Actuarial Models” by ErmannoPitacco
“Financial and Actuarial Statistics: An Introduction” by Dale S Borowiak and Arnold F Shapiro
Core Course ( CC)
International Banking and Finance
Apte P.G. International Finance – A Business Perspective, New Delhi, TATA McGraw Hill ,
McGraw Hill Education; 2 edition, July 2017.
Bhalla .V.K. international Financial Management - S.Chand Publishing,
International Banking Operations - IIBF- MacMillan Publishers, 2007
International Banking Legal and Regulatory Aspects - IIBF- MacMillan Publishers, 2007
Ability Enhancement Course ( AEC)
Research Methodology
Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis - Understanding Concepts and
Applications(2004) – Bruce Thompson First Edition
Interpreting Economic and Social Data – A Foundation of Descriptive Statistics (2009) -
Othmar W. Winkler - Springer
Regression Modelling Strategies (2015) – Frank E Harrell, Jr Springer Series in Statistics.
Research Methodology (2014) – Deepak Chawla and Neena Sondhi, Vikas Publishing House.
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B.Com . (Banking and Insurance) Programme
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and Semester System
Course Structure
(To be implemented from Academic Year 2018 -2019)
Semester VI
No. of
Courses Semester VI Credits
1 Elective Courses (EC)
1,2,3 & 4 **Any four courses from the following list of the courses 12
2 Core Courses (CC)
5 Central Banking 04
3 Ability Enhancement Course
6 Project Work in Banking & Insurance 04
Total Credits 20
*List of Elective Courses for Semester V (Any F our)
01 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
02 Auditing - II
03 Human Resource Management
04 Turnaround Management
05 International Business
06 Marketing in Banking & Insurance
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking and Insurance )
Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8- 2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
1. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Portfolio Management – An Introduction & Process 12
02 Portfolio Management – Valuation 12
03 Fundamental Analysis 12
04 Technical Analysis 12
05 Efficient Market Theory & CAPM 12
Total 60
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 28 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Portfolio Management – An Introduction & Process
Investment , Meaning, Characteristics, Objectives, Investment V/s Speculation,
Investment V/s Gambling and Types of Investors .
Portfolio Management – Meaning, Evolution, Phases, Role of Portfolio Managers,
Advantages of Portfolio Management.
Investment Environment in India and Factors Conducive for Investment in India.
Portfolio Analysis – Meaning and its Components, Calculation of Expected Return
and Risk, Calculation of Covariance, Risk – Return Trade off.
Portfolio Selection – Meaning, Feasible Set of Portfolios, Efficient Set of Portfolios,
Selection of Optimal Portfolio, Markowitz Model, Limitations of Markowitz Model,
Measu ring Security Return and Portfolio Return and Risk under Single Index Model
and Multi Index Model.
2 Portfolio Management – Valuation
Portfolio Revision – Meaning, Need, Constraints and Strategies.
Portfolio Evaluation – Meaning, Need, Measuring Returns
(Sharpe, Treynor and Jensen Ratios) and Decomposition of Performance.
Bond Valuation – Meaning, Measuring Bond Returns, Yield to Maturity, Yield to
Call and Bond Pricing. Bond Pricing Theorems, Bon d Risks and Bond Duration.
3 Fundamental Analysis
Economy Analysis – Meaning, Framework, Economic Analysis, Forecasting,
Barometric or Indicator Approach, Econometric Model Building and Opportunistic
Model Building.
Industry Analysis – Concept of Analysis, Industry Life Cycle, Industry
Company Analysis – Financial Statements, Analysis of Financial Statements,
(Practical questions on Debt Equity Ratios , Total Debt Ratio , Proprietary ratios,
interest coverage ratio, Profitability rati os related to sales, investment and equity
shares Efficiency or Activity Ratios) and Assessment of Risk( Leverages)
4 Technical Analysis
Dow Theory
Meaning and Principles of Technical Analysis, Price Chart, Line Chart, Bar Chart,
Japanese Candlestick Chart, Trends and Trend Reversals, Chart Patterns, Support
and Resistance, Reversal Patterns, Continuation Patterns and Elliot Wave Theory
Mathematical Indicators – Calculation of Moving Averages (Simple and Exponential
Moving Average), Oscillators and Rel ative Strength Index
Market Indicators
Fundamental Analysis V/s Technical Analysis
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Sr. No. Modules / Units
5 Efficient Market Theory & CAPM
Random Walk Theory
The Efficient Market Hypothesis
Forms of Market Efficiency
Competitive Market Hypothesis
CAPM – Fundamental Notions of Portfolio Theory, Assumption of CAPM, Efficient
Frontier with Riskless Lending and Borrowing, Capital Market Line, Security
Market Line and Pricing of Securities with CAPM.
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) – The Retu rn Generating Model, Factors Affecting
Stock Return, Expected Return on Stock, APT V/s CAPM.
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking and Insurance )
Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
2. Auditing - II
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Audit of Limited Companies 15
02 Audit of Banking Companies 15
03 Audit of Insurance Companies 15
04 New Areas of Auditing 08
05 Professional Ethics and Misconduct 07
Total 60
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 31 | P a g e
Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Audit of Limited Companies
Qualification s, Disqualification s, Appointment, Re moval, Remuneration of
Auditors, Audit Ceiling , Status, Power, Duties and Liabilities of Auditors ,
Branch Audit , Joint Audit , Special Audit. Maintenance of Books of Account
–Related Party Disclosures , Segment Reporting, Divisible Profit, Dividend
and Depreciation (Companies Act, Standards on Accounting, Legal
Decision s and Auditor’s Responsibility), Representations by Management ,
Contents of Annual Report. Definition , Distinction between Report and
Certificate , Types of Reports/Opinion .
2 Audit of Banking Companies
Introduction of Banking Companies, Form and Content of Financial Statements,
Qualifications of Auditor, Appointment of Auditor, Remuneration of Auditor,
Power of Auditor, Auditor’s Report, Format of Audit Report, Long Form Audit
Report, Conducting an Audit , Initial Consideration by Statutory Audit, Internal
Control System, Verifications of Assets and Balances.
3 Audit of Insurance Companies
Audit of Companies carrying General Insurance Business, Audit of Companies
carrying Life Insurance Business, Applicability of Accounting Standards (AS 3,
4,9,13,17), Books and Registers to be maintained, Submission of Reports and
Returns, Audit of Accounts, Preparation of Audit and Internal Controls.
4 New Areas of Auditing
Introduction to Cost Audit, Human Resource Audit, Management Audit,
Operational Audit, Forecast Audit, Social Audit, Tax Audit, Forensic Audit a nd
Environmental (Green) Audit .
Audit in an EDP Environment , Introduction, General Approach to EDP Based Audit
and Special Techniques for Auditing in an EDP Environment.
5 Professional Ethics and Misconduc t
Introduction, Meaning of Professional Ethics Meaning of Professional Misconduct,
Schedules to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 Relating to Professional
Misconduct, Enquiry into Charges of Misconduct of Chartered Accountants.
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking and Insurance )
Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
3. Human Resource Management
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Framework of Human Resource Management 15
02 HR Procurement 10
03 HR Planning and Recruitment 10
04 Training and Development 15
05 Compensation 10
Total 60
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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Framework of Human Resource Management
Introduction to HRM, Nature of HRM, Scope of HRM, Functions and Objectives of
HRM, HRM Policies and Practices, Role and Functions of HR Manager (in Banking
and Insurance Sector )
HRM and Strategies , Strategic function of HRM, Understanding and Implementing
Global Competitiveness and HR , strategic HR, Linkages of Organizational and HR
Strategies .
2 HR Procurement
Job Analysis and Design - Job Analysis , Introduction, Importance, Purpose ,
Benefits, Job Evaluation, Competency Based Job Analysis
Job Design - Introduction, Characteristics, Factor Affecting Job Design , Job
Satisfaction .
3 HR Planning and Recruitment
Definition, Objectives, Need and Importance of HR Planning , Preparing Manpower
Inventory . Promotions and Transfers .
Recruitment - Strategic Approach to Recruitment , Recruitment Source ; Internal
and External, Selection Procedure.
4 Training and Development
Employee Training and Development - Nature and Process of Training, Training
methods , On the job, Off the job.
Management Development Program, Performance Appraisal -Definition,
Methods. Advantages and Limitations of Appraisal .
5 Compensation
Meaning, Need and Importance , Current Trends in Compensation , Team Based
Incentives , Pension Schemes with Reference to Banking and Insurance , Fringe
Benefits, Perquisites, Allowances and other Non – Monetary Benefits
Voluntary Retirement Scheme - Concept, Types, Needs, Effects with reference to
Banking and Insurance
Participative Management
Meaning, Levels, Types, Employee Welfare, Comparative Study of Working
Conditions in Banks, Financial Institutions, Insurance Companies .
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking and Insurance )
Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
4. Turnaround Management
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Introduction to Business 10
02 Industrial Sickness 15
03 Turnaround Management Strategies 15
04 Business Scenario 12
05 Leadership and Turnaround Management 08
Total 60
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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Business
Meaning, Definition, Features, Importance, Symptoms, Types of Business
Different approaches for Growth and Survival .
Internal Strategies
External Strategies
Survival Strategies
2 Industrial Sickness
Meaning and Internal /External Reasons of Industrial Sickness
Symptoms of Industrial Sickness
Measures to Overcome Sickness by Government and Stakeholders
Role of BIFR in Sick Industries
3 Turnaround Management Strategies
Turnaround – Meaning, Definition, Indicators of Successful Turnaround
TQM and Restructuring.
Selling of a sick unit
- Meaning, Definition, Elements, Need , Implications
- Approaches ( Reengineering Team, BPR Leader, Process Owner , Kaizen,
Flow Chart, 5S principles, Process Mapping)
4 Business Scenario
Features, Advantages, Disadvantages, Types and Present Status of:
Free lancing
Start up
5 Leadership and Turnaround Management
Outfitting the Management Team, Personal Characteristic, Focusing on Present
Operations, Focus on Needs in Turnarounds, Styles of Decision Making in the
Turnaround Process , Organizational Change. Quality in the Managerial Process,
Dilemma of Management , Turnaround Management as a Skill.
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking and Insurance )
Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
5. International Business
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Introduction to International Business 10
02 International Economic Institutions and Regional Groupings 12
03 International Marketing, Human Resource Management 10
04 Preliminaries for Export Import and Documentation 14
05 Export Import Procedures and Foreign Trade Policy 14
Total 60
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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to International Business
Introduction to International Business - Importance, Nature and Scope of
International Business , Drivers of International Business , Evolution of
International Business , Strategies of Going In ternational, Globalisation , Multi
National Corporations - Nature , Goals of MNCs , India's Presence - Advantages and
Disadvantages of MNCs
International Business Env ironment: Economic, Political, Cultural and Legal
Environments in International Business
2 International Economic Institutions and Regional Groupings
Institutional Support to International Business , Role of World Bank, IMF, ILO,
UNCTAD, UNIDO and ADB in International Business , World Trade Organisation
(WTO) , Origin , Objectives , Functions ,GATT and WTO , Principles of WTO ,
Transparency , MFN Treatment , National Treatment , Free Trade , Dismantling
Trade B arriers , Rule Based Trading System , Treatment for LDCs ,Competition
Principle , Environment Protection , Key Subjects in WTO , Agriculture , TRIPS ,
TRIMS , GATS , Implications for India
Integration between Countries : Levels of Integration , Growth of Trading Bloc s,
Impact of Integration , Major Regional Tradin g Groups , The European Union ,
3 International Marketing, Human Resource Management
International Marketing , Domestic and International Marketing , Compared
Benefits of International Marketing , Major Activities , International Market
Assessment , International Product Strategies , Pricing Issues and Decisions ,
Dumping , Promotion Issues and Policies .
International Human Resource Management , Nature , Growing Interes t in IHRM ,
DHRM and IHRM compared , Managing International HR activities , Expatriation
and Repatriation of employees
4 Preliminaries for Export Import and Documentation
Meaning and Definition of Export , Methods of Exporting , Registration Formalities
for Exports , Export Licensing , Selection of Export Product , Identification of Market
for Exports – Export Pricing Quotations , FOB & CIF , Meaning and Definition of
Imports , Liberalisation of Imports , Negative list of Imports ,Categories of
Importers , Special Sc hemes for Importers .
Aligned Documentation System – Commercial Invoice , Shipping Bill , Certificate of
Origin , Consular Invoice, Mate’s Receipt, Bill of Lading , GR Form , ISO 9000 ,
Procedure for obtaining ISO 9000 , BIS 14000 Certification ,Import Documentation ,
Transport Documents - Bill of Entry , Certificate of Inspection , Certificate of
Measurements , Freight Declaration .
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Sr. No. Modules / Units
5 Export Import Procedures and Foreign Trade Policy
Steps in Export Procedure , Export Contract, Forward Cover , Export Finance ,
Institutional Framework for Export Finance , Excise Clearance , Pre-shipment
Inspection , Methods of Pre -shipment Inspection , Role of Clearing and Forwarding
Agents , Shipping and Customs Formalities , Customs EDI System , Negotiation of
Documents , Realisation of Exports Proceeds .
Pre-Import Procedure - Steps in Import Procedure , Legal Dimensions of Import
Procedure , Customs Formalities for Imports , Warehousing of Imported Goods ,
Exchange Control Provisions for Imports & Retirement of Export Documents .
Foreign Trade Policy Highlights (latest) , Duty Drawback , Deemed Exports , ASIDE ,
MAI & MDA , Star Export Houses , Town o f Export Excellence , EPCG Scheme .
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking and Insurance )
Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
1. Elective Courses (EC)
6. Marketing in Banking and Insurance
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 Introduction to Marketing 12
02 Introduction to Service Marketing 12
03 Consumer Behaviour 12
04 Rural Marketing 12
05 E- Marketing 12
Total 60
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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Introduction to Marketing
Meaning, Definition, Importance, Marketing Mix, Market Segmentation,
Marketing Strategy, Channels of Marketing, Marketing of Banking and
Insurance Products , Marketing Research , Introduction, Process and Types.
2 Introduction to Service Marketing
Meaning, Concept, Evolution and Characteristics of Service Marketing. Need and
Importance of Service Marketing, 7 P’s of Services Marketing Mix, Service
Marketing Mix Strategies for Banking and Insurance and Marketing Logistics.
3 Consumer Behaviour
Introduction to Consumer Behaviour, Consumer Expectations, Consumer Buying
Behavior , Role of Consumer in Service Delivery , Consumer Responses , Consumer
Delight – Concept and Importance.
Consumer Behavio ur and Marketing Communications: Introduction, Marketi ng
Communication Flow, Communication Process, Interpersonal Communic ation,
Persuasive Communication , Source , Message , Message Appeals , Communication
Feedback .
4 Rural Marketing
Rural Marketing -Concept and Scope ,Nature of Rural Markets , Attractiveness of
Rural Markets ,Rural Vs Urban Marketing ,Characteristics of Rural Consumers
,Buying Decision Process ,Rural Marketing Information System ,Potential And Size
of Rural Markets .
Pricing Strategy, Pricing Policies, Innovative Pricing Methods for Rural Markets,
Promotion Strategy, Appropriate Media, Designing Right Promotion Mix,
Promotional Campaigns.
Distribution - Logistics Management, Problems Encountered, Selection of
Appropriate Channels, New Approaches t o Reach Out Rural Markets – Electronic
Choupal Applications.
5 E- Marketing
E-marketing: Scope, Benefits and Problems, E -marketing Techniques, Internet
Marketing, Digital Marketing and E -marketing
E-Marketing Mix Strategy , Introduction, Objectives, the 4Ps in E -Marketing,
Additional 3Ps in E -Marketing of Services, the 2P+2C+3S Formula in E -Marketing
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking and Insurance )
Programme at Semester VI
with e ffect from the Academic Year 201 8-2019
2. Core Course (CC)
1. Central Banking
Modules at a Glance
No. Modules No. of
01 An Overview of Central Banking 12
02 RBI as the Central Bank of India 12
03 Supervisory Role of RBI 12
04 Central Banking in Other Countries 12
05 Central Banking in the Cyber World 12
Total 60
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Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 An Overview of Central Banking
Overview: Concept of Central Bankin g, Institutional Growth of Central Bankin g,
The Changing Face of Central Banking.
Role of Central Banks: Determin ation of Goals, Inflation Targeting , Exchange
Rate Targeting , Money Supply Targeting , Money Growth Targeting , Viable
Alternatives to Central Bank ,Central Banking in India.
Contemporary Issues , Autonomy and Independence , Credibility , Accountability
and Transparency of a Central Bank .
2 RBI as the Central Bank of India
Policy Framework for RBI: Organizational Framework , Operational Framework –
Role as a Central Banker , Promotional Role of RBI , Regulatory Role of RBI.
RBI and Monetary Policy
Macroeconomic Policies: Meaning & Objectives .
Monetary Policy - Meaning & Objectives
Monetary Policy in In dia - Goals, Targets and Instruments
A Brief Overview of Fiscal Policy , Striking Balance between Inflation and Growth
through Monetary and Fiscal Policies
3 Supervisory Role of RBI
Regulation and Supervision: Need for Regulation and Supervision , Banking
Regulation Act, 1949 , Banking Regulation and Supervision , Functions of the
Department of Supervisory , Regulations Review Authority , Unified Regulator v/s
Multiple Regulators.
RBI – On-site Inspection and Off -site Monitoring and Surveillance: The Core
Principles for Effective Supervision – On-site Examination – Off-site Surveillance
– On-site Inspection and Off -site Monitoring in India – Off-site Monitoring in
Different Countries – Comp uterized Off -site Monitoring and Surveillance
RBI and Financial System , Introduction , Functions , Characteristics of Financial
System , Role of RBI in Regulating Financial System and Financial Sector Reforms .
4 Central Bank in other Countries
Federal Reserve System – Bank of England – The European Central Banking,
Bank of Japan, Peoples Bank of China
Interconnectivity of Central Banks with Other International Financial
Institutions , ADB , IMF, World Bank , and BIS,(Objectives , Role and Functions )
5 Central Banking in Cyber World:
E -Banking, E - money, IT induced Changes and Monetary Policy, E - payments,
Risks in the New IT E ra, Impact of IT, Globalization and Central Banks.
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com.( Banking and Insurance )
Programm e at Semester VI
with ef fect from the Academic Year 2018 -2019
Reference Books
Reference Books
Elective Courses (EC)
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Blake, David 1992, Financial Market Analysis , McGraw Hill London
Francis J.C Investments , Analysis and Management McGraw Hill New York.
Pistolese Clifford Using Technical Analysis Vision Books
Reilly Frank K and Keith Brown Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management .
Auditing - II
Auditing Principles & Practices – SK Basu
Sharma, T.R., Auditing Principles & Problems, SahityaBhavan, Agra
Spicer & Pegler, Practical Auditing
Woolf, Emile,Auditing Today
Basu, Sanjib Kumar, Fundamentals of Auditing, Pearson
Auditing Assurance Standards and Guidelines issued by IC
Human Resource Management
Human Resources Management , Gary Dessler
Personnel Management – C.B Mamoria
Managing Human Resources , R.S. Dwiwedi
Human Resources Management ,V.P.Michael
Human Resources Management – Dr.P.C.Pardeshi
Human Resources Management – Mirza&Zaiyadin
Human Resources Management – L.M.Prasad
Human Resources Management , Ashwathappa
Turnaround Management
Practical Shutdown & Turnaround Management for k, Engineers & Managers (English,
Paperback, IDC Technologies Pvt Ltd.)
Managing Corporate Turnarou nd Text & cases Ram AvtarYadav , Concept Publishing Co.
Business Process Reengineering ,O.P.Agrawal
The Turnaround Experience – FeddrickZimerman
International Business
Economic Survey, Govt. of India. Various issues
Export -import Policy and Other Documents, Govt. of India
Czinkota, Michael R, 8th Edition, Publisher Wiley, 2010 .
Hill, Charles W. L., International Business, McGraw Hill, 2011,New York.
Aswathappa K ,International Business, Tata McGraw Hill Education,2010 .
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com.( Banking and Insurance )
Programm e at Semester VI
with ef fect from the Academic Year 2018 -2019
Reference Books
Reference Books
Marketing in Banking & Insurance
Marketing Management -Philip Kotler, Prentice Hall of India New Delhi.
Service Marketing - S.M.Jha,Himalaya Publishing House , Mumbai .
Essence of Service Marketing - Adrian Payne, Prentice Hall of India New Delhi.
Service Marketing - Hellen Woodruffle ,Macmillan Publishers ,India , Delhi .
E- Marketing - Judy Strauss , Raymond Frost , Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009, 5th Edition
Marketing Management – An Asian Perspective Philip Kotler , Gary Armstrong , Prafulla Y.
Agnihotri , Ehsan UlHaque – Pearson Education 2010.
Rural Marketing – Text and Cases , C.S Krishnamacharayu and Lathiha Ramkrishnan,
Pearson Education.
Service Marketing – Christopher Loveloca, Pearson Education
Core Course ( CC)
Central Banking
Central Banking - IIBF- MacMillan Publishers, 2011
Central Banking – ICFAI Press,2008
Theory and Practice of Central Banking in India - V.A.Avdhani, Second Edition, Published
by Somaiya Publications Pvt. Ltd.
Central Banking - M H deKock, Publisher Staples Press.
Central Banking in Planned Economy - The Indian Experiment - C.R.Basu, Edition 2,Publisher
Tata McGraw -Hill Pub lishing . Co , 1977 .
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University of Mumbai
B.Com. (Banking and Insurance)
Guidelines for Project Work
Third Year
Semester VI
Under Choice Based Credit, Grading and
Semester System
(To be implemented from Academic Year 2018-2019)
Board of Studies -in-Banking and Finance
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Inclusion of project work in the course curriculum of the B.Com. (Banking and Insurance )
programme is one of the ambitious aspects in the programme structure. The main objective of
inclusion of project work is to inculcate the element of research analyse and scientific
temperament challenging the potential of learner as regards to his/ her ea ger to enquire and
ability to interpret particular aspect of the study. It is expected that the guiding teacher should
undertake the counselling sessions and make the awareness among the learners about the
methodology of formulation, preparation and evalua tion pattern of the project work.
There are two modes of preparation of project work
1. Project work based on research methodology in the study area
2. Project work based on internship in the study area
Guidelines for preparation of Project Work
1. General guidelines for prepar ation of project work based on
Research M ethodology
The project topic may be undertaken in any area of Elective Courses.
Each of the learner has to undertake a Project individually under the supervision of a
teacher -guide.
The learner shall decide the topic and title which should be specific, clear and with
definite scope in consultation with the teacher -guide concerned.
University/college shall allot a guiding teacher for guidance to the students based on her /
his specializati on.
The project report shall be prepared as per the broad guidelines given below:
Font type: Times New Roman
Font size: 12 -For content, 14 -for Title
Line Space : 1.5 -for content and 1 -for in table work
Paper Size: A4
Margin : in Left -1.5, Up -Down -Right -1
The Project Report shall be bounded.
The project report should be 80 to 100 pages
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Board of Studies -in-Banking & Finance, University of Mumbai 47 | P a g e
1st page (Main Page)
Title of the problem of the Project
A Project Submitted to
University of Mumbai for partial completion of the degree of
Bachelor in Commerce (Banking and Insurance )
Under the Faculty of Commerce
Name of the Learner
Under the Guidance of
Name of the Guiding Teacher
Name and address of the College
Month and Year
2nd Page
This page to be repeated on 2nd page (i.e. inside after main page)
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On separate page
Chapter No. 1
(sub point 1.1, 1.1.1, .... And so on)
Title of the Chapter Page No.
Chapter No. 2 Title of the Chapter
Chapter No. 3 Title of the Chapter
Chapter No. 4 Title of the Chapter
Chapter No. 5 Title of the Chapter
List of tables, if any, with page numbers.
List of Graphs, if any, with page numbers.
List of Appendix, if any, with page numbers.
Abbreviations used:
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Structure to be followed to maintain the uniformity in
formulation and presentation of Project Work
(Model Structure of the Project Work)
Chapter No. 1: Introduction
In this chapter Selection and relevance of the problem, historical background of the
problem, brief profile of the study area, definition/s of related aspects, characteristics,
different concepts pertaining to the problem etc can be incorporated by the learner.
Chapter No. 2: Research Methodology
This chapter will include Objectives, Hypothesis, Scope of the study, limitations of
the study, sign ificance of the study, Selection of the problem, Sample size, Data
collection, Tabulation of data, Techniques and tools to be used, etc can be
incorporated by the learner.
Chapter No. 3: Literature Review
This chapter will provide information about studies done on the respective issue. This
would specify how the study undertaken is relevant and contribute for value addition
in information/ knowledge/ application of study area which ultimately helps the
learner to undertake further study on same issue.
Chapt er No. 4: Data Analysis, Interpretation and Presentation
This chapter is the core part of the study. The analysis pertaining to collected data
will be done by the learner. The application of selected tools or techniques will be
used to arrive at findings. In this, table of information’s, presentation of graphs etc.
can be provided with interpretation by the learner.
Chapter No. 5: Conclusions and Suggestions
In this chapter of project work, findings of work will be covered and suggestion will
be enlisted t o validate the objectives and hypotheses.
Note: If required more chapters of data analysis can be added.
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On separate page
Name and address of the college
This is to certify that Ms/Mr _____________________________________ has worked
and duly completed her/his Project Work for the degree of Bachelor in Commerce
(Banking and Insurance ) under the Faculty of Commerce in the subject of
__________________ ______________________ and her/his proj ect is enti tled,
“__________ ___________________________________________ _________” under
my supervision.
I further certify that the entire work has been done by the learner under my guidance
and that no part of it has been submitted previously for any Degr ee or Diploma of any
It is her/ his own work and facts reported by her/his personal findings and
Name and Signature of
Guiding Teacher
Date of submission:
Title of the Project
Seal of the
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On separate page
Declaration by learner
I the undersigned Miss / Mr. ______________________________________ here by,
declare that the work embodied in this project work titled “________
forms my own contribution to the research work carried out under the guidance of
________________________________ is a result of my own research work and has
not been previously submitt ed to any other University for any other Degree/ Diploma
to this or any other University.
Wherever reference has been made to previous works of others, it has been clearly
indicated as such and included in the bibliography.
I, here by further declare that all information of this document has been obtained and
presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct.
Name and Signature of the learner
Certified by
Name and signature of the Guiding Teacher Name of the learner
Name of the guiding teacher Title of the Project
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On separate page
(Model structure of the acknowledgement)
To list who all have helped me is difficult because they are so numerous and the depth
is so enormous.
I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic channels and fresh
dimensions in the completion of this project.
I take this opportunity to thank the University of Mumbai for giving me chance to
do this project.
I would like to thank my Principal, __________ for providing the necessary facilities
required for completion of this project.
I take this opportunity to thank our Coordinator_______________ , for her moral
support and guidance.
I would also like to express my sincere gratitude towards my project guide
_____________ whose guidance and care made the project successful.
I would li ke to thank my College Library , for having provided various reference
books and magazines related to my project.
Lastly, I would like to thank each and every person who directly or indirectly helped
me in the completion of the project especially myParents and Peers who supported
me throughout my project.
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2. Guidelines for Internship based project work
Minimum 20 days/ 100 hours of Internship with an Organisation/ NGO/ Charitable
Organisation/ Private firm.
The theme of the internship should be based on an y study area of the elective courses
Experience Certificate is Mandatory
A project report has to be brief in content and must include the following aspects:
Executive Summary:
A bird’s eye view of your entire presentation has to be precisely offered under this
Introduction on the Company:
A Concise representation of company/ organization defining its scope, products/
services and its SWOT analysis.
Statement and Objectives:
The mission and vision of the organization need to be stated enshrining its broad
Your Role in the Organisation during the internship:
The key aspects handled, the department under which you were deployed and brief
summary report duly acknowle dged by the reporting head.
The challenges confronted while churning out theoretical knowledge into practical
A brief overview of your experience and suggestions to bridge the gap between theory
and practice.
The project re port based on internship shall be prepared as per the broad guidelines given
Font type: Times New Roman
Font size: 12 -For content, 14 -for Title
Line Space : 1.5 -for content and 1 -for in table work
Paper Size: A4
Margin : in Left -1.5, Up -Down -Right -1
The Project Report shall be bounded.
The project report should be of minimum 50 pages
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Evaluation pattern of the project work
The Project Report shall be evaluated in two stages viz.
Evaluation of Project Report (Bound Copy) 60 Marks
Introduction and other areas covered 20 Marks
Research Methodology, Presentation, Analysis and
interpretation of data 30 Marks
Conclusion & Recommendations 10 Marks
Conduct of Viva -voce 40 Marks
In the course of Viva -voce, the questions may be asked such
as importance / relevance of the study, objective of the study,
methodology of the study/ mode of Enquiry (question
responses) 10 Marks
Ability to explain the analysis, findings, concluding
observations, recommendation, limitations of the Study 20 Marks
Overall Impression (including Communication Skill) 10 Marks
The guiding teacher along with the external evaluator appointed by the University/
College for the evaluation of project shall conduct the viva -voce examination as per the
evaluation pattern
Passing Standard
Minimum of Grade E in the project component
In case of failing in the project work, the same project can be revised for ATKT
Absence of studen t for viva voce: If any student fails to appear for the viva voce on the
date and ti me fixed by the department such student shall appear for the viva voce on the
date and time fixed by the Department, such student shall appear for the viva voce only
along with students of the next batch.
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Revised Syllabus of Courses of B.Com. ( Banking a nd Insurance ) Programme at
Semester V and VI
with effect from the Academic Year 2018 -2019
Scheme of E valuation
The performance of the learners will be evaluated in two Components. One component will
be the Internal Assessment component carrying 25% marks and the second component will
be the Semester -wise End Examination component carrying 75% marks. The allocation of
marks for the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examinations will be as shown below: -
A) Internal Assessment : 25 %
Question Paper Pattern
(Internal Assessment - Courses without Practical Courses)
Sr. No. Particular Marks
1 One class test (20 Marks)
Match the Column/ Fill in the Blanks / Multiple Choice Questions
(½ Mark each) 05 Marks
Answer in One or Two Lines (Concept based Questions)
(01 Mark each) 05 Marks
Answer in Brief (Attempt Any Two of the Three)
(05 Marks each) 10 Marks
2 Active participation in routine class instructional deliveries and
overall conduct as a responsible learner, mannerism and
articulation and exhibit of leadership qualities in organizing
related academic activities 05 Marks
B) Semester End Examination: 75 %
i) Duration: The examination shall be of 2 ½ Hou rs duration
ii) Theory question paper pattern
There shall be five questions each of 15 marks.
All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice within the questions.
Question may be subdivided into sub -questions a, b, c… and the allocation of
marks depends on the weightage of the topic.
(Detail question paper pattern has been given separately)
Passing Standard
The learners to pass a course shall have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate for
each course wher e the course consists of Internal Assessment and Semester End
Examination. The learners shall obtain minimum of 40% marks (i.e. 10 out of 25) in the
Internal Assessment and 40% marks in Semester End Examination (i.e. 30 Out of 75)
separately, to pass the c ourse and minimum of Grade E to pass a particular semester A
learner will be said to have passed the course if the learner passes the Internal Assessment
and Semester End Examination together.
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Question Paper Pattern
(Practical Courses)
Maximum Marks: 75
Questions to be set: 05
Duration: 2 1/2 Hrs.
All Questions are Compulsory Carrying 15 Marks each.
No Particular Marks
Objective Questions
A. Sub Questions to be asked 10 and to be answered any 08
B. Sub Questions to be asked 10 and to be answered any 07
(*Multiple choice / True or False / Match the columns/Fill in the
15 Marks
Full Length Practical Question
Full Length Practical Question
15 Marks
15 Marks
Full Length Practical Question
Full Length Practical Question
15 Marks
15 Marks
Full Length Practical Question
Full Length Practical Question
15 Marks
15 Marks
A) Theory questions
B) Theory questions
Short Notes
To be asked 05
To be answered 03
08 Marks
07 Marks
15 Marks
Practical question of 15 marks may be divided into two sub questions of 7/8 and
10/5Marks. If the topic demands, instead of practical questions, appropriate theory
question may be asked.
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Question Paper Pattern
(Theoretical Courses)
Maximum Marks: 75
Questions to be set: 05
Duration: 2 1/2 Hrs.
All Questions are Compulsory Carrying 15 Marks each.
No Particular Marks
Objective Questions
A) Sub Questions to be asked 10 and to be answered any 08
B) Sub Questions to be asked 10 and to be answered any 07
(*Multiple choice / True or False / Match the columns/Fill in the
15 Marks
Full Length Question
Full Length Question
15 Marks
15 Marks
Full Length Question
Full Length Question
15 Marks
15 Marks
Full Length Question
Full Length Question
15 Marks
15 Marks
A) Theory questions
B) Theory questions
Short Notes
To be asked 05
To be answered 03
08 Marks
07 Marks
15 Marks
Theory question of 15 marks may be divided into two sub questions of 7/8 and 10/5Marks.