BBA LLB Hons 5 years integrated course Sem I to VI2_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

BBA LLB Hons 5 years integrated course Sem I to VI2_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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Regulations, Syllabi (Sem I to VI) & Course Structure
B.B.A. – LL.B. (Hons.)
Five Years Integrated Programme

As per Credit Based Semester and Grading Sys tem
To be implemented from Academic Year 2016 -2017 & progressively

Board of Studies -in-Law, University of Mumbai

Regulations, Syllabi (Sem I to VI) & Course
B.B.A. – LL.B. (Hons.)
Five Years Integrated Programme

As per Credit Based Semester and Grading Sys tem
To be implemented from Academic Year 2016 -2017 &
progressively thereafter

Board of Studies -in-Law, University of Mumbai

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BBA -LLB (Hons.)

101 Principles of Management 4
102 English 4
103 Principles of Basic Accountancy 4
104 Statistical Analysis 4
105 Law of Torts (Consumer protection Act & Motor
Vehicle Act) 4
106 Law of Contract & Specific Relief Act 4

201 Business Communication Skills 4
202 Costs & Management Accounts 4
203 Principles of Economics 4
204 Business Mathematics 4
205 Special Contract 4
206 Clinical Legal Education ( Paper I) (ADR) 4

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301 Business Environment 4
302 Marketing Management 4
303 Financial Management 4
304 Jurisprudence 4
305 Constitutional Law (Paper - I) 4
306 Law of Crimes (Paper – I) (Indian Penal Code) 4

401 International Business Environment 4
402 Organization al Behavio ur 4
403 Management Theory and Practices 4
404 Constitutional Law (Paper - II) 4
405 Law of Crimes (Paper – II) (Criminal Procedure Code) 4
406 Clinical Legal Education (Paper - II) (Professional Ethics) 4

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501 Human Resource Management 4
502 Managerial Economics 4
503 Code of Civil Procedure & Limitation Act 4
504 Family Law (Paper - I) 4
505 Labour & Industrial Law (Paper - I) 4
506 Environmental Law 4

601 Consumer Behaviour 4
602 Business Research Methodology 4
603 Famil y Law (Paper - II) 4
604 Interpretation of Statute s 4
605 Labour& Industrial Law (Paper II) 4
606 Clinical Legal Education (Paper III) (DPC – I) (Civil) 4

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701 Operational Management 4
702 Law of Evidence 4
703 Administrative Law 4
704 Taxation Law (Direct and Indirect Taxation ) 4
705 Property Law 4
706 Electives: Any one of the following
A. Information and Technology Law
B. Law and Economics 4

801 Strategic Management 4
802 Intellectual Property Laws 4
803 International Trade Law 4
804 Human Rights Law 4
805 Elective: Any one of the following
A. Insurance Law
B. Bankruptcy and Insolvency
806 Clinical Legal Education (Paper IV) (DPC –II)(Criminal) 4

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901 Competition Law 4
902 Media and Law 4
903 Moot Court Exercise 4
904 Internship 4
905 Elective: Any one of the following
A. Equity and Trust
B. Merger and Acquisition


1001 Banking Law 4
1002 Public International Law 4
1003 Company Law 4
1004 Priva te International Law 4
1005 Elective: Any one of the following
A. Investment Law
B. Law of Infrastructure Development


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(To be effective from the Academic Year 2016 -2017)

R........: Admission to the First Year (First and Second Semesters) of B.B.A. - LL.B.
(HONS.) Degree Programme shall be granted on the basis of Common Entrance
Test as shall be conducted by the competent authority, provided the student has
passed/completed H.S.C. exam ination in any Faculty of a recognised Board or
equivalent qualification with minimum 45% of marks at the qualifying
examination. However the above percentage of Marks shall be relaxed by 5%
for the students belonging to SC/ST categories,

R........: The student migrating from the other Indian Universities to the University of Mumbai seeking
admission or 3rd and 4th, 5th and 6th, 7th and 8th or 9th and 10th Semesters of B.B.A. - LL.B.
(HONS.) Programme, on comparing the syllabi in the subjects of his previo us University and
of this programme, and may be required by way of condition to pass in the examinations of
this University in such subjects of the lower semesters of B.B.A -LL.B. (HONS.) which he had
not passed in the lower classes in the previous Universi ty; and also that he may be exempted
from appearing at the examinations in such subjects of the higher semesters of this
programme which he had already passed in his previous University.

R ....: The B.B.A. -LL.B (HONS.) programme leading to B.B.A. - LL.B. (HONS.) Degree in Law shall be
Ten Semesters Full -time Course.

R ....: Student may be admitted to both the semesters of this programme in every academic year at
the beginning of the Academic Year.

R ....:: The total intake per batch per College shall be as per the rules prescribed form
time to time by the University.

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R ....: No student will be admitted to the Semester Examination unless he has completed requisite
attendance in the given semester as per the University Rules and Regulations.

R ....: The B.B.A. -LL.B (HONS.) Degree in either of the Courses in Law will not be
conferred upon a student unless the student has passed in or cleared all the
papers prescribed for each Semester Examination in accordance with the
provisions relating to each S emester examination or has been exempted from
appearing at the examinations in some of the papers/subjects of this University
in accordance with the provisions of Regulation mentioned hereinabove.

R .... : Performance of the students shall be evaluated by the Examinations as per the examination
pattern as shall be regulated by the rules framed by the University from time to time; and
also by his/her performance in the Clinical Legal Education Subject/Papers as per the
guidelines issued by the University fr om time to time.

R ....: For the examinations in all the courses/subjects, except in the subjects/courses in Clinical
Legal Education shall be conducted in the following manner:
a) Theory Examination of the External Component of 75 Marks in every subject/c ourse shall
be conducted by the University, and
b) Continuous Assessment/Evaluation of the Internal Component of 25 Marks as per the
scheme and rules as shall be decided by the University from time to time in every
subject/course shall be conducted by the In stitution where the student is admitted.
For the sake of clarity it is mentioned that the examination/s and its evaluation in the
subject/s of Clinical Legal Education shall be held and conducted by the concerned Institution
to which the student is admitted.

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R ....: A student shall be declared “Passed” in the subject/course if he has secured minimum 50
marks out the total of 100 marks assigned to the every subject/course. There is no minimum
marks requirement for internal and external component re spectively.

R ....: A student shall be declared “Passed” in the Semester Examination if he has passed in all the
subjects of that Semester as per the provisions mentioned in the preceding rules.

R ....: If a student fails to “Pass” in all the subject s/courses of both the semesters of a particular
Academic Year, he will be allowed to keep term of the next consecutive two semesters (i.e.
next academic year) if he has passed in any of the 8 subjects/courses together of both the
semesters of the respectiv e academic year.

R ....: In case a student fails in any of the subject/course, he shall be exempted at his choice from
appearing at the subsequent examinations in any of the subject/course, in which he has
secured 50% of the total marks in that subject/ course at the examination held; so also when
the student fails in any of the subject/course he shall be exempted from appearing at the
Internal or External Component as the case may be of such subject/course if he has secured
50% of more marks of such comp onent of the subject in which he has to secure such marks
so as the total of the marks of the Internal and External Components of that subjects reach
to 50% of the marks of that subject/course.

R ....: For admission to the Semesters 5th and 6th the stud ent must have passed in all the
subjects/courses of Semesters 1 and 2 and also 8 subjects/courses of Semesters 3 and 4
taken together.
For admission to the Semesters 7th and 8th the student must have passed in all the
subjects/courses of Semesters 1 to 4 a nd also 8 subjects/courses of Semesters 5 and 6 taken

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For admission to the Semesters 9th and 10th the student must have passed in all the
subjects/courses of Semester 1 to 6 and also 8 subjects/courses of Semesters 7 and 8 taken

R ....: The results of the student appearing at the 4th, 6th, 8th or 10th Semester of 5 years
B.B.A. - LL.B. (HONS.) Course shall not be declared unless and until the
student has been declared Passed in all the papers upto 2nd, 4th, 6th or 8th
Semester respectively.

R ....: The syllabi of the various subjects/courses shall be as per the Annexure
annexed to these rules.


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BBA -LLB (Hons.)
Semester I
Paper 101. Principles of Management
Module - I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Introduction: concept and nature of management; managerial competencies - communication,
team work, planning and administrative, evolution of management thoughts, traditional,
behavioral, system, contingency and quality viewpoints, planning in learning organizations;
strategic planning - an overview; decision making process, decision -making, increasing
participation in decision -making, decision - making crea tivity.
Module - II (1 CREDIT) 25 mark s
Basic issues in organization – Work Specialization, Chain of Common Delegation,
Decentralization, Spam of Management, Basis for Departmentation , Individual differences -
values and attitudes; Percep tion-concept, process, Personality - concept, Learning and
Reinforcement, Stress -symptoms, causes, consequences and management.
Module - III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Motivation models/ approaches; leadership styles, group dynamics, social loafi ng; developing
teams -self directed work teams, virtual teams; team building; Conflict - concept, sources and
Module - IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Managerial ethics and social responsibility; management control – concept and process,
overview of control techniques, effective control system; managerial ethics, factors affecting
ethical choices; ethical dilemma; organizational structure and design, organizational culture,;
organizational change and development.
Suggested Readings:
1. Robbi ns, S.P. and Decenzo, D.A.: Fundamentals of Management, Pearson Education Asia,
New Delhi
2. Hellreigel : Management, Thomson Learning, Bombay
3. Koontz, H and Wechrich, H: Management, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Stoner, J : Management, New Delhi, PHI, New Delhi
5. Robbins & Coulter: Management, PHI, New Delhi
6. McSchane: OrganisationBehaviour, TMH, New Delhi
7. Luthans, Fred: OrganisationalBehaviour, McGraw Hill, New York.
8.New Storm and Keith Davis: Organi sationBehaviour, TMH, New Delhi.

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Paper 102. English
Module - I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Grammar and Usage:Tenses, sequence of tenses and concord, Preposition, Basic Transformation:
Passives, Question tag, Negatives, Direct and Indirect Speech. Communication & composition
skills: Meaning, Importance & Factors affecting Communication Skills, Legal Writing, Legal
Paragraphs & Essays, Formal Correspondence, Drafting Of Moot Memorials
Module - II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Legal: Legal Maxims: Sal us Populist Suprema Lex, Audi AlteramPartem, Nemo
DebetEsseJudex In PropriaSua Causa, De Minimis Non Curat Lex, Volenti Non Fit Injuria,
NullusCommodumCaperePotest De Injuria SuaPropria, Nemo DebetBisVexari Pro Una Et
Eadem Causa, ActaExteriora Indicant In terioraSecreta,
LegesPosterioresPrioresContrariasAbrogant, NemoDat Quod Non Habet, Vigilantibus, Non
Dormientibus Jura Subveniunt, Nemo TenturSeipsumAccusare.
Specified Law Reports : Exposure to Official Reports and Private Reports : Supreme Court
Repor ts, Indian Law Reports, All India Reporter, All India High Court Cases, Judgment Today,
Maharashtra Law Journal, Supreme Court Cases, Company Cases, All Maharashtra Law
Reporter, All England Law Reporter
Journals, Periodicals, Law Magazines &Abbrevi ations : Exposure to Lawyers Collective Insight,
One India One People, Journal of the Indian Law Institute, India Bar Review, The Indian
Advocate, Journal of the Bar Council of India, India Quarterly, Modern Law Review, Law
Quarterly Review
Module - III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Terms and Concepts : Plaint, Plaintiff, Defendant, Petition, Alimony, Maintenance, Bigamy,
Libel, Homicide, Suicide, Void, Ultra Vires, Deed, Legitimate, Illegitimate, Jurisprudence,
Parole, Prima Facie, Subjudice, Stat us Quo, Bonafide, Malafide, Exparte, Interalia, Defacto,
Dejure, Indemnity, Sine -Die, Malfeasance, Null, Omission, Pre -Emption, Rebuttal, Suffrage,
Law, Custom, Justice, Right, Duty, Wrong, Civil Wrong, Criminal Wrong, Remedy, Fact,
Person, Complaint.
Appeal, Review, Revision, Reference, Writ, Stay Order, Injunction, Adjournment, Cause Of
Action, Issue, Charge, Bail, Ex -Parte, Discharge, Acquittal, Conviction, Legal Heirs, Legal
Representative, Power Of Attorney, Arbitration, Jurisdiction, Amicus Curae, Affidavit.
Citations &References : Importance of Citations, Understanding a given Citation, Citations in
respect of Official Reports.
Module - IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Legislative Materials: Brief Introduction to the various parts of an Act: Intent (Aims & Objects),
Short Title, Long Title, Date of Assent, Section, Sub -Section, Marginal Note, Date of
Commencement, Schedule, Table.

The above may be taught with reference to the following Acts - :

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1. Maternity Benefits Act, 1961.
2. Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971
3. Protection of Human Rights Act,1993.

Judicial Material: Introduction to Precedent, Ratio and Obiter Dicta.
The following cases may be taught with respect to Facts, Issues, Arguments and Decisions.
1. M. C. Mehta V Union of India AIR 1987 SC 965
2. Vishaka&Ors. V State of Rajasthan &Ors. AIR 1997 SC 3011
3. Dilip K Basu V State of West Bengal 1997 AIR SC 233
Suggested Reading:
Dr. K.L. Bhatia: Textb ook on Legal Language and Writing
M.L. Tikoo and Subramanian: Intermediate Grammar and Composition
Macmillan India Ltd: Mastering English Grammar
J.C. Nesfield: English Grammar, Composition and Usage (N.K. Aggarwal)
W.S. Allen: Living English Structure.
Sharma & Sharma: Legal & General English
Wren & Martin: Grammar by Oxford Press
Singh &Behl: Legal Language, Writing and General English

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Paper 103. Princi ples of Basic A ccountancy
Module - I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Accounting concepts: Conventions and Postulates, Accounting Process.
Module - II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Principles of Management Preparation of Final Accounts, Accounting Standards.
Module - III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Analysis and Inte rpretation of publishes statements.
Module - IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Accounting for non - profit organizations; Basics of company accounts.
Suggested Readings:
1. Tony Davis : Principle of Accounting and Finance
2. GS Le Roux : Basic P rinciples of Costs and Management Accounting
3. John Pakard Jordon : Cost Accounting, Principles and Practice
4. Dr. SP Mittal : Principles of Basic Accounting
5. NS Singhal : Basic Accounting Standards

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Paper 104 -Statistical analysis
Module - I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Introduction - Meaning, application, (importance) and limitation of statistics, Types of data
collection: primary and secondary, Tabulation and graphical presentation: Diagrams and
frequency distribution

Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Measures of Central Tendency and variations - Measures of central tendency: Arithmetic mean,
median and mode, Measures of variations: range, quartile, decile and percentile and standard
deviation, Skewness: Symmetrical distribution, positively and negatively skewed distribution
Module - III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Correlation and regression - Correlation analysis: Meaning and types, Karl Pearson’scoefficient
of correlation, Spearman’s Rank correlation, Regression analysis
Module - IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Time Series Analysis - Meaning and component of time series analysis, Method of least squares,
Method of moving averages, Index number - Simple aggregate method, Weighted Index
Numbers: Laspeyres method, Paasche method and Fishers ideal method
Suggested Readings:
1. Levin & Rubin, Statistics for Business, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
2. Gupta S. P & Gupta M.P., Business Statistics, Sultan Chand & sons, Delhi.
3. Anderson, Quantitative Methods in Business, Thomson Learning, Bomb ay.
4. Anderson, Statistics for Business & Economics, Thomson Learning, Bombay.
5. Chandan, J.S., An Introduction to Statistical Methods, Vikas Publishing House.
6. Bhardwaj, R. S., Business Statistics, Excel Books, 2000.
7. Gupta C. B. & Gupta, Vijay -Business Statist ics, S. Chand & Co. Delhi.
8. Kothari, C. R., Quantitative Techniques, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
9. Hooda, R.P., Statistics for Business & Economics, McMillan India Ltd.

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Paper 105 - Law of Torts (Consumer Protection Act & Motor Vehicle Act)
Module - I (1 Credit) 25 marks
Nature & Concept of Torts , General Principles of Liability, General Defenses to an action in
Module - II (1 Credit) 25 marks
Vicarious liability, Joint Liability, The Rules of Strict Liability & Absolute lia bility, Extinction
of Liability
Module - III (1 Credit) 25 marks
The Specific Torts – Torts Affecting the Persons; Torts Affecting the Immovable & Movable
Property; Nuisance; Torts Affecting Defamation, Negligence; The Remoteness of Damage;
Legal R emedies.
Module -VI (1 Credit) 25 marks
The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 - Basic Concepts; Authorities for Consumer Protection;
The Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 – Basic Concepts; Compensation under the Motor Vehicle Act

Suggested Reading
Winfield and Jolowicz : On Torts
W.G.Salmond : Law of Torts
Rattan Lal &Dhiraj La : The Law of Torts
R. K. Bangia : The Law of Torts
S. K. Kapoor : Law of Torts
N. V. Paranjape : Law of Torts
V. K. Aggarwal :Law on Consumer Protection (student’s edition 2009), Bharat Publisher

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Paper 106 - Law of Contract & Specific Relief Act
Module - I (1 Credit) 25 marks
Definition of Contract, Agreement, Offer , Acceptance and Consideration (Section -2),
Commu nication and Revocation of Off er and Acceptance (Section 3 -9), Essentials of Contract
(Section 10), Competency to Contract Section (11 -12)
Module -II (1 Credit) 25 marks
Free Consent, Consent by Coercion, Undue Influence, Fraud, misrepresentation and mistake
(Section 14 - 22), Legality of Object a nd consideration (Section 23 -24), Void Agreements
(Section 25 -30), Contingent Contracts (Section 31 -36)
Module -III (1 Credit) 25 marks
Contract which must be performed (Section 37 -39), By whom contract must be performed
(Section 40 -45), Time and Pl ace for performance of Contract (Section 46 -50), Performance of
Reciprocal Promises (Section 51 -55), Discharge of contract (Section 56 -57), Certain Relations
resembling to those created by Contract (Section 68 – 72)
Module - IV (1 Credit) 25marks
Breach of Contract (Section 73 -75), Specific Performance of Contract under Specific Relief Act -
1963 (Section 1 -14), Persons for/ against whom contracts may be speci fically enforced Section
15-19, Powers of the court (Section 20 -24), Rectification and cancellation of Instruments
(Section 26 -33), Injunctions (Section 36 – 42 )
Suggested Reading:
Dr. Avtar Singh : Law of Contract
Dr. R.K. Bangia : Indian Contr act Act (Allahabad Law Agency)
Dr. S.K. Kapoor : Contract –I, Central Law Agency
Pollock and Mulla : Indian Contract and Specific Relief Act
D.F. Mulla : The Indian Contract Act
S.T. Desai : The Indian Contract Act
Dr. A. C. Moitra : Principles and Digest of Indian Contract Act
Anson’ s : Law of Contract

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Semester II
Paper 201 - Business Communication Skills
Module - I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Introduction to Communication Meaning and Definition - Process - Functions - Objectives -
Importance - Essentials of good; Communication - Communication barriers - Overcoming
communication barriers Types of Com munication: Written - Oral - Face-to-face - Silence -
Merits and limitations of each type
Module - II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Business Letters Need and functions of business letters - Planning & layout of business letter -
Kinds of busine ss; Letters - Essentials of effective correspondence Drafting of business letters
Enquiries and replies - Placing and fulfilling orders - Complaints and follow -up - Sales letters -
Circular letters - Application for employment and resume - Report writing - Notices, Agenda and
Minutes of the Meetings - Memos
Modu le- III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Oral Communication Meaning, nature and scope - Principles of effective oral communication -
Techniques of effective Speech - Media of oral communica tion (Face -to-face conversation -
Teleconferences – Press Conference – Demonstration - Radio Recording - Dictaphone –
Meetings - Rumor – Demonstration and Dramatization - Public address system - Grapevine -
Group Discussion – Oral report – Closed circuit T V. The art of listening - Principles of good
Module - IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Application of Communication Skills Group Decision -Making - Conflict and Negotiations -
Presentation and Interviews - Speeches Customer Care/Custom ers Relations - Public Relations
(Concept, Principles, Do’s and Don’ts etc. to be studied for each type) Topics Prescribed for
workshop/lab Group Discussion Mock Interview Interview Public Speech Conflict Situation
Decision -making in a group Writte n Communication
Suggested Readings:
1) Business Communication - K. K. Sinha - Galgotia Publishing Company, New Delhi.
2) Media and Communication Management - C. S. Rayudu - Himalaya Publishing House,
3) Essentials of Business Communication -Rajendra Pal and J.S.Korlhalli - Sultan Chand & Sons,
New Delhi
4) Business Communication (Principles, Methods and Techniques) Nirmal Singh - Deep & Deep
Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5) Business Communication - Dr. S.V. Kadvekar, Prin. Dr. C. N. Raw al and Prof.
RavindraKothavade - Diamond Publications, Pune.
6) Business Correspondence and Report Writing - R. C. Sharma, Krishna Mohan – Tata
McGraw -Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.

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7) Communicate to Win - Richard Denny - Kogan Page India Pr ivate Limited, New Delhi.
8) Modern Business Correspondence - L. Gartside - The English Language Book Society and
Macdonald and Evans Ltd.
9) Business Communication - M. Balasubrahmanyan - Vani Educational Books. 10) Creating a
Successful CV - Siman Howa rd - Dorling Kindersley.

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Paper - 202 Costs & Management Accounts

Module - I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Introduction To Cost And Management Accounting : Cost and financial Accounting -comparison,
advantages of cost accounting, objections against cost accounting, Management accounting,
scope of Management accounting, functions of management accounting, Tools and techniques
used in Management accounting ,comparison of cost accounting an d Management accounting.
Basic Cost Concept : Concept of cost, methods of costing, techniques of costing, classification of
costs, elements of cost.
Module - II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Standard Costing and Variance Analysis.
Module – III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Marginal Costing And Decision Making : Costs and Management Decisions: Various cost
concepts in fluencing short -run and long -run decisions viz. make or buy, sell or process further
operation versus shut -down, rent or buy, lease or buy, pri cing, product mix and other special
decisions relating to inventory and marketing operations.

Module – IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Budgetary Control : Budgeting: Budgeting for control — operations or functional budget: finance
budgets, master budget s(budgeted income statement and balance sheet) fixed and flexible
budgets, capital budgets, research and development budget, maintenance and repair budget;
budgets, key factor; periodic and continuous budgeting, bud geting for return on investment. Cost
Volum e Profit Analysis And Recent Development In Cost Management : cost-volume profit
analysis, Break -even analysis, Profit volume ratio, methods of breakeven analysis, cost
management, cost reduction and cost control
Suggested Reading:
1. M.Pandey - Management Acc ounting.
2. M. A. Sahay - Management Accounting, Principals & Practi

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Paper 203 - Principles o f Economics

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Principles of economics; Three problems of economic organisation and economic systems,
Society’s technological po ssibilities; Circular flow of money; Market mechanism and
competition; Role of government
Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Concept of demand and Supply; Demand - Law of Demand, Demand Schedule and Curve, Shift
in Demand, Elasticity of Demand (Price, In come and Cross Price); Supply - Law of Supply,
Supply Schedule and Curve, Shifts in Supply, Price Elasticity of Supply; Market Equilibrium -
Determination of Market price and Market Mechanism, Changes in Equilibrium
Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Theory of Production and Costs – Production function and Law of Diminishing Returns; Cost
concepts and classifications - Cost function and Cost -Output Relationship (Short run and Long
run)- Economies and Diseconomies of Scale; Break even analysis
Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
National Income - Basic Concepts and Measures, Cost of Living, Economic Growth and
Determinants; Saving Investment and Financial System; Unemployment
Suggested Readings:
▪ Alfred W.S. Stonier and Hague: The Essentials of Economics
▪ P. Samuelson: Economics An Introductory Analysis
▪ Dewett K.K.: Modern Economic Theory
▪ Colander: Economics
▪ Economics: Samuelson, Nordhaus
▪ Principle s of Economics: Gregory Mankiw

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Paper 204 Business Mathematics
Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Theory of Sets - Meaning, Presentation and Equality of Sets; Union, Intersection, Complement
and difference of Sets; Venn Diagrams Arithmetic and Geometric progressions - nth term and sum
of series; Sum, Sum of squares and Sum of cubes of natural numbers .
Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Matrices - Types, addition and multipli cation, Meaning of transpose and inverse of a matrix;
Properties and Results of determinants . Permutations and combinations - Factorial Notation,
Principle of Counting; Permutation as Arrangement, Combination as Selection; Basic
Applications .
Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Interest - Simple Interest and Compound Interest (Annual, Semi -annual, Monthly and Continuous
Compounding); Annuity - Concept and Applicati ons; Present Value and Future Value;
Applications in Loan Repayment, Interest and Instalments .
Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Functions - Constant, Linear, Qu adratic, Polynomial; Indices and Logarithms - Concept
Differentiation and Integration of standard algebraic functions; Rules of Derivatives: Addition,
Multiplication and Quotient; Applications of Derivatives .
Suggested Readings:
 Business Mathematics (Sultan Chand): Sancheti, Malhotra, Kapoor
 Business Mathematics (Vikas Publishing) :Zameerudin, Qazi, Khanna, Bhambri
 A Textbook of Business Mathematics (Ashish Publishing): Reddy, Reddy, Prakash
 A Textbook of Quantitative Techniques (Laxmi Publications): Bali, Gupta, Gandhi

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Paper 205 - Special Contract

Module -1 (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Indemnity, Guarantee, Bailment, Pledge
Module -I1 (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Law Relating to Agency
Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Sale of Goods Act, 1930 -Definitions, Formation of Contract of Sale, Effects Of The Contract
Transfer Of Property As Between Seller And Buyer, Performance of Contract, Right of Unpaid
Seller, Suits for Breach of Contract
Module -VI (1 CREDIT) 25 mark s
Indian Partnership Act, 1932 - Definitions, Nature, Relation of Partners Inter Se, Relation of
Partners to Third Parties, Incoming & Outgoing Partners, Dissolution of Firm, Registration of
Reference Books
Myneni ; Law of Contract
R.K Bangia ’s Law of Contract
S. K Kapoor ; Law of Contract
Avtar Singh; Law of Contract
Mulla - Law of Contract
Bangia’s Indian Partnership Act

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Paper 206 - Clinical Legal Education (Paper I) (ADR)
Module - I (2 CREDITS) 50 marks
Alternate Dispute Resolution - Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1995, Drafting of Arbitration
Agreements, Settlement Agreement etc. Negotiation Skills to be learned with simulated program.
Module - II (1 CREDIT) 25marks
Conciliation Skills
Module - III (1 CREDIT) 25marks
Arbitration Law and Practice including International Arbitration and arbitration rules.

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Semester III
Paper 301- Business Environment

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Introduction to Business Environment - Meaning, Scope and Importance; Types of Business
Environment: Internal and External, Micro Environment and Macro Environment, Assessing
Risk in Business environment - Environment Scanning and Monitoring; PESTLE Framewo rk,
SWOT Analysis and Porter’s Five Forces Model

Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Business and Economy - Types of Economies: Capitali st, Socialist and Mixed economy;
Economic Growth and Economic Development - Meaning, Measures and Factors a ffecting
Growth and Development, Emerging Sectors of Indian Economy

Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Monetary Policy - Meaning, Objectives and Tools used in India; Fiscal Policy - Meaning and
Objectives, Public Revenue and Expenditure - Type s, Fiscal Budget and Fiscal Deficit - Basic
Concepts ; Inflation: Meaning, Types, Causes and Measures to check inflation

Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Foreign Investment - Importance and Limitations, Foreign Direct Investment and Foreign
Portfolio Investment ; Business Ethics - Meaning and Relevance; Ethical Dilemmas in Modern
Business - Case Studies; Business and Social Responsibility - Stakeholder Approach to CSR,
Carroll’s Pyramid of CSR

Suggested Books:
1. Paul Justin, Business Environment - Text and Cases, TATA McGraw Hill;
2. M.G. Velasquez, Business Ethics: Concept & Cases
2. Mishra &Puri, Indian Economy, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi
3. Economic Environment of Business – M. Adhikary, Sultan Chand & Sons.
4. Francis Cherunilam, Business Environment -Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi
5. Aswathappa, K.; Essentials of Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House, New
6. Morrison J, The International Business Environment, Palgrave

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22 | P a g e
Paper 302- Marketing Management

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Introduction: Concept, nature, scope and importance of marketing; Marketing concept and its
evolution;Marketing mix; Strategic marketing planning – an overview. Market Analysis and
Selection: Marketing environment – macro and micro components and their impact on marketing
decisions; Market segmentation and positioning; Buyer behavior; consumer versus
organizational buyers; Consumer decision making process.

Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Product Decisions: Concept of a product; Classification of products; Major product decisions;
Product line and product mix; Branding; Packaging and labeling; Produ ct life cycle – strategic
implications; New product development and consumer adoption process. Pricing Decisions:
Factors affecting price determination; Pricing policies and strategies; Discounts and rebates.

Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Distribution Channels and Physical Distribution Decisions: Nature, functions, and types of
distribution channels; Distribution channel intermediaries; Channel management decisions;
Retailing and wholesaling. Promotion Decisions: Communication Process; Promotion mix –
advertising, personal selling,sales promotion, publicity and public relations; Determining
advertising budget; Copy designing and testing; Media selection; Advertising effectiveness;
Sales promotion – tools and techniques.

Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Marketing Research: Meaning and scope of marketing research; Marketing research process.
Marketing Organisation and Control: Organising and controlling marketing operations - Issues
and Developments in Marketing: Social, eth ical and legal aspects of marketing; Marketing of
services; International marketing; Green marketing; Cyber marketing;Relationship marketing
and other developments of marketing.

Suggested Readings :
1. Kotlar, Philip, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
2. Stanton, Etzel, Walker, Fundamentals of Marketing, Tata -McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Saxena, Rajan, Marketing Management, Tata -McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
4. McCarthy, E.J., Basic Marketing: A managerial approach, Irwin, New York.

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Paper 303- Financial Management

Module I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Introduction to Financial management – Meaning , Scope , Objectives , Functions of Financial
management role and challenges in front of Finance manager in Modern financial system .

Security analysis Financial statements and Ratio analysis - Analysis and Interpretation of
Financial statement Nature objective tools Methods comparative statement common size
statement and trend analysis Ratio analysis Interpretation benefits and limitations Classification
of Ratio Liquidity Profitability turnover Capital structure and leverage Efficiency ratio financial
ratio stability ratio and investors analysis

Module II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Foreign funds and Foreign exchange - Meaning Introduction Foreign exchange risk Financial
products Forward Future option Currency swap Forex swaps Foreign exchange transa ctio
purchase and sale of goods services assets loans computation of forex difference .

Hire purchase and Amortisation Term loans - Calculation of Interest by fixed instalments and
fixed principal method Asset purchase method Appraisals of term loan Projec t report .

Module III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Capital structure and leverages - Leverages Introduction, EBIT EPS analysis Types of leverages
operating leverages Financial leverage combined leverage , Relationship between leverages ,
Capital s tructure Meaning and choice Impor tance optimal capital structure Dividend policy pay
out ratio Capital structure theorie capital struc ture and Market price of shares

Cost of Capital Equity and bond valuation - Introduction to cost of capital Measurements of cost
of capital Marginal cost of capital WACC EVA MVAReturn from bond Return from stock
Annuity Compounding and discounting .

Module IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Working capital management - Introduction , Management of working capital Est imations of
working capital Operating /Working capital cycle , Tandon committee MPBF Factors and
components of working capital

Suggested Readings:

Financial Management - PrasannaChnadra
Financial Management - Khan and Jain

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24 | P a g e
Paper 304 Jurisprudence

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Jurisprudence: -Meaning, Nature and Scope, Definition of Law, Administration of Justice : -
Meaning, Theories, Sources of Law: -Custom - Meaning, Essential of a valid Custom, Precedent:
- Meaning, Importance, M erits & Demerits, Legislation: - Meaning, Kinds: Supreme and
Subordinate Legislation.
Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Various Thoughts of Law in Different Schools, Natural Law School: Origin & Development
through the times of Natural Law School, Analytical School: Bentham’s Theory of Pleasure and
Pain, Austin’s Command theory , Historical School: Rule theory of Law by H.L.A Hart, Law as
Manifestation of People’s will - Savigny’s Theory, Kelson’s Pure Theory of Law, Sociological
Jurisprude nce: Eugen Ehrlich’s Concept of Living Law, Ihering Concept of Sociological Law,
Law as a Means of Social Engine ering by Roscoe Pound , Concept of Soc ial Solidarity by
Duguit, Realist School: American Realism and Scandavian Realism prevailing in Realist S chool
Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Rights and Duties: - Meaning, Theories of Legal Rights, Essentials of Legal Rights,
Classification of Rights and Duties, Right and Duty Conflict, Personality: Meaning and nature of
legal personality, Legal status of unborn person, dead man, animals, idol, mosque and state.
Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Possession: - Meaning, De facto and De jure possession, Remedies, Rights of Possessor,
Ownership: -Definition, Essentials of Ownersh ip, Kinds of Ownership, Modes of acquisition of
Ownership, Distinction between Ownership and Possession
Suggested Readings
B.N.M. Tripat hi: An Introduction to Jurisprudence (Legal Theory)
N.V. Paranjape: Studies in Jurisprudence & Legal Theory
S.P. Dwivedi : Jurisprudence and Legal Theory
Paton G.W.: A Text Book of Jurisprudence
S.N. Dhyani: Fundamentals of Jurisprudence
Freidma n W. : Legal Theory
Fitzgeroid P.J.: Salmond on Jurisprudence
Dias: Jurisprudence

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Paper 305- Constitutional Law (Paper I)

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Introduction: Making of the Constitution, Salient features of the Constitution, Preamble of the
Union and its Territory and Citizenship: Union and its Territory (Art. 1 to 4 ), Citizenship (Art. 5
to 11), Citizenship Act, 1955
Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Fundamental Rights - I - Definition of State (Art.12), Doctrine of Eclipse, Severability and
Waiver (Art.13), Right to Equality (Art. 14 to 18) , Protection of Civil Right Act, 1955
Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Fundamental Rights – II- Right to Freedom (Art. 19 to 22), Right against exploitation (Art. 23
and 24), Freedom of Religion (Art. 25 to 28), Cultural and Educational Rights (Art. 29 and 30),
Right to Constitutional Remedies (Art. 32 and 226), Judicial Review, Judicial Activism, Public
Interest Litigation.

Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Directive Principles and Fundamental Dutie s- Directive Principles of State Policy and its
implications (Art. 36 to 51), Fundamental Duties and its significance (Art. 51A), Inter -
relationship between Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties.

Amendment of the Constitution - Procedure for Amendment, Types of Amendments, Criticism
of the Amendment Procedure, Basic Structure of the Constitution

Miscellaneous - Constitution and Good Governance

Suggested Readings:
1. Shukla V. N, Constitution of India
2. Jain M.P – Indian Constitutional Law
3. Nutshells - Constitutional and Administrative Law
4. J.N. Pandey - Constitutional Law
5. D.D. Basu – Introduction to Constitution of India
6. H.M. Seevai - Constitution of India
7. Subhash sKashyap – Constitution of India

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Paper 306 - Law o f Crime (Paper I) (Indian Penal Code)

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Definition and meaning of crime, Distinction between crime and tort, theories of punishment,
kinds of punishment, stages of crime, elements of crime: actu sreus and mens rea, codification of
law of crime in India, application of the Indian Penal Code, Intra territorial and Extra territorial
application, Right of Private Defence , punishments
Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Offence against hum an body: offence affecting life, Hurt, wrongful restraint and wrongful
confinement, criminal force and assault, kidnapping, abduction, sexual offences
Offence against Property: Theft, Extortion, robbery and dacoity, criminal misappropriation of
property, c riminal breach of trust, receiving of stolen property, cheating, mischief, criminal
Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Offence relating to marriage: Cruelty by husband or relatives of husband, Offence against the
public Tranquility: Unlawful Assembly, Rioting, Affray, Defamation, criminal intimidation,
Insult and Annoyance, attempt to commit offences, abetment, criminal conspiracy, false
evidence and offences against public justice,
Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Miscellaneous: Offence against state, offence by or relating to public servants, contempt’s of the
lawful authority of public servants, decency and morals, offence relating to religion, offence
relating to elections.
Suggested Reading:
Indian Penal Code
1. Ratanlal and Dhirajlal
2. Batuklal
3. Singh, Avtar
4. Paranjpe
5. S.N. Mishra

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Semester IV
Paper 401 - International Business Environment
Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Overview: International Business - Introduction, Concept, Definition, Scope, Trends, Challenges
and opportunities; Nature, Meaning and Importance of International competitive advantage,
Multidimensional view of Competitiveness - Financial Perspectives - Inter national monetary
systems and financial markets, IMF, World Bank, IBRD, IFC, IDA, existing international
arrangements; Globalization and foreign investment - Introduction FDI, national FDI policy
framework, FPI, Impact of globalization.
Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Globalization - Technology and its impact, Enhancing technological capabilities, Technology
generation, Technology transfer, Diffusion, Dissemination and spill over, Rationale for
globalization, Liberalization and Unification o f World economics, International Business
theories, Trade Barriers - Tariff and Non Tariff Barriers.
Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Strategy making and international business - Structure of global organizations, Types of strategies
used i n strategic planning for achieving global competitive advantage, Meaning, Concept and
scope of distinctive competitive advantage, Financial Integration, Cross border merger and
Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Socio cultural E nvironment - Managing Diversity within and across cultures, Country risk
analysis, Macro environmental risk assessment, Need for risk evaluation; Corporate governance,
globalization with social responsibility - Introduction, Social responsibility of TNC, Rec ent
development in corporate social responsibility and policy implications. Global Human Resource
Management - Selection, Development, Performance Appraisal and compensation, Motivating
employees in the global context and managing groups across cultures, Mu lticultural
Suggested Reading :
1. Bhalla, V.K. and S. Shivaramu; International Business: Environment and Management,
Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd., 2003 Seventh Revised Edition.
2. Rao, P. Subba ; International Business, Himalaya Publishing House, 2002 Second Revised

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28 | P a g e
Reference Books:
1.International Business by Joshi (Oxford Publications)
2.Goldsmith, Arthur A; Business Government Society, Erwin Book Team.
3. Berry, Brian J L, Edgar C Conkling & D Michael Ray; The Global Economy in Transition,
Prentice Hall International Ltd.

Page 34

29 | P a g e
Paper 402 - Organizational Behaviour

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour (OB): Evolution, Definition, Meaning, Foundations of OB,
Importance of OB, Contributing disciplines to OB, Approaches to OB, Challenges, Concept of
Organisational Effectiveness , Organisational Structure and Design: Concept, Importa nce, Key
Factors, Types . Personality: Meaning, Determinants, Traits and Types of Personality, The Big Five
Model of Personality Dimensions, Myers -Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Perception: Concept, Factors influencing Perception, Biases affecting Perception, Perceptual Process
Learning: Concept, Theories, Styles, Attitudes and Values: Concepts, Components (ABC Model) of
Attitude, Sources of Attitude Formation, Functions of Attitudes, Effects of Attitude at W ork Place,
Work -related Attitudes, Types of Values , Motivation: Concept, Theories, Strategies

Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Group and Team Dynamics: Concept and Types of Groups, Stages of Group Development, Concept,
Types, Advantages a nd Issues of Teams, Groups v/s Teams, Effective Teamwork Conflict
Management: Concept, Stages and Types of Conflict, Conflict Resolution Strategies
Leadership: Concept, Qualities, Styles, Theories

Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Power an d Politics: Concept and Sources of Power, Concept of Organisational Politics, Political
Behaviour Activities & Tactics, Effects of Politics on Work, Employees and Organisation,
Strategies to Avoid or Mitigate Political Behaviour Organisational Culture: Con cept, Characteristics
determining the Nature of Cultu re, Sources of Culture Formation Change Management: Concept,
Nature, Causes and Process of Change, Force Field Theory of Change, Meaning and Sources of
Resistance to Change, Concept of Change Agent Organ izational Development (OD): Concept,

Suggested Readings:

1. Organizational Behaviour – K. Aswathappa – Himalaya Publishing House
2. Understanding Organizational Behaviour – Udai Pareek – Oxford University Press
3. Organizational Behavior – Stephe n Robbins – Pearson
4. Organizational Behavior – Fred Luthans – McGraw Hill Education
5. Organizational Behaviour – L. M. Prasad – Sultan Chand & Sons
6. Management of Organisational Behaviour – Awadhesh Chaudhary – Raj Publication
7. Organisational Behaviour – McShan e, Steven, Mary Glinow and Radha R. Sharma – Tata
McGraw Hill
8. Organisational Behaviour – Dipak Kumar Bhattacharya – Oxford Publication
9. Management & Organisational Beha viour – Laurie Mullins – Pearson

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30 | P a g e
Paper 403 Management theory and practices
Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Critical analysis of management and theoretical plurality What do managers do? Ethics and
managing Management, leadership and conflict Motivation and stress at work Organisational
culture Decision making and learning Developing staff Diversity in organisations
Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Development of management thought, concept of International management, management in the
countries like USA, Japan etc. Role of culture, technology, econ omic and social system.
Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Globalization effect on management, Change management, Strategic management, recent
development in the field of management in a global perspective
Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Global management strategies -corporate strategies, e governance, r e-engineering, benchmarking
six sigma, core competencies management and society.

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Paper 404 - Constitutional Law (Paper II)

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
System of Governme nt- Separation of Powers; Parlia mentary Vs. Presidential System; Federal
System Distribution of Powers: Centre – State Rel ations, Inter – State Relations; Emergency
Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Central Government - President and Vice President, Prime Minister and Council of Minister Vs.
Cabinet Committees, Parliament, Supreme Court ; State Government - Governor, Chief Minister
and State Council of Minister, State Legislature, High Court and Subordinate Courts
Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Local Government - Panchayati Raj, Municipalties ; Constitutional Bodies - Election Commission,
Public Service Commission, Finance Commission, Comptroller and Auditor General of India,
Attorney General of India, Advocate General of the Sate
Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Other Constitutional Dimensions - Kinds of Bills, Cooperative Societies, Nat ional Commission
for SC and STs;Anti Defection Law; Non-Constitutional Bodies - National and State Human
Rights Commission, Central and State Information Commission, Lokpal and Lokayuktas,
Planning Commission (Niti Ayog)
Suggested Reading :
2. Shukla V. N, Constitution of India
3. Jain M.P – Indian Constitutional Law
4. Nutshells - Constitutional and Administrative Law
5. Constitutional Law – J.N. Pandey
6. D.D. Basu – Introduction to C onstitution of India
7. H.M. Seevai - Constitution of India
8. Subhash Kashyap – Our Parliament
9. Subhash Kashyap – Constitution of India

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Paper 405 - Law o f Crime (Paper II) (Criminal Procedure Code)

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Introduction - Definitions , Constitution and powers of Criminal Courts and Offices, Arrest and
Bail provisions, Information to the Police and their powers to investigate

Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Process to Compel Appearance and Production of things - Summons for Appearance, Warrant of
arrest, Proclamation and attachment, Other rules regarding processes, Summons procedure,
Search Warra nts, General provisions as to search, Miscellaneou s, Conditions requisite for
initiation of proceedings, Complaints to Magistrates, Commencement of proceedings before
Magistrates, Security Proceedings

Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Introduction to Trial Procedures - The charge, Form of charges, Joinder of charges, Evidence in
inquiries and trials, General provisions as to inquiries and trials, Provisions as to accused persons
of unsound mind, Trial before a court of session, Trial of warrant cases by magistrates, Trial of
summons – cases by Magistrates, Summary Trials, Judgement, Submission of death sentences
for confirmation, Execution, suspension, remission and commutation of sentences

Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Review Procedures - Appeals, Reference and Revisions, Maintenance of wives, children and
parents, transfer of criminal cases, Irregular proceedings, Limitations for taking cognizance

Text Books:
1. Rattan Lal & Dhirajlal – Code of Criminal Procedure
2. R.V. Kelkar – Code of Criminal Procedure

1. S.N. Mishra – Code of Criminal Procedure
2. Ganguly – Criminal Court, Practice and Procedure

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33 | P a g e
Paper 406 - Clinical Legal Education (Paper II) (Professional Ethics)

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Professional Ethics and Court Craft - Historical development of Legal Profession in India.
Constitution, Function, Powers and Jurisdiction of State Bar Council and Bar Council of India
Admission and e nrolment of Advocates.
Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Profession ethics and Advocacy, Standards of Professional Conduct and Etiquette, Conflict
between interest and duty, Duty to court, Duty to Client, Duty to opponent, Duty to Colleagues ,
Duty towards Society and obligation to render legal aid
Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Bench -Bar Relationship - Reciprocity as partners in administration of Justice Professional
Misconduct Rights and Privileges of Advocates
Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Contempt of Court Act, 1971 - Historical development of Contempt of Court Act in India, Object
and Constitutional validity of Contempt of Court Act. Definition, Kinds of Contempt Contempt
by Judges, Magistrates, Lawyers and other personsCognizence, Procedure, Appellate provisions
regarding Contempt Defences, Punishment and Remedies against punishment for Contempt of
Court and Punishment for Contempt, Defences under contempt of court.
1. Rajendra V Pai v Alex Frrnandes AIR 2002 SC 1808
2. In re; A an advocate AIR 1962 SC 1337
3. In re; Mr. G a Senior Advocate of SC AIR 1954 SC 557
4. In re; Lalit Mohan Das AIR 1957 SC 250
5. Sheo Narayan Jafa v Judge Allahabad H.C. AIR 1953 SC 368
6. P. J. Ratnam v d. Kani k ran AIR 1964 SC 244
7. In re; “M” an Advocate AIR 1957 SC 149
8. L.D. Jaisingham v Narain das N Punjabi (1976) 1 ACC 354
9. Jhon D’ Souza v Edward Ani (1994) 2 SCC 64

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Semester V
Paper 501 - Human Resource Management

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Introduction & Overview: Concept, Features, Objectives and Importance, Scope of HRM, Evolution of
HRM, Personnel Management v/s HRM, Traditional HRM v/s Strategic HRM, Challenges of HRM
Policy Manual: Concept of Policy an d Policy Manual, Advantages

Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Job Analysis: Concept, Process, Advantages, Methods, Components: Job Description (JD), and Job
Specification, Designing a JD
Job Design: Concept, Steps, Factors affecting Job Design, Techniques: Job Simplification, Job
Rotation, Job Enlargement, Job Enrichment, Self -directed or Empowered Teams, High Performance
Work Design
Job Evaluation: Concept, Process, Significance, Methods
Human Resource or Manpower Planning: Concept, Proc ess, Advantages, Limitations
Recruitment and Selection: Concept, Process, Internal and External Sources of Recruitment, Types of
Tests and Interviews in Selection Process, Recruitment v/s Selection
Job Changes: Transfers, Promotions, Demotions, Separations

Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Performance Appraisal: Concept, Advantages, Limitations, Traditional and Modern Methods of
Performance Appraisal, Performance Appraisal v/s Performance Management System, Concept and
Objectives of Potenti al Appraisal
Training: Concept, Advantages of Training, On -the-Job and Off -the-Job Methods of Training,
Induction, Requirements of a successful Training Programme, Steps in a Training Process, Designing a
Training Programme, Evaluation of Training Effectiv eness
Executive or Management Development: Concept, On -the-Job and Off -the-Job Methods of
Management Development, Training v/s Development

Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Career Planning: Concept of Career, Career Planning and Career Deve lopment, Advantages,
Steps, Stages in Career Development Cycle Compensation Management: Base and
Supplementary Components of Remuneration: Wages or Salary, Fringe Benefits, Incentives,
Perquisites, Non -monetary Benefits, Factors determining Wage Rates, Ess entials of a good
Compensation Package Employee Welfare: Concepts of Employee Welfare, Health and Safety,
Social Security, Grievance Redressal and its Procedure, Employee Participation
New Trends in HRM

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35 | P a g e
Suggested Readings:

1. Human Resource Management, K. Aswathappa, Himalaya Publishing House
2. Human Resource Management, VipulPrakashan
3. Human Resource Management, Gary Dessler, Pearson Education
4. Human Resource Management: Text and Cases, V. S.P. Rao, Excel Books
5. Human Resource Mana gement, Snell Bohlander Vohra, Cengage Learning
6. Human Resource Management, David Lepak& Mary Gowan

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36 | P a g e
Paper 502 - Managerial Economics

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Managerial Economics – Definition, Application and Scope of Managerial Economics in
Demand and Supply –Concepts, Applications of Market Equilibrium, Elasticity and Revenue;
Controls on Prices - Price floor and Price ceiling with Applications

Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Market Structures - Characteristics of each; Determination of Price and Output Decisions under
Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Oligopoly and Monopolistic Competition; Price discrimination
and Game theory

Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Consumer Surplus, Producer Surplus; Market efficiency - Welfare and dead weight loss; Basic
Applications - Taxation; Market failures – Economics of Information, Public Goods, Externalities
and Public Policy
Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Measurement of National Income - Two-sector Model, Consumption and Saving Function,
Theory of Multiplier, Basic Concept of Three -sector and Four -sector Model; Business Cycles
and Economic Stabilization Policies

Suggested Readings :

▪ H.Criag Peterson, W.Cris Lewis : Managerial Economics (Pearson)
▪ Paul G.Keat and PhilitY.Yound: Managerial Economics (Pearson)
▪ D.M.Mithani: Managerial Economics (Himalaya)
▪ Suma Damodaran : Managerial Economics (Oxford)
▪ D.N. Dwivedi: Managerial Econom ics (Vikas)
▪ Economics: Samuelson, Nordhaus
▪ Principles of Economics: Gregory Mankiw

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37 | P a g e
Paper 503 - Code of Civil Procedure & Limitation Act

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Civil Procedure Code: Preliminary, suit in general, parties to suit, Pleading, Appearance of
parties and setting aside ex -parte decrees, examination of parties.
Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Admissions, production, impounding and return of documents, settlement of issues and disposal
of suit, adjournments, hearing of the suit and examination of witnesses, affidavits, commissions,
judgment and decree, execution, arrest and attachment before judgment, Appointment of
receiver, Temporary Injunction and interlocutory orders, death, marriage and insolvency of
Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Supplemental Proceedings, suits in particular cases, summary procedure (Summary suit), Special
proceedings, Arbitration and special case, Appeals, Reference, review a nd revision.
Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Miscellaneous and Limitation Act
Reference :
Text books : Civil Procedure Code
1. Mulla (Key to Indian Practice)
2. C.K. Takwani
3. D.N. Mathur
4. S.K. Kapoor
Text books : Limitation Act
1. C.K. T akwani

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38 | P a g e
Paper 504 - Family Law (Paper I)

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Mohammedan Law – Source, Schools, Shariat Act, 1937, Marriage, Dower, Divorce,
Maintenance, Legitimacy & Parentage , Guardianship .
Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Indian Divorce Act & Christian Marriage Act 15 marks
Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Indian Succession Act (Sec.1 -166 only)
Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act

Suggested Readings:
Mulla on Hindu Law
Mull’s Principles of Mohammedan Law
Aquil Ahmad Mohammedan Law
Paras Diwan, Modern Hindu Law
Paras Diwan: Family Law
I.A Sayed Family Law
Bare Acts

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Paper 505 - Labour & Industrial Law (Paper I)

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
The Factories Act, 1948 - Object and salient feature of the Act, Worker's health, Worker's
Welfare, Working hours of adults, Employment of young person
Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
The T rade Unions Act, 1926 - Object and Salient features of the Act, Definition, Registration of
Trade Union, Position of Unregistered and recognized Trade Union, Rights of Registered Trade
Union, Liabilities of Registered Trade Union, Amalgamation of Trade Unio n, Dissolution, Role
of Judiciary in safeguarding the rights of workmen, The Trade Union (Amendment) Act, 2001.
Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 - Object and salient feature of the Act, Definitions Authorities
under the Act - Works Committee, Conciliation Officer, Board of Conciliation, Court of Enquiry,
Labour Courts, Tribunals, National Tribunals References of disp utes to Boards, Courts or
tribunals including, voluntary reference of disputes to arbitration.
Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Strikes and lock outs - Prohibition of strikes and lock outs, Illegal strike and lock outs,
Prohibition of financial aid to illegal strikes and lock outs, Lay-Off, Retrenchment, Unfair
Labour Practice
Suggested Readings
1. G.M. Kothari, A Study of Industrial Law
2. S.N.Mishra, Industrial and Labour Law
3. V.G. Goswami, Industria l and Labour Laws
4. S.K. Puri , Industrial and Labour Laws
5. Chopra, Minimum Wages Act
6. Chopra, Payment of Wages Act
7. P.L. Malik, Employee State Insurance Act

Report of the National Commission on Labour (1969)
Indian Law Institute, Labour Law and Labour Relation, 1957

Page 45

Paper 506 - Environmental Law

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Environmental Law: International and National Perspective - Introduction -Environment –
Meaning, Environment Pollution – Meaning and Issues; International Norms -Sustainable
Development, Precautionary Principle, Polluter pays Principle, Public Trust Doctrine;
Constitutional Guidelines -Right to Wholesome Environment – Evolution and Application,
Relevant Provisions – Art. 14, 19 (1) (g), 21, 48-A, 51-A(g), Environment Protection through
Public Interest Litigation

Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Prevention and Control of Water and Air Pollution -The Water (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1974, Water Pollution – Definition, Cent ral and State Pollution Control Boards –
Constitution, Powers, Functions and Control Mechanisms; Air (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1981, Air Pollution – Definition , Central and State Pollution Control Boards –
Constitution, Powers, functions and Control Mechanisms; Other Laws - Law of Torts, Law of

Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Protection of Forests and Wild Life: Indian Forest Act, 1927 - Kinds of forest – Private,
Reserved, Protected and Village Forests, The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980; The Wild Life
(Protection) Act, 1972 - Authorities to be appointed and constituted under the Act, Hunting of
Wild Animals, Protection of Specified Plants, Protected Area, Trade or Commerce in wild
animal s, animal articles and trophies and Its prohibition.

Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Environmental Legislations and International Regime - Environmental Legislations -
Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986 (Powers of the Central Government and CRZ norms);
Public Liability Insuranc e Act, 1991(No Fault Liability); The National Environment Tribuna l
Act, 1995 (Object of the Act); The National Appellate Environmental Authorit y Act, 1997
(Object of the Act); National Green Tribunal Act, 2010; International Regime - Stock holm
Declaration, RIO Declaration, Kyoto Protocol, United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change, Recent International Developments

1. Environmental Law & Policy in India – ShyamDiwan, Armin Rosencranz
2. Environmental Law in India – P. Leelakrishnan
3. Environmental Administration, Law and Judicial Attitude – Paras Diwan, PeeyushiDiwan
4. Introduction to Environmental Law – S Shanthakumar’s

Page 46

Statutes :
1. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
2. The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
3. The Indian Forest Act, 1927
4. The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
5. The Wild Life Protection Act, 1972
6. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
7. The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991
8. The National Environment Tribunal Act, 1995
9. The National Environment Appellate Authority Act, 1997

Page 47


Paper 601 - Consumer Behaviour

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Consumer Behavior: Concept, diversity of consumer behavior, Characteristics of Indian
Consumers - Influences on the Consumer: Consumer needs, motives - positive and negative
motivation - rational versus emotional motives
Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Consumer relevant refere nce groups - opinion leaders - family decisions making and
consumption related roles - family life cycle - social class and consumer behaviour - influence of
culture on consumer behaviour - cross cultural context. Diffusion of innovations: the Diffusion
process-adoption process -consumer innovativeness and personality traits.
Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Consumer decision making: Models of consumer decision making -Concept of involvement &
extensive problem solving - limited problem s olving – routinized responsive behavior. -Post
purchase behavior: Consumer satisfaction concept & Models - Equity Theory, Attribution
Theory, Cognitive dissonance, Consumer delight, consumer complaint behavior -Consumerism:
Evolution of consumer society. Def inition of consumerism, buyers & sellers rights, effects of
Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Organizational Buying: Concept & comparison with Consumer buying, Economic Influence;
Political Influence; Legal Influence; Suppl ier’s Influence; Technology Influence; Customer
Influence; Government Influence; Labour Influence, Analyzing Buyers’ strengths & Negotiation
Capabilities - Organizational Influences on Buying Behavior: Buying Roles; Market Response:
The Buy Grid Model; The Organizational Buying Decision Process; Buying Tasks; Interpersonal
Influencing in Organizational Buying
Reference Books :
Nair Suja :Consumer Behaviour Text and Case
Nair Suja: Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Research
Ghai R K & Singh Gurapratap : Consumer Behaviour

Page 48

Paper 602 -Business Research Methodology

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Fundamentals of Research: Introduction to research & research methods, Meaning, Objectives,
Role of MR, Applications of MR i n marketing, Significance, Types of Research - Basic, Applied,
Descriptive, Historical, Exploratory, Experiential, Ex -Practo Factor, Case study approach.
Approaches to research - Qualitative Approach - Inferential, Experimental, Simulation.
Qualitative Approa ch- Ethnographic, Phenomenological, Field research
Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Importance of research in management decisions - Marketing Research, Government policies and
economic system, Social relationship, Planning and operationa l problems of research in business.
Research Process, Features of good research, Research design -Types of research design -
Exploratory, Descriptive, Casual
Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Process of Data collection -Primary data - Observation, Interview, Questionnaire, Interview
schedule, Secondary data - Internal Sources, External Sources. Data Processing
Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Hypothesis: meaning, importance, types, Formulation & testing hypothesis, Chi -square test,
correlation co -efficient, regression analysis. Sampling - Types of samples -Probability Sampling:
Cluster sampling, stratified sampling, multi -stage sampling, Non -Probability Sampling:
Purposive sampling, Quota Sampling, Convenience sampling. Da ta analysis & Interpretation, Z
Test, T test, Paired t test, Chi square test. Report writing
1. Research Methodology – Text and Cases with SPSS Applications, by Dr S.L. Gupta and
Hitesh Gupta, International Book House Pvt Ltd
2. Business Rese arch Methodology by T N Srivastava and Shailaja Rego, Tata Mcgraw Hill
Education Private Limited, New Delhi
3. Methodology of Research in Social Sciences, by O.R. Krishnaswami, Himalaya Publishing
4. Research Methodology, Methods and Techniques by C.R Kothari
5. Research Methodology by Dr Vijay Upagude and Dr Arvind Shende
6. Business Statistics by Dr S. K Khandelwal, International Book House Pvt Ltd
7. Quantitative Techniques by Dr S. K Khandelwal, International Book House Pvt Ltd
8. SPSS 17.0 for Researchers by Dr S.L Gupta and Hitesh Gupta, 2nd edition, Dr S. K
Khandelwal, International Book House Pvt Ltd
9. Foundations of Social Research and Econometrics Techniques by S.C. Srivastava, Himalaya
publishing House
10. Statistical Analysis with Business and Economics Applications, Hold Rinehart & Wrintston,
2nd Edition, New York
11. Business Research Methods, Clover, Vernon T and Balsely, Howard L, Colombus O. Grid,
12. Business Research Methods, Emary C.Willima , Richard D. Irwin In. Homewood

Page 49

13. Research Methods in Economics and Business by R. Gerber and P.J. Verdoom, The
Macmillan Company, New York
14. Research and Methodology in Accounting and Financial Management, J.K Courtis
15. Statistics for Manageme nt and Economics, by Menden Hall and Veracity, Reinmuth J.E

Page 50

Paper 603 - Family Law (Paper -II)

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Marriage and kinship -Evolution of the institution of marriage and family, Role of religious
rituals and practices in molding the rules regulating the marital relations, Types of family based
upon -Lineage -patriarchal and matriarchal , Location -patriarchal and matriarchal, Number of
conjugal units -nuclear, extended, joint and composite, Emerging concepts: maître sambandh and
divided home.
Theories & Nature of Marriage under the Hindu Law, The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 -
Requirements and solemnization of valid marriage, Nullity of Marriage, Restitution of conjugal
rights, Judicial separation., Grounds of Divorce, Divorce by Mutual Consent., Maintenance
Pendente Lite, Permanent alimony and maintenance .
Customary practices and State Regulation -Polygamy, Concubin age, Child Marriage, Sati,
Settlement of Spousal Property -Need for development of law.
Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Joint Family and Coparcenary - Classification of Property, Joint Family Property, Separate or
self-acquired pr operty, Karta of the Hindu Joint Family, its position and powers, Alienation,
The Hindu Succession Act, 1956 (As Amended by the Hindu Succession Act, 2005) - Devolution
of Interest in Mitakshara Coparcenary, Succession to the property of Hindu Mal e dying intestate,
Succession to the property of Hindu Female dying intestate, General provisions relating to
succession, Disqualifications relating to succession
Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
The Hindu Adoption & Maintenance Act, 1 956, Adoption: Who can Adopt, Who May be
Adopted, Conditions of Valid Adoption, Effect of Valid Adoption &Doctrine of Relating Back,
Adoption Deed
Maintenance: Maintenance of Wife, Children & Aged Parents - Maintenance of Dependants,
Maintenance as a Charge on Property
The Hindu Minority Guardianship Act, 1956: Kinds of Guardians and Powers. The Hindu
Guardianship &Wards Act, 1956 - Kinds of Guardian, Guardian of Minors Property, Custody of
Minor, Consideration f or the Appointment of Guardian
Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Family and its changing pattern -(looked from Socio -Economic view, point –New emerging
trends, Attenuation of family ties, working women and their impact on spousal relationship,
composition of family, status and role of women, New property concepts, such as skill and job as
new form of property, Factors affecting the family: demographic, environmental, religious and
legislative, Processes of social change in India : sanskritization , westernization, secularization,

Page 51

unive rsalization , parochilization, modernization, industrialization and urbanization

Family Courts Act 1984 , Uniform Civil Code
Suggested Readings:
Mulla on Hindu Law
Mull’s Principles of Mohammedan Law
Aquil Ahmad Mohammedan Law
Paras Diwan, Modern Hindu Law
Paras Diwan: Family Law
I.A Sayed : Family Law
Bare Acts

Page 52

Paper 604 - Interpretation of Statutes

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Meanin g and Purpose of Interpretation; Basic Rule s and Subsidiary of Interpretation.; Legal
Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Rule s of Interpretation of Welfare Statutes;Penal Statutes; Taxation Statutes; Enabling Statutes;
Substantive and Adjective Statutes; Temporary Statutes and Permanent Codes.Rules of
Constitutional Interpret ation .
Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Internal Aids to In terpretation andExternal Aids to Interpretation; Presumptions
Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Commencement of Statutes; Operation of Statutes; Repeal – Express a nd Implied.

Recommended Readings:
J.P. Singh – Principles of Statutory Interpretation
Maxwell – Interpretation of Satute
K. Shanmukham, N.S. Bindra – Interpretation of Statute
V. Sarthy – Interpretation of Statutes
M.P. Jain – Constitution of In dia
Avatar Singh - Interpretation of Statutes

Page 53

Paper 605 - Labour & Industrial Law (Paper II)

Module -I (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 - Object and salient features of the Act., Responsibility for
Payment of Wages, Wage period and time of payment of wages, mode of payment, Dedu cations
which may be made from wages, Contracting Out, Authorities under the Act. The Bonded
Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976 - Aims and objection of the Act, Constitutional and legal
provisions, Liability to repay bonded debt to stand extinguished, Property of bonded labour to be
freed from mortgage, Freed bonded labourer not to be evicted from homestead, Authorities for
implementing the provisions of the Act.
Module -II (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 - Object and salient feature of the Act., Procedure for fixing and
revising minimum wages, Exemption of employer from liability in certain cases. Contracting Out
The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 - Object and salient features of the Act.Equal Remuneration
to men and women, No discrimination to be made while recruiting men and women workers,
Advisory Committee, Power of appropriate Government to appoint authorities for hearing and
deciding claims and c omplaint
Module -III (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
The Employees' Compensation Act, 1923 - Object and aims of the Act, Definitions - Employers
liability for compensation, National Extension of Employer’s premises, Review of
Compensation, Notice and c laims of the accident, Power to require from employer statement
regarding fatal accidents, Reports of fatal accidents and serious bodily injuries, Medical
Examination and consequences of non -submission to medical examination, Liability for
contractor's emp loyers, Remedies of employer against stranger, Compensation to be first charge
on assets transferred by employer, Attachment, assignment and charge on compensation,
Contracting Out, Penalties
Module -IV (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 - Advisory Committee, Object and Salient features of Act,
Contributions, Benefits, Adjudication of disputes and claims, Penalties .
Suggested Readings
1. G.M. Kothari, A Study of Industrial Law
2. S.N.Mishra, Industrial and Labour Law
3. V.G. Goswami, Industria l and Labour Laws
4. S.K. Puri, Industrial and Labour Laws
5. Chopra, Minimum Wages Act
6. Chopra, Payment of Wages Act
7. P.L. Malik, Employee State Insurance Act

Page 54

Report of the National Commission on Labour (1969)
Indian Law Institute, Labour Law and Labour Relation, 1957

Page 55

Paper 606 - Clinical Legal Education (Paper III) (DPC -1) (Civil)
Module -I: (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Drafting – General Principles and Conveyances
Module -II: (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Drafting – Rules under CPC and Pleadings (Civil)
Module -III: (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Drafting – Matrimonial Pleadings
Module -IV: (1 CREDIT) 25 marks
Moot Court