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Annexure II
Semester : II Core
Title of the Subject /
course : Marketing Management
Course Code : For Office use
Credits : 4 Duration in
Hrs : 40
Learning Objectives
1 This course work is designed to introduce the student to the basic elements of the
marketing management terms, implementation of studied term in the industry and
related process .
2 The scope of marketing management is quite broad and the students will be
exposed to the marketing concepts that will enable them to acquaint with
contemporary marketing practices .
3 This module is to learn the art and science of choosing target markets and getting,
keeping and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating
superior customer value.
4 This module will give the student a very broad understanding of what marketin g
is all about and the vital role that it plays in every organization, every department
and every specialization .
5 The module will help the student to identify and solve many business problems
by using a marketing perspective , as a universal concept .
Prerequisites if any
Connections with
Subjects in the current
or Future courses
No. Content Activity Learning
1 Introduction to Marketing C oncept
Evolution of M arketing from Production to
Sustainability & Customer Orientation
2 Understanding the Basics:
Concept of Need, Want and Demand
Concept of Product and Brand
Business Environment in India
Demand S tates & Marketing Tasks
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Company O rientation towards the Market
3 Marketing Environment :
Marketing Environment and Evaluation of
Market Opportunities like Services, Rural &
Market R esearch & Marketing Information
Systems and Demand Forecasting and Market
Potential Analysis
Consumer Buying Process & Organizational
Buying Behaviour
Pillars of Marketing - Market Segmentation,
Target M arketing , Positioning &
Marketing Mix and Product D ecisions –
Product Life C ycle, &Brand
New Product Development P rocess
Pricing D ecisions
Distribution D ecisions – Logistics & Channel
Decisions (Retail, E -commerce, etc.)
Promotion D ecisions – Integrated Mar keting
Communications Concept : Advertising, Sales
Promotions, Public Relations, Direct
Marketing; Communication T ools
Personal Selling & Sales Management
13 Overview of Marketing Strategies: BCG,
Ansoff, GE, Shell Model, Porter Generic
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Model, 5 Forces Model, PLC, 7s Model of
Marketing, A Little Model, Value Chain Model
Case Studies and Presentations
Reference books
1 Basic Marketing by Jr., William Perreault, Joseph Cannon and E. Jerome
2 Marketing Management – Planning, Implementation and Control by V.S.
Ramswamy and S. Namakumari , McMillian
3 Business Marketing Management by M. Hutt, Cengage Learning
Text books
1 Marketing Management (A South Asian Perspective) by Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane
Keller, Abraham Koshy & Mithileshwar Jha, Pearson Education
2 Marketing Management by R. Varshney, S. Chand
3 Marketing Management by Rajan Saxsena, Tata McGraw Hill
a) Internal 40% 40 Marks continuous assessment
b) Semester E nd Examination 60% 60 Marks theory paper of 3 hours duration
a) Internal Assessment Format
1. Attendance & Class Participation (10 Marks)
2. Internal Test (20 Marks)
3. Group Presentation/ Exercise / Case Studies / Role Play , etc. (10 Marks)
b) Semester End Examination: 60 Marks Theory Paper of 3 Hours Duration
Q. 1 – Case/Case -let Study ( 500 -800 words) – (20 Marks) Compulsory Question
Attempt any four out of remaining six question, i.e. from Q. 2 to Q. 7 (10 Marks each)
Q. 7 will be Short Notes – Attempt any two out of four