Advanced Diploma in Yoga 1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes
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2. Advanced Diploma Course in Yoga
Aims and Objectives
Yoga is one of the oldest sciences of the world which originated in India. This course focuses on
Yoga Sutra and the philosophy enumerated in these sutras. Yoga being a way of life can be applied to
one’s life irrespective of age, gender, profession, state , conditions, problems and sufferings. It can be
made a part of every human endeavour – personal, professional, social, family and spiritual. Since it is a
science and an art, Yoga has its theoretical and practical aspects, which is taught in the course. A long
with Asanas the role of SatvikaAhara is also focused. The ultimate aim is to apply the Yoga philosophy in
day to day life. This course develops the psycho physical and psycho spiritual dimensions of Yoga along
with various techniques of meditation.
Learning Outcomes
This course motivates the learner to undertake advanced and detailed study of various texts in
the Yoga tradition as well meditative techniques from other traditions such as Jainism and Buddhism.
The learner will be able to assimilate de eper philosophical aspects of ideas advanced in the texts and the
traditions. In this context, learner will be able to engage with Yoga in a holistic, practical and an
academically rigorous manner.
O5607. Title of the Course : Part -time Advanced Diploma Course in Yoga
O5608. Eligibility : A candidate for being eligible for admission to the course for the Advanced Diploma
in Yoga should have passed the Diploma in Foundations of Yoga offered by the Department of
Philosophy, University of Mumbai.
R5383. Duration : The course for the Part -time Diploma Course in Foundations of Yoga shall be a part -
time course and its duration shall be one academic year June - April.
R5384. Scheme of Papers :
Paper I - Theory (100 Marks)
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Paper II - Practical (100 Marks)
Proje ct Work : 50 marks
R5385. Examination :A candidate for being eligible for admission to the examination shall satisfy the
following requirements: -
1. He/She shall have attended the course of instruction for at least three -fourths of the total
number of hours of instruction during each term.
Paper I is a theory paper for which examination of 100 marks will be conducted.
Paper II is a practical paper fo r which an examination of 100 marks will be conducted.
In addition there will be a project work of 50 marks.
Standard of passing: 40% marks will be required for passing separately in each paper & projects.
Tuition Fees: Rs.3000/ -
Identity Card Fees Rs.5 0/-
There will be two hours of lectures for each paper every week. The total number of lectures for
each paper during the year will be 50.
Paper I – Theory
Total Marks : 100 Total hours: 56
Total Credits: 6 Lectures Per week: 90mins.
A. Yoga in the Vedas and Upanishad
B. Yoga in Bhagavad Gita : Jnana, Karma, Bhakti
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A. Samadhi : it’s definition and kinds, the notion of kaivalya
B. Rtambharaprajna and Dharma Megha Samadhi
A. Concept of God in Patanjali Yoga, Ishwara as PurushaVishesh, Ishwar Pranidhan
Chanting of and meditation on OM/ Pranav
B. Mystical dimension: Attainment of Siddhis and Vibhutis; Caution against them
A. Buddhist Meditative Technique - Vipassana and its Philosophical foundation.
B. Jaina Meditative Tec hnique - PrekshaDhyan and its Philosophical foundation
(a) Controlling the Body, Mechanism of Body: Kriyas, and its therapeutic value.
(b) Frame work of Body and its structure and system - Asanas: Cultural and Relaxation Asanas
(c) Muscle strength, Muscular coordination, Strength of Immune system
(d) Relation and Reflection techniques Shavasana – SakshiBhavanam
(a) Other means to attain Yoga:
(b) Pranayama: Breath Control, Breath and Postures, Rhythmic Breathing
(a) Bandhas and Mudras.
(b) Depth of perception and expansion of awareness
(c) Gross level – Muscular stretches
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(d) Subtle level –Changes in respiration and normalizing breath
(a) Practice and Principles of Meditation.
(b) Meaning of Concentration
(c) Meditative postures and kinds of Meditation
I. Asanas
a. Standing Postures
1. Prartnasana
2. Tadasan
3. Vrikshasana
4. Trikonasana
5. Konasana
6. Ardha Kati Chakrasana
7. PrasaritaPadanghustasana
8. EkaPadanghustasana
9. ArdhaChakrasana
10. Virbhadrasana
b. Postures Meditative
1. Parvatasana
2. Goumukhasana
3. ArdhaMatsyendrasana
4. Paschimottanasana
5. Ushtrasana
6. Shashank asana
7. Bakasana
c. Prone Postures
1. Bhujangasana
2. Shalabhasana
3. Naukasana
4. Dhanurasana
5. Makrasana
d. Supine Postures
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1. Viparitakarni
2. Sarvangasana
3. Halasana
4. Matsyasana
5. Dronasana
6. Kandharasana
7. PrunaPavanmuktasana
8. Kativakrasana with one leg
9. Shavasan
II. ShuddhiKriya
1. Kapalbhati
2. JalaNeti
3. Rubber Neti
4. VamanDhauti
5. Tratak
6. Nauli
III. Pranayama
1. AnulaViloma
2. Bhramari
3. Ujjaiyi
4. Shitali
5. Sheetakari
6. Bhastrika
IV. Meditative Postures
1. Vajrasana
2. Padmasana
3. Swastikasana
4. Siddhasana
V. Bandhas
1. Jivha
2. Uddiyana
3. Jalandhar
4. Moola
VI. Mudras
1. Viparitakarni
2. Yoga
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3. Bhrama
4. Agochari
5. Shanmukhi
References :
1. The Yoga Sutra of PatanjaliM.R.Yardi, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune, 1979
2. Indian Philosophy by Dr. S. Radhakrishanan, Oxford University Press 1923.
3. Introduction to Indian Philosophy by Dutta &Chatterji, Rupa& Co, 2015
4. Outlines of Indian Philosophy by Hiriyanna.MotilalBanarsidass Publisher, 2014.
5. The Yoga system of Patanjali, James, Hougton , wood., Forgett en Books, 2018
6. Yoga sutras of Patanjali – Sadhanapada with Exposition of Vyasa, MotilalBanarsidass, 2002
7. Light of Yoga (on Yama – Niyama) by B.K.S. Iyenger, Thorsons, 2006
8. Hatha Yoga Pradeepika – Yogi Swatmarama,, 2002.
9. Science of Yoga by I.K.Taimini, Theosophical Publishing House, 2007