AAMS UG 96 TYBVoc Media Production_1 Syllabus Mumbai University

AAMS UG 96 TYBVoc Media Production_1 Syllabus Mumbai University by munotes

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AC – 29/06/2021
Item No. – 5.42(R)


Revised Syllabus for T.Y.B.Voc. (Media Production)
Semester: Sem V and VI

(As per the Choice Based Credit System with effect from the academic year
2021 -22)

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T.Y.B.Voc. (Media Production)
CBCS (75:25) Pattern
Year –III

General Education

5.1 Media Project Management
5.2 Marketing & Publicity Design
5.3 Post Production & Computer
Graphics – II
5.4 Media Business
5.5 Sound & Sound Special Effects
5.6 Advance Practical Film Making
Practical based on Sound special effects,
Computer Graphics.

6.1 Final Project (Portfolio & Thesis)

6.2 Skill Component –IV
(Skill Component assessed by Sector
skill council under NSDC – UGC )

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T.Y.B.Voc. (Media Production)
CBCS (75:25) Pattern
Year 3 (B. Voc.)
No. Course
Code Subject Name Compo
nent Total

Marks Internal
ent (Min.
Marks) Semester
End Exam
Marks) Total

5.1 BMP
501 Media Project
Management G.E.
4 25 10 75 30 100

5.2 BMP

Marketing &
G.E. 4 25 10 75 30 100
5.3 BMP
503 Media

G.E. 4 25 10 75 30 100
5.4 BMP
504 Post
Production &
Graphics – II S.C. 6 25 10 75 30 100
5.5 BMP
505 Sound &
Sound Special
Effects S.C. 6 25 10 75 30 100
5.6 BMP
506 Advance
Practical Film
Making S.C. 6 25 10 75 30 100
Total Credits 30 Total
Marks 600

G.E. - General Education/S.C. –Skill Component

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T.Y.B.Voc. (Media Production)
CBCS (75:25) Pattern
No Course
Code Subject Name Comp
onent Total

Marks) Semester
Marks Total

6.1 BMP
601 Final Project
(Portfolio &
Thesis) G.E 12 150 60 350 140 500
6.2 BMP
602 Skill
Component -
III S.C 18 Skill Component of the course will be assessed by Media &
Entertainment Skills Council under NSDC – UGC. The
passing standards are as per rule and assessment criteria of
sector skill council.10 point grading scale will be applicable.
Results of skill assessment by sector skill council will be
included in the final marksheet of student and will be
consid ered for calculation of final grade.
Total Credits 30

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T.Y.B.Voc. (Media Production)
Advanced Diploma


It deeply describes a role of a Project Manager featuring the functionaries involved in Media
Project Management. The study makes you understand the work flow as well as the details
pertaining in a new business project.

Section – I No. of
Lectures NOS
Production Management: The production
Manager’s job, The process of Production
Management, The Business of Film ‐Pre
production, production & post production,
Preparing for production, Special Low Budget
Indie productions, Locations & unions
Management, Ca st & Crew – Selection,
contracts, agreements, work permits. Budget
preparation and budget forms, Insurance &
competition bonds.
10 1)MES/ N 2809 (Coordinate
Production Activities)
2) MES/ N 2812 (Manage
Content Archival)
3) MES/ N 2815 (Manage
Workplace Health and Safety)

Business Creation: Business Plans and
Ideation: Entrepreneurship Routes, Case
Studies (Relevant and time specific),
Introduction to Company Creation, Processes
of Registration and Incorporation, Company
Law, Introduction to Company Law,
Registration Procedures and Exceptions,
Company Procedure and Ethics.
10 MES / N 1302 (Sourcing
MES / N 2803 (Create and
Monitor the Production. Budget)
MES / N2804 (Recruit Cast
and Crew )

Contracts and Negotiations: Revenue
sharing model, Minimum guarantee model,
Share in profits model.

Conflict Resolutions: Negotiations and
Bargaining: Role Play Exercise, Research
Methodology for Business Planning.
5 MES / N 2404 (Recruit Cast
and Crew )

Scouting for business opportunities:
5 MES/N 1302 (Sourcing

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Investor Pitch Exercises, Business Plan
Formulation and Redesign, Financial
Projections for Businesses

Section – II Practical -
Workshop on - The Business of Cinema -“Production, Distribution,
Exhibition, Branding, Promotion and Marketing of Films.
Assignment on Media Production
Various field visits to Film Production companies
Project on compilation various visits and meeting

Books for Reference:

1. Production Management for Film and Video By Richard Gates
2. The Complete Film Production Handbook by Eve Light Honthaner.
3. Film Production Theory by Jean Pierre Geuens.
4. Film Production By Steven Bernstein
5. Film production: the complete uncensored g uide to independent filmmaking By Greg


The segment edifies you the importance of marketing in today’s world educating you the basics
of marketing and publicity design. It informs you the consumer consumption behavior taking you
from the process of marketing plan and market research.

Section – I No. of
Lectures NOS
Introduction to Marketing: Importance of
marketing, definition of marketing, scope of
marketing, functions of marketing,
marketing and its relation to other business
functions, difference between sales and
10 1. MES / N 2101 (Develop
marketing strategy)
2. MES / N 2102 (Select and
finalize creative agencies)
3. MES / N 2103 (Prepare and

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marketing. Key marketing terms and
concepts‐ need, want, demand, exchange,
marketing myopia and marketing
orientations, distinction between selling and
marketing. Marketing Mix, 4Ps, 7Ps, 4Cs. manage the marketing budget)

Marketing Research: Definition,
Marketing Research Process, Types of
Research: Primary, Secondary, Qualitative,
5 1) MES / N 2104 (Analyze
audience rating and research)
2)MES / N 2106 (Develop
creative marketing
communications concepts and

Consumer Behavior: Introduction and
importance, model of consumer behavior,
characteristics affecting consumer behavior.
5 1) MES / N 2107 (Develop
creative marketing
communications concepts and

Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning:
Segmentation ‐ Bases and process of
segmentation, requirements for effective
segmentation, niche marketing, segmenting
consumer markets, segmenting business
markets. Targeting ‐ Evaluating market
segments, selecting target market segments.
Positioning ‐ Positioning maps,
differentiation and positioning strategy,
communicating and delivering the chosen
10 1) MES / N 2104 (Identify and
understand target audiences)
2) MES / N 2103 (Prepare and
manage the marketing budget)

Introduction to the concept of IMC:
Introduction & Familiarization, Definition
of Promotion & Promotion Mix, Tools of
Promotion Mix, IMC Planning Process,
Creative Strategy, Media Strategy.
5 1) MES / N 2102 (Select and
finalize creative agencies)
2) MES / N 2106 (Media
planning and buying )
3) MES / N 2108 (Prepare
marketing collateral)

Packaging for film & television: The art of
Promo, Advertisement& In serial
promotions, Art of Writing Copy, Designing
10 1) MES / N 2101 (Develop
marketing strategy)
2) MES / N 2105 (Analyze

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for various mediums, Public Relations,
Planning, organizing and managing ev ents.
Managing the internet and social Media.
Vendor selection and management, Media
Planning & Buying. audience ratings and research)
3) MES / N 2109 (Develop
corporate communications)
4) MES / N 2107 (Prepare
marketing collateral)
5) MES / N 2109 (Assistance in
content planning)

Section – II Practical -
Assignment on Market Research 10
Assignment on Consumer Behavior 5
Workshop on Advertising Campaign 5
Film & Television Media Advertising Assignments 5
Project on Film & Television Media Advertising 5

Books for Reference:

1. Market Research: A Guide to Planning, Methodology and Evaluation By Paul Hague.
2. Strategic Management by Gregory Dess, Lumpkin & Taylor.
3. Selling the Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing By Harry Beckwith
4. Consumer Behaviour: Building Marketing Strategy, 9/e, (with DDB Needham Data Disk)
By Hawkins, Best.
5. Mind and Heart of the Negotiator, (3rd Edition) By Leigh Thompson.


The module explores the Media & Entertainment business and challenges faced by it, making
understand the Radio Business as well as Animation & Gaming business.

Introduction to various laws pe rtaining to media and understanding importance of Copyrights
and Intellectual Property Rights along with media business ethics and its issues are included in
this syllabus.

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Section – I No. of
Lectures NOS
Indian Media Industry Overview: State of
the Media: FICCI ‐CII report overview. The
changing Dynamics of Media
Challenges facing Television and Radio:
The all new web media and associated
ramification, Television Distribution: Issues
and Challenges, Content Repackaging,
Piracy Issues ‐In real and web ‐virtual
domains, Challenges associated with IPTV &
15 1) MES / N 0211 (Managing
preparation of advertisement
2)MES/N 1307 (Direct the Post
Production Process)
3)MES/N 1308 (Manage the
Production ,Marketing and

Animation, Gami ng and VFX industries
growth and opportunities: Animation
Industry Growth and Challenges, VFX for
Cinema: Impact of Hollywood, Gaming
Industry Challenges and Conflicts;
Multiplication of Gaming platforms,
Evolution of Gaming technology ‐ from 8 bit
to cons ole gaming, Gaming as additional
revenue stream for monetizing a franchise.
Case Study: Avatar, Kung ‐fu
Panda, Ratatouille, Wall ‐E ,etc
20 1) MES / N 0701 (Understand
Animation Requirements)
2) MES / N 0702
(Conceptualize Creative Ideas
for Production)
3) MES / N 0703 (Plan Tools
and Workflow)
4) MES / N 0704 (Produce 2D
5) MES / N 0705 (Produce 3D
6) MES / N 0706 (Produce Stop
Motion Animation)
7) MES / N 0707 (Maint ain
workplace health and safety)

International Issues Facing the Media
Industry : Case Studies: Piracy Issues and
Introduction to IPR, Adapting international
content to Indian television : KBC ‐Big Boss‐
Case Study, Pricing Challenges,
Unconventional Media opportunities in
India, Definitions and terms in
unconventional media, Pod Casting, I ‐media
and digital media

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Section – II Practical -

Workshop on Media Laws

Assignment on Copyrights

Books for Reference:

1. Business Ethics: A Global & Management Perspective ‐ Tata McGraw ‐ Hill
2. Velasquez ‐ Business Ethics ‐ Prentice ‐ Hall of India
3. Ken Smith and Phil Johnson ‐ Business Ethics and Business Behavior.


Post Production & Computer Graphics is an advanced level course for students who want to go
deeper into the art and craft of editing. You are expected to enter this course with basic
familiarity with non -linear editing on Avid or Final Cut Pro.

Part of the course will emphasize technical skill with editing software. Just as important as
software operation, the course examines the editor's role in shaping content, pacing, visual style,
and storytelling also m aking an editor understand the contemporary era editing for advertising
and music videos. The history of editing as a craft will also be explored.

Section – I No. of
Lectures NOS
Television Aspect ratio, Different television
Editing ‐ Action Sequence, Cross Cutting,
Parallel Cutting.
10 1) MES / N 1401
(Understand requirements
and plan workflow)
2) MES / N 1402 (Manage
equipment & material)
3) MES / N 1403 (Edit the
4) MES / N 1404 (Maintain
workplace health and safety)

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Contemporary Editing Style,
Editing ‐ Advertising & Promotional Video
10 1)MES / N 0211 (Managing
of advertisement end-
2)MES/N 1308(Manage the
production marketing and
3)MES/N1307 (Direct the
post production process)

Editing ‐ Complex, Dramatic Scene.
Analysis of film sequences from editing point of
10 1)MES/ N 1906 Write and
Edit Copy
2)MES/ N 1912 Maintain
Workplace Health and

Animation: Cell Animation, Computer
Animation, Incorporating Animation & Live
10 1) MES/ N 1907 Understand
Audio Visual Aids
2) MES / N 1304
(Communicate requirements
to the team)
3) MES / N 1306 (Direct the
animation process)

Section – II Practical - Assignments
Introduction to Final Cut Pro, Arranging the Interface, Learning
Custom Layout, Customizing the keyboard Layout, Setting
Scratch Disk, Bin Management, Logging, Digitizing, and
Capturing, Saving Projects and Accessing the Auto save Vault.
Organizing Video Footage, Media Management, Insert and
Overwriting Editing, Three point Editing, Split Edit, Working
with Multi Layers, Key framing Image, Time Remapping,
Effects, Applying Transitions, Compositing, Motion Tab, and
Render Setting.
Titling, Sound Editing, Track laying (Effects, Music, Narratio n),
Dubbing and Syncing, Adjusting Audio Levels, Mix down Audio,
Final Cut Pro Compatible and Supporting Software, Print to

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Books for Reference:

1. Thames and Hudson Manual of Film Editing
2. “Editing in the depth of the surface: A few basic principles of graphic editing” by Lars Bo
Kimergard; Dancyger
3. The Technique of Film and Video Editing: History, Theory, and Practice By Ken Dancyger
4. New Challenges to Filmic Narrative Conventions,” “The MTV Influence on Editing I & II
5. Nonlinear Editing Bas ics: Electronic Film and Video Editing
By Steven E. Browne

 A professional Media Project Management company will guide students for their


The said module makes you understand the basic of sound and the nature of sound and recording
devices. It briefs you about sync sound, mixing console, analog v/s digital workflow to
understand the need for sound and importance of sound in film and finally to equip your
knowledge to record a song.

Section – I No. of
Lectures NOS
Characteristics of sound wave and its
propagation: Nature of acoustical
waves; concepts of amplitude and
frequency ‐ wavelength and harmonics.
Psycho‐acoustics: Nature of hearing and
perception of sound, including concepts
of pitch, loud ness, and timbre; the
precedence effect; localization in rooms;
equal loudness contours; and other
mysteries of hearing. Principles of
5 1) MES / N 3405 (Prepare sound
2) MES / N 3407 (Record/mix sound)
3) MES / N 3409 (Maintain w orkplace
health and safety) Optional

Music & Sound for Film & Video,
importance of sound track and various
essentials of a sound track, explanation
of how sound is put to the film. Sync
Sound: The size of the role sound should
play in your film will vary depending on
5 1) MES / N 3405 (Prepare sound
2) MES / N 3407 (Record/mix sound)
3)MES / N 3408 (Edit Sound)
4)MES / N 3401 (Conceptualize sound

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your professor's requests, but when it
comes to the technical side of things,
you are at least required to know how to
achieve synchronized sound and picture
with film. 5) MES / N 3402 (Select sound
6)MES / N 3403 (Select sound studios
for recording)
7) MES / N 3409 (Maintain workplace
health and safety)

Interconnectivity of Analog & Digital
Equipment: Basic analog connectors,
cabling, patch – bay, inter connectivity
between various recording studio
equipment. Various Digital interconnects
and their sockets on the digital
equipment. Microphones Types:
Dynamic, Condenser, Ribbon, Polar
Pattern, Sensitivit y. Microphone designs
for special applications Acoustics I
(Fundamentals): The behavior of sound
in outdoors and in closed spaces;
Absorption, reflection, diffraction,
refraction, reverberation

5 1)MES / N 0605 (Set up Camera
Equipment prior to Shoot)
2) MES / N 0606 (Prepare for Shoot)
3) 5) MES / N 3402 (Select sound

Mixing Console Basics: The signal flow
and various auxiliary systems. Digital
Audio: Analog to Digital to Analog
conversion. Sampling Frequency, Bit
Rates. Problems in digita l audio.
Different digital media, Standard digital
recording & mastering formats. Audio
file formats, storage mediums – optical,
magnetic, Jitter etc. Computers in Audio:
Different platforms – different operating
systems, Configuration of a PC for
sound re cording. Mother Boards,
Processor, Sound Card, Graphic card,
Monitors Recorders: Analog, Digital,
Tape Based & Tapeless. Digital Audio
5 1)MES / N 3403 (Select sound studios
for recording)
2) MES / N 3409 (Maintain workplace
health and safety)
3)MES / N 3408 (Edit Sound)
Microphone Techniques: Placement,
Applications, Proximity effects etc.
5 1) MES / N 3404 (Set -up, maintain and
disassemble sound equipment)

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microphones and placement techniques
for stereo recording. Monitoring
Systems: Active & Passive types,
Domestic and professional listening
envir onment, Stereo and surround
2) MES / N 3406 (Capture Sound)
The Production Process of a Song:
Music Basics. – Types of Music,
Concepts of Melody, Harmony, Rhythm
& counter melody etc. Format of a song.
Preproduction, Tracking, Overdubbing,
Editing, Mixing and Mastering.
Processors: Theory of Tonal, Dynamic
& Spatial processors. Equalizers – types
and their application, Compressors &
Limiters ‐ theory and application , Effects
processors ‐ Reverberation and Delay
Devices and their plug in counterparts.

5 1) MES/ N 2809 (Coordinate
Production Activities)
2) MES/ N 2812 (Manage Content
3)MES/ N 2815 (Manage Workplace
Health and Safety)
4) MES / N 3401 (Conceptualize sound
5) MES / N 3402 (Select sound
6) MES / N 3403 (Select sound studios
for recording)
7) MES / N 3409 (Maintain workplace
health and safety)

Sound for film: Location sound, Radio
mice‐ uses and potential difficulties.
Boom operation for sync sound,
Hands‐on training in location sound
recording for video.
Film Showcase: Case studies of famous
Indian as well as foreign films
5 1) MES / N 3401 (Conceptualize sound
2) MES / N 34 02 (Select sound
3) MES / N 3403 (Select sound studios
for recording)

Nuendo Programme: Basic principles,
understanding the process from initial set
up to completion of a project. To set up
for a vocal/instruments dub. Hands ‐on
training ‐ You will share a Nuendo
workstation during the class. Principles
of Mixing: The basic techniques of
mixing and the fundamental approach.
The Building Blocks of Mixing Setting
the sound stage, and the sonic
1)MES / N 3405 (Prepare sound
2) MES / N 3407 (Record/mix sound)
3) MES / N 3409 (Maintain workplace
health and safety)

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implications of panning and of placing
instrument s at varying distances from the
listener; Consideration of different
approaches to getting desired results
from EQ; A comprehensive review of
the uses of dynamic processor; on
Individual channels and Mix master.
Finishing a mix with
automation."Mixing in t he box." And
“Mixing through the board.”

Production of the Sound Track for the
student project film:
Discussing sound design strategy with
the director of the film at pre -production
stage. Attending film sync shoots. Video
File formats, Acquiring picture for post -
production from edit suite. Dubbing the
dialogues wherever necessary, Selecting
SFX and BG music from th e library,
recording Foley and music as per the
demand of the script. Mixing the final
track. Export it to the editor; supervise
the final assembly of the film.

5 1) MES / N 3401 (Conceptualize sound
2) MES / N 3405 (Prepare sound
3) MES / N 3407 (Record/mix sound)
4) MES / N 3409 (Maintain workplace
health and safety)

Section – II Practical -

Mono, Stereo & Digital Sound Formats

Recording live sound by camcorders

Recording Studio & its operations

Nuendo Software and various software for sound mixing

Creating digital sound track by software’s and saving in various formats

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Mixing of sound tracks 5

Recording Song

Books for Reference:

1. Producing for TV and Video: A Real ‐world Approach by Cathrine Kellison
2. Audio in Media by Stanley R. Alten
3. Modern Recording Techniques by David Miles Huber
4. Mixing Audio by Roey Izhaki
5. Practical Recording Techniques by Jenny Bartlett

 Along with Studio practical students will experience Live Recording with Celebrity Singer &
Music Composers.


Aim of this practical to exposing students to various Cameras and Software for production of
Music Video and Television Series of 25 minutes.

25 minutes Television Series

Music Video


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T.Y. B.Voc. (Media Production)

Besides terming it as a Final Project of the course, student has to put in their best efforts as the
project will be their Portfolio, their Bio -data, which they would be representing to the Media
Industry for Job.

Student has to choose their specialization –
Direction & Script, VFX & Composting,
Cinematography and Sound.

Building up your own team for accomplishing
your project

Create a 45 minutes Feature Film in the period
of 6 months

Each student has to essay their projected film
and specialization in Thesis format and submit
it to the college along with created feature
30 credits


Selective Job Roles mapped to curriculum will be assessed by Media & Entertainment Skills
Council under NSDC – UGC. The passing standards are as per rule and assessment criteria of
sector skill council
The Performance grading of the learners shall be on the 10 Point ranking system as
Percentage of Marks Obtain ed
Grade Point Grade Performance

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80.00 and above 10 O Outstanding
70-79.99 9 A+ Excellent
60-69.99 8 A Very Good
55-59.99 7 B+ Good
50-54.99 6 B Above Average
45-49.99 5 C Average
40-44.99 4 D Pass
Less than 40 0 F Fail

The Performance grading shall be based on the aggregate performance of Internal
Assessment and Semester End Examination.
The Learners to pass course shall have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in
aggregate for each course where the course consist of Internal Ass essment and
Semester End Examination. The Learners shall obtain minimum 40% marks (ie.10
Out of 25) in the internal assessment and 40% marks in Semester End Examination
(ie.30 out of 75) separately, to pass the course and minimum of Grade D in each
projec t wherever applicable, to pass the particular semester. A Learner will be said
to have passed the course if the learner passes the internal assessment & Semester
End Examination together.
The Passing standard for skill component assessment by sector skill council(SSC)
under NSDC – UGC will be as per rule / criteria of assessment of SSC.